shawmlinsitly08 · 2 years
Muppet Kris that I drew during class. @the-other-puppet
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awkward-tension-art · 2 months
Puppet on a String Epilogue (Fives x Reader)
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Chapter 11.
For His Vode
Cw:Fives x Reader, Reader is a medical practitioner, angst, swearing, Death, Inhibitor chip arc, Lying, Confusion, Major character death, Palpatine being a bastard, anti-clone sentiment, mentions of clone mistreatment, No Happy Ending Here
Tag list (Thank you everyone! i forgot to add before i posted originally LMAO): @notgonnaedit @bimboshaggy @amazonian-bae @spicydonut25 @tentakelspektakel
Insane Clone Murders Beloved Doctor. More at 5!
Clone medic Kix stared at the holo, it was several rotations old now. But it was plastered everywhere. The journalists and news tabloids reported on your deaths before your bodies were even cold. 
It made no sense. Fives died before you did.
Fuck, Rex held him as his life disappeared. You were alive when the ARC trooper was shot. He died in that storage facility. General Skywalker could confirm that.
So what happened to you? 
Your body was found in the hospital. Supposedly in the same room you had gone into when you felt sick. General Shaak Ti, as well as Mas Amedda confirmed that was your last location. However, none of your colleagues knew you were there. It turned out to be the Chancellor that found you, apparently he wanted to speak with you after his assassination attempt.
Kix tried to talk to Rex and the General about his concerns. He saw you. He talked to you. Why’d you end up back at the hospital? 
Thankfully, the Jedi would share his concerns and speak with the Chancellor. 
It was…odd. Very odd.
Captain Rex filled his own grievous report. After all, what commander sets his blaster to kill on a fellow clone? 
Fox was given the title ‘trigger happy vod killer’ and Kix took a sick satisfaction that he was under heat for his mistake. It didn’t bring you or Fives back, but maybe the Corrie would think twice before brutally shooting down a brother. 
It didn’t help now though. The last domino had fallen, leaving Rex in shambles. 
You were dead. In the eyes of the public, you had been killed by a deranged clone. The moment your heart stopped was the moment any clone rights bill in the senate was shot down. 
It would be many rotations before another bill gets discussed. But now your name would be used as a talking point against clone rights. Fuck, your picture was being plastered on every anti-clone poster from here to Ryloth.
Something both you and Fives would hate. 
While he didn’t know you as deeply as others, he could tell you cared about clones and their treatment. It was partly why Fives had been drawn to you. You two loved each other so deeply. Even if Fives was ordered by the damn Chancellor to shoot you, he’d refuse. 
Maker, none of this made sense!
Kix sighed and turned off his holo, focusing on walking through the quiet halls. He had gone to The Resolute to update Fives’ medical records. The 501st field surgeon was entirely too shattered to do anything, so the medic opted to get the task done. 
When he opened the door to the medical bay, he didn’t expect to see a modified assistant surgical droid.
The little robot turned, feminine robot voice greeting him, “Hello! Please tell me if you are Clone medic Kix or field surgeon of the 501st Doctor-”
He cut off the droid and rubbed his temple, “I’m Kix. What do you need?”
“I have sensitive patient information that I was ordered to deliver directly to you.” it hovered closer to him as it answered. 
“By who?” the medic asked, interest piqued now.
When the droid said your name, he froze. You sent him something? Why? Was this a joke? Or was this something you managed to do before your demise? Regardless, Kix needed to know more, “Open the files.” 
The little robot blinked and through its eyes were files. Scans of the clones' brains. The original scans the 501st doctor had gotten from Umbara. The medic had thought the files were destroyed after the scanner disappeared, but apparently you made copies. His eyes roamed the images, trying to decipher why’d you send these to him. 
However, the droid beeped and brought up your holo message. He took in your appearance. Scared, exhausted and disheveled. But alive. Proof you were alive after Fives had died, based on the timestamp attached to the message. 
The clone medic listened to your words intently. Your terrified warning about the tumors…the chips. The orders to kill Jedi. the Chancellor. 
All of it. 
He knew what happened to you now, in your final moments. After you had met with Fives, you returned to the hospital to get these scans. If you died in the hospital, most likely you were killed by a hired assassin. Or one of the Corries were given orders to hunt you down to kill you.  
You risked everything for this evidence. Even if you paid the price, you managed to complete your mission.
Once your holo message had concluded, Kix looked at the datapad in his hands. 
“I need you to upload those files to my datapad.” He ordered. 
“Yes, clone medic Kix!” 
Kix believed you. He believed Fives. He just needed more. He couldn’t come out on your words alone. The scans had deniability. They weren’t enough. 
He needed more evidence. More proof. 
Once Kix had the files, he sent the droid on its way. 
The medic would need to be careful. His investigation, his mission to gather everything you and Fives couldn't, would need to be slow and steady. 
If the Chance- if Palpatine had killed Fives, Kix didn’t stand a chance. He’d need to play his cards right in order to survive. 
But he’d do this. He’d gather more information. For Tup. For you. For Fives. 
For all of his vode.
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tagged by @camelliagwerm thank you! god i am so sorry i completely forgot to post this, it was rotting in my drafts😭 i’ll do ven and ollie.
Seasoning: hm. my gut says curry powder for some reason
Weather: typical april weather
Colour: pink, grey and violet
Magic Power: conjuring her kinetic fire?
House Plant: cactus. one of those small, round ones with flowers on top
Weapon: she doesn’t normally use weapons, but i think she’d have fun with a sling.
Subject: drama. yes she’s a fucking theater kid
Social Media: don’t think she’d use a specific site, she’d be an annoying troll on everything
Make-up Product: she has a collection of lipsticks that are all wildly different in colour. so that, i guess.
Candy: center shock! does anyone else know these. they’re like sour gum with tons of wild flavours
Fear: having emotions; accepting that she is an actual person and not some puppet
Ice cube shape: dinosaurs! other cool creatures! she’d use those trays you can put the water in all the time
Method of long distance travel: getting carried by regongar
Art style: abstract + surrealism
Mythological creature: imp
Piece of stationary: one of those multi-colour pens
3 emojis: 🎭🃏🤡
Celestial body: comet
Seasoning: herbs
Weather: eerie, dark rainy day in the countryside
Colour: dark green and a reddish brown
Sky: cloudy
Magic Power: shapeshifting, making people rot from the inside with a touch of his hand (charming fellow!)
House Plant: trick question! all of them!
Weapon: again, mostly does not use weapons but instead gores people on his shambling mound shape branches. does that count? if it doesn’t, he’s also able to use bows pretty efficiently.
Subject: Biology + Philosophy
Social Media: obscure wildlife/nature forum, one of those ppl who has the best and most informative posts but it’s very obvious to everyone reading that he has issues when he briefly mentions his personal life in one of them (“uhh why is apocynaceae43 talking about the mother of beasts in his latest gardening tutorial??”)
Make-up Products: blood and guts :)
Candy: blueberries, all berries are good though
Fear: failing
Ice cube shape: cubes
Method of long distance travel: transforming into a vulture and flying
Art style: Romantic
Mythological creature: witches (almost was one before i went with druid)
Piece of stationary: old handmade journal for his poetry
3 emojis: 🥀🌳🙏
Celestial body: hm. black hole maybe?
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deviantartdramahub · 2 years
Hello! Gelly again! I have another big speech of some sort, but first I wanna say that I forgot something in my last one, oops haha. So another example of hypocrisy with sock-puppets on DA Drama Now is that one of their followers, Doctor Ray, made countless "Kylo-Ren" accounts to harass our friend, Club. And yet, they're wrongly attacking Sam for the same thing.
So, the other thing I intend to tackle this evening is how this group is falsely saying they "want to help me" when in reality they're just trying to scare and manipulate me. I have quite a lot of proof and cases to demonstrate this.
So for start, as you can see here: https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/tagged/gellygirl
They made a whole ass tag for me. They made this so whenever they talk shit on me, they can tag my name for people to click and see everything else they said about me. They likely did this for easy access proof I'm a bad person, the same thing they do to other victims of this group. Sure, you can go "Bro it's just tagging" but notice how they only do this to people they're against. You don't see them tagging Morothias, do you? But yeah, I can admit this is probably my weakest proof, which is one of the reasons why I listed it first.
The 2nd instance of proof I have is them having no problem threatening me with bad things that could happen to me: https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/tagged/gellygirl (This one's debatable as the best proof, as the threat seems to be more of a warning, and this person isn't acting too malicious towards me. Though I'd appreciate it if they'd act less condescending, lol.) https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/704925080424251392/wow-of-course-the-sick-fuck-club-would-take (threatening me my good friend would betray me. I haven't made one status thing on my DA, yet he continues to be a wonderful friend.) https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/708006114919399424/i-unfollowed-and-blocked-gelly-what-she-did-was (I know I already talked about this post, but it applies here as well for obvious reasons. Yes, the threat is non-sensical, but it's still a threat to report my account and get me in trouble. Another thing to add about this, if they were truly trying to help me, they wouldn't let my reputation get hurt by this, and stick up for me at least a little. But yet Evie happily posts it there with no comment, letting the user say whatever about me. It's also one of the posts that are sexualizing my drawing by calling it a fetish art, but we'll talk about that later...)
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/704836510984372224/laughing-my-rump-off-one-of-clubbys-pals-gelly (And finally, this one. This one's just disgusting and horrible. I expressed to Club long ago how upset and uncomfortable this post made me feel. As this person laughs as they say he'll choke me and take me away. Not to mention no one ever showed slight remorse in the group that I was horrified by this statement. Dear. Fucking. God.)
Another reason that it's obvious that they aren't trying to help me is their willingness to insult me. Insulting someone while saying you're trying to help them is toxic as FUCK. It's way too obvious they're trying to manipulate me, and make me feel small so they can scoop me up away from my friends and use me. Evidence: https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/704922897775542273/gellygirl-you-are-a-fool-for-a-minor-other-kids ( Here someone's calling me a fool, calling me unintelligent because I don't jump to conclusions and immediately abandon a friend like some people do.)
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/704925080424251392/wow-of-course-the-sick-fuck-club-would-take (Already talked about this post, but yeah, here's them once again referring to me as a "foolish kid.")
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/705009194279043072/disgusting-i-see-that-club-now-has-watched (Someone calling me stubborn bc I don't listen to their bullshit lol.)
And finally, the last reason why I know they aren't trying to help me. They refuse to hear me out and listen to what I have to say unless it's helping their word. The main evidence of this is them accusing a friend that is YOUNGER than me of taking advantage of me and making me draw fetish art. They refuse to consider the fact that hypnotism can be in a non-sexual context, and are making me and my friend out to be fetish artists when we are BOTH MINORS. I knew Lina for a while, and never ONCE did I see her use hypnotism in a sexual way. Neither in RPs or fan-art of hers. The way she uses it is either one of her evil OCs using it to get minions to take over the world, a classic fun story used in lots of fiction. And when it's used by good OCs, they simply use it to calm chaotic characters down. Oh, and one of her OCs in the fan-art they're sexualizing IS A CHILD CHARACTER! Lina confirmed her to be 14! So not only are they sexualizing a minor's art while accusing another of having a fetish, THEY'RE SEXUALIZING ART WITH A CHILD CHARACTER IN IT! All while they refuse to hear me out. Evidence: https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/707728661508472832/i-feel-bad-for-that-gelly-kid-shes-definitely (The shit-stain that dragged Lina into the drama in the first place.) https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/707830463335628800/someone-should-warn-gelly-she-drew-fetish-art-im
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/707975406018592768/gelly-instead-of-saying-we-were-wrong-quit-acting (Okay, Lina's not the person who blocked me. The person who did was actually Sam due to a misunderstanding.But we made up and are friends now, so don't worry. She fortunately doesn't even know about the drama going on, and I want to keep it that way. She deserves better than to be dragged into this mess.)
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/708083771187019776/wanna-bet-how-much-club-will-try-to-request-diaper (Now they're saying Club will request fetish art bc of the stupid shit that was started. He was just comforting me after something stressful happened, you creepy sickos, leave us alone.)
https://deviantartdramanow.tumblr.com/post/708083897300402176/funny-that-you-have-this-in-your-favs-gelly-yet (Ah, and finally we have this. This post right here implies they think I genuinely support pedophilia now. Holy fucking shit XD No, hons, ofc not, I support in having ACTUAL pedos get their ass kicked, not a innocent man who wants to make friends and educate those of the importance of helping those with special needs.)
Well...Oh boy that was a lot. I'm sure there's more examples of them manipulating me but I'm sure we can agree this post shows enough, and I feel it's way too long now, haha. Anyways, I hope this post shows some people who are still confused about supporting DA Drama Now how they manipulate their victims.I want them to know it won't work. I know they think I'm a complete idiot and they can easily manipulate me, but they'll never drag me to their side. It makes me sad, I truly wish I was the only one who had to deal with this.
When reading this I thought about that too. The hypocrisy (or "seeming" hypocrisy, in the off-chance they have a good defense about it and why this doesn't affect the worthiness of the support given to them through the followers of the DA user Morothias) about Doctor Ray and his participation in raiding would be (aside from their KiwiFarms affiliations) the most glaring/discouraging to us. Their idea of helping people is conquest. And yeah tagging can be used for good or bad; I tag people so it's less backbiting-esque for recurring peoples. But then again, they have a written hate list, as if a group about justice would write one. So there is a greater chance they aren't as well-intentioned when tagging. True peacemakers would not readily resort to extortion or ridicule.
We here promise to stand with you against their tactics.
0 notes
guqin-and-flute · 4 years
The Soup Incident [Episode 22]
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Random Jin Guy: hey u know ur sister
WWX: everyone's mom? best person in the world? beset by terminal heterosexuality? rings a bell
LWJ: i'm sure this is more important than a war
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Random Jin Guy: something happened with j
WWX: [overrunning other line] I MUST GO MY MEDDLING IS REQUIRED
Random Nie Guy: oop there he go
LWJ: wow this sounds serious
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WWX: what horrors will i find what trauma will this compound what cruelty will i be met with also how did i know exactly where to go
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JZX: gross
JYL: oh an audience perfect i'm sure this will de-escalate things
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WWX: can we solve this with castration? tell me we can
JYL: no thanks i'd still like the option if it's all the same to u
WWX: it's not let me remove his body parts
JZX: like i'd let u near me u classless hellion
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JYL: listen life hasn't been like the greatest lately had a lot of shitty carriage rides i'd like things to chill out and by things i mean namely u in this moment can we go now pls i have an appointment to cry into my pillow that i'm missing
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WWX: omg noooo i'll behave i'm here to support u i'll be impartial
JYL: i don't believe that for a single second tho hun
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JYL: and there it is
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JZX: [angry sleeve flap of disdainful eloquence]
WWX: wtf
JYL: yeah he's good at those
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JYL: honey ur not helping urself here he beat the shit out of u BEFORE he marinated in dark energy for 3 months pls use ur words and ur brain
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JYL: can we just go pls i like to not be reminded of exactly how much stupid i willingly allow into my life
WWX: but shijie M U R D E R
JYL: inexplicably i still want to marry him so no thank u
JZX: oh look mianmian's here
MM: u fuckin bet i am u dipshit
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WWX: wtaf is wrong with him
MM: ok listen LISTEN i know i feel u trust me
JZX: time to return to the arrogance corner
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JYL: a-xian  n o
MM: no he totally is u right
JYL: well then he's MY bitch :(
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MM: why do i bother to stay up late to practice conversations with u if u don't bother to try all that time wasted am i supposed to cover for u now?
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JZX: bold of u to assume u can but go for it still don't know why tf ur all here just wanna eat my soup
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JYL: gross
MM: tempting
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LWJ: oh hey i'm here now i walk slow oh shit the nice jiang is crying who would hurt the nice jiang?
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MM: ok so u know how ur sister makes soup?
JYL: i never really stop it's a little pathological at this point maybe i should talk to someone...
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LWJ: oh more heterosexual antics wei ying's achilles heel best wait outside thank god Xichen is mostly functional and gay as the day is long
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MM: so she makes soup right? 2 goes to you chuckleheads and the third goes to emporer perpetual foot-in-mouth over here
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JZX: [buffering]
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MM: jfc why do i even try
JYL: sorta i am soup and soup is me
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MM: so anyway
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WWX: ur in love with an idiot
JYL: i'm in love with an idiot
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JZX: ...u made me soup
MM: i'm so fucking sorry pls marry him i need a competent woman to hang around with i'm getting dumber by the day
WWX: seriously this guy u love this guy?
JYL: xianxian pls romantic idiocy runs in our family it's practically traditional
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JYL: i mean...yes i have 2 coping mechanisms; soup and crying neither of them are working rn tho help i don't unlock righteous fury until level 25
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JZX: wow she made me soup
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WWX: of course she made u soup  u human inner-thigh chafe show us the flashback mianmian
MM: [off screen] oh yeah that roll the tape jeeves
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JYL: i made u soup bb
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JZX: ur not servant number 62 go fuck urself
JYL: wut
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Random Jin Guy Who Brought Wuxian: perhaps this was a [cursive writing] Mistake™
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JZX: ouchie i can twirly fight countless puppets can't dodge a punch of the life of me cultivation jesus that's gonna leave a mark
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JYL: GOD I WISH THIS WAS MORE CATHARTIC how does this always happen? who raised this kid? oh right me
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Group of Random Jin Guards: we are all well intentioned but ultimately expendable extras fear us
Random Jin Guard: UNHAND HIM FIEND
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WWX: cool imma write u a song it's called Don't Care Didn't Ask Gonna Kill Everyone In This Tent Over Soup in b flat tootly toot here comes the murder flute
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Random Jin Guards attacked by resentful energy: [keyboard smash]
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LWJ: wait hold on that's his shit starting music has shit been started?? wEi YiNg
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WWX: are u prepared for the journey i'm about to send u on little man
JZX: i'm actually good here thanks
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[unintelligible teenage screaming]
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MM: HEY LISTEN U CAN'T DO THAT MURDER IS BAD and i still like him i sympathize but like...u can't
WWX: the semi corporeal black smoke demons that sublet my soul tell me that it's fine sooo
JYL: a-xian if u kill him now i will have put up with so much bs for n o t h i n g
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LWJ: take a deep breath us ur words what in the actual hell is going on
WWX: fuck u ur not my therapist
LWJ: u do not have a therapist never has someone so clearly NOT had a therapist except maybe jiang cheng
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LWJ: wut
JYL: pls understand it's just as dumb as you think
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LWJ: ... i refuse to let soup related crimes of passion be something my future husband is known for u stop that
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LWJ: wow
JYL: we're both in love with idiots
JZX: am i still gonna keep getting soup?
[this is a thing i do sometimes so if you would like to see more...]
Scene suggested by @nagisachan1​!! (I’m so sorry I forgot to tag/credit you when I posted this!)
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Holy shit guys, I actually finished something wooowwweee. This one was requested by @fandomslut666 a hot minute ago so I’m sorry this took so damn long. I hope you guys like this one! 
Warnings: uhm, cum eating, watching others get off, sex scenes, swearing. I think thats it?
Pairing: Rami Malek / Reader
Words: 1827 Words
Tag List: @r-ahh-mi (Let me know if you want to be put on my tag list)
Requests are still closed for now but I hope to get those open again soon! 
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*also happy birthday to this cinnamon roll and Sami, I can’t believe they’re 38 wtfffff*
Things were getting heated. Our breathing heavy as our bodies move together, his thrusting forward and mine practically bouncing up the sheets from the sheer force. Hands mapping out every dip, crevice and indent of each other’s bodies. He moans into my ear, voice deep and laced with passion and lust, sending shivers down my spine as it rumbles through me. We forget where we are, I can only focus on him as his lips trail down my neck, teeth nibbling every so often. I moan out his name, hands gripping onto his broad shoulders as tightly as I can, legs wrapping around his waist.
“And cut!”
The voice cuts through the world Rami and I have lost ourselves in as we remember where we are, what we’re doing. We untangle ourselves from each other, never actually having been connected in the first place, just acting as if we had been. I feel a flush come across my cheeks, suddenly becoming very aware of how enthusiastic I had been despite nothing actually happening.
“That was great you guys,” The director smiles at us, completely unaware of the sexual tension that lies thick between his two brilliant show puppets, “That’s a wrap for the day, thank you.”
Rami’s gone before I can so much as force a smile and congratulate him on yet another great scene. I watch his retreating form, trying desperately not to moan out loud at the way the muscles on his back shift as he shucks on a robe, walking swiftly to his trailer.
I sigh, running my hands through my hair before accepting the robe my assistant hands to me, suddenly very aware of my state of undress. I get up on shaky legs, swearing to myself under my breath to get a grip already. It’s not like I haven’t done sex scenes before. I’ve done my fair share and none of them ever felt me feeling like this. I focus on my feet as I walk away from the set in the general direction of the trailers and I groan inwardly. Curse Rami Malek for being so goddamn gorgeous.
I can’t help but wonder why he’d run off so quickly. Rami and I were friends. Well, as much as friends as co-workers could be I guess. We’d go out after a long day of shooting with the rest of the cast and have a few drinks. In fact, we’d had plans for tonight after the shoot to get pizza. I stop in front of his trailer, which is just a few away from mine, figuring he probably forgot about our plans and I’d just remind him.
Without thinking, I swing open the door to his trailer and let myself in, like I’ve done so many times before. The words are on the tip of my tongue, hey rami, still up for pizza in a bit? But they quickly disappear at the sight before me.
Rami sits on his couch, robe tossed to the side and boxers barely pushed out of the way, just down enough that he could get a hand on himself. My mouth goes dry at the sight of him, he’s gorgeous. His head is thrown back, pulling in gasps of air as his hips fuck into the loose hold of his hand. His free hand slides down his body, snaking down to grip the cushion beneath him.
He lets out a low moan and I feel the arousal that’s pooled in my stomach increase. If the moans he was letting out on set were hot, these were absolutely intoxicating. I’m overwhelmed with the want to hear him say my name in the midst of beautiful moans. Luckily, I don’t have to wait long.
“Y/n,” he sighs, “fuucck.”
Before I can stop myself, words tumble from my mouth. I couldn’t even tell you what they are, something about holy shit, but at the sound of my voice, Rami scrambles. He grabs a pillow to cover himself, eyes wide in a panic, flush high on his cheekbones. His mouth moves silently, trying to find the words to say as we stare at each other.
“How long have you been standing there?” He finally gets out, avoiding my gaze.
I shrug, finding myself unable to answer his question. I mean, it’s not like it even mattered. We both knew what was happening and we both knew the effect our scene had on him.
“Is this why you ran off so quickly?” I ask quietly.
He nods stiffly, still avoiding my eyes. I want to pounce on him, to tackle him into the couch and ride him until I see stars. But I can’t. Or rather, I won’t. I force myself to move slowly, going to sit next to him on the couch, loving the way his eyes watch me with a confused sort of heat.
“Y’know,” I start, my voice low and sultry, “I was on my way to my trailer and do the exact same thing.”
And then his lips are on mine, pillow long forgotten as his hands find me and all but drag me to straddle his lap. I kiss him back enthusiastically, letting out little moans into his mouth as he works on pushing my robe off of my shoulders and onto to floor, leaving me bare except for a pair of soft cotton panties
“You have no idea,” he says in between kisses, voice low and rough, “how long I’ve wanted to do this for.”
I laugh breathlessly against his lips, grinding my hips down and moaning when his erection rubs against my clothed pussy, “Likewise.”
He wastes no time, fingers dragging underneath the waistband of the material of my underwear and pulling them down my legs, helping me maneuver them off my body, simultaneously shucking off his boxers the rest of the way.
His lips trail down my neck, sucking softly at the sensitive skin he finds there, relishing in the soft moans I let out. My hands paw and grasp at his chest, shoulders, neck, anywhere they can get a hold of. My fingers threading through the short hairs at the back of his neck, encouraging his every move.
“The next time we do this,” he starts, staring up at my with blown-wide pupils that glimmer almost dangerously, hands moving up and down the curve of my spine sensually, “I am going to take my time,” he places a nibbling kiss against my jaw, “I’ll eat you out,” Another, wetter, kiss against my skin, “spend hours learning how to drive you crazy,” he promises, one hand moving to my hip while the other moves to line himself up, rubbing the tip of his cock against my folds teasingly, “But I need you. Now.”
I barely get out a moan at his words before he’s lowering me down onto his cock, feeling him fill me inch by inch. My fingers dig into his shoulders, a moan leaving my lips when I’m fully seated. I can feel every ridge and vein of him inside me, gasping when the shifting of his hips pushes himself even deeper.
I can’t wait for him, I start rolling my hips almost immediately, desperate to feel him moving inside of me. He follows my lead, beginning to thrust up into me, his hands gripping my hips tightly.
“Shit,” He moans almost desperately, “Fuck, you feel so good.”
I moan in agreement, beginning to bounce quickly on his cock. We’re not fucking around, I know we’re both desperate for that white-hot, sweet release. Our bodies move in a sweet and effortless push and pull, leaving me breathless and begging for more. On every thrust down his cock hits my g-spot near perfectly, my nails digging into his shoulders helplessly as my head rolls back.
“Fuck, Rami.” I breathe helplessly, no longer having the ability to articulate my feelings.
“Mmm, like that?” He asks deeply, leaning down to nibble on my collarbone, “like how nice and deep I am inside you?”
His words rip an obscene moan out of my throat, one of my hands going to grip his hair to hold him in place while I ride him in oblivion. He chuckles darkly at my response.
“Yeah, that’s it.” He encourages, “Ride me so good, baby. Fuck, so good.”
His hands are gripping me harder with every passing moment and I can see him losing himself in the pleasure. His brows are drawn in, furrowed as he watches in between our bodies where he disappears inside me. He sucks his lower lip into his mouth with a soft whine before it drops open.
“Baby,” he moans and wow I could get used to him calling me that, “fuck, I’m close. You gonna cum for me?”
I nod, feeling my orgasm building up at the base of my spine. Fumbling, I grab his wrist, bringing his hand down to my clit, “Please.”
Without hesitation, his fingers begin to rub my clit in small, fast circles that send me hurtling towards the edge, “Rami-” I whine, feeling myself slip.
“Yeah,” he encourages, nibbling on my ear “cum for me.”
My orgasm hits me, back arching and nails dragging down his back as the pleasure washes over me. He lets me ride out my orgasm, grunting lowly at every convulsion that ripples through me. I don’t know how long I sit there, in my post orgasm bliss, before he starts to whine.
Taking the hint, I lift myself off of him and settle onto my knees on the trailer floor in front of him. I don’t waste another second, knowing how desperately he needs this, taking him into my mouth. He head drops back as I take him as deep as I can without gagging. A hand come to grip at my hair, simultaneously keeping it out of my face and using it to guide me. It doesn’t take long before he’s there.
“God, I’m gonna-” He whines, tugging me off his cock and using his other hand to pump himself to completion. He cums with a low groan, hips fucking into his own hand, strips of it landing in my awaiting mouth, chin and neck. As he comes down I make a show of cleaning up the cum that landed anywhere other than my mouth with a finger and sucking it clean. At the sight, he lets out a defeated moan.
“You’ll be the death of me.” He sighs, pulling me back up onto the couch to kiss me. He pulls a blanket on top of both of us, shielding us from the cold air that bites at our overheated skin.
I close my eyes, basking in the post-sex feeling I’ve come to love so much. When I open them again, I find his eyes on my neck and exposed collarbone, finger tracing the marks he left there.
“The makeup department is going to be so pissed.” He says softly, eyes sparkling with amusement and mischief.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Double Trouble
Hey guys, @leelee10898 here. Since @cocomaxley & @ao719 posted their birth story... I figured I should get off my butt and do one, considering the twins were due months before them lol. This is just a little something I threw together, it also answers a few questions some had. So here we go...
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Alicia leaned back against her husbands chest as she watched their twins enjoy the puppet show with the other kids. So many things had changed in a years time. The wild fun loving group were now all parents, they traded beers for bottles, and the guys weekly poker game turned into once a month, and weekly play dates. "Penny for your thoughts love?" Leo whispered in her ear. "Just thinking how fast time flies. It feels like yesterday they were born, and now they are 1." She sighed.
"Oh I remember it well." Leo chuckled as the two thought back to the day that changed their lives forever.
1 year ago…..
"God its so hot." Alicia whined as she fanned herself.  It was unseasonably hot and humid for April, and here they were sitting at a garden party to celebrate Regina's birthday. "I'm sorry love. I know you're miserable, how about a glass of Ice water?" Leo gave her a sympathetic smile, and a kiss on the cheek. "Ok fine. But a big one,  with lots of Ice." She pouted, as Leo motioned to a nearby waiter. "Oh, and a cookie. chocolate chip, no oatmeal raisin. Wait, No. yes. Ok bring both." Slightly confused the waiter wandered off to retrieve the duchess's requested items. Leo walked over to join the guys leaving Alicia with the other ladies.
"God its hot. Who the hell planned this?" Anitah huffed. "Um you did." Genevieve rolled her eyes. "Jesus I swear this pregnancy brain is going to be the death of me. I almost forgot to put underwear on this morning." She popped a grape in her mouth. "It is hot, but its a very nice day. Maybe you guys can go inside to cool off?" Pam suggested. Finally the waiter came back with Alicia's water and cookies. "How are you holding up honey?" Pam turned to Alicia who looked like she was stung by a bee. "Im hot, im huge, I can't see my feet. Speaking of feet, they're swollen and the amount of pressure and cramping today may just kill me." She blurted out, pam gave her a questioning look.
"God im sorry Pam. I didn't mean to snap, I just. Oh, ooooh, ugh." She cringed as she grabbed her stomach. Anitah shot her a look. "What's going on over there?"
"These damn Braxton hicks." Alicia grunted. "You sure its not gas?" Genevieve snickered. "Trust me, if I fart you'll know it Gen."
She composed herself and focused on picking at the cookie in front of her. Not having much of an appetite anymore, she took deep breaths trying to keep the pain at bay. The ladies chattered around her, Leo still talking to the guys.
Suddenly Alicia's eyes went wide. "My. My water broke." Genevieve looked over placing her hand on Alicia's "that's ok honey,  we'll get you another." Pam looked down at the liquid dripping from the chair. "Um Gen, no. Her water broke. The twins are coming."
Genevieve and Anitah froze, pure fear in their eyes. Alicia let out a long loud groan.  "Oh god. It's happening." Anitah panicked standing and knocking over her chair, Genevieve following suit. The two began to freak out, while Pam tried to soothe Alicia. The commotion drew the attention of the whole party, Leo grinning widely in conversation as he turned to face his wife. The smile soon faded as his eyes landed on Alicia's pain stricken face.
Leo took off running across the lawn, tripping over the leg of a table holding a large ice sculpture in the form of a swan. He landed in a rolling heap on the lawn, the table flipping over sending the ice sculpture into the air, landing in the fountain where Madeline, Kiara and Alexis stood, soaking them from head to toe. Bastian had Brad bring a car around, as Liam and Drake helped Alicia across the lawn. "My bag. Its in our car." Alicia breathed out, Rashad volunteered to grab it while Leo limped next to his wife.
They arrived at the hospital, Leo was treated for a sprain and Alicia was rushed to a delivery room.  Anitah, Liam, Drake, pam, Rashad and Genevieve sat in the private waiting area down the hall from the delivery room. Maxwell was in Texas visiting with Stephanie and Evie, Liam called him to let him know that Alicia was having the twins.
"You're 8 centimeters your grace. Not much longer until these babies are here." Another strong contraction hit her like a ton of bricks.  "Arrrrggg Fuuuuck! It hurts." She sobbed. "Leo, we are never having sex again." Leo chuckled as he rubbed his wife's damp head. "I think we both know thats not true."
"The fuck it isnt! Bambam better not come anywhere near pebblesssss, ahhhhh my god fuckkkk it hurts."
Leo's face turned a deep red as the nurse snickered.
Anitah paced the floor. "Anitah, sit down you're gonna wear the tile out." Genevieve teased as rashad rubbed her feet. "I can't just sit. Its been hours, we haven't heard anything yet. What if something's wrong?" Liam came up placing his hands on her shoulders.  "Everything is fine my love." Anitah glanced at the door opening it a crack and sticking her head out. She heard a blood curdling scream come from down the hall, a few doctors and nurses rushing into the room Alicia was in. Before Liam could grab her Anitah bolted out the door, down the hall and into Alicia's room where she could see a small head crowning.  
A doctor approached the queen, who was looking a bit green in the face "your majesty, are you ok? You don't look so well." He questioned
"Oh, im fi-" She leaned over vomiting on his shoes.  "Fine." She lifted her head just in time to see another doctor hold a tiny baby up, and hear a tiny cry. Anitah joined Leo next to Alicia. "One down, one more to go." The doctor said. "I had to make sure you were ok." Anitah sniffled as she looked down at the new baby in her bestfriends arms. "Will you stay here for the next one?" Alicia sniffled. "Of course." Shortly after Baby A was born, baby B made their way into the world. After the nurses cleaned them up and Leo and Alicia had time alone the group entered the room. "Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Leonard Joshua and Arabella Faith."
Leonard or LJ for short was born first  weighing 7lbs 2 oz and 20 inches long. Arabella was born 2nd weighing 6lbs 10 oz and 19 ½ inches long. Both babies were healthy, and did not need to spend any time in the NICU.
"So when are you two gonna make the announcement?" A voice pulled them from their thoughts. They looked over to find Stephanie sitting there. They both gave her a questioning look. "Oh come on. I may not live in Cordonia anymore, but Im not stupid." Stephanie had made the decision to move back home to Texas to care for her sick mother. Maxwell and her both made the amicable decision to divorce, but still loved each other very much. He would travel to Texas to visit and occasionally Stephanie could come visit Cordonia, just like for the twins birthday.
"Well I guess now is as good a time as any." Alicia squeezed Leos hand. They walked over getting everyone's attention.  "We want to thank everyone for coming today. And Celebrating the twins birthday. But, we also have an announcement to make." Alicia looked to Leo who then grinned. "We're having a baby. Just one this time." He smirked.
The group congratulated the pair. Drake looked at Liam and shook his head, pulling a crisp $100 bill from his wallet "Damnit Liam, I should've known better then to take that bet. Liam smirked "what can I say. I know my brother,  and I'm pretty sure those two will end up having the most kids out of all of us."
Drake rolled his eyes. "Ok, fair. But how about a new bet." Liam looked at his best friend intrigued "I bet Rashad and Gen are next." Liam chucked "I'll take that bet."
Tag List: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @laniquelove-blog @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @rainbowsinthestorm @jared2612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @kennaxval @the-soot-sprite @hopefulmoonobject @emichelle @cgd03 @kate-mckenzie @mfackenthal @crookedslimecreatorpasta @jemrmax2love @sashatrr @speedyoperarascalparty @riseandshinelittleblossom
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gameboyheroes · 5 years
✸ for a drabble about Marinette having a sex dream about Adrien
NSFW Memes NOTE 1: All NSFW will be tagged “tw: sin”NOTE 2: Muses have been aged up for sin to even happen.NOTE 3: tw: oral mention, tw: blood, and a tiny bit of tw: angst EDIT: I was actually writing this to put on my Ao3.
An akuma had completely crashed Adrien’s 19th birthday party, causing the boy in question to break his leg. Chat Noir didn’t show up, but Ladybug handled the situation well enough on her own before disappearing until next time.
“Dude. Do you have any last requests for your birthday?” Nino nervously asked.
“Just one.”
“Name it, bro! I’ll see if I can get it done!”
“I wanna have sex with Ladybug.” Adrien answered without any hestitation.
Marinette, who’d heard the question and Adrien’s answer, choked on the juice she was drinking when his words registered in her brain.
“Bro. Not cool. Not even Alya can pull that kind sway. I mean, she could post it on the public forum but…”
“I know, I know…” Adrien sighed, wishing he was either dead or with Ladybug right now. “But Alya said that Marinette knows her. Maybe ask her?”
“Fine, fine!” Alya sighed, almost immediately calling Marinette.
“Hey! I-I’m here!” Marinette whined, holding up her phone until she got closer to the small group.
“Gurl, you know Ladybug, right?” Alya asked, looking at her friend.Marinette froze but nodded. “Yeah. I do. Why?”
“Well, I’ve got a request,” Adrien shyly said, glad that 98% of the party-goers left. He rubbed the neon green cast on his leg as he spoke. “I want a… special gift. From Ladybug.”
“Why kind of ‘gift’?” she asked, tilting her head, pretending she didn’t hear him earlier.
“I want you to ask Ladybug to…” Adrien paused, glancing down at his feet. “…to meet me in my room when it’s dark outside. I want my first time to be with her.”Marinette’s face flushed a dark pink from hearing the conversation from before.
“Y-Yeah. I’ll only be asking for you,” she smiled, wanting to leave right now. But Alya was the one who drove her to Adrien’s place. “I’ll try calling her. I’m gonna go find her.”
Adrien lightly grabbed Marinette’s wrist. “Hey, do you want to stay for presents?” he asked, genuinely smiling at her.
The Chinese-french girl gave a smile back and nodded, offering her gift to him; a Chat Noir inspired hoodie that she’d made herself. It was her way of giving him a disguise if he wanted to go out and not be noticed since Adrien wore the GABRIEL brand from head to toe.
Naturally, he loved it and practically ripped off the cream hoodie in favour of his awesome gift. And almost threw it out but, after some persuasion, he lent it to Nino since it was a pretty sweet zip-up hoodie.
– Later that night –
Rough touches.
The buttons on his shirt popped off the fabric with how rough she was being with him. She was just so gentle and her body was so incredibly soft. She was an enigma despite everything.
Despite already being his partner.
“Monsieur Agres–”
“Adrien. Please. It’s just Adrien for you.”
Ladybug shifted in the clothes she’d borrowed, nervous about everything.
“Hey, Ladybug, do you want to come closer?” he asked, adjusting his pyjamas. His father was already furious, but he couldn’t change that until the cast came off.
Ladybug had lifted the transformation in Adrien’s ensuite not even fifteen minutes ago. Her clothes were already at home; knowing that he would recognize her if he saw her clothes. So here she was, putting on borrowed clothes while standing in her polka-dotted panties and bra.
‘Eveything he has is super luxrious, isn’t it?’ she thought to herself as she changed into the mask he gave her and some old clothes. ‘It’s so shiny. Like he’d need a butler to keep it this clean…!’
She was now wearing a hunter green fencing competition shirt from when he was fourteen and a pair of black pyjama pants from around the same time. He must’ve gave her some stuff he didn’t want to throw away yet due to sentimentality.
“I didn’t get much of a chance to prepare… I mean, I’m still filthy from fighting that akuma during your birthday party,” she mumbled, meekly stepping outof the bathroom, “I’m surprised it wasn’t Monsieur Lahiffe this time. I mean, he’s usually been the akuma for the past four years like clockwork.”
Adrien laughed a little, taking her hand and pulling her into his lap. “I’m just surprised my father hasn’t banned Nino from the property. I know for certain that it was Lila Rossi who caused it this time. Poor Kagami.” he muttered, taking in the scent of fresh bread and sweets. Kinda like… Marinette. “But enough about my party and let’s focus on right now. You got the request secondhand from Marinette, right?”
“Yeah. She asked for you, right?”
“Yeah. She’s told Alya, the Ladyblogger, about you before. But not much.” Adrien smiled, wishing she’d let him see her without the mask. The same mask he’d worn in the music video four years ago. “Hey Ladybug, if you don’t mind me asking… how old are you?”
“Eighteen. Nineteen in six months.” she answered, nervous about just being in his lap.
“I see. I forgot to ask. Do you even want this?”
“I do! I do. It’s just… I’m a little scared. I’m not afraid of you, I’m just scared it’ll hurt.”
Adrien raised a brow. She was scared of the pain? “I’ll make sure that the pain will be minimal. It won’t be; just as long as it’s done right,” he informed her, reaching in his night table to pick up a small bottle of lube and a box of condoms that Nino gave him last year as a gag gift.
‘Thank you, Nino Lahiffe’ he thought with a small chuckle.
Marinette nervously shifted as he pulled out the items.
“I know. It’s just…” she trailed off, wrapping her arms around his neck to carefully kiss him the way she’d wanted, ever since Puppeteer struck four and a half years ago. “I love you. I always have. I can’t date you, but I can give you my first time.”
Adrien trailed his fingers through her hair and grinned at her. “I won’t let you be hurt,” he softly mumbled as he kissed along her skin; wanting to count every freckle on her body, but he was… distracted to say the least. “especially by me.”
Marinette flushed a deep red and nodded. She’d read thousands of erotica stories a million times, and she’d honestly thought they were super cheesy until she was in their shoes. She leaned in and licked his bottom lip, nipping and kissing him. Her first kiss happened to be with Chat Noir, but Adrien was perfect in every way possible. There was no way she could screw this up!
Adrien grabbed Ladybug by her waist and set her on the bed. Hearing the squeak satisfied his desire to hear it. More desires to hear more cute squeaks emerged however. “Ladybug, do you want to be more relaxed before we start?” he asked, looping his thumb in the elastic of her pants, slowly she nodded as he kept pulling down the pyjama pants while her face grew redder and redder until they crumpled on the floor.
Her eyes trailed to his hand, which was inside her panties and entering her opening. His other hand peeled off her panties to add to the pile on the floor, along with his shirt.
At first, it was clumsy trial and error, but soon he got a good rhythm going. And dear gods, it felt great!
Once she came, he slipped down to sit on the floor and use a combination of his mouth and fingers to get her off again. Immediately lapping up her juices, which made her ultra-sensitive.
“A-Adriennn..” she whined, her fingers twisting in his impossibly soft hair to raise his head. “Please, just fuck me!”
Adrien pulled a condom from his pocket and rolled it on. Within seconds that felt like hours, he was inside her. Ladybug pulled him down on her body and rolled over to not have him hurt his broken leg any more than he had from both fingering her, oral and pushing himself inside her.
“Adrien, you’re rushing. Don’t rush so much,” she sighed, pressing her palms on his chest to help her gain some balance. After that, she raised her hips and very softly moaned, feeling the shivers that came from Adrien.
Her back arched, pulling her borrowed shirt off, unclasping her bra so that he had access to play with her boobs as much as he wanted. It was funny, feeling his hands kneading them like a cat.
“I’m gonna cum if you keep that up!”
“Go ahead. I accepted your invitation, after all.”
With a few quick thrusts, Adrien came. But what made her freeze was that he called out ‘My Lady’. In Chat Noir’s voice.
Marinette was in a state of shock, while Adrien was in absolute bliss.
“My Lady, what’s wrong?” he breathlessly asked, wanting to cuddle a bit.
“Chat… Noir?” she asked, the mask slipping off a bit.
And then she woke up, her hand and her bedsheets were absolutely soaked. Her alarm was blaring and Marinette was covered in cold sweat. Then she went to shower before going to school. Her hand was covered in blood.
Was that from her sleep-masturbating? Or was it really… real?
Before she twisted the knob, her eye saw the ring on her finger.
This was definitely real.
Was Adrien Agreste really Chat Noir?
Her phone vibrated in her pocket. 
Wait. She didn’t own these pants…?
It was real. 
Seeing the 30+ missed messages from Adrien, she remembered that as the new Guardian, she had to… take his Miraculous.
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ask-missfinefeather · 6 years
Because the original post had spoilers in the usernames heres a censored version
[redacted] i had a really fucking weird dream where homestuck was a musical. like. a Broadway musical. and i went to see it and all i really remember is that 1) the opening number was called “everybody dies” and 2) bro strider was inexplicably played by shia labeouf, who did an interpretive dance scene with a smuppet that lasted roughly seven minutes. it was uncomfortable for everyone involved mortharris what do you mean “inexplicably” that’s exactly how it would go down [redacted] I’m pretty sure snoop dogg was aimless renegade? honestly it was an experience like the stage was essentially four room in the beginning and every time John would get a notification on pesterChum the particular room of whoever was messaging him would light up and you could see Jade Dave or Rose. when the trolls did their thing (it was early on), you could just hear the disembodied yelling of Karkat. Rose had a dramatic monologue that ended with mom physically pulling her away from her empty suicide threat. bec was just some guy in a fursuit. shia laBro passionately ripped off his shirt before kicking dave’s ass. lil cal was played by Ellen Degeneres(?) mortharris do you have a medium to talk to because the more you talk about this dream the more it sounds like you’re spirit channeling andrew hussie and i’m concerned [redacted] don’t get me started about the medium bro also when the trolls were introduced the lusii were these freakish jim henson monstrosities but honestly the best part was the felt. like. the actual composition of music was beautiful, and the choreography for the dance numbers was sublime. Dave also kept trying to sing but was continually interrupted by Bro Shia, terezi’s echoing ululations, and his own self doubt. once he finally had his moment his voice soared through the theater, only to come to an abrupt end as he was drowned in hot puppet ass. now that I think about it, dadbert was definitely nic cage, which was confusing as fuck because John kept talking about how Greatly He Was Caged By Nic while his father stood by. it was uncomfortable idk man, it’s been like a reoccurring lucid nightmare for the past week, but the sb&hj sequences were performed by acrobats above the actual stage, who looked dangerously inebriated and probably needed immediate hospitalization (they were also narrated by dave and a bunch of dissonant recordings of the cast? what the fuck man. what a visionary) mortharris i honestly don’t know what to focus on here because i’m wheezing and snorting right now but Dave also kept trying to sing but was continually interrupted by Bro Shia, terezi’s echoing ululations, and his own self doubt. was dave … was dave’s self doubt an actual part in the play [redacted] shIT I thought I answered earlier but apparently not. yes, daves self conscious is just a shitty cardboard cutout of zac efron wearing sunglasses who offers sage advice like “no one loves you”. he’s voiced by zac efron. yknow I forgot to note this but vriska has a lot of really aggressive musical numbers that make everyone visibly uncomfortable, mainly bc they’re unprovoked and don’t. make sense. like its canon but only to an extent. also I’m p sure that mom and dad /almost/ share a heartfelt duet–like there’s soft piano music and they look into each other’s eyes–but then Jack noir, fursuit edition, kills them. on that note, when rose goes grimdark it sounds like the Dresden dolls met born this way era lady gaga and then murdered each other while a thirteen year old descends from the rafters, hissing like a motherfucking snake on a plane btw “sICK FIRES” is a rap off with cello featuring the talents of yo yo ma himself mortharris “#i’m tired” “#why do you keep reblogging this” because it’s amazing [redacted] that’s objective but I’m just happy that people are enjoying this. like the tags are so nice and it feels pretty rad to know people are laughing at my hideous reoccurring nightmare musical extravaganza FYI there is a track called “flight of the bifurcated asshole/rest in peixes” and y'all know EXACTLY what it’s about krakendra can…. we kickstart this? tanoraqui this is EXACTLY what a homestuck musical should be like, though. The casting and music choices and how the set works with Pesterchum, it’s all…really good. Your subconscious mind translates the comic to Broadway really well. wikis-cosplay So I am imagining the rooms that light up are in the form of a sburb logo and when the trolls would talk that little box in the corner of the upper right square lights up and shows a silhouette of the troll talking till the trolls are revealed. When they are revealed Karkat just kicks off the cover and stick his head out to call John an idiot. mortharris IMPROVED [redacted] yes this is perfect, how did I Not See This Earlier karkat’s “my hate is your lifeblood” speech is accompanied by steady percussion and what almost sounds like some good ass army battle shit, and then John is just “hi karkat!” karkat blinks and has a solid five seconds of self loathing before breaking into song about john egbert ruining his moment. it’s also a dance number and karkat dramatically collapses into the arms of troll will smith, played by will smith, about three consecutive times. (briefly we get to see daves self doubt taunting him but Why?? who Knows??) mortharris i feel like i’m one of the king’s men watching william shakespeare [redacted] so…you’re sexually confused while wearing tights? which, by the way, is equius before getting murdered mortharris i meant in the presence of greatness, but i’m not wearing tights. also i hate you. also i love you. [redacted] it’s okay. I hate me, too, but not as much as karkat hates karkat candymuse @alkalinesnowflake god the audience would probably have to return to the theatre for like 5 consecutive nights to finish the show
By biggestCuttlefish!
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spotofjane · 7 years
I was tagged by @chaotic-neutral-puppeteer
Rules: answer 30 questions and tag 20 people
Nickname: My name is literally 1 syllable so nope
Gender: Female
Star sign: Gemini
Height: 5’ 7”
Time: 8:27 PM
Birthday: May 24
Favorite band: Right now?? Probably Tha Trickaz bc their entire Cloud City album personally assassinated me
Favorite solo artist: Right now digging Two Feet, but all time fave is probably Dessa
Song stuck in your head: NBK by Niykee Heaton
Last movie I watched: Wonder Woman (for the 4th time lmao)
Last show I watched: Sherlock (rewatching season 1)
When did you create your blog: LIKE 7TH GRADE! So? 6 years ago?
What do I post: Trash
Last thing I googled: Tulane University -- gotta finish those applications (‘:
Do I have any other blogs: @clecadent (aesthetic blog)
Do I get asks: Sometimes?
Why did I choose my URL: I’m patiently lying in wait until my mortal enemy @Sarf is purged and I can steal the URL. (Sarf was the name of my first WoW character when I was like 8 y/o and my name on like all social media)
Following: 177
Followed by: 608
Average hours of sleep: 10 recently (bc it’s winter break) but once school starts up again I’ll get back into my usual of 5-6
Lucky number: 4
Instruments: I’ve taken like 5 years of piano but I forgot most of it. I can play and read most basic songs though. I also did 2 years of violin so I can play like basics and I know how to tighten and rosen a bow?? That’s it
What am I wearing: Shirt with Wonder Woman, Batgirl, and Supergirl on it, pajama shorts.
Dream job: Dictator of USA
Dream trip: Mediterranean Cruise!
Favorite food: Bread with olive oil and balsamic vinegar (I’m cultured bitch)
Nationality: American (USA)
Favorite song: Maybe Aquarius Apocalyptic by Stop Light Observations? Or Love is Blindness but only the Jacquie Lee version. Fighting Fish by Dessa? Y’all I don’t know!
Last book I read: Legends of Ahn (King's Dark Tidings Book 3) (They’re really not that good but for some reason I keep reading them. They’re so dumb and plot threads aren’t addressed for like multiple chapters. He got a cat in the middle of this book and I stg it disappeared until the most recent chapter. Where did the cat go? Also there are no good female characters in this book. He can’t write female characters. It’s all so dumb. Somehow, it’s still endearing.)
Top 3 universes I want to join: Princeton, Wellesley, William & Mary (yeah ik good fucking luck with those 3, Jane)
I tag @jyushimahtsus @starkysolo @clarence-through-a-tesseract @the-daj-mahal @fish-slap @the-only-n @yejimeatbun @totes-not-lame @kirakira-tae@wowtheresatiger @fluffyapnda @official-hades @ectopi @your-moms-a-potato +anyone else.. I almost got to 20!
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kyluxtrashpit · 7 years
So @obsessions-and-dreams tagged me in two memes a while back before all of the failed hard drive nonsense, so I’m just gonna shove them together lmao
Goal: tag people to get to know them Relationship Status: Breaking my own personal dry spell record every day lmao
Favorite color: It changes, but today it’s red Lipstick or chapstick: I use chapstick all the time because I tend to lick my lips when I’m anxious, causing them to dry out constantly
Last song: …tbh that was a whole day ago, so I have no idea lmao Last movie: Kingsman: The Golden Circle
Top 3 shows: tbh all I have been watching lately is Star Trek Discovery and cooking competitions Top 3 ships: uhhh I mean right now Kylux is the top. I still have a huge soft spot for Handers from Dragon Age. And then I have like 6 tied for third lmao Top 3 characters: You can’t make me choose lmao. It’s not happening. My current favourite suffer puppet is definitely Kylo though
And now for the second one! (cut for length)
Answer these 40 questions about yourself and tag blogs you’d like to get to know
Name: Stacey
Nickname: Stace, Revo from my main blog
Gender: *non-committal wiggly hand gesture* someone forgot to install one for me
Height: 5’5” ish
Ethnicity: Mixed. I’m a status Native, but I never go outside so my computer-bleached skin is super pale
Favorite fictional character: I love all of my suffer puppets equally
Favorite fruits: Mango. Though strawberries are a close second
Favorite season: Fall
Favorite book series: LOTR
Favorite flower: Tbh I have no idea. Roses are nice I guess?
Favorite scent: Not to be ‘that person’, but rain lmao
Favorite animal: Squids
Coffee/tea/cocoa: tbh I don’t drink a lot of warm beverages. I subsist almost entirely on iced tea and pepsi
Cat or dog person: whynotboth.gif
Star sign: Scorpio
Birthday: November 6th
Favorite bands/groups: I’ve been listening to the same music basically since 2007 or so, so most of my library is still the emo triumvirate
Favorite solo artists: I’m literally the worst a picking favourites okay, but I’ve been listening to Kesha’s new album a lot lately
Song stuck in my head: Nothing, actually
Last movie I watched: answered above
What do I post: Mostly kylux, but some other assorted Star Wars nonsense
Last thing I goggled: A firefox extension I was looking for but couldn’t remember the name of since I had to hunt them all down again. Stupid hard drive issues
Do you have any other blog: This is my side blog, so I have my main at apostaterevolutionary. If you like video games, random shit, and thinly veiled cries for help, feel free to bother me there
Do you get asks: On occasion. I think tumblr eats a lot of them though considering I’ve gotten notifications more than once for asks that never actually showed up in my inbox >:(
Why did you choose your URL: I needed something kylux related and it was the first thing that came to mind that wasn’t already taken
Following: 111
Followers: 1267, apparently. Which uh, I had not actually realized until now. Holy shit
Average hours of sleep: anywhere between 0-12 hours on a given individual night, but generally it averages out at about 7
Lucky number: 17
Instruments: I played the tuba in junior high and high school
What am I wearing: Fuzzy pyjamas
Favorite foods: Sushi, anything with cheese, chocolate, fruit, pasta
Nationality: Canadian
Favorite song: Ahahaha yeah no, not possible
Favorite color: answered above
Number of blankets: 1 blanket + a sheet. I vary the warmth of the blanket depending on the weather
Dream trip: I need to go to Iceland. I don’t know why, but I do
Last show I watched: I’ve currently got some Halloween cake competition thing on in the background
When did I create my blog: This one I think I made last March or so, but my main was made in like 2011. Holy fuck I have been on this hellsite for too long lmao
Dream job: House pet tbh. I don’t want responsibilities, pet my hair instead
I’m not gonna tag anyone specific, but if you read this far, consider yourself tagged!
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soap-brain · 7 years
‘sup i got tagged by @elroymarvelous (and i need to stop using ‘sup as a greeting jesus christ *tips fedora*)
aaand i’m tagging @bottomkirk @greetings-from-the-suffer-puppet @isthisspockspeaking @lieutenant-sapphic @loststarlight @wordssometimesfail @trappist-1p @autisticarchieandrews @greenjimkirk @plaidshirtjimkirk @jamest-kirk @subinnnnn @tomatosdumpster @thetardisismysoulanimal @random-fandoms-trash @thatpunktrekkie and anyone else who wants to do this! just consider yourself tagged :)
1. Drink: black tea
2. Phone call: my dad? i think? i don’t call people unless i can’t totally avoid it
3. Text message: @isthisspockspeaking
4. Song you listened to: we built this city by starship
5. Time you cried: ???? probably last week or tomorrow
6. Dated someone twice: njoope
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: i’m unkissed, therefore...
8. Been cheated on: nah
9. Lost someone special: yup
10. Been depressed: lkjsldfjslfjklasjdflajs life is hell atm so yes, constantly
11. Gotten drunk + thrown up: literally every time i have as much as two cocktails?? i don’t get it tbh. and i didn’t even really get drunnk
3 Favorite Colors
12. yellow
13. blue
14. green
15. Made new friends: yup!
16. Fallen out of love: didn’t even fall in love so falling out of it is kinda difficult
17. Laughed until you cried: the aquarium incident in physics lab the week before last. i’ve never laughed so hard in my life i think. cried again when we rehashed it
18. Found out someone was talking about you: i guess?? but i knew it already, and it wasn’t bad stuff
19. Met someone who changed you: uhh? maybe
20. Found out who your friends are: (does this year count as last year?? do we mean last calendar year or last 12 months? cause then HELL YES jesus)
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook page: thank god no lol
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: almost all of them, but there’re a couple where i only assume who they are tbh
23. do you have any pets: ... five cactuses. i bet that counts :p
24. do you want to change your name: i wrote a wonderful monologue about how ravenna is actually p great and i’m learning to be her at @greetings-from-the-suffer-puppet a couple days ago or so. my name makes me pretty damn unique, and i like it!
25. what did you do for your last birthday: went out to dinner with my family and got drinks with an ex-friend later
26. what time did you wake up: I OVERSLEPT AND WOKE UP AT TEN AM MY ALARM WAS FOR 6:30 FUCK ME
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: uh. @bottomkirk uhhh MADE ME watch the dramatic readings of my immortal
28. name something you can’t wait for: august 1, 2017, around 2pm (i’ll be done with my chem final by then and probably also through the post-final breakdown and hopefully already packing / having packed my suitcase)
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: two weeks ago (ish)
31. what are you listening to right now: the two illustrious construction zones a street over :D and whatever else comes through the window. also rain pattering
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: yes my dad’s best friend’s name is tom and he’s a cool dude. weird, since he’s an artist, but cool
33. something that is getting on your nerves: well i’m mostly done with being insanely annoyed by the spn fandom, so atm it’s the mcu
34. most visited website: tumblurb
35. hair colour: ???? it’s like a dark blonde in places but the tips are light blonde. i’m considering becoming a redhead over the summer :D
36. long or short hair: mine? long. on people? whatever floats their boat
37. do you have a crush on someone: no
38. what do you like about yourself: ???? i think i’m getting a really good grip on my life but it does contain lots of internal crying
39. piercings: two in both ear lobes
40. blood type: 0+ i think. i’m sure about the 0 but i forgot my rhesus type
41. nickname: i don’t have one :( please give me one?
42. relationship status: single pringle terrified to mingle
44. pronouns: she/her
45. favourite tv show: wtf kinda question is that. tos all the way
46. tattoos: i WANT but i’m so broke i don’t quite know how to afford food for the next two weeks haha
47. right or left handed: right
48. surgery: a couple minor ones, once getting my wisdom teeth out and once having a dark birthmark removed. also i think i had to get one of my milk teeth removed by the dentist :D also there was the glass table incident. me and my sisters all have actual scars from that glass table. i p much slit my lip on it and you can still see the scar! fun times! my other sister has a small piece of her ear missing bc of that table :D
50. sport: horseback riding (*cries* i wish i had a stable here), yoga, running
51. vacation: THIS STUPID QUESTION IS IN ALL THESE THINGS AND I JUST HAVE TOO MANY ANSWERS!! ugh. FINE. let’s do this as per the distance these places are away from me. berlin. the netherlands. sweden. the uk. iceland. italy (esp rome, venice and ravenna), france. greece (all the ancient cultures yay). barcelona. idk whether egypt is safe atm but egypt (the pyramids and that all). south africa. japan. china. australia. chile. brazil. mexico. the usa (a roadtrip. you know, the classic. also nyc??? i miss you. also hey i have friendos there!!). canada. OUTER FUCKING SPACE LIKE WHOA
52. pair of trainers: does this mean the shoes or a coach?? i do own shoes if that is the question. several even.
53. eating: rn? nothing. but there will likely be pancakes today
54. drinking: water, and obscene amounts of black tea
55. I’m about to: study (lmao procrastination ftw)
56. waiting for: august 1, 2017, 2pm
57. want: a fucking break
58. get married: maybe
59. career: doctor!! (hey what do you call a nerdy doctor? a DORKtor ahhahahaha love me please)
54. drinking: as in alcohol?? ehh. i have half an apple cider in the fridge, and other than that there’re like two cocktails i like to drink, maybe three
60. hugs or kisses: i’m touch starved so i’m a slut for any kind of physical attention tbh
61. lips or eyes: i like lips cause then you can speak and eat food. i like eyes for seeing (though mine have a glitch. i need an expansion pack for them)
62. shorter or taller: i’m tall. small people are ok but you need to be careful so you don’t lose them in your purse
63. older or younger: ??? well i like kids and seniors can be assholes but also vice versa so idk 
64. nice arms or nice stomach: arms bring the food. stomach holds the food. GoodTM (personally? i’d like for my arms to stop having acne and for my stomach to be flat. thank)
65. hookup or relationship: relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant (i only pretend to be tough lmao)
67. kissed a stranger: nah
68. drank hard liquor: what qualifies as hard?? i’ve had vodka in my drinks, but they were cocktails, so ?? (actually we made moscow mules when i visited my parents and the recipe said to put in 4 cl of vodka but i’m PRETTY sure my dad put in more)
69. lost glasses/contact lenses: akjslöfdjasldfjasldf fuck me up. yes. also broken them. also you try to have -5 dpt and find your fucking glasses. i can see 20ish cm in front of my face clearly. when i lose my glasses i’m essentially fucked
70. turned someone down: yes, and it was a good idea
71. sex on the first date: ha no
73. had your heart broken: sure
74. been arrested: :D (no)
75. cried when someone died: irl? cried when someone almost died. movies? yes.
76. fallen for a friend: nope
77. yourself: i guess so, yeah!
78. miracles: “magic is just science that you don’t understand yet”
79. love at first sight: no
80. santa claus: excuse you, this is americawashing. in germany we have the christkind. fuck off
81. kiss on the first date: maybe??
82. angels: ehhhh
84. eye colour: slate grey
85. favourite movie: Wonder Woman (2017) dir. Patty Jenkins (elroy wrote this and imma leave this here), also the one with the whales, transporter 3 and a very specific version of cinderella
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