coffeeanddimlights · 4 months
me when scrolling through old ao3 mphfpc fics to see if there's anything i havent read yet only to see multiple fics by the same person focusing on high key pdfile stuff
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elamarth-calmagol · 3 years
What actually is LACE? (an informal essay)
What’s LACE?
Laws and Customs among the Eldar, or LACE, is the most popular section of the History of Middle Earth books.  It's available online as a PDF here: http://faculty.smu.edu/bwheeler/tolkien/online_reader/T-LawsandCustoms.pdf .  There’s a lot of LACE analysis in the fandom, Silmarillion smut fics are usually labeled “LACE compliant” or “not LACE compliant”, and I’ve been seeing the document itself show up in actual fics, meaning that the characters themselves are discussing it.
LACE is an unfinished, non-canonical essay split into several parts.  It covers the sexuality of elves, which is mostly what people talk about.  It also covers elvish naming (which I want to make a whole different post about), the speed at which elves grow up, changes that happen throughout their lives, their death and rebirth, and finally the legal and moral issues of Finwe remarrying after Miriel’s death.  The discussion about rebirth conflicts with Tolkien’s later writings about Glorfindel’s re-embodiment, but to the best of my knowledge, LACE is the best or only source for most of the topics it covers.
However, LACE is not canon since it doesn’t show up in the Silmarillion.  Counting all of the History of Middle Earth as canon is literally impossible, considering Tolkien contradicts himself all over the place.  It is only useful because it has so much information that is never discussed in the actual canon.  Many people consider it canon out of convenience.
Another important thing to remember is that, other than presumably the discussion of the growth of elvish children, the information is only supposed to apply to the Eldar (meaning the Vanyar, Noldor, Teleri, and Sindar) and not the dark-elves such as the Silvan elves and Avari.
The rest is behind the cut to avoid clogging your feeds.
Problems with LACE interpretations
But because it’s hidden in the History of Middle Earth (volume 10, Morgoth’s Ring), barely anyone actually gets the opportunity to read it.  I don’t think most people are aware that you can get it online, so it doesn't get read much.
I feel like this leads to a handful of people saying something about LACE and everyone else going along with it.  I definitely did this.  I was amazed by all the things that were in the actual essay that nobody had ever told me about, or had told me incorrectly.  For example, most people seem to believe that elves become married at the completion of sexual intercourse (whatever that means to the fic author).  In fact, LACE explicitly says that elves must take an oath using the name of Eru in order to be legally married.  Specifically: 
It was the act of bodily union that achieved marriage, and after which the indissoluble bond was complete… [I]t was at all times lawful for any of the Eldar, being both unwed, to marry thus of free consent one to another without ceremony or witness (save blessings exchanged and the naming of the Name); and the union so joined was alike indissoluble.
I’ve seen a marriage oath being included in a few stories recently, but most writers leave out the oath entirely and just have sex be automatically equivalent to marriage.  What would happen if elves had sex without swearing an oath?  I don’t know, but I’d love to see it explored.
Then there’s a footnote that might explicitly deny the existence of transgender elves... or not, but I’ve literally only seen it mentioned once or twice.  Overall, I feel like all of LACE is filtered through the handful of people who read it, and we’re missing out on a lot of metanalysis and interpretations that we could have because most fans never see the actual document.
Who wrote LACE?
I mean within the mythology of Middle Earth, of course.  Since LACE appears in the History of Middle Earth and not the Silmarillion, we can be pretty sure that J.R.R. Tolkien himself wrote it and it wasn’t added to by Christopher Tolkien.  But that’s not the question here.  Remember that Tolkien’s frame narrative for all of his Middle Earth work is that he is a scholar of ancient times and is translating documents from Westron and Sindarin for modern audiences to read and understand.  The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings come from the Red Book of Westmarch, and I believe The Silmarillion is meant to be Tolkien’s own writings based on his research (though it might also be an adaption of Bilbo’s “Translations from the Elvish”, but I haven't looked into that).  So what does LACE come from?
Christopher Tolkien admits in his notes that he doesn’t know.  He says, “It is clear in any case that this is presented as the work, not of one of the Eldar, but of a Man,” and I agree, because of the way it seems to be written as an ethnographic study rather than by someone who lives in the culture.  Honestly, it talks too much about how elves are seen by Men (e.g. speculating that elf-children might look like the children of Men) to be written by an elf.  This changes once it gets to the Doom of Finwe and Miriel, but that could be, and probably is, a story told to the writer by an elf who was there at the time.
Tolkien actually references Aelfwine in the second version of the text.  The original story behind The Lost Tales, which was the abandoned first version of the Silmarillion, was that a man from the Viking period named Aelfwine/Eriol stumbled onto the Straight Road and found himself on Tol Eressea.  He spoke to the elves and brought back their stories to England with him.  So it makes a lot of sense that Aelfwine would also write about the lives and customs of the elves for an audience of his own people.
Does LACE exist in Middle Earth?
I keep finding fics where first age elves discuss “the Laws and Customs” openly, as if it’s a text in their own world.  I usually get the impression that it was brought by the Noldor from Valinor.  But did the document actually exist in that time period?  For me, the answer is definitely not.
First of all, LACE was probably written by a Man, meaning it could not have dated back to Valinor in the years of the Trees, because Men hadn’t awaked yet.  In fact, the closest thing to an established frame narrative for it is that it was written by Aelfwine, who comes from the time period around 1000 CE (though Tolkien doesn’t seem to have pinned him down).  This is at least the fifth age, if not later.
But what if you don’t believe that it was written by a Man?  It still couldn’t have been written in the First Age, because it discusses the way the relationship between elves’ bodies and souls changes as ages go by.  For example:
As ages passed the dominance of their fear ever increased, ‘consuming’ their bodies... The end of this process is their ‘fading’, as Men have called it.
A lot of time has to go by in order for elves to get to the point of fading.  As a bonus, here’s another reference to the perspective of Men. LACE also discusses the dangers that “houseless feas”, which are souls of elves who do not go to Mandos after their bodies died, pose to Men.  How would they have known about that in the First Age?  It further says that “more than one rebirth is seldom recorded” (which isn’t contradicted anywhere I know of), and that’s not something you would know during your life of joy in Valinor, where almost nobody dies.  That’s something you learn after millennia of war.  This has to be a document written well after the Silmarillion ends.
So what about the sex part?  That’s all we care about, right?  Well, it is entirely possible that this was written down by the elves and Aelfwine translated it (though my impression is that he mostly recorded stories told orally to him and that elves were not very much into writing, at least in Valinor where you could get stories directly from someone who experienced them).  However, why would the elves write this down?  They know how quickly their children grow up.  They’ve seen actual marriages.  They don’t need that described to them.  And if they did have a specific document or story explaining the expectations of them when it comes to sex and marriage, why would they call it “Laws and Customs”?  That’s a very strange name for a set of rules for conduct.  I’m sure they had a list of laws written out somewhere in great detail, like our own state or national laws (that seems very in character for the Noldor, at least).  But I seriously doubt that those laws are what we’ve been given to read. LACE is not an elvish or Valinoran document.
Is LACE prescriptive or descriptive?
Here’s the other big question I’m interested in.  Prescriptive means that the document describes the way people should behave.  Descriptive means that it describes how people do behave.  And the more I worldbuild for Middle Earth and the culture of elves, the more I want to say that LACE is prescriptive in its discussion of sex, marriage, and gender roles.
But wait.  I’ve been saying for paragraphs that I think LACE is Aelfwine or another Man’s ethnographic study of elvish culture.  Then it has to be descriptive, right?
Does it?  How long do we think Aelfwine stayed with the elves?  Did he wait fifty years to see a child grow up?  Did he get to witness a wedding ceremony?  Did he meet houseless fea?  I don’t think he could have done all of that.  Maybe a different Man who spent his entire life with the elves could, but then when was this written?  When the elves were still marrying and having children in Middle Earth or when so much time had gone by that they had begun to fade already?
Whoever wrote this was told a lot of information by elves instead of experiencing it firsthand, the same way he heard the stories from the First Age from the elves instead of being there.  Maybe it was one elf who talked to him, maybe several different ones.  But did those elves accurately describe their society the way it was, give him the easiest description, or explain the way it was supposed to be?  If I was describing modern-day America, would I discuss premarital sex or just our dating and marriage customs?  Maybe people would come away from a talk with me thinking that moving in together equated to marriage for Americans in the early 21st century.  And I don’t even have an agenda to show America in a certain way, I'm just bad at explaining.  Did the elves talking to what may have been the first Man they had seen in millennia have an agenda in the way they presented themselves?
Or did the writer himself have an agenda?  Imagine going to see these beautiful, mythical, perfect beings, and you find out that they behave in the same immoral ways Men do.  Do you want to share the truth back home?  Or do you leave out things that don't match your worldview? Did Aelfwine come back wanting to tell people what elves were really like?  Or did he want to say “this is how you can be holy and perfect like an elf”?
Anyone studying the Age of Exploration will tell you that Europeans neber wrote about new cultures objectively, and often things were made up to fit the writer’s idea of what savages looked like. For example, my Native American history teacher in college told a story of how explorers described one tribe who (sensibly) didn't wear clothes as cannibals, because cannibalism and going around naked went together in their minds and not because of any actual incident.  Unbiased scholarship barely existed yet. Even Tolkien was extremely biased and tended to be imperialistic, as we all know.  There’s absolutely no reason to think that Aelfwine wasn’t biased in his own way.  (Of course, now we have to consider what biases a Danish or English man from the centuries around 1000 would have when it comes to things like gender roles. I assume he would have been more into divorce and female warriors than the elves are said to be.)
But is that what Tolkien intended? Probably not. He probably wanted LACE to be descriptive. But he also never got much of a chance to analyse the essay after the fact, which might have led to him discussing its accuracy and even the exact issues I just pointed out about explorers. Anyway, we know he's biased, and honestly, what he intended has never slowed down the fandom before.
In short, I take LACE to be a prescriptive document describing the way elvish culture is supposed to be, not a blueprint I have to stick to in order to correctly portray elves.  I also don’t believe the document that’s available for us to read existed even in the early Fourth Age, where The Lord of the Rings leaves off.  There maybe have been some document outlining the moral behavior of elves, as a set of laws, but thats not the Laws and Customs we have.
Of course, canon is up to you to interpret.  If you want Feanor discussing LACE with someone back in Valinor, go ahead.  If you want to throw out LACE entirely, go ahead.  It’s not even a canonical essay.  All of this analysis is honestly useless when you consider the fact that no part of LACE exists in any canonical book.
But that’s Tolkien analysis for you.
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spnfanficpond · 5 years
October 2019 Pond LiveChat Recap
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We had a great time chatting with @evansrogerskitten tonight! Thank you so much for joining us and sharing your wisdom!
Today, we got together and talked about writing smut! We discussed the legalities around sharing smut on the internet, vocabulary choices, created a spreadsheet of terms we can all share and use, and encouraged each other to not be afraid to just write. A rundown of the chat, as well as general Pond news, is below the cut. Due to the nature of the chat, there may be some parts of this recap that might be considered NSFW. 
To start us off, @mrswhozeewhatsiswrites shared some research into the legalities of posting erotica on the internet as it relates to minors. (We are not legal experts. This information was obtained through Google searches. If anyone can provide links to sources that contradict these, we will add them to this post to ensure the most correct information is provided here.)
Michelle: To try and keep it short and sweet, from everything I read, if a minor reads smut online, it's not the writer's, poster's, or web site's responsibility to keep it from them. It is the parent's, or the school's/library's responsibility. (Basically, whoever is providing the internet connection to the minor is responsible for filtering out content that might be harmful to that minor, not the parties creating or disseminating that content online.) Schools and libraries and other institutions that get government funds are usually required to have some sort of filter in place to prevent minors from accessing porn and erotica. 
What makes this so difficult to research is that written erotica is not mentioned very often in obscenity laws. Most laws focus on images or videos, not the written word. 
No matter what it is, though, to be prosecuted under obscenity laws, the material must first be ruled to be obscene. Legally, there is a difference between obscenity and erotica. Obscenity is generally illegal, and erotica is protected speech. There are many different sets of rules and guidelines that have been used to determine if something is considered obscene or not. The most widely used current set of guidelines is the Miller test. From my research, most (if not all) erotic fan fiction would not be considered obscene because of its ‘literary, artistic, political, or scientific value’.
Some interesting links in relation to this subject that go into detail:
Wikipedia - US Obscenity Law - About halfway down, there is a section on non image-based obscenity cases in the US. The first part of this section, which deals with the written word, is very enlightening about the differences between obscenity and erotica. Further down is a section about criticism of the laws which shows some of the gaps in the law where free speech lives. Continuing on, the section about censorship in schools and libraries explains the part CIPA (Children’s Internet Protection Act) plays in protecting minors from material that could be considered harmful to them.
Online Art Rights - Sexual Content - This site details the many attempts at limiting indecent material on the internet through the years. (Scroll down and click on the plus signs in the black bars to expand each section.) In each case cited, the court ruled that to ban all objectionable material would interfere with free speech because it would reduce all content to a level appropriate for children. They also concluded that since less restrictive means exist, such as user-controlled filters and the like, those tools can be used without reducing all discourse on the internet. The section on Child Pornography at the bottom might be of interest to anyone who writes Weecest smut, though.
The only possible exception that I think would affect the SPN fandom would be those who write Weecest smut. Child pornography seems to be the exception to every rule that protects free speech. Where every other depiction of a sex act might have a ‘but’ that makes it erotica (and therefore legal) instead of obscenity, child pornography in any medium is considered obscenity. Anything that even just looks like child porn is considered child porn, even if no children were a part of the making of it. This includes cartoons and CGI and adults made up to look like kids. If it’s advertised as children in a sexual situation, it’s child porn. So, I imagine it could extend to written erotica IF someone were to decide to push it.
Now, that’s a huge if. Someone would have to read it, object to it, and insist on prosecution for it. I think if that were going to happen, given 15 years of SPN fan fiction, it would have happened by now. But I would still keep my Weecest smut-free, or implied, or at least over the age of consent (which varies, so 18 is just easiest to use). 
Also, AO3 complies with the laws regarding filtering for minors. If you do not have an account, you are required to click through a step that tells you that you are about to view something explicit. That's really all that sites and such are required to do. Hence, Tumblr making you click through and view on dash blogs they mark as explicit.
@emilyshurley I think there might also be a sorta solution just to play it safe. I saw that people who make mods for games like Sims 4 and stuff have a page for terms of download. What that is is that if you click their masterlist it will take you to a post where they list their conditions and have the words "I agree" and link the actual masterlist to that. Now this might take a little effort but we could add something similar before our masterlists.
This is all legal stuff, not site-specific rules. Each site can implement their own decency rules and enforce them how they see fit. For example, Tumblr, as a company, can decide to delete your blog. (They’ve stopped doing this since The Purge, now just marking each blog explicit and making you click on a couple things to get to those blogs they deem explicit.) Should they choose to do this, it does not mean that you’re in trouble with the law.
Now, onto the fun stuff!
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Q: What is the first thing you think of when someone asks you for advice about writing smut?
Ash: Word choice- don't make the reader cringe. It's easy to fall into that because smut can be graceful and tasteful if it's done right. And that starts with thinking through word choice and how the scene is flowing. It's not easy to write smut! I think a lot of non-writer readers do not realize that.
Note: During the chat, we created a Google Sheets spreadsheet, with two sheets in it, with lists of words to use to refer to different things when you’re writing smut. The first sheet is Good Words, and the second sheet is Bad Words. Everyone can enter words they like and don’t like on both sheets, and we’ll crowd-source this problem! Check it out and add your favorites!
Michelle: A smut scene takes ten times as long for me to write as anything else. Just keeping track of limbs is difficult! And clothing....sometimes, I just make them dry hump so I don't have to deal with removing all the clothing! Other times, it's just, "Somehow, you suddenly found yourself naked." Like, there's a million great ways to get characters naked, but if I'm tired, angels snap.
@fictionalabyss (Mel): I've read stuff where a position makes no sense and it ruins the whole thing for me. Michelle: I actually bought a couple of those posable dolls from IKEA. (IKEA - GESTALTA, Artist’s figure)  @babypieandwhiskey (Cam): I’ll have to use my daughter’s old Barbie dolls! I can keep track of both limbs and clothing!
Q: Ash, what are a few of the words that turn you off when you're reading smut?
Ash: It's usually words that sound so "romance novel"-ish to me. So "turgid member" is a good example. Please no one ever write that. Mel: Sometimes, keeping it simple is the safest and best bet. Ash: Absolutely, Mel! Sometimes we don't need all the extra words if we're showing the heat that's already there between them. 
[What followed was a long discussion of various terms you definitely should not use in serious smut. They’ve all been added to the spreadsheet linked above, so fee free to check it out.]
Michelle: EVERYONE has those words that squick them, and it's damn near impossible to write a smut scene that doesn't include a word that will squick someone out there. So, don't stress about what words you do or don't use, cuz there's always gonna be someone out there who doesn't like something. Just make sure YOU think what you're writing is hot. If you don't get warm under the collar from it, no one else will, either. Ash: I highly recommend everyone is reading their fics out loud to see how it all flows. You'll catch errors and weird words there too.
Q: Ash, how do you get in the frame of mind to write something you personally have never experienced? For example, certain kinks.
Ash: Whiskey? LOL No, I do a lot of research- google, porn, erotica. Trying something out in person helps too! But we're writing fiction. You can make a kink work for your scenario too.I mean, I've written a reader squirting after 5 minutes to move things along but we all know it takes longer usually. And that's the fun! I've never actually been with 2 dudes but I f-ing love writing it. @atc74 (Angelina): I've always said I don't need to kill someone to write a murder scene. Ash: Smut is all about having an open mind. It lets us and the readers be someone else. 
Question submitted earlier by @erins-culinary-service: I've wanted to try writing smut but never known exactly how to start and what words to use to describe everything. I've had sex so I know the sensations, positions, etc I'm just not sure how to write it all down any advice?
Ash: So sometimes I can't just start from "they kissed..." I start wherever I can see it best. So is it oral sex, or already doing it, I just jump in. And then I come back and fill it in. And I just write, no stopping once I get going. So the "cock into her hole" can be fixed later on my next edit. I just gotta get the idea out and then go back and make it hot. My smut is never hot in my first draft.  Michelle: I think that's what stops a lot of writers, is thinking they have to publish their first draft. Editing is totally a thing. Just get the ideas on paper, and then make them hot later. Ash: Oh yeah, I go through at least 3 drafts per fic. Plus my beta version. Yeah, no one is ever going to see your drafts so don't worry about starting somewhere, anywhere.  Michelle: And remember, practice practice practice - As with any writing, the more you write it, the easier it becomes. I wrote Third Wheel as a way to challenge myself with writing smut. Do a kink bingo or alphabet challenge. Just remember, you’re gonna write crap at the start, but crap makes good compost. Ash: Taking some time between edits is important too. It'll help you see different ways, AND you'll start having breakthroughs during the time away. Bingos are a great challenge that will help a writer grow.  Cam: Writing smut is like sex, you're first time is going to be awkward and things won't be perfect, but with practice it gets better. Mel: I have a series that shows even the millionth time having sex isn't perfect and can be all laughs 🤣. But yeah.
Question submitted earlier by @focusonspn: i wanted to know about ways and words to describe orgasms and how to approach the moment after it without being awkward or forced. some people say those are the easiest things to write, but somehow i always have a hard moment trying to write them.
Ash: Hmmmm, as for the moments after- that's understandable, it is hard because its a transition. I think it's doesn't have to be an extended part of it- unless they're about to have a talk or aftercare needs a scene, it can be as simple as "we drifted off to sleep." Michelle: As always, my advice is to read smut that other people write that you like, and take note of what they do. Mel: Someone can get up and get dressed and leave. They can play in the fluids. They can lay there catching their breaths for a moment. It can be simple. Sometimes it doesn't need a flourish and that flourish can make it seem forced. Michelle: I think it depends on what type of smut fic you're writing. Is it fluffy smut where they're all in LOVE and kissy and stuff? Or is it Soulless Sam and Demon Dean just getting down and dirty and claiming you for themselves? Or, Soulless Sam or Demon Dean just getting their rocks off and they don't give a shit? @emilyshurley (Emily): Also this might be my f*cked up brain but I think if someone is not comfortable with a lot of fluffy buildup to smut trying soulless!Sam or Demon!Dean could be a great start. You also have a little room to do a little out of character.  Michelle: We are blessed with a world that includes all types of characters and all types of situations, from curses (sex pollen, love potions, etc) to supernatural beings, to inspire and give us chances to write all kinds of smut. There are no limits to what you can do in Supernatural, so there are no limits to what we can write.  Ash: Yeah we can really make most kinks work in some way in the SPN worlds.  Emily: Also again with going out of character I read a captain America fic where it could have been a little out of character how he jumped straight to sex (someone commented that) but sex pollen made it work. So basically these tropes/kinks can also be good devices for writing NSFW fics to if you struggle to get the characters write in the beginning.
Other links mentioned:
Emily: I saw this advice list on Tumblr, so thought I should share it: List of Smut Writing Guides
Ash: This one, too: @smut-101′s Smut Tips Masterlist 
And last, but definitely not least...
Ash: Always, always, always write for you. Readers come and go but you have to be satisfied and proud of what you've written. And everyone should get so much credit for trying to write smut. It's difficult but its does get easier and more fun with practice!
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General Pond Updates and Reminders
What we’ve got cooking up next: Not much, at the moment, since everyone is busy, so we’re just trying to keep up with the day-to-day at the moment! Our to do list is still long, though, and will not be neglected forever!
Angel Fish Award nominations are accepted all month long! No need to wait to tell us how much you liked a fellow Fish’s work!  IF YOU HAVE SENT IN A NOMINATION, BUT HAVE NOT RECEIVED A PRIVATE MESSAGE CONFIRMING WE RECEIVED IT, WE DIDN’T GET IT. Be sure to use Submit instead of Ask!
Don’t forget to submit your stories to be posted to the blog! When your stories are on the blog, then they are easier to nominate for Angel Fish Awards!
Say hi to September’s New Members!
Check the Pond CALENDAR to see when Big Fish will be in the Skype chat room/discord general channel and other Pond and SPN events are happening! Know of something that’s not on the calendar, send us an ask or submission with the deets info details!  The calendar offers a lot of features, such as showing you when things are in your own timezone! Since we’re an international group, that’s a definite plus!!
We don’t have a topic or speaker set up for November’s event, yet, so if there’s something you want to talk about, or someone you want to talk to, LET US KNOW!
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Shipping Info!
answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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I mean, there’s a couple. I like LuciaxVergil cuz Lucia doesn’t get enough love when she really should. 
And there is one that most might not agree with, but imma say it anyway.
I really love VergilxLady. THAT'S RIGHT, I SAID IT. FIGHT ME x3
I don’t have any boundaries when it comes to shipping. give me fluff, give me angst, give me those special moments that make you go “Awe that’s cute af!” 
Well, obviously any muse under 13 with some that’s like 30. That’s just messed lol.
Anything past 12 years I guess. Any more than that and it’s a little weird, just a little.
Moderately yeah, but it's not because I don’t wanna ship. I’ll tell you right now I’m 100% Shipping trash. lol 
It’s just because Vergil is stubborn and is very independent and can just be hard to get to open up to anyone because he prioritizes his goals before anything and refuses to let himself get attached because he has the risk of losing them which tends to set him back. It’s not impossible, shipping is always possible, it just takes a bit for Vergil to open up to anyone.
Well, I do write smut, but only when it legit comes down to the moment. I guess as soon as a make-out session gets extra EXTRA physical involving the tugging of clothes then yeah it’s immediately going into a read more. Anything involving touching certain areas through the clothes, immediate read more. I don’t always write smut tho, it really depends if I feel like it or not. But when it comes to smut, it’s not really a must or a necessity, If someone is more comfy with a fade-to-black then that’s totally fine. But if both parties are up for it, then sure by all means,  let’s get steamy. Of course, the other mun needs to be at least 16+ to 17 (Since 16 is the legal age of consent in Canada) But below that, Fade-To-Blacks only.
 Lady and Lucia. I dunno who else really. I guess I always had a few from other fandoms I’ve wanted to try like a couple of crossover ships. Like for example, I’ve really been wanting to try Vergil and Velvet Crowe from Tales Of Berseria. There are a bit more but honestly, I could go on about wish ships forever so that’s all I’ll say for now. Trust me, I won’t stop if I get started XD
Not really, but at the same time bringing it by me is a good little heads up. Regardless no you don’t have to.
100% Shipping trash right here! XD
Well even if I’m shipping trash, shipping in a romantic sense isn’t always necessary. If its more of a sibling/guardian type thing then that's fine too. 
But when it comes to ships, my love for it can be raised pretty easily. It mostly depends on the chemistry and interaction shown between the two. If the characters are just hands down super cute, chances are, I’ll be 110% on board and crazy for it. So it all depends on the chemistry and interactions. If I really like it, then hell yeah lets nerd over it together. Overall, I love me some ships!
You bet!
Unfortunately, I don’t have a ship for Vergil within the DMC fandom currently ongoing. It’s a bit sad but, it’s just how it is atm. But I have one crossover ship I’m loving a lot.
It’s a ship with @arctxcstalkxr  
Because VergilxMizore is my jam rn. I even have a fanfic series based on it because I love it that much. It’s so awesome!
But I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want a DMC ship with Vergil. Hopefully, that can happen at some point. So if any lucky DMC girl wants to ship with Vergil then come at me! I’ll be here screaming lol
Pretty simple really. Flirt with Vergil, Tease Vergil, pester him with hints. Create good chemistry and make him head over heels! Send in shippy memes, fluffy memes. Don’t hold back because Vergil is SUPER stubborn.
 I definitely encourage anyone who wants a ship with Vergil to just come at him! Because remember:  Good Chemistry = A Beautiful Ship!
TAGGED BY TOTALLY NOT STOLEN FROM:  @rachel-of-slaughter TAGGING: Honestly, I have no idea atm. So anyone who sees this, you are AUTOMATICALLY tagged!
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dearmyjimin · 7 years
i want to say that you should write a fic that you yourself would read. there's no point catering to people's specific preferences, because there's always someone who is going to disagree with how you've done something. as long as everything is properly tagged and isn't problematic (racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/includes underage idols) then write how you want to write :) xx
Thank you ;~; I will definitely take note of these because well a fic takes longer time than graphics and you’d certainly not want people to hate your hardwork.. but yup ofc the tags and stuff would be very important since the fandom has minors and we wouldn’t want them to learn the wrong things!
Anonymous said: for your writing thing; I think you could take a look arnd inktaes kind of angst? she’s very good at it 👌
oh!!! ok i’ll take a look, does she write on tumblr or on AO3?
Anonymous said: hi! about your incest question, although fiction is fiction, if its about real people, i really wouldn’t write about incest, because its just disrespectful? Like i wouldn’t want that kind of thing linked to my name, even if its just fanfiction. But thats just my personal opinion - Hope this helps! :D
You’re being very kind about this ^^/ thank you! And yeah another anon was talking about this too, like jimin and his real bro would be gross, but taehyung and jimin written as brothers is still acceptable since they aren’t brothers in real life. I’ll take your opinion into consideration because yeah I have siblings too and i shudder thinking about it as well! So, I get what you mean !!
Anonymous said: oh but i don’t think rape scenes should ever be written in a fic involving real people!!!!!
Ooh!! Okay yup I’ll take note of this!! I’ve not written about that before and I don’t think I would write about it anytime soon… ^^
Anonymous said: i think incest is a really complicated topic ;; i would say it’s not ok if it involves real people and their real siblings, but if it’s fictional characters or two real people just written as brothers for the story it’s more ok. and for stuff like rape, i think if you’re going to write it it needs to be written in a very sensitive way, if that makes any sense… and ofc everything needs to be tagged appropriately
yup i agree, its super complicated and sensitive to talk about ;; yup another anon brought up the same point as you, about real siblings (no, no!) and two real people who aren’t siblings irl (still ok). And yeah no, I doubt I will write stuff about rape tbh I don’t have any fic ideas about it too. Thanks for letting me know how you feel! ^^
Anonymous said: Please don’t :/
Okay ^^;
Anonymous said: Please don’t fucking write something like that, that’s disgusting…
I was just asking around for opinions !!
Anonymous said: Hmm, I think fanfiction with incest/incestuous themes is okay, as long as the characters are not blood relatives in real life and the proper warnings are given. For example, I think it would be okay to write about vmin in an incestuous relationship, but it would not be okay, at all, to write about a bts member (or whoever) in an incestuous relationship with their blood relative in real life.
Yup someone else said the same thing as you, which seems to be the general consensus. Thanks for letting me know!!! ^^
Anonymous said: I think the (my) problem with incest is that I always want a happy ending in fic (and stories in general) but I don’t want brothers to end up together, so that clashes, you know? And yeah, rape should totally not be a thing, at least not portrayed in a good light!
Oh yeah… I doubt fics with incestuous themes will have a happy ending, it’s more like portraying a character undergoing that huge emotional turmoil of thinking about something so wrong and immoral…. and yup rape shouldn’t never be portrayed in a good light ;~;
Anonymous said: If they’re just step-siblings, only bound by their parent’s marriage/relationship, then it’s not incest. So, the step-siblings could have a relationship if they want, but it’s not going to be pleasant or “cute” in my book.
Yup that’s kinda true, like if character A was introduced/adopted at a young age and has absolutely no blood-relation to character B, maybe it will be more acceptable i guess? But another anon was saying how its still weird because they have step-siblings they grew up with, so i’m still trying to get more opinions from ARMYs ^^;;
Anonymous said:  (I’m “since it’s fiction” anon) What I mean is that I think it’s ok to occur in fiction but not in a way where it can be misinterpreted as something ideal/desireable because incest is prohibited in so many countries and it can also lead to genetic disorders if were to get pregnant and if it’s with someone before or during puberty it actually counts as sexual assault towards children which is one of the most damaging traumas for kids to experience, so no thank you and no no for young people 2read
Yup ok, agreed! incest cannot be glamourised as something ideal and desirable and the author must be responsible to craft the story in a way that still frowns upon this. And yup I get the the prohibition and the genetic disorders part and yeah :/ we wouldn’t children and minors to think its ok. Got it, i’ll take note of your opinion!! Thanks for letting me know!
Anonymous said: like i don’t think it’s appropriate or morally right to write about minors in a sexual manner especially if they’re real people. like a lot of people write about jungkook before he was legal and even when he became legal it was almost like people were waiting for that so they could write smut about him. another would be r*pe but I also understand that there are ways to write r*pe without glamorizing the act.
Oh my .. yikes… :O yeah especially when the fandom is growing and we have young people with us, we need to be extremely careful ;;
Anonymous said: Mmmm incest is abusive and traumatizing to people esp when it happens to kids so to write it in a fic you’d have to be super careful if ur gonna make it angst or just.. not write it at all lmao bc most incest fics I feel like just romanticize it and make it gross. Why would someone want to write about such a topic
Hmmm if I guess people write it between, let’s say, two BTS members, the author perhaps just wants to write about forbidden love because yeah we all know such love isn’t possible. But I’m not too sure though.. it’s just a guess on my part. From the opinions given I think it’s more like people are sorta ok if the two characters are not brothers in real life.
Anonymous said: Does a threesome with two brothers/sisters count as incest? 🤔
For me, I will classify it as incest! 
Anonymous said: I would read it if it was stepbrothers, but blood related might be a bit too out of the social norms for me 😬
Okay ^^ noted!! 
Anonymous said: (i hope its not too late to tell u this??? lol) as long as you dont encourage themes like rape, incest, etc and dont write about real people in such situations i guess its fine
Hmm nope it’s not too late to tell me this :) And yeah nope i was just thinking about the idea of writing it in a fic and was just wondering how people would feel about it! Yup other anons were saying that writing about real people is a big no no and it shouldn’t be encouraged, which i agree too! 
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