#I DON'T EVEN GO HERE. hayley tag
whatwouldsylwrite · 1 year
At least I got you in my head (prologue)
Summary: Abby is straight. And then you move in with her.
Tags: modern au, fem!reader, straight!abby (she is doing some comphet bullshit), pining, idiot in love and it's abby, reader is gay and tired.
A/N: The title is from Sleepover by Hayley Kiyoko, because my motto is if I had to suffer Abby has to suffer too. I also have literally no idea where this is going, but the idea got stuck and I needed to write something. 🙃
Jessica here is Jessica from Jessica Jones. (actually all characters here are fictional women I have a crush on, no name is random)
"Listen, I have a friend, she is looking for a roommate right now." Nora said as she drank her sweet coffee you really wanted to steal after she listened to your complaining. "It's super close to the campus."
"I've seen a porn starting exactly like this."
"I wouldn't call Sherlock Holmes porn." Nora shot back and you rolled your eyes. "Do you want her number or not?"
"Is she, you know?.."
"Painfully straight. Don't worry, you won't end up looking for a place because you decided to date your roommate."
"Okay, yeah, give me her number." 
Okay, Jessica wasn't.. that bad. It was cute in the beginning, you two hit it off immediately, her sarcasm bounced off your wittiness perfectly. You liked how cool and un-fucking-bothered she was, she liked you because you were a little shit. You two had so much tension it was bound to explode one day, and it did: you got drunk at home, played some have i never and then fucked for two days straight. Jess was cool, and Jess really didn't like to give any kind of clarity on where you stood even when you asked her to her face. She'd just say she liked you and that was it, and even though it really pissed you off, you didn't press further - Jess was cool, but she wasn't sweet enough to fall in love with. It was getting annoying as she grew more territorial about you, always putting her arms around you in public, which was cute until she started asking about Nora and getting angry when you were with her. 
That was when you decided to tap out and move out - the red flag was fucking screaming in your face. You quickly informed Jessica about it, to which she just flipped you, and you left, not dealing with her shit. And now you were homeless, and the term was starting and you really didn't want any drama. 
So a painfully straight girl would be fucking perfect for a roommate.
to: potential roommate
Hi! I'm (y/n), Nora gave me your number
She said you're looking for a roommate?
from: potential roommate
Hi! I am
Do you smoke?
to: potential roommate
from: potential roommate
That's the address
If you can, come tomorrow after six
to: potential roommate
The place was actually close to the campus and not "beautiful place to have peaceful study sessions. 20 minutes by public transport". You weren't sure if you'd be able to afford it, but it was worth a try anyway, you were tired of sleeping on your friends' couches. The apartment building was on a quiet street, but you knew that this street had a bunch of bars where students spent their time.
It was another win, and it made you want to afford this place even more. You reread the message and got up to apartment 42. 
You rang the bell and waited for the girl to open the door. 
And then she did.
And then you died. 
Tall, muscular, shoulders and arms so defined you felt your mouth going slack. She had freckles on her face, pretty blue eyes with long lashes, stubborn mouth and a long braid. 
Oh no fucking way this absolute lesbian wet dream was straight. Nora set you the fuck up here, you were sure of it. 
"Hi, I'm Abby. You're (y/n)?" She said in a nice melodic voice that had just an edge of something dark and warm, and you woke up.
"Yeah." You squealed, still so shocked and so attracted to her it was getting painful. 
She was painfully straight? Well, you were painfully gay for her right now. 
"Cool, come in."
Oh god. 
Oh god.
She had the ass. Oh what a good day to be a lesbian, you thought, but you politely looked away, feeling like a creep for staring at her. 
It gave you time to look around: the place wasn't too big, but it was cosy and clean, clearly looked after. That was a good sign - Jess was tidy, but she smoked and the whole place just stank of it, her cigarette buds were everywhere. Abby seemed sporty, probably obsessed with her food, but you didn't mind. 
"Do you play sports?"
Oh for fuck's sake, you groaned inside. How could she be so stereotypically gay and be straight? Well, of course she could, looks and hobbies weren't indicators of someone's sexuality, but it was pretty fucking ironic to you. 
The kitchen was small and tidy, everything in its place and a cute towel hanging from the oven handle. It gave you a 1950s housewife vibe, but it was cute. The living room was more chaotic, pillows and blankets everywhere: on the couch, on the floor, behind the couch (???), big tv and playstation next to the wall with a bunch of games next to them. Likes games, you noted, really feeling like a Sherlock Holmes and laughing at yourself for comparing your basic observation to the fictional genius. 
"Sorry, I didn't have time to figure out this mess." Abby said and rubbed her neck and you had to clench your fists to stop feeling so attracted to her. 
"It's cosy, not a mess." You chuckled. "My previous roommate left bottles instead of pillows."
"God." Abby scrunched her nose in disgust. "Okay, so there's two bedrooms, one is mine and the other one can be yours and if you promise to pay rent on time and not leave your laundry in the washing machine."
"Yeah, that won't be a problem.” You hesitated before speaking up, but you needed her to know you weren’t straight. “I'm a lesbian, by the way. Just in case you have a problem with it."  
"Oh, I don't, it's totally cool." Abby smiled and you smiled back, relieved. Sometimes straight girls got wrong ideas and you wanted to get it out of the way now. You could deal with how attractive Abby was, but could she deal with you finding her attractive - that was a different question. 
You talked about the price for the place, which wasn't too high, but you might want to find more students to tutor if you wanted to not worry about splitting your budget too much. 
You left Abby’s place feeling relieved - you got a place to live in a good location and a roommate who, yeah, was super attractive, but she was straight, and that meant no relationship drama. 
Fuck you, Jess - you thought as you made your way to Cait’s place - I won’t fall for the girl this time.
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andreal831 · 9 days
i've been reading your metas and i just love them! i wanted to ask if you had thoughts on valerie and nadia as they were some of my favorite characters from later seasons of TVD and i was shocked to learn that people dislike them (especially valerie!).
also, i read one of your cami metas and i agree that it was so dumb she died when she clearly had more story to go. s5 especially drove me up a wall because i think TO s4 would've worked to set up Legacies. they didn't need to kill hayley and i was so annoyed that they brought caroline in. cami being the angel on his shoulder in the finale should have been utizilied more.
also legacies erasure of hayley as hope's primary parent drove me up a wall and is a cardinal sin of that show. i am starting to suspect phoebe and the show people had a falling out of some kind because legacies barely mentions her. at least freya gets some cute moments (freya being the one to put hope to sleep for transition is beautiful)
Thank you for reading my posts! I'm glad you like them!
I'm not even surprised people don't like Valerie and Nadia. They are both complex women but not in the "Katherine-badass-way" per se. I've talked about before how the writers and fandom tend to only like one type of strong woman and hate on women who dare to be anything else, you can find that here. Valerie also has the unfortunate role of playing a character that challenged a Caroline ship.
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I personally really enjoyed Valerie's character and didn't understand how they didn't bring her back or at least mention her since she was the last known syphoner, except for actual children. I like to imagine she's the one Hayley found when she was saving the Mikaelsons. I'll admit, when she first came on screen, she wasn't my favorite. I didn't care for the heretics initially, but they really grew on me which is a testament to the writing/acting.
Valerie goes through so much, being forced to miscarry and killed, then forced to live and travel with the man who made her lose her baby. She is then stuck with a family she doesn't really like or agree with. When she is finally reunited with the man she loved, he is in love with someone else. Despite all of this, Valerie still protects Caroline on numerous occasions and helps deliver her babies.
I didn't like that she kept information from Stefan, not giving him the choice on his life, because she didn't want to lose him. But I can understand it. She had lost everyone at that point and didn't want to be alone.
I think she really was just underutilized in TVD and people didn't like her for getting in the way of Steroline. I can't really find legitimate complaints about her. Most of the hate posts for her come across as immature. I haven't seen one post that talks bad about Valerie that isn't clearly a Care stan (and this is coming from someone who loves Care and Steroline). Valerie never did anything worse than most of the fan faves, but because her actions are ones associated with women more than men (less stabbing and more emotional manipulation), the fandom judges her for it. According to the fandom, she would have been better of running Care through with a coat rack. Oddly enough, Caroline and Valerie aren't that different.
I can't even think of a reason to hate Nadia. I even searched for people hating on her and can't find it. I definitely believe you that it exists, but what is there to hate? That she loved her mother so much she chased after her for 500 years? That when she found her, she was treated terribly but still protected her? She was a good character and deserved better than Katherine.
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Speaking of overhated, amazing women. I'm tagging the post I think you are talking about here. I would have honestly been fine with everyone still dying but Cami living and taking care of Hope at the school. A vampire therapist is really what that school needed, especially one as amazing as Cami. I mean if you can handle Klaus Mikaelson, I think she can handle teenagers.
Season 5 just showed that the writers didn't care about the story, they wanted rankings to launch Legacies. What was the point of having Care there? She wasn't even in Legacies until the very end. It just undid so much character development for everyone. The writers attempted to play both ships (they did the same with haylijah/jayley) to get maximum fan satisfaction, and in the end it just destroyed the plot.
Legacies erasing Hope's family is a big reason I've never watched more than half of season 1. Whether you love them or hate them, Hope's family is more than just Klaus and they played a big role in her life. Especially to her since Klaus was hardly around. He was essentially a stranger to her. I hated even in Season 5 how they are all happy at Freelin's wedding. If my mom had just been murdered, I wouldn't have been able to smile two days later, no matter how much I loved my Aunts. Hayley was just used as a prop in Season 5 and even less in Legacies.
I first watched a couple of episodes of Legacies before watching The Originals and I thought Hayley died years before Klaus because of how Hope was grieving Klaus but seemed to not even think of her mom. When I watched all of TO, I was so angry. They died days apart and Hope seemed to be completely over it.
There's definitely rumors about Phoebe and the writers having issues. I tend not to believe rumors but there's a lot of evidence. First, Daniel couldn't shut up about the issues he and the other casts were having with the writers (namely the character destruction, the rush of the seasons, the fact that there was supposed to be 6 full seasons, and bringing on outside characters which took away their screen time). This is even more evident by the fact that Phoebe was a "guest" in Season 5. She clearly didn't want to be there.
I believe it was DRR who stated that Phoebe refused to allow her likeness to be used and the fandom ran with the idea that Phoebe somehow bought the rights of Hayley (she did not, that would be public record). I think this angered the writers/producers even more so they went out of their way to cut Hayley out, even when it wasn't necessary. They clearly could mention her, since they did. But they chose not to because they are petty. They also have the whole fandom blaming Phoebe so they could just sit back and enjoy it.
Thanks for bringing all of this up. I love talking about TVDU women <333
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january-tala · 2 years
I finished watching Lockwood & Co.!! Alrighty, time for some random thoughts:
I take back my initial impression of Cameron Chapman. The teaser and the trailer didn't do him justice. He seemed stiff and unemotive there. But even in the first episode, he clearly has the range to portray Lockwood. See, I think the producers could have gone the easy way out and made Lockwood a Typical Brooding YA Hero, but they didn't. And it's so nice to see Lockwood's subtle shifts from infamy-obsessed, to caring employer, to slapdash planner, to I'm-kinda-besotted-with-Lucy, to suicidal, to 100-gigawatt smile. Like, they did that. They really did that.
I really really liked Lucy's extended backstory. Yes, they took out her five (or was it six?) sisters, but we got Norrie instead, and I quite liked the bond she and Lucy formed. I'm glad that she didn't outright die with the others, giving Lucy the opportunity to share her thoughts out loud when she's recording messages for Norrie.
I wasn't sure how I was gonna feel about George Karim, given that George Cubbins is such an iconic character. But I greatly warmed up to Ali's deadpan delivery of his lines. Also, that bit of backstory, "My parents had 4 children: engineer, engineer, engineer.... weirdo." That's what got me. I love him, lol.
Sooo, this might seem weird coming from a Locklyle shipper, but Locklyle was a bit too strong for me. One of the things I really liked about the series was that I was second-guessing myself whether there would even be any romance at all, and it wasn't until the end of Hollow Boy that I felt that possibility. I get that they're speeding things along, but I really appreciated Lucy's obtuseness when it came to romance in the books.
Ironically, I actually liked the way George K. and Flo warmed up to each other early. It was a sweet touch, especially considering how they both can be such grouches
Speaking of Flo, ngl I wasn't too taken in with her character in the books. She was simultaneously entertaining and irritating for me, but she never really went beyond the surface. So I really liked Hayley's more sympathetic portrayal of her. I don't know... she just felt more... human, I guess?
Inspector Barnes seems more strict and serious here in the show. I remember him being quite gruff in the books, in a kinda comical way. But I understand why they needed someone to really apply some pressure.
Are they trying to shoehorn a Lucy/Kipps romance???!!!! Please, no!!!
So... Skully... I wish they'd retained his sassier, snarkier personality from the books, but I can understand why they wanted to make him more serious and spooky.
It might just be me binge-watching the entire series, but nearing the end of episode 6, I felt like the pacing started to go off the rails. That said, The Whispering Skull is my least reread book of the series, so maybe I just have to refresh my memory. Like, I really loved the plot twist about George not wearing his glasses when looking into the mirror, and they changed that here.
Also it might just be that Lucy's crisp, strong voice really carried through the quieter moments in the books. We don't get to hear all her snarky thoughts, so maybe that's why I was feeling off about some scenes.
Left-handed Kate Godwin!!
Oh boy, I can't believe Golden Blade brought a gun to a rapier fight.
Okay I think that's the extent of my thoughts for now. Time to dive into the tags!!!!
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All of the stuff that Hayley Atwell did in regards to her coworkers, Sharon Carter, and especially Emily VanCamp and fandom bullying can be verified with a quick Google search of her name and Sharon Carter and puts the most obvious mess of toxicity front and center.
There's one big compilation list here on Tumblr linking tons of sources such as articles and video interviews that were framing much of the hurtful things she said as positive, witty, or clever and can be found searching "how come you don't like Hayley Atwell".
There's also plenty of personal accounts of bullying from fans, and an infamously blatant Hydra support blog that stans Hayley like a full on Stormfront trooper and lives only to harass Sharon fans and the Sharon tag.
Most of what could be archived has been archived but some has been unfortunately deleted. Regardless, it's certainly real and there and easy to find if you take less than a minute out of your day to look.
The bullying got so bad, Emily did an interview about her bewilderment behind all of the harassment that Hayley sent her way through fans. She believed it was Chris Evans fans and sure, maybe in part some of his fans did partake in this. But it was nothing by comparison and he never once did what Hayley did actually encouraging the hatred and thriving off of it.
The bullying happened, the proof of it is there. And denying it is never going to make it disappear or unbully the victims.
But you know what there isn't any proof of?
Nothing, absolutely nothing, of Hayley addressing the bullying despite being fully active and aware in fandom at the time this all started. She used to respond to Twitter shipping discourse left and right, but there's nothing of her telling fans they're going too far, or not to hurt or be mean to Emily. Nothing to dissuade fans of being as toxic as they can be.
Nothing beyond one PR tweet where she was nice to Emily, and then she's goes right back to hating 'Sharon'.
Just encouragement and cruel 'jokes'. And then her miraculously 'disappearing' from social media shortly after she started the fandom war. Only to later create new accounts and block people who try to ask nicely about the situation.
It's insane to me that despite all the evidence and how easy it is to come across that there are still any Hayley stans trying to discredit the actual victims of the bullying from her manipulation of children to do her dirty work and spread hate in fandom. This woman is over 40 now and she's never once acted as a mature adult in regards to this situation that never even should have been.
But I guess we still live in an era with apologists of all kinds.
And the truth is that even Peggy deserved better than all of this. Sharon definitely did. But they're both fictional.
Emily and fans are real people though. And the light finally shining on this needs to keep getting brighter until we see something get rectified.
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lustfulheart · 1 year
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Welcome everyone to my page! I am a mostly mutuals only blog, but if you see an open in the tags you’re more than welcome to answer it even if we don’t follow each other! Some of the best partners are found that way, but just know I might be selective at times when it comes to muse and such. PLEASE DON’T PESTER ME IF I DO NOT FOLLOW YOU BACK. YOU MAY ANSWER AN OPEN IF YOU SEE ONE, BUT IF I DON’T REPLY PLEASE DO NOT TRY TO GUILT ME. I HAVE THE RIGHT TO DO AS I PLEASE ON THIS BLOG, THE SAME AS YOU DO.
I play both female and male characters (there is an obvious lean towards females) and while I’m not here to say you have to double up with one of my girls to get my guys, just know those threads might come a bit slower at times. I don’t try to drop threads without at least making some sort of PSA post about it though, so keep an eye out for them if I don't come directly to you with it!
When it comes to pairings, all of my men are straight and a majority of my ladies are bisexual! Leading the bulk of my threads to lean either towards m/f or f/f, but at the time of updating this (7/23/2023) I will not be including m/m content on my blog in a sexual sense. I have nothing against it, but I will not write it I am sorry 🖤 When writing a starter though, I will always include the preferences at the top so there is no confusion. 
All standard rules apply here, don't be a dick and we should get along fine. Discord is more likely to be given out to people whom I have plotted with a little bit at least on here already, I just have to know it’s not gonna flop and go nowhere within a day or two. That, and it is now the place where all of my kinkier plots go to be written as to spare the dash as much as possible.
Muses | Banned FC's | Starters | Wanted Opposites | General Plot Wishlist
Below the cut is my mobile friendly muse list! It will be updated as I continue to expand the roster.
IF A “⩥” APPEARS NEXT TO THEIR NAME IT MEANS THE MUSE IS ONLY AVALIABLE UPON REQUEST / DEPENDANT UPON THE PLOT AT HAND! (I just simply do not wish to get rid of them entirely, but they are going to be a lower activity muse by default)
Jenny Boyd - Cassie Dunbrow
Ana De Armas - Elena Ortega   “⩥”
Dove Cameron - Bella Grover
Madelyn Cline - Sydney "Syd" Limpkin
Dianna Agron - Violet Monroe   “⩥”
Madelaine Petsch - Kat Hendricks
Grace Van Dien -  Zoey White
Kathryn Newton - Twyla Allen
Zoe Colletti - Liddy Caldwell
Sadie Sink - Kirby Lewis
Holland Roden - Ginny Wallace
Gemma Chan - Mei Lin   “⩥”
Natalia Dyer - Tori Van Dickson   “⩥”
Camila Mendes - Izabel Torres
Ellie Bamber - Madison Penn
Sydney Sweeney - Charlie Kramer
Kaitlyn Dever - Hayley Sumpter   “⩥”
Amy Adams - Lauren Moore
Anne Hathaway - Andrea Fernway
Sarah Rafferty - Monroe Danes
Tyler Hoechlin - Parker Hornsby   “⩥”
Bradley Cooper - Ash Winger
Robbie Amell - Klaus Weber   “⩥”
Idris Elba - Simon Huntsman
Matthew Noszka - Jaxon Krol
Pedro Pascal - Mateo Soto   “⩥”
Dacre Montgomery - Ryker Collymore
Chris Pine - Ethan Sharp
Jason Momoa - Levi Madden “⩥”
Grey Sallow - Ryan Gosling
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I posted 6,578 times in 2022
That's 954 more posts than 2021!
2,006 posts created (30%)
4,572 posts reblogged (70%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 3,290 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#sex edventures 2022 - 246 posts
#the locked tomb - 174 posts
#gotham time - 142 posts
#weekend positivity - 131 posts
#edward riddlehands - 113 posts
#a court of fey and flowers - 109 posts
#our flag means death - 108 posts
#pokemon - 108 posts
#art - 107 posts
#wwdits - 98 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#'no ethical consumption' is not a get out of jail free card for when you just. don't want to make a very easy and harmless lifestyle change
My Top Posts in 2022:
I get why fantasy authors would default to using, like, the same basic arrangement of seasons and weather and gravity that we have here in The Real World because they have to make up so much shit as it is and it IS probably good praxis to give your readers some familiar touchstones in your world so they can just focus on the plot, but. having said that. I think there should be more settings that have seventeen seasons, all of them different lengths, and constellations that don't have fixed patterns because sometimes they'll get pissy and just move to a different part of the sky, and sometimes the sun tells people things telepathically, and there's a type of weather where the air just gets really thick and difficult to walk through that's unpleasant but not any more uncommon than rain. it's called smärklf.
19,155 notes - Posted July 30, 2022
hey if you have a pet or pets you need to reblog this rn and tell me in the tags what their names are. bonus points for including what kind of animal.
31,495 notes - Posted July 20, 2022
the worst part of my job (standing around at college orientations being Visibly Queer) is when parents nervously alter their entire walking trajectory to stay out of range as if I'm going to bite them and pass on my infectious homosexuality.
this is wildly eclipsed by the best part of my job, parents who are such wildly enthusiastic allies that their children seem a little embarrassed about it. I'm talking parents who eagerly point out my little rainbow-draped table and urge their kids to come over, parents who excitedly pick through my button box offering up the relevant pride flags and pronouns to their kids, parents who have detailed questions about harassment policies and gender affirming care while their kids are trying to wander away, parents who rush over with open arms and obvious glee on their faces knowing there's a space on campus dedicated to keeping their kids safe.
the ferocity with which these parents love and affirm their queer kids is so humbling and wonderful.
36,652 notes - Posted June 9, 2022
cannot believe twitter libs are whining that protesting outside Kavanaugh's house is iNcOnSiDeRaTe To HiS nEiGhBoRs. if you live nextdoor to Brett fucking Kavanaugh and you're not shitting on his porch or at least throwing eggs at his house every day you're wasting your life.
42,481 notes - Posted May 8, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
all goofing aside I genuinely don't understand the urge to reimagine Taylor Allison Swift as a secretly queer icon when the pop music scene(TM) is like. literally overflowing with women who actually like women. Gaga and Kesha and Miley and Halsey are right there. Rina Sawayama and Hayley Kiyoko and Rebecca Black and Kehlani and Victoria Monét and Miya Folick if you're willing to get slightly less top 100. Janelle and Demi for them nonbinary takes on liking girls. like what are we doing here. like I'm not even saying you can't enjoy Taylor but why would you hang all your little gay hopes on her.
70,455 notes - Posted September 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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adeathsentence · 2 years
○  name: Ash
○  pronouns: Yes.
○   preference of communication: D/iscord for sure.
○    name of muse(s): Andrea Labonair Hayley Marshall and then there's all the lads at wronglyrighteous and brokencanbefixed.
○    experience/how long (months/years?): Lifelong RPer, but online? Since ~2008.
○    platforms you’ve used: Bebo, Tumblr, D/iscord
○   best experience: All the lovely people I've met over the years--some of whom I lost touch with--but the memories remain.
○    rp pet peeves / dealbreakers: Trying to pit me against others/involve me in drama. I'm just here to write with friends, but somehow that has given others in the past the impression I'm somehow on their side in some petty war they have going on with someone else. I'm Switzerland. I don't deal with that madness except with a block.
○    fluff, angst, or smut: All three work for me!
○    plots or memes: Both.
○    long or short replies: Both.
○    best time to write: Usually in the evening when the day's finally balancing out.
○    are you like your muse(s): Like Hayley? Ha, no. Not in any way shape or form lmao. If I had to choose which of my muses I'm most like, it would be a mix of musical tastes (Dean) and personality/demeanor (Sam/Klaus). I've always been the younger sibling that the older had to take care of and wanted to break off/make my own way in the world (Sam) but have the fatherly issues and anger Klaus dealt with due to his parentage. Sam as well. XD
tagged by: @therebekahmikaelson & @demcnsinmymind
tagging: @xxgotthedevilinsidexx & @psychiclegacy because I think just about everyone else I know has been tagged lol.
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mythosborn · 1 year
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✧ — NAVIGATE BLOG : carrd » wishlist » memes . ✧ — ALSO AT : @axewon ( johanna mason ) » @lorestold ( general multimuse ) » @queenwolved ( hayley marshall & elena micahels dual muse ) » @allqueen ( hera ) » & @fonsmors ( persephone )
muses and rules temporarily under the cut:
001. this is a highly headcanon based blog for muses from greek mythos, both god and mortal. due to the themes featured in greek mythology, including in hera's own stories and the way that she takes her anger out on mortals, there are triggering themes featured here, so minors, please don't interact. this is not my main blog, and i can often be found on @lorestold, which is my main blog. when i'm not here, find me there!
002. as mentioned, this blog is not my main priority, but for my sake of mind, it's a mutuals only blog that i consider low activity. if i don't follow for follow, but if we are mutuals, please know i do want to write with you at some point!
003. this blog uses the beta editor only, so please use trim reblogs when replying to things with me, otherwise i won't be able to cut them properly. as far as formatting go, i generally use small text and icons of my own making, using a psd from @calisources and a border by @creationcolors & @jaynedits combined. don't take and use anywhere, especially without permission.
004. greek mythology is really triggering and it never shies away from the darker aspects of it, even the more . . . wild ones, if you will. this portrayal will not water them down either, so please take care when following.
005. as far as my portrayal, i don't take any influence from any interpretations of hera outside of mythology itself, and my own headcanons and thoughts. i don't follow anything from percy jackson, from any modern retellings or anything else, so please don't assume when it comes to my portrayal.
006. please send me memes! tag me in things!! approach me about shipping! i love the idea of exploring things, but chemistry's required. that said though, sending memes is the best way to test the waters!
007. there's more i'm sure, but i can't think of what, so just keep an eye on things. basic rpc etiquette applies though, so please just be a good person and we'll get along fine.
✧ — selene, goddess of the moon. » margot robbie.
✧ — nyx, goddess of the night » mila kunis.
✧ — demeter, goddess of the harvest » emily blunt.
✧ — hecate, goddess of witchcraft » katie mcgrath.
✧ — cassandra, trojan priestess » melisa asli pamuk.
✧ — andromache, trojan princess » hande erçel.
✧ — helen, spartan queen » lili reinhart.
✧ — amphitrite, queen of the sea » kiera knightley.
✧ — thetis, nereid » penelope cruz.
✧ — briseis, trojan princess » demet ozdemir.
✧ — aphrodite, goddess of sex, beauty and lust » adelaide kane.
✧ — artemis, goddess of the hunt » alexandra daddario.
✧ — athena, goddess of wisdom » marie avgeropoulos.
✧ — ariadne, cretian princess » phoebe dynevor.
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theartofbeinganerd · 6 years
Hi you should make a lil ficlet for tony starks birthday tomorrow (May 29) if u have time hahaha you’ll never kno who I am
everything I thought I lost before (make me whole once more)
HAYLEY. Omg I know that’s you, and omg you are lucky that I’m such a giving person and that I managed to find the inspiration for this. You better enjoy this for how much I slaved over it (lmao really it only took like an hour, but still). Honestly. ;D ♥
Titled is based on the song Pieces by Red
*Set post IW, with A4 speculation
Ever since his first birthday after hisparents had died, which he had spent alone for the very first time in his life,Tony had begun having bigger and bigger birthday parties to celebrate the occasion.He’d never wanted to feel that way again, had never wanted to spend anotherlonely birthday in a big empty house with only the memories of past celebrationswith his family to fill the void. And so, the very next year, he’d started thetradition of filling his big empty house with people to get drunk and forgetabout everything with, even if he’d more often than not had no idea who half ofthem even were.
But, if Tony had thought that thatbirthday he spent by himself was lonely, he was now coming to realize that itcouldn’t even compare to the feeling of being isolated on an alien planet,having just watched half a dozen people simply turn to dust right before his eyes (he still had the kid’s dust, his ash, on his palms, still had the words “I don’t want to go” ringing in hisears). It was worse – much worse.
However, this time he didn’t find himselfwanting to solve it like he had as a kid, he didn’t want to surround himselfwith people, or to drink himself into a stupor so that he could forget aboutall of it for just a little while.
No, Tony just wanted…he wanted Pepper,and Happy, and Rhodey, and…and Peter, that was it.
And it was then that he realized; he didn’teven know if…what if they’d all turned to dust too? What if he actually was all alone again?
The simple thought was too much for himto bear, and so Tony forced himself to push it aside immediately, or else itmight pull him down into the depths of a despair that he hadn’t felt in a longtime, and this time, he wasn’t sure that he’d be able to pull himself out ofit. Not alone.
Instead, he focused on putting all of hisenergy into getting himself and the android girl (Nebula, he thought her namewas) back to Earth, and back to whoever was left there. If he was beingproductive, if he was doing somethingwith his hands, with his mind, he wouldn’t break. He could hold together aslong as he had something to hold together for.
And, just as soon as this mess had beenhandled, and just as soon as Thanos’s giant purple ass had been kicked and theuniverse had been avenged…the first thing that Tony was going to do was officiallycancel his birthday, due to happen in just a week’s time now. After all, nomatter who he found still alive back on Earth, with who he knew was truly gone and with what they’d lost…itcould simply never be enough.
As he stepped out onto one of thebalconies off the Avengers compound, Tony could still hear the slightly dullednoise of the party inside, of those celebrating the ultimate defeat of Thanosand the return of their lost friends and allies (though, it was still slightlylow-key as far as parties went, some of them still in mourning for those whosedeaths hadn’t been reversed with their victory). He assumed that he would bemissed by the others eventually, but he just had to take a moment by himselfbefore he went back in there and had to put his playboy party animal image backon, before he had to make it seem as though he was just as unfazed by all ofthis as he was everything else.
He hadn’t been out there very long at all,however, when he heard, “I had a feeling that I’d find you out here.”
Though he didn’t turn to face her, asmall smile ticked Tony’s lips up at the corners, and he replied with his usualdry wit, “Yeah, had to take a break from the Guardians before my eyes startedwatering – what, are there no showers in space?”
A hand slid along his bicep then, and heimmediately relaxed into her touch, briefly closing his eyes and letting out asmall, content sigh. “Tony,” shemurmured, knowingly, but with a note of concern in her tone.
“I’m just still…processing,” he assuredher, brushing her worries off gently. “Don’t worry about it.”
Pepper gave a short scoff at that. “Askingme not to worry about you is like asking the Hulk not to be angry, or askingThor not to be so good-looking.”
At first, Tony just nodded absently alongwith her words, but then he arched his eyebrows and finally turned to look ather, catching sight of her smirk even in the dim light spilling out from theparty inside. “Wait, what?”
Ignoring him, as she was wont to do fromtime to time, though, Pepper went on, “I know that you’re going to need sometime, and I’ll give you all of the space you need, Tony, but, I’m here.”
Even though Tony didn’t need thereminder, he was grateful for it – of course, Pepper had always been there(except when she wasn’t, but he tried his best not to think of that time), andshe understood him so easily, so effortlessly, in a way that few other peoplein his life did. He reached up to fit his hand over hers, giving it a smallsqueeze to show her his gratitude.
Aloud, however, he pressed, “So, what isthis about Thor being ‘good-looking’?I mean, hello, gorgeous fiancé standingright here.”
In response, she shot him that sly smirkagain, then caught his hand within hers, twisting his wrist gently so that shecould see his watch. After a beat, she leaned in and pressed a lingering kissto his cheek, murmuring, “Happy Birthday, Tony.” Surprised, he threw a glanceof his own down at his watch, and she added, “It’s past midnight now.”
“Hey, I forgot your birthday was comingup!”
At the sound of the new voice, they bothturned simultaneously, finding Peter just slipping through the door and outonto the balcony with them.
With an apologetic little grimace, Peterrushed to explain, “With everything going on, it just completely slipped mymind. So, uh…can I give you a raincheck on your present?” Then, his frowndeepened, and he asked, “Um…is there anything you need, by the way? Maybewithin the twenty dollar range? Or maybe ten – May cut my allowance aspunishment for sneaking off on a spaceship without telling her. I mean, you’rea billionaire, so you probably have everything you need, but…” He paused,briefly, then snapped his fingers and muttered to himself, “Never enough coffeemugs.”
For amoment, both Tony and Pepper were quiet, but then Tony asked bluntly, “It’smidnight – isn’t it past your bedtime, kid? It’s a school night.”
Peter gapedat him, waving a hand back toward the party as he insisted, “But it’s an Avengersparty, and I’m an Avenger now!”
Pepper tooka half-step forward then, resting a hand on Peter’s shoulder as she said warmlybut firmly, leaving no room for argument, “I’ll let Happy know to be ready todrive you home in ten minutes.”
Peter’slips turned down and his shoulders sagged slightly, but he still agreed lowly, “Yeah,okay, thanks Pepper.” Then, in a moment, he perked back up slightly andstarted, “Oh, Mr. Stark –”
Cutting himoff abruptly, Tony told him flatly, “Do notask me how old I am.”
Holding uphis hands and widening his eyes, Peter quickly shook his head. “No, I wasn’tgoing to! I just wanted to say Happy Birthday!”
“Oh.” Tonyarched his eyebrows, then added, “Well, thanks, kid.”
“Hey, areyou gonna have one of your big, famous parties this year? Can I come?” Peterasked hopefully, his eyes lighting up at the prospect.
Before Tonycould answer, though, Pepper pointed out, “Peter, I really don’t think that Maywould approve of that.”
“But I’d beon my best behavior! And I’d makesure to be home before midnight!”
“No, I don’tthink so,” Tony interrupted the conversation, his tone speculative. Peterturned to him with his eyebrows raised in clear surprise, and Pepper evenlooked a bit taken aback. However, Tony glanced first through the glass doorsof the balcony at all of his friends mingling and laughing and drinkingtogether inside the compound, and then to Pepper and Peter there beside him,then told them, “We’ve already got a party going right here – all it needs is acake and an ice sculpture of me and we’re all set.”
Pepperrolled her eyes fondly at his words, even as she found his hand with hers oncemore and twined their fingers together. As her thumb began to lightly strokethe back of his hand, he knew that she understand without him ever having tosay a word that he couldn’t possibly ask for a better party than this one.
After all,why would he want to wait to celebrate his birthday with a couple hundredstrangers when he could celebrate with everyone that he cared about right now?
“What?”Peter cried, his mouth dropping open in disbelief. “Now this is your birthdayparty too? If I ask May, can I stay alittle longer? Just another hour?”
“I’ll talkto her,” Pepper offered warmly, “and I’ll see if I can swing twelve-thirty atleast.”
As Peterbegan to thank her profusely, Tony just stood back for a moment and listened tothem talking, heard Pepper’s soft laugh catching on the light spring breeze asshe squeezed his hand gently, and caught the flash of Peter’s excited grin ashe clasped his hands together eagerly. Even though he was still trying his bestto get over the crushing feeling of watching people turn to dust right beforehim and being able to do nothing to help them, of thinking that half theuniverse was gone forever and he was all alone again, even though most nightshe still woke up in a sweat, unable to breathe properly, staring at his handsand still seeing them coated in ash…
Well, he still couldn’thave asked for a better birthday than this one.
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asvterias · 3 years
𝖮𝗎𝗋𝗌 𝖥𝗈𝗋𝖾𝗏𝖾𝗋 ~ 𝖸𝖺𝗇𝖽𝖾𝗋𝖾!𝖯𝗈𝗅𝗒!𝖧𝖺𝗒𝖻𝖾𝗄𝖺𝗁
Part 2
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Warnings: Yandere Themes, Yandere Behavior, Stalking, Blood and Gore & Character Death
Pairings: Yandere!Haybekah x Fem!Black!Reader
Summary: [Name] is from a different universe but Hayley & Rebekah deceive the Mikaelson witch to keep you with them forever.
Word Count: 1,056
Author’s Note: This is my first time writing an yandere imagine so bare with me.
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you groan as you felt someone shake you awake, letting your eyes adjust to the light, you opened them to see a blonde woman. “hey, are you okay?” the unknown woman asked. you nodded your head yes, sitting upright. “where am i?” you croakily asked, looking around your surroundings to memorize that you were in a bar. this was definitely not beacon hills. you looked down at the woman's shirt which had a name tag; cami.
“you're in new orleans. i found you on the street passed out so i took you here.” before you could even respond to her, two other people walk in, a brunette and blonde. they looked at you as their eyes twinkled with adoration.
“what's your name darling?” rebekah asks. “i'm [name]. [name] hewitt.” you answered back. feeling quite weird around hayley and rebekah. "well you can stay with us until we get you back home." hayley said already feeling a attraction to you.
“sure,” you agreed not knowing what you could be getting yourself into. a few days later, you were getting comfortable in new orleans and the people. every time that you left the house, hayley and rebekah always followed you to make sure that you were safe. they became highly obsessed with you.
sitting in a nightclub, drinking down a soda not noticing that rebekah and hayley were stalking you. the multi-colored lights, blasting music and the sweaty bodies off over 100 people grinding on each other.
a guy walked up to, probably 3 years older than you and sat next to you. “what's a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?” the man asked, looking you up and down as he took a sip of his drink. you scrunched up your nose in disgust literally smelling the alcohol of the grown man's breath.
this caught hearing of the hybrid and vampire duo and they were furious. how dare someone try to take you away from them, you were their girl and nobody touches their girl. you ignored the man, paying a bartender for your drink before getting up and leaving.
the man grasps onto your arm tightly which makes hayley growl lightly seeing the man touch you. “why don't you stay. have a couple of drinks with me.” he asked, more like he was demanding you to stay. enough was enough as rebekah and hayley marched over to you, pushing anyone who was in their way.
“haven't you heard the girl? she doesn't want to talk to you.” rebekah's voice spoke from behind you. hayley wraps her arms around your waist and pulls you away from the argument to dance with you. “would you like to dance, [name]?” she asked you and you politely nod as hayley smiles dragging you to the dance floor.
so you just let lose and decided to have fun, sure you couldn't dance but you were never going to meet this people ever again in your life. hayley bites her lip as her eyes droop down to your ass.
“why don't you mind your own business, bitch.” he snarled back at rebekah. hayley speeds you away from the nightclub and to the mikaelson manor, comforting you as she went to go find hope.
the 10 year old auburn girl wanted to show you some spells that her aunt freya had taught her, seeing that you were now preoccupied with her daughter. hayley speed back off to where rebekah was; in a dark dirty alley. rebekah had the man in a chokehold, her fangs already out threatening him with endless threats.
the blonde viciously begans to feed on the man as the man screams in agony when hayley joins in on the other side of his neck. the man screams soon died down as his body went limp in the girls' arms and they quickly dispose of the body, wiping the blood from around their mouth.
when rebekah and hayley reached back in the mansion, they heard the water running in your room. showering in the bathroom, you didn't notice hayley and rebekah were watching you. they blushed when they saw your breasts, they would also admire your body when you weren't looking.
when you hopped out of the shower, the girls were long gone so you decided to get dress in your pajamas. they were in freya's room as freya was seen doing a spell. “is the spell finished, freya?” rebekah impatiently asked with her arms folded. “yes, it's done.” freya nods her head.
“great, now [name] will be ours forever.” hayley states looking over at your sleeping form. rebekah and hayley leaves freya's bedroom and walks back into your room. hayley and rebekah sit on your bed, looking at your sleeping form as they admire your facial features up close.
everything was good until, your phone started ringing from the bureau. the two girls looked at each other and they quickly put your fingerprint on the home button and left the room.
hayley picked up the phone and put it on speaker, “who is this?”
“[name]! is that you! we've been worried sick about you. why aren't you in beacon hills?” a voice said on the other line, preferably a female. the girls' eyes darkened at that. how dare this girl try to take you away from them.
the other receiver on the phone call spoke again but this time it was a boy, “where are you, baby?” the two girls stay silent as rebekah ended the phone call, putting the device into her back pocket.
the same night, the two girls were huddled up on rebekah's bed, scrolling through your phone looking through your contacts and messages. turns out, you had a boyfriend and the girls were enraged at this. first thing tomorrow, they were going to visit beacon hills and kill whoever your boyfriend was. you were theirs forever and no one could ever change that.
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© asvterias, 2022. please do not plagiarize any of my works.
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bellarkeselection · 3 years
Fiancée Secret - part 2
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Part 3
@deepprincesstraveler requested series. Klaus and Y/n have a heated argument about their relationship that brings something to light.
If anyone wants to be tagged just ask 😊
"I never stopped loving you, Y/n. My awe-inspiring hybrid."
Sitting on my bed hands folded in my lap feeling Klaus's eyes trained on me, leaning his back against the wall. We've been in the same room and spots for hours until the sun came up. A scowl still on my face even still seeing his weak eyes. He barely ever shows his weak side but like I said before I won't forgive that easily. If you love someone, truly love someone. You don't sleep with a werewolf a year after you're engaged. "Y/n can you please just say something. The only thing I can hear is your heartbeat." He grumbles breaking the intense silence in the room. You're lucky I don't blast you out of my bedroom right now. "I have to go. It's time for me to talk with Cami at the bar." I get to my feet throwing on a jacket rushing out the door. Once walking the streets of New Orleans with a bunch of people moving around I feel a whooshing sound start walking beside me. Dang vampire speed.
"Come on love. Just hear me out." He gently grabbed my wrist making me hault rolling my eyes up at him. "Why should I Klaus. For all I know you could just compel me to forget what I saw so I come crawling back to you." He gives me the puppy dog eyes, his hand now intertwined with his. "I promised I'd never do that to you, Y/n. You know that." Tilting my head down I mutter under my breath knowing he'll still hear it. "There's a lot of things you promised. You promised it'd be you and me, nobody else. I can't believe you're promises anymore." His freehand tilts my chin up regret in his blue eyes. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry for breaking that promise. But it isn't what you think my love. The little wolf and I were both wasted drunk. I regretted my actions thr moment you walked in the room. She means nothing to me..." Yanking my hand from his I storm off towards the bar still not buying his words. "Keep your accuses Niklaus. We're over!"
For weeks gifts and notes have been following me wherever I go. I should've expected him to pursue me. Every single one gave me the same words 'Y/n my love, I'm sorry. For bringing you pain. It was never my intention...please forgive me, Klaus.' Exiting the bar I feel the sun beating down on me. The smell of alchohol made me throw up in the back room thankfully Cami whose become a good friend was there to help. The wind blows my hair for a note to land at my feet. Picking it up I read the same words with a red rose taped to it. "My favorite flower won't fix this either Niklaus!" He slowly reveals himself from the alleyway by the bar. Hands in his jacket striding up weakly. "You've been dodging my other attempts but I'll keep trying-" I cut him off baring my teeth spinning on my feet to face him. "Quite trying. I'm not getting back together with you, ever. Do you wanna know why - because you were my first love. I trusted you with my heart and you - you broke it. I came here to get away from you but the supernatural world must be against me...because you found me!"
"Y/n please. I'm begging you..." He's inches away now bending down on one knee, holding the engagement ring. "Hayley means nothing she was simply a way to find the cure...she's not you my love. She doesn't break down my tough walls, she doesn't make me feel loved. It's you - it's always and only going to be you." My eyes feel heavy and I feel pain shooting through my belly making me clutch the note in my hands. "Klaus stop..." He shakes his head no still staring up at me. "I care about you. I love you with all my heart. What's important to you, is important to me. What makes you happy, makes me want to keep you so. What scares you I want to tear apart. I know I messed up but I'll do anything to hold you in my arms again, kiss you again, hear you laugh and see you smile, make love to you. But above all of it...to get to call you my wife."
Tears slip from my eyes even though I don't want them too. Dang pregnancy hormones. "Klaus I - I'm preg - I..." My words stumble out before my eyes fall closed. My legs give out from under me. He gets to his feet catching me bridal style instantly. My right hand barely rests to his cheek. "I've got ya my love." He reassures me seeing my eyes barely open. "I - love - you Nik." The last thing I see before passing out are his blue eyes looking down on me terrified.
Groaning I feel soft bedsheets beneath me squinting my eyes at the bright sunlight streaming through the curtains of a room I don't recognize. "Finally you're awake. I was terrified." Nik's voice meets my ears grumbling realizing we aren't in my apartment. "Where the hell am I?" He comes to sit on the other side of the bed. "My family's compound. I had Freya heal you but she's hiding something from me I can feel it." Climbing out of the bed I rush for the door but when my hand touches it I feel a surge of magic go through me. "You've gotta be kidding me. Boundary spell. What are you five years old Klaus!" Pressing my back on the door arms crossed angrily watching him. "I'm sorry Y/n. But I need an explanation. Why can't you believe you're the only one I love. Why did you collapse in my arms in the middle of the Quarter?" Because you could leave me and this child.
"I already told you why how hard is it to understand. I'm not getting back together with you Klaus Mikaelson." My eyes flash the golden color. He gets to his feet coming to cup my face in his hands titling his head slightly. "If someone is hunting you or has hurt you I'll make them suffer." Shaking my head no trying to move away from him. "No one's hurting me. Now let me go."
He pressed my back against the door arms on both sides of my head. Forcing me to be trapped by him making our noises brush against each other. "Then why can I hear a heartbeat, Y/n?" Sucking a breath in my throat I try to stop my heartbeat from increasing its pace. "It's just mine that's it." His hot breath whispers in my ear. "We agreed no secrets between us." Am I afraid of him hurting me, no I'm not. I'm afraid he'll find out the truth.
"Nik, please. Everything's fine-" He growled deeply showing the golden hybrid eyes slightly darker than normal. "Stop lieing Y/n. I can hear a second heartbeat inside you!" I'm so dead now.
Part 3 on my masterlist
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Hi Maya!! I saw your requests were open and thought I’d finally send one in! No pressure if you’re not feeling it, but I was thinking multi headcanons with Barry Allen, Jack Thompson, Sylvie, Han Solo, and Hayley Marshall? Where they have a cute, nerdy SO who gets super into various shows/movies/books and tries to drag their partner into every new obsession by association? (Feel free to drop any of the characters if you’re not in the mood to write for them 😉❤️) Like I said, feel free to pass if you’re not feeling it. You have plenty of other amazing works for me to read if this isn’t your vibe 😊💖💖💖
Hi love! Always nice to talk to you!! I love this prompt because me too lol. These are a lot of characters I don't usually write for (I don't think I've ever actually written for Hayley before, though I was excited to!) so it was nice to get some variety here. I hope you enjoy!
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Barry Allen
- mans is busy! he works a lot and he is also the flash!
- that being said, he always has time to listen to you rant he just might also be figuring out some sort of science answer or something while you speak
- not to mention, he actually adores the bit of normalcy in his life
- being the flash is overwhelming more times than not
- though he never has time to get into things on his own because he is so busy so unless you're willing to walk him through it, he isn't getting into anything any time soon
- he will totally sit and watch a movie or show with you at night
- not to mention, when he isn't tired, he will also engage
- 'how dare she do that? did you see that?'
- 'I can't. We can't watch another episode I can't even take it'
- he's very enthusiastic for you
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Jack Thompson
- back in the day when he was from, it was more books than movies and shows
- and Jack is oh so busy
- by that I mean he's tired and will listen to you but not that long
- that being said, he really loves to be soothed
- you can go on and on about some story you really like and he will likely listen just because it soothes him
- you being excited also makes him excited
- sometimes though he's like 'doll can we take a minute?'
- but other times he's like 'why don't you read it to me?'
- he even laughs while you pause every two seconds to gush about something
- though he has a hard time keeping up with the names and situations, he does sleep a lot when he's not busy
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- Sylvie has absolutely no time to get into movies or shows because girlfriend is literally trying to mess up every timeline
- but you tag along with her anyway
- so she supposes you can talk about what you want
- she actually really loves hearing about it (though she doesn't say it very often)
- the idea that you love things that seem so mundane to her brings her the normalcy she so craves
- she does keep up with the names and places too because she listens so intently
- so she can keep a whole conversation going with you and she it helps distract from the morbidness of her day to day
- she reacts too
- it's a lot of 'No!" 'Yes!' 'How dare they!'
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Han Solo
- 'Babe I need to fly you can show me later'
- at first he really doesn't love that you obsess over things
- he's jealous
- how dare you like something more than you like him
- but then he realizes that it could be a nice bonding experience with you in which he gets to be handsy
- so he gives it a shot!
- he probably really doesn't pay attention more than the broad strokes
- but he at least listens to you talk about it and reacts when he thinks it's appropriate
- but if you have a crush on someone from the thing you like, he's done with it because how dare you
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Hayley Marshall
- she loves it, endorses it and would love to help you out in any way you can
- totally the type of person who will sit and watch a whole season of a show with you
- she has so much going on and is the kind of girl to binge a whole show with you
- literally sometimes she'll postpone the big werewolf meetings just so that she can do something with you
- she adores your excitement
- again, she's so crammed with such life or death stuff all the time that she would much rather hang out with you and do something stupid
- she probably ships people too
- Hayley just loves it
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bexfangirlforlife · 3 years
Thanks for the tag @anotherobsessedfangirl 😊 to describe my ships using gifs 😄
1. First ship
I've actually tried to figure this out lately, but it's a hard one. So I'm gonna go with the pairing that I loved and that came to my mind first when I was thinking of shows I watched as a kid. 》 Fiete×Natascha (Die Pfefferkörner)
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2. First OTP
My first OTP and for about 9 years my absolute fave until (3.) arrived 》 Anna×Jonas (Anna und die Liebe)
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3. Current fave ship
I just love them so much, they brought me an amazing time and they also brought me here 》 Toris (Tobias×Boris | Sturm der Liebe)
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4. Your ship since the first minute
I noticed that they'll be a thing in their first scene and I started shipping them immediately 》 Luke×Lorelai (Gilmore Girls)
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5. You wish they had been endgame
I feel like there are so many (especially in the daily soaps I watch for years now). But this is probably the first one that I could think of 》 Haylijah (Hayley & Elijah | The Originals)
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6. You wish they had become canon
I mean there is still a possibility for them to become canon, but I sadly don't trust in that. Either way, I will die on this hill (😉) 》 Lokius (Loki×Mobius | Loki)
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7. Most of the fandom hates, but you love
I feel like I'm a very mainstream person with my ships 🙈, so I take inspiration from the person who tagged me. It's probably not most of the fandom, but I think there are more that prefer her with someone else and also the people who got me into watching the show all don't ship them 😅 》 Rory×Logan (Gilmore Girls)
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8. You don't even watch the show, but you ship them anyways
Ok, ok, I admit it's a bit of cheating... because I did watch the show at some point in the past. But when there storyline started I wasn't really watching the show for a while anymore, but I did read spoilers and watch certain storylines or scenes. I knew the characters from back when I was watching and I did watch some scenes of their falling in love storyline as well (and I might have been spending my last saturday evening with watching quite a lot of those, which is why I had to choose them). Besides if I start shipping people from shows I didn't watch, I often either start the show myself or at least watch scenes and fanvideos online anyways 😅 》 Ringsy (Ringo×Easy | Unter Uns)
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9. You wish they had a different storyline
They have some incredible scenes, absolutely love first class and I died with the Paris scene in Dark Phoenix, but I just would have wanted them to have more scenes together from the second half of dofp until the Paris scene, there could have been so much more good stuff. (I also could have put them in the canon one, but they are so close to canon already though 😉) 》 Cherik (Charles×Erik | X-Men)
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10. Fave ship that is endgame
If I think about it, they are one of the ships I liked before really watching the show and I then did start the show for them. So I'm glad they're endgame 》 Delena (Damon×Elena | The Vampire Diaries)
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I tag: @bloomingrainbows @frolleinblondie @villainsweakness @vampwrin @secretkittendetective (obviously just if you'd like to)
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bitchassbucky · 3 years
Highway 63 (Almost-there 2K writing challenge)
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On a dusty stretch of highway that connects two cities, a few aged establishments have made themselves part of the land. They say that some days you wouldn’t find anything but boarded-up buildings and old “Do Not Trespass” signs but there will be nights where people find themselves mingling with the patrons. You have to visit on a warm summer night, though. When the moon is shining and the air is light.
There, you would find a Bar that attracts all kinds of people—city folks, locals, people who wanted to disappear amongst the crowd of faces. The building reeks of cigarette smoke and cheap liquor and yet they see groups of people coming in and out, trying to grab a fix of their favorite sin.
Weary travelers often find themselves checking into the Motel, just a few hundred steps away from the infamous Bar. Some rooms are occupied, some things go bump in the night. It makes a decent stopover rather than sleeping in your car.
Patrons love to rave about the Diner near the Motel. The food tastes like home! they say. The booths are aged and yellow, the buzzing overhead lights are dusty and yet it feels familiar—even if it was your first time here.
Venturing further down the road, you’ll find a dilapidated barn. Nature is on its way reclaiming rotten wood posts and rickety doors. Rumors of ghost and unfriendly souls keeps the walls intact; the rusted tractor sits idle on the side.
If you’re lucky, you’ll find yourself driving down the stretch—catching glimpse of faces you’d never see again. The Motel would’ve had its no vacancy sign up, the Bar would be full of people dancing, the beats spilling onto the street. The Diner would’ve been serving pancakes, chicken, and waffles. Pass by the Barn, maybe you’ll see the vines crawling and waving onto the posts.
If you’re luckier, a postcard would be stuck on your windshield, “Welcome to Highway 63!” it would say. Would you take it as an invitation?
Welcome to Bitchassbucky’s almost-there 2K writing challenge! With my blog turning 3 years old this June, I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been there since day one. I made lots of friends throughout the years, I even found a bunch of people that I would call my family too.
I’ve decided to take a little break from writing, just until I can find my traction again. Don’t worry, I will be coming back! Hopefully, a better writer.
Anyway, I just really want to thank you for the laughs, for the ugly cries, for the rage, for the keysmashes, and everything in between. You’re always in my heart.
Enough sentiments, let’s get down to business.
🟪 MINORS DO NOT INTERACT. You are responsible for your own media consumption. We don’t exist to babysit you.
🟪 Send me an ask (with your @ if you’re on anon) with the prompt you’d like to take.
🟪 All stories should take place in the Bar, the Motel, the Diner, the Barn, or along the road. Welcome to Highway 63.
🟪 No minimum word count! If your entry goes beyond 500 words, please use the read more tool. All forms of content is welcome: moodboards, playlists, drabbles, one-shots, series, headcanons, etc. are counted as a valid entry.
🟪 To send an entry, mention me @bitchassbucky and @bitchassbucky-afterdark and use the Welcome to Highway 63 tag.
🟪 Marvel/MCU characters are very much preferred. Let me know if you want to write for another character.
🟪 Maximum of two people can take a prompt.
🟪 Warnings, warnings, warnings. Tag your fics appropriately. Dark (noncon, dubcon, etc.) fics are very much welcomed, just tag it. No cross-tagging too.
🟪 NO DEADLINE, we all hate deadlines. KEEP IT COMIN’, FOLKS.
🟪 Hard no-no’s: bathroom play, blood-incest, underage pairings.
🟪 No RPFs (Real Person Fics). Reader inserts or character/character only. OCs are welcomed!
🟪 Let’s keep all entries inclusive, please!
Prompts under the cut!
Song prompts
You're Gonna Go Far, Kid by The Offspring
Bad To The Bone by George Thorogood
Don't Stop Me Now by Queen
Girls on Film by Duran Duran ( @belladonnabarnes )
Highway to Hell by AC/DC
Precious Love by James Morrison
Sugar for the Pill by Slowdive
Everybody Talks by Neon Trees ( @blackberrybucky for Bucky)
The Boy from NYC by The Ad Libs
Knock On Wood by Amii Stewart
How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You) by Marvin Gaye ( @buckyblues for Bucky)
MONTERO (Call Me By My Name) by Lil Nas X
Streets by Doja Cat (@luxeavenger)
Tokyo Love Hotel by Rina Sawayama
Lover Boy by Phum Viphurit
Nobody by Mitski
Take Me To Church by MILCK
Curious by Hayley Kiyoko
Line prompts
"Are you sure we're supposed to be here?" // "Are we even allowed in here?" ( @vibraniumqueen for Bucky)
"The GPS fucked up, didn't it?" ( @phant0m-queen for Bucky) ( @uncensored-steve-the-platypus for Steve)
"Drive slower!"
"Not bad [name], not bad."
"Can you shut the fuck up for just one second?!" ( @whoth3hellisbucky for Bucky)
"What did you do?"
"You don't deserve to know me like this."
"Oh, fuck."
"Do you want any advice?" / "If it's from you, then no."
"If you're reading this, I'm dead." ( @buckycuddlebuddy for Bucky)
"Close your eyes, I wanna surprise you." ( @lokiscollar for Bucky) (@drysdale-barnes for Bucky)
"What are you doing here?" / "What are YOU doing HERE?"
"Are you following me?"
"I'm gonna need a drink." (@fuckandfluff for Bucky)
"Keep walking. Just keep walking."
"Hey, I think I saw something back there."
"Come with me!"
"Hand me the car jack."
"We're in Bumfuck, Middle of Nowhere, what do you think?!"
Trope and AU prompts
Biker AU (very on-the-nose, eh?) ( @mxsamwilson for Bucky) ( @thefallenbibliophilequote for a series)
Rom-com AU
College AU ( @babyboibucky for College!Bucky)
Vacation/road trip AU
Band AU ( @hey-its-grey )
Mob/Gang/Criminals AU ( @buckycuddlebuddy for Bucky) ( @xbuchananbarnes for Sam)
Spies AU
Stalker AU
Dystopian AU
Fuck buddies/friends-with-benefits trope ( @whoth3hellisbucky for Bucky)
Found family trope
Mutual pining trope
Idiot x Dumbass trope ( @vibraniumqueen for Bucky)
Amnesia trope
Unreciprocated feelings trope ( @buckyblues for Bucky)
Lovers-to-friends trope
Friends-to-lovers trope
Enjoy yourself and I’ll see you around.
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theladyyavilee · 3 years
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are those creepy/supernatural moments something you would consider elaborating on? 👀 - @buckactuallys
aksdhfahskdfjalsjh hi pia!!! xD and I mean sure xD tho fair warning they are probably not that interesting/creepy to someone who isn't a baby about scary/creepy/weird stuff like me (THIS is why I don't read a lot of supernatural AUs and don't watch scary movies ._. xDDD)
but okay so, I was only reading the fic a few days after halloween and I read it on my way to uni and the thing is I walk past A LOT of these tiny shops on my way to uni, the ones where they are all along the streets, just one next to each other, no two the same or even remotely related to each other with regards to what they sell, just a wild mix of all kinds of things, and like, I am a curious person and I like to look inside those shops and see what they sell, but like there were two shops that have always had not-see-through windows (like one had completely opaque windows and the other had like I don't know? I think gold foil stuck to the inside side? definitely something shiny! but not sure anymore now thinking back xD, but like they seemed to be in business, you just couldn't see ANYTHING inside) located right next to each other, and were kinda always unassuming, just, you know, part of the lots and lots of shops
BUT that day (after only reading like halfway through the fic) both of the shops suddenly had perfectly clear, normal windows? and not in a 'oh we newly opened here' kinda way, it was just business as usual, but now I could see what's going on inside? and I still can? and both shops are like so peculiar? in WILDLY different ways? one of them is this like bright white, empty open space with two white couches and a table and NOTHING ELSE IN THERE and there is always someone in there looking like they are making some kinda deal/sale? and the other one is this like barely lit, kinda dark place, that has like ceiling high dark wood shelves with all these different kind of glass containers (that I am hoping only contain like teas?) and like, whereas there is ALWAYS someone inside the other shop, this one is almost always empty? even tho I walk past in the middle of the day at varying times? during which shops should normally be open? and when someone is in there it is dark enough to be unable to really make out more than that there is someone inside?
anyways if you could pluck the supernatural-shops-trope right out of fiction these two shops would be literally it and like, I don’t even believe in these kinda things, but the fact that it wasn’t one, but TWO wildly different shops, on the same fucking day, right next to each other? right as I was reading a supernatural AU? yeah, I’m very much ‘don’t look, don’t act suspicious, just don’t question it’ every time I walk past, ala
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so yeah, not quite as much creepy, as it is just really weird, and I am very much blaming @hmslusitania and her fic for it xDDDD <3 (oh and also the tags were on this post about how you should absolutely go read hayley's supernatural AU! <3 the world building and the emotional build-up and the overall writing are just amazing <3)
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youbloodymadgenius · 4 years
Yours (Vampire!Ivar x reader)
A/N: This is my entry to @geekandbooknerd​‘s Birthday Challenge. Happy Birthday, Hayley 💝
The prompt We are all someone’s monster (Leigh Bardugo, Six of Crows) is in bold.
@bluearchersstuff​ - Thank you for beta reading this for me 💖 It was the first time, it won’t be the last 😉
Let me know if you want to be tagged 😊
Moodboard made by the talented @gearhead66 ♥️
Summary: You hate Halloween and of course you hate Halloween parties. But who’s this handsome guy who’s looking at you?
Warnings: not my best work, I’m sorry.
Words: 1821
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You roll your eyes, sighing at your own stupidity. For the umpteenth time tonight, you're wondering what you were thinking about when you agreed to come. Of course, Sofia is your best friend, and she is the one who asked you to go with her.
 Yet, you should have known better.
 You dislike Halloween. Scratch that. You hate Halloween and everything about it with a passion. You hate dressing up. You hate cobwebs, fangs, zombies and skeletons. You even hate squash soup, and that's saying a lot!
 But yeah, your friend can be convincing when she has a mind to be. And that's why you're here – almost against your will, so to speak – at Ben's house. Ben with whom Sofia slipped away over an hour ago. Probably upstairs. You don't even want to think about what they're doing right now.
 Anyway, you're here, and that's all that matters…
 The pounding music is too loud, the people too drunk, the place too crowded. If it wasn't for the handsome stranger who hasn't stopped looking at you since you showed up, you wouldn't be here anymore.
Nervously pulling and tugging on the little black dress borrowed from Sofia – oh no, not a simple black dress, a black dress with fucking skeleton print – you make up your mind and head toward the makeshift bar. You need a drink if you intend to stay. Something strong, possibly.
 A 'Vampire Cocktail' in hand, you slowly cross the room. With every step, you can feel the stranger's gaze upon you; and you know with unsettling certainty that if you look back at him, he wouldn’t lower his eyes.
 He was apparently alone, does not talk to anyone, or dance, and didn't look at anyone but you.
 You should feel embarrassed, or even upset, but you aren’t. Knowing that his eyes are staring at you like that is surprisingly pleasant. And you can't help but feel hopelessly drawn to him, almost magnetically, or magically. Because strangely, wherever you are in the room, the man is there, never more than a few steps away from you.
 The room may be dark, but you still can see the otherworldly blue of his eyes. You're entranced, fascinated, mesmerized.
 Giving him a shy smile, you quickly avert your gaze, blushing. As you raise back your head, the man is gone, but when a gloved hand brushes against yours, you know it's his, without a doubt.
 "Shall we go out?" He asks with a sultry voice that sends shivers down your spine. Even if he gives you a questioning look, his hand gesturing toward the large patio door, you know it's a rhetorical question. You don't have a choice and you don't mind it. The stranger wraps a strong arm around your waist, leading you toward the backyard.
 You follow him willingly, almost obediently, a small smile playing on your lips. He leads you without saying a word, and as soon as the patio door closes behind you, the only sound you can hear is the thud of his cane on the gravel.
 "Better here, right?" He takes a seat on a porch swing, inviting you to do the same.
 "I have been dreaming of this moment for so long." His voice is hoarse as he slightly leans toward you, boldly resting a hand on your knee.
 Confused, you want to ask him what he means. After all, you met for the first time less than two hours ago. But you don't get the chance, since he speaks again. "Very nice dress, by the way."
 Scrutinizing you in the bright moonlight, he looks at you shamelessly, his gaze stopping first on your neck, then your cleavage, your breast and finally your fishnet stocking-clad thighs.
 Intimidated, you blush and say the first thing that pops into your head. "Your… your Halloween costume is a piece of art. It's so… real…"
 "My… what?" Quirking a brow, the man looks at you in disbelief.
 "Your…," your shaky voice gives away your nervousness, "Your Dracula costume is… magnificent."
 You're not lying. His clothing is stunning. From his three-piece suit – obviously made of luxury fabrics – to his silk cape of extremely high quality, everything suggests that his complete outfit is undoubtedly very expensive.  As for his cane, you're willing to bet that its snake-shaped handle is made of… gold, no less. In any case, it's impressive and the handsome stranger makes a vampire truer than nature.
 Visibly taken aback by your last assertion, the man just stares at you with wide eyes. It's as if what you just said didn't make sense to him. When an icy wind swirls suddenly around you and makes you shiver, he eventually speaks sternly, almost as he were scolding you, his jaw tight. "This is not a costume."
 You're baffled, puzzled, confused. 'This is not a costume?' What does he mean?  
 "What… I don't… Wha–" You sputter, unable to gather your thoughts. Your heart hammering in your chest, you feel a knot growing in your stomach. Something feels wrong. Something feels very wrong.
 His piercing blue eyes staring into yours, you want to avert your gaze, overwhelmed and slightly scared. But when he speaks again, it's with a velvet like voice that soothes you immediately, erasing your discomfort. "Shh… It's okay…"  You wonder for a brief moment how someone can change their mood so quickly. You don't dwell on it though, because when he gives you a closed-lips smile, gentle and sweet, it melts your heart and you realize that, as if by magic, your fear is gone, replaced by desire and attraction.
 What strange power does this man have over you?
 Slowly, one finger at a time, the stranger takes off his gloves and places them on the swing next to him, while staring at you the whole time.
 As he reaches out, his hand just inches from your face, you can't resist, and you don't want to. The pull is too powerful, the longing too strong. You want him to touch you. You need him to and so you lean forward, craving for his skin against yours.
 But as soon as his fingers graze your cheek, you freeze, bemused and appalled.
 They are cold. Abnormally cold. Ice-cold. Colder than… death. You swallow loudly and then get up hastily. "I… I sh… should… go…" You stammer, panic flooding your body. You want to run away but the man doesn't give you the chance as he grabs your wrist, squeezing it tight. " That would be extremely rude when we've only just met, don't you think?" His voice is a whisper, his tone soft but you know you don't really have a say, nor a choice.
 Slowly getting up, he leans on his cane, wraps his free arm around your waist and draws you closer. He's so unnaturally strong, you can't even move as a cold wave washes over you. "I'll be gentle if you do as I say." He mumbles, his mouth against your ear.
 Questions plague your mind suddenly. Why is he so pale? Why can't you feel his breath on your face? Why are his eyes bloodshot? Why didn't you notice anything earlier? You're terrified now, aware of the danger with absolute certainty.
 "Who… Who are you?" You don't even know how you manage to babble those words. You feel weak and unsteady on your shaky legs. If it wasn't for his firm grip, you would certainly have fallen down by now.
 "It's okay, Y/N…" He says once again, and you want to believe him, despite your fear, despite the… cold. A little voice in your head whispers that you never told him your name, but it doesn't matter, not when he's looking at you with so much tenderness.
 What is he doing to you?
 "I'm Ivar." His reassuring voice is gentle, as is his smile. "Ivar Ragnarsson." He doesn't say anything else but it's enough. That's all you need to know. You're relieved. He's Ivar. Of course. Who else – what else – could he be? You've been so silly. All those strange things… The cold, his eyes, his breathing – or his lack of – there is necessarily a pragmatic explanation for each of them. The truth is you don't care. He's Ivar. A handsome and very considerate stranger that you want to get to know better, and that's enough. Everything is fine. It's okay, he's right.
 "Ivar…", you eventually repeat softly, and you love the way his name rolls off your tongue. Chuckling, you can feel yourself relaxing in his embrace. "You're going to think I'm dumb, you know? I wondered for a moment if you weren't a…", you gasp, feeling shy and embarrassed, but Ivar just looks at you, patiently waiting for you to carry on, and that's what you do. "… A vampire, you know. But obviously you're not. You're just a guy my age, with a fantastic Halloween costume, and it seems that I can't think properly, because who would think you're some kind of monster? That's insane, and I'm so sorry, and now I'm going to shut up because I'm pathetically rambling and if I continue I'm sure you won't want anything to do with me and that would be a shame because I– Oh my god, sorry!!" Covering your mouth with your hand, you blush as you realize what you were going to say. 'Because I'd love to kiss you, touch you, feel you…'
 What is he doing to you?
 Ivar keeps quiet, a semi-amused smile on his face. Eventually, he closes his eyes and then tilts his head back. "So, you thought I was a… how did you say?... a monster…" You can almost hear his grin.
 "I know," you say shamefully, "that's stupid! You're allowed to laugh at me, you know? I won't get mad, really. I don't know what went through my head. A monster! What a ridiculous thought!!"
 Ivar giggles while keeping his eyes shut. "Maybe not. You know what they say… We are all someone's monster…"
 And then, he opens his eyes. And everything goes faster.
 His eyes turn black. A feral growl escapes his lips. His smile is a predatory one.
 You can clearly see his pointy fangs.
 And you feel weirdly calm. You're not surprised, and you're ready. You need him, all of him.
 "I don't know if it's true…", you don't recognize his voice, hoarse and raspy, but you don't mind, as you don't mind when he pushes your hair away, his teeth already grazing the delicate skin of your neck.
 "However,” He mutters as you arch against him unwittingly, "there is one thing that I can say for certain. I'm definitely yours."
 And right after that, sharp fangs piercing down into the flesh of your neck, a burning pain lances through you, fading soon into an aching pleasure. You release a gasp, bucking your hips.
 "Please, unravel me, Ivar."
 What did he do to you?
@geekandbooknerd​ @waiting4inspiration​ @honestsycrets​ @lisinfleur​ @saldelys​ @gearhead66​ @readsalot73​ @milkkygirls​ @xbellaxcarolinax​ @shannygoatgruff​ @zuxiezendler​ @a-mess-of-fandoms​ @hecohansen31​ @lonewolf471​ @ivarthebloodyking​ @fuckindiva​ @tgrrose​ @didiintheblog​ @inforapound​
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