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someprettyname · 10 months ago
Me after dropping a giant paragraph in Ish's inbox
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paracosmicka · 2 months ago
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images to look at to help you fall asleep i think
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dollyfetti · 1 month ago
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Bakugo loves his girlfriend
based off this texpost and @laffythefaffy request!
slight nsfw, fluff, prohero!bakugo
Bakugo didn’t believe in relationships.
Romantic ones, at least. Platonic ones he’d been convinced of, after the relentless nature of his classmates, but Bakugo could safely say that, at the age of twenty five, he had never been in love.
It didn’t depress him. He’d had experiences. He’d kissed and he’d fucked, and it felt good, and still he’d never had a girlfriend. His childhood was a mess of war and pain and death, and so there was no time for it then. And now, his days are filled with patrolling and missions and he doesn’t really have time for it either. Where is he supposed to meet one, anyway? The only time he goes out is when he gets dragged to the annoying 1-A meet-ups at the bar in Nagoya that are always far too loud for his liking. And Bakugo would rather keel over and die before he tried to flirt with someone in front of Denki.
But Bakugo was happy with his life. Content. Enough as a busy hero could be.
And then he met you.
He’d been patrolling that day. Quite possibly the worst part of his job. It’s more for publicity than safety, he thinks. Civilians like seeing a hero walking around and cruising the streets. It makes them feel protected and it makes his agency look good for looking out for the public. All it means for him though, is way too many people asking for interviews and pictures and the waste of a day at work.
And then he’d heard it. A loud crash and screams that echoed down the street and the sudden rush of civilians from the bookshop a small ways away. They scattered like ants and Bakugo pushed through them, breaking into a run.
Something, or someone, had crashed through the front door, glass scattered in sharp jagged pieces on the floor. That seemed to have been the extent of the damage. He ignores the clammer of a crowd behind him and steps inside, eyes scanning the shop for the source of the destruction. And he assumed the poorly dressed man standing in the middle of the place was the cause. It looked like a home-made costume that reminded him of Deku’s first ever costume, and the man wearing it looked just as weak as he had.
Bakugo sighed internally. They get a couple of guys like this every so often. People with too big dreams of fame or villainy or both, and a flashy enough quirk that they think some damage will get their name plastered on the six o’clock news. More often than not, it ends with Bakugo nearly blowing up their face and the next few years in prison.
Balugo kicked a fallen book. The man caught sight of him and stood straighter. It might have been a show of strength but Bakugo saw his hands quiver as he pointed them at the crying civilian next to him.
“Not a step closer, Dynamight! Or I’ll blow her brains out!” He yelled.
Considering the damage to the door and the way he’s wielding his hands like the weapon, Bakugo assumed this was a quirk attack. His eyes darted around to assess the situation. Other than fallen bookcases and the dust of a broken wall, there wasn’t too much damage. The place was pretty small anyway. There were four people in the room, including the villain, and judging by the fact they’re all on their feet he didn’t think they were injured. Even the one being held hostage looks fine, other than the flurry of tears falling down her face. She looks young, and Bakugo scowls.
“Let her go and I won’t have to blow your fucking hands off.” Bakugo demanded.
“No! I-I make the rules here!” It was sad, really. The kid was practically shivering. Definitely not villain material. 
Before Bakugo could do anything, like explode the sad fucker into the nearest juvenile detention centre, there’s a loud thud, and the man crumpled to the floor. Confusion flitted across his face and then he looked up and saw you. 
You, hobbling forward on one ankle, a hard-back dictionary in your hand, breathing heavily. Your clothes were wrinkled and your face flushed, chest heaving as you looked down at the man in front of you. The dictionary dropped to the floor and you cursed.
“Fuck. Did I kill him?” You mumbled, nudging his shoulder with your good foot.
You hadn’t killed him. Just knocked him out, he found after pressing his fingers against the man’s neck. He clicked on a pair of quirk cancelling cuffs and handed him off to the police, who had just arrived. He watched as they started talking to the other victims and he turned his attention to you.
“That was real fucking stupid. Don’t ever get involved in a fight like that.” He snapped.
You pouted. “I got him, though.”
Red eyes flicked down. You were looking worriedly at your ankle, hands holding you up on the counter beside you. He studied your face, the small crease of worry between your eyebrows. You suddenly glanced up at him. You gave him a small smile and he shook his head.
He crouched down, beckoning you with his hand. “Idiot. Show me your ankle.” 
You held your foot up gingerly, and Bakugo pressed his fingers against your bone, touching lighter when you wince slightly. Behind him, he could hear the commotion of paramedics checking on the other civilians, the blare of sirens from outside. Your fingers drum against the counter you're leaning on.
“Don’t think it’s broken. Just fractured.” He said, standing up again.
He saw you squeezing your wrist, stretching it out and wiggling your fingers. He nodded, gesturing at his own wrist.
“You fuck that up too?”
You laughed slightly. “No, I- I think I just hurt it when I smacked him with that book.” You shook it once. “I’ll be fine, though.”
“You got him good though. Nice swing.” 
The little comment surprised even him, and you laughed, out of shock more than anything else, and he allowed a small smile to ghost his own face. 
“Thanks. Your agency need any extra hands?” You teased and he rolled his eyes.
“Not one as dumb as you.” He drawled and you just grinned back.
He watched you glance behind you at the paramedics and back down at your ankle. You winced, pushing yourself up so that you could start the walk towards them, but he waved you off.
“Hold on.”
In one swift motion, his hands came up under your thighs, the other sweeping behind your back, and he lifted you up with ease. You made a sound of surprise in the back of your throat. Your hands wrapped around his neck and your body was warm against his.
“I’ll get you to the paramedics. They’ll fix you up.” He said.
And you were close enough that when you replied, a soft okay, he felt it rumble against his chest, could feel your fingers curl against the small of his neck. He felt an odd sensation in the pit of his stomach at your proximity. Not one he’s used to when he’s saving civilians.
He held you tighter as he bent over the door frame, making the disappointingly short journey to the bank of the closest open ambulance. A smiling woman came over and listened as Bakugo relayed your injuries, and you watched in keen interest as she used some healing quirk over your ankle.
Bakugo could’ve left. He should’ve left. He isn’t the type to sit and check up on the victims, he’d usually be back carrying on patrol, but. Bakugo lingered. He watched as the paramedic told you to take it easy for the next few days, and you beamed that smile at her he itched for you to aim at him. She wrapped a bandage around your ankle and you thanked her. And once the paramedic left, and your attention was back on him, he could appreciate you a little more. Outside, in the bright summer sun, your eyes shone, your skin glistening in the light as you rolled your ankle around.
“God. It must be nice to have a quirk that can just fix someone up like that.” You hummed. 
“You don’t got a quirk?” He asked and you shook your head.
“Nah. Don’t really need one when you’re running a book store, though.” 
Bakugo crossed his arms over his chest. He hoped you saw the bulge of his biceps that he definitely wasn’t trying to show off. “Right. You be more fucking careful next time.”
You raised an eyebrow. “Me? You’re the one who needed rescuing, if my dictionary wielding is anything to go by.”
He barked a laugh. “Yeah?” 
“Yeah. But don’t worry. I’ll forgive you once you help me fix the store.” 
It was Bakugo’s turn to raise an eyebrow. “And who said I’m fucking doing that?” 
You didn’t bristle at his tone. Just flash those pearly whites up at him. “I’m going to have to send my workers home after that fiasco, so. I’d like an extra pair of hands. And I’d hope one of Japan's top Pro heroes would help a book owner in need.”
He rolled his eyes. “Suck up.”
But he did come back. After his shift was over, he stalked his way over the streets he’d just been patrolling and he helped you organise your shelves once more. It was unprofessional. There was probably some code or some rule in the Hero conduct that stated you definitely were not allowed to meet up with civilians you just saved and flirt with them as you alphabetised stacks of books and lifted heavy shelves.
But he did it anyway.
And then he started appearing at the shop more. It was on his patrol route, after all. And he was looking to start reading more as well. And the door to your office is rickety, and he knew how to fix that, so he had to come by again. 
And then he asked you to dinner one day and everything sort of went up from there.
So now he has a girlfriend. And a fiance soon, if things go well next week. And now that Bakugo has it, a person he can call his, he doesn’t know how he lived without it for so long. 
Bakugo doesn’t know how he spent so many years sleeping alone, when now he wakes up and his legs are tangled between yours and your head rests on his chest. You trace the scars that litter his body so gently, gentler than anyone has ever handled him. You know how to match Bakugo’s temper, but better how to calm him down when his flares too much. But it’s more than that. It’s the little things. You always make him lunch for work because you know how busy he gets, and you always leave his towel at the top of the pile because you know he gets up before you. Such small noncommittal things that make all the difference in the world because it shows that you care.
It makes him regret. He wishes he’d given these things a chance when he was younger. But he doesn’t need to think about that because he has you now. It also makes him appreciate patrolling a little more but nobody could beat that information out of him if they tried.
Bakugo sighs. The TV blares a movie he’s not paying attention to. He’d clicked the first thing that had come up in Netflix, some horror movie with an awfully predictable plot. He’s more focused on his phone, more precisely the clock, which tells him you’ll be home in about five minutes. 
Bakugo loves his days off. Any hero does. They are so far and few between that he has no choice but to enjoy them, the few days a month where he can do nothing and not worry about the fate of Japan for one day. What he likes most, though, is that he gets to see you. Before, days off consisted of sitting in his apartment alone or being dragged out to whatever activity Mina had organised for the day. Even then, the odds of them all being off was slim, and so he usually ended up doing the former. He didn’t mind it. Bakugo caught up on his hobbies, tried new recipes. The only perk is now, he gets to do it with you.
And like a miracle, he hears the jingle of your keys in the lock, and he can feel the tension in his shoulders drop. 
The door swings open and you walk in, calling out to let him know you’re home. He leans his head back on the couch until he can see you, and you grin up at him. You’re wearing an old pair of jeans and one of his hoodies, and you hang up your jacket, sighing heavily.
“Why was the store so busy? It’s Sunday.” You grumble, walking to the kitchen to drop off bags of groceries.
“Idiots like you who left their chores until the last minute.” He says, and you stick your tongue out at him.
“Shut it. I nearly beat up this old lady in the fruit section. Trying to take my watermelon.” You mumble under your breath.
You slip off the hoodie, grabbing the t-shirt you’d left on the couch. You weren’t wearing anything underneath, and Bakugo got a beautiful eyeful right before you slip it on.
“Uh huh. You sure you need that shirt?” 
He tilts his head and you smile, pulling out the claw clip holding up your hair and scratching your scalp. You slip off your jeans, throwing them on the floor, and shuffle your way over to him.
“Yes. I’m cold.”
“I’ll warm you up.” 
You snort. You clamber onto his lap and Bakugo sits back, hands smoothing over your thighs as you lean your head on his shoulder. You smell like your sweet perfume and outside, and Bakugo lets a hand run up your back and into your hair.
“That’s cheesy. I could wear more layers.” You ponder and he tuts, hands moving down to slip beneath your shirt. 
It’s baggy and oversized, and covers far too much if you ask him. His hands are warm against your cool skin, and his fingers dance against your hips and up, past your waist and to your chest. You sit up, smile curving your lips and your own hands settle on his shoulders.
“So handsy. I was trying to tell you about my day, Suki.” You pout and he reaches up and kisses you.
“Go ahead. M’listening.” He nods, kissing your cheek and your jaw and down your neck.
Bakugo is selfish. He’s self-aware enough to admit that. He’s selfish with his work, the way he fought his way to the top, and still does. He’d improved on it in his growing age but he finds that when you’re involved he doesn’t give a shit. He wants every part of your, every breath, every noise that comes out of that pretty little mouth of yours.
“So, of course I tried to be nice. I’m no animal.” 
He’s not paying as much attention as he should be. In his defence, it’s been far too long since he’s gotten a chance to be with you. He’s been far to busy, and the small hours you meet in bed before you both drift off into sleep is not enough. 
“Stop being nice. It’s your biggest weakness.” He raises an eyebrow.
You flick him squarely in the forehead and he scowls. “Ow.” 
“You need to start being nice, Mr Pro hero. But anyway, she started like, trying to tug it out my hands! And you know what old people are like. So entitled.”
Bakugo nods. You feel great under his hands but. He wants something more. 
“And so now I’m in this fruit aisle sort of shouting a little because I had the watermelon first, and- Katsuki, get out of my shirt!” You laugh as Bakugo slips his head beneath, kissing his way up your stomach.
“That’s- Your hair, it tickles.” You try to push him out but he groans.
“Piss off. Keep talking. Did you kick her ass?”
You sigh. “I- Okay, wait.” 
You quickly pull your shirt off. “Is this better?”
Bakugo grins, lazy and sharp. “Much.” 
Your hand reaches up and cards through his hair. He mumbles into your skin for you to continue, and kisses his way up to your chest.
“And this employee comes over. And he started trying to diffuse the tension, but then he started defending her! And saying I should ‘respect my elders’.” You huff.
Bakugo nods. He kisses across the valley of your breast, the soft skin that presses against the stubble of his jaw. 
“You want me to beat him up?” 
“Hm. I don’t think it will look good on your agency if you beat up Whole food workers.” You sigh.
Bakugo sucks a nipple into his mouth, teeth grazing against it. You make a noise in the back of your throat. 
“And. And then I got kind of fed up. The employee had a really annoying voice.” 
Your eyes flutter shut a little when he moves to the other one. His hand comes up to grab the breast his mouth isn’t working on and you sigh.
“He. So I just gave her the watermelon. Cause it wasn’t really that serious.”
Bakugo nods. He lets go, breath cooling the air around your nipple and he glances up at you.
“You should’ve called me. I’d have blown that old hag to the nearest nursery home.” 
You giggle and he grins. His hand presses into the small of your back and pushes you closer. He diverts his attention from your tits and kisses you softly instead. At least it’s soft at first. But then you whine ever so slightly into his mouth and it’s all over after that. His lips almost devour yours, and he can feel your face heat as he nips at your bottom lip, tongue darting out to tangle against your own. Bakugo drags you closer but you huff. Your hand running through his hair pulls his head back and Bakugo frowns.
“The fuck?”
“How is it fair that I’m sitting in my underwear and you’re fully dressed?” 
“I was waiting for you to finish your story first.”
You smile warmly. Bakugo doesn’t know of anyone else who looks at him with so much love. You grab his face and squish his cheeks together.
“You’re so cute.” You coo.
“Shut up.”
“Okay, you made me too horny to finish my story. It was a stupid one, anyway. Can we go fuck now?”
“Yes. Definitely.”
bakugo kiss challenge go kiss me NOEOWWWW
ive been sooo lazy to write recently.. this took me ages to write and it's nnot even that long.. but i hope u all enjoy!
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inkskinned · 6 months ago
the tradwife movement is the same as it has always been - back in the kitchen, back to breeding - it just has better branding.
when i was younger, i hated pink. i was not like other girls. this is now something i'm embarrassed of - this was not me being a "girl's girl."
but it was expressing something many of us felt at the time: i literally wasn't what girlhood was supposed to be. this is a hard thing to explain, but you know when you're not performing girlhood correctly. it isn't as easy as "i liked x when girls liked y" - because there were other girls that liked x, too - but i never figured out exactly the correct way to like x, or to be interested in y.
now there is the divine feminine. this is the same rhetoric it has always been: women are biologically driven to like pink and ribbons and submitting to our husbands.
the problem is that the patriarchy found a better PR team. because yes, actually, i want every woman to have the choice to be a homemaker. i also want her taken seriously for her legitimate home-making labor. i want her to be recognized as also having a job, just unpaid. i want men to have this opportunity, too.
but it is no longer "i made this choice and I love it." instead it is a sixteen-paragraph rant about how selfish it is that my generation isn't having kids. instead it's long videos about how if you feed your children processed foods, you're going to kill them. instead it is "this is what womanhood is supposed to be. i feel bad for any other choices you're making."
the shame spiral is just prettier. it is large houses devoid of personality. it is the implication: if you don't have this, you aren't happy. the solid, everlasting assurance: women are actually supposed to be submitting. this is the default. this is the natural state of things. all other attempts inflict suffering.
but you can no longer say i'm not like other girls. you can no longer reject this image completely. you cannot find it revolting, even if you know that the underbelly is toxic and festering. sure, it is the same repackaged patriarchy. but the internet does not have shades of grey. you should support and reward other women! your disgust is actually internalized misogyny. not because you are seeing a vision of yourself the way they're trying to train you to be. not because you feel her ghost pass within an inch of your earlobe. not because your father will eventually ask you - why can't you be like her?
because they figured out how to make it beautiful: women will sell other women on this idea, and we will find the singular loophole in feminism. sure, she's shaming you in most of her videos. sure, she implies that a different life is obscene. but she just wants you to be happy! you'd be happier if you were listening!
and the whole time you're sitting there thinking: i'd actually just be happier if i had that kind of money.
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bakuhve · 14 days ago
boyfriend katsuki doesn’t know, or care, about the difference between your wants and needs.
you’re out of your favorite lip gloss? it’s sitting on your desk the next morning, the exact shade, down to the brand, like he memorized it months ago.
you mention craving a drink in passing? he’s pressing the bottle into your hand within minutes, like it just magically appeared in his pocket.
you linger a second too long in front of a display window, eyes catching on a delicate necklace? its draped around your neck by nightfall.
when katsuki’s your boyfriend, the world bends to your desires. because if you want it, then in his mind, you need it. and katsuki always makes sure you have what you need.
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hinamie · 7 months ago
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I'll give them shelter like you've done for me
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maggotmargarita · 7 days ago
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Skarra having a niece is so cute and it's a shame that Shakes didn't interact with her much in that ep cuz she would clock them so fast
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lissdiary · 8 months ago
katuski loves when you wear makeup. of course he loves your bare face, but he prefers kissing it all off until you look a mess. nothing beats the way you naturally look he loves your natural beauty, but he’s crazy for lipgloss. the way your lips feel when you kiss him, all glossy & sticky. it makes your lips look & taste so good, he loves fruit scented lipgloss.
it makes him feral, he gets so impatient when you take “too long” to reapply it. he’s basically eating your face at this point. he doesn’t care if he ends up having glitter on his lips, as long as he got it from you. eventually, he feels bad that you end up tossing another empty tube so he makes sure to restock it for you.
“yer’ takin too long, hurry” he taps his foot on the car floor, waiting for your to open your new gloss he just bought you. you open the tube, applying the pink gloss on your lips while looking in the car mirror. you look at him with a grin, showing how the glitter looks. he doesn’t hesitate to grab the back of your neck and pull you in.
“katsukii! i just applied it!” you whine, your boyfriend kissing off almost all your lipgloss. “m’ sorry baby, can’t help it.” he grabs your chin, pulling you in for another sloppy kiss. it’s his addiction & he can’t get enough of it.
— not proof read !
send reqs ☆〜(ゝ。∂)
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mmpookie · 8 days ago
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mmore mizisua doodles
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carpboy3000 · 3 months ago
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Excerpt from the foreword of The Arcane: Concepts and Connections, Sixth Edition, p. 31: “All of the spells contained in this book are native to the former Crystal Cliffs. While many survived through written records kept by the Academy’s library, a select few, pioneered by the Headmistress herself, only existed orally until the first edition of this textbook...” 
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enidtendo64 · 1 month ago
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Skipping rocks with the kids
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paracosmicka · 1 month ago
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this idiot is in love with his boyfriend
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ahyuggg · 9 months ago
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the window to the soul 👁️‍🗨️
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writersdrug · 29 days ago
Dad!Ghost, but his two girls are so picky with everything they eat. It's a struggle for the both of you to convince them to eat their vegetables - the only success you've had is cooking broccoli and cauliflower until it's fall-apart tender, and slathering it in butter. Maybe you can sneak a few cooked, blended vegetables into their spaghetti sauce, but they're Simon's girls - they know when something's up. They try to bargain and make ultimatums with him at the dinner table, but he doesn't budge an inch, of course. Says something like "eat your vegetables or no Tangled for a month", which makes them reconsider.
Of course, your youngest son will eat anything - no qualms whatsoever. He was barely started on solids and he'd eat bites of steamed eggplant and peas like they were popcorn. Of course he has his favorites; he had a meltdown once, when Simon turned away from the dinner table to pick up the fork your son dropped, only to lift his head and find the little bugger had grabbed the rest of a medium-rare steak off of his dad's plate, attempting to eat it like a true caveman (the apple really didn't fall far from the tree). Didn't let it go or stop crying until Simon put a yogurt pop in his tiny hand.
("Mummy doesn't need to know about this, 'kay?")
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emmyrosee · 1 year ago
His phone rings once, and Kiyoomi smirks down at it.
You’re calling him, of course you are, why would you not be, and he sighs and excused himself before slipping out to the front of the building and answering the phone.
“This better be good.”
“Im crawling in your walls.”
He lets out a laugh and scrubs his face with his hand, “you miss me that much? I’ve only been gone for a few hours.” You whine on your end of the line, and he chews the tip of his thumb to stop himself from laughing.
“Kiyoomi,” you whine. “I didn’t give you enough kisses this morning. I’m feeling deprived.”
He cocks a brow, “babe, you gave me a thousand kisses before I left-“
“No, I gave you forty seven. I should’ve given you forty eight. Or a thousand.”
This, has him laughing. Laughing because never in a trillion years would he expect to let such ferality be allowed. What would 16 year old Kiyoomi think if he heard some person say “I’m in your walls because I didn’t kiss you enough”?
He wouldn’t believe him. He wouldn’t think someone would care enough about him to go through such lengths to be part of his life, a part of him, and he poked his tongue in his cheek and shakes his head.
“You can kiss me more when I get home.”
“I don’t want to wait that long.”
“I’ll kiss you back?”
This, has you stopping, and he raises his brows as he waits for a response. “You promise?”
“Of course I do,” he snorts. “When have I never not wanted to kiss you?”
“True.” You go quiet again, “I miss you.”
“I miss you too, baby. I’ll be home soon.”
“…okay,” you finally sigh. “I’m gonna eat your drywall.”
He snorts again, “go for it.”
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strawberryxdrawzz · 2 months ago
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" My son sleeps like a sick Victorian child with the plague "
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