theoathkeeper · 4 years
Ok i had to talk about kh music haha 😆💕 it’s such a huge part of the series so theres of course so many songs that i love but for me lazy afternoons is one of my favs (of the world themes) i listen to it all the time and goshh it’s just so nostalgic to me 🥺 xions theme is my fav from character songs but i also love riku&naminé and kairis themes!! 😆💖💖 soooo many to choose from but what are your favs (especially character songs since u said couple of others in your tags? 😆💕💕💕)
AHHHHH  I LOVE THIS!! 💖💖 💖💖 💖💖 💖💖 💖💖 💖💖 💖💖 There is nothing better than talking about kh music!! YES YES YES TO ALL OF THIS!! Lazy Afternoons is literally what the sunset would sound like if it had a tune, definitely one of the best kh music tracks!! Iit just sounds like a promise being made that better days are to come. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Is there a certain memory or time it makes you feel nostalgic of? 😊 Your character song choices are 👌👌👌👌 XIONS THEME IS ONE OF THE MOST HEARTBREAKING TRACKS I HAVE EVER LISTENED TO IN MY LIFE!! They literally make you feel her pain. 😭😭😭😭😭😭 Rikus literally outlines his entire character arc and his self-acceptance and it always leaves me feeling too many things!! Namines just feels so indictive of her gentleness but also her desire to be free and Kairis I think is so beautiful because it shows the peace she brings to her friends when they think of her but there’s also a hidden sombreness of her character which I hope we get to see more of. What is it about those character themes that you love?? 😆 💖💖 💖💖 💖💖 💖💖
Honestly with the character songs I love them all so it’s always difficult to choose a favourite, but I think that definitely has to be Xions but particularly this version here, like I think her ost is just the most impactful and memorable out of all the character osts. I remember whenever I was feeling really stressed at uni or life in general, I would listen to it and it would just help give me the strength to keep going! 🥺🥺🥺 I also really love aquas, the heaviness of her ost just always blows me away and I think gives an insight into her character which you do not see at first.  😭😭😭 I also really love vens theme WHICH KILLS ME EVERYTIME, like how all he wanted was just to be with and protect his friends. Recently I’ve also been into Soras theme, it just helps get me in the mood to get up and get things done!! 😊💖💖💖💖💖💖
This one isn’t really a world or character one, but I really love friends in my heart from kh2, that moment just always breaks my heart with the part of roxas in sora crying at leaving his friends.  At dusk I will think of you is also one that just makes you feel right at home! 😊👌👍
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stormdive · 4 years
       well  ,  i expressed these sentiments not too long ago with the anniversary for KH3′s release  ,  but what the heck  , this sort of stuff bears repeating  &&  why not explore further with some intense sap  :          i am forever grateful to this series for all it has given me  &&  so many others  .  yes there is plenty to pick apart  &&  some things did not age well         hell  ,  you’d have a tough time convincing me to play KH1 again with its combat system  &&  janky camera without some very heavy incentive           but in a lot of ways it grew  with  me  &&  through that it truly means so much to me  .          kingdom hearts 2  (  which is what i technically started with  ,  though it quickly drove me to play from the beginning afterwards  )  ,  &&  the concept work of tetsuya nomura specifically  ,  is what inspired me to dedicate myself to art as a craft  &&  passion  .  i still remember looking up the artwork of the series  &&  falling in love with the characterization  &&  style across the entire series  ,  motivated to become a concept artist myself  .  drawing is truly the closest thing i feel to a ‘purpose’ in that i feel most at peace when i am doing it  .  for all the struggles  &&  very low places i have reached in my life  ,  i am not over-exaggerating when i say the inspiration provided by this series has  fundamentally  changed my life for the better  ,  if not saved it at times  .          beyond that  ,  i remember the exact moment something clicked in my head while playing KH2  :  that video games themselves were an art form  ,  both collaboratively with individual pieces  (  through the music           oh god  ,  the music           the character design  ,  the levels  ,  the writing  ,  as applicable  )  &&  on their own with a unique ability to tell stories in a way no other medium can by merit of being interactive  .  this was so fascinating to me that it drove my venture towards college  .  in fact i literally wrote my college admission essays on the 43 second cutscene that takes place before the 1000 heartless battle in KH2  ,  exploring it as an example of how a video game can uniquely guide a player’s experience from a story through mix of their own input  &&  the information given through accompanying film techniques  &&  . . .   well you get the idea  .  i really like this sort of stuff  .   i am truly passionate about video games as a medium  &&  kingdom hearts is what really inspired that too  .           &&  then there’s the people it’s brought together  .  people’s fondness for the series varies in its intensity  &&  reason  .  you’ve got nerds like me drooling over basically ever piece of it as some larger whole  ,  you’ve got people who just love some good real-time action combat  &&  others who really like being able to explore their favorite disney worlds  .  some like the writing  (  some hate the writing but like what they imagine they would write instead lol  )  ,  the philosophies  &&  themes found in the series  ,  while others might just see every KH game as their next level 1 critical mode challenge  .  a lot of people love the characters  .  this particular piece of the community wouldn’t exist otherwise  .  &&  .  .  .  well to be honest some people just love to hate it  &&  man do these people bore me to  death  to listen to  ,  but they still count lol  .            either way it has still connected  a lot  of people  &&  that’s just really cool to me  !  all these different folks  ,  excited about the same thing when a new game comes out  .  all these new people who discover it  &&  join in on caring about something that thousands of other people care about too  .  something fun  !  ‘ silly ’  !  a video game  !!  what a uniquely human thing  !!             i would not have met a great deal of you without this series           perhaps none of you  ,  it’s impossible to say for certain  .  &&  that would be a shame  ,  because some of the best influences in my life are sitting behind computer screens  maybe  reading this post from one silly roleplay blog to another  .  the creativity  &&  support  &&  my close friends here  &&  even just the broad company of being part of this community is an undoubtedly positive facet of my day  ,  every day  .              so i am grateful to this series for giving me that  .  for bridging a connection  ,  even faintly between myself  &&  so many wonderful people  &&  so many people i will probably never know  .  or  ,  to wrap things up with the most deliciously cheesy bow  &&  quote a certain dull  ,  ordinary boy  :  i'm proud to be a small part of something bigger  .            happy anniversary  .
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