noodles-and-tea · 5 months
hi hello, just want to say you got me INTO Sherlock and co, now I'm addicted
(also they're low-key modern Murther, but you didn't hear that from me)
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keii · 1 year
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Watched Suzume on Thursday w hun and enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would! Like hello.. Souta?? Serizawa??? … hotties… Make more movies w men like that pls. Also I couldn’t help but look at the cat and just think “baby 🥺” the entire time. I might watch it again w friends. I had an early dinner w friends on Friday to celebrate a bday! The food was always good, it was nice to get free shots from the manager! Tonight gonna go to a club bc the bday boy reserved tables. I’m ready to drink and have a good time 🤗 Wonder what I should wear~ 🤔 I don’t like to properly smile in pics, but I don’t usually wear my glasses— like at all— unless I’m driving or watching a movie at the theaters and thought I looked like a cute nerd LOL Like I almost look like I can do math in my head.
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makerscockandballs · 2 years
do not go into periclean politics. there is no time for periclean politics. no.matter how much you wajt there to be
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aastarions · 1 year
jjk episode release time aka time for me to avoid twitter til i get home!!!!
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whatyou-know · 1 year
Seeing some of the performances hyuna posts on her stories and rlly she has like 4 dancers and a mic and that's all she needs to hype up the crowd like she hasn't even released a song this year and still got all that
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suckinitup · 1 month
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listen i jnow hes a horrible beast rhat maybe killed lisa and destroyed a whole bunch of places and people and thing. but ive GOTTA appreciate a character who pretends to be weak to fuck with someone ive Gotta
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swifty-fox · 4 months
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absentmoon · 1 year
sorry i just gotta help the githyanki ... You jnow how it is
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
Okay so! I feel like sharing one of tickle dreams because GOSH I really want to remember that one ♡
Okay, so, everything starts just like it is in every dream ever, with me inside a Situation and my current situation is that I am walking around my workplace just hanging around and doing absolutely nothing and visiting places.
Doing that I eventually arrived in the meeting room that was like the MOST GIGANTIC room I've ever seen and that is filled, from everywhere with laughter.
Because there was a tickle competition going on.
It isn't even a tickle fight, it's literally a competition that started with too beans comparing who was the most ticklish and then everything escalated so friends and accquitances began ganging up on beans to playfully attack them and see who would be the most sensitive.
At the point that I arrived everything was already much more organized and there was like this LONG line of people just sitting and waiting for their time to be tickled and participate
The thing went a little bit like this: The first one in the line got attacked by the two other persons sitting behind them, and after a few minutes the first one would walk away and the second became the first and everything repeated itself.
While me, right now, writing this, is just about to scream with that cute mental image, Dream Me was like "Oh yeah yeah ofc A Tickle Competition Ofc That sounds fun :D" and just got into the end of the line and waited for my turn as well
So yeah, the room is full of laughter, giggles, "Wait wait, I can't belive, you're ticklish HERE?" And I am waiting and everything and suddenly those two accquitances of mine appear and they are so :D surprised because "Noooo wayyyy, is that Kanene? Doing something that is not job-related and loosing up for a bit?" Because I was much more closed during work so I just laugh with a "yeah yeah well we gotta live too right"
And I NEED. I. NEED. you to understand that while all the three of us are just sitting there, chating, making small talk, the dear bean laying right by my side is DYING. They're laughing and giggling and squirming and being DESTROYED by their friends and we're just there like "This week has been quite slow, don't you think?"
Rip rip they will be missed
Anyway :D My Turn :DDD I take of my jacket because it's hot of course and not because I wanted less layers of protection pffffff ofc and when I turn around
I see no one to tickle me. Because I was the last of the line.
"Oh well, it was worth a shot"
Like BRUH I wasn't even SAD like the whole thing had been so crazy and fun that it was very nice to just be there to see all the happiness. So I just turned and began folding my jacket so I could keep visiting the rest of the place and then I listen to the commenter of the competition (??? Not sure if that is even a word but ya jnow that person that talks in the mic making commentaries about games and stuff) says that since I was the last one it would only be fair if the very first person that started everything came here and finished it.
And I actually pause because okay, that is a good point who the HECK started this craziness. And I am just 👀 looking around while pretending that I am just.... still.... folding my jacket because, again, SERIOUS BEAN but everyone is already walking away and no one appears so I just shrug and get ready to get up.
Oh the naivety....
Because then, out of NO ABSOLUTELY WHERE someone began tickling my neck and poking my back around EVERYWHERE and it was the fastest, lightest pokes and scribbles to ever exist, like, LIKE, IT WAS LITERALLY SO SOFT that I was not even full laughing, just giggling and like any other sane person under ATTACK falling on the floor and Dying.
(And yeah yeah everyone passing around got their comment of "Wait, is that how your giggles sound like?? Awwww, Kanene!" Which is something that sounds like it came right our of a tickle fanfic like Dream. Bruh. Come on.)
As I am THERE. DYING. For some reason the ???? Threathe part of the team began making a full singing performance in front of me like literally there was dancing and singing and everything (and, again, me DYING). And I am so ????? Confused??? Trying too survive the most unfair attack to ever exist and then it stops and the bean that was attacking me steps in front of me and I do realize why the treather was there.
He was their leader.
I don't think I will EVER be able to describe the true vibes of GREMLIN that this bean has but I am giving here a full description because I LOVED that design thank you so much brain for giving me it: he was with a pirate costume, his hair was green w black roots and widly curly (the one that clearly took a lot of gel to stay like that xD) with gigantic upwards curls and curls that went to absolutely everywhere. He was veeeery pale with rocked because that only made his purple-blackshi eyeshadow have a GREAT contrast w the skin and he smiled like an AGENT OF CHAOS
Before I could even complain because UNFAIR ATTACK or compliment him because waiting for your victim to lower their guards and then attacking them from behind is a very good tactic mah boi just started to make an entire monologur in character about how he is the BEST TICKLER to ever exist, which you can CLEARLY see by how quickly giggly you got and if you ever need to be tickled or to tickle someone again you should definitely call him to help and not his nemesis (and not a good tickler at all) Pacifica (yeah the one from Gravity Falls. I am-)
And yeah he maybe tickled me but I almost made HIM break his character by implying that I could totally take him in a tickle fight. Me and those noodle arms right here and he had to pretend to make a serious, considering face the whole time while saying that Of COURSE he would accept the DUEL
And then I woke up.
Jazz hands etc etc etc
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noriyucko · 1 year
act 3 gabriel design ???
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and you jnow me with gabriel always gotta get that pussy facing the world version cuz i suck ass at drawing armor
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i like to think . hes humbled. he is now mpre in tune and aware of living things (and robots) and is just kinda like . woahhhh
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ashipiko · 1 year
Bestie gotta be real, it’s Ace.
Although I can lowkey see you with Rinne from Enstars???? Maybe it’s just me lmao-
🫶 appreciating all the ace results!!!
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ankhlesbian · 2 years
Kingohger ep 1 overal thoughts under da cut ^_^ feel free to reply w ur own
CGI-wise: i really liked the feel it brought to the throneroom / castle scenes, very epic and kingdom establishing. But it definitely felt underwhelming and lackluster in crowded scenes like the festival walk/big invasion at the end. I hope they stop going /as/ hard and do dressed up/just blatant japan ground locations for more scenes so it feels more real
The ranger ground fights as a whole felt kinda meh, though tbf they were clearly making the mechha debut the Big Thing TM. Karma for donbros just skipping it half the time/not giving a shit.
Speaking of mecha i thought i’d be into the cockpit rig but it just made the actor parts in there feel kinda sluggish and stiff. Tbh i usually skip/speed thru the mexha fights anyways sooooo doesnt affect me much tbh
Also ngbl the crystal transform thing was nderwhelming. All those armored pieces we gotta see those slap on proper yknow
I jnow it’s the inouepilled brain but i really thought we’d do just a little but if secret identity ploy. But ig thinking abt it more the kingdoms prob know enough abt wach other that cant really have their leader be a secret. Ig they were more isolated initially in my mind. Speaking of inouepill imagine how funny it wouldve been for just one episode for them to be like wow racles nice fight! And for him to go what the fuck are you talking about
Character-wise: Fair enough intros imo, nothing to write home about in particular though. seems like we might do a 1 charrie focus an ep gauntlet at first since yanma was real hyped up. I actually liked him a lot more than i thought i would. Cocky delinquent tch guy
I’m also really curious about Gira, he was much less of a straightforward yells red TM than i thiught he’d be. The whole shaking arm almost in tears to AHAHAHAA I AM EVIL KING scene gave very much theatre kid i am choosing my role vibes. I would love to dig into his psyche. Also while i am all for the whole same actions different reasons foil/well-intentioned extremist villain thing they really did not properly establish racles’ world conquership vs gira’s i will conquer the world thing. This beetle is just showing blatant favoritism their stated desired are like exactly the same. Also please no secret royal bloodline gira thing. Tho i highly suspect it is coming.
Appreciation for racles getting cucked. I love it when a toku guy gets cucked out of transformation
Overall it was a lil style over substance but there’s def some cool stuff happening. Will it be able to follow donbros act? I think there is potential for some goodass character arcs and fun vague politics shenanigans (rebel on the run gira! Allying w kingdoms who make enemy of his home kingdom now!). Realistically i fear it may end up conpletely style over substance but hey im havin fun
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rewiredthethirdblog · 2 months
Mum picking me up 9:30 tomorrow sharp. So gotta sleep soon. Its just past 10pm. Anywho that arguement with mum.if she poisined my coffee or not obviously its evident now she didnt and st the timr even tho she threw it in the sink.. The full cup. I still felt like she would put poison in it. Anywho i should never get myself that workef upagain cause it hurt me physically. Physical pain seems to have bonded with mentsl pain somehow. My god full body pain my nervous system was so worked up about it all. Just like full body soreness like as if i did something bad to my body hooly hell. Craziness today. I did realise i am an athlete and need physical outlet like boxing or running or swimming or wrestling or gym or parkour or biking etc. Fkn hell my body was ready to go and mother didnt even have a clue of the power i posessed in that moment. Something couldve hapoened for real. I was at brink of insanity and beyond She was oblivious to it all. Completely. She does not jnow a single facial cue or body language cue or anything wtf. ?? Did she lose it all in additon to forgetting things she said and remembered only a few years ago? Thats why she stuck in loop of hating on dad. She forgets too much forgets all and the animal.instinct consumed her to the extent she has become a animal. The only thing it seems that will cure her is a complete lifestyle change again. Either she needs to go back to work (ideal) or finds another partner. Man or woman.
Anywho. Now my body feels better after taking magnesium nd fish oil and a vitc before bex back at mine.
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epicdogymoment · 3 years
just thinking about gintokis cycle of being alone then being found then being alone again:
he starts off alone as the corpse-eating demon, then he’s found by shouyou and he gets taken along to shouka sonjuku and meets katsura and takasugi as sakata gintoki, then the joui war where he meets sakamoto as shiroyasha, and then he loses shouyou to his own hands, and he loses the other three too.
then gintoki is left drifting alone in the aftershocks of the joui war, just a wandering ronin, who offers his life in the place of a small girl’s, who gets sent to jail and gets sent to be executed, whose life gets spared by the executioner because who could kill a good man? who was left wandering again, who made his way to a graveyard already on the brink of death and survives by the kindness of a stranger and makes a one-sided promise to her late husband that i will protect her in your place.
he starts a yorozuya by himself, above that old widow’s place and eventually gathers a few people around him, then they break up and he’s left alone again, for god knows how long until a few chance encounters has him collecting more and more people, until suddenly he has a family again who won’t leave him alone no matter what, and he lives out his days as yorozuya gin-chan.
except. following the events of be forever yorozuya, once he realises that hes the vector for this virus, he isolates himself, but not before seeking out the bare minimum of help needed to get himself to help him not only isolate himself from the world and cut off every single one of his ties, but to erase himself from existence, because he knows that nobody else would have the nerve to do it. he spends five years by himself, dead to the world, and leaves all of his ties built up over time distraught over his absence because sakata gintoki belongs with people, even if he doesnt think he deserves it. and they have to all go back in time to drag him back from the edge of nonexistence and convince him that yes we want you around, and yes our lives are better with you in it.
going back to canon canon territory, gintoki fights together with his family and his ties for the sake of his family and his ties, and his past and the shiroyasha come back to haunt him, and once the battle is “won”, he pushes away his family in the present and gets sucked back into his past to search all over japan, alone, for two years straight, but he still gets dragged back to his present, to his family, to edo, because sakata gintoki belongs with people, and because he has kids to take care of, goddamnit, and because home is where you are. so he makes his way back to edo and they finally, finally finish the battle for real and his past is finally dead and buried in the ground. so he reforms the yorozuya and returns to being gin-chan, surrounded by his family in the present.
and here we get into… post-canon stuff. because he’s back together with his kids, but they’re getting older, and sooner or later they’ll have flown the nest and he’ll be left alone up there again, as the solitary yorozuya gin-chan. and maybe they come back to visit often, but really, he’s all alone again, isn’t he? and all the better for them too, right? because no matter how many times they try to pound into him that we enjoy your company and we need you around, he still seems to think that his ties with other people are holding them back from something. you must have something you really want to do, so you dont have to be tethered to me, even though he knows that he wants and needs other people around.
so when his kids eventually get too big for his little house, who is he to stop them from leaving? hell, he would probably try and encourage them to go and carve their own lives out for himself, because he can handle himself (even if he wants them around), and the yorozuya used to be a one-man operation before you lot came around (even if it was a lot better when he had company). and sakata gintoki ends up alone again, because he thinks that its better off like this.
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maesonmaker · 3 years
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I gave up halfway through editing her because... I’m gonna be honest, a lot needs fixed and I just simply do not want to fix things on Paint with my mouse for more than I have to
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ace-with--a-mace · 4 years
i hate math so much math is the worst subject who tHE FUCK DECIDED RHAT "hey ima make these kids from ages 7 to 18 prove what a fucking triangle is by some dumbass fucking formula" AND GOT IT PASSED???? WHO TF?? SEND ME NAMES BECAUSE IM GONNA FI GH T THEM I SWEAR TO GOD
#coes 3+3 equal 6? prove it#if you so much BREATH in another kids direction your test will be invalidated and youl get held back#pt A. Solve the equation.#pt B. Explain.#BTICH SHUT THE FUCK UP#PUT IT IN A DAMN CALCULATOR IF YOURE SO SMART IM ANGRY I AHTE THIS DUMABDS SUBJECT SO MUCH#I GOTTA DO FSA AND EOC AND CLASS TESTS FOR ALL OF APRIL ON SOME HIGHSCHOOL LEVEK MATH LIKE BRICU RHAT#I GUESSED ALL THE WAY THROUGH ON THE FSA I DONT JNOW WHAT IM DOUNG#LITERALLY YALL DIDNT TEACH ANYTHING YOU JUST OULLED UP A LESSON FROM QUIZLET AND PUT A POWERPOINT AND ENDED THE CALL#NOW IM F2F TALKIN' BOUT SOME FUKCING MATH TEST LIKE I WILL KMS DONT FUCKING TEST ME#all these damm assignments swear to GOD#tw caps#tw cursing#im so fucking serious like i jnow sewer slides horrible and all but like im gonna avoid this fucking test#everyone i know who has had my math teacher never passed#she cant teach and has the fucking audacity to say we arent trying enough LIKE BTICU WHEN ARE WE GONNA PULL OUT Y=MX+B TO WALK THE DOG#NOW YOU GOT ME CRYING UUNPREPARED FOR A TEST BECAUSE YOU TEACH THE QRONG LESSON AND THE TEST IS ON A WHOLE DIFFERENT UNIT#make it make fucking sense#l speaks#shut up l#we're not even getting end of year pizza parties its not fucking worth it man#telling us LIKE STFU#i joke about kms so much but im so damn serious i would make a whole petition to get my teacher fired#HOW TF DO YOU HAVE OVER 200 KIDS TO TEACH AND NONE OF THEM HAVE ATLEAST A B-??? HOW DO YOU FUCK UP THAT BAD#THEN TURN THE BLAME TO RHE KIDS?????#i hate school so much#jump off a bridge i will#ranting in tags because I can#ls possible trauma tag
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