fuckedprophet-arch · 1 year
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- Slow Dancing in The Dark : JoJi
- Touch Tank - Quinnje
- Lust for Life : Lana Del Rey & The Weekend
- I know you care : Ellie Goulding
- When you were young : The Killers
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dailydemonspotlight · 2 months
dude i fucking love your series so much, every time you post i get so excited i love learning even more about the demons in smt rahhhhh. anyways can you do lilith? i love like loveeeee her new design in vengeance and think she looks so cool :3.
Lilith - Day 76
Race: Night/Qadištu
Arcana: Devil
Alignment: Neutral-Chaos
July 22nd, 2024
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Abrahamic mythology has a lot of rather infamous figures who lay on the more... 'evil' side of things, so to speak. Of course, we have demons like none other than Lucifer himself, to the demons of the Ars Goetia, to even more morally gray figures like Mastema. However, a character that is among the most interesting (and confusing) in the several variations of Abrahamic myth has to be Adam's first wife, a woman who refused to be subservient to her husband- the powerful turned-demon, Lilith.
First off, I just wanna say that I ADORE her redesign as a Qadištu in Vengeance. As someone who just started playing Vengeance for the first time, I love all of the Qadištu almost equally, but Lilith's redesign hits incredibly hard for someone who was already a massive fan of her original design. Her joining this quartet of demonesses is an incredibly nice idea, and I'm, again, a major fan of her redesign. Even though all of the Qadištu originate from Abrahamic mythology, Lilith is a notably obvious example, though of course, this isn't the only design she's had throughout the series. She's had several redesigns, being one of the most recurring demons throughout the series- whether it be her full tits-out design in SMT I, to the most recurring design, her classic look originating from the Playstation port of SMT I, to even her incredibly alien design in SMT IV. Of course, like a lot of recurring demons, she's also one of the most iconic figures in Abrahamic mythology, so why don't we get into that?
Lilith's existence is somewhat contested in scholarly circles, being never actually mentioned in most translations of the Bible- in the original text, Lilith is used as a word for 'creature of the night,' literally translated to 'Night Monster,' though some translations also translate it as screech owl. Most knowledge of her as Adam's first wife appears to be based on extrapolations, as well as what can be seen almost as a plot hole in the Book of Genesis, as two differing creation myths seem to connect back to the idea that there was an 'Eve before Eve,' or 'first Eve.' In the story, while God was presenting animals to Adam, it's said that he may have presented another human to him due to contradictory accounts of the biblical text. This seems to be where Lilith comes into the Bible, being commonly believed to be a woman who refused to submit to Adam, and as such, left the Garden of Eden after failing to satisfy Adam and believing herself to be equal to him. This led to Eve coming into being, a subservient being to Adam. Don't look at me, sexism was just... a thing back in the day.
After her escape, Lilith bore several children, though she was threatened by an angel that they would kill those children. After said children were, well, slaughtered, she grew furious and began to birth demon children known as Lilim... who probably deserve their own spotlight somewhere down the line. It turns out that the demons who began to replace her children were powerful enough to go toe-to-toe with the angels, and joined the demonic ranks somewhere down the line... I think. As revenge on top of this, Lilith also began to ruthlessly target children, apparently being responsible for stillbirths, and if one wasn't to circumcise their child if they were born a boy, she would invoke her wrath unto them as well. How? I dunno! But I guess that's why people are circumcised. How do these always eventually come back to screwing with the genitals? Whatever.
However, where Lilith herself came from is actually an ancient Sumerian text, where she's depicted as a succubus and demoness who first appears in the text 'Gilgamesh and the Huluppu Tree.' In the text, she appears as a demon who builds a house in the domain of a goddess of eroticism, right under the titular Huluppu tree. Gilgamesh, a grand hero depicted in many Abrahamic texts, appears and strikes down the house and Lilith herself for sullying the garden. This story paints her as a sort-of symbol of feminine rebellion, something which would be convenient and easy to extrapolate into being Adam's first wife. Given the connections between Sumer and most Abrahamic religions, it was easy to see the purported first wife of Adam before Eve being, well, Lilith! Recently, the few sources we have on Lilith, however, have been heavily disputed, but as one of the only origins I can work off of, I have to take what I can get.
Her scant references as 'Lilit' in the original Hebrew bible seem to have been what gave her life in the extrapolations, as even though she was referred to exactly once, her role in Sumerian mythology seemed to make a perfect connection to make her into Adam's first wife. Another source we can work off of for Lilith, past the Mesopotamian text, however, is that of an indisputable reference to her in none other than the Dead Sea Scrolls, being as follows.
And I, the Instructor, proclaim His glorious splendour so as to frighten and to te[rrify] all the spirits of the destroying angels, spirits of the bastards, demons, Lilith, howlers, and [desert dwellers] ... and those which fall upon men without warning to lead them astray from a spirit of understanding and to make their heart and their ... desolate during the present dominion of wickedness and predetermined time of humiliations for the sons of lig[ht], by the guilt of the ages of [those] smitten by iniquity – not for eternal destruction, [bu]t for an era of humiliation for transgression.
This does seem to show that Lilith is a part of Abrahamic mythology, though some sources, such as several Rabbi, claim her not to be. It's a very complicated topic overall, as almost everything around Lilith tends to be- her murky stories seem to be based primarily off of educated guesses, unfortunately. However, with her being mentioned in one of the oldest surviving sources for Biblical study, she does appear to be, well, around, so to speak. While still vague and obscure, she's definitely a force that appears to exist.
Now, with all of that out of the way, her depictions in SMT are incredibly varied, but I'd like to specifically point to her in SMT IV, being a tempter who brings Walter to her side. A lot more can be said of her depictions, but this DDS is growing rather long, so I'll have to cut it short. However, given her calling to Flynn and Walter to partake in the apple of knowledge, I love the allusion she gives to her role as Adam's first wife, and perhaps even being the tempter of Adam himself to eat the apple.
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starkeysprincess · 2 months
── .✦ fic authors self rec game ── .✦
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let's spread the self-love
ty @xxbimbobunnyxx @rafescurtainbangz @bimbotrashcan for the tag MUAH <3
⟡ late night needs my very first rafe fic which ended up being perv!bsf!rafe, this is my baby tbh, i have so much love for it and i'm so glad others loved it ⟡ spending fourth of july w trevor had to include this one bc i loveeeee trevor from hellraiser & this was my first & only (so far) trevor smut ⟡ blackmail i honestly enjoyed writing dark!rafe + i'm hoping to write more of him ⟡ dry humping listen...i'm a bsf!rafe enthusiast that's really all i gotta say ⟡ calling rafe selfish in bed don't even get me started on this one...likeeeeee mean!rafe + overstimulation ???? this was fun to write imo
no pressure tags: @chimindity @starkeyisthelastname @oceandriveab @babygorewhore @drudyslut
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skele-bunny · 13 days
omg are there any plans to continue the fallen angel!Phantom stuff you wrote in July? I just saw it and it was SOOOOO good!!!! I would LOVEEEEE to read a series on this!!
also, slightly related but only kinda? do you have any kind of masterlist or smth? so its easier to find your different works and like which works/hcs fall into which AU?
Fun fact! That AU is actually being written by the original anon! If I get their permission to out, I'd love to share their works as the first chapter is up!!! I don't have plans to continue it, no, I apologize!!!
I don't have a master list at the moment, but I am slowly working on one! It'll be separate by CW & Characters. Also, please know, you made me start tweaking out from all the old rb's you just did /silly LMAO I GOT SO NERVOUS WJEJ
That was me
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campbyler · 9 months
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you fr knocked this one out of the fucking park thea like full on grand slam, everyone made it to home and the ball went so far we couldnt even see where it landed i am very thankful that you guys take the time to write these chapters so well anyway happy holidays 🫶 (and merry july in christmas lmao)
AHHHH OMGGGGG SUCH A LENGTHY REACTION I HAVE BEEN SO BLESSED!! LET ME TRY TO RESPOND PROPERLY (picture me cracking my knuckles without cracking them ty)
i am loving this play by play of everything!! i do need u to know that this has been Exactly what my brain has been doing on overdrive since likeeeee. february or march when we first drafted the concept for ch9 😭😭😭 i loveeeeed including the detail of mike's fanny pack and it's def most of the reason why i really want to draw their outfits!! i think will's starbucks job has either only been mentioned once or has only been mentioned on this blog, but it's a very important part of the universe #2 #me 💚 ALSO HELLLOOO I HOPE YOU ARE ALIVE AND OK AFTER ALMOST FALLING OUT OF YOUR BED???
i will sayyyy the ted story was definitely a bit of projection teehee (thanks #mom) but i did think it fit superrr well and was a really strong reason for why owning the car would be so important to him! i was so excited to be able to have him open up this chapter as well :')
i did have to debate between using snoopy and kermit for mike's passcode but kermit won out!! also YESSSS U ARE HITTING THE NAIL ON THE HEAAADDDDDDD!!!!!!!!!
ty so so so MUCHHH for your kind words and huge reaction, i'm so glad you enjoyed!! happy holidays and merry christmas in july!!!
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dearemma · 2 days
Loveeeee your Sylvie gifs soooo much ❤️
Just wondering what your thoughts are on this - if we had ever saw Sylvie’s paternal biological family - who would you cast as:
Her biological father
Her biological paternal half sister (if any)
Her biological paternal half brother (if any)
Her biological paternal grandparents
first, can we just... the fact that julie's actress last name is deadmon... deadmom, it kills me every single time i rewatch one of those episodes.
biological father - simon baker - i just feel like this entire family is blonde. we don't know anything about her father (thanks show <3), i was torn between simon and someone with a harsher face, like jr bourne. in the end, i went with simon who has a more similar warmth to sylvie.
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biological partner half sister - jess bush - look i know the other half of my blog that is not just sylvie brett 24/7 is jess bush, but this is not bias, this is actually the reason why i got curious originally about sylvie.
i was going through snw withdrawal (and an unrelated depressive episode) and went huh, those actresses sort of look alike, i wanna meet this character. and then i started watching the show and fell in love with sylvie, and realized that what i glimpsed in gifs was absolutely correct: they do have very similar vibes, expressions, and little facial tics that just scream sisters to me!!
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biological paternal half brother - hunter parrish - his chin really reminds me of kara's, i think he would be a pretty good choice, plus he is so pretty and really matches simon.
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discluded · 2 years
HIIII from where is the mileapo vintage date from? The one where apo wears a white tank and cap and mile in a black shirt. I keep seeing clips but never a full video!!! And im dying bcos they’re giving me hongkong movie stars/ models vibe i loveeeee
hi! so according to Bee (@xzybkp on twitter) it was a vlog posted by a fan club, and now that fc deactivated. Bee posted clips and photos they had compiled 🥰
Because tumblr sucks I'm not going to post the videos since I'm too lazy to pull them from twitter and then re clip them into one video but you can see Bee's thread here.
This took place in July 2021, which for context was when Filmania's KPTS was officially cancelled (circa July 3) and they were working to gather sponsors and hustle to put together BOC
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and also yes there are multiple vintage dates... at least three they posted enough videos/photos that we have a general sense of what they did that day (multiple outfits = probably not the same date).
also. feeling a little ���🫠🫠 over Apo's lesbian trucker look
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moyazaika · 2 months
My birthday was on the 25th of July, but due to certain circumstances we couldn’t have a celebration with my family (both sides of my family). I had a small celebration with some family on my actual birthday and it was really nice, but we will be having another celebration on the 3rd of August, this time with both sides of my family and also with some family friends. It’ll be Spider-Man themed because I’m a sucker for him. I had wanted to do a “dress inspired by a marvel character” but I don’t think it’ll happen. I’ll save you a plate of cake and also some of the food served. A family friend will be cooking and he’s amazing.
Know for a fact that the moment some sort of lore of Red is dropped, I’ll be the happiest person on the planet. I’ll defend their actions with everything I’ve got, they’re my beloved and they have a special place in my heart. I just wanna get inside their head (and Valentine’s too) and just,,, learn. I kinda feel like the pathetic yan, maybe that’s why I like him so much. But,,, I just need to understand them. Or maybe just to learn more and more and slowly piece together all the information given. I love your characters, they’re probably the first ones who have me like this.
So, while I was reading the part about the scene bitches I actually snorted and almost choked on my drink. The same thing happened while rereading an ask an anon sent that said “It’s always 2 dumb bitches telling each other exactlyyy”. I’ll keep them in the small folder I have of things that make me laugh. There’s many amazing anons here and even if they may not know me, I love all of them.
My middle school self felt attacked by the “he would totally make a powerpoint presentation and it definitely has those stupid fucking star transitions that are so slow they take 3 entire seconds to get to the next slide.” I felt so cool adding transitions and animations and even those clapping sounds in the end, now I see why some classmates thought I was weird /j😭 Twinning with pathetic yan
My main language is considered a romantic language (Spanish), so I can’t really say much regarding the preference Europeans have for themselves. Latin Americans winning once again- Still, I love languages, I love learning, and so far I’ve seen so many amazing phrases and words that have me just frozen in place having to understand just how beautiful a word or a phrase can be. Languages can be such a beauty, I’m hopelessly devoted to them. Something I wanted to share: There’s this word in Nahuatl (native language in Mexico) which is “apapacho” that could be translated in English to cuddle. It means “to caress with the soul”. It’s one of my favorite words. And there’s also this phrase in Nahuatl which is “Mitztemoa noyollo” which could be translated to “My heart looks for you”, which as far as I’m aware could be used to say you miss someone.
I feel like I write too much, end acting like some sort of overexcited puppy. I just get too happy, can’t help it. I’m jumping from one topic to the other 😭 anyways, hope you have an amazing week, you deserve it. Remember to drink water, eat well, and all the stuff you’re supposed to know. Keep the hard work but remember to rest when you need it! And even sometimes when you don’t feel like you need it but you’re supposed to. You deserve nice things, hope life treats you very well. Also, been thinking about drawing once again but I don’t really know what to draw, so please do share some ideas or stuff.
- With love, ❤️‍🩹 anon.
BRO I /COMPLETELY/ MISSED THIS ASK HEART NONNIE BELOVED HELLO <333 always loveeeee hearing from uuuu 💗💗💗
i hope ur bday was the loveliest so far!! as well as your actual celebration. would have been a week since then, but nevertheless i hope u enjoyed yourself!! spider man themed oh yEAHH i remember we gushed over the spider verse movies around the time the second one was popular good times haha when the internet was obsessed with o’hara fuck i need that man carnally 😂🙏🏼
know that every time you mention my oc’s in an ask you send i am in love with the way u talk about them. it just feels so introspective and i can tell u put thought into what u say and it flatters me greatly bshshuhshushjsj
I REMEMBEE THE CLAPPING SOUNDS HAHSU back in the days we used to use microsoft powerpoint now everyone just wants to use google slides damn 💔💔 but the dissolve transition.. the star one… they will Never lose their charm that shit was fire
languages are so lovely!! ive always wanted to learn spanish purely bc i hear it’s relatively easy for english speakers apparently, but it sounds so different to anything i speak and conjugations and grammar rules fuck me up and i’m scared 😭😭
my heart. my heart What. my heart. MY HEART LOOKS FOR YOU. IM FLOORED GAGGED THATS SO GORGEOUS OH MY GOD. bro. bro don’t even i’m like 2 seconds away from downloading duolingo i need this in my daily vocab ❤️❤️😭😭😭 oh that’s actually so beautiful; LOTE expressions of love my beloved <3 it reminds me of farsi’s jiggaram which is like,,, technically my liver,,, but comes off more as a term of endearment for people reeeealllllyy dear to the speaker and the connotations when speakers use it to mean like,, a part of myself i can’t be without,,, T_T I LOVE LANGUAGES THEYRE SO BEAUTIFUL 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
hmmmmmmmmmm i’m super indecisive so the worst person to ask for conclusive ideas or advice but maybe try drawing some marvel character? i know you like the mcu, so that might be fun!!!
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kvtnisseverdeen · 2 years
@tag 8 people you want to get to know better
tagged by: @footballandshit (thank you bestieeee!!)
name: farah
birthday: july 24
zodiac sign: leo (fun fact: everyone says that im not a typical leo bc leo’s are supposed to be confident but tbh i hate myself lol chile anyways....)
hobbies: loveeeee watching films/shows, editing on photoshop (its become a stress relief tbh!) and also trying new foods 
favorite colour(s): sage green
favorite book(s): i am the messenger by markus zusak and where the sidewalk ends by shel silverstein 
last song you listened to: out of time by the weeknd
last film you watched: you people on netflix....it was super corny 0/10 do not recommend 
something that helps people: honestly exactly what @footballandshit said in her post. being kind is so important. anytime i see even a stranger and feel like i can compliment them somehow, i make sure to say it bc you never know how an even small gesture can make a big impact in someone’s life. so next time you compliment someone in your head, just say it out loud! small acts of kindness are everything
i can't say this enough but every time people compliment my edits via tags i want to cry tears of joy it means sooo much to me!!!
meaning behind url: wanted to name my blog after a moroccan legend love u hakimi xoxo 
tagging @swaggypsyduck @mbabeys @hellcheerful @lydstilinsk @anchyxsblog @cryingforcrocodiles @doinggreat (don't feel obligated to do this btw :))) )
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reallyhailey · 4 months
hi i loveeeee the sim you posted on your page it was titled "certified slut", do you have the cc available to recreate for my game? if you don't mind of course
Heyyyyy sorry for the late, late, response. I more than likely will upload this sim too 😊 most likely wont be until like the first week of July, so my bad. But I’ll do it!
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oathome · 2 years
1 to 25! I want to know it allllll :D
waaa sweetest anon i hope you know what you asked for lol here i go i'll try and not rant on too much <3
Song of the year? hype boy by newjeans!! this song has truly cheered me up so often, it was my no. 1 on spotify wrapped as well with 160 listens lolol
Album of the year? honestly maybe 5sos5 bc it was just so so good ! the 2nd repackage album of nct dream was also very special to me <3
Favorite musical artist / group you started listening to this year ooo a fun one ! i think i'm gonna go with the aces bc i listened to them a lot in summer and i don't 'discover' indie/pop artists that often anymore as i listen mainly to kpop now :-)
Movie of the year? i watched barely any new movies this year lol my rewatching was worse than ever - i'll go with pixar's turning red bc i truly enjoyed it a lot !
TV show of the year? this has to be heartbreak high, the way this show just came to claim its place in my top 5 shows ever is truly big considering im such a nostalgic rewatcher - i love love LOVE it and i can't wait for season 2
Episode of tv or webisode that defined the year for you? ooo a difficult one ! honestly the last episode of season 1 of heartbreak high was a RIDE so thats coming to mind right now, but the first webisode of watcher's ghost files by ryan and shane was also such a moment <3
Favorite actor of the year? going heartbreak high again and picking thomas weatherall bc he made me fall SO in love with the character he played lol
Game of the year? i don't play games :-)
Best month for you this year? ooo maybe october! i love it always bc autumn but i also did some fun stuff including my copenhagen trip - special mention to july tho <3
Something you want to do again next year? go to concerts - it was the first time in a while due to covid and i was truly reminded of how much i loveeeee the experience of a concert
Favorite book you read this year? again... i only read things i've read before this year lol but i'm enjoying rereading the harry potter books a lot actually - it totally fits the autumn/winter vibes i'm loving rn and its just always so nostalgic to me
What’s a bad habit you picked up this year? i can't think of anything! a good sign haha
Post a picture from the beginning of the year
Stockholm <3
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14. Post a picture from the end of the year
they were putting the lights on the tree ! <3 (i put it in my insta stories lol thats the reason for the yellow heart)
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15. What’s something new about your place of residence (room, home, or general location) now vs the start of the year? im constantly putting new pictures up on the wall hehe <3
16. Favorite place you visited this year? i cannot choose one bc stockholm and marseille are tied at first place - both so lovely and fun, would 100% visit again
17. If you could send a message to yourself back on the first day of the year, what would it be? it's alll gonna be alright <3 hehe
18. Did you keep any New Year’s Resolutions? i try not to make them anymore honestly lol
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chittapornswife · 5 years
ok sksoeoding bht j lvoe tou so so sckifb and o hoper goure sleeping all nice and wbarn and bavhcng rn best and softest dreams ever and i hope you wanejp deady fibgake on the day always remember that you are ooeblrt and capable of eveyrhting tiu set your mindfto you are sitt subrayswandb eceruitng nice andbi lvoeyouuuuuu so so much 💖🌟💝💛❤️💝🍓💕💗💝💕🌙💕♥️❤️☁️✨💗🌟❤️💛
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im rewatching jatp instead of studying for the 3 tests i have tomorrow and i thought i would share my thoughts and reactions with each episode so enjoy!!....
wake up
- hearing the “1, 2, 3″ at the start of the episode gives me more serotonin than my antidepressants ever will
- julie’s slippers...that’s it...that’s the thought
- that dry ass pasta the molina’s are eating for dinner??? someone needs to give my man ray some cooking tips or a cookbook... something
-the looks the boys give julie when she says it was an OLD cd she found. as if they could be old??
-the entire julie and luke kitchen scene i mean there are no words to describe how much i am in love with scene. the banter, the flirting, luke giving this girl he literally just met an actual PIECE OF HIS SOUL so she can get music back into her life. not a single time have i watched that scene and not felt my heart literally grow cause of how cute they are. 
-the entire scene when julie is singing wake up. that scene is what made me literally CRAVE watching the other episodes. like of course i was going to watch them cause i wasn’t gonna just stop watching a show after one episode, and yes the show was good already but seeing the lighting and her voice, and just everything about the scene,,,,*chef’s kiss* 
-flynn drinking seven sodas....SEVEN??? i would be throwing up if i drank more than like 2 and she drank seven,,,no ma’am.
- flynn and her trumpet. talented queen
- “ i wouldn’t have given you the song if i didnt think you were gonna rock it.” lmaooo im crying:)
- i start tearing up every time julie goes to play the first notes of bright,,, and then i’m full on bawling when the guys come in and play with her cause...they weren’t playing to be seen they were playing to be there for her and play to comfort her. pls i love them<3
- nick vibing in the front row
- the tech guy deserves so much more praise
flying solo
- reggie’s little butt shake or whatever you wanna call it!!
- julie’s little laugh when she yells at the guys to stop it
- “and we’re on the runway again” GENUINELY one of my favorite lines of the whole show pls i love luke’s humor
-this is the first time i noticed this but reggie’s face after alex says “DONT TELL ME HOW TO GHOST!”
-WILLIE!!!!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE YOU<3333333
-the slow mo helmet take off,,,,me too alex me too
-willie’s little giggles:))))
- “oh-oh!”
- “no clue” alex i love you baby<3
- next season better give us a scene of flynn throwing eggs at someone’s house because i think it’s safe to say we were robbed of that experience. 
- the flying solo performance is just amazing
i got the music
- just the whole opening scene is so cute ....the dancing, singing, happiness RADIATING from julie 
-nick in an all white suit and fedora
- carefree skateboarder bf and anxiety ridden drummer bf
- yelling. in. museums. 
-alex thinking he’s literally dying again because of the salt... zero braincells in this band.
- another scene we were robbed of that i need to see in season 2...reggie singing “home is where my horse is” while alex and julie sit patiently and attentively listen to him but luke looks like he’s about to commit murder
- i get SO MUCH second hand embarrassment for julie when she looks through luke’s songbook and says “ wow luke I didn’t know you were such a romantic” julie baby i love you but...eekkkkk
- “he looks like a substitute teacher”- where did he come up with that like so many other things he could be compared to but a substitute teacher??
- “luke introduced you to rock” heck yeah it did.. literal soulmates
- would like to see a picture of the raccoon in Flynn’s backyard
- wee woo wee woo police sirens://///
- julie’s outfit ughhhh i love it
- the poster that im pretty sure says “sexiest role” behind caleb... why was that necessary 
the other side of hollywood
- i lose my absolute shit over this song omg literal chills
- the cape grab i cannot physically do this rn
- willie being so excited the entire performance and looking over to see alex’s reaction
- reggie being in awe everytime one of the girls performing does something.. me too reggie
-”well i wouldn't really call it mAAgiCcCC bUT”
- nick and his fedora again
- alex has a crush, alex has a crush on.....WILLIE
-the boys eating food for the first time in 25 years is honestly so realistic
-alex shoving a whole slice of pizza in his mouth
- lukes ‘OH MY GODDDDD’
- reggie kissing his meatball sub that looks painfully dry but also delicious 
- the continuation of the other side of hollywood performance and everyone dancing
-reggie imitating caleb’s evil laugh and owen trying so hard not to break
-me getting mad at the boys for not showing up for julie and being sad with her but at the same time i’m obviously not mad at the boys just...disappointed?? idk 
finally free
- how did julie get to the school if she missed the first three classes?? wasn’t she still at flynn’s house from the night before cause she slept over so did she walk to school or was she just sitting in flynn’s house by herself and one of flynn’s parents was like you gonna go to school or???
-dance class with nicky poo<3
-reggie fixing his amp in the rain
-julie’s blue dress outfit in this episode is my ABSOLUTE favorite 
- the birthday candle scene makes me sob like a little baby,,,and rightfully so
- julie smart, smart to be taking calculus as what a sophomore??
- all eyes on me yes queen iconic
- alex dancing is how i dance in my brain whenever the song comes on 
- finally free as a song is NEVER given enough credit and why not?? it’s my favorite song they do as a band AND the madison’s vocals and the echoing part omg i loveeeee
- and the whole performance with luke’s heart eyes. i count this performance as the moment luke like fell in love with julie...like full on just blown away with how much awe and admiration he has for her in that moment and all the time.
 - julie and luke singing “and you’re a part of me” while staring directly into each others soul,,,yeah that’s love kids
edge of great
- carlos being the ghost hunter he is and tía being done with him
- luke’s pouting face 
- reggie and ray making breakfast together is so wholesome. reggie really loves and seeks comfort in ray and i love that
- luke just waiting next to julie’s locker and his little “hey”
- the first time i watch this scene i thought charlie was from new york cause of the way he says “ i can't do this without you” and then i watched the cast interviews and just realized he is somewhat joey tribbiani 
- jealous luke hehehehehhehehe
- “well dont you look shARrP”- yes he does luke thank you very much
- “uh oh i think someone has a crush on julie” yeah you do you little shit,,, now admit it to her
- the proud look on luke’s face when he realizes julie is still paying attention to HIM even though she’s supposed to be having a full on conversation with nick
- the shoulder push ( as someone who has had their own shoulder pushed in the middle of a high school hallway as a weird way of flirting,,,,i can definitely somewhat attest to how luke is feeling in that moment and i too continued to flirt with the person who shoulder shoved me while we were still standing in the hallway)
- the flow from whatever the hell dance nick and julie are doing and the perfect harmony dance is so special to me and i love it
- i think people see my username and assume i like his hair in this scene but...ummm fun little fact i do not like it
- the dance is so good though ugh my babies
- the hair
- madison is gorgeous 
- another season 2 scene i need: julie teaching this dance to luke and they perform it in front of alex and reggie so they can see luke roll on the floor like that
-the hair
- the lift i loveeee
- the voices at the end of the song *chef’s kiss*
- the way julie spins out from luke and into nick omg so good
- “thAnKs pArTnER”
- luke denying his feelings for julie,,,babe pls
- the whole edge of great performance is so good and beautiful and the colors are SPECTACULAR 
-julie avoiding luke’s gaze lolz
- can't believe my mans really tried to deny he didn’t have feelings for julie like 5 hours earlier even though he’s getting upset because she hasn’t looked at him in 2 minutes
- when i finally learn how to play the electric guitar well enough to learn the guitar solo... it’s over for everyone
-nick just came to watch the girl he likes perform not watch her flirt with a hologram plssss can we give this man a break next season.
- “we have to say goodbye to julie”- that’s literally more important to luke than not playing music anymore because julie is music to him now
unsaid emily
-already crying and the episode hasn't even started
-willex in the orpheum
- alex literally being OVER reggie
- nope too emotionally unstable to watch this scene right now
- my therapist will be hearing about this tomorrow
- show us the baby picture of luke cowards
- this is such a beautiful song that makes me cry every fucking time gosh damn it
- everytime i watch the flashback scene of luke on his bike i think of “christmas song” by phoebe bridges and i cry even more
- i tried to learn how to play this song on my electric guitar (because i dont have an acoustic guitar) and i ended up crying half way through so i do not think i will be playing it anytime soon:/
- the harmonies *chef’s kiss*
- FAT tears rolling down my face
- there's literally not a moment i don’t cry during this episode
- interesting little relationship :0
- when i played percussion in 7th grade i used to lay down on the couch in the practice room at school ( which god knows what people did on that couch...ew) and stick my drumsticks up my nose too,,,, just another similarity between alex and i 
stand tall
- willie really drove a bus 200 miles into the desert for his crush
- i love willie no last name so much,,,i just wanna hold and protect him
- alex’s ballerina dance
-julie’s overall outfit i love<3
- “im swimming”
- the way carlos hangs up the iPad on tía makes me CRACK UP he’s just lmao bye girl
- another julie outfit i love
- “anything julie. you know that.” AHHHHHAASIDSJFPACISN love bitches
- the suits
- luke’s hair in this episode is so much better than the perfect harmony hair pls
- the way luke looks so restricted and confined in his suit... but at the same time he looks like a 10 week old puppy
-luke’s AGGRESSIVE but small foot tapping leading up to being on the stage
- the solos:)))))
- crying again over julie’s monologue to her mom
- julie really was brave enough to be ready to perform by herself
-the way Trevor looks at carrie when she says “been here before”
- this performance makes me cry
- especially the first time when i saw luke flickering...sobs
- he finally looks free in his suit:))
- alex’s solo is so pretty i love him
- reggie’s solo too 
- nick just straight up vibing the entire performance
- alex and luke holding hands...hehehe cute besties
- “thank you, guys” NO THANK YOU 
- the way julie begs for them to do something about the jolts for HER cause she knows luke would never say no to her
- “no music is worth making, julie, if we’re not making it with you,” I JUST SCREAMED AND IM PRETTY SURE I WOKE UP MY ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD...whoops
- going back to that line i could say so much about it but....for someone who’s life was literally MUSIC for the 17 years he was alive, and after finding out he could play music again even though he was dead and saying it made him feel alive, he would give that up- he would give up playing his guitar, playing in a band with his friends, give up writing and singing music- if he wasn’t doing that with julie. that’s more than saying i love you,,,that’s literally like saying i’d give up my ENTIRE LIFE and what i love to do if i dont get to do it with you
- i just made myself cry with that description...wow
-the hug<3
-also imagine how luke felt in that moment,,, hearing this girl, once again that he would give his life up for, saying in his ear that she loves them. i would motherfucking glow too, luke
- *passionately but gently holds each others faces*
- caleb’s outfit is....something
- the head turn plssss
this was so long and i am so sorry but if you read this far.....leave some of your own reactions or thoughts:)))
k goodnight im gonna, ugh, finally go study ://
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amazinggrace00 · 3 years
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Back To December
Chapter 1: Year 10 I watched you laughing from the passenger side
Rating: T
Relationship: Julie Molina/Luke Patterson, Alex Mercer/Willie (Background)
Tags: Ice Dancing, Yes this is based on a famous Canadian Ice Dancing Team, cursing, 10 year fic, we use Taylor swift songs whats new, Angst, Fluff, Olympics, Winter Olympics, Alternate Universe, Aged-Up Character(s), Injury
Chapter 1 Published: 9-28-2021
Chapter 1 Summary: Age 15 and 17. Julie and Luke make their senior debut.
Story Summary: Julie Molina and Luke Patterson, two incredibly talented people. Singers, songwriters, and just overall fantastic musicians.
Oh and also they are world-ranked ice dancers.
After Caleb Covington placed the 6-year-old Julie and 8-year-old Luke together as an Ice Dancing pair, the two have been dominating the competitions, rising in the ranks, and gaining fans based on their on-ice chemistry all over the world.
Making their international senior debut at age 15 and 17, the two dancers face career highs, lows, injuries, loss, heartbreak, and betrayal over the next ten years of their careers.
And maybe their on-ice chemistry is becoming an off-ice problem.
Keep Reading For A Excerpt
“Molina and Patterson, you finished bronze in your first big senior event, how do you feel?” Reggie asked, pretending to be a reporter with a water bottle as his fake microphone.
“Oh, it feels great. I think now is a good time to let everyone know that I will be officially retiring from the sport. I’m going out on top, sorry Julie. I hope you will be able to find a partner as good as me,” Luke joked, winking at her.
“You are an asshole,” Julie rolled her eyes. She grabbed the nearest pillow and attacked Luke with it, causing him to fall on his back on the bed he was sitting on.
“Okay stop it, Jules, you know that I’d never leave you,” Luke laughed, grabbing hold of the pillow, and throwing it across the room, hitting Alex.
“Hey!” Alex yelled.
Luke ignored him and took the distraction to grab a hold of Julie’s hands and flip her on the bed, pinning her down. “And you’d never leave me, Molina, cause you loveeeee me,” Luke teased her.
Julie squirmed, trying to break free. “Stop bringing up what I said to you during our two-week relationship when I was ten!” Julie shrieked.
“Oh yes, the forbidden romance of five years ago,” Kayla laughed, remembering the time the two partners ‘dated’.
“That they had to tragically end to save their business relationship,” Reggie added, smiling.
“I’ll always love you, Luke,” Flynn mocked, joining in on the fun.
“You weren’t even at Hollywood Ghosts yet,” Julie pointed out to Flynn, giving up on trying to get free.
“Yes but I’ve heard the great Romeo and Juliet love story numerous times. I think I have the entire timeline and every conversation memorized,” Flynn replied. “I love the ancient love story of my favorite business partners.”
“Me too. You guys are my favorite business partners,” Reggie said as he made a heart with his fingers.
“You love your business partner right?” Luke asked, loosening his grip on Julie’s wrist, but she made no move to escape.
“Sure Luke,” Julie sighed.
“But she loves Nick more now,” Alex said, pretending like he was whispering. This set off the room in another set of laughs.
“Fuck off Alex!” Julie screamed. “I don’t have any feelings for Nick anymore. That is ancient history.”
“Wait you love me more than Nick right,” Luke pouted, getting grumpy.
“Yeah Julie,” Kayla yelled over the laughter, “You love your business partner more than good old Nicky-Poo right?”
Julie closed her eyes and scrunched her face. Children, they were children. “Yes Luke, as one of my best friends, I love you more than our biggest competition that I used to have a small crush on,” Julie emphasized used.
“Good,” Luke said, and then finally got off of Julie so that she was totally free.
“Good choice Julie. I hear that Luke has more Senior Grand Prix Medals than Nick anyways,” Reggie laughed. This set off the room again, causing different jabs at Julie and Luke’s biggest competition.
“Bedtime?” Luke asked a little bit later as Julie’s eyes started to drift. Alex and Kayla had both already headed back to their rooms while Flynn and Reggie watched some videos on YouTube.
Julie nodded slightly, too tired to talk. Luke shifted, letting Julie’s head lay on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around her. Julie got comfy under her blankets while Luke stayed on top of them.
“We did good today Jules,” he whispered, right before she fell asleep. “You were amazing.” And Julie wasn’t sure if he kissed her forehead or not, as she was pretty much asleep. She was pretty sure she felt his lips against her, but she might have just dreamed it.
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ggsstudies · 4 years
an update on how i use notion
if you don’t know about notion, i’ll give you a quick summary of what it is!
notion is an app centered around productivity and is available on all platforms. it’s extremely customizable and i would recommend everyone to use it. i would suggest checking out some youtube videos or some of my other posts about notion to learn more. 
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this is my home page in notion! it took me quite a bit to organize it in a way that i really liked and that made sense to me. the top portion are the links and tables of boards and pages that i use frequently or at least want to use frequently! below that, in the second section, i have links to things i reference and links to my personal projects such as my piano recital that’s coming up and my personal photography!
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and here is my sidebar! i keep it hidden and i just need to hover my cursor to the side of my screen to see it. you see my home page and right below that my page for all things college followed my a page for school (that i’ll explain later!) and some other things!
my “other” page is the hub for some pages that i have linked or ones that are more private (hehe). i didn’t want the sidebar to be extremely cluttered so that’s why that page is a thing! 
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here is a look at my college stuff page! i have links to things i still need to get for my dorm room as well as thank you cards that i wrote to teachers from high school (due to quarantine, i had to get their addresses instead of giving to them in person. sad face). i also have a list of all the graduation gifts i’ve gotten (so i can send out thank you notes), information about orientation (since it was online), as well as a small list of my potential schedules! on the right, you can see a list of things i still need to do for my college, such as finishing my immunization records and email ap scores once they come out. 
this page will probably end up getting deleted come august or september because it’ll migrate into my “school” page that we’re going to take a look at right now!
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here is my “school” page for right now! it’s empty!!!! that’s because as i take notes in college, i’m going to do active recall (or at least try to) and this will be my hub for that. 
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this is a little look at my board for my notes. i’ll explain my intention with these two pages after i start putting some notes in there! you might have to wait a while for that post but i’m also doing some personal summer learning so it might come sooner than you think! 
ok let’s take a look at some of the pages i have linked in my home page!
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my “master to do list” as well as my “weekly to do list” pages are pretty straightforward! the “notes” table in there is the same table that you saw above. the “keep in touch” table is a little personal so i won’t show you but it’s basically just a table of people i want to stay in contact with while i’m away in college. i made it so that i contact certain people in a certain cycle! for example, i need to call my meme (my grandma!) and i still haven’t done that so that’s why you can see it in the board, it’s “overdue!” this is one of the features i loveeeee about notion. 
moving on to the space below! my dreaming spread is where i have my goals and things like that. i also have a page for cooking so let’s look at that!
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here is my cooking spread! i absolutely loveeeee how it looks. at the very top i have a button that i can click to add a new recipe. then i just have lists of recipes and the categories that they fall into, such as dessert and breakfast. 
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this is kinda what a page will look like when i hit “new recipe.” also i hope you enjoy seeing my fudge recipe lol (it’s so good let me know if you try it. it’s also so easy). i have a collumn on the left for the ingredients and then a collumn on the right for the steps. below, i have a couple callout boxes to bring attention to some tips or tricks! 
and that’s basically it! i’ll be releasing sometime soon the info regarding my school spread so stay tuned for that. i’m sure my notion spreads and pages will change as i change so if you’re reading this reallllllly far into the future, i might have a different system! i don’t know how often i’ll update all of you on how i use notion but if i change something, i probably will (just keep your eyes peeled)! 
if there is a certain spread that you want me to talk more about or one that you want to see, feel free to comment, dm me, or use my asks (which are always open!)
xo- gg
(posted on july 12th, 2020)
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pagesandmagic · 4 years
Roots of Growth || JJ Maybank x reader
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hellooooo OBX world. I’ve decided to dip my toes into the world of obx because JJ is everything and more. So here we go. 
about: she’s new to the group, and brings a new idea, which should have been done months ago. based on the song, “north” by sleeping at last
tw: none // just lots of fluff and love and friendship.
if you have a request, send ‘em on over - i loveeeee requests. 
We will call this place our home The dirt in which our roots may grow Though the storms will push and pull We will call this place our home
Chateau was home. Each of the pouges felt it that way. Each of them had a different story, each one a painful road that led them to the Chateau. Maybe it was their parents, maybe it was their lifestyle, maybe it was the pressure they felt from their entire world. In the Chateau they didn’t have to worry about what the world outside looked like, they didn’t need to pretend to be anything. It was a safe haven, a place for them to bring their brokenness and feel whole. Yes, it was home.
And just like a work of art We'll tell our stories on these walls
She was new to the pouges. She had just moved onto the island town when she met JJ. He took her for a touron, she thought he was an arrogant asshole. She “spilled” her drink on him. He kissed her. The rest was history. It had been two months since she met the rest of the pouges and fit in like a missing puzzle piece. Her home life wasn’t great and over the last few weeks she had opened up to each of them about it. Most of the time it happened after a long day spent on the water, everyone sitting in a circle on the pull out couch. JJ would always be next to her, holding her hand or rubbing circles on her back. He was always there. The walls of the Chateau knew more of her story than any other past relationship or friendship. 
They were sitting cross legged on the living floor, surrounding the coffee table playing a card game. Their skin was tinted red from the sun and hair wet from a day spent on the HMS Pouge.
“JJ, remember the last time we played this you cheated?” John B chuckled under his breath, which elicited a groan from Kie and Pope. Clearly it was still a sore spot with the group.
“Ahh, well you see John B,” JJ sighed, pulling the cards closer to his face, pretending to analyze the cards in order to make a decision like his life depended on it. “I don’t really understand how you can cheat at ‘Uno’” he smirked, “you’re either good or bad. I’m just really good.”
“You’re not good, JJ. You just cheat.” John B shook his head.
“Wait, what is he taking about.” She chuckled. Clearly this had happened before she ever came along, but she was curious to how John B thought her boyfriend was a cheater. JJ placed his hand on her thigh and squeezed, sending shivers through her body and butterflies in her stomach.
“Believe me, it’s nothing important,” JJ smiled, and placed his card on the deck. The last one.
“You’re not serious,” John B hit the table with his hand, causing the rickety wood to collapse in front of each of them. Their groans echoed through the living room.
“JB, why?” Pope rubbed his temples.
“Honestly was that worth it?” Kie huffed.
JJ pressed his lips together, suppressing a chuckle. The newest member of the pouges looked around at the Chateau. It was pretty broken. Most of it was just barely holding on. She wondered why this was the first time she was seeing it all. Probably because she had taken on a pretty strong smoking habit that JJ had helped her form, not that she was complaining.
“Guys, this place is kind of a disaster.” She started, “Look, I know I’m new here, but this place has become more of my home than my own house. Being here has given me something that I haven’t had in years.” She paused, looking at each of them, ending with JJ. “A family.”
The tears had welled in her eyes, an idea coming to her head. “Can we fix it up?”
The room stood quiet. Each person preparing their own thoughts, organizing the ideas in their head and wondering how to proceed forward.
“That’s a great idea,” John B spoke. He knew the place had become run down, but chose to ignore it, hoping it would all fix itself someday.
JJ gave her hand a squeeze, “I love that idea,”
A little broken, a little new. We are the impact and the glue Capable more than we know To call this fixer upper home
It didn’t take long for the group to get to work. The next morning each of them set off to fix up the Chateau. Sarah and Kie started painting and repairing the walls which took a considerable amount of time since most arguments ended in a punch to the wall. JJ worked on the landscaping of the house and said that it “soothed” him. John B and Pope worked on painting the exterior of the house and repairing what they could from years of storm damage. She decided to deep clean the entire house. Before she came around, it was the three boys who spent most of their time in the Chateau, and it showed.
It was a beautiful July day in North Carolina, she opened up each of the windows letting the warm air inside. Jack Johnson played through the TV in the living room, the easy listening filling the rooms of their home. The smell of the laundry detergent wafted through the house, creating a “homey” smell, as Sarah called it. She washed the dishes which had been piled up since before she arrived, as they had been using paper plates instead.
This was a home she wanted to stay in for a long time. A safe place for her friends to gather. A home that people would gather in and a place where the door would always be open. 
She was changing the sheets in her and JJ’s bedroom when she felt a pair of sweaty arms wrap around her waist. “I’m pretty sure this is the hottest I’ve ever seen you,” he said into her neck. JJ. This boy had become her everything. They hadn’t spent a day apart since meeting. Theirs was a love that happened quickly and without warning.
This blonde haired boy had been the person she fell asleep next to each night and woke up to every morning. He was the one who taught her to fish through fits of laughter and trying not to gag after each catch. He was the one she smoked with for the first time. He was her first. She remembered her life before him, but she didn’t want to. Everything was brighter with him, more vibrant and joyful. 
He smelt of fresh grass and sweat, “I’m pretty sure this is the sweatiest you’ve ever been.” she chuckled, turning back to kiss him on the chin. He hummed at the feeling of her lips. 
“Just the way, you like it, amiright?” he kissed the back of her neck, before letting go. He placed his hands on his hips looking at the room and at the way she swayed through the room. 
She was his rock. He always had John B and Pope to reply on, but she was different. She made him want to be better, to do better. She made his world softer, less harsh than before she came along. She was the first girl who made him feel a pit at the bottom of his stomach thinking about losing her. She was it. He knew it. 
She could feel his eyes on her. He was never shy when it came to his admiration of her. “Thank you,” she said through the smile across her lips. She turned to see him leaning against the wall, arms crossed and his brow furrowed, unsure of why she was thanking him. 
She walked over to him and wrapped her arms around his waist. His hands found their way to the back of her neck, running his fingers through her hair. “Thank you for finding me.” she whispered, “Thank you for giving me a family.” she stepped back to look at him in the eyes, but never letting go of his waist. His hands brushed the hair out of her face and pushed it behind her ears. His touch was so gentle, his calloused hands told the story of his life, filled with hard grueling work just to stay afloat. He cupped her face, meeting her eyes. “Thank you for bringing me home.” 
Smaller than dust on this map Lies the greatest thing we have The dirt in which our roots may grow And the right to call it home
And that’s all folks! I hope you enjoyed it! I’m pretty rusty when it comes to writing these, so hopefully my editing went well. haha. 
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