n0thing2me · 2 years
AAAAAAAAAAAaomggw tff my bsf's cousin has a license now and my friend says he'll take us anywhere????????? she practically has a leash on him (along with everyone else in the universe)
#i MISS HER SO SO MCUH#when the weather gets warmer me and her r gonna go on walks n stuff#she says she'll take me to mcdonalds#BRO OH MY GODDD I THINK IM LIVING IN SOME KIND OF WEIRD PARALLEL#I HAVE TWO FRIENDS WITH EDS. BOTH OF THEM ADMITTED TO LIKING ME??????#THEYRE BOTH THE SAME BUT SO DIFFERENT#THE BSF IM TALKING ABT RN IS ONE OF THEM AND SHE haS A BF RN BUT FLIRTS WITH ME wHich IS SO GUCKING WIERD#for our eds we talk more openly abt them and both of us r kind of toxic???????#idk#she doesnt make me eat and i dont either#SHE BUYS ME DIET COKE I LOB HERRR#and we do these no chocolate/sweet stuff comps n shit#ik it seems rly bad but honestly its so freeing to be able to talk abt all this stuff openly#i hate having to edit all my sentences in my head b4 saying them just inc ase i trigger someone#with her its not like that yk#we can just sit and talk about EVERYTHING#like when we'd be forced to go out and eat w the rest of our friendgroup everything was so much easier#we would like whisper calories to eachother LMFAOOA#im writing this down and it seems so bad omg istgg its not like this#also shes like 0.4cm taller than me n we're around the same weight sooooo#anyway she asks me to go on walks and stuff for steps goals#and she wants to walk to mcdonalds for steps again and then we both agreed to get diet cokes#or try cherry coke idfk#but with the other girl#the one that i like back#she tells me she wants to go on walks to enjoy the scenery.#she wants to go to mcdonalds to get happy meals#SHE HAS AN ED TOO#but i dont talk w her abt calories or food or numbers AT ALL#theres some glitch in the system shdsj
0 notes
eddiesxangel · 9 months
I’m really bad at explaining stuff so bare with me haha😂
I was thinking that reader is a virgin and has never even kissed anyone, then she starts dating Eddie and he’s her first everything…
Then someday while they’re having sex, Wayne walks in on them and then he tries to talk to them about being safe and something like that 😅
The Sweet Days in the Shire | Eddie Munson x F!Reader
omg, this is so heavily inspired by my own experience...Are you in my walls? this is literally my experience with my current bf now...How did you know?!
Word count: 7.2k oops
Cw: This is NOT a fic about corruption kink. Angst, fluff, f!reader, readers first time (oral, fingering, p in v penetration) , reader and Eddie are 22. Happy ending 🤭
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*Five years ago*
"I'm going to die alone," You groaned.
Were you being dramatic? Yes. But you were seventeen and truly felt like the most undesirable girl. No one had ever shown any interest in you. Your best guy friend, Eddie, was trying to convince you otherwise.
You had known Eddie since first grade but only got to know him once you went into tenth grade.
"Come on, don't be like that" Eddie spoke.
You were hanging out in the Shire, a.k.a. Eddie's bedroom, reviewing the new DND campaign, making sure there were no significant loopholes the others could get through.
"It's true! No guy had ever liked me like that, or if they have, they're all weird, and I don't like them back... Remember Lorne? He told me he liked me out of the blue when I hadn't spoken one word to him.'"
Eddie chuckled.
"It's not funny, Eddie! What was I supposed to say? I hardly knew the guy."
"I'm sorry. You're right. It's not funny." But he was still laughing.
"Ugggggggh," you rested your head back in defeat.
"So what if non of these shitty high school guys aren't interested? You're way out of their league."
"You're just saying that as my best friend."
"I'm really not. They are all douchebags or interested in anything other than getting a girlfriend."
"What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Where do you fall in that line?"
"I'm different." He smirked.
All you could do was roll your eyes. Of course, Eddie was different. He was Eddie. Your Eddie. Eddie, who you sprung a teeny tiny crush on within the last couple of months.
"I feel like such a loser, Eds. I'm seventeen and haven't even had my first kiss." You admit, softly.
"What?" This caught Eddie by surprise.
"You heard me." You mumbled.
"Well, I'm not lying." You snap.
"Don't believe you"
"Well, you don't think I would have told you if some guy came up to me and planted one on me?" You folded into yourself. Succumbing to your self-depreciation.
Why didn't he believe you? Was it really that hard to believe that you were such a loser that no one has even ever tried to kiss you?
"Okayyy. So what if I helped you with that?" he pushed you back up.
"I mean-shit- you obviously don't have to; you probably don't want to kiss me. We are just friends. But if you want to get it over with, you can...-I can help you." He rambled.
"Okay," You answered without thinking. You've wanted to kiss Eddie for months. You wanted him to be your first.
You nodded your head, afraid of what might come out of your mouth next.
You both shift, so you're facing one another. You don't move, unsure of how to approach this. Eddie was much more experienced than you. He probably already lost his virginity at this point. But the two of you never spoke about that.
So here you were, sitting on his bedroom floor, with your eyes closed, like a statue, until Eddie leaned in. You felt his warm, plush lips against yours. Butterflies soared in your stomach. It was just like everyone always described it to be. You felt the connection, that spark. The kiss felt like it lasted hours when, in reality, it was nothing more than a peck. But as far as first kisses go, you were convinced it was the best.
"Wow," you let slip when he pulled away.
Eddie chuckled softly and leaned back on the bed like nothing had happened.
Your stomach dropped at the realization that you and Eddie were, in fact, just friends. He didn't feel the connection you had.
"Thanks," you managed to get out without your voice cracking in disappointment.
"Anytime, Pip." He smiled and then went back to the DND campaign...
To add more salt to your wound, Eddie was arm-in-arm with Veronica a week later. Eddie had never even mentioned interest in her. You spoke every day. You never once hear him display any interest in a girl... another girl when not even six days ago he was kissing you in his bedroom. And that's when you decided to distance yourself from Eddie Munson.
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*Present Day*
After a very long four years of college out of state, you were back in your hometown of Hawkins, Indiana. Freshly twenty-two, you finally blossomed into the young woman you were meant to be. At college, you got to find yourself and your people. Once you had found your confidence, you grew into yourself. You had got a haircut that flattered your face and styled yourself with clothes that made you feel comfortable and confident. Before, it used to be all-black jeans and band tees that hid your figure. But now you find wearing skirts, dresses, and colo!
You used to be a late bloomer, but now you have gained many life experiences. However, you still need help in the love department. Your college years had been your party girl era, for sure. However, nothing ever went past a makeout session in the bar because you weren't like that... you wanted to have sex with someone you trusted, who you loved. Not some random stranger.
So here you were, back home in the early days of summer, and you were out job hunting. You'd been out on Main Street, in and out of stores, looking to see who was hiring, handing out your resume for about half an hour.
The sun was scorching for this time of year, causing you to start sweating and feel uncomfortable without air conditioning. As you walked by the local record store, you noticed they were advertising a job opening, and it felt like fate. You breathed a sigh of relief as you stepped inside the cool store. The door chimes jingled, announcing to anyone who was around that a customer had arrived. The store appeared empty, with not a soul in sight.
"Hello?" Your voice filled the empty air. "Hello?" You repeated once again a minute later with no reply.
"I'm here to apply for the job?" You peek around the back of the counter. As you looked over, you noticed a slightly open door. A figure passed by, but they didn't seem to notice you.
You respectfully waited a few more minutes but were becoming impatient. You decided to round the back of the counter and knock on the door labelled Staff Only.
"Excuse me." You knock and push it open a little further so you can see inside the staff room.
You notice a young man facing away from you, wearing headphones covering his ears. The loud guitar and bass sound emanates from the headphones. It's no surprise that he couldn't hear you.
"Excuse me?" You say a little louder, but it doesn't seem helpful. You sigh and walk up to him, hoping he doesn't take a swing at you for sneaking up on him.
Apprehensively, you tap the man's shoulder twice before stepping back quickly before they can react.
"What the fuck?" They rip off the headphones, and your stomach drops as you recognize the voice. Your prediction is confirmed as Eddie turns around with a frightened look on his face.
"You can't be back h-" He cuts himself when the reality of who he was talking to hits him.
"Eddie?" you cock your head in curiosity.
"Oh my God, Pippin?" he smiled brightly.
It had been four years since the last time you saw him. You briefly crossed paths in the hallways of Hawkins High, but the two of you hadn't spoken more than a sentence to each other since the day he kissed you. It was nice to hear his voice again.
"Hi," You smiled.
Eddie swore he heard angels singing when you spoke. You looked different, good, but different. More confident. More like yourself.
"What are you doing here?" He asked.
"Trying to apply for the job posting. I've been waiting ten minutes in the store calling out for someone like a moron." You giggled.
"Shit, sorry, I was just on my break." He scratched the back of his head, letting his bicep flex in his tight band tee.
You tried your best not to stare at him, but your attraction to Eddie lingered. He looked really good, having filled out more and grown out more facial hair than he had in high school. He still, however, had his pretty wavy locks. They were just a bit shorter than you were used to.
"Oh, sorry, I can come back later."
"No!" He blurted out. "I mean, it's really good to see you..."
"It's nice seeing you too; it's been a long time," you shy.
"Yeah" He sighed.
"So are you the person I need to talk to about the job or..." You try to fill the awkward silence.
"Shit, yeah, I guess so. I'm, uh, the manager." He cleared his throat.
"Wow, manager, very impressive! Moving on up in the world, Munson," You laugh.
"Watch is missy; you want the job or not?" He slung his arm around your shoulder and walked you back out to the front of the store.
You couldn't help the shiver that broke through your body when his arm made contact with you. It didn't help that he also smelled delicious.
"Well, if it means I get to work alongside you? ... Yeah, I want it," You flirt.
"Oh, I see buttering up an old confidant for a job." He smirked.
"Things with Eddie returned to normal as if nothing had ever changed. Like you never left. Like he never kissed you, then broke your naive teenage heart.
"Well, the job is yours if you want it." He smiled.
"Just like that?" You ask in shock.
"Just like that. I don't wanna go through all that paperwork and boring questions. I know you, trust you. It's full-time. $5.50 an hour. So it's yours if you think you can stand working with me daily."
"I think I can manage that."
"Great. We can start training tomorrow at 10:00am."
"Deal." You reached out to shake his hand, but Eddie only stared at it like you were crazy.
"Come on, Pippin, a handshake? Who do you think I am? Bring it in." He opened his arms up to embrace you in a hug.
Pippin. No one but Eddie called you that. It was a nickname he gave you in the tenth grade because you were smaller than him... He said Pippin was the best hobbit from his favourite book.
"You know I could have robbed the store, and you wouldn't have known a thing," you quip, trying to play off the way your breath hitched when you embraced him.
Your hormones would have to chill if you were going to work together.
"That's why security cameras were invented, sweetheart."
"Oh," You shied away. You weren't as clever as you had thought.
"I'll see you tomorrow," he guides you out the door.
"Bye, Eddie." You smile.
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Over the next three weeks, you and Eddie picked up where you had left off all those years ago. Things were good, great even. The flame that had been blown out was brought back to life and hotter than ever. There was an extreme tension between the two of you.
However, you both were avoiding the elephant in the room. It was fine until it wasn't. It was eating at Eddie. He loved having you back, but needed to know why you left and ended the friendship.
You were stocking up the new supply of jazz cassettes that came in when you felt Eddie come up behind you.
"Hey, so -uh- what happened?" he leaned back on the shelving, as he crossed his arms.
"What do you mean?" you chirp. Did you do something wrong? Was the till not even?
"With us, I mean, one day we were best buds, and then the next you were just... gone. I really missed you."
Oh, so we are having this conversation. You knew it was inevitable.
"You mean you really don't know?"
"Know what?"
"God, men are dumb," you mumbled under your breath.
"Hey! I heard that"
"Good." You deadpan.
Eddie stared at you blankly.
"You kissed me, Eddie. That meant something to me. Then you were with Veronica a week later..."
"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woah, what?" Eddie's eyes went wide with confusion.
"Eddie..." You sighed. This conversation was giving you a headache.
"Pip, I didn't? I wouldn't. I-"
"Forget it, Eddie. It was a long time ago."
"Did you like me or something?" He genuinely asked.
"Or something," You mumbled back.
"Pip, I'm sorry I didn't know... I had no idea you liked me like that. I would have never offered to kiss you if I had known. I never wanted to lead you on."
"It's okay, Eddie. We were seventeen. I eventually got over it, but I had to not be around you to do that. I'm sorry I ran away... I missed you. Like a lot."
"Pip-" Eddie began, but a customer was ready to be rung up at the counter.
The rest of the day was busy, and your shift ended before Eddie's did today. So you quickly said goodbye and waited to talk to him the next day.
Eddie needed to make things right between you. What you had once was so good, and now it seems to be even better than before. Eddie was becoming infatuated with you. He got excited to go to work when you were on schedule. He loved making you laugh; seeing that beautiful smile across your face was his favourite pastime. He could have had that all these years, but it was all ruined for some hot piece of ass Eddie got for a few weeks in their senior year.
Eddie had met Veronica in his grade twelve English class. She was way out of his league, so when she agreed to go out with him, he was only thinking with his dick.
He was thinking about her and how she would be on his knees for him when he kissed you for funsies. He was not thinking about how it would have affected you. He was a selfish teenage boy being controlled by his hormones. Because of that, Eddie was now facing the consequences of his actions all because he wanted to get his dick wet in the twelfth grade.
“Hey Pip, can I talk to you for a sec?” Eddie greeted you when he walked in for his shift mid-afternoon.
“Sure what’s up?” Things were a little rocky since yesterday and you didn’t know where you stood.
God what was this so hard? Why did you make him nervous?
“I uh. I was hoping we could hang out… you know. Outside of work. If you wanted. I wanted to make up for being an ass.”
"Okay." you smiled.
"Awesome! We are both off on Friday… I made sure.” Eddie said with a goofy smile. God, you were so falling for him again.
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You and Eddie have been spending time together outside work every chance you have had for the past six months. He invited you to see your old high school crowd the first few times, and then it slowly became more one-on-ones. Unfortunately for you, your ever-growing crush on Eddie had come back and was stronger than ever.
You hated yourself for falling for him again, but you couldn't help yourself. He was just so charming, boisterous, funny, and not to mention the most attractive man you've seen. Eddie was a natural flirt; he always was throwing compliments your way. He always knew how to make you blush.
That evening during closing, Eddie offered you to come over to The Shire. a.k.a his trailer. After a long, tiring day, both of you wanted some relaxation. He suggested staying in and having a cozy evening with pizza, beers, and perhaps a little weed to escape the cold November weather.
As the night progressed, it began to snow, and a snowstorm was predicted for later in the evening.
"Do you want your usual order, Pip?" Eddie turned his head to glance at you. You were standing near the front door, taking off your hat, scarf, and jacket. As he was watching you, he got lost in your graceful movements. Suddenly, he realized he was staring at you and almost bumped into his fridge.
"Yeah," you shiver. You almost thought about putting your coat back on, but that would be silly. "Can I borrow a sweater or a blanket?" You asked sweetly.
"Of course, sweetheart." Eddie didn't miss the way your nipples perked out of your low-cut t-shirt when you wrapped your arms around yourself, trying to warm up, but it only emphasized your breasts.
"Where is Wayne tonight?" You asked.
"He has an overnight shift tonight; he probably just left not too long ago." He said as he disappeared into his bedroom to find you a clean hoodie.
"I'm sorry, I missed him; I haven't seen that guy in years." You huffed. You loved Wayne; he was like a second dad.
"Yeah, he keeps talking you up like I don't already know how amazing you are." He threw the black hoodie at your head.
I just gave you my sweater and a compliment, I think you should be thanking me."
"Shut up and order the pizza before the storm, Munson." You laugh as you pull the sweater over your head.
You and Eddie settled in, splitting a six-pack of cheap beer and delicious pizza. You wanted to watch a movie after dinner, so Eddie found a few stashed away that he still had yet to return to Family Video.
"How do you feel about horror?" He wiggled his eyebrows.
"You know I don't like scary movies, Eds." You whine.
"Well, hate to break it to you, sweetcheeks, but this is all we got, so it's either this... or cable that will most likely be down within the next half hour if the weather keeps up." You glanced out the window, and if you didn't leave now, you were not making it home tonight. The storm had started a lot earlier than anticipated.
"Oh shit, it's awful out. I didn't think it would be this bad so soon! I should go... shit, I've been drinking, we both have! We can't drive!" You started freaking out.
"Pip, you can always crash here. I don't mind." He offered.
"Are you sure?" You twiddled with the drawstrings of the hoodie.
"Of course! You think I would let you go out there?"
"Well... no."
"We can share my bed". He said nonchalantly.
Was he insane?! You can share a bed... with him... you'll want to do things with him. You can't take the rejection again.
"Well, I would sleep on the pull-out couch by Wayne sleeps there."
"It's okay... we are both adults," You swallowed. "Hey, do you have any more beer?" You needed a drink. Desperately.
"Oh, so we are having one of those nights? Edie wiggled his brows at you, and you rolled your eyes in return.
"I need liquid courage for these movies you're going to put me through," You fibbed.
"Don't worry, Pip. I'll protect you."
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Two movies and many screams later, you called it. You were maxed out on the spooky stuff. Halloween was long gone, and you were supposed to be in Christmas mode.
"You can get ready for bed first. I'll follow after. Eddie offered.
You slipped into Edie's hoodie and got under the covers, realizing the sweater was long enough to be worn as a nightgown. Eddie would be none the wiser that you had forgone pants.
You called for Eddie to enter, and he got ready for bed. You tried to pretend to occupy yourself as you watched Eddie get undressed and ready for bed. He pulled his plaid pyjama pants over his boxers and forgone a shirt.
There was tension in the air, but neither of you said anything. You held your breath as Eddie turned off the bedroom light and felt the bed dip as he got in.
"Pip?" Eddie broke the silence moments later.
"Can I ask you something?'
"Did you ever date anyone when you went away?"
"Well...I went on one date, and he was shorter than me..." You laughed at how ridiculous it was. You didn't even like him, but you felt bad because you agreed to give him your number when you were out dancing one night, and you'd consumed a little too much alcohol.
"How is that even possible?"
"Well, you see, Edward everyone has different heights an-"
"No, you doofus," he laughed. "how is it possible you never dated anyone? You're beautiful." He says like it’s obvious.
Eddie made you feel fluttery when he called you beautiful.
“You’re beautiful, Pip," Eddie repeated. "You’re a total catch; how are you still single?”
“Guess I never met the right guy…”
“Oh... " It was quiet for a moment then Eddie spoke again. "I know you always said you uh- wanted to you know…. Wait for the right guy and all… so have you slept with anyone since you were gone?”
“Eddie!” you cry, covering your face with your hands. You’re so mortified by this conversation.
“I’m sorry! Can’t blame a guy for his morbid curiosity.” you could hear the smirk in his voice.
“I can’t believe you remembered that. I mentioned it once six years ago.”
“I remember every thing when it comes to you.”
You felt his fingers intertwine with yours.
“Eddie…” you whisper.
"Ask me again."
"Are you still a virgin?"
You let out a deep sigh before you answered. “I’ve given it a lot of thought. And I want you to be my first.” you blurt out at a mile a minute.
“Just don’t go off with another girl next week or else I’m going to have to quit” you chuckle uncomfortably.
“Are you sure? Because if we start this I’m never going to want to let you go… not ever again.” He rolled over to face you.
“I’m so sure, Eddie, you’re the only one I’ve ever wanted.” You rolled to face him.
You didn’t know where this bravery was coming from. Maybe it was the combination of alcohol and being in the dark, but something sparked inside of you that you couldn’t put out.
“Can I kiss you?”
You both moved in tandem as your lips collided. Years, months, weeks, days, hours, and minutes that all lead you to this moment, this perfect moment. Eddie and you always belonged together.
“I missed you so much,” Eddie spoke into your mouth as he shifted to hover over you.
“I missed you too. I missed you so much.” You grabbed for him, to touch and feel him. Your hands gripped his hair at the back of his head.
“Baby,” Eddie sat up and slinked his hands under his sweatshirt up your bare middle.
Baby. Goosebumps spread across your body from his touch. His calloused fingers lightly scratched your soft skin, and his hands travelled further up until his fingertips grazed your breasts.
“Can I take this off?”
“Yes,” The temperature in the room suddenly increased, making you feel extremely hot. The hoodie you were wearing became suffocating.
“Sit up for me, baby. Arms up.” You obliged and felt nervous that you were basically naked in front of Eddie. You pull your arms out of the sweater and cover yourself immediately.
“No, baby, please, don’t hide from me.” He gently peels your arms away from your body. “Beautiful,” He whispers with eyes full of lust.
You reached out to cup his face so you could kiss him again. You needed to distract yourself from the fact that you were naked in front of someone for the first time. Your kisses felt rushed and needy like you would die without them.
"Slow down, Pip, we have all the time in the world." Eddie coxed you back down into the plush pillows of his bed. "I'm going to take good care of you. okay?"
You nod your head yes to let him know you understand. The room was dark, but the street light peaked through the blinds. You could hear your heartbeat along with the howl of the wind from the snowstorm. You looked over to the clock. It read 12:18am. Wayne won't be home until early morning, at least 6:00am, especially in a storm like this.
Eddie leaned forward to kiss you again, travelling his lips down your body with each peck. His mouth found your neck, and he sucked on it, making your hips jerk up into him. You could feel his erection against your leg, which only excited you more.
He made his way lower once satisfied with the marking he left on your skin. He nipped and licked and peppered your sensitive chest before latching his mouth around a perked nipple. How Eddie fantasized about this very moment for months. To him, your boobs were perfect. The way your soft skin felt under his tongue, it was like they were made for him.
You let out a squeak, embarrassed by the noises you held back. You didn't know if this was normal? To want to make sounds while Eddie's mouth discovered your body.
"Don't be shy, baby. You can let it go. Get loud. I want to hear you."
"Are you sure, Eddie? Is that like... normal?"
"Oh god, yes, it's like music to my ears... Would it make you feel better if I shared with you what I like?"
"Okay, well." He clasped your hand, intertwining your fingers as he rested his chin on your upper stomach. "I like it when the person I'm with makes noises; it lets me know I'm doing well. I like it when the person I'm with takes compliments and praises. I like it when the person I'm with calls me certain names, but we will save that for another time. And I like it when I get to be in charge... like right now."
"What kind of names?" You bite your lower lip.
"Ah ah, naughty girl. You'll find out eventually. But not tonight." Eddie promised.
"Eventually?" your heart perked up with hope.
"You think this is going to be a one-and-done? You're sadly mistaken, Pip." He shifted his weight and started back up, loving your body. Worshiping it with a thousand kisses. Lower, lower, lower until he reached the hem of your plain black panties.
“Has anyone ever touched you here?” His hand cupped your panty-covered cunt.
“No.” you shiver.
“I’m honoured to be your first” He slowly started to guide and move his hand over your clothed pussy, massaging it. Exploring what makes your body jerk and tick. You let out a gasp as his soft touch grazed over your already swollen clit.
"That's my girl." he cooed as his hand travelled up and under the hemline of your underwear.
His hand slid down your soft, manicured mound before finding your slit. He let one singular finger travel down your clit to collect the wetness that had pooled and dragged it back up to play with you some more.
"Oh my god," You yelped as the unfamiliar but wonderful feeling of Eddie's hands explored your body.
"You're so wet, sweetheart. This all for me?" He raised his hand to examine the clear, wet, slippery substance that coated his fingers. He then stuck his fingers in his mouth before his eyes rolled back into his head. He moaned at the taste of you.
You were curious if you should be turned on or grossed out by Eddie's behaviour. "You taste like heaven." He praised you, and your body ultimately decided for you. You were turned on.
"Please touch me," You barely whisper. You bravely started to take off your panties when Eddie's hands stopped you.
"That's my favourite part." His hands replaced yours, and he watched intently as he stripped you down into nothing.
You were now fully naked in front of Eddie. You were a bit nervous, but not overly concerned. You trusted Eddie because you've gotten to know each other better over the past six months.
"My god, you're beautiful," He praised once again. You don't think you will ever get tired of him saying that. Your heart soared each time without fail.
"So are you," You whispered back and swore you saw Eddie blush.
Eddie's hands found your needy pussy once more. He wiggled his way down the bed, and he played with your clit until his face was level with your cunt. You felt so exposed you wanted to close your legs right away. But you also wanted to know what it felt like to have Eddie's mouth on your most intimate area.
"Show me how you play with yourself."
This shocked you, and your body froze. How could he ask you to do such a crass thing? Eddie sure was pushing a lot of your boundaries tonight.
"Come on, sweetheart. It's okay, perfectly natural."
You didn't want to disappoint him, so with a trembling hand, you started to circle your clit like always. The feeling started as a mild ache in your lower stomach, but it began to rise as you continued. Your worries and apprehensions slowly drifted away as the feeling of pleasure wafted through your body.
"You never push your fingers inside?" Eddie was mesmerized by the sight in front of him.
You shake your head no. "Doesn't feel right." You were too afraid to finger yourself in the past, not wanting to push the limits; you knew how to please yourself from clit stimulation alone.
"I'm about to change that." Eddie replaced your hand with his mouth, and you cried out in pleasure. This new feeling of something hot and wet consuming your pussy made your eyes involuntarily roll back into your head.
"Yes, good girl, let me hear you." He latched his mouth back onto your clit. His tongue circled and flicked your swollen bud until you were on the edge. You were so close, then his finger slowly entered you, and that took on a whole new feeling. His fingers were longer and wider than your own. He stretched and reached further than you have ever experienced.
"Holy shit!" You cried as his fingers pushed deep inside you. Eddie was careful to go slowly. His middle finger pumped in and out of you before he added another. As his finger worked inside of you, you felt a wave of pleasure from a spot you hadn't ever felt before. It made you cry out embarrassingly loud.
"Ohhhh, good job babygirl." He chuckled smugly. Eddie knew that he had found your one spot that would make you see stars. So, he continuously grazed over it again and again.
You didn't know what was happening to you; your body was undulating under Eddie's touch. He struggled to keep your hips pinned down as he continued to devour your pussy. You couldn't think; you couldn't form words. Your brain had gone into a cloudy haze that focused only on your body and how Eddie was making you feel.
No wonder everyone raved about sex.
"Eddie, Eddie, Eddie" You didn't even know you were talking.
“That’s it, baby, say my name.”
"Eddie!" Your body clenched, and every muscle in your contract as your orgasm ripped through you. Waves of pleasure pulsed as Eddie's mouth and fingers continued to massage your pussy.
"Mmmm, that's my girl. You did so good for me." Eddie praised, and your stomach did another flip-flop at his words.
"You think you want to keep going? Or do you want to stop? You don't need to worry about me. This is all about you, Pip. Okay?"
"I want to keep going." Your voice sounded breathy, like it wasn't coming from you.
"You're sure?"
"Yes, Eddie, I want you to fuck me. Please," you squirmed.
"God, I love hearing those words from your mouth." Eddie bent down to kiss you once again.
.As he kissed you, his mouth had a tangy and slightly salty taste. He explored your mouth with his tongue, just as he had moments before with your lower lips.
"I'm going to go get a condom, okay?" He whispered again to you.
"Okay," you bit your lip with anticipation.
You watched as Eddie shuffled on his knees off the bed to his nightstand and grabbed a blue cardboard box out of his stuffed drawer. He pulled out the foil packet and pulled down his pants and boxers. Your eyes bludged at the sight of Eddie's cock. Sure, you knew what a penis looked like. However, this was your first time seeing one in real life.
"No need to be scared, Pip." Eddie gave a reassuring smile.
"Okay, Eddie," You whispered.
"You can touch me if you want?" He walked over to the bed, cock at full mast. You slowly nod your head and reach out to feel it. Obviously, it felt hard, but you were surprised by the soft skin that felt like velvet.
Eddie made a whimpering sound as your delicate fingers grazed the red tip. You jerked back your hand, afraid you'd hurt him.
"No, no, Pip," Eddie stutterd. "You're okay; it just felt really good s'all."
"Oh," you blushed. Amazed at yourself that you made him feel really good.
"Shit, okay, I'm going to put the condom on now, okay?"
"Okay," you repeated like a parrot.
"Can you lay back for me?" Eddie crawled back up on the bed and over you once more.
You popped back down, and Eddie giggled at your eagerness. He wanted to make this perfect for you, but in your mind he already had. He wanted it to be the least painful he could make it. Hopefully, your orgasm will have helped with that.
"This may hurt a little, but I'm going to go slow, and if you need me to stop or pull out, you tell me, okay?" Eddie's face had never been so serious.
You nod your head.
"No, Pip. I need your words. I need you to tell me you understand. It's important."
"I'll let you know if I need to stop. I promise."
"Good girl."
You sucked in a breath and bit your lip at his words. Eddie took a mental note about your reaction. He would tuck it away and save it for later.
"You're already wet enough, I think. I'm going to try and put it in now okay?" Eddie kissed you tenderly and you replied.
The feeling was odd. You felt like you were being split open as your walls burned from being stretched the furthest they have ever been.
"Oh god," Your face scratched as Eddie went in deeper.
"You okay? I can stop"
"No, I can do this. Just stay there a minute." Your body needed time to adjust.
"It's okay," Eddie cooed. He peppered your cheeks with small kisses as he waited for further instructions.
"Okay, I think I'm okay." Your vagina was still tight, but it wasn't as bad as a few minutes ago.
Eddie made sure to be as gentle as possible. Even though it was killing him to not just ram into you repeatedly. Your soft, warm walls were squeezing him so good, too good.
Eventually, after what felt like an hour, Eddie finally reached the hilt. You never felt so full. The feeling was strange yet exciting.
"I'm going to move now, okay?"
He was so patient and kind; you never imagined your first time to be so guided and full of communication. You thought it would just be like boom, stick it in and start. But, no. Not with Eddie.
As Eddie started to rock his hips, the burning started to ease into pleasure. Your hips started moving and rocking with Eddie's body, and you worked together to feel pleasure. Your instincts took over as your thoughts started to numb.
"That's it, baby, fuck, you're making me feel so good." Eddie praised.
"Mmmmm," Was all you managed to get out.
Eddie took that as a sign he could go faster. Thank god he did because the moans that came from you were sinful.
"Yes, baby, be as loud as you want," Eddie commanded before latching his mouth back on the sweet spot he found earlier.
A high-pitched ""Uhhhhhnhhhh" left your mouth as you became more and more cockdrunk by the second. His thick long cock was grazing your walls, finding your g spot that he had reached earlier in the night. Making you yell out his name.
"That's it, baby girl; tell me, who owns this pussy?" Eddie gritted through his teeth, and his pulsing cock pounded into you.
"Sorry, shit, sorry I got carried away." Eddie kept his rhythm as he forgot that this was your first sexual experience. He couldn't wait to teach you about all his little desires. "you're doing so good for me."
Your nails lightly scratch up Eddie's back, making him shiver. You then run back down and grab onto his ass. You hugged him like a koala bear, refusing to have this feeling he was giving you to go away. You were so blissed out by it all.
"God baby, I don't think I can hold out much longer," Eddie puffed. His hips never break the rhythm he set.
"Please," you didn't know what you were begging for? You just need him.
"I got you, baby girl; you're being so good for me" Eddie felt your pussy clench down at his words of praise.
"Come on, baby; I know you can give me one more," His hand slipped between you two and found your clit once again. You were so overstimulated that with just a few mild touches, you were falling apart, beneath Eddie.
"Oh fuck, you're squeezing me so good" Eddie tried to hold off, to keep going, to keep fucking you, but he couldn't. Your pussy was so tight around his cock he emptied himself into the condom that was buried inside of you.
Your head felt like it was spinning; your body was limp and racing with those feel-good hormones.
"I'll be right back." He kissed your cheek before getting up off of you after he caught his breath, got rid of the condom and cleaned himself up before returning with a wet cloth for you. But when he returned to the bedroom, you were fast asleep.
He laid the damp cloth on the back of his desk chair and brought the covers back up over the both of you before pulling you into his chest to cuddle you until he fell asleep.
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The next morning the snow had finally stopped, and the bright sunlight had peaked its way through the slits of the cheap blinds that hung in the window.
Eddie heard footsteps outside the bedroom door in his hazy, half-asleep state. He peeked in an eye to see you sprawled out comfortably in his bed. He lifted covers to see your still naked body that he didn't really get to see last night due to the pitch black. He could see the marks he had made more clearly as they had gotten darker within the night.
He couldn't help himself. Here you were naked, sleeping with him in his bed; he just had to touch you. He kissed up the side of your exposed neck, marking the other side that had been left untouched. You moaned and squirmed, then giggled when Eddie's hair tickled you.
The reality of where you were hit the second you awoke.
"Oh, Eddie," You softly moaned.
"Good morning, baby," Eddie rolled on top of you, his morning wood more hormonal than ever.
" 'Morning," you smiled, tucking a piece of hair behind his ear before Eddie nuzzled his head behind the small of your neck.
"So I was hopin' that you'd want to go out with me, officially... or whatever?" He cleared his throat. His morning voice was so sexy.
"Or whatever?" you smiled back up at him.
"Or wha-"
"Hey, Ed's, I'm finally back-Holy hell!-" Suddenly, Uncle Wayne was walking into the bedroom, and you were screaming, trying to cover yourself, and Eddie was trying to cover as much of you as he could.
Wayne was mortified as he shut the door behind him as quickly as possible.
"Put a sock on the door next time you have company, Kid!" Wayne shouted, flustered as ever.
Eddie barked out a laugh, and you couldn't be more embarrassed.
"Oh my god, I can't go out there? Do you think I can fit through the window?" You asked Eddie before covering your face with your hands.
"Come on, Pip. I'm sure he didn't see anything; probably only saw my pasty ass." He got up and pulled you along with him.
He found your folded clothes on the chair where you had left them, but when you went to put on your underwear, they were nowhere to be found.
You got dressed without them, and Eddie pulled you out of his room hand in hand to Face Wayne.
"So I guess it was your car all covered in snow." Wayne shifted uncomfortably in his chair as he sat at the kitchen table with a cup of black coffee. "There uh- coffee for the both of ya's if you want." He offered.
"Thanks." You tugged at your sleeve, not knowing what to do. Should you leave? Should you stay? Can you leave? The show was up to your knees.
"Better make yourself comfortable; the plows will take a while to get to this side of town." Wayne made the decision for you. Eddie guided you to the kitchen table and pulled out a seat for you.
"Wayne, you remember Pippin, don't you?" Eddie smiled brightly as he got you two mugs.
"Of course I do." He smiled genuinely this time. The awkwardness was lifting.
Eddie didn't need to ask how you took your coffee. He remembered two creams and two sugar. He once said it was too sweet, just like you.
"Thanks," you smile up at him as he places your coffee before you.
"I was wondering when the two of you would finally get together... Ever since high school, I've been bugging this one," He motions to Eddie, " To get his head out of his ass and to lock you down already."
"Took him long enough, you giggle"
"Now I know you two are adults, but I don't need no little munson babies running around here just yet, so you better be safe-"
"Okay, okay, Old man, we get it. We have already had this uncomfortable talk once when I was fifteen. I don't need it again."
"Fifteen?!" your eyes blog you're off your head.
"What can I say? The ladies love them some, Eddie." he smiled cockily.
You lightly pinch Eddie's arm, so he shuts up.
"Hey!" Eddie rubbed his bicep.
I knew I always liked you." Wayne tipped up his mug to you with a smile. "keep him in line."
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userchai · 5 months
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𝐇𝐮𝐫𝐫𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐇𝐨𝐦𝐞
steddie x fem!reader collab with @voyeurmunson
summary: a facetime call with Eddie and Steve gets heated
warnings- masturbation (f), mlm, jerking off, dirty talk, fantasizing, dick slapping, if I miss anything tell me!
wordcount- 1.8K
a/n: thank you guys for reading we hope you enjoy this, feedback is always appreciated and welcome! 💞
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October 2022
Being cooped up indoors was making you stir crazy, you hadn’t seen your boyfriend in a week and you could feel the withdrawal setting in. Eddie had gone to visit Steve, his best friend that currently lived in Chicago. He was a CEO, a big shot but Eddie swore he was down to earth. You had to admit he was easy on the eyes and even you’d seen Eddie glance at him in a much more that friendly way before. You sighed as you slumped back onto your bed, opening your laptop before clicking on FaceTime. Eddie called every night around the same time, sure he wasn’t physically with you but seeing him always made you feel like a schoolgirl with their first crush.
“Hey sweetheart.” You smile as you see your boyfriend’s frizzy hair, his brown eyes sleepy as he rubs them with the back of his hand. “Missin’ me again peanut?” You nod, as he grins at you, the dimples on his cheeks prominent. “Can’t help it Ed’s you’ve been gone for way too long, tell Steve I want my boyfriend back.” You whine out, hearing Steve’s laugh ring out from somewhere in their room. He quickly pops into view, sitting down next to Eddie. His glasses sliding down his nose before he pushes them back up and grabs a blanket, curling up. “Sorry, didn’t you know he was my man before he was yours?” Steve says, winking at you as you roll your eyes playfully.
“So sorry, forgot you guys are married.” You say, Eddie laughs, leaning back against the couch as you watch the both of them. They both looked like sin, Steve with his brown sweater that complimented his eyes far too well… and Eddie, who didn’t even bother to put clothes on only in his boxers, the black hair on his stomach tempting. You wanted to run your tongue over it. Your mind wanders as they take turns telling you about what they had been up to today, you weren’t catching all of it simply because your mind couldn’t stop thinking about how you wanted to be between them.
You craved the feeling of Eddie’s calloused hands running over your body, down, down, getting closer to where you needed him the most before he’d pull away, a cruel smile dancing on his lips as you’d whine quietly. Steve would be on the other side of you, leaning down to your neck, his nose gently tracing up the side of it before nipping at your ear playfully. You snapped out of it as Steve’s hand waves in front of the camera, you feel yourself flush as Eddie’s laugh comes through your speakers. “What were you thinking about sweetheart?” He asks, a knowing look in his eyes as you glance over to the clock on your bedside table. “N-nothing really, just miss you Eddie.” You whisper, chewing on your lip nervously before looking back over at the two of them.
Steve sets his coffee down, glancing over at Eddie before leaning over to whisper something to him. Eddie smiles looking at you before nodding at Steve. You huff in annoyance. “Hey, no secrets, what's going on guys?” You ask, adjusting your shirt as you sit up against your headboard. “So Steve and I have had this idea, because sorry sweetheart you’re way too obvious about how you feel. I see how you look at the both of us.” You stop breathing for a second, your face heating up as you think about slamming your laptop shut. Shit. “We just wanted to ask you if you wanna have some fun.” He says, leaning forward some so that his eyes are practically burning through yours. “A-and what would this fun be Eddie?” You squirm a little, looking at where Steve was sitting, his eyes were glued to you.
“Oh I think you know sweetheart, I think you’ve been fantasizing some filthy things in that pretty little head of yours. We want to hear about it baby, is that okay?” You close your eyes, trying to ground yourself before opening your mouth to answer. “Yes sir, I’ll tell you.” Eddie nods. “Good girl. Every thought baby, they all belong to Steve and I. One more thing though peanut, I want you to touch yourself too while you tell us. Can you do that, baby?” You nod, your fingers twitching at the hem of your shirt as you focus on them.
“Was thinking about you touching me, both of you, touching me.” You slowly slide your hands up your shirt, your fingers leaving goosebumps as you imagine your hardest that they belong to either of the men on your laptop screen. You let your mouth run, your mind shutting off as you tell the both of them every deep and dark fantasy that’s played through your mind when seeing them. You bite your lip, your eyelashes fluttering as you try your best to keep your eyes open. There’s a moment where Eddie says something to Steve but you’re too lost in the moment to care.
Your fingers slip under the band of your shorts, sliding lower until a dampness covers them. Your breathing shortens as you hear Steve let out a choked moan, you glance at the screen again watching as Eddie’s hand slides over onto his lap, his ringed fingers teasing the prominent bulge straining against his pants. “You’re doing so good, baby.” Eddie whispers, his hand wrapping around Steve’s clothed cock the best that it can. Steve grips the back of the couch, the muscles in his neck straining as he lets out little huffs of air. His face is red as he lazily watches you. Your boyfriend is all too smug next to Steve while he teases him. “Show us what you wish we were doing to you honey.”
You slowly lift your hips, pushing your shorts off before your panties follow quickly behind. You scoot the computer down, making sure they have a perfect view of you as you spread your legs. You’re so wet you can feel it running down to your ass, ruining the sheets below you. You close your eyes as you imagine the two men in your room with you, caressing your skin as you lay before them. “She’s so pretty Eddie.” Steve moans, the sound of a slick fist can be heard, you didn’t know if it was his or Eddie’s. Your fingers trail down your thighs before you finally touch yourself for them. You gently place them against your clit, a sort of hiss breaking its way from your throat as you finally circle it slowly.
“There’s a good girl.” You hear Eddie say, your eyes open slowly and you think you’ve died and gone to heaven at the sight before you. The boys had made quick work while your mind was floating, not only were they completely undressed now… Steve’s hand was wrapped around Eddie, and Eddie’s hand around Steve. The both of them slowly work over each other, the sound of their wet skin and moans making butterflies flutter in your stomach. “Oh fuck.” You moan, as you slip two fingers inside yourself, “Want you both so bad, n-need you here, want you inside.” You say, your fingers slowly sliding in and out of yourself before you pick up speed, thinking about how they’d feel inside you, on you. You wanted their mouths on you, you wanted them to use you. “Fuck, Steve… Eddie.” You moan out.
“Look at her big boy, she’s crying for you. Think she could take this big dick?” He asks, taking his hand off of Steve before slapping it a few times. The muscles in his legs twitch as his body tries to coil away, the moans coming from his mouth telling a complete different story. You feel yourself throb, watching beads of pre-cum slide down Steve onto Eddie’s fist as he wraps his hand back around the other man. “Make him cum Eddie, wanna see.” You mumble, your other hand coming up to play with your tits, pinching and pulling your nipples until you feel like crying. Eddie smirks over at Steve, running his hand back up to squeeze at his sensitive head as Steve lazily strokes Eddie, his hand pausing every few seconds. “Gonna show her? Think she wants a show, Stevie.” Steve nods, his hair falling around his face as the muscles in his stomach tense up.
Eddie flicks his wrist over him a few more times before Steve is cumming, his eyes latched onto your fingers watching the way they push in deeper. “Fuckkk.” He moans, he sounds like he’s been taken straight from a porno as he fucks up into Eddie’s fist, his lips swollen and raw from how hard he’s bitten them. His hand grips tighter onto Eddie, creating a pain that has Eddie reeling, his own release threatening to break at any moment. Eddie’s eyes shut as Steve comes down a little more from his own high, stroking over the older man with a sick sort of smile on his face, he’s glancing between the both of you. “You should feel how hard he is honey, I just know he wishes he could cum in your pussy right now.” Your hips buck off of the bed as you pull your fingers out of yourself quickly, gliding them back up and around your clit.
“Y-yes Steve oh fuck, please, make him cum, want him to cum in me please I-” your rumbling is cut short as you spread your legs a bit more, your fingers pace growing erratic as Eddie moans. His head is leaned back against the couch, the curls that you love to pull on so much falling down over his shoulders, sweat is beading on his forehead and running down the side of his face. Steve does something that finally breaks you, leaning towards Eddie and opening his mouth. Your eyes focus hard as he sticks his tongue out, licking up from Eddie’s jaw to the side of his face before he’s pulling away, staring straight at you. “Cum. Right now. Both of you.” He demands. The both of you obey Steve’s command, your bodies giving up and at his mercy.
You’d never experienced something like this before, and you already feel addicted to it as your body shakes. You try to watch Eddie cumming too but you can’t keep your eyes open as you drift off into a blissful state, your chest heaving as you slump back against your bed, worn out. You faintly hear Steve’s voice muttering out praises as you smile happily, finally able to open your eyes. Eddie’s still leaned back against the couch, a dopey smile on his face as Steve laughs at him. “You weren’t kidding man, she’s perfect.” Eddie nods slowly like he can barely hold his head up. “We're doing this again sweetheart, if you want to of course?” You’ve never answered a question faster in your life, “Yes! please.” Eddie chuckles, slowly leaning down to pull his boxers back up. “Steve’s ticket has already been bought sweetheart he’s coming back with me.”
Oh my god. You’re doomed.
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taglist 🏷️
@gri959 @munsonsgirl1234 @jamdoughnutmagician @strangerthingsmamareblogs @littlexdeaths @vecslut
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The Look of Love.
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Synopsis - You, Buck and Eddie are absolutely, undeniably, head over heels in love with each other. It seems like everyone can see it except for the three of you.
Pairing - Evan Buckley x Female Reader x Eddie Diaz
Warnings - none!! just idiots in love.
Word Count - 1k
Author's Note - oh my buddie heart was bursting while writing this. whenever I watch 911, I always think about how easy it'd be to be friends (or more than) with eddie and buck. and then this was born!! hope you enjoy reading this sweetness as much as I enjoyed writing it <3
as always, reblogs, comments and feedback (even anonymous feedback!!) are immensely appreciated!! your reblogs are the only way to circulate my fics, which keeps me going <3
Masterlist. Inbox.
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Buck twirls you around, strong arms circling your waist. Your feet don't touch the ground as he spins you, the skirt of your dress billowing in the breeze. You lean back in his hold, and catch sight of Eddie throwing Christopher up in the air, both of them laughing.
Buck puts you down and grins at you, Cheshire cat smile bright and blinding. You smooth your hands across his chest, flattening out his crisp white dress shirt where you've crinkled it. You tug at his bow tie, straightening it gently. Your gaze meets his, and you beam at him.
"Have I told you how handsome you look tonight, Evan Buckley?" you tease, wrapping your arms around his neck to sway with him. There's a smooth, jazzy melody echoing through the huge backyard, illuminated by golden, twinkling lights.
He quirks a brow at you cheekily before answering.
"I wouldn't mind hearing it again."
"I'm sure you wouldn't," you laugh, shrieking as he dips you backwards quickly.
"Well, you look very handsome. I like you in a tux."
You swear you see him blush slightly, heat creeping across his cheeks. He finds his confidence again, sliding his hands across the exposed skin of your back slowly.
"You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen," he tells you sincerely, eyes never leaving yours. "I should tell you that more often."
"Yes, you should," you tease, grinning at him.
You take notice of his smile, his relaxed shoulders, the way he's swaying with you effortlessly.
"You love weddings, don't you?"
"Hell yeah I do!" he replies delightedly. "Everyone I love all in one place, dancing, music... what more could you want?"
You can't wipe the smile off your face. He's right. The entire 118 is here, together as a family. Everyone is happy, excited to be celebrating Bobby and Athena's vow renewal. It's not often you all get to leave work at work and enjoy yourselves completely. You plan to make the most of every single second.
You feel two warm hands find your hips from behind, instantly leaning back into the broad chest behind you, knowing who it is immediately.
"Hola, Mr Diaz."
"Hola, hermosa."
"You gonna keep her all to yourself all night, Buckley?" he asks, wrapping his arms around you, over the top of where Bucks are already resting. You're sandwiched between the two of them, completely content.
"We were avoiding you and your terrible dance moves," Buck jokes, the three of you swaying together now.
"Are you hearing this?" Eddie asks incredulously, chuckling into your ear. "My terrible dance moves?"
"Don't listen to him, Eds. His ego lies to him."
"It's called confidence! Sorry if I have faith in my dance moves!"
The three of you laugh, bodies and souls tangled and intertwined on the dance floor.
Across the backyard, Chimney and Hen are sat at their table, watching you, Buck and Eddie move to the music, arms wrapped around one another.
"They really love each other, don't they?"
"Oh, yeah," Hen laughs. "Wish they'd all just admit it."
Chimney looks at his best friend in confusion, brows quirked and face crumpled.
"... What?"
"Oh, come on, Chim," Hen chuckles. "It's twenty twenty three. Get with the program."
"You mean, like, love love," Chim confirms, still puzzled.
"Yes, Howie. Love love. In love. The three of them are completely in love."
Chimney processes for a moment, before a light bulb goes off in his head.
"Oh, shit!" he laughs. "They totally are!"
"Damn, men are oblivious. How am I the only one that's noticed?"
"You aren't," Bobby and Athena say in unison, pulling out chairs to sit at the table.
"But we can't rush them. Good things like this take time," Athena offers.
Bobby glances over at the dance floor. You're holding Buck and Eddie's hands, and Chris is too, the four of you dancing and laughing. He smiles for moment, before speaking.
"You know they basically live together?"
When he's met with confused faces, he continues.
"They all crash at Eddie's place with Christopher so often, they've practically moved in. Buck hasn't slept in his own apartment in months."
"I mean, how do you even... navigate something like that? The three of them? It's so complicated," Chimney asks genuinely.
"They'll figure it out," Bobby assures. "They always do."
With that, he rises from his chair and across the yard. He scoops Christopher up into his arms, promising him cake and soda, much to Eddie's dismay. He winks at Buck before carrying Chris away, leaving the three of you alone.
Eddie surprises you by grabbing your hand and then Bucks, pulling you both away from the crowd.
"Come on. I wanna show you something."
He leads you up and into the guest bathroom of the house, rolling his eyes at you and Bucks suggestive comments. He's first to climb out the window and onto the roof, making sure you get through safely in your dress.
The three of you sit and watch your friends in the yard below, quietly reflecting. You're suddenly aware of the way you're sandwiched in between them again, thighs pressed together. You lean left and rest your head on Eddie's shoulder, interlinking your right hand with Bucks.
"How lucky am I?" you breathe. "To be surrounded by so much love."
Eddie rests his head atop of yours, smiling as he watches Buck lean in to rest his on your shoulder. The three of you exhale.
"We're the lucky ones," Buck murmurs. "I never thought I'd have this."
"Well you do," Eddie reassures. "And we're not going anywhere, Buckley."
"He's right, Buck. We're not going anywhere. Ever."
Evan sits up to kiss you on the cheek, before leaning over you and doing the same to Eddie.
The three of you sit on the roof, bodies and souls intertwined, illuminated by the moonlight. How lucky you are, to be surrounded by so much love.
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augustjustice · 3 months
You're the One that I Want
@steddie-week prompts: dizzy, drunken confessions @stevieweek prompt: girls night @steddiemicrofic prompt: one | wc: 1111 words rating: T | tags: transfem steve harrington, platonic stobin, sleepovers, phone calls, love confessions
AO3 Link
When the phone rang right around eleven, Eddie had to admit he was sort of surprised.
Not that he was any stranger to nighttime phone calls. One caller in particular had become something of a regular, post-nightmare soothing sessions in the first weeks after Spring Break soon morphing into inane chats about anything and everything. 
But he knew she was busy tonight.
Eddie had been quick to learn, once he’d gotten closer to the Upside Down crew, that weekly Steve and Robin Nights were a sacred tradition. Ever since Stevie came out, the title had transformed into Girls Night, much like their very own lovely jock herself. 
The importance of the day, however, remained the same.
And, it being Thursday, Eddie definitely didn’t expect to hear from her tonight. 
Crossing the trailer, he mused over who it might be instead. Gareth, maybe, since he was still sorting out the kinks of his drum solo in Corroded Coffin’s latest song. 
“Joe’s Pool Hall,” Eddie chirped when he picked up. “We rack ‘em and stack ‘em so you don’t have to!”
“Munson!” Robin’s voice burst out over the line, loud enough Eddie pulled the phone a few inches away from his ear. “Stevie needs to tell you something!”
In the background, he could hear Stevie’s muffled Robbie, nooo.
“Stevie-Evie, come on! Tell him, tell him, tell him.” The speed at which Robin chanted her words left them slurred, tripping over each other. “Exactly what you told me. It’s like–sleepover law. You gotta.”
From the shrieks and incomprehensible arguing that broke out after, Eddie could surmise they’d fallen into a drunken scuffle.
Finally, Stevie’s voice rang out from the receiver. “Hi, Eds!” 
The happiness in her tone made actual butterflies erupt in his stomach. Goddamn, he was such a mess for this girl. 
“Hey, sweetheart,” Eddie answered, twirling the cord around one finger. “Sounds to me like you two lovely ladies are having a fun night.”
“Oh, yeah, totally. We totally were. But then Robin,” in her inebriated state, Stevie put extra emphasis on the end of her best friend’s name, “got this bright idea to play, like. All the girls’ sleepover games I missed out on because…well, you know.”
Though Stevie sounded put-out now, Eddie had no doubt the suggestion had delighted her. Indescribable fondness for both girls swelled in his chest. 
“That right? What game are you at–prank call the hottest future rock star you know?” 
“No, sillyhead!” Stevie tittered.
Eddie could practically see her, smile bright and nose scrunched up adorably. The image was so distracting, he almost missed Stevie’s next words. 
“I’m s’posed to call…” she dropped into a hushed whisper, the crinkling sound the receiver made suggesting she had cupped her hand around the phone, “my biggest crush!”
The sentence hit Eddie like a truck, nearly incomprehensible. He felt dizzy with it, the bottom of his stomach dropping out the same way it had on the Gravitron at last year’s Fourth of July Fun Fair. 
“S-Sorry, uh,” he stuttered out, “bad connection, I think. You know how shitty the service down at Forest Park can be. Cuz, for a second, I almost thought you said–”
But Stevie barrelled on, as though he hadn’t said anything at all.
“You’re the one that I want!” she sang out.
Her voice carried all the passion and fervor as the times she was alone in the car with Eddie, taunting him with her favorite new pop hit, or when she and Robin were goofing off, having a dance off after hours at work. Eddie could hear it when Robin joined in for the follow-up chorus of Ooh, ooh, ooh, honey!
The absurdity of it made Eddie cackle, momentarily distracted from the racing of his heart. 
“Harrington…did you seriously just sing Grease at me?” 
“I did not!” Stevie protested. 
Eddie wouldn’t have been surprised if she had punctuated that claim with a stamp of her foot. But she followed it up with a little hmph, contemplative. 
“–Well, yeah, okay. So what if I did? That-that isn’t the point. The point is…I want you, Eddie Munson.”
He gulped against the nervousness welling up in his throat. “Princess…you’re actually serious right now, right? This isn’t just, you know…the booze talking?”
“‘Course I’m serious, Eds. Don’t know how you didn’t notice–Robin said my mooning was getting so annoying. But that’s only cuz I’m like…totally in love with you, to be honest.” 
It wasn’t as eloquent and romantic, Eddie suspected, as a sober Stevie Harrington love confession would have been–but, heart flipping in his chest, he cherished it just as much. 
“Oh. Well, shit. Looks like…I better shape up, then.” 
And even though he knew what he was about to do would make him sound completely ridiculous–he couldn’t help but smile, knowing it would be totally worth it. 
So, Eddie took a deep breath and belted back, “Cuz my heart is set on you!”
“Eddie!” Stevie gasped like he had just performed a magic trick. “You know Grease?!”
“Stevie, you gotta swear you’re gonna take that one to your grave. But…sure I do, darling. You think I wouldn’t go out and see one of your favorite movies?”
The excitement in her voice was tempered by a sudden hint of shyness, the kind she usually hid behind a bold, confident exterior. Eddie knew exactly what that was like–and he felt lucky, that Stevie trusted him enough to let him see the vulnerability underneath.  
“Really really. I’m gone for you, Stevie. Have been for…well, hell. A really long damn time.”
Stevie sighed, lovelorn and wistful.
“Me, too.”
Eddie was really glad he wasn’t the one that was drunk right now, or he might have suspected he was dreaming.
“Wanted to tell you for so long–” But whatever sweet thing Stevie had been about to say was cut off, as she suddenly huffed into the phone. “Oh my God, okay! I’m hurrying, I’m hurrying!”
“All good over there?” 
“Sorry. Robin says I’m hogging the phone,” Eddie could practically hear her eye roll, before her tone turned mischievous. “Besides…now it’s her turn to call Vickie. Talk tomorrow?”
“Wouldn’t miss it, Stevie. See you bright and early.” Bright and early for Eddie usually meant around noon, but, for this, he was willing to make an exception. “And tell Buck–I owe her one.”
You’re welcome! he heard Robin sing-song just before Stevie hung up, evidence she’d probably been listening in on every word. 
As he wandered back to his bedroom in a daze, 11:11 blinked at him from the digital alarm clock on his bedside table.
Eddie didn’t even need to make a wish.
Travolta and his flying car had nothing on him. 
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7s3ven · 6 months
THE IDEA OF US. theodore nott
( master list )
IN WHICH… the saddest thing in a relationship is knowing you met the wrong person at the wrong time yet you still can’t let them go.
“She’ll be the best you ever had if you let her. I know it’s for the better.”
A/N : This took me at least a week to right, omg
Warnings : toxic relationship, swearing, ed (eating d1sorder) mentioned, mental illness, mentions of sex, dirty jokes, making out, y/n and theo are both bitches, vulgar language, angst
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Y/N L/N and Theodore Nott had been good friends for years. And their families had known each other for much longer. Since childhood, the two had been attached at the hip and nothing changed when they were accepted into Hogwarts.
“Y/N.” Theo called out, jogging to catch up with the girl. She turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow.
“No, you can’t copy my answers, Theo. I told you to do the homework yourself.”
Theo sheepishly smiled. The day he was supposed to be studying, he was at a party. Y/N was there too, though she had already completed all her assignments and could drink without a care. Y/N had always been the better at academics out of the two.
“Change of topic, are you going to the Malfoy ball?” Theo asked. Y/N almost scoffed. She had no choice and neither did he. If their parents were going, they had to as well.
“Duh. What’s the color of your suit?”
“Dark blue. Apparently I look better in navy according to my mother.”
“Debatable.” Y/N hummed.
“Your dress?”
“Also dark blue. Matching. Again.” Y/N sarcastically smiled.
They seemed to coincidentally match for every important event; this was the fifth time. Y/N wasn’t sure if it was accidental anymore considering their mothers always chose their clothes for these events.
Theo chuckled, “I think our parents are up to something.”
“You just noticed?”
“Well, sorry I don’t pay that much attention to people like you.”
“Yeah, you’re too busy undressing girls with your eyes to notice.”
“The only girl I’m undressing is you and I don’t need my eyes for it. My hands can do that for me.” Theo smugly smirked while Y/N’s face scrunched up in disgust. She pushed him, causing the brunette to crash into a nearby stone wall. He winced, which amused Y/N.
“Think twice before you try and get me in bed, Nott.”
Theodore Nott was a handsome fellow with his slightly curled hair, messy tie, and the smell of cigarettes blending in with his strong cologne. As embarrassing as it was to admit, Y/N wasn’t opposed to the idea of kissing him. He was attractive after all but still her best friend. It was never a good idea to date someone you saw every day because once you broke up, it became too awkward to bear.
That wasn’t the only reason. The main reason were Theo’s eyes. His gaze was constantly bored and dead, even when he was around beautiful girls. He never showed emotion apart from the smug smirk Y/N liked to wipe off his face. If she dated him, would he still he bored? Showing appreciation was never his strong point.
Theo slung his arm around Y/N’s shoulders. “I was thinking that since you don’t like potions and I don’t either, we could take a little detour. Sneak in a cig or two. Maybe even some forbidden romance.”
For two years, Theo had been playfully flirting with Y/N. Nobody batted an eye, already assuming that the pair had something going on. Y/N could still remember the first terrible pickup line Theo had used on her after the Christmas break.
Y/N was walking down the steps that led to the girls’ dorms. She adjusted her tie so it wasn’t choking her to death. Her blouse and skirt were a size too small because she, or rather her parents, had forgotten to order a new uniform.
She spotted her usual friend group consisting of the highest-ranking Slytherins all perched upon the couches next to the fireplace. As she waltzed towards them, Theo lifted his head and for a moment, Y/N swore there was a flash of emotion before it disappeared.
“Matt, have you seen Pansy? She wasn’t in the dorm when I woke up.” Y/N placed a hand on Matteo’s shoulder like she always did. He turned to look at her, startled.
“Y/N, I didn’t even recognise you.”
“Seriously, Matt?”
“What? You’ve changed a lot!”
“My boobs just got bigger.”
Matteo’s eyes flickered down before he nodded. “Yeah, I can see that.”
Theo leaned over to smack Matteo’s head. “Stop staring at her chest, you idiot.” As always, he came to Y/N’s rescue, even when she didn’t exactly need it.
“Matteo was right, though.” Theo piped up as he walked Y/N to class. “You have changed.” He heard her laugh. “I’m serious. It’s the way you carry yourself, not just your face.”
Theo was her best friend but he had never been so… gentle with her. He fanned his face with his hand, loudly exhaling. “Is it hot in here or is it just you?”
It took Y/N a moment to realise what he was implying. She stared at him, unamused. “Never talk to me again.”
“I’ll take you up on that cigarette offer.” Y/N uttered, “But not the romance. Stay six meters away from me.”
That’s how Y/N and Theo ended up in the latter’s room, sharing one of Matteo’s cigarettes and laughing.
“Okay, but seriously. How many cloaks do you think Snape has in his wardrobe.” Y/N asked as she took the thin blunt from Theo.
He blew out a cloud of smoke. “He changes? I thought he lived in one.” An amused grin spread across the Slytherin’s face. “How many students do you think have accidentally patted Mcgonagall thinking she was a normal cat?”
“Plenty, I’m sure.” Y/N turned her head, almost jolting when her nose brushed Theo’s. “Ew, why are you so close?” She said it teasingly, grinning at her friend who was strangely silent.
“Sorry.” He whispered.
In all honesty, Theo wasn’t having much luck containing the thought of kissing Y/N either. The first few years of school were purely platonic but once everybody started to grow up, Theo found himself in an unusual predicament; he had feelings for his best friend.
“If you want to kiss me, you could’ve just said so.” It was another playful jab at Theo but with all the smoke rushing to his head, he took it literally. Y/N didn’t expect him to grab her by the chin, forcefully pushing his lips against hers like he had been starved of kissing, which she knew wasn’t true. She had seen Theo kissing a brunette girl at a party weeks ago. Yet he hadn’t kissed her with such passion.
Theo was the first to pull away, his chest heaving up and down. Y/N remained still. She parted her lips to say something but no word rolled off her tongue.
“Theo.” She finally said. “What was that?”
“I thought you were being serious.” He was still unbearably close, his strong cologne washing over Y/N and clouding her senses. “We don’t have to talk about it… but I needed it. Let me have this, Y/N.”
She had never heard Theo beg. It sparked a fire of warmth in her chest. “Ask nicely.” She muttered. Theo paused for a short moment before he thickly swallowed.
The moment the word slipped past his lips in such a delicate way, Y/N leaned forward. Theo tilted his head back as their lips met once more, hands clumsily trailing over each other’s bodies and holding their breaths to make the kiss last longer.
Theo felt ashamed that he was kissing his friend but in the moment, that was the last thing on his mind. All he could focus on was Y/N. She was practically on top of him, easily taking control while he was reduced to putty.
Y/N with her perfect hair and untainted uniform.
Y/N with her chuckles of amusement at Theo’s reactions.
She was all that occupied his mind. He repeated her name in his head like a mantra, never stopping until they were wrapped and tangled in his bed sheets.
They never spoke of that particular day but a new spark had been born; one that consumed both their lives. Everybody noticed the not-so-secretive looks Theo sent Y/N and the small shared smiles in between classes. Like old times, Theo never left Y/N’s side. He paid no attention to other girls, not when his arm was wrapped around Y/N as she laughed with Pansy and made fun of Matteo. And despite the pair silently vowing the incident where they ended up in Theo’s bed together would not occur a second time, it always happened again.
The holidays finally arrived and the pinochle event of the wizarding world was finally drawing in; the Malfoy ball.
“Where’s Y/N?” Pansy was the last of the group to arrive at the manor, holding a bag that contained her dress and her extensive collection of makeup.
“Coming later.” Theo said, running a hand through his hair.
The whole group had decided to meet at the Malfoy Manor to get ready. Everybody but Y/N. This wasn’t unusual behaviour for her; she always stated how she worked better alone. Theo almost laughed at the memory of how she’d always refuse to do group work.
“How do you know that?” Draco piped up.
Theo casually shrugged as if he hadn’t spent two hours with Y/N. “I saw her on my way. She’ll probably arrive when the event starts.”
Pansy pouted. “I wanted her to help me with my dress.”
“I’ll help.” Draco said a little too quickly. Matteo and Lorenzo snickered together, playing kicking kissing faces at the platinum blond.
“Oh, shut up you morons.” Draco hissed as he followed Pansy to the bathroom to help her. As soon as he was gone, Lorenzo and Matteo chose Theo as their new victim.
“So, I couldn’t help but notice a little romance thing going on between you and a certain H/C-nette.” Matteo coolly uttered, resting an arm on Theo’s shoulder.
Lorenzo subtly rolled his eyes. “Who hasn’t noticed? It’s quite obvious.”
“There’s nothing going on between us.” Theo muttered, adjusting his tie.
“Yeah. That bracelet on your arm says otherwise.” Matteo fired back. Theo almost started cursing at him. He had forgotten how he jokingly slid on one of Y/N’s bracelets. To make matters worse, not only were her initials carved into the silver but so was her full name.
“Coincidence.” Theo grumbled, quickly pocketing the bracelet.
“What about you two always sneaking off? You love staying at parties until the end but lately, you’ve been disappearing. Into rooms. With you-know-who.” Lorenzo was ganging up on Theo as well, much to his annoyance.
“I’m not fucking Matteo’s dad.” Theo retorted.
“When I said you-know-who, I meant Y/N!”
“I know! It was a joke, Enzo!” Theo huffed, his gaze darting back to the large mirror in front of him.
“We hear you, by the way.” Matteo whispered. “The walls are thin and we have to hang out in Blaise’s dorm when the door is closed because we know what’s happening.”
“Oh, please. Please. Yes, right there.” Lorenzo mocked, copying the noises he had heard mere days ago. Theo’s cheeks flushed red.
“That’s not me.” He was already losing to Matteo and Lorenzo’s little game but he stood firm.
“Hm. Right.” Matteo didn’t believe his friend’s words for one second. “Well, I better get dressed. Guests will be arriving soon. Can’t wait to see your little principessa or whatever you call her in bed.” He walked off, cackling like a hyena. Only Lorenzo was left.
“Just confess to her, dude. She probably feels the same way.” Lorenzo matted Theo’s back before he followed after Matteo, needing to get dressed as well.
Theo found himself alone in the glittering ballroom, still waiting for his late companions. He swirled the champagne around in his glass in boredom, almost wanting to spill it on someone to watch their reaction.
“All by yourself, Nott?”
Theo didn’t waste any time in spinning around. “Y/N.” He stated. She was staring up at him, focused on his eyes like she always was. Sometimes Theo wondered if he could see the slight joy in his gaze whenever she was around.
“Where are the others?” She questioned.
“I’m not sure. Right now, it’s just me.”
Y/N smiled. “That’s good because I was looking forward to spending more time with you.” As if they didn’t spend enough time together as they were.
“Isn’t it funny how our mothers dressed us up in not only the same color, but the same shade, as well?” Theo grinned. “Same fabric too. Are they trying to tell us something?”
“What? That we should date?”
Theo deeply hummed. “I wouldn’t be opposed to it.” He placed his glass on a nearby table, his attention focused solely on Y/N. “The party’s just started so let’s find a way to pass the time.”
Y/N grasped his tie, pulling him forward. “You’re on, Nott.”
They found themselves in a dark and crowded room filled with old antiques. Theo harshly kissed Y/N, tightly gripping her waist. In the midst of the heated moment, three words that Y/N dreaded accidentally slipped past her lips.
“I love you.” She froze, realising what she had said out of impulse.
“That’s too bad.” Theo joked but his words still made her heart sink and she felt numb in the actions that followed their kisses.
Nobody was shocked when they returned to Hogwarts to find that Y/N, who never liked anyone, and Theo, who only engaged in casual relationships, were dating. It was expected because they hardly spent any time apart, which made room for romantic feelings.
Theo knocked on Y/N’s dorm door. Somehow, he had found a way past the charm placed on the stairs. “Hey, the Ravenclaws are having a party. Wanna go? The whole gang is going.” He stepped into her room that she shared with Pansy and two other Slytherin girls.
Y/N was sitting on a desk pushed into the corner next to a window, overlooking the scenery. “Don’t feel like it.” She muttered, busy writing an essay for who knows what. Theo faltered.
“Are you sure? Otherwise I’ll go with Mel.”
Y/N paused and she slowly glanced over her shoulder. “Mel?” She raised her eyebrows in a condescending way. “Who’s that?��
“One of Pansy’s friends but she’s cool. She’s the one who invited us anyway.”
“Okay.” Y/N turned back to her work without uttering another word, leaving Theo frustrated.
“Why are you mad?” He questioned, taking a step forward.
“I’m not.” The monotone sound of Y/N’s voice made it clear that she was. “You can go to the party, I don’t care.”
“I wasn’t asking for your permission.”
“And I wasn’t asking you to bring up another girl.”
Theo clenched his jaw. Y/N had been in a jealous state for over a week. Every time Theo simply accidentally glanced at another girl, she grew mad.
He spun Y/N’s chair around, firmly placing his hands on her shoulders so she couldn’t shove him away. He could smell her expensive body lotion and perfume as it washed over him. “What the fuck is going on with you?” He seethed, “You’ve been like this all week. I don’t fucking know what you want, Y/N.”
“I want you to stop paying attention to other girls. Easy.” She shrugged.
“Maybe I wouldn’t need to look at other girls if you were more laid-back.” The biting words rolled off Theo’s tongue before he could stop them. Annoyance clouded his brain but he knew he’d come to regret it when he saw that glint of anger in Y/N’s eyes.
“I’m asking for the bare minimum, Theo.”
He didn’t even know what she was asking at this point.
Y/N clicked her tongue and rolled her eyes like she always did. “Go to the party, see if I care. Maybe Mel is more laidback than me.”
With a strong push, Y/N shoved Theo back. She walked into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. Theo stood in the same spot for a moment, trying to register what had happened. He heard the faint sound of the bath water running; Y/N always had relaxing baths when she was stressed.
“Come to the party if you change your mind.” Theo called out in a futile attempt to make amends. All he got in reply was a loud hum.
Theo wasn’t too sure when their relationship went downhill. It was great for a while in the honeymoon phase until the arguments started.
Theo would scream at Y/N for not eating so she could use that time to study until her nose bled and she passed out from exhaustion.
Y/N would accuse Theo of cheating because he spent about as much time with other girls as he did with Y/N and his friends. It wasn’t his fault he was a heartthrob.
After every fight, they made peace and promised not to let their mistakes happen again. But they always did because history repeats itself until you learn from it. Perhaps Theo and Y/N were like two puzzle pieces that didn’t exactly match but you forced them to anyway.
“Theo.” Mel’s hand brushed his shoulder as she handed him a dark bottle of beer. “What’s on your mind?”
Mel smelled like roses and sweet strawberries while Y/N’s perfume was always addictive and deep. They were complete opposites but Theo had always preferred Y/N’s.
“Y/N.” Theo grumbled, taking a gulp from the bottle.
“She’s always causing problems.” It was not Mel’s place to say such a thing but she wasn’t wrong.
“I don’t know. She’s been so paranoid and it’s just rubbing me the wrong way. She gets mad at me every five minutes, even for shit I don’t do. She’ll blame Matteo’s tricks on me.”
Mel shifted closer to Theo, their hands accidentally brushing. She smiled. “You’ve told me about all this before. Why don’t you just break up?”
Theo almost wanted to laugh. Him? Break up with Y/N? She was a L/N, a prestigious family that stood above everybody else. He’d need to have a death wish to leave her. The only way he could get out unscathed was if Y/N broke up with him or if it was mutual.
Mel’s finger trailed up his thigh and despite Theo giving her a look to stop, he didn’t grasp her wrist.
His stomach sank in dread as someone behind him cleared their throat. “Is “one of Pansy’s friends” now code for a new fuck buddy?” Y/N leaned over, her warm breath hitting Theo’s neck. He could feel the anger radiating off her. “Nice one, Nott. You almost had me convinced you’d settled down.”
Theo was up in a heartbeat, practically pushing Mel away from him. He raced after Y/N, who had already exited the Ravenclaw common room. She was now quickly pacing through the dimly lit corridors, no particular location in mind.
“Y/N! Wait up!” Theo shouted, his voice echoing. He was expecting Y/N to speed up but instead, she spun around and grabbed him by the collar.
“What were you doing with her, huh?” Y/N hissed, “Just because you’ve finally tied me down doesn’t mean you can go and not put effort into this relationship!”
“I was only talking to her!”
“Well, it didn’t look purely platonic! Her hand was on your thigh and you didn’t even stop her!”
“That’s just the way girls are with me! What am I supposed to do, huh? You can’t ban me from talking to other people!”
Y/N shoved Theo, “You are so frustrating! You never take anything seriously!”
“And you take everything too literally. I was just talking to her! Nothing else!”
“She looked like she wanted to fucking kiss you! And she was probably going to!”
“Everybody wants to kiss me! Where’s the problem in that, huh?! You kiss me!”
“The problem is you have a fucking girlfriend!”
“You’re the one always talking to other guys like some…” Theo spluttered, tripping over his own words in search of a retort. “Some sort of slut!” As always, he immediately regretted his words. Y/N’s face morphed into a look of fury.
“I have been loyal from day one!” She screeched, “The thought of cheating has never crossed my mind so don’t you dare call me a slut when you know the only person here willing to cheat would be you!”
Y/N and Theo stared at each other, panting heavily. “Fuck you.” Theo whispered.
“Why don’t you go back to the party and fuck Mel instead, huh?” Y/N wittily snapped back. The last of Theo’s calmness finally broke and he grabbed Y/N by the shoulder, shoving her into an empty classroom and locking the door behind him.
“Mel is only a friend. She’s not my girlfriend, you are. I have never thought of cheating either and the fact you accuse me of it is preposterous.”
“Using big words now, are you?” Even in a locked room with someone who could easily throw her out the window, Y/N was making annoyingly smart remarks.
Theo spoke again, only it wasn’t in English. He angrily spoke in full Italian, yelling at her. Y/N had learnt a few words for his sake but she found it hard to keep up.
The fast words slipped past Theo’s lips and he paused, waiting for Y/N to answer as if she actually understood him. She awkwardly smiled. “Uh… Sì?”
“At least you know that word. Mel doesn’t know any Italian so who’s the better one between you two, huh? I’ll give you a hint. I like girls who attempt to learn my language.”
“So get Mel to learn it.”
“I love you, not her.” Theo insisted.
“It’s too late for that.”
Theo let out a quiet sigh as Y/N unlocked the door. She paused, waiting for him to call out for her again. He didn’t.
“Have fun.” She grumbled.
Theo ran his tongue over his teeth before he grabbed Y/N’s shoulder. “Every time we argue, we don’t try to resolve it. So we’re going to work it out right here, right now.”
“Don’t you have a girl to get back to?” Y/N sneered.
“See, that’s your problem. You’re insecure.”
Y/N scoffed, folding her arms over her chest. She wasn’t insecure; she was far from it. She was the most confident girl in the year.
“You get paranoid every time I talk to a girl. You’re controlling and you’re always accusing me of shit I would never do.”
“You cheated on your first girlfriend.” Y/N piped up, making Theo freeze. “What? You didn’t think I’d find out? Once a cheater, always a cheater, Nott.”
“So why’d you date me, huh?”
“You aren’t even going to defend yourself? I thought you were different because you were my friend. I thought you finally grew up but I don’t think you have. My problem is paranoia, yours is cheating. And don’t get me fucking started on the drinking and smoking.”
Theo clenched his jaw. “You wanna play that game, prissy princess? Okay. You have more than one problem. In fact, you have too many to count. You’re fucked in the head, narcissistic, you can’t fucking eat properly, and you think everybody likes you when in reality, we’re all waiting for your downfall. You aren’t as popular as you think. And the damn studying. You study so much that you get sick! Physically and mentally sick! You’re just setting yourself up for failure!”
“I warned you.” Y/N whispered, harshly poking Theo’s chest. “I warned you about me! I warned you about the mental issues, the eating disorders, the problems that will start showing! And like everybody else, you said “it’s fine, I’ll be able to handle it”. Then like everybody else, you want to back away the moment I show negative signs! Do you think I like being like this? Depressed, anxious, paranoid, starving, and barely able to eat?! Do you think I fucking like going to therapy?!”
“You may as well go to more sessions because you aren’t getting any better.”
“You’re an ass, Nott.”
“And you’re a bitch.”
“Did we resolve the issue like you wanted? Because if so, I’d like to return to my dorm so I can watch a movie with a love interest who isn’t a complete jerk and only thinks with his dick.” As always, Y/N was the first to storm off.
“You love my dick!” Theo shouted after her.
“Fuck you!” She pointed the middle finger at him without turning out.
Theo shoved his hands into his deep pockets, clicking his tongue. “Fuck.” He ran a hand through his hair, hoping it would fix his pounding headache. “I need a cigarette.”
Theo didn’t attend his classes the next day. And, by the looks of it and the remarks from Pansy, neither did Y/N. He stumbled across her in the astronomy tower, smoking one of her reserved cigarettes.
“You beat me to my spot.” Theo grunted, cautiously taking a seat beside Y/N. She didn’t shove him away. She only slowly blinked and nodded.
“You should go to potions.” She muttered, smoke seeping past her teeth.
They were both numb from their previous argument, too tired to fight again. Theo had stayed up all night, replaying Y/N’s words in his head and scolding himself. Y/N wasn’t any better. Pansy slipped her some vodka from the party and the events that followed after were hazed history.
“How’s Mel?” Y/N couldn’t stop herself from being snarky. She heard Theo scoff.
“Fuck, you can’t stop bringing her up for even five minutes?”
There were no apologies in their relationship. Perhaps they learn it from their parents who, every time they’d argue, would gift them with lavish gifts instead of saying sorry.
“Why should I? You can’t stop calling me a slut.”
“It was one time.”
An awkward silence settled between the pair before Theo drew in a heavy breath.
“I love you…” He muttered. Y/N thickly swallowed, blowing out another mouthful of smoke.
“If you loved me, we wouldn’t be doing this. We wouldn’t be going back and forth, continuously fighting and trying to one up each other. We wouldn’t be trying so hard to make this work when we know it’s going to fail.”
A pit settled in Theo’s stomach. “Are you… breaking up with me?” The sadness in Y/N’s eyes made it apparent.
“Face it, Theo, we aren’t a good match. The only other reason we got this far is because of our parents. Our parents wanted us to never friends, our parents wanted us to date, our parents want us to get married. What about what we want? What happens if we do get married? It’ll crash and burn. We don’t work. No matter how hard we try, we will never work.”
“But… I love you.”
Y/N shook her head, “That’s not enough this time.”
The sudden realisation that Theo was losing Y/N caused him to cup her face, pressing his forehead against his.
“There’s a difference between loving the idea of someone and actually loving them.” Y/N mumbled, “Us? We love the idea of each other. We are constantly stuck on the “what ifs” of our relationship? The possibilities. We are so obsessed with this relationship because we created a different version of each other in our heads when in reality, those version of us will never be true.”
Theo rested his head on Y/N’s shoulder. He knew she was only telling the truth but it still hurt. Maybe Y/N was the right person for him or maybe she wasn’t; all he knew was that they met at the wrong time.
“I love you too, Theo, but we have a problem even saying those simple words.”
Their breakup was inevitable once the arguments started. It was only a matter of time before the fighting became too frequent to ignore.
“So… this is it?” Theo muttered. “We’re finally breaking up?”
“We had a good run, Theo.” Y/N uttered, fiddling with her cigarette. She handed it to Theo, slightly smiling. “See you around… I guess.”
“You’re just… walking away?” Theo himself was cold sometimes but he didn’t expect it from Y/N. It was finally clear why she had been placed in Slytherin instead of Ravenclaw; she was as heartless as her friends.
“If I don’t walk away, Nott, then I’ll keep holding on when I know I need to let go.”
Nott. Y/N always called him that when she was angry or teasing him. She didn’t look angry this time, only sad. They’d see each other at meals for sure but it would never be the same because they’d no longer be holding hands under the table.
“See you at dinner.” Y/N said, her voice a hushed mutter. She feared that if she spoke any louder, Theo would hear her voice break and notice her glassy eyes.
“Yeah… see you.” Theo watched as Y/N walked off with no intention of chasing after her. He wanted to and it took all his power to fight the urges to hold her back. This was for the best. Theo knew he’d have to let go of Y/N eventually so that both of them could pursue a healthier relationship in the far future.
He’d always be thinking of her, though, day and night. He knew it’d be the same for Y/N because despite everything that had happened between them, they were still each other’s first loves.
Theo glanced down at the cigarette he held in his hand. He could see Y/N’s lipstick stain imprinted on it, the last reminder of the kisses they shared before it all burned down.
HP TAG LIST (comment to be added) : @jetblackpayne @rafeslittleangel @opheliamalfoy236
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Pieces of media my mom has seen and the popular MLM ships in them that she doesn't think are gay:
MCU - Stucky (note that she does get a kick out of Stony stuff and she believes wholeheartedly that those two hate fucked in a not-filmed scene of Avengers 2012 so this is not about her thinking "oh Captain America is so straight-laced because he's the ideal American man" or anything)
MCU - Poolverine (she's fully aware and accepting of the fact that both Logan and Wade are canonically queer characters but she thinks all the flirting Wade did with Logan in the newest movie didn't necessarily mean anything because "he talks like that to everyone". Side note though: while she believes Wade should be with Vanessa, she does think that Logan can and should shoot his shot with Wade after Vanessa inevitably dies since he and Wade are both immortal. It's just that she thinks Wade should get his happy ending with Vanessa first.)
MCU - Lokius ("Mama have you ever seen a man fix another man's tie like that" "No but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen! I wouldn't know though; it's been like 15 years since I worked a corporate job.")
Sonyverse/Marvel - Symbrock ("They literally have a symbiotic relationship. That doesn't make them gay." So I showed her the comics where Eddie calls Venom "love" and gives birth to Venom's babies and she said "Fine you win but please never show me alien man birth ever again."
Supernatural - Destiel ("They're like Steve and Bucky! They're brothers in arms! They've been through hell and back together!" Note that she only watched through season 5 but she does know about a lot of their later interactions because I told her about them)
House M.D. - Hilson ("Dot I watched that whole show and they were never anything more than good friends" "What about when House admitted to thinking about Wilson during sex? What about that whole episode where they pretended to be gay for each other to prove a point to a neighbor and Wilson proposed? What about that whole episode where Wilson had to furnish the apartment and House told him not to let a woman tell him what to do but Wilson let House tell him what to do? What about the whole ending?" "Why can't two men just be close enough friends to joke about that stuff with each other?"
Real life - Me and my best friend of the same gender orientation who I've kissed multiple times and have had a requited crush on for years that neither of us have ever persued for logistical reasons (I literally used me and this friend to try and prove my mom wrong about Stucky and Destiel. I asked her if she thought me and this friend were like brothers and she said yes with a straight face)
Sherlock - Johnlock (to be fair this is the BBC ship name, but she doesn't think any iteration of Sherlock Holmes and John Watson are the slightest bit gay. "They're business partners and roommates.")
Our Flag Means Death - BlackHands (Should go ahead and say that I'm not really a BlackHands shipper myself; we both really enjoyed Stede and Ed's romance in the show. BUT it takes so much away from Izzy's character and his development if you don't acknowledge that he was jealous of Stede and in love with Ed, at least a little. My mom thought Izzy was just an extremely loyal first mate.)
Also, for the record, I'm not trying to call my mom out as homophobic. I'm queer and so are two of my siblings and she's very supportive of us. There are gay romcoms she enjoys like Our Flag Means Death and Red, White, and Royal Blue. The reason I'm making this list is because I think it's really funny how she doesn't understand the concept of queerbaiting (not that all of the above listed ships are queerbaiting). She thinks things are either explicitly straight or explicitly queer (whether it's gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc) and cannot comprehend the idea that some character relationships are deliberately pushing the boundaries of straight friendships into queer relationships to get more minority viewers and I think her explanations are funny.
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imthebadguyyy · 1 year
Every Thing Has Changed
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pairing : carlos sainz x reader
fandom : f1
synopsis : healing from a relationship in which you never felt loved is made easier when your a certain ferrari drive feels like home and changes your perception on love.
warnings : just some making out, mentions of a past abusive relationship, crying, angst, nightmare
a/n : just a short blurb inspired by photograph by Ed Sheeran and everything has changed by Taylor Swift💕
relationships, once resembling the sweet symphony of love can turn to play a dissonant melody, much like a wilting rose, its vibrant petals fading to a melancholic shade of gray. the once-gentle winds of understanding transformed into bitter gales of miscommunication, tearing at the fragile bonds once woven. love, once a warm and comforting embrace, can feel like a jagged, icy terrain, each step a painful reminder of the shards of trust shattered.
thats what your relationship with love had been, stuck a in a relationship with a man who did not appreciate you and found himself raising his hand at you in frustration or tear into your soul with ice cold words that threatened to shatter your soul.
it had left you vulnerable and untrusting, unwilling to open up to a relationship ever again.
until a certain ferrari driver came along.
carlos sainz.
maybe it was the way he had looked at you across the ramp at the Milan fashion show ferrari had made him attend, surrounded by other celebrities he was uncomfortable around.
your label had made you attend to show your fans you were fine post the 'termination' of your old relationship.
your eyes had met his dark brown ones, a gentle sparkle in them, and he found his lingering on yours, taking in the sight of you in all your gorgeousness across the room.
he had come up to you after, shook your hand and introduced himself.
the thick accent had you blushing, and the sight of this greek god like man dressed in a black tuxedo with the most perfectly mussed up hair had your heart doing a little tango in your chest.
he was charming and sweet, offering you champagne at the after party and telling you about his career and passion for formula 1. he had also admitted to being a fan of your music, to which you had giggled, and he had smiled.
as the party wore on, you stuck to him, finding him to be the only sincere person in the ballroom full of fake smiles, the only person who brought genuine smiles and laughter to you.
within a few hours it felt like chatting to an old friend.
you ended the night with his phone number logged in your phone, and yours in his, and a mutual follow on both your ends on Instagram.
two days later, he sent you a video of himself at the track, with charles singing Adele in the background,with the caption 'wish i could have your voice serenading me before I step into the car instead of his'
you found yourself smiling, shaking your head at his antics, but also blushing at his lopsided smile.
but something in your brain made you stop, hesitate to reply.
the scars from the past were still fresh, and the memory of heartache loomed large. the prospect of opening your heart once more, or even flirting, felt like stepping onto shaky ground.
you found yourself replying with a simple smile emoji and a promise to send him whatever new song you'd be working on soon.
days sped by, with little texts shared and likes dropped on each other's posts.
your friends asked you persistently about the nature of your relationship with the spaniard, to which you said "he's just a friend I made recently"
when you came to barcelona to record your album, you dropped him a text, to which he asked you to a simple dinner at his favourite restaurant.
even though your heart hammered against your chest and your brain screamed no, you accepted, trying to ignore the slight alarm in your body.
and the dinner was perfect.
carlos was nothing short of a gentleman, pulling your chair out for you, complimenting the way you looked, and your music and taking genuine interest in what you had to say.
carlos found himself utterly infatuated with your beauty, inside and out, and he swore every time you giggled his heart fluttered like a butterfly.
he loved the nervous way you pushed your hair back behind your ears when you got shy, or the intense concentration as you picked your pasta, which was a butternut squash ravioli, which you told him, was your favourite.
he loved how you got so intense when telling a story, and how your hands moved animatedly as you told him a funny story about your night at the Grammy's.
he couldn't help but laugh as you told your story, and he couldn't help the slight flush to his cheeks when you said, "you look handsome tonight" with a sweet smile.
"thank you bella" he said, the nickname dripping off his lips like the sweetest honey, sending a homely warmth through your body.
you'd be lying if you said you weren't arrested to the handsome spaniard in front of you.
he had worn a turquoise blue shirt, the first few buttons undone, and pristine white pants that looked absolutely phenomenal on his gorgeously tanned skin, the Spanish sun clearly doing wonders for him.
he looked like an angel descended from the heavens, his hair falling imperfectly perfectly across his forehead, and his lips looked so delectably plump and pink that you couldn't help your eyes fluttering down to them multiple times throughout dinner.
you loved the way his accent laid heavy, as he talked to you about the atmosphere at monza. you loved the passion in his eyes and his voice as he spoke about how much he adored his job, and how deeply he cared about ferrari.
you loved the way his eyes furrowed in concentration, as he listened intently to the story you were telling him, and the sincerity in his dark eyes, the rich and velvety brown eyes radiating warmth.
you couldn't help the way your heart beat quickened, when he pressed a kiss to the back of your hand, when you walked into the restaurant.
neither of you could deny the unspoken electric connection that you shared, zinging through the both of you like a bolt of lightning.
when you got out from the restaurant, he offered to drive you back to your hotel, the red ferrari purred through the streets as you both listened to the soft enrique iglesias songs playing on loop on the radio.
you continued sharing stories, as you made your way though the streets of barcelona, and by the time you reached your hotel, you found yourself unwilling to say goodbye to the handsome man beside you.
"so...this is me" you smiled, and he chuckled.
"I'm aware" he smiled back, and you giggled, leaning over to press a kiss to his cheek.
"thank you for tonight carlos. i really enjoyed myself" you told him sincerely, leaning over to squeeze his hands softly.
"you're welcome carino, I enjoyed myself too" he said, running a thumb over your knuckles.
for a moment, the urge to just grab him by his stupidly handsome face and kiss him zapped through your body, but fear stopped you.
you weren't ready for that.
you couldn't do that.
not all over again.
and yes while he had proved to be different, how could you know for sure that things wouldn't turn sour?
"i think I'll get going" you whispered, voice not strong enough to maintain its regular volume, and carlos nodded, a crease in his brow forming at the sudden tremble in your voice.
"sure, let me know if you'd like to hang out sometime later" he said, getting out to open the door for you.
you lingered in the dimly lit hallway for a second, not quite warning him to leave but not strong enough to tell him you liked him.
you fluttered between fear and intuition, before deciding on a middle ground : leaning up on tip toe to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
carlos found himself blushing, responding with yet another gentle. kiss to your hand, and then your forehead
"good night carino" he whispered.
"goodnight carlos" you smiled.
you watched him walk away, heart strumming against your chest.
oh, you were in for a hard time.
carlos sighed as he looked at the list of media duties in front of him. he zoned out, sylvia's voice lulling him into a doze.
the soft ping of a text notification snapped him out of it, and he looked at is discreetly under the table.
y/n, carlos
you : thought of you when i saw this 🫶🏼
*one attachment*
looking at the message, carlos grinned.
carlos : haha. looks like I follow you wherever I go ;)
you : haha very funny carlos. how's imola going for you?
carlos : you've memorized my race schedule now? 😄
you : noo i just saw a post on Instagram
carlos : it's just media today which i hate so I'm just ready to go home already
you : i get that!! i don't like doing press either :(
carlos : yeah I'm in a meeting right now and I wish i was in my bed fast asleep
you : ....wait are you in a meeting RIGHT NOW?!?
carlos : yes
you : carlos 😭 why are you texting me then??
carlos : because I prefer it ;)
you : oh my gosh okay we'll talk later okay?
carlos : okay carino, have a good day
you : you too 💕
"carlos, can you please put your phone away?" sylvia's impatient voice broke the trance he was.
"yeah yeah" he mumbled a little grumpily, earning a short from charles and a nudge from his press officer.
but he didn't care. he'd prefer spending time with you over the press anyday.
sighing, you scrolled through your camera roll, erasing any trace of your past relationship. it was gone. it wasn't a part of you anymore.
every deleted picture felt like a weight being lifted off your mind and your chest and tears filled your eyes.
the sheer relief that came with the alleviated pain had a gasp rising in your throat, coming out in a strangled choke.
before you knew it, you were sobbing, knees pulled up to your chest, tears running down your face, choked sobs leaving your throat, each one seemingly ripping your throat open.
you cried till your throat was raw and your body on the brink of exhaustion.
the sound of your phone ringing cut through, making you jump.
you watched as carlos' name flashed across the screen, and after taking a deep breath, you answered.
"buenos dias carino. como estas?" how are you he asked, his voice light and melodious, and you inhaled deeply, feeling the anxiety slowly leaving your body.
"I'm good carlos, what about you?" you replied, trying to keep your voice as steady as possible.
"all good carino. just missing you" he flirted, but you didn't miss the sincerity in his voice.
you felt your heartbeat increase in pace, a flush painting your cheeks.
"i miss you too.." you mumbled, embarrassment flooding you as you realized you really did miss him.
"then why don't I fly you out to Monza? its ferrari's home race and I'd love to see you in ferrari red" he said and you giggled.
"I'd love to carlos" you said, and you heard him laugh.
"okay then carino, I'll have the jet pick you up okay? does Thursday work for you? ill pick you up after media duties?" he said, and you awwed at his concern.
"i can just go to your hotel? you don't have to pick me up" you assured him, and after much convincing, he reluctantly agreed to have caco pick you up instead.
"just ask him if his name is carlos too" he had joked, smiling to himself when you let out a hearty laugh.
with promises to see each other soon, you hung up.
you took a deep breath, wiping away the salty tears, contrasting to the sweet smile on your face.
maybe, just maybe, you could watch love begin again.
Thursday rolled around, and you flew to Monza in carlos' jet, to be received by a man with a kind face and a bouquet of flowers waiting for you.
"you must be carlos?" you asked shyly, shaking his hand.
"yes, I'm carlos' cousin, but please call me caco" he had smiled, offering to take your backpack from you.
the two of you chatted on your way to the hotel, making jokes about all the carlos' in the Sainz family.
"how do you manage to keep them all distinct?' you had asked, and he had just laughed and said, "trust me, we don't"
you found yourself enjoying the company of the older man, who was as friendly as someone could be.
as you reached the hotel, you felt nerves spring in your belly, and you bit your lip anxiously.
caco noticed, and sent you a soft smile.
"you know, carlos doesn't usually invite people over. you must be special to him if he's called you to a race" and you tried your hardest to not warm up at his words, but the bright smile on your face said it all.
"come, let me show you to your room, it's next to carlos', and then we can wait in his room for him to come back he should be here soon" caco said, doing the needful with the reception staff.
with a sigh you sunk down into the plush cushions of the sofa in carlos' room after depositing all your baggage in your own room.
you and caco continued to talk for a bit, sharing stories and laughs till the door opened, and a pair of white sneakers made their way over to you.
"hola carino" carlos' voice rang through the room, and you turned on your heel, heart fluttering in your chest as you took in the sight of him, in his red and black ferrari shirt and apparently signature white pants.
neither of you noticed caco gently slip away, not wanting to intrude in the private moment.
"hello" you smiled, waving at him nervously.
in quick strides he made his way across the room, engulfing you in a big hug.
you inhaled the musky scent he wore, reminding you of dior sauvage, and focused on the feeling of his large, coarse palms gently rubbing your back.
"i missed you, y'know?" he mumbled, drawing away and gently caressing your cheek.
"i missed you too, so much' you replied, voice barely above a whisper.
"I'm happy you're here" he murmured, gently pushing a stray strand of hair behind your ears.
"I'm happy to be here, thank you so much for having me" you smiled at him.
"anytime, corazon" heart he flirted, and you flushed again.
the two of you spent some time chatting, before jet lag overtook you, and you ended up falling asleep with your head on his shoulder.
carlos gently pulled your legs up and out a pillow under your neck to prevent you from getting a crick as he laid you on the sofa, penning a small note when he realized that he had to run to meet fans in the hotel.
with an odd feeling of sadness, he tucked you in, leaving you, to head down.
he remained a little distracted, not quite able to focus when he truly just wanted to spend time with you.
he couldn’t remember the last time he had felt so deeply infatuated with someone, the last time someone had flooded his mind 24\7
you were so utterly perfect in so many ways, sweet and kindhearted, headstrong and independent, warm and funny, friendly and open.
but still, he felt a reluctance to be vulnerable, the walls you had put up that you refused to let him penetrate. he was also aware that you even coming to had been a huge step, and he could slowly work towards findings out what exactly was upsetting you.
with new found determination, he made his way back to the room.
upstairs, you were still fast asleep, and as he walked in he noticed the agitation on your face, the beads of sweat dripping down your forehead and the whimpers leaving your lips.
he rushed over to you, fingers gently shaking your tense shoulders, heart breaking at the whimpers escaping your lips, little murmurs of “please don’t hurt me..” leaving your lips, making his heart shatter.
still in a haze, you frowned, watching as the dark shaped got closer and close to you, you tried to run, but you were frozen in place, a scream rising to your throat only to stick, mouth open without making a single sound. the dark figure got closer and closer, ominous giggles leaving their mouth as they approached you, faceless, but for an evil smirk on their lips.
the figure reached out and touched your face, cold and clammy, and you felt a chill run down your spine.
"im going to hurt you," the figure whispered. you tried to speak, but no words would come out. you were trapped, helpless.
the figure leaned in closer, and you could feel its hot breath on your neck. It reached out and touched your throat.
you closed your eyes and waiting for the impact.
but then, you heard a familiar voice, sounding almost dreamlike and distant, like a guardian angel descending from the heavens to refuse you.
"wake up, carino! it’s just a dream. I’m here, estas a salvo” you're safe Carlos’ voice broke through and you awoke with a gasp.
carlos took in the sight of the tears dripping down your cheek, and the pants leaving your mouth, and he swore he felt his heart shatter.
"stay away" you whispered, bringing your knees to your chest to shield yourself.
"wh-what?" he mumbled, surprised.
"i said stay away!! don't touch me" you shouted, voice quivering with fear.
the storm of emotion in carlos' eyes sent self pity surging through your heart.
"oh, cariño mío, nunca, nunca, nunca te haría daño, te lo prometo." oh my darling, i would never ever ever hurt you,i promise he whispered, but still, he took a step back. he did not want to cross any boundaries.
"don't lie to me" you whimpered, shoulders shaking and chest rising and falling rapidly. you were still dazed, not quite processing that it was carlos in front of you, not your ex, and that he was the last person to raise a hand on you.
"im not lying, mi duce" he said sincerely, gently reaching his hand out to you.
"no! thats what he said too" you sobbed out, knees giving out as you fell to your knees on the ground, face buried in your hands as you sobbed.
carlos decided that space wasn't the answer. with steps as light as a feather, he was beside you in an instant, gingerly reaching out to stroke your hair.
surprisingly, you didn't push him away, but you did flinch, and the sight made Carlos's heart break further.
"oh, oh, cariño mío... siento mucho, mucho que eso te haya sucedido..."oh, oh my darling, I'm so so sorry that ever happened to you, he whispered, gently rubbing your arm, the warmth of his hands helping the shivers taking over your body.
"I'm sorry" you sobbed, embarrassment, guilt and shame coursing through your veins.
"no, why are you sorry? you haven't done anything wrong" he stated firmly, gently letting you lean into him, sniffling into his shirt.
he didn't care about the mess on his shirt. he didn't care about the fact that he was late for a press meeting. all he cared about was making sure that your were okay.
"i shouldn't have been so stupid, so stupid that someone had to hit me to make me see sense" you continued, mind so drowsy and scared you didn't even know what you were saying.
"you're not stupid, amor, i promise youre not. i am so sorry that happened to you but please, mi dulce, don't ever demean yourself. eres más valiosa para mí que el sol, la luna y las estrellas, y juro que hay millones de personas que piensan lo mismo. no puedo deshacer lo que tu ex ha hecho, pero haré todo lo posible para tratarte mejor y hacerte sentir amada de nuevo, si me das una oportunidad, mi cariño. significas el mundo para mí y pasaré cada día de mi vida demostrándotelo si es necesario." he said,You are worth more to me than the sun moon and stars and i swear there are millions of people who think so too. I cannot undo what your ex has done, but I can try my damn hardest to treat you better and make you feel loved again, if you will give me a chance, my darling. You mean the world to me and I'll spend every day of my life proving that to you if i have to", gently lifting your chin so he could look into your red eyes.
"I'm not worth it carlos.. you deserve someone who isn't a mess, who isn't wrecked, who isn't a useless, used thing, like me.." you started but you were cut off by carlos pulling you into a tight hug.
inhaling deeply, you let yourself sink into his embrace, clutching the material of his shirt as if you were scared he would disappear into thin air.
"you are everything to me" he murmured, and you looked up at him, gaze flicking from his sincere eyes, the worry lines on his forehead to his perfectly plump lips.
and in that moment you made a decision.
"kiss me" you whispered, hand reaching out to stroke his stubble.
"there's nothing I want more, carino, but..are you sure? no quiero que te arrepientas de esto más tarde." i don't want you to regret this later he said, and you smiled.
"nunca he estado más seguro de nada más."I've never been more sure of anything else you replied, gently pulling him down to meet your lips.
you closed the space between the two of you, pressing your body against his as your hands found home on his face and waist, his in your cheek and hips
carlos sighed softly, against your mouth hands moving to wrap around you, resting on your back as he kisses you back, with unfiltered passion.
you never thought that actually someone could actually leave you winded with just a kiss, but here was a man, something out of a story book, taking your breath away with a kiss.
"I've wanted to do that for so long" carlos mumbled against your lips, as you slowly pulled away, trying to ignore the butterflies fluttering in your belly.
"i have too, but i was scared.." you started off, but carlos cut you off with a feather soft kiss to your forehead.
"you don't owe me any explanation, mi amor. thank you for trusting me" he whispered, and you smiled.
"just... promise me you won't hurt me?" you asked, vulnerability evident in every syllable.
carlos responded with a soft kiss to your knuckles, to your cheeks, your forehead, your nose, and then finally your lips.
that summer, carlos took you to mallorca to meet his family.
he had brought you along, introducing you to his father, his mother, his sisters and a few cousins who had come to spend the summer.
carlos sainz sr had welcomed you with open arms, despite your initial nervousness. reyes had enveloped you in a warm hug, expressing her excitement at finally meeting the woman her son couldn't stop raving about, making the both of you blush.
his sisters, blanca and ana, had both gushed over you, making very little effort to hide how much they loved your music and how excited they were that their brother was dating you.
you were grateful at how welcoming and sweet his family was, how they treated you like one of their own, taking you sightseeing and taking you to their favourite spots, treating you to lovely lunches with the family, with reyes making you your first ever homemade gazpacho that you fell in love with.
out of everyone, you found yourself gravitating to her the most, and spent as much time with her as you could, laughing at stories she told you about carlos.
one evening she took you and her daughters out for a spa day. carlos couldn't hide the happy smile that refused to leave his lips the whole day, heart full at how well you meshed with his family.
"you look lovely dear" reyes warm tone greeted you as you made your way to the car so you could go to lunch and then a spa. she was so kind to you, even though she only met you a few days ago, she welcomed you into her family with open arms. "are you enjoying yourself, mi hija?" the nickname made you flush, as you nodded, a shy smile on your lips "don’t be shy!" she said, gently squeezing your shoulder, eyes twinkling
"mallorca is really beautiful! i really like it here" you said, a genuine smile on your lips, and reyes nodded. "thats good because I get the feeling we'll have you over much more often now", blanca added from the back seat.
she winked at you which made the four of you laugh.
"well, i hope i can visit much more often" you said, smiling at the three sainz women in front of you.
"you will, i know for a fact my brother is head over heels for you with how he looks at you like you hung the stars sun sky and the entire cosmos up" ana said sagely, making blanca snort.
"don't expose him like that, he'll kill you if he hears you told her that" her older sister chided
"I'm not wrong! he doesn't bring anyone home unless he's serious about them!" ana said indignantly, and you felt your heart flutter
"my carlito is very shy, hija, and that's why we were so happy when he told us you were dating, and even more when he said he was bringing you home" reyes said to you, a nostalgic smile on her lips as she thought back to when all her children were babies.
"you're a lovely person, y/n. i knew it the moment you walked in the door, and I know you make carlos so happy. welcome to the family unofficially, mi hija" she said softly, to voices of agreement from ana and Blanca and you felt tears rise to your eyes.
overwhelmed with emotion, all you could do was squeeze their hands and say a soft "thank you"
later that night, as you and carlos for ready for bed, he came up to you, wrapping his arms around you, pressing soft kisses to your neck and shoulders, massaging your shoulders with lotion.
"what did you talk to my mother and sisters about mi dulce?" he asked, pressing a gentle kiss to your collarbone.
"thats a secret, amor" you smirked and he whined, burying his face in your neck.
"ana has been winking at me all evening and poking me in the side. what did you dooo" he whined like a child and you giggled.
"i can't tell you,but they were all so lovely" you said, climbing into bed, as carlos snuggled up to you.
"see? i told you they'd all love you. my dad told me today as well, he thinks you're a perfect match for me and he'd like to take you for a round of golf sometime" he said, running his fingers through your hair.
"I'd love that" you smiled, kissing his nose.
of course, it didn't stop there.
before you knew it, carlos' lips were on yours. you pushed him away with a giggle, knowing it wouldn't stop at one.
"please amor, just one more, I've barely seen you today" he pouted and you rolled your eyes at his antics.
“fine. just one. one more kiss and that’s—”
carlos' mouth pressed against yours in a desperate kiss, mumbling a quick ,"yes, hmm, yes," as he nudges the tip of his tongue against yours to open up, trying to get you a more passionate kiss.
you pull back with a gasp, hands against his chest, “no no no no no. you need to behave and i only said one and your entire family is here and this is more than one —" he cut you off mid way again, pressing a flurry of pecks your lips.
desperately trying to keep your thoughts straight, you begins to cave in as his teeth gently nibble at your bottom lip, pulling it away and his eyes watching as it snaps back in its place, his tongue meets yours again.
you whine, body relaxing slowly into his, hands resting on his chest and face, monetarily forgetting the fact that you were making out with him in his family home.
"ay dios mio!" caco's voice exclaims and you jump, pulling away from carlos.
"por favor, cierra la puerta si vas a involucrarte en estas actividades, hermano." he said backing out of the room.
"qué quieres, caco?" carlos yelled after him, grinning at the sight of you burying your face in the blanket, shouting out an apology to caco.
"just wanted to say good night, which I now know you'll have!" he shouted back and you gasped, pulling the sheets over your face.
you were sure ana in the next room must have heard it.
"carlos" you whine as he laughs, anas voice floating in from next door "please don't traumatise me!"
all of a sudden, he pins you down, fingers ticking your sides, relishing the sound of your laughter.
“im so in love with you, angel, te amo." he whispered.
"te amo carlos" you mumbled, leaning up to press a soft kiss to his lips.
everything had changed, thankfully for the better.
and you could not be happier.
a/n : might make it multi part or just leave it like this, please let me know which one you'd prefer!!
as always likes, reblogs comments, opinions etc are appreciated!! much love always 😘
f1 : @theonly1outof-a-billion @rileynicol3 @ivegotparticulartaste @moon-enthusiast @superlegend216
everything: @roslastyles420 @hopefulinlove @bluesongbird
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gingiesworld · 1 year
Hi :)
can you do a ballet dancer wanda or Lizzie X drug addict (doesn't have to be drug addict) male or G!P reader. I don't really know what it can be about but can you do with smut and wanda/Lizzie is very flexible because she is a ballet dancer
Here Comes The Regular
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Ballet Dancer Wanda Maximoff x Addict GN! Reader
Warnings: ED. Smut. Drugs. Alcohol. Amab! Reader
Wanda and Y/N both met at a college party, Wanda was dragged along by her best friend and fellow dancer, Natasha Romanoff. Just straight after finding out her ex boyfriend had been cheating on her with one of the girls from the cheer squad.
"This will be good." Nat told her with a smile. "Get you back out there."
"I don't want to get back out their Nat." Wanda told her as they made their way inside the house. "I just want to go home."
"Come on Wanda." Nat pleaded with her as she dragged her through before one of the guys took Natasha away to dance, leaving Wanda to find the kitchen as she grabbed a soda.
"Not your type of scene." A voice spoke up from beside her.
"No." She whispered as she shook her head. "My best friend dragged me here."
"Come on." They told her as they grabbed her hand, leading her towards their bedroom. As they let her in, she looked through their records until she found one. "You like The Replacements?" They asked her.
"I do." She nodded shyly as Y/N took the vinyl from her hands and placed it on the turn table. The two smiled as Here Comes The Regular started to play through the speakers, drowning out the party downstairs. "I used to listen to this record when my dad was alive." She admitted as she sat on their bed, Y/N being respectful and sat crossed legged on the floor.
"He has great taste." Y/N stated as they took a sip of their soda.
"He did." Wanda nodded with a smile. That was how that song became theirs. The only time it was ever played was in intimate moments between the two, the moment the two had their first time, the moment they confessed their love for one another. Their first dance at their own wedding. The song held a huge place in their hearts.
But as the years went on, the two started to lose sight of the other. Wanda had become more and more self concious due to her career in the ballet as Y/N had started with drugs at corporate events. Being pressured by their superiors to try a line and only starting the beginning of a journey downhill.
At one of the events, Y/N had took Wanda as their plus one. Disappearing to the bathroom every now and then to have a line as Wanda threw back glass of wine after glass.
Once the two had returned home, they were a mess of limbs as Wanda led them to their shared room. It wasn't until the two were naked and Y/N truly saw Wanda naked for the first time in months, tears welled up in their eyes as they moved away, suddenly sober at the sight of their wife.
"I can't." They whispered as they moved towards the bathroom, soon throwing up everything in their system before leaning back against the wall. Wondering how they never really noticed Wanda's state.
The next morning, Wanda woke to an empty bed, scrambling to get dressed when she noticed that she was naked. It was that moment that Y/N had walked in, a small bag of white powder in their hands.
"We need to talk." They told her as she covered herself. "We both have problems and we need to address them."
"I don't." Wanda spoke weakly as Y/N shook their head.
"Wanda, last night we were about to have sex for the first time in months. Those months you wouldn't even let me hold you." They told her. "All the while you were fading away, I was getting high. I'll admit that I have a problem because I can't really go a day without a line but I would it for you if you got the help you need too."
"But our careers." She whispered. "I need to be thin for my career."
"Not that thin Wanda." They told her. "You were perfect before you done this to yourself." They walked towards the vanity and picked up a picture of the two of them before they were married. "Look here, tell what you see is wrong here because I don't see a damn thing wrong." Wanda could only cry as she hugged the blanket closer to herself as Y/N sat on the bed, taking her hand in their own. "I love you Wanda, I really do and I just don't want to see you hurt yourself."
"I'm sorry." She whispered as Y/N gazed at her tenderly.
"Why did you do this?" They questioned as they gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "You can tell me."
"The last choreographer." She sniffled as Y/N listened, anger slowly building inside of them. "He said that I needed to lose a few and that I was borderline fat."
"You were never fat Wanda." They told her as they wiped her tears. "I should have spent every day telling you how beautiful you are. I should have noticed that something had changed but I was too busy getting high."
"Why?" Wanda asked them as they chuckled dryly. "Why did you start?"
"I guess it was peer pressure." They told her as they looked at the small bag. "I thought that maybe one try wouldn't be too bad but then I had another, then another and that just started the need for it everyday." They looked back at Wanda, guilt in their eyes. "Maybe if I wasn't so fucking spineless, I would have noticed that you had been struggling and I can't apologise enough."
Wanda got on her knees, completely revealing herself as she cupped their face. Soon enough retreating as she noticed Y/N's guilt ridden stare as they looked at her body.
"This isn't on you." She whispered weakly, coverling herself again.
"I think we both need help." Y/N told her as they got to their feet, sitting down at their computer. "I just, we owe it to ourselves to get help." She watched as they looked over for different rehabilitation centres. "Maybe if you aren't comfortable about rehab, maybe have Nat or your mom stay here with you and see a therapist." They suggested as she took a shakey breath.
"What about you?" She asked them as they looked at the small bag.
"I can maybe go to one of these centres, depending if we can afford it." They sighed as Wanda shook her head.
"I don't need a therapist." She tried as Y/N shook their head no. Reaching for their phone.
"You do." They told her. "I want you to get better Wanda, you're too important to me to let you disregard yourself. Besides, I can ask Bucky, he went through the same thing. He can help me." They picked up the bag and headed towards the bathroom, dropping it in the toilet before flushing it. "I am going to tell Norman I need an emergency sebatical."
"Well, I haven't got work just yet." Wanda whispered as Y/N got her some clothes.
"I'll call everyone and set up the guest room for your mom." They told her as they left the room, leaving Wanda the privacy to get dressed. Once Wanda was ready, she headed towards the guest room to start on the room. "Your mom and Nat are on their way." They informed her. "I am going to pack a bag before I head over to Bucky's."
"What does this mean for us?" Wanda asked them, fear in her eyes.
"It just means that we are going to get better." Y/N told her with a smile, Wanda finally noticed the change in their features due to the drugs. "And when we are back to our old selves, I will be coming home." They kissed her lips softly before pulling her into their embrace. "I love you Wanda. So much." With that they left the room to pack a bag. They waited for Nat to arrive before they left, Wanda watched as they drove away with her arms wrapped around herself.
"Come on Wan." Nat wrapped her arm around her and led her back inside. "Y/N has left numbers for the best therapists in town." Nat told her softly.
"We have to go no contact right?" Wanda questioned as Nat gave her a sad smile.
"Yes, going no contact is completely practical for your recovery Wanda." She reasoned. "But you have myself and your mom is flying in." Wanda just looked at one of their wedding photos on the wall as Nat's voice turned into white noise.
As the weeks went on, Wanda had therapy three times a week. Also she had done weekly weigh ins to monitor her progress, all the while she worried about Y/N. Knowing they've decided to go cold turkey so they could afford the help for her.
"What?" Nat whispered on the phone.
"I've had to strap them down." Bucky informed her. "It's getting through the harder part right now so they will say or do anything for a hit."
"What did they do?" Nat questioned.
"Well, they tried to hit me with a lamp so I had to tackle them." He told her. "They have had to have stitches on the cheek because the bulb smashed. I asked Bruce to come and help. He gave them a sedative."
"What do I tell Wanda?" She questioned.
"Just tell her that they are getting better." He told her. "Just don't tell her anything that may set her back. Y/N would kill me if Wanda had a set back because of them."
With that, Wanda's recovery was going extremely well, all the while Y/N struggled. Especially after they had been let go from Oscorp.
Wanda remained going to therapy after making a full recovery, even her mom went back home as Nat remained in the guest room. Not wanting to leave Wanda alone as Y/N was still recovering.
It was a few months once Y/N was ready to leave, the cravings had completely gone and they had started to look more and more like themself. They stood outside their front door, their bag in hand as they took a nervous breath. Although their wife is inside, they were nervous because of it being months since they had seen each other.
"Y/N?" Wanda gasped as she started down the stairs, they closed the door and dropped their bag in time to catch her. Tears coming down both of their faces as they kissed for the first time in months.
"I missed you so much Wanda." They told her honestly. She smiled before kissing them once more, this time with such intensity and hunger.
"I missed you." She whispered as she pulled them upstairs towards their shared room. She kissed them harder once the bedroom door was closed, starting on removing Y/N's clothes as their tongues danced hungrily. Y/N's hands cupped her ass, pushing her hips into their hardening cock, making her sigh as she pushed their shirt from their shoulders.
The two made quick work of each others clothes before Y/N lay Wanda down on the bed, hovering over her as they gazed lovingly at the woman before them. Seeing how she has come along, now seeing the woman they had always loved regardless.
"You are breathtakingly beautiful." They whispered as they caressed her cheek. Wanda pulled them down to her lips, kissing with such fire igniting passion as their bodies molded together.
The room was full of sighs, moans and groans as the two made love. Their fingers intertwined as Y/N thrusted their hips, hitting her g spot as they shifted angles. Wanda let out a gutteral moan at the feeling. The knot in her stomach getting impossibly tighter as she soon came over the edge. Moaning Y/N's name and scratching down their back as she spasmed beneath them, causing their own orgasm to take over.
The two soon lay together, naked as Y/N held Wanda in their arms. Taking in the closeness that they have craved the passed few months. Talking about everything the two had missed from the others life.
"I am so proud of you Wanda." They told her, gazing into her green eyes. "You've overcome so much and you truly are amazing."
"Don't forget about yourself." She told them. "You have no idea how you helped me through it."
"No." They shook their head. "It was all you." She watched as they got out of bed, heading over to the records and getting out the very album they had listened to when they first met. "It's only fitting that we listen to it when we have both overcome so much." Wanda beamed as she stood up, wrapping her arms around their neck as they held her hips. The two singing the lyrics to Here Comes The Regular with loving eyes. Remembering the moment they both had impatiently waited for.
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amuseoffyre · 9 months
Got pondering today on the baseline for Ed's experience and life up until he arrives at the Revenge, based on the various fragments of backstory and implicit history that are scattered throughout both seasons.
"we're just not those kind of people"
recurring violence - his mum's black eye and the kraken flashback, which carries over into Ed's instinct to recoil from anyone touching/coming near his face (except Stede)
"Remember how he stabbed us?" "He treated us like dogs. Like worse than dogs" - introduction to a world beyond his family and it's even worse and relentless
"his name was Felix and he was a really nice guy" - his peers being killed slowly and painfully as punishment in front of him
"It's poison!" / "I got the gift you left me, in my glass" - not even food or drink were safe
"that's what you fucking get" - a system of anticipated and constant violence
"cutting off a bloke's toes and feeding them to him for a laugh", "love a good maim" - inured to doing violence to others without question
"I don't wanna go back to the old days, drinking all the time" esp. after Jack's condescending "I didn't know I had an audience with the fucking pope" when he tries to refuse rum - twice, Ed comments on two of his friends about their drinking and twice, he gets scoffed at and then takes a drink from their bottles himself
"I was gonna kill him and burn his face off" - Anne and Mary (his peers from his youth) nodding in agreement that this is normal
"Run me through" / "Whip my balls!" / "Six inches of steel right in you" - violence and brutality as foreplay (And ohhh this puts a whole new light onto his extended freak out about Stede and him sleeping together straight after the Ned Low incident)
Knife Parade - finding it silly and funny and utterly unaware that he was terrorising people because he'd grown up surrounded by that kind of behaviour with Jack, Mary and Anne.
"Didn't apologise for shit" - no apologies, no admitting mistakes, no awareness of doing something wrong (and once he realises, he promptly apologises to Fang and then, awkwardly, stiltedly to Izzy the next episode)
"Your friends are very troubled" / "Yeah. Well, they're pirates" - the self-awareness there that this isn't a normal, healthy way of behaving
No wonder having a glimpse of something different with nice clothes and good food and marmalade and well-meaning friendship opens a door he never knew was even an option 😭
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skitskatdacat63 · 9 months
Fernando Alonso & His Relationship With Cards
I'm sure we're all familar with the cards on the back of Fernando's Vegas GP helmet by now, but did you know his relationship with cards goes a lot deeper?
I. Magic Tricks
You've probably seen or heard someone at least mention Fernando's propensity for card tricks. As far as I can tell he was doing them(publically) as far back as 2003 all the way to as recently as 2018. Even once performing a card trick, with a condom and a teddy bear(!??!?!??!!), in front of Valentino Rossi who said "How was that possible?"(x)
But how did this start? According to James Allen, "Fernando admits to having been heavily influenced by his grandfather, a mercurial figure, who taught him magic and card tricks, still one of his passions away from the race track."(x) And I'm not sure the validity of this one, because I couldn't find an actual source, but apparently he once said: "My parents are responsible for the two things I like doing most - driving and magic tricks. They bought me my first go-kart and a magician's kit."
In several interviews he described it as his hobby off track, and that he loved learning new tricks and surprising others in the garage with them! So clearly cards are pretty important to him both as a hobby but also to who he is as a person since they've been with him just as long as racing has.
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II. Card Symbolism in His Helmets
This is the reason I originally made this post, but I thought I should also explain the origins of his card fascination first. As I said, we probably all remember the cards on the back of his helmet in Vegas, but did you know that wasn't the first time he had cards on the back of his helmet?
From 2008-2013, he used to have a pair of cards on the back of his helmets. The symbolisms of the cards themselves as well as the evolution of their design is really fascinating to me! Even more so with the recent development of the card choice in 2023.
Fernando said he wanted to reference his two titles in some way on the back of his helmet and after his friend sent him several ideas, he decided on having two cards(an ace of clubs and an ace of hearts, sometimes pictured with 05 and 06 on them as well), saying: "I picked the cloverleaf [the ace of clubs - Ed] to give me luck, but the only pity is that it doesn't have four leaves!"(X)
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Here's the very first appearance of the cards! They're displayed flat, with the 05 and 06 clearly visible
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Very similar to 2008, but with a slightly different design, and they're maybe a bit more straight with less shadow?
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This is the first major change! I was sad they didn't have the years on them anymore, but then I realized they're sparkly to match with his signature lightning bolts on the top of the helmet!!
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Honestly I'm still somewhat unsure if this is the actual 2011 helmet? It's pretty difficult to find clear photos of the back of helmets from older seasons. It's easiest to find them on replica sites or auction sites so I'm not 100%? But anyways, I like that this has the championship years on the underside of the cards
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This is when I started getting weirdly emotional about the helmets. Do you see how they've progressed from being a centerpoint to being curled up and sad at the bottom of the helmet? Not listing the year anymore??
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Same thoughts as 2012. And after this season, they cease to exist (just like his ferrari chair in the garage, WOAH CALLBACK), until cards make a reeappearance in his Vegas helmet, albeit in a different form
2013 Monaco(Honorable Mention):
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For some reason 2013 helmets were easier to find proper pictures of, so I happened to witness this absolute beauty. The creativity of this helmet genuinely blows me away??? Wanting to keep the card motif, but making sure to incorporate it into the rest of the puzzle piece design?? Mwah! There was another special 2013 helmet but they didn't change the cards at all so I really applaud this one
2023 Las Vegas(The Return of The King):
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The magnificent return! But look! The cards are different cards! Instead of being two aces, it's now an ace of hearts, a four of hearts(his driver number of course!) and, the, now iconic, representation of himself as a Joker. I literally could not believe my eyes when this helmet was released and I saw the Joker card, what a fucking silly old man....I really wonder if he felt nostalgic having cards on his helmet again or if he didn't think about it all and was just like, "ah cards because Vegas!!!"
III. Why Does This Matter?
*The rest of the post was factual, this is moreso my personal thoughts on the symbolism of the cards/designs
This post spawned from me recently watching the 2010 Bahrain gp and noticing "hey wait a minute...are those CARDS ON THE BACK OF HIS HELMET!?" It's a really tiny detail that's unfortunately covered up by the HANS device pretty much whenever he's wearing the helmet, so it's really difficult to spot! But I became fascinated with the fact that he had cards on his helmet before that recent helmet, and now here we are!
There's something to me about how the design of the cards evolves over the course of six seasons from the cards being front and center to being smaller, more folded up and closer to the bottom of the helmet. As I said, the 2012-2013 ones genuinely made me depressed because it feels, symbolically, like his hopes for getting another Ace are becoming more and more unlikely and falling away until they eventually fall falt and fade away entirely after 2013 and disappear for basically a decade.
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But when they return? They're not the same cards! Instead of representing Fernando's championships, they now represent him as a person, displaying his driver number and his persona of being a Joker!! Though I do think it's interesting he happened to keep the Ace of Hearts, even though he talked more about the Ace of Clubs before. I'm not sure it's actually this deep in reality, but I like to think that it's him not letting his championships(and the lack thereof) define him, but rather letting who he is as a person shine and be the centerpoint instead! But on a sadder note, as @suzuki-ecstar said to me, maybe the Aces aren't there anymore because he's lost all hope for a chance at a third Ace entirely :(
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#yes its finals week and im up to my eyes in coursework but instead decided to spend like 5 hours researching and writing this post#nah bcs i actually genuinely put more work into this then I think I have all semester dsfjdskjg#that thing about him using a condom and teddy bear in a magic trick genuinely had me crying with laugher. actual tears rolling down my face#<- HOW!?!? WHAT WAS THE TRICK?? its literally inconceivable to me what he did. oh if only there were pics UGH#anyways!! this post was a lot of fun to make!! i really really love the symbolism and design of helmets so this was a rly fun project#and i also went down a lot of rabbitholes while make this and saw many very weird articles from yore#i feel like i make an equal amnt of deranged posts abt seb and nando but i dont know why nando is gifted w all my well researched projects#<- i.e. chair post. that was the same level of research as this one but at least this one i could find actual sources about....#idk theres smth about the extremely long history of nando's history that evokes research posts like this KLAJSLSKDJ#theres just so much that i dont think I ever really see people discussing! so i must create.#haha what was that joke tag i wanted to make abt my researched posts? I think:#normal posts that catie normally makes in a normal fashion#<- one day ill go back and actually tag posts w that. bcs the amtn of research compared to my actual schoolwork is so unwell#fernando alonso#fa14#f1#formula 1#catie.rambling.txt#we do a little bit of f1
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wicchyy · 9 months
0.1 — drunkfession ; james potter
sum: alcohol has both you and James thinking about what could’ve been
warnings: drunk teens
notes: wrote this months ago but its literal shit needed to clear my notes tho!
James stumbled in his steps as he climbed up the corridor stairs. His head was heavy, his eyes bleary, but even in his drunken state he was still able to make out the person stood before him.
Judging by your puffy lips and reddened cheeks, he was able to either guess you were drunk or had been crying. Your hair fell in its silky locks, tangled by the ends. James just wished he could comb through them, make them look perfectly straight just how he liked it. His heart ached a bit when your eyesight avoided him immediately.
He knew he’d hurt you, he knew how you and him didn’t talk much more these days, didn’t joke around even when you’d been promised a friendship still. But none of those compared to you avoiding eye contact with him.
The breakup didn’t go well. He had convinced you that both of you weren’t good for each other. And maybe you weren’t. Things were messy for you, and he was in a complicated situation as well. You’d gone through a list of hookups after. But James, James had gotten into a semi serious relationship with Lily Evans. At first he tried to hide it, then things got more complicated and James couldn’t keep things away any longer. The news came a few months after your breakup, but the fact hurt, and maybe mixed with a bit of alcohol in your senses— you had broke down to the pictures of them together.
James didn’t knew what was going on in his head then, maybe he enjoyed Lily’s company, maybe he did like her. But if he did, then why was he so completely over her in just a week, or why— even worse, was his heart panging in his chest and his heartbeat ringing through his ears when he sees you like this.
And why, when the air gets colder and the leaves turn browner does he have you feeling like his girl again?
“Hi.” He starts simply.
You wave your hand, “You can cross, Potter.”
He wants to speak, but the words don’t come out right, “I— I don’t—“
“You know, you can speak to me properly. Know you’re drunk ‘n all, but it’s really not that hard, Potter.”
“What d’you mean?” He asks harshly.
You lean away from the wall, “I mean, you’ve been avoiding me all the time. ‘S not like I’ve done anything wrong, have I?”
“Oh, c’mon Y/n. I—“
“Why’re you even here?” You slurred, “Shouldn’t you be busy with Lily?”
He rolled his eyes, clearly irritated by the question. “I have an actual life other than her, thank you very much. And besides— ‘s not like we were anything.”
You knew. Of course you knew. You were friends with Sirius and Marlene, Merlin, one of those were bound to say something. “Really?” You asked, not to sound too interested or anything.
He hmm-ed, answering simply.
“Then why’d you break up with me?”
One. Two. The seconds passed by just as direct as your words. Unsurprisingly aiming for his heart.
“You know I cant answer that, Y/n.”
You scoffed, “Why not? Haven’t had actual closure all this time. Might as well, right? We’re both drunk, probably wouldn’t remember any of this in the morning.”
Truthfully, even if you were drunk off your arse, you knew you wouldn’t forget about anything about this night. Even starting from this moment, it had all been captured and stored in your memory. Just like all the other ones with James in it, it was tucked in the safe space of the small slot in your heart.
“Yes. No— lie. I remember everything with you in it.” Just like your minds were the same, he admitted just a bit more bravely than you.
“I just want to understand, Jamie.”
There it was. Jamie. He knew the nickname was coming, and yet he still expected a small heart attack to occur when you pronounced the name so gently, just like you used to.
“I know you do.” He sighed, running a hand through his mess of curls. “But I don’t know either. My head was a mess, just like you were. And I guess— I guess I never apologized to you and never helped you through it. But you should know, Y/n, I really am sorry for all of it.”
Your eyes shot up to the ceiling, avoiding the mess of tears threatening to spill down your cheeks. “I didn’t ask for your apology. I asked why.”
More tugging on his hair, “I don’t— don’t know, Y/n. I guess, things were really messy and I did the first thing that came to mind instead of thinking it through.”
“You should’ve spoke to me. Asked me for help. Or something. I was there for you, Jamie. You had me, just like I thought I had you.”
The words cut. He knew, and you knew too.
“You were there for me?”
You rolled your eyes again at him, a small laugh escaping and your voice going down. “You know you’ll always have me, right Jamie? No need to be so choosy with my words.”
His beautiful hazel eyes light up, “I know.”
“You avoided me. You acted like I didn’t exist.” You frowned. Even with his poor eyesight, James could see your eyes turn glassy.
“Honey—“ James stopped himself, “Sorry, Y/n. I— I didn’t know you felt that way. You said you didn’t want to talk to me.”
“What?” You suppressed the want to smack his head, “When did I ever say that, you idiot?”
“I dunno! I just got the vibe!”
“You’re so stupid, Potter! This is why I hate you!”
“You don’t hate me.”
“Yes, I do.”
James scoffs, “You could never hate me.”
“Right, because you’ve treated me so perfectly.” You mumbled.
The staircase didn’t have much air as the window was far on the top end. You felt yourself getting hotter, particularly the heat reaching up to your cheeks when James clicked his tongue and pursed his lips.
“Let me treat you perfectly then.” He offered, you weren’t sure if he meant it or if it were just one of his mindless, drunk flirting. Probably the latter.
You scoffed, “Not a chance, Potter.”
“I mean it.” He took a step forward. His fingers twitched, itching to grab ahold of yours. He knew just then what it’d feel it, yours were cold and his was warm. He knew it was like whatever this was between you two, just something teetering on the edge, if he had a chance to grab ahold of you he knew he could warm you right up. But James hadn’t yet trusted himself if he was able to earn your heart and not break it again.
“I have experience in not believing what you mean.”
“I wanted it to be you, Y/n. So badly.” He confessed in a whisper.
“Then why not?” You only dared to ask as the tears finally drop gently across your cheeks.
Why not? Well, it was quite clear then why not. Because his robes were decorated with red and gold and meanwhile yours were lined with astute silver and green.
You. Always you. How could he ever forget … about you? Even if it’s been months since your breakup, and months since you’ve spoken so intimately with each other, everything about this felt natural.
“You know why not.”
You rolled your eyes, pretty sure your cheeks have been rained with black mascara by now. “It sucked to see you trailing after Lily for weeks. It sucked because I knew how it felt having you on mine.”
“I’m sorry.”
You scoffed, trying to lighten the mood with your insistent remarks the whole conversation. “You’ve said that before.”
“Honey.” James smirked ever so slighty. He moved his face closer to you until you could feel his breath fanning over your nose. “I’m so, so sorry.” Your cold choulder was suddenly touched by a warm presence, his fingers creeping up to twiddle with the thin strap of your dress.
“Jamie..” your voice wavered, serving as a warning to James.
“I could have you forgiving me so easily, you know that?”
You decided then, if James wanted to play this game then you could compete as well. “How about, you spend more time trying to get a sincere apology to me ready by next morning. Maybe then I’ll see if I’m ready to forgive you.”
“God, I had you tearing up a minute ago and now you’re back to this?” James panted.
Your hand pushed at his chest, “See you in the morning, Potter.”
James smiled politely, the smile you hated. Then his head dipped lower and pressed a singular light kiss on your clavicle. “Goodnight, then.” He whispered against your skin.
“Ugh. Goodnight, Potter.” You replied swiftly before quickly leaving.
💌 thanks for reading lovie! support me by reblogging <3
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bethagain · 11 months
I wanna talk about Ed’s apology to Izzy.
I’ve seen some consternation about it, but I thought that scene was absolute perfection. 
I love how Izzy’s opening lines show us his state of mind. He wants to be on speaking terms with Ed again, but he doesn't especially want to admit it.
He didn’t mistake Ed for Roach. That’s not even remotely believable. And although we’re clearly meant to think Izzy’s a bit drunk, if you look at the rate he’s been drinking he’s probably got a huge tolerance for alcohol. Otherwise he wouldn’t be upright. 
The script could have given Izzy some other way to insist he wasn’t trying to talk to Ed. “I didn’t see you there.” “I’m looking for sharks.” What he did say is even better, because it’s got an insult built in: “I thought you were someone I actually wanted to see.”
And Ed, who should be mortified, who should be on his knees begging forgiveness, slips right into talking to Izzy like they’re friends again. “Something’s wrong. Feels like a storm’s coming but I can’t see it.” 
It’s something you’d say to someone you’re comfortable with, someone you trust to weigh in. I think some fans wanted to see Ed open with an apology, but Blackbeard doesn’t apologize for things and Ed’s still figuring out how. Instead, the script gives us Ed avoiding the subject: If they don’t talk about it, maybe what he did can be swept under the rug. 
And Izzy’s going to let him do it. He tells Ed he thinks he’s being stupid about the storm, sure. A good first mate calls his captain on his bullshit. But he also passes over the bottle, and Ed takes it. Two comrades drinking together, drinking because life as a pirate is hard, drinking that much because they are tough men. They don’t have to talk, talking isn’t what they do. 
We’ve seen in both seasons that Izzy is used to taking Ed’s abuse. It’s been baked into the story. We’ve been told about Ed the brilliant pirate leader and Izzy the loyal first mate but what we’ve seen is twisted: Ed still brilliant but unstable, Izzy keeping him in line. Izzy trying to break away and failing, Ed taking him back every time. They are best friends and they are terrible for each other, and that is their frame.
But then! Taika and Con are both so good with the facial expressions. We can see the discomfort flickering across Ed’s face. Everything about this interaction has been set up so he could get away without apologizing. And I think that’s how the hurried “Sorry about your leg” hits as hard as it does for me, leaves me feeling something here has changed.  
And the scene confirms it: Even that small phrase is so huge that Ed’s got to run away as soon as he says it. 
And then, look at that tiny smile on Izzy’s face. That “fuck off” is almost happy. As the audience we know that wasn’t the apology Izzy deserved, not by a long shot. But in the frame of the story? It might be enough to set the two of them right again. 
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izzysillyhandsy · 11 months
Ed-and-Izzy-related stuff that stood out for me in episodes 6 and 7:
Their quiet familiarity and mutual fondness
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The main thing I wanted from S2 regarding Ed and Izzy was at least a hint of a mutual, loving relationship between the two of them in the past. The way Izzy acted around Ed in S1 made no sense to me if there wasn't a strong, very old, tried and tested bond there. Equally, Ed's behaviour around Izzy, the familiar way he called him Iz, the exasperated way he reacted to Izzy's izzyness, showed (for me) a closeness of decades living together.
Izzy's "You know me better than anyone has ever known me, and I daresay the same is true for me about you" is the truth, in my opinion. It's about the little things, all the experiences they've had together, sharing a space, food, drink (how natural did it feel when Ed took Izzy's bottle?). Everyone who's had a close friend for decades knows how that feels.
Yes, there are aspects of Ed that Stede gets and Izzy doesn't. But I always had the feeling that Ed feels like home for Izzy and vice versa. This feeling was just very well hidden in S1 because of Izzy's confusion, jealousy and resentment.
(Of course, Izzy is also in love with Ed and Ed, as of S1, isn't. But the (platonic) love, friendship and fondness underlying everything is tangible.)
2. Together, they've got this "us against the world" vibe
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One of my favourite headcanons is young Ed and Iz mutinying together, or deciding to kill someone who made their lives hell (with Iz doing the actual killing, obviously). Both learning to fight and to survive in a cruel world together.
I'm not saying this was in any way confirmed or anything (flashback scene, I'm still waiting), but the scene above with Ed looking out at the sea, Izzy who can't take his eyes off him... they seem so attuned to each other. "Where you go, I'll follow."
I know this isn't the most coherent analysis, I'm struggling to describe the feeling I got when watching this scene.
It was like yes, they've fought their way up together. Even after everything that happened, put them next to each other on a ship and they just fit. If they wanted to, they could do anything.
(In a way, it's such a pity Ed doesn't want to be a pirate anymore, at least not a scary Blackbeardy one. Those two have a look going.)
3. Izzy and Ed both connect Izzy's love declaration to Ed shooting him
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"You know what he did when I told him I loved him?" "He shot me." "He shot you, yeah." "I know."
This is not 100% clear cut, but to me Izzy's delivery very strongly infers that Izzy didn't know Stede knew (and didn't tell him).
Which means that ED TOLD STEDE.
If that's the case, then
Izzy, at some point, realized that Ed shooting him wasn't (all) about him reminding Ed of Stede
Izzy has a better grasp on Ed's inner struggles than previously assumed
Izzy and Ed both see this declaration as important enough that Ed would permanently injure and eventually kill Izzy for it and Izzy and Stede are both like "yeah, figures"
Ed himself knows and admits that him shooting Izzy was about Izzy (still) loving him in that moment
I mean, I'm still shocked about that.
There were a lot of great metas about Ed's motivations after Ep2 came out, and some of them suggested exactly this: that Ed wanted to be an unloveable monster, that this was the only way he could deal with what he'd done, and Izzy's love was standing in the way of his grand self-destruction.
I wasn't prepared for Izzy, Stede and probably Ed being concious of that and kinda offhandedly acknowledging it in the show?
And even if it wasn't Ed but Izzy who told Stede (which I don't believe, but it's possible) - it's still crazy.
Izzy matter-of-factly telling Stede "Yeah, Ed shot me because I told him I loved him" and Stede being like "Yeah, of course, that's our Ed <3" is mind-blowing to me.
4. Izzy's love song
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The lyrics at this exact moment:
Il me l'a dit, l'a juré pour la vie. - He told me, he swore to me, for life.
He really means it. They're married. I rest my case.
5. The first kill's always a mindfuck
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So, I have this persistent obsession about Izzy being Ed's personal henchman, and Ed "outsourcing the big job" Teach resenting him for it.
In that respect, Ed's reaction to Stede's first kill was very interesting.
It probably wasn't like that in the beginning, but Ed seems to be a bit of a hypocrite when it comes to violence. Izzy is irrevocably tainted, but I think he wants to keep Stede "pure" (he didn't mind when Stede torched the ship, but that's the hypocrisy in action).
This is of course totally my headcanon, but I think Izzy's first kill was significant. I think Iz did it for Ed. And I think it was very difficult for him (either because Izzy-the-artsy-outsider was actually quite sensitive and nowhere near a bloodthirsty killer and/or because he cared about the person he killed). But Ed was so impressed, and so thankful, so he just carried on doing Ed's dirty work and it changed him forever :(
6. Ed's apology
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This whole scene.
Scowly face. Mopey twat. Oh, look, you're talking to me again.
The way they're saying it, Izzy's expressions, their body language - it feels so incredibly intimate. From this exchange alone I would bet they were lovers at some point.
Iz bringing the bottle as a cover and excuse and Ed understanding and playing along.
Ed's "Sorryboutyourleg" being the exact opposite of his public "apology".
I almost cried (like Iz) 😢
CONCLUSION: Why is there only one episode left I need more of this!!!
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munson-blurbs · 2 months
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@corrodedcoffinfest Day 21: Hate This Town
Word Count: 638/Rating: G/Pairing: None/CW: allusion to poverty, school anxiety, 10-year-old Eddie Munson (Bug's writing about Eddie and Wayne? Shocking)/Tags: Eddie Munson, Wayne Munson, music, guitar
Divider credit to @silkholland
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May 1976
Wayne could barely keep his eyes open when he arrived home at seven A.M. The night shifts were kicking his ass; not to mention, the hour-long drive each way has his lower back in knots. 
Still, he had one more task left to complete before he could crawl into bed and rest. 
He poked his head into his nephew’s room. Posters of Black Sabbath and Led Zeppelin hung on the walls, flanked by Eddie’s own sketches of various fantasy characters. 
“Ed? Time to get up for school.”
The lump under the blanket didn’t move. 
“Eddie.” Wayne tried again. “C’mon. You gotta get up or you’ll be late.”
“I’m not going!” A muffled voice called back. 
Wayne sighed and scratched his bald scalp. “What, you got a test today or somethin’? Book report?”
“Pop quiz?”
At this, Eddie pulled the blanket just under his chin, revealing his still-sleepy face. “If I knew ahead of time, it wouldn’t be a pop quiz.”
Wayne’s tired eyes sparkled. “Gotcha to wake up, though.” His hand gripped the sheet to keep the boy from burrowing underneath it again. “Now, tell me: why don’t you wanna go to school?”
There was no response for a few moments. Wayne nearly began dozing off until Eddie finally spoke. 
“I don’t like it there,” he said softly. “Everyone is really mean and no one wants to be my friend.”
The older man’s heart lurched at his nephew’s words, but he forced a small smile. “It’s tough being the new kid, huh?” He ruffled Eddie’s curly hair. “Y’just gotta find people who like what you like. Similar interests. Like music.” The racket Eddie blasted from the radio certainly wasn’t Wayne’s cup of tea, but he imagined that someone at Hawkins Elementary enjoyed it.
Eddie shook his head. “I’m too scared,” he admitted. “‘Cause I told one kid, and he called me a freak.”
Wayne frowned despite his best efforts to feign positivity. “Look, you can stay home today. But only today. You’re going back to school tomorrow.” He patted the bed twice as if saying ‘case closed,’ though he knew the conversation was far from over.
“Hey, wake up.” Wayne didn’t have a day off from work until Saturday. He and Eddie both preferred sleeping in on the weekend, but the older Munson had been up with the sun that morning. He chuckled as Eddie groaned and stirred. “C’mon, I have a surprise for you. Two, actually.”
Eddie’s bleary eyes flew open at that, and he shoved aside the covers to follow his uncle into the living area. 
“No way…” His words were whispered, barely audible above the refrigerator humming. 
Leaning on the old sofa was an acoustic guitar. 
Wayne put his hand on Eddie’s shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “Bought ‘er from the pawn shop this morning.”
“But I don’t know how to play.”
“That’s why I went down to Music World and signed you up for lessons.” Wayne glanced down at Eddie. “It’s in a group, so you’ll get to meet people, too.”
Eddie said nothing; his gaze remained transfixed on the instrument in front of him. He brushed his fingers along the strings gently, as though he was afraid he’d break them. 
“It’s a guitar, not your sweetheart,” Wayne joked. 
The boy nodded, but his touch was still tender as he slipped the strap over his head. “When do I learn how to play?”
“First lesson is this afternoon, if you’re up for it.”
“Okay!” Eddie lifted the guitar back over his head, careful not to let it graze the floor. He looked around before turning back to his uncle. “Hold my sweetheart while I get ready?”
Wayne laughed, inhaling relief and exhaling worry. “You got it, kid.”
Maybe his nephew would find his place in this town after all.  
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clown-friend-gt · 7 months
Weighted Blanket
Edit: Changed the title of this post to make it fit in more with other bits of this story that I've posted
This is a story I've been working on for a while, but isn't substantial enough for me to want to post it yet. What I have right now is a half-finished lore doc and some scenes I've written with some of the main characters.
Both of the characters in this are students in a superhero training program. They're roommates in the co-ed housing that the program provides. Addie has the ability to fly, but has the tendency to lose control of her powers while she sleeps. Trevor's "ability" is that he is constantly growing, albeit at a slow rate.
This story takes place a ways into their time in the program, where they've already become friends. This is the beginning of what turns into a romantic relationship between the two.
Addie woke up with her face pressing against the ceiling again. She groggily placed her hands on either side of her face and tried to push herself away, only to slowly drift back upwards. Before her face could become compressed again, she gained the awareness to stop flying. She let that familiar feeling of weightlessness leave her and fell the short distance back to her mattress with a sigh.
She’d been there more than a year and she was still waking up like this. Granted, it was happening less often as she got a better handle on her powers. Still, she would occasionally have nights like these where she’d start floating in her sleep and it wouldn’t stop until the morning. She could either take her chances with the fitful sleep she’d get like this or find something to occupy her time until the morning. Or…
She opened the door to the fence that surrounded her bunk. It was supposed to keep her from floating over the side of the bed, but with no ladder down, it almost looked like some kind of cage. Of course, she had no real need for a ladder anyway. She began to hover ever so slightly as she hung over the side of the bed to look at the bunk below hers.
Sprawled across the largest mattress she’d ever seen was her roommate, Trevor. At around 25 feet tall, he was even bigger than when they’d first met. It was hard to believe someone his size could still be growing. Then again, this place existed because of people like them, people who were beyond belief.
He looked so peaceful like this. His face, often creased with worry when he was awake, looked so relaxed now. She felt a little bad about waking him up. But she figured he was her only hope of getting a decent night’s sleep now.
“Hey. Trevor,” She whispered, with no response.
“Psst. Trevor. Trev. Trevor!” He scrunched his brow a little as she raised her volume slightly but stayed asleep.
“Trevor~” she sang out. He continued to stir.
“Trevor. C’mon, I need your help.” Eventually, as she continued to prod, he started to wake up.
“Huh? What is it,” he murmured, his eyes still closed.
“I need you to hold me,” she stated simply.
“What?” That woke him up. He opened his eyes to look at her critically as she cringed slightly at her own phrasing.
“I mean I need you to hold me down so I don’t fly off in my sleep.”
“Oh.” He sat up and rubbed his eyes. “Why?”
“I keep mushing my face against the ceiling and it wakes me up.” She pressed her hands against her cheeks to mime it for him. He chuckled at that.
Trevor took a sec to take in the sight before him. Somehow, Addie was hanging off of the side of her bed. As they talked, she began to dip lower and lower. It took him a little longer than he’d care to admit that she wasn’t clinging to the bed with her feet like a bat but hovering in place upside-down.
“How are you doing that without all of your blood rushing to your head? That can’t be comfortable.”
“Um,” she giggled, kicking her feet above her playfully. “It’s not.”
“Uh huh.” He laid back down and stretched his arms upwards, as if to grasp at her bed. “How were you expecting this to work? I don’t think I can sleep like this.”
Addie pushed herself away from the bunk beds. “Well,” she said, executing a few awkward mid-air acrobatics to try and right herself, “Obviously I have to get closer.”
“Closer?” He scootched over in his bunk, as if to make room. “I guess I could–”
“Not like that.” She made swimming motions to make her way over to him. It wasn’t strictly necessary, but she was having fun, damnit.
She positioned herself above him, flipped herself so she’d be on her back, and let herself drop, landing on his chest.
“O-oh.” Trevor said, feeling himself begin to blush. “I mean, if you’re comfortable like that?”
“Mm-hm,” she answered. “Now–hand.”
“Put your hand over me, like a blanket.”
“Okay.” He breathed out. Hesitantly, he placed his hand as gently as possible over her midsection.
“Yeah.” He felt her nod against him. “I think that’ll work.”
They sat like that for a bit. Trevor stared at the empty bunk above him, his free hand laying rigidly at his side. He had picked her up before, before he knew she could fly, but this was different. It felt almost…intimate. He hoped she wasn’t uncomfortable.
He wondered if his hand was too heavy. At least he couldn’t cover her whole body with his hand. He already felt out of place and unnatural around other people; that might freak him out a little too much. Still, this silence felt a little too awkward for him.
He cleared his throat. “So, is this better than being mushed against the ceiling?”
“Mm-hm,” she murmured sleepily.
“My hand isn’t crushing you, right?” He could feel her chuckling at that.
“No. It’s a comfortable weight, not a crushing weight.” She tilted her head up to try and look at him. She noticed him tense soon after she laid against his chest, but she didn’t know if he was uncomfortable, or nervous, or both.
“Is this okay for you?” She asked him.
“No it’s fine. It’s actually kind of nice.” He added that last part quietly, hoping she didn’t catch it. But with her laying up against him, she could both hear and feel everything he said, the vibration of his voice gently rumbling against her back. In the dark, Addie’s own face began to heat up.
Addie felt him slowly begin to relax after that. His chest raised and lowered slowly with his breathing. She felt like a small ship being rocked by the gentle waves of the ocean. His body was warm, but not uncomfortably so. Gently pinned between his hand and his chest, she fell asleep pretty quickly like that.
Meanwhile, Trevor was blown away by the surreal experience. There was an entire person lying on top of him, and yet here he was, cradling her like a stuffed animal. He could feel the tiny puffs of air as she breathed in and out. He smiled softly, his eyes beginning to drift closed again.
For the first time in a long time, he didn’t feel like a monster. He never could’ve imagined getting to hold another person like this before. She was so small to him, and yet she trusted him to be this gentle with her.
Addie was something else. From day one, she had trusted him to be this careful, even when he didn’t trust himself. She helped him realize that his strength was not just a burden. How could he ever thank her enough for that?
He was startled out of his thoughts when he felt the weight on his chest begin to lift. He looked down, but Addie laid in place. This must be what it felt like when she began to float in her sleep. Shyly, he laid his other hand across her, to keep her secure. Then, he let his eyes shut fully and drifted off into a comfortable sleep.
Let me know what you think! I have a couple more scenes from this story written out if people want to see those as well.
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