#I LOVE 2WINK ALOT!!!!!!!!
natsmagi · 3 months
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my 2wink femstars hcs btw!!!!!!!! since i finally got around to drawing hinata i thought i should finally sketch it out!!
i want their original hairstyles to basically be a side ponytail on opposite sides, and i wasnt entirely sure on if i should go with the hairclips side or not, as it would feel very packed to have everything be on one side and just. feel incomplete. But i thought Hey. that might actually be optimal. as they will now look incomplete if not standing next to each other
and for their new era yuutas hairstyle is basically just the one he canonically has, but for hinata i decided she gets to have both the ponytails now.... i thought this would be cute bc yay! new hairstyle for hina too! But at the same time it can be viewed as her kinda. being stuck with what made 2wink 2wink initially by herself. Picking up what yuuta put down yanno. yet another instance of clinging to the past and not doing anything really "new"
another thing is i want hinata to be a more femme girlie and yuuta to be a tomboy. i think yuuta would wear beanies and hoodies and baggy jeans while hinata will indulge in the occasional summer dresses if shes feeling bold. But for the most part their fashion sense remains the street-wear style we see their canon counterparts wear, the aforementioned is just what they personally would like to wear when given the freedom
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alanadesu · 5 months
Finally I take my time to tell you about the fandom, my favourite which I drawn in it. That's Ensemble Stars!
Honestly, I didn't want anything distrub my writing time (that's my precious time), specially to do a game which has periodic events. But I watched Enstar anime, I liked the story, I was fallin' love with the music, Knights' Silent Oath, Ritsu's sweet voice... goosebumps for me! Until now I don't understand why Ritsu be my oshi eventhough Mao is the first one who made me curious!
Someday, Shisho (shiriai online) told me about the game. Yup. Enstar Music one. Shishou salty me about the events and cards (he's KnightsP too!). Shisho tricked me and I finally download the game and now I've already been +800 days login in the game!
I remember first day login, Eden's event already end. The center is Jun. Yes! EXCEED. I couldn't finish event road Knights x Crazy:B, felt upset because I don't have much diamonds and my cards wasn't powerfull(?). BECAUSE I WAS NEWBIE, HUH! 😭
But!!! I'm so happy finished shuffle unit for La Mort. Yup!!! I got Ritsu *5 without copy. So medetai-hi because it's the first time I finished the event!
OMO! (⁠゜⁠o⁠゜⁠;
Too much typing! Haha!
Well, next I give you the lists about my favourites in Ensemble Stars!!
Other units which I love their song too: DOUBLE FACE! Akatsuki, Crazy:B, EDEN, Alkaloid, 2wink, Switch.
Lil' brothers like : KOHAKU! (笑) Tsukasa, Hajime.
Lil' sister like : AIRA (笑)
Aniki : Rei (brother-in-law :v), Madara (actually he can be real Mama 🤣), Izumi (? I want prank him alot and separate him from Yuukun 😗)
CHILD : HOKUTO! (He used to be a time traveller from future and actually my child with Ritsu! (LOL) )
Sekian!!! 😆
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momorabu · 8 years
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Ensemble Stars! Event Story - Raising Curtains! Dark Night Halloween / Dark Night Halloween
Since today’s Halloween and the new Halloween event has just started in Ensemble Stars~ I thought I’ll read the Halloween event story from last year’s event, which I actually enjoyed reading as it was the 2nd? event that I participated in as I just joined Ensemble Stars at that time. Below is a recap or say a brief summary of the event story ^^
Anyway as always, the summary of the story can be found below. Translation may not be 100% accurate due to my poor Japanese skills~
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The story starts off with the twins at 2wink giving out flyers and candies while advertising the Halloween Party Event that was coming soon. It was a very grand event at the school, with a live concert at an S1 level, which meant the school was open to the public for viewing all the idols perform.
2wink’s idea of Treat or Trick! are very interesting, for Treat it’ll be fanservice like giving out signatures and handshakes, whereas Trick will be using an easily erasable pen to draw on (the person?) and hugging while twirling around~ +W+ (Somehow I kind of want the “Trick” version just because I’ll get to hug them XDD)
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甘えん坊 / Spoiled Child: Chapter 1
Ritsu was sleeping in the terrace garden when Leo found him (when he lost his memory suddenly and find himself wandering here OwO) Ritsu was feeling really weak as he’s trying to stay awake in the day as it was only during the day that everyone will be around, and he wants to be up and with them too.
However, as Ritsu’s body is still a vampire, it’s very hard to him to change his sleep cycle as it might be due to genetics that it’s hard for him to stay awake in the day.  Leo noticed that Ritsu is not feeling well though Ritsu brushed it off himself.
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(It was cute that Ritsu is close with Leo in a way that he can hug him and even use him as a “slave” to get some drinks for him XDD)
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甘えん坊 / Spoiled Child: Chapter 2
UNDEAD, on the other hand, was hard at work preparing for the Halloween Party Event. Rei was on the phone with Leo in mid-practice as Leo probably informed him that he found Ritsu not being his usual self. Nevertheless, it was a good time to catch up with an old friend for Rei.
Kaoru actually came and tells Rei not to slack off and went for a phone chat instead XDD (It’s rare that he’s so hyped up!) Kaoru is putting effort in this event just because it was a huge event that will be open up to public, which means that’ll probably alot of girls coming which is what he is looking forward to ^^;
He’s definitely okay in giving fan service whether it’s “Treat!” or “Trick!”, but it’s only limited to girls XDD
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This made Koga very angry as he thinks that Kaoru’s reasons are very “unpure” since he’s not exactly doing music because he likes it ^^;
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They suddenly realised Adonis was not participating in the conversation and mulling in a corner instead. Koga thought he might not know what Halloween is and thus looked troubled about the Halloween Event. (Since Adonis didn’t seem to know Hanami or Tanabata)
He was all hyped up and ready to start explaining to him when Adonis replied that he did know what Halloween is about as his home country actually has it. That made Koga disappointed as he even actually went and researched about it just so he gets to show off his knowledge. (So sad for him that now he can’t TWT)
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Adonis wondered why Koga got angry suddenly but Rei wanted Adonis to figure it out on his own. (I like how Rei described as “there’s no right or wrong answer when it comes human relationship” ^^)
Kaoru decided to lend a helping hand to poor confused Adonis, by hinting (or say that’s the full answer already XD) that perhaps it’ll be better if Adonis asked him on the knowledge on Halloween, as Koga was probably hoping that he’ll ask him about it.
And thus Adonis went to Koga to ask for his knowledge. Koga became very happy that Adonis is asking him for help and since it was requested by Adonis, he shall give the lecture~ (Koga seems to be easily pampered actually XDD)
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The seniors looked on as Koga started teaching Adonis while Kaoru commented on how cute they are. Rei is glad that Kaoru is maturing (?) as he knows how Rei usually feels when he looks at the junior, to which Kaoru isn’t happy about and say he doesn’t want to grow old and has an old man’s taste yet =w=“
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(This part was really cute when Adonis was worried that he might look too scary when he dressed up for the Halloween Party. And Koga dissed him that if he wants to be cheered by the girls (in the audience) and comment that he’s cute, he should transfer his unit to Ra*bits instead XDD) (That’s so harsh, Koga! >A<)
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After practice though, Rei called on Koga to stay and asked for his help to keep an eye on his brother Ritsu, as he’s worried that Rei might not be able to sustain his strength if he kept trying to stay awake during the day and not rest at all.
Koga reluctantly agrees, though he specifically mentioned that he’s not doing it because he wants to help Rei and more of him being worried for his classmate - Ritsu’s welfare as well.
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赤ずきん / Red Riding Hood: Chapter 1 - 3
Halloween soon arrived, and Koga went to find “me” in school among the crowd. He’s surprised that “I’m” dressed up as Little Red Riding Hood and he’s a wolfman, which somehow fits together perfectly like the story Little Red Riding Hood.
“I” started to play along with him by attempting to shoot him (perhaps with the hand signal and sound effect) Koga dissed “me” that “I’m” stealing the hunter’s role if I’m using the gun to fight the wolf, and suggested we should follow the original instead.
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Back on topic after the idle chit-chat, Koga asked for “my” help and that “I” should follow him. “I” reminded him that it sounds like the original story of Little Red Riding Hood with the wolf asking little red riding hood for help too. Koga joked that maybe he should eat me too if I get too close (That… actually sounds abit… sexual? ><”)
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Long story short, he explained about the “mission” given to him by Rei and mentioned that he will need “my” help to find Ritsu together and get him to rest as soon as possible. (Since in Koga’s words, if Ritsu died from over-exhaustion Koga said he’ll have a hard time sleeping because he’ll remember Ritsu’s dead face… OwO”) (That escalates quickly to scary stuff OAO”)
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悪戯っ子 / Mischievous Kid: Chapter 1 - 3
We finally found Ritsu, who was on his way to delivering more sweets that he had made in the kitchen, as the booths kept running out due to the “Treat or Trick”-ing around the school.
Koga advised him to rest, and that made Ritsu abit pissed as he grumbled that when he was slacking/resting, everyone kept asking him to wake up and move, and now that he wanted to be more active, everyone is asking him to rest instead =w=“ (I like what he had said “I can’t take this down, why can’t everyone let me live my life like how I wanted?”)
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In the end, in order to get Ritsu to obey and go to rest, Koga ended up being a sacrifice and have to be held down to eat Ritsu’s tasty but horribly looking candies. He even gets pulled around by Ritsu like he’s on a leash, sing to Ritsu, dance for Ritsu, and get sent to do delivery duties for Ritsu in the end TWT (Poor Koga TWT Even though Ritsu does feel abit guilty for doing it abit overboard later on…)
But after playing around, Ritsu finally decided to rest, and thus slept in a coffin prepared by Rei in the music room~
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百鬼夜行 / Night Parade of One Hundred Demons: Chapter 1 - 3 + Epilogue
Evening came, and 2wink came to the band practice room to wake up Rei to prepare for the night concert, when they found out that “I” was there too, working on some last minute catch up on the outfit for Ritsu.
Yuta mentioned about understanding how Ritsu feels, about not being in a good relationship with the elder brother, which made Hinata feel both shocked and hurt since he thought they’re both always in a good relationship to the point of LOVE LOVE XD
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2wink were being quite mischievous that when they put candies by the side of Rei’s sleeping coffin with him, they mentioned that they look like offerings (for the dead) for him OWO”
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Rei woke up in the end, and “I” ended up feeling really sleepy due to all the rushing of work for the Halloween Party. Rei, being a gentleman suddenly, swept “me” off the floor and carry me to the performance area, with 2wink tagging along behind us.
Kaoru was worried but ultimately was relieved to find that Rei has arrived in time for UNDEAD’s performance (if not they’ll have to sing without him) Rei was initially confused why is Kaoru not dressing up as a monster, but Kaoru said he decided to be a priest, an evil priest in fact that cheats on the innocent girls when they fall into his trap that he’s a good guy…. (Omg, Kaoru sounds like a bad guy here seriously OWO” Don’t play with girls’ feelings Orz)
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Kaoru was pissed when he found out that Rei was carrying “me” in hime style, and said he’s being sneaky and that should be his job instead XD
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But when Rei’s arms were tired and he requested someone else to take over, Kaoru wanted to but was stopped by Adonis saying that “I” dislike Kaoru to hug “me” and that Adonis himself will take over instead.
Kaoru was shocked to hear that he’ll be disliked since he thought that he was confident that over time that “I’ll” like him and not be so turned off by him ^^; (Maybe Kaoru just… has too much confidence in himself? ^^;)
Anyway, he seems terrified by the thought that “I’ll” dislike him and pleaded with “me” not to feel scared or repulsed by him with a please~~
(Seriously I find it so funny that the confident Kaoru is actually afraid of making me unhappy XD He’s kind of cute for his reactions this way ^^)
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Finally “I” managed to locate Ritsu at the performance area, where he was sleeping on Leo’s lap (ahh~ So cute >///<) With Leo’s help, we put on Ritsu’s performance outfit and tried persuading him to go on stage to perform with UNDEAD and 2wink, who was supporting part of the performance as well.
Ritsu initially didn’t want to go, he even tried to get Leo to go up on stage with him. (He whines that Leo should go together with him, he doesn’t want to go alone and it’ll be very lonely~ It sound so cute coming from Ritsu XD)
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In the end, Ritsu did agree to go on stage and perform side by side with Rei. Rei finally gets some chance to talk alone with Ritsu on stage (since Ritsu normally avoids him in school), and said that whether or not Ritsu dislikes him or hates him, he has to take care of his own body. And if Ritsu really feels miserable sometimes, he can come to lean on Rei as his big brother.
I think this probably has touched Ritsu in the end, as he apologized to Rei for making him worry about him, and also “thank you, big brother”. The end.
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This is still a great story now that I’ve re-read it again, I find myself quite enjoying UNDEAD’s members interactions so I’ll definitely be looking forward to reading any event stories that have them next time +W+ (Adonis and Kaoru are sooo cute <3) It was nice to understand abit more about the brotherly relationships between Rei and Ritsu, I like reading about family ties as much as friendships too, so I’m glad that Ensemble Stars is actually focusing on such relationships once in awhile and not just creating characters as brothers for convenience sake or some random trait just to add onto a character profile.
I’ll definitely be looking forward to this year’s event story as well~! Though it’ll be awhile before I unlock and have the time to read all of them during the event, I’ll probably wait until the event is over before I start reading as per usual~ +W+
PS: No cards because my teams are so weak at that time that I couldn’t make it to the 600K tier TWT TWT
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natsmagi · 1 year
hello c:
Since you’re like, the only switch based account I actively follow, and I lowkey want to get to know the unit better since they’re slowly growing on me thanks to lantern on eng, do you have any switch stories/translations that could help me get to know them better? Unit events, character side stories etc! I hope this isnt too demanding of a request,,, thank you in advance !!
HII its no problem at all!! ideally u'd wanna read all the stories to get the fullest grasp, but ill let u know which ones i find to be most important aswell as some personal favs!
TO GET IT OUT OF THE WAY FIRST, here is a chronological order of all the switch stories along with their wiki link if u wanna read them in order of events! (note that some do not have wiki TL's (primarily some !! stories), and ull have to find them either on twitter or tumblr)
Easter Night
Haunted Dollhouse
Sunshower Festa
Pleiades Night
Brilliant Star Air Force
Magical Halloween
Blood Banquet
Fortune Banquet
Wonder Game
!!-era (in order of release)
King of Thieves
Next Door
Magic Lantern
the stories i think are MOST crucial to read are Element, Pleiades Night and Wonder Game, these stories consist of their more critical story beats, BUT! i do HIGHLY recommend reading at least some other stories aswell before reading wonder game, as i feel the story hits harder when you have a clearer grasp on the characters and their relationships. but the choice is yours!
some personal favs are Sunshower Festa and Blood Banquet. theyre fun silly stories that feature the members relationships with the members of 2wink, undead, and shu! sora is also at center of these! i also really enjoy Haunted Dollhouse, which features valkyrie!
for character side stories, here are some that i enjoy!
Everyone Has Their Secrets (Tsumugi Idol Story featuring Kaoru) (THIS ONE IS SO FUNNY PELASE READ IT ITS JUST ONE CHAPTER)
Meikyoushisui (Natsume Gacha Story, very silly and fun)
Class Live (2A Event Story, very cute. has insane tsumugi cameo too. got tha yaoibait)
Date Plan (i fucking love date plan.)
i havent had alot of time nor energy to read that many stories outside of the main switch ones, so im sure there are more treasures that im just unaware of, so feel free to explore them yourself!
UMM THATS ALL I CAN THINK OF ATM!! again i do highly recommend reading as many stories as possible, but if you cant do that i hope i at least offered a good enough starting ground!! and feel free to read anything that catches your eye!! create your own fun little reading experience!! spread the switch love!!
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natsmagi · 3 months
Hi!! Saw your fem!Switch arts for a long time although I am 2winkP for god knows how long AND LIKE THE WAY YOU DREW THEM? 😭🙏
My heart was warmed up, my day became better and now I'm healed!!! Thank you sm😭😭😭
Also lately I've been drawing and I can't help but see like gigantic amount of work everytime I see an art and I just wanted to say that I'M SO AMAZED TOO😭 (and your colouring?? darn I love it so much!!)
AWW WHAATTTTTT!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS IS SO INCREDIBLY SWEET 😭😭😭😭💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 and i absolutely ADORE 2wink, id say theyre my second favorite unit (beat only by switch ofc) SO IM VERY HAPPY TO HEAR U LIKE THEMMMMMMM❤❤❤
AND AJSHFDJASHDK ART IS DEFINITELY ALOT OF WORK. tbh i very often half-ass my stuff bc im a very exhausted person, so i try to take shortcuts wherever i can and just completely bs my way through the entire process, BUT IT DEFINITELY TAKES SOME TRIAL AND ERROR!!! ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE IF YOU TRYYYYYY
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