middenprincess · 2 years
im losing my mind i found a pattern for little baby strawberry booties and im crying the baby fever hit me so hard
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ithisatanytime · 1 year
The Smashing Pumpkins - 1979 (Official Music Video)
 women shouldnt vote because for a woman there is no distinction made between the social and legal realms, this is something i realized a while ago and literally every interaction with women ive had since has proven this to be true. what i mean is, lets say your slutty neighborhood whore shelly claims to have been raped by nick from down the block, now you know that shelly was drunk as fuck at that party and making out with nick all night, nick denies any rape occured so its he said she said, for men it is VERY important to get this right, because for men, if nick is guilty of this crime he must be killed, or at the very least imprisoned for life but preferably killed, for women they just want nick SHAMED, so it matters little if theirs evidence for or against him because the consequences are minor. speaking of minor, the age of consent laws in the united states have served ONE purpose and its not making children safer, that purpose is to stigmatize male heterosexuality to a greater extend that the most depraved homosexual acts ever were, my brothers in christ i admit it, im a pedophile for when i was 17 i fucked a 15 year old child, i thought we were in love but as it turns out what i did was a deeply perverted and evil act, and the vast majority of your ancestors and mine, nearly all men who ever lived, in fact statistically speaking all men who ever lived were the same. im just glad now after thousands of years of unrepentant pedophilia we as a species have finally seen the light! there is nothing wrong with physical attraction to someone whos passed puberty this is literally natural, and i could pull up several studies that unequivically show that this is not a prediliction of some men, but the base drive of all healthy heterosexual men is to reproduce with post pubescent women as SOON as possible, mountains of data and common sense will back this up. now do i think that a 24 year old aught to be SHAMED for hitting on a 15 year old? yeah probably, but thats not what we are talking about, we are talking about sending them to prisons with “rape me” targets on their backs, and more practically we are talking about making young men DEEPLY ashamed of their natural god given inclination, i dont want any womans opinion on this or any matter, as you are all biologically retarded. 
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