#I Might pick and choose what I draw I dunno
theboiledmarsh · 1 year
I DESPERATELY need to do some drawing!!!
Pretty please with a cherry on top give me stuff to draw. I can draw Object Show Characters, ships, random animals, roblox characters, humans maybe, and furries! This all includes OCs🎉
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tafferling · 7 months
Dying Light 2: Game Story Rewrite
I have been tempted (and have since given in to this temptation) to write out one of the alternate Dying Light 2 story campaigns that'd been knocking around in my head ever since I started playing the game.
It sticks to the characters we already know, but aims to- I dunno. Add Taff flavour, I guess.
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Dying Light 2, an alternate main campaign story, by Taff.
While this is not Latchkey Hero, a lot of the main plot rewrites in this does draw from what I cooked up for Monsters, We. So, if you don’t want spoilers for the MW endgame, skip this.
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The player character is either Aiden or Mia Caldwell. Because who hasn’t wanted a little more versatility? We start by choosing which one we’d like to play.
The Caldwell siblings are Pilgrims (I love the Pilgrims, okay? The world needs more Dying Light Pilgrims, please send me your Pilgrim OCs so I can give them platonic smooches) and they’re currently doing what they do best: helping people move across the territories. Specifically, you’re escorting a troupe (actors and musicians) from New Paris, who’re headed to Villedor to perform.
You get to know the siblings in the introduction, and see how they interact with not only each other, but the people around them, too. My aim here would’ve been to establish a relationship between Aiden and Mia, giving what’ll happen later more meaning. We learn about the Pilgrims, how they hold a fearful sort of respect from others, and just how good they are at this.
We even get a bit of combat! Defend against a bunch of biters. Fend off a banshee before nightfall. And, hey, we might even get to know some of the troupe a bit better! We’re having a great time.
Once we reach Villedor, we find out that there’s a bit of trouble brewing right now and that the troupe won’t be able to get to its actual destination (The Fish Eye), since there’s a blockade up. We don’t much care, we are getting paid already and we don’t plan on staying. So we stash them at the second best place, the Bazaar.
After that, our plan is to pick up some more work and then be on our way. Explore time! We find out that there are two different types of safe zones/holds in Villedor: Some which require a biomarker to get into, some which do not. The Bazaar, for example, has a no biomarker zone and a main only biomarker zone. We also find out that a lot of people here are infected. In our initial exploration, we get to go anywhere in Old Villedor except into holds that require biomarkers and places which have been sealed by the GRE.
We can do a few side quests! If we pay attention, we’ll also pick up on how there’s trouble brewing in Central Villedor, and also how, oof, be careful, newcomers, lotsa new people who come to Villedor just straight up vanish. Until one quest pops up for another escort. A man who’d like someone to help him get to New Paris. Fair. We’ve just been there, we can do the trip again, no sweat. Aiden and Mia agree and take the man (Dylan) back the same way they’d originally come in.
Things don’t go well.
We’re attacked by masked men (Renegades), who are trying to get something back from Dylan, who is wounded gravely at the start of the ambush. Aiden and Mia fight them off, but the noise attracts attention they don’t need (Volatiles!). It is clear they can’t do much, but before they run off, Dylan gives them something and tells them to take it and go and not let Waltz have it (whoever that may be, our two Pilgrims are not clued in).
As we try to escape, we’re eventually overwhelmed and both of our Pilgrims are (drum rolls) bitten. But before the GAME OVER screen can roll in, a set of Renegades and Waltz show up, ultimately saving their lives. Which may sound neat at first, not so much when we get punched out and dragged off. When our player character comes to again, it’s a vague affair at first. A bit of swimming in and out of it, really, where we realise we are in a lab (spooky) and have been injected with something (cue the OOOOOOOooOOO!). But never you fret! After overhearing a conversation that they’d be taken back to Central Villedor since they haven’t died and something something they have potential, our player character frees themselves. They get their sibling too and try to escape. During this escape, we see hints that some of those “vanished newcomers” may have met their end here, wherever here may be.
We also get our stuff. Which includes the GRE key (no one bothered checking our backpack, wee!).
But, once again, things do not go well. Waltz’s goons chase us, and while our player character manages to escape, our sibling sacrifices themselves and, for all we know, has just died. We want to do something about this, but we have our first full blown seizure, which leads to us falling to what everyone assumes is our death.
All of this is followed with an Oh no, am I turning? sequence, which ends similarly to the original intro of the game, where we are about to get lynched by a mob. Hakon to the rescue! Except this time the rescue is somewhat motivated by how we’ve already made some friends previously: the troupe! They recognized us and they are what we find after Hakon jabs us with our first inhibitor.
Afterwards, this version of the story follows the Bazaar VS PK story line, somewhat, with our player character motivated to reach Central Villedor to get revenge. Why revenge and why not have our sibling recaptured? ‘cause revenge can wait a little and it won’t feel so weird when we get side tracked by side quests.
To get to Central Villedor we must help Aitor solve his murder mystery of their slain commander and to do that we have to get a biomarker (which we can do since we have a GRE key). As we solve the mystery, we find out that the conflict with the bandits and whatnot and the PK’s hand being forced to suspect or even attack the Bazaar was being orchestrated by someone else.
Who, we aren’t sure.
There’s choices to be made of course! Some siding with the PK, or with the Bazaar, and all the while we also have our troupe friends to report back to and help with little side quests. Hey, we may even have a little devil and an angle in our troupe who try and sway us towards specific decision. Plus, Hakon, of course (who, by the way, is telling us he has an idea of where to go once we are in Central Villedor so we can get our sweet SWEET revenge). We also meet the usual suspects of the Bazaar, including Sophie, Alberto, and Co.
And in-between our chores, we are on the hunt for those inhibitors and like to jab ourselves with them like the dumdum we are. SURELY nothing bad can come out of this?!
Now that we have a biomarker, we can access other regions in Old Villedor. More exploring! And, eventually, we get the choice to help the PK see the Bazaar was innocent (and give the Bazaar their water tower back), or we claim the water tower for the PK cause we have a crush on Aitor (why else would you do this?!), OR we can cause absolute mayhem and botch the whole deal, leading to a war between the Bazaar the PK, which the PK narrowly win.
Then off we go into Central Villedor. Escorting our troupe, of course. Gee, maybe we get an LI in there?! I’m thinking too much about the troupe now. Down, Taff. But, seriously, there is someone in the troupe who is defo trying to win us over to “troupe life” maybe and sway us away from all the revenge talk. We aren’t having it though. We loved our sibling.
(No one blows up the windmill, btw. That thing is too damn pretty to die. Taff has spoken. Oh and we probably had another turning scare at some point and are figuring out that something may not be entirely right with us.)
Once we’ve survived some tense escort mission shenanigans (HEY those can be fun if done right, I promise), and as we are nearing the Fish Eye, we get into an argument about our desire to Do Revenge, which leads to use pointing the troupe to the Fish Eye and the fucking off with Hakon.
Cause we trust Hakon.
Hakon who has become a bit quiet now that we are alone with him.
Hakon who is getting a bit weird.
We are not happy. Especially since we are facing what seems to be a trio of WAY TOO strong people who remind us far too much of volatiles. Gee. Anyway, we manage to get away! Mostly thanks to the timely intervention of a crossbow woman (Lawan).
Fast forward, we end up at the Fish Eye, with Lawan giving us a bit of exposition about Hakon (who she was tracking when she spotted him near the Fish Eye), about Waltz and how he does some really creepy science stuff with young people.
We reunite with the troupe and get to know the Fish Eye. We meet Frank.
The Renegades attack.
Our valiant defense of it goes down just like in the game, which introduces us to the PK and properly begins ACT 2. ACT 3? Look, I am not counting. Also, I need a snack, be right back.
[one snack later; beware, Monsters, We. spoilers ahead cause all of this is ripped right out of my fic]
This act is all about Bringing back some light! The right (or wrong) people have noticed that we have a GRE key and are floating the idea by us that we should take our shapely ass over to the solar farm (ex “Tesla competitor” car factory) and do Villedor a solid. This is a big one, because we get to pick our team to do that. Do we go back to the Bazaar and bring Alberto and Co (if we didn’t botch Old Villedor), or do we go with the PK, organized by Aitor, and bring Tolga and Fatim? I mean Mitaf and Aglot, sorry.
Either way, Lawan comes with us.
As we gear up for this venture (which will not be an easy venture) we begin to also unravel some of the mystery around Waltz. The name X 13 is being floated by us at this point, too, which we begin to ask around about and are told to go get friendly with the Carriers (can I PLEASE rename them to Couriers?) since they hoarded a lot of communications and maps.
Anyway. POWER PLANT. Depending on how we left Old Villedor, our efforts at the power plant are challenged by either: The Renegades (if we prevented a war between the PK and the Bazaar) or the Bazaar (if we botched Old Villedor and the PK beat down the Bazaar).
This is when the “Renegade Mini Bosses” start showing up: Daylight proof volayouths. 20-somethings turned into weapons by Waltz.
During that particular fight, we experience another turning scare, but we’re good. Heheehehe. Yeah. We’re good. :sweating:
Then, after we’ve made it, cause, of course we made it: LET THERE BE LIGHT! This time, racing up to the top of a skyscraper is payoff and Lawan’s joy something we can relate to. We’ve seen Villedor dipped in darkness. Now we see it come alive with way more lights than our Pilgrim has ever seen in their life. It’s an emotional moment, ya’all.
We get a little hear to heart with Lawan, where she reveals some more about Hakon. This is driven by the VNC tower light coming on and her briefly recounting how Hakon betrayed the Nightrunners, the very people who took in Lawan when she was a child. She was a kid back then, but she will never forget the loss Frank (and therefore her family) suffered and she will always blame Hakon for it. Hakon was, in effect, outcast after this, and eventually fell in with Waltz. A lot of people do these days, mostly out of desperation.
After that:
The Courier quest line is turned into a bit of a main quest line this time around, at which end we find out what X 13 is: a massive GRE vault. And Waltz and his Renegades are looking for it. If they are able to crack it open, Villedor is in for a BAD time. Not only will he have all the supplies he needs to keep his operation running when it comes to turning people into whatever it is he is doing, but also because: guns. There is absolutely going to be a stockpile of them in there. Even working together, the PK and the survivors wouldn’t stand a chance against the Renegades.
And thus, the race is on!
To get there first, we need intel. And intel needs communication.
VNC tower time!
Frank and Lawan think its a terrible idea, but the PK are happy to help us; this one goes down pretty much identical to the original climb. I loved that mission, and hanging out with Rowe and his group was absolutely necessary to give the PK some much needed depth which they kinda lost after you lose track of Aitor.
The difference is though that Lawan doesn’t come after us. I felt her easily catching up with Aiden cheapened not only the player’s accomplishment, but the death of Rowe’s squad and the death of the Nightrunners. We do get help from Frank though, which is a big deal, since at that moment, Frank is facing his demons. He is going back to that day when his men died – and in doing so, he saves our life.
We celebrate.
We’re almost feeling at home, really. Our troupe performs at the Fish Eye. We get to see it all, and yeah, we still want revenge, but maybe we’re home?Maybe this is better than revenge? Maybe we don’t have to go back out onto the road (and how can we, we are infected, we are screwed anyway, we can’t go back to our old life, can we?).
Maybe this is good.
If you like romance, maybe there’s a bit of romance there (someone from the troupe? Lawan? BIG SHRUG! You choose!).
The next day the hunt begins: For X 13 and Waltz. This leads to us crossing paths with Hakon again (and a fight not unlike the one in the church in the game). Though this time, the fight ends in a revelation: Hakon tells us that (DRUM ROLL PLEASE) our sibling is alive! Yeah, I know you all saw this one coming.
We then get to choose to kill him or to let him live, but not before he tells us where they are.
And we see red.
Heeding no warnings, we head into what could easily be a trap (as Lawan tells us, cause Hakon is a bleeding liar, don’t trust him), but we don’t care. We go. We HAVE to go. Lawan, since we’ve grown on her, comes with us.
Surprisingly – it is not a trap. Not really. Not intentionally. We find our sibling, but they aren’t altogether themselves anymore, much as any of the other volayouths we find. They also aren’t leaving with us – and as we try and break them out anyway, Waltz gets in the way.
Forced to abandon our sibling, Lawan manages to get us to flee and come back later, with Waltz and one of his other volayouths chasing us. We manage to kill the volayouth, but Waltz is too much – but thankfully, Lawan is crafty, and she manages to get us out.
Except now its night. And we are kinda in the middle of nowhere with no UV light and– oh no, you know exactly where this is going.
We (as in you, the player, not Lawan) turn.
Look, Veronika was sweet, but I had absolutely 0 emotional connection to her. Let this moment matter.
We kill her.
Unless! We allowed Hakon to live, in which case he realized just how harebrained we were and shadowed us, swooping in at the last second to jab us with an inhibitor, saving Lawan’s life.
The happiness we were so close to his absolutely shattered now. Regardless of whether Hakon helped save Lawan or not. What happened, happened. There is no coming back from that.
If Lawan is dead, we do not go back to the Fish Eye. We crawl into a hole after we come to and hope to die.
If Lawan is alive, we also do not go back to the Fish Eye. We refuse, even though both Hakon and Lawan insist.
It’s not until Waltz contacts us and says he will trade our sibling for the key and the location of X 13 that we spring (or crawl) back into action.
It is decision time.
We can now choose to either: (a) give up, betray all our friends, and leave Villedor with a half-feral sibling, or (b) return to the Fish Eye and go to claim X 13 for Frank or (c) go to Missy and claim X 13 for the PK.
(a) If we betray our friends, the game ends here and the credits are us returning years later to find Villedor in the worst shape it can possibly be in.
(b) If we go to the Fish Eye, and Lawan and Hakon are alive, Frank will put the Nightrunners back together and they come with us to X 13. If not, we go alone and it will be a lot harder than (c). In this case, Matt leads a squad (which includes Aitor) after us and what happens in that confrontation depends on how we handled Aitor and his situation in Old Villedor. Either Aitor sides with us and turns on Matt, or the Nightrunners stay behind to hold off the PK. If the Nightrunners have not reunited (Lawan is dead), we have to fight the PK alone.
(c) If we go to to Missy, Aitor and one of his squads will come with us. No one challenges us.
Assuming (b) and (c), we manage to claim X 13 in what I would hope is an epic battle. One where we fight through Renegades, volayouths, and, eventually Waltz, who has brought our sibling along and pits us against them. We fight both Waltz and our sister or brother, kill him, and are left to choose to subdue or kill what’s left of our family.
If we claimed X 13 for the survivors, Frank has taken a reluctant leadership position and oversees things from the Fish Eye. If Lawan is alive, the Nightrunners have been reestablished for good. They control Villedor’s firearms and the supplies coming out of X 13..
If we claimed it for the PK, the PK control Villedor’s firearms and the supplies coming out of X 13, though the outcome itself depends once again on how we handled Aitor’s situation. If we have Aitor on our side, Matt is overthrown after being overzealous and Aitor takes charge and the survivors and the PK enter a reasonable time of peace. If not, Matt brings Villedor under a militant rule (before he dies).
If we have killed our sibling and/or Lawan, we leave Villedor, unable to cope with what we’ve done.
If, however, Lawan is alive and we subdued our sibling, our own credit is us looking for a way to help not only our sibling, but all the other volayouths still out there. Including ourselves.
EDIT! I forgot to mention that NG+ has you have guns.
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tokusaatsus · 2 years
congrats on finishing out your semester and doing your exams!! i’m sure you did good :))
and if you’re taking requests 👀 i’ve been thinking about makeup artist!reader lately and i think you’d do good at executing it! so maybe with undead? or literally whoever you want is fine!!
i know they typically do their own make up or have their unit mates do it,,, but thinking about having to push their hair back and putting your hand on their face so they stay still to do eyeliner
OH and the way that they blush when you’re near them so you think that they’ve already had blush applied agh
i hope you’re doing well and your break is restful!! 💕
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ft. hakaze kaoru, otogari adonis, oogami koga, sakuma rei
© tokusaatsus 2022
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warnings: cursing, mildly sexual humour
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He’d be incredibly nervous to have you so close. Though he’d try to hide it, he only succeeds in making it more obvious.
“Close your eyes,” You command, leaning in close, brush in hand.
Kaoru lets out a nervous laugh as he does so. With him seated (backwards on the chair, his legs hooked around the backrest), you tower over him, and you take advantage of the vantage point to consider what colours to use. Normally, you’d might for a soft honey to match his hair–especially since gold liner would make his grey eyes pop. He’d look quite angelic, you think. Golden boy. Or maybe a pretty pink…but that wouldn’t fit UNDEAD’s colour scheme, nor would it fit their unit theme.
You decide to go for the safest option, a simple black. And cat-eye, definitely. It’ll make him look even more sultry on stage, all lean muscles and sharp angles–no more angel boy but the devil come to take his place and seduce you all down to his realm.
Your fingers skim against his jaw to hold him in place, and he squeaks, eyes snapping open.
“Kaoru?” You lean back, concerned. His face is flushed, and his breathing has picked up too. You can faintly hear his heartbeat jackrabbiting. “Are you okay?”
“Mm, yes, of course, why wouldn’t I be?” His voice is hurried, though he gives you a charming smile, which settles some of the worry in your stomach. “I’m just…excited, yeah? I can’t wait to see how sexy Y/N-chan will make me look~”
“Okay…” You say, slowly. “But if you’re… I dunno, uncomfortable or something, you’ll tell me to stop, right?”
Kaoru nods, yes, of course, Y/N-chan, don’t worry so much~. You lean back in, carefully cupping his face in your hands. You stop, faces scant inches apart, to gauge his reaction. He’s gone stock-still, eyes blown wide, and his breaths come a little ragged, but that could be attributed to nerves… He senses your pause, catches your eye and winks. You take it as a sign to continue.
Moving closer, you trace the curve of his eyelid with your finger, carefully marking the spot where the cat-eye will end. You cautiously draw a line, connecting the dot to the outer corner of his eye, then proceed to follow his entire upper lash line. After you fill in the outline with the liner, you breathe a sigh of relief and back away. “Alright, I think that’s done… Do you want to see?”
Kaoru seems to shake himself out of his reverie, and smiles at you. His eyes crinkle up at the corners, and expose a single dimple on his left cheek. Golden boy, you think. God, you just made him unfairly prettier. “Ah, no, I’m sure you did it perfectly. Thank you~”
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He’s actually the calmest. If anything, his simple straight-forwardness makes you embarrassed, and oh, how the tables have turned.
“What kind of eyeshadow do you want?” Your eyebrows furrow as you study the palettes in your hands. You consider gold or copper… it would really stand out against his skin tone, and it would match his eyes as well… Adonis simply smiles at you, trusting you to do whatever.
“Gold would match your eyes,” You hesitate.
Adonis laughs, but not meanly. It’s a gentle huff, meant to reassure. “L/N, it’s okay. Choose whichever you think would suit me best.”
You hum, and snatch the sunset palette. Adonis leans back against the sofa, so you can move nearer to him. You stop a safe distance away. He gently wraps his hand around your wrist and tugs you closer. “L/N. I don’t bite.” You bite your lip, and move closer.
Adonis closes his eyes. “Is this okay?”
You gently draw the shimmer over his left eyelid, careful not to smudge. A few grains land on his lashes and hang there like simple stars. You want to leave them there, because they make him look angelic, almost…but if they got into his eyes, it’d be annoying to deal with. You swipe your thumb along his lash line, gathering the powder. His skin is cool to the touch.
The proximity must be getting to your head.
You startle. “Uh, sorry, I got… um, never mind?”
Idiot, you chide yourself. You move on to the other eyelid, using smooth languid strokes. You run your thumb along his lash line again, and lean back to admire your handiwork. You were right. The gold does look stunning on him. “Okay. I’m done.”
Adonis’ eyes flutter open, and he gives you a gentle look. Your heart skips a beat. “Thank you, L/N.”
“No problem!” Your voice sounds loud, even to your own ears, and you suppress a wince. God, fuck, what was that? “Um, anyways, I’m done! So I’ll go now! Bye!”
Adonis waves, a little perplexed. “Ah…alright. Thank you very much for your assistance, I hope to repay you one day. Will you be coming to our show? I would very much like to have you there. ”
“Yeah,” You smile. “I’ll be there.”
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He’s so fucking embarassed, but he can’t help it, and he can’t hide it. It’s not in his nature. The closer you get, the worse his blush becomes.
“Are you okay with putting on blush? Just a bit?” Your query–despite being said with no demeaning motifs–makes Koga bristle.
“Hell yeah I am. Why, ya think I can’t handle it?” He growls.
“No,” You say as you rummage through the bags. “I just wondered if it’d fit your image. You know, as the ‘cool, badass wolf’. But I guess UNDEAD is pretty fanservice-y anyways, so the blush might make you look…” You hesitate, trying to look for a way to say ‘horny for the music’ without saying those exact words. You settle on seductive. “Seductive.”
“For real?” Koga sounds almost…surprised. “Me? Ya sure ya don’t mean… I dunno, Hakaze-senpai, or somethin’?”
You don’t deign to respond, instead busying yourself with getting the blush pallets out. This earns you a, Hey! Don’t ignore me! which you proceed to ignore as well. You take a moment to scrutinise the makeup in your hands and you frown. Unlike Sakuma-senpai, whose pale skin just adds to his so-called ‘vampiric sex appeal’ or Hakaze-senpai, with his suntan or even Adonis, whose darker skin tone neutralises the need for blush, Koga doesn’t have that luxury.
You turn around, and blink, surprised. Oh. “I didn’t know you’d already had blush applied! Why didn’t you tell me?”
Koga’s face is dusted with a light pink, and you take a moment to marvel at how the look compliments him.
“H-huh? Whaddaya mean?”
You point at him. “Your face is pink!”
He snaps at you, turning away. “N-no, it ain’t!”
You move closer, and he ducks his head. “You look good like this,”
“Ya… Ya think so?” Before you can respond, Koga barks a sharp laugh. “I-I mean. Of course I do! Anyways, ya don’t need to do anythin’ more, right?”
“No, I’m done.” You take your leave, but pause in the doorway. From this angle, Koga’s blush seems… less pronounced? But at your next words, it flares up, seeming brighter than before, and you worry you might be seeing things… “I’ll be cheering for you!”
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He’d seem completely calm and collected on the outside, acting like a tease…but on the inside, he’s a flustered mess.
“Hm…which shade do you like best?” You brandish two different colours of lipstick at him, one a striking red and one a simple black, and Rei just chuckles.
“Kukuku… I trust you, my dear. Pick whichever colour you think suits this old man~”
You roll your eyes, because that is no help whatsoever. But he’s given you free reign, so you might as well take advantage of it. You decide on red, after some moderation, because it matches his eyes and will add a splash of much-needed colour to his pale face. When paired with his stage outfit, the red will really stand out. Plus, Rei’s attractive so it doesn’t really matter what you choose, it’ll look good either way.
You’re kind of jealous.
Your hands hover awkwardly, just a few centimetres shy of cradling his jaw. “How should I…?”
His eyes light up, full of mirth and tease. “Now, now… Don’t be shy, come closer~” He pats his thighs, and you pause, thinking.
“Rei, stretch your legs out a bit, please?”
He does so, obediently. “Eh? Why?”
Instead of answering, you crawl forwards until you’re balancing on your knees, straddling him. You reach out to grab his chin in your hands, and he startles, leaning away from you. “Wh-what are you doing?”
You raise your eyebrows. “Putting on your lipstick. What did you think I was doing?”
Rei’s mouth is slack with surprise, but you blink once and his signature knowing grin is back on his face. He gives you a wry look, and it’s like there was never anything different. “Ah, of course… How silly of me. Please forgive this old man~”
You crawl closer, waiting for his approval. When he nods, you move right on top of him and gently rest your fingers against his jaw. “Can you part your lips for me?”
“Hm?” He doesn’t appear to be listening–his gaze focused intently on your…lips?–and you repeat your question when his eyes flicker back up to meet yours. “Oh, pardon me…” He does as asked, and you take care to apply the lipstick. Gently outlining first his upper lip, then lower lip. You mime popping bubblegum, and Rei copies your actions as though transfixed.
You recap the lipstick, and sit back on your haunches. “All done~” Rei just blinks, before snapping out of whatever trance he’d fallen into. He purses his lips into a kissy face, which would look ridiculous on anyone else, yet just looks sexy as hell on him. Once again, you curse his damn vampire genes. “...Thank you, my dear~”
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WC: 1.6k words
reze txt HI LEE !! god this is so fucking late like. u sent this req last year :( AND IM SORRY !! but i finally finished it and well. i hope u enjoyed it !! and that it fit what u had in mind ?? god this is so fucking long. ANYWAYS i had to do So Much research for this fic <- rarely uses makeup but i pray that it’s. accurate ?? also if u see me projecting in adonis’ part…No U Didn’t. kisses mwah <3
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Y'all I just woke up with a sudden realization:
What if Mr. Fox represents Sam Colton?
There's just... a little bit more to that fox than just that lil' game of 'guess/pick the right answer'. It feels similar to the Lonely Kitten, which most likely represents Rebecca/Amanda.
The way Amanda appears to more seriously ponder what if Mr. Fox could tell them what killed him, like:
"Mr. Fox... what made you die?"
could be metaphorical context to
"Sam... what/who made you go missing?"
The way none of the possible answers given to you to choose from are correct thus making you always choose wrong means all of Amanda's reactions and musings in-between your answers are unskippable therefore meant to happen and be witnessed, which I'd say adds an extra weight to them, especially the pondering mentioned above.
Also the answers, all very plausible yet all wrong, until Amanda reveals the correct one that's been kept from you all this time...
I think that means that whatever answer to Sam's disappearance is not an 'obvious' one, or is a more unorthodox one that people wouldn't often consider a possibility. In addition, the way the bear-trap was hidden in the poisonous berry bush, might indicate that the real answer(s) to Sam's disappearance may have been covered up and/or tampered and disguised as a completely different answer-- this might be more likely if the means to make Sam disappear were criminal; covering up tracks and traces to lead authorities towards an wrong path in investigation, maybe even framing someone innocent.
And, the fact the secret right answer was a hidden bear-trap makes it more chilling to think about: Whatever that caused Sam to go missing was planned, deliberately set up and done so 'behind the curtains' to ensure that Sam would fall for it. A very intentional, malicious trap.
Whoever caused it really wanted to get their hands on Rebecca and have full access and control.
Could I be wrong? Could this all be balooney and Mr. Fox be just an unfortunate soul, or represent something completely different? Absolutely.
But I can't help but think Mr. Fox has more relevance than that. After all Amanda refers to it with a sort of identity (as in "Mr. Fox" as opposed to simply "a fox,") and Amanda consciously causes a cameo of it of all characters and sights in a whole separate tape (and possibly the most important tape but don't quote me on that,) by drawing it in crayons when suggesting she could share them.
I dunno I should go back to bed lmao. Feel free to add to this y'all! I want to hear others' thoughts!
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frodo-with-glasses · 1 year
4, 6, 13 (especially 13; love you for the semicolon tattoo Frodo has)
Ooh, great choice >:-D Let’s go!
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(Read the whole comic here!)
4. What part of this piece was the most difficult to draw?
It's exactly what you might expect: Frodo's left arm (the one holding the phone) in the last panel definitely gave me some trouble. I was trying to find a pose that both a) looked natural and b) made Frodo's tattoo visible; you can actually see how many lines I drew and erased in the zoomed-in picture in this reblog.
I also had to try multiple different positions and designs for the tattoo before I found one that I liked. In a few early attempts, the tattoo actually went down the length of his arm! But in the end, I'm glad I kept it contained to the wrist.
6. What is your favorite part of this piece?
Oh man, it's so hard to pick! I love all of the modern designs, and I think most of the drawings turned out really well. (Pippin looks a bit wonky, but that's just because I'm not used to drawing people who are upside down.) In the end, I think my favorite part is just the slew of "Benadryl Cabbagepatch" names. That was a HYSTERICAL day on the Fig Tree Server, and I love seeing everyone's creativity and crazy senses of humor coming together like this! X-D
13. What Easter eggs/small details are hidden in this drawing?
OKAY *cracks knuckles* lemme give you the whole breakdown here.
Usernames and Avatar Icons
Frodo - DownFromTheDoor (referencing Bilbo's poem) - a book (because he's a nerd)
Pippin - tookursnacks (because he's a Took and he likes to eat) - peace sign (dunno, just felt appropriate)
Sam - taterz (obvious) - a potato (also obvious)
Merry - Herbmaster (because he really likes pipeweed) - the Horn of Rohan
Fatty - BigPapa (because he's. he's big) - plus signs (see previous)
Rosie - RoseGardens (cute play on her name) - a rose (same)
Gimli - Rock-n-Roll (dwarves like rocks) - an axe (obvious)
Aragorn - Telcontar (Elvish for "Strider", the dynasty name Aragorn chooses for himself) - crown surrounded by seven stars (part of the sigil of the King of Gondor)
Legolas - TraLaLally (reference to the 1977 Hobbit movie) - bow and arrow (obvious)
Boromir - TEAMGONDOR (in all caps because he is A LotTM) - the Horn of Gondor (obvious)
Tom Bombadil - Tim Bimbadimdim (I thought it would be funny) - a feather (he has one in the brim of his hat)
Goldberry - 💛🫐 (suggested by someone on the server, unfortunately not at all obvious in a black-and-white art style) - a star (seemed appropriate)
Gandalf - Gandalf (obvious) - wizard's hat (also obvious)
Design Choices
All four of the main hobbits (Frodo, Sam, Merry, Pippin) have a bracelet with a Single Bead, indicating they are part of the Core Friend Group
Merry wears dog tags and a watch. I imagine he has served in the military in some capacity, or aspires to do so; and the watch is there because he's the kind of detail-oriented person who's very concerned with being on time.
Sam and Rosie have matching bracelets: his is the sun, and hers is the moon. (Someone pointed out that the little thing hanging off her phone also looks like a sun. This is correct, but the bracelets were supposed to be the matching set.)
Rosie is also the only one of the gang to have a decorative phone case and a PopSocket.
Aragorn's mug says "GONDOR U", and the icon on his laptop is the shards of Narsil. It's kinda hard to see, but he also has a ring on his left hand, indicating that he's either engaged or married to Arwen.
Frodo gets the most Easter eggs. He too has a watch, because he's the sort to at least TRY to be on time; he has the tattoo, reading "worth f;ghting for", as aforementioned; and his shirt is a polo from the company Hang Ten, as indicated by the little feet embroidered on the lapel! I chose that one for two reasons: number one, little feet is Very Hobbity, and number two, they're my dad's favorite brand of polo. (He likes the little feet.)
PHONE DETAILS. Merry, Pippin, and Legolas are the only ones to have Extremely Fancy New Phones with three cameras on the back, because they are rich kids who can afford to have that sort of thing. Gimli is also rich, but his phone only has two cameras because he's not an Instagrammer. Sam and Rosie only have two-camera phones because theirs are cheaper older models. Everyone has phone cases except for Legolas. Gimli's phone case is a Particularly Chunky Heavy-Duty OtterBox. Aragorn is the only one with a laptop because he's Old. And, as aforementioned, Rosie is the only one who has a PopSocket.
Initial Conversation
I did actually plan the chat in the first panel very carefully! If you look at the time stamps beside the messages, you can see how the conversation picks up speed. It starts with Frodo declining some kind of an activity that night, saying he's busy with something else. Pippin responds, asking what he's doing. Frodo replies and sends photographic evidence, calling Bilbo "Beebo". Sam thinks this is very funny and repeats "Beebo". Frodo, encouraged by Sam thinking this is funny, doubles down the joke with "Beebo Bongos". Then Merry jumps in with "Blorbo Bagpipes". By this point, messages are coming in within the same minute, and then the rest of the chaos unfolds. X-D
Anyway, thanks for giving me an excuse to ramble about this comic! I had a lot of fun drawing it and I'm delighted to share the Deep Lore LOL
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ready-set-shenanigans · 8 months
Feel free to pick and choose at your leisure but:
- Break for Nolan
- Desire and/or Midnight for Kris
- Secret and/or Skin for Psy
This got, quite a bit long lmao. It'll be under a read more
Nolan -
Break: What would cause your OC to break down completely? What do they look like when that happens? Has anyone ever seen them at their lowest?
Nolan is, a very tough nut to crack in most senses. Such as like the lab/company he is stuck with often studies with the human psyche and artificial beings. He has been in a position of what counts under psychological torture a handful of times and still stood strong, at least with keeping appearance (to say he'd been completely unaffected would be wrong)
He's been in the heat of battle many a time and at one point had to be a key leader of some. He's learned to keep a level head react less strongly in order to survive. But I do think being forced to watch as those he's closest to (i.e Sterling, Cait, etc.) come to serious harm or worse, would break him.
He hasn't really been in a position to completely break down yet, but I can kinda imagine what his expression would be? Like, absolutely full of devastation with a haunted, hollow look in his eyes. The kind of way one might get when there's a total gut wrenching, stomach dropping, empty pit feeling when something awful happens or intuition of something about to happen? His usual calm anger in most situations now replaced with panicked, anguished pleas and begging. I dunno how to describe it very well atm unfortunately jfdkgs
I might try to draw it at some point possibly.
There'd also only been a few times during a period of adjustment to a whole new universe in which he had felt hopeless at being ripped away from almost all he knew. But this would be more like typical showings of signs depression; hopeless, no interest in anything, struggling with basic care. A few people have seen this from him, but I probably wouldn't say anyone has really seen him at his complete lowest yet. (answer likely to change if i get around to writing more with him)
Kris -
Desire: What's one thing your OC wants more than anything in the world? Are they open with that desire? Why or why not? What would they do to fulfill it?
I want to say it'd likely to have more freedom and to have more exciting things happen in his life. But he wont be very open about it, more likely to have to pry it out of him (if you want any info from him about himself tbh).
He feels like he's unable to express his desires as he grew up in a rich home (most people wouldn't want to hear something like that from someone who grew up rich, cuz y'know, money can resolve most issues for the rich) and fairly uncaring parents (one being emotionally absent and the other caring more for reputation and show-y, wants to know everything but not actually care unless relevant)
In regards to freedom, he's been actively working on it since he started trying to distance himself from his family, trying to make a name for himself but not necessarily in a sense that means to get famous. Working in robotics to keep himself busy, a job that he finds some joy in, something he picked up for himself without the influence of his parents. And he keeps hoping for one day to be more exciting than a project going right, or wrong in an amusing way. (This is likely to be fulfilled sometime if he keeps interacting with Sid (@ace-shenanigans) methinks)
Midnight: What keeps your OC up at night? Do they have nightmares? Fears? Anxieties? What do they do in the small hours of the morning when they should be sleeping?
He does get nightmares sometimes where he gets forced back to being with his mom, and having to be put through beauty pageants again, essentially being a living dress up doll for his mom to fuss over like when he was a kid.
And he's fully aware he acts like a complete jackass to everyone, he just doesn't know (nor really care to fix it usually) how to not be like that. But sometimes it will keep him up for a bit, nervous that one day it'll get him fired from the one place he feels safe to just exist. And when he's unable to sleep at all/stay asleep, he'll usually either be on his computer at home typing away at some coding or he'll drive to work and get started on some small, quick project(s) for a bit with some classical music playing quietly in the background. (On these kind of days, he'll usually look like the living dead for 2-3 days)
Psydon -
Secret: What's one secret your OC never wants anyone to know about them?
Psy technically should be wearing glasses cuz he's nearsighted, but doesn't wear any/keeps his pair hidden away. He doesn't see to much of an issue with this either since a lot of what he does mainly requires him to see things close to him anyway. (He also isn't quite sure why he's cautious/embarrassed about this but he is)
He also isn't super fond of the profession he's basically forced into, as he feels like the things he's learned/learning may come back around to him manipulating others one day.
And this one isn't so much a secret that he never wants anyone to know about per say?? But he does have a crush on both Micha and Ash, that tbh he wont even admit to himself for a while.
Skin: How comfortable is your OC in their skin? Do they grapple with anything that lives inside them—a beast, a curse, a failure, a monster? How do they face the smallest, weakest, most horrible version of themself? Are they able to acknowledge it at all?
It's very hit or miss most days with how comfortable he is with himself. Between the times in which Kris refers to him (and the others, i.e Ash, V0id, etc) as "it" and his coder (an elderly man named Soloman) who originally assigned him as female and will still refer to him as such when he manages to make it in, never really settles right to Psy (and he'd sooner forget about the encounters when they happen).
He also struggles sometimes with the whole, being AI/an Android as it's left him with feeling trapped, almost hidden from the world and unable to really get to experience anything or get to "live" with how his line of work has him busy (basically "new age therapy/therapist") and how the people in charge of him and his case don't actually let him leave the proximity of Skyh Labs all too often.
In the irony of learning about therapy, he doesn't really know how to apply a lot of that knowledge to himself. So he doesn't know how to face another facet of himself outside of being extremely careful on choosing his words, and anything that would be deemed negative or hurtful to others, he bottles up and has an internal existential crisis over it later in the privacy of his own room. He tries his best to not acknowledge it all more often then not.
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naivesilver · 1 year
gonna cheat for a minute and say: any ask of your choosing from the 'sentences' in the 'parent and child relationship prompts' BUT with either leona and pierrot, or with leroy and lampwick PLEASE 🥺
It was a TERRIBLY hard choice, thanks 😡💕 they're all my specialest unconventional families and I can't pick a favorite, so I had to use a super secret discrimination method :^)
Parent/Child Relationship Prompts
“Look! A dog!”
"Mom, stop! I just saw something really important."
Leona has learned, by now, that teenage boys' perspectives on what is important and what isn't are often a little skewed, but she stops pedaling nevertheless, drawing her bike to a halt to look at where her son has done the same. "What is it, dear?"
In lieu of a response, Pierrot points at one of the houses along the road, clambering off his own bike with great enthusiasm. "Puppy."
The dog in question can hardly be described as a puppy, in all fairness, big and hairy and long-legged, but it doesn't seem troubled by the moniker, either. Instead, it wags its tail expectantly, its nose (the only part of its body that can wedge itself through the fence around the house's backyard) sniffing with great curiosity at the hand the boy holds out.
For his part Pierrot is grinning from ear to ear, and when Leona circles back to move closer to him he turns that bright grin to her as well, giving the dog's snout a friendly scratch. "You can't walk by a pup and not say hi," he says, with that pompously savvy air he puts on when he's being silly. "It's the law."
"Dear me. To think I might have been a criminal all along."
She loves him the most when he's like this, effortlessly happy like any other kid. It's not a rarity anymore, seeing him so warm and carefree, but it's always a joy all the same, to know that her son is at ease enough around her to act as such - if nothing else, it's an elating high to ride, like a rollercoaster with familiar turns.
It is perhaps that soothing, relieved feeling that pushes her to open her mouth again and say, after a moment: "Have you ever wanted a dog for yourself, sweetheart?"
He shrugs, looking somewhat distracted. "Dunno. They're cool, sure, but they're very loud and need lots of space. You never know if one of us might have issues with loud noises on some days. I don't want anyone to be scared to come to my house."
Oh, her heart. Leona sometimes thinks she should tell him to spend less time on stage, if that's what makes him pull out such profound remarks in that offhanded way of his. "What about other pets? Would they be off limits too?"
"Uh, I guess not?" Finally, he glances at her, wary curiosity in his gaze. "Why?"
"Well, I was thinking- maybe we could go to the shelter, see if they have any suggestions for pets that'd do well in our house. We don't have to make a decision right away. Just take a look around, maybe get a pamphlet or two. What do you say?"
Pierrot's eyes go as wide as saucers, stunned beyond speech for once in his life. "For real?"
"Yes." Leona bites her tongue as not to laugh, impossibly endeared by his reaction.
"You'd have to look after it, of course, but I know you're a responsible boy. If that's something you'd like, obviously."
"Something I'd like?" The boy spreads his arms, as if he couldn't contain the force of it, all but bouncing on the spot. "Mom, that's the best idea ever! I love it!"
She laughs in full, then, fond and fonder, and lets him pull them both towards their bikes, the dog that has just witnessed their exchange huffing cluelessly and trotting back across the grassy yard.
Before he resumes his stance, however, Pierrot clears his throat awkwardly, drawing his mother's attention again. "Anyway, there is an animal that I'd love to get, if they think it's gonna do good up here."
That comes as a surprise to Leona, at least. "Really? Which one?"
"A pet turtle." Her son's face scrunches up in a peevish smirk, dark eyes sparkling with mischief.
"And I already know which name I'll give it, and it'll be amazing, mark my words."
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neon-pink-leitner · 2 years
Ask Game: A, B, E, K, L, N, O, P, R, V, Z.
Anon, send me "Z" in its own ask. I got a plan for that one and I've already written enough here. This needs its own post.
A - Ships that you currently like a lot.
V/Johnny is probably one of my main ships right now. Same with Johnny/Kerry but one that I love and don't talk about much is Cletus Kasady/Carnage Symbiote.
B - A pairing–platonic, romantic or sexual–that you initially didn’t consider, but someone changed your mind.
V and Takamura, at first, I just did not get it at all and while its not a main ship for me, I see why ya'll ship them.
E - Have you added anything cracky/hilarious to your fandom? If so, what?
Oh god. Okay so ummm...I wrote a crack fic that ships Thanos from the MCU with Knull the God of Symbiotes. Its fucking great, its terrible, I want to burn it, I should frame it, you can read it here
K - What character has your favorite development arc/the best development arc?
I got two here. First being Johnny Silverhand. We get glimpses of his past self being a total fucking asshole and we know from others that he wasn't always a good person but we get to watch this slow change with V's help as he grows into a person that you could sit in the same room with. At the end even willing to give his life for V's which I feel like is something that past Johnny would not have done at all. My second one would be Eddie Brock. He went from being one of Mavel's top villains with a grudge to kill Spider-Man to somewhat healing his wounds and ends up, no joke, not kidding, being a fucking God who wants to save the world from Knull. Its really stunning to see.
L- Say something genuinely nice about a character who isn’t one of your fave
I'm very middle of the road with River Ward. His personality is a little, I don't know, I can't really find the word. But his quest? One of the most interesting in gaming and I said it once and I'll say it again, DO NOT run his quest at the farm if you are not sober, you won't have a good time. Also Mickey Jones from Doctor Who didn't deserve to be led on so much by Rose. He might have been a bit annoying, but The Doctor and Rose didn't treat him like they should have
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (or a fandom of choice)
Really the only thing I wish that was a different is I feel like fic writers don't get the credit we deserve. I understand why visual art gets the attention it does and it should! Drawing of any type if hard as fuck! I don't see this as much in the Cyberpunk fandom because everyone is really happy to get any type of content but I saw this in the Marvel fandom where most often drawings would get praised way more than fics. Honestly on that topic, the Cyberpunk fandom is one of the chilliest fandoms I've ever been in. If I had to pick a second one I'd say I wish people would post more about their OCs!(I say this while pointing at a mirror) I love love seeing ya'lls lil guys! I always wanna see more!(Again, still pointing at the mirror)
O - Choose a song at random. Which ship or character does it remind you of?
Oof, okay, here we go, loading up my liked songs on Spotify and hitting random. Here were go
Sparks Fly • Taylor Swift (spotify.com)
Had to think of this one but I feel Kerry and V would fit this. I've read alot of MaleV/Kerry stuff where they are both hopeless romantic mushy types and this just feels like something they would dance to in the living room when it was just them. Judy/V also popped into my head but I'm not sure why.
P - Invent a random AU for any fandom
AU in which Johnny is a devil hunter in Devil May Cry. He's got the vibe for it, the gun, and the guitar. In fact he's modded his guitar in such a way that he can use it as a weapon (think Nevan from Devil May Cry). I could see Samurai being both a rock band and a band of devil hunters as well. Not sure where V could fit in. Maybe they got, I dunno, bit by a demon and know they got fucked up powers?
R - Which friendship/platonic relationship is your favorite in fandom?
We really don't get to see enough of V and Misty and that's a damn shame. I would have loved maybe a little side quest thing with the two of them, more so than just Jackie's funeral. I also love Jackie's and V's friendship. I know some people ship them but I just see them as friends. Its really driven home that you can't trust anyone in Night City and here's Jackie willing to take V under his wing after they lost everything. A real choom, good guy, truly.
V - Which character do you relate to most?
In Cyberpunk 2077? Despite her not being one of faves, Judy. Much like her I also a friend to suicide. It was that quest that prevented me from playing the game for two years because I didn't know how I would handle it. Only to find that when I played, and V comforts Judy, It felt like comforting myself. I understood her feelings of loss and guilt. Its a type of feeling you only get when someone close to you takes their own life and its hard to put into words. Recently my grandparents sold my childhood home, my forest and my safeplace. Seeing Judy explore the flooded remains of her childhood home made me cry after this. I understand now. The longing for a place you'll never go back to and even if you do, it won't be the same. The feeling of watching memories play out before your eyes. Its not something you really get over and it changes you.
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wyattwaslesslazy · 2 years
Came here at godspeed but idk what to ask hmm WHATS YOUR FAVORITE FRUIT?? ICE CREAM FLAVOR?? FAVORITE DRINKS??
anyway i hope you have a GOOD DAY!!!!!!! AND PLENTY OF TIME TO DRAW MORE GHOULS DHSJHEHEHEH 😈😈🛐🛐🫶🫶🫶🫡
blease????? Blease I have a comfort food that my mom used to make a lot,, it's a deer sausage and red gravy with rice and corn hrjehfjs i learned how to make it awhile ago and still to this day it's such a favorite,,, I'd so love to cook this for Swiss, I dunno brain yelled for that ghoul and I'd love to have him in the kitchen with me while I cook and talk with him jrbfjdh we might get distracted for a bit but it's fiiiine it's fiiiiine hrjdh but if I were to choose a Ghoul OC??? Hmmm... I'd love to share the food and the moment with either Dusk or @/ghostsseeghosts' twins brjdbdj i dunno I feel it'd be chaotic bit nice XD I feel like I'd have to slap Adria's hands a couple times when I catch her picking from the pot bEFORE THE FOOD IS DONE HFJEBDJDJ I give Dusk the whacking spoon and put her on guard duty xD
HFJDJDJ TY TY ILL SEND YOU SOME QUESTIONS TOO!! HERE IN A MINUTE JFNDJFJD AND and sadge but ghoul art may have to wait because I got a Lotta things happening tonight n tomorrow XD
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ckneal · 2 years
So, this is a mess of a thought, but I’m gonna share it. 
Every now and then, I remember that Chuck only really acknowledged Michael and Lucifer as his children. 
I mean, in watching the show, we see the angel characters sort of wavering back and forth between acknowledging one another as siblings, or treating them as coworkers. When I first watched the show, I thought that there was a kind of tier system in place, where each tier seemed to consider themselves family with the tier above it, but look at the one below it as if they’re just weirdos they know from work. This primary came from Castiel’s interaction with the first cupid---a cherub---in season 5. Cherubs being a lower tier than a seraphim. And thus, the cupid treats Castiel as a brother. Greets him with a warm embrace, and candidly chats with him despite Castiel’s outlaw status. Because that’s his big brother. Whereas Castiel is cold and aloof. Balthazar later talks about the cherubs in a way that puts distance between them in season 6---saying “that cherub,” rather than addressing their sibling by name. One could even draw this tier system all the way to humanity, with humans considering themselves the children of god also in some religions, while the angels consider them “mud monkeys,” not part of their family. 
During my first time watching the series, I had also thought that the archangels seemed to pick and choose when they addressed the other angel tiers as siblings, though I’ve since moved away from that thought on rewatchings. For instance, Gabriel only interacts with Castiel and Lucifer, and since the archangels are all the same tier, and thus view each other as siblings any way, we can’t draw comparisons from comparing Gabriel’s interactions with Castiel to those with Lucifer to surmise how he was have treated, say, a cupid. For all we know, Gabriel didn’t see tiers. Because of how sparingly Michael was used, he is kind of in the same boat. 
Now Lucifer and Raphael are both shown interacting with other angels, to a certain extent, and while neither is particularly warm, I do actually think that there are reasons to explain that without saying that they didn’t view the other angels as siblings. In other posts, I’ve already talked about my theories on Michael performing a character assassination on himself in order to become a symbol, for the sake of scaring the younger angels into falling in line with what he believed to be Chuck’s wishes. As Michael’s second in command, Raphael would have also become intimidating as well---though, of course, we have instances, such as when Raphael was trying to reach Castiel during their confrontation in season 5, in which Raphael seemed to break, implying that they weren’t really as cold Castiel (and presumably other angels, like Anael and Metatron, who would also talk about Raphael in less than affectionate ways) thought. Then of, course, Lucifer is Lucifer. Naturally narcissistic to begin with, but also the longest bearer of the Mark of Cain, locked in a cage for eons, betrayed by his family---he is not primed to be warm and cuddly towards his siblings. 
I have since moved beyond my belief in the angels not all seeing each other as siblings. Overall, I think that this was just a large, complicated family. 
But then every once in awhile, I will rewatch an episode and be struck by the way that Chuck only ever pointblank acknowledges Michael and Lucifer as his children. Not even Raphael and Gabriel. He admits that they existed, and he admits that they were of use to him---part of the “original lineup” that took down Amara---but he doesn’t call them his sons. Lucifer calls them his brothers, and Chuck just doesn’t interact with the labeling. I suppose some people might say that that’s just as good, because Chuck didn’t go out of his way to say that Raphael and Gabriel weren’t his kids. But I dunno. It just seems weird to me. I could point to a random kid at a park and say they exist. That does not make them mine. 
And then you get Amara, who drags Chuck’s ass to Heaven and calls the angels one and all his “first children,” and it’s a shot right to my heart. Chuck created all of these faithful little beings, who called him father even though he never even cared enough to let most of them see him in person. He didn’t care. And then he abandoned them. And then there’s his sister, stepping up and claiming all of them as her nieces and nephews. She didn’t even get to be there to watch them grow up! But still. Aunty Amara cared.
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aghadbeenhere · 5 months
Motivation, beginnings, and the why.
Right, so, welcome! This is aghadbeenhere's (also known as AG from now) first ever blog post, we're gonna go over all the topics in today's title as i think that should be made clear, another thing I reckon should be named clear is that I'm really doing this for myself after a good friend gave me the fantastic idea of doing this because I, to put it simply;
So why not put that time to use?
Right, so to start things off, MOTIVATION.
I don't have a lot of it, yep, not much, bit of a lazy slob who spends all day doing random things in their bedroom as a way to hold off the unspeakable horror known as Boredom, the Mind Killer.
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Me, corageously battling said boredom. (2024, coloured)
But what I'm getting at is that I'm not too sure if this'll be a long project, something I do every now in a while, I think you get the deal, I might be handling this like some sorta journal I leave in one of my drawers for 2 weeks straight and choose to pick back up, that, or something more common, regular posts, but once again; I'm LAZY.
..So we'll need to see.
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Right, since this IS the first post in the blog, I guess I should do something that beginners do, I dunno, something like an introduction.
You can call me AG, I have a few hobbies such as: Animating, Drawing, watching movies and lazying around.
I'm not particularily interesting, which I guess may make things difficult moving forwards since I have to write INTERESTING things, but for now, you get this half-assed introduction, so now let's move onto the third topic;
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Well, I already somewhat explained my reasoning at the beginning, a friend of mine (hi oni) gave me this idea as something I could do thanks to all the time I got, so what'd I do? i went with it, because I had never written a blog before, or even had a journal of sorts, I decided to use this as a first-time experience! And that's why we're here today, a part of me is still unsure how this'll go moving forward, I'm using tumblr because I don't really think starting up a site of my own for a project which I'm not even sure will be resumed is probably a waste of time, so not like anybody here would mind if I just didn't post after this one.
So.. Yeah, more things may come, more ramblings about things I do, or things that happen, really someplace to set my thoughts down on paper to really figure them out!
And with that, we come to the end of the first post, if you read this.. uh, I hope you liked it! I'll maybe catch you later, and with that, I leave.
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jeremy-ken-anderson · 7 months
Challenge Modes
I admit that I like Path of Exile's compromise:
If your hardcore character dies, they are no longer hardcore. They're not instantly deleted, or marked unplayable. It's just that you can only be a hardcore character if you've never died.
Though I do also understand the Nuzlocke and Diablo system of intentionally drawing attention to the loss for maximum emotional damage. It's not about the hurt; not really. It's about the threat, and the potential for thrills coming from that.
I've been trying out Hardcore City of Heroes for a couple days. The rules are:
It's solo. In an MMO. Okay, sure. Well, we've gotta do SOMEthing with those quiet servers, right?
If you die, you're dead. Delete the character.
You must take on an arch-villain every 10 levels. If you hit level 10 and haven't defeated Frostfire, go into your settings and turn off xp.
You can't set dungeon levels to be lower-level than you are.
You can't use the auction house.
You can't use the Architect (fan-made levels), with its ridiculous power-leveling options.
My personal rule for it, in the Nuzlocke's "emotional damage" camp:
You have to spend at least 5 minutes making your character.
Like NoNat1s who - as far as I know - invented the rule set, I've also opted to eschew the movement power pools (flight, teleportation, super speed, super leaping) until at least level 14. I'm also avoiding the extra powers and enhancements from the (now free) Pay 2 Win Vendor. I don't think, as he does, that Radio Missions are actually a huge boost in solo play. They give good rewards, but the bulk of that reward is xp and you've got the arch-villains to make sure the player's actually enhancing. What the rule against them really does - and I support this - is make the player look for stuff to do. Go find badges. Seek out plot. All that. The other thing it might do, which I consider very dumb, is make players just...grind overworld trash mobs. There's nothing added to the game experience for that, but considering overworld mobs are one of your main hazards it'd be against the spirit of the thing to forbid fighting them.
I dunno how well the feeling will hold up, but I'll admit that this challenge mode did add tension and interest and hype to the first 10 levels of the game and the battle with Frostfire. You have to approach every battle with care. My character is a Scrapper called Limit Cut, and she's a mecha with an energy katana and super reflexes. I picked this specifically to increase the challenge: Scrapper is the most glass-cannon of the melee archetypes, and while its combat and Stalker's are very similar the Stalker archetype has the ridiculous advantage (in a challenge like this especially) of always getting to choose the rules of engagement by being able to hide (occasionally mid-battle, potentially dropping aggro and resetting enemy mobs).
The "cannon" side of it has come in handy; Limit Cut is really good at tearing up enemies and shredding their defenses to make it easier to keep hitting them.
But Super Reflexes as a defense style is very risky; It's entirely predicated on not getting hit, and lacks good answers to enemies that can consistently hit you anyway (like reducing the incoming damage, increasing your health pool, or healing back up quickly). If I make it past 20 I'll be pretty shocked.
0 notes
novelconcepts · 3 years
Hi there could you please do #25 for dani and jamie ❤
playfully biting someone
The best part of a new relationship, Jamie reflects, is in all the little details. The strange quirks of a person you might never see until you begin dating them, until the hours spent in their company twist from nine to five to all bets are off. Getting to know someone’s body is grand; getting to know them, the heart of them, the truth of their day-to-day, is better.
She maybe hadn’t realized that, until Dani--but Dani is teaching her with every passing day just how much is waiting beneath the surface. There is, it seems, an endless supply of bizarre details to file away, each wreathing Dani in more charm than the last.
Dani, she’s learned, doesn’t like to drive--she’s tried exactly once, and spent the entire thirty-minute stretch drawn tight as a bowstring--but loves rolling down her window and letting a hand dangle in the breeze. She is great with a map, almost pathological at remembering radio stations, but frequently gets distracted by conversation and forgets to point out a necessary exit ramp. She is untrustworthy when left on snack duty in gas stations, constantly inclined to pick up a coffee or a bottled orange juice over water, but always seems to find the best chocolate in any given state.
Food, in general, proves particularly interesting. Dani thrills at the opportunity to introduce her to terrible fast food (”We have this,” Jamie says pointedly, as they pull into their first McDonald’s; “Not even close,” Dani says gleefully, and proceeds to order her a Happy Meal for the sheer joy of it). She is perhaps too invested in what sort of pizza Jamie considers the right kind (”Dunno,” Jamie says in a helpless tone, unaware that there are options. “The kind with, uh, sauce?”). There is, it appears, a right and wrong answer to crust width, cheese ratio, and toppings; the first time she orders pineapple, Jamie almost can’t bring herself to take a bite, she’s laughing too hard at the intense expression on Dani’s face. 
(“You are,” she proclaims, “ridiculous.”
“It’s good,” Dani insists, and there is no sign of a beast about her smile as she watches Jamie try the pinapple-and-bacon monstrosity and, grudgingly, admit defeat.)
She learns that Dani prefers movies at home to the theater, but makes an exception whenever a new action film comes out. Dani likes dancing, but doesn’t love strangers being able to see her do it; she’s self-conscious about her questionable rhythm, at least until Jamie leans close and murmurs that rhythm hasn’t been a problem yet, from where she’s standing. Dani likes old bookstores, new flea markets, ice cream parlors run by elderly couples who compliment her earrings. Dani likes America, as it turns out, with all its many oddities, and Jamie finds that affection infectious. She is rapidly coming to like America, too--at least, the America she’s offered through Dani’s eyes.
Dani is effervescent by daylight, chatting with strangers, eagerly returning stray footballs that land near her in the park to laughing children. She turns thoughtful when the rain rolls in, always at her moodiest when the sky grows pregnant with clouds that refuse to break open. She feels weird, she says, when the moon is nearly full, and she misses constellations whenever they pull up to a city, and there’s something about Midwestern manners she can’t seem to shake whether they’re in Miami or Detroit. 
She’s fascinating, and she’s complicated, and the good days hold just as many facets as the bad. Jamie is growing to love them all--the way Dani shrieks with laughter when tickled, and the way she grows somber at particular Paul Simon songs for no reason Jamie can understand. She loves the way Dani slips a hand beneath the hem of her shirt and holds on for dear life on long drives, her fingers skimming the edge of Jamie’s jeans. Loves how Dani can’t shower with the door closed, can’t sleep with it open, can never figure out the window latch in any given hotel room.
And she loves how Dani behaves with her alone. Not the sex--though that’s only getting better, Dani finding more confidence each time they come together; Jamie’s started to find herself pressed up against doors with unexpected strength, pushed down onto beds with her head spinning and Dani already getting to work--so much as the intimacy. They’re different, she’s learning. Different tiers of the same cake, maybe. Can’t have one without the other, not if it’s good, not if it’s with Dani. 
Sex comes easily, though it’s taken a little while for Dani to open back up again. When she does, the transition is absolute--no fear, no hesitation, her hands and lips and voice winding together to explain, If it’s just today, if I only have now, I need to be here. She doesn’t want to miss a moment, she says. Doesn’t want to let anything slip by. She wants to experience every inch of Jamie, and every inch of this country they’re exploring, and every inch of time won back from an unfair universe.
The intimacy--the way her hand always seems to find Jamie’s pocket, the way her forehead leans against Jamie’s back, the way she lets her foot press against the side of Jamie’s boot under a restaurant table--comes from the same place. That need to remember. That need to be here. If only for today, if only a little at a time, she can’t resist. 
Which brings her to the part of Dani Jamie thinks she likes best:
Dani’s absolutely unexpected need for attention. 
“Did you just--” She hesitates, wondering if she’s hallucinated. It’s such an odd little thing for Dani to have done, sprawled beside her on a motel bed. Such an odd thing, both of them with books open against bent knees and no conversation between them for half an hour. 
And still, she’s almost certain. More so, when Dani gives a guilty grin. 
“You bit me,” Jamie says, wonder in her voice. “Really?”
Dani doesn’t look particularly apologetic. “Missed you.”
“I’m right here,” Jamie says, unable to restrain the laughter in her voice. “You could, ah, initiate whenever you like.”
“Wasn’t about that.” Dani shrugs, small and clean in a post-shower sleep shirt and very little else. Jamie lays a finger between the pages of her book, closing the cover. 
“Was it a food thing, because I have never seen someone put away a burger that size, but I could always order--”
Dani laughs. “No, I just--wanted to.” She shakes her head, looking as though she’s surprised herself as much as Jamie with the simple act of leaning over and sinking her teeth gently into the curve of Jamie’s shoulder. “Didn’t even think about it. Just...felt like getting your attention.”
“You have it.” She always does, even when Jamie’s reading, or starting to doze off, or thinking about tomorrow’s leg of the journey. Somewhere underneath it all, the reliable heartbeat powering her day, she’s always thinking of Dani. That should frighten her. That should worry her very much--and yet, somehow, it feels like the most natural thing in the world. 
“I won’t do it again,” Dani says, “if you didn’t like it. It was weird, wasn’t it? Weird thing to do.”
“Very weird,” Jamie agrees. “You’re a bit of a weirdo, Dani Clayton. Dunno if I’ve pointed that out.”
Dani jostles her, shoulder to shoulder, and Jamie drops her book onto the nightstand. In truth, she loves that Dani is starting to do weird little things just to see what response she’ll get--loves that Dani doesn’t twist herself into knots, questioning an act, choosing instead to just go for it. It feels like the Dani she held in a hallway, hours before their lives had changed forever. 
“What are you doing?” Dani is giggling already, as Jamie curls against her side, nuzzling into her neck. 
“Returning the favor.”
“That--” Dani draws a sharp breath as Jamie finds a particularly sensitive spot and draws the skin between her teeth. “Um. That’s--not what I--”
She’s melting into the pillows, one hand cupped behind Jamie’s head. Her pulse is quickening, though she’s starting to laugh as Jamie rains tiny bites down the side of her throat, along the slope of one shoulder. The cotton of her t-shirt pulled between even teeth, Jamie leans back slightly, meeting her eyes. 
“Wanted my attention,” she says, the words garbled around shirt. “What d’you want me to do with it?”
“This,” Dani laughs, her eyes fluttering when Jamie releases the shirt and returns her mouth to the soft column of her neck. “This is, um. Working nicely.”
“Figured,” Jamie murmurs, letting one hand toy along the curve of Dani’s thigh. “I like it, you know.”
“This?” Dani’s head is casting back, offering more room to explore; her fingers wrap around Jamie’s, guiding her toward an end to this conversation, the beginning of a different kind of discussion altogether. Jamie smiles. 
“You. Doing weird shit just because. Biting my arm, or singing to me in the shower, or just...bein’ here. I like it. Like you.”
More than, she thinks. More than just like. It’s been true for weeks and weeks, maybe since the morning she’d tried to hold firm against pleading blue eyes in a greenhouse. Maybe. She’s more than liked the way Dani catches her gaze, brushes up against her, seeks out her attention for longer than she even knows what to do with. 
Too early to say so. Too early to scare Dani away. She’s getting brighter, getting more hopeful every day, but she still flinches from words like Christmas, like next year, like in a while. She wouldn’t cope well with Jamie telling her the truth just yet. 
Better to just do this. To learn the little details--the tiny stamp of intimacy on every step of this journey. To accept the just try it of pineapple on pizza, of dancing on moonlit beaches, of Dani’s teeth sinking into her shoulder for no reason at all. It’s better. It’s the best thing she’s ever done. 
There are so many details, with Dani. So many stories to learn, so many quirks to memorize. And there is always, at the end of the day, this: just Dani, in her bed. Just Dani, drawing shallow breaths, pulling her down into a hungry kiss as she urges Jamie to explore with eager hands. Just Dani, who wants her attention merely because it’s Jamie offering it up. 
Bit of a weirdo, she thinks, and thank fuck for that. 
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coffebits · 4 years
hello !! i'm absolutely in LOVE with your art and i wanted to know how did you colour and choose your colour palette (especially the skin,,,) in your latest uncle obi post ? 😳👉👈
i dunno how to explain but there's that soft yet sharp?? pink glow that contrasts with the skin tone and the blueish-shadows and it's so so pretty...
plz continue to make beautiful art and take care of yourself 💖
AAAA TYSM 💖💖💖 I’m literally the worst explaining these things tho :’) I’ll try my best :’o
Also little disclaimer before starting: drawing is just my hobby so I’m not posting this as a tutorial (?) this is just to show you my process aaaa, I’m sure a professional would help you a lot more than me with this but I hope I’m able to help you in someway 💖💖💖) (also, I know someone else asked me about my drawing process a while ago, it had to do with shading, lighting and color picking, but I wasn’t sure how to respond until now aaaa, sorry about the delay 😔, I’ll answer both questions here)
Ok, so first of all, I choose my background color :0. Background colors affect how your eyes perceive all other colors so it’s very important for me to start with that (like white background makes you choose whiter (?) or less saturated colors. Red background: redder colors, etc)
When I want a white background, I tend to use another color at first and then when I’m finished, I change it back to white just because most of the time my colors are not that good when I’m painting on a white canvas.
This drawing, for example, I painted first on a yellow background and later I changed it to white :) (this also applies to complex backgrounds... I always start with painting the background)
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Then I open a new layer and place base colors :). I pointed out the color I used on Obi’s skin :)...
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Now I open another new layer, set it to clipping mask and I paint a little bit of blush here and there on the skin with the standard round brush on approximately 40% opacity. I also use the same color for the lips :). (I covered up stuff that is not necessary with black to not confuse you lol 💖)
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Now here’s where the fun begins :D... I have two things I apply to pick shadow colors and light colors
1. First I pick my “most common” colors (these would be the purpleish/blueish for shadows and kind of a yellowish tone for light, I circled them with blue on the pictures) but how did I got to these? (This might sound so stupid but it works for me lol) (look at the pictures below to understand better 😂) When I want to pick a color for shadows, I slide the color picker to the left, and if I want to pick a color for lighting, I slide it to the right :D ISKDMDKKF LOL Yes you read well aaa it doesn’t always works but 90% of the time does lol, if I’m using pretty “normal” lighting like this one on a drawing, works perfectly 😂
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There’s no rule for me to know exactly where to “stop sliding” lol I just test how it looks and also play around with saturation a little. I must poin out, I never use the same color on all shadows (like a solid cell of color) I pick more tones of purple/ blue for shadows and more tones of yellow for lighting to put in there so it looks more natural. I use the airbrush to help me with that as well as the round brush.
2. So this is what really makes it look good. First some VERY short theory to understand why I do this and to help you apply it on other things. Light can not only come from a direct light source (like the sun, a lamp, fire, etc), light bounces, and when it bounces it kind of “brings the colors with it”
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The arrows are pointing the direction of sun light. See what it does?
So when I’m coloring, I pay attention to the surroundings. In this case, light bouncing from the water, light bouncing from the green float tube, light bouncing from Luke’s red shorts, etc, all coming to Obi’s skin. Adding these, imo, makes everything look awesome
Of course, as the light bounces more and more, the colors become less saturated. Let’s take the light coming from the water for example. How do I choose the right color to paint this light on Obi’s skin?: I go to the blue tones and I just pick a very desaturated tone :), with the help of the standard round brush with approximately 40% opacity, I put a little bit of blue tones where I believe this light will hit the skin (circles with blue⬇️)
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*Red circle is showing where the less saturated colors are*
This drawing was made kind of fast lol, so I didn’t really pay much attention to this here, but other drawings of mine show this better :0.
The “pink glow” you mentioned is something that I like to add to separate light from shadow :) you can see it above pointed in green⬆️ (I just like how it looks aaa)
Finally I change the background color to white.
I also add some freckles to the arms and chest
I add a multiply layer with 40%- 50% opacity and, with a blue saturated tone, I darken some places I wish to be more dark (like the abdomen, Obi Wan’s neck, some parts on the water, etc)
I open another layer set on “add” (15%-20% opacity) and, with a yellowish saturated tone, I lighten some other places like hair, arms, float tube, etc
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Finally I open a layer (or two) above everything (layers marked with yellow) and I start painting over the lineart where I consider needs some work (I marked those places with blue), sometimes I also add texture with other brushes in this layer too :0.
And that’s it oof lol, hope it wasn’t too long ;;; also ignore grammar mistakes aaa English is not my first language :’D
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pinkplantmakesstuff · 3 years
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[Sat opposite me is none other then The Commander himself. We are in my office; surrounded by stacks of notebooks and stationary, this is no battlefield and it's clear The Commander is currently out of his depth.
I will admit I was shocked when he agreed to an interview; the Commander is infamously secretive about his private life and personal affairs, and there are terrible rumours about his foul temper and monstrous appearance. Sat opposite me however, is a young, world-weary man]
Exclusive interview continues under the
Let's start with some introductory questions, can you introduce yourself?
[There's a pause before he finally speaks, he's surprisingly soft spoken.] My name's Alec. [He looks at me, and I have to prompt him for more] Oh I see. Uh people refer to me as the Commander, but I'm, not really? I don't, well I don't belong to the Pact anymore? But apparently the title stuck. And I just, end up helpin' with stuff still. [He shifts uncomfortably, and I need to know what brought him to my office today, why he's changed his mind before I continue with the more personal questions.]
So, Commander, what's changed? Why an interview now? After refusing to talk to any journalists for so long, what caused this change of heart?
[There's a another long pause.] Well, I mean...a couple of people told me it might be...good for appearances, to you know talk to one of you people, instead of just... lettin' everyone make stuff up about me all the time. [I assume he means the rumours that make up most of his public perception - like the idea his mouth is full of flesh-tearing fangs- which I can now confirm to be false. He may have pointed fangs but they are small, and he seems more interested in gnawing at his own lip.] Oh, uh and you can just call me Alec I guess.
Well thank you for choosing to speak to me Comman-Alec, now lets move onto the more personal stuff; what is your gender identity, orientation and relationship status?
[This seems to catch him off guard.] That, that is kind of, personal. [He grimaces and draws his arm tightly across his chest. "You said you didn't want people to make stuff up about you anymore, why don't you tell people so they know the real you."] I, well, ok. [He gives a defeated sigh but it seems I've swayed him around for now at least] Uh I'm a guy and I like other men. And, uh, there, might be someone. He's...[Alec mulls over his words for a minute, the "fearsome" fangs nibbling at his own mouth again] well he's like, there's a connection? It's hard to explain. ["You've just disappointed many potential suitors I suspect!" At this he lets out a surprised laugh, as if he can't believe what I said. "Is this potential someone your fearsome companion you've been rumoured to be spotted with? With fangs and horns even greater then your own?" At this he frowns, folding his arm in again.] He's not fearsome he's just, well he's great. [I've clearly struck a nerve so I choose to move on.]
Where and when were you born?
[Another one-armed shrug.] Dunno. Some small place. Don't remember it, don't care. And uh, I'm like, well I think I'm twenty? Something like that I don't know my birthday. I think it's in Winter. [At this it was mine turn to let out an incredulous laugh - which I admit was unprofessional of me. "I knew you seemed young but, only twenty? That's, you've done a lot for someone so young." There's another, lengthier pause.] S'pose so. [He doesn't comment on this further.]
Here's something you should know plenty about! What is your weapon of choice and fighting style?
[He narrows his eyes at me, and then tilts his head thoughtfully. For a moment I thought he was going to demonstrate his magical capabilities I've heard so much about but then he simply shakes his head, a if deciding against it.] Magic. People don't like it. ["Yes I've heard the rumours of your powerful necromancy, as well as the tales of you being able to transform-" He cuts me off] I fight with magic. [Again I've struck another nerve, but I don't blame him. The rumour-mill has been particularly unkind to this young man, and it's no secret how many people view darker aspects of magic unfavourably.]
Lastly, for these introduction questions, are you happy?
[We sit there in silence for several minutes, and it seems he has no answer for me. I decide to move on quickly.]
Let's move onto the people in your life! What’s your family like? What is your relationship with them?
Uh, I don't. Well my family is, well she's a baker. We grew up together. And V-my... partner? [He catches himself, clearly trying to protect keep them anonymous.] I don't have any other family I guess. But, I'd do anythin' to keep them safe. [I don't push further but it's clear the Commander's family means as much to him as the next person. Something the rumours have lead people to believe is not the case.]
Have you ever ran away from home?
Yeah. When I was a kid. My friend - the baker. We left together. it was better after that. [Alec doesn't elaborate further to begin with, before realising he's only told me part of it.] From an orphanage I mean - it's the same ol' story about kids losin' family to the Risen then being taken into care when I was a baby. We hated it. We got old enough. We ran away.
You mentioned you have a partner, this mysterious V. Would you consider marriage or having children?
[Alec's demeanour almost doesn't change, but I've not spend years in journalism and not learnt how to read people. This question has clearly flustered the young commander.] Uhh, that's, kind of personal. I don't think about stuff like that? I, well it's just nice having someone around more now. [I was about to move on before he interrupts.] But, kids are good, if, I think I'd have liked too, if things had been different.
Let's talk about some juicy gossip! Do you secretly hate one of your friend?
What? [This clearly catches him off-guard, before letting out a bitter laugh.] No. I haven't got enough of those to secretly hate one of 'em. Plenty of people have made it clear how much they hate me though. I wouldn't be surprised if more of them secretly hated me too. [Another short pause, he shifts in his seat and I catch a peek at the small wings sticking out oh his back.] I'm too tired to hate any of them, especially secretly.
I see, so which friend knows everything about you?
[Almost subconsciously he touches his horns, they are short, stubby things.] I don't think, I have- maybe the two I mentioned earlier know the most. It's hard to talk about things. ["Hmm I'd picked up on that." At this he laughs, the minor tension that had started building up eased slightly.] Yeah I'm not great at words and stuff.
The next set of questions are asked my fans! Are you literate? Have you been to school?
Fans? [He shakes his head in disbelief before leaning back in his chair, hair obscuring his face slightly.] The orphanage wasn't much for teachin'. Next question. [I resist the urge to press further.]
The eeriest prediction you made that later came true?
[He seems to spend some time thinking this one over before shaking his head.] Dunno. I guess I just assume most of the people I meet won't stick around long enough to be friends and...well I guess in a way they don't get to stick around I've....I've lost a lot of people. I guess that counts right? [He laughs slightly at this, but it isn't a happy one. Even the commander, who is oft described as cold is clearly affected by the ongoing tragedies he seeks to help stop.]
What is something you were embarrassingly late to realize?
I don't think I realised Sylvari could glow for like, ages. [He puts his hand up to his face slightly but he smiles slightly as he speaks, and it's only now I've realised he's without his infamous blind-fold. I mention this but he shrugs it off.] I still 'ave it. I just, don't want to wear it right now.
Do you have mental health or physical issues?
[He waves the stump of his missing arm, bandages still visible. Everyone's already heard about the fight against the fearsome Jungle dragon that cost him his arm, as well as the Marshall of The Pact .] Does this count? [He makes no mention of his mental health so I try to press further.] I'm fine.
What is your current main goal?
[Alec shakes his head, before shrugging again.] I'm not gonna talk about stuff like that, in case it puts people at risk, it's, well it's stuff that needs doing to help people.
Let's move onto something easy! Some choices! Drink or food?
Food. I like cooking. ["Really? The famous Commander, known and feared on the battlefield, enjoys being in a kitchen?" He smiles slightly and nods.] It's just nice y'know. I like making things a lot.
Cats or dogs?
Cats. Their senses are easier to see through and they can fit in smaller places. [Before I can ask what he means he continues.] I would like a pet one too I think.
Early bird or night owl?
I prefer getting up early, it means I have longer in the day to get stuff done.
Optimist or pessimist?
[He frowns again.] Don't know. I don't think things are ever gonna go very well. [He merely shrugs when I point out that he sounds like a pessimist.]
Sassy or sarcastic?
I wouldn't say I'm either to be honest. ["There have been reports from Queen Jenna's courts that you have been known to make the occasional sarcastic, scathing remark."] Well there are also reports I've got a huge dragon tail but that don't make it true either. [I don't point out that dry remark he made.]
You'll be pleased Alec, we are finally finishing up! Finally it's time for some "Have you evers". Lets start with have you ever been caught sneaking out?
Nope. I used to be unnoticeable, though, that's changed a...little. [He gestures to himself in what I am assuming is reference to his small wings and horns] Like I said earlier though, magic.
Broke a bone?
Nope not that either. ["Really? With your work on the field and from the battles I've heard, you've truly never broken a bone?] I guess that's just the one thing I got goin' for me I guess.
Received flowers?
I don't think so? Wait yeah maybe but they are from people I don't really know as thanks which is nice I guess- I give 'em to...my baker friend coz she likes to display them in her shop.
Ghosted someone?
[There's another pause, it seemed he'd been slowly getting used to speaking to me but this one has him quiet again.] Not....intentionally. Keepin' in contact is hard when you're constantly travelling. And writing is... not one of my greatest talents.
Pretended to laugh at a joke you didn’t get?
Uhh to be honest I probably wouldn't realise it was a joke sometimes', and if I did and I don't get it then maybe they should have told a better joke. [He shrugs and I can't help but laugh at his honesty]
[There you have it readers, an EXCLUSIVE interview with the feared Commander himself. Nothing like the rumours who describe him as "The Beast", The Commander is just another war-weary fighter trying to do what's right.]
Thank you @the-mystic-dragon for tagging me this was so much fun to write! (Even if it took like, an hour, and I massively changed the format XD) This is written as if it's around mid to late lws3 and before PoF as well as in the au with Vasche! Vasche is @resonatingfern's wonderful character and Alec's "mysterious partner" in this. In terms of tagging, if ya wanna do one go ahead! Though I did change the format quite a bit oops XD
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White Tulips - Cut Chapter
Hey Everyone. I hope who ever reads this is happy and healthy. So I wrote this idea for my Han Seojun x Kang Sujin fanfic but it didn’t really fit the story at the time, even though I had set it up in the published story twice, so I cut it. But I still loved this idea so I wanted to share it here. 
I would have shared it earlier but I was trying to get the Joseon Era AU started before that but man, have I been struggling with that story. Writing historic fanfic is HARD! Anyway I still wanted to leave this here. Hope you all like it. 
Pairing: Kang Sujin x Han Seojun
Word Count: 1.7k 
Rating: Slightly Mature... or maybe PG 15? I dunno. I am bad with ratings
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For all of his flaws, Han Seojun had one thing going for him. He was unashamed. Unashamed of his slight lack of academic intelligence, unashamed of his troublemaker persona, and definitely unashamed of losing to Kang Sujin at everything imaginable.
“Ah-nee, how could you get so good at basketball?” He panted, pulling up his shirt to wipe his brow, not because he was sweaty, but because he wanted Sujin to stare at his abs.
“I was always good, Han Seojun.” Sujin said proudly, holding the basketball by her waist as she unabashedly eyed his abs. “I told you, I was just off my game that day.”
“You were distracted by my face.” Seojun smirked.
“Of course, I was. I had a massive crush on you.” She grinned, kissing him.
“Ooooh, chagi, you had a crush on meee.” Seojun teased like a school boy who had discovered her most embarrassing secret.
“We’re practically married.” Sujin pointed out dryly, the fact that they had been together for over a year now.
“Still.” Seojun grinned.
“Doesn’t change the fact that I finally did beat you.” Sujin countered.
Seojun didn’t tell her that he had let her win today. Her loved her competitiveness and the giddy way she grinned when she won. If Seojun could, he would let her win everything her heart desired. But this he would never tell her, mostly because she would kill him. And Seojun really wanted to live, especially now that he had someone else to live with.
“Technically, we’re at a draw. You only cancelled out your win from back then.” He stated. The two had started packing their things. Sujin dumped her water bottle in their gym bag.
“Oh yeah? Well, I’m about to win this argument.” Sujin grinned an evil grin, leaning closer. She spoke in a sing-song voice, “I know your big secret.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Seojun smirked. He was an open book, there was nothing he ever hid from anyone. And even if he did, there was nothing he was ashamed of.
Sujin took out her phone and pressed play.
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo,
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo
Really? Yes! Okey dokey yo
Say la la la la la la la la la la la
“Told you I would find out.” Sujin’s evil grin spread wide as Seojun’s smug smile wavered.
Oh no.
It turned out that here indeed was one thing that Han Seojun was ashamed of.
“Ya, Kang Sujin!” Seojun went for her phone but she bounced out of his way, skipping backward.
“What’s wrong, Seojun-ah? Don’t like this song?” She asked in mock innocence.
Oh God, the horror. The pain, the anguish! The embarrassment!
“Ya! Come here!” Seojun ran after her and she sprinted away from him, running around the court. “Stop playing that!”
“No way. This is my new favorite song.” Sujin shouted back breathlessly as she ran full speed. Seojun caught up with her and she squealed and laughed as he held her by the waist.
“Are you not going to stop?” He didn’t lunge for her phone. Instead opted to tickle her, making her squeal some more, laughing uncontrollably.
“I cave! I cave!” She said, her eyes tearing up from the laughing.
Seojun took her phone and turned off the song. Sujin was red from laughter and Seojun felt an ache to kiss her then and there. But he didn’t want to encourage her triggering the PTSD he had from that embarrassing incident in high school.
“Lim Jukyung is such a traitor. I can’t believe she told you.”
“I’m your girlfriend. Of course, she told me. Shouldn’t I know you were dancing around half naked in front of another woman?” Sujin wiped the tears from her eyes, still shaking from the aftershocks of laughing.
“Aish! That was so embarrassing. I never want to remember that happened.” Seojun admitted, going red as he thought back to when he had been dancing around in his house, wearing nothing but his underwear and had failed to notice that Lim Jukyung had been there with his sister the entire time.
“Waeeee? I find it funny.” And then she burst out laughing again. Han Seojun walked away in a huff. He couldn’t face the embarrassment any longer, especially not in front of Sujin.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” Sujin chased after him.
Han Seojun would have buried the incident again, along with his memory of that song but then there it was again.
That dreaded song.
They were having lunch with everyone; Jukyung, Suho, Taehoon, Suah and his squad with Chorong, when suddenly, he heard the tune faintly.
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo,
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo
Seojun thought he was imagining it. But then Sujin took out her phone and the song played clearer. That damn woman had set it as her ring tone.
That dreaded song.
“Oops, getting a call. Be right back.” Sujin said with just enough pretend innocence that it passed off as sincere to others, but he knew. He knew.
Han Seojun glared at Jukyung accusingly and she made an apologetic face. Luckily, no one else seemed to pick up on Seojun’s discomfort. Suho did give him a pointed look but Suho knew that he did not have the privilege of making fun of Seojun the way Sujin did. And that wasn’t a matter of Seojun getting mad at him. It was a matter of Kang Sujin destroying anyone who would say one syllable against her boyfriend.
“Sujinnie,” Seojun pouted like a child that night as they made dinner, “I don’t like your ringtone.”
Her phone had been ringing all day. A little too frequently, Seojun had noticed. It was almost as if Sujin had scheduled all of her calls to today just to mess with him.
“Oh, should I change it?” She asked causally, “Okay, you pick something you like.”
Seojun grinned and padded over to the counter, setting her ringtone to one of his songs.
That night Seojun had gone to sleep thinking that chapter of his embarrassing event was over. He dreamed peacefully of being on stage and serenading Sujin with the songs he had written for her. But then his dream was interrupted with that jingle again.
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo,
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo
Seojun woke up with a gasp. No, it wasn’t just his dream. The song was actually playing. Sujin stirred and shut off her alarm.
Her alarm that was set to play Okey Dokey.
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Nooooooooooooooooooooooo! Seojun screamed in his head, cursing the storm he imagined himself drowning in. He loved Kang Sujin. He could never deny her anything, even if it led to his own torment.
But why, why out of everything she had to choose this.
Sujin got up, and didn’t even notice Seojun stuff his head in his pillow as she went to the bathroom.
“Hyung, are you okay?” One of his bandmates asked upon seeing Seojun’s dark circles and dead expression.
“Huh? I’m okey, dokey.” He responded dreamily. The band member backed away in concern.
Ever since they had gotten close, Seojun had stopped challenging her. True, they would still tease and play the push-pull game but it wasn’t like it had been before. Before they had felt like equals. Now it felt like Sujin had all the power and oddly enough, she didn’t like that. She worried it might get too boring for Han Seojun. She worried it wasn’t good for him to coddle her so much. He needed to have just as much of a say in things as she did.
She had meant the song to just stir some new challenge between them. He would respond with embarrassment and demand that she gets rid of the song. He would finally set a line for her; a restriction and she would comply to and balance would be restored. No longer would she be the one dictating everything.
But it had the opposite effect. Sujin hadn’t realized how it was torturing him till she saw him jump when they passed by a store that had been coincidentally playing the song.
“It’s following me.” Seojun had hissed. Sujin became worried she had gone too far. She hadn’t realized how much the incident had affected him.
Fortunately, Sujin knew what to do.
Come home early tonight. Sujin’s text came.
“Is everything okay?” He asked the second he entered. Sujin never asked him to be home early, knowing his busy schedule. He was lucky that his other band mate had gotten ill, and practice had been cancelled.
“Yeah, gimme a minute!” Sujin called from their bedroom.
Seojun threw his jacket on the sofa and unbuttoned his sleeves, getting ready to make dinner. But then he froze.
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo,
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo
He groaned, “Aaaaah, chagiiii! Geuman-hae already.” He turned and then froze again, dropping his phone on the floor.
In the door frame of their bedroom stood Kang Sujin wearing leopard print camisole and a blue bathrobe, striking an exaggerated dancing pose. The camisole reached just below her thighs. The rest of her long, long, long legs were available for him to gawk at.
Seojun gulped. Good God.
You ready?
I'm ready
Yea, okey dokey yo
Sujin began dancing to the song just like he had, singing along as she moved through the hallway with the graceful movements of a more practiced dancer. It was funny but all too captivating at the same time.
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo,
Is that true? Yes! Okey dokey yo
She came in and danced her way to the fridge, taking out a water bottle, and pouring it over her head.
Really? Yes! Okey dokey yo
Say la la la la la la la la la la la
She didn’t have the chance to continue as Seojun picked her up in his arms. She squealed in joy as he kissed her.
“Ah, Kang Sujin that’s the sexiest thing anyone’s ever done for me.” He said, leaning her over as she laughed.
Seojun forgot all about the song as he bridal carried a squealing Sujin to their room. They both fell down on the bed, laughing. Sujin ran a hand through his hair.
“Hey, Sujinnie. Guess what underwear I’m wearing today.” Seojun grinned.
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