lord-of-snrland · 5 months
I wanna finish my plot so bad, it would be so useful to have the sketch of the plot on me to make accurate vague posts about it.
I don't know how to write a plot...
I want it to be good really bad 'cause I've had these characters basically since I developed a consciousness. So bad that I don't even start making it. 'Cause I have no skill in making a plot and it'll be bad. But if I don't try I won't have skill.
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beelmons · 1 year
Hotch being like Garcia and Morgan whenever they call each other. Oh imagine it during the case✨😮‍💨
Hotch: what have you got sweetheart?
R: *chuckling*……this my soon to be husband
This just a came out of nowhere, i gotta say I literally L O V E your writing.
Change it However I like
I Hope that botch sides of your pillow are always cold. Bye<3
cw: hotch x fem!reader, link on the text lead's to my wife's fic 'honey bun' since it's a reference to her work!!! read it!!!
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You loved helping the BAU out, you didn't often have the chance to, but every once in a while, when your poor friend Penelope was overworked, you would be assigned to help out with data analysis. You were forever thankful for that annoying day in which you first aided the BAU, ever demanding of new information, since it allowed you to meet Aaron Hotchner, fall in love, and end up engaged with just a couple of days to go for your wedding.
But there would be time to dwell into all that later, since today you had to be top of your game; they were getting close, and you were certain they would ask for information soon. And at last, the phone rang.
"This is future Mrs. Hotchner speaking, how can I be of help?" you said with a wide smile on your face.
His subordinates expected a scowl, or at least a reprimand for your unprofessional behavior, but they were pleased to see that, instead, their boss's lips had curled up into a smitten crescent.
"Mrs. Hotchner, we need information on Javier Perez's bank account transactions." halfway through the sentence, his tone had gotten back to the stern one he was accostumed to. "Coming right up, sweet cheeks," you paused for a second as you clicky-clacked your way through the bank systems "Seems like little Perez has been up to some naughty deeds. He spent around a hundred dollars in a hardware store, ropes, tape, your usal beginner kidnapper kit, and— Oh, my, my," you exclaimed in surprise, catching their attention.
"What is it?" you heard Rossi ask from the other side of the line.
"He spent about five hundred dollars at a place called Ms. Honey Bun's Toys For Adults. And I'm guessing they don't exactly sell over-complicated legos." you clarified.
They all exchanged amused looks at your statement, everyone but Hotch who simply kept his eyebrows furrowed.
"Anything else?" the boss finally asked.
"Nothing relevant, my love. Hope that helped." you said, your tone going back to professional since his seemed to be so as well.
"Swetheart, you always know how to help me." his tone had switched unpromted to a flirty one, indicating that there was a hidden meaning behind his words "And while you're free why don't check around if Ms. Honey's store has a website?" he indicated.
You beamed in your place and exclaimed a quick 'on it' as you hung up the phone.
On the other side of the line, Hotch kept hopelessly smiling at the speaker that had recently gone dead, with his particular i'm-not-really-smiling face that he so stubbornly wore at the office. He was too entranced to notice the entire team had gone quiet, simply staring in his direction. He finally raised his sight and realized he was the center of attention, which caused a confused look out of him.
"Honeymoon preparations?" Derek asked with his usual teasing tone.
Aaron had to clear his throat, trying to impose his authority again, before he spoke. "Everyone get back to work."
Needless to say, after Morgan texted the entire exchange to her, Penelope was very proud.
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thedivineart · 2 years
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in this pac reading were going to take a look/ know who is secretly admiring you, images that used are not mine and i'm only saved this images from pinterest so credits to the rightful owner.
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♡︎ M A S T E R L I S T ♡︎
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𓇽 P A I D S E R V I C E S 𓇽
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i see that mostly who pick this pile, their secret admirer are 18 to 32 of ages and this individual is someone who is mature than you or simply just older than you. a very calm, well expeirenced and wise individual they are, they are serious person who is ambitious in life and quiet powerful person they are maybe somewhat popular in school, work, or in your surroundings-someone who have quiet influencial around others. I see here that there will be something might happen in this winter time. Also this person is a sexual appetite but is a cold person, who doesn't seems to know how to show their emotion and they have dark haired -doesnt matter if dye or not or this person have sexual fantasies about you. I think some people here who pick this pile already know who is this individual or you have hint who are they. Yeah, this individual is somewhat famous too in where society they belong, i feel they been admiring you for a very long time but may fear of acceptance, they also have romantic feelings for you. They has a hobby of writing maybe a book or jounals or fixing their schedule or something related to those things, a creative person with soft features or round face and admiring you brings small amount of joy inside of them. They might be your friend or friends of your friend or they are friendly person or someone who you familiar with like heard their name before but don't actually see who are they. They are a private or typically lonely person like they like to be lonely most of the time, they are also tall or can be taller than you as well being intellegent and well diciplined individual. They may also came from high status family or in their surroundings their alot of influencial people.
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this pile got the happiest energy, i do feel that this person loves to laugh or smile often, they may also loves to joke around or make others smile. they might be also popular maybe in school, or work, or in neighborhood since this individual is too friendly in others, they may have dark hair- dye or not and very good looking/pretty people. I'm also sensing that this person may laugh out of nowhere cause s/he remember something funny in his/her mind, they also good at cheering and uplifting people- a naturally gift from them, they may also love attention but in a good way like i said joking around, making others comfortable. If you knew this person, you never see them having a sad face cause it's like they always have smile on their faces. They seems always in public eye, they know alot of people and people know them too and there is also people who envy and called this person a 'attention seeker' which probably far from it's truth. This pile got all positive cards, so this person is always positive in their life as well caring/generous to their time or anything that they can give, mostly who choose this pile this is your 'soulmate', they may came from quiet well-off family and water is very significant to them maybe its their zodiac sign or simply just loves water like the beaches or fountain etc. Even though they are good looking people or not, still people who surround them find them really attractive and idk what makes them nervous sometimes maybe when you are near? and they naturally experience ups and downs in life like a normal human being or they are well balance individual.
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it seems this person loves to write letter or they are one of the people who you chat online or irl, they are type of people who is always curious to anything or everything, naturally an active individual who maybe join in some activities in daily life such as sport etc. also they good at communication and knows how to balance every conversation or they give light and open aura for any communication they been through. Though they experience some difficulties in life that turns to a real life lesson to them, they still manage to stand up for the sake of their supreme goals and also you can feel the sadness around this individual maybe the reason why is that they suffer alot from so much burdens into their life. They are also someone who quick temper, aggressive or an authoritive person, mostly prone to vindictiveness or lies or they are someone who suffer in mental illnesses. Okay, i know there's alot of negative energy for this person-well that's their energy as of now, this pile is so opposite of pile two but i do sense that this person they are good person, they care for their family or friends, they also responsible and actibe individual. They also have the characteristics of be able to adapt things easily or to any situation occur in their present time, they may probably taller than you or naturally taller or have long legs, they also someone who value their reputation, hobbies and their everyday affairs.
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jackmanbj · 10 months
love song
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an: this is a singer!reader ua.💌
summary: you and jack make a song together
you and jack had just got into the studio, you both decided to let it just be you to. you didnt want anyone to bother you while you worked. you just wanted to be alone in your thoughts.
“mams you can take the desk while i take the couch?”
“no come sit next to me.”
“i thought you wanted peace?”
“you dont count, come on babe.”
jack pulled up a chair next to you and kissed your cheek before picking up his pen.
“who’s starting?”
“you babe.”
“alright, what are you thinking the songs going to be about?”
“jack..babe…the song name is literally love song.. you know i worry for you.”
“oh shut the hell up, what flow do you want me to do?”
“calm for now we’ll see later on though, you start off and ill follow your flow. like you start the base and beginning and ill go then you’ll go, get it?”
“yes babe.”
I don't want to give you the wrong impression.
I need love and affection.
And I hope I’m not sounding too desperate.
I need love and affection.
Love, love, love, love and affection.
Love, love, L-O-V-E-E-E and affection.
“i think this is good for the first part ma, you like it?”
“yes this is cute, i’ll start writing mine.”
Oh, baby.
I’m not asking for the world, maybe.
You can give me what I want, baby.
Come hold me tight and when I’m drowning save me.
Give it to me on the daily if I’m your girl.
Say my name, boy.
Let me know I’m in control.
We both grown so how it feel we can let it show.
you started writing a verse that went
I wanna hold you down.
but you decided to change it to.
Wont play around.
I wanna lay you down.
I need you now, I need you now, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh.
jack being nosy and not knowing you were finished with your part anyway came over to read it.
he took a second to read it and looked at you as if it was his first time being able to read ever.
“this is so good mama!!”
“thank you baby, for your next part just like repeat this.”
you pointed to his first verse.
“got you ma.”
I don't want to give you the wrong impression.
I need love and affection.
And I hope I’m not sounding too desperate.
I need love and affection.
Love, love, love, love and affection.
Love, love, L-O-V-E-E-E and affection.
you took the notebook not bothering to read his part and went to write your new part.
Boy, lately.
You’ve been stingy with your time.
Got me wondering, i’m wondering if I’m your mind.
Boy I just want to be in your possession.
Say i’m the one you want so come express it.
Don’t slip, don’t slip.
‘Cause a n**** might push up on it.
Don’t really wanna lose this moment.
Why window shop when you own this?
Don’t put it down.
Don’t fuck around.
I want you now, I want you now, oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh, whoa.
you passed jack back the notebook and told him to do his own thing as long as it fit the vibe of the song.
I don't want to give you the wrong impression.
I need love and affection.
And I hope I’m not sounding too desperate.
I need love and affection.
Love, love, love, love and affection.
Love, love, L-O-V-E-E-E and affection.
Can you love me for poor?
I’m searching for my soul.
Whoever turnt you cold.
You need to let ‘em know.
I can work miracles.
I’ll work you physical.
And when i hold you close.
You can feel my heart breathing through my clothes.
jack wanted you to read over his part.
you took a minute reading and adding a line yourself.
Oh, whoa-oh.
“jack this is amazing.”
jack reached over and kissed you.
“only because of you my love.”
“finish baby.”
I don't want to give you the wrong impression.
I need love and affection.
And I hope I’m not sounding too desperate.
I need love and affection.
Love, love, love, love and affection.
Love, love, L-O-V-E-E-E and affection.
“never would i have thought i could write a song that i genuinely like this much in less then an hour.”
“when are we recording?”
“we’ll shit lets do it now?”
urban and clay were waiting for you guys to give them the call to come into the studio to actually record.
clay walked in and got ready to record.
you and jack thought it would be best to go into the studio at the same time being as though your parts are so closely tied and related.
it took around four tries before you were both satisfied with the song.
you and jack were going to release it tomorrow, you wanted it to just be a surprise and not lead anyone on.
jack on the other hand wanted to post a snip and release it in two weeks.
“jack i dont want to do that, can we just release the song please?”
“y/n i don’t understand why we cant just wait!”
“how about we wait but no snip?”
“no, lets just do what i want!”
“jack your acting like a child, i make a compromise, take it or where going with my original idea since you cant act like a adult.”
“take me home.”
jack drove you both home in silence while you strolled on your phone.
jack pulled in the drive way and you jumped out the car and started to head inside with jack following close behind.
you went into the bathroom to shower and jack jack brush his teeth.
your got out the shower and went to brush your teeth before getting dressed.
you finished and put on your own clothes wanting jack to know you were really ll pissed.
jack walked into the bedroom and immediately jumped on you.
“im sorry for making you mad mamas, you forgive me?”
“say you forgive me and ill get up.”
jack got off you and went into the bathroom to shower.
you waited for jack, he took a quick shower and had already brushed his teeth so he but on sweatpants and his wife beater and came cuddle into you.
“goodnight babe.”
“goodnight jackie.”
after around a week after the release the song had hit #1 in charts.
you couldn’t be more proud of jack and he couldn’t be more proud of you.
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wannabecatwriter · 5 months
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Once things calmed down a bit, Lucy explained:
-I was trying to find Lewis's blackmail on me. The evidence he had of my presence at Mona's house when she... you know.
E: It was a picture? Wow, he came prepared. Couldn't you just, you know, mess up his photos? Break his camera?
L: If only! Due to the conditions and rules stipulated during our divorce, Rasmodius and I aren't allowed to interfere with the daily activity and safety of the town and it's government.
E: How convenient.
L: It made sense back then. We really caused a scene when I discovered Rasmodius's affair and we got into a scuffle. And we, specifically I, caused a lot of property damage, in addition to likely making the old mayor retire.
E: The guy who was in charge before Lewis?
L: Yes, him. I think our situation made him decide he was done with local government. I mean, he was already pretty old and done with everything, but we were the last straw.
E: Once again, how very convenient for Lewis.
V: You keep saying that. Do you think Lewis set the whole thing up?
E: I don't know. I doubt he made Rasmodius have an affair, but he could've had a hand in how she discovered it and how she reacted. And being there when Mona passed away? It's a bit hard not to see conspiracy here.
M: Spoken like a true mystery writer. I think you may be right. A few too many variables coming together. But back to the topic, why would they have the photo?
L: They have his ledger.
V: Oh!
E: Oh! That? We did have it.
V: But we don't have it here.
E: And there were no photos. Just financial records of his shady activity. We would've recognized you otherwise, if there had been a picture.
L: Oh... that's true. But then, if the ledger isn't here and there's no photo, what is the key to getting back to Pelican Town?
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its-the-val-pal · 1 year
Prompt #2: Bark
Val knew, on the day he left, that he had some explaining to do. There were a handful of people he needed to see, with his Princess being at the top of the list. Her letter had been difficult to read. It'd sent him into a fury he hadn't felt since.. well. Since a time he'd rather not remember. It caused him to do things that he now regretted, and it perhaps was the catalyst that spurred into motion this whole "forced leave" situation.
The problem, unfortunately, was that the Seeker was very well aware that she would not speak to him. Not judging by the tone of the letter, at any rate. And if he simply left, it'd certainly make her think that he was just leaving yet again, like he'd done before. No. He had to take drastic measures to ensure she would hear him out and, more importantly, keep their once-shared pet, Checkers, from barking incessantly at him as he made sure she did.
And so he spent the day roaming about Ul'dah for one of its many orphans, offering them a hefty amount of gil, and shepherding them across the land to there once-shared estate. It was, perhaps, far too elaborate of a scheme for what could have likely been solved in a very easy manner, but Val was never one to half-ass things. He whole-assed everything. Well. Everything he put his mind to, at any rate.
"So y'know th'plan, yeah?" the Seeker asked of the child as the two stood before the gate. "Wooooooow~ You live here?" "Used to, yeah. But fuck that. Y'know th'plan? Y'got the song ready an 'everything?" "Yeah yeah. I memorized it over here. You.. sure about this, sir? Doing this to your wife? I don't hear many people doing that sort of thing to people they claim to love." "F'course I--wait. Ain't you like eight or some shit? Th'fuck you care for?" "I'm twelve. And I know things." Truly, the most horrifying thing a child can say.
And so the plan was set in motion. Val set up just to the side of the door, right out of reach with cloth in hand, while the child knocked. When Faye opened the door, the lad would extend a bouquet of beautiful white roses--handpicked and NOT from her own collection this time--before breaking into song.
L is for the way you looook at meeee~ O is for the only one I seeeeeeee~ V is very, very--extraordinary~ E is even more than anyone that you adore~ LOVE is all that I can giiiiive to youuuu~ LOVE is more than just a gaaaame for twoooo~ TWO in love can make it--TAKE MY HEART an' please don't break it!~ LOVE was made for me aaaaand youuuuuuuuu~ The kid did a little flourish through the air and waited while Faye judged him and the chalkboard drawing that the Seeker had brought with him. Why? Because it meant to--and certainly succeeded at--distracting the woman long enough for the Seeker to wrap that cloth around her face and let the liquids it was doused in quickly send her out of consciousness.
"Oh it worked!" the kid exclaimed. Was that surprise in his voice? The little shit.
"F'course it worked. Now get th'bone an' toss it in there while I get her set up."
It all worked like a charm, really. The child threw the bone in the house and took off running, and the tiny little pup known as Checkers immediately grabbed it and ran off, heedless of what was happening to his owner. Good boy.
It'd take some time for Faye to find consciousness on her own; precious time for Val to tie her to a chair in their--her--kitchen. He busied himself by playing with Checkers, who had been a fantastically wonderful li'l lad and not barked at all for the safety of its owner. After all, Val had packed several bones just in case and each came in handy to keep him docile until the woman began to wake.
"Oh, evenin' Princess. Look, uh. I know what it looks like but I just wanted t'have a chance t'talk."
His plea was met with a slew of angry noises from the midlander that he was thankful to not have heard thanks to her mouth being bound. When she realized she couldn't get anything out, she just glared angrily at him.
"Right. Well, that's a good start."
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kaialawson · 6 months
hello everyone! i'm linny (he/him, 26, est) and i'll be playing kaia here, as well as @teddysmusings! i'm a little tardy to the party, but i'm here and i'm super excited to get to get to know everyone and their muses. underneath the cut you'll find all of kaia's background information, stats, and some connection ideas! if you're interested in plotting, just drop a like and i'll shoot you a message!
B A S I C S 
full name: kaia lawson. nicknames: tbd. gender:  cis woman. pronouns:  she/her. sexuality:  pansexual. age:  28 date of birth:  june 1st, 1995. zodiac sign:  gemini. birthplace: the bronx, new york. current location: jongno, seoul, south korea. residence:  high rise penthouse. occupation:  former singer-songwriter / current vocal coach. languages spoken: english, korean.
faceclaim:  ryan destiny height:  5’5. build:  lean and toned. eyes:  brown. hair:  naturally dark brunette. piercings:  standard earlobe piercings.  tattoos:  a cherry blossom branch running along her forearm and wrist. other distinguishing features:  smile. style:  trendy, appears to be casual but is usually found wearing designer.
traits:  (+) intelligent, honest, determined, dedicated , loyal. (-) picky, temperamental, bitter, easily angered , unforgiving.  mental health:  anxiety; medicated. depression; medicated physical health:  good. likes:  music, video games, spicy foods, bratz dolls, live concerts, wine, smoking marijuana.  dislikes:  being antagonized, people who don't respect boundaries, avocados, crowded spaces, groups of people that take up the whole sidewalk, being forced to introduce herself, being in the spotlight, being lied to, being told what to do, mint chocolate chip ice cream.  fears:  losing her autonomy.  phobias:  snakes. hobbies:  singing, teaching other people how to sing, crocheting, reading. skills: crocheting, singing, songwriting, jumping rope / double dutch, computer savvy. quirks:  cracking her knuckles when irritated, avoiding eye contact when feeling shy or nervous, rolling her eyes.
ice cream flavour:  cookies & cream.  time of the day / night:  late night.  weather:  summer weather.  breakfast food:  waffles, cereal, yogurt.  dinner food:  jerk chicken, beef patties, pasta, rice. colours:  lots of darker, muted colors.  music: nola adé, adele, fka twigs, kehlani, lady gaga, solange, yebba, paramore, hozier, ed sheeran, nirvana, beyoncé, megan thee stallion, sza, samara joy, flo milli, kendrick lamar. 
a cherished item:  her maternal grandmother's locket. first love ( celeb crush ):  rider strong, circa boy meets world / ciara usual mood:  neutral. 1 thing they want to do / experience before they die:  visit her father's grave. 
childhood & adolescence: kaia grew up with a single mother in the bronx. her father, whom her mother didn't really speak about often, passed away just months before she was born. from a young age, it was quite difficult for her to deal with the fact that she grew up without a dad. she absolutely adored her mother, but being teased by other children for not having both parents in her life caused her a lot of inner turmoil. it didn't help that she was a rather awkward looking child - as most people go through their ugly duckling stages. despite being a shy, introverted girl, kaia had a very short tempered fuse - a trait that she inherited from her mother. her peers assumed that her quiet demeanor would make her an easy target for bullying, but she quickly proved them wrong after getting into a scuffle here and there; scuffles where she primarily came out on top.
her mother, tired of being called to her school for her fighting bullies, decided that she needed to redirect her short fuse into another avenue; which was when she introduced a ten year old kaia to music. her mother was an amateur musician in her youth, but retired and laid her music dreams to rest when she got pregnant with kaia. it became quite obvious that the music gene was passed onto her, because she took to it like a fish takes to water and fell in love with the art of music.
by the time she was fifteen years old, kaia had somehow landed herself a record deal and was placed in the lineup of america's next big girl group - KYC; the acronym standing for kaia, yolanda and carrie. three young girls with big voices. they took the country, and the world, by storm and became pop-r&b sensations by the time kaia was eighteen years old. and if she were being honest, she couldn't deny the fact that she loved it. she loved the fame and fortune that came along with being a singer, and she knew that the feeling would never die down or go away.
early & mid twenties: KYC lasted for five years before the trio decided to part ways in order to pursue their own artistic avenues. yolanda became a producer and did behind the scenes work. carrie became an actress. and kaia? she continued on the music path, debuting as a soloist and pushing her fame to the next level. awards, accolades and other accomplishments began swarming in, and for quite some time she loved it. she loved performing, giving her all to music and pleasing her fans as well as the general public. that is until she began to realize what a toll it was taking on her mental health and psyche. always being followed, never having a moment to herself, always having to live up to everyone's expectations. it was tiring and mentally draining. by the time she was twenty five and released her fifth solo album (her label had been working her like a dog, pushing her to release something at least once a year), she was done. she didn't want the fame anymore. she had experienced it, basked in it, and was over it. ten years of being in the spotlight was more than enough for her. she released her sixth album, her farewell album, on her twenty sixth birthday and hasn't looked back since.
current day: kaia has been living in south korea for two years now. after moving to the country for a change of scenery and to be closer to her cousin, tasha, kaia's been happier, healthier and calmer. gone are her anxiety attacks and worries of public scrutiny. while she still does get a little attention here and there, as well as occasionally being photographed or asked for a selfie or autograph by fans who recognize her, she's living a rather quiet and unassuming life in south korea. she's landed a job as the head vocal coach at canvas labs and enjoys her work there. although she can be a bit of a hard ass and very tough on the idols when it comes to their vocal training, it's only because she takes singing very seriously and wants them to be the best that they can be - and she doesn't want their poor vocal skills to reflect badly on her.
ex ( multiple ): kaia has had a few significant others in her life; some of them she parted with on friendly terms, others not so friendly.
fwb ( multiple ): self explanatory.
true friends ( multiple ): people that are actually friends with kaia because of who she is, not who she used to be.
music mentee: this person is interested in picking up a few music lessons and vocal coaching, and kaia can't help but give them a helping hand.
best friend / platonic soulmate: self explanatory.
gaming buddy ( multiple ): self explanatory.
sense of calm: one of the few people that can calm kaia down when her short fuse explodes.
sibling figure: kaia has taken this person under their wing as a younger sibling of sorts. she dotes on them, fusses over them and overall just babies them.
instigator: this person loves to push kaia's buttons until she bites back, because they love seeing how feisty she gets.
note: if you can't find anything to your liking here, we can always brainstorm!
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Poor Surgeon Rick needed somebody he could be a service top for~
The first time Morty - V-Neck Morty as they called him, based on his obviously superior fashion choices - visited the doctor, it went both better and worse than he expected. As a newly arrived Morty in the Citadel, he found everything extra weird. The "catch all the Mortys" Pokemon-like battles, the unfamiliar living situations, the society built on only Ricks and Mortys… Seeing countless variations of the same two people, even with the tiny details that differed from each other, doing different things, was quite mind blowing.
After his first fight - after being knocked out way too early in the game -, waking up in the hospital was a strange experience.
Yes, there were the expected Rick doctors and Morty nurses, the familiar scent of antiseptic, and the futuristic equipment that praised Rick's ingeniousness.
But. But! He didn't expect that Surgeon Rick, the one who took care of him when he was dazed, was this fucking attractive. His original Rick - the one who left him alone in a weird planet where he had to fend for himself before Dandy Rick found him -, nor Dandy Rick tickled his fancy. They were selfish and old and just plain weird. But Surgeon Rick? With his bold fashion choices, sure hands and hyperfocus, he was more than attractive for V-Neck Morty.
To his humiliation, his competency kink made a nuisance of itself during the last examination before he was given the clean bill.
The paper was stiff underneath him and he was way too cold as he was waiting for the doctor to arrive. They said he had to be undressed, so naked he was, but it was getting to the point where he wanted to jump up from the narrow bench and dress up, when his doctor walked in.
His doctor, in a skimpy white dress-like coat and blueish green apron, with a dangerous-looking syringe in his hand, introducing himself as Surgeon Rick.
V-Neck Morty was already flustered at his sight, but when he started the examination by touching and prodding him, listening to his lungs and heart with a stethoscope, but then, the questions started.
"How often do you masturbate? When was the last intercourse? How often do you stimulate your anus? Are there any kinks of yours that might be a danger for your health? Have you ever inserted something bigger than your fingers inside of you?" And the questions just came and came, overwhelming the poor, flustered boy, while Rick wasn't even phased, only clicking a pen a couple of times as an unconscious fidgeting.
Morty swallowed. "I-is t-there a reason f-for these q-q-questions?"
"Thes-urp-e are important t-to assess y-your health. Mortys h-have a he-ough-lthy sex drive, and any deviations from n-normal m-might be a cause of concern," Rick explained.
"O-o-oh… t-that makes sense," Morty mumbled, gripping tighter onto the paper underneath him. Maybe if he just… okay. The quicker he was over, the less painful it would be, probably.
Taking a deep breath, he answered, "D-d-daily. I-I-I didn't h-have one yet. I… don't k-know? N-n-no, n-nothing l-like t-that. N-n-no."
Surgeon Rick stopped, and stared. Then, a smug smile appeared on his face.
"You are lying. Y-euhhg-ou can't lie to y-your doctor."
V-Neck Morty whimpered, curling around himself as much as he could do while laying on the table.
"It doesn't matter. I-I'll just ha-urp-ve to examine you."
Moving to Morty's side, Rick grabbed his ankles to position him a little better. Putting a hand on Morty's waist to steady him, he rubbed circles on soft skin with his thumb, while the other parted his legs carefully, exposing him to the cool air. Morty shivered, feeling feverish and sensitive.
"I-I-I…" he muttered, not knowing what he wanted to say. He just wanted to break the silence. He mewled at the slightest touch, sensitive to the unfamiliar feeling he craved for so long.
Surgeon Rick's fingers were calloused and rough, his movements speaking of experience as he opened Morty up. He stroked the sensitive inner walls, fingering Morty open so expertly that it made the young boy arch his spine, shivering and mewling.
"R-Rick," he moaned, feeling warm all over his body. His mind was fuzzy, full of pleasure, especially when Rick started to talk. Morty couldn't concentrate on the words, his voice was a muffled rumble, but it added to the warmth that was centering in his stomach.
Rick's fingers went deeper, and Morty could barely stop himself from writhing in place and beg for more. His breathing was hard and heavy, drool dripped from his mouth as he spread his tights wide open to give more room for Rick to move.
He couldn't make out what Rick was saying, but his voice was calm and professional, so dark and alluring, whose hands never left his waist. Holding him down. Caressing him. Anchoring him.
The orgasm caught Morty unaware, he didn't even notice that he was about to come, he was so full of pleasure. Tears burst from his eyes at the feeling, his body quivering, feeling like electricity ran through his veins.
"Mo-urp-ty, Mooorrtyy~"
"Y-y-yes?" Morty slurred, his body limp, his muscles overly relaxed after the intense orgasm that Surgeon Rick gave him without even touching his cock.
"S-such a good boy. Yo-urp-u were such a good boy for me," Rick murmured, caressing Morty with his big, warm and safe hands that Morty wished would steal him away from his life.
He whined and asked, "R-r-really? I was… I was good?"
"The best," Rick whispered into his ear as if he was sharing an important secret with him, and Morty all but melted.
"I-I w-want to be the b-best boy f-for y-y-you," he admitted, blushing at the intensity of Rick's eyes.
"Don't worry," he replied, his eyes softening, Morty dared to say, adoring. "I know you will be."
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ask-churro-cookie · 2 years
Mun note: This is gonna be a V E R Y long one for only five characters so a read more is needed.
Taging: @asks-cookies-and-chaos and @teabrain
Churro cookie:
. This dude can suffer from both sensory overload and deprivation due to the trauma he suffered while the only one awake.
. sensory deprivation being much worse of the two, as he knew he was stuck in the slumber but couldn't do anything about it.
. He woke up at least a month after the spell was placed and he had to train up immediately.
. fighting Night Raven left him severally damaged and scarred on his back.
. His Millennial Guardian costume was actually given to him by both Millennial tree and Wind Archer, as it's the highest status a guardian can gain. They don't know why some parts of him changed color though-
. speaking of that, the color changing is not that unnatural for him. Often times, it happens when using magic. An overload would last for a few days.
. he also has a very shallow concept of flirting, becoming very confused and embarrassed much of the time, as the tribe usually has courting customs instead of open dating and such.
. every tattoo he's got isn't always made by the tattoo artist in the tribe. Sometimes, he does it himself to test his pain tolerance.
. he also tests his strength and magic tolerance.
. this dude can be very loving though, showing interest in new experiences and introducing them as well.
. he loves the scent of lavender as well. It's the only thing that can calm him down other than most things.
( devs, I swear, you better make him a super epic cookie if he comes to Kingdom, He deserves it GREATLY- how often do you see a mortal cookie best a corrupt god alone and barefisted- he isn't rich nor too much related to a Legendary but S T I L L)
Wind Archer:
. suffered several bodily harm during his time as Night Raven from the poison in his system.
. being corrupted by the poison had left him both blind and suffering sudden pain shocks from any pressure put on the scars it left
. He does his job fine though, as he uses hearing and the wind to his aid.
. birb boi. Has many feathers but hides them under his clothing.
. he has some serious tensions with Fire spirit(unrelated reasons) and knows that Churro would never forgive him for taking the poison willingly.
. He does occasionally forget that he's flying and runs into a tree-
. occasionally visits Bellflower for medicine to help the pain caused the the poison.
. does see Bellflower as a daughter to him despite her being made by Lotus.
. he's Bi ace with a preference for men.
. every time he "sees" Fire spirit, he thinks "why is he dress like that so often. . ."
Whipped cream:
. can get very sick under serious stress, mostly happened in his childhood though it still does on occasion in adulthood
. He does pray to Millennial tree occasionally, mostly in times of extreme distress or before a serious performance
. any mention of the St. Pastry order will immediately make him break down and sob. As well as open up old scars due to his muscle structure
. his muscle structure is very much like Mitsuri's from Demon slayer, being eight times the density of a normal cookie's.
. so he stronk as fuck-
. he's a Demi-sexual Gay.
. he has unintentionally broke someone's spine via tight hug.
. He's two or three years older than Plum and peach, having hatched/baked extremely late
. he came into existence while Longan dragon was still in slumber.
. He took a long time to hatch/bake due to poor conditions and timing, having to be moved to new locations often to be fully made
. he bit a lot while his fangs came in.
. He wasn't hurt or abused as a child but many were careful around him but also kept him safe.
. Vagabond also feels nervous around Longan, despite them being his biological parent. Mostly because he knows what they did to cookies.
. He actually likes to sew a lot and made his own clothing
. he also has storyteller masks that he'd wear on special occasions
. he doesn't fully trust governments after the whole incident at the harvest festival-
. He's Pansexual and a Demi-boy
. He lucid dreams often, but most of the time sees other aus instead of his world. It traumatized him a bit after seeing something gory.
. His scales are a rare hybrid mix, making them more valuable to hunters than normal dragon scales
. she was a wish-born cookie instead of being baked normally.
. Lotus Dragon did use that opportunity to create a possible heir as well but felt like they failed when she was made a "normal" cookie. Wisteria dragon cookie was a more "successful" attempt.
. she's physically stronger and more intelligent in medicines than she lets on, obviously having figured out how to make some that prevents the dragon's influence over those who take it.
. she also treated many cookies' wounds, including Purple yam's(which he begrudgingly agreed to let her do)
. Being a wish-born, she does have some dragon features. Mostly a dragon eye, some unusual properties, and a tail she hides under her dress
. She follows the mindset of "it's good to wish but you have to work for it to make it true".
. she does teach others what she knows and tries her best to help out often
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lifesver · 1 year
make a playlist using the letters of your url ! 
L .    LANDSLIDE     —    fleetwood mac.
i took my love, i took it down, i climbed a mountain and i turned around / and i saw my reflection in the snow-covered hills, 'til the landslide brought me down / oh, mirror in the sky, what is love? can the child within my heart rise above? can i sail through the changin' ocean tides? can i handle the seasons of my life? / well i've been afraid of changin', 'cause i've built my life around you / but time makes you bolder, even children get older, and i'm getting older too.
I .    I'M A BELIEVER     —    the monkees.
i thought love was more or less a giving thing / seems the more i gave the less i got / what's the use in tryin', all you get is pain / when i needed sunshine, i got rain / then i saw her face, now i'm a believer.
F .    FREE BIRD    —    lynyrd skynyrd.
if i leave here tomorrow, would you still remember me? / but please don't take it so badly, 'cause lord knows, i'm to blame / lord help me, i can't change / won't you fly high, free bird.
E .    EASY WAY     —    for the foxes.
all the things we've done, it's like we're living on the run, we never took the easy way, we're moving like a hurricane / i don't know where the birds have flown, but i think we'll stay here, we'll call you out on the radio, so clear / the only place that i'll ever want to be is here.
S .    STAND BY ME    —    ben e. king.
when the night has come, and the land is dark, and the moon is the only light we'll see / no, i won't be afraid, oh, i won't be afraid / just as long as you stand, stand by me.
V .    (GOOD) VIBRATIONS     —    the beach boys.
i'm cheating for this one. it's about the beach boy vibes there are no meaningful lyrics here <3 we're picking up good vibrations
E .    EARTH ANGEL     —    the four seasons.
earth angel, earth angel, will you be mine? my darling dear, love you all the time / i'm just a fool, a fool in love with you.
R .    RIGHT BACK WHERE WE STARTED FROM     —    maxine nightingale.
love is good, love can be strong, we gotta get right back to where we started from / do you remember the day (that sunny day), when you first came my way, i said, no one could take your place.
tagged by. thank u @fuselit mwah mwah
tagging. any besties who have yet to do it
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Tales from Eberron: Mercs of Cannith
Kyr awakes with a start as she gasps for more air. Her vision focuses as she looks upon the individual crouched over her. Wearing scale mail—not unlike Kyr's armor before the augments—and a symbol of the Traveler on their garments, this person has pure white skin. A changeling—but, strange; why is their appearance neutral as of right now? "Are you alright? What happened?" the changeling asks. "Who are you?" Kyr asks. "I'm Kal. I was walking along and noticed you bleeding out in this alley." Kyr squints as she looks around. Though Kal mended her body, her mind is still foggy. "Where's Abacus?" "Hm? When I got here, you were the only person around. I mean, aside from various passersby, of course. But you were the only one in this alley." Kyr props herself up on her forearms as she sits up slightly. "Shit. She probably fled, but..." Kal stands up and tilts their head. "Ummm...so, what, *happened* to you?" Kyr seems to give Kal a glare. "We—I'm not out to *get* you or anything! I mean I helped you after all." Kyr doesn't seem to let her guard down. "What can I call you, by the way?" Kyr continues to look at Kal for a few more seconds before getting to her feet. She rummages around in her belt pouch. "Here." She plops her hand into Kal's palm, giving them 10 gold pieces. "Wha—" "I have to get going." Kyr bumps shoulders with Kal on her way out.
Kal turns back to look toward the stout elf. "Wait!" They jog over to her side and begin to walk alongside her. Kal pockets the 10 gold. "Don't you need help finding this Abacus person? Or maybe making it back to an adventurer's guild, or something?" The elf gives them a sideeye. "I know my way around, thanks. I can find Abacus on my own." Kal is convinced by the first part, but not the second. "Look, I—I really don't mean any harm. I just want to help!" Kal's plea is met with silence, save for the noise of boots against dirt. "This Abacus, they must be in danger, right? 'Cause if so, we gotta rescue them!" The elf seems to shoot a more penetrating side glance at Kal upon hearing "we". "I mean, are you *really* sure you have this covered? I mean, I know you're an adventurer too and all, but a little help won't hurt, right?" The elf's power armor is impressively silent as she walks the putrid roads of the Cogs. But the Cogs are pretty vast. And Kal's never really seen any armor of this quality from someone who lives down here, so... "V i s u a l   o b t a i n e d," came an odd voice from another side alley. The elf immediately turns her head toward the source of the sound. A warforged walks out of the shadows. "S u b j e c t   i d e n t i f i e d :   K y r .   S u s t a i n e d   i n j u r i e s :   m i n i m a l ." "Is this Abacus?" "Yes." "W a r n i n g :   u n k n o w n   i n d i v i d u a l .   T h r e a t   a s s e s s m e n t :   m i n i m a l ." "Hi, I'm Kal!" "A f f i r m a t i v e .   U p d a t i n g   f i l e s :   " K a l "   h a s   b e e n   a d d e d   t o   r e c o r d s ." This warforged is strange; most warforged around Sharn these days are pretty indistinguishable from natural people's personalities... "Kal seems to have healed me," Kyr begins. "Allegiance: unknown," she says, her words sounding more stern. "A f f i r m a t i v e .   U p d a t i n g   f i l e s :   K a l ' s   a l l e g i a n c e :   u n k n o w n ." "Oh, um, actually, I worship the Traveler! I believe he's really out there somewhere, so I became an adventurer to try and find him! That's my dream, to meet him," Kal says with a smile. "U p d a t i n g   f i l e s :" Abacus begins, and then continues to speak aloud about information she has decided to commit to memory. Kyr resumes walking, and the others follow. "So uh, Abacus: what happened to you guys?" "O v e r w h e l m e d   b y   e n e m y   f o r c e s .   O p e r a t i v e   K y r   s u s t a i n e d   c r i t i c a l   i n j u r i e s .   ' A b a c u s '   u n i t   f l e d ." "What happened to the adversaries? Where did they go?" Kyr asks. "E n e m y   w h e r e a b o u t s   u n k n o w n .   ' A b a c u s '   u n i t   e m p l o y e d   s t e a l t h   r e t r e a t   p r o t o c o l ." "We should retreat for now. Report back," Kyr says. She turns to look at Kal. "Get lost." There is not a hint of falter in her demeanor. "What?!" "You have no business with us. I already paid you for your service, so get lost." "Oh, uh...yeah, okay." Kal begins to peel off from the group, the dirt still crunching under all their feet. "S‐sorry." Kal takes a side road to gain some distance from the two. As they walk away, they can hear Kyr begin to talk again, but can't make out what she's saying.
"Now that they know we attempted to counterattack, we need to act quickly. We'll update Killigan, and then we need to get more forces for another assault." As Kyr finishes speaking, she and Abacus hear rapid pounding of shoes against dirt from down the road. A lot of them. The two shoot each other a quick glance before ducking into an alleyway. The Daask members run by, failing to detect the two. After waiting for the sound of footsteps to die down, the two step back out onto the road. Kyr exhales through her nose. "...we might still be able to catch Kal. Come on." Kyr leads the way as she runs down back the way they came.
0 notes
Chapter Four.
I was hungry. And when food became less and less appealing to me there was nothing I could do but starve.
I laughed to myself as I sat in the edge of my bed. "Is this what it felt like to die?" I asked in a huff, almost in tears.
I couldn't say that it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but I had to figure out what was wrong with me, I had to eat.
And little did I know, as I was walking under the midnight moon, which was barely shining tonight, unusual on a regular Californian night but tonight I was focused, and feeling more grim than normal.
My phone was blowing up, but I ignored it. I didn't care. And like a flash of pain on my lower back something knocked me off my feet, causing me to fly forward almost three or four yards and a blinding light coming from behind me.
I crawled to my feet, with an aching pain in my neck that wanted me to stay laying on the floor, there was a person wearing all black, ripped jeans and a pair of old dusty combat boots standing in front of a old 1997 charger with the door wide open and the person standing in front of the headlights. Mouth was wide open.
I didn't know what to say. That car should have killed me and it caught me by surprise. The only thing I could sensibly imagine was "That should have killed me.." I whispered. Letting out word vomit was far beneath me, that I hated a lot of people that loved to talk just to talk, it was all I could think.
The person came running to my now standing body. It was a tall male about 6 feet tall with long black hair he had gelled back into a messy mohawk that you could tell he did hair after a long night of adventures. He was pale and every feature about him seemed elongated. Handsome. And he smelled like mint.
"It's okay, you don't have to stand up..." He huffed in a panic. "I can... I can drive you to the hospital." He said almost talking to himself,.like he had a good idea.
Honestly? I couldn't think. The smell of his boyish charm coming from his cologne only sprayed on his neck was appealing and almost blinding of the pain. Why was he standing so close to me?
"I'm... I'm actually okay." I whispered not thinking about what he would say, or think, or what he would react.
But when I looked him in his eyes he became calm. I knew then I could smell his blood. And it was loud. Right over the pain of my stomach and I knew then, what I wanted to eat..
When he didn't react to my single sentence, I gave in and rolled my eyes. I pretended to faint and only after a quick gasp he caught me in his arms giving me a strong whiff of his cologne. (As of I needed it.)
It turns out as he was rushing me to the back seat of his raggedy ass charger, his was talking to himself almost, and in a haze I realized I was dizzier than I thought, but he was talking out loud, not to himself, but to me.
""My name is Charlie, my friends call me Charles. It's gonna be okay, I'm gonna take you straight to the hospital. I'll tell them everything that happen. Oh god... You're gonna be okay."
He wanted, gently laying me in the back seat.
And at the perfect time I looked him in the eyes, and he freezes. Noticing his arms wrapped around me in a romantic way. Silence.
Then he mutters to himself and before a another second could pass I was pressing my lips against his.
I felt his body relax as our lips locked and it was undeniable in the air that I had him exactly where I wanted him.
We open our eyes at the same time and our eyes locked.
There was a long moment of silence until I broke it whispering to him " It's... It's okay.." I confirmed. "My name is... My name is..." And before I could finish the sentence the faint Feeling and the pain in my neck and lower back took over me and I passed out.
* * * X*x*x*L O V E R B O Y Z*D I E*I N*T H E*S C A R Y*M O V I E S*x*x*X
When I woke up I was in my own bed.
"Just drive me home." I whispered in his ear.
I officially woke up having flashbacks from last night, which was officially the weirdest night of my life, and that's saying something seeing how I got sacrificed last Friday night.
I stood to my feet after climbing out of my bed to go to my bathroom. The I knew it. Trust me, as a gay boy, you know it when you in the morning after because you're sore in places where you can't tell people in a everyday conversation, and yet proud of what you did last night. The soreness becomes a kind of trophy. Trust me I just know.
I remember the handsome boy in a flash of memory from last night, his cologne, his charming smile, his clothes, and his tattoos, and long hair. I had sex last night.
The mystery boy and me laid on the backseat of his old 1997 charger, and had sex. I had sex!! With someone I didn't even know. Which was that weird for somebody like me, but it was.morw the fact we met?? Because he literally hit me with his car.
I smile to myself. Remembering he dropped me off at sunrise. "When will I see you again?" He asked me before I smiled to him and got out of the car.
"Umm.." I didn't know exactly what the say. We laughed to ourselves like kids each smiling out of the window the whole way home.
"I know! There's a college party this Saturday, I should come and pick you up!" He suggested as he hesitate to look up at me.
When he did our eyes locked as I confirmed to him without words.
"Sure." I said after dancing away without a second of hesitation.ir giving him a single second to say anything else. I was gone.
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Kuroshitsuji One-Shots
Summary: A collection of one-shots centred around the characters of Kuroshitsuji/Black Butler, based around various prompts I find over the internet.
Chapter 1: One-Shot Guide
Chapter Text
NSFW Tags:
NSFW-S = Not Safe For Work-Smut
NSFW-V = Not Safe For Work-Violence
NSFW-D = Not Safe For Work-Death
SFW Tags:
SFW-Fa = Safe For Work-Family
SFW-Fl = Safe For Work-Fluff
SFW-G = Safe For Work-Generic
SFW-H/C = Safe For Work-Hurt/Comfort
SFW-Co = Safe For Work-Comfort
SFW-ER = Safe For Work-Established Relationship
Also, you may have seen a lot of these already, as I published them before on here. However, I wanted all of the one-shots put together, though, so they're a bit neater. So apologies for any confusion I may have caused. :)
{{ C i e l . P h a n t o m h i v e }}
Guardian Angel | Chapter One (( SFW-H/C; SFW-Fa; NSFW-V ))
Halloween Night | Chapter Two (( SFW-Fl; SFW-G; pre-Kuroshitsuji ))
{{ M e y - R i n }}
Don't Hurt Him! | Chapter Three ((SFW-G; NSFW-V; SFW-C ))
{{ U n d e r t a k e r }}
Massages | Chapter Four ((SFW-G; SFW-Fl ))
Chapter 2: Guardian Angel | Ciel Phantomhive
what if the demon was late?
originally published: n/a
sort-of edited: 17/03/2020
Chapter Text
The first tug came at night, midnight to be precise, when you were watching over a child who'd lost her way. You had been so focused on this lost child, watching intently as her smile became less fake and more genuine, her once-dull eyes sparkling with sincere happiness, that you hadn't even realised there was a tug.
When you finally did realise, it was so faint, almost hesitant, that you almost just passed it off as nothing. It couldn't be anything. After all, all those who call to an Angel are desperate; there would never be a single ounce of hesitance.
So you shook your head and ignored it- or tried to. Despite what you had been taught, you shrugged it off as nothing and tried to ignore it, so very sure of yourself, and slowly but surely it worked.
Until it just didn't.
The sky had been clear of clouds that day, allowing the bright sun rays to beam down upon the happy passerby, a gentle wind ruffling their hair and outfits. It had been peaceful, happy- and yet you were not.
The tug was there, still hesitant, still faint, but there was this feeling now. This odd, strange feeling of...something. You weren't sure what it was - dread? fear? sorrow? - but it was strong, so very strong that when it hit you, you had to stop, clench your eyes shut and take a few deep breaths, head pounding and feet stumbling whenever you moved.
But then it disappeared. The feeling was there one second and gone the next, leaving you to go back to normal- but you didn't. You couldn't. Despite the hesitance, despite the faint tug, that feeling - odd, desperate - had been too much, too strong to just ignore, but you couldn't go. Even if you wanted to help - which you found you did -, you didn't even know who was calling. There was no certain direction, just a faint tug and an odd feeling.
You didn't want to give up (Angels don't give up on Humans, no matter what), but-.
Before you could continue that train of thought, however, that feeling came back, along with that tug but- but it was different. The feeling was stronger, the tug no longer hesitant. This person, they wanted your help, now! Needed it, in fact but how?
Again, you did not know where to go. You suddenly felt helpless, and you dreaded the thought that not all of this helplessness was from yourself.
Gripping the tree you had been walking by that day, you clenched your eyes shut, took a couple of deep breaths, and tried to block your surroundings out. It took a little longer than normal - though you were sure that was due to your overwhelming emotions - but finally, you managed to do it, and soon your mind was searching.
You could picture yourself moving from place to place, different buildings quickly moulding into one, people walking by turning into just blurring movement- and then you stopped.
There, in front of you, was a church. An ordinary church, that you would've probably thought nothing of under different circumstances. Maybe you would have gone inside, but you certainly would not have thought anything so tragically desperate would be inside.
You could feel the slight simmer of anger bubble in your stomach, but you quickly quenched it.
No, don't get angry. Be calm and help whoever needs your help. You scolded yourself. Opening your eyes, you took off running, hitching up your skirt so you wouldn't trip and fall. You didn't have any time to waste, you needed to get there quickly.
As you ran you could feel the glances and hear the snickers but you ignored them. None of these people was as important to you as this desperate being was suddenly.
People shrieked and shouted at you as you bumped into them, hastily apologising but they didn't matter, because suddenly the church was in front of you. You never knew a church could be as imposing as it was now, and you had been in plenty of them, always reminding yourself to say hello to Father.
A church should not be terrifying, you thought, angry at anybody who made it so.
Suddenly you felt the tug become stronger like somebody had hold of your hand in a tight grip and was dragging you in. You shook your head, soothing the anger away, and ran straight up to the doors, making sure not to trip over your skirt or feet. You practically threw yourself at the door.
You were making enough noise to get anybody's attention but you didn't care. Instead, you continued to throw yourself at the door, again and again, until finally, the doors opened and in you stumbled, straight to the floor.
You huffed at the strand of hair that fell into your eyes and scrambled your way upwards. You took one step- but stopped, because there, right there, in front of you were people. People dressed in dark robes. They looked as imposing and terrifying as ever, and if those robes weren't enough, the fact that they stood in front of a table, on which a young boy laid, eyes wide and searching desperately around him for someone to help.
Eh...what? This- this...? What? Why are they-? These are children of God, they- they wouldn't-... Would they? Why though? No, they can't but it's right there, the proof that they are.
A light glint blinded you for a second, and you looked up, just in time to see one of the robed people lift up a dagger, right above the boy's heart. You can't remember much of what happened next; just the sound of the boy's scream, mixed with the terrified shouts of the robed people and a loud clatter to the floor where the dagger now laid, and then- nothing.
You blinked a few times - once, twice, thrice - and looked around, wincing when you saw the bodies on the floor.
Are they-? Have I just-?
One of the people groaned and your head snapped in their direction, but their eyes were still closed, chest still lifting (though barely). They weren't dead, just gravely injured.... You weren't sure whether to be happy about that or not.
A light whimper brought your attention back to the boy in front of you and you turned, taking in the boy. He was skinny, too skinny, as evident by his hollow cheeks, and he wore nothing but a white button-up that stopped half-way to his thighs. His eyes, dark blue and wide, were showing fear, pure fear as they took you in, and you realised he was terrified of you.
As much as this hurt you, you understood. If you had been placed in his shoes, you would be too, fearful of any living thing. You didn't want to scare him though, so you took a deep breath and calmly smiled, keeping a good enough distance between the two of you.
"Hello, mister." You calmly said. He winced which caused you to wince as well. He seemed to want to shrink into himself, but he didn't. For some strange reason, he didn't. Instead, he tried to appear strong, undefeated, which may have worked had it not been for how tired and scared his eyes looked.
No amount of hiding could prevent you - who had seen eyes as hallow as his before - from seeing how broken this boy was.
And if there's anything I do best, it's helping people, you thought and decided right then and there, that you would be the one to help him. He called to you, though unknowingly (as most often do). This young, broken boy wanted somebody, anybody to help him, and that you can and will do.
"Let's get you out of these chains, shall we?" You carefully spoke, your voice gentle and soft, and waited for him to let you. You did not want to rush things.
He took a while, seemingly debating whether or not to let you near, but eventually he sighed and laid his head down, nodding ever-so-softly. You carefully walked over, swiftly taking the chains off of his ankles and wrists. You watched for any sudden movements from the boy, but he seemed too tired to even keep his eyes open, let alone fight you.
"Are you going to kill me?" The boy suddenly spoke and you froze, halfway between walking closer to him. You were going to ask if you could pick him up, so you could take him home and care for him there when he had spoken. His voice was as broken as his eyes were, hoarse and quiet at the same time. You dreaded to think about what had caused such hoarseness.
"Of course, not." You answered. The offence you felt altered how hard your tone was just a little and your eyes narrowed a little at such a thought. You were not those horrible, nasty people currently laying on the ground. You were here to protect him, not hurt him, and you said as much.
He did not seem to believe you but he also did not seem to care, and when you asked to pick him up, you got the slightest reaction from his body freezing up before it relaxed and he nodded silently.
Carefully, mindful of the cuts and bruises (which became more obvious the closer you looked), you placed one arm around his back and the other under his legs and carefully lifted him up, cradling him close to your chest.
As you turned, you carefully stepped over the men below, making sure not to trip and drop the boy. The young boy yawned as he curled into your embrace, though he tried to hide it, and you smiled gently at him, eyes shining with all the love and care a mother's eyes would.
"Get some sleep, my dear boy. I'll wake you when we get home." You said gently, and he did not waste a second to listen, eyes slipping close and his chest evening out a second later. His face, though still hollow and broken, looked quite peaceful, and you had a feeling this was the first time he had been at peace.
Your smile widened a little. Yes, you were going to care for him, treat him as one of your own, teach him and love him. You would be his Guardian Angel, and you promised to whoever would listen, that if anybody hurt him, they would have you to pay to.
Chapter 3: Don't Hurt Him! | Meyrin
originally published: n/a
edited: n/a
written as a request for a male reader x meyrin
Chapter Text
"Remember our deal."
He remembered resisting the urge to gulp as he nodded, eyes cast down despite his head facing straight ahead. He wasn't to look him in the eyes or else the other would think he was challenging him, and that's the last thing he wanted. (Y/N) couldn't even think of doing so without thought of what would happen to his parents appearing in his head as well.
So, he nodded, waited for his glaring to stop and for the other to turn away, and then left the room, dressed nicely and neatly. He looked like a true gentleman, dressed handsomely in a black suit and white dress shirt.
Black dress shoes clicked against the floor as he walked, and for a second (Y/N) felt like the king of the world—and then the carriage pulled up and it all dispersed.
Now, here he was, sitting in the too-fancy carriage, dressed in his too-fancy clothing, pretending to be a too-fancy bastard of a man; and to make matters worse he was nearly at the manor of Earl Phantomhive, the boy who after disappearing for a while, came back and reclaimed his rightful title of Earl Phantomhive like nothing had happened.
Everybody has heard of him—it's hard not to—but no one knew where he'd disappeared to, what happened to him to make the once lively boy turn so cold, and how he arrived with a butler in tow.
No one even knew who the butler was, just that he was extremely skilled in his job and, as (Y/N) noticed (and refused to admit, was quite envious of) made quite a few girls swoon.
The Earl Phantomhive intrigued him, a little but there was just something there that...scared him more. And now he was in front of the Phantomhive Manor, which only served to tighten the nerves he had whenever he thought about the whole situation.
Somewhere in that large building—maybe behind the front doors, maybe in his office— was the young Earl, waiting patiently (or impatiently) for his new guest to arrive. He was probably eager to go to bed, or at least relax. (Y/N) sure were.
The sound of the carriage door opening brought him back to reality, and (Y/N) looked up, eyes wide for a second before he quickly replaced his startled expression with a clear one, making sure to show only an appropriate amount of surprise before smiling at the tall man politely.
The butler—you assumed at least, he was dressed as such—did nothing but continue to stare at him, and he coughed awkwardly, eager to get out of the man's sight.
Standing up, (Y/N) walked over to the entrance, carefully stepped down the stairs and thanked the butler, to which he replied simply with a closed-eye smile and a soft bow.
Alright then, he thought and resisted the urge to cough again. He turned towards the manor.
It was as large and imposing as he had thought it would be. (Y/N) felt his heartbeat quicken and he gulped, watching as the butler worked ahead and disappeared within the manor before taking a deep breath and preparing himself.
Get in, get the required files, and then get out. Simple... yes, simple.
Ignoring the voice inside his head that shouted it would be anything but, (Y/N) followed after the butler inside the manor.
This will be easy...ish...maybe...hopefully.
As soon as he was inside the manor, the door was shut behind him and (Y/N) was led to Earl Phantomhive's office. It didn't take too long to get there, though maybe that was because he was nervous.
Time always seemed to sped up when he didn't want it to.
(Y/N) clenched his teeth and tried to focus on breathing quietly through his nose.
Don't panic, (Y/N). Don't panic.
Walking into the room, the first thing he noticed was how...ordinary the office appeared to be. He wasn't sure what he'd expected but this wasn't it.
Lining the wall were shelves and cabinets of books and more books, all of which he knew he couldn't read. They appeared to be quite old, from the condition of them anyway. The carpet looked soft and matched the dark atmosphere in the room. There was a desk situated in front of the door but closer to the opposite side of the room, where a large window lay behind him. There was also a chair in front of the desk, closer to him, but he wasn't sure whether to sit down or not. So, instead, (Y/N) lingered, hovering just behind the chair.
The chair behind the desk suddenly turned, and the image of the Earl dressed up like some comedic villain popped inside his head. What would've made it better, was if there'd been a cat in his arms.
He'd never seen the Earl but it wasn't strange to think that he was an adult. His reputation was usually only made by one twice his age, and yet here he was, a child of mere eleven or twelve.
And that was when (Y/N) realised that no, he was not a villain. Just a child trying to be older than he actually was.
A faint swing of sorrow pooled in the pit of his stomach. He knew what it was like having to grow up so quickly.
But then he switched his gaze from his butler to him and (Y/N) froze, realising that his age meant nothing. He deserved that reputation of danger.
He wasn't sure how long the gaze lasted (though it felt like forever), but when the Earl finally turned away he couldn't help but breathe out a silent sigh of relief.
"Please, have a seat." Earl Phantomhive said, though his tone left no move to question. He wasn't asking. (Y/N) finally sat down in one quick move, placing his hands in his lap as he'd seen the master do before.
(Y/N) tried to resist the urge to fiddle with his fingers and instead focused on the Earl. All he wanted to do was run and hide—sitting under that gaze was the most terrifying thing he's ever experienced, and he had to grow up with the Abbott twins.
Little demons they were.
"So, Lord... Abbott, am I correct?" He began and (Y/N) quickly snapped back to attention, keeping his face as neutral as he could.
"Yes, that is correct."
And unsure of what to do next, he decided to simply outstretch his hand for a handshake. Master Abbott had done so many times to those he had over as guests. But a quirked eyebrow caused him to quickly withdraw his arm.
He coughed awkwardly before settling on just staying silent. (Y/N) rose his chin a little, hoping he looked as professional as Master Abbott.
Be like Lord Abbott!
It wasn't as easy as one might expect; Earl Phantomhive kept asking questions, and he had to answer them at a reasonable speed, with a certain air of indifferent politeness and all without stuttering.
Goodness, why was this so hard?
All (Y/N) wanted to do was grab the files and then leave, but he couldn't. He couldn't do it until both the Earl and his butler left but neither seemed ready to leave just yet. He was frozen to his chair too.
And of course, it didn't help that he seemed to see right through (Y/N)'s facade. That ever-present frown only seemed to deepen more every second. He could feel it was only a matter of time before something happened.
There were so many things that could go wrong, so many punishments he would suffer—and not just from Earl Phantomhive.
As time passed, (Y/N) felt the urge to run and hide mix with the urge to scream, and he wasn't sure how much of this he could deal with—and then there was a loud crash right outside of the office, cutting the Earl off halfway through.
With an annoyed sigh, he gestured for the butler to go see. The butler nodded, bowed politely and with that closed-eye, tight-lipped smile he'd seen earlier, he left the room, shutting the door quietly.
Then it was just (Y/N) and the Earl but the air, though still somewhat tense, got a little easier to breathe in. (Y/N) took a deep breath, in through his nose and silently out through his mouth, before turning back to the Earl—and then froze.
Oh, no, he was wrong. Though the air became a little less tense, the Earl had not. In fact, his frown depended even more, more so that now it looked downright murderous. (Y/N) gulped before he could stop himself, and suddenly he realised he needed to leave. Now!
(Y/N) will suffer the punishment of his master if it meant getting out of this godforsaken manor!
"E-eh," He stuttered, coughing quickly to try and disguise it, "I- Well, I must say it's getting quite late. I mu-must get going, I wouldn't wa-want to impose a-any longer. Th-thank you for, um, agreeing to this rather erupt meeting, and I-I hope to sp-speak with you again s-soon."
(Y/N) stood as he spoke, hoping against all hope that he wouldn't question the stuttering and just allow him to leave. Making sure he had everything he'd came with, (Y/N) began to back up towards the door, an almost-primal fear refusing to allow him to turn his back to him.
The Earl watched him, eyes still narrowed and frown still evident, and (Y/N) made sure to maintain polite eye contact, afraid of what may happen if he didn't.
All too soon, he hit the door. (Y/N) couldn't stop the yelp from breaking free, though he refused to let it stop him. He felt for the doorknob and quickly turned it, opening the door.
(Y/N) bowed as a final farewell and turned, eager to leave—only to crash right into a firm chest. A quick glance upwards showed it was the butler, and he apologised hastily, shoving right past him.
It took everything to not run. He could feel the butler's gaze burn itself into his back, and only when he turned the corner did (Y/N) feel it was safe enough to breathe. It came out shaky, though, and a wave of dizziness threatened to overtake him.
Fingers clenched into a fist and he focused solely on breathing, placing a quivering hand against his racing heart.
Eyes slipping closed, he took one, two, three deep breaths and slowly, (Y/N) felt his heartbeat decrease to a healthy speed. He felt he could actually get out of this without a panic attack.
Unfortunately, (Y/N) wasn't paying any attention to his surroundings, and if he had he would've become aware of the ever-increasing shadows and how they seemed to grow darker.
As it was, he didn't realise the atmosphere becoming colder, darker to the point of suffocation—and then it stopped. He blinked his eyes open and took a step forward, paused, wondered why the hallway felt...weird, and then shrugged.
It didn't matter. Just leave.
(Y/N) speed-walked down the hallway, head dead but eyes flickering left and right. The reputation of the servants was just as well-known and dangerous as that of the Earl and his butler. It was said they were just as, if not more, deadly than the Earl himself.
Some said they knew how to kill without so much as a droplet of blood as evidence. Some said they were monsters masquerading as men. Some even said the maid herself could clean up one murder while she committed another at the same time.
There were many rumours concerning this manor and its residents, and he wasn't sure he really wanted to know the truth.
Finally, the stairs came into view and his walking sped up a little. (Y/N) was so focused on how close to the front door, to freedom that he hadn't even realised there was another person with him— not until he felt a hand on his shoulder, however.
Panicking, (Y/N) turned quickly, arms flailing a little in surprise. His eyes went wide as they took in the person who'd grabbed him, and (Y/N) took a step back upon realising it was the butler.
How? How did he get here so quick? Was there a secret passageway he wasn't aware of? Could he just run really fast? (Y/N) didn't know and frankly, he didn't care. He just wanted to get as far away from him as possible, away from those piercing red eyes—!
Suddenly, he felt the air woosh up from underneath him, and then he was falling. Oh yeah, (Y/N) had forgotten the steps were behind him.
The fall seemed to last forever. He hit every step with a painful thud, and every pray for it to finally end seemed to remain ignored.
Until finally it was over.
He was sprawled out at the bottom of the steps, body aching all over. His legs hurt, his arms hurt, his chest hurt, everything hurt. Even groaning seemed to only succeed at hurting his head more.
Slowly, (Y/N) sat up, eyes gazing around. For a moment he felt light, too far away to recognise the footsteps—and then he froze. Those footsteps belonged to the butler himself, and he was getting closer and closer. He looked like a predator, closing in on his prey at a slow speed—like he knew there was no getting away for (Y/N).
He could still see those eyes, glowing in the dark, illuminating his pale skin with a sickly glow. The shadows trailing after him seemed to grow and he felt a primal fear eat away at his heart. (Y/N) tried to stand, and when that failed he tried to scramble away, hands and feet clumsy as they tried to back as far away from him as possible.
The aches were still there though, stopping him from moving much. All too soon his legs collapsed, a dull ache pulsing through his limbs but he didn't stop. Finally reaching the bottom of the stairs, he continued to stalk towards (Y/N) and for a fleeting moment, the image of bloody claws holding his torn-apart remains appeared inside his head.
(Y/N) didn't want to see that. He didn't want to see what he would do. So he clenched his eyes shut and turned away, body tense in preparation for an attack.
Nothing happened.
He kept his eyes shut, just in case, but minutes passed and nothing happened. (Y/N) continued to breathe, body aching only from the fall down the stairs. Risking it, he slowly peaked an eye open—and gasped when he saw a tallish figure standing in front of him, her back turned to him.
She had her arms raised in front of her but he couldn't see what, if anything, she had in her hands. Her body was tense, though, and (Y/N) had a feeling she was incredibly furious. The only problem was, why?
He assumed this was the maid of the manor, someone he'd never met but one of the servants he'd heard many things about. He'd imagined many ways he might've met her but this? This was not one of them.
Why was she defending him? What was she doing?
"Step away from him, Master Sebastian." She said, her voice even. There was a hidden...something there, however, underneath the calmness of her voice, and he wasn't sure what was worse—Mr Michaelis or this maid.
The butler stood straighter and even from his awkward angle, (Y/N) could see the shock on his face. But in the next second, it was gone, replaced quickly with a smirk. He stepped forward, hand curling inwards a little, and for a split second, he was sure the other man was about to attack the woman.
It was this fear that made (Y/N) lurch forward, aches long-forgotten in favour of hopefully taking the brunt of the attack. He wouldn't allow another person to get hurt because of him.
"Sebastian! My tea!" came the well-timed voice of the Earl, and it was like a switch had flipped. Mr Michaelis stopped and stood up, his smirk replaced with a gentle smile. Bowing, he turned and left back up the stairs.
(Y/N) wasn't sure what had happened or how he'd survived all of this, but what he did know was that he still had to go back home. He wasn't looking forward to that.
I just survived one hell, he thought, I'm not sure I'll survive that one.
(Y/N) turned back to the woman. She was still quite tense. In fact, she didn't relax until the butler was completely out of sight, and even then her shoulders were still raised just a little. Like she expected him to come back any second.
Still, there was an air about her that gave him the feeling she was only seconds away from collapsing, and unsure if she was about to, he stepped forward, hands outstretched. Moving, however, was the wrong thing to do, as his head decided to remind him.
Dizziness quickly washed over, blinding him for a moment. (Y/N) stumbled and fell, landing hard on the marble floor. Ugh, that hurt more than he thought.
Startled by the noise of his fall, the woman finally turned away from the stairs, plum-red pigtails bouncing at how quickly she turned. Her eyes went wide as soon as she saw him on the floor; she knelt down to fuss about.
Carefully, she shifted him into a sitting position. As her hands fluttered about to check for any injuries, he took the time to take her in and goodness, was she a beauty. She must have been an angel in fact.
She was just so beautiful, her eyes so kind and so very unlike the terrifying girl before. Her eyes, once covered by glasses, were now clear and he could see the hazel colour in them. They seemed to draw him in, and (Y/N) almost didn't want to look away.
Suddenly they went wide and he blinked— and then gasped as he shot backwards, his own eyes widening. He hadn't realised just how close he was leaning in. Their lips were almost touching!
"I'm so sorry!" (Y/N) exclaimed as the woman's face burned red. She let him go and fell backwards, scrambling a couple feet away. He groaned as he hit the ground again and his body ached twice as much.
Honestly, it was all his body was doing lately, aching like mad, and he just really wanted it to stop. A headache began to form and a wariness washed over him. He could fall asleep, right here on the floor, Master Abbott and Earl Phantomhive be damned.
The ground was cold enough to cool down his warm skin and maybe some sleep will do him some good. God knows he needed it.
The maid decided to reappear in front of him, though, halting his plans of sleep. Her face was now a faint pink and her eyes were a little less wide, a few strands of hair framing her round face. (Y/N) stared up at her, taking in the smile she gave him and he couldn't help but give a tired version back.
Finally, she stood and held out a hand to help him up, careful not to drop him again.
"Sorry for letting go, Master Abbott. Please, let me take you to the living room and I'll go and speak with the Master." Her voice was softer than before and it was a balm on his tired mind.
(Y/N) nodded, too tired to fight and caught up in the care he so rarely got to care about anything else. She guided him to the living room, gently pushing him down to the sofa and (Y/N) watched as she made sure he was comfortable before leaving.
Time passed by. He wasn't sure if it was quick or slow, he wasn't paying any attention. The part of his mind that was fogged with fatigue was thinking about warm brown eyes and a kind presence.
The room felt empty and cold without her, actually, and if he had been any more awake, he would've realised just how dangerous him still being here was. The butler could come back, finish what he began. The earl could realise his true identity. Someone could call Master Abbott, he could come and get him. The punishment he'd receive...
(Y/N) shivered and wrapped his arms around himself. Shoving those thoughts out of his mind, (Y/N) tried to focus on something else—warm eyes, kindness, a gentle smile—and soon his eyes began to droop lower and lower.
Fatigue finally took ahold and even the promised punishments awaiting him at home couldn't stop him from slipping off. He didn't care, he just wanted to sleep.
It took another hour before Meyrin finally managed to leave, having got the Master to finally agree with her plan. Stepping inside the room, she opened her mouth to speak, only to freeze. Oh, the young man was asleep.
Quietly, she stepped over to him. A peaceful expression softened his features and a warmth formed in the pit of her belly. Her heart skipped a beat. He was beautiful.
She frowned.
But she had a feeling this was the first proper sleep he'd gotten in a while. Well, she can wait until he was awake to explain.
There was no need to rush things—Master Ciel had already agreed to allow him to stay here, and though she wasn't sure how she knew neither she nor he had to worry about the real Master Abbott trying to take him away.
He was safe, here. She'd make sure of it.
She turned, left and reappeared with a warm blanket, draping it over his shivering form. The shivers subdued a little and the man snuggled deeper into the warmth.
Yeah, she'd protect him. He wouldn't ever go through the abuse she could so clearly see in his eyes, ever again.
And with a heart full of determination, she quietly left the room to prepare another room.
Chapter 4: halloween night | ciel phantomhive
originally published: n/a
edited: 25/03/2020 (sort of, though about halfway through/nearer the end, I got bored)
pre-kuroshitsuji, so the characters are younger versions.
Chapter Text
To say you were excited would've been a gross understatement.
If anybody were to have asked how excited you were, you wouldn’t have been able to reply for you were practically bouncing in your seat. Even your mother kept giving you looks to stop, scolding you when you didn't.
It wasn't for lack of trying. You had, you just couldn't. Excitement won over.
The scenery of the forest surrounding the carriage faded in a blur of dull colours, and you stared out. Your mind remained elsewhere, however, as you pictured what the night ahead would involve.
It had become a tradition for your family to go around your mother’s best friend’s house, allowing your parents to catch up with the adults of the household while the children got to play.
Their son was a quiet boy. Ciel Phantomhive was his name and he preferred the confines of his own mind than anything. Still, there were times he came over and spoke to you, and you didn't mind when he didn't, taking advantage of the library to read. You were always in each other's company, though, and it never got awkward.
You liked spending time with him, no matter what it was you were doing. Of course, your parents took advantage of this and decided to arrange a marriage between both of you.
You would become (Y/N) Phantomhive at the age of sixteen, so they wanted you two to spend as much time as possible with each other, to get to know each other better.
You knew your parents were planning something that involved the two of you, but you didn't really care. You just liked his company.
The carriage came to a sudden stop and you lurched forward a little, stopped only by the nails you dug into the seat. You waited eagerly as the Phantomhive's butler opened the door for you and your parents and then wasted no time in running out, shouting a quick 'thank you' to Tanaka.
Your mother took her time, carefully stepping down the two steps. She held her dress up like a lady as she did so, and then waited for her husband before following after you. They were taking their time in reaching you, and you were almost tempted to tell them to hurry up.
But the door was already opening and your attention was taken by the maid who opened it, smiling down at you with a soft smile.
"Hello, my lord/lady.” She said and then stepped aside to let you in. You thanked her with a quick nod and a huge smile, running inside. You barely managed to skid to a stop on the marble floor when you saw Mr and Mrs Phantomhive walk into the room.
You hated these floors, especially when you were in a hurry; they were always so slippery.
"Don’t run, (Y/N)!” Your mother called out to you, not quite raising her voice though the annoyance made it sound louder anyway, and you winced, turning with an apologetic look.
“Sorry, Mother.” You answered, and your mother merely sighed.
Mrs Phantomhive chuckled and smiled down at you, waving to you. You bowed with your own polite smile and waved back, and when she complimented your choice of costume, you thanked you with a beaming, proud smile.
It was a dark blue outfit with ruffles on the sleeves to act as feathers, though you also added a pair of black wings and a black cape. 'I'm a witch Demon!' You had explained when your mother had questioned, and though she looked a little uncomfortable, she soon enough shrugged it away when your father came in wearing something similar, though he continued to say it was a 'vampire's costume'.
As you focused on your surroundings, trying to find the youngest Phantomhive, you wondered what his costume would be.
“Ciel is in the library." Rachel Phantomhive explained, catching on to who you were trying to find, "Why don’t you go say ‘hello’?” You nodded and ran up the stairs, down the hall and into the library.
“Ciel!” You exclaimed in happiness, only to pause at the wince he gave to your sudden entrance. You frowned. Oh, yes, he hates sudden surprises. Damn it, why did you forget?
"Sorry.” You said quietly with a sheepish frown and walked over to him, sitting down beside him. You took in what he was wearing; a brown shirt with a white waistcoat and jacket, the waistcoat buttoned up, and the shirt tucked into white, knee-length trousers. His usual dark almost-knee-length socks were held up with the usual clip and slipped over white, slight-heeled shoes. A black, white-striped mini top hat sat askew on his head. He looked quite nice, like a ghostly prince, and certainly the opposite of your dark outfit.
You were like polar opposites, and not just in costume. Though you didn't mind; sometimes, his quieter presence helped calm you. You suddenly remembered you were just staring at him and looked away.
"What are you reading?” You asked, curious as to what had captured his interest, and eager to get rid of the tension; and after a moment of silence, Ciel began his usual quiet speech of the book and what he loved about it.
For the first half of the night, you spent most of it with Ciel, just talking about different things (usually different books; he had currently been quite fond of the Sherlock Holmes series, which his mother didn’t want him reading but he continued to anyway), and it was nice. You were enjoying his company, and though it wasn’t as obvious - especially not to you -, he was enjoying yours, a light blush on his cheeks as you spoke.
When Tanaka finally arrived to announce the beginning of the party, you had to hold in the urge to run so you would walk alongside Ciel, who walked at a reluctant pace. He wasn't as excited about it, and you knew he hated crowds, especially the one's parties brought.
So you were trying to go at his pace, hoping to soothe any possible nerves he may have had about it.
Still, when you walked into the large ballroom to see the entire room had been decorated beautifully to fit the spooky night of Halloween, you couldn't help but jump in excitement.
Ciel looked over at you, one eyebrow raised at your antics and if you weren’t mistaken, a tiny smile formed on his face. You beamed at him and grabbed his hand, dragging him over to the food table.
Most of the party-goers were currently mingling, so the food table was the least populated. You hoped it helped him ignore the crowds, and besides, you also wanted to try some of the food.
You took a biscuit iced with green icing, and bit into it, savouring the sweet taste. Ciel grabbed a biscuit too, biting into it, and he must have liked it if the little he gave was any indication. You laughed.
As always, Ciel loved his sugary things, and anything topped with sweet icing will definitely get his attention.
“Like it, Ciel?” You asked, wanting to see the blush on his face, and you did. His cheeks brightened and he looked away, quickly finishing the biscuit as if you would forget everything once it was gone. You wouldn't tease him though, you loved sugary things too.
The music suddenly started, orchestrated by Tanaka and a couple of the maids who played the piano, and your eyes widened at the idea of dancing. Quickly gulping down the biscuit, you wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, ignoring the look of disappointment your mother sent your way due to your rude behaviour and grabbed Ciel’s hand.
You moved to the edge of the dance floor, away from the rest of those dancing, and began dancing yourself. You let his hand go to get properly involved, bouncing and swaying to the noise.
You didn't care if you looked silly or childish. You were having fun. Though, you noticed Ciel wasn’t moving as much - if at all - and grabbed his hands, moving his arms back and forth a little to get him moving.
Finally, he gave in, focusing on your happiness and ignoring the looks the adults sent your way.
Ciel and you danced all night, only taking small breaks for food and drink. You had a fun night, even when Lady Elizabeth arrived with her parents and older brother, rushing into the area with wide eyes.
As soon as she saw Ciel, she had ran over, bumping you out of the way to tackle-hug the shy boy, and when he sent you a ‘help me’ look, you did, stepping forward to do... something.
What, you didn't know. Elizabeth was like a dog with a bone, especially when it came to Ciel, and trying to get anywhere near Ciel when she was there was a nightmare.
And for the rest of the night, she proved as difficult as ever. You ended up on the other side of the dance floor, sitting beside your parents and trying to ignore the feelings of annoyance and jealousy you didn't understand as you watched the other two.
Finally, it was quite late into the night. Lady Rachel announced that your family and Lady Elizabeth’s would be staying overnight due to how late it was, and though you tried to say you weren’t tired, that you still wanted the chance to continue playing with Ciel, your mind refused to cooperate with you and your mouth opened wide only for a yawn to come out, loud and clear.
Your mother chuckled and said, “Of course you’re not tired, my dear.”
You huffed and tried not to yawn again as you said, “Can I say goodnight to Ciel first, please?” You really wanted to see Ciel before you retired to bed because as soon as Elizabeth arrived, you hadn’t managed to spend as much pent any time with him, the girl determined to spend all of the night with him.
Your mother sighed and nodded, and you wasted no time in running off, not wanting to risk the chance your mother changed her mind.
“Ciel!” You called, making him stop and turn. His eyes lit up a little at the sight of you and you beamed, wrapping your arms around him as soon as you reached him. You were a little surprised when he didn't hesitate in hugging back but assumed he was just tired.
Though you didn't mind. The hug was nice and you almost didn't want to leave it, but you forced yourself to before it got awkward. As you pulled away, you pecked him on the cheek and then stood back.
“Goodnight Ciel.”
He flushed a bright crimson at the kiss, freezing, and for a moment you feared you had broken him. Then he nodded, gave you a peck of his own, and ran off. Your cheeks flushed bright red as your face almost split into a wide grin, but when your mother called, you followed and ignored the curious look she gave you.
When your mother tucked you into bed, saying goodnight, you responded and closed your eyes. You dreamt of a shy boy with eyes as bright as the darkest night sky and a smile that could turn wicked, and unknowingly, you hoped for a future with Ciel Phantomhive in it, a happy and peaceful one.
Chapter 5: massages | undertaker
originally published: n/a
edited: 28/03/2020
Chapter Text
The stress was as clear as day.
Though he held no frown upon his face and no sigh escaped his lips, his smile dimmed a little, his fingers tapped a second longer, his eyes remained unfocused more often and his back was more hunched, more tensed.
It was easy to see but only because you knew him, not because he told you, the stubborn arse.
The Undertaker was, as stated, a stubborn man, and as far as he was concerned, if he did not need to say anything, he would not. It was just unfortunate that the things he deemed 'not worth' talking about weren't the same as you.
He'd pretend everything was okay if it meant he didn't have to 'worry' you, and honestly, it annoyed you to no end. It frustrated you even. You wanted to tell him he was being stupid, that he worried you more by not saying anything but you couldn't.
Trying to get Undertaker to talk about his problems was like trying to get an answer out of a brick wall.
But it wasn't as if you could just wait until he collapsed from the stress, and as long as he refused to speak, you couldn't even help take over some of the problems causing that stress.
So, you decided you'd take matters into your own hands and kill two birds with one stone; get him to explain what was going on while also getting him to relax.
After sneakily buying an ointment that supposedly helped relax tense muscles, you decided you needed tp practice first, and who better than Meyrin and Bard, the only ones of the Phantomhive's 'excellent' servants that were willing to let you massage them.
It wasn't even that hard to get them to agree; you'll help them do the duties they're terrible at and they let you message them.
You thought it went fine, in all honesty. You were even a little proud of yourself, you who had no previous lessons managing to massage like a pro. The two must have enjoyed it too, for they gave a shriek (Meyrin) and grunt (Bard) of surprised happiness.
You felt you were ready. So, determined and confident, you made sure you had everything and then waited for the right moment. After an eternity, the Undertaker finally sat as the moon shone down from the dark sky.
He must not have realised you were there, for the sigh he let slip through his lips was rugged and deep. His stress was more evident then, his shoulders hunched and painfully tensed.
You shook your head and focused on the task at hand. This just gave you more reason to do it now; you had to get rid of this stress, after all, and as soon as possible.
You shifted the curtain quietly, finally removing yourself from the back room, where you had waited (in)patiently for the Undertaker to finish up. The shuffle of fabric caught his attention and instantly, his whole demeanour changed; he smiled and stood, his arms held open for a hug.
But it didn't take a genius to see he was still tense and his eyes still held fatigue. You sighed and made sure to grab the ointment on your way over, placing it down on the counter once you were near enough.
You pushed him back down and sat in front of him, giving him a look when he made to stand again.
"Turn around and take your shirt and coat off." You demanded, giving him no room to disobey. You weren't going to dilly-dally and try any small-talk with him, because not only would it waste both of your time but the Undertaker would know something was wrong instantly.
Though, you realised a second later, maybe you came across a little too strongly, and maybe you should've been a little more gentle. He hated being ordered about, especially so strongly.
Fortunately - or maybe unfortunately-, he was too tired to protest and instead just huffed. He shifted in his seat to get comfortable before slipping his coat off with an air of seductive grace. He did the same with the shirt, and you weren't sure if he knew what he was doing or not.
He probably did, the bastard. Though you wouldn't say you minded.
Once everything was off, you took a moment to take in his pale-white skin, the faint scars almost translucent but you could see them still. You gently traced them without a second thought, and then paused when you felt him tense.
You quickly realised what you were doing and moved backwards with an apologetic look. He rolled his eyes but thankfully relaxed.
"Why, my dear, did I need to take my clothes off?" He finally asked, and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. Of course, he'd asked after taking his clothes off.
You ignored his question in order to show him, carefully pouring some of the ointment into your hands and rubbing them together to coat your hands better. Then you gently swung his chair around, ignoring his surprised expression, and placed your hands on his back.
Almost instantly, you could feel him tense and so you waited for him to relax again. It took a moment but eventually, he did so. You took it slow, making sure not to dig too deep or rub too hard.
With each gentle rub and nudge, you could feel the muscles slowly softening and you could see his eyes slip closed. Unbeknownst to yourself, though, his mouth was open in a silent gasp.
It was going fine, much better than with Mey-Rin and Bard, and you could feel your confidence rising... and then he moaned. It was a loud moan too, like something you'd expect from someone who was having sex; it was throaty, deep and pleasureful, loud and so goddam sudden, and because you weren't expecting it, you stopped.
There was a silence that followed that only served to make the situation more awkward- and then you quietly gulped and carried on. You continued to rub his muscles, mindful now to avoid any more moans, and the noises that did come out of his mouth were quiet enough to ignore.
As soon as you had finished, you stepped back, glad he was now more relaxed and rubbed your greasy hands on the apron you were forced to wear under the roof of the Undertaker.
Turning, you screwed the lid back onto the bottle, and when you turned back again, you were mindful not to stare into his eyes. You weren't sure what he was going to say or do about that moan; after all, it's not something you would not be embarrassed about.
"So, um-," You paused and then coughed, hoping to hide the little squeak your voice held, "- I hope that's helped a little. I've noticed you've been stressed- and don't even think about disagreeing. I've noticed, I'm not blind!" You snapped as he opened his mouth, possibly to protest, and just like that, your mind was off the subject of his moan.
He huffed and you rolled your eyes.
"Adrian, please, next time you feel ill or stressed, tell me so I can help. I'm not just here to help with the shop, remember? I'm here to make sure you don't kill yourself!"
He smirked over in your direction, and said, "Grim Reapers can't die, remember?"
You glared at him, hands clenching around the bottle as you resisted the urge to throw it at him, and said, "You know what I mean, idiot."
The Undertaker still had that smirk on his face when he stood up and you knew, despite his fringe covering his eyes, he had winked at you. He was just that type of idiot.
You huffed as he wrapped his arms around your waist, crushing you into his chest and you stayed there if only to stop him from seeing your crimson face.
"Don't worry, love. If it's that pleasurable any other time, I'm definitely telling you." He promised, and then leaned down to your ear, "Maybe we can do more than just massage each other too."
And yep, you definitely weren't staying here any longer.
Huffing, you pushed against him but he tightened his grip, causing both of you to go into a struggle. Neither of you minded, however, because shortly after that struggle, panting and giggly, you both went to the bedroom to do more than massage each other.
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your-nanas-house · 2 years
Hello!!! Long time no see, how are you doing good I hope. I would like to request a Jeremiah fic it can be smut or fluff I don't really care. I have been on a Jeremiah kick lately. Lol. I feel like I have read about every Jeremiah fic on Tumblr lol. Any way bye, and have a nice rest of your day!!!😊
Hii!! Thank you, have a nice rest of your day too! Hope you like the next part of the series 😌
Can't stop thinking
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Pairing: professor!Jeremiah Valeska X student!Reader
Warnings: mention of stalking, handjob, smut, description, underwear
Words: 872
Summary: Jeremiah can't stop thinking at his student.
Note: Sorry for the mistakes and the English. This is another part of the series 'His student'.
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The images of Y/n's undressed body had not yet left Jeremiah's mind as he found himself the same evening in his bed with his hand hidden in his pajama pants while groaning her name arching his back imagining to be in her company.
He did not know how he had managed to look her in the eyes the next day but he did and it did not cause him embarrassment rather only arousal that was thankfully hidden by the desk; he was more distracted than usual and that was not good since he still had to correct all the projects that the class had handed him, he did manage but stopped when the name 'Y/n Y/l/n' appeared, a soft sigh escaped his lips while he thought back to her, closing his eyes losing himself again.
Y/n's shirt ended up on the floor too and Jeremiah now had his obsession in underwear in the foreground, black lace panties and a push-up bra of the same color and material, the man's hazel eyes couldn't move simply daydreaming of being able to touch and see her with even less but his dream was interrupted when he heard the roommate's voice again "so? what do you think you're doing?" there was a shrug while Y/n bent down to pick up something showing her ass right in Jeremiah's direction "Didn't you have something to do, a meeting with your boyfriend Brandon?" Y/n's y/e/c gaze met that of her roommate who huffed remembering it complaining until she was out of the room leaving Y/n and Jeremiah alone in the student dormitory, the student was still distracted and the young man took that moment to try to escape freezing as soon as his hand was on the doorknob and he heard her voice "Are you leaving so soon, professor?" the flushed face of Jeremiah turned slowly to see Y/n now seated posed on the bed, her legs slightly apart and her lower lip between her teeth while she ate him with her eyes.
Jeremiah didn't have time to say anything before his back hit the door due to the push given by the girl who had now stood up and was standing in front of him, her hands were on his chest caressing the fabric of his shirt as she admired the embarrassment of being discovered that was presented on her engineering professor's face "Do you think I hadn't noticed you under the bed? The short strip show I did was for you" she murmured in his ear while standing slightly on her tippy toes, then kissing his jaw playfully nibbling his skin "M-Miss Y-Y/l/n it wasn't my-" his own apology was interrupted by a moan that escaped his lips as soon as he felt her lips against his skin, sucking his sweet spot while her hands traveled exploring his body "No need for unnecessary apologies.... Mr. Valeska."
Her sly and hungry y/e/c eyes met the hazel ones of Jeremiah who swallowed remaining watching her waiting for her next move which came very soon, her hand that was still playing with the fabric of his shirt at the height of his V-line, after opening his vest, moved quickly slipping into his pants groping his boner as she pressed herself against him, biting her lower lip aroused as well, her still covered boobs were against his chest, if Jeremiah would look down he could see her hard nipples, her bare leg between his as she continued groping feeling him grow and harden against her hand, action that made her moan softly while purring "what are you hiding that is so big, Mr. Valeska? " she whispered slipping her hand into his underwear grabbing his length after slowly licking her hand without stopping staring into his eyes, she began to stroke him feeling the soft skin and veins decorating it, groans came out louder and louder from Jeremiah's mouth while he stared at her with his mouth slightly open, sparks of pleasure indoned his body as she quickened her pace, moving his hands so that he could grab her ass and hold her tightly against himself without her stopping to pleasure him until she felt his length twitch and release.
Jeremiah's eyes snapped open, his hand still around his cock, his hair messy and his face flushed, fogged glasses and pants dirty again, a loud sigh escaped his lips as he occupied himself with cleaning up the mess he had made again before he started correcting the last projects trying not to think about his student in her underwear or in a shirt showing her erect nipples when it was cold, he also tried not to imagine what was under her clothes and underwear.
As soon as he finished all the things he had to do he took a quick glance at the file that Ecco had made for him on the roommate of his obsession before going to sleep holding under his pillow the little prize he had taken when he had been in her dorm room without her knowing, smiling at the thought that the next day he would see her again in his class.
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curiositymemes · 2 years
for the romantic in all of us. all are lyrics and sourced from the linked songs. feel free to change wording and pronouns and provide context as necessary. do not add to this list.
"love is all that i can give to you."
"two in love can make it."
"take my heart and please don't break it."
"love was made for me and you."
"you're just too good to be true."
"the sight of you leaves me weak."
"so if you feel like i feel, oh please let me know that it's real."
"and if it's quite alright, i need you."
"now that i've found you, stay, and let me love you."
"let's fly way up to the clouds."
"we can sing in the glow of a star that i know of."
"no wonder my happy heart sings, your love has given me wings."
"dance with me, make me sway."
"hold me close."
"when we dance you have a way with me."
"stay with me."
"dear, but my eyes will see only you."
"i go weak."
"make me thrill as only you know how."
"until then."
"i'll go to sleep and dream again."
"'til all my lover's dreams come true."
"please don't make me dream alone."
"the night we met, there was magic abroad in the air."
"i may be right, i may be wrong, but i'm perfectly willing to swear."
“how could he/she/they know we two were so in love?”
“the whole darn world seemed upside down.”
“it was such a romantic affair.”
“when dawn came stealing up, all gold and blue, to interrupt our rendez-vous.”
“was that a dream, or was it true?”
“i know ‘cause i was there.”
“nothing else would matter in the world today.”
“we could go on loving in the same old way.”
“a garden of eden, just made for two, with nothing to mar our joy.”
“i would say such wonderful things to you.”
“they asked me how i knew my true love was true.”
“something here inside cannot be denied.”
“when your heart’s on fire, you must realize, smoke gets in your eyes.”
“to think that they would doubt our love.”
“never let me go.”
“you have made my life complete.”
“and i love you so.”
“i love you, and i always will.”
“take me to your heart; for it’s there that i belong, and we’ll never part.”
“i’ll be yours through all the years, ‘til the end of time.”
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lxvebun · 3 years
hi!! if you have time and want to, I’d love some hcs of Dabi and Hawks as boyfriends (separately)!! like, their favorite things to do with reader, domestic activities they like, pet names they use, etc.🥺🥺 thank you so much!! I hope you’re having a lovely day!!💜💜💜
Boyfriend Dabi & Hawks
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A/n hi angel thank you for requesting its so cute<3 im not very proud of this one and its a little short but I hope you like it<3
English is not my first language so im sorry for any mistakes
Cw GN!reader, dabi calls you doll,babydoll,bunny. Hawks calls you angel, dove, babybird. Cursing, fluff, Not proofread.
-♡ To many people's suprise, Dabi is honestly such a good boyfriend. He's fully committed to you and your relationship.
-♡ Dabi's favorite nicknames for you are babydoll,doll and bunny. He uses these because he thinks they are cute, just like you
-♡ Dabi is happy with any nickname you give him Cause it came from you. You could call him crispy bacon and he would be like💞💕💓💘
-♡ He adores it whenever you wear his clothes. He doesn't understand why it gets him so much, but everytime you walk around in one of his hoodies he gets so warm and fuzzy all over. Expect lots of Dabi cuddles when you wear his clothes.
-♡ dabi really likes cooking with you...well more so watching you cook. He mostly just sits on the counter and hands you things, but he's helping okay! May or may not try to cook stuff with his quirk. Please have a fire extinguisher
-♡Dabi L O V E S slow dancing, and he's really good at it. He also wants to slow dance with you at the most random times. You're busy doing some work or chores and he would be like:" Ah,yes, this is the perfect moment" and then he sweeps you off your feet. Smooth mf that he is, expect to be dipped down and kisses a lot<3
-♡your boyfriend Dabi? You mean your personal heated blanket? He is perfect for cold winter nights. With Dabi you're never cold anymore.
-♡Dabi goes completely soft at the way you're so gentle with him. He turns into a puddle everytime you kiss his scars
-♡Dabi has a few golden staples that he rarely wears, but the one time he did you loved it! So even when he's wearing his normal ones, he keeps a golden one just for you<3
-♡ dabi always carries around a little polaroid picture of the two of you in his pockets. It's his good luck charm!
-♡whenever you're a little upset, Dabi likes to distract you by doing little tricks with his quirk. Your favorite trick is when he holds your hand and makes his fire dance around it (without burning you ofc)
-♡Dabi never believed in soulmates until you came along. He loves you so much and you make him super happy<3
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-♡ keigo, sweet boy, he's so in love with you,it's adorable!
-♡ hawks favorite petnames for you are angel, dove and babybird
-♡ hawks gets so flusterd when you call him babybird back😭 please keep going
-♡Hawk's is very protective of you. he gets incredibly anxious if he doesn't know you're okay, So he always leaves a ton of feathers around your house in case you need him. You find his feathers EVERYWHERE! In your pillow, your closet, kitchen cupboards and drawers. How he still has feathers left, you don't know
-♡please also have one of his feathers on you when you go outside. If he finds out you went outside without one, he might pass out.
-♡cuddles so many cuddles. He gets a little grumpy when you're too busy for cuddles, and you can tell that he's grumpy by the annoyed flaps his wings give
-♡when you finally crawl into his arms to cuddle, he's not letting you go for hours. He needs to make up for the lost time of course. He even wraps his wings around you to make sure you stay. It feels very warm and safe<3
-♡Keigo loves to sing, and if he is not singing, he's either whistling or humming a little tune. Please sing with him. It does not at all matter if you're good or not, he will still get extremely happy when you join him
-♡if you happen to be walking around the areas he is patrolling, he will not leave you alone. Whenever you tell him to go back to work he comes up with different excuses everytime.
"Just making sure you as a civilian are alright!"
"You look like trouble, im just keeping an eye on you;)"
-♡if there is an actual emergency he will leave you alone to deal with it, but don't think you got rid of him lol you just act as motivation to finish quickly so he can fuck off back to you
-♡Keigo has never felt so loved before. you make him very happy, and he is ready to spend the rest of his life with you<3
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Thank you for reading bunnies<3
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