tyrandewhisprwind · 3 months
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commission done by the lovely @luckyheartfilia of my lavellan
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cjskribblez · 2 years
I just finished Rebels s2, so i wanted to dump a few of my random thoughts here; if anyone is interested lol.
I knew something bad was gonna happen to Kanan gosh dangit him and Hera had too sweet of a scene beforehand, and sure enough. BOOM guys. He did not in fact get to see her again lmao I hate it here
At least he's alive tho lol
Honestly I lost the capacity to hate Maul a long time ago so I just felt really bad for him this whole time. HE FAILED AGAIN. SHOCKER. and honestly except for that main part of removing a certain someone's retinas he didn't really do anything super evil. He didn't lie to Ezra at all, he didn't drop Ezra or try to kill him a single time either. Respect (but also dude wtf rude)
And Maul taking about how he was no longer a sith... Maul lore. Very good methinks.
"Two Jedi and a part-timer" LOL he genuinely sounded so happy to actually see people. Who knows how long he was there-
That first elevator ride up the temple had to have been awkward AS HELL for Maul and Ahsoka though I'm so upset they took that from us that would have been so funny (ik it's been 10+ years ok I just think it would be hilarious if they were just 🧍🧍*elevator music*)
Honestly right before they all split up though I was sitting there like "gee Ezra how come Dave Filoni let's you get 3 masters"
no wait Kanan is now but still
Why did the temple lady sound like Ventress?? Was that intentional?? Hm🤔🤔 I'm probably reading too much into this but. Sus.
We almost had Maul and Ahsoka vs Vader.... But the world wasn't ready for that ig
And don't even get me started on the Ahsoka and Vader scene. The only reason I'm not on the ground sobbing right now is because I've seen it in edits and such. STILL HURT THO.
I actually think the only reason Ahsoka knew. Knew it was Anakin was because of his scar. She might have even aimed for that part on his mask to check... Yeah :(
I was not expecting those inquisitors to die there JEEZ rip ig but not really they were annoying LMAO
It isn't really clear on who's ship Maul stole but IMAGINE IF IT WAS VADERS. HAHAHA. THE AUDACITY .
Speaking of audacity. Ezra sassing DARTH. FREAKIN. VADER. (And living to tell the tale) I love him guys😭
They really all lost something that episode huh :((
Rex literally told her to wait for him before she went too :'(( bye I'm sad
In conclusion; I hate StarWars (/hj)
And I really loved s2 so WHOO I'm excited (scared) for the rest!
And ofc my lovely beans, these r just my opinions.
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iloveallmyocs · 3 years
the Dawn of a friendship
Ariadne didn’t know how long she had been waiting in the games room, hoping Anna would show up as was Anna’s routine in grand parties like the one of the one they were having.
Eventually, Ariadne got herself to step out of the games room and picked up the courage to scout for Anna herself. She needed to tell Anna that she had heard what Anna had said to her at the infirmary.
James Herondale’s and Cordelia Carstairs’ engagement party was one of the most luxurious parties Ariadne had attended, consisting of numerous respected members of the enclave, but it wasn’t hard to spot Anna among the crowd.
Anna was always easy to spot, the aura around her just commanded people to pay attention. It had always caught Ariadne’s attention.
But then, at that moment, what caught Ariadne’s attention was not Anna Lightwood. What caught her attention was the sight of a boy, looking around the same age as Ariadne was, storming out of the ballroom looking distraught.
Even though she didn’t know the boy at all, Ariadne felt a surge of protectiveness overpower her. The boy was heading away from a group of teenage boys. Ariadne was able to recognise the group of boys. Everybody knew the group, it consisted of the children of the most popular shadowhunters of the previous generation.
Matthew Fairchild, who looked positively furious, was part of the group. He was the Counsul’s son and so Ariadne had been acquainted with him. He was fair company, but  promiscuously quoted Oscar Wilde every five minutes or so.
As if by instinct, Ariadne found herself sprinting after the boy, only to have her path blocked by-
“Anna?” she panted, peering outside the door to catch a glimpse of the boy.
“Ari, you look healthy-” Anna began, her cool and unworried tone clashing against the mood Ariadne was in. Ariadne could no longer able to see the boy.
“Anna, please do excuse me for being impolite, but I have an important matter to attend to” said Ariadne apologetically, pushing past Anna even before she had the time to respond.
Ariadne, on any other day, would have shuddered at the thought of dismissing Anna for going after some boy she didn’t know anything about.
But there was something about the boy. No, Ariadne was not in love with him, she didn’t even know him properly. In fact, she would never love any boy, she was certain of it. No matter how many times she had been warned of the dangers of being the way she was, she was certain that no matter how hard she tried, she would never fall in love with a boy.
“Stop”, Ariadne called out when the boy was finally in her line of vision.
The boy whipped his head back to look at the source of the voice. His face wore an alarmed expression and upon closer inspection, Ariadne could see tears spilling out of his eyes.
“I’ll be with you in a moment” announced the boy, before facing the other direction and furiously wiping off his tears.
“What’s the matter?” asked Ariadne when he was done and turned towards her once more.
“Miss Bridgestock, everything is alright, just don’t mind me and return to your party. why did you come after me?”
“I just wanted to make sure everything was fine” shrugged Ariadne “It’s not at every party that Thomas Lightwood is the cause of a grown man’s tears”
The boy scoffed and later held out his hand, preparing to leave “I’m Alastair Carstairs, it was nice to-”
“Carstairs?” Ariadne interrupted .“I don’t think you should be going anywhere now, are you related to the would be bride?”
“I’m her brother” revealed Alastair, which resulted in Ariadne arching her eyebrows up in a display of disappointment.
Taking notice of Ariadne’s expression, Alastair folded his hands and struck his chin out. “Yes, I know should be in there, but just want one day to myself. Is that too much to ask? Also, stop being so judgmental, you barely know who I am or what I’ve been through”
“Then tell me about it” said Ariadne, gently nudging Alastair with her elbow.
Alastair looked perplexed. “Good lord, you’re impossible to dislike” he remarked, looking up to the sky in exasperation.
Ariadne’s eyebrows went up again. “Why would you ‘dislike’ me?” she asked, her voice full of curiosity. What would a boy whom she had never met before have against her?
“I just said that I didn’t” muttered Alastair “well, for a time I did, because of Charles”
“Charles Fairchild? The one ‘Charles’ I was engaged to?”. Ariadne had gotten somewhat of an idea of where the conversation was going, but wasn’t very confident about it and let Alastair explain it himself. Also, they were in England and in England there were as as many Charles’ as there were mice.
“Yes. Him” confirmed Alastair “I presume you already know that he likes men, don’t you? I was told that you know”
Ariadne nodded. “I know. that is why I agreed to the engagement in the first place”
“Well, the thing is, Charles and I were together at the time of your engagement” Alastair confessed, “I just broke things off with him”
“Is that why you’re upset?” asked Ariadne.
“No. I actually feel like a load has been lifted off chest, actually” said Alastair, smiling sadly. “Why I left early is because I tried to make amends with a few boys who went to the academy with me and it didn’t go well”
“What went wrong in the academy?” Ariadne inquired, feeling as though she might explode if she didn’t receive all the answers to her questions.
“You ask a lot of questions” laughed Alastair, his mind distant.
Ariadne patiently waited for him to answer.
Alastair gulped, not sure if he was making the right choice by spilling out all of his problems to his previous lover’s previous fiancée.
“I wasn’t treated right, when I first joined the academy. Well, you should know how it is” said Alastair, gesturing to Ariadne.
Of course Ariadne knew how it was. Both her overprotective parents had tried to protect her from the harsh realities of living in London while looking the way she did. And yet, she knew. 
She knew it from the way the guests arriving in her house looking for inquisitor Bridgestock always looked down upon her. Some even assumed that she was bought for money by the Bridgestocks, not as a daughter but as something else.
That was what people normally assumed of you when you were from a country that was colonised by the country you are presently residing in. 
“I more than ‘know’ how it is” retuned Ariadne.
For a moment they stood in silence, neither knowing what to say. Alastair finally broke it by asking “How do you bear it? I sometimes feel like screaming until nothing comes out, but I have my mother and Layla who are like me but you-”
“-am adopted” finished Ariadne “It does get frustrating. My parents want me to forget that I am an Indian and once had another name. they want me to forget about my birth parents, their-” Ariadne broke off bursting into tears.
“Oh god, this was supposed to be about you” sniffed Ariadne as Alastair wrapped his coat around her.
“Why don’t we go to your house and talk about it over a warm cup of tea, which  probably was imported from India, Miss Bridgestock?” he asked in a desperate attempt to cheer Ariadne up.
“Alright” Ariadne laughed, then with a solemn face face, added “call me Kamala, it is my birth name”
An AU (idk if it should be classified as an AU) instead of Lucie, Kamala chases after Alastair at the end of ChoG. I probably should have written this before Choi came out and its tag was flooded with HCs about Alastair’s and Kamala’s friendship.
@cant-think-of-anything let me know what you think (I don’t have anyone else to tag lol)
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khaleesiofalicante · 3 years
Greetings once again! So, I dont have my traductor with me right now, but I also dont associate other languaje with him, so I guess we'll stick to english :)
Some extra things before: You are reading Ari and Dante!! I think is one of my favorite books ever!! I hope you will enjoy it💚 Also, the beach looks gorgeous!! Good for you I say 😌 and I finally watched Encanto and I loved it!!! "We dont talk about Bruno" must be one of my fav songs 10/10. Oh, and also Max and Raziel are best bros already😂
Ok, now we can go into the chapter...
I'm so in love with Lexi...
“Raziel is not going to be pleased,” Magnus smiled. “What is he going to do?” Alec asked. “Ban me?” (I ABSOLUTELY EXPECTED SOME PUN ABOUT THIS😂😂)
They'll return to Idris omg
Yup, he is going to retire..
Jdibdijejjdkd they need to stop being so flirty and cheesy <33
"You are so beautiful that sometimes I have to look away.” Bro, its 1 a.m and I'm trying not to scream, they cant say this shit!!!
Alec having to remind himself to breath kdksjdksk I LOVE THEM💙💙
*snort* Idiots un love
I bet Max is in the kitchen. The best contraceptive are always the kids😂
Magnus, your son-in-law is listening...
Ok, tho I recognize that the best way to win your father-in-law isnt seeing him in underwear, Alec has to admit he loves him ;)
Can he get any more soft???
I'm trying not to laugh but wtf Magnus??😂 (its not a lie tho👀)
The are lots of cute💙💙
“Wait a second,” Alec said slowly. “Maybe it’s not a bad idea.” Omg I coudnt cover a slight laugh. Did my parents heard me?? I'm in danger :)
Uh,” David said awkwardly. “I think he is still in his room…with the Inquisitor.” (OMG OMG OMG I'M DYING😂😂)
He is living to the family motto and we are proud😌😌
He definetly got laid... I cant lmaoo
This is killing me please jdkbdkdndkd
“I don’t kiss and tell, baby bat,” Rafael winked at his brother.
“Say that to the gigantic hickey on your collarbone,” Max sniffed.
“Aw. Are you jealous?” Rafael asked with a wicked grin. “David, my brother wants some hickeys of his own.”
“Please don’t drag me into this,” David held up the spatula.
“Yeah. Leave him alone. He is very good at giving hickeys.”
Reading this at 1 a.m has got to be one of the worst decisions ever cause I'm dying of laugh while trying not to make a sound 😂😂 Your honor I fucking love them jdjdkdne
Alec be like: I say no, but my husband says yes smh
They wont let go that he passed put😂 I mean, neither would I...
They are all dorks
I'm between wanting to know like Magnus, and at the same time dont like Alec...
Anjali!!! Jdbdkdkekdkkd omg
Rafael calling her "amor" is everything that is right in my life💙💙💙
This family>>>>>>>>>
Anjali and David being like "What did I get into?" for 0.5 seconds
I'm not sure I want to know what he whispered... Who am I kidding?? Of course I want to know!!
“I was dead for like three days!” Casual family discussions...
I knew it!! He is going to retire!!!
Same Max, same... He is peak Consul material
We should definetly normalize dying for Magnus Bane
This. This scene is fucking perfect. I love it so frickinh much ndhsksnjsjs
I love Anjali so much.💙💙Also she's never letting go the fact that Diego dated Zara😂
"Well, at least, she wasn’t a prince of hell" The bar is extremily low here...
I'm love him giving advice to David <33
YESS. My boy deserves a break!!
I just thought of Rafael in Consul robes and IS IT HOT IN HERE SUDENLY???
"So, no. I don’t regret that. But I do regret how I explained myself to you.” wow. I love this. He's so damm right
Yesss. I needed this apologie!!! 💙💙
A dick move indeed
“Well, grandpa was part of the Circle,” Alec pointed out. “So, he kinda asked for it, really.” (cant say he's wrong)
Anjali and Rafe are going to build something amazing together
Max is so relatable. Also, I want those cards.
Yup. They need to figure their shit out please!!
Covering a serious situation with jokes is now both Magnus and Alec thing smh...
He has come so far from that really...
Alec calling them "his babies" and "his boys" feels so great
"Growth isn’t linear. It’ll be the same for you. Whatever your struggles are, you won’t always be on top of it.” My man is so wise and I love they are figuring all of this out!!
Ok, Max got a point and Magnus will definetly go back to him
Rafael will always keep fighting and I'm so proud of him
What?” Alec mouthed.
“I love you,” Magnus mouthed back.
Alec smiled at this husband.
“Stop with the non-verbal flirting,” Max said. “It’s like you have never seen each other before.”
“At least neither of us is passing out,” Alec teased.
He is going to let that go, will he?? The blackmail is now mutual 😂😂
Alec calling Magnus home cures my anxiety, clears my skin, fixes everything thats wrong with me-
How many "I love Lexi" am I allowed per chapter?
All the changes jdjkdkdndld!!! I'm gonna cry😭And he did that!! 💙💙
He. Is. Proud. Of. Alec. Jwhekdbw Imma head out...
Rafael can sew?? Fuck, he is soo sexy
A great summary of this rollercoaster
Yesss. Alec thanking them for saving them is my will to wake up everyday
Just realized that Jace and Clary raised the kids who killed two princes of hell and that is so sexy of them
Magnus IS a prince💙💙
Oh, so Max did tell them..
Fuck yeah, he is not just a warlock and better watch out Kingsley!!
As always, Emma is my spirit. Good for him!!!
Divya!! Fuck yess. I also love her jdhdbjd
For fucks sake not Kingsley again!!!
Fuck fuck fuck fuck... I hate him
"If had to choose between her and the Clave, I won’t hesitate to do it again.” Ok, that was really a stupid thing to say... I guess love belongs among fools...
Ok but "Let him fight. He is good at it. Let him fight." and "Fight, my baby. Fight. We are here for you." Fuck it. I'm emo🥺🥺🥺
Lexi is speaking the truth😌 Raziel is totally chill (he is really stupid but anyway)
The way he is going to be such a great lider..
Free Wi-Fi!! Sign me tf up!!
"The Consul. His son. A Lightwood-Bane." 🥺🥺 fuck, I drop my phone for celebrating.. Its now 2 a.m but Idk if they are still awake...
Downwolders and shadowhunters alike celebrating is the future I need to see💙
Clace and Sizzy are amazing😂💙
They are so wise and sexy ngl...
Because that’s how his heart worked. It beat according to Magnus’ name.
Cause that’s how his world worked. It began and ended with Magnus.
He cant be thinking all this poetry and expect me not to cry😭😭
Shit, he will lead in Selena's trial... It will be ok (I hope)
“I’m done, baby. No more Consul Lightwood-Bane,” Alec whispered. “I just want to be your Alexander for whatever time I have left.”
Magnus looked up at that and Alec saw entire galaxies inside those golden-green eyes.
Dude. Bro. This. Wow. I have no words for them.
"He led the two of them into a new future. A future that belonged to Alexander and his Magnus" I- first of all I'm crying, but good tears. God, this was so wholesome. It just-The fluff and that family and wow. I'm love them so much and I'm always amazed by your writing. I love it so much💙💙
Bye!! Keep enjoying the beach!!!
P.s: I read this at 1 a.m but I'm asking at 11 a.m cause my phone died 😂
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Also, I don't know why, but I love it when y'all read lbaf after midnight. Something so soft about it 💙
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tarasylnin-lavellan · 3 years
Justice’s Decision
"You are not the hounds that I was expecting," balefully glowing blue eyes watched the pair from the trees.
!" Harel was near panicked by the sudden words. Cole turned to the source an exclaimed "Your here!" Tara stepped further into the weak dawn light painting her pale face in the washed out illumination. "You've come sniffing around for me, Da'len. Unfortunately, you've trekked all this way for nothing. You should leave before the inquisition truly comes bearing down its arms. I would not want to see you bloody your hands." Tara looked worn to the end of breaking and her hands shook as she rested one against a tree. "Because they will come, they will have too, they will come with dogs and armor; and I won't have them hunt you too you must run, run any direction but mine." 
Harel looked at the woman before her, eyebrows climbing in frank astonishment is this truly what she believed that a hoard of hunters was on her trail? "Are you daft? Mad? Tara we came here to find you to stop you from running away! No one is hunting you!" Tara's head snapped toward Harel and she flinched at the sudden movement 
"Not yet they aren't, not yet, you did get here remarkably fast however. I don't know how you found me so quickly, but for your own safety you have to run." Cole’s weak but insistent voice answered Tara's confusion "We found you when you didn't want to be found, we know you're hurting and we want to help. Please! Let me help!" Tara snarled deep in her chest an animal wounded near to madness " I didn't want to be found for good reason! You knew that Dalen, I won't have you hurt because of ME!" As the turmoil in Tara grew a deep blue light coiled out from her, darker than the previous time its darkness reflecting her own. "Just go..." the words were tired and sad. 
Cole and Harel stand side by side as Tara attempts to frighten the pair off, but they're stock still, their faces unchanging even as the blue wisps lick out at them threateningly. Harel watched the display meant to panic them "we're not leaving." Cole spoke softly hearing the desperate hurt in Tara the rents in her soul. "burdens break your back till your body aches. We will help carry. We must..." Tara face goes blank as she thinks of returning the pain too much. "I cannot go back, and I cannot stop them from hunting me you can't be in the path of danger not for me. No one else is dying because I was made into a weapon No one I. will. not. allow. it."  Harel started to feel an indignant anger rising in her this damned woman "WILL YOU PUT THAT STUPID FUCKING SELFLESSNESS DOWN FOR ONE SECOND!!! her fists clenched tightly in frustration "you are not a weapon, YOURE TARA! You're so much stronger than you think, please, please don't lose yourself!
Cole could feel the choking fear the panic coiling its hateful tendrils around Tara. "I don't like this. It feels cold, like wind before the storm." Harel held her hands out to Tara in supplication "no one's going to hurt you, please, just come back. No one will get you, well make sure of it please don't run away." Cole felt it then the old memory the screaming of a child taken by Hate. "There are no templars! No voices screaming! You don't have to run, shouting mamae. You don't have to.....
Tara felt herself losing control and gripped her head in dread. " They will follow you here, I made a mistake, I am a fool. I never should have allowed a Templar to love me, just even think that I was normal, that I was even close to worthy of being normal! Just go..." The light of her bound soul swirled darker wrapping close to her. Harel called trying to break the hold of the panic "you're a lot of things but a fool isn't one. you need to calm down, you're scaring Cole. And me, just a bit. You're not going to hurt us and we're afraid but we're afraid FOR you. Please. Calm down" Tara's eyes closed and tears streamed down her face "my fault, I am too blame, I knew better" she fell to her knees "I knew better. Cole felt the hurt old and jagged wrapped in layers of walls now exposed and screaming monster, a monster I am a monster. "don't drown in yourself. The lion roars in grief not in rage. Please. Don't hurt yourself, it's hurting us, hurting him." Tara choked on the fear on the hatred she felt inside " His eyes I CANT no... No I can't I just hurt people I can't" she curled around the pain "this is my fault." Cole reached trying to tug on the pain but it was so old so omnipresent that he couldnt tug it loose. "you're a sword and a scalpel and a shield. You don't hurt because you want to, like Erimond and Samson, you hurt because you have to. You protect and pretend to step above the thing in you, to be more than just the breath and the purpose. Stop hurting yourself!" A ragged sob tore from Tara "I hurt everything I touch! I cannot go back not now not ever, I cannot bear to the see fear in his eyes.... I cannot watch him break inside."  
Cole felt it within her the desperate need to be accepted for this to be a bad dream. Tara wanted to stay but she was so afraid of it she ran away. But one person was there, a light shining in dark forest of her mind. "breathe. This isn't you. It's the fear, the forgotten one speaking. You can't let it talk over you and control everything. You're losing yourself to what you think will happen. Lions roar but they don't bite without reason, the serpent curls around his paws and he's silent." He conjured the thought of Dorian like a Talisman, trying to calm her down.
Tara latched onto the one person she knew didn't fear her with the desperate strength of a drowning person. "Dorian? What could he say? how could he" Her eyes began to lighten in color with her brothers mention. Cole reached for it pulling the threads in her "he shouts over the noise of the old songs, the trauma of the circle, the fires in Kirkwall. He screams instead of hissing, his love and his hate all so that the lion knows, knowledge dripping like sweat when you held him, shaking craving the blue song. He learned its name and now the lion has a shape on his tongue to call your eyes." Tara stares at the boy in desperate, sad, hope mute. But the light has returned to crystal blue and slowed curling around her like mist again. Cole reaches for the hurt and speaks "Put your sword down, the scales don't have to fill with blood. You fear the inevitable even when it isn't to be. It's ok to fear, to be afraid of what might happen, but it won't." Cole stares forward, ice blue eyes unmoving and unblinking as if he speaks to Tara and yet, not to her at all. As if he speaks to someone else entirely "Don't be afraid but don't be angry. You're safe, Da'len."
Tara wanted to believe, she needed to believe but everything she had ever learned told her otherwise. She whispers "How could he ever see past..." Cole watched her with sadness in his eyes "Monsters are real, he's seen them before. He needs to look again, like a mouse who's lost its tail to a trap, he needs to see, to know that it's not the same. Love is love and you'll give him back his tail." Tara knelt trying to pull the frayed pieces of her mind back together. Her mothers voice spoke in her heart, and she looked up "I cannot go back to the castle, not until I know,  I cannot trap myself there." Cole watches as she tries to accept a new path and his voice is firm for once "we'll protect you. You won't be trapped, I promise. And if you are then...." Harel stepped up next to Cole face still and stoic for once "then we'll let you leave for good and we won't follow you. We'll even keep those people off your trail. Just....trust us."  
Tara knew the path she had to take not returning and not fleeing. She had to try, she had to give him a chance, as terrifying as that was. "if he... wants answers that's his right but, he has to meet me outside of that place. My mother would kill me if I walked into a cage willingly." Cole nods feeling the old memories "Hands on my shoulder she raises her voice, but not to frighten to lecture. Don't let the shem keep you in submission. We are the People, and never again shall we submit. Eyes stern but loving, she would reprimand me if I allowed myself to be foolish." Tara nods looking at the pair decision firming in her eyes. "He can meet me, alone, in the Emerald Graves I will wait."
Harel watches as Tara breathes heavily, her purple eyes for once wide in fear instead of narrowed in disinterest. It was a shocking sight to see one so strong reduced to this mess but it was understandable. She walked this thin line, always keeping her guard up. Now that she was tired, it was only natural for her to regress. "You've chosen an interesting place, Hah'ren. May the grave of Mahariel give your conversation the strength to pull through this. Would.....would you like one of us to stay?" Tara shook her head staggering to her feet "No, no. This must be seen to alone. But thank you. I have to face him by myself."
Cole watches as he always does with his moping face drawn low, sad to leave Tara alone after such suffering. The Inquisitor could see the pain in his eyes like a wounded Halla. Tara looked at the young man "it has to be alone Cole if...if things go badly I want to.. I want it to be alone I will go there and wait This has to be done right."
Cole nods, his hat dipping down in a short stroke and never once turning upwards. Harel comforts the boy with a hand on his shoulder, trying to bring him back from his sadness of leaving the Inquisitor alone. "We're here" it is all he says before he shimmers a light green, disappearing into the darkness to find his way towards Skyhold.
Harel shakes her head, an eyebrow raised as she mutters, "Love how he expects me to keep up with his invisible ass." Its the last thing Harel says that barely draws a smirk from Tara. Just barely. The trees gather around the storm mage as she bids her companions goodbye, setting off with the same heavy heart but so much less apprehension. She makes her winding way to the heart of the vast forest feet silent on the ground. She is a phantom in this place, her path undecided. As night falls around her the shadows dull the sharpened edges of reality. she sets up camp on a high rock bluff in the great trees the song of the branches soothing and sad. Let this be the place she thinks if I have to go with Falon'din let it be here.
Cole and Harel return to skyhold quickly leading the disgruntled Hart with them. Dorian bustled through the crowd his face drawn and afraid. "please PLEASE tell me that you didn't lose her."
Harel folds her arms, appraising the worried Tevinter before speaking "She's fine and safe and super fucking rattled. But safe. She wants to meet Cullen in the Emerald Graves; her territory instead of here since you know....its kind of uninhabitable to her at the moment. Dorian lets a whoosh of held breath at the words of the half breed. "She is alive, and she is thinking at least." Cole interrupts the thought though pushing past Harel the Qunari-elf is confused at the sudden movement before he starts speaking as well. His voice is tinged with emotion as he mimics Harel's voice "I'll kill that curly haired bastard Ill shock his shit for what he's done the fucking templar!" Dorian lunged forward covering the boys mouth with his hand. Leveling a glare that could've frozen the sun at Harel he hissed "stop thinking in such vulgar terms!" Cole subsided and Dorian stood thinking "Now.....She wants to meet him in the Graves? Oh Isa'ma'lan, you make everything so planned, don't you. I've tried doing as much damage control as I can from here but...I suppose we'll have to trust what Tara will do next is the right thing. Kaffas, she worries me so."
Dorian strode alone heading for the Commanders Tower, better from him after all. Pushing open the door he sees Cullen standing behind his desk hands braced on its surface his face drawn and haggard. At the mages approach Cullen's head snaps up a worried flash in his eyes. "Is there word?!" Dorian held up a manicured hand "Pack you essentials, if you want to speak to Tara, she wants you, and you alone, in the Emerald Graves. I don't have to say do not try anything after that little talk we had, now do I?" Cullen blinks his brow furrowing "why didn't she come back here?" Dorian rolled his eyes in exasperation "The tactician that you are should know the reason. Come here, where you are? After your terrible reaction? She probably thinks you'll try to kill her and we both know how much that will hurt the both of you. At least out there, there's control in the place she feels strongest.
All right my lovelies one more chapter to this whenever I can bully my sad tired artists brain into making more ✨words✨
after that I will put all of them together into one continuous story line 
as always all the love and thanks in the whole world to @w-h-4-t for the dialog help Ir lath ma Da’len 
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lunchador · 4 years
so when do we get the long post about your feelings about dragon age inquisition!!! i dunno if u wanna wait until dlc or not! i am i n t e r e s t e d (also its ok if u dont feel up to it im just!!!! again, interested in ur opinions/feelings)
kajsldkjf PLEASE I HAVE SO MANY DA FEELINGS ALL THE TIME and Inquisition was twice as long as the others so might as well do a word vomit now and I can always do another after the dlc (which several people have assured me are worth playing )
Yeah so inquisition is long. I dislike open world games so a lot of the (super repetitive!!) side quests did grate on my nerves and that docks this game a few points but over all the LORE IS SO GOOD, and it tying in so many choices in from 1+2 is the greatest butterfly effect I ever experienced in video games. I thought telltale + Until dawn were fun for that but good LORD bioware has showed up all of those games and I am really stoked to try mass effect when its out later and play more bw games. I only played Anthem before this and that game seemed...idk, gutted against BW’s wishes.
Yeah, I managed to go into the whole DA series knowing very, very little, despite how many artists I followed did fanart for it. Once I started playing, I added all the words I could think of to my blacklist but a lot of untagged stuff came through (fair, series is 10+ years old and inq is like what 4-5?). I allowed my friends to pressure me into playing an elf mage for the lore and to romance solas cuz they said he was as important to the story as alistair was. A lot of online followers said I should play how I wanted, which I def would recommend to anyone else, but honestly I can see where they came from and while he never would have been my first choice, I think he actually paired REALLY well with my Inq and how I was playing her. I put her as sensitive but trying to put her responsibility above herself, she was definitely the least funny of my 3 characters, but not incredibly serious. A bit reserved? Just more mature. She’s got faith but she didn’t think she was the chosen one but she’ll do her role the best of her ability. She makes hard decisions and then sobs her chest empty over them because how is one to ever feel like its the right one? I really like how the game lets you choose how you wanna approach the responsibility. Like i said, I wasn’t a reluctant chosen one, but she will do what she can. Versus my friend playing at the same time as me said he played as the second coming of jesus essentially lmfao Having so many characters come back for different roles was so GOOD!!! Like everyone told me Varric was in this one but were like ‘teehee you still cant romance him though’ but you how you play drastically changes your relationships with each person. Tons of characters I met I knew would be personal favorites but I ended up interacting way less because others were more fitting to my inquisitor. So i.e while I love Varric and would’ve smooched him a heartbeat with Hawke, I didn’t get that vibe with Clover. They were really good friends, he was a grounded friend with a sense of humor that was a good escape from everyone else and the ~inquisition~. At least, until the Beyond the Abyss quest. That obviously heavily fractured their friendship and hurt them both :( And i felt that for a long time, until the end. He looked tired. Poor guy is gonna be borderline dead in 4 at this point. But so many side characters you talk to coming back like Dagna and Samson??? Speaking of that quest, I got Stroud because, yeah...Alistair was dead for me and APPARENTLY IT COULD ALSO BE LOGHAIN??? If he stays a grey warden??  wish I did that so def would’ve preferred to save Hawke even if I think the wardens are more important as a concept but like.......i wanted to behead him, so....But yes even tiny details like..Varric wrote home to kirkwall to Carver for me because the rest of my family was dead and I never completed a full romance in 2 lkajslkdjf but the fact that changes based on your play through. BUT YEAH THE way this game weaves all your decisions in and how yeah, overall the story is the same but it makes it so personal to YOU and so different from everyone else ;w;
But I could see my Inq genuinely falling for Solas, and I see her best friends as Cassandra and Blackwall/Thom. Really close to Leliana and the Iron Bull as well. I just loved all their interactions. All the characters were so cool to get to know?? Like I thought I would’ve hated Cullen (hes a dick in O) and tbh I just got into the series as the VA was being a complete shit. But I liked him a lot!! I love the work buddies vibes between the Inq and the advisors. I thought I was going to love Sera!! And like, I did, but she hated my Inquisitor and their personalities clashed a lot. Shes the only one i didn’t get a cut scene for in the end :’) I loved coming back from story quests and having to take like 20 minutes to go around skyhold and make sure I talked to /everyone/ for their new dialogue. You genuinely feel connected to all these wonderful npcs ljkasljdf
I wanted to make Cassandra the new divine but I made leliana on accident and kinda dug it so I stuck with it. VARRIC IS THE NEW VISCOUNT??? h i l a r i o u s.
One of the things I loved the most in this game in particular, and while this is something in all of them it just really struck me in this one, was....everyone gave up so so much to devote themselves to the cause, y’know?? Like, it’s almost heartbreaking how much everyone loses and they’re still looking towards you with their belief and willingness to follow you to the end ;-;
The final fight almost felt, Idk, underwhelming? Dude dragons are way tougher than him asdkjhfkhjd. I even went up a difficulty in this game after feeling like I got the hang of the series. But at the same time, we just spend how many hours knocking down each and one of his advantages so fuck him lol.
But yeah there are so many things I wanted to do but I felt so worn out by mindless sidequests and story being level locked in comparison to the previous games. askdjhflkd
One of the things that blows my mind is so so many people were stoked i was playing DA and they couldn’t wait til I got to Inq, and so I find out most people I know only ever played Inquisition? TBH if I didn’t play O+2 I think I would’ve dropped inquisition and never finished it *shrug* all of the build up just means SO MUCH!!! Everyones argument seems to be the older games are ugly and yeah O has rough battle system but its easy to get over imo. Like, you need the chaos of 2 to get the real weight of the mage/templar stuff?? Theres so many characters and story and dialogue that go over your head without Origins?? Like yes inq can stand alone pretty well but, idk, I’m in love with this entire series and the world building and THE!! WAY!!! IT!!! ALL!!! CONNECTS!!!!!!!!!!!
I love how a quest can go differently by whos in your party, I love you can have more dialogue based on lore you’ve managed to pick up around, I love HOW COMPANIONS BICKERRRRRRRRRRRR!!!! The lore of these games are so good. It’s like playing an epic line of novels. It’s so immersive and I don’t think I’ve played too many games to this level.
I didn’t like the skill trees to being a mage in this one, Idk why. It wasn’t nearly as fun for me as 2, but then  again I really fucking liked being a force mage haha. I wanted to be a rogue to complete a diff class per game but everyone said mage brings a lot more interesting story/lore stuff so
but yeah I love having the full context now and seeing other peoples Wardens/Hawkes/Inquisitors and asking people how they played and how their options differed from mine and THERES JUST SO MANY POSSIBLE DECISION TREES!!!!! No wonder the fans play over and over.
but yeah ultimately so much fucking happened?? I’m probably missing a lot of key points.
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fenharel-babe · 4 years
I still love how Alistairs voice cracks sometimes when he’s in his goofy voice, how serious he comes at times, and how sometimes his voice is soft and not loud but,,confident in a way?? Even if he himself isn’t confident. I love him,,,
Yo I’m such an idiot. When they say “Lady” I expected like a human but it’s just werewolves.
Hnnng,,the keeper (forgot his name) is not willing to talk to the werewolves even though HE IS THE ONE WHO DID THE CURSE IN THE FIRST PLACE?!! I will force him to talk to them bc I’m an Empath™️ and WILL try to keep things peaceful >:((
YESSS I CONVINCED HIM TO TALK TO THEMM!! He better not harm them >:(. But I do see where he’s coming from. They did kill his son and then hurt his daughter all the same,,,that is terrible, but you shouldn’t give them an ETERNITY of pain. I wouldn’t like an eternity of pain, and so I wouldn’t be able to wish an eternity of pain on someone. Maybe a few years, but not eternity. But maybe I’m saying that bc I’m not him who knows-
NO!! I DONT WANT TO FIGHT HIM PLEASSEEE. I don’t want him to die,,the Dalish will not be on our side since we killed the keeper but like,,,making all those people suffer, even YOUR clan suffer because of your revenge isn’t right. They deserve peace now at least. They’ve sure learned their lesson and deserve a bit of peace,,,
OH. Alistair approves? I thought he would’ve disapproved just a little since I’m protecting wolves who have been cursed (for a good reason tbh even tho they don’t deserve it forever) and how they are dangerous. I’m happy then :))).
YESS! SPIRIT!! She can’t kill him since if they can’t show mercy then the keeper cant!! YES!! I LOVE HER!! I would LOVE for her to be my lady. I mean if I was under her rule lol. And I’m so happy I got to basically let everyone have peace. The keeper may have had to die, but maybe he’s at peace now with his kids. Idk if he had a wife but he may be at peace now,,,I’m happy it ended okay😭. What did you choose bc I’m curious👀.
Basically all my inquisitors approve of my Grey Warden since,,I’m terrible at making different inquisitors since they all just are Empaths™️. They have 100+ approval for my grey warden lol.
YES!! Alistair came up like “(ɔ ⚈︣ ᴥ ⚈︣ )ɔ” bein shy and like a puppy and he asked her to sleep with himmm!!! I love him he was so awkward and shy but sO HONEST!! Precious baby🥺. Now it’s time to talk to my companions a bit more and such and lvl up before I do the landsmeet :)))).
OH NO,,OH NO,, in an Alistair walkthrough he said “King or no king I’ll find a way for us to work,” BUT TO ME HE SAID “Idk what it means for us. I don’t want to be king, but I will if it’s the best for our nation, and I don’t know what will happen to us. I need to think about it,” OH NO DBWBS. Don’t let me lose Alistair now no😭. If so, then I WILL pull a me when I made Bloom on DAI, not finish her, and do a human route for this puppy. I will do it bdbwbs.
I love Wynne and how she’s so nice😭. She apologizes for being harsh about Rose and Alistair and how she thought she (as in Rose not Wynne) would hurt Alistair, but now she realizes that they love each other so much. And I better be able to keep Alistair please,,
Ooh,,Zevran loved his mother’s gloves but they were never seen again,,I wonder if it’s possible to find them? Hmm?? If so, I’d love to talk to him more bc Ik he had a quest and if you don’t at least come a little close to him, then it will have an unhappy ending and ya know :))) I don’t like unhappy endings :((((.
OHH!! I already found his mothers gloves I believe!! Yesss >:))).
Leliana just starting singing and HNNG THE SONG IS SO BEAUTIFUL!!! And Leliana apologizing when she was talking about the elves and saying how they were looked upon if they were well trained and realizing her words were a little harsh-ish. I love Leliana here and in DAI🥺.
Leliana trusts me and says how she feels comfortable around me and HMMM LELIANA I LOVE YOUU!! I have so many conversations to catch up with people. But it’s mainly bc I’m dumb and keep taking Leliana and Wynne and Alistair with me lol. Maybe I should take Wynne (I NEED a healer since I’m dumb and sometimes don’t notice people need healing), Morrigan, and Zevran. That’s an interesting pair. Mainly bc I’ll get to talk to Zevran more since he’ll be able to go to new places with me and maybe get more topics to talk about with him :))).
OHHH. I DIDNT REALIZE THE “Andraste’s Grace” FLOWERS WERE MEANT FOR LELIANA DABSB. I tried to give them to Zevran to try and make him be a little closer but he said no and I was like “oh? Do they only take specific gifts?” And decided the flowers seemed to fit Leliana since she is from the chantry and such and she did like them!! Now I need to find Wynnes personal item and Oghren personal item. If they have one I mean-
Aww. Wynne’s apprentice was an elf and she was young and thought he was arrogant and stubborn because he was young and knew nothing of humans other than what he saw in the Alienage. She wasn’t patient and just saw him as another mage and he couldn’t learn since he was unresponsive and closed off. And then she betrayed him off a ridiculous at the time and they had his phylactery and they hunted him down,,AND HES DEAD AND THEY KILLED HIM WHEN HE WAS LOST AND A CHILD!!! AND WYNNE NEVER LEARNED OF WHAT HAPPENED TO HIM, ONLY THAT HE DIED😭. At least Wynne learned tho. Ik it’s a terrible terrible way to learn, but at least she learned.
WOAH,,this is rlly long my bad. But love уσυ ( ˘ ³˘)💙. I’m excited to get DA 2 soon😌. But right now in gonna finish this but like I said earlier, if I can’t keep Alistair then I WILL start over dbwbdb. I’m that stubborn when it comes to wanting to keep LI’s lol.
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happywitch416 · 5 years
More because I can: Dorian, Solas, Dennet, Varric, and Sten.
Got Dorian already! Also, Solas is last and under a cut because I am Solas Critical and I know that’s a touchy subject for some. I think its cool other people enjoy his character so much! But I don’t and while I am a happy witch, I don’t want to be subjected to a witch hunt. Again.
How I feel about this character
The man with the horses. He's blunt but most horse folks are. I like how his coming to Skyhold is basically you children don't know horses ill save them from you. And he just rolls with the nugs and dracolisks? That's a funny-looking horse? I guess? I like him.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
His wife of course! They are a good team, he ie the horses and she is more the farming and its a good match.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Blackwall. They are stable buddies.
My unpopular opinion about this character
I don't have one?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Hm. More reactions to the strange rides. I want to know how he reacts to feeding differences. How does he hire stablehands? Stablehands needed, must be good with raw sheep.
How I feel about this character
Varric is the worst. Terrible awful.
I love Varric. I love how he tells Hawke's story, never mind it's his story, he would never admit that. And not just Hawkes but the stories of each of these ragtag nightmares he wrangles to a table for drinking and wicked grace. I like how he is a good person, that does bad things. He lies, but is honest about his lying. I dig that he's with the merchants guild and just doesn't do any of it. And I love that he's a storyteller. Anything and everything is a story. Also, I find his arms, shoulders, and back to be aesthetically pleasing. Holy shit. Just stand there and flex pls ill die happy.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Hawke, with him and Rose being the otp. Admittedly when I read other Varric Hawke pairings I go this is good followed by sticking my nose in the air and going but mine is better. I am that person, but I think everyone is allowed to love their version of their OTP best.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Cole, I dig that whole found family thing. I dig his and Bull's distrusting trust too. Like they get along but definitely give each other the suspicious look. And Viv! He's gonna write a book about her!
My unpopular opinion about this character
LET US ROMANCE HIM BIOWARE. Also the relationship with Bianca, the dwarf, sucks. Like. Thats not his or hers fault but it is so bad at this point. I also don't dig the ship with Cassandra. I just….its got problems for me.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
Ending it with Bianca, its no longer good for either of them. Romance him. Cowards. More games of wicked grace. The inquisitor gets to hug him if Hawke dies, why can't we hug him more. More hugs.
How I feel about this character
Sten. My murder child. You become friends over a sword. He's sarcastic as shit. You have found a wastebin. He's just the best.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
I don't. I just. I cant. He does not strike me as romanceable. He's gotta job to do and it ain't you.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Friend Warden and Shale. Team snark. And how many of your friends would rip someone's arms off for you. (If you are my friend, you can name one.)
My unpopular opinion about this character
Don't think I have one?
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More Sten! All the time. He's Arishok in dai yeah? Interaction! Delegation! Get me the hell out of Ferelden!
Solas- FYI This is Solas Critical, if thats a prob, feel free to skip! No hard feelings from me.
How I feel about this character
Immediate dislike. He's arrogant and a know it all. The Dalish were mean to me once. Well with that attitude I wouldn't take you seriously either. And the I don't like how things are so I'm going to destroy the world is just. Wtf dude. Fucking chill. Maybe. Take a normal nap and have a cookie. Extremes don't fix shit, which you should have already learned by now, the King of Mistakes. Also, he was my first Bioware Romance. I am Bitter. Especially since my next romance was King Alistair, as a dwarf. He dumped me too. Throw them into the fire.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
...no one. The lying, about where he's from why he's there who he is. The absolute ripping he does on the Dalish. Oh yeah, your culturally important face tattoo is a sign of slaves and I'm dumping you. Like. Sigh. It's not healthy. And I will leave it at that.
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Varric. In their conversations, the man at the end of the world to be specific, they have two very different perspectives. Solas is pessimistic to his core. Varric is the one who sees someone surviving in spite of the odds and sees that survival as something worthy in of itself, as winning against the dark. Solas needs more influences that arent so doom and gloom. Flemeth/Mythal is the other. I think if she actually knew his end goal she wouldn't have handed over her power like what appears to have happened. She's spent how many years subtly guiding the hands that save the world? Why would she do that to let him destroy it? Unless of course, she knows things we don't. Or her spirit is laying in wait to possess him. Which I'm cool with.
My unpopular opinion about this character
Look, I dislike Solas and that's a dangerous opinion to have in fandom. My entire opinion is unpopular. Lol the one thing that probably irritates me the most is his treatment of Cole. Its all about what he thinks is best, not about what Cole wants. An important distinction. Cole wants to grow and do better and he's no its a spirit. While yelling that spirits need better treatment. Mmkay buddy
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
For someone who bitches about the black and white ideologies of the world, he's awful black and white himself. I would like someone to point it out. And I want the option to make him actually listen to the elves of the current time, the Dalish and the Alienages. Moping about in the past is good for exactly zero things. I mean apparently, he does in the books at some point? Masked Empire I think is what I have heard, I haven't read it yet. And we know he has this massive spy network. But does he actually pay attention to what his people are saying or is he so caught up in a million years ago? If you friend him, you see hints of it. But I want more damn it.
I understand why some folks love Solas, I however can’t. Its all good. 
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mythalsknickers · 5 years
For DA Drunk Writing! Pairing of your choice "Thank you, I love it."
TITLE: A SparkPart of Vir’sul El’u EolasPAIRING: Solas x Fen’aslan/EvunialaRATING: Teen?TAGS/WARNINGS: Post-Trespasser, Angst, Magic Solves EverythingWORD COUNT: 1911
I hope you all enjoy this labor of unedited love, once I am not tired I will probably go over this a bit better so it can be incorporated into a later chapter of my post Trespasser fic. This is unbeta’d and a sneak peek. I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. @dadrunkwriting
Silence hung over the castle like the starless night. A soft smile took shape on her lips as she stared up at the sky watching the way the pitch turned to navy, every once in a while, there was fragments of green and each time they flared on the horizon her breath caught in her throat and her heart raced with hope he would tear the veil down before her scouts found him, hope he was finally coming back to her.  The mist-like magic that made up her new forearm gleamed like its own star as it flared briefly. In the months since she had come back to the Inquisition, they and the humans sped towards open war with Solas’ forces. It was not a path she wished to walk. He was her Vhenan.
As she parted her lips to whisper the same phrase she had been asking every night since her return, a hum of magic traveled through the ancient wards to her by prickling the hair on the back of her neck. It was an alert, not a warning, did she dare hope. Knitting her brow she pushed herself up looking over the grounds. In the gardens, a too familiar blue glow was barely visible over the wind battered rooftops.
Her heart lept into her throat, she didn’t want to hope, but she couldn’t stop the way her heart raced, or how breathing became a struggle. There was no proof it was Solas, it could be someone here to spy on her, or to kill her. She was trying to reason with her self vainly they were logical arguments, steps that in another world she would have taken if she had been in his position, she was his greatest threat. Stepping away from the balcony she entered into the dim amber warmth of her room.  As much as she wanted to convince herself it wasn’t him. She didn’t believe it even though it was the most likely answer. Instinctively her hand found her staff, it wasn’t needed for this hunt, but it would help her focus on her task. Carefully she made her way to her desk, silently she pulled the chair out and sat down.
Magic began to bleed into the room, as the phantasmal forearm lost the defined shape, reverting to a cloud of magic. Her opaline eyes shifted into a silver only found in the moon. Letting her magic reach out into the ancient wards, she began to search the echos of magic for her guest. Sweat beaded on her forehead as she focused around the Eluvian.
“Show me.” she rasped her voice choked with hope as a silent tear ran down her cheek.
Each echo was a fragment of memories etched into the very soul of Skyhold. The oldest being when Morrigan had arrived from the Winter Palace. But no sign of her guest. The silence of the night was broken by the howl of a wolf, her soul was calling for him. It was at that moment where the still of the night and the hum of magic shattered into a single mournful howl.
It was as if a fuse had ignited in the ancient wards. Silver eyes widened as she could feel the echos of his steps. Like ripples from a stone being dropped in a still pond. Her breath stuttered as she snapped her eyes shut. It was a burning ache in her chest, it couldn’t be him. Not after all this time. Squeezing her eyes shut tighter, salt-stung at her as tears threatened to burst into sobs. Like snapping a bowstring her magic recoiled into her. She trembled with the shock and heartache. Reflexively her hand tightened around the ancient ironbark of her staff. A hopeful but aching sigh was all that broke the silence as her eyes opened taking a purple shift to them. She would wait for him to come to her.
Time seemed to stand still, as the moon’s light fanned over her casting her copper hair in a silver sheen. The waiting had given her a chance to collect herself slowly pulling the silver magic back into the shape of her forearm. Her words beginning to haunt her.
The Inquisition will bow - but it will not be to either of you.
She had implied they would bow to the will of Divine Victoria, a Divine she had installed on the sunburst throne, but in the too still silence of waiting for him, a doubt had taken root in her stomach. How could she bow to someone she put into power. It was as if her organization was too powerful, to be drawn into the reins of Thedas’ current political powers. Ferelden who had tried to disband them, Orlais who sought to enfold them in the deadly game, and the Chantry who sat silent and judging the threat. Neither could control the wolf they had created.
Finally creaking wood echoed in the silent room, granting her a reprieve from her thoughts. Carefully she observed the stairway, her staff resting against her shoulder forcing her face to be the picture of calmness. Her heart began to pick of speed as the ancient protesting of her door opening, the soft clamor of armor rubbing together. Parting her lips she sucked in a breath as golden armor caught the faint amber light.
“Vhenan” her heart froze as she met his eyes. It had been easy to issue biting and ego cutting speeches to the exalted council or even to the nobles who came here seeking her aid in defending them their mistreated servants. She couldn’t make out what he was carrying aside from the color, it was a stark white. Everything about how he stood, screamed he was waiting for her to respond. Two leaders who were pitted on opposite sides of the coming war. What had Mythal said? Alas, so long as the music plays we must dance. She had never said anything about changing the music, or the dance.
It seemed like an hour had passed before in a single moment she shattered the silence that had fallen with a piercing screech of wooden legs against the ancient stone. As she stood her ironbark staff clattered to the ground. Carefully she stepped over her staff and around the desk, letting him see the magic that made up her forearm.
“Vhenan, what brings you to the heart of…your rival’s fortress?” She canted her head, her eyes fixed on him looking for the barest hint of anything in his body language.  It was as if two great wolves met and they were weighing the threat the other posed. Cautiously he took a step forward and she also stepped forward. She was at home here and she could not afford to lose what little control she had of the situation.
“You are not my rival, Vhenan. At least I hope not.” Her stomach fluttered as her face warmed. Her hands held onto her tunic desperately hoping that he was not going to abandon her. Not again.
As they drew closer she could see he carried a white wolf pelt, and dreams she had barely started to remember surged forward. Her phantasmal arm pulsed. Under ancient trees, she and Solas ran white and black paws stirring up the leaves. Under the full moon, she often ran ahead of him like the mural encouraging him to chase her.  She squeezed her eyes shut trying to shake away the distant memories. It wasn’t the time to sort them, to understand her past.
The silence seemed to stretch between them as slowly her eyes opened shifting from an opal reflecting stands of purple and turquoise to a moonlit silver.  He was here, outside of the fade and while everything in her wanted to close the distance he had forced between them. She couldn’t though, she was the Inquisitor, the leader of Andraste’s faithful, and with that came expectations, she would lead the fight against him as much as she and a small force of her most trusted, and probably a few of his spies worked against that, and the guilt of that tore at her to know if he died she would be the cause and that if she died he would likely blame himself again.
“Vhenan.” despite how quiet his voice was it shattered the silence and tugged her back to where they were now. Her eyes met his, did he know the secret she had worked to carefully keep hidden from most of the world. She drew in a breath as he stepped closer, something had changed, in the way he walked and held himself.
“Vhenan…” he paused just a step away from her “Please before we run out of time…come with me.” She drew back, her lips parting as her eyes widened in silent shock. Her thoughts raced as she searched his face, his posture, anything for a clue to what had changed to cause him to seek her out to bring her into his fold.  She knew since her return that Solas had agents in Skyhold, she didn’t have a definitive list of names but she had a few guesses and she couldn’t think anything that would have been reported back to draw him out.
“Why?” She couldn’t keep the suspicion away from her voice, even as struggled against the sting of tears threatening to fall. As she waited for his answer her eyes fell to the fur he carried, it wasn’t stark white, there were hints of cream and silvers in the long fur.  A slight shift as he adjusted his hold in the fur showed something that was almost like that looked like fine silk.
“Fen’aslan, I…” he paused holding her gaze there was no hardness and almost as if he had dropped the walls he had put up when he left her in the ruins. “I cannot apologize for my behavior, there is nothing that could make what I have done forgivable.” There was another pause. “We both carry burdens we cannot shrug off despite how much we may want to, however, I want to offer you a way to remove that burden completely.” Slowly he unwrapped the pelt to reveal the silk gown that seemed to be made of storm clouds. “A gift, should you wear it anywhere, at any time, someone will escort you to the crossroads and to a haven.”
Her fingers gently stroked the dress and fur, both seemed to be made for her, she could picture how they would compliment her.
“Solas…” she met his eyes. “Thank you, I love it.” it was a way out an escape from an already planned future. Tears that she had struggled against began to stain her cheeks as her mouth went dry. He was trying to save her in the most delicate and from what she could tell a well-planned way. From the outside, it would look as if she had been stolen away and imprisoned but it was a plan. Leaning forward she took the fur and gown from him.
“Please stay Solas at least for the night,” she whispered brushing her lips against his. Her chest tightened in a fragile thread of hope, he nodded his hand touching the magic that made up her left arm.
“Just the night Vhenan.” She gave a genuine smile that reached her eyes, for the first time in years. The world could wait for a single night.
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In Depths Below: Reunions Part 1
]|[  Hello Friends and Followers, in typical fashion, I am continuing the narrative of the Nine story by adding the next part of our story with this interaction between Lazarius and his prime, Zalra Azurestar.  Marking specific characters for their contributions here.  Thank you all for supporting us!  ]|[
“I will be as safe as I can be...but humans are nosy...pesky and above all else, desperately in need of something to bicker about.  I must say I miss Stormwind.” . . .
“In any case Zalra remains deep undercover there. . . I need to seek her out...”
[ L.K ]   All but three weeks had passed since the planning of the Kashebahl siblings and their demon brother in law.  The plan to end these Magisters who were planning to extort them.  As it stood now, the Inquisitor had plans of his own.  All that needed to be set in motion within the Bastille was proving fruitful.  It was time for him to find her.
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A slow roaming bird overhead. The sounds of waves crashing and falling against the sand. The heavy wind. The smell of sea foam and shells and rum? Must have been booty bay. The soft caw of the birds. The dark rolling blackness from the deep The pain of sorrow and hatred. The heavy sounds of drum like rumbles. The feeling of dread. The cloud of pure void manifesting in front of her. 
Lazarius stepped out from the inky black vapor and as it expelled, so too did the foreboding evil. Calmness returned and he waded toward her showering her with a grin and cascading his hands down her shoulders with a grin. “My dear sweet Zalra...how I have missed you so badly these last few months. I have missed out training and our talks, our romantic nights and endless days fighting beside one another. Tell me dear...how have you been?”
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[ Z.A ]   Zalra’s eyes drifted to regard the bird’s silhouette against the twilight skies; circling her for a brief moment before heading out to the sea’s horizon. Her gaze followed the creature until it was nothing but a speck against the purple clouds. Peaceful was the description that immediately came to her mind, enunciated by the soft sigh leaving her lips as she allowed more shallow waves to cascade around her ankles. Oh, how much she had missed this. Being stationed in Kul’Tiras really did make the Ren’dorei crave the warmth; missing that brief satisfaction of her old country’s eternal spring. She found herself seldom visiting Quel'thalas, despite The Nine providing means to disguise herself.
It wasn’t until an odd sensation plagued Zalra's stomach, twisting anxiety into her very core, did she take her eyes from the stars. The feeling almost forced the woman to step backwards, but when vapor started to form before her visibly, she paused. This was…familiar. An audible sigh of relief escaped Zalra’s dark lips the second she recognized the aura passing through and even beamed when the man finally stepped forth.
“Lazarius,” she breathed, hardly able to make a sound, “Words cannot express how much I have missed you.”
Her accent danced heavy upon her echoed tone, as she went to hug Lazarius around the waist; she felt awkward at the thought of haphazardly throwing her arms around his neck. “I am…alright. Spying and what not is simple enough." She smiled. "How have you been?"
[ L.K ]   Letting eyes fall upon the maiden and adapting to the change of temperature from Northrend to Stranglethorn. He waltzed up toward her and allowed the brief pause to linger longer than it should as he waited for a response.It came in the form of a hug, which was deflected. The much taller man raised her arms with a gentle guiding, he wanted those arms around his neck.
And when they were and he was able to stand, he made it a point to lift her from the ground. He wanted to hear that little squeak when she was dangling. He wanted to hold her. And she could tell from the tightness of his own embrace that this contact was something that was sorely missed.
As he held there holding her, waiting for her to wrap legs around his waist at this point, she could hear his labored breathing, he was happily smiling into her hair and face. “Things are complicated...”. Said the dark lord as he continued to hold her. The waves beneath them crashing now against the pair of them.
[ Z.A ]   The exhilarated expression that shone upon Zalra’s pale face, shifted quickly into a look of embarrassment when Lazarius softly clasped her wrists in each one of his hands; only to find herself soon afterwards flushing a dark purple while her arms now rested around his shoulders. Despite this, a soft giggle bubbled at the base of her throat.
Damn, did she ever miss this… Zalra let out the small, mousy squeak Lazarius was presumably waiting for when she felt herself being lifted from her feet. Instinctively, her legs wrapped around the man’s waist, and he could feel her previously ridged posture relax in his hold.
“Complicated?” she breathed, finding herself focusing more on the feeling of Lazarius’ cheek against hers than the conversation at hand.
[ L.K ] The black eyed man would sigh. “I have many tendrils leeching out to the world and all are reporting much of the same. War. I’ve begun synthesizing a chemical void mixed with a bunch of other ingredients. Whistletorque claims it may help many Ren’dorei with their addictions and void dependence. But also highly potent and addictive when mixed right. It’s...a process and I have no intentions of offering it to them. . .let them suffer.”
[ Z.A ]  Until the reminder of war and the insurmountable amount of power at the Inquisitor’s fingertips grabbed her attention fully. There was always a part of the Ren’dorei that was intimidated by this notion.
“How on Azeroth were you able to synthesize an essence like the void?” Those were code words that immediately had Zalra’s mind spinning into an array of possible inquiries.
[ L.K ]   He would turn his face and lightly kiss her cheek. It was a pause. He moved a bit closer and kissed the bottom of her jaw. A pause. Her chin. A pause. The corner of her mouth. Had she not stepped in this would continue with each kiss, and if she hadn’t stopped, she would feel his own pair of cold voided lips against her own. A passionate, yet loving kiss that spoke more words than he could express of how he did in fact miss the connection they shared.
[ Z.A ]    “What else have…you--” The kiss to her cheek elicited a soft gasp from Zalra’s dark lips, slowing her rate of speech bit by bit.
Another kiss, to her jaw, “--seen this drug--” Her chin. She swallowed audibly, “--d-do?--” His cold lips continued to the corner of her mouth, and once more, she was caught off guard. Resisting nothing this man did, she slowly allowed Lazarius to wrap her around his finger once those lips of his pressed against hers.  However, much to both of their dismays, Zalra ended the kiss prematurely.
She leaned back enough to study Lazarius’ onyx gaze and in the brief moment of silence, she tried to spot the galaxies she missed seeing flit across his eyes. “I did miss you. Hearing you, most of all.” She whispered just under her breath, still studying his visage.
“Please, tell me more of what has been brewing. The war you hear. The synthetic drugs?…”
[ L.K ]   “The void forge is fully operational despite the several months you have been stationed within Kul Tiras. Mind you I appreciate your exuberant efforts of espionage more than you can imagine...I believe I miss having you at my side most of all.”. He would not disappoint either, the kiss, the embrace and now the longing gaze. He studied every inch of her as if it would be the last time he’d be able to be this close, which under the circumstances...might be the case.
“You are aware that the forge and its intentions were to sacrifice those who were traitors to the Horde, not out of loyalty but simply because the ren’dorei are the closest tapped source of void energy outside the nether.” he would drawn in a slow breath as he continued on.
“ So...war criminals and non innocents are being used to fuel the forge. The husk...so to say, is discarded. Blood and sinew are sent to Lady Dawnblood the Magus for study and the pure raw void Magic’s are being studied, heavily so, by myself and the good doctor. This...’drug’ for lack of a better word; we have synthesized is a combination of the siphoned void magics, arcane and other potent herbal drugs that we are using to create a 94 to 97 and a half percent pure.. hallucinogenic.”  he couldn’t help himself from smiling. “And it is something I plan to distribute without any hesitation.”
[ Z.A ]   Zalra was immediately transported back in time at his mentioning of the void forge. Deserts and intense heat. Violence. And the creature that Lazarius formed into before descending into the intimidating depths of the catacombs. A path the woman did not follow; instead whisked away his younger sister from the scene. Guilt churned in her stomach, however, that image of horror lingered on the corner of her thoughts.
“I am glad to hear progress has been successful with your projects.” She responded, returning her conscious to the present. Hearing the percentage of purity that this hallucinogenic contained, her breath caught in her throat.
“That is potent…” she murmured mostly to herself.
“H-How have you tested it thus far?” she asked with natural curiosity. The comments on how the forge was being powered and used didn’t seem to bother her in the slightest. War criminals and non-innocents were the perfect fodder in her opinion.
Absentmindedly, with her arms still around the Inquisitor’s shoulders, Zalra’s fingers brushed against his locks resting against the nape of his neck. Comfortable and happy to finally see Lazarius again.
[ L.K ]   “Do you really want to know how we’ve tested it?”. He said with a curious look while she brushed hair away from his vision. “Perhaps it is better to just leave the effects to a bit of trust...”.
Oh he was manipulative at that, canting his head to the size and flashing her that grin, that cheshire grin. A row of faded pearly whites peeking out behind his curled vile lips. Oh yes he would bat those beautiful lashes and charm his way along.
“You know you do not need to remain away..I am glad to see you are eager in your espionage but... it does get lonely without you...”. He would say softly to her. “Maybe I could kidnap you for a weekend ... you wouldn’t object would you? We could train at bit...dine......the usual activities we’ve always found so enjoyable?”. His grin returned and he would peer at her. “Or are you that deep under cover?”
[ Z.A ]   “I--” She stuttered in response to his counter “I m-mean…” Did she? Of course in the urge to satisfy her curiosity the answer was quite obvious. She did want to know. How could she possibly resist pestering when there was something new to observe and study? However, despite academic pursuits, something caused Zalra to hesitate.
A tone buried under the Inquisitor’s words. Something that enticed the woman to shake her head slowly. No. Perhaps she could know at a later date. The diversion and manipulative intentions proved to be rather efficient; further confirming how much of a grip Lazarius had on the Ren’dorei.
And, oh, how that sly grin on his gaunt face kept Zalra complacent in her ignorant state of mind. “Does it get lonely without me?” she challenged; her accent dancing upon her soft, echoed words in a playful manner. “Hm…it does sound enticing…” she began, placing a kiss upon not his lips, but his cheek.
“Though, I don’t know if I’ll be able to sneak out. You just might have to whisk me away.” A sly grin of her own tugged at her dark lips while she attempted to tease Lazarius.
[ L.K ]   “That was always the plan...I honestly had no intention of letting you go this time, far too long have I wished to be in this exact place, in this exact stance, with you so gracefully wrapped around me...death would be a welcome and fitting end here, should it claim me... I could say I was able to rest complete, with everything as perfect as it is right-this-way.”. He smiled widely at her and wriggled his nose in a cute manner.
My how he enjoyed the hunt, sappy words mixed with the eloquence of his thick accent and deep tones. He was purely flourishing at this point, wanting to not only flirt but woo her into submitting to his desires. Did he honestly have to try? Had she not submitted many times before.
“You do not know the half of it Zalra.  Lonely does not even begin to express how missed you are. I have not been so forlorn in some time, without you it feels as though a part of me is missing...”. His eyes, galactic and swirling would drift to the side as his gaze fell on the sand and shore beside them.
[ Z.A ]   Zalra’s round, freckled face flushed a deep burgundy while Lazarius spoke so eloquently. His speech of feeling so at peace, so comfortable that he could die at that moment captivated the young Ren’dorei woman. Her violet eyes remained fixated on the man’s expression as she studied his visage for any falter in his words; investigating any deceit behind his proclamation.
Finding none, Zalra relaxed. Gazing to the gentle waves, she slipped from his hold to once again, feel the warm waters against her toes. “Lazarius…I don’t think I h-have heard someone say…” she breathed, looking back to his eyes.
Opening her mouth, she attempted to continue with her sentence, however, found herself pausing when Lazarius wriggled his nose. Now that was an expression she had yet to see. And, boy, did it ever make her heart leap to her throat.
“I…” she paused.
“Cute--” The word was almost a whisper as it was clear she did not intend for her thoughts to become audible to Lazarius. But, it was true!
No, he didn’t have to try with his flirtatious words; she was a sucker for any words of caring.
“Without you it feels as though a part of me is missing...”
Now her heart ached. “Steal me away, then.” Zalra teased softly. “Whisk me to Northrend…and I will be yours for the weekend. To dine. Converse. Whatever you would like.”
[ L.K ]   “I don’t think Northrend is nearly suitable for us...for our needs and our required optimal necessities...no no no we need something better, far greater than a cold underground tunnel hidden beneath miles of permafrost and tundra.”. He would smile as she kissed him once more, in truth, she was a welcome addition to his company. Zalra always seemed to bring out a much sweeter side of the man known to most as a ‘dark lord’ and a ‘demon among men’.
Lazarius waved his hand upward. “Maybe a moonlit veranda over the star lit skies and violet fields of the Nighthold in Suramar?”. He hummed to himself as an image of the horizon over the Shal’dorei capital came into light.
“Maybe the red timbers and rolling landscapes of the grizzly hills, nestled in a lodge with other wealthy couples?”. He laughed at the though.
“No... how about a cabin I keep hidden to the world on the summit of Kun Lai, in western Pandaria? Just the two of us? A hot spring? Huddled together in a blanket by the fire? Cindervine red and plenty of gnomish record devices to keep us warm?”. He wiggles his eye brows at her. “Sounds nice to me...private and romantic?”
[ Z.A ]   “Oh?”  Zalra murmured, canting her head to the side with curiosity. Their needs, hm? Well, truth be told, anything would be better than the dingy barracks she had to sleep in. It wasn’t that she was not used to minimalistic accommodations—her old apartment was proof enough—but, what really bothered her was so many people bunking in the same, large quarters. No walls. No privacy. He began to list luxurious getaway spots in enthusiastic detail; painting vivid imagery in her mind.
The bright twinkling starts against a purple sky. Smooth, curved architecture that always held lascivious hues. Or, perhaps the fresh scent of pine permeating through thick forests. Trees taller than one could imagine, and bears as far as the eye could see. Only images from texts surfaced to her thoughts as the Ren’dorei had not yet visited these lands. Which just excited her more. Then finally, the final destination was proclaimed with a rather alluring tone.
“Pandaria?” Zalra echoed, mulling over the suggestion. “All of those sound like luxuries I would like to experience for the first time.” She teased, smirking.  “Sounds perfect to me.~”
[ L.K ]   With that, Lazarius would turn and casually wave his hand toward the same position in which he appeared. A portal, no bigger than him and only double in width would rip from the space time fabric of their reality, an image that portrayed the inside of a cabin would be on the opposite side. His mastery of the void clearly improving over time—even now he had far greater control than before.
“Shall we?”. He asked, leading her toward the opening.  A tear in the fourth dimensional wall which on the opposite side was a cabin.
As they neared the threshold, only if she would allow, would he step through without a though or word beyond that. It would be an instantaneous transition between worlds, she would see the inside of the cabin laid out before her in all of its majesty, it was like a lovely little resort away from home.
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Couches, lounges, chairs and animal pelts across the wood floor. Cracking fire in a massive hearth with the entire northern side panes of glass exposing them to the clear night sky which overlooked nearly all of The valley of Pandaria. They were after all at the summit of Kun Lai. Steam would rise from the heated bath which was on the deck outside, the perfect combinations of hot and cold. On the table where the kitchen would be, all granite and marble of course, she would find a chilled bottle of champagne and of course his room temperature bottle of Cindervine Red. And beside that, a black parchment wrapped gift with a lovely violet velvet ribbon. For her?
Lazarius would step toward the large lounging sofa and grab what appeared to be a robe of some sort. His normal dressing gown would begin to be unlaced and unbuttoned slowly. His black eyes never once leaving the woman while she would more than likely wish to explore a bit. So the process of disrobing would be made more simple.
“Do you like it? I invested in this lodge before the fall of my estate and seizure of my funding by the war campaign.” idle conversations as he stripped down to a dark pair of cotton briefs.
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“I come here on nights that I need to relax or be alone. I come here to find peace and quiet when an otherwise maddening world wishes to claim me...but most importantly I come here when I need to prepare.”. Now pulling the plum colored satin robe over his shoulders and tying around the waist with a sash, he would move toward the refreshments.
“Champagne or wine, dear?”. He said, clearly providing a glass of the red for himself. While waiting for her response. “You are fortunate, I’ve never actually brought anyone here...you are the first to actually know my little secrets and hidden hideaways.”. He said with a smirk, flashing her those lovely eyes and a wriggling nose as he took a sip and teased her.
[ Z.A ]   “Shall we?”
“Of course.”  As Zalra managed to bring forth Lazarius’ sweeter sides, so too did he manage to bring a warmer aspect of her forward. The icy, monotonous demeanor she kept up in Kul’Tiras was numbing, and it was nice to feel a little piece of herself again.
After gathering her equipment from the beach’s shore, Zalra returned to Lazarius’ side in an instant to keep pace with him through the rift; finding herself too excited to pay much attention to the preview the portal provided her. Though, even if she did, she knew it would not compare to the real thing.
A small gasp immediately left the Ren’dorei as her illuminated gaze took in the scene before her. Plush, cozy furniture and a warming hearth. Expensive accented design. And despite the snow lining the sizable windows, steam was seen obscuring a portion of their viewing to the dark skies. The beautiful display of stars captivated her attention as she slowly began removing her gear, neatly placing it in a corner near where they had just entered. Those violet eyes of hers still glued to the windows.
“Like it?” Zalra finally managed to breathe, “It’s beautiful! I…”
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After leaning her bow against the wall, she turned to face Lazarius. “I love it. I really do.”
Luxury living was a taste Zalra found herself getting accustomed to. Was that a bad thing? Well, at least she looked considerably more at ease than one would expect. Her gauntlets, armour, and boots were then removed and left neatly with her bow, leaving her in only thin, under armor. Oh, right. This impromptu trip had left her no time to prepare, and she found herself without any changes of clothing.
Despite this, her ingrained anxious behavior subconsciously prevented her from asking Lazarius for any. Woops. With that briefly pushed from her mind, Zalra began to cross the threshold of the house to the northern end to gaze outside properly. Beautiful, snow-covered mountains surrounded either side of the cabin, and plains of farmland dotted the grounds below. It was breathtaking. And she could have stood there for hours if it was not for Lazarius’ smooth voice catching her attention once more.
She turned to face him, idly bringing her attention to his tattooed covered form; helping herself to the sight before his robe soon blocked her. Afterwards, she brought herself to hold Lazarius’ gaze with her own.
“If I were to ask what is going through that mind of yours,” she began, her tone smooth like velvet. “And what you could be preparing for, would you tell me?” Her eyes fell on his glass while walking towards him.
“Wine, please.” Her face started to flush a deep maroon upon him admitting her privilege to Kashe’bahl secrets. The pleasant ones, at least. She could feel her heart pounding in her throat as she spoke, “You haven’t? What about your other trusted advisors?” Standing a foot or two away from Lazarius, Zalra leaned against the granite counter to regard him.
[ L.K ]   He was hardly surprised by her curiosity, after all it was a trait he found warmly inviting whenever she was around. Her curiosity was becoming, and quite fetching all things considered.
“You would find that there are more doorways and possibilities in my mind than any one person should ever be privileged to...”. He said in an almost scattered forlornly mild tone.  The wine would be poured for two considering her request. “The beauty of the Pit of Lothia, in the Bastille is it creates a hive mind...I can always know who, what and where people are. Who they are with...talking to, collecting information..I’ve learned to silence it when needed. Like now.”. He smiled lightly into his glass as he took a sip with her.
[ Z.A ]   Zalra leaned further on the table, her smirk growing wider, as her playful demeanor snuck its way visibly across her face. “Oh, really?” she paused, “How many of those doors are locked tight?” How many of those doors could she get through, was the actual question. Curiosity did have its faults, but she managed to vocally stay in her own lane enough to keep her expression from betraying her unintentional, intrusive inquiries that surfaced.
Her gaze drifted to the wine glass that was poured for her, before looking back at the Inquisitor. She had yet to reach for the drink while she listened to his descriptor for this…Pit of Lothia. Something she had not been privy to see. Not yet, at least. Would she ever have the chance to see what twisted magics Lazarius performed? Besides the brief moments of accidentally seeing monstrous forms and small teachings of the void. Though, she was grateful for what she had learned from him thus far.
“Have you ever tapped into this hive mind to review…me?” Zalra asked, bringing her drink closer to her. “In Kul’Tiras? Vol’dun?” Suddenly, a small bought of giggles left her Cute. “Apparently ditching my life in Stormwind on the dime wasn’t proof enough that I enjoy following your…suggestions.” She followed that up with a well-placed wink.
[ L.K ]  “Of course I have, but not always intentional. . .I just happens.  I don’t sit there watching it all.” he said with a playful laugh as he waved off the thought.
“If you would like honesty though...I was planning to falsify a reason to lure you here, if only for a few hours to gain your company. Something simple to lure you away from your duties... but you seemed interested and willing...as far as planning to do now? Well that depends...talk, drink...I have not been intimate with anyone in quite a while...some flesh, contact if only to have you need is needed. I have spent almost my entire time in Northrend alone.”. He would shrug it off like it was nothing.
“And given the amount of clothing you’re beginning to reduce yourself to...that and the wine are sure to make things challenging for me to resist tear what is left off and having my way with you...”.
He was grinning behind his glass, and again, shrugged into a chuckle as he took a sip. “In all honesty...”. He started slowly as he looked toward her. “I am teasing you but I really do miss your company...we spent so many weeks together only to have it end...so abruptly... it’s nice to have you back.”
[ Z.A ]    Hearing the man mention his lack of intimacy within the Bastille made her pale, freckled face flush deeply “I--” Aw, here came the charming stutters. Lazarius always had a way to get the Ren’dorei flustered.
 “I missed you too, Lazarius.” She finally murmured, holding her glass out for a little toast before drinking a considerable amount. Zalra was a hard liquor gal. She still didn’t grasp the whole “sipping” concept of wine.
[ L.K ]   “The majority of us have never seen the Pit...”. He said absent mindedly, it was more or less in passing. “Save for the council. It just serves as a mixing pool for the collective blood I took from you and everyone else, mixed with the Magic’s and other various things, it allows passage to and from the Bastille. And yes, it isn’t as much a ‘tapping in’ as it is a constant. I always see and hear the entire orders thoughts and voices. Even now...”. He murmured into his glass sipping from it. 
The talk of teasing and indulging his sexual desires was enough to cause him to glance up. It was no lie they’d been intimate in the past, and stopped for no lack of attraction. More or less due to her position in the field.
“I would like to see you return more often. There are plenty of things I’d like to train you in. So many avenues you have yet to master.”. He smiled as he thought about it and slow in his words, it would match his steps, making his way toward the large double pane glass window. 
 And then, quite suddenly. “Why do you stay with me?”. He said curiously. It was a question from out of the blue, but with his back to her as he peered out into the moonlit world from above, he would pause and ask more specifically.
“Why me? Am I that fortunate to say that I have in you, a pupil who surpasses any I have taken on? You’re proven countless times your talent...I just wonder what keeps you returning to me, there must be plenty of skilled teachers and better sources...and yet your loyalty remains with me...”
[ Z.A ]   Zalra bit her lip softly, looking somewhat embarrassed for a fraction of a moment. If the Inquisitor had access to all members’ thoughts and voices, that would mean her failure in Vol’dun was displayed like a movie for the man. The lack of skill she demonstrated trying to scavenge for parts in the unforgiving desert. The camp she thought to be abandoned was filled with Bilgewater Cartel members, and upon spotting her in the shadows immediately attacked. She barely made it out alive, and now that she realized Lazarius saw this, she couldn’t look him in the eyes.
Thankfully, he took that opportunity to begin his pacing toward the northern end of the cabin to presumably study the sights. But then, a strange question bubbled from his cold lips that threw the Ren’dorei for a loop.
“Why do you stay with me?“ She took another gulp of wine; her glass was becoming half-full in the matter of a couple of minutes.
Why did she stay with him? There was a multitude of reasons, but now that she was put on the spot, she found herself struggling to find the right words. This was surely something she didn’t expect to be asked. “Why you?” she echoed, rhetorically confirming his inquiry; letting her mind digest what was being asked. “W-Well…I…” -
“You’re proven countless times your talent...”
As soon as those words were spoken, Zalra gestured her hand at the man while simultaneously taking another drink. Slow down, girl. “There. Right there. T-That is one of many reasons,” she began, “I have n-not had someone h-have so much confidence and faith in my talents in…fifteen…twenty…years…maybe longer.”
She paused for a moment.
“Back when things…were…right...” Her grip on her wine glass began to tighten as thoughts cascaded in her mind. She managed to fracture the stem superficially and placed the drink down before she actually shattered the thing. Hopefully, Lazarius didn’t inspect his dishes closely.
“And I’m not here for solely your teaching…” she murmured under her breath, “I…I like talking to you…you have this way with words that captivate me. Your ideas, projects…inspiring? I…”
.......continued Part 2........
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irlaimsaaralath · 7 years
Shades of Arlathan - Part 1 -Solas/Lavellan Feels
So.  I just noticed that this thing is twelve pages long.  
And.  It’s.  Not.  Finished.
I’m pretty sure it’s also a load of tripe, but what can you do?  Break it up, that’s what.  So, here’s part 1.  Nothing here but fluffery and Dorian.  Because Dorian.
“Don't be absurd,” Dorian squawked loudly, his voice echoing in spirals down the tower’s stairways.  All but lunging at him, Niyera clamped a hand down on his mouth as she grabbed his shoulder, and her eyes flared wide as her lips became a hard line.  “Sssssshhhhh,” she hissed, tendering a cautious glance over her shoulder.   “He's probably right down there, you know.  A little discretion, if you please.”  The Tevinter crossed his arms and a hip jutted out as he stared at her.  It occurred to her then that Dorian had the most expressive eyebrows of anyone she'd ever met.  Just now, they were being especially sassy, as they often are, and she shot him a withering look of reproach.  
“If I move my hand, you have to promise to keep your vo-,” she began, but broke off into a startled squeal as Dorian laved his tongue across her palm.  Snatching her hand back, her nose wrinkled, and she made a disgusted noise as she wiped the offending wetness off on his shirt.  “Ugh...there's no telling where your tongue has been.”  He scoffed in indignation before saying, “Well, certainly there is, and I assure you it's a far sight more exciting than where your tongue has been if you really want to know.”  The smugness in his smile and his voice flattened her expression, and she could only look on with barely feigned irritation.   “You're impossible.  You know that, right?”  Dorian gave an easy lift of his shoulders as he fussed with the curl of his moustache.  “Quite to the contrary, my dear Inquisitor.  I can be very easy, just not particularly cheap.”  The profundity of her eye roll drew from him a brilliant smile.
“So, you're saying this is going to cost me, hm?  Is that it?” she demurred, and it was her turn to fold her arms.  In response, the Tevinter pursed his lips and clucked his tongue as his head shook ever so slightly.   “Of course not, but only because I am so exceedingly fond of you,” and with those words, he patted her cheek affectionately and turned away.   A small smile cracked her lips despite her efforts otherwise, and she waited patiently as she listened to the dry scratch of quill on parchment.   When Dorian returned, he was blowing on a small square of paper and waved it briefly to dry the ink.  “This is the scribe you should see.  Her work is exceptional, and I've never found her spellcraft to be anything other than sheer perfection.”  When he offered out the parchment, she took it and rested a hand on his cheek while she kissed the other.  “Thank you, Dorian.”  He waved off the gratitude with an elaborate gesture.  “Anything for you, Inquisitor.  Do let me know when it's in.  I'd love to have a peek before you give it to him.”  Already headed to the stairs, she tossed an “Of course!” over her shoulder at him before disappearing from view.  
It was almost a full two weeks later that the package arrived.  Dorian and Niyera were just leaving the war room after discussing Venatori movements with her advisors when a courier stopped them in the hall.  “Inquisitor,” the man offered as he tapped his fist to his chest.  “A package from Val Royeaux arrived just now, and I had it delivered directly to your quarters as you instructed.”  Her hand fluttered on Dorian’s forearm, and she bounced on her toes excitedly as the man spoke.  She was a mess of barely contained elation as she thanked the courier and drug the Tevinter along by his sleeve.   “Huuuurry,” she twittered, “I want to see.”  He rolled his eyes with amused indulgence, uttering, “Yes, yes, let's go,” as she pulled him along behind.  
It was almost impossible to simply walk the short distance from the hall to the war room and her door, but she did her best as it was likely unbecoming an Inquisitor to skip through the hall.  But, once she and Dorian were safely behind the outer door to her quarters, she bounded up the stairs, taking two at a time.  When she arrived, her eyes darted around and found the package on the couch -- a large white box bound at the corners with gilded ribbon.  It was a much larger box than she had expected.  Picking it up, she hefted it in her hands, and her brows knitted together in thought.  Lighter, too.  As she moved to the end of her bed to sit the box down, Dorian was just catching up, and he sank onto the couch, propping an elbow on the arm and crossing his legs.  “Well, let’s see then,” he said, rolling a finger in the air to hurry her unwrapping.
“It feels awfully light,” she said, tilting her eyes briefly to Dorian as she tugged the ribbons from the box.    A light shimmy of the lid pulled it free of the bottom, and she tossed it aside and was met with neatly folded tissue paper with an embossed vellum card on top.  Lifting it between two fingers, she held it up for Dorian to see, and a hint of confusion registered on his features before he shook his head, at a loss.  
She hummed a curious little sound as she bent the card open.  As her eyes skimmed the card, the look of confusion was replaced with surprise and a faint streak of color on her cheeks.  Her mouth formed an ‘o’ before she ever made a sound, her eyes flickering to Dorian, then back to the card before she finally spoke.  “Oh...oh.”  By now, the Tevinter had both elbows braced on his knees as he eagerly waited.  “Well?” he finally asked, eyes wide as he bounced his legs.  Niyera’s teeth caught her lower lip for a moment and both brows lifted as she spoke, “It’s from Solas.”  
Dorian blinked once, then again, his jaw going slack for a moment before he clapped his hands against his knees and bounded to his feet.  “Whaaat?  Let me see,” he blurted as he moved to grab the card, but she quickly snatched it out of reach and pressed it against her chest.  “Excuse you, please.  It’s personal.”  The Tevinter eyes rolled skyward as he held up his hands and took a step back.  “Fine, fine.  But if you don’t at least show me what’s in the box, I’ll die of curiosity, and how could you possibly go on living without me?” he pleaded, dark lashes fluttering at her.  It was Niyera’s turn to roll her eyes, and she tucked the card between the box and the bed as she began to fold back the tissue paper.
Faint shadows of color began to become visible between the thin layers of paper, and when the box’s contents were laid bare, her breath caught and a meek sound escaped her lips.  In shades of blue and violet as soft as watercolors, a gown of gossamer silk was tucked neatly within.  The bodice was sleeveless, draping from a wide collar of silver satin that would sheath the neck and dip into a graceful point.  A similar band fixed the waistline  
“I’m scared to touch it,” she murmured, almost to herself, as she gingerly pulled the gown from the box and held it against her body for Dorian to see.  “Oh,” he uttered softly as he took a step back to fully appraise the view, and no small measure of surprise lingered in his expression.  Curled fingers settled under his chin as he stood in silence.  She could see now that the gown was backless to the waist, where a line of delicate hook closures were hidden within the folds.  Seed beads of abalone accented the hems, and the violet layers had a faint argent shimmer woven directly into the gossamer.  “I had no idea Solas had such an eye for finery,” Dorian offered, his head canting to one side.  “It’s not a piece of modern design by any means -- too understated.  But it is unquestionably lovely and possesses a timeless elegance,” he said, pausing before adding, “The style reminds me of illustrations of ancient elven fashions I’ve seen in exceptionally old and dusty tomes.  I had always supposed that they were a romantic artist’s rendering, but apparently I was mistaken.”  As her companion had spoken, she’d padded over to her wardrobe where there was a full length mirror, and she admired the gown in its reflection.  
“Pity he doesn’t apply this level of discernment to his own wardrobe.  I mean, really,” the Tevinter continued until Niyera snapped at him.  “Dorian!  Honestly.”  She shot him a scolding glance before she turned back to the mirror.  He chuckled as he strode over to stand behind her, gazing into the mirror from over her shoulder.  “It is lovely, isn’t it?” she asked, timidly tilting her eyes up to her friend.  “It is, Niyera.  And, on you, it will be even more beautiful still,” he paused, gathering up the mass of her white hair into a loose spiral on the crown of her head before continuing, “With your hair like this...show off your shoulders and back, the line of your neck...stunning, my dear Inquisitor.  Just stunning.”  The pair shared a smile in the mirror before Niyera turned to Dorian, idly smoothing her hand down the length of the gown as she spoke, “Now, I just wonder what the occasion is.”
After unwrapping the gown, she’d gone immediately in search of Solas, but instead of him in the rotunda, she found a note with her name on it.  He said he had a few “items of import” to attend to and that he would return in no more than three days.  She hadn’t thought that seemed like a great deal of time when she initially read the note, but by the third morning, she reconsidered her original assessment.  Three days was a lifetime.
Standing at the war table, she was looking directly at Leliana as the spymaster delivered her report, but her mind was somewhere else entirely.  “Inquisitor?” she heard Josephine’s voice, and it tugged her back to the present.  “I’m sorry, did you say something?”  Josephine cleared her throat delicately and gestured down to the map with her quill.  “Yes.  You’re tearing the Frostback Mountains,” the advisor said, poised with a brow raised high over a questioning gaze.  Niyera had been idly pulling small tears in the map, and immediately, her hand snapped back to her side as if it’d been slapped, and a light flush crept up her neck to suffuse her cheeks.  “I apologize.  I’m a tad distracted,” she murmured, and Leliana responded with a hint of a smile.  “We’ve noticed.  However, I think we’ve covered all the truly vital matters, no?”  Josephine and Cullen both nodded, and she gave me them all a grateful nod as she excused herself.  
She heaved a deep sigh when she emerged into the hall, and she slid her idle gaze across those gathered.  Several greeted her, and she nodded politely before clasping her hands behind her back and starting for the courtyard.  Perhaps a walk.  That way, she could let her mind wander without demands on her attention.  Against the bright white of the sun, she squinted as she stepped out onto the landing and began down the stairs.  
As her eyes adjusted, she turned her gaze down the length of the stairs and found Solas approaching from the bottom.  They both smiled and met midway.  “I had begun to worry,” she said, trying to sound even a little bit casual, resting a hand on his shoulder as she began to lean in to place a kiss on his cheek.  Before she could manage, however, Solas rose onto her step, his hand on her waist pulling her in, as he captured her lips with his.  Her eyes widened a fraction in surprise, as public displays were not generally something Solas engaged in, but they quickly drifted closed as she gave in to the embrace, her hand on his shoulder traveling to his jaw.  The kiss was soft, deep, and as enveloping as a warm bath on a winter’s night.  
When he set her free, her head was swimming and she was just a bit breathless; he, however, smiled and said, “Hello, ma vhenan.”  Her fingers were trailing on the fraying strap of his satchel as she searched his face.  “Indeed,” she whispered, clearing her throat to follow up with, “What has gotten into you?”  The expression he offered was noncommittal, his smile evasive as he hitched a shoulder upward.  “May I ask a favor of you?” he finally said, a subtle tilt of his head allowing him to look at her from beneath his slanted brow.  “Of course,” she quickly answered, perhaps too quickly, as her head canted to one side and a curious curl bent her lips.  “Meet me tonight?  An hour after sunset, in the rotunda?” he asked, scooping up her hand to place a kiss against her knuckles as he began up the stairs.  “...and wear the gown.”  Mischief was a sharp glimmer in his grey-blue eyes as she nodded her response, and he reluctantly released her hand and turned away to mount the stairs, disappearing into the hall.  Such secrecy and intrigue.  Like leaf caught in the fingers of the wind, her heart turned over in her chest and fell to flutter in her stomach.  She gave a glance to the sun, estimating the time before starting back up the stairs.
Josephine had all but tripped over herself when Niyera’d asked for help with her hair.  She’d barely gotten the words out of her mouth before her advisor was clapping her hands together and plotting all the various styles they could try.  But, now that Josephine was gone, she stood in front of her mirror to inspect their work.  Downy wisps of white fell from the mass of hair atop of her head, framing her face in curling tendrils, while the rest was held with a two-pronged pick embellished with opals.  Leliana had been responsible for that touch.  Though the gown fit perfectly, she was still nervous in it.  She wasn’t accustomed to such fine things, and she kept catching herself gently rubbing the fabric between her fingertips to marvel at how smooth and silky it was.  
A sharp rap at her door startled her, making her jump before she croaked out, “Come in.”  She was still looking in the mirror when Dorian rounded the top of the stairs, and the sound that he made caused her to turn.  Her brow furrowed as she took a few steps forward, her expression cautious as she turned in a small circle.  When Dorian still didn’t say anything as she came to face him again, she frowned and shifted her weight as she glanced down at herself.  
“Will you say nothing at all?  Am I not alright?”  She chewed on the inside corner of her lips, glancing back up at him in uncertainty.  The lines of his features softened as he began to smile, and he crossed the distance between them in a handful of steps.  “I apologize.  I was momentarily struck speechless, Lady Lavellan,” he offered as he reached down to take her hands in his.  “You?  Speechless?  Perish the thought,” she returned, allowing a hint of confidence to trickle back into her voice.  “What do you think?”  
Dorian took a deep breath as he lifted her hands, brushing a feather-light kiss on each before he said, “I think you should be grateful I prefer men, otherwise I’d be forced to ravish you this very moment and all of Josephine’s attention to your hair would be utterly wasted.”  It was impossible to stop the smile that spread on her lips or the color that tinted her cheeks.  She could only try to joke the compliment away as she nudged their hands into his chest, saying, “I can always trust you to be overdramatic.”  His chuckle was warm, and it lit his eyes as he shook his head.  “Any other time, you’d be absolutely right.  But, truly, Niyera.  You’re breathtaking.”  
To Be Continued.
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pandamothium · 8 years
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“Steel yourself Solas, have no mercy for you will receive none”
Disclaimer: So yeah, this isn’t in anyway a well written fic with perspectives and dialogues etc.. this is just basically a word vomit that I put together just to get the idea across (its full of errors and is poorly edited so yeah commas…commas everywhere). I guess its just like a description of what happened with a few pieces of dialogue and explanation but all in all this is some sloppy writing *shrugs* Also I kind of suck with some DA lore so yeah. At one point I was going to actually write a decent fic for this scene and story line but alas I just couldn’t get it done so here’s whatever this is…
After the disbandment of the Inquisition, many remained to form a smaller sect under protection of Divine Victoria tasked with stopping Fen’Harel at all cost.
Era’len, desperately wanting to redeem Solas is coming to realization that such a notion maybe be impossible. The Inquisition has not relented against Fen’Harel’s forces and there are constant clashes as they chase the Dread Wolf and his agents from ancient temples to forgotten vales trying to be the first to claim the ancient Eluvians. But the Great Betrayer stands at an advantage, he knows where they are for the most part.
It has been nearly year since the Exalted Council concluded and despite losing the Anchor, its effects remain and are slowly killing the former Inquisitor. The anchor had granted her the power to bend and manipulate the Veil yet such power was not intended for mortals. It was a parasite, leeching off of her body in the time it was a part of it. Such effects were unknown to Solas and the Inquisitor but in the months after losing it, they began to surface. She was dying, growing weaker, losing her connection with the Fade more and more as time passed.
Healers from across Thedas were summoned by order of the Divine but to no avail, the anchor had become a part of her and in losing it, her body could not make up what it had lost. It was a sickness and as she grew weaker, Era’len began to fear that she would fail in stopping her past-lover’s grim plans.
Yet there remained one hope, one that Era’len had been avoiding, a name chanted by the whispers. She could feel her, she was a part of her, much like the anchor, like a parasite. Era’len could feel the ancient being clinging to existence tethered* to the world by the Well of Sorrows, Mythal. Like a memory lying just beyond her mind’s reach, Era’len knew she was there. And it would take nothing more than for Era’len to speak her name to draw her forth.
But Era’len waited, patient to see if the evanuris would grow tired of waiting and take claim, but she never did. Mythal remained silent until one day when Era’len steeled her resolve to strike a bargain.
Solas had miscalculated, he was dumbfounded to find the Eluvian of the Brecillian Forest was gone. He paced the empty chamber in anger at the wasted effort and danger he had place both he and his agents in to claim the Eluvian that should have been here.
Of course he had heard of the Dalish warriors whom had fallen to the Eluvian’s blight. He was confident in his abilities to cleanse the mirror, but he could have never known that it had been taken (by our lovely little daisy, Merrill) and in frustration he withdrew his forces.
Yet as they exited the overgrown temple, they discovered that they were surrounded. From all directions Inquisition soldiers poured out from the trees and undergrowth yet they did not attack. 
Among the soldiers Solas noted several familiar faces: Cassandra, the Iron bull, the Chargers and Blackwall. Their gazes bore into him. Betrayal and anger reflected on their faces and they stood prepared for what was to come.
Solas braced himself for battle and his agents did the same only to be halted when the enemy forces parted to allow a figure to step out into the clearing between them.
Solas’s breath hitched at the sight before him and the air teemed with a familiar magic that made his legs weak.
Era’len stood in the clearing, sharp gaze boring into his as he stared in horror at what was to unfold.
“Vhenan…” he choked
“No” she interrupts, but her voice is not what he remembered. Not the voice that haunted his dreams. Its twisted and carries another behind it, one he knew well but he wasn’t given time to respond, “Your heart has already withered Solas.” (Here she says it to mean Pride and not really as his name)
This was the final stand, there were no more chances, if she could not deter him here she would end it all. She had come to accept this, she had cut out her heart and bore her fangs. She had to, for everyone she knew and loved were in danger of his intentions.
Her body would not survive much longer, the power she had gained from Mythal came with a price, she knew that she had but one chance and she would not waste it.
“Grant me the power to stop him… help me Mythal… help me save him…help me save this world.”
“Please, vhenan you must understand… this world… is wrong… it was never supposed to be this way. Let me fix my mistake… you don’t understand all that was lost.”
“No, it is you that doesn’t not understand. You are blind Solas (Pride). You are unable to see that you stand to make the same mistake. You would destroy this world, everything … just to make the world right…as you say it should be. You treat us like a nightmare as if we are just a wrong to be corrected. “
“But it is you who are wrong, the People have survived. The People have struggled, suffered and fought for ages, and yet you disregard us as idiot children who fail to know the truth. You see us and warped creatures from elves of Arthalan…. Tell me Solas when you tear down the Veil… how will you face your kind… the Evanuris… how will to stop them from enslaving the People once more?”
“The past is GONE, there is no turning back. There is no way to fix what you have done and still you refuse to believe that this is the reality you have created. Instead of fighting for our future, you want to take it away to reclaim the past and I….will not let that happen… I will not let you destroy us…. I will stop you… even if that mean the death of us both.”
“Both?” he barely managed to speak, taking a step back as Era’len stepped forward, “Yes, this body… is broken… dead… its only purpose now is to stand against you who would end this world. And once my purpose is fulfilled, we will perish and the Evanuris will be no more.”
“Now I say this again… Stop this Solas, abandon your dreams of Arlathan and fight to forge new ones… for the elves of today… for my people. It is too late for me but there is so much good in this world, there is so much you can do for them. Do not repeat your mistakes.”
But it was futile, his eyes burned with anger. “No vhenan, I can save you! I can save our people, I can make everything right! Please, please don’t do this…”
The air in the clearing seemed to grow thin as both his agents and Inquisition soldiers readied themselves for battle. The deep breath before the plunge. All eyes were trained on her figure, waiting for her to signal the attack.
From across the clearing Solas could see the faint glimmer as tears fell from her chin, and his eyes burned as he fought back his own.
“Vhenan… Era’len…pleas..” his breath cut short as she drew her staff, her stance stiffened and he felt his heart shatter as he drew his weapon.
“Steel yourself Solas, have no mercy for you will receive none” and with a snarl she lunged at the Great Betrayer.
The clearing erupted into chaos, Fen’Harel’s agents and Inquisition soldiers littered the forest floor as the two armies clashed. Yet the greatest spectacle was the beastly forms of the former Inquisitor and the Dread Wolf. 
They slashed and gouged with deadly claws and the sounds of snapping jaws cracked like thunder as they fought. Trees and boulders were crushed underfoot as the giant beasts tore at each other’s throats.
It seemed liked hours.
Hours of bloodshed and death and as the two armies began to dwindle, it seemed that Fen’Harel’s agents were outnumbering and overwhelming the Inquisitor’s soldiers by using the ancient trees and nature magic to their advantage.
When suddenly there was a grueling howl, unlike any beast or man could make, a gargled choking sound that halted with a sharp snap.
It was over.
The great wolf fell limp in Era’len’s jaws and crumpled to the ground with a heavy thud. The clearing echoed with screams of anguish and triumph but they were drowned out by the heart-wrenching wail of the Inquisitor. In a storm of smoke and flame her dragonesque form broke away like an illusion and she was left standing over his body.
She fell to her knees, her expression distant and pained, his blood stinging her tongue. It was done and she remained at his side as the stragglers from his army disappeared in retreat now that their leader had fallen.
But it was not over, a thick aura hung in the clearing, swirling round like the eye of a storm. It was time to uphold her bargain.
Inquisition solders searched desperately through the fog like substance calling for her. She could hear Cassandra and the Chargers yet they sounded distant as she stared blankly at the still form before her.
A familiar voice echoed from behind.
“I have kept my promise…”
Era’len nodded and leaned forward to press her lips softly to his which had already began to grow cold, “As have I.”
Moments later the aura dissipated revealing nothing but blood and ash.
* my headcanon is that the well is what kept Mythal alive, think HP horcrux but not really, her ‘essence” or spirit is bound or “tethered” to the well thus any who drink are bound to her in some way but she cant just commandeer the body/spirit of anyone who drank from the well. she must be welcomed/accepted/summoned by said person
@eveninglottie This is that idea I talked with you about a lllloooooonnngg time ago (like july 2016 lol) I swear I tried writing it but got sidetracked with school, life and creative blocks, but I actually managed to write a LITTLE of it gggaahhhhh even if it is MONTHS late T-T thank you talking it out with me back then ^^
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tarasylnin-lavellan · 3 years
Justice's Flight
okay so here is the third episode in the justice arc featuring the half qunari half elf Harel from @w-h-4-t much love lethalan
Taras feet thudded as she ran, heart dead in her chest. You knew better her mind called, you knew how this would end. Foolish child you knew, she gritted her teeth against the painful thoughts. She used everything in the Vir Tanadhal. She ran along stones, swung from branches to break up her track, and forded every stream. She had to ensure that no one could find her, not ever.
Harel and Cole found the track of the Great stag easily enough and took off after Tara. Soon enough they found the site of the "ambush" and stopped. Cole breathed "scattering scared flighty yet flightless fleeing, falling." Harel looked over at the slight young man "mmm that sounds like.... well Tara's very stony. Scared? Ok maybe that is her." Coles eyes widened "mamae I am sorry mamae I....void blackened hate, glass scraping, I don't want to be the beast again, obsidian shards-" Harel cut him off promptly grabbing the boy "hey breathe, boots on the ground, air in your lungs we're trying to find her, breathe you're okay you're here. Cole looked up with his watery eyes at harel "she hurts so much, sharp glass tearing, she is drowning in the dark." His eyes filled with tears at the soul wrenching agony he could feel. Harel stared at the staged site "shems might fall for this one, but in the clan we called it Falon'din's faint. Stage an attack so the pursuer looses interest in your trail. Harel turned and saw the tears on Cole's face "hey, we're going to find, we will light the darkness okay? we wont let her drown. I wont let you drown either, we are going to be okay.
"Clawing creeping darkness....there" he pointed a trembling hand to the southwest. There was nothing to show her passage but Harel had expected that. Any clanfam worth a damn would know how to evade capture. "She really doesn't want to be found" Cole whispered, Harel nodded studying the area. "really does.... I mean I'm pretty good at tracking from when the clan would leave me behind but.... she really wiped herself off the map." "Swiftly spinning, thunder rumbles in the clouds even when it wants to be a flame." Cole stood wanting to help needing to help, Harel muttered pacing the clearing. "Where is she, were would she go," Cole stared at the sky "Move like brother, think like father, faster, go faster safety in seeking danger." Harel stopped at the words "do....wait....do you think you can follow the feeling? trail off the fear like you do?" "find the hurt?" Harel nodded "uh...yes... like feel out the pain like you do and keep following it till we find her?" Cole looked to the southwest "I can try....but it might make me disappear she is hurting so much..." Harel looked that way too "so long as one of us finds her, she gave up everything for that fucking bastard." Harel's eyes glowed a faint green at her words. "But we are not going to let her go, are we Cole?" Cole's eyes grew haunted "bright in the darkness wearing its skin loosely-" "FOCUS! Follow! we wont let anything happen to her, not again never again. You said she was going that way?" Cole nodded. "Then that is where we will go," a soft trumpeting noise cut her off. The inquisitors white hart trotted into the clearing shaking his head in grief huffing. "Oh you poor sweet thing, Tara left you all alone" she patted the beasts snout "its okay we are here now." Cole looked at the massive white stag "he... he saw her flee, saw her go there beyond the trees past there fleeing with the sun." Harel's eyes opened wide in sudden panic "she, she is heading for the arbor wilds SHITE its gunna get her killed DEAD." Harel felt the fear seizing her heart, "OH MYTHALS FUCKING BREAST BAND that place is deadly!" she shook Cole by the shoulders "she cant survive there! Tara is strong but the wilds will eat her alive!" Cole looked up at the bigger woman "death with purpose, safety in silence... I think that is her plan." "Well her plan is fuckin STUPID. We need to get to her before she gets anymore bright ideas! She is not going to sacrifice herself for some dumbass Templar idiot. We are going to bring her back and if he wants to play mage killer then I'll" a deep dangerous growl rumbled in her chest "I will bring it down on him, he wont hurt her... ever."
Harel swung onto the harts back and pulled Cole up behind her. His soft voice accompanying the thud of the hooves "knotted, gnarled, gnawing, the pain of knowing, of being seen, sheltering inside my heart, oh Mythal what if I kill again. Charred bodies.... burning hate... but now I know the faces, everyone I love, everyone I protect crushed like ash. A new templar an old dance, I cannot let it end the same have to stop have to run. The screams the hiss of burning flesh in armor, Mamae! she is cold so cold. Its safer to run let them think me lost, Dorian will know I cannot lie to him. Harel's heart was heavy as stone listening to the pain that tore at her friend. "She's got so much pain and she just keeps adding more, I don't know how she is still going Cole."
"The lion and the serpent bind me to the light, breaking away old walls and hurt. New love in true forms swirling like honey in his tea, eyes of amber look at me with kindness, I cannot let go but I must for them."
"The serpent will know she cannot keep this from him, he sees her and loves her anyway. He will look in the book eventually, but she will be too far gone by then. The lion roars and she runs to save him from her blood in his mouth. The lion tests his chains, roaring as the whip cuts into him but this is for his own good, his fangs start to show as the links break, to break her would break him.
"I am a weapon I have no right to love him, and now he hurts and its all my fault. Soon the hunt will begin again just as before, The Templars will hunt me and I will flee."
Harel looked into the darkness of the trees as Cole whispered all Tara's fear and hurts to her. The weight grows on her shoulders and she thinks of the horrible pain of being so alone; of finally finding people who love her only to have the spirit she was forced to be bound to rip all of it away. We'll change her mind, Dorian knows, he will do anything to stop her being hunted."
"The serpent raises his head fearless, fangs glinting but never poised to bite. He curls around her defensive and defying he know the pain of being hated. The hurt of betrayal for things that you were born with, he understands and draws up to the lion without fear.....Dorian yelled alot." Harel huffed a laugh "of course he did, and that is good, especially if it was at that blockheaded idiot Commander. I cannot believe we keep such ignorant people ar-" "pain, mistrust, I give them my all and the keep forcing me down. the magic, is dangerous; the chantry mother licks her thumb before turning the page, magic is dangerous. I saw the suffering it causes in the circle in Kirkwall, and here. Magic is dangerous but I want so badly to trust, crushed like a flower beneath hooves. She used me! She let me think she was....normal I still love her how can I still love her."
"He still loves her? okay.....maybe he's not as ignorant as I thought.... Sylaise, I hope to fuck Dorian gets him to calm down before we find her." "His hurt touches hers" Cole's voice was quiet and sad. "The scent of sweet mint and rain, I feel myself slipping away but it is there oakmoss and mint, twisting, tantalizing and terribly apart. What have I done! I didn't even give her a chance! I will may never see her again!"
Harel's hands tightened on the reins as the hart navigated a rock "good the fear will make him remorseful, its better that he remains beating himself up for what he did until we get her. He will never hurt her again after this...never again."
Cole sucked in a breath as he caught the agony around Tara again "sharp shards of hate, like the spines of a dragon, raising like hackles, glowing with darkness and smoke. Her heart cannot break like this, it will break her the darkness will find her take her." Harel swallowed heavily "lets say we cant get to her quick enough, what is she going to.... become"
"A pale mask, the queen she refused to be, the mask hides only darkness, edges, and hate. The crystals she fears tear her apart, dark and sharpened wings singing a discordant song. Groping in the darkness, Mamae's cooling body. I am losing myself, falling into the nothing."
Harel shuddered at the thought of her friend giving in and turning into vengeance. "Mythal grant us time to get to her.
Tara couldn't run anymore, she was utterly exhausted from the trauma and the flight from skyhold. She collapsed to her side under a tree. She tried to summon magic to blunt the pain turn off the nerves, but she was too exhausted for that kind of focus. The darkness of unconsciousness claimed her.
"Her mind is quieter she is sleeping!" Cole told harel. "Good, we need to double time it then, before she takes off again." Cole watched the shadows of the trees, "quiet like a drop of water in a pond, undisturbed, no wolves or shadows just soft darkness. She will not be moving any time soon." Harel pushed the stag just a bit faster "damn gotta her give credit though, she can haul ass when she want to if Dorian hadn't found that note so quickly we have never caught up." The pair rode till dawn "darkness pooling but not silent, she is awake.... and close."
blue white eyes glowed faintly in the shadow of a great tree, a deep melodic voice growled "You are not the hounds I was expecting..."
okay my lovelies there will either be a really long episode or two more depending on how much my sad artist brain can take go check out @w-h-4-t she has alot of great writing and is fantastic at Cole's dialog
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