breitzbachbea · 1 year
I'm going to kill tumblr. I have to do the dumb fucking replying on pc??? BC YOUR ASININE APP CANNOT ADD PICTURES TO POSTS ANYMORE?????????
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hiskillingjar · 1 month
Please plspls write sexed up abusive lesbians law x strade 🤞🤞
sorry lesbians, sorry dykes, this is a post for fucked up transfems and quasi-chasers now. sorry :(
4000+ words, cw for slurs, they are the worst grindr hookup in the world and i'm obsessed with themmmmm (this may have a part 2 if the people don't execute me)
also crossposted on ao3 give me attentionnnnnuh
"hey cutie, having a good night?"
Lawrence almost flinched after hearing the foreign notification ‘blllip’ on their phone. 
It was late, they had just gotten home from work and they were sifting through their saved videos (car crashes, open-faced surgery, execution porn and the like) to get to sleep, their body heavy on the mattress, their head heavier with drugged intoxication from a short smoking circle at the warehouse before they left.
They blinked sleepy grey (dead) eyes as they opened the app with a slide of their thumb, the orange-and-black interface unfamiliar, they used it so little.
Right. They downloaded this to buy weed from the new guy at work, didn’t they? 
Did they even have a profile set up? Apparently so, if someone nearby had found them.
They let out a short sigh through their nose, moving onto their back under the heavy, weighted blankets as they typed out a reply to ‘strade 36 verse’.
‘Verse’. What did that even mean?
Lawrence barely had time to rub their eyes before the orange bubble was typing again. 
An instant reply. ‘Strade 36 verse’ must have been online then.
They sat up with another sigh and their lips pursed in a thoughtful pout, wondering if they should respond further, and what to say if they did. 
They didn’t really know the etiquette of most social media, after all. The most exposure they’d had to it was a Tumblr account that was quickly taken down when they posted an especially gory work-in-progress photo of a new sculpture (for “violating community guidelines’ they said when they’d asked), and they’d left it at that, so this was new to them. 
It wasn't like they’d been on something as casual as a dating app before, so they had no prior experience or point of reference on how these kinds of interactions generally played out.
So, in place of another message, they decided to wait for ‘Strade 36 verse’ to reply again, to send the dreaded ‘double text’ or lose interest in their flaky response, before they did anything on their own.
They wouldn’t have to wait long for that, though.
"nice pics, you’re very, very cute." He praised, sending through a winking-face emoji and a blonde angel emoji, referencing the badly taken, but well-cropped mirror selfies on their profile, just so the weed guy knew who they were when they messaged. "are you down for anything tonight?"
Lawrence frowned, idly worrying their bottom lip between their crooked teeth as they pushed a hand into their greasy hair. They’d shower before work tomorrow. Or not.
They weren't entirely sure what ‘down for anything’ meant and weren't sure if they necessarily wanted to know either.
"Thank you.” They typed, well-trained to be polite to compliments. “Down for anything like what, exactly?"
"lol, you're adorable"
"like hooking up? lol"
Lawrence nearly dropped their phone at that.
Their face burned a hot red as they sat upright quickly, pushing aside their weighted blankets and ruminating in silence for several long moments on how to respond to Strade’s outright forwardness.
Was everyone on this app like this?
"I don't know you.” They wrote with another deep frown. “I only really use this app to buy weed. What do you want from me?"
"haha that's hilarious!" Strade wrote back quickly with a series of laughing emojis, which just made Lawrence frown even more. What did he find so funny? "cute pics for a burner account tho. what's that for?~"
They felt their face burning hotter and hotter as they stared at Strade's response, dumbfounded at his capacity to play along with such unwilling prey, before setting the phone down in their lap and pressing the heels of both hands to their eyes, too tired and (frankly) too high to make sense of what this guy was trying to do to them.
‘...cute pics...?’
They took a breath and picked up their phone again, trying to respond as normally as they could without cussing the guy out.
"What do you mean cute? It's just my face."
"it’s a cute face," He sent with a virtual wink.
They took another short moment, trying to collect themself, long, trembling fingers hovering over the keyboard on their phone, before they typed out another response. 
"I don't know about cute...but thanks, I think."
"you're so welcome~"
There was a pause as Strade typed another string of words, punctuated by an orange bubble and animated ellipses.
"if you're not here to hook up, maybe we could just exchange pics hm?"
"Pictures of...what exactly?"
"i'll show you mine if you show me yours," He wrote, punctuated by an eggplant emoji, a peach emoji and…a water spray emoji.
Lawrence didn’t need to be a genius in social media lingo to know exactly what that meant.
They tried to swallow the growing lump in their throat before reluctantly replying.
"What makes you think I'd send you a picture like that? I don't even know what you look like."
"i have a profile pic sweetheart," He wrote with another winking emoji, making Lawrence flush that they hadn’t even taken the time to look at Strade’s profile before they started talking to him. "but fair point! wanna make sure i’m not a catfish, huh?"
The nickname sent a little chill down Lawrence’s spine, but…not in a wholly unpleasant way.
It might have even been kind of nice to be called that, even if it was from a stranger on a dating app of all places.
There were a few moments of ‘silence’ before their phone ‘blllipped’ with a notification that Strade had sent them a picture, which they quickly opened. 
He looked like...well, he looked like a totally normal guy in his thirties, relaxing on a couch as if he’d just gotten home from work after a hard day. Tan skin, dark stubble, a handsome smile, everything people liked in a man. He was shirtless, showing off a soft chest and the beginnings of a slightly softer stomach, but that was probably the nature of the app.
"You're...very good-looking. Nice muscles." Lawrence typed honestly, a little hesitantly, staring at the picture for a prolonged moment before swapping back to the chat.
"thanks cutie," He wrote with a beating heart emoji, making Lawrence’s own heart tighten in their chest. "how are you looking right now?"
They idly chewed the inside of their cheek and looked down at themself. 
They weren’t anything special and never considered themself to be, wearing a pair of tattered pyjama pants and a loose-fitting top printed with the warehouse’s logo. 
That probably wasn’t the vibe for this interaction, was it?
"I mean, not good like you. I'm wearing pyjamas right now."
"maybe i'll decide what looks good, hm?"
"send me something."
They felt their face flush hotter when the second message popped up, bringing the edge of their phone to their mouth with a shuddering little sigh that fogged up the cracked glass.
This was getting pretty embarrassing, but, at the same time, it was...kind of exciting.
They’d never done anything like this before, certainly not with a stranger, and…Strade had such an authoritative vibe about him without even being in the room.
They felt almost compelled to obey him, even if there was no side effect to not.
Lawrence shifted over the side of the bed and reluctantly lifted the phone for a selfie, reaching up with their other hand to cover their mouth and most of their jaw, keeping the focus on their messy hair, their sleepy eyes, their slender neck, their collar bone, the low collar of their shirt…things that they guessed Strade might like in a conversation partner.
Once they had taken the picture, they sent it over quickly before they could think too long and change their mind.
Strade responded almost immediately.
"awwww~" He wrote, with a heart eyes emoji and another angel emoji. "very cute!"
Oh God, they really weren’t used to being called cute this much.
Their heart was racing as they read the short string of messages, their pale cheeks flushing and their dead eyes fluttering a little as their thighs pressed together tightly.
"You...really think so?"
"i know so~" He complimented again. "you’re such a good girl for listening to me too <3"
'Good girl-!?'
Lawrence's heart was beating even faster now, just from that one little compliment, and they found themself sinking back against the bed and staring at the popcorn, mould-dotted ceiling, feeling all the heat in their body rush right down to their cock.
It seemed kind of...demeaning to be called a 'good girl' in this scenario, but at the same time, it felt...so amazing.
They just hoped that Strade wasn’t getting the wrong idea.
“Thank you…but I’m not a girl though.” They typed when their brain started working again, resting their phone on their chest, their legs trembling and bopping up and down, nervously.
"oh no? apologies for assuming but you do have trans stuff in your bio lol"
"you look pretty enough to be a girl. figuring stuff out?"
The instinct to cringe subsided quickly when they clicked on their profile, noticing the absence of the gender marker that Strade had (‘M’), and their pronouns (‘they/them, any/all’) listed along with their location, the only information they had provided the app, barring their picture.
"That was an accident...I didn't know what it was asking me." They typed out, explaining their mix-up.
‘Pretty enough to be a girl...’ 
They suddenly found themself feeling…warm all over as those words repeated in their head, feeling the sincerity behind them, the authenticity behind them. 
Maybe they weren’t a girl, at least, not a girl they had ever been close to before, but there was the…well, the fact that Strade had assumed their gender incorrectly several times now, and they had done nothing to correct him. 
"happy accidents, eh?" Strade replied quickly with another laughing emoji, though this one felt more fond and affectionate than the others had been. "do you like being a good girl, law?"
They swallowed tightly and managed to type out a response, their hands trembling with excitement.
"Yeah…I mean, yeah I think I do."
"thought so." Another virtual wink. This guy used a lot of emojis. "can i see something else now, angel?" He wrote, like no part of that conversation happened, and even though it was phrased like a question, Lawrence had that good sense that it was not to be taken as one.
They felt their face burning hotter than ever as they typed out a response.
"What do you want me to show you…?”
"show me your body.” 
“do you have a mirror so i can see all of you?"
Lawrence had to stop and close their eyes, knees tightly pressed together as they tried to collect themself and slow the pounding of their racing heart.
They’d never felt like this before. It felt good.
It felt good. 
Why weren’t they used to feeling good?
They took in a deep breath, trying to calm themself down, before they got to their feet and walked over to their bathroom, hesitantly taking a full-body (or, well, as close to full-body as they could manage) picture in the bathroom cabinet mirror, using the phone to cover their face and focus on their body.
They looked so…boring in the reflection, wearing that old, baggy top and those loose-fitting pants. 
Strade can’t really be that interested in them, can he?
"aw, you're so little. like you wouldn't be able to fight me off if i pinned you down <3"
Those immediate words set butterflies fluttering around in their stomach.
They were definitely not tiny by any metric, standing at almost six foot and easily taller than most of the guys in the warehouse, but the idea of being...pinned down by a stranger of all people, was making their brain short circuit.
And fine, they weren’t sure if Strade meant it in an affectionate way or…a creepy way, talking about their body like it was a piece of meat and he was an animal feeding on them, but Lawrence couldn’t think of a reason to be scared of the obvious red flags coming out of their conversation.
They swallowed past the ever-growing lump in their throat as they paced back to their bed, sitting down and trying their best to keep their responses coherent as they typed out another anxious reply.
"Oh yeah..? Think so?"
"i know so..."
God, he was quick.
"mind pulling those pants down?"
They chewed the inside of their cheek again, hesitating for maybe a moment before they began to slowly pull their pyjama bottoms down their skinny hips, exposing their boxer briefs and the bulge of their cock. 
They felt so exposed, like someone could just walk in and see them right now, and yet...
They took another picture and sent it to Strade without a word, feeling the flush spread across their face as they did so.
"those look pretty tight, baby," He wrote after a pause. "like that cute girlcock is desperate for something its not gonna get. too cute <3"
What the fuck, girlcock-?!
Every word of the message made them shiver more and more, making the aching feeling in their chest that much more intense and tight, so tight it was almost painful. 
God, they couldn’t even begin to describe how this fucking stranger was making them feel. 
They were starting to feel desperate, like he said they were, their girlcock stirring and pressing even tighter against the taut fabric of their briefs, denying them anything close to relief.
They swallowed again, their tongue poking out to wet their dry lips as they typed a needy response.
"Please…just keep talking to me like that…”
"you're such a good girl," Strade continued to praise with another beating heart emoji. "spread your legs, make those panties nice and tight for me so i can see your girlcock press up there…"
They had to close their eyes momentarily and take in a deep, shaky breath to calm themself before they even attempted a response.
It was almost hard to type with how worked up they were, how much their fucking girlcock was stirring, how much their hands were shaking. They felt so submissive and helpless, like they wouldn’t even be able to think without Strade telling them to. 
They just wanted to do whatever he told them to do.
Their legs parted as far as they could (while still framed nicely in the camera) and they jutted their hips slightly, making the thick bulge of their cock the focus of the picture. Light blonde hair covered their tummy and thighs, and they almost felt self-conscious about it, for the first time in their life.
A girl shouldn’t have that there…at least, not a good girl.
"fuck, you're killing me," He wrote with that angel emoji again. "you little tease. what i wouldn't give to have you here now."
Lawrence closed their eyes with a soft moan as they held the pose, trying to imagine what it would be like if he was here instead of just ordering them around over the phone.
They were still trembling but they couldn’t help but smile coyly to themself as they thought out another response.
"What would you do to me if I was there right now?"
"you really want to know, sweetheart?"
They swallowed hard, their grey eyes wide and unnervingly alive, and replied, almost without a thought.
"Yes. Tell me please…I want to know."
"i wouldn't let anyone else even get the chance to look at you, let alone touch you, before i’m through with you, lawrence"
"i'd take you down in my basement and make you scream. hurt you. cut you. fuck you even if you fought me back. ruin that cute little body and torture your girlcock until you begged me to stop."
"and i wouldn't stop <3 even if you screamed and cried and behaved like suuuuch a good girl for me, angel <3"
"You’d do that to me…?"
"yeah. i like ruining pretty things." He wrote. "and you're the prettiest thing i've seen in weeks."
Lawrence could feel themself almost trembling as they stared at their phone, their hands shaking. 
They managed to type out a response, each letter in their reply feeling like a tremendous amount of effort when their fingers were shaking like jelly, just holding onto the phone.
"You really think I’m…pretty…?"
Their heart was pounding as they waited for a reply, waited for those tell-tale orange dots to move again, their once-dead eyes wide and alive and ready for more as their head spun behind them. 
It was like they were experiencing an entirely new high, one more dangerous and more pleasurable than any drug could give them.
They could see themself getting quickly addicted to it, and knew that this addiction was sure to kill them faster than any other vice would.
“haha you're kind of a freak law," Strade seemed to tease when his reply finally popped up, though it was lacking the emojis that typically gave his teasing nature away. "i like that a lot. pretty girls are never usually as filthy as you~"
Their head canted slightly as they read the message, wetting their lips again as they reached down and idly palmed their cock, feeling the hard flesh between their long fingers and wishing that Strade was the one doing the touching instead.
Freak. Filth. Words growing on them like mould grew on spoiled food. 
They were gradually getting infected by whatever disease Strade must have had to enjoy this, and they couldn’t have been happier
They flopped back heavily on the bed with a shaky exhale, that same feeling of twisted pride they got when he called them a “good girl” washing over them.
They managed to respond with one hand occupied (still squeezing their rotten cock that was enjoying every moment of this), their fingers still trembling.
"Yeah, I’m kind of a freak I guess…”
A pretty freak…a pretty girl…
Their cock pulsed hotter.
“even the most poorly-adjusted tranny has the self-respect not to put up with all of this. what's the matter, law, you don't have any of that?"
They whimpered softly and bit their lip hard (so hard, they could practically taste blood), before rolling onto their side and bringing their knees up to their heaving chest as their cock twitched incessantly between their trembling legs, their slack body shivering all over as they squeezed their thighs tightly together.
Fuck, this was so awful. So, so fucking awful.
Then why was their head pounding, their chest heaving, their cock throbbing harder and harder (and harder and harder), the worse it got?
They swallowed hard, the lump in their throat almost painful to gulp past, as they read the message again, and despite themself, they reached down and started tugging on their cock as they typed, their heart continuing to race at an impossible pace from the mix of excitement and dread at feeling so vulnerable and exposed to this man.
"Why would I want self-respect if it means I can’t talk to you…?”
"good answer <3"
They couldn’t help but smile upon reading the new text, cradling the phone to their shuddering chest with one hand, as the other tightened the hold on their cock, the veins in their wrist pulsating as it jerked up and down their length. 
God, they were just completely hooked on this fucking stranger, addicted to his praise, his threats, his dirty talk (if it could even be called that).
They lay there for a moment, just jerking themself off with wet gasps and shifting skin on skin, trying to even think of what to do next. 
Their mind was so fuzzy and filled with thoughts of Strade, Strade, Strade that they could hardly concentrate, even without the initial fuzz the weed had given them.
It was a perfect sensation.
"what are you doing now, law?"
“I’m…touching myself.”
“show me.”
Like everything else with Strade, it was phrased like a question but Lawrence knew that they didn’t have the luxury of disagreeing with him.
Like they even wanted that luxury to begin with.
They obediently moved backwards, up their bed, lying flat on their back (belly up, like a prey animal offering itself to a rightful predator) and parting their trembling thighs again, wrenching their briefs all the down their legs and taking an awkward picture of their cock in hand, the flushed head and firm length framed by the thin, milky white pillars of their scarred thighs.
They were just glad that this app didn’t have access to their storage and that any pictures exchanged in the chat wouldn’t be saved.
That would have been incredibly fucking embarrassing. 
"haha wtf you're fucking huge," Strade quickly wrote back in response, making fun of them, though, again, the message was lacking his usual emojis (as had many of the previous messages, actually). "talk about wasted potential, eh, law?"
“What do you mean, wasted potential…”
“it means when i fuck you,” When, not if, when, NOT IF. “i'm not letting you top for a single day of the rest of your wretched, little life”
They licked their lips hungrily, eyes wide with anticipation.
“Is…is that a threat…or a promise…?”
"both <3"
They felt like they were going insane.
They just wanted more and more of his words, wanted to take everything this man was saying to them and amplify it, make it worse, make it despicable, diabolical, disgusting, more, more, more-
“God, I hope so…” They typed, the jerking of their wrist faster as heat coiled up, hot and tight, in their belly. “You make me feel like I’m losing my mind…”
"won't need a mind for what i'm planning for you, sweetheart"
“Fuck…” They stammered softly to themself, words falling past their parted lips in a helpless whimper, as they squeezed their cock harder, a thick bead of pre-cum drooling over their bony knuckles. They didn’t touch themself that often, all of their saved videos were no longer able to scratch the itch of their deadened arousal, but now, they were feeling it, so close, so desperate-
“i want you to stop touching yourself now, law”
Their hand stilled instantly, their pale brows knitting together as another typing bubble popped up.
“you don’t work weekends, do you?”
They swallowed hard, typing out a reply while anticipating the next message.
“No, not usually…why?”
“you know the braying mule in town? just next to that new whole foods?” Donkey emoji, beer glass emoji, wilting leaf emoji.
Lawrence took a moment to think about the spot Strade was describing. 
It wasn’t too far from the warehouse, now that they were thinking about it, in a slightly sketchier place in town that was facing a wave of gentrification (hence the Whole Foods that they, unfortunately, did frequent for tea ingredients and discount granola).
“are you gonna meet me there next saturday?”
Once again, phrased like a question but Lawrence knew there was no option to say no.
Like they would have said no.
“I guess I am.”
“good girl.” Angel emoji, beating heart emoji. “and are you going to give yourself anyyyy relief before then?”
He was teasing again, and the praise and indirect order was enough to send another pulse of heat to their cock, making it that much more painful and unsatisfying when they let go of it and lay back on the bed.
“I…guess I’m not.”
“she’s smart for a poorly-adjusted faggot, isn’t she?”
God, he was just so demeaning, and they were absolutely obsessed with it.
That warm, fluttery feeling in the pit of their stomach was back, and it felt even stronger than before. 
They almost had to resist the urge to bite their bottom lip and start jerking off again…and they could only muster the shakiest of responses.
“Yeah…she is.”
“such a good girl, law.” He wrote, and Lawrence could practically see the shit-eating grin on his handsome face. “i’m looking forward to meeting you <3”
“Me too…”
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winchesterwild78 · 25 days
A Chance Encounter
Tumblr media
Characters: Jared x Reader
Warnings: fluff, SMUT!, language, unprotected sex (cover it up guys)
A/N: Just a short story for a sweet friend, @deana1245. No disrespect to Jared or his family. This is fiction and does not depict real life. 
All work is my own, please don’t take it or copy it. I wrote this fast, and edited it just as fast. Please overlook any errors, your girl is tired after the first week of school
Minors DNI 18+
Jared was not one for grocery shopping. The fluorescent lights, the constant hum of the fridge motors, and the overwhelming number of choices all conspired to make him feel claustrophobic. But today, he found himself wandering the aisles, picking up items he'd never bought before. His divorce had left him feeling adrift, and he'd decided to try and establish some semblance of normalcy in his life.
As he turned down an aisle he noticed you struggling to get an item off the top shelf. “Shit! Why am I so short?! Why do the shelves have to be so friggin tall?!” You mumbled. Jared walked over to you, “Need some help?” 
You turned and didn’t expect to see Jared Padalecki standing beside you. Your mouth dropped and words wouldn’t come. “Oh, um, sure. Thank you.” You finally were able to get out. 
As you took a step back you tripped and fell into Jared. "Sorry about that," you said, your voice soft and melodic. "No worries," Jared replied, returning your smile. "I should probably watch where I'm going."
The two of you chatted for a few minutes, and Jared was immediately drawn to you. You were intelligent, funny, and seemed completely unaffected by his awkwardness or his celebrity status. When the two of you reached the checkout line, he asked for your number. You hesitated for a moment, but then handed him your phone. He put his number in and sent himself a text. 
“Nice to meet you, Y/N” Jared smiled at you as the two of you walked outside. “Nice to meet you too, Jared. I hope to hear from you soon.” You smiled and walked away.
About 5 minutes later your phone buzzed with a text.
Jared: Hey Y/N, are you up for lunch or dinner sometime?
You: Sure, when do you have in mind? I’m free whenever.
Jared: Great! How about tomorrow night? I’ll pick you up about 6.
You: Sounds good. I can’t wait. 
Jared: Me either. 😀
The next night arrived faster than either of you expected. Jared was nervous so he called Jensen for advice. “Man what if I screw this up? I haven’t been on a date in decades.” “Jar, you’re going to be fine. Just be yourself and if all else fails, just give her the puppy eyes.” Jensen laughed. “Yeah, right. Thanks man.” “You’re welcome buddy, now go have fun. Let me know how it goes.” Jensen and Jared said their goodbyes and Jared hopped in his truck.
Jared: On my way. I can’t wait to see you.
You saw the text come through as you were finishing your hair. Your heart was pounding, you were so nervous. You’d been a fan of Jared’s for decades and you were still in shock he asked you out. When you heard he was getting a divorce you were sad for him. Now, you were elated and felt a little guilty you were happy at the demise of his marriage. You sent him a text back.
You: I can’t wait either, I’ll be waiting.
You finished your hair and pulled on your shoes. Just as you grabbed your purse you saw his truck pull up. You took a steading breath before you opened the door. He stepped out of his truck with jeans and a t-shirt on. Your breath hitched. He looked so amazing. “Hey, Y/N, ready to go?” You shook your head yes. Jared offered you his arm and walked you to his truck. “You look beautiful tonight.” He smiled at you. His hazel eyes looking almost as light as honey as the fading sunlight cast an orange glow over his face. You bit your lip, “Thank you. You look incredible.”
Over the next few weeks, Jared and you became inseparable. The two of you would spend hours talking on the phone, laughing until your sides ached. You were everything Jared had been looking for in a partner. You were kind, supportive, and made him feel like he could be himself without judgment or worry you were looking to advance your career. Jared was everything you’d been looking for too, he was humble, kind, genuine, and made you feel like you were the only woman on Earth.
One evening, about 2 months after you two started dating, the two of you sat on a blanket in a field outside Jared’s house watching the stars come out. Jared took your hand in his and held you tight. You looked over at him and smiled. The two of you leaned in and your lips met in a feverish kiss. 
You both decided to take your relationship slow. The most you two had done to this point was some heavy petting. You felt like it was time to take your relationship to the next level, but you didn’t want to push Jared. He felt it was time too, and of course he didn’t want to push you. 
As the kiss turned more heated, Jared’s strong hands found their way up your shirt. You moaned into his mouth. He pulled back, “Is this okay?” “Yes, Jared. I’m ready if you are.” “Really?” You nodded your head yes. 
Jared leaned up and pulled his shirt off his body with one hand. Revealing his perfectly tanned, toned chest. Your heart sped up, and your walls clenched around nothing. Biting your lip you took in his body. 
You pulled your shirt off, revealing the green laced bra you were currently thanking god you decided to wear tonight. Jared’s breath hitched, “So beautiful.” He whispered as his lips trailed down your jaw, to your neck and down to your bra. His fingers quickly unhooked your bra, letting your breasts bounce freely.
You shivered as your breasts were exposed to the chilly Austin night air. Jared’s lips began kissing every inch of your breasts and taking your nipples in his mouth and between his fingers. 
“So beautiful.” He whispered against your skin. A shiver went through your body as you felt the wetness pool between your thighs. 
Jared kissed down your body, kissing every inch and committing your curves to memory. His long, strong fingers danced over your body delicately causing you to moan and arch your body into his touch. 
As he worked his way down to your pants he stopped and looked up at you. You nodded yes and lifted your hips as he unbuttoned your jeans and pulled them down, taking your panties with them, exposing the rest of your body to him. 
He leaned back “You’re so beautiful, Y/N. I can’t believe you’re mine.” Heat filled your cheeks as you blushed at Jared’s comment. 
“I think one of us is overdressed” you playfully teased. Jared chuckled and began to remove his pants and boxers. 
You could feel your arousal running out of your throbbing core. When Jared removed his clothes your breath caught in your throat at the sight of his hardened member. You bit your lip and quivered. 
“Are you sure you’re ready, baby? If you’re not, it’s fine. We can stop.” You leaned up on your elbows, “Jared, I’m more than ready. I want to give you all of me and I want you. Please.”
Jared attacked your lips in a passionate kiss. Both of you moaning into each other’s mouth. 
Jared pumped his length a few times and lined himself up with your dripping entrance. “Don’t worry, I’ll be gentle.” He looked in your eyes. 
Jared was incredibly tall, and with that came a rather large penis. You’d never been with anyone as large as him and you were nervous but excited too. 
As he pushed in you both let out a moan. You felt a wave of pleasure mixed with pain as he bottomed out. Your hands grabbed onto his broad shoulders as he lifted your legs and adjusted his angle. 
Jared set a steady pace. The sounds of crickets, your moans of pleasure and skin hitting skin filled the air. “Fuck baby your pussy feels so good. So tight around my cock.” With each thrust you felt Jared’s cockhead hit your cervix. Each thrust was a euphoric experience you hoped would last forever. 
Your core started to tighten as you felt your release building. Jared felt it too, as your walls clenched tightly around his engorged cock. “Jar..I’m..gonna..cum.” You panted out. Jared captured your lips as he thrust deep inside you, hitting that delicious spot, “Cum for me baby. Cum on my cock.” That’s all it took before you came undone. Your body convulsing and reacting to his touch. 
“Oh Jared! Fuck!” Jared kept pushing in you and held your legs. Your body was convulsing and trying to squeeze him out. You hadn’t cum like that in a really long time. You thought to yourself, he did all that with just his cock, you can’t imagine what he could do with his mouth. 
As you came down from your high, you took control and told Jared to get on his back. Without pulling out, Jared pulled you on top of him. You sank down on his cock, throwing your head back and pulling a moan from your lips. 
Jared grabbed your hips to help steady you as you began to grind down on him. “Damn baby you feel incredible. Yes, just like that. Fuck!” Jared started panting as you bounced faster. He leaned up and took one breast in his mouth and the other in his hand. You leaned down and kissed him. 
“Jared, you feel so good baby.” You moaned. Jared sat up holding onto your back. You placed your hands on his shoulders as you continued to ride him. “Baby, I want you on your back, please.” Jared pleaded.
You nodded and he laid you back. He pushed back in all the way and continued to thrust slowly. Your legs were relaxed down as he was taking you slowly. Jared wanted to savor every second he had with you.
The two of you locked eyes and in that moment you felt more love than you’d ever felt. Jared softly kissed your lips and when he pulled away a tear slipped out of your eye. He stopped and looked at you with concern, “Are you okay, baby?” “Yes, I…” You bit your lip, “I love you, Jared.” 
Your mind was racing. You couldn’t believe you told him you loved him, but this moment felt perfect. It felt like the right time to confess your love for him. Jared looked you in your eyes and kissed your lips softly, “I love you too, Y/N. So much.” he wiped the tear away and continued making love to you. 
Everything felt perfect. You knew Jared was close so you bucked your hips into him, encouraging him to move faster. He smirked and picked up the pace. He lifted your legs up onto his shoulders. Deepening the angle he was at. 
As his pace picked up you grabbed his arms. “Oh Jared! Yes!” You screamed. “Oh shit! I’m gonna cum!” “Yes, Jar. Cum for me, fill me up!” With one last powerful thrust, Jared came, coating your walls with his hot seed. As he came his head dipped into the crook of your neck. 
Breathless, both of you tried to steady your breathing as he let himself soften inside you. As he pulled out, some of his cum trickled out. He grabbed his shirt and cleaned you up and then himself. 
You giggled. “What’s so funny?” He asked you. “I can’t believe you used your shirt to clean us up.” “Well, good thing I’m already at home, huh.” He laughed. You smiled and nodded.
He pulled you in his arms and wrapped part of the blanket around the two of you. He kissed your forehead, “I love you, Y/N.” “I love you too, Jared.” Both of you let out a contented sigh. 
You knew this was only the beginning of an incredible life with him. You loved him and he loved you, and together you could tackle the world. 
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hats-off-to-nyx · 10 months
Dear ....
The title of the playlist I sent you to catch your attention
Funny enough it did
You were nice... I guess, but made me fall for you twice as much nevertheless.
You didn't even wonder why I randomly sent it to you, only said it was cute and you'll listen to it too.
Damn, the effect you had on me was so huge. The mere fact you accepted my friend request sent butterflies bursting.
I was sick after exam week, Intramurals, PE day and some personal shit, but one interaction from you sent me smiling all week. 
Talking with you was a roller coaster ride of emotions. One time I smiled too much it’d hurt my face, one time, my frown was so visible, my face looked like it was drooping.
Sending you songs I want to recommend for the sake to keep talking to you. You recommend songs back i'd listen to it until tomorrow.
My heart raced like it was in a marathon, other times it broke like bits and pieces like scattered stars on the cosmos.
My heart swooned whenever you talk about your favorites. How you gush over things you were passionate about.
How I really wanted to escape my house at dead midnight just to come to you and comfort you in your problems you cryptically relay.
Jokes, that I sometimes took seriously, haha sorry about that.
Words you wrote and symbols you accompany drove me in a whirlwind of thoughts
Candies, laughs, and you called me "sweet soul"
You had me wrapped…
But one faithful night I accidentally confessed
I feared I might've scared you off
It wasn't what I planned, being friends with you was already fine
You said we were totally alright, that we're better off friends, I accepted that
That was the end
Was that the beginning I started to open my eyes...
Tiny little red flags I deliberately ignored. 
It was always me who initiated the talk. You only reply fast if the topic only interested you
You barely even recommended songs to me?
It was always me...
Did you really even listened to the songs I sent?
A tornado of anxiety came rushing in
What if you mocked how stupid I was. Sent it to friends to have them mock me with you. Laugh at how stupid and desperate I was. How pathetically bullshit I was…
But hey, maybe I'm just overthinking? You're not like that right?
Maybe you were busy. I'm sure there are times you can't reply to your friends quickly
Here I am gaslighting myself again
Convincing myself I've never made you feel uncomfortable 
Or that you didn't long pressed my messages just because I'm a person in your life as irrelevant as the stranger you meet everyday
That you just had so much to think about 
I guess?
That was until one night, something cleared out my suspicion
It was another Intramurals at school. I wasn't a student anymore because I stopped to focus on work.
I attended because I really wanna see my friends
To see you…
It was awarding night, I saw you with your team waiting for your time to get on the stage. You were on your phone. So I decided to chat you…
"Hey **** you at school?"
Was I too desperate? I don't know…
But you never replied, even viewed my message, nothing…
I wondered if you didn't receive it, but how? You were on your phone the whole time
You only replied hours later
Haha fck that kinda hurt
Was I not even your friend?
But hey... Who am I even...
So no biggie
I only got to see you when we finally approached you... You were so nice, made me forget you ignored my message haha
But, I was constantly reminded of that, everytime
Like a a ghost
That kept on haunting me
I'm no one
Just another one of your admirers
It's funny because, you were one of the reason why Intramurals was memorable
It started with Intramurals, and I think it ended with Intramurals
So I wrote this letter to pour out my emotions. Instead, it made me realize many things
I’m merely but an annoyance for you. And I apologize for that
I know you have someone you call your “mine”
I'll stop now before I fall even deeper into the rabbit hole I dug
This is fine
Maybe it's for the best
It is for the best
Consider this letter the last
Dear ....
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it's me again, the one who sent that long ask yesterday! saw your reply only now ugh ;-;
first of all thank you for taking your time to reply, you're so sweet :3
now, on the topic at hand (i'll try to keep it short lol) yes indeed! i agree with all the beautiful things you said, the scenarios just looked wholesome ♡v♡
i do think that, since the boys all have different personalities, so will their cuties: who's flirty and who's shy, who's a little brat/menace and who enjoys quiet times, who's a constantly tired and done-with-everythinh one and who's the "mommy friend" (meant as the one who takes care of everyone else, gender neutral all the way for everyone to enjoy <3), so i think they would also make an amazing group BUT!! most and foremost, i like to think they would all team up against the 6reeze boys cuz flustered boys >>>>>>>>>
and lol, i can clearly imagine the boys on a night out ending all up red and shy after their rambles and being teased like there was no tomorrow so they're all quiet and it's like a contest like "who talks first is the most down bad" PFFT-
anyway, thanks again for reading and replying to this if you will and good luck with college, i hope everything will go smoothly so then you can relax properly and enjoy your time out ^v^
bye bye, take care, dear witch~
— ❄️ anon.
[in response to this]
hi again!! thanks for taking the time to send in detailed asks!! i‘m sorry for making you wait but,, college ㅠㅠ narrator voice: things are not going smoothly
[this is what is in my head currently and is not to be taken as the absolute truth as to how the reader characters may behave in future fics]
yeah, i do believe that everyone has their own personalities for sure; kazuha’s partner could be the mom friend, it goes with the florist vibe but archons above, help the person who speaks ill about their friends/ kazuha, they have another thing coming
from what i wrote, xiao’s partner might be on the shyer side (we‘ll see about that when i get around for a part 2), which might make it harder in the talking phase bc both of them seem like they’d overthink things, but together they’re just wholesome <3 hc they’re both prone to rbf though, so they look intimidating af when you see them around
scara‘s partner might not be as shy as the people above, just bc they’re quiet doesn’t mean they won’t tell you their opinion; i think they could be the „they asked for no pickles“ friend, sticking up for the people they care about if needed; also, they’re bantering with scara all day, they’re sharp-tongued for sure
for heizou, aether and venti i‘m not sure yet; i could see all of them with someone extroverted and flirty, especially heizou to match his vibe, but i‘m also a big fan of opposites attract, soo… no further comment >///<
the studio has just become some sort of central meeting place at this point, so there’s always a high chance someone is there to meet up with and depending on the combination of people there, things can go in several directions (xiao and kazuha’s partner + aether = chill; scara’s partner + heizou + venti = chaos)
on a night out, they probably do that thing where they put all their phones in the middle of the table and the first one to reach for it/ get a message or call has to pay, bc we all know they have everyone muted but their precious partner (scara stopped telling his partner about it bc they kept calling him on purpose just to mess with him; they settled on him inviting them out in exchange for not making him lose) + everyone immediately scrambling for their phone after the rule is lifted to text you is just funny to imagine
modern au series
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callmebeesblog · 2 years
**The Christmas cannibal**
Weirdest story collection
Malia was Having a grand Christmas Eve party at the Carson's house, the most popular people in college.
Getting drunk was not an option, it was a must and that was what she did.
When it was time to go home, she couldn't find any non drunk prince charming to take her home that night.
So she resulted to drunk driving, she however had to try her luck.
As she got into the car she was doing great with the routes, but it didn't take long before she suddenly realized that she was lost...there were two roads which were before her, feeling utterly confused, Malia, choose the path on the left to go through wishing herself some luck. Unknown to her their was a broken sign by the corner that wrote.
*Danger*. A serious headache began and she started to drive recklessly, no longer aware of her surroundings. All of a sudden she started seeing things, people standing in different clothes looking at her....it seemed out of place so out of fear, without thinking her car collided to a huge tree, hurting herself in the process.
Still conscious and a bit sane, she managed to get out of the already damaged car, and observing well enough that the people she saw were just mannequins. She picked up her phone, it was 1 am but there wasn't any signal, looking for help she saw a little house not too far away that had Christmas decorations and lights still on, she walked towards it limping her way through cause her leg was in pain. After knocking on the door.
a funny looking tall old woman opened the door smiling.
"Miss what are you doing out here late at night" she asked Malia. And after explaining herself, the woman let her inside. Giving her a hot coffee to drink.
Malia could see the house decorations and saw all types of daggers and cutting equipments hanging on the wall, she couldn't see any Christmas tree though. But she didn't ask.
However the woman began to talk, " I hope you will enjoy it here...my grand children are currently sleeping, waiting to unwrap their presents tomorrow morning.." While she spoke Malia began to feel drowsy and without thinking she fell unconscious.
Waking up the next morning, she felt an extreme weakness, and saw her self in a weird position. Unable to move she looked at her body and Screamed, Malia had no hands and her feet were gone, blood seemed to be everywhere in the room, and she recognized the house, she realized that she was hanging on a wooden stick with Various leaves on her body. The old woman appeared in the room.
"What have you done to me?" Malia yelled crying.
The old granny laughed, as she brought out a bowl of soup and placed it on the table. Turning to Malia she replied.
"I must apologize, but we had no Christmas Trees, and you happened to come along, all I did was replace your arms and feet with sticks and leaves" she chuckled...."you Make a beautiful Tree though and look" she rushed back to the bowl she had brought and opened it to dish out a soup filled with fingers"
Unable to endure what she had just seen Malia Screamed in agony, she felt an unbearable pain, the old woman continued.
"I just added some Narcotics to your coffee last night, soo you wouldn't feel the pain" she smiled at Malia. As two weird looking children who had dark eyes, and really long finger nails entered the room, she noticed that the were male and female. Malia couldn't care less who they were, all she felt at that moment was pain, she couldn't shout anymore as the pain in her became intense. Almost in a whisper she spoke up. "You could have just killed me...why did you have to chopped me off alive" the woman laughed and the two children laughed too. "Please do not offend my grand children...they would like to have their breakfast now"
Malia watched as the woman, dished out the soup containing her fingers into the children's plates, she was shocked to see them eating it up and smiling. She began to cry. And after a moment she woke up. Realizing that it was all a dream. The old woman rushed to her, to ask if she was okay and out of fear she replied that she was alright.
"Am cooking a chicken soup, since it's really cold out here...I would be back in a minute.." this gave Malia chills and in anger, she grabbed the woman by the hair and pushed her to the floor which made her bump her head. Malia began kicking her, taking a small flower vase to smash on her head, there was blood everywhere and the woman's face was disfigured. Licking the blood on her fingers, Malia Turned to pick up a dagger that was hanging on the wall, going into the children's Room. They looked confused to see a strange woman, in their room, but before the could say anything...Malia stabbed them both. Picking up the girls finger, Malia began cutting them and Chewing it raw, Laughing loudly and saying she had won. She stepped out of the house, and bent to touch the snow. It was like she had finally escaped from a prison, laughing loudly, Without stopping. She screamed.
"**Merry Christmas**!"
*15 years ago*
Medical Report.
"Malia Stevenson diagnosed with a psychotic disorder *paranoia*
It is characterized by delusions of persecution, conspiracy and perceived threat against the person, often associated with false accusations and general mistrust of others.
It could lead a patient to do certain things, beyond their limit.
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messers-moony · 3 years
Secret Boyfriend | R.B
Paring: Regulus Black X Lupin!Fem!Reader
Summary: Keeping secrets seem to run in the Lupin family but one of the two twins has a bigger secret than the other can imagine. 
Pitter-patter could be heard inside the Gryffindor Common room. The Scotland weather never really seemed to make up its mind during the period between winter and spring. Nevertheless, it brought a calming atmosphere to the red and gold common room. The five Marauders sat in front of the fireplace, speaking to one another. Remus, Y/n, and Sirius sitting together on a couch. James on an armchair, and Peter sitting on the ground in front of the sofa. 
“So, Little Lupin.“ James drawled, “When are you getting a boyfriend?” 
Remus chuckled, quickly putting an arm around his twin sister, “Hopefully, never.” 
“Maybe I already have a boyfriend, and you lot just don’t know.” Y/n snipped as she elbowed her brother in the ribs slightly, “Oh, come on, paws!” James exclaimed teasingly. 
Paws was Y/n’s Marauder name. Her animagus was a Siamese cat, which resembled her personality quite well if you asked Remus. Y/n was quick-witted, independent, intuitive, curious, and affectionate when comfortable. She and Sirius were known to flirt all the time but recently - meaning a couple of months - they hadn’t done it at all. Perhaps Y/n was actually avoiding his flirtatious remarks. Nevertheless, Y/n’s animagus was a direct correlation with her personality. 
“Yeah, paws, you’ve been neglecting me recently. I’m not too happy with it either.” Sirius added with a fake pout, “Oh hush it, you two. Leave my sister alone. She’s got no hidden boyfriend.” Remus defended, looking at his sister. 
“Right, Y/n?” Remus coughed, and she jumped out of her daydream, “Mhm! Of course.” 
Conversation went on as usual. They began discussing new pranks, but Y/n’s jumper pocket felt heavier than usual, knowing what’s inside. It was a cream-colored envelope with the Black family crest as a seal. Y/n knew more than anyone that Sirius wouldn’t be happy to see the familiar logo, but this wasn’t from his parents. It was from his little brother, and Y/n was anxious to give it to him. So when James, Remus, and Peter went upstairs, Y/n pulled him aside before he could leave. 
“Padfoot, wait.” Y/n called, and he turned back, “What's up, paws?” Sirius queried, turning to face her. 
She sighed and pulled the envelope from her pocket, “Please, read this. It isn’t what you think it is despite the seal.” Y/n stated, handing him the parchment. 
“Where did you get this?” Sirius asked as he opened the packaging, “Regulus.” Y/n’s answer was firmer than expected. 
Nonetheless, the letter inside seemed essential to his fellow Marauder, so he opened it. Inside he was met with his little brother's prominent handwriting. The black ink treaded so seamlessly across the brown paper. Y/n remembered watching him write it at his desk, desperately trying to collect his thoughts while his hand shook relentlessly. She couldn’t do anything but sit from his bed and watch. Regulus needed to do this alone. 
After reading, Sirius slid the letter back inside its packaging, “Well, it’s his fault.” 
“Actually, it isn’t.” Y/n quipped, “Listen, Sirius, Regulus is trying. He really is.” 
“You would know this how?”
“Because we’ve been friends for a long time.” 
“Oh really?” Sirius questioned sarcastically, crossing his arms, “Since when did you and Reggie become so close?” 
“He began tutoring me in third year for Potions.” Y/n answered, “You couldn’t have asked Remus?”
“No. “ Y/n shook her head, “Slughorn wanted Regulus specifically.” 
“Well then. Full moon tomorrow, hope you’re prepared.” Sirius chirped as he began walking up the steps to his dorm, “I’m always prepared.” Y/n replied to essentially no one. 
She sighed. It was apparent Sirius didn’t want to believe what Regulus had written. It would’ve been hard on anyone. But Regulus wanted it to come from him instead of Sirius finding out. Since Y/n’s third year - Regulus’ second year - she felt attracted to him. He always made time for her. It wasn’t until their fourth year when she realized it. In her fifth year, they made it official. Regulus Black and Y/n Lupin were a couple but hidden beneath an invisibility cloak. 
Seventh year wasn’t easy. The upcoming war, her brother's lycanthropy, N.E.W.T.S, and Regulus getting the dark mark. Nothing seemed to be working in her favor. Books didn’t even seem to please her anymore. Her eyes wandered while she began to daydream about anything rather than reality itself. People began to notice how lost the girl appeared. 
Especially her brother. 
Study sessions with her weren’t the same. Some days her eyes would appear glossier than usual as if someone put a coating of lip gloss over them. Maybe they were rimmed with a pastel pink seeming tired and unhappy. The tremors in her hands were hard to ignore as she wrote with her quill. If there’s one thing Remus Lupin was good at, it was being observant; however, there wasn’t time, and he didn’t have the patience to deal with this right now. The full moon approaching meant that Remus’ patience tolerance was down to about none. 
There was one thing that brought her clarity. Regulus Black. The Gryffindor common room was always a warm and welcoming atmosphere. In contrast, the Slytherin common room was cold and damp, but it brought her comfort because of the person inside. Y/n padded quietly inside of his prefect hallway, which was beside the Slytherin common. She walked into his bedroom, which was dark. 
No candles lit. Just dark. Regulus always felt comfort in the dark, but it wasn’t dark because of that. It was dark because he was absent. Y/n peered over to his desk, where letters sat from his mother and some cousins. Andromeda seemed to try and reach him, but the letter looked unopened. There was one that caught her eye. It was Remus’ handwriting, and it was from him. It was also opened. Y/n knew she couldn’t stay all night. The full moon was due to rise in just two hours. 
Picking up the parchment, she began to read:
“ To Regulus Black, 
You need to step up. I get it. Sirius has been disowned, but he tries to make an effort. Can’t you see that? Sirius really needs you, and I know that you miss him too. This whole stubborn game of not wanting to talk to each other has gone on long enough. 
I know what it’s like to argue with a sibling, and it isn’t pleasant. Suck it up, swallow your pride and talk to Sirius. You don’t have to ultimately make up, but please, he’s trying. 
From, Remus Lupin. “
Y/n swallowed down her anger. Who was Remus to get involved in their affairs? If Sirius and Regulus didn’t want to interact, that was their problem, not his. It infuriated her. But she didn’t have time to babble around. Y/n pointed her wand at her and became a cat. Perks of her animagus being allowed at Hogwarts, she could roam around freely without suspicion. Quickly she sprinted down to the Whomping Willow, where she was met with her three Marauders in human form. Y/n transformed back. 
“Where were you! I was worried sick!” Remus scolded, “Nowhere, but we need to talk later.” Y/n answered. 
They got Remus in the shack and changed into their animagus forms. A stag, a rat, a dog, and a cat. The dog and the cat had the most interaction with the werewolf. Sometimes the dog and werewolf would cuddle up beside each other, whereas the cat would sleep on its own along with the other two animals. The following day Y/n and Sirius lugged Remus up to the hospital wing. Y/n sat beside him the entire time while the other three went off. Sirius and James were off to Quidditch practice. Peter was off to see his girlfriend in Hufflepuff. 
Y/n tapped aimlessly on Remus’ hand, “M- Morning.”
“Morning, Moony.” Y/n greeted, “How are you feeling?” 
“What did we need to talk about?” Remus questioned, and Y/n tilted her head, “You said we needed to talk before going to the shack.”
“Yes, I did. Um- uh- did you send Regulus a letter by any chance?” Y/n stammered, “I did. Why?” 
“I saw it.” Y/n replied shortly, “You saw it?” Remus repeated incredulously. 
She nodded, “How did you see it?” 
“Regulus and I are friends. Sometimes we hang out in his dorm.” The words seemed like nothing as they rolled off her tongue, “You hang out in the Slytherin dorms? Is that why you always know the password so we can do pranks?” 
“Of course.” Y/n chuckled, “I use my privilege to its advantage.”
Remus began to get up but grimaced, causing Y/n to jump up to help him. Gently she eased him to a sitting position. A new scratch on his cheek and multiple on his arms. It’s evident that the cat and the dog had to stop him. The thin scratches on his arms were a cat's nails. The thicker scratch on his cheek was a dog's nails. Remus looked down at his arms. 
“I’m sorry.” Y/n muttered, “Not your fault, paws. Who was it this time?” Remus asked. 
“Prongs. Apparently, you wanted Prongs.” Y/n answered, and he kissed the top of her head, “Thank you for stopping me.” 
“Anything for my brother.” 
“Just like anything for our Moony?”
Y/n laughed, “Yeah.”
Paws began to tap on his hand again, until a voice echoed through the hospital wing, “Y/n?” 
“Y/n?” The voice called again, and Remus quirked his eyebrow at his sheepish sister, “Y/n!” 
Suddenly a black-haired, grey-eyed, pale figure was beside her. He didn’t realize what he was doing until he had already kissed the top of her head worriedly. Y/n turned pink at the affection and the embarrassment of it happening in front of her brother. Remus coughed, and the male stood straight. 
“Regulus, what a surprise.” Remus retorted, “Didn’t think you’d ever visit me in the infirmary.”
“Remus, please-“ 
“I wouldn’t.” Regulus snapped, “Then why are you here?” Remus inquired. 
Regulus’ hand was playing aimlessly with the ends of Y/n’s hair, “Moony….” Y/n began at a whisper, “Regulus is my boyfriend.”
“This-“ Remus pointed at them both with a laughing smile, “Is funny.”
“Nice prank, paws, but it isn’t going to work.”
Y/n sighed, “It isn’t a prank, Rem.” 
“We’ve been together for about two years now.” She confessed, and Regulus stiffened, “Friends, my ass.” Remus scoffed bitterly. 
“Remus, please-“ Y/n began, “No, please just leave. We can talk about this later when I’m in the right frame of mind. Because if you don’t leave, now I might throw a punch.” Remus replied. 
She sighed and reluctantly left with Regulus trailing behind her. Y/n didn’t want to cry. It was pitiful. Regulus never had a good relationship with Sirius since Hogwarts, yet he didn’t seem to care. Thankfully, after building the Marauders Map, she knew every little crevice and hiding spot. Pulling back a tapestry, she sat down on the cement floor. Regulus doing the same beside her. Hesitantly he pulled his arm around her shoulders, pulling her into his chest. 
“This is pitiful.” Y/n chuckled bitterly, “I’m sorry, Reggie.”
“It isn’t pitiful. You and Remus have a close relationship. It’s okay to be sad about him telling you off.” Regulus replied, placing his chin on the top of her head, “Sirius and I are different. Don’t compare you and Remus with us.”
Y/n nuzzled into his chest, “I saw the letter Remus sent you.”
“I- I saw the way he spoke to you, and I’m sorry.” Y/n stated, “I hope he comes around.” 
“I do too, love.” Regulus kissed the top of her head, “ I do too.”
It was quiet for a moment until two figures pulled back the tapestry, “Oi! Get off, little Lupin!” James exclaimed, and Y/n sighed, “Sirius, James, please just leave.”
“What are you doing with my mate's little sister, Regulus?” Sirius interrogated, “Comforting her. She needs me.” Regulus retorted, tightening his grip on her shoulder. 
Y/n stood up and pulled Regulus with her, “Come on. We four need to talk.” 
The four of them walked into a broom closet. It was a quiet walk. Eerily quiet. It brought shivers down Y/n’s spine at how silent the walk was. The tension was so thick you couldn’t cut it with a knife. The pressure felt like sludge. It was thick and mush. But when Y/n opened the door, the lot of them walked inside. James and Sirius stared expectantly. 
“Regulus and I have been dating since my fifth year.” Y/n began, and Regulus intertwined their hands. 
“Little Lupin!” Sirius exclaimed, “You weren’t lying when you said you had a secret boyfriend!”
“You scandalous little thing!”
“I can’t believe this.” James stated after running his hand through his hair, “How did Remus take it?”
“Not very well.” Y/n replied, “He kicked me out of the hospital wing when Regulus showed up. “
“He’s- He’s not in the right mindset, though. He’ll come to. I know he will. He has to.”
Sirius’ eyes softened, “Moony will come around. It might just take him a minute.” 
“Regulus.” James called, and grey eyes stared at him, “Y/n is a Marauder.”
“I know that.” Regulus interrupted, “She is my little sister as much as she is Remus’” James continued. 
“And mine!” Sirius added, smiling brightly, “Y/n is our little sister. The lot of us depend on her. We can’t, and we won’t have her heartbroken.” James explained sternly, suddenly looking a lot like Mrs. Potter. 
Regulus’ cheeks flushed with pink, “I love her, I really do. I don’t plan on breaking her heart anytime soon.” 
“You’re gonna be my sister-in-law!” Sirius squealed, hugging Y/n forcefully, almost knocking her over, “Oh, little Lupin.” He cooed. 
“You’re all grown up!” 
They laughed, and Sirius kissed her forehead, “Take care of him, will you?” He whispered so only she could hear, “Of course.” Y/n smiled. 
“Alright, alright, I’d like my girlfriend back,” Regulus replied, taking her away from Sirius’ arms. 
Sirius gulped, “How’s mum going to take this, Reggie?” 
“I don’t care.” Regulus retorted, “Mums gonna have to deal with it.” 
The smile on Sirius’ face was brighter than the sun, “Oh, Reggie!” He wailed, pulling Regulus into a tight hug. 
The two brothers smiled as they hugged each other. Regulus sleeve slipped up, and James stepped back, pulling out his wand. The two Black brothers pulled apart, and that’s when Sirius saw it. The dark mark on his brother's sleeve. Y/n stiffened as Sirius lifted his sleeve up further to see it clearly. 
“Sirius, please, I didn’t want it.” Regulus pleaded, “She- They- Please.”
James watched intently at them. Sirius’ eyes had filled with tears as he embraced his younger brother. For the first time in a long time, Regulus felt protected in his brother's arms. James walked closer and joined them. Hugging both Black brothers as close as he could. James Potter, the man who never stops giving. They pulled apart, and James took Reggie into his own arms. 
“You need anything, you come to me, okay?” James informed sternly, and Regulus nodded, “Ye- Yeah.”
“Remus and Y/n always come for the holidays. You won’t be alone.” James stated smiling, “My parents already have one Black; they won’t mind another.” 
The Black brother smiled, “Thank you….”
The days went on, and Regulus still avoided the Marauders altogether. Remus glared at him from the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. Deep emerald green eyes were flashing at the grey ones that sat at the Slytherin table. Until Y/n jabbed him in the ribs, taking his attention away from the younger Black brother. 
“Remus.” Y/n scolded, “Stop it.”
“I think you’re too hard on him, Moony.” James began, “He loves your sister. Maybe talk to him.” 
“No.” Remus snapped, “You guys can accept this, but I can’t.” 
They didn’t push any further. Y/n and Remus had been distant from each other. It was weird to watch the twins who were typically attached at the hip to be so - abroad. Regulus didn’t like that he was now the cause of their fussing. After all, they were the reason Sirius and him were on speaking terms now. So Regulus and Sirius made a plan. It involved them being locked in a broom closet, and so it happened—one night after dinner. 
Remus was shoved into a cupboard, not by his own liking either, “Come on, Sirius! This isn’t funny. I have prefect duties to do!”
“Actually, someone else has taken them over.” Regulus informed, and Remus whipped around, “What are you two doing here?”
“Remus, explain it to me.” Regulus began, “Why you don’t approve of me with your sister.”
“Because! You’re a bloody death eater! You probably forced her to be with you.” Remus exclaimed. 
Y/n scoffed, “A pureblood forcing himself with a half-breed? Doesn’t seem likely.” 
Remus ran his hand through his hair, “Okay, he’s still a death eater!”
“I was forced!” Regulus exclaimed, “They strapped me to a chair and embedded the mark into my forearm. You don’t think I wasn’t thinking of her the entire time?! I was scared out of my mind!”
“The entire time, all I could think about was ‘How is Y/n gonna take this.’” Regulus admitted, “My heart aches for her. I didn’t want her to be scared.”
Remus’ green eyes turned soft, “Does she accept you? Does she love you? Do you love her?”
“Yes, Remus. I love him for who he is. James offered him a place to stay at the Potters.” Y/n replied, “And yes, I love her.” 
Tears filled her eyes, “Remus, please. I don’t want to lose either of you.”
Remus held out his arms, and she walked right into them. He placed one hand on the back of her head and one on the small of her waist. Holding her close to his heart, rubbing his thumb through her hair. Regulus’ grey eyes stared at the two siblings before him. Remus’ heart softened at his crying sister. He never wanted to hurt her, ever. 
“Paws.” Remus began as he pulled away slightly, “Does he make you happy?”
Y/n sniffled and nodded; Remus wiped her cheeks, “Okay.”
“Does he know you, for you?” 
Remus turned to Regulus as Y/n parted with him, “Where’s paws favorite place to be scratched?”
Regulus chuckled, “Behind her ears.”
“Take care of my little sister.” Remus pleaded, “Please, Regulus.” 
“Of course. I wouldn’t expect any different.” Regulus answered. 
Remus walked forward and put out his hand. Hesitantly Regulus shook his hand. Grey eyes met green ones. Remus couldn’t help the smile that placed itself on his face. Without hesitation, he pulled Regulus into a tight hug.
“Take care of my sister, and I’ll take care of you.”
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unloved-cadillac · 3 years
Yandere Fuzuwaka and Yandere Mori fighting over darling one for lust and one for power??
C/n: to have the two strongest men there to simp over you?? Sign me up. Also: darling. I love that. Thanks for requesting and I hope that you enjoy🤍
She’s Mine. (Y! Fukuzawa x Reader; Y! Mori x Reader)
“If you touch her, I’ll cut off all of your fingers.”
“You can try. At least I can love her for her and not for something as foolish as power.”
“Shut up, Fukuzawa. She’s strong. Having her by me will make me the most powerful. Her body is a plus.”
Fukuzawa slams the phone down and breaks it. Mori. That bitch. Thinking he could get you. You wouldn’t go for some sick and twisted ex-surgeon like him. You wanted a man. A man who knew how to love you. A man who knew you. Plus, you were in his company. You wouldn’t leave him.
“President? It’s Y/n.” He hears your voice call him and he sighs. Your voice. It was too lovely and too beautiful. He’d do whatever you asked no matter the situation. “Come in.” He says and you walk in with a few files and place them on his desk. “Kunikida’s reports. He wrote them twice over and now he wants you to check and sign them.” You say and Fukuzawa nods.
His eyes drink you in. You’re wearing a beautiful skirt with a shirt that had its three top buttons undone, showing a beautiful amount of cleavage. “Come here, Y/n.” His deep, husky voice says and you obey him as you walk around his desk and stood in front of him. His left hand reveals itself from his kimono and traces your cheek. You bite you me lower lip as your doey eyes look up at him.
“Have you thought about my proposal?” He asks, voice quieter as you smile. “Yes. But maybe we should wait a little longer. Things are a bit out of control here so maybe we should take it slow.” You say and Fukuzawa nods. His fingers twirl a piece of your hair and he kiss the top of your head. “I’m Leo anything for you, you know that.” He whispers as his kisses move to your neck. “Yes, Yuki.” You reply and he nips your cheek. “And, if anyone looks at you, I’ll make them disappear? All for you, my princess.” He says and you nod.
Your phone buzzes, tearing Fukuzawa away from you. “Who’s that?” He asks, mood changing suddenly. “Just my sister. She wants to have dinner tomorrow. Bye, Yuki.” You reach up and kiss his cheek before walking out of his office.
Funny. Your sister’s name isn’t “Rin”
You were on your way home when two men caught you. They wore masks and full black to camouflage in the night. They grabbed you, blindfolded you and threw you into a vehicle and drove to an unknown place.
To say you were terrified was an understatement. Your phone was taken away and your ability was nullified. So you were completely vulnerable and at risk at danger.
“Take off the bag. I want to see her beautiful face.” A voice you are deeply familiar with says and the bag is taken off to reveal Mori standing in front of you.
“Rin! What’s going on?!” You tell our and he shushes you. “Now, now, little Y/n. You don’t want to disturb everyone while they’re working, now do you?” Mori says as he dismisses the people around you.
Once alone, Mori squats in front of you and wipes your tears away. “What are you doing, Rin?” You ask through cries. “What else was I supposed to do when you didn’t reply to my message? I thought you were in trouble. I had to make sure you were safe and what bette ready than to bring you here to me.” He says and carefully undoes the ropes that bonded you to the chair.
“My love, I simply adore you. I want to protect you and be with you forever. So join the Mafia. Be with me and we can have all the power in the world.” Mori says and brings you into his lap. “I told you, Rin. I can’t. What about Fukuzawa?”
“What about him?!” Mori shouts and pushes into the floor. “Did he touch you? Where? I’ll kill that wolf and hang him on my wall if he thinks he could have you. You’re mine and only mine.” He says and grabs your face. He reaches behind him and takes out his scalpel and presses it to your chest. “Your name is on my heart, Y/n. I’ll carve my name on yours so everyone knows who you belong to.”
Suddenly a shot is sounded and Mori jumps back. “Speak of the devil and the devil shall arrive.” He says and Fukuzawa emerges from the shadows. “Y/n. Get behind me.” He orders and you get up from t he floor to run but Mori catches your shirt and pulls you into him. “No no, Wolf. She’s mine.” Fukuzawa stands straight ahead of Mori and aims the gun to his head. “You don’t love her like I do. Now let her go before I kill you and risk Y/n being hurt. You wouldn’t want that, would you?” Fukuzawa says.
Mori scoffs and leans down to press his lips against your cheek. “This isn’t over, darling.” He whispers and pushes you into Fukuzawa. “She’s mine. You know it and so does she.” Mori says and Fukuzawa holds you close. He doesn’t say anything and scoops you up and leaves with you.
“I’m so glad you were here, Yuki. I can’t believe he would do that.” You whisper and Fukuzawa smiles. “Me neither.” The wolf got his prey. And now, he can finally have some fun with his little deer.
The wolf will be unleashed soon.
“Wanted to make this NSFW but eh.”
🖤🤍Thanks for reading🤍🖤
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𝘾𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙨 -【Rodrick Heffley x F!Reader】- One-Shot
rating: pg
word count: 6.2k
summary: [y/n], daughter from a wealthy family from New York City, has been keeping her relationship with rodrick heffley a secret from her parents, though what happens if it’s brought up and her parents want to meet the secret boyfriend?
author’s note: here it is! hope you guys all enjoy it!! though i did want to let you know that i wrote this originally as a piece of work for my original character, which is why it is in third person! if you want to request anything feel free to!! once again, thank you for reading it!
keys: [y/nn] - your nickname
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“I didn’t mean to tell them, [Y/NN].” Caleb spoke in hushed tones, as he attempted to prevent any outburst that he doubted would come from his younger sister, but it was still something that he felt that needed to be stopped, “But I’m sure neither you or Rodrick would exactly be thrilled if you ended up going to homecoming with David or Chad, and you know how dad-.”
 “Listens to you, yes, I do know that, Caleb,” [Y/N] began, though her train of thought was shooting off in a million different directions, “And I do appreciate you trying to stick up for my happiness, but now we have to deal with what comes with doing that.”
 It did not take long for Caleb to know what [Y/N] meant, because their father did bring it up in the conversation that started this whole situation. 
 “Father and Mother want to meet him.”
 “And I don’t know if I can teach Rodrick to have the manners and social know-how that we and whoever Father believes would be more acceptable.”
 “Maybe it’s for the best that’s the case, [Y/NN],” Caleb pointed out, placing a gentle hand on his 
sister’s shoulder, “Give yourself the chance to step out of the spotlight for once, your happiness is what’s important.”
 [Y/N] merely just nodded, because she knew that the standards their father placed on both of them were vastly different. Caleb could afford some level of security in the notion of not being worried about what their father thinks, because he does not have to work so hard to make their father happy. 
 This was something the teenager always had to grapple with growing up. Eventually, coming to terms with since she was the youngest, her future compared to her older brother’s was uncertain, unclear, and too many factors were up in the air: where was she going to college? What would her major be? What would her future career be? What sort of family would she have? Who would she marry?
 Whereas Caleb had his future planned from the moment he was born: attend an ivy league for business then take over the family company, marry a family friend/one of the daughters of their father’s business associates or a family that would be useful to merge with and have a family. It was always clear and never questioned, even when they were kids. It took little effort on his part to make their father happy, because the expectations were clear as day and never took a moment of thought to figure out.
 It was her burden to bear, and never had the strength in her to expect anyone to understand the judging gaze always cast her way, as if waiting for her to mess up or make a mistake to remind her of her failures no matter how perfect she appeared to the public eye. To her own boyfriend, even.
 And part of her subconscious wished it would remain that way forever. But life has a funny way of working out in the end.
 Her parents at dinner the same night her and Caleb conferred, they brought up having this mystery boy their daughter had been seeing secret over for dinner so they could have a chance to finally meet. [Y/N] had little say in the matter and the Saturday before Homecoming was agreed upon.
 As soon as she returned to her bedroom for the night, [Y/N] knew she had to bring it up to Rodrick as soon as she could if they were to have any chance of staying together after that Saturday. The week they just about had was not going to be enough, but [Y/N] still felt she had to put the effort into trying to teach Rodrick at least table manners her parents would expect. But perhaps even that was pushing it.
“Your parents want to meet me?”
 “Well, they did say they want to meet you, but I don’t think it’s because they know it’s you, Rodrick.” 
 Perhaps on their near nightly phone call was not the ideal place to tell Rodrick about the dinner, but it was the first instance she could get it out without her anxiety getting the better of her about telling him in the first place. It saved her having to tell him in person and save herself from seeing how he reacted in real time. 
 “And dinner was the best place for that to happen?” Rodrick questioned after a brief moment of silence and a familiar squeak of some springs faintly resounded into the speaker on his end. He must have 
 “With my family, yes,” The blonde confirmed, “With all things considered, with the holidays too far away and Homecoming approaching sooner, and they specifically said they wanted to meet you before the dance, a dinner is the only way.” 
 “Okay…” Rodrick trailed off, going silent for a moment, “When is dinner anyway?”
 “Next Saturday,” [Y/N] replied, though quickly added before her boyfriend could speak, “We’re gonna have to have etiquette lessons, Rod, so I can teach you everything that you’re gonna need if you’re gonna make it through the night.”
 “What do you mean etiquette, babe?” 
 “Like how to sit at a table, which fork and spoon to use and when to use them, what you can and can’t say, that sort of stuff. The basics.” 
 “Do you think a week is enough time to teach me all that junk?”
 “Luckily for you, you have a great teacher and someone who has been taught this stuff her whole life, I think something will stick.”
 “Alright, whatever you say babe,”
 “I’ll even help you get ready,” [Y/N] promised, though had to amend it with, “I’ll try to, anyway, I'll at least come over to make sure you have an appropriate outfit because t-shirts won’t cut it.”
 There was a clear groan of annoyance on the other end of the line before the teenager spoke, “You know I hate wearing ties, [Y/N], and I’m already pushin’ wearing it for Homecoming and not to church.” 
 “I know, I know,” [Y/N] sighed as she brought a hand up to her face as she stood from her bed to start pacing her room, “But it’s just for one more night than normal, Rodrick, I promise.”
 “And what do I get in return, huh?”
 “A girlfriend?”
 “Okay, yeah, that’s a pretty solid deal.”
 “So lessons start tomorrow, okay?”
 “After the band practice,”
 “After the band practice then.” [Y/N] confirmed as she sat on her bed once more, “Good night, sweetheart.”
 “Night, babe.” 
Okay, so the lessons did not go great, but they went about as well as [Y/N] expected. Teaching Rodrick how to behave and act as closely to the way she and her brother had grown up being taught was like pulling teeth, and much like chemistry, it was looking like nothing was sticking. And if anything was sticking, it was gone by the next day and they had to start over.
Meaning, come that fateful Saturday, [Y/N] could only hope that her very quick rundown of the basics, the true basics of what Rodrick needed to know the night before when she went over the Heffley’s house the previous night to get possible outfit choices ready and wrinkle free knowing the state of his bedroom and how clothes could be just...existing on the floor and if it was a process for her to find clean t-shirts of his to steal, then she figured the dressier clothes he owned were living the same way.
“What’s troubling you, little bird?” Her mother asked her daughter, as she had noticed that [Y/N] had been a little distracted in chopping the vegetables up. Not only that, she had been on edge since had left her bedroom that morning.
 “I’m worried about dinner tonight, Mother,” [Y/N] answered, shaking her head a bit to refocus her attention on chopping the vegetables.
 “I’m sure your Father will be on his best behavior, there’s no reason to be worried.” Helena spoke softly, reassuring her daughter with the soothing tones and having set the spoon down beside the stove top to go over and gently brush [Y/N]’s hair back, “Everything will be fine, little bird.”
 As much as [Y/N] wanted to believe her mother was right, that things would be fine and everything would go smoothly,she also had to remind herself of her father’s constant attempts to control her life, and everything in her life. That included who she dates and there had been plenty of failed attempts in the past because of this meddling, and [Y/N], for once, just wanted to be free of the constant puppet strings attached to her that her father controlled. 
 “Father’s best behavior is turbulent, Mother, you know this,” [Y/N] pointed out with a sigh, “Rodrick isn’t exactly what Father believes to be best for me, and I’m afraid if Rodrick says one thing he doesn’t like, that's it, we’re through.” 
 “Your father’s opinion does not always matter, remember that his say is not final-”
 “It’s been final before.” [Y/N] interjected, “Remember he wouldn’t let me try out for the cheer team?”
 “He’s just looking out for what's best for you, that’s all.” 
 After that, the kitchen was silent save for the sounds of cooking, because once more [Y/N]’s anxiety took over and Helena simply did not know how to comfort her daughter anymore. It was easiest to just finish dinner and then go get ready for it, adn say nothing else on the matter for fear of making things worse.
 However, just as [Y/N] was finishing up getting ready when she heard the familiar sound of an engine rumbling up the driveway. And gazing out of one of her bedroom windows that overlooked the front of the house, she saw the familiar van park in front of the garage.
 So that is a good thing, Rodrick managed to remember to get there early as she insisted numerous times upon. Not that much earlier than the time she said dinner would start, but it was something, at least. 
 Next came the issue of watching Rodrick getting out of the van. While he did dress the part, the part was also distracting her that she kept her eyes trained on him before he disappeared under the roof that covered the front porch. It was indeed a rare instance for [Y/N] to see her boyfriend dressed up, considering she never exactly went with the Heffley family to church on Sundays. 
 So it was easy to understand as to why she had zoned out, nearly daydreaming and ogling over what she saw from a distance what her boyfriend was wearing. Though before she could fully dive into the daydream, the echoing sound of the ring of the doorbell echoed across the house and it was enough to snap [Y/N] out of her head and she was quick to stand from her vanity, hoping to make it to the front door before her parents or brother could open the door.
 However, her attempts were in vain because of the delay it took her to stand and began the mad dash to the front of the house and the size of the home itself, and by the time she had reached the top of the stairs, she saw her mother already at the front door and as [Y/N] made her descent down the staircase, she heard what was spoken.
 “Ah, so you must Rodrick,” Helena spoke, though [Y/N] could get a hint of confusion from the tone used, which [Y/N] assumed was because her mother had recognized Rodrick from the couple times she had seen him before when she first started to tutor the boy, but that was not brought up when Helen added, “Come in, come in.”
 “Uh, thank you, Mrs. Clemens.” [Y/N] heard Rodrick speak as she continued her descent down the staircase, smiling to herself because at least something else stuck: always use formalities, never call my parents by their actual names. 
 As soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs, she was met with a beat of silence and then Rodrick saying without much hesitation, “You look beautiful,” 
 A dust of pink appeared on her cheeks and she briefly looked towards her mother away from Rodrick, who looked between the teenagers before taking the steps towards the dining room, allowing the young couple a moment alone before the dinner began.
 “I have to admit, I know you hate getting all dressed up,” [Y/N] spoke as she neared Rodrick, reaching up to gently adjust the tie around his neck, “But I wouldn’t be opposed to you dressing up more often.”
 “There isn’t a chance of that happening, babe, you know that.” Rodrick pointed out, though a teasing smile graced his face, which [Y/N] mirrored.
 “A girl can dream, can’t she?” 
 Just as Rodrick was about to lean down to give [Y/N] a quick peck on the lips, he froze in his movements as he both heard a voice from down the hall echo around them and the fact he felt [Y/N] slightly tense up.
 “Ah, [Y/N], dinner is about to start, I expected you to be in the dining room already.”
 [Y/N] took a deep breath as she began to speak as she stepped to stand beside Rodrick instead, “Father, we were just heading there n-”
 “This must be the secret boyfriend, then, Rodrick, wasn’t it?” Charlie interrupted, which was something [Y/N] was used to by then, and held a hand out to Rodrick (another thing [Y/N] could see right through--the charm of a businessman), “Charles.”
 “Yeah, that’s me,” Rodrick said as he briefly glanced at his girlfriend to see what to do, before [Y/N] replied with a glance down to her father’s extended hand, which Rodrick took with a little too much fervor, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Clemens.”
 The energy behind Rodrick’s hand shake with her father was something that would not be much of an issue, but [Y/N] never had a how to shake a hand lesson herself, so it was overlooked when she was teaching her boyfriend what he would need to know. She was a girl, and the only thing she ever got on the subject matter was to be light and certain in the handshake, and that was all. So one look at her father’s face said all that she needed to know.
 It was already off to a bad start and they had not even sat down for dinner yet.
 Luckily her mother had called them into the dinning room before much more could already add to the poor outcome [Y/N] could start to sense coming already, no matter the words that echoed to counter the notion, hoping that things would look up from there forward.
 And for the first part of dinner, it was as her mind had hoped it would be, as everything went smoothly. Any questions her parents asked to Rodrick, it took a moment, but he was always to pull something out that also did not make him nor his family look bad. The looks shared between the Clemens siblings were a mix of relief and happiness as the dinner progressed, because the lessons and seemingly did in the end stick with Rodrick more than [Y/N] previously had suspected they did. 
 “So, what is it you want to do with your life after you finish up high school, Rodrick?”
 That was the question she was dreading, and one she was hoping for once her father would overlook and just accept that fact, move on that the future did not matter as much as the happiness of his children. 
 And the question must have also thrown Rodrick off for some reason, as he glanced once more at [Y/N] and in turn [Y/N] glanced at Caleb, a look of panic settling on her face.
 “I think the team has a good chance of winning the game next week.” Caleb brought up, “So Homecoming may be a celebration for that win, too.”
 “The football team has won every year the past several years, Caleb,” Charles pointed out, sighing as he set his fork down on the plate before him, “But that is not what we are talking about now, my boy.” 
 “The marching band is probably the best we’ve had in years, Father,” [Y/N] quickly added, clearly buying Rodrick enough time to try and find an answer to Charles’ question, “It’ll be worth going to the game for more than just the football team this year.”
 “[Y/N], I believed I asked Rodrick a question, so I would appreciate it if you would allow him to answer.” Charles said, his tone rising from calm coolness, to slight agitation as he took a deep breath to calm down once more, “Now, Rodrick, what do you want to do with your future?”
 “To be a musician.” 
 “Oh, a musician,” Helena tried to express some happiness in the discovery, “Are you in the school orchestra with [Y/N]?”
 “N-no, Mrs. Clemens,” Rodrick realized his mistake of bringing up the fact he wanted to be a musician, but at the same time, if he said he didn’t know, he was sure he and [Y/N] would be over then and there, “I’m in a band with some of my friends.”
 “What type of music do you play then?” Charles asked and [Y/N] and Caleb once more exchanged looks before [Y/N] looked to Rodrick once again. A look that said there was no point in lying about it now.
 “Heavy metal.”
 “Oh…” Charles began, glancing between [Y/N] and Rodrick, before his eyes landed once again on Rodrick, “That’s an interesting choice, have you not considered going to college or another career path?”
 “Charles,” Helena interjected, giving her husband a look from across the table, “Now is not the time.”
 “What?” Charles asked, clearly confused as to what his wife could mean, “What’s so wrong about getting to know the boy who my little princess is dating?”
 From there, Helena merely just shook her head and dinner continued in silence, The only sound was the clatter of utensils as they hit the plate. [Y/N] kept her gaze down at the plate in front of her, merely just pushing what food was left around on her plate. Though, at some point, under the table, she reached over to gently grab a hold of Rodrick’s hand. To which, Rodrick merely just briefly looked over to [Y/N] and the only thing he could really do in reaction to it, was to let go of the tension in his shoulders before attempting to finish the meal before him.
 As expected, her mother announced that she would go and get dessert not too long after, but it would be a few minutes to warm it up once again. So as [Y/N] stood to start clearing the table, her father also stood.
 “[Y/N], could I speak to you for a moment?” Was all he said before he started his way towards the office he had at home.
 [Y/N] knew what would come from this conversation, and she had to try to be strong this time. She knew that this conversation would be her dad trying to get [Y/N] to break things off with Rodrick--something she knew was going to happen as soon as her father brought up the question of what Rodrick wanted to do with the future. His dream was not to be anything her father expected the man [Y/N] to be with. And it was time for her to take her own life into her own hands after so long of being looked down upon and controlled by the plan her father had for her.
 “What is it you see in that boy, [Y/N]?” Charles questioned as soon as the door to the office was shut behind [Y/N].
 “I can assure you that Rodrick is someone with more than meets the eye, Father.” [Y/N] answered clearly as she rose to stand up a little straighter.
 “But you are aware that he is not ideal, don’t you?” Her father spoke as he folded his arms behind his back, taking the strides to stand in front of his daughter, “You should be with someone like Edward Vill or Chad Danford. Not someone who you met tutoring, and someone who believes his heavy metal band will take off.” 
 He waited a moment for [Y/N] to speak, but all she did instead was lower her head and folded her hands at her front, so Charles continued, “All you have to do is end things with Rodrick and your future already looks brighter, my princess.”
 “That’s your plan for my life, though,” [Y/N] pointed out, her tone quieter than she wanted it to come out, but she soon found her confidence once more as she added, “For once I want to do things my way, so with all due respect father, I don’t think I will break things off with Rodrick no matter what your standards are for me.”
 “The standards I hold for you are meant to ensure you have a future.” Charles began, using a variation of the same speech [Y/N] heard time and time again, “As you know, your brother will take over the company, so I just want to make sure your foundation is strong in whatever ways I can provide. You’re young, you know little of how the world works.”
 “Have you not realized that in trying to live up to your expectations, I’m putting my own happiness at stake?”
 “The real world knows nothing of individual happiness, [Y/N], success is the only thing that will cultivate any sense of the word.”
 “I’m doing my best as I am right now, and then some, trying to gain the success you wish from me,” [Y/N] finally lifted her gaze up, though the tears starting to well in her eyes as soon as she did, looking at the man she called father, but had not felt like one in years, “But even with all that I have accomplished and juggled since we moved, you still think I’m a failure, and nothing I ever do is right.”
 “There’s always more, you never have to stop working and aiming high.” Charles’s voice began to rise once again, “And being with that boy is going to prevent you from doing such.” 
 [Y/N] shook her head just as the tears started to fall from her eyes, “I’m done trying to be what you think I am, because I’ll never be good enough for you.”
 “Young lady, you listen-” Charles began, but [Y/N] was quick to interrupt for once.
 “No, I’m done listening and following whatever it is you say for me to do, I’m choosing my happiness for once, which means I am not breaking up with Rodrick just because you do not approve of him.”
 And while Charles attempted to persuade [Y/N] otherwise, he did try to get her to understand why he does what he does, but [Y/N] was not having it. And despite his efforts to also get her to stay, [Y/N] was quick to make her leave, knowing if she stayed any longer it would turn out uglier than it had already become. And they did not need that to happen.
 Instead, [Y/N] tried her best to compose herself, keep herself together, as she went back into the dining room to get Rodrick. She did not need her brother or her boyfriend doting on her immediately, and she had to stay strong as she left the family home because she could not afford any more signs of weakness. 
 Though the soft hand on Rodrick’s shoulder and her quiet yet slightly quivering voice as [Y/N] asked, “Can we leave now?” was all Rodrick needed to have to know things did not go well when she talked with her dad, but he didn’t know what was discussed. 
 “See you around, Caleb,” Rodrick said before he stood from the dining table and [Y/N] was quick to grab a hold of his hand to walk out of the house. 
 “Young lady, you stay in this house or you’ll be grounded for the rest of your life!” She heard her father call out as he was approaching the foyer, but Helena was quick to hold him back.
“Charles, let her go,” She tried to reason with her fuming husband, “You two need some space right now,”
 [Y/N] shot a quick apologetic look to her mother as she grabbed her purse hanging by the front door before opening the large wooden door and stepped outside.
 “Thanks for dinner, Mrs. Clemens, it was real good!” Rodrick felt like he needed to say something before he shut the door behind him, and that was what happened to come out. Perhaps it was nerves talking and not filtering his thoughts that were not filled with concern for his girlfriend. And when they cleared the steps of the front porch, the boy was quick to make the steps to walk side by side, gently squeezing [Y/N]’s hand as they got to the van.
 As soon as everything was unlocked, and both were in their respective spots, Rodrick turned the noisy van on, backed up, and began the drive down the long driveway and back onto the street. [Y/N], meanwhile, just leaned her head against the window, staring mindlessly out the side view mirror and watched as the house she had started to call home grew smaller and smaller as they moved away from it, and she could see two figures standing on the porch but soon as they turned the corner onto the street, they were out of sight. 
Rodrick did not know what [Y/N] wanted to do, and she had been silent since asking him to leave her house. So he assumed it best to play it safe and drive around town as she calmed down enough to tell him what she wanted to do, or at least, he felt like she could answer when asked what she wanted to do. He knew by then to not push [Y/N], let her do things at her own time, because of his experience during finals last year and how she got so stressed out she shut down for a few hours. 
 Though after an hour of driving, from the corner of his eye, Rodrick could see that [Y/N] made an effort to lift her head off of the window and that was the sign that she was calming down and he made the choice to ask a question.
 “Wanna hit up the convenience store since we bailed on dessert?”
 There was a moment of silence, then two, then three, before Rodrick heard the defeated voice of his girlfriend come from her mouth, “Yeah, I’d like that.”
 And with that guidance and direction on what to do next, Rodrick complied and drove to the nearest convenience store. 
 The next thirty minutes or so of the evening for the young couple were spent attempting to rid themselves of the pain and sorrow of the evening that had happened earlier. Trying to be young once more without any burdens or cares. And with this attempt to change how the night progressed, came the night chill and while Rodrick was fine, [Y/N] was not. Luckily, or unluckily, Rodrick had left one of his sweatshirts in the back of the van--which was the unlucky part, because it was found in the back of the van and who knows when it was last washed. But it was better than nothing, so [Y/N] accepted it and was grateful it at least smelled of him--the cologne he started to wear more frequently, that is. Once inside the shop, they moved through the snack and candy aisles with careful thought and consideration of what they wanted, with [Y/N] clinging onto Rodrick’s arm, her head resting upon his upper arm as they moved through the aisles and made their decisions of what felt appropriate for the evening--for Rodrick, a bag of chips and for [Y/N] a bag of sour gummy candy, as well as a bag of chocolate to share between them, and went to check out. 
 They chose to just sit and eat in the back of the van, still parked in the parking lot of the convenience store, as it was easier than finding somewhere else to go. They also sat in considerable silence once again, the only sounds this time were the bags crinkling and the sound of the crunch of the chip whenever Rodrick ate one, side by side as close as they could be and eat with ease at the same time. 
 “I’m tired of trying to be good enough,” [Y/N] suddenly spoke, breaking the silence that fell over them once she had decided she had finished with her candy for now. 
 Rodrick, who had been in the middle of eating a chip when [Y/N] decided to speak up, was grateful that he had something in his mouth as it allowed him the time to process what his girlfriend just said and figure out what he was going to say in return. In the meantime, he set aside his bag of chips and shifted enough to reach out and grab a hold of [Y/N]’s hand.
 “I’m tired of tryin’, too,” Was what he apparently settled with, having never exactly been good at the whole comforting thing, “So we can be tired of it together.”
 There was no verbal response from [Y/N], but she responded to this statement by gently rolling her head onto his shoulder, her other hand also came up to start playing with his fingers after setting the bag of candy down. So Rodrick took this that she was listening to what he was saying, but wasn’t sure in what way.
 “Buuuut, one of the smartest girls I know taught me once that having two negatives together ends up canceling out the other, so we can just be tired together, instead.”
 With this addition, a breathy laugh was heard in his ears and a proud little half smile appeared on his face as he heard her voice once again not being plagued by anxiety, but simply by sleepiness.
 “I don’t think you understood that full lesson, sweetheart, remember how you almost flopped that test because you didn’t?”
 With her statement being made, Rodrick’s smile grew into a full one before he tilted his head to place a gentle but loving kiss to the top of her head, before he murmured against her hair, “But I would have totally failed without you, babe.”
 “We can just be tired together, Rodrick,” [Y/N] confirmed after a moment of quiet enjoyment of the moment, “And deal with all the teenage bullshit together.”
“Wow, did you just swear, babe?” Rodrick said in joking disbelief as he leaned away to look at [Y/N] head on.
 “It’s been a long night, sweetheart.”
 “My place?”
 “I don’t think either of our parents would appreciate us sleeping in the back of your van, so yes, your place.”
“Where have you two been?” Was what they were greeted with as soon as they arrived at the Heffley family home, “We’ve been worried sick!”
 “Sorry, mom,” Rodrick began, stepping in front of [Y/N] as he added, “We just went on a drive and stopped to get snacks, that’s all.”
 “Your mother called, [Y/N], and she was worried when I said you weren’t here, but I’ll go call her to come get you, okay?”
 “N-no,” [Y/N] began, the stammer in her voice stopped Susan from going to the phone in the living room, and Frank just looked at her confused, “I, uh, don’t want to go back home tonight, can I please stay?”
 “What happened at the dinner that made you not want to go home?” Frank questioned.
 “Just some family stuff,” [Y/N] covered easily, though she took a step to stand closer to Rodrick as she continued, “...Didn’t leave on the best of terms.” 
 “Oh, then of course you can stay, and we can figure this all out tomorrow, but I am going to call your mom back and let her know you’re safe, okay?” Susan said with a gentle smile and [Y/N] reciprocated the smile with a quiet, thank you, before Mrs. Heffley added, “You can sleep on the couch, after I make the call I’ll go get you a blanket,”
 “Can she actually sleep in my room?” Rodrick brought up, his tone rushed, to which both his parents gave him a stern look but before his mom could even get the answer of no out, he added, “I don’t want her to be alone after what happened, is all.”
 Susan and Frank gave each other a look, before they looked at Rodrick and [Y/N], and they caught the young couple glancing at each other and they saw the softest expression on Rodrick’s face they have ever seen on their son and once more looked back at each other.
 “On an air mattress.” Frank said, pointing a finger at the both of them, to which the pair nodded before Mr. Heffley turned to go get the air mattress from the basement. 
So [Y/N] never ended up sleeping on the air mattress. 
 She started out there, trying to do right by Rodrick’s parents since they allowed her to sleep in their son’s bedroom, which she could not be in past 8:30 on a school night usually. But sleeping in some of Rodrick’s clothes and with him only feet away, she was crawling in right beside him not even five minutes in of trying to fall asleep.
 When she awoke the next morning, [Y/N] felt a weight on her chest, and not the emotional kind. No, it was almost the entire dead weight of her sound asleep boyfriend sleeping over top of her, his head resting on her shoulder, his wild bed hair tickling her neck. She did not move him off or attempt anything, instead choosing to bask in this moment they rarely got to have and enjoy a quiet Rodrick for once, a version of him totally at peace. Gently, she started to run her fingers along his back through the t-shirt he was wearing, before the fingers of her other hand started to gently card through his hair, which only settled the sleeping teenager deeper into her.
 When he settled a little deeper into rest, this was when she had a slight struggle with breathing, and [Y/N] knew that she had to do what was usually impossible: waking Rodrick up.
 But luckily for her, she knew a solid weak point that often got him up if he ended up falling asleep before one of their tutoring sessions: tickling his sides.
 The action did not shoot him straight awake, but it was enough to shock his brain into making him open his eyes, and groggily lift his head up. 
 At first, it was clear he was about to settle back into the sleep he just awoke from, but before his eyes fully shut, they opened once more as he processed he was not laying on his mattress, but instead his girlfriend and the sleepy grin that appeared as he lifted his head once more and gazed down at her with half-lidded eyes was a sight [Y/N] would never get used to no matter how much she saw it. 
 “Good mornin’ babe…” Rodrick mumbled as he began to lean down to give her a good morning kiss too, before he was promptly pushed away with a gentle hand.
 “Your morning breath is atrocious, sweetheart,” [Y/N] pointed out with a quiet laugh, “It could kill.”
 “C’mon, you know I would never kill you, babe.” Rodrick pouted, “Now c’mon and give me a good morning kiss.”
 Rodrick instead kissed all over her face as [Y/N] kept moving her head to avoid Rodrick meeting her lips, but their playfulness was cut short as they heard Susan’s voice from down the staircase calling up to them: 
 “Rodrick! [Y/N]! It’s time for breakfast!” 
 And fearing that Susan would come in to check on things, the pair moved--Rodrick faster than he ever had in the morning--to get [Y/N] into the air mattress. It was a bit of a scramble and [Y/N] nearly tripped getting off the twin bed, but she had slipped under the throw blanket on the air mattress just as Susan began her descent up the staircase, and the teenagers pretended to be asleep.
 Until they heard the sigh and Susan making her way back down the stairs, their eyes were shut but the moment she heard his mother’s voice away from the attic door, [Y/N] quietly slipped off the air mattress and made her way back to Rodrick’s bed, where she leaned down to give his a soft kiss on the lips.
 “We should probably go down stairs soon, sweetheart.”
 Rodrick opened his eyes at the feeling and smiled up at [Y/N], who smiled down at him in return. 
 “I hate it when you’re right, babe.”
 It was this moment they both realized something very important, very pivotal.
 They both loved the other, and it was a somewhat scary yet exciting thought.
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celestialrry · 3 years
I wish you would write a fic where...
the main character is the daughter of a really important producer harry is working with and he has a major crush on her but 1) he doesn’t want her dad to feel like he’s taking advantage of her 2) she has a rule of not dating musicians
too young
HIIII GUYS..... i started school again and honestly for the longest time i've had no inspiration to write but then i got this ask!!! (thank you for your patience anon ily) and was like i love this prompt but then i wrote the first part and had no idea how to continue it,,, but I finally finished it!! ε(♡'-')з (this is me giving you all my love and affection for sticking with me) 
warnings: alcohol consumption
Harry was in a dilemma.
Usually, he could sweep all his issues under the rug, save them for another day, but this one... he couldn't do that. Not because he didn't want to, but because this problem was more than just a dust bunny on his hardwood floor.
Y/N was the problem.
Or to be more precise, his feelings for Y/N were the problem.
Harry had confidence when it came to his crushes. He was smooth, flirty, and snagged almost every single person he's caught feelings for.
But not Y/N.
No, she was almost unreachable, for quite a few reasons.
One, the only reason he knew her, met her, was through a producer he had been working with the past few months. Arlo was massive in the industry and Harry was flattered when Arlo approached him with interest in collaborating. And only a month into working together, he met Y/N.
Harry's head snapped towards the door that had just burst open, a girl barging into the studio that he had never seen before. She was gorgeous, he had to admit, but he couldn't ignore her blatant disrespect for coming in and making a scene while he, Arlo, and a few of his bandmates were working annoyed him to no end.
"Dad! Oh my god, you will not believe what just happened, I was on my way over here and I fucking bumped into Zach," The girl began ranting, approaching Arlo and huffing as she stood next to Arlo's chair. "Of all fucking people I could see just walking down the street, it had to be him. The world is against me today I swear. Anyways, I brought that drum pad you wanted."
She dug into her big brown bag that was slung over her shoulder and pulled out the music board, placing it on the table in front of Arlo.
"Where'd you see him, Y/N? We're about to go on break and I can leave and go kick his ass in," Arlo checked his watch. "7 minutes."
Y/N, Harry now knew her as, sighed and crossed her arms. "He's long gone by now, think he shit his pants when he saw me walking near him."
"Atta girl, thanks for bringing my board too," Arlo smiled up at her from his chair. He then turned to see Harry, and Mitch staring at the two of them. "Oh sorry guys, this is my daughter, Y/N. Y/N, this is Harry and Mitch."
She turned to look at them and smiled wide. "Nice to meet you!"
"You too." They both said in unison, looking at each other with a smile, before focusing back on Y/N.
"We'll be done soon, if you wanna go out and get lunch." Arlo said, turning back to his daughter.
"Sounds good, just text me," Y/N replied, giving him a smile before turning back to the boys. "Nice meeting you guys, again."
And before they could even respond she was gone.
Two, Y/N was younger than him. 6 years younger to be exact. It didn't seem like much, but when put into perspective, she was 21, only just being legally allowed to drink in the States, and Harry was 27. Practically 30, if you ask him, and he was positive Arlo would have his head if he found out Harry liked his daughter. 
And three, she doesn't date the people her dad works with. 
He had found this out one night when he, Arlo, Y/N, Mitch, and a couple other writers were hanging out at the studio, drinking some wine (she had even exclaimed that this would be her first time drinking red, and Harry was yet again reminded of her age) and chatting after a long day of working. 
Harry and Mitch were laughing with Arlo about the first time they met Y/N, and her comments about this “Zach” guy. 
“He’s my ex, and had worked with my dad on one shitty song that never got far because he’s just so-- music is just not his thing, to put it nicely. But he was an absolute asshole and after him I made rule to never date anyone Dad works with. It would just go terribly.” She explained, letting Arlo take a few more jabs at the guy before stopping him.
So yeah, Harry was in a dilemma. 
In all the time he’d known Y/N, he just kept falling for her. She was kind, funny, beautiful, lit up any room she walked into, and treated Harry like fine porcelain. 
She was just fucking perfect. 
Y/N had probably been in a lot of worse positions than the predicament she was in now.
For example, that time her dad walked in on her and her ex making out in the studio, or her 21st birthday when she got completely wasted and almost got into the wrong car instead of her uber, and the next day found out that the man driving that car was actually a convicted criminal.
So there’s worse things that could happen than her liking Harry.
But it doesn't mean it wasn’t bad.
The thing is, Y/N didn’t fall for anyone easily. Her one and only ex Zach treated her like a queen until he could officially claim her as his. The flowers he gave her before every date remained at the shop and the consistent compliments turned into insults and muttered claims of discontentment. 
Hence why he was her ex. It took Y/N quite a long time to work up the courage to end things with him. He was her first kiss, first time, and first boyfriend. She was yet to find her first love, she never really loved Zach. The way he used to treat her in the beginning, she thinks she loved, but him? No, she would never call him her first love. 
So when Y/N’s time crush on Harry began to develop into real feelings in such a short span of time, it terrified her. She had really never felt this way about someone before; butterflies would erupt in her stomach every time he shot her a smile and her mind would erupt into pure chaos when his body brushed up against her own. 
So yeah, it could be worse, but it certainly wasn't good.
Y/N enjoyed spending time at the studio with her dad, and surprisingly, spending time with her dad’s “co-workers”. Even though she didn't usually hang out with the pop stars and spent time mostly with the backing band/producers (they were usually 50 year old men, but they were pretty nice) she enjoyed herself fully, having lunch breaks and talking about where their children when to school and whatnot. 
Sometimes though, every blue moon, Y/N would hang out with a super star her dad was working with. Usually when most stars are at the studio all they did was record, which was understandable, but she never had the chance to meet a lot of them.
With Harry though, everything was different. It wasn’t just lunches at the studio, or dinner at someone’s house, no, tonight they were going out to a bar. 
It was completely unexpected too, they had just wrapped up a song, and Harry, being in a particularly good mood had yelled out about going to a bar to celebrate. Of course, Y/N ignored his shout, knowing she wasn’t invited, and after Arlo had said something about “not being able to party as much as I used to”, she gave her dad a hug good night and waved a little goodbye to the band. 
“Wait!” Harry had exclaimed, chasing after her in the hallway. “Where are y’going?”
Y/N’s eyes widened and she looked behind her before looking back at Harry. “I was just gonna head back home.”
Harry’s head tilted, and looked at her questionably. “Y’not comin’ to the bar with us?” He practically pouted.
Her brows shot up in surprise. “Oh! I- yeah I’ll go out with you guys.”
Which lead her here, decently tipsy, and sitting in a booth between Harry and Sarah, laughing at a story Adam had been telling. Every now and then she would glance over to Harry just to find his gaze already on her.
Her heart fluttered every time, and if Harry’s cheeks weren’t already flushed from the alcohol, Y/N would have noticed him blush every time they locked eyes as well. 
“M’gonna get another drink, does anyone want anything?” Y/N piped up, a resounding chorus of “no, thank you’s” answering her question. Except for Harry who spoke softly, “A beer? Go ahead and put it on my tab.”
She shook her head at him as he stood up to let her out of the maroon leather booth. “Can’t make you pay for that, I offered.” She said, standing to lock eyes with him yet again. 
“Nope,” He grinned. “You can, and you will.”
“No buts.” He chuckled, giving her a dimpled smile.
Accepting her defeat she nodded and squeezed his arm with a murmured “Thank you.” before making her way to the bar.
Harry sat back down again, eyes trailing her figure as she walked away before looking back at the table to be met with knowing eyes. 
“What is it?” He asked, glancing around at everyone.
“You’re whipped, mate.” Charlotte grinned, everyone else nodding in agreement.
“What?! I am not.” Harry pouted, eyes flicking over to Y/N, who was making her way to the table, one drink in each hand, before back to everyone else. 
“She’s really sweet H, you should go for it.” Mitch said.
Harry shook his head, eyes now on Mitch. “I’m not interested in her like that, she’s way too young for me, anyways.”
Just then did he hear the soft hit of his beer and her cosmo land on the table. His gaze trailed up her hands to see Y/N’s shattered face. “Here.” She practically whispered to him.
“I just remembered I have an early class tomorrow, so I should go, but thank you guys for inviting me out.” Y/N explained in lighting speed as she leaned over Harry to grab her purse and toss is over her shoulder. 
Words of confusion were tossed around the table but she was already booking it out of there, leaving Harry just as devastated as she was.
“I think she heard you, H.” Sarah said, frowning. 
Harry let out a muttered “Fuck!” before taking out large bills from his wallet and tossing it on the table. “For my tab, m’sorry, I gotta go.” And he left just as fast as Y/N did, weaving through the tables and people before bursting out the door to see her standing on the street, arm wrapped around her waist and another holding her phone.
Her head whipped around to see Harry bustling towards her and she quickly wiped her eye as he approached.
“Wait, don't go,” He said, struggling to find the words. “We all want you to stay, I want you to stay.”
“I have to get to class Harry, plus, I’m too young to be staying out this late anyways.” She grimaced at her own words. 
He sighed, eyes flickering from her own to her lips then back again. “I-fuck, you know I didn’t mean it like that.”
This time, she fully turned to face him, brows knitted in distress. “Then how did you mean it? Because honestly I don’t think there is another way to mean it.”
This was his only chance, Harry knew it. 
“I just, I tried for so long to tell myself it was wrong to feel this way about you because you’re so much younger than me, and m’pretty sure your father would have my head if he knew but m’fucking infatuated with you, Y/N. M’so sorry I said that earlier, age is my only excuse for not asking you out and it’s not a good enough excuse anymore.”
With this her mouth was gaped like a fish, and her face was akin to a deer caught in headlights. In a flash her arms were wrapped around his neck and he was holding her waist, reveling in her touch. 
“Oh, Harry,” She pulled away. “I really like you too.” And with that she pressed a swift kiss to his cheek, leaving him a blushing mess. 
“Good, thats... thats good.” He stammered.
“So,” she nudged his arm. “Y’gonna ask me out now?”
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
In Case You Don’t Live Forever
~chapter two rewritten~
Pairing: Peter Parker x Venom!Reader
Synopsis: you are Peters greatest love and Spider-Man’s greatest enemy
Masterlist and Series Masterlist
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Moving and finding an apartment can be an incredibly long and stressful process. Unless you’re you, and life likes to throw a lot of curve balls at you for the utter hell of it.
Your dad dropped dead three weeks after you told Andy you were moving to New York. Coincidentally, right in the middle of you trying to find a place to live. He drank himself to death. Figures. You doubted you’d ever had a conversation with him that he was sober enough to remember. His untimely demise was unfortunate for him, because he died or whatever, but very fortunate for you. As his only child, you got his apartment in Queens and all his smelly hoodies.
You said your goodbyes to Andy and Dani after a night out in the streets of San Francisco. You had originally moved there after high school to start your show, The L/n Report. San Francisco was known for its crimes against the homeless population and you wanted to start with a story on that. You ended up interviewing Andy at the police station while investigating a missing person, and dated him for two years. Now, you were spending your last few hours in San Francisco with the very boy you once loved and the very girl he now did.
“Are you all packed?” Dani asked you, snapping you out of your thoughts.
“Pretty much. I gotta put my toothbrush and hairbrush in my suitcase in the morning. Other than that, I’m good to go.” You answered her. She smiled fondly at you as she linked her arm through yours.
“Hey, I’m really gonna miss you. More than that guy over there.” You whispered, nodding towards Andy, who had his head buried in his phone. Dani laughed and nodded in agreement as you continued to walk.
“I’m going to miss you too. You’re my best friend here.” She sighed sadly.
“I’m glad we’re friends. Most women in our position would hate each other.” You thought out loud.
“Uh uh. You’re thinking of women in films. It’s 2021, baby. Women support women. You and I are two talented, smart, beautiful women who would never be caught fighting over some boy. Especially not one who can’t take his eyes off his phone for two seconds.” Dani said loudly and smacked Andy’s arm. You laughed at the domestic moment but couldn’t help feeling a pain in your heart knowing he used to be that way with you.
“What, sorry?” Andy looked up. You and Dani looked at him before looking at each other and laughing.
“What’s funny?” He asked, growing annoyed.
“We’re laughing at you babe. Put your phone away. It’s Y/N’s last night here.” Dani scolded playfully. Andy sighed and reluctantly put his phone in his pocket.
“Right, sorry. And it’s not her last night here. She’s coming back. You are coming back, right?” He asked you. You nodded, though you weren’t entirely sure.
“Of course I’ll be back.” You shrugged. “I just want to experience something new for a while. I’ve done a million pieces on homelessness and poverty. I want to see what fresh stories New York has to offer.”
“You’re quoting the Daily Bugle, aren’t you?” Dani teased you.
“That is verbatim what they said to me.” You admitted with a laugh. “But hey, it worked. As of tomorrow, I’m the Daily Bugle’s newest investigative reporter.”
“Who are you reporting on anyway?” Andy showed a rare interest in your work.
“Some guy named Cletus Kasady.” You answered. “He’s some hot shot serial killer down in Queens. No one knows how he’s hiding his victims bodies. Apparently none have ever been close to being found.”
“And they want you to write the story on him?” Andy raised an eyebrow, always with the condescending tone.
“Well they heard about the whole Carlton Drake situation and decided I hadn’t been through enough trauma in my career.” You replied, earning a laugh from Dani but not Andy. You and Andy had already broken up by the time Carlton Drake contracted a symbiote and tried to kill you and Venom. You stopped him before he could hurt anyone and wrote a career defining article on his lethal human experiments. You managed to leave out all information regarding symbiotes from the article, so your secret was still safe. You were a fairly well known reporter since the incident and your next job was waiting for you in New York.
In the morning, You and Venom got on a plane and made your way to New York. Being on a plane with Venom turned out to be the equivalent to traveling with a toddler. You tried to sleep, but every two seconds you had to stop Venom from getting into trouble. She kept trying to open the window, even after you explained to her that everyone on the plane would die horrible death if the window were to open.
“Stop that.” You whispered when you noticed a black tendril creeping towards the window. The lady in the seat next to you shot me a look of confusion. You gave her a fake smile and turned back to the window, doing your best to conceal the small black tendril that was coming out of your body and fidgeting with the airplane window.
“We want it open.” Venom replied telepathically.
“Do you also want us to blow out of the plane and into space?” You said through my teeth.
“We didn’t anticipate that but it’d be appreciated.” Venom answered, making you groan. The rest of the plane ride followed in similar fashion.
Seven hours later, you arrived at the apartment building. You had never been to your dads apartment, you didn’t even know he had one. You wondered what happened to your childhood home as you looked around the place. The apartment wasn’t too small but not too big either. The rent was practically nothing compared to how expensive San Francisco was, and The Daily Bugle offered to cover your expenses until the story was done. You figured after some redecorating and moving in, it would make a fine new home.
The first seven days in the apartment went by smoothly. You unpacked, with little to no help from Venom, and set up the furniture. On the eight day, you sat on the couch, aimlessly flipping through channels in the TV when you had a thought.
“Oh shit.” You said out loud.
“What?” Venom, who was curly nestled around your neck like a neck pillow, asked.
“I forgot mail exists.” You frowned. “We better go check the mailbox before it overflows.”
You and Venom grudgingly walked to the mailboxes and back again. No one was around, so she manifested herself and rested on your shoulder as I looked through the mail.
“Oops. I grabbed someone else’s mail too.” You clicked your tongue when you read a strangers name off the envelope. “I gotta find them.”
“Let’s go.” Venom said and pulled you towards the front door.
“Sorry, babe. This is a me thing, not a we thing. You know I love you but I don’t want to scare our neighbors. Not yet anyway.” You reasoned. Venom grumbled and went back inside your body.
You checked the address of the envelope and discovered that it belonged to the apartment directly across from you.
You knocked on the door and patiently waited for someone to open it as you mindlessly cracked your knuckles. Just as you were about to walk away, the door opened.
“Hi, are you May Parker?” You asked right away. You looked up from the envelope and your face instantly flushed. The person staring back at you definitely wasn’t May Parker. It was a boy around your age, maybe a little younger. He had soft brown eyes and wavy brown hair. It was gelled back loosely and you could see the outline of soft curls. To your surprise, he was just as flushed as you were. You stared at each other for a moment, no one wanting to be the first to blink.
“Yea. I’m May Parker.” The boy said finally. He shut his eyes in embarrassment and shook his head.
“I mean, no I’m not. But that’s my Aunt. May is my Aunt but I’m not May. That’s my Aunt May. I’m her nephew…obviously. Aunt May is my Aunt May. I…what?” He stumbled over his words and somehow turned even redder. His blush reached all the way down his neck, to his blue jumper that read “Midtown Tech” in yellow letters. You recognized the name of one of the most prestigious high schools in New York, already impressed with your new neighbor.
“Well hello, not May Parker. I’m also not May Parker. But I seemed to forget that when I grabbed your mail this morning. Sorry about that.” You said sheepishly as you handed his mail to him. The boy rubbed the back of his neck as he looked at it and attempted to redeem himself.
“It’s not problem. She and I always forget to check the mail so you actually helped us, um, whoever you are.” He smiled weakly. His voice was cute. He had that Queens accent that the people of San Francisco lacked, for obvious reasons.
“Oh, right.” You laughed in embarrassment. “I’m Y/N L/N. I just moved here from San Francisco. I live across the hall.”
You pointed to the door behind you as if he didn’t know what “across the hall” meant. You didn’t know what was wrong with you. You were never this awkward.
His eyes lit up a bit once you told him where you lived.
“Really? I thought that smelly guy lived there.” The boy said and you stifled a laugh.
“That smelly guy was my father. He died a little while ago so I live there now.” You told him, malign the boys eyes widen. They were so brown. Like little pools of honey. Or little pools of the Hudson River. You had seen a million pairs of brown eyes before, but none like his. They were quite distracting to be honest.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry! I had. I had no idea-“ he began to frantically apologize but you cut him off.
“Don’t worry about it. We never got along. And you’re right, that man stank.” You chuckled. It was the first thing you said that felt like your old self. You hadn’t really talked to anyone since moving to New York, with the exception of Venom and the occasional phone call from Andy or Dani. You liked talking to this boy, though you still had no idea who he was.
“Oh thank God. I thought I screwed this up before it even went anywhere.” He immediately turned red when he heard his own words. You saw the regret in his eyes and decided to throw him a bone.
“Well it certainly can’t go anywhere until you tell me your name.” You flirted. Again, he relaxed. You felt a surge of confidence knowing he wanted this to go well.
“Parker. I’m Parker Peter. I mean, Peter Parker.” He fumbled over his words again, making you smile fondly.
“We like him. He’s cute.” Venom said telepathically. You looked down at my shoes and blushed, knowing you liked him too.
“And he looks delicious.” She added, ruining the moment.
“It’s nice to meet you Peter Parker.” You gave him your best smile. “I’m glad there’s someone my age around here. Everyone I’ve met so far is either an old bitty or a creepy uncle type.” You regretted it as soon as it left your mouth. You didn’t know what his sense of humor was like and he might not find you the slightest but funny. Andy always told you you were bad at telling jokes, and you feared he might be right.
Lucky for you, Peter burst out laughing.
“Ah. I’ve seen you’ve met Henry.” Peter pointed a finger down the hall. “Yeah, I’d stay away from him. He asked me if he could have pictures of my feet once. He said he’d “pay me handsomely” for it too.”
“Damn. So he beat me to asking you.” You pretended to be upset, which made Peter laugh again. The sound of his laugh made your heart pick up speed. You weren’t used to feeling like this. Boys rarely impressed you, Andy was just lucky you liked a man in uniform.
“Yeah. You better stay away from him.” Peter advised.
“It might be hard.” You clicked your tongue. “Our mailboxes are pretty close. I’ll make a mental note to never check my mail while wearing flip flops, though.”
Peter smiled at your joke. He had the kind of smile that you would make the person laugh just to see it again. It was brilliant.
“Well my mailbox should be directly above yours. So don’t worry, I’ll protect you.” He grinned, and you grinned back.
“My hero.” You gushed as you put your hands over your heart. The tips of his ears went pink, like he was shocked that you said that.
“I’m no hero.” He sounded almost panicked, like you touched a nerve or something.
“We’re hungry. We need to eat.” Venom interrupted abruptly, causing you to jump. Since Peter couldn’t hear her, he looked at you strangely, not knowing the cause of your sudden jolt.
“Sorry, I uh, I thought I saw a spider.” You lied.
“If there was a spider, we’d eat it. We need food. Now.” Venom demanded.
Peter looked up at his doorframe for the imaginary spider.
“Yeah, New York is full of them.” Peter said skeptically. “Not that full, though. And some spiders are nice. One might even call them friendly.”
“Right.” You laughed at his strange wording, unaware that you were both keeping a secret.
“Would…” Peter began but trailed off, seemingly mulling something over in his head. “Would you like to eat dinner with my Aunt and I? I remember when we first moved in, it took us a while to get into the swing of things and make dinner every night. If you like, you could join us. And, you know, we could get to know each other.” He offered. It all came out in one breath. You could tell he was nervous and that only drew you in more.
“I’d love to Peter.” You said, and he smiled in relief.
“Great.” He gave an awkward thumbs up. “We usually eat around six so maybe come around then? She’ll be so happy to meet you. She loves cooking and she always tries to get me to learn but I once burnt cereal and I still don’t know how.” Peter began to ramble. He cut himself off and shook his head again. “Sorry. I’m rambling.”
Then, you did something stupid. You put your hand on his arm like the dumb bitch you were. You barely knew this guy. Who the hell were you to touch him? He must’ve been thinking the same thing, since he instantly froze under your touch and stared at your hand on his arm.
“Don’t apologize. I can’t cook either. Unless you count making tater tots as cooking. Then I’m Gordon Ramsey.” You assured him, feeling him relax under your touch.
“You’re just gonna mention tater tots without warning us first? Our mouth is watering. Can we eat Peter?” Venom asked, making your eyes widen.
If it was socially acceptable to scream at your symbiote in public, you would’ve yelled “NO, WE CANNOT EAT PETER” from the top of your lungs. But since you didn’t want to scare Peter and the rest of the neighbors away, you merely smiled and made another mental note to smack the shit out of Venom later.
“I love that man. “Where is the lamb sauce?” Peter mimicked in a bad British accent. He had no right being as charming as he was.
“No no no.” You shook your head. “His best line is “I’ll get you more pumpkin and I’ll ram it right up your ass. Would you like it whole or diced?”. He’s said some pretty wild things but that one makes me cry.”
Peters laugh rang through the halls. To be the cause of that laugh was a feeling like no other. You stood there for a while, just looking at each other. His eyes grazed down your body, but not in a crude way. You berated yourself for not dressing better when going to meet the neighbors, clad in nothing but a grey hoodie and some leggings. Peter looked cute, but you had a feeling he always did. His jumper was pretty baggy and you could see a collared shirt poking out the top. He was dressed almost professionally and you found it incredibly endearing.
You wanted to know more about him. You wanted to know his secrets and his hobbies and what makes him itch. You wanted to see if he dresses this way on weekends too or what his summer clothes looked like. Your gawking was interrupted by Peters phone ringing. He broke out of his trance and answered it quickly.
“Hi, Mr. S. No I’m not busy. I mean, I’m super busy but I can totally make time for you. Yea, Happy talked to me. Okay. Okay. Where? Okay. See you in a bit.” Peter hung up and looked at you apologetically.
“That was my job. I have to run but I’ll be back in time for our dinner. I live at…you know where I live. I’ll see you then. Don’t be late.” Peter called as he ran down the hallway, towards the elevator.
“I won’t. See you later.” You called back.
You went back to your apartment and like a kid, broke out into a happy dance.
“Venom!! Did you see how cute he was?” You gushed. “And how funny he is? I have to get ready for tonight.”
Venom manifested and swirled around my arm.
“Someone has a crush.” Venom smirked. Well, as much of a smirk as she could muster with that huge mouth of hers.
“I don’t have a crush. I just think he’s cute okay?” You replied coyly. “Cute. And funny and sweet and charming and amazing. But that’s it.”
“We can feel your heart beat.” Venom reminded you. “It was going ten miles an hour. What would Andy say?”
You had been rummaging through your closet and stopped in your tracks. With Peters new inhabitance in your mind, you had forgotten all about Andy. You moved to New York to avoid his wedding and his moving on, and you might’ve succeeded.
“I don’t care what he’d say.” You decided. “He’s not my boyfriend.”
“But we want him to be.” Venom insisted. “We want him back, remember?”
“I don’t know what I want.” You answered honestly. “I just want to get ready for tonight.”
“Why are you getting ready now? You have 5 hours until you have to be there and it’s right across the hall.” Venom teased.
“Only 5 hours?” You sighed. “We better get moving.”
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the-mad-starker · 3 years
Starker Smut: A Little Stress Relief
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Having a rough morning so here I am, posting this fic I wrote for @itfeelssogoodmrstark ages ago for a boost in happy feels. Based off a discord convo over me yelling about bottom Tony due to the above pic 😱 also felt like a good time for some bottom tony posting 🎉
Notes: daddy kink, lingerie, plugs, oral sex, bottom Tony
WC: 4541
(Ao3 link)
Peter made his way back to his apartment with his laptop tucked under his arm. His last final was tomorrow afternoon and after spending most of the morning swimming in equations and theories, he was ready to call it quits for the day.
He was as prepared as he was going to be.
An incoming text diverted his attention and even though he felt exhausted, Peter paused just outside his door. By the tone alone, he knew who it was and the thought of talking to Tony energized him. He opened up the message right then and there, too impatient to take the time to go inside.
Still studying?
One handed, Peter replied.
Just finished. Can't wait to fly home.
Home… They had spent days looking for this perfectly good apartment when Peter finally settled on the tough decision to go to college out of state. It was in the best location, only a few minutes away from the campus and within easy reach of fast food places that were perfect for college students.
It still wasn't home, not when home was a pair of warm brown eyes with just the slightest creases in the corners. A touch of silver in otherwise dark hair. Comforting arms that were always ready to hold him. And a body that was just as receptive despite their age difference, Peter being an overly hormonal young adult and Tony, a more experienced but settled lover.
Home was a person and for Peter, that person was Tony. But he still had an exam to do and a bed waiting for him to pass out in before he could fly back.
He fumbled with his keys. Two days until he flew back to New York. Two days until he can see Tony again. It couldn't come sooner.
You're gonna ace it, kid.
Peter smiled, warmed by Tony's encouragement.
I don't even know why I'm so stressed. I know this stuff.
Key in the lock, a soft click, and Peter walked in. Maybe he'll have some ramen.
Maybe you just need a little stress relief, babe. Something to help you sleep tonight.
Peter flushed at the words.
He had picked up Tony's bad habit of pulling all nighters, whether it was school or Spiderman business. Funny enough, even though Tony refused to see the irony in it, the older man often made sure Peter went to bed at a reasonable time.
Oftentimes, he bribed Peter with the promise of cuddles which usually had the younger boy easily complying. But when Peter was particularly stubborn, a little bare skin was enough to have him following the older man into the bedroom like an eager puppy.
Peter sighed, pouting a bit. He was stressed. He knew that but now that he was paying attention, his body was sore from sitting at the library, hunched over his textbooks and notes.
Subconsciously, he bit his lip as he considered convincing Tony to get on webcam for him. Even miles apart, they could still have a little fun together. That would surely help relieve some of the stress.
Just the very thought had his body heating up, yearning for his older lover.
Stress relief, huh? Maybe you can help with that.
He walked into the small living room, so focused on how to word his request that he didn't notice the lights were already on.
"I'd be glad to help," came Tony's voice, right there in front of him.
That, Peter did notice. His head snapped up away from the screen, eyes wide and mouth dropping open just the slightest.
It wasn't his imagination nor was the stress taking a toll on him. Tony, who should've been back in New York, was there in his apartment, lounging carefree on the plush little armchair tucked away in the corner of the room.
He looked good. Well, he always looked good but to Peter who hadn't seen him in person since the beginning of term, the sight of his lover took his breath away.
Tony's lips ticked up into a smirk, so achingly familiar that Peter's heart stopped then rebooted in overtime. Confidence was always an attractive trait to Peter and with Tony looking like he did now, he was the very embodiment of it.
His legs were casually spread apart, one leg thrown over the armchair in such a cocky manner. It paired well with Tony's smug little smile. He knew exactly what dirty thoughts entered Peter's mind at the very sight of him.
"Hey, kid," he greeted warmly.
"You're… You're here!" Peter exclaimed, a smile lighting up his entire face.
Those warm brown eyes scanned him from head to toe, no doubt taking in his disheveled state, his ruffled hair, and his shining eyes. For a brief moment, Peter felt all too self-conscious of his bedraggled state but he recognized the look in Tony's eyes. It was one that he was very familiar with.
It wasn't just Peter that had been affected by their separation.
"Wanted to surprise you," Tony said and a hint of mischievousness edged the corner of his smile, turning it even more captivating than usual. "So, still need some help with getting rid of all that stress?"
He watched as Tony casually plucked at his top button, teasing Peter with just that one tiny movement before putting him out of his misery. A little bit of flesh peeked through and just like that, Peter was gone.
"God, yes," he breathed out, rushing forward to where Tony remained waiting for him.
Eager hands reached for the rest of the buttons and in his haste, he may have popped off a button or two. Tony laughed when they clattered to the floor, uncaring and maybe even a little amused at how Peter's control seemed to fray around him.
"It's been months, okay," Peter muttered, cheeks warming.
"I know, baby," Tony murmured reassuringly, that knowing smile still on his lips.
A warm hand gently clasped the back of Peter's neck and Peter's eyes skipped back up from where his fingers were working. Their eyes met and Peter was naturally drawn in. With the slightest bit of pressure, Peter leaned down to hungrily kiss his lover.
Their lips met in a soft kiss but it didn't remain that way. A moment of tenderness, a reaffirmation of their feelings, before the hunger in them both became too pressing of a need to ignore.
A low groan escaped him, muffled by Tony's mouth and he pressed even closer. God, he'd miss this. Missed Tony.
When Tony made to pull away, Peter wasn't done with him yet. He chased after him, one knee settling on the cushion between the older man's legs.
His fingers sprawled over Tony's skin, wandering and re-memorizing the familiar toned muscle of his chest. Then, in retaliation or maybe just because he wanted to, he pinched Tony's nipple. That little nub hardened right between his fingers even as Tony groaned at the slight pain. Not one to waste an opportunity, Peter deepened the kiss and slipped his tongue into the soft, wet heat of his mouth.
The kiss conveyed everything that he'd been missing the past few months. Hunger. Passion. Love.
When they pulled apart, Tony's eyes were dark and Peter's trailed down his exposed chest and even further to where Tony's pants looked to be tighter than they should be around his groin.
"Bedroom?" Peter suggested eagerly. He was already considering just picking Tony up bridal style when the older man hummed in thought.
"Why wait?" Tony tempted him with a soft murmur. That knowing look in his eye grew even more sly, more provocative. "Besides, I have another little surprise for you."
Peter's heart thumped hard in his chest. It was so obvious he was on board. Bedroom or living room, what did it matter?
"Yeah?" Peter said with a breathy exhale. Tony always gave him the best surprises. "Did you wear something nice for me?"
"Maybe..." Tony teased.
That one word invoked so many possibilities that it made his head spin. All the blood rushed south and Peter was suddenly aware of just how painfully hard he was.
It was just so easy for Tony to do this to him. One look, one word…
"Oh, fuck," Peter breathed, just thinking about it.
Posessively, Peter's hands wandered further down. He couldn't feel it through Tony's suit but he could imagine it. Something lacey, maybe? Would it be black or red? Any color would look gorgeous against Tony's skin.
His hands, greedy little things that moved without his permission, settled on the older man's belt.
"Let me see?" Peter nearly begged. Despite asking, he was already unbuckling Tony's pants and tugging impatiently at the belt. At least this time, he didn't rip or break anything.
Tony's sexy smirk made him do it. Practically taunted him to strip the older man bare and see what was waiting for him, Tony's little surprise just for him. A huffed out little laugh from the older man only made Peter's cheeks grow warmer. Even still, Tony's hips lifted to help Peter with his task.
"I'll do you one better," Tony said with a contented sigh as his pants slid off in a rushed tug. "You can even touch me."
The retort was on the tip of Peter's tongue but it died off as soon as he saw what he was working with.
Tony had arrived impeccably dressed. Anyone with eyeballs could see how sexy Tony was, so confident and irresistible in his perfectly fitted suits. They were each custom tailored to show off all the flattering lines of his body but Peter knew that he was the only one to see what was beneath all that expensive designer.
He was right. He loved being right and he loved that Tony was Tony, someone who didn't give a damn about what other people would think.
Because there, wrapping so nicely around his hips, were lace panties. The shock of color, a brilliant red, was a beautiful contrast to the sleek black and grey suit Tony had worn. And through the delicate strip of lace between his legs, Tony's cock was starting to lengthen and push up against the panties.
"Oh, God," Peter breathed, voice full of reverence and above all, hunger. "I love it, Tony. It looks so good on you, so pretty and then there's your cock..."
His mouth watered just looking at it, hidden away in pretty lace but still so obviously male and beautiful.
Tony just knew everything possible that would make Peter's body want to combust out of sheer lust alone.
"Yeah?" Tony encouraged as he reached down and skimmed his fingers over the bulge of his erection through the lace. "I'm glad you like it, sweetheart. Wore it just for you, after all."
For me…
Tony was so perfect for him and Peter loved him. He was also going to suck his cock. How could he not? Tony's cock was right there in all its glory, so long and thick, and yet, he wasn't even fully hard.
Being older, it sometimes took a bit of time to get there but Peter didn't mind. He loved feeling his efforts rewarded by hard flesh, Tony's cock filling out completely in his mouth until he struggled to take it.
Peter slipped down to his knees to get into a better position.
"Gonna suck you off," Peter barely warned before he was lowering his head.
His lips brushed against the lace and he lapped at it with an eager tongue. The spit turned the red darker so that it was maroon.
Above him, Tony's gave a hiss of pleasure, hips twitching towards the wet warmth of Peter's mouth.
A taste of salt, Tony's precum seeping through, had Peter mouthing over the covered tip. He suckled lightly, not intending to tease Tony but just hungry for a taste of him.
His tongue traced over the outline of Tony's cock, licking eagerly while one of Tony's hands carded through his hair, gently and yet urging him for more.
"Ah- fuck, baby… Your mouth..." Tony breathed above him. Some of that cocky attitude had bled out now that Peter had his mouth on him. Peter could almost purr at how the tables have turned. A choked-off chuckle and then a breathless request, "Don't make me come."
Peter's eyes flicked up to him, a smug little smile on his lips when he found Tony looking at him, riveted.
"No guarantee," Peter murmured, lips caressing against hard flesh. "You'd still let me fuck you though, won't you, daddy?"
Another lick, another suck, harder and more pressure which meant more pleasure. The older man let out a soft "Fuck–" which, although it wasn't an answer to Peter's question, it was enough to let him know Tony would.
Just this brief little play and the older man already flushed and panting, though Tony tried to hide it. Peter loved taking him apart, whether it was with his mouth or his cock.
"Brat," Tony gasped when Peter peeled away his underwear.
Peter, being the brat Tony claimed he was, only pulled it down far enough that he could get Tony's cock in his mouth. He did exactly that, slipping the older man's erection into his mouth and playing with it just how Tony liked.
He watched with hooded eyes as Tony's mouth trembled before pressing together hard. It was an attempt to stop the moans from spilling out but Peter knew exactly what to do.
He didn't even need to hold Tony's cock in place, the bunched up panties were doing a perfectly good job holding him captive. It gave him the opportunity to gently caress the insides of Tony's inner thighs, another sensitive point that added to the older man's pleasure.
He had Tony ditching his reservations in no time. He loved the sound of the older man's moans. He also had the added benefit of living alone so really, what reason did Tony have to hide those sounds from him? There was no excuse.
He was tempted to get Tony off just like this. With his hands on Tony's trembling legs, the older man's cock twitching in his mouth… Not to mention, Peter loved swallowing him down.
But he had other plans. As corny as it was, he wanted Tony to come while being fucked. He wanted to feel the tight squeeze of his lover's body as he pushed inside, stirring up his insides with his cock and cum.
He could tell Tony was close so as much as he wanted to keep going, he stopped.
With a soft smack of his lips, he let Tony's cock slip from his mouth. Tony's grip tightened for just a moment, his hips twitching towards Peter's face before he fell back against the armchair with a harsh "Tease–"
To make up for it, he gave the older man slow, lazy jerks with his hand, just to take off the edge.
"You said not to make you come," Peter said, trying his best to sound innocent even while jerking the older man off.
"Didn't think you'd actually listen," Tony panted, voice tight even as his cock strained in Peter's grip. It was almost a whine. "Fuck, baby, think you need to get on with it before I just jerk off on your face."
Peter licked his lips at the thought. It was so tempting… Everything about Tony wanting him was tempting him to just give in and do what he wanted.
"I had to do something when you mentioned a surprise…" Peter said, "You know I love it when you dress up for me."
Then, to Peter's surprise, Tony actually chuckled and shifted so that his lower body was closer to the edge.
"Oh, sweetheart… You thought that was your surprise?" Tony almost crooned out the words, "Yeah, no, baby boy. The panties were just a nice bonus."
Then he wiggled a bit, thumbs hooking over where the panties were bunched around his thighs. Taking the hint, Peter helped remove it but while doing so, he figured out what his surprise actually was.
"Wait–" Peter breathed, rock hard and desperate to confirm, "are you wearing a…?"
Tony smirked. He was too cocky for someone that was just moaning Peter's name a minute ago but Peter didn't care.
"Knew you were a smart cookie," he hummed and spread his legs even further apart in invitation.
Tony was wearing a plug.
Tony was wearing a plug.
Peter couldn't help how he tugged the older man even closer to the edge nor could he help himself from pushing Tony's knees towards his chest.
His lover grumbled at the stretch but not a word of complaint was actually voiced. He was clearly enjoying the power he had to render Peter speechless. That was fine– Peter was gonna make him moan enough for the both of them.
His surprise was perfect.
There, situated between the perfect round cheeks of Tony's ass was the flared base of a plug, keeping him all nice and ready for Peter to fuck.
"When did you even…?" Peter breathed as he reached out and touched the base with eager fingers. "Didn't you just come off a plane?" Peter's words continued to rush out, as chaotic as his thoughts. "Did you really…?" Touch yourself thinking about me…?
Above him, Tony chuckled once more though this time, it had a more breathy quality to it.
"Who do you think I am?" Tony said, "I know exactly what you need, kid, and I know better than to show up anywhere near you without prep."
That was it. That was the last straw.
Peter rose to his knees and shuddered when Tony's legs circled around his waist. He leaned forward desperate to kiss the older man. His hard cock, still damningly clothed in his jeans, rubbed against Tony's erection. He gave a dirty preview of what he wanted, hips rutting harshly as he nibbled Tony's bottom lip.
Tony was just so good to him and they've been together long enough that Peter had become utterly shameless in his desires.
Even so… The thought of Tony prepping himself, either while waiting for Peter to return or fucking himself open on the plane just for him… It sent such a dirty thrill shooting through Peter's overeager body.
"I gotta…" Peter groaned, blindly reaching for the end table by the armchair. It was a long shot that there was lube in there since he hadn't been expecting Tony at all but he was getting desperate.
"Yeah," Tony groaned against his mouth, "I know, kid, I know– That's why I'm ready for you. Know just how much you need it..."
There wasn't any lube there but before Peter could curse or pull away, Tony was already pressing a small bottle into his hands.
"Oh, thank fuck," Peter groaned. He didn't waste any time popping the cap and squeezing out a good amount into his hands.
Meanwhile, Tony didn't waste any time and had efficiently unbuttoned and unzipped Peter's pants. A warm hand reached into his boxers and wrapped around him.
Peter's breath stuttered in his lungs, his body eagerly shoving forward into Tony's familiar touch. Tony's fingers curved around the length of his cock, tugging and squeezing with just the right amount of pressure.
"Look at you, Pete… Already so hard, your cock's practically ready to blow just from this…" Tony said as he jerked Peter off, basically getting all the precum smeared on his cock. "Hurry up, baby, I'm all ready for you."
With a harsh exhale, Peter hastily spread the lube along his cock, even getting some of it on Tony's hand when he retreated. It was messy and some dropped onto his boxers but he was thorough.
"Take it out, Tony," Peter groaned when he was ready, "Take it out so I can put it in…"
So close… They were so close and yet, Tony still teased him.
"Put what in, baby?" Tony's voice trembled as he reached between his legs and started to tug the plug out.
"My c-cock…" Peter said, eyes fixated on Tony's fingers.
He was teasing Peter so much, easing the plug out so slowly and torturing Peter with the sight of his tight little hole stretching over the girth of the toy.
"Wanna put my cock in you, daddy," Peter said. No sooner were the words out, the plug was finally free and Peter surged forward, pressing the tip of his eager cock against that wet, loosened hole.
He barely heard Tony's words, "Go on, baby boy, fuck daddy– I can take it, sweet boy…"
And just like that, he was inside Tony. He could almost swear that he saw stars or his vision went white or maybe just that his mind blanked out from the sheer pleasure he felt entering his lover.
He just knew that his body moved instinctively. Even a little half crazed, he was still careful with his strength. He only used as much as he needed to drag Tony's body towards the very edge of the armchair so that he could fuck into him, nice and easy.
Tony's body welcomed him, that tight heat encompassing Peter's cock perfectly. Peter could scarcely stand it.
"You okay…?" Peter managed to stutter even as his hips continued to move.
Beneath him, Tony's face was flushed, eyes hooded and his wet mouth gasping open. He was taking every inch of Peter's cock from the get go and neither of them would have it any other way.
Peter knew that the stretch must be almost uncomfortable but then again, he trusted Tony to prepare himself well. If he said he could take it, Peter was going to give it to him.
"Yeah, I'm f-fine– I'm good, just…" Tony groaned when Peter's cock rubbed right into his sweet spot. with how hard and fast Peter was going, he didn't really expect the boy to last. "Jesus Christ, kid, don't you use the toy I got you? Got it for a reason–"
The sex toy that Tony had snuck into Peter's luggage months ago had been put to use but with Tony right there… His body was so warm and so tight around him… How could a bit of plastic compare to this?
"I tried, daddy, I tried…" Peter gasped wetly, as his hips moved almost without his say so. "But it feels nothing like this… Even when I'm thinking about you, it just feels like it's not enough. Feels nothing like–"
"Ugh, good thing I came to get you, huh?" Tony breathed, a hint of smugness in his voice. "Bet you would've ended up fucking me in the bathroom on the plane."
"Probably still gonna," Peter groaned harshly at the thought, "gotta make up for lost time."
Tony huffed a laugh even while he braced himself against the armchair. "Wasn't that long ago, you're just a sex fiend."
"And your ass is to blame…" Peter grunted as he looked down at the perfect little hole spread wide apart on his cock.. "This perfect… fuckable ass… Hugs my cock just right… Nng… Mr. Stark… Can I come inside this time? Wanna come inside… Make it all wet and messy inside you…"
Tony groaned and tossed his head back. He panted, cock jerking on his belly. "This time? How many times you planning on going…"
"I'll let you know," Peter licked his lips.
He felt ravenous and too focused on this time to think about the next. He just knew that it wouldn't be the only round. He needed this too much. Tony's ass was heaven and Peter wasn't leaving the older man alone until he had his fill. "I'm like… really, really stressed, Tones…"
"Ugh, fuck… Fine– I said I'd help, didn't I…?" Tony relented, "Just try not to get it everywhere…"
Peter let loose, fucking Tony's perfectly fuckable ass with abandon. It was exactly as he said. The expensive pocket pussy that Tony got him couldn't compare to the older man's tight warm hole. He'd tried it, he really had, but it couldn't compare to the way Tony writhed beneath him. Couldn't compare the satisfying slap of their bodies coming together, almost painful but entirely worth it.
He gripped and held tight, fingers digging into the meat of Tony's thighs. The older man was at his mercy, legs hooked over Peter's elbows as his hips flexed and pounded away.
Amid their combined groans and soft curses, Peter's eyes had drifted closed. The heat of Tony's body gripped him tight, squeezing, massaging, provoking him to take what he wanted, what he needed.
For all of Tony's hard lines, the muscles he built over hard work and time, his insides felt so soft and warm. Wet and intense, a perfect little hole for Peter to fuck and use as he wanted. Because Tony would let him and more than that, he got off on Peter being the horny little shit that he was, unable to resist a man that could very well be his father.
It was an ego boost to them both, just how hungry and desperate they were for each other. Tony was just better at hiding it.
He wanted to hold on. He didn't want to stop.
He had Tony right where he wanted him, impaled on his cock and gasping Peter's name.
His muscles were tight and tense, his cock being milked by Tony's hole…
"Ah– f-fuck…!" Peter groaned as his balls drew tight.
His grip tightened, some of that super strength leaking through as he sought to get as deep as possible. At the same time, he shoved forward, hips slotting perfectly in place, getting every single inch into Tony's receptive body.
He gave everything he had and then some. It felt like a small eternity and yet, it was only seconds as his cock pumped load after load into the hole milking him dry.
His heart was going a mile a minute and sweat dripped down his neck. When he opened his eyes, he saw that Tony wasn't any better.
Cum painted white strips over his unbuttoned shirt. He had an arm thrown over his eyes, chest rising and falling rapidly but starting to stabilize as they both started to calm down.
Peter's cock was going soft and he could feel his cum squish around him as he pulled out.
"So messy," Tony murmured as he peeked at Peter. "You still wanna go for more?"
Peter looked down at his softening cock but his gaze gravitated to Tony's freshly creamed hole. His cum was oozing out and his cock twitched with interest. He'd be ready again in no time.
"God, yeah," Peter breathed as he leaned down. "I'll clean you up first, daddy."
"Clean me up just so you can mess me up again?" Tony clarified.
"Mhmm…" Peter didn't need to say anything more. He just slipped back down to his knees, pulled Tony's legs over his shoulders, and set his hungry mouth to work.
His body might be a bit sore tomorrow but it wouldn't be from stress. He was intent on getting every bit of stress siphoned out of his body and he had the perfect partner to help him.
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imkylotrash · 4 years
Meet Me In The Afterglow
Pairing: Hardin Scott x reader
Request: Hardin made a pros and cons list about his girlfriend and Tessa. When the reader finds the paper, everything goes wrong. And Hardin may not be able to fix this one. Anonymous
Tagging: @justyouraveragedorkygirl​
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Nice ass
Big boobs
You turn over the paper with shaking hands not sure if you’re prepared to read what’s under your own name. You blink several times to clear your vision but even then you stall time before looking at that piece of paper. You need to know, but you don’t want to know what’s been written on that small piece of paper. 
Nice laugh
The question mark punctures your heart and the pain spills all over the floor. Did he write this? He really sat down and compared you with Tessa - or anyone for that matter - after three years together? 
“Babe?” Panic settles in your bones when you hear his voice. You’re not ready to face him yet. The paper falls to the floor as you flee to the bathroom locking the door. It doesn’t matter if you have the paper or not, the words have been etched into your brain. Every time you close your eyes, you see the words that makes Tessa better than you. It’s too much for you to handle. 
“Baby?” Hardin asks knocking softly on the bathroom door but you don’t reply. This has become your safe haven from the pain and hurt Hardin has created outside. Who knew a piece of paper would be enough to break the amazing bond between you and Hardin? 
“What’s happened?” You can hardly bear to hear him so upset when your heart is the one falling apart. Still you can’t bring yourself to answer him or even let him know that you’re okay, because you’re really not. Of course, Hardin isn’t stupid so it doesn’t take him long to find the note. 
“Y/N, baby. Open the door right now!” He’s pounding on the door yelling. Once again he doesn’t care if the neighbours hear your fight. Instead of opening the door you curl up on the floor and let the tears flow freely. It takes too much to keep yourself together right now so you let yourself fall apart with the promise that you’ll collect the pieces in the morning. At some point, Hardin gives up and goes to bed. You’re sure you’ll talk tomorrow but right now you’re grateful for the silence. The next morning you wake up shaking. One look in the mirror confirms your blue lips and pale skin. You’ve been freezing. In an act of bravery, you open the door and tiptoe into the living room to find a blanket. You have every intention of locking yourself in the bathroom again when you turn around and spot him. There are circles under his eyes letting you know that the screams you heard last night wasn’t something you’d imagined. He’s been having his nightmare again. 
“Hi.” Raspy voice from crying. 
“I’m sorry.” There’s the apology that you want but not sure you’re ready to accept. 
“You have to know I didn’t write this. You have to know that I’d never even look at another girl. I was at the frat house and the other guys were fooling around writing these things down.” It’s a logical explanation but experience with Hardin has taught you that there’s always more than what Hardin tells you. 
“But why keep the note?” 
“I crumbled it up and put it in my jeans. I didn’t even think about the fact that you might find it. I swear, I didn’t write anything on Tessa’s page.” 
“Did you write something on mine?” you ask remembering the question mark placed after boobs. 
“I wrote some of it. But Jace and Molly wrote most of it.”
“Did you tell them to stop?” You don’t want the answers but for some reason you can’t stop yourself from asking them. His silence is enough answer on its own. 
“I’m going to be sick.” You run past him and into the bathroom where you throw up. Hardin comes into and tries to hold your hair but you keep screaming for him to get out and eventually he does. You’re not sure how long you stay out there this time, but it’s dark outside when you finally open the door. Hardin is sleeping with his back against the wall. He’s been waiting for you to come out. 
“Hardin?” you whisper but he doesn’t wake up. There’s a sort of peaceful look on his face here in his most innocent state. It’s funny how sleeping people always look younger. You take a moment to study him knowing full well that even though he’s hurt you worse than ever before, you’ll forgive him. You always do. It’s the way your love works. He hurts you, he works for your forgiveness, you give it to him only for him to hurt you again. You accepted a long time ago that Hardin Scott was a broken man and you were not the one meant to fix him. 
“You’re staring.” His eyes stay closed and you feel relieved that you still have this moment of privacy. You don’t say anything as you sit down next to him. Close enough to reach out and touch him if you want. 
“I hate that I hurt you. I-”
“You hurt me again, Hardin. It’s not like this is the first time you’ve ever done something to hurt me. And I truly don’t care how much or how little you had to do with the list. You should’ve stopped them. And you definitely shouldn’t have kept the note.” Nausea hits you again but there’s nothing left inside of you to come up. You clench your hands as hard as you can to give you something to focus on other than the nausea. 
“I fucked up. I know I did. And one of these days sorry won’t be enough for you to forgive me. But please don’t give up on me yet. I’ll do better. I know I can do better.” At this point, you already know the speech. It hasn’t changed much throughout the years but the effect is the same. 
“Of course I’m not giving up on you. I just need a little space before I’m ready, okay?” 
“Of course. I’ll stay out here tonight.” There’s a feeling of relief when you hear that you’ll have the night to yourself. You’re not sure you’d be able to think straight with him sleeping next to you. 
“Goodnight,” you say ready for bed in less than an hour. It takes precisely two hours before you hear the first scream. Instincts react faster than your brain. You sprint out into the living room just in time for him to wake up. He’s drenched in sweat and terrified of what he had to revisit in his nightmare. 
“Come here.” Everything is ancient history in this moment because Hardin needs you. And you realise that you’ll have to discuss some things later, but right now you push it to the back of your mind. 
“Come with me,” you say gently holding out a hand. He instantly grabs it and lets you lead him to the bathroom where you turn on the shower. You both undress before getting in and just letting the water rain down on you. 
“I love you.” 
“I know.” You’re not ready to say it back yet and Hardin doesn’t push you. You both know you’ll say it back tomorrow. It’s just the way these things go. 
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theright-sideofme · 4 years
Feeling. J. Wooyoung
Wooyoung x fem!reader College au!, Soulmate au! WC: 4.9k Summary: You were one of the few who actually had a soulmate, shame you though the whole idea of love was artificial. Warnings: mentions of panic attack, language,
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*12 years ago*
“Y/n got her soulmate mark!” Yeosang, your best friend shouted to the rest of the class a few seconds after the heart shaped scar bloomed on your skin; a moment you would never forget. The whole class ran over to you, shoving one another to see the mark that had just appeared on your skin. You were the first kid in your class to get a soulmate mark, so to say everyone was excited was an understatement.
“A heart? What’s a heart mean?” asked Mingi, another boy in your class. “Love” Yeosang said in a ‘duh’ tone that made you giggle. “Actually, it means Y/n will be able to feel what her soulmate feels, and they’ll be able to feel what she feels.” Your teacher explained, earning a chorus of ‘oh’s’ from you and your classmates. After everyone got a look at your mark your teacher was quick to get everyone back in their seats to resume class. You looked down at your wrist, a smile coming to your face as your heart swelled, “I have a soulmate” you whispered happily to yourself.
You let out a sigh as you quickly cover up your soulmate mark with multiple bracelets, not wanting to look at it any longer. The day you found out you were one of the few who had a soulmate, you couldn’t have been more happy, but as you grew up, you realized your soulmate mark came with the watching eyes of everyone who saw it.
Soulmates were a bit of a rare occurrence, so when people saw anyone with a soulmate mark it grabbed their attention. Whether people were jealous or just curious about the phenomenon, everyone you had ever met only care about the stupid mark on your wrist. The only people who didn’t care were your best friends, Yeosang and Mingi. They both had marks of their own, but unlike you, they didn’t mind the prying eyes, the only thing they cared about was finding their soulmate.
“You can’t hide it forever you know,” Yeosang teased as he walked into you room, not even bothering to knock. “I can try” you huffed back in response. “What happens when you meet your soulmate, are you still gonna hide it” “probably” “dude seriously?”
Normally, when people find their soulmate, they proudly put themselves on display: showing off their mark, being overly affectionate in public, and over all just sucking up any attention they could get. It was disgusting.
“Yeah, seriously,” you stated. “I wouldn’t like that if I was your soulmate, I’d wanna show off our bond.” Yeosang stated, making you roll your eyes. Before you could respond with some witty comeback, a sudden wave of sadness hit you like a truck. Tears welled up in your eyes for god knows what reason and you felt like you had a lump the size of a baseball in your throat, it was awful. “What- whoah, I’m sorry I didn’t mean to make you upset- no no no don’t cry” Yeosang said frantically as he tried to calm you down. You tried to explain that it wasn’t him, but the only thing that left your mouth was a sob.
“Heyy- What the hell did you do” Mingi said as he walked into your apartment, quickly rushing to your side and pulling you into his arms. “I didn’t do anything-” “of course you did something, it’s you” “Hey-” “shut up, please” you managed to say through sobs.
As much as you hated your soulmate bond, you hated that your soulmate was feeling like this even more. It made you wonder what happened and if they were okay, if someone was with them to help them.
After about five minutes of you sobbing, you finally calmed down enough to explain what happened. “Ah your soulmate bond! I thought you really were upset with me” “good” you sniffled, “maybe this will teach you to stay out of my business” “hmm” Yeosang pretended to be deep in thought before tackling you, “nah I’m good.” “Group hug!” Mingi shouted before pulling both you and Yeosang into his arms.
For the rest of the day you had this lingering sadness and the lump in your throat never went away. You never really gave much thought to your soulmate before, but today you just couldn’t stop your mind from wandering. There was this urge to find them and hold them and reassure them that everything would be okay. You tried pushing those thoughts away, you didn’t even want a soulmate, so why were you so concerned? You tried to convince yourself it was just because you were a nice person, but there was a deeper reason and you could feel it, no matter how hard you tried to deny it.
You now sat at one of your favorite cafes with Mingi and Yeosang. You had went there to study, but no one was studying. Mingi was trying to balance a spoon on his nose, Yeosang was making sure Mingi would fail at that task, and you were recording all of it. Soft giggles left your mouth as Yeosang pushed Mingi for the third time, making the spoon fall to the ground. “Dude, come on-” Mingi pouted, shoving Yeosang back. “-I almost had it!” “Yeah I know, that’s the point” Mingi picked up the spoon from the ground and threw it a Yeosang, hitting him right in the forehead. You let out a loud laugh, all but snorting at the look on Yeosang’s face. The two bickered like two little kids for a while, giving you a front row seat to another one of their entertaining arguments. You were so distracted by your two best friends that you didn’t even realize the lump in your throat was gone.
Wooyoung lied in bed, a small smile on his face as he felt the urge to laugh. His soulmate was happy. He had been hurting all day, and he could only imagine what that did to his soulmate, so feeling them feel so care free- it made him happy. All Wooyoung ever wanted for his soulmate was for them to be happy, and he couldn’t stand when he would feel you hurt. He found it funny how quickly you would get annoyed or frustrated, he honestly just couldn’t wait to meet you.
After a while of just enjoying feeling okay, he looked over and saw it was actually getting pretty late and he had an 8am class tomorrow. He had already skipped class today, he couldn’t skip tomorrow too. So he quickly got ready for bed, slowly falling asleep with a warm feeling in his chest and a smile on his face.
“Feeling better” San asked as he plopped his stuff down next to Wooyoung. They had both shown up to class early, which was weird for the two who were normally the last ones into their classes. “Yeah, I’ll be good man” “that’s good, because we’re parting tonight.” San excitedly as he took his seat next to Wooyoung. Wooyoung had been down for the past few days and yesterday was the tipping point, San just wanted him to go out and let loose.
Wooyoung let a chuckle slip past his lips as he shook his head. “I don’t feel like going to another frat party-” “well it’s not a frat party because we’re throwing the party- just come on man” San whined as he all but begged his friend. “I’ll think about it.” Wooyoung sighed. He pulled out his laptop and textbook, getting ready for class when he heard the door get busted open. Everyone turned to the door to see two guys scrambling to stand up, and a girl, trying to get away from the two as quick as possible.
“You started it- hey, don’t run away from us!” The taller of the two shouted at the girl as she rushed to get a seat. She pretended like she didn’t hear them and sat two rows in front of San and Wooyoung. The two boys were quick to sit next to her, the shorter boy wrapping his arm around the girl as the taller one sat on her lap. “You two are so embarrassing- get off.” The girl whined as she tried to pry herself away from the two.
Wooyoung watched in amusement, they were definitely going to make this new semester interesting. He seem couldn’t pull his attention away from the trio, more specifically, the girl. She was beautiful, her smile was enchanting and her laughter made his heart swell, she was the type of girl people wrote songs about.
San noticed his friends staring and smiled. Wooyoung had always been faithful to a soulmate he had never met. He never had other relationships and he never gave into crushes he deemed “small” and “silly” all because he had a soulmate. Now here he was, ogling over a girl he didn’t know.
“Why don’t you go talk to her” San suggested, making Wooyoung snap out of his gaze. “Huh, why?” “because you think she’s cute” “I have a soulmate” “and you're not gonna know how to treat them if you’ve never been in a relationship” “then I learn with them” “what makes you think your soulmate's never dated anyone before?” Wooyoung had never considered that, but why would his soulmate date someone else if they knew they would end up with him- their soulmate. Wooyoung shook his head, trying to get rid of the jealous feeling that rose in his chest. He had no right to be jealous; he tried to reason to himself, but he couldn’t help it.
San saw him overthinking and sighed, “look, you’re just gonna have a nice friendly conversation with her, you’ll be fine.” Wooyoung thought for a moment, and San was right, he was just going to talk to her, nothing else. “Fine.”
After class you, Mingi, and Yeosang gathered your things and got ready to leave. “Be honest, the professor was totally checking me out, right?” You froze, giving Mingi an incredulous look before remembering, “It’s Mingi.” So with a small giggle you nodded, deciding to entertain his delusions. “Yeah Min, She was totally checking you” “I sense sarcasm; I will ignore.” Both you and Yeosang laughed as you continued to pack up, shaking your head at you crazy friend.
“Uh hey” the three of you snapped your heads up and saw two rather attractive guys standing in front of you. One had pink hair and cat like eyes that would probably be scary if he wasn't smiling. The other guy- he was breathtaking. He had jet black hair and the most enchanting eyes- whoa. “Um, hi” you replied, silently wondering if your heart speeding up was you or your soulmate.
“We’re throwing a party tonight and you guys seem… fun, so we were wondering if you wanted to come?” The one with black hair asked as he shot you a smile. Okay so the heart thing was definitely you, got it. You took a deep breath and looked back at your friends, who were already looking at you with puppy dog eyes. They knew you didn’t like parties, but they loved parties, and loved to make new friends. Mingi even grabbed onto your hand like a toddler and pouted out his lip. Letting out a sigh, you turned back to the two boys and nodded, “we’ll be there-” “yes!” The two boys behind you cheered, making you try to hold in a laugh, “um, I can give you my number and you could text me the address?” “yeah, sounds good.” The two of you quickly exchanged numbers and then the five of your exited the class before parting ways.
“They were cute” Mingi sighs as he looks dreamily into the distance. “Yeah, and one of them was totally checking out Y/n” “Ha, I beg your pardon?” Yeosang smirks as he pulls you in closer. “Come on Y/n, don’t tell me you're blind? The dude you gave your number to was totally checking you out” “well it doesn’t matter” you say simply, trying to ignore the feeling of heat rising to your cheeks. Was he really checking you out?
“You know, for someone who rejects the idea of her soulmate so much, you’ve been awfully loyal to them.” Yeosang points out, “huh?” “You’ve never been in a relationship, you never entertained anyone who had romantic feelings for you, hell you even stepped on Nicks foot when he asked you out” “yeah but Nick was a dick” Mingi interjected.
Okay, so maybe it was true you’ve never tried to pursue a romantic relationship with anyone, but you didn’t think that had anything to do with your soulmate. You had rejected the idea of love a long time ago. Nowadays, a relationship was another accessory everyone wanted to show off, and you didn’t want to feel like a human handbag. People who found their soulmates often just assumed they would work out just because they were soulmates, they didn’t try to make the whole process of falling in love special, they just flaunted their soulmate marks and relationships. You didn’t want to end up like that, ever.
The party had been going on for about an hour in Wooyoung, San, Jongho, and Yunho’s shared apartment and was now filled with people, most of which Wooyoung didn’t even know. Sure, Wooyoung was a social butterfly and had probably talked to almost everyone there, but that didn’t mean he knew them or even their names. Wooyoung lets out a sigh, leaning up against the wall as he sips his drink quietly. The only person Wooyoung actually wanted to see right now was you, but you were nowhere to be found.
“Hey, this is your party, right?” Some girl asks as she comes up to Wooyoung. “My roommates party, but yeah sure” “well it’s really great” she said cheerily as she looks up at him with a bright smile. Wooyoung nods, truly uninterested in what the girl had to say. “Mhm, it’s super” the girl giggles, leaning closer to Wooyoung who doesn’t even spare her a glance. “You seem to be the only one not having fun.” She says with a pout, and Wooyoung is about ready to just start ignoring her, but then he sees you walk in the room with your friends. He felt relief and excitement wash over him when his eyes landed on you “Excuse me.” Was all Wooyoung said to the girl as he quickly made his way over to you.
“You made it” Wooyoung cheers as he approaches the three of you. You smile and nod, looking around the crowded apartment for a brief moment, how do so many people fit in this small ass place, you wonder. Yeosang places a hand on your shoulder before telling you he’s gonna go get you guys some drinks and you nod. Wooyoung directs him to the kitchen and he ends up taking Mingi with him, leaving you and Wooyoung alone, well as alone as you can be in a crowded room.
“I didn’t think you’d come” “I thought about it, trust me” you only half joked, parties really weren’t your thing. “Well I’m glad you did, my night just got a whole lot better” he said as he gave you a sweet smile. You could’ve swore your heart skipped a beat, your eyes widening slightly at his comment. Wow this boy was smooth. “I’m sure your night was just fine without me” you teased as you tried to play off your mini panic. “Sure, it was fine, but now it’s better.” You just started at him, trying to push your butterflies deep, deep down. What the heck was up with this guy and why were you so affected by him?
Wooyoung smiled at your reaction, trying to push his own butterflies to the side, but he really couldn’t, not when you were staring at him all cutely. He had to fight back the urge to pinch your cheeks, crossing his arms to help him out a bit. He was just as confused as you were, he had never felt so… interested by anyone like this before, it made his heart pound in his chest.
You quickly averted your gaze to try and stop the heat spreading to your cheeks, and that’s when you noticed your two friends had abandoned you for some guys from your psychology class, Hongjoong and Seonghwa you think their names are. “Well that’s rude” “you mumbled under your breath, and Wooyoung heard you, following your gaze before laughing. “Come on, let’s get you a drink,” he said. He placed his hand on the small of your back and you quickly jumped away, feeling like you had been shocked.
The two of you stared at each other. Did he feel it too? Wooyoung, out of curiosity, looked down at your wrist, only to see it covered with a copious amount of bracelets. You too, looked at his wrist and you felt the urge to vomit when you saw the same little heart scar that you had stared at every day since you were nine on his wrist. It had to be a coincidence, right? It didn’t matter, you suddenly felt hot, like someone had set you on fire and your breathing became uneven and heavy, you had to get out of there. Quickly turning on your heels, you rushed out of the apartment, rushing down the stairs to get as far away as you could.
Wooyoung was hot on your heels though, following behind you as soon as you left. “Y/n, Y/n slow down” Wooyoung called after you. The look on your face before you ran out had him so worried. Your eyes were wide, mouth slightly agape as your breathing started to pick up, he just wanted to know you were okay.
After running for a while, the thoughts in your head running rampant, you became light headed. You could barely stand up straight anymore, scraping both your palms and knees as you fell to the sidewalk. Wooyoung felt his heart drop when you fell and rushed to your side as quickly as he could. “Hey Y/n, you okay, just breath. In and out like this, can you do that?” “N-no- I- too much” “Y/n, hey Y/n look at me.” Wooyoung cupped your face, forcing you to look at him as he helped you calm down.
He knew then that you were his soulmate, because he could feel all of it, the light headedness, the heart racing, the fear that had built up in the pit of his stomach, he knew. So once you were calm and in his arms, he let out a shaky sigh, holding you a bit tighter as he looked down at you. He had dreamed about meeting his soulmate for so long, never did he imagine that his soulmate would get a panic attack upon finding out. All he wanted was for you to feel safe and happy around him, not scared and vulnerable.
The two of you sat there in silence on the side of the sidewalk for about 30 minutes, he still held you in his arms and you allowed him, feeling an odd sense of comfort from his hold. The two of you would get strange looks from passerbyers but you didn’t care, not right now.
“Thank you” were the first words out of your mouth as you pulled away to look at him. Wooyoung just nodded, keeping his hand on your back, rubbing it gently as if to reassure you. “I should go home” you said quietly as you stood up, “let me walk you” “you don’t-” “I’m not letting you walk alone at night.” His voice was gentle, but his tone also told you there was no room for argument, he was going to make sure you got home safe.
The entire walk was silent, Wooyoung was trying to figure out what to say to you. How was he meant to start a conversation with his soulmate who seemed so freaked out about having a soulmate? Wooyoung wanted to let out a loud groan of frustration and fall to the floor like a toddler throwing a fit, but he didn’t. Instead he turned to look over at you, letting a small sigh fall from his lips. “Can I ask you something?” Wooyoung finally speaks, making you stop to look at him. You nod, having a feeling you knew what he was going to ask. “Why are you so afraid” “I’m not” he gave you an unamused look before holding up his wrist. “I can feel what you feel, remember?” Damn this stupid fucking bond, you mentally cursed. You know he deserved an answer, he was your soulmate and was equally affected by whatever was going on in your life as you were, but you didn��t know him, you didn’t feel comfortable opening up to him, not yet. “Will you be mad if I tell you I can’t tell you” “can’t or won’t” “won’t” you answered truthfully. Wooyoung let out a soft sigh before shaking his head, “I won’t be mad, if you're not comfortable I’m not going to push you-” There was a beat of silence as he ran his hand through his hair as he tried to calm down his frustration. “Will you tell me eventually?” “I don’t know… I hope so” you answer truthfully. That seems to be enough for Wooyoung as he nods and takes your hand in his, motioning for you to lead the way.
It had been two days since the party and you hadn’t seen Wooyoung since, and for some reason, it was killing you. You felt like a total sellout, just a week ago you were perfectly content with never meeting your soulmate, barely giving the idea a thought, but now? Now you felt like you needed to see him. You had heard about this from other people with the soulmate mark, they say that once you meet your soulmate, all you want is to be around them, you thought that was utter bull shit, until now.
Yeosang and Mingi still didn’t know, and you weren’t about to tell them. You knew that once you did they would tell you how much of an idiot you were being. All you had to do was talk to him, get to know him and then maybe explain why you think soulmates are overrated, but you were scared that you would break around him, and give into the system you despised.
“It’s been two days, you need to get out of bed” Yeosang stated as he yanked your covers off you. “What even happened, why are you so moppy” Mingi asked as he helped Yeosang get you to stand. “Nothing” you mumbled, allowing them to push you into the bathroom so you could brush your teeth and get ready for class. “Come on Y/n, we’re not dumb, we know what’s going on.” You turned to Yeosang with wide eyes, he knew? How? “You’ve done nothing but stare at your soulmate mark for the past two day. So…” “so what” you replied, quickly turning back around to rinse out your mouth. “Who is it bitch” Mingi shouted as he turned you around to look at him. “No one, stop being weird” you tried to dismiss them and walk out but Yeosang blocked the door, staring straight into your eyes. “Who is it” “Who is it” they asked one after another, over and over again until they were basically chanting it in your ear. “Stop it! It’s Wooyoung, god it’s Wooyoung you freaks!” You shouted, quickly pushing past them to go back into your room.
“Wooyoung! The guy who invited us to that party?” Mingi exclaims with wide eyes. “Why didn’t you tell us” “because I knew you guys were going to freak out” “obviously! You found your soulmate that’s huge!” You just shook your head, he didn’t get it, after all these years he still didn’t understand. “Yeosang, I don’t want a soulmate” “no you don’t want an artificial, showy love” “wha-” “Y/n, for as long as I’ve known you, you’ve been nothing but closed off and reserved when it comes to the idea of soulmate, but I see you when you see couples, real couples walk down the street, or when you watch those cheesy rom coms or dramas. You want to be loved” Yeosang all but shouts at you. He loves you and he wants nothing but the best for you, but sometimes you could be so stubborn. “You’re afraid of your soulmate using you and your relationship for attention” “I- shut up” you pout, you hate how he knows you so well, it’s sickening.
Yeosang chuckles and takes a seat next to you on your bed, “so, it looks like you have two options, keep pretending that love is gross and disgusting and is the root of all evil, or you can share your concerns to Wooyoung and hope he understands” “what if he doesn’t?” Your voice is so small you ask the question, because you were terrified he wouldn’t, that the person you were meant to be with for the rest of your life would ignore your worries and brush them and you off. “Then me and Mingi will go have a little talk with him and you’ll never have to see him again” Mingi nods rapidly, showing you that he wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you, neither of them would. “You guys suck, you know that'' you tease, allowing Yeosang to pull you into a hug. He hums in response, pulling you closer to ease your anxiety.
You stood in front of Wooyoung’s apartment, eyes trained on the door as you worked up the courage to knock. Which was proving to be a lot harder than you thought. You bring your hand up to the door, fist ready to knock, but you don’t you just stand there- until the door opens. You pull your hand back and step back quickly, you weren’t expecting anyone to open the door. San smiles at you, “you can go in, his room is the last door on the right” “thank you” you mumbled, quietly slipping in as San leaves, probably to attend one of his classes.
Knocking on Wooyoung’s door is a lot easier than knocking on the front door. “Go away” sounds tired and it hurts to think you caused that. “I can’t do that Wooyoung” you respond. In no time at all he’s standing in front of you with wide eyes. His hair is a bit messy and his shirt is on backwards, but he still managed to look so god damn good. Pushing that thought aside, you give him a weak smile, and he returns it, stepping out and closing his door. “I would say let’s talk in my rooms but it’s a bit of a mess right now” you giggle, nodding as you follow him to the living room.
“I’m sorry” is the first thing out of your mouth, “for what?” He seems genuinely confused. Wooyoung didn’t think you did anything wrong, he knew you needed space, it was just giving you that space was harder than he thought. “Y/n you have nothing to be sorry for” he reassures, gently rubbing your knee.You look at him and suddenly your fears of him not understanding melt away, in the short time you knew him, he’s probably the most understanding man you had ever met. He was sweet and kind and caring, how could you think he wouldn’t understand.
So you tell him everything, from how you feel that soulmate love feels fake, artificial, that no one tries, to your fear that he might use you as a way to get attention from others. And He listens, he listens to it all, never once interrupting you, encouraging you to take your time when you struggle to get the words out. He even wiped your tears when you started crying, hell he even started crying himself.
“Y/n-” He speaks up after you finish. He takes your hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze, “-I know my words won’t be enough to reassure you, so I’ll show you” he smiles. When you give him a confused look he smiles even harder, “I will show you that love isn’t superficial and I’ll show you that I will never use you, because I would never want to hurt you Y/n.” He speaks with so much sincerity that it overwhelms you, causing tears to effortlessly fall from your eyes. “All I have ever wanted was for my soulmate to be happy, and if I can make you happy, I will” Your body reacts before your brain can and you're immediately on him, hugging him so tightly as you let your happy tears flow freely. You don’t say anything, and neither does he, but you don’t have to, because both of you know that everything will be alright, as long as you’re together.
“Awww!” Wooyoung doesn’t let go of you as the two of you turn to see the owner of the voice. “Yun, you have terrible timing dude” Wooyoung grumbles to his roommate Yunho. “I’m sorry but that was just so sweet-” “get out” Wooyoung whined as he pulled you closer, making you laugh. Yunho mocks Wooyoung before giving you a joking bow, “it was nice to meet you Y/n” he says as he playfully winks. Wooyoung chases his friend out of the room before returning back to you. “Movie?” He questions and you nod, smiling up at him, “a movie sounds nice.”
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indiee19 · 3 years
The View From... The Top Bunk
Alex Turner x reader
Summary: You're on tour with the band and (Humbug!) Alex gets you alone on the bus while the rest of the band are out.
warnings: smut, cringey jokes from Matt, Nick, And Jamie.
word count: 3.2k
-This part was wrote by the co-writer and my best friend, Thea, so thank you @teddyarabellapicker. the fic is also up on her page, so be sure to check her out
A/n: sorry for not uploading in a few days, I've just been writing a new story inspired by the Everything You've Come To Expect album. Also, I'm making a tag list, so lmk if you want to be added to it. Enjoy.
✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑ ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑
The sound of the boys shuffling around the bus and chattering woke you up. You tried to nuzzle your head back into Alex's neck, but he wasn't there. You opened your eyes, seeing that Alex wasn't squeezed into the bunk with you. You groaned and forced yourself out of the bunk, eyes adjusting to the sudden ray of light that came through the windows.
You dug into yours and Alex's bag, grabbing one of his shirts and you walked to the bathroom, rubbing your eyes to try and help wake you up. Once you got there, you went in and brushed your hair and teeth, making yourself somewhat presentable, putting the shirt on over your bra that you slept in.
You used a hair tie on your wrist to tie it up so it didn't go past your shorts. You checked yourself in the mirror one last time and then walked out, turning off the light and walking to the small lounge at the back of the bus, seeing Alex and the rest of the band sitting on the sofa.
"Ahh, so the beast has awoken and come out of their cave," Matt said, eliciting a laugh from everyone.
"Fuck off, Matt," you said, still tired and half asleep. You walked over to Alex, sitting beside him and nuzzling your head into his neck, cuddling up to him and Alex wrapped his arms around you, holding you close, and lifted you chin so that he could kiss you. You could taste the last cigarette he had before you woke and you smelled his spicy cologne that you bought him for his birthday.
"Oh, no, we better leave before they start shagging," Jamie said, making a disgust face. You and Alex both held up your middle fingers at him, Nick and Matt laughing. Alex pulled away and you nuzzled back into Alex's neck, closing your eyes.
"You alright, princess?" Alex asked, kissing the top of your head.
"Yeah, just ... just a little tired," you said and yawned immediately after making Alex 'aww' in his head. You drifted off into your own world, not paying attention to anyone or what they were saying.
All you knew was that they were talking about what songs they would play on their set list for the gig later. You heard them say something about playing 'When the sun goes down,' 'Brianstorm,' and 'Teddy Picker' but that was about all you heard.
Thirty minutes went by and then the boys got up, including Alex, making you finally open your eyes when your head fell without his shoulder holding your head up.
"Where are you guys going?" you asked, sitting up completely.
"Oh, we're going to the sound check," Alex said, scratching the back of his neck. "Do you want to come?"
"Sure, just let me get properly dressed," you said and got up and went to yours and Alex's bag.
"Okay, we'll be outside, love,” Alex said, walking outside with the rest of the band.
You reached the part of the bus where your bag was, reaching in it, grabbing some denim shorts and a t-shirt, putting on some shoes and the you walked outside, walking up behind Alex and scaring him. Matt, Nick, and Jamie laughed, Alex on the other hand, did not.
"Not funny," he said.
"Oh, come on, pull the stick out of your ass, it was funny and you know it," you replied, kissing him, making him smile, no longer being slightly mad.
"Okay, you're right. It was funny, princess," he said quietly, wrapping an arm around you, pulling you closer to his side. "We ready to go?" Alex asked the band.
"Yeah, Al. Let me go get Mark," Matt said, quickly telling Mark to come on and Mark grabbed his camera. You all got in the car, just barley enough room for all six of you. You were in between Alex and Jamie, Alex's fingers intertwined with your own. Jamie glanced over to you two and jokingly rolled his eyes and scoffed.
"You two better not snog in front of me," he joked. You and Alex laughed and Alex gave you a quick peck on the lips. Jamie made an over exaggerated disgusted face when Alex peppered your face with kisses, your lips, cheeks and forehead and everyone else laughed.
Alex stopped kissing you and laid his head down on your shoulder. "I love you, princess," he whispered, placing a chaste kiss to your jaw. You rested your head on top of his and you both sat in silence as everyone else talked the entire way there.
Once the car came to a halt at the venue they were playing at, everyone got out, Alex's hands grabbing yours and intertwining his fingers with yours, always desperate to touch you, whether it was by holding hand or laying beside you, he always liked to have some sort of physical contact with you.
You all walked into the venue they were playing at and you sat backstage while they did their sound check. Every now and then during the sound check Alex would look at you and when he stopped singing, he would blow you a kiss.
Even though it was their sound check, they still sounded amazing. Mark was filming them, no doubt for another installment of 'The View From...' videos that Matt was quite fond of doing and were also very fun to film. You laughed when Alex walked over to Jamie and did what you would describe as 'guitar fucking' where Alex was standing over Jamie and played their guitars and made weird faces at each other.
You were kind of sad whenever the sound check ended but you were also happy that you could kiss Alex finally. As soon as he sat down his guitar, he kissed you, his slightly chapped lips moving against your own.
Matt tapped on Alex's shoulder. "Okay, lovebirds, that's enough," he said. You and Alex pulled apart.
"Just because you're sad and single doesn't mean that you have to project onto us, Matt," Alex laughed. You couldn't help but laugh as well, Nick and Jamie joining in.
The show didn't start for another four hours so you all decided to play some games - throw the lime down the corridor, cards, but mostly throw the lime down the corridor, that made the hours go by fast.
You hadn't realized how close the time was to when the show was supposed to begin, after a while of playing the game, Alex grabbed you and pulled you into his dressing room.
"Alex,"  you squealed. He pushed you against the wall and instantly started kissing you, his hands traveling up your body to fondle your breasts through the material of your shirt and bra.
"Alex, stop, you have to be on stage in a few minutes," you said, pushing him away. You immediately missed the feeling of his lips against yours, but you didn't want to be the reason that he wasn't on stage in time.
He sighed and stepped back, grabbing the clothes he was going to perform in, quickly changing all the while you were watching him. Once he finished changing he ran his fingers through his hair, styling it in the mirror. You were jealous of how incredibly good his hair always looked, jealous of how soft and shiny and smooth it was, and how it rarely ever got tangled. His hair was better than yours could ever be, but you didn't mind because he was perfect.
"Do I look good, love?" Alex asked when he noticed you starring at him, chuckling lightly.
"You always look good, Al," you replied, Alex blushed at your compliment, always being an adorable, shy boy.
"Al, come on. We have to go on stage!" Matt yelled from outside his dressing room. You and Alex walked out, hand in hand. Alex grabbed his guitar and kissed you before going up on stage with everyone else.
Just like always, their show was amazing. The way Matt played the drums that made the songs, Alex's absolutely amazing vocals as well as Matt and Nick's backing vocals and Jamie occasionally messing up the cords, but still doing amazing. You couldn't help but sing along sometimes, though your voice didn't compare to Alex's whatsoever.
Your favourite song they played that night though was Do Me A Favour, though you were confused whenever Alex laughed during the saddest part of the song, but the confusion quickly went away when the drums and guitar kicked in.
Though you enjoyed the sound check, you enjoyed the show even more, and you loved the confidence that they all radiated, acting like the coolest people in the world, because they were. You loved hearing the crowd cheer for them - and you also loved the girls yelling at Alex.
"I love you, Alex!"
"You're amazing!"
"You're a fucking amazing singer!"
"Alright, everybody, it's time for us to go. We're gonna leave you with this one," Alex said, seeming sad himself. They started playing D Is For Dangerous, and you were glad they did, it was one of your favourite songs after all.
You got so into the song that you forgot that it was their last song of the night and you were sad whenever they stopped and said goodbye to the crowd. They all walked off stage, leaving their instruments on stage for the next night when they would be performing again.
You stood up and walked over to Alex, his face immediately lighting up when he saw you, grabbing your waist, kissing your temple.
"Did you enjoy the show, princess?" he asked. You nodded and told him that you absolutely loved it and couldn't wait for tomorrow nights show, certain that it would be even better than this one.
You saw the guys talking and wondered what they were talking about. They then walked over to you and Alex.
"So, we're going to out and eat, you guys wanna come?" Nick asked.
"Yeah, or do you guys want to go back to the bus all by yourselves?" Jamie added, him and Matt laughing. You rolled your eyes and Alex looked at you, then back at the guys.
"Nah, I think we'll go," he said, grabbing your hand, walking you to his dressing room to change, the rest of the guys doing the same. Alex wore the blue button up that you'd bought him for his birthday, he wore it every chance he got, it only being special because you had bought it and not anyone else. He quickly stepped into his black jeans and tugged them up, buttoning and zipping them.
You were on your phone most of the time, responding to messages from friends and family who were asking about the show. Alex saying your name snapped you out of your daze and you looked up at him, seeing his adorable, lazy grin that he only did when he was alone with you, not wanting to show it in public in fear of breaking his 'bad boy' persona that he had.
"You're so cute," you smiled, laughing when he made a weird face at you. You wished that he showed his playful and goofy side in public, you thought that his persona wasn't truthful to who he actually was - a shy, quiet, socially awkward, playful romantic boy.
"You ready?" Alex asked, holding his hand out for you to grab. You took his hand and he helped you stand up, grabbing his bag that had the clothes he performed in and you both walked out, leaving the building entirely, seeing the guys waiting for you two.
"You guys ready?" Matt asked, leaning on the car, Nick and Jamie getting in it along with Mark in the very back, Jamie sitting where he sat on the way to the venue.
"Yeah," you said. You and Alex then got into the car, sitting in the same spots as before, you in between Alex and Jamie, Alex beside the window.
The drive was full of singing, shitty jokes, and occasionally sneaky kisses between you and Alex. Nick and Jamie ended up arguing about witch soccer team was better and it was fairly funny, Matt even joined in. You couldn't help but laugh when they tried to bring Alex into the argument, though he quickly stopped that, saying that he didn't have a say in it.
You layed your head down on Alex's shoulder for the rest of the drive, holding hands, tuning out the stupid argument going on between the rest of the boys.
The car came to a halt at a restaurant, everyone getting out and walking inside, stopping in the entryway for the band to take a picture with a fan of theirs. You all then walked over to a podium where a waitress was standing.
"How many?" they asked, getting ready to pick up some menus.
"Uh ... six," Matt said, stopping for a moment to count up all of you.
"Okay, right this way," they said, picking up six menus, leading you all to a round table where you all took your seats. The seat beside you was empty, Alex sitting on the other side. The waitress left and soon after another waiter came to take your drink orders, bringing them out not long after.
It was a few more minutes until you all had decided what you were going to order and the waiter was quick to come back and take your orders, rushing it to the kitchen.
The boys somehow got back onto their argument on soccer, their bickering amusing, it was like they were children arguing about what superhero was the best which made it all the more better.
They seemed to be too into the argument to notice that Alex was now much closer to you, his hand rubbing up and down your thigh, brushing dangerously close to your clothed clit. You quickly grabbed his hand, reminding him that you were in public. He didn't seem to care though, continuing to rub your thigh, lightly brushing against your clit through the material of your shorts. You held back a gasp and grabbed his hand, pulling it away from you.
He glared at you, grabbing your hand, kissing it. You all talked until your food arrived at the table, though that didn't stop Alex from teasing you again. Whenever the guys were looking away from you two he would whisper dirty things in your ear.
"I can't wait till we get back to the bus."
"You look so hot right now, princess."
You knew that this was either him being horny as always, or it was his gig high that he hadn't shaken off yet. Your second thought was confirmed when he went back to rubbing you thigh, never wanting to do something like this in public, whispering in your ear. "When we get back to the bus, I'm going to fuck you up." That was it, you were gone, couldn't handle his teasing any longer.
"Please, Alex," you said quietly, begging him with your eyes. "As you wish, princess," he said, taking his hand off your thigh. "Hey, guys, I think we're gonna head back to the bus, she's not feeling really well," Alex lied, you playing along.
"Oh, okay, hope you feel better, love," Matt said, drinking his beer. "Thanks, Matt," you said softly, acting as if you were actually not well. You and Alex said your goodbyes to Jamie, Nick, and Mark and then left the restaurant, rushing to get to the bus.
You were both very eagar, more than  you could've ever remembered, the ten minute walk taking a little less than five when you began to hurriedly get there, pushing past people so you could get there faster.
As soon as you both reached the bus and got in, Alex pushed you against the wall, attaching his slightly chapped lips to yours, moving in sync with one another. He bit down on your bottom lip, demanding entrance and you complied, his tongue easily fighting yours into submission. He was quick to rid you of your shirt, working on getting your pants off.
Once he rid you of your pants, leaving you in your bra and panties, he grabbed the underside of your thighs, signaling for you to jump, to which you did. He carried you to your shared bunk with him. You shuffled out of the rest of your garments before crawling into the top bunk, watching as Alex took off his own clothes, crawling in and laying over you, closing the curtain.
He wasn't in the mood to tease you anymore, too far gone just like yourself. He was quick to give his thick cock a few tugs before he nestled himself between your legs, slowly pushing in, head falling down on your shoulder when he bottomed out, the feeling of your walls stretching to fit his size too much for him.
He let you adjust to his size before starting to move, going slowly, setting a pace of his own liking, though it didn't last long, he couldn't take it anymore, his need to hear you moan for him growing immensely. And it didn't take long before you were a moaning mess for him, fingers knotting in his precious hair that you loved so much.
He began to place wet kisses on your neck, one of his hands coming in between your bodies to rub vigorously on your clit, his other hand the only thing holding all of his weight off of you. You knew that it wouldn't be long until you came undone, his thrusts getting faster and faster, but at the same time sloppier and it was obvious that he wasn't very far off either.
"A-Alex, I'm so close," you whimpered, voice trailing off into a moan as Alex had delivered a particularly hard thrust, hitting the spongey spot that made you see stars.
"Come for me, princess," he said, delivering one more hard thrust, flicking your clit, sending you over the edge, your own orgasm triggering Alex's, his hips stilling, his hot release spurting inside you.
His support arm gave out and he collapsed on top of you, panting heavily.
"God, I love you," he panted, the both of you coming down from your highs. "I love you too, Al," you responded.
All of a sudden, you heard the bus door open and heard Matt yell yours and Alex's name. You heard him walk over to the bunk and opened the curtain, quickly closing it when  he saw you both.
"God, Al, you could've given me a warning," Matt said, walking away. "Jamie, Nick, don't look in their bunk. Trust me, you'll regret it," you heard Matt say in the small lounge room and Nick and Jamie's laughter echoed through the bus.
"Sorry," Alex yelled, pulling out of you with a sigh, the two of you shuffling so that you both could sleep comfortably in the very small bunk. "Goodnight, princess, I love you.
"I love you too, Al."
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attllhak · 3 years
Adoption AU - Wild and Warriors: The Epic Quest For Taco Bell at 3 am
@tortilla-of-courage so you mentioned you’d be interested in my Adoption AU one-shots, and now that things have calmed down in my house a bit I figured I’d post the first one-shot I wrote; the one about Wild and Warriors going for a Taco Bell run. Theoretically, I was going to do a one-shot for each grouping of boys, as an introduction, but I don’t think that’s happening anymore. Either way, here’s the first thing I wrote!
(And, anyone else who would like to be tagged if/when I post more for this AU, let me know here and I’ll make a list or something)
“anyone know any good substitutes for love and personal fulfilment?”
Warriors sent the tweet without much thought. He didn’t actually care about an answer, he just felt like venting about his most recent break up in a vague way, and thought he was being funny. He could already see Legend rolling his eyes.
His phone dinged a few times, one reply from Twilight, asking why he was up so late (which he’d responded to with the same inquiry, which had Twilight going silent), one from Legend mocking him, one from Hyrule trying to actually help. He was surprised how many of his brothers were up at this hour.
He dropped the phone on his bed, rubbing his eyes. He wasn’t actually all that tired, probably a consequence of having all afternoon classes and a habit of leaving his work to the last minute. Eh, the first year was supposed to be mostly parties anyways. (Not that Time would ever find out he said that.)
His phone dinged again and he groaned, eying the clock and the small bottle of melatonin next to it. 2:43 am. He should sleep. He didn’t have anything tomorrow, he finished his last final earlier that afternoon, though, so a few more minutes couldn’t hurt.
He picked up the phone and woke it up again. He blinked a few times at the new reply.
“crunchwrap supreme from taco bell”
He ignored Twilight yelling at Wild for being up, as apparently Wild did have a final tomorrow still. Not that Wild was paying any more attention.
He snorted, hitting the like button on Wild’s tweet and clicking off his phone. He reached up to stretch, yawning as he did. He eyed the melatonin bottle again. Technically, he didn’t need the supplements to sleep, but with how messed up his sleep schedule was, they did help him knock out when he planned on sleeping at a reasonable hour. This wasn’t a reasonable hour, but sleepiness hadn’t set in yet either.
Before he could decide, his phone lit up with a text notification. He tilted his head back and pointed his phone down to look at instead of dropping his arms.
Gordon Ramsey 2:44 am
lets go
Warriors blinked once. Then again. He unlocked his phone to type back.
what?????? go where?????
A second passed when he got a reply.
taco bell
for your substitute for love
since you got dumped and need something
oops was that too soon
Warriors blinked at the screen again. Wild lived twenty minutes away from the university Warriors was attending, and the nearest Taco Bell was no closer. Plus, Time had revoked Wild’s driving privileges after he crashed his bike into the barn and broke both and his arm. There was no way Wild was getting to the university, much less a fast food joint. Especially at this hour.
and how do you plan to do that? You aren’t allowed to drive yet Mr. Broken Arm
you have a care
That was a very good point.
you are suggesting that I drive 20mins outside of town to pick you up, drive another 20mins back into town, then drive around downtown until we find an open taco bell, at 3am on a school night before you have a final?
There was a few seconds pause, just long enough for Warriors to consider that he’d given up on it.
we wont be driving all over town
i googled it and found one
its like 10mins form your collage
Warriors considered that.
twilight won’t be happy
only if he finds out
Wild made a very good point.
how do you plan to get out of the house without him noticing?
i have a window war
The response was so immediate, and he was probably sleep deprived enough, that he burst out laughing when it sent.
He clicked his phone shut and shoved it in his pocket, grabbing a jacket and his scarf on the way out of his room. He was struggling to shrug them both on at once when he realized his roommate was still up too. There was a tense staredown as their eyes met and they both froze.
Volga broke the standoff by closing his book. “And where are you going at this hour?”
Warriors considered that. “My brother bribed me with food to break him out of the house,”
“At,” he glanced at his watch, “two forty-nine am?”
The silence was tense.
Volga sighed and opened his book again. “Don’t crash and die, I’d hate to have to get a new roommate when I’ve finally gotten used to you,”
“Don’t burn the dorm down while I’m gone,” Warriors joked back, finally getting the fabric to work with him.
“It happened once, and it’s not like you’re any better at cooking!”
“I don’t set what I make on fire, and then freak out and throw it when blowing out that fire doesn’t work,” he grabbed his keys from the dish by the door and waved behind him.
“It happened once, Link!”
“And it’s why we order out now,” he grinned, ducking out the door. “See you later, Volg, be back in an hour or so,”
He could hear Volga’s angry shout through the door, so hurried down the stairs to the ground level as quickly as he could, before Volga woke their neighbor again.
He was still giggling when he got to the parking lot. Volga was just too easy to rile up.
The cool night air woke him up a little more so, and he took a deep breath as he located his car. A hand-me-down vehicle, he inherited it from Time when he was old enough to drive. Mostly this was so he could stop asking everyone else for their cars when he wanted to go somewhere. A little elbow grease however, and no one could tell it was at least 20 years old and not fresh off the lot. He made sure none of his brothers were allowed to drive it, especially after Wild got his bike stuck in a tree, or Legend crashed into a lake, or Twilight picked up drag racing, or Wild got his bike stuck on the roof, or Hyrule lost his car, or Four rolled his truck, or Wild and the barn literally last week. A lot of the crashes in the family came from Wild going ‘oh yeah? Watch this!’ now that he thought about it. It was a miracle he still had the same bike.
The twenty minute drive to the farm was pretty boring, nothing of note really happening.
He turned off his headlights as he pulled into the drive, not wanting to wake anyone, especially Time, up. He shot off a quick text to Wild when he parked.
A window opened and Legend’s head poked out to glare at him. His phone dinged.
Royal Pain 3:12 am
what are you doing here?
He glared back at Legend and typed out a response.
taco bell run
Legend glanced down, presumably at his phone, then back up a Warriors with an incredulous expression.
at 3am????
and if so why are you /here/????
Warriors pointedly looked around the house where Wild emerged from the bushes. Said brother grinned and popped open the passenger door to climb in.
“Hey,” he grinned. His hair was a mess, with at least two visible sticks stuck in it, and he was still in his sleep clothes. Despite this, he seemed fine.
“Legend has us made,” Warriors nodded to their brother, who was still glaring with his head out the window.
Royal Pain 3:15 am
twilight won’t be happy about this
Warriors frowned, trying to shield his phone from Wild as he typed back.
twilight won’t know
Warriors did not like the look in Legend’s eyes as he got the next text.
unless i tell him
Warriors glared up at his brother, working his jaw.
what do you want?
He hated the pleased grin Legend shot him.
the most expensive thing on the menu on your dime
Warriors shoved his phone away with a growl, flipping off the overly smug Legend as he put the car in gear. “Asshole,” he muttered.
“What was that about?” Wild asked.
“We’re buying him food too now,” Warriors growled, flicking back on his headlights.
“Oh, cool,” Wild leaned back into the seat and pulled out his phone. “So the Taco Bell we’re going to only has the drive thru open, and it’s just off main street,”
Warriors nodded, focussing on the road and not that Wild had found the aux cord.
About thirty minutes later, as Wild finally turned down the music to provide directions, he snapped and turned to Warriors mid direction. “Do you want to sign my cast?”
Warriors blinked. “Maybe when we stop, I’m not crashing to sign your cast right now.”
Wild nodded, and pointed across Warriors at the street they had to go down.
They pulled into the drive thru and ordered, then had to wait for the very expensive thing Legend wanted. Warriors turned to Wild as the car idled.
“Do you have a marker?”
Wild blinked at him, then brightened up and offered out a sharpie and his right arm. The cast, under the signatures and well wishes of their family and all of Wild’s friends, was painted in very poorly drawn flames. Warriors raised an eyebrow as he searched for a clear spot to sign.
“Hyrule painted it for me,” Wild explained with a grin.
“Ah,” Warriors hummed as he finally tracked down an empty space by Wild’s elbow.
He scrawled out his name, not much room for anything else, and then handed the capped sharpie back to Wild while he twisted around to accept the food from the drive thru worker.
He shot off a text to Legend to let him know they had his food, alongside an upset emoji. Legend sent him a devil face emoji back. Wild dug through the bag for his food, sharpie stuck in his hair alongside the twigs, which seemed to be multiplying.
Warriors rolled his eyes and pulled back onto the road.
At some point, Wild pulled the wrap out and handed it to Warriors, who ate one handed as he drove. Wild was right about one thing, the wrap did taste very good.
He pulled into the drive of the farmhouse, headlights off, just as he finished off the wrap. He phone dinged the second he put the car in park.
Royal Pain 3:58 am
where’s my food bitch
Warriors looked up to the window where Legend was leaning out and glaring at him.
Wild laughed at the surly look on Legend’s face, climbing out and taking the bag with him. “I’ll feed him,” he promised, grinning. “Thanks for the trip, War!”
“No problem,” Warriors grinned back. “Just make sure you get to bed once you’re inside, so Twi doesn’t suspect in the morning,”
Wild gave him a thumbs up. He shut the door a little too hard, making Warriors wince, and bounced up to throw the bag up to Legend. Legend caught it the second time, when Wild opted to use his not broken arm to toss it, and disappeared inside again. Warriors’ phone dinged again a few seconds later.
Royal Pain 4:00 am
thanks pretty boy
your secret is safe with me
for now
Warriors rolled his eyes and sent him a thumbs up back, then pulled out of the drive again to head back to campus. He was actually starting to feel tired now, so he figured he’d get home and just crash. It’d be like, 4:30 in the morning by then, and he was pretty sure Volga would be asleep. And if he wasn’t, they had a rule that after 4 am until 7 they were allowed to ignore each other, so it’d be fine.
Volga was asleep when Warriors snuck in, passed out in a chair with the book on his chest. Warriors took the sight in, then sighed.
He dropped his keys in the dish, then pulled off his jacket and scarf to hang in his room. He grabbed a bookmark off his shelf and wandered back out to pull the book off of Volga’s chest and set it down so the spine wouldn’t crease. He left Volga like that, however. He didn’t want the books to get damaged, but if Volga was dumb enough to fall asleep in the common room without a blanket, then he deserved what he woke up with.
He was very lucky that Warriors was too tired to find a sharpie.
He fell asleep before remembering to take off his shoes.
The next morning, so about noon, he was woken by Volga pounding on the door to put his phone on silent.
His phone buzzed on the desk next to him and he pulled it off and up to his head, hitting answer before looking at the contact.
“Hullo?” He slurred, still half asleep.
“Twilight knows,” Legend greeted him.
“What?” Warriors sat up, groaning as his back complained from sleeping on his stomach all night. It took a second for his brain to catch up.
“Twilight knows,” Legend repeated. “Hyrule sold you out, unintentionally, and I can hear him selling you both out to Time,”
Warriors blanched as the words registered. “Oh shit,” he threw himself out of bed, hissing as he realized he slept fully dressed, and scrambled for the things he’d need in order to flee. “How long?”
“Twenty minutes if you get lucky and Wind pulls through, less if not,”
Warriors cursed under his breath as he changed his shirt and tried to make it look like he hadn’t been sleeping in what he was wearing. “Thanks for the heads up, I’d say I owe you but,”
“You’d rather not owe me,”
“Look, if you get caught and cave, I go down too. This is self-preservation. Don’t cave and we’re even.”
“Got it, I won’t,”
“You better not,” Legend hissed. “Good luck,”
“Thanks,” Warriors nodded, even though Legend couldn’t see him.
He tossed the phone on his dresser as the line went dead and he went about trying to comb through his hair so he looked presentable.
A hard knock on his door came a few seconds later.
“I put my phone on vibrate, Volga!” He shouted through the door. “You can drop it now!”
Warriors paused, then opened the door. Lana, Impa and Artemis waited on the other side, Volga glaring at them and hovering behind them.
Warriors blinked dumbly at them. “Uh, hi?”
“Hi Link! Good morning!” Lana grinned and waved at him.
“It’s noon,” Impa reminded the group, eying Warriors up and down.
“Oh, right,” Lana nodded, then went back to grinning at him. “Good noon, Link!”
He snorted and shook his head to clear it. “Good noon to you too, Lana. Can I ask what you’re all doing here?”
“We were hoping you’d join us for something,” Artemis smiled at him, also looking him over, trying to find whatever Impa had picked up on. “We’re going on a small road trip since all our finals are over, and we were planning on hitting a few different cities over the week,”
“Mhm,” Lana nodded quickly. “We’re leaving today, and are taking no calls until we get back, and we’re camping in the car, which is why we’re using my van, and we were hoping you’d come with us,”
“I’m in,”
The three girls blinked at him. Maybe he answered too fast, but taking no calls, meaning no contact with his family, for a week gave them time to move past this, and he really didn’t want to deal with a lecture from Time. His friends just offered him asylum, whether they knew it or not.
Impa narrowed her eyes. “What happened with your family?” She asked, already onto him.
“Nothing that’s my fault,” he responded, ducking back into his room. “What should I bring with?”
Lana listed off what they figured they’d take and he pulled out a suitcase, nodding along as he started packing. He fired off a text to the group chat as he grabbed his jacket, tossed over one arm, and wrapped his scarf around his neck.
World’s Best Captain 11:39 am
Leaving on a road trip with some friends. Be back in a week, but I can’t take calls until I’m back. Don’t kill each other!
He put his phone on silent and slipped it into his pocket.
He might have a hellish text backlog when he got back, but it’d be better than the lecture from Time. And besides, he got to spend a week with the best girls he knew.
As far as he was concerned, everything worked out win-win for him.
Wild was right, the crunchwrap supreme from Taco Bell did work wonders in supplying love and personal fulfilment, even if not in the way he meant it.
He made a note to get Wild something as thanks while they were out. Maybe some crash pads. Goddesses knew that his brother needed them.
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