starry-eyed-lord · 2 months
You KNOW I'm tweaking hard when I pause goof troop.
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berryblu-soda · 10 months
hiiii update on the assignment incident!!!!*deep inhale*
YEAHHHHHHHH BOIIIII WE WIN THEEEEESEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥳🙌🎂 🍰🎈🎉🥳🙌🎂 🍰🎈🎉🥳🙌🎂 🍰🎈🎉🥳🙌🎂 🍰🎈🎉!!!!!!
another successful act of hubris!!! ya girl is still in uni :D!!!! <- straight up couldnt graduate if i didnt pass that course fhndhshfsgdh
still recovering from the idk how many all nighters 24/7 nonsense, so srry i havent replied to like...anything yet o(-( (love yall <3<3<3) but uhh yeah, thought i should give yall an update seeing as how i dramatically complained on here throughout the entire ordeal-
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demuredociledoll · 23 days
kitty's bimbo bucket list
Use these to break me
soooooo i'm a tgirly who's been on hrt a long time now, i have great tits and great ass and my brain is Way fuzzier but like. i want more. i wanna be like the cool girls i see on who are just completley ultrafeminine. i wanna be the perfect boys girl. im like. might to be a bimbo tradwife. i wanna be that so bad. ive also like. been doing the bambi 20 day challenge and its like. making me realise i neeed to make these changes lol
so i thought id like. make a list of things i need to do to be the girl of my dreams i see girls with lots of fun lists where they like say "at 10 reblogs i'll do this and i kinda like. wanna arrange this like one of those eventually (if you see a bimbofication step-by-step around PLease send it to me!! i love doing what rules say). reeeeeeeally reeally reeally open to feedback and other things to include on this list.
Bimbofying my looks
so this bits like. ways i want to look prettier :)
Nails always varnished: i think this might be the most easy for me to do as i spend a lot of time painting my nails anyway, but i wanna make like a pledge to make sure my nails are Never left unpainted. i think this would be a good place to start on this
Makeup every day - i used to wear makeup every day before covid and i reeeeeeeeeally wanna get back into the swing of it. i only do it like, maybe like once every few months which just Sucks. especially when i look so pretty doing it. so i wanna like get back into a position where i do my go to routine (foundation+eye shadow+eye liner+lipstick+lip liner) at least once a month, then at least once a week, then at least every day i'm not working, then at least every day i dont have like, a work video call, then every day.
Dyeing my hair: i reeeeeeeeally wanna dye my hair but im so scared of losing my natural colour. so im thinking of like, starting Blonde frosted tips as a start, before working up to being a totally bleach blonde
Get rid of trousers and only wear skirts: girls literally shouldnt wear trousers. it literally should be illegal. i wanna like. slowly get to a point where i only wear skirts. skirts make it easy for boys to access my holes :) but actually having said that. boys really like tight clothes. so i should keep wearing ultra tight. i also need to really increase my lingerie and sexy clothes collecshon :)
Lip fillers!! I reeeeeeeeeally wanna get lip fillers but i know its gonna be a big step to get there. i wanna do everythign i can to make my lips bigger naturally in the meantime. i think i wanna get lip fillers first before i think about. bigger tits. i reeeeeeeally want srs so bad but like., thats the goverments problem
getting bgiger: im like sooooo thin at the moment, and i neeeeeeed to get bigger tits and a bigger belly to make me more grabbable and wobbly. its a little diffcult because ive got like. lots of tummy issues. but i wanna slowly scale up my food intake. ive been eating lots of ice cream but i wanna like. follow a proper plan for biggerising myself feedee style
brain feminisation and IQ reduction
sooooo this sections like. ways to girlify my brain and make sure i just think girl thoughts
im alreayd doing good on hypnos with the bambi challenge (which is going soooooo well!! im learning sosososooso much :) ). but like. i wanna keep listening to hypnos moer
staying in my place; i'm already Really good at this. doing the cooking, cleaning, housekeeping, serving men in every way i can i am already 100% that. i stepped back from a job recently so ill have even more time to do that and i can't Wait.
knowing my place: despite this i clearly like, have a tonne of feminist baggage from my old self i really need to get rid of. i need to like. have my opinions broken and like, have like the gender politics of a conservative American housewife drilled into me. i wanna genuinely believe that women should stay in the kitchen and women shouldnt work and shoudl just serve men (smart boys please please please fix me!!!). i want pro-patriarhcy to be like. my mission in life. im thinking of like. writing lots of good girl essays on tumblr to try and fix my brain lol
dumming down my writing and speaking: likeee i think im already making good practice on this, ive been workiing on a lot lately. im trying to like. not use words longer than two soundy things, like short words, with the only ones allowed being like. sexy words. and mispeling them when i cant use any other words that are small. and using the wrong words and to like get rid of capital letters apostroches. i think im getting there on this. i also need to dumb down my speaking but honestly like im already there with that, i always say words wrong and everyone makes so much fun of me for it, it turns me a lot when people make fun of me for saying words wrong lol :)
girlify my music tastes: i reeeeeeally need to get into some girlier music. i really want to. currently i dont really have much of a music taste, i mostly just listen to synthy tunes and stuff which are easy to listen to while doing worky things. however, like ive tried listening to more popular stuff like taylor swift and the brat album and its like, okay, but its like not my thing lol. I used to be suuuuuuper into paramore but im like, aware thats a more like punchy girl band and im like not that lol. update im gonna work these into my daily music playlists!!
girlify my media intake and hobbies: currently i listen to a lot of boy stuff inherited from my old self, like ww2 books and podcasts which are...boring lol. i dont want learn things like that anymore. i wannna watch more stuff thats for girls, but im not really too sure where to begin? ive tried like, reading girleir magazines like Good Housekeeping and the like but it doesnt like. completely engage me lol
taking cock and being a good sexdoll
this section is like. ways i wanna be a better fuckdoll :)
m already like. so good at blowjobs. i absoltuely adore blowjobs. i dont think theres anything i need to improve here. i already deep throat, swallow every time. id like to take more facials though :)
but i neeeeeed to get better with my other hole. again i used to ride my dildo all the time prepandemic but ive fallen out the habit, its like my makeup i only really play on veyr special ocassions
increase my toy collecshun: my toys are not in as good condition as they used to be and i want like. good ones. i need to like. make a good purchase of some good quality toys for assfucking. i already have some good buttplugs :)
get good at getting my ass fucked: im thinking of like. mirroring what i did with my makeup here. like go from wearing my buttplug for a long period at least once a month, once a week, when im not working...etc. and likewise wiht my dildo. aggain its hard because i have a lot of tummy and bottom issues.
Only cum with permisson: this is so important. girls literally should not control their cumming. it should literally be against the law. im thinking of listening to cals curse some more to like. make that a hard and fast rule lol
so like!! this is what i kind think of right now. but i really wanna like. learn more from others and think. thank you!!!!!!!!
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rainingcatsandjune · 5 months
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obligatory samster doodle ^^^^
OH MY GOSH THANK YOUUUU FOR THIS ASKK OMLLL ADHFK I LOVE U TOO 🥹🥹🥹🥹🥹 everytime i post a new piece and i see your user interacting with it im like AAA HE'S HERE AGAINNNN /POS 🥹
thank you sosososoosos much for the support !!!! and for enjoying my rendition of the sam !!!!!
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atom-writings · 1 year
Can I request Russia x reader? Ivan loves PDA and his S/O looks small and not dangerous. But one day S/O beats the shit out of Alfred because he made fun of Ivan's PDA.
hetalia with a small s/o who stands up for him
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1.0k words ~ gender neutral headcanons + scenario
tw: swearing, alfred is a dick
a/n: ivan i vlove you sosososoosos much . did u guys know that hes my favouritest boy in all the lands????
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A small and adorable S/O is exactly what Ivan wants in a partner!
He's very aware of how ironic it is that you two are together, and he can't help but find it a little entertaining at least. Normally, he pretends he doesn't though. He'd never admit it unless it was in a completely concealed joke.
You always come with him everywhere. Sometimes it's because he wants to show you off, sometimes it's because he wants you to lose it and go off on people. Every time you defend him, his heart nearly bursts out of his chest (It has done that before. Physically. It was horrifying) with love and adoration.
It just means the world to him that you think he's worth standing up for. Almost no one has ever done that for him before.
So obviously, he's very protective of you in return. Especially considering how people treat you as well, he's thrown a couple of people out of places (Again, physically) for you before.
He knows that you can defend yourself, but you're just so small and delicate! Like an adorable woodland critter! And if you got hurt under his watch, he could never forgive himself.
Also, yes, Ivan would LOOOVE PDA.
Even at the most inappropriate of times. He doesn't have any social awareness at the best of times, but when he sees you, his single shred of shame goes flying out the window.
As shy as he may be, he's not shy with you. Besides, when he’s affectionate, he gets to show the rest of his friends how much his S/O loves him <3 which is always a priority.
As soon as you two arrived at the G8 afterparty, you knew it was going to turn bad. A bunch of thousand-year-old men with a million issues with each other, getting drunk at some random American bar? Well, what could go wrong? That's what Ivan asked, at least. But really you were asking yourself, what could go right?
Yao wasted no time in calling you over, and Alfred wasted no time getting shitfaced. How they let him drink that much when he looked barely 21 and had an ID with a moustache drawn on it, you'll never know.
As you watched him begin hounding the bartender to play something more “patriotic,” Francis nudged you in the side.
”Just like his father, eh?“ He commented, causing you and Ivan to chuckle lightly.
That chaos continued for hours, with the two of you eventually joining in on the drinking. The tab that the 9 of you racked up must've been the budget of all of New York, but that's what government pensions are for, right? Besides, it's not often the group could get along without tearing each other apart. Might as well enjoy yourselves.
Well, enjoy yourselves for the most part. Because the moment Alfred dared to say a single thing about holding down his drink, Ivan of course had to challenge him. Despite the pleas of everyone around them, their boyish pride was not swayed in the slightest.
Alfred didn't last long. To everyone else that was inevitable, but it seems the young man didn't appreciate being outdone.
”Well, of course, you won! All you people do is drink!“ He slurred, holding onto the table for support as he approached Ivan, who didn't seem to care about the American's taunts.
”I do plenty of things, Alfred.“
”Yeah, like make your entire family hate you?“ Ivan's smile didn't falter, but he visibly tensed.
”Funny, I believe I could say the same thing to you!“
”I don't need my family, that's why I don't hang out with those weird Europeans! But you? Ever since your sisters abandoned you, your- your life has been a trainwreck!” He exclaims, breaking into laughter.
Ivan's smile faltered, and the air in the room became cold. The other nations turned to face the two, fearing the worst already.
“Don't say these things, you know they are not true,” His eyes flicker to you for a moment.
“If that's true, name a single thing that's gone well for you in the last 10- no, fuck, 30 years!”
“Simple, my lovely partner-”
“Yeah, your partner who you spend every waking moment being gross with!” 
Ivan failed to respond to that, his cheeks turning just the slightest bit pink.
“It’s almost like you’re trying to prove that they love you. Which like-” He started laughing again, “We all know you’re just paying them to date y-”
Alfred's speech was cut off as you launched your fist directly into his face.
He pulled back, looking at you in absolute disbelief. When he held a hand to his face again, he found it wet with blood leaking from his nose.
“You-” He started to say.
“Stop being an ass to my boyfriend”
Alfred's drunken face contorted in rage, standing up and immediately towering over you.  
“How- You’re so little- Wh-”
“OK! That's enough everyone! Let's go home now!” Ludwig forced both of you to step back, frantically trying to diffuse the situation.
“Yeah- I- I have to go as well...” Francis added, looking between you and Alfred in panic.
“M-Me too…” Japan sputtered out, already packing his bags.
As you and Ivan rode the metro to return to your shared hotel room, you sat in silence. At first, you thought it was because he was upset. With you? With Alfred's comments? You'd learned it was better not to ask.
At least, that's what you thought until you noticed the smile plastered on his face. Despite that, he failed to say barely anything the entire time.
That was until you two stepped onto the station platform, when he turned to you and said softly, “Thank you, my dear.”
“For... punching your friend?”
”Of course. What else?“
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xxkissesforchanniexx · 2 months
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Oh my-
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Thank you guys sosososooso much for 800 followers🥺💖
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I love y'all so much 💗😭
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whumpsday · 4 days
i love k&j and i love how good you are at making unique characters with unique voices and i love how your ocs interact with each other and i love your writing and i love how you describe the characters mental states so perfectly and its sosososooso amazing youre such an amazing writer!!!!
ive re read it more times than i can count and every time is just as good as the first!! it has every single trope i like and you introduced me to the whump community so thank you!!!
kane is so sillyyy i love him thank you for making this wonderful work :) i hope you know that youre super cool
waaaaa thank you so much, this is incredibly kind!!! 😭❤️
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type1lemonade · 4 months
Also if you could draw Nick my first ever bs oc i've created i'd love to see what he looks like in your art style/NF OFC because i can't say enough how much I love it like RRRRRRRRR/POS HOW ARE YOU SO TALENTED OMG I LOOK UP TO U IN SO MANY WAYS
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References for him btw if u do still not forcing you to do anything LOVE YOU/PLATONICALLY
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NICK GIVES ME SPONGEBOB VIBES... AAHHHEHHWHWUEHUEHEHE HE'S SOSOSOSOOSO 💕💕💕💕💕💕 also sorry the goofy ahh rendering lmao 💔💔💔💔
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I'm pretty sure the last time they showed Jess with a cigarette on the show was right before his and Rory's first official kiss as a couple ("I'm glad you didn't smoke it." "Oh yeah?"), so it kind of looks like he traded that addiction for another: making out with Rory. Hahaha! I mean, who knows, really, but they never SHOW him smoking again!
WHAT OMG. OMG. OMG 😭😭😭🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 sorry this is so adorable i love this sosososooso much this is so real <3333 omg i am swooning i am kicking my feet i am feeling Normal about them…<33
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celestie0 · 6 months
please share your thoughts on vinland saga. what is your favorite character, scene...? what is something you learnt through it?
omgogmogmgmggogm ty for this ask anon also so sorry it took me a while to get around to but i appreciate it i loooove vinland saga sm n i’d love to talk more ab it 😭🫶🏼💕 n if you’ve seen the show too i’d love to know ur answers to those questions as well aaa :””)
my favorite character for suuurrree is thorfinn :”) he is my sweet summer child, the apple of my eye, the kindest of all, my son, my heart, my treasure, my love, i adore him sm there are times where i think of him n i just start tearing up out of nowhere. imma sound so fkn insane when i say this but i really truly believe he exists in my hearrrtttt 😭💕 like he has to, there’s no way these feeligns of adoration i have for him have not manifested on some physical realm i just love him sosososooso much sobs he is my favorite fictional character of all time n i wish i could smooch makoto yukimura very gingerly on the cheek for bringing such a beautifully well written character to life. his determination to become a better person, live true to his ideals, and create safe haven for others is srs so inspirational to me i love him sm
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[panels colored by @/hawta_mahmood on insta]
i would literally commit war crimes for him LMFAO (even tho that’s the opposite of what he would want anyone to do for him haha)
as for what i’ve learned n my fave scene(s) i will add a keep reading bc spoilers and also it’s gonna be really fuckin long 💀
what have i learned from vinland saga? dear god, so much. i could talk about this show for hours, HOURS, and i have before!! it is just that dense in philosophy n had my head spinning from all the reflections
of course, there is the infamous line in the show ‘i have no enemies’, which i think can mean a lot of different things to different people, in thorfinn’s case it is the line that allows him to adopt a life of tranquility n pacifism. i think for me, this line taught me to assume the best in people, and once i started doing that i think i learned how peaceful n meaningful life can be. for example, if i interact with a rude person or am fighting with someone i care about, and i am affected emotionally by it, i might think of that lesson from the show and i feel free in knowing that i have no one who i desire to hurt or retaliate against or even harbor negative feelings towards in my head(the saying comes to mind to think or speak negatively about others is to poison yourself) as someone w a lot of fuckin anxiety it’s very liberating to think that way, and i think that’s the biggest lesson i’ve learned from the show (among many, many, many others. i think another big lesson is obviously the subject of forgiveness, both in others and in oneself, but this post will end up being too long if i go into depth of all the things i’ve thought ab while watching vinland saga)
as for my fave scenes, i’ll try to just pick three 😭😭😭
1. end of the prologue. the scene when askleadd dies was so beautifully done. the moment where in his final moments, he urges thorfinn to rethink his life and what he wants from it, and to follow in his father’s footsteps. askeladd was such a cruel, violent, and objectively horrible person n was the cause of thorfinn’s journey of hatred in the first place, and yet in his final moments somehow his words to thorfinn did not feel out of character. that was the moment where i realized wow, this author knows what tf he’s doing and is truly so talented. to have a character’s traits sneak up on you like that, built so subtly throughout the show, so that the payoff feels so real and fitting and not forced, driving the direction of the story in the way we had been hoping for the whole time. fuuuckckf. also, quick mention of the scene where thorifnn finally lets go of his dagger n all the scenes from season one flash by on the metal. fuck. i cry EVERY. TIME.
2. i mean it’s a given, but the scene when thorfinn finally understands his father’s words and admits to a circle of bloodlust vikings that they are not his enemies, and that he has no enemies. what a wonderful full circle moment for his character arc, i get chills just thinking about it
3. this one may be a bit more random lol, but the episode that will forever stick in my memory is gardar’s backstory episode. fuck i could writr a ten page essay about this one twenty minute episode ALONE, but i’ll just pick out the one scene that just kills me. the scene where gardar helplessly watches himself in the past, as he leaves arnheid & hjalti, and there’s nothing he can do to stop himself. fucking hell. if there’s any scene that i think could perfectly show what a feeling of regret is like, that would be the scene, and what fucks me up so much about that scene is how he cannot even manage WORDS. he is a grown man, reduced to intelligible sounds because his pain is so profound and his guilt runs so deep that it is like he becomes all but a helpless child. just kill me, seriously. i had never cried so hard in my LIFE watching anything than in that episode. i sobbed so hard i had hiccups n my sleeves were covered in snot. but the ending, when he got to see his son again in the afterlife n he was the age that he wouldve been if he was still alive :”) my god. yukimura nails anything that has to do with father son dynamics, im sure its because he has a few boys of his own, and his love for his children is so evident in his writing. but also, the fact that he was able to make me feel SO MUCH for a character we hardly knew anything of, and also to use a character that the audience is not very familiar with to tell a story that i think almost everyone on this planet could relate to in some capacity (things we want to change n wish we could go back to do so…) just what a genius genius creative decision like he is just such a wonderful writer i appreciate him so much 😭😭😭
god, all of s2 is honestly my favorite scene LMFAO. the whole entirety of it is a masterclass in story telling. imma just do a quick few more of my fave scene shoutouts tho 😭
thorfinn getting his ear sliced by fox, thorfinn calling einer his brother, thorfinn climbing his way out of valhalla, thorfinn telling arnheid about vinland before she passed away, snake revealing the truth behind ketil’s name, thorfinn reuniting with his mother again. god just all of it. i swear, just all of it.
GAT DAYUM THIS IS LONG but idgaf i’d talk about this show until i draw my last breath lmfaooo thank u anon for this ask im clearly insane 🤣🤣🤣 ur probs like im never sending this bitch an ask ever again LMFAO just joking but srs i appreciate it i had a lot of fun answering :””) i just love this show so much
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ayyy-pee · 3 months
lexi oh my GOD i’ve just come from your sanemi fic and fucking hell i’ve consumed a LOT of writing for him but this actually blew the lid off the can!!???!!! genuinely convinced this is the best sanemi work i’ve ever written oh my god i will love you forever if you write more for him, im so obsessed with your writing style im BEGGING for more…… good god man!!!! shit!!!!!!!! 💝💝
AHHHHHH HI ZIZZI!!! thank you so so so so sosososooso damn much for the compliments!!! it's my first time writing for him and I'm so glad the way I perceive him is being well received!
he's rotting my brain SO badly so you may see him again. my main squeeze is suguru geto and sanemi is becoming suguru level for me I fear 😭💚
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pridewishes · 3 months
hiyaa ! im the guy who requested the autistic rougefort icons .. thanks SOSOSOSOOSOS much!! i love them alot ur work never fails to impress me ! disability pride month and have an amazing and wonderful july !! ❤️
Tysm I'm glad you like them
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nick-cassidy · 3 months
Excuse me? RAF? Why didn't I know you write fics?? How have I missed that?
Anyway... loved your porsche six intimacy bred by memory-shaped familiarity and sprinkled with silliness love letter <3 It made a very good bedtime story for me.
(I'll check out whatever else you wrote soon when I have time)
NANNAAAA HI HELLO 😽 aha that was my first time posting abt my ao3 . i am quite shy with my writing 🫣 . but everyone here has been so kind to me .. ill start posting links with my fics on here with my chest !
I am so sosososoosos glad you felt the porsche love letter . not even kidding that’s how i feel 24/7 that whole description . esp when i think abt porsche 6 too much 💕⭐️
rest up bff!!! Hope classes r treating you well and thank you for ur kind message 🥹 we should chitchat soon
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icyfox17 · 7 months
3, 4, 9, 11, 15, 20, and 21 :D!!
3. three songs you were recently obsessed with -fucked up by racoma -car lights by james marriott -iris by goo goo dolls
OUGHOGUHGOGHOGHOGUHOGUHOGGHOUGHOGUH i have been looping these three SO MUCH LATELY along with allez les blues by los camps
fucked up jumpscares me bc theres swearing in the literal title and it sounds so intense and i mean the bridge aka my fav part of the song IS intense bUT ITS SOOOO GOOD AND SOSOSOO PRETTY AND I CANNOTTT GET OVERRR IT RAHHSHSHDFJSDK
car lights is a funny one bc the first like 3 years of me listening to james' music i never got into it for some reason?? i always loved grapes and gold n stuff but then tommy covered it during his karaoke stream and HOLYSHITT i was like wtf this is so good? and then i listened to the original and went HOLY SHIT THIS IS SO GOOD??? its now been like 2-3 months and i still. am looping this shit constantly like BRO BR O BRO BRO BRO BRO ITS SO GOODDFDOWEJFIAWFEJAWFELJAWEFIJWEFLWE I LOVE CAR LIGHTS SO MUCHHHHHHHHHHHHH
iris is one of my long time fav songssss, i grew up on 90s alt rock so anything from that era is just soo <333 fkjdsdjflsj EPXLODES !!! but like the last two years ive gone in and out with listening to it. i'll listen to 90s for like a month and then go back to modern music. but yeah january i started megaaaa listening to 90s alt rock again and i remembered how much i love iris so that shit has been on loop as well. it is genuinely one of my top five fav songs of all time. also extra fun fact for you !! my mom used to loop it while she was pregnant with me <3 so it is just kinda like. my song lmao ever since before i was born lmaooooo
okay gonna provide a cut bc this will be a long one ^-^
4 i already answered and i would answer w diff ones but this ones gonna be long so i'll skip it for now eheh
9. three songs that get you in the Christmas Mood -Auld Lang Syne by Andrew Bird -Carol of the Bells from the Home Alone soundtrackkk -Rocking Around the Christmas Tree by Brenda Lee
the first album is such a lovely one grgrgrkjrjgk i have nice memories of listening to it while sitting in front of the (real wood !!) fireplace and drinking tea and just enjoying my family's company during xmas time <333
and the last one is just a classic:D also reminds me of home alone which is ofc my fav xmas movie ever (way better than elf FIGHT MEEE)
11. three favourite songs from movie or TV series soundtrack (i think this means like soundtrack so regular songs rather than ost but if u wanna know my three fav ostsss pls send and i will tell !!! i love film osts so much omg 😭😭😭) -Heroes by David Bowie [Perks of Being A Wallflower] -Lake Shore Drive by Aliotta Haynes Jeremiah [Guardians of the Galaxy] -Spirits by The Strumbellas [Middle School Worst Years of My Life]
goddd this movie changed my life honestly and the scene this song is from genuinely is just. it rewired my brain chemistry. i want to feel infinite man its soooooo i love this movie sosososooso much and this song is just so lovely and just RAHSHSFJDKSKJFKLAKJS i cannot english properly lmao i think im losing steam but just. yes. this song + movie are both. yes
I LOVE GOTG SOUNDTRACK SO MUCH IT IS PEAK EVERY SONG IS FUCKING AMAZINGGGGG but this is one of the songs that i found from this movie and idk !! i think it's underrated it's so vibey it makes me feel so happy:))))
this is another movie that literally changed my life. like. it's such a silly movie? but it genuinely makes me cry everytime and and this songggg this is the beginning of me looking into my own taste of music that's not just generic top 60 from the radio or my family's taste. i found this song from this movie and found the rest of the band's music and and and it was one of the first steps of me finding out who i am. it's a really big part of my personality (both the movie and the song) and i just :(( this band makes me sooo emotional. they helped me out during my first bout of mental health issues and i just got to see them in concert a couple months ago and sobsobsobsosbsobosbsobsososbsobsobsossbososssssssss SORRY i'll start rambling now i just GODDD the strumbellas mean so much to me :(
15. three songs you want to dance with your love to -Come on Eileen by Dexy Midnight Runners -Coming Home by Leon Bridges -Starting Over by Chris Stapleton
the first two are just CLASSICSSSS you have to dance to themmm and i have in the past and its literally the greatest feeling in the world. literally nothing compares. the last one is more targeted towards my partner:))) she's from tennesse LMAOO and loves country music buuuuttt besides that i also just like. my dad and his wife listen to country music a lot and it's soooo?? it's so lovely idk this style of country music is just pure vibes. but yeah the lyrics r also super lovely and just remind me of my partner so badly grjgkjrgkjrg i need to listen to alllll the country and soul (heh pun unintended) music with them. this song in particular is so comforting i just feel like it'd be nice to dance in the kitchen to <3
20. three songs that remind you of the person who sends this one -Morning Rain by Adam Torres -Banana Pancakes by Jack Johnson -Home Is by Kanaya
you just give me very soft pretty rainy day vibes <333 ur a very kind person and you hold so much positivity. these songs are all so very comforting and i just !! think they suit u very well ^-^
21. three songs of your childhood -Upside Down by Jack Johnson -Could You Be Loved by Bob Marley -Clocks by Coldplay
goddddd this songgg this song is nostalgia in a nutshell. used to love the movie but also my mom and i used to dogsit for this one person and they had 3 cds. jack johnson, barenaked ladies, and adele. i used to play those and just run around the house acting out the songs. so all of those are very nostalgic but upside down takes the cake bc it just. sounds nostalgic. idk its such happy vibes and its so innocent and wholesome and i justtttt sobsss its so lovely
my half-siblings' dad had a record player before it was cool and the two records he used to play all the time were bob marley and michael jackson. bob marley reminds me more of my childhood though. its just !! its bob marley man. certified classic and good vibes. i love this song so much <3 i love all of his music a lot but this one just ??? makes me feel super intense emotions
this one is NOSTALGIA KING i dont know if there's any other song that sounds like nostalgia like this one does. it was always on the radio in the car and its also in several movies and just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa its so gorgeous i love this song so much <3333
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damianito · 1 year
HELLO hello i just wanna say i love ur art sosososooso much!!!! ur my fav heikazu artist :)) also. the way you draw blush looks like it'd taste like a strawberry omonmnonmom
Strawberry cheeks
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fighto-art · 9 months
i don’t know like anyyy of the fandoms you draw but your style is super cute !!
This is so cute omg 😭 I left you a comment on TikTok yesterday so it makes me so happy to find you in my asks!! I love your edits sosososooso much 💖
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