sanguilta · 1 year
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".   .   .i   used   to   live   here."   came   the   voice,   whisper   like   and   gently,   one   of   his   hands   resting   on   the   cane   he   kept   from   those   days,   as   old   as   he   was,   really.   louis   stares   into   the   facade   of   what   used   to   be   his   home   in   new   orleans.   a   home   he   once   shared   with   another.   his   old   house   was   gone,   the   pointe   du   lac   house   was   but   a   ghost   (   and   people   whispered   still   about   the   tales   of   what   happened   to   them   )   but   the   home   that   stood   at   rue   royale   stare   at   him   with   all   of   it's   might,   despite   the   time,   he   could   see   the   structure   of   it   still.
  green   eyes   look   over,   a   smile   on   the   edge   of   his   lips,   he   hoped   to   find   another   shadow   of   the   past   but   he   seems   to   meet   someone   else   entirely.   (   the   notion   that   lestat   would   turn   someone   else   always   bothered   him   but   he   didn't   owe   the   vampire,   though   he   hates   to   share   that   bond   with   anyone   else,   he   has   to   remind   himself   that   he   had   been   the   one   to   broke   it   in   the   first   place   ).   "just   came   to   see   the   past   take   place.   call   it   nostalgic."
@ripjulie asked: ❛ so, what do i owe this pleasure? ❜ &. 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.
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seesgood · 1 year
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❝ okay i did not sign up for dismemberment ,  so we’re gonna have to figure out another way of handling this . ❞          /          @ripjulie​   +   liked for a starter ! 
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fuckedprophet-arch · 1 year
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- Slow Dancing in The Dark : JoJi
- Touch Tank - Quinnje
- Lust for Life : Lana Del Rey & The Weekend
- I know you care : Ellie Goulding
- When you were young : The Killers
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prettydead · 1 year
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        Marcus leaned back against the couch – a bottle of whiskey within his grasp. The music at the party was shit. What else could be expected? He grunted with distaste as he took a cigarette out of his pocket. It didn’t take long for the cigarette to find his lip. After some failure with a lighter, he cursed under his breath. Today was not his day. He turned to the blonde next to him, “Hey – you got a light?”
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STARTER CALL. / @ripjulie
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"Since you're a worm and all. If i cut you in half, would you still survive? or is that just a myth?"
“…If you are referring to Uroboros that isn’t “worms”. It is a mutation brought on by a biologically engineered virus.
Even if it were true, do you really want The Fog to contain more than one of me?”
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redemptioninterlude · 11 months
“love is the jelly to sunshine’s peanut butter. and if i tell you that i’m in sandwich with you, i’m not just saying it to get in your ziploc bag.” ( for rue )
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the random meme ( no longer accepting ) + @ripjulie // julie
rue slinks through the door, a guilty creature, after her LONG WEEKEND away. she knows the other girl will have questions, and honestly, she wouldn't really know what to say. she texts julie to say she'll be home and not to worry, but doesn't give any details, and thankfully, julie doesn't pry. the other woman always knew when to press, and when to let her come to her - it's probably why the two of them grew as close to one another as they did, left chewing on her bottom lip, dark eyes flickering over to her roommate, who was sitting on the couch, before rue's moving to curl in against her side in silence. it holds ; and honestly, she doesn't mind... it's a kindness. it's a warmth. it's the way that the other girl makes it feel, like, tolerable to be vulnerable.
“love is the jelly to sunshine’s peanut butter. and if i tell you that i’m in sandwich with you, i’m not just saying it to get in your ziploc bag.”
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"wait..." rue blinks slow, like she's only barely caught on to the end of that. maybe she's high. well, no, she's definitely high, but... "are you saying that you love me even without... sex...?" rue's like, trying to discern the meaning, teeth gnawing at her bottom lip, and she starts to LAUGH, the tension that had been carrying within her shoulders before she relaxes. maybe she's not like, ready to talk about everything just yet, given the pressure where everyone seemed to notice how rue's attention seemed to be everywhere lately. "well. um. i sandwich you too, julie. like. really, really sandwich you."
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aerachnid · 11 months
@ripjulie. JULIE.
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❝ you're too hard on yourself. ❞
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insidi0summoved · 1 year
julie kostenko « @ripjulie » cast a spell : “ i can’t walk. . . you’re gonna have to carry me. ”
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Pity,  or rather in this case sympathy had never been in Nick's nature.  He might have mastered the art of feigning such thing but that was what it all was, a lie spun to sell the ruse.  After all he couldn't ruin the vision that everyone had of the city's beloved sheriff, right ?  What a nuisance.  However when he wasn't under the constant scrutiny of the people around him, like in that moment, he could easily just give in to the urge to drop the well crafted mask and simply walk away.  He could have done such thing, he would have, and yet, she was quite the exception, wasn't she ?  Fingers wiping the droplets of blood from his cheek.  " So demanding. "  Despite the words spoken, his voice was light.
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" C'mon. "  A hum, as he closed the distance between the two of them so he could bend down.  One arm slipping under the crook of her knees as the other wrapped around her lower back, effortlessly picking her up, as if it wasn't the first time something like that had happened.  " Any other demands, princess ? "  A question, his tone was almost teasing, playful even.
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therelentless · 1 year
"They're a 20 but they sleep in a box of dirt."
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{ @ripjulie ;;
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"Ok. One. It's not a box. Two... there's only a little bit of dirt, but that's because I need it, also! it's all in a little baggie so whatever."
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e1igius · 1 year
there's lines that are meant to remain uncrossed , as in , things that are meant to be kept secret. relationships between people was one of those things , huckleberry had long accepted that he was no one to everyone he meant. that his presence in the lives of his so called friends was nothing more than a hole for them counteract the boredom that would otherwise fill an empty void in their current schedule. he is not the first choice for any of the people he interacts with , though he understands he shouldn't be ( or the understanding is supposed to exist - though huckleberry himself lacks in comprehending his own logic at times ). he's a convenience , a usefull tool , and at times , a fun time. and nothing more. and while he enjoys being that for most people... eventually , it gets lonely.
it's why prickles , the little cactus that sits on his kitchen island , is the only thing he turely calls a friend. everyone else , is just people he knows. after all. how long he's going to be allowed to be in their lives is an ever changing cause of the government's leniency , or whenever they get bored of him. the two blondes hadn't really done anything that day... all he remembers is helping her with some groceries and then decapitating a dude. and somehow they'd ended up in the bed of his truck again ( which they seem to end up in quite often if he's being perfectly honest ). he has blankets thrown over the pair off them as they sit in some abandoned parking lot at three in the morning , and everything seems up to par , chowing down on some jack in the box , when... she speaks.
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the i love you gets caught up between confused thoughts. eyes brighten with a flush of confusion , blue dancing across to meet hers. staring , he hasn't heard those words in years. let alone... believe them. the last time someone had said those words , he was sitting in the field , a pair of large brown eyes bright with adrenaline staring back at him. ramirez had last said the words to him , he missed that boy every day of his life. often blamed himself for the death of his best friend. it was horrible , to think that one one form this original squad of men had managed to make it much further in life. if they weren't stuck in the corps , they were dead or ( as huck would often say jokingly ) a dead-man walking. huckleberry had made it out so to speak , in all senses of what they'd talked about while he was still in and yet. without ramirez , it had felt that the real huckleberry had died that very same day.
so maybe that's why he doesn't say it back , he can't not really , he's never told anyone that he loves them after that point in time. and yet. he can't. maybe it's because he doesn't. he doesn't love anyone or anything in this world anymore. not even himself , but as he stares at julie it feels wrong to tell her that after the confession. so he sits up a little straighter. and takes her hands in his own , tracing a circle around her palms as the sit face up in his hands. ❝ oh jules , ❞ his voice is soft and kind , but not sweet or caring , as if he's already ripped of the bandage he's starting to pry at. ❝ you don't love me , you don't even know my middle name. you love some twisted idea of me. and that ain't right dalrin' , it ain't good for you to be fixing up some idea in your head like that. ❞
yeah that sounded much better. than , i don't love you. ( not like that ).
@ripjulie sent "...I love you."
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guiltye · 1 year
🔪 ( surprise me )
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a terse exhale that is akin to a sigh and a brief chuckle pulls from the cavern of his throat as ben feels the cool metal against his jugular, threatening without the need of words. gaze casts down to julie's earthly hues, seeing the fire that blazes within the brown rings that circles her blown wide pupils. adrenaline must be coursing her veins, he can hear it in the stutter of her heartbeat. he wonders if she knows who he is without needing him to say it; he is not her alec. "heya, jules," ben pants out, arms up in a mock form of surrender, brows raised as if to entertain the idea of her putting down the knife. "got a second t' talk?" ideally, no one needs to know that he is alive. to everyone, max snapped his spine, and he was gone. they never anticipated that manticore would bring him back and use him; nor did they anticipate that despite manticore burning down, she is back up and running again. and they have his brother. "i think our mutual buddy is in danger."
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fcgwise · 1 year
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❛ ohhh that's a lotta blood... ❜​
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         A LOT OF BLOOD.   that's the sort of occurance that usually happened when flesh came into contact with the sharp ending of a knife  (   on multiple occasions   ). as vittorio pressed his hand onto the currently gaping wound, he turned his head upward, peering up at the member of THE LEGION, and heaved out a deep breath.   ❛   ─   now now, principessa ...save me the faux sincerity and just get it over with, will you?   ❜   he was tired. so very tired of running. or maybe that was just the blood loss.
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concern meme   |      @ripjulie
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Carefully, and slowly... she climbs on a log and reaches out and boops his nose and fully prepares to run away if she needs to.
He doesn't say anything, but it's fairly obvious by the glare from behind his sunglasses that he did not like that.
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redemptioninterlude · 11 months
“you know what i like most about people? pets.” ( for rue )
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the random meme ( accepting ) + @ripjulie // julie ( ft @kschmidts, @prettydead )
rue isn't really sure who adopts who first. it just sort of HAPPENS, before she even realises it. that the hostility manages to evaporate in an unexpected motion ( something, something, something, a witch? rue can't really remember ) and it's... kind of cool. like, finding someone what helps to keep her at ease, another addition to what eventually becomes four between kate, and madison... and she like of loves it. like, the family she chooses, is how she thinks about it all, and maybe julie does too, because eventually, they end up splitting their living quarters, rue giving up hers to an incoming newbie instead.
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the company's nice. it's like, a reminder not to go overboard. in a place like the circus, it's hard to keep secrets... but it helps. and she knows she helps julie too, the both of them able to talk the other to sleep, on those nights where she knew it was hard for... well... either of them, really. and they kind of talk about EVERYTHING, which is just like. a relief. it's kind of just... amazing? in a way, rue likes to think, to have a friend that she could just... let go with, like that.
“you know what i like most about people? pets.”
rue only laughs, because like, of course she'd say that. "you liar. you... you? you just love to pretend to be all like, above that shit, but you loooooove usssssss~" leaning in close enough until the taller girl and julie were almost falling over, laughing as she passed the joint between her fingers to her, standing up on her wobbling legs. "unless wait... am i THE PET between us?!" oh say it wasn't true, but the more she thought about it...
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prettydead · 1 year
I am very good at complimenting people. You on the other hand are amazing.
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ncmither · 1 year
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JULIE said, ( @ripjulie )
❝ look at me . ❞
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David had crouched in the long grass & watched the others move to the nearest of the generators. Together as one & so trained in the idle task they had been charged with to complete. A cycle that never ended & would never stop. He waited there & ran his thumb along his bottom lip before he turned & left them. He stayed low & had moved across the trial field to one of the two gates. It was one of those rare occasions where David felt the need to taunt the one chosen to sacrifice them. He had caught sight of them for a moment & moved towards a locker. Deliberate in the noise he made, he slammed it shut loud enough to echo through the expanse. He shifted his position & slowed his movement until he was behind one of the ruins & waited.
He hadn’t thought she would have doubled back & surprised him. Her grip on his chin brought him to his feet and forced him to look at her. Out of instinct his hand reached out to grab her wrist, his fingers tight around the thin limb. David laughed softly & leaned his head back against the wall. It was always THEM. All four of them. They seemed to enjoy hunting him. Most of the servants of the Entity did. It may have been how he would always charge them rather than run away. ❝ Well if you took off your bloody mask once in a while, I could look at your ugly fuckin’ mug proper, ❞ he challenged. Bravely, he reached up with his other hand & knocked on the forehead of the mask with a heavy & sharp laugh. ❝ How fuckin' ugly you got to be for you to wear somethin' that looks like a primary school come-stain would make? ❞
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