musubiki · 11 months
i wanna know more ab the m34th finding out lime’s relationship to the cat witch bc id be like 🧍‍♀️ if i were them just kinda pissed
UHGUHGU THIS IM NOT SUPER SOLID ON!!!!! but i will talk about what i have in my head right now!!
so much potential in every route....one route would be: they recruited him under the assumption he wanted the cat witch for some kind of revenge (because witches bad. why else would one want to look so desperately for them), and is essentially ignorant of his relationship to her. UNTIL we get to some point where for some mission/reason/other, they find out about them.
in my head i see that episode going as: another member finds and hunts down mochi (a fight she almost loses, and a good time to showcase what the m34th can really do). when lime arrives to a near-exhausted mochi backed into a corner, said guy (whoever, one of the more sadistic members) is like "Goldwood! Look, I found her! That stupid bitch of a cat witch has been hiding in the capitol all along! You wanted first dibs right? Now you can do what you want!" anyway lime dismembers this guy. legitimately cuts him off mid-sentance (literally cuts off his arm. i want a cool scene with this asshole clamoring for his life, and lime reveals for the first time to anyone in the m34th that hes vowed to the cat witch before unaliving him)
and when some other members of the m34th arrive (far after that guy is dead and lime has taken mochi away somewhere safe), they start to deduce "Huh... these clean cuts were made by one of our weapons." and slowly over the course of a few days as the investigation into their fallen comrade progresses, it becomes increasingly clear how wrong they were about lime
this also leads to a fight between lime and the other members of the m34th (whoever was on-call in the capitol at the time. SOS emergency mission, someones gone rouge). a fight mochi wasnt apart of, as it started to go down as she was still covering. also a fight that marshal, clarinette, and the squad captain all turned and sided with lime right before the fight
(it was marshals idea. lime was ready to kill every person who tried to get to mochi, but before lime could get his hands dirty, marshal swooped in with the idea of "If we erase their memories of it, we dont HAVE to kill them, and your girlfriend wont be upset with you for it.") (side note: the m34th has a memory-replacement system similar to the memory replace spell witches use. its a little more complicated as the memories can be stored and retrieved with some kind of tech something, but if you can destroy those as well then its like it never happened)
between lime, marshal, clarinette, and the squad captain who covers for all of them, this actually does end up succeeding. (another sad moment for clarinette, helping a roughed up lime limp his way home and having to watch mochi run into his arms again after she just helped save his life)
(under the same pretense they thought he was after revenge) the m34th knew where the cat witch was the whole time. they couldve easily helped him find her within weeks, but purposely kept him in the dark because they thought if he got what he wanted, he would lose motivation and wouldnt be as good a soilder (this route is better for showcasing the true power/reach/resources/spirit of the m34th)
in a subplot related to the frog witch, mochi gets summoned to the capitol palace by the king to find his missing son, the prince. none of their resources have been able to locate him, so the king figures the strongest witch is the next best bet. then their best m34th soilders (lime included) gets assigned to "watch" her during her mission under the orders of "i dont care how you feel, you arnt allowed to kill her until she finds the prince," and they have to spend the whole time pretending they hate each other and that they never met before in their lives
at the end, the prince is eventually found and mochi requests that if the m34th is going to keep watch over her, that lime be the one assigned to her since she knows him now post-mission. and lime has to pretend to be like "ah hate that cat witch, but this is for a paycheck and shes not super insufferable...so...fine." and so lime being in her guild is still in the dark to the rest of the m34th, but they DO know that he sees her at least semi-regularly with the "check-ins" (which gives birth to the "Cant believe you got seduced by a witch" things hehehe)
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smoosnoom · 1 year
Lately I've been having a hard time writing anything. I keep having ideas that I think are good then I sike myself out and go "Oh, someone else has probably already written that," which is weird, cause I'd read 500 fics of the same ship in the same coffeeshop!au and not even bat an eye. I don't care if I've read the same trope or setting or idea over and over (I like it, actually) but when I'm the one writing I feel like I have to do something totally unique and I think it's cause I'm worried of being compared to other better writers who just... write better (<- exhibit A) OR worse, accidentally plagiarize someone? Like without remembering that, oh I've already read this before this isn't an original thought at all?? But if it's an idea that hasn't been done before there's nothing to compare. Right. So. Therapy session over.
Do you ever worry about writing something that's already been written? Do you ever check AO3 tags to see if somethings been done before/too much/not enough, etc.? Or are you excited to write something that's been done and put your own spin on it?
Maybe I should do the complete opposite and find the most overpopulated tag and write that so it gets drowned in the others and then there's too many to compare! That's like.. can't beat 'em join 'em or smthin. Yeah.
UUUGH MOOON I knooooow all my ideas are unoriginal but so is everyone else's 1!! And everyone's basic and just wants to see two losers in love hold hands so I should just get over it !! Like I know this objectively but how do I make me feel it SUBJECTIVELY !!
idk, Moon. Today's just not that day u kno
ok . anon . i need u to look me in my eyes 👁👁 and please listen carefully to what im abt to say to u .
Everything Ever Has Already Been Written .
like every trope ever and every idea ever and every dynamic ever and every character ever and everything literally ever .
but uknow what hasnt been written ! these tropes ! by You !!!!!!
the way u write it is what makes it entirely unique . i absolutely worry about the things i write and if theyre even like . special in their way at all or if they even stand out in any possible manner but if u arent word-for-word copying something someone else has written, then yes !!! it will stand out !!!!! itll be something special and unique because its never been written the way u will !!!! that is literally it
so yea if u are worrying so much about the things ur writing and if theyve already been written then yes probably ! humans can only be so imaginative when it comes to tropes and stories but the way u write it and ur narration and turn of phrases and metaphors and adjective and dialogue have never been written the way u will, and thats what makes it good and great and amazing ! thats why people eat up the same au five hundred times !!!!! thats why people will eat up UR writing !!!!! ur going to do it in a way that just gets people going Oh my go d . u know what i mean ?
so yes i worry and i check and i feel absolutely terrible about it . but if i dont and i just feel great about writing Something at alll then it always turns out 1000% better because im not upset abt it ! readers can sometimes tell ur enthusiasm and passion being put into a work, and i think its best if u let it all go and write what ur heart is calling to . that by itself will make it all the special u need it to be
or dont idk im just . trying my best and sometimes it works out ! do what u want write what makes u proud eat what makes u full !!!!! and if u ever need someone to just . hit u with a hammer and let uknow that whatever ur writing is great and fantastic then I Am Here !
today has potential to get better ! tomorrow is on its way with a new beginning !!! u have me cheering u on !!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳 good luck !!!!!!!!!
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hhawkeye · 3 years
me at all points (with disclaimer that I know I talk about Hawkeye too much): can we meta about Margaret? can we? or Hawkeye's mom? or Carlye or Kyung Soon? or Peg even! just a lady for once and not always about the two white dudes!
oh peg the og blurry wife... what i wouldnt give to know Anything about you that isnt coming from bjs frankly unreliable perspective (I KNOW WHY WE DONT!! I KNOW i knooooow i know and appreciate the limited perspective and fact that we dont really properly see anyone from back home etc etc i know this. i enjoy it. but at the same time i can be mad about it!!!!!!!! same re: hawkeyes mom and his uhhhhh. rose tinted glasses outlook on his past and family and crabapple cove when i imagine in reality it probably. was not all that good considering we know hawkeye represses shit and is obviously romanticising due to being away for so long etc etc)
but RIGHT like. augghhhh i do see a lot of discussion on margaret out of any of the characters which like duh. shes a main character! but even then its... hardly anything compared to bj and hawkeye and actually like, even the bj/hawkeye meta is like. specifically beejhawk meta. it’s hardly ever just like “oh unrelated to the beejhawk thing here’s thoughts on their lives etc” yknow? it’s always gotta link back to beejhawk which is FINE i GET IT i understand. if not then why, etc, but come on!!!!!
like margaret is in literally (almost) every episode and she goes through SO MUCH development and change but everyone is like (mouth zipped closed emoji) and i just. ughhhhh. like im not one to talk bc in general i dont really. make big ass posts about ANY characters really or if i do theyre... incoherent rambling posts that nobody wants to read (THIS IS NOT ME BEING SELF DEPRECATING i am genuinely pissed off at myself for being Like That because i do know how to actually do proper character analysis etc i just.......... dont? bc brain broke and yknow. its fucking mash) but anyway its like. please. please i would like to see more margaret content
and christ the carlye stuff is soooo. like so much of it is just oh carlyes a bitch bc she didnt want to like, sit around and never feel fully like... valued? thats not the right word but augh. in her relationship w hawkeye and like. HELLO?
and kyung soon!!!!!!!!!! obv maddie horaetio had some AMAZING takes on that entire episode which <3 <3 <3 Yes. but in general she is so ignored and forgotten about even in the meta about hawkeyes manpain when hes being left behind!! (the classic “carlye left trapper left bj left”.... ok nobodys gonna mention kyung soon leaving? and how he took that personally even though it was like, his countrys fault actually, and he was not the one suffering there, and, and, and) which i know is partly because she is a one episode character who is never(?) mentioned again etc but its like. ok. yall talk about tommy all the time tho soooooooo........... no hate to tommy love his character love that episode but i mean. come the fuck on. youre telling me random white boy of the week is more interesting or has more like... potential? than kyung soon who literally held so many lives together at the cost of her own mental emotional and likely physical health because she HAD to and then she fell in love with someone who is literally! there! making things worse! even from the very start of the episode when he misjudges her and is like oh im sorry :( and its like ok lol you realise you have a LOT more to be sorry for right. but he does not realise this. because he is fucking stupid and barely realises he is part of the us military no matter how much he decries it like! god!
anyway whatever. again, long rambly post that is very disjointed and bad this is why my lecturers hated reading my first drafts of anything BUT YOU GET WHAT I MEAN AND I AGREE VERY MUCH. mx mash fandom unblur those wives
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valcubust · 5 years
For Constance : 3, 15, 22, 28!
3. how do they dress in human form? what’s their general aesthetic?
im not sure if there's an exact word for it, but it's sort of a mix of likke: a grung prep i spose?
15. what do they think of the humans in their life? (livvy, their mother, fiama, bruno, jonny, horizon, etc.) 
ill just give a little rundown of them all aha!
1. livvy: Constance is very protective of her, and she's the only human Constance puts up with 100% of the time. She couldn't stand her to begin with though.
2. mom: she is not a huge fan of Mother. Constance blames any humanity she now has; such as anxiety; on her entirely. darn mothers!!!
3. Fiama: she's CUTE. not her type, really, but Constance gets a kick out of her blushing. She's been known to mess with people like that her whole life, however. Though with all the Jonny drama out in the open, she dislikes her more everytime she speaks, unfortunately sizhzyzyzy
4. Roach: god, an absolute bastard, but definitely a kindred spirit. Constance feels complete relief in her presence, which she hadn't felt since she ended up on this cursed planet. Roach is Also, as it turns out, a great bone so that's cool. She def would jump on her more if given the opportunity.
5. Jonny: a Huge weakness for Constance. she loves making people nervous, but his nervousness is very endearing somehow. perfect blend of conservative and bold. Not normal for her, but she wants to kiss his stupid face constantly. And for a human they surprisingly have a lot in common.
6. Horizon: dont know if it's just me but somethin about them keeps seducing me and then it rubs off on Constance, through my gameplay, so it is what it is sudbsugs. Constance actually doesn't trust them very much, they seem to be different than most they come across, but she can't help but feel a tad bit of pity for the fool. She also wants to see where things may potentially go with them. is it fun and games??? who knoOOoOWs!
7. and anyone is just kinda.... a smelly human
8. and also, that tzr-bitch-something she's running from, Sure, she may be scared shitless, but she ain't gonna remember his name, because bitch. anyways, he can go fuck himself.
22. how do they feel about death?
not gonna lie, chief, she doesn't feel too good about it. this very squishy body is very weak and fragile and she just KNOWS how mortal they are, and how damn bad it's gonna hurt for them.
28. what do they find attractive in others? what’s a turn-off?
for turn-ons: boldness, definitely!!! a little flare of mystery, and she always finds a good taste in movies or music go a long way. also if they don't immediately make her wanna chew her own fingers off just to get them to leave her alone, i s'pose that's a good sign
for turn-offs: that putrid human smell, you know the one. now that she's older, she can mostly get past it but yeGODS. anyways, probably people who eat grossly, for obvious reasons. small-talk is awful, and people who are too curious are, too. She just wants to harrass people and also be left alone at the same time, is that too much to ask for!!!!
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my account: *openly states wanting someone to provide for me in financial ways for college, filmmaking, and potential housing*
an annoying prick who probably never bothered to sink in the most obvious hints given on my profile: how was i supposed to know you wanted an allowance??????
this same prick also took a line about me wanting to not have sex immediately in an SR to make sure I could still build longer term trust, and tried to mockingly flip it on me like "I don't like sugar babies that aim for money on the first meet. I like to make sure we have a real basis for our relationship first :)" (trying to copy me word for word, tbh.)
How mature of him.
These men are irritating.
Plus the way men get pissed if I didn't respond to their "hey baby lets get u real cash soon xoxo real fun times ×××-×××-××××" type messages.
One guy pretty much tried to tell me men on there only want one thing, called me unrealistic, and whatever....
Cool! And that was the day I solidified my "Seeking Arrangements is flooded with weirdos from Craigslist Personals" mindset and focused on glowing up.
Plus, I realized I used to get lots of things for free before just by existing. I don't need to go online and heckle "rich" men for what they can give me in exchange for their flaccid junk inside of my mouth. (No shame to those who do, its just not my style apparently....)
Just too annoyed at men thinking that paying means the right to lose chivalry or respect to women, so gross.
And setting an allowance for myself in one of the richest cities in the country, just for old fogies to still be like "600???? Sweetie, a girl in your area would cost 300 per meet, and one in the city would be 400. Please be reasonable". Then calling him broke in the most polite way possible.
Even one bloke hit me up for a phone call, and it was obvious he was just looking for an escort and not an actual FWB, but couldnt afford a real escort who could actually suit their needs.... The difference between calling a person who's just going to have sex with you, versus a girl you're under the facade of getting to know about sex before you even ask her name, is that the latter may not hide their blatant disgust from you.
Or maybe an escort wont either, but idk fam.
I said I prefer a 600 dollar allowance, and am strictly for using condoms and no anal.
Nigga tried to heckle a negotiation and "ooooo ouchhhhhh i dont knooooow i usually need that from peeeeoople that's a big thing for meeee" with me.... That shit won't work.
(I'm not the desperate barely 18 year old that I was before; the only time a man tried that on me had failed, since luckily, the common sense of "A man isnt a sugar daddy if hes trying to do a 'one night stand where he pays half of an already way low allowance on the first night' then pays the second half if he decides a second night" had kicked in, and I decided eating canned chili was better than horrible sex with a heckler trying his hardest to make me uncomfortable or not benefit from a situation.)
And yet despite me not fitting his "400 dollar raw unprotected anal sex with a young woman" fantasy, he still got annoyed at me deciding to move on from him.
Yikes. :)
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battlestar-royco · 5 years
Imagine if Sorscha lived? I'm rereading HoF(because I hate myself) and I'm seeing so much potential in her character. Sjm mentioned that healers had the most powerful magic once and in the next scene introduces Sorscha a healer. Then she's talking about refugees and spies in Eyllwe and it turns out Sorscha was one of them. And the worst part is she told us a few lines before she dies. Sjm is a tell not show author and it shows. You know how interesting it would've been in Sorscha's POV to see
(Part 2 of Sorscha ask) Her conversing with Ren and deakin out of the castle secret passageways that Ren talked about. And seeing her try to warn Ren (the man that asked her to spy) abo ute plans the king were contriving. And not only that everything she's ever loved burned in front of her and parents killed in Ardalans immigrant purge?? SHE HAD TO SEE THAT AS A CHILD? And you're telling me she was boring or WEAK as Dorian said(not my Dorian) Why have so much potential for a character
Part 3 of Sorscha And she was from Eyllwe. I hate that strength to SJM is killing, bloodied shit. That doesn't make you strong. That doesn't make a strong person nor character. A strong character is complex, like a good person who in despite everything has happened having no obligation to do the right thing who is shy and thinks less of herself still decides to spy and risk her life for people that dont care for her. Not only that imagine a healer as a queen Sorscha deserved better.
I knooooow, Sorscha was the ultimate side character bamf and she deserved so much more than the part she was forced to play in the T0G series. I’m so sick of black girls being used as B plots or one-offs to further the main story. I’ve said time and again that I really like how SJ/M sets up characters, but the longer we spend time with them, the more they get ruined (or killed). Sorscha was so interesting to me--a refugee, a rebel, healer, someone who got the attention of the crown prince. The excuse that “she had to die” for the story to go on is just ridiculous. If E/lide can be a secret part human/part witch agent who befriends the most dangerous witch in the Witch Kingdom and transports one of three W/yrdkeys across the continent; if Lisandra can be a sex worker shapeshifter who looks out for young girls who grew up in the same terrible system she did; if Irene can be a healer who bartends her way through school and becomes mentor to all the other healers in the best healer school in the world; Sorscha and Nehemia could have lived on to become the most stellar and badass rebel spies/princesses/refugee advocates known to the T0G universe. I also hate how the fandom has so much fan art and meta for side characters who showed up in one book or have equal/lesser parts than Sorscha and Nehemia, but Sorscha and Nehemia are somehow the ones who always get whitewashed or ignored in fan art. I saw an artist say they wouldn’t draw Sorscha because she was a completely flat character who they couldn’t connect to--this after making portraits for almost all the T0G and AC0TAR characters, including people who showed up for one scene or in the last book. The way the books are written is so unfair and the violence/apathy is clearly targeted toward Sorscha and Nehemia in a racial way.
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8 PEOPLE I’D LIKE TO KNOW BETTER.  // repost, dont reblog
one / name / alias. Kumo, sis, foyfoy (or just foy) two /  birthday. april 3rd three / zodiac sign. aries (except im not any aries trope plis im nice i promise i got over my temper when i was NINE) four /  height. 5′2 (or 5′1??? i dont knooooow) five  /  hobbies. crochet && some knitting, drawing, gaming is for nerds (like me) and sewing/cosplay once every blue moon. six /  favourite colors. rainbow??? the color of a sunset??? if i had to pick ONE it’d be orange but why would i do that when im so g a y seven / favourite books. uh yknow. ??? goosebumps??? (ive read maybe 6 books my entire life not including goosebumps weh) WAIT NO the NOTEBOOK, the prrof, the third lie were really good but also terrible dont look it up plis i care about yalls sanity eight  /  last song listened to. pine six string by the haunted wind chimes nine  /  last film watched. ????????? oh god its been a while. UM. hunchback of notre dame  ten  /  inspiration for muse. 5 years ago I said “I dont even like nick that much why are you making me make a blog for him” and then i was like whoaH heskinda problematic like why he so depressed?? so much anxiety?? I can relate. and then i dropped out of the fandom like it was hot before the last two episodes of season 2 came out. cue now, 5 years later im just like hey lets over analyze these characters now that im ready to look at season 2 again (spoilers: im still unhappy) and found out a lot of unnecessary things like the fact that nicks left leg is fucked up, and that his mental problems likely stem from before the apocalypse. when i rp as a character i find ways to make them my own, to veer off the path that others would take. (I say as if i rp all that much with others HA) but over analyzing is like my favorite thing to do, its like a murder mystery!  /duck voice Also the fact that hes never ACTUALLY mad at uncle pete??  Really though the muse was hard to find back then, I legit struggled. But now it just kind of came naturally. I do struggle with the speech because that’s how I talk irl and I’m so used to writing like a normal human being that sometimes im like whuhuhhh lol! But again, I ain’t sayin im good at this muse. Just that i aint strugglin with how I want to portray him now. (also as i did with my omid in headcanoning a whole muse out of a ghost((ghostmid!!)) id like to do the same for nick, since season 4 showed potential of walkers/lurkers retaining SOMETHING from life, be it soul or what have you, i feel like itd be fun but also angst because what else is rp good for but crack and angst) eleven  / dream job.  gaming youtuber or just getting bigger in art enough to do more artist alley bs at conventions!!! one isnt enough!! (realistically id love a desk job or data entry at this point gdi my muscles are killing me at all times) twelve  / meaning behind your url.  Nick accuses Carlos of telling Luke that he’s becoming a danger to the group and lets be honest, he is. (if you add -archive to my url you can see my old ass art and old ass roleplays back in ye olden dayz)
tagged by: @crackinthewhip  tagging: i have like 10 followers so if yall want to i guess
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