imgloriaa · 2 years
Thanks for answering me❤️. For the CNCOWNER who wanted a time line I have one (not very accurate tho lol).
Last spring a few fans were saying that Zab was expecting a baby but the rumors were being said by so little people without any proof so it was very much unsure.
At some point after this the future baby mama (Talitha) posted a Instagram story video of herself watching Zab play basketbal (basically acknowledging that they knew eachother). Not sure how we found this Instagram story (probably because of Zab's tagged section or Instagram homepages) but anyways we had the knowledge now that she was a girl in Zab's life. And you know that if we know about a CNCO girly we like to keep tabs.
At this point neither had said anything about a pregnancy.
But then it happened.
Talitha posted her first pregancy picture (the one from birdseye view with black top, a top bun and exposed belly).
We started panicking a bit. Because the reality of a new CNCO baby got a bit realer. So we got to investigating.
She never mentioned Zab directly but people began asking her things in the comments under this picture and from a couple of her responses we figured out that:
- She was Italian and in Italy so visit family at the time of picture.
-That baby daddy was from Puerto Rico (this was a major hint).
-That baby daddy wanted to stay annonymous.
Still nothing from Zab.
Throughout the next months came a series of "Did Zab and his family members follow this girl" "Yes they do" "No they don't" "But she does follom them" "Oh not anymore" etc.
She also started posting Instagram story Q&A's of people asking her baby daddy stuff and her basically responding with m:
-"I'm not going to say who he is because he doesn't want me to"
-"We're not together"
-"He is not involved in the pregnancy/not supportive/he is not stepping up right now/he is a bad person" (something along these lines. basically shading him).
It wasn't until the day she gave birth that we got actual confirmation in the form of an Instagram story that a friend of her took of himself (yes a diff guy), a pregnant Talitha and Zabdiel at a desk checking into a place with the words "here we go" under it (or "it's time". Something along this line).
Not sure how we found this story. Either Talitha reposted it herself or the CNCOwner detectives found it.
A couple days later Talitha and Zab finally confirmed it with Instagram posts (obviously Talitha first🙄). Zab posted the reel.
It became clear to us in the next weeks that Zab didn't like Talitha (not perse dislike but just no interection). If I remember correctly than Talitha tried to shade him again (not sure about this second shade? but im sure about the first shade back when she was peggo lol).
Shit definetly got suspicious when she recently(ish) posted on instagram asking for place to stay with Luz because her apartment needed to be fixed or something (we thought it was strange that her "babydaddy" Zab wouldn't offer en let "his daughter" stay with him).
Then came our relief.
Zab posted a video of him explaining that Luz apparently wasn't his (idk why but I'm kinda proud to be one of the first in the fandom to have seen this video. Lol that was just pure because of time difference I guess). And at the same time Talitha posted a story tagging this video and "explaining" her side.
That is basically it for all we know about this mad rollercoaster. Please feel free to add anything if i forgot anything :)
talitha didn’t repost the story at the hospital check in desk, we found out because she was hanging out with this guy (who’s a gay friend of her from italy that visited her before the birth i guess to see the birth of luz) and we were just stalking him lmao
anyway the rest it’s so on point and correct, thank you! if you search up talitha on my profile you might find the translation of the time she shaded zabdiel in january 👀
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jessaconda · 10 years
-insert crown symbol which I sit have because phone-
My favorite thing about your blog: everything. Just everything 
What fandom I associate you with the most: BLACK ORPHANS 
What I think of your URL: gimme 
If I follow you and why: because you got me pregnant and it would be super awkward if i blocked you D;
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