#I LOVE YOU AND I MISS YOU!! flattered to have. appeared in your dream omg...what form did i take...how are you how have u been
steelycunt · 1 year
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eternal-curse · 7 months
imagine if popular vampire media characters all had tumblr. that would be so hectic lol they’d have so much beef with each other
#this is about to be super out of character for all of them #but humor comes at a price
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👨🏻‍🦲 colin-robinson-69-420 Follow
Callout Post for @mag𝗂strate-murder (aka Astarion Ancunín)
@mag𝗂strate-murder (prev URL was @year-of-the-carr𝗂on-crow) has shown some absolutely vile, revolting, disgusting, toxic— sometimes downright evil— behavior on numerous (and lengthy!) occasions. This behavior has been repeated again and again. I would be willing to forgive and forget all of these things, IF they were first-time events or isolated incidents. They are NOT isolated incidents.
The list includes (but is not limited to):
Trying to attack his friends while they're peacefully slumbering.
The murder of countless (countless!) innocent people.
Theft. Maybe even robbery. Idfk.
Showing annoyance at the idea of saving entire groups of people from being enslaved or mass murdered. (These were two separate occasions... Yuck!)
I know I’m posting this at 8 o’cock, so many vampblr users may be currently asleep, but it’s my civic duty to provide information for the uh. The people at large. So there are more details, more moral crimes, and proof of all of the heinous actions this spawn has committed under the cut.
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🗡 magistrate-murder
I'm flattered. You just can't take me off of your mind, can you? Do you dream of me? I hope they're nightmares. 💕
🩸 blood-and-book-reviews Follow
I love how "theft" is directly between "killing innocent people" and "is chill with subjugation and mass murder"
🎸 the-vampire-queen
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#did anyone else notice how they said 'moral crimes' #as if murder and theft and etc are legal? #lol? #weird... #<- prev's tags #my tags -> #YES OMG I NOTICED THAT TOO. #also what the eff? OP had to point out that astarion's a spawn? #why does it matter that he isn't a full vampire? #as someone who’s a vampire/demon hybrid that’s kind of a red flag to me :/ #ugh this is SO not math
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📚 j-harker
I’m missing @m𝗂ss-mina-murray. Currently out of the country for work.
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💁🏼‍♀️ slayer-summers
Oh, I'm sorry :( At least the view is beautiful, where are you?
📚 j-harker
Transylvania. Why?
💁🏼‍♀️ slayer-summers
Get Out Of There Immediately Jonathan Harker Leave Get Out Now Get Out Go Leave Go Now
#buffy talks #slayer posting
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🎸 the-vampire-queen
I just learned about "vegan vampires." That's so stupid. Just eat the color red ???? It's NOT that hard
🎀 miss-draculaura
🎸 the-vampire-queen
I'll make an exception for you
🎀 miss-draculaura
1,600 notes
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🐺 the-vampire-lestat
A preview of my upcoming book:
I am the vampire Lestat. I'm immortal. More or less. The light of the sun, the sustained heat of an intense fire-these things might destroy me. But then again, they might not.
I'm six feet tall, which was fairly impressive in the 1780s when I was a young mortal man. It's not bad now. I have thick blond hair, not quite shoulder length, and rather curly, which appears white under fluorescent light. My eyes are gray, but they absorb the colors blue or violet easily from surfaces around them. And I have a fairly short narrow nose, and a mouth that is well shaped but just a little too big for my face. It can look very mean, or extremely generous, my mouth. It always looks sensual. But emotions and attitudes are always reflected in my entire expression. I have a continuously animated face.
My vampire nature reveals itself in extremely white and highly reflective skin that has to be powdered down for cameras of any kind.
And if I'm starved for blood I look like a perfect horror- skin shrunken, veins like ropes over the contours of my bones. But I don't let that happen now. And the only consistent indi- cation that I am not human is my fingernails. It's the same with all vampires. Our fingernails look like glass. And some people notice that when they don't notice anything else.
Please, contain your excitement.
🐺 the-vampire-lestat
Who is Ebony Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way?
💁🏼‍♀️ slayer-summers
Would you believe me if I told you we're still trying to figure that out?
#buffy talks #well ebony isn't real #but we still don't know who tara is
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🦇 cravensworth-king-of-bottoms
I've heard a rumor about this online webbed site; that is which it is filled to the brim with abstinants, celibates, and the like.
📸 liam-de-lioncunt Follow
Ugh... As much as I hate to use popular gifs, I feel compulsed to post this before anyone else does.
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There. I did it first.
🦇 cravensworth-king-of-bottoms
Tonight, we FEAST. NYAH! HAH!
628 notes
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🎸 the-vampire-queen
Just recorded this Mitski cover
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🧛🏻‍♂️ tepes-the-first
Why is it that when Gods demand blood, it's called a necessary sacrifice, but when I, Vlad Dracul,
💛 alucard
It's because you're evil.
🧛🏻‍♂️ tepes-the-first
For the last time, change your URL. Your name is Adrian.
📚 j-harker
I didn't know you had a son!
📚 j-harker
Wait, what was the original post about??
🧛🏻‍♂️ tepes-the-first
Don't worry about it.
📚 j-harker
Okay. :)
4,279 notes
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💁🏼‍♀️ slayer-summers
I'm starting an emotional support group chat for slayers, does anyone want in?
💑 armand-de-la-cruz
Yes please!
⚔️ nandor-the-relentless-3
⚔️ nandor-the-relentless-3
Why do you want to be in a vampire slayer group chat Guillermo??????
⚔️ nandor-the-relentless-3
Answer my texts Guillermo
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✨ edward-cullen Follow
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My beautiful daughter. Looks just like her mother.
🍷 dimitrescu-winery
Get that wretched monstrosity of a child off of my screen.
🐈‍⬛ carmillas-admirer-sappho
wait, Ravioli is a real child? i thought she was just a photoshop meme of @the-vampire-lestat’s daughter Claudia?
6️⃣ vampire-count-er
What is the Vampblr number of the day? Let’s count the vampires of Tumblr above me in this post to find out!
Ah, that’s one vampire.
TWO! Two vampires!
THREE bloodsucking vampires! Ah ah ah!!
The number of the day is three!
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🐈‍⬛ carmillas-admirer-sappho
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💀 real-carmilla
🐈‍⬛ carmillas-admirer-sappho
🐈‍⬛ carmillas-admirer-sappho
🐈‍⬛ carmillas-admirer-sappho
please check your dms carmilla i sent you my address
1,982 notes
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👨🏻‍🦲 colin-robinson-69-420 Sponsored by Blaze 🔥
The new The Vampire Lestat album sucks.
Get it? It sucks.
Because he’s a vampire.
It’s pretty funny, if you ask me.
#lestat de lioncourt #satan’s night out #the vampire lestat #vampblr #not a callout post
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🌙 werepire
Is no one going to talk about how problematic Marceline’s girlfriend is? Just because they’re both royalty doesn’t mean that Bonnibel can do whatever she wants with no repercussions.
I mean, here’s an article explaining all the horrible stuff she’s done [link]. Are we just going to pretend none of it happened?
👩🏻‍❤️‍💋‍👨🏻 nadja-of-antipaxos
Hard agree. Down with the monarchies.
She can, however, do whatever she wants because she’s hot
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lexxiie · 3 years
Girl oh my god I need a part three ✋😫
My heart is so soft right now
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If Reader Had Found Tenko Before AFO Did (Pt.3)
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Omg I can't believe that so many people wanted a part 3! I'm so glad you liked these.
Part 1 Part 2
Pairing: Tenko Shimura | Tomura Shigaraki
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After 13 years of sharing your life with the most wonderful kid in the whole world, saying goodbye was just too hard.
Tenko was about to graduate from the UA. He had been one of the top students and one of the most prestigious hero agencies had taken him in. Which meant that he would probably move to another city to be a hero there.
You were so proud of him. He wanted to be a hero ever since he was a child! How many people end up making their childhood dreams a reality?
You wouldn't want it any other way, but you would miss him.
Now that these were your last weeks together, he had been spending much more time at home.
He had stopped hanging out with his friends so that he could be with his mom, how cute is that?
The truth was that he already missed you too.
You have been the biggest support he has had in his entire life. You had loved him even when you knew what he had done, you had given him a family. He had no idea what he would do far from you.
He would go straight home right after classes were over so that he could be on time to help you cook to rant about his day and hear about yours.
Your movie nights became a tradition. You still did that every single night. He lets you pick the movie now that he is older while he rests his head on your shoulder.
9/10 times, he falls asleep. Your movie choices are too boring for him, but he doesn't complain.
You are the "hot mom" at his school and every time someone mentions it, he gets pissed.
But you love it. You were very young when you adopted him and he was already five. A part of you feared that maybe you were rushing your life a bit too much but there wasn't any way out anyway because the kid had your whole heart.
So, of course, the fact that 18 year olds still thought you were hot was very flattering. You didn't look old yet.
You do feel bad that it's embarrassing for Tenko, though. But not that bad.
He is the sweetest kid ever.
On those rare occasions where you are the one who falls asleep, he wraps a blanket around you.
On weekends, he is the one who makes breakfast for both of you.
He is the one who goes to the supermarket whenever you need something.
He is very grateful for you, you know? He feels like you have given him too much and he just wants to do things for you as well.
It makes you very emotional to see those old portraits of you two where you literally had to carry him so that both of you could appear on the picture and then look at the most recent ones where he is now taller than you.
Seeing this boy grow up is the biggest joy of your life. Seriously.
He used to wonder if maybe you would have had a better life if you didn't have to raise him. Maybe you would be married by now, and have kids of your own.
When he mentioned this to you, and told you that he would be okay if you ever decided to bring someone else into your life, you were so confused.
Hadn't you showed him how grateful you were for him???
You made sure to tell him that he would always be your top 1 priority. And it was true. You were happy that it was just the two of you.
However, it was true that you were too busy adoring Tenko to think of loving anyone else.
Maybe now that he was leaving, you would be forced to do so.
On your birthdays, he treats you to dinner in your favourite restaurant.
He is very caring and pays attention to every detail, so he has a list on his head of every single thing you say you like so that he can look for them and buy them as a gift.
Although the fact that there's not a huge age gap between you two makes your relationship a bit different. You are more of a cool aunt than a mom.
When he turned 18, you both literally went clubbing together. You had been waiting for years.
He still calls you (y/n) but you prefer it that way. Turns out that you are still not ready to be called mom.
You do introduce him as your son, though. Except when you see a hot dude, then you introduce him as your little brother.
He literally thinks you are the coolest person alive. You are his biggest hero and the person he admires the most.
You keep all the clothes from when he was little in a box because they are your most precious items, as well as his toys.
Don't tell him that I told you this but he has a whole box filled with portraits of the two of you for when he moves out.
At the end of the day, you saved each other.
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teddy06writes · 3 years
The Phantom Of The Opera AU
requested by this anon: “Okay so I know you’re a musical kid so you have probably listened to/heard of Phantom of the Opera. Picture this: Dream as the Phamtom x Fem!reader as Christine x Sapnap as Raul”
Dream x Fem!reader and Sapnap x fem!reader (with dream as the phantom and sapnap as Raul)
trigger warnings: death, dream being a low key creeper, maybe some swears, my general lack of knowledge of this musical
premise: Phantom AU, not neccicarily the full story, its mainly what I’ve seen/read/listened to that I think is important, and like eight of the songs. Ummm, I feel like the summary above is enough for you to get the general idea.
(y/l/n)- your last name
“blep” regular talking
“Belp” singing
When things are in counterpoint, regular text will be (y/n), (text in parenthesis is sapnap), and {bracketed text is Dream}
if you, like me are unfamilliar with the story, this is the summary that arrived in my inbox last night (thank you so much to the person who sent that by the way, it really helped)  
“So basically phantom of the opera is a love triangle between 3 people, the Phantom (P) x Christine (C) x Raul (R). C and R were childhood friends until R had to move away. C grew up in the Opera house with her dad (deceased) as a music writer. C grows up getting “private” singing lessons from P ( he is literally talking to her through a vent ((Among Us omg)) or something idk). Fast forward into the future to present day. C is a ballerina at the opera and one day, the phantom makes the set malfunction so that the lead female opera singer (she’s a jerk. Forgot her name) can’t preform and C has to preform as the lead instead. Coincidentally, the night Christine sings as the lead is the day R comes to see her show and R is like “ooWooga she be fine now ig”. R and C catch up after the show and R goes away for a minute and then P is like “aight C imma kidnap you for a sec with no purpose whatsoever to the plot except for a cool song” and then C returns to her normal life ig. P them sends stuff to the people in charge of the Opera saying “ayo C be pretty fine, let her be the lead again” the people in charge of the opera were like “nah fam, let’s have the person who was supposed to be the lead be the lead”. Upset by this, during the show, P broke the chandelier and it fell into the audience. C is like “I love you uwu�� R is like”let’s get engaged” C is like “let’s keep it a secret so the crazy P guy doesn’t find out” and little did they know during that conversation P was hiding and overheard everything and is now sad boi hours. A masquerade happens and P shows up like “ayo I heard you trynna steal my boo” and R is like “nah she my boo” and they duel or whatever. Idk how it transitions to this but the Opera runs another show and they make C the lead to not upset P. However, during a love song (Past the point of no return, it literally slaps), C realizes that the person singing isn’t the original actor, it is P! And then P straight up kidnaps C after the song, takes her to his lair and is like “boo you gotta marry me or I destroy the opera house with everyone inside it” C is like “fine ig” P takes off his mask and reveals he is hiding burn marks and he kisses C and C kisses back. P is like” my mom never even kissed me” and P let’s C go, telling her to go marry R... or you can just watch this video lmao https://youtu.be/4a5nahw3zi8″
On that note, here we go:
{that only goes for the final scene where its all three, it varies otherwise}
{Things I have learned while preparing this story, 1. the actual phantoms name is Erik, like what a nerd, 2. he’s also not actually a ghost??? He’s literally just some creeper who lives in an opera house screwing with people; also yes Eret is the strict lady who yells at everyone and talks to the phantom, deal with it}
{pls send me more musical au asks I really liked doing this, even if it took me a while}
The ravenous applause of the audience seemed to echo in your ears, even after you had left the stage. 
You’re debut as the female lead in Hannibal had been a smashing success, and as the rest of the chorus girls backstage were saying, it was all thanks to the Phantom scaring Hannah off.  
Niki practically ran up to you from the rehearsal room, “(y/n) that was incredible!” 
You grinned, “Oh I feel like I’m floating Niki! Thank you for volunteering me for the role.” 
“Don’t thank me, Thank whoever's giving you those lessons,” She bumped her hip against yours, grinning cheekily, “And if what the girls are saying is true you’ll have to thank him for getting Hannah out of here.” 
You chuckled, but before you could say anything else Madame Eret was approaching, knocking the end of their cane of the ground, “Miss Nihachu, you are a dancer are you not?” 
Niki nodded. 
“Then get back to rehearsal,” he waited until Niki hurried off to turn to you, “He is most pleased with your performance, here.”
You took the note from him, reading over it quietly, “Red scarf..... the attic.... little lotte?” 
She simply shrugged, leaving you to turn and head up your dressing room. 
As you changed out of your costume from the show you couldn’t help but hum the song that had earned the most applause, “Think of me, think of me of me fondly, when we’ve said goodbye.” 
Reaching around you found your dressing gown, pulling it on and tying up the front, “Remember me, once and a while. Please, promise you’ll try...” 
Your words faded off as your sat down at your vanity, beginning to brush out your hair. 
“Where is your red scarf Miss (y/l/n)? I hope you haven’t lost it. Not after all the trouble I went through to retrieve it for you.” 
You turned to see a tall dark hair man standing in the doorway, a grin spreading across your face as he continued, “I was only 14 and soaked to the bone...” 
“Because you ran into the sea to fetch my red scarf!” You exclaimed, jumping up and flinging your arms around him excietedly, “Sapnap! How I’ve missed you!” 
He chuckled, pulling away, and offering you a single red rose, “(y/n)... Little Lotte let her mind wander...” 
“You remember that too?” You asked with a giggle. 
Sapnap smiled and kept singing, “Little Lotte thought: am I fonder of dolls,” 
“Or of goblins or shoes?” You joined in, “Or of riddles of frocks, or chocolates.” 
“Those picnics n the attic...” He reminisced. 
You closed your eyes, remembering those long ago days, “Father playing the violin.” 
“As we read each other those dark stories of the north.” 
“No what I like best, little Lotte said, is when I’m asleep in my bed,” You sang, “And the angel of music sings songs in my head!” 
“The angel of music sings songs in my head.” He repeated softly. 
You smiled at him, an excited fond feeling forming in your stomach as you sank back into your chair,  “Father said, when I am in heaven child I will send the angel of music to you. Well now father is dead, Sapnap. And I have been visited by the angel of music.” 
“Well that is very evident,” He chuckled, taking your hands, “Your performance was wonderful. And now, we shall go to supper.” 
“Oh- sapnap I can’t, the angle of music is very strict.” 
He didn’t seem to understand the urgency in your voice as he laughed again, “Well I shant keep you up late.”
“No- Sapnap, things have changed-”
“You have to change,” He interrupted, “And I have to grab my hat. Two minutes little lotte.” 
As he went out the door you cried after him, “Sapnap! Thing have changed Sapnap!”
But he was out of earshot, and the voice that had become so familiar to you was booming, “Insolate boy! This Slave of fashion basking in your glory! Ignorant fool! This brave young suitor, sharing my triumph!”
“Angel I hear you! Speak, I listen! Stay by my side and gude me!” You begged up to the ceiling, “Angel my soul was weak! Forgive me! Enter at last master!”
“Flattering child, you shall know me, see why in the shadow I hide, look at your face in the mirror, I am their inside!” 
The voice sounded closer now, and you couldn’t help but look around, “Angel of music! Hide no longer!” 
You turned again, finding yourself face to face with what seemed like a mask, floating in your mirror, “Come to me, strange angel!”
“I am your angel! Come to me angel of music!” 
A shadowy figure seemed to appear behind the smiling mask, a hand outstretched to you. In a daze you stood, grabbing his hand and allowing him to lead you away down a dark pathway.
“Who’s voice is that?” Sapnap asked, knocking on the now closed door, “(y/n) who’s in there?” 
“Come with me angel of music!” Dream, the Phantoms voice echoed again. 
“In sleep he came to me, the voice which calls to me and speaks my name!” You moved quietly through the passages, following Dream, “And Do I dream again? for now I find, the phantom of the opera is there, inside my mind!” 
“Sing once again with me our strange duet! My power over you grows stronger yet! And though you turn from me to look behind, the phantom of the opera is there! Inside your mind!” He sang, turning back to make sure you were following once more.
The walls of the tunnel seemed to widen, and you could almost make out an empty candle lit space. 
You reached out, fingers almost brushing the edge of his cloak, “Those who have seen your face draw back in fear! I am the mask you wear..”
“It’s me they hear...” 
As you emerged into a cross roads of the tunnels, you sang in tandem, “Your (my) spirit and your (my) voice in one combined, the phantom of the opera is there, inside your (my) mind!” 
He helped you into the boat that waited in one tunnel, before casting off, propelling the boat down the slow moving current, “In all your fantasies, you always knew the man and mystery...” 
“Were both in you....” You sang softly as the boat came to dock in a wide chamber.
Slowly you climbed out of the boat after him, looking around the dank space, and at the organ in the corner. 
Dream pulled off his cloak, “And in this labyrinth where the night is blind..”
“The Phantom of the opera is there! Inside my mind......” 
As the people downstairs argued, you tried to think over what had happened. Was it a dream? It didn’t seem like it, but still, a man appearing in her looking glass? Taking her away and singing words of praise, words of love, words that made nearly no sense now that it was day, and a haze covered your memory. 
The one thing that remained clear was the monster she had found beyond the mask.
All too soon it seemed you were being rushed into rehearsals, being told you no longer had a speaking role, as Hannah had returned, and was back to her diva ways. 
Rehearsals that would normally drag on seemed to go quicker now, and soon you and the rest of the girls were getting ready for the performance. 
“This is ridiculous,” Niki muttered as she adjusted her costume, “You should be playing the duchess, not Hannab.” 
“Hannah is the featured soprano. She’s always the lead.” You retorted. 
“But how will Sapnap know to look for you in the chorus?” Niki teased.
You elbowed her, laughing lightly, “Shut up. Besides I doubt the phantom would let him see me again.”
The show had gone well, at least until the fifth scene. 
All the music stopped abruptly as a voice boomed, “Did I not instruct that box five was to be left empty?”
“He’s here: The Phantom Of The Opera!” Niki cried from offstage. 
Your head jerked up to turn and look at the audience, “It’s Dream!” 
“Your part is silent, you toad!” Hannah snapped. 
From somewhere up in the audience Dream frowned, “A toad Madame? Perhaps it is you who is the toad...” 
Hanna opened her mouth to continue on her script, but no sound seemed to come out, save for what was close the a croak. 
The men who had bought the opera house, Wilbur and Tommy were coming rushing down from their box, “Ladies and gentlemen we apologize! The performance will continue in ten minutes time, with Miss (y/l/n) as the duchess!”
Tommy nodded as Wilbur finished, “And for now, we will give you the ballet, from act three of tonight's show!” 
The ballet didn’t last long, as when you returned to the wings dressed for the new role you had been given, someone let out a horrified scream.
“What the-” 
You were cut off as you looked up to see Shlatt, the stagehand in charged of the curtains, hanging from the rigging, a noose fully tightened around his neck. 
“Ladies and gentlemen remain calm! It was just an accident- remain calm!” Someone shouted. 
Through the darkness you could make out Dream’s menacing figure, the smiling mask watching you threateningly as you clamped your hand over your mouth to stop the scream that had ripped at your throat. 
“(y/n)? (y/n) are you alright?” Sapnap had run down onto the stage in all the chaos. 
“We- we have to get out of here,” You choked, grabbing his hand, “We aren’t safe here.” 
He didn’t seem to understand the reason behind your panic, but even so he offer you his arm, “Lets leave then.” 
Twenty minutes later you ended up in an empty park, the panic that filled your chest not yet fading as Sapnap asked, “Why have you brought me here?”
“We can’t go back there!” You exclaimed. 
“But we must return.” He gripped your hands, “Darling their bound to be missing you.” 
You shook your head, “Sapnap- He’ll kill you! His eyes will find us there!” 
“(y/n), don’t say that! It’s okay (y/n), it’s okay!” 
You looked up into the darkened sky, “No it’s not- no it’s not- Those eyes that burn!” 
“Don’t even think it!” He cried desperately. 
You couldn’t tell whether you were trembling from fear, or from the cold, as you sang, “And if he has to kill a thousand men....” 
“Forget this waking nightmare!” Sapnap insisted. 
“....The phantom of the opera will kill.” You sang distractedly. 
He gripped your shoulders, “This phantom is a fable, (y/n), believe me!” 
“And kill again....” You shuddered at the idea of Dream doing anything to Sapnap. 
Both of you sang, “God who is this man, who hunts to kill? (this mask of death?)
“I can’t escape him!” You cried. 
He shook his head, “Whose voice is it you hear...”
“...I never will!” 
“With every breath?” 
His grip on your shoulders tightened, pulling you closer to him as you both sang, “And in this labyrinth where light is blind, the phantom of the opera is there, inside my (your) mind!”
“There is no Phantom of the Opera!” 
“Sapnap- I’ve been there, inside his world of never ending light! To a world where daylight dissolves into darkness, darkness! Sapnap I’ve seen him!” You cried. “Can I ever forget that sight? Can I ever escape that face? So distorted, disformed it was hardly a face!  in the darkness, darkness. But his voice filled my spirit with a strange, sweet sound in that night there was music in my mind And through music my soul began to soar! And I heard as I'd never heard before!” 
“What you had was a dream and nothing more!” 
You could hardly look up at him, “yet in his eyes was all the sadness in the world! Those pleading eyes that both threaten and adore!” 
“(y/n), (y/n)!”  Sapnap exclaimed. 
“.....(y/n)......” A different voice seemed to cry into the night. 
You gasped, pressing yourself against Sapnap, “What was that?” 
He hugged you tightly, before pulling back and singing gently, “No more talk of darkness, forget these wide eyed fears. I’m here, and nothing can harm you, my words will warm and calm you.” 
You relaxed into his grip, listening to his quiet voice, “Let me be your freedom, let daylight dry your tears, I’m here, with you, beside you, to guard you and to guide you.” 
“Say you love me, every waking moment. Turn my head and talk of summer time,” You looked up at him, biting your lip, “Say you need me now and always, promise me that all you say is true, that's all I ask of you.” 
“Let me be your shelter, let me be your light, you are safe, no one will find you. Your fears are far behind you.” He assured you, smiling softly. 
 “All I want is freedom, a world with no more night. And you to always be beside me, to hold me and to hide me.” You admitted. 
Sapnap’s smile grew wider, “Then say you’ll share with me, one love, one life time. Let me lead you from your solitude. Say you need me here, beside you. Anywhere you go let me go too, (y/n), that's all I ask of you.” 
“Say you’ll share with me, one love, one life time,” You repeated, “Say the word, and I’ll follow you.” 
“Share each day with me, each night, each morning.” You sang together as he leaned down to rest his forehead on yours.
“Say you love me?” 
He smiled, whispering, “You know I do.” 
“Love me- that's all I ask of you.” You both sang, before he leaned in to gently press a kiss to your lips, “Any where you go, let me go too. Love me- thats all I ask of you.” 
Sapnap kissed you again, before pulling away, “We could go anywhere- we could be married! You would marry me, yes?” 
“Oh, yes, Sapnap, yes I would. If you’d have me.” You nodded, eagerly. 
He grinned, pressing a kiss to your forehead.
You couldn’t help but giggle, before turning back toward the direction of the opera house, “I must go back, they’ll wonder where I am. Wait for me Sapnap!” 
“(y/n), I love you!” He exclaimed. 
“Wait for me, Sapnap. Order your finest horses and being waiting by the door.” You could go back, and continue working at the opera house, there was nothing left for you to fear while Sapnap was there.
“And soon you’ll be beside me!” He chuckled.
You grinned, “To guard me and too guide me!” 
Sapnap offered you his arm again, and you headed off out of the park, toward the opera house. 
Slowly, Dream slinked from the shadows where he had watched the proposal, “I gave you my music, made your song take wing. And now your repaid me, denied and betrayed me.” 
He groaned running a hand through his hair, “He was bound to love you, when he heard you sing. (y/n)- oh (y/n)-”
He was cut off by the sounds of your voices drifting down the street, Say you’ll share with me, one love, one life time, Say the word, and I’ll follow you. Share each day with me, each night, each morning.”
Dream’s hands flew to his ears, desperate to block out the sounds- he had been so sure that you could’ve loved him, but now Sapnap was stealing you away. 
“You will curse the day you did not do, all that the phantom asked of you!” He bellowed. 
The following weeks at the opera house were a blur of panic masked by busyness, Wilbur and Tommy refusing to let the disaster of the chandelier falling from keeping the company from working on their next performance. 
You kept on working, the ring on the chain Sapnap had given you around your neck helping you to feel safe, even as the chorus girls cited the Phantom for the cause of all the distress. 
Now you were back in your dressing room, getting ready for dinner with Sapnap.
“Wander child, so lost, so helpless,” A soft voice seemed to drift down from no where, “Yearning for my guidance.” 
You looked up at the ceiling, “angel or father? Friend or phantom? Who is it their staring?” 
“Have you forgotten your angel?” The voice murmured, Dream appearing once again in your mirror. 
You turned to him, almost in a trance, “angel, oh, speak, what endless longings, echo in this whisper.” 
Sapnap, having arrived to the opera house appeared in the door, watched as you moved toward the phantom. 
“Too long you’ve wandered the winter...” Dream continued to sing, hand outstretched to you. 
“Once again she is his.” Sapnap sang, as you started to cross the room toward the mirror where the phantom stood. 
“...far from my far reaching eyes.” 
“Wildly my mind beats against you....” You sang, transfixed. 
Behind the mask Dream grinned, “You resist. Yet your soul obeys.” 
“Once again she returns, to the arms of her angel. Angel or demon? Still he calls her, luring her back from the grave. Angel or dark seducer? Who are you strange angel?” Sapnap sang, again, more to himself than you or Dream. 
Dream beckoned you forward again,  “I am your angel of music, come to me angel of music!”
“Angel of darkness, cease this torment!” Sapnap exclaimed, moving into the room properly and drawing attention to himself. 
Dream unbothered, continued to sing, “I am your angle of music! Come to me angel of music!” 
“(y/n), (y/n) listen to me! Whatever you may believe- this thing, this man is not your father!”  Sapnap yelled, “(y/n)! Let her go! For gods sake let her go!” 
Jarred by his sudden yell, you turned, the trance broken, “Sapnap...” 
Dream, unimpressed, began to clap, deadpanning, “Bravo monsieur. Such spirited words.” 
“No more tricks monsieur!” Sapnap yelled, stepping forward to put himself between you and Dream. 
“Oh, but that's not any fun. Why don’t you come closer, sir? Keep coming this way.” 
Sapnap, not liking to be challenged, stepped forward, “You cannot win her love by holding her prisoner!” 
“No- Sapnap don’t!” You grabbed his hand, pulling him back. 
He nodded resolutely, gripping your hand as you both moved toward the door, “Lets go then, no more time will be spent with this monster.” 
“Don’t go!” Dream wailed as you hurried away down the hall, “Now let it be war upon you both!” 
Something was going wrong, of course it was, because when was it not?
Your entrance in Don Juan Triumphant had gone according to plan, but the man who had stepped out as Don Juan was not George, as it should have been.
You steeled yourself, trying to come up with a logical reason.
George must have gotten sick, and a stand in had taken his place, yes that must be it.
“Past the point of no return, no backward glances, the games we played till now, are at an end.” The man sang, “Past all thought of ‘if’ or ‘when’, no use resisting, abandon that thought and let the dream descend.”
Your panic seemed to rise, the double meaning in his words filling you with dread.
“What raging fire shall flood the soul? What rich desire locks the door? What sweet seduction lies before is? Past the point of no return, the final thread hold. What unspoken secrets will we learn? Beyond the point of no return.”
You moved carefully to your next mark, trying to work out who it was in George’s place, “You have brought me, to the moment when words run dry, to the moment when speech disappears into silence, silence.
I have come here, hardly knowing the reason why, in my mind I already imagined, our bodies entwined. Defenseless and silent, now I am here with you, no second thoughts, I’ve decided, decided.”
You just barley stopped from trembling as you realized, it was Dream, “Past the point of no return, no going back now. Our passion play has now, at last, begun. Past all thought of right and wrong. One final question: how long should we two wait, before we’re one?”
“When will the blood being to race? When will the sleeping bud burst into bloom? When will the flames at last consume us?” You finished, taking an only slightly shaky breath.
The phantom grabbed your hand as you both sang, “Past the point of no return, the final threshold. The bridge is crossed so stand and watch it burn, we’ve past the point of no return!”
Everyone in the audience seemed to hold their breath, they too knew that this was not George. The cloak that had hidden Dreams mask fell, and they gasped upon seeing the plaster smiling face.
He grinned behind the mask, and punctuated, “Say you’ll share with me, one love, one lifetimes lead me, save me from my solitude.”
The words stung even before he pulled out a ring, holding it out to you, “come with me, or this whole place will come down upon us.”
Slowly you looked to the audience, Sapnap was standing in the isle, looking worried.
You couldn’t let him get hurt.
You nodded reluctantly, as he continued, “say you want me by your side anywhere you go let me go too, (y/n) that’s all I ask of-“
Slowly, you reached up, pulling the mask off his face, revealing the terribly scared face to the world.
The gasps turned into horrible screams as a curtain was raised, and Georges body tumbled onto the stage.
Almost immediately Dream flung his cloak around you, disappearing.
Sapnap ran up onto the stage, along with the crew, police officers and other patrons.
“Sapnap! Sapnap you’ve got to come with me!” Eret cried, rushing out onto the stage.
“What the hell is going on?”
“Sapnap!” They yelled again, “I know where they are!”
“But can I trust you?” He demanded.
She nodded, “yes, and remember, keep your hand up at eye level.”
“Punjab lasso.” Was all he offered in explication as he led Sapnap away.
Soon enough Sapnap was creeping through the shadows of the phantoms layer, watching as he tried to place a wedding veil on your head, “Too bad pity comes to late, turn around and face your fate, an entirety of this before your eyes!”
You turn to face him, looking up at the mess of scares that cover his face, “this haunted face holds no horror for me now, it is in your soul that the true distortion lies.”
The phantom turned suddenly, to Sapnaps hiding place, “Wait! I think, my dear, we have a guest! Sir, this is indeed an unparalleled delight! I had rather hoped that you would come And now my wish comes true— you have truly made my night!”
“Free her!” Sapnap yelled, stepping into the light, “do what you want to me but let her go!”
“Your lover makes a passionate plea.” Dream laughed at you.
“Sapnap it’s useless!” You cried.
Sapnap shook his head, “I love her! Does that mean anything To you? I love her! Show some compassion!”
“The world showed no compassion to me!” Dream retorted.
He reached out toward you, “(y/n), (y/n), please let me see her!”
Dream grinned maliciously, “be my guest.”
Sapnap rushed forwards, as Dream contiued to taunt, “Monsuier, i bid you welcome, did you think that I would hurt her? Why should I make her pay, for the sins which are yours?” 
As he finished the last words the Punjab lasso came sailing out, and Sapnap barley had time to fling his arm back up as he was dragged back, the only thing keeping him from hanging being the fingers he’d wrangled between the rope and his neck. 
“No!” You cried, struggling to your feet. 
“Order your fine horses now!” Dream yelled, “Nothing now can save you, except maybe... (y/n).” 
You stood, shaking as he turned to you, “Start a new life with me- buy his freedom with your love! Refuse me now and send your lover to his death! This is the choice, this is the point of no return!” 
“(y/n), forgive me, please forgive me, I did it all for you, and all for nothing.” Sapnap sang, looking at you desperately.  
At the same time you turned toward Dream, “Farewell my fallen idol, and my false friend, one by one my delusions shattered.” 
“Too late for turning back, too late for prayers and useless pity!” Dream sang.
“{all hope of cries for help, no point in fighting!} (say you love and my life is over, either way you choose, he has to win!) {for ether way you choose, you cannot win! So do you end your days with me or do you send him to his grave?}”
“Why make her lie to you, to save me?” Sapnap yelled. 
You looked between them desperately, “Angel of music..... {past the point of no return!} (For pity’s sake (y/n) say no! Don’t throw your life away for my sake!) Who deserves this? When will you see reason? {The Final threshold! His life is now the prize you must earn! You’ve passed the point of no return....}”
You looked at Dream, no longer trying to hide the fear that coursed through your veins, “Angel of music, you have deceived me, I gave myself blindly to you.” 
“You try my patience! Make your choice!” Dream yelled. 
Looking back at sapnap for a moment you stepped forward, whatever it would take, you would keep him safe, “Pitiful creature of darkness, what kind of life have you known? God give me courage to show you, you are not alone.” 
Reaching out, you took the mask from his hand, tossing it to the side as he moved closer to you as well. 
Before you could hardly blink he was kissing you, and with little more than a second thought you kissed back. 
Sapnap watched, in partials horror, until the phantom drew back, shaking as he whispered, “No one has ever kissed me- not even my own mother.” 
You nodded, and then suddenly Dream began to move across the room, grabbing a knife from somewhere as he stalked up to Sapnap.
He paused for a beat, and you could feel the terror in the room- until he slashed at the rope, and Sapnap fell the ground. 
You rushed over to him, kneeling beside him, “Sapnap! oh Sapnap!” 
“Take her,” dream wailed, “Take her and forget me, forget all of this! Leave me alone- forget all you’ve seen....”
Sapnap struggled to his feet, holding you close to him as he backed towards the channel. 
“Take the boat, leave me here, go now, please!” 
The sounds of the mob looking for Georges murderer seemed to grow louder as they grew closer.
“Hurry! Now before its too late!” Dream yelled. 
Sapnap hurriedly started to help you into the boat, but you pulled away, moving back to the Phantom, long enough to hand him the ring. 
Then you were off, turning to Sapnap as the current carried the boat away, “I’m sorry Sapnap- I couldn’t let him hurt you- I couldn’t!” 
“Shhh. It’s alright (y/n), it’s alright. He can’t hurt you anymore.” He murmured, pulling you into his arms.
“Say you’ll share with me, one love one lifetime.” You sang shakily.
Sapnap nodded, “Say the word and I’ll follow you.”
“Share each day with me, each night, each morning...” The sounds of your voices traveled back up the tunnel for Dream to hear. 
He sighed, looking resolutly into the distance, “You alone can make my song take flight- It’s over now, the music of the night!”
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damnzawa · 4 years
henlo i'm not sure what your rules are for requests so i'm sorry if i'm doing this wrong i just love your writing uwu 👉🏼👈🏼 aizawa with an hero!s/o turned into a neko because they got hit by a quirk after fighting some villain? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼
Note(s): OMG ?? I ?? AM ?? SO ?? FLATTERED ?? THAT ?? YOU ?? LIKE ?? MY ?? SHITTY ?? ASS ?? AND ?? CLICHE ?? WRITING ?? also i live for these types of scenarios SO EFF YES
Warning(s): Poorly written fight scene, Aizawa having a mental breakdown, Cat Fluff
Being a pro-hero comes with a lot of pros and cons. For some, the pros may outweigh the cons and vice versa. Some even has a healthy balance of both. While you, you were one of the people who have pros outweigh the cons.
You weren't really the pro-hero to compete for the spotlight but you still had a good number of people who knows of you and what you could do. Though, you aren't as flashy as the others, you had a unique charm to you that draws people's attention towards you.
It was that charm that drew the infamous hobo man of U.A. to you, all in his yellow, shining (not really) sleeping bag glory. Though at first, he was irritated at the fact that you were just a natural at everything and everybody just seemed to love you. But as time went by, he realized that this charm of yours has truly captivated him. You weren't like the other pro-heroes he had met. No. You were unique. One of a kind. Genuinely different from the others.
After months of (silent) pining, he decided to just fuck it and ask you out on a date, in which surprisingly you happily agreed to. As time progressed, and two dates became 3, 4, 5, and counting, he got to know more sides of you. More characteristics to add to your charm. And by the time you reached your 2nd year anniversary, you guys decided to move in together—which was by far the greateat decision you and Aizawa has ever made.
Your charms are a part of your pros. It's what makes you, you. But unfortunately, you had yet to learn that it was one of your cons too.
It was the usual night patrol. Check any suspicious activity, check if anyone's doing crimes, check up on the stray cat on the alley, repeat. Honestly, some times patrols can be quite a bore. But you didn't mind. It was part of the job after all.
Cautiously walking down the street, you suddenly heard a scream from one of the alleys nearby. You quickly sprinted into action, not sparing another second as you rushed into the scene of the crime.
"Please! Don't hurt my child!" The woman screamed as the villain inched closer to them. Silently creeping up on the thug, you noticed that the villain had a weapon—a gun to be exact which was gonna be a pain if they ever shot the woman and/or his child. "Please! It's all I have! I promise!" A robbery? In the night? Typical villain move.
"Step away from them." You commanded the villain as you activated your quirk. A force field acting as a shield appeared out of nowhere, protecting the woman and her child from harm. You could tell that the woman was relieved, however, the child was still crying.
The villain chuckled as he turned around to face you, your hero name rolling off his tongue in a sinister way. "Well, well, well. If it isn't the saviors of society! The heroes! Protecting the world from evil doers such as myself." You could feel a speech coming. You honestly could feel it. "At least that's what you think. You heroes think you're good shit after taking down some bad guys but do you ever wonder about those who also suffer because of you?" He pointed the gun towards you making you squint at him. "I lost my family! Because of you guys! Because of that stupid Endeavor! You don't really care about the people! You just care about the fame! The money! The recognition you'll get after locking us all up in jail!"
"I assure you, heroes are not like that. Sure we have our own ambitions, but we all protect the people. That's our number one priority." Your response made him snarl. "And as much as I would love to stay and chat..." You activates your quirk once again, this time making whips out of light. "...It's time to pay for your crimes." You attacked him with the whip to which he skillfully dodged. He appeared from place to place with a blink of an eye, making it hard for you to apprehend him.
'Shit. A teleportation quirk? That's gonna be a pain in the ass.'
Dodging his punches that came out of nowhere, you kicked him in the gut. After reading watching his moves while dodging, you figured out that he has this pattern. He would first attack you in the back—which caught you by surprise the first time—then he would go for your front then your sides. It was the repeating pattern he used on you, so after getting used to it, you finally had the upper hand.
He was thrown a bit from the force of your kick but quickly recovered from it. He attacked you with another punch on your left which you countered by grabbing on his arm and twisting it until you heard a crack.
'Well now he certainly can't punch with that one.'
"You bitch!" He pulled out his gun and repeatedly fired shots at you. Every shot was a miss and then finally you encaged him in a box of light.
"Sweet dreams." And with that, you knocked him out with your quirk.
After putting on quirk nullyfing cuffs and a rope made out of light around his body, you checked up on the victims. The woman was repeatedly thanking you while the child was still shaken up.
"Hey now kiddo. It's alright. You're safe now." You approached him with a gentle smile on your face. You were about to place comforting hand on his shoulder when he suddenly shot up.
"No! Get away from me and my mom!" A sudden force emitted from his body as he pushed you to the ground.
"Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry about that!" You stood up and brushed yourself off as the woman repeatedly apologized for her son's behavior.
"No ma'am. It's alright. I'm fine, no harm done. See?" You flashed her a smile. "Kiddo, it's alright now. I'm a pro-hero. Police are on the way. Can you stay for a bit and tell them what happened?" The boy reluctantly nodded which made you smile even wider. "That's great then! You were brave out there kiddo."
"I'm sorry for using my quirk on you..." The boy muttered. You ruffled his hair and told him that it was alright. Though, you would surely see a paramedic later.
After the police arrived and collected your statements, you headed home with a headache. Apparently, the woman and her child doesn't know what his quirk actually is. The robbery might have triggered his quirk and you were the first one to be hit with it.
Just great.
You just hoped Aizawa was home too. You clearly need some of his A+ cuddles to ease the pain.
You arrived at your shared apartment shortly, but before you could even reach your shared bedroom, you blacked out.
Aizawa Shouta wasn't having the greatest day of his life. An eventful and rowdy day at U.A, then an eventful and extra rowdy patrol at night all while running with 3 hours of sleep? Yep. Not the greatest day of his life.
The grumpy man groaned as he remembered the stack of papers waiting for him back home. He could already feel the pain he was about to endure for the greater good of the future heroes he was teaching. He frowned as he imagined Kaminari's sloppy handwriting—and a possible doodle of him—in his homework, he could also imagine the cluster of words that didn't make sense brought to him by Mina Ashido.
But he could also imagine you greeting him with a kiss as usual. He could imagine your arms wrapped around him in a loving embrace, washing out the stress he previously had. He could imagine you rolling your eyes at him as he complained about you not getting enough sleep. He could imagine you helping him grade those forsaken essays he made his students do.
Well, maybe this day wasn't so bad for him. After all, he had you to go home to.
After opening the door, he expected you to greet him with open arms and ask him how his day went. He expected you to make fun of his struggles as a teacher and remind him that it was his choice to teach to begin with. But instead he was met with silence and no you.
To: Y/n
From: Shouta
Are you patrolling late tonight?
He waited for a few minutes but he didn't recieve a reply. He sent another message, and another, and another, until he finally decided to wash up and wait up for you just incase anything happens.
Just as he was about to enter your shared bedroom, he noticed your hero costume on the floor, a lump of something breathing underneath it. He lifted your hero costume, revealing a (h/c) cat—who stirred at his actions—sleeping peacefully. His hand instinctively reached down to pet it, feeling the smooth fur on his fingertips. The petting caused the animal to wake up, it's tired eyes looking at him with such warmness it was almost so familiar yet he couldn't remember where it's from.
"Shouta?" Aizawa froze on the spot as he heard your voice leaving the cat's mouth. He blinked owlishly, trying to process what the hell happened. Did the cat just speak? And did the cat sounded just like you?
"Why the hell are you so big? Did something happen?" You—the cute cat infront of him—asked as you unconsciously started to rub your cat chin into his shoulder.
"Y/n, I should be the one asking you that." You perked up at his response, head tilting as you waited for an answer.
"What do you mean?" Oh god you were giving him the cute eyes.
"Y/n, you're a cat."
"I'm a cat." You repeated. "Wait—what?" You blinked as you realized what had happened. Oh. So this was that child's quirk. "Shit."
"Shit indeed." Aizawa picked you up gently and placed you on the bed. "Mind telling me what happened?"
"Ok so..."
Aizawa secretly carried a laser on him the next day. You were dismissed of your hero duties for a week (because that's how long the quirk's gonna last) and was stuck in the apartment all day so he figured you could use a little fun right?
You greeted him as usual, but instead of human you, cat you is rubbing your body around his ankles and making a '8' shape as you circled his feet. It was quite cute to be honest. He had a soft spot for cats and you after all. He tried his best not to melt then and there.
"I've got something for you." Your ears went forward and your tail erected with it's fur flat at the statement. Clearly, you were happy. Aizawa brought out the laser thingy he had and started pointing it towards the wall, to which you suddenly leaped for. You followed the dot everywhere it landed and Aizawa couldn't help but smile at the sight infront of him.
"Shouta." You poked his cheek. "Shouta." You poked it once again. Why were you poking him exactly? Well, you were hungry and it was in the middle of the night. You couldn't reach the pantry nor the fridge handle so you reluctantly asked Aizawa for help. Somehow, he wouldn't budge. After poking him a couple more times, he opened an eye that showed that he was clearly annoyed by your behavior.
"What?" Came his gruff reply.
"I'm hungry." Aizawa sighed as he stood up and blinked the sleep out of his eyes.
"Fine." Sluggishly walking towards the kitchen, he looked at you silently trailing behind him. "You want tuna?"
"Haha, very funny Shou."
"Is that a yes or a no?"
"Yes please."
You purred as Aizawa rubbed the spot behind your ears. It was becoming a habit for Aizawa to pet and rub you like this and honestly, he was enjoying it—not that he'd ever tell anyone about it.
You insisted to not cancel your annual dinner date at your shared apartment which consisted of eating takeouts and watching whatever was on Netflix. You and Aizawa happily ate your food—you ate tuna... again—and now, the both of you were watching some Studio Ghibli film, well atleast you were supposed to.
You quickly got distracted once Aizawa started petting you, leading to you not focusing on the film at all. Aizawa's eyes was still on the film playing but you were sure he was also distracted. You found it a bit weird that the both of you quickly adjusted to this cat life and that neither of you freaked out at all. Maybe it was the pro-hero sides of you, who knows. But it was nice to see Aizawa helping you in any way that he can.
His petting abruptly stopped as he stiffled out a yawn. You looked at him and saw that he looked completely exhausted. More so than usual.
So, you hopped out of his lap and switched off the TV as you nudged Aizawa's leg with your paws.
"Come on Shou. Let's go to sleep."
Aizawa did not decline your offer and gladly followed you out of the room.
By the end of the week while having breakfast a loud 'poof' and smoke suddenly covered the whole room. After the smoke cleared, it revealed you in all of your naked human body glory.
"Welcome back, Y/n."
"Oh shut up, Shou."
This was fun to write! I hope I did this right though lolol. Also, requests are open!!
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Survey #373
“warm me up in a nova’s glow  /  and drop me down to the dream below”
Have you ever kissed someone that you thought you’d never kiss? Welp, never thought I'd kiss a girl for most of my life. When was the last time you ate take-out and what was it that you ate? Mom bought us breakfast at Bojangle's the morning after my sleep study. I got a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit. Do you enjoy when guys hit on/flirt with you or does it normally make you uncomfortable or annoyed? When was the last time more than one guy was flirting with you at a time? It makes me uncomfortable, especially if it's very obvious and pushy. Like some respectful flirting is fine and can be flattering if I'm single, but you better respect my boundaries and not act like a dog. I don't think two guys have both been openly interested in me since Juan and Jason in high school. Can you name five things you enjoy looking at pictures of? Animals, flowers, waterfalls, expressions of love between people, and boudoir. Would you rather have an eternal winter or an eternal summer? Both sound pretty sucky, but an eternal summer sounds worse. Do you know much about the Greek gods? Not anymore. I did in high school, as mythology was an elective I took. Are there a lot of stray cats and dogs near where you live? Not in this neighborhood. How would you cope with living in isolation away from society? How long do you think you could cope before you went mad? Oh god, I couldn't cope. I'd lose my shit so fast. Have you ever found any hidden treasure? No. Would you ever want to hibernate through the winter? No, I enjoy winter. Which holiday do you prefer, Halloween or Christmas? I like the Halloween vibe more, but I enjoy Christmas more as a holiday. Do you prefer hot or cold drinks overall? Cold. What’s the smallest thing you’ve ended a relationship over? I don't believe I've broken up with anyone over something small. Have you or a member of your family been diagnosed with COVID yet? My older sister got it. It was hell. What’s the dominant color in the room you’re in at the moment? An off-white. Do you know who your mom’s favorite singer is? James Hetfield of Metallica. Easy. What room in your house is the messiest? The spare room. Have you ever used a “puppy face” to get your way? Ha, yeeeaaah... If you could change any law that exists in your current country, what would it be and why? Here comes free healthcare. For obvious reasons. What were the last toppings you had on a pizza? Pepperoni. Would you rather spend an hour walking a dog or riding a horse? Riding a horse. Do you freak out when you need to visit the doctor or the dentist? Nah. Do you prefer The Lord of the Rings or The Hobbit movies, if you like any of them? I haven't watched either. Which Harry Potter film was your favourite? What about your least favourite? I haven't watched those, either. What do you think about nose piercings? I like them. Nostril studs especially are really cute imo. How many floors does your house have? One. What’s your favorite flavor of Kool-Aid? I don't really like Kool-Aid anymore. Have you ever had anything removed from your body? Yeah, a cyst. Do you enjoy sappy love songs? Unabashedly. Do you wear a one-piece or a two-piece when you go swimming? One-piece. What would be your biggest pet peeve in a relationship? Not communicating your feelings straight-up. Be straightforward and honest with what you're going through with your partner, for the love of God. Have you ever had a teacher hit on you? Have you ever hit on a teacher? No to both. Do you tend to eat more on Halloween, Thanksgiving, or Christmas? Christmas, because of chocolate stocking stuffers and boxes from Dad, haha. Do you know what an "AMV" is? Yeah, I used to make them. Do you think you have a sad life? In some ways, yeah. What’s one award show you have to watch every year? None. Who do you like more: the Batman or the Joker? The Joker, particularly Heath Ledger's. Do you like Rammstein? Love 'em. What is your favorite small dog breed? Aesthetically, I think pugs, but I've said before and I'll say it a thousand more times: I don't support breeding them. What was the first comic book you ever had an obsession over? I've never been obsessed with a comic book. Do you like kids pop-up books? Those were my absolute favorite kind AS a kid. What is your mother's mother's maiden name? Ummm I'm pretty sure Collins. Have you ever pet a monkey? No. What’s your favorite Owl City song… besides "Fireflies?" I actually really like "Hot Air Balloon." What’s your fave Miley Cyrus song? I don't know many, but I do know "The Climb" is absolutely gorgeous. Fave Rascal Flatts song? Probably "My Wish." But I also really like "Why" and "What Hurts the Most." Fave Justin Bieber song? None. Miley Cyrus, Demi Lavato, or Selena Gomez? Jesus, you really like bands that I don't, haha. I don't know any Demi or Selena songs, so idk. Fave Eminem song? Oh man, I do like a lot of Eminem. I know it's so cliche, but I genuinely adore "Love The Way You Lie." It gives me goosebumps. Do you think you could survive a month of solitary confinement? NO. Absolutely not. I would lose my motherfucking mind. What is something that you find utterly boring? Sports, save for dance, are incredibly blah to me. What noise/sound can put you to sleep? Gentle, steady rain tapping on the window. When you are upset, do you tend to shut others out? YYYYYYYYYYYEP. When was the last time you felt abandoned by someone? bleh Does the sight of blood gross you out? No. Do you like red roses, or do you prefer another color? I love red ones, but I really, really like the ones with a pink-peach gradient. Have you ever gone through a red light? I think I MIGHT have accidentally because I was zoned out, but I don't THINK so. Do you fail to stop for stop signs, sometimes? I can't recall if I ever have. What is one of your major turn-offs? Misogyny. The moment you act like you exceed my worth just because you have a dick, byyyyyeeee~ During which year of your life were you the most unhappy? 2016 was hell on Earth for me. Have you ever seen a blue jay in person? I have. Do you like leaves better in the summer/spring, or in the fall? I'd like to meet someone that actually chooses anything besides fall, lol. Do you like the appearance of green eyes? YES! Do you typically like green-colored candies? Yessss. It's not rare for them to be my favorite flavor of whatever the thing is. Who is the most energetic and happy person you know of? My nephew, omg. Have you ever encountered a black widow? I actually have seen at least one to my memory. They're native here. Has an animal ever peed on you? Yes. Do you prefer green or purple/red grapes? I enjoy both, but I prefer green IF they're actually firm. What color is your birthstone? Purple. Why did you leave your house last? To go to the TMS office. I have to go there every day (but the weekends) for two months for treatment now. Is anything on your body sore? Well, inevitably my upper right arm, where my tattoo is. It looks so fucking beautiful redone though, it's all worth it. :') Have you ever eaten a cookie cake before? If so, was it good? Hell yeah man, cookie cakes are great. Do you lose interest in someone easily? I'm quite the opposite. Who was the last person you flirted with? Sara. Do you still talk to the person you fell the hardest for? No. Who’s the last person that slept over your house? My sister and her husband. Have you ever regretted kissing someone? Yes. Are you currently sad about anything? I mean, I always am about something. How would you feel if your last ex fell in love with someone else? I would be super happy for her. Who was the last person who left your life and hurt you? Colleen. Do you know anyone who died of breast cancer? I might know of somebody, but all I know personally are survivors. Do you miss any of your old friends? Well of course. Have you ever been used before? I don't know. Ever taken a picture kissing someone? Yes. What’s the last thing you and your sibling laughed about? I Don't know. I haven't seen either in some time. What’s the last thing you took a picture of? A meme to send Sara, haha. Do you listen to classical music? No. Do you tell your parents who you like? Why or why not? I mean, I don't just randomly bring it up because just being like "hey I like this person _____ now" seems weird. Now if I was asked or mentioning it is somehow relevant, then I will. Who’s the most annoying person in your neighborhood? The damn dog next door who never shuts up. Name one of your psycho exes? None. I was the "psycho ex," and it's embarrassing as shit. Do you make your own clothes and/or add designs to them on your own? No. Do you ever feel guilty eating meat? It's not something I always actively think about, but subconsciously, I absolutely always do. Especially knowing my family doesn't buy from "ethical" markets, but instead big ones. "Ethical" in quotations because there is no moral way to slaughter an animal for food, but at least there are smaller farmers who can give their livestock a better, cleaner, happier life. What are you listening to at the moment? I'm semi-watching Gab play Bioshock. I'd never seen the game before, so just kinda vicariously checking it out. Seems all right. Does anything hurt right now? My tattoo is definitely in the sore phase. It'll start scabbing soon. I literally can't stop looking at it, I love it so much. How many years have you lived at the house you’re living in right now? Around 1 1/2. Have you ever lived in a different country that the one you’re living in? No. Which of your parents will you see next? I live with my mom and rarely see my dad, so. Do you like Chinese food? Only pork fried rice and egg rolls, really. What sort of music were you brought up on? When all of us kids were very little, Mom would usually play her rock channels on the radio, sometimes a (clean) CD. She also would ensure to play kids' cassettes sometimes, too, like Raffy or whoever it was. Once Ashley reached a certain age, she would always ask for a pop channel to be put on, so most of my childhood was that and some country music, too.
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Leo Valdez x reader sketching you
Leo was sitting in the sand under the welcoming shadow of a pine tree that happened to grow near the beach shore. Its size indicated that it must have been a pretty old one. Leo had a sketchbook on his lap and a bunch of soft pencils right next to him. His slendy fingers slowly caressed the cover of the sketchbook.         He was new to the whole "drawing/sketching" business, but hazel insisted his hands had talent and with a little practice he would eventually end up drawing magnificently. Leo knew that he was good at blueprints however they had little in common with sketches and art.          He shrugged and opened the block, grabbed one soft pencil and started incarnate the views that unfolded in front of his own eyes. The only thing that kept him company at that midday of summer was the loving chilly summer breeze that ran around , playing with the leaves of trees like a little careless kid and the aquamarine sea that let its waves hug the shore motherly and sighed as the waves receded back.            Leo was so focused on what he was doing he didn't notice you were peaking behind his back, slowly observing his drawings. Your (e/c) orbs were eyeing the sketches with admiration. "Nice drawings Leo" you admitted forgetting completely that he wasn't aware of your presence. He vaulted scared by the person behind him that suddenly interrupted the silence.      He turned to face you with a face full of terror. "Omg...(y/n) you startled me" he murmured his soul leaving his body. You giggled lightly, earning a glare from Leo. "I've never been described as startling, I guess i live to surprise!" You joked with a smirk spreading across your face.        "Leo...something is missing from your drawings though" you muttered. "Oh okay, so first you are scaring the life out of me and now you are criticizing my work? Why don't you just kick me in the face next time?" He scolded. You were caught out of guard at first but then immediately burst out laughing and then you leaned in and pecked his cheek.          Only then did you realise you had actually kissed your crush and a complex mixture of reds appeared on your face. Leo wasn't going any better. His cheeks had flushed with heat. "Leo...you k-know what is missing?" You asked him. He shook his head. "Me." You simply replied. He stared at you for some seconds and then cracked a shy smile. "I would love to draw you" he admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.        You then immediately stood up and sat opposite of him, posing in a way that made you comfortable. Leo gazed at you for a moment and then caught up with reality and started sketching. Sketching your (h/l)(h/c) hair, your dreamy (e/c) eyes that made him want to melt everytime they held his gaze, sketching you in particularly made him want to just let the earth take him in its depths right then and there. He didn't know he was smiling to himself while capturing you beautiful figure in the neat pages of his block.           "Finished!" He announced proudly. You instantly rushed to his side to see what he had accomplished. You felt your heart grow wings and try to leave your chest. This was the most flattering way anyone had ever captured you. You blinked a few times to get over the surprise and then you finally stuttered a sentence. "O- oh my gods Leo...you...that is mesmerising". Your eyes could not leave the sketch. Leo ran his fingers through his curly hair. "Oh, well it's nothing much" he humbly responded.          "Leo, stop being so humble! You illustrated the (y/n) glamour perfectly" you said with a smug. He laughed. You laughed. You both laughed as you fell down, laying there, clutching your stomachs from the laughter.      Suddenly Leo turned to face you. His face had a soft hint of seriousness in it. It was the first time you'd seen him this way. There was a moment of silence, you were both dazed by each other's presence. Then it happened. What you had waited for years to happen. What you had dreamt millions of times. It was as if it had escaped your fantasy and embodied itself in reality. Leo leaned in and locked his lips with yours.          Butterflies swirled around in your stomach in a massive chaos, your heart was beating too loud and fast for your preference. He broke the kiss and stared at you sadly. "I'm sorry (y/n)...I know it's a mistake...it just felt so right... I don't want to ruin our friendship" he mumbled uncontrollably. "No Leo...it's not a mistake unless you want it to be." You whispered enough for him to hear. He didn't answer. "Do you want it to be?" You asked. "Do you want it to be?" He repeated emphasizing on the word 'you'. "No" you replied laconically. "Me neither" he confessed.          You let a relieved sigh escape your lips. "Then kiss me again you idiot" you muttered and you captured his lips hungrily. He responded with the same passion and desire. All this time you felt that you were deprived of his touch, only now did you realise how much you craved it. Leo wanted you all for him. Only you and him. He didn't need anyone else at that very moment. He needed you for his sanity and stability. You completed each other. How had he lived all these years without this?           You both laid there, affectionately complimenting each other and gazing in each other's eyes while offering kisses here and there. That was the dream.
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abcreid · 5 years
His Affection (2)
Spencer Reid x OC (Original Character)
Hi guys! Finally i can post this new part of the story. Sorry for waiting for so long i had a writer block and i had no idea for all this time. And i want to thank @princessjellyfishbitch for helping me proofread this part and im so greatful she wanted to help me. Enjoy the story!
Part 1
3rd Day of Work
You woke up from a nightmare. You were dreaming of him, again. And it’s been only a few days since he appeared, yet again, in your mind. You can’t forget how he was. His smells, his touch, his everything. How hurt he was when he left you.
But you have to move on, Anna.
You took a shower as quickly as you could. You have to go to the salon to get your hair braided. You peered at your face in the mirror. You can do this. This is what you've wanted for months. Move away from D.C., start a new life, make new friends, and get into a new relationship. That was your plan, at least. You put your medium hoop earrings on and placed the rest of your diamond studs back into the 7 piercings you had running all the way up your ears. You were thinking about getting your tragus or rook pierced next, but that had to wait until you were less busy.
“You moved on, Anastasia. You have a new life and new friends. Be nice to your friends. Be a good person!” You ended your little pep talk with a smile, then you got dressed and walked out of your apartment building.
You drove to the nearest salon you knew of. It was a big salon that was usually filled with customers, but not this morning. It’s too early for anyone to come in to get their hair done. You entered and was greeted by the receptionist.
“Hi, Miss, what can I help you with? Do you have an appointment?” The receptionist greeted you first with a smile, but you didn’t return the gesture. It feels unfamiliar for you to be friendly with other people, especially with those you don’t know.
“Anna Harper.” You told her your name and she searched for you in the appointment book.
“Miss Harper, come with me.” The owner of the salon called you and you followed her. “Have a seat, Miss.” She patted the white leather chair, then turned to the stylist sweeping leftover hair from her last client. “Lea, please treat Miss Harper well.”
She looked back at you through the mirror and patted your shoulders. “I will leave you with her, Miss Harper.”
You replied with a curt, silent nod and the owner left you with your stylist. Part of you wanted to stop putting up a cold front, but you didn’t think it was the right time. Your stylist ran her fingers through your hair and separated the strands into three sections, expertly weaving them into the intricate style.
“You work at the FBI? That’s cool. My name is Lea, by the way.” She giggled as she tried to strike up a conversation. Your rock hard heart wasn't touched by her kindness.
You just stared at her in silence while she styled your hair. “Sorry, I just... you know trying to warm the situation,” she grinned and you remained stoic in your expression. “Oh, is that your engagement ring? Wow, congratulations, Agent Anna! You’re the coolest girl I’ve ever met in my life! And who’s the lucky guy?”
You looked for a while at your silver ring with a big diamond nestled in the middle. That moment still fits perfectly in your memories. You still remember precisely how he proposed to you, with every single detail still fresh in your mind. How he surprised you by bringing along your parents, brother, and friends. It was a very beautiful moment that you’ll remember for the rest of your life. He feigned sickness while you were at the mall, causing you to rush back home, no longer caring about your trivial errands. You arrived home to find both your families gathered together in the living room and your boyfriend, Tony, nowhere in sight. But then he arrived, looking not the slightest bit ill. You looked around in confusion until the love of your life kneeled on one knee, pulled out a navy blue velvet box from his coat pocket, and opened it to reveal the most beautiful ring you had ever laid your eyes on.
The memory faded when you put together the fact that you hadn’t realized you were still wearing the ring Tony had given you six months before. Putting on your ring every day had become such a normal part of your morning routine that you hadn’t noticed you’d been doing it despite it being over for so long.
“Just braid my hair, okay? That’s none of your business,” you snapped back at her harshly, but you didn’t regret it. She inadvertently opened your wound again, and now you can’t stop thinking about Tony again.
An hour passed by when you finally reached the 6th floor of the FBI building. Today, you wore a formal burgundy-colored dress with matching heels. You made sure to bring your handbag as well as your go bag. You smoothed your fingers over the silky leather of your evening coat as the door to the elevator slid open.
“Oh My God! Look who’s coming.” Morgan’s eyes couldn’t leave your elegant figure. Your appearance stunned everyone, including the doctor who just came from the break room. “Reid, look who’s coming.” Morgan nudged his colleague and pointed at you with his eyes as you sauntered indifferently to your desk. Spencer froze as his eyes fell upon your beautiful face. His body felt warm and he felt his heart quicken as he observed your reserved, but misunderstood demeanor. Every time he saw you, he felt like life got a little bit brighter for him.
You unloaded your belongings and tried to ignore their blatant gawking. But that obviously failed when the most excitable woman on earth pops out of nowhere to greet you, thanks to JJ informing her of your presence.
“Holy shit! Anna! You’re so beautiful. That dress, that braided hair, your hoop earrings, seriously? That anklet, are those Salvatore Ferragamo heels? Are you going to a fashion show or coming in to work as an FBI agent? OMG, you just ended me right here in this boring office, Anna! Damn it! I’ve known since your first day that you were secretly a fashionista! You are my guru! Teach me your ways, oh can I know what size your shoes are?” Garcia fired question after question at you with hardly a breath in between, let alone giving you enough time to answer. Before you could reply, and before Garcia could ramble on any longer, Emily cut in with a more practical point of view.
“Are you going to wear those heels in the field? What about your boots? Your earrings are too big and that dress? You won’t be comfortable wearing that outfit out on the field today, Anna.” Emily aggravated you with her redundant lecturing.
You retaliated by aggressively snatching your go bag from your desk and thrusting it in her direction. “I have everything I need and I’ll be changing into more practical clothing before we go. At least for me, first impressions matter,” you sneered, not taking too kindly to her criticism.
“Emily, don’t scold our Garcia-approved fashion guru.” Rossi interrupted the impending argument after being attracted by the commotion.
Something caught Garcia’s eyes when you turned back to face Emily. She saw the nape of your neck and gasped in surprise. “Wait, you have a tattoo? A cross tattoo?”
You spun back around to face Garcia, once again and frowned in response. “Yes. And I read the Legal Handbook three times to make sure there were no rules that banned agents having and/or displaying tattoos.”
“Legal Handbook? You read it? I’ve never even read it. I didn’t even know it existed. Kinda like agreeing to the terms and conditions,” JJ admitted, crossing her arms over her chest.
“I read it,” Spencer piped in to support you, the only other person who read the handbook. “I read it 10 times when I didn’t have any books to read. And she’s right, there are no rules related to tattoos. You have a very cool tattoo, Anna.” Spencer tried to make sure he evened out his breathing and tone so that he seemed nonchalant when speaking to you. He feels like there is something unusual that happens to him when it comes to you.
“Reid has found his nerd mate!” Morgan announced and playfully shoved Spencer’s shoulder towards you.
“Alright, children, we have a new case. I will brief you all on the jet. Wheels up in 30,” Hotch announced, trying to deescalate the situation. He looked at you for a few moments, like he didn’t know what to say to you. More like he was admiring your beauty. “You look so nice, Harper,” He commented, then walked back to his office. You were genuinely flattered by Hotch’s praise and smirked.
“First impressions matter, everyone,” You repeat to everyone proudly. You smiled inside because you proved them wrong today. And maybe from Spencer admiring your tattoo and sticking up for you. You shook your head to get that thought out of your head. You didn’t care for him. You wouldn’t if you could help it.
You sit in a coffee shop near the hotel you and the team were staying at for the last few days. You brought your case file, cigarettes, cell phone, and small satchel which held your money, ID card, lighter, and headphones.
You took a sip of your coffee while your mind wandered elsewhere. Your eyes scanned your case file without actually reading it. You were too preoccupied with other thoughts to absorb any information. You were listening to music to drown out the sounds surrounding you in the small cafe.
You didn’t ask anyone to accompany you, still not being comfortable with anyone on your team. It’s still only your 3rd day at the BAU, but you made progress. While out in the field, Hotch paired you with himself, and you actually managed to talk to him in a relatively cordial manner. Only about the case, of course. But it was a huge step for you.
You flicked open your lighter open and lit the end of your cigarette and took a deep breath, inhaling the strong chemicals, letting your throat and chest fill with warmth. You exhaled the smoke through your nostrils, then took another drag. You finish off that cigarette and immediately light up another. You keep going until you finished the whole box. Not yet satisfied, you pulled out another box from your bag, and continue your chain-smoking.
You spot Spencer across the street and he waves at you, making his way towards the table you were sitting at. You were shocked by his appearance and pulled out the gel headphones from your ears, putting out you half-finished cigarette into the ceramic ashtray in front of you.
“What are you doing here?” you asked incredulously, shocked that he was awake at midnight and managed to run into you at this small coffee shop. You expected the whole team to be resting up in their hotel rooms.
“I was looking for you. I knocked on your door multiple times and you didn’t answer, and I started to think you might be out blowing off steam. Are you smoking?”
You furrowed your eyebrows in response. He must've seen you exhale smoke when he walked up to you and could see the half-full ashtray with a few embers still burning from the last lit cigarette you put out. Why would he ask a question with such a glaringly obvious answer?
“Why were you looking for me? Do you need anything?” You asked him as calmly as you could because you really wanted to try to make an effort in getting along with your team.
He smiled and sat beside you. “Nothing. I just wanted to talk to you. What are you listening to? I was staring at you for 5 minutes straight, and you seemed to only be focused on smoking listening to something through your headphones.”
You stared at him with disbelief. What was he trying to do? Observing you so intently and for so long, with a reason that you couldn’t seem to come up with at the moment. “You can tell me whatever you want if you need someone to talk to. I’m here, Anna. I’m here ready to listen to all of the stories you keep bottled up inside.”
You were shocked by what he said. Many people have told you similar things, but Spencer seemed to be the only one who actually meant it.
tags:  @i-m-never-the-one @chocok22 @shugarrush0101 @jason-gideon-is-my-dad, @cynbx, @literallyprentissstwin, @literallyreid, @princessjellyfishbitch, @eideticreid, @saltedfire, @everyday-imfangirling, @stories-you-wont-hear, @dontshootmespence, @yukitsubute @pandedios-carli @spencerreiddaily @spencerreidreads @spence-imagines @reid-effect @lil-loki @bloodylollipopkid @starsshines-blog @photogrxphinggg @queenofthehobos @twosaylorghosts @thatwrestlingfan91 @qu3n-elizab3th @girl-wonder-rxid @romee125 @scatchia @nomajdetective
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elejah-wonderland · 5 years
Cuz I love you/1
Tumblr media
Elijah Mikaelson x Elena Gilbert
Kol Mikaelson x reader, Bamon and others
a/n:I know I got so many stories going, but - ahm- here is something light - I hope you like it.
Casual Elijah- in the role of a paramedic.
This is a TVD/TO all human story.
Taking place in New Orleans.
Thanks so much for reading. This one will be posted daily, cuz it's kinda all done. 😀😁😜😘💞
Tags @rissyrapp20 @dendrite-lover @cassiopheias @elejahforever @captainshurley @goddessofthunder112 @hides2000
It's an AU story. The Originals and TVD- human!
French Quarter, New Orleans
Elena Gilbert walked out of the clinic. Her phone rang and she answered it.
"Where are you? I got Bonnie's birthday present. Meet you at the bar in an hour?"- Y/N asked.
"I had an errand to run. I am on my way."- Elena said. 
"Ok. I got to tell you something."- Y/N continued-"I have invited Kol and his brother to come to the party."
"Wasn't it just supposed to be us three?"- Elena asked.
"I spoke to Bonnie and she said that she had already invited a friend from work and her boyfriend, so- the more the merrier, right? You might like the guy."
"Oh, please, you are not playing match.com again?!"- Elena was not very pleased.
"No. I just invited him. Kol had already had lunch with him and when I arrived we had drinks and he is really nice, and I thought, well maybe you would like him."
"I am really not interested."- Elena said-"I am ok the way I am. I don't need a man to be happy."
Y/N puffed away rolling her eyes on the other line and with a little all right, she said that she will see her friend at the designated bar in a little while. Both women hung up. Elena got into her car and drove away. She had to swing by the Mystic Star, the boutique hotel in the French Quarter she and her friends were running. She needed to change before she went to the party.
In Audobon, New Orleans 
Kol's house
"Are you ready?"- Kol asked his brother as took the key of his car.
"I am not going. You have fun."- Elijah replied.
"You are going to stay here and mope around all evening? Hey, this is not you. Come on. Hayley played us both. Just forget it. Done and dusted. Look at me. I got myself a woman, and she is great."
"I don't know how you could just go over everything, forgiving me, and - I thought I would have a family with her."- Elijah said.
"We were two fools, and now- we will just look forward. I really don't know why we were fighting over her in the first place."- Kol said-"Come on, it's only a drink. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Camille called. She was trying to get in touch with you and I told her that you threw your phone in the Mississippi the other day."
"Yeah."- Elijah said-"I met her accidentally after I left you, forgot to tell you."
"She was always swooning over you."- Kol said-"did she finally ask you out?"
"It was nothing like that. She wanted to know if I would donate my sperm to the fertility bank."
" What do you mean - and? I told her to destroy it. What is the matter with you? Why would I give it to the bank. And then wonder if there is a child of mine somewhere in the world"- Elijah said-"I want the - traditional way. Fall in love, get married and then start a family. I am like that. Can't help it."
"The way you are so ragged looking, no one would ever think you want the whole traditional package"- Klaus said-"are you coming or not? This is the last call."
Elijah didn't know what he wanted really, and making a whatever face and followed his brothers out. 
At Rousseau's
Bonnie gave her friends a group hug as they presented her with her birthday present. It was a wishing ball gratitude globe. It was a very unique gift, and Bonnie was so happy as Y/N now said.
"Even though it is your wish ball to put your dreams and thanks in, but we have also written something to you and put it in, but you can read it later."- Y/N explained. 
"Oh, thank you, you guys."- Bonnie was gushing-"this is like the weirdest gift ever!"
"It is your 30th and we kind of thought we have to do something remarkable."- Elena added.
"This is what we will do then. We will all right today what we wish for- you both, too. And then we will read it when we are 40."- Bonnie said.
"OMG! Like some sort of time-capsule thing. I love it- yes, let's do it."- Y/N found it great.
"Ok"- Bonnie said-"but before that. Champagne!"
The owner Marcel now brought the bottle of champagne over to them. 
"This is now for the three of us."- Bonnie said-"I just want to say- well- easy- to US. To my best friends and since we are doing loads of wishing- I am wishing - may we get the guys of our dreams! Why not- we already have jobs of our dreams- so - "
Both Elena and Y/N agreed and raising their glasses together with their friend Bonnie, they cheered a little and took a sip. 
Kol and Elijah walked through the doors in the bar and Y/N went straight up to her boyfriend greeting him with a small shared kiss on the lips. All of them then went up to Bonnie, with the birthday wishes, and Y/N finally introduced everyone to the Mikaelson brothers.
"Hello"- Elijah said as he sort of shook hands with Elena. Klaus also mumbled something, but was whisked away by Marcel as he wanted to talk about some business. 
Soon Kai Parker arrived with his sister Jo. Kai was Bonnie's boyfriend of two years. After, they all shared a drink of champagne, Sophie Deveraux, who was working at the hotel as the chef arrived with a small symbolic cake, the real party began.
Bourbon was now flowing, as well as more champagne. The place was in full swing, jazz music was playing. They all worked hard, but they all partied hard as well. 
Well, except for Elena and Elijah. She was hanging at the corner of the bar and he sipped his beer not far from her. At one moment as she put her phone down after dealing with something urgent at the hotel, huffing a bit. Elijah looked at her direction and said-
"Hi. Can't get away from work?"
"Not when you are in Hotel business"- Elena said.
"Yeah, Kol mentioned you three bought a run down house and transformed it into a Hotel. Brave."- Elijah said.
"Determined. We came to New Orleans for a vacation, fell in love with and wanted to stay."- Elena said.
"Simple as that?!"- Elijah remarked.
"Simple as that!"- Elena said.
"You really know what you want out of life"-
"Pretty much"- Elena replied-"don't you?"
"I had an idea, but now- not anymore. I am in between jobs. In between life actually."- Elijah replied.
"Wow. What happened?"- Elena asked.
'A lot of things. Don't really want to talk about it. It's not worth it."
"Sometimes it is really great to kick the past to the curb and start fresh, we have done it and it's been great ever since"
Elijah smiled a little now.
"What is funny?"- Elena wanted ti know.
"Nothing. My brother said that this party would improve my mood."
"Really?"- Elena smiled back at Elijah raising her eyebrow.
"Really!"- Elijah said-"Want another drink?"
"Yeah, fruit cocktail."
"Fruit cocktail?"- Elijah was a little bit surprised.
"Someone has to work in the morning"- Elena said.
"Are you like this on your own birthday?"
"Almost"- Elena replied.
"A thoroughly good girl, right?"
"I had my share of bad, but I try to be as best as I can be"- Elena replied-"and you are a good boy turned bad?"
"Let's say that I am goung through a phase"
"I can relate to that"- Elena said.
"Hey, you two- I see you are having fun. I knew you would hit it. I told Kol we should create a semi- blind date for Elena and Elijah. She has not had a proper date since- forever. And Elijah just broke off his engagement, oh- I shouldn't - sorry"- Cariline said.
Y/N now burst between them. apologizing for her friend.
"She is drunk"- Elena said looking Elijah, who was pissed off as tge blonde mentioned his break up.
Elena now waved at Bonnie to come get Caroline.
As Klaus actually whisked his girlfriend away, Elena apologized for her friend.
"She is not really insesitive like that."
"It's ok. As you said - she is drunk."-Elijah played it down now-"it's true. It's kind of the other way around. We- my ex and I called it off."
"It's tough, I know."- Elijah said.
"Well- she- my ex- realized that. It's complicated."
"Ok, you don't have to tell me"- Elena said.
"I don't know why, but it feels like I can tell you anything"
"Yeah?"- Elena was flattered.
"Can we go out - for a walk, maybe? It's stifling here a bit"- Elijah suggested.
"Sure."- Elena took her bag and they both walked out taking the direction to the sea, Elijah now telling her about him, his ex Hayley and her boyfriend Tyler.
"He was in Afghanistan, and he went missing. Later he was pronounced dead as they found a burnt corpse, and, to cut it short, after five years he appeared. He was imprisoned. Anyway, he returned and- well, I saw them talking and the way they looked at one another. It was like they were in another planet at that moment. But not only that- it's what she said to him-"
"What did she say?"-Elena asked. 
They sat down on a bench now.
Elijah sighed a little bit and then continued-"She said that whenever she was feeling bad or sad or things were difficult, she thought of him and it was kind of her happy place. She was in love with him, she never stopped. They got married a week ago."
"Oh-"- Elena let out- and then turned to him and completely unexpectedly simply kissed him. 
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All Grown Up
The bell rings at Hillridge Junior High and students scurry from classroom to classroom. Roaming the halls looking for mischief, Principal Tweedy finds a gathering of students huddled close to the lockers in the hallway. His intrigue turns to frustration as he strides towards them. “Mr. Gordon,” Tweedy exclaims, prompting the surrounding students to disperse, “how many times must I break up one of your little schemes before you actually stop them?” The boy closes his jacket and he rolls his eyes, revealing that it is filled with candy, electronics, gum, and other things for other students to buy. “Mr. Gordon I am far too old and have been put through too much for your mischief, Lord knows how much your uncle tormented me,” Tweedy says with defeat.
“You’re right Principal Tweedy, I’m so sorry” the boy says with faked remorse. Tweedy tiredly dismisses his mocking apology as he pats him along to class knowing his battle was not, and probably will never be, won. The boy walks sluggishly to his classroom, disrupting the lesson that has already started as he appears in the door. Apathetically walking towards his desk, the boy’s eyes light up as he notices an empty chair near the front of the classroom next to new student in class, a pretty well put together blonde girl. The boy excitedly settles himself in the seat, flashing a smile to his neighbor. She smiles back kindheartedly, giving the boy a glimmer of hope.
When class ends, the kids pack up their stuff so they can head to the cafeteria for lunch. Mustering up the courage to say something, anything, to the girl sitting beside him, the boy is interrupted by pushes and noogies from another student. “James, when did the wells of our friendship run so dry that you began to to quench your thirst from another?” the student tease, referring to James’s impromptu seat change. James looks back up at the girl who is now already halfway to the door, saddened that he missed his chance.
“If she loves you, she will return” he mocks, laughing at himself. “Whatever man,” he says ceasing his lighthearted role play, “can we get some food now cuz?”
The two of them sit at the lunch table together and we finally officially meet James and Adam. James is the troublemaker, always getting himself into something with his parents and at school. But James also has a kind heart and a soft spot for those he loves, uncannily similar to Matt McGuire. Adam is James’ cousin, but the two are very different. James is an earnest poetry writing, theatre loving, art class taking kind of kid who has a wicked sense of humor. As much as he keeps James’s schemes from getting too catastrophic, he also doesn’t shy away from stirring the pot.
In their last period of the day, science, James sits alone at a two-person desk. “Now James,” the quirky and compassionate teacher says, “your partner Ellie won’t be in class anymore but no need to fret! We’re lucky to have another student transfering in to take her place.” As the words come out of her mouth, the pretty girl from the previous class strides through the door. “Aaaand here she is!! James, this is Lucy your new lab partner. Class, please make Lucy feel right at home in our house of discovery! Now, let’s revisit our conversation about ecosystems. Who’s excited?”
Lucy makes herself comfortable beside James who is obviously trying to suppress his visible excitement. “James, right?” she says extending her hand towards him. Confused by this gesture James dumbfoundedly points to himself mouthing ‘me?’ in a puzzled state. “Yes, you James” Lucy says through harmless chuckling.
James extends his hand to shake hers, “nice to meet you too Lucy. I assume you’re going to be our President one day, you know, going for the handshake and all.”
Flattered, Lucy smiles. “I bet you’re pretty stoked that you’ll get to say you were my lab partner then, right?” The two smile at each other for a brief second before returning focus to the lesson. James is evidently on Cloud 9.
After school, James and Adam walk home discussing what funny business they have planned for the family dinner they’re having that night. “Ok, and then,” Adam says, “I’ll do that to make everyone distracted”
“Yeah yeah yeah, that’s good” the wheels of creativity are turning for James. “Then with no one going I’m going to –”
“Going to what?” a man interrupts, stopping James and Adam in their tracks. It seems that James has arrived home, as we see his dad (Gordo) pulling up to the house at the same time. “Please boys, no picking on Sarah tonight. Can we, I don’t know, take a night off maybe?” Gordo is trying so hard to persuade them, even though he knows it’s a lost cause. The boys exchange mischievous glances. “Well, you can tell your mother I tried to stop you at least,” Gordo says putting his arm around James, ushering him into the house. “See you tonight Adam!” he says as Adam hops over to his house across the street.
“How work today, dad?” James asks as they approach the front door of their home.
“It was good son. Met with some producers for a new movie they want me to direct!!” Gordo says beaming with joy. But clearly James’ mind is occupied by something else. His dinner scheme? His new crush?
“That’s so cool dad,” James says walking into the house. “I’ll be in my room,” he shouts racing up the stairs.
“No shenanigans at dinner!” Gordo yells after him, knowing that his words will do absolutely nothing. He then walks into the kitchen to find his wife, Lizzie, sorting through mail. The two of them hug and kiss and discuss their days. When Gordo brings up the possibility of directing a new movie, Lizzie perks up.
“That’d be amazing! I’m so excited for you. And, not the mention how useful the money would be” she says pointing to the mail, “Sarah still hasn’t gotten any acceptance letters yet, when do school start sending them out?! Does she get it by email now?! I don’t know how any of this works anymore” Gordo calms Lizzie down and assures her that their daughter will get into a good college, hopefully not one too far from home. Putting the mail and her worries away, Lizzie and Gordo begin preparing for dinner.
That night, Adam and his father (who we find out is Lizzie’s brother Matt) come join the Gordon’s (Lizzie, Gordo, James, and Sarah) for dinner.
Matt and Lizzie get along like dignified adults, no longer fighting like they did when they were younger. While Matt is clearly all grown-up, with a kid and a wife who is currently out of the country for work, he still hasn’t lost his troublemaking antics. Matt and James are very close as Matt sees a lot of himself in James and vice-versa. James loves his uncle very much and often goes to him instead of his father for many things.
As a senior in high school, Sarah has no patience for her brother and cousins’ relentless stupidity and scheming. She’s far too preoccupied with her schoolwork, friends, and boyfriend. Sarah is a straight A student, school President, involved in debate team, the robotics club, the daily broadcast, and many other clubs that you wouldn’t think she’d have enough time for. She is very fixated on her studies and dreams of getting into Yale, but still makes time for fun with friends. At dinner we see that she is polite and refined but also clearly cool and popular. While she doesn’t get along well with Adam and James, her and her parents have an amazing relationship.
When the family sits down for dinner, Adam spills the beans on James’ new crush and everyone erupts with incessant questions and inquiries. “Does she have a name?” Sarah asks.
Knowing he won’t be able to avoid such questions for long, James drudgingly reveals her name, “uhhhh, it’s Lucy. She’s in my science class.” Sarah squints her eyes.
“Wait…” she says, “does Lucy have blonde hair?” James is clearly taken aback by Sarah’s accurate guess. Adam is loving watching the story unfold as he stuff his face with pasta. “Omg!” Sarah exclaims, “your new crush is Ben’s little sister!! She just transferred to Hillridge” And with those words, all the blood flushes from James’ face.
“Brother and sister dating brother and sister, huh? Let’s see what happens here and maybe I could make a movie on it,” Gordo laughs nudging Lizzie. Adam’s eyes light up as the plot thickens and it’s revealed that Lucy is Sarah’s boyfriend Ben’s little sister. Now, every family member is chiming in trying to give James advice on how to woo Lucy, but James is having none of it as his annoyance with Sarah grows. He raises his eyebrows at Adam indicating that now is the time for their prank.
With that, Adam begins fake choking which gets everyone up from the table trying to help him. Adam gets up out of his seat and walks towards the family room diverting everyone away from the table while James stays put. He douses Sarah’s plate next to him full of spaghetti with vinegar, noding at Adam that it’s time to stop. As Adam lets out his final cough, he assures the family that everything’s fine. “I’m all good now! Just went down the wrong pipe, oops!”
The family sighs with relief as they make their way back to the table. James and Adam smile at each other mischievously. Before Sarah twirls another forkful of spaghetti, Adam quickly distracts her asking, “hey Sarah how’s the whole college thing coming along?” But, before she can answer, her phone lights up. It’s an email notification from Yale. With Sarah distracted now by her phone, and with James not knowing that she had just received an email from Yale, he considers now the perfect time to sneakily pour baking soda overtop of the vinegar in her spaghetti.
“OH MY GOD” Sarah shrieks at her phone, “I GOT INTO YALE!!!!!” Immediately Sarah’s entire plate of spaghetti explodes all over her. Taking in what just happened, Sarah shoots James an angered look.
“…Congraaatttss…” James says sheepishly, bursting into laughter thereafter.
“YOU GOT IN?!” Gordo and Lizzie scream in unison, getting up from their seats to hug Sarah. Soon enough, the whole family is covered in spaghetti after exchanging hugs and celebrating in excitement.
After dinner, the family sits in front of the TV while Sarah beams over the phone to Ben about her acceptance. “I know I know!!! And it’s only a 2 hour drive from NYU if you’re going to be there…I can’t wait!!”
James and Adam linger in the kitchen, eating the dessert cookies no one else is touching. “Well,” Adam says, “pretty poor timing for our prank.” The two shrug. They’ll do better next time. Giddy from tonight’s events, and now wearing clean clothes, Sarah comes over and grabs a cookie.
“So,” she says to James, “Lucy, huh?” James buries his face in his hands, knowing that Sarah must’ve said something to Ben. On the contrary, “I didn’t tell Ben anything…” she says. James raises his head suspiciously. What does she want? “…and I won’t if you stop pranking me for the rest of the school year.” Adam’s jaw drops as James’ eyes widen. “Yup, you heard me. It’s the girl or the pranks, your choice,” and with that Sarah grabs and cookie and skips up to her room.
“Well that’s rough man,” Adam says. “No more pranks on Sarah? What are we going to do?!”
“I’ve got a couple ideas,” James says as his eyes fill with mischief.
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