sga-owns-my-soul · 7 months
i'm gonna cry over millers crossing i'm gonna sob WHY ARE THE MILLERS SO SOFT i was 17 seasons and 6 movies about jeannie and kalebs love story and how they fell in love and started their family
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seohoho · 2 years
happy last day of tour 🙃
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sunminshine · 2 years
"I'm fine," she says, crying at work thinking about shinee.
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hatigave · 2 years
@thebestplayer​ said  :    “I don’t feel the cold. I just power through it.”     to raoul 
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                         MONSTER REACHES OUT HIS PAW     .         holds the fabric of a scarf between his fingertips.  there are stains on it which have darkened with time.  once those stains used to be red     ⎯⎯⎯⎯        once they fell into bed together without the additional weight of a near-miss-murder sleeping between the two of them.      ❝  you will power yourself into an early grave,  no   ?  ❞    statement is answered with a hollow laugh.   (   be buried next to me,  my love.  THERE IS SPACE IN MY COFFIN STILL.  )     ❝  do not be stubborn,  little rat.  english history has enough martyrs. ❞
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scarf is draped across the other’s shoulders,  twisted around the neck.  pulled tight,  yet not tight enough to choke.  it is love,  when a monster decides to let you live,  even when the pulse of your blood in your neck beckons him.    ❝  either wear the scarf,  or i will be  FORCED   to hold your hand to keep you warm.  now,  what will it be   ?     armani,  or the inability to shoot your so beloved gun  ?  ❞
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You're okay, Jam? :D
No. 🥲❤️
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ddarker-dreams · 11 months
THAT GOJO FIC THOUGH??? an absolute masterpiece and soooo beautifully written. definitely felt super in character for him - equal parts eerie, entitled, and light-hearted? loved loved loved it.
i’m curious (not necessarily a request…unless?) just want to pick your brain about what that relationship between gojo and reader might look like as adults or a few years in the future. does his yandede tendency worsen? does reader ever try to leave or just accept how things are? what, if anything, would anger your interpretation of yan!gojo? how does he keep reader under his thumb for so many years? do others understand what he’s doing and what their relationship truly is? what even is their relationship? haha i’m so sorry i just loved your gojo so much and am foaming at the mouth for any more scraps you may have to offer
THANK YOU VERY MUUUUUUUUUCH there's something about questionable men that turns my pupils into hearts each and every time.
as for your questions, let's see... first and foremost, i've decided that the fic i discussed writing is like the 'baseline' universe with 'it's graduation, isn't it?' being a branching yandere narrative (or AU i guess)?? i came up with a backstory for the darling in IGII and thought it had enough potential to be explored further. so, all this to say that i'm working on the main story right now which will flesh out reader's relationship with shoko, geto, and gojo in particular. this'll give additional context to the relationship gojo and reader have in the yandere fic! for their time in high school, i've decided to split the story into three main arcs, each one taking place during reader's time as a first year, second year, and third year. (i have ideas for post high school-to the present day in when the main events of JJK pick up, but i'll focus on that later).
here's a general overview of the start of the fic. presently, its working title is 'golden girl.'
2005 — reader's first year arc.
takes place primarily from reader's perspective with the occasional shift to omniscient perspective. reader's from another country, so she's unfamiliar with all the politics/bureaucracy in japan's jujutsu scene. in-depth look at her first day at jujutsu tech, her initial impressions of shoko, gojo, and geto. gojo does something that reader views as irresponsible, kickstarting their decades long relationship with reader disliking him 😭
exploring the quintet's dynamic with one another. reader still thinks gojo is annoying, is okay with geto but finds something about him mildly unnerving, gets along best with shoko. gojo has intense 'kindergarden boy pulling the hair of the girl he has a crush on' energy. reader sloooooooowly warms up to him.
reader at this point has a rose-tinted view of jujutsu society. while she isn't ignorant to the reality sorcerers face when going about their jobs, she assumes everyone at the top must get along so everyone can best preserve the public's safety. can't fathom why it'd be any different. as such, the story's tone up until this point has a slice of life-esque vibe.
the first real conflict in this arc comes in the form of an assignment gojo, geto, and reader receive. a zenin sorcerer got whooped on what should've been an easy job, dirtying the family's image. to rectify this, the zenins pester jujutsu tech to send in the heavy artillery (aka gojo and geto) so it looks like the job was so difficult, some of the best sorcerers had to handle it. reader is also requested to join them for reasons that'll be revealed later.
(more under the cut because whewie this got long)
gojo and geto can pretty much see through the petty politics going on. they explain the machinations to reader, who decides to take the assignment serious regardless. gojo in particular is very blasé about the entire thing because one, that big ass ego and two, he's a teen. bad combo.
the assignment itself takes place in an abandoned nursery on the outskirts of nagoya. here, the three encounter the curse 'the caretaker' and its 'little ones.' now it's psychological horror time. gojo's arrogance exacerbated by reader's insistence on following protocol clash bad. the fight ends up not being so simple after all due to the curse's abilities. they eventually realize reader's cursed technique is Suspiciously best suited to work as a counter, but at grave risk and damage to herself. thanks zenins. ultimately, reader pulls it off, but receives heavy injuries in the process. gojo and geto are pissed about this entire thing. character development for the squad that'll play into their themes into adulthood (gojo's wish to upend the higher-ups, geto's disillusionment with jujutsu society, and a secret third thing for reader).
in what will serve as a parallel for post star plasma arc, the three are able to 'overcome' the event enough and grow closer for it. everyone's coping mechanisms kinda sucks but not to the degree it'll suck after the events of post star plasma arc.
reader's like oh boy, that was an eventful first year haha! i sure hope my second year isn't anywhere near as chaotic haha! :)
as for where the narrative would branch into a yandere AU, that'd take place mostly in reader's third year. personally, i think gojo would be a bit of an unhealthy weirdo no matter what in a romantic relationship, but just not to the Full yandere extent. so you'll see him up to some questionable shenanigans even in the main fic.
i apologize, i ended up laser focusing on gojo's relationship with reader so much that i didn't really answer your other questions GJSDKLFS i just feel like the events of the main story will go on to shape yandere and non yandere gojo's behavior with reader enough that without context, it won't make as much sense.
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sixth-light · 1 year
Small babies do not lead to binging so I won't be up to speed on WoT until closer to ep 4 dropping (especially with 1hr + episodes), but I HAVE managed to watch ep 1, so (ep1 AND book-spoilery) thoughts:
Overriding thought: fuck I just love the writing/adaptation on this show, it's so smart! They are using all the many moving pieces of the book series in such an economical way! Bayle Domon is probably the best example of this from this episode; they set him up to run into the Seanchan, established the Sea Folk, gave Moiraine a quest plot point, and did it using his canonical interests, in a scene which absolutely did not happen in the books. Love it. Also, love his accent, absolutely perfect, no notes.
The way the episode was structured/had a theme was also really good - it picked up on where everybody was and connected them to each other even while the point of the episode was how far apart they have all drifted. The Bel Tine ceremony is both a great callback to the opening episode of last season, a way to visually link them, AND a reminder that it's been a YEAR since last season began now. (It amuses me that Nynaeve and Egwene are going to have had significantly more time in the Tower in the show than the books - but is probably necessary since they are unlikely to leave, return, and leave again as they do in TGH/TDR.)
We didn't get MUCH of new!Mat but he's selling me on it so far (the chiselling at the wall!) and oh boy, they're working overtime to give him a solid reason to be extremely wary of Aes Sedai, aren't they. I'm sure that will have no repercussions down the line whatsoever.
I love how they've remixed Adeleas and Vandene with Verin and let Moiraine and Lan's flying visit turn into a longer retreat to recover. This is also very funny to me because on the re-read podcast I listen to (Wheel Takes) the new reader is CONVINCED that Vandene is secretly Black Ajah. Well...now she's gonna be right!
Small but cool note: when Lan takes Moiraine that plate of food, I liked that it was very clearly from South Asian foodways and not Fantasy Stew. They're taking the cultural depth of the world well beyond casting - obviously in costuming too, but costuming is fairly easy, food is a step up.
I think the one criticism I have of the worldbuilding is that the Tower still feels a TAD underpopulated (I would have liked to see Egwene and Nynaeve in a slightly larger novice class, and some indication of the academic learning that's part of their training) but this has improved a lot on the COVID-restricted depictions from the first season, so it's a minor criticism (and may very well be addressed in later episodes).
I liked Loial last season but the actor has really settled into the role this season: looking forward to more of him.
Also really looking forward to more of Elyas, and intrigued by how they're choosing to depict Perrin's new smelling senses as a visual recreation of what happened - I think this makes sense for a visual medium, not sure it will be totally obvious that it's meant to be interpretive not literal, but then for a new audience does it need to be? It's a magic ability/superpower, that's the important thing to get across.
That extra 10-15 minutes of run time helped the episode breathe so much. It's going to add up to nearly an extra episode and a half if it keeps going across the season; that's not bad, and needed I think.
ugh I love this show so muuuuuuuuuch
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teddybeartoji · 3 days
your toji fics are so good 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 always make my heart flutter fuuuuuuuck love them so muuuuuuuuuch this one was so sweeeeeet 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 i need him so so so bad its not ok
NONNIEEEEE:((((((((( I'M SO GLAD YOU LIKED IT MY DEAR<3333333333 he really does mean so fucking much to me and it makes me so happy when ppl like the pieces i write about him<33333333 THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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fastcardotmp3 · 5 months
hi! me again! composing this as i'm reading the post you linked (thank you!! and pls forgive any insane rambling as i've just finished writing all my midterm report cards and my brain is much l m f a o)
when i thought of them breaking up, i wouldn't have guessed it would be steve to initiate it! this bit specifically was so interesting:
"It's not just one thing, it's bigger than them just like the world, and it's Steve, ultimately, who decides he's scared enough of all the big upheavals that he can't be attached to Eddie like that right now, trapped in a tiny apartment together with nowhere for all the complexity to go.
Steve says he can't take care of himself while he's waiting for the other shoe to drop on Eddie's end of things, and so he walks away before Eddie can."
we are in eddie's head so thoroughly that i think it's easy to maybe brush aside how steve must be feeling throughout the entirety of this? poor steve always choosing the most difficult (but lovely) people to love, and always putting them first until he can't anymore!! that fear of being hurt or left behind is So Real and I actually could read 160k of meta from steve's POV solely so i can see his reaction to finding out eddie has run off. MOVING ON!
do they live apart during this time? i imagine if that were the case that it might have been difficult, having lived on top of one another for so long. also difficult for the ladies as well, considering they are all very much entangled.
"It's Eddie who says, I don't think I ever really grasped what it was like for you when I ran. I don't think I ever really apologized. I'm sorry.
It's Eddie who lays it all out on the table and makes it clear, I don't need you to fix me anymore, I just like holding your hand."
TO ME, this is so important!!!!! how lovely for steve to hear something like this, to maybe be validated and reassured in a way he probably hasn't been in a while.
the idea of it not being earth-shattering every time, of giving themselves breathing room...ugh. i just love it!! talk about dynamic.
tysm for tolerating me!! once my brain is no longer mush i will be crawling back to talk wasteland with you because i love an apocalyptic take so fucking muuuuuuuuuch and i need to know more.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🥹💚💚💚💚💚💚
first of all when i tell you i have thought about writing about the chapters when Eddie runs away from Steve's POV one trillion and one times only to not do it because it would be a ton of work and approximately 3 people would end up reading it fjkadslfj...... but trust that it lives in my brain that fic...... it lives......
SECOND of all!!! it's so important to me that it's steve who creates that boundary! as much as he loves Eddie, the guy put him through so much and he only really let himself feel it for a very short period of time! they are all about the give and take to me and finding the balance within each other for what that means! that's why in META i gave him that chance to say I need to be mad at you about this, because they both needed to realize that Steve had been going through it too GAH
which is why, in the unwritten parts of it that exist only in my head, they definitely do live separately while they're broken up. it takes months for them to find their footing and they genuinely aren't sure for a minute that they'll work it out, so yeah, they live apart in all the ways they can while still being intrinsically linked and you know what? i think it's good for them. hard! but good.
because like i said in that other post, it gives them a chance to realize that the things they've thought for a while were necessary about sticking together aren't something they need for survival anymore. the closeness isn't keeping them alive, it's just something they want. figuring out that distinction is a big deal and they deserve the chance to discover it!
i am not simply tolerating you dude i am thriving i am living i am grateful for your thoughtful thoughts! i wish you luck on your post midterms life and when you want to talk about wasteland i am here because....... that is also my baby omg
<3 < 3 <3
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biochemicalgirlboy · 9 months
i love my friends i love them so muuuuuuuuuch oh my goooosssh
sooo i was rilly touch averse for a really long time as a like. side effect of depression. and then i went on antidepressants. and the flood gates opened.
LET ME LAY ON YOU. LET ME PLAY WITH YOUR HAIR. LET ME HOLD YOUR HAND. LET ME GIVE U LITTLE MASSAGES. I LOVE U. i love touch soo much and i cant believe it took me this long to be able to enjoy it
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gloryseized · 10 months
§ // from all my blogs! rubbing my gremlin hands together at all the found family i want to and am already throwing at you!! tulin and link, grasshopper and shion, kido and link in a way that's probably more understated than tulin's bond with him but oh god i want them to be something like brothers or cousins too, AND THE FRIENDSHIPS!! ahhh all my birdies love your link (yeah. even that one. he'll get there slfjdkl), and i would dearly enjoy writing my zeldas, other ocs, rauru, and terrako with you in that same platonic vein!!
and ofc toothless and link!! travelling buddies <3 that i can also see in a slightly different flavour for kichiboushi and link if only because link would virtually be travelling with a child slfdkjf but!! give me more animals bonding with link!!
you already know how i feel about revali and link. they are the idiots of all time and i cannot be well about them skdfjsld but i look forward to the day it all culminates in the best way soooo much
Ships! Get Ya Ships! -- @flockrest / @balladetto
yesyesyesyesyesy for all of this!!!
The found family for all of these I love so so much!! Ughhhh, especially thinking about Shion and Grasshopper, and how much Grasshopper has shaped how Shion thinks about being a Hero and what it means to be heroic. They both help each other heal so much and I'm constantly weeping about them. And Tulin is the little brother he never had and Link loves him so muuuuuuuuuch. If ever Tulin uses the chickie eyes on Link, it is Over for our Hero. And yes yes for Kido too!!
yessssssssssssssss I love the little bickering with Link and terrako, it always make me laugh to see how bitter the egg is. And your Rauru is so loyal and sweet. Yes to all of this!
ohhhhhh the animal bonding vibe! I love that for both toothless and kichiboushi and I would be so down to explore that! please! because Link is so soft with animals which is a side i don't get to see much of and I would love to write more.
just * shakes Link and Revali in a jar a bit *
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highermagic · 2 years
thoughts from Neverafter as they're happening (light spoilers honestly mostly just reaction)
fuckkkk me Brennan don't do this to me in the intro!!! Lou I fucking love you coming in swinging you're best boy <3 Brennan as the evil stepmother is so fucking hot I can't stand it oh my god. Evil stepmommy I adore you. Lou does such an endearing child, his character is so good and Lou and Brennan's chemistry is so electric all the time I love how they play off each other. I literally can't concentrate on the story because I'm so enamored with their performances jeebus xmas. SENATOR!!!! SHOUTOUT TO SENATOR!!! Lou is always so sassy I love him. Brennan you need to CALM your VOICE and EYES okay I can only be so Normal about this. fdadlsf the nat20 oh my god what timing. that was fucking wild WHAT DOES IT MEAN BRENNAN WHAT THE FUCK DOES IT ALL MEANNN.
oh my god. it's infinite stories. infinite chances, as long as you're willing to sacrifice all the potential happiness of other versions of yourself oh my god. how many versions of yourself must you kill to get your happy ending. THAT'S POETIC AS FUCK BRENNAN OH MY GOD.
why do they have to do all these things individually my poor babies /sob curiosity killed the cat Pib pls my boy do not I believe in catboy Zach supremacy o7 Zach is so funny I can't stand it. I love this sort of surrealist comradery shit so much ahhh Fox & Rabbit & Cat adventures when. PIB GETS REINCARNATIONS BC CATS HAVE NINE LIVES I'M!!!! This is so pure I love them so muuuuuuuuuch /sob ZACH BRO YO??? THREATENING KITTY CAT??!!! YOOOO??? I love themmmm I'm going to lay down on the floor and cry, Zach is the best <3
breaks my heart they're doing all this separately though I know why, I feel like Emily is probs the only one watching everyone's to keep things separated.
NO NOT THE GLASS GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM MY GIRL YOU GLASS BITCH. tho I will admit that glass armor idea is metal as fuck so I love that. ooooooof the lore of princesses who get a perfect happy ever after and cinderella's bitterness and OOOOOOOOOOOOF subversion is so delicious omnomnomnom Rosamund is so precious I love her <3 Brennan choosing to expose the entire multiverse to the character least equipped to understand it is such a Brennan thing to do I cannot with this man. I retract my complaint about Cinderella I love her now lmao
I fucking love existential dread fuck me up with that good shit!!! Scream at destiny question everything rewrite the stories and examine everything!!! Fuck me up!!
"Just because you were lied to doesn't mean everything is a lie. Do not take the crimes of those who manipulated you and lay them at the feet of the world. We write the story." ONCE AGAIN THANK YOU FOR THE FREE THERAPY D20!!! <3
big bad wolf Brennan is also very very hot I can't help myself and I won't apologize, it's the Calroy voice too it's just, oof, monsterfucker card presented and ready. fdsjdlsfs Emily you're so cute stop it right now 'I'm sorry I said freak at you' stop <3 BRO??? 'the only time you'll accept to make your life worthwhile is forever' ????? WHAT THE FUCK BRENNAN JESUS. you can't just 1 hit K.O. philosophy like that without warning jesus FUCK that is so attractive I'm going to die. morally neutral predatory monster is my fucking WEAKNESS GAWWD. Emily is so chaotic oh my god I love this so much. her commitment to a bit is god-like <3 "You're my princess" PLEASE I love them ahhhhhh
This is so fucking cool as a premise honestly like. Every time I get so blown away by Brennan's lore and storybuilding he one-ups it again I can't fucking deal with it.
MURPH C'MON BABY BOY LET'S GO. I love when they come in and sass Brennan, bestie behavior <3 oh feck off you fairie bish fdsjkdls cutting from Murph's hysterics to Brennan's hands to face thing was so goddamn... the drama, the vibes of this interaction is so fucking good omfg it's giving 'diva and overworked PA' energy Gerard 'keep my wife's name out your fucking mouth' Greenleigh my beloved <3 hhhhhhhh Brennan does such good subtle shit and inflection I can't, it's got big priest character vibes right now oof also pretty gold sparkles in the background love that for Murph, v flattering. ummm that origin story??? o.o
Brennan is going to get his PVP before he dies calling it now.
HYONK HYONK MOTHERFUCKER LET'S GOOO I hope Nat King Cole is the running joke of the seasons pls. such geese slander lmao but consider: they are delicious pls confirm my book theoryyyyyyyyyyyyy probably not but like. god. imagine if that's how it has to end. the perfect ending is the one immortalized in the books. I M A G I N E. OH MY GOD IS IT?? AM I??? WAS I RIGHT omg oh that's so cool, the multiverse trippiness is the best thing ever golden goose really said no notes lmao fdhasadsfs that beanstalk retelling I love it so soft omg goose hugs <333
I'm so fascinated by this world building and I love it so much, 1000/10 Brennan no notes.
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cloudcountry · 4 months
Ask chain!
Post your oc + a canon and let your followers make up headcanons about them
SEREIA/. MY BABY. i totally forgot about them ugh. HERE A FEW DRAWINGS WINTER DID OF THEM
theyre my everything. my japanese spider crab oc. i love them.
heres their bio :3
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brighteyesredfire · 9 months
compiling thoughts on games ive played. i may go back and edit these over time bc i like to ramble and maybe ill have a thought later about things to add. woo
🌟 BASTION (2011) | 10/10 4 million stars
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THE game of all time. i think i bought and played this when the indie humble bundle (one of the first of its kind) slapped it together with limbo, psychonauts, amnesia and sword and sorcery (i have the art jen zee drew to advertise that on my wall still).
remarkable then and now for being a game i replayed like a madman and loved soooooo muuuuuuuuuch its ridiculous. the art direction will always be very impactful on me i think, jen zee i love ur stuff 4ever <3333333 the music is also still incredible, spike in a rail is iconic as ever, and logan cunningham's voice will always hit perfectly on the ears as rucks. this game was also the first major fandom i was in on this site and it could fit inside one tinychat lol, i have retained alot of the friendships i made from it back then, its an experience i can never untie from the actual game.
ive always liked isometric smash and whack games, most likely due to this games influence on me, but it was also just... one of the first big games i loved as a budding tween, so almost everything about i think with fondess, im recalling how the upgrade areas looked like rn and its making me smile. i made an askblog about a character from this game, we made a physical fanbook that got handed to devs at a con (i think the vid of them reacting to it is now lost to time) its deep bro its deep in my bones.
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bastion's story i still also enjoy as dour as it is, and the choice at the end, between continuing the cycle of apocalyptic doom or build a new future with the remains, its still interesting to me. relive the past before it goes wrong and experience the fresh pain over and over or move on with grave of genocide ringing in your ears and the cunt of an old man on the same floating rock with you. augh!
🌟 TRANSISTOR (2014) | 6/10 stars it is a game and i think that's great
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played this game front to back full the day it came out on my mothers computer and cried like a bitch at the end while liveblogging it. to this day i remember the combat being too much for my stupid little brain to comprehend and would get my ass beat constantly but the jen zee art and sword boyfriend and my loyalty to SG kept the brain alive.
MAYBE it would less of a pain in the ass for me to play now but the plotting out before you enforce the combo hurt my brain. i dont think ahead okay. ow. ow.
As with all SG games the art was incredible though they drew from really interesting influences for a sci fi take, and this ost with the addition of a bunch more vocal tracks (due to red being a singer) is sooo good. i have a version of the album of the glitched out versions of the songs ripped from the gameplay, delicious nyam nyam.
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the story is like a traditional tragedy and the first showing of some great supergiant #buryyourgays but i still cry like a baby listening to paper boats so FML !!!!!!!!! i think that song affects me more than setting sail / coming home from bastion actually at this point (time to go find the orchestra pax vid and loop it)
🌟 PYRE (2017) | 9/10 starsies supergiant youve done it again
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i liked pyre like 10 steps more than transistor its not even funny 😂 the world has a more fantasy leaning bent... the ensemble cast too.... and the gameplay i love this gameplay i will play ghost spirit basketball all fucking dayyyyyyyyyy also this is alot closer to a visnov than the rest of their games, between the sports parts, this is also probably why i really like it, who doesn't love it when their choices matter and little guys talk to them. visnovs are great.
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i also just favour weirdo fantasy > over weirdo sci fi this is pure personal taste lmao. the environments were fun, the conceit of the game was interesting too. making the choice of who to liberate not only be a factor based on who you like and the story but ALSO the gameplay bc you no longer get to play them.... i remember i kept hedwyn around bc i liked him as a character and also bc he was the all rounder class but i did let him go before the end bc i wanted to give him that chance despite never seeing him again... that sort of experience with a character i love is rareeee, ive not had anything like it since. is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all..............wohah.............
i also just love the fake language they came up with for people talking, reading being a big deal here also.... so much about this games worldbuilding i loved it i loved it. i think my only issues would be the amount of forced het in the endings people can get lmao I DONT NEED EVERYONE TO GET HAPPILY STRAIGHT MARRIED SG LMFAO.
🌟 HADES (2020) | 10/10 starsies supergiant youve done it again
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i have played this game for 250+ hours and 100 of those were during the entire time it was in early access the brain disease real alive and killing me to this day.
genius of SG i think to stretch their storytelling out to be way longer by putting into a rougelike its such a fun idea and it works so well bc of how finely tuned their gameplay always is. they incentivize the right things and the feel is addictive, you wanna get to the characters bc they're always the best part but the gameplay on the way is like butter, ENDLESS GRIND ENDLESS GRIND. GAME YOU PLAY UNTIL YOU DIE
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i like that this story ended up being a dumb greek family drama, i dont have many more thoughts about that aspect though honestly bc i dont really care about greek gods as a setting and i always enjoy SG's original ideas and worlds alot more behehe. their remixes are no doubt fun though.
there's something to be said about the violent catharsis of being killed over and over to leave family i think, im sure i could write some metaphor here about having to confront hatred in loved ones over a choice about yourself actually just feels like dying over and over (im a poet) especially when you still live with them.
i think i actually for real cried the first time zag met his mother like the music and the va, it was all so tragic and sad, i dont think anything else really met that emotional high for me. i was almost surprised later on how happily the game resolves lol but i dont have any qualms with stories about fucked up families actually fixing their problems, hope for the future or something.. ! not all blood ties have to be burned to cinders, its a nice thing.
thanatos is my girlboss boyfriend also i cannnnnoooooootttttt believe they made him a tsundere sadboy who acts like you broke up with him MINUTE ONE OF MEETING THE MAN IN THE FUCKING GAME WHAT IS WRRRRONG WITYH YOUUUU SG YOU SICK FUCKS. i actually puked in my mouth everytime they talked and i was explicitly seeking it out. god of death and god of blood (life) can you go fuck yourselves ACTUALLY.
thank you for letting me bang him and meg at the same time sg also is making up for their lgbt transgressions if only a bit with this one may the next game be gayer. lovewins or something.
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compiling thoughts on games ive played. i may go back and edit these over time bc i like to ramble and maybe ill have a thought later about things to add. woo
🌟 BASTION (2011) | 10/10 4 million stars
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THE game of all time. i think i bought and played this when the indie humble bundle (one of the first of its kind) slapped it together with limbo, psychonauts, amnesia and sword and sorcery (i have the art jen zee drew to advertise that on my wall still).
remarkable then and now for being a game i replayed like a madman and loved soooooo muuuuuuuuuch its ridiculous. the art direction will always be very impactful on me i think, jen zee i love ur stuff 4ever <3333333 the music is also still incredible, spike in a rail is iconic as ever, and logan cunningham's voice will always hit perfectly on the ears as rucks. this game was also the first major fandom i was in on this site and it could fit inside one tinychat lol, i have retained alot of the friendships i made from it back then, its an experience i can never untie from the actual game.
ive always liked isometric smash and whack games, most likely due to this games influence on me, but it was also just... one of the first big games i loved as a budding tween, so almost everything about i think with fondess, im recalling how the upgrade areas looked like rn and its making me smile. i made an askblog about a character from this game, we made a physical fanbook that got handed to devs at a con (i think the vid of them reacting to it is now lost to time) its deep bro its deep in my bones.
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bastion's story i still also enjoy as dour as it is, and the choice at the end, between continuing the cycle of apocalyptic doom or build a new future with the remains, its still interesting to me. relive the past before it goes wrong and experience the fresh pain over and over or move on with grave of genocide ringing in your ears and the cunt of an old man on the same floating rock with you. augh!
🌟 TRANSISTOR (2014) | 6/10 stars it is a game and i think that's great
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played this game front to back full the day it came out on my mothers computer and cried like a bitch at the end while liveblogging it. to this day i remember the combat being too much for my stupid little brain to comprehend and would get my ass beat constantly but the jen zee art and sword boyfriend and my loyalty to SG kept the brain alive.
MAYBE it would less of a pain in the ass for me to play now but the plotting out before you enforce the combo hurt my brain. i dont think ahead okay. ow. ow.
As with all SG games the art was incredible though they drew from really interesting influences for a sci fi take, and this ost with the addition of a bunch more vocal tracks (due to red being a singer) is sooo good. i have a version of the album of the glitched out versions of the songs ripped from the gameplay, delicious nyam nyam.
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the story is like a traditional tragedy and the first showing of some great supergiant #buryyourgays but i still cry like a baby listening to paper boats so FML !!!!!!!!! i think that song affects me more than setting sail / coming home from bastion actually at this point (time to go find the orchestra pax vid and loop it)
🌟 PYRE (2017) | 9/10 starsies supergiant youve done it again
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i liked pyre like 10 steps more than transistor its not even funny 😂 the world has a more fantasy leaning bent... the ensemble cast too.... and the gameplay i love this gameplay i will play ghost spirit basketball all fucking dayyyyyyyyyy also this is alot closer to a visnov than the rest of their games, between the sports parts, this is also probably why i really like it, who doesn't love it when their choices matter and little guys talk to them. visnovs are great.
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i also just favour weirdo fantasy > over weirdo sci fi this is pure personal taste lmao. the environments were fun, the conceit of the game was interesting too. making the choice of who to liberate not only be a factor based on who you like and the story but ALSO the gameplay bc you no longer get to play them.... i remember i kept hedwyn around bc i liked him as a character and also bc he was the all rounder class but i did let him go before the end bc i wanted to give him that chance despite never seeing him again... that sort of experience with a character i love is rareeee, ive not had anything like it since. is it better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all..............wohah.............
i also just love the fake language they came up with for people talking, reading being a big deal here also.... so much about this games worldbuilding i loved it i loved it. i think my only issues would be the amount of forced het in the endings people can get lmao I DONT NEED EVERYONE TO GET HAPPILY STRAIGHT MARRIED SG LMFAO.
🌟 HADES (2020) | 10/10 starsies supergiant youve done it again
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i have played this game for 250+ hours and 100 of those were during the entire time it was in early access the brain disease real alive and killing me to this day.
genius of SG i think to stretch their storytelling out to be way longer by putting into a rougelike its such a fun idea and it works so well bc of how finely tuned their gameplay always is. they incentivize the right things and the feel is addictive, you wanna get to the characters bc they're always the best part but the gameplay on the way is like butter, ENDLESS GRIND ENDLESS GRIND. GAME YOU PLAY UNTIL YOU DIE
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i like that this story ended up being a dumb greek family drama, i dont have many more thoughts about that aspect though honestly bc i dont really care about greek gods as a setting and i always enjoy SG's original ideas and worlds alot more behehe. their remixes are no doubt fun though.
there's something to be said about the violent catharsis of being killed over and over to leave family i think, im sure i could write some metaphor here about having to confront hatred in loved ones over a choice about yourself actually just feels like dying over and over (im a poet) especially when you still live with them.
i think i actually for real cried the first time zag met his mother like the music and the va, it was all so tragic and sad, i dont think anything else really met that emotional high for me. i was almost surprised later on how happily the game resolves lol but i dont have any qualms with stories about fucked up families actually fixing their problems, hope for the future or something.. ! not all blood ties have to be burned to cinders, its a nice thing.
thanatos is my girlboss boyfriend also i cannnnnoooooootttttt believe they made him a tsundere sadboy who acts like you broke up with him MINUTE ONE OF MEETING THE MAN IN THE FUCKING GAME WHAT IS WRRRRONG WITYH YOUUUU SG YOU SICK FUCKS. i actually puked in my mouth everytime they talked and i was explicitly seeking it out. god of death and god of blood (life) can you go fuck yourselves ACTUALLY.
thank you for letting me bang him and meg at the same time sg also is making up for their lgbt transgressions if only a bit with this one may the next game be gayer. lovewins or something.
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tothechaos · 3 years
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"come dance with me, miles!"
"if you insist, my love"
they deserve to dance together :'3 and if i have to be the one that gets them there, then so be it!
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