moon-knights-balls · 10 months
moon knight season 2 🙏 moon knight season 2 🙏 moon knight season 2 🙏 moon knight season 2 🙏 moon knight season 2 🙏 moon knight season 2 🙏
nurarihyon no mago season 3 🙏 nurarihyon no mago season 3 🙏 nurarihyon no mago season 3 🙏 nurarihyon no mago season 3 🙏 nurarihyon no mago season 3 🙏 nurarihyon no mago season 3 🙏
[I am manifesting]
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bi-moonlight · 1 year
i had kinda high expectations of heartstopper s2 and wow it not just met but exceeded them
aro ace representation, my beloved book ace right in ur eyes, all the different families and dynamics, communication!!, friendship being as valued as romantic relationships, the way mental things and ed in particular were depicted and handled, bullies and their apologies snd the responses to them, more of the teachers, imogen's arc, isaac's arc!!! , the fact that the iconic and beloved comic scenes came alive and the things they added only make the story better and expand it and how it's done so well, so thoughtful and intricate details are handled with care
I'm in awe
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artsy-marshmelloww · 2 years
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i finally finished the penguin!!! welcome george into the world folks:)
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ceritops · 17 days
I havent finished on all my nura bios but
I did start another project
I'm making concept designs for a minecraft texture pack, did you know you can change the minecolonies mod models with a optifine texture pack like vanilla minecraft models? I found it out after using the etf/emf mods and looking through the models in game
So i decided to make some creatures to switch out the models with :
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I used swans, lizards, and pigeons as inspiration, ive also been experimenting with colouring
I plan on making different ethnicities and subspecies for the npcs from another mod (the roamers mod)
I'm using blockbench to make the models after i finish brainstorming the ideas for their culture, clothing, and the things i mentioned before
I hope I'll get somewhere with this soon 😅 I've tried to do this with mods before but quickly got distracted by other mods i deemed more suited to my tastes (and considering making my own mod with my own creatures)
Some of my past attempts :
This was for the otherworld mod by the same person who made the roamers mod
I might work on this more later but I got distracted by minecolonies
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This was for minecraft comes alive: reborn after i found out i could turn off the custom models (unfortunately i couldn't assign textures to different sexes so i made a workaround by making a hermaphrodite species), I quickly gave up on this after finding the otherworld mod
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And this is a model i made for a mod i made, it was on mcreator but i have a short attention span and got distracted, starting over again on just making texture packs
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crowpricorn · 1 year
tagged by nura @jackwolfes (💗) to post a WIP wednesday, so here's something from my blind wylan au that I want to come back to very soon and hopefully finish writing!
All he remembers is the roar, the blinding white light, shards of glass flying everywhere, being shoved back by the strength of the explosion. He doesn't remember hitting his head, the fog and fire and glass shards hitting his face. He supposes he came out of there scarred ugly, maybe burned. His skin is a bit ruvid and uneven in places, around his left eye and under his chin, so he supposes he does have scars to go with the sad backstory. But he is too ashamed and prudish, too proud, even, to ask any of his maids for confirmation, and it's not like he can see his face reflected in the mirror and admire the result of his clumsiness on his own.
Facing the mirror all he can see reflected back at him is void, and nothing and nothing and nothing.
All the colors fade away from his memories day by day — the details of the bodies he loved, the reflection of the sun on the lake's waters, the shapes of funny clouds up in the sky. He remembers spending endless afternoons with the doe eyed boy, just looking up at clouds and making stories up, tales that shifted as the winds shifted the shapes in the sky.
He wonders what the doe eyed boy is up to now — maybe he moved back to Novyi Zem like he had said he would, maybe he went to university like his Da had wanted and graduated with the highest honors. He never came looking for Wylan, and he supposes it's fair. He has nothing to offer now that he is blind.
He remembers being a child with no friends and then suddenly, by the age of six, he was a child with a friend — and what a huge milestone that was. He remembers days and days spent together, playing and running, causing mischief and swimming in the lake. He remembers high pitched laughs and whispered secrets.
And the colors — the colors of those memories make him dizzy with nostalgia. The warm brown of his skin and the raging gray of his kind eyes — the calm before the storm. The ridiculous, mismatched colors he always wore: patchwork fantasies and deep purples, stripes and lime, embroidered flowers on yellow jackets. Wylan feels his throat constrict on itself every time he is hit by the realization he will never see those funny clothes again. Those perfectly shaped lips, the gap between his teeth, his straight nose. The storm-like eyes that always hugged Wylan's features with warm affection.
One day they spent the late afternoon digging their feet in the dirt of the lake and wiggling their toes to bring tadpoles to the surface. The tiny creatures gathered at their skinny ankles to chew on hair and dead skin, and they laughed and laughed under the fading sun. The doe eyed boy had looked beautiful, an eleven years old creature with the world ready to welcome him at every turn he would take. Wylan had leaned forward, slammed a hand on the boy's forearm to keep his balance as he stood on his tiptoes. He had kissed him, chaste and fast, a peck on the lips that had tasted of cherries.
The day after, Wylan had tried to fly his father's aircraft — the one Jan had won many competitions in, including his first one. Wylan wonders if his father was more worried for his son or for his aircraft, right after the crash.
He hasn't seen the doe eyed boy with the gap between his teeth ever since.
not tagging, whoever wants to do this / share some wips is free to do it 💗
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TOP 10 MANGA OF 2022 GO!!!
a few days late but better late than never 😅😅😅
10) I sold off my lifespan for 10,000 yen a year - 9/10
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9) genkaku picasso - 10/10
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8) prophecy - 9/10
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7) to my dearest self with malice aforethought - 9/10
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6) summer time rendering - 8/10
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5) happy! - 10/10
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4) sengoku youko - 10/10
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3) ping pong - 10/10
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2) ichigeki - 10/10
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1) the fable - 10/10
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honourable mentions (no particular order):
nura: rise of the yokai clan, eden: it's an endless world!, boy's abyss, drifting net cafe, that time I got reincarnated as yamcha, about the movement of the earth, die wergelder, all fujimoto one shots, the ihon series, PTSD radio, as the gods say, semi eternal happy end, walking cat: a cat's eye view of the zombie apocalypse, insomniacs after school, go with the clouds north by northwest, the witch & the beast, hotel, gosu, yongbi the invincible and genshiken
PS: I started a manga podcast last year where I've spoken on all of my top 10 (except summer time render & to my dearest self with malice aforethought... didn't finish them in time 😔) in rambles# 2, 7, 10, 11, 9, 10, 9 & 10 respectively so you can check those for more detail
though I would appreciate the listens, understandably some folks may not care for podcasts (+ I'm very amateurish and rough around the edges) and so I have some accompanying writeups you can find in my #writeup tags where you can see summaries and so.
and finally, if you don't care about none of that and just wanna see cool panels, frames, gifs n shit I run an animanga aesthetics blog
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owl-with-a-pen · 1 year
How do you think Nia’s powers work? Do they make her tired or drowsy when she uses them for long periods of time? Do they not work well when she doesn’t get enough sleep? And just to throw some Brainia in here what would be his reaction if her powers didn’t work as well because she hadn’t gotten much sleep?
Okay, so I'm going to use this ask as a bit of an excuse to explore some lore we got from the Flash so bear with me here.
I actually think that the drowsy aspect of Nia's powers is a natural part of her gift. From quite early on, we've seen Nia struggle to stay in control of her life while working with a very inconveniencing set of powers that can lead her to fall asleep at any moment. The Flash gives us more insight into this in that Nia learns that while she's discovered how to do a lot with her ability, she'd been blocking herself out of going any further by refusing to give up control to her powers. She was choosing to view the origin of the Dreamer power as a villain she had to defeat somehow because the alternative would mean giving up the control she'd been using to balance her powers with the normal every day. In that way, I agree that it's when Nia refuses to sleep that problems start occurring.
We see her forced into a dream at the start of the episode while she's at a coffee shop which again hints that she's been trying to stay awake - i.e tried to stay in control - but by doing that, she's not listening to what her dreams are trying to tell her. This has been a running problem for Nia since her initial introduction in Supergirl and although she does start listening to her dreams by the final season, she still can't let go of trying to stay in control of when her visions take over. She starts choosing when to go into vision states to search the future and in that way, claims her control, which she likely thinks means the same as growing in her power. But the beauty of Naltorian powers is in the unpredictable nature of them.
In the Flash, Nia learns to relinquish her control of the situation and that allows her to see far back into the history of her powers, all the way to the first Dreamer who she can now interact with and will act as her guide to teach her more about her powers. (Which is all very cool and I wish wish wish we could see more of.) I actually wonder if Nia's dependency on caffeine would go down now she's learning to give into her powers when they call out to her?
But yes, I do think that Nia being drowsy and giving her powers access would if anything show she's using them healthily. It's when she's very clearly using caffeine or other stimulants to stay awake that problems arise and her powers would likely grow more unstable the longer she tries to keep awake.
Brainy of course knows quite a lot about Naltorian powers from Nura and learns even more from Nia, so I imagine he knows the signs very well. Whenever Nia's crunching to get an article finished or gets stressed out with her powers and tries to avoid them, her dependency on coffee skyrockets and that's when Brainy normally steps in.
I think at times Nia only needs a gentle reminder that she has to rest, other times Brainy might need to pull out the offer of a massage or even just give her some space, but not long after that she'll finally fall into a doze. Sometimes she falls asleep right on Brainy's shoulder, but even if she doesn't he'll always make sure she's tucked up in a comfortable position before letting her rest soundly.
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setsuraposting · 2 years
I Think I Understand Seimei Now
I just finished rereading the Nura manga, and I have some thoughts about quite a few things, but here I want to talk about the main villain Abe no Seimei.
I’ve long considered Seimei to be possibly the worst-written character in the series, largely as a result of his transition from “I love my mom so very much” to “I’m casting my mom to Hell” feeling jarring, nonsensical, and unearned, with him not getting the opportunity for much more characterization afterwards, which leaves him feeling like a generic final boss whose motivations don’t even really make sense.
This seems to a pretty common sentiment, too; one of the TV Tropes pages on the series echoes a similar feeling, and in the 2nd popularity poll he ranked abysmally low, in 56th place tied with Nuregarasu, Karasu-Tengu’s wife who only showed up for one chapter (Seimei didn’t exist yet at the time of the 1st poll, and the 3rd only gave us the top ten results). So I think it’s fair to say that Seimei is not a very well-received antagonist.
And while I absolutely understand why, and still don’t think he’s a good character persay, I’ve started to understand what I think the author was trying to go for, and how it could’ve been effective if things had been more fleshed out. While talking to Hagoromo-Gitsune before the final battle, he says something along the lines of “I must stay strong, and for that you had to die”, and then it all clicked. He didn’t send her to Hell because he didn’t care anymore; it’s precisely *because* he cared so much that she couldn’t be allowed to exist anymore.
Seimei’s whole ideal is that for harmony to exist, he must absolutely rule over everything, and that means *everything*. If he ages and dies, the perfect world he creates will wither away, so he must conquer death through reincarnation and later the Gokadoin longevity technique. If there are factions not loyal to him, they can disrupt the peace, so he’ll eradicate all the humans and youkai who don’t swear allegiance and then preside over the society that remains after.
And, if his beloved mother is still with him, that means he has a glaring weakness, an exploitable flaw in his otherwise impenetrable being. Her death is what caused him to have a mental breakdown and start down the path of darkness in the first place, and more than anything he wants to prevent that from happening again, because that would make him an imperfect and vulnerable leader. Just as with conquering death and eliminating everyone not loyal to him, Seimei’s passion for his Hagoromo-Gitsune is another “weakness” or volatile element that he feels need to be purged in order to ensure his eternal rule can never be interrupted again.
This is actually quite an interesting idea (at least compared to my previous conception of the character), but unfortunately it’s barely fleshed out at all, to the point where I only realized it on my second read-through. A lot more could’ve been done with this, and maybe it was supposed to be and the final arc getting rushed by the higher-ups just prevented that. If things had been been allowed to play out the author originally intended, Seimei probably could’ve ended up feeling more than a stoic genocidal bad guy, but that just never got the chance to happen.
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jackwolfes · 1 year
hi nura! 8, 25, 44 & 80 for writing game? 💗
hello love! // [questions]
8: what’s your relationship with constructive criticism and feedback like? do you seek it out? how well do you take it?
i can take it perfectly well so long as it's solicited! i have structured mechanisms for getting feedback on my work but if i didn't ask i don't fuckin want it lol 😂 i'll ignore you at best and tell you to fuck off at worst because i just like. idk. i don't have time for it and i dont want it
25: what’s your revision or rewriting process like?
so my whole process is: write out of order scenes > poke around and adapt them as i write > finish first draft in full > [ideally i run through this myself and edit all in one go at this point but sometimes skip this] > get a beta reader to leave comments > 2nd edit looking out for specific things > post !
if it's a fic i've been stuck on sometimes i'll just retype it from the beginning? so like, open a new doc and type out the og fic but change bits as and when i see things that could flow better, to force me to really pay attention to the words
44: any writing advice you want to share?
ive been thinking lately and like, i think the best thing i can suggest is: "write really stupid crack fics that you don't care about". like whether that's posting them anonymously or not posting at all (or just owning it??) writing something where you just aren't beholden to any idea of perfection is a really good mechanism to learn
80: do you try to put themes, motifs, messages, morals, etc in your writing? if so, how do you go about it?
yes literally always 😌 i sorta just... start writing and see what happens? and what motifs etc come up? then once i identify them i go back through what exists of the fic so far and like, retrofit motifs/themes where needed! (im less bothered about morals etc!!)
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heartlites · 17 days
so, i suppose as a little update in the diary that is my tumblr blog.
out of all those books i bought, i've finished two and i'm on the third one. it's taking me much longer to finish the third one because it just didn't grip me like the first two books did. the one's i have finished are my darling dreadful thing by johanna van veen (highly recommend for a gripping gothic story) and the last story of mina lee by nancy jooyoun kim (also a good read, but didn't grip me as severely as the former).
i'm currently reading nura and the immortal palace by m.t. khan. i think it has fantastic world building with a lot of fantastical scenery and people, very fun and imaginative setting, but the writing style is a bit simpler. i think it's a book better suited for a tween to teen audience.
i tried painting yesterday once again. i picked up some small i believe 5"x5" canvases over the weekend to give myself something small to work on. i didn't like what i made, tbqh, and i did end up throwing it away. the acrylic paint set i have is kind of limited and didn't capture what i wanted and i think i've forgotten a lot of painting techniques. i don't remember how to work with acrylics much anymore. i used oil paints more in the past. i'm wondering if i should maybe look up some stuff to help me figure out and re-learn techniques. however, this does also have me thinking about digital art again because i wouldn't have to struggle w finding my colors/mixing paints or the clean up lol. i wish i could find my old tablet.
i'm excited for fall coming in, i want to try to spend some more time outside again but i've been struggling with a lot of pain, boredom, and loneliness since i fell. i can't do as much around the house and it's frustrating and leading to some boredom to me. i've turned to video games more but i'm currently feeling a little unsatisfied with them.
generally just kind of really depressed as a whole in life, though. so much stress and little way to relieve it. socially i feel crushed and devastated. i feel like some kind of creature trying to imitate humans. i feel so distant and disconnected. my therapist is retired and i still haven't found a new one. idk what to do
edit: oh! an addition. i started playing dead by daylight recently. it wasn't as scary or intimidating as i thought it'd be. it's also not really that scary. horror media has started to surround me in life more and more in my life and i'm unsure how i feel about it these days. its not as traumatic of an ordeal for me anymore but some of it i just do not "get" but i'm trying to make peace with the fact that i don't have to "get" everything. so far i think my favorite form of horror media i've engaged with is probably written/novel forms. suspense and mystery intrigues me and draws me in more.
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kelliealtogether · 1 year
14 & 18!
Thank you, Nura! 😘
14. do you ever mark/dog ear books you own?
I do not dog ear books. That's blasphemy. I have a collection of bookmarks for a reason. 😂 I typically don't annotate, either, but I started annotating The Raven Cycle recently and it's been fun. Basically just me screaming in the margins, highlighting things, and writing GAY all over the place. 
18. do you like historical books? which time period?
Historical books are *chef's kiss*. Really cannot get another of them. And I am indiscriminate about time period. I just finished The Queer Principles of Kit Webb, which was in the 1700s, and the Page & Sommers series (love love love love love cannot speak highly enough about those books) was post-war 1940s. In Memoriam which is my favorite book I've read this year is WWI. Give me alllll the historical fiction. (And everyone should go read books by Cat Sebastian because she is wonderful.)
[Book asks] 
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Let Me Fly to My Room
𝐏𝐀𝐈𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆(𝐒) — Katara/Zuko (Avatar)
𝐒𝐔𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐑𝐘 —  Who knows what the last month of summer before classes will bring for Katara Nuataaq and her friends. Katara will need a roommate after her friend Kailani moves out, and they suggest the Fire Nation President's disowned son Zuko; she hates him and the idea. But, who can say no to rent money? Though everything changes when the global pandemic attacks. So now everyone is stuck inside.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐒 —  Bisexual Katara (Avatar) Bisexual Zuko (Avatar)Alternate Universe - Modern SettingAlternate Universe - No Bending (Avatar TV)Slice of LifeEnemies to Friends to LoversEarly quarantine nostalgiaImplied/Referenced Self-HarmTW: non-graphic descriptions of self-harmPast Child AbusePost-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSDKatara (Avatar) Needs a HugZuko (Avatar) Needs a HugAzula (Avatar) RedemptionPast Jet/Katara (Avatar)Past Jet/Zuko (Avatar)Past Mai/Zuko (Avatar)Past Katara/Jiang (Avatar)past suicidal ideationand they were ROOMMATESquarantine auMinor Sokka/Suki (Avatar)Minor Mai/Ty Lee (Avatar)Minor Aang/Toph Beifong (Avatar)Bisexual Suki (Avatar)Pansexual Aang (Avatar)Lesbian Ty Lee (Avatar)Bisexual Mai (Avatar)Azula Needs Therapy (Avatar)Bisexual Female CharacterBisexual Male CharacterAged-Up Character(s)Modern AU
𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐏𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 — 1 of ?
𝐀/𝐍 — it's also on ao3 but like eh. This is my first attempt at a Modern Au for Avatar the Last Airbender all feedback is appreciated and wanted. 
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“I personally think that the actor could get it, but his portrayal of the Blue Spirit is awful,” Katara said as she finished braiding her hair. She was currently in a video call with Suki, Toph, and Kailani.
“How could you say that? They don’t even talk about why Nura is the way he is. But Izumi Watanabe is amazing. He deserves another chance.” Kailani chimed in as she joined Katara in the bathroom. 
“You guys, it’s only the sequel. We can decide this evening after the movie. Also, it is his first mainstream role.” Suki reminded.
“You know what the better franchise is? Legend of Koh.” Toph added. “Before one of you says that-”
“That horror franchise that has been driven into the ground,” Katara said with a teasing laugh. “Watch it, Sugar Queen. I don’t tell you how many years we’ve been waiting for the Blue Spirit and Painted Lady to get together. Then that failed wedding comic.”
Katara’s face fell as she looked through her shirts. “Toph, why.”
“I hope she’s in this movie, then I can run it in King Bryke’s face; man, I should have jumped him at Comic-Con. Waiting for over 80 years just for her to leave him.” Kailani looked over. “They can’t let the two bisexuals with two identities be together? Yura and Nejo deserve each other. Is it racism or just-”
“Kai, save the rant for when we eat.” Suki said and looked down at her watch, “okay, I’m driving, so I’m going to pick you guys up. Katara, you have the tickets?”
“Yes, I do, Kai, and I will see you soon.” Katara nodded as she finally picked out an outfit with a lightweight pale blue sweater with cream-colored jeans and a pair of blue toms that were comfy to walk around in. 
Toph stretched out as she spoke before hanging up, “fair enough, okay, see you guys later.”
Katara shook her head as she hung up. “Hey, can you help me latch my necklace?”
Kailani returned, dressed in a leather jacket with a casual outfit and combat boots. “I got you.” She said and walked behind her and clasped the necklace.
“Thanks.” She paused and thought a bit, “you know I saw Sata Nikiski was mentioned.” Katara looked over as she walked out of the bathroom. “She’s either playing a villain or Yura,” she said, grabbing their apartment keys. “La, it’s nice to go out before you move.”
“Well, Takumi wants to try living together, and you know it’s been two years, though he mentioned that Zuko is moving out too—”
Katara rolled her eyes. “You’re not gonna win me over with that. I like Takumi, but Ozai Sozin is practically a dictator over the fire nation, and how is he still President? Honestly, all he did was steal oil from the Water Tribes, then war, and don’t forget the Earth Kingdom colonies. So why should I let Zuko Sozin have room and board in -”
Kailani nodded. “Trust me, Takumi and I talk about it a lot.” She said and thought a moment, “but I was asked to try,” she said and looked back as they walked through their place. “Though he doesn’t go by Sozin anymore, he took his mom’s maiden name.” She said as she heard the phone go off. “So think about it. It might just be a month at the most.” She said as she walked out. 
Katara thought about it a bit as she walked out after Kailani. It would be weird. She had successfully roomed with Yue, Kailani, and just people she knew better from high school and just in life, and letting him in would be a mistake. At least, she figured, but it was true if Kai left, then she’d be looking for a roommate again, and a teacher’s aide didn’t pay that much. “Okay, okay, tell Takumi I’ll think about it.” 
“You’re the second love of my life,” Kailani called as Katara walked out of the apartment, locking the door.
“Come on, we have an hour to buy cheap snacks and popcorn!” Toph called out. 
Katara and Kailani walked up to the matte green genesis g70 and climbed in. “I like the new wrap,” Katara said as she looked around and looked out the window as they drove off.
“It was going to be yellow, but I changed my mind,” Suki said as she looked around. “where should we get snacks since you’re the expert, Toph?” 
“Oma Shugai,” Toph suggested.
Kailani looked up. “I haven’t been there. Are they new?” She asked as she felt around in her leather jacket. “He put a knife in the pocket.” She shook her head.
“Yep, they just opened up like a week ago, but they have a variety and are cheaper than the movies. Not that we really have to worry about the price, but it’s much easier.” Toph laughed, “Mullet Head really said use protection.” Her joke garnered laughs from the group. “No one ever talks about Suki and Sokka; Kailani thought, yeah, let’s talk about her.” 
Katara laughed as she looked at her phone and thought, “speaking of them, what are they planning on doing?”
“Internet Cafe.” Suki and Kailani responded in unison. “Sokka said he was dragging Takumi along, so they invited two other people, so that’ll be fun to hear about,” Suki added.
“Why haven’t we gone to an internet cafe?” Toph asked. “It sounds more fun than hearing you guys fawn over these people.”
Katara laughed softly, “because last time we tried, you said the games were ass, and the owner was ableist. We did the TikTok video and everything.” She looked at her phone and nodded, checking some messages as she continued speaking, “so we were waiting to try out Cafegenics.” She said and looked around as they made it to the store. “Hold on, that’s Sokka’s car?” She asked, pointing at the blue jeep renegade with a surfboard rack. 
Suki looked as she parked. “We have to pretend we don’t know them so we can get our snacks and run so we can go look at famous people who don’t know we exist. But be hot while doing it.” 
“Alright, it’s a plan,” Toph said as she opened the door and unfurled her cane, walking ahead of the others. “I’m getting sweet and spicy fire flakes.”
Katara nodded as she jumped out, “okay, that sounds good. Maybe they’ll have the tempura seaweed chips.” Kailani followed her, “Shrimp chips are calling my name. I’m going to come back and stock up on snacks.”
Suki nodded as she walked in behind them and looked around. “Pocky.” She walked on through the aisles.
Katara looked around as she walked through, grabbing a few things for the movies; as she walked into someone, the snacks and her sparkling moon peach and lychee tea fell to the floor. “Oh, come on. Sorry about that.” She said as she knelt down to grab her things. She looked up as the other person kneeled down to help. “It’s my fault. I wasn’t watching where I was going.” They replied in a slightly muffled voice.
Katara looked up and frowned slightly as she noted the mask, scar, and black hoodie. The world must be out for her. Zuko Sozin. So that was who Sokka had been hanging out with. The same person who told her in high school during his trip to the Fire Nation was like, ‘Those are enemy birds.’
“It’s fine,” Katara said as she grabbed her things as quickly as they had fallen. “Well, I have to go, guys.” She called and looked back as she noted that they had all bumped into someone, “so much for getting to the movies on time.” She looked over as she walked over. Katara really didn’t want to start an argument or anything like that with Zuko, but it was hard. 
Katara took a deep breath as she saw her friends and Sokka Takumi there. “So you guys ready to go?” She asked. 
“Sokka and Takumi offered to pay for us,” Suki mentioned as she looked back at Katara.
“I could pay for you since I made you drop your things,” Zuko said, coming up behind her. Katara knew he probably only wanted to apologize, but right now, she didn’t think her pride would let her. It was also embarrassing to think back to the fact that she had done that.
Takumi shook his head in Zuko’s direction as he spoke, “you can add your things to Kai’s stuff. It’s only fair since she’s moving out soon.” He looked back to the cashier and handed them his card. “And we can get out of your hair before the movie.”
Katara laughed, “taking my roommate to who knows where in Ba Sing Se.” She said teasingly. “Kat, you can’t get rid of me that easily. We have Molaoh for Queer Anthropology-”
“Wait, I got that class too!” Suki said as she put her snacks into her bag and smiled. “Thank Houtu.” 
“You guys make it sound like you don’t plan to have classes together.” Sokka said as he looked over, “it must be nice to have friends in a class.” He said and glanced at Zuko and Takumi.
“Leave them alone, Sokka; no one said you had to go into engineering.” Suki countered as she kissed his cheek, going to walk out.
“Hey, you’re a TA in one of my engineering classes next semester. Nice.” Toph said and nodded as she grabbed her bag, “okay, doesn’t the movie start in like less than an hour now? Honestly, I don’t know how you guys do it. Boyfriends taking up your time.” She said as she used her cane to navigate her way out of the store.
Kailani laughed as she nodded, “you have a point, Toph.”
“Hey-” Takumi exclaimed, grabbing her hand as Katara rolled her eyes almost in unison with Zuko.
 Katara sighed as she grabbed Kailani’s hand. “I’ll pay you back, Takumi; you guys have fun doing whatever you’re gonna do.” She said, walking past her brother. “I’ll text you later, Kumi.” Kailani called.
“To the movies before Takumi tries to come back for her,” Katara called as she got into the car with Kailani behind her.
Suki looked over. “You had quite the meet-cute with Zuko.”
“Sweetness having a meet-cute with Sparky?” Toph asked, “sounds fake.”
“They bumped into each other; she didn’t even see me. Zuko got all red when he turned away. It was kind of funny.”
Katara looked in her bag as she shook her head. “You didn’t see anything.”
“I am a master spy; I know what I say; honestly, I don’t think it’d be the worst thing if he moved in with you. Sokka and I would let him stay at our place, but we’ll be housing someone from the Patola Mountain Range, Madame Kyoshi set it up. Also, he’s changed a lot; we go to the same gym, so I think it wouldn’t be the worst thing also-”
“Neither of us wants you living alone,” Kailani said as Suki drove on to Leopard Dragon Movie Theater.
“Also, even though he’s cut off from the Sozin name, it would make rent easier,” Toph said.
Katara frowned and spoke, “cut off; I thought he only changed his last name?” Being completely cut off was interesting. She knew most of the Fire Nation’s beliefs were death before dishonor, which was a big step. “Yeah, cut off.” Toph replied, “it was a big thing my parents didn’t shut up about it. Happened a few years after the so-called accident.” 
Katara nodded, “Okay, maybe I need someone for rent since Kai is moving out. But no way in La I’m moving his things in.” She said as soon as Suki parked.
Toph let out a laugh,” always so kind, Sugar Queen.”
“It’s a deal,” Kailani said as she moved to send a message on her phone. 
Suki chuckled, “Alright, let’s go experience The Blue Spirit 2: Revealed.”
Katara looked as she laughed and walked with the group up to the theatre. “We were right; Sata Nikiski’s on the poster.”
“Water Tribe,” Kailani said as they went in.
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oetravia · 3 years
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Every Brainia Scene Ever: 4x02 [3/3]
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atypicalacademic · 3 years
okay okay @greyvvardenfell and @ollifree you’ve inspired me-
NSFW This or That - Part 1 (damn i have so many ocs)
Haider Wazim
Submissive or Dominant? | Whips or Chains? | Handcuffs or Shibari? | Pillow Princess or Power Bottom? | Voyeur or Exhibitionist? | Blindfolds or Spreader Bars? | Butt Plugs or Vibrators? | Edging or Multiple Rounds? | Knots or Ovipositor? | Spanking or Scratching? | Ball Gag or Muzzle? | Strap on or Double Sided Dildo? | One on one or Group Sex? | Vanilla or Kinky? | Lengthy Cocks or Girthy Cocks?  | Small Boobs or Large Boobs? | Ass or Chest? | Thighs or Arms? | Hot Wax or Knifeplay? | Loud or Quiet? | Biting or Sucking? | Collars or Piercings? | Costumes or Lingerie? | Monogamy or Polyamory? | Laughing and silliness during sex or Intensity and power struggle during sex? | Fucking a Virgin or Fucking someone with experience? | Face to face or from behind? | Phone sex or Sexting? | Cumming inside or Cumming outside? | Being filled or Bukkake? | Dirty Talk or Degradation? | Role play or Porn on in the background? | Public Edging or Filming in the Bedroom? | Condom or Bareback? | Lube or Raw? | Video Call Masturbation or Sexy Selfies? | Blood Play or Breath Play? | Face fucking or Anal sex? | Leather or PVC? | Morning Sex or Evening Sex? | Clothes on or Clothes off?
Nurlan Samal
Submissive or Dominant? | Whips or Chains? | Handcuffs or Shibari? | Pillow Princess or Power Bottom? | Voyeur or Exhibitionist? | Blindfolds or Spreader Bars? | Butt Plugs or Vibrators? | Edging or Multiple Rounds? | Knots or Ovipositor? | Spanking or Scratching? | Ball Gag or Muzzle? | Strap on or Double Sided Dildo? | One on one or Group Sex? | Vanilla or Kinky? | Lengthy Cocks or Girthy Cocks? | Small Boobs or Large Boobs? | Ass or Chests? | Thighs or Arms? | Hot Wax or Knifeplay? | Loud or Quiet? | Biting or Sucking? | Collars or Piercings? | Costumes or Lingerie? | Monogamy or Polyamory? | Laughing and silliness during sex or Intensity and power struggle during sex? | Fucking a Virgin or Fucking someone with experience? | Face to face or from behind? | Phone sex or Sexting? | Cumming inside or Cumming outside? | Being filled or Bukkake? | Dirty Talk or Degradation? | Role play or Porn on in the background? | Public Edging or Filming in the Bedroom? | Condom or Bareback? | Lube or Raw? | Video Call Masturbation or Sexy Selfies? | Blood Play or Breath Play? | Face fucking or Anal sex? | Leather or PVC? | Morning Sex or Evening Sex? | Clothes on or Clothes off?
Orion Meridien
Submissive or Dominant? | Whips or Chains? | Handcuffs or Shibari? | Pillow Princess or Power Bottom?  (He’s a pretty solid service top)| Voyeur or Exhibitionist? | Blindfolds or Spreader Bars? | Butt Plugs or Vibrators? | Edging or Multiple Rounds? | Knots or Ovipositor? | Spanking or Scratching? | Ball Gag or Muzzle? | Strap on or Double Sided Dildo? | One on one or Group Sex? | Vanilla or Kinky? | Lengthy Cocks or Girthy Cocks? | Small Boobs or Large Boobs? | Ass or Chests? | Thighs or Arms? | Hot Wax or Knifeplay? | Loud or Quiet? | Biting or Sucking? | Collars or Piercings? | Costumes or Lingerie? | Monogamy or Polyamory? | Laughing and silliness during sex or Intensity and power struggle during sex? | Fucking a Virgin or Fucking someone with experience? | Face to face or from behind? | Phone sex or Sexting? | Cumming inside or Cumming outside? | Being filled or Bukkake? | Dirty Talk or Degradation? | Role play or Porn on in the background? | Public Edging or Filming in the Bedroom? | Condom or Bareback? | Lube or Raw? | Video Call Masturbation or Sexy Selfies? | Blood Play or Breath Play? | Face fucking or Anal sex? | Leather or PVC? | Morning Sex or Evening Sex? | Clothes on or Clothes off?
Submissive or Dominant? | Whips or Chains? | Handcuffs or Shibari? | Pillow Princess or Power Bottom? | Voyeur or Exhibitionist? | Blindfolds or Spreader Bars? | Butt Plugs or Vibrators? | Edging or Multiple Rounds? | Knots or Ovipositor? | Spanking or Scratching? | Ball Gag or Muzzle? | Strap on or Double Sided Dildo? | One on one or Group Sex? | Vanilla or Kinky? | Lengthy Cocks or Girthy Cocks? | Small Boobs or Large Boobs? | Ass or Chests? | Thighs or Arms? | Hot Wax or Knifeplay? | Loud or Quiet? | Biting or Sucking? | Collars or Piercings? | Costumes or Lingerie? | Monogamy or Polyamory? | Laughing and silliness during sex or Intensity and power struggle during sex? | Fucking a Virgin or Fucking someone with experience? | Face to face or from behind? | Phone sex or Sexting? | Cumming inside or Cumming outside? | Being filled or Bukkake? | Dirty Talk or Degradation? | Role play or Porn on in the background? | Public Edging or Filming in the Bedroom? | Condom or Bareback? | Lube or Raw? | Video Call Masturbation or Sexy Selfies? | Blood Play or Breath Play? | Face fucking or Anal sex? | Leather or PVC? | Morning Sex or Evening Sex? | Clothes on or Clothes off?
Sybilla Livsdottir
Submissive or Dominant? | Whips or Chains? | Handcuffs or Shibari? | Pillow Princess or Power Bottom? | Voyeur or Exhibitionist? | Blindfolds or Spreader Bars? | Butt Plugs or Vibrators? | Edging or Multiple Rounds? | Knots or Ovipositor? | Spanking or Scratching? | Ball Gag or Muzzle? | Strap on or Double Sided Dildo? | One on one or Group Sex? | Vanilla or Kinky? | Lengthy Cocks or Girthy Cocks? | Small Boobs or Large Boobs? | Ass or Chests? | Thighs or Arms? | Hot Wax or Knifeplay? | Loud or Quiet? | Biting or Sucking? | Collars or Piercings? | Costumes or Lingerie? | Monogamy or Polyamory? | Laughing and silliness during sex or Intensity and power struggle during sex? | Fucking a Virgin or Fucking someone with experience? | Face to face or from behind? | Phone sex or Sexting? | Cumming inside or Cumming outside? | Being filled or Bukkake? | Dirty Talk or Degradation? | Role play or Porn on in the background? | Public Edging or Filming in the Bedroom? | Condom or Bareback? | Lube or Raw? | Video Call Masturbation or Sexy Selfies? | Blood Play or Breath Play? | Face fucking or Anal sex? | Leather or PVC? | Morning Sex or Evening Sex? | Clothes on or Clothes off?
Kadambari Naayagi
Submissive or Dominant? | Whips or Chains? | Handcuffs or Shibari? | Pillow Princess or Power Bottom? | Voyeur or Exhibitionist? | Blindfolds or Spreader Bars? | Butt Plugs or Vibrators? | Edging or Multiple Rounds? | Knots or Ovipositor? | Spanking or Scratching? | Ball Gag or Muzzle? | Strap on or Double Sided Dildo? | One on one or Group Sex? | Vanilla or Kinky? | Lengthy Cocks or Girthy Cocks? | Small Boobs or Large Boobs? | Ass or Chests? | Thighs or Arms? | Hot Wax or Knifeplay? | Loud or Quiet? | Biting or Sucking? | Collars or Piercings? | Costumes or Lingerie? | Monogamy or Polyamory? | Laughing and silliness during sex or Intensity and power struggle during sex? | Fucking a Virgin or Fucking someone with experience? | Face to face or from behind? | Phone sex or Sexting? | Cumming inside or Cumming outside? | Being filled or Bukkake? | Dirty Talk or Degradation? | Role play or Porn on in the background? | Public Edging or Filming in the Bedroom? | Condom or Bareback? | Lube or Raw? | Video Call Masturbation or Sexy Selfies? | Blood Play or Breath Play? | Face fucking or Anal sex? | Leather or PVC? | Morning Sex or Evening Sex? | Clothes on or Clothes off?
Balam Maitreya
Submissive or Dominant? | Whips or Chains? | Handcuffs or Shibari? | Pillow Princess or Power Bottom? | Voyeur or Exhibitionist? | Blindfolds or Spreader Bars? | Butt Plugs or Vibrators? | Edging or Multiple Rounds? | Knots or Ovipositor? | Spanking or Scratching? | Ball Gag or Muzzle? | Strap on or Double Sided Dildo? | One on one or Group Sex? | Vanilla or Kinky? | Lengthy Cocks or Girthy Cocks? | Small Boobs or Large Boobs? | Ass or Chests? | Thighs or Arms? | Hot Wax or Knifeplay? | Loud or Quiet? | Biting or Sucking? | Collars or Piercings? | Costumes or Lingerie? | Monogamy or Polyamory? | Laughing and silliness during sex or Intensity and power struggle during sex? | Fucking a Virgin or Fucking someone with experience? | Face to face or from behind? | Phone sex or Sexting? | Cumming inside or Cumming outside? | Being filled or Bukkake? | Dirty Talk or Degradation? | Role play or Porn on in the background? | Public Edging or Filming in the Bedroom? | Condom or Bareback? | Lube or Raw? | Video Call Masturbation or Sexy Selfies? | Blood Play or Breath Play? | Face fucking or Anal sex? | Leather or PVC? | Morning Sex or Evening Sex? | Clothes on or Clothes off?
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bi-moonlight · 4 years
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gentrychild · 2 years
Okay so about the Phoenix quirk idea, my first thought when I asked Nura at what age Touya resets, my very first thought was actually him resetting as a thirteen-year-old Touya, the first time he “cremated” himself, if only because he would be so annoyed about it.
But I started to think, which is always a bad idea for the characters involved.
For a phoenix quirk, the fire would be just one part of the quirk but the true quirk is: using extremely yourself on fire until cremation occurs so you revive with your injuries gone and a better fire resistance. I would see the process as exhausting but basically, the more you die, the stronger you get. (+ if the cremation is fast enough and you have nerve of steel, I think there is a way for the pain to last less than a second).
This is interesting to me for several reasons. 1. Quirks want to be used and it explains why Touya was so willing to burn himself for training and categorically refused to stop. 2. Touya is the product of a quirk marriage, which is already bad, but also a quirk marriage done on a very dumb simplistic level (overheating + ice = less overheating) and I appreciate that instead, one child got a quirk completely out of there that they couldn’t predict. Because surprise, playing with things you don’t understand has consequences. 3. I simply like AUs with poor quirks just want to do their job but miscommunication lead to catastrophes.
So, to tie it to my previous idea, we know from the last chapter that Touya lost control of his flames on Sekkoto hill then jumped in a river to try to survive. Which is understandable. Because burning alive is ouchie. But what if this had interrupted the whole phoenix process? And while the fire around him should have finished the job, AFO grabbed him first. My idea is that after Ujiko and AFO tinkered with Touya à la Frankestein, it disrupted the balance of the quirk so instead of resetting Dabi at his real age, it resets him at the age he died.
That way, you get both an explanation as to why he survived despite not being given even a month by the doctor (he didn’t but he revived) and I get to amuse myself with the idea that the reason why no one had heard of him or connected him to Todoroki Touya was because for a time, he was younger than Fuyumi or even Natsuo.
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