lazy-b1rdy · 7 months
First time posting on tumblr bc of how proud i was after making this!
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This was really just an idea i had today and it turned out so great i wanted to show other people! :3
I miiiiiight make a character sheet for them but idk rn I'm tired
I'm not the best at anatomy so i already know there are some mistakes but i still love it!!!!
(I'm pretty nervous about posting on the Internet so sorry about any misspellings or just awkward posts)
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surplus-of-sarcasm · 3 months
I loved reading the snippet “I Do” alot!
I was wondering if you could please continue? if you want to!
Love your writing as always!
Never forget to stay hydrated!
First up tysmm anon for the ask, and the super sweet ask! Please stay hydrated too < 3 I'm saurrrr sorry this is ridiculously overdue, a lot of stuff just came up. Enjoyy < 3
I Do, Part 2
Part 1
TW: Blood, (failed) murder attempt, minor violence, angst, knives
If the hero hadn't been preoccupied with the current situation, she would've taken the time to admire the stunning interior of the villain's mansion; sleek marble floors and dark plush carpets and wooden furniture that was the perfect mix of refined and simple. 
But it was impossible to focus with the criminal's hand in hers, feeling like a shackle around her wrist, the grip firm even if it didn't hurt. She wanted more than anything to rip her hand away, but until she knew her way around this place, she would have to humour him. It was still difficult to try and memorise whatever she could of the place when everything looked the same, a lengthy corridor that never seemed to end, but she would have to try.
The villain led her up a staircase and finally stopped at one of the many doors, twisting the doorknob with his free hand. "This is your room, and anything in it belongs to you. If you need something, ask any of the servants you see outside. And don't even think about trying something stupid, alright?" The villain's eyes narrowed, his gaze wary and mistrusting as he let go of her hand and walked out of the room
At least he was away from her, the weight of his hand against her sweaty gloved one finally having been lifted. She slammed the door, not caring if it potentially annoyed the villain. She pulled off the lace gloves, looking around the room to notice it was huge. At least in comparison to the one in her studio apartment. It had a pair of half-open French doors and pots of roses on the edge of the balcony, a four-poster bed with silk sheets, and a small, crystal chandelier hanging from the ceiling. It didn't make sense how, instead of a cell or something of the sort, she'd been given this room, especially when she noticed how infuriated the villain had been with her getting him locked up. 
Maybe this was temporary. Give her all this luxury for a fleeting moment just to take it all away. An old, but effective way to punish anyone, and she truly wouldn't put anything past the villain.
She wasn't going to stay quiet about it, though. If the villain was playing the long game, she wasn't giving him the chance to go through with it. Her mentor had always said that the best way to get rid of a problem was to get rid of the source. 
It didn't take a genius to figure out what "the source" was. 
Still ruminating over exactly how she would re-enact her plan, the hero's frankly poisonous chain of thought was swiftly broken by a knock on the room's door. “What do you want now, Villain?” 
 “I'm not. . .” a timid voice called out, “the Master said to tell you that dinner is ready downstairs, ma'am,” a servant continued hastily. 
And just before she would readily decline, the heroine realised she was absolutely in need of any chance she could get to be in close proximity with her nemesis-turned-husband. 
From the second she'd signed that contract, she'd essentially agreed to swallow her pride and step on her desires till they shattered into a million, almost negligible shards like glass. . .
She walked down to find the villain at the head of the table, his simple choice of a graphic t-shirt and a pair of pale blue shorts strangely disconcerting. “There's clothes up there, you know,” he mused, gesturing to her wedding dress. 
The heroine nodded offhandedly, giving the villain a response of sorts, so she didn't risk aggravating his ire already, but not one too entirely enthusiastic that it wouldn't seem believable. 
Still, the way the hero was barely picking at her food wasn't lost on the villain, his lips curling into a half-annoyed, half-amused smirk. He stabbed his fork into a piece of steak on her plate and ate it. “See? Not poisoned.” 
Admittedly, the hero almost felt like laughing at the villain's antics, but him being mildly amusing for a moment just wasn't going to erase years of accumulated hatred. And she wasn't entrusting her fate to the villain's mood. 
When he turned around, the heroine had slipped a knife up her sleeve, as slowly and carefully as she possibly could within the given time frame, and it was only her luck the villain had decided he was done and was already getting up. 
Adrenaline coursed through her veins, and her pulse hammered under her skin, leaving her feeling as though the force of it was enough to tear through flesh. The fear weighed down on her like a cinder block, leaving her moving as though the world had suddenly turned into molasses. 
Her knife was inches away from Villain’s back, just one movement of the wrist, and all this hell would be over. She struck fast.
But his reflexes were faster.  
His hand snapped onto her wrist with a vice-like grip as he turned to face her, a calm, unreadable expression painted across his features as he tossed the knife away from her hand. “Didn’t I tell you not to think about trying something stupid?” he hissed, voice eerily cold. 
The hero didn’t hesitate to aim a kick to his shins, the momentary shock giving her enough time to force her way out of his grip. She tried to reach for a knife on the dining table, but her enemy was right behind her, pulling her back by the dress. Letting out a frustrated snarl, the hero clawed at his arm, thankful she’d kept her nails long, sharp enough to draw blood. She knew the scratches felt like nothing to a man as robust as the villain, but she needed a moment, just enough to finally pick up a knife off the table. 
And the villain seemed to fancy the same idea, a blade clutched furiously in his left hand, a sickening smile on his lips. He pulled her up to his chest, and anyone who didn’t know better would’ve thought the gesture was intimate, so the knife softly pushing into her neck and drawing a thin streak of crimson down her skin was an ugly paradox. The hero still had her own blade pressed to the villain’s side, a matching carmine just starting to stain his dark t-shirt. “What’s stopping you? Go on, darling, push it all the way. Break your little code for once, might even be fun,” he crooned, the same damned grin drawn across his lips. 
The hero swore, her form convulsing so vigorously with adrenaline and rage that she hadn’t even noticed the villain had lifted the knife off her neck as she pulled hers outward, having barely grazed the criminal’s skin. 
She was surprised he’d simply let her leave, running up to the bathroom in her room, cleaning up the blood on her neck. She can’t stand the dress anymore, throwing it off and being left with a tank top and a pair of shorts underneath. She was furious with herself for hesitating. Her ticket to freedom was almost between her fingers, and she’d thrown it ungratefully in the ocean, just because of a few manipulative words from that bastard. She felt as though she’d forgotten how to breathe, anger and pain and despair building up in her lungs and forcing all the air out.
A knock on the door pulled her swiftly out of her reverie. 
“Come in.”
It’s the villain. The expression on his face was a mix of resigned and irritated.
“What do you want?” she thundered.
The villain let out an exasperated sigh, fidgeting with the ring on his finger. “With this lack of pressure, I wouldn’t be surprised if you die from a tiny wound like that.” He almost took a step forward, but he went back on it, realising he’d probably just aggravate her even more. The man wasn’t dumb. 
She noticed that blood was still snaking down her neck, so she pressed harder at his comment. “Why do you care? You’re the one who gave me this?”
The villain rolled his eyes, giving the hero a look one only reserves for a petulant child. “I told you before I’m not looking to mistreat you. But I never said I’d let you irritate me as you please and get away with it unscathed. But I’m not here for this. I’m here to tell you that tomorrow, there’s some stupid event I’m meant to attend with my civilian identity, and I’m supposed to bring you with me. News travels fast, and sooner or later they’ll find out I’ve married someone. I don’t want them thinking I’ve got anything to hide.”
“I don’t understand why you’d come here and tell me this yourself. Don’t you usually send one of your many servants to do this?” 
To the hero’s surprise, the villain’s lips curved into a wolfish sort of grin.  “Because one of my many servants would be too scared to tell you that I’m not going to let you mess this up. That if you push me hard enough, you’ll regret it. So for tomorrow at least, you’re going to have to pretend you tolerate me. Put on a show for these people like you do for the public.” 
All the hero did in response was give him a blank look. For now at least, she would have to play along. 
“There’s painkillers in this drawer, by the way,” he said, gesturing to the drawer of her nightstand before walking out. 
The hero collapsed on the bed, exhausted and relieved to be alone for now. This was going to be a whole lot more difficult than she thought. 
You can’t win every time, the hero had come to learn. There are times when fate will twist against you, but it doesn’t mean that all is lost. A drawn out fight was never a surefire sign of defeat; it just meant that it would take more perseverance, more withstanding to win.  If she had to turn her nerves into steel and her heart into ice and her face into a mask, then so be it. 
Tagging for the part 2 : @hufflepuffwritingstuff2 Le Taglist: @larinzz @syberianjade @lateuplight @altu-interactions @enbious-prince @astr0-mj @thelazywitchphotographer @a-fucking-simp-00 @addictedsandwhichaki @justalittlecorrupted @quaggasus @adamswrongchild @vernilliom @mothmancommitsarson @starssabove @kurai-hono-blog @talkingsperm @muffinrebel44 @sunnynwanda @annablogsposts @cardboardarsonist @itsmyworld23 @onlywhump @m3rakii @crotchgoblin69 @wtfevenisausername @pendarling @avloki-pal @kaiwewi @those-damn-snippets @genuinelythioehat-is-whump @ghostofnorth @dragonmine-24 @detectivepetrichor @orangeduckweed @red-is-the-reputation4444 @alexii117 @prophecies-bestowed-upon-ye Wanna be on the taglist? This'll take you there!
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yanderepuck · 8 months
OMG I DIDNT REALIZE THAT U DID LIKE. SELF HARM COMFORT FICS I JUST READ YOUR ARTHUR ONE ITS SO GOOD!!!! IIF YOU DONT MINDD could you do likee MC asking one of the guys to kill them..?! I'm curious abt what certain reactions would be!! uhmm you can choose which character to do but preferably leo, arthur, or theo? :3 TYSMM
I'll do lil headcanons of the the three.
He looks at you after he heard those words. Did he hear you right? Did he just hear you ask for him to kill you? So many thoughts were going through his head and he wasn't sure which one to focus on. This man has a fear of harming you. Yes he won't bite you but that doesn't mean he wants you to die.
You are sitting on the bed crying. You have been in a depression pit for a little over a month now. You can't find motivation to do anything. It might sound selfish, but he would be able to do it so easily.
"Cara mia..." he finally snaps out of his thoughts and pulls you into his lap. There's no chance of getting out of his grasp. You cry louder into his chest. He starts to rub your back, feeling tears form at the corner of his eyes. His voice is shaky but he forces it out. "I...I could never. I love you."
You clutch onto his shirt, just crying harder. Being alive hurts so much. Feeling nothing would be better at this point than constantly thinking of killing yourself. If you could just stop thinking it would help so much.
"I'll help you get through this. Don't worry," he talks softly, trying not to cry too much himself.
He freezes at those words. Hes been trained not to freeze in these conditions but how could he not when it's someone he loves.
You're sitting on the edge of his bed, crying. He just finished bandaging up your arm after you just tried to do it yourself. Did you really just say what he thinks you said. Your sobbing just gets harder. Your face is soaked, tears running down your chin and dropping off onto Arthur's hand.
"Love...I..I could never," he reaches up and holds your head between his hands, not caring how wet they get from tears. You didn't dare to move. You didn't deserve his touch but you couldn't muster the energy to move. "I love you-"
"Y-you said- you said you would do a-anything for me!" You half scream half sob. Was he just lying? He said anything.
Arthur gets on the bed with you, getting you to lay down with him. He wraps you in his arms and plays with the ends of your hair. Your cries don't stop. You want to push him away. You want to say horrible things. But you can only cry.
"Shh. Relax, love," he talks softly, holding back tears of his own the best he can. He's not even worried about the blood all over you and him. You keep your arm close to your chest, wanting to keep some distance between the two of you. You don't deserve to be held.
He kisses the top of your head. He thinks back to when he worked as a doctor and how he would help his patients. "Why don't I tell you a story?"
He blacked out for a moment. Kill you? No no. This couldn't be happening. The two people he loves the most are both-
He snaps out of it and quickly wipes the tears from your face. "Hondj- Liefje..I could never," he brushes the hair out of your face. His touch is soft and gentle. He doesn't take his eyes off yours.
Your eyes seem so lifeless, like there's no light behind them. He's seen this look plenty of times before and he never thought he would see it on you.
"T-Theo pl-please," you plead through your tears. "It hurts. I hurt so much," he's strong. He could make it quick and painless. He would barely have to try.
He's desperately trying to find the right words to say. "I-I can't" tears form at the corners of his eyes. "You can hate me if you want but I could never hurt you. I love you."
You can't look him in the eye. You're too.. embarrassed? No. You're scared. Scared to see the look on his face.
"Come here, Liefje," he pulls you into his body. Not caring how wet you get his clothes. He's not letting you go.
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Dallas Winston x African Fem reader. Basically y/n is a new girl in town who lives with her grandparents and Dally thinks shes fine and he’s trying to rizz her up. Tysmm
Yes ma'am/Sir <3 Its so cute my darling Disclaimer: I didn't want to assume if she was more dark or if she was white but I hope it's okay if she has more darker skin <3 Also I'm gonna change it up a bit (Like she's new so she doesn't know about a lot of stuff outside of Africa, so Dallas introduces her to more things.)
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❝ I gotta know tonight. If you're alone tonight.❞
To say Dallas Winston was interested was definitely an understatement.
He felt as if he wanted to get to know you and what your heart desires.
So he does what the good ole' Dally Winston would do.
Hit on you.
He walked to you in such a manner that would have any girl falling to their knees. And his accent made you blush right away.
"Hi there, pretty girl. I haven't seen you around. What's your name?" He smirked as he looked into your eyes.
You smiled at his accent. It just made you feel safe for some odd reason, considering he was a stranger.
"I'm Y/n L/n. I love your accent, it's very comforting. I just moved here from Africa." You said, looking at his cute facial features.
He was definitely a cutie.
His eyes widened, his cheeks only showing the smallest amount of blush. No one has ever complimented his accent like you did. He could tell that he was gonna like you a lot.
"Thanks, man. Uh- Africa, huh? What'd you move here for?" He said, the last part coming off rude. He internally slapped himself, hoping you didn't notice his harsh tone. And thankfully you didn't.
You just smiled at him, before answering his question.
"Just felt like it I guess. What's your name and where are you from?" you asked sweetly. Your voice sounded like honey and your skin was tan, which shined brightly in the sun.
"Im from New York. Dallas Winston. But you can call me yours if you want." He said, shooting his shot.
That explains the accent. You felt the blood rise to your face as you covered it, avoiding his stare.
"Aren't you just a charmer, Mr Winston." You said, starting to walk as Dallas walked with you.
"Do you want to be my friend? I haven't met a lot of people that went out of their way to talk to me." You asked quietly.
He smiled softly, nodding his head at you as you two walked around town.
"Oh what a car! That's really nice." You exclaimed, pointing at the mustang that belonged to Bob Sheldon.
Dal looked at the car, remembering how many times he had slashes the tires to that exact car as he smirked.
"yeah uh that's Bob Sheldons car. We don't like him." He said, grabbing your shoulder as he kept walking.
"Why not? He hurt you?" You kept asking questions on why but he was scared to show the kind of person Dallas Winston really was.
"Nah, man. He just- look. Around here, you have to hide. You have to fight for just walking around in the streets. Just stay away from him. Understand?" he said, lighting a cigarette.
You weren't scared. You were sad that you couldn't go where you wanted.
"I move here from Africa. For more. And now all my opportunities are out the window. I wanna see the world, Dal." You say sadly.
He blew a puff of smoke into your face. You ignored it. It didn't bother you one bit. From the house you lived in, people smoked all the time. Even you. But not all the time.
"Wanna meet my friends?" He asked you randomly.
You were honestly excited.
"More? Like you?" You asked with a bright smile that soon made him smile as well.
"psh. I mean I guess. But remember sweetheart. There ain't a lot of people like Dally Winston." He kisses your hand before grabbing it, walking down the sidewalk with you.
You blushed softly, looking down at your feet.
You took your hand back. This is too early. You are getting too attached.
He noticed but ignored it as he looked around to distract himself.
You two then made it to a house, the screen door wide open for just anybody to walk in.
You shifted in your spot, nervous to go in.
Dallas noticed your absence, going back outside to find you when he saw you weren't behind you.
"Hey. What's up, man? Scared?" He said before laughing.
You loved his laugh.
"A little." You said looking at the house.
"Aw come on. They don't bite- Steve might. But just ignore them if they say weird stuff." He said, wrapping his arm around your shoulder, leading you inside before having his hand on the small of your back. Walking in right after you.
They boys looked up, besides Two-Bit and Ponyboy.
"Hey guys. This is Y/n. She just moved here from Africa." He said before Darry stood up, holding out his hand to introduce himself.
You nervously took it and smiled. "Hello Y/n. I'm Darryl but please call me Darry." He then pointed at all the boys, naming them as you nodded.
"Make yourself at home." He said before going into the kitchen.
You sat next to Two-bit, looking over his shoulder at the TV.
"Mickey Mouse?" You asked him, pointing at the Tv.
He looked at you and then at Dally.
"where did you find her, Dal? She's cute."
You blushed, putting a hand over your mouth as you looked at him then Dallas.
"Yeah yeah. Met er' at the diner." He rolled his eyes.
You got up and sat on the couch next to Dallas.
"Who's she? A girlfriend?" Steve said to Dally.
You looked at him with wide eyes.
You both stumbled over your words, trying to say it wasn't like that.
Steve just laughed.
"Jeez, Dal. If you like her just say that."
"Shut up snaggle tooth. I don't wanna hear it." Dallas just brushed him off before looking at the TV.
It's been 5 weeks and you and Dallas are closer than you have ever been close with someone.
"Hey Y/n. Wanna go to the bar or somethin'? I'm real bored, man."
You looked at Dallas, before rolling your eyes with a smile.
"You're always bored." You said, grabbing your shoes.
You two walked over to Bucks, playing around on the way there.
You turned around, realizing that Dallas wasn't talking your ear off.
"Dally?" You said, looking behind parked cars.
You saw the alley way. It was dark and you hated it. You were scared of the dark.
You walked closer, hearing noises in the distance.
You screamed when you felt a hand on your shoulder.
"Dallas I'm gonna fucking kill you!" You said, punching him hard in the shoulder.
"Ow. Watch the guns, babe." He laughed, ruffling your hair.
"You know I hate the dark. Why would you do that?" You asked, looking anywhere but into his eyes.
"Hey, Doll. I was just playing around. Come on, you know it was funny." He said, making you smile slightly before punching him in the shoulder again. This time playfully.
"See? What'd I tell ya?" He said, jokingly grabbing your nose before you swatted his hand away.
"Come on dally. Let's go before it gets any later." You said, looking around, seeing darkness from the distance, a chill being sent up your spine.
He chuckles before wrapping his arm around you.
"I ain't gonna let nothin' happen to you. You know that." He mumbled before walking towards Buck's with you under his arm.
It was taking forever to get there. It even started raining as you two were walking.
"Dal, I told you we should've took the car." You said, hitting his arm playfully. Both of you dripping with rain water.
"Yeah yeah. You just love being right don't ya? He smirked at you, wrapping his jacket around himself more as he shivered.
Your band T-shirt was almost see through, but it wasn't too bad since it was red.
"You just love being wrong don't ya?" You said, mocking his accent.
He glared at you playfully.
"Ha. Ha. Shut up." He flicked your ear. He noticed how your hair dripped with rain water, looking at you with admiration.
"You alright, dal-"
You two were cut off by a figure approaching the two of you.
"Dallas Winston? Is that you? What are you doing on this side of town, huh?" Bob said, taking a drink from his flask.
"Damn it." Dallas said under his breath.
"Look man. I don't want any trouble while I have my lady friend here. We're just passin' through, man." He said, staring him down nervously.
"Oh yeah? Where you from, doll? I haven't seen you around." He said, looking at you.
You didn't appreciate him calling you "Doll." And apparently Dallas didn't either.
"Um..Africa." You said quietly.
"Okay well you should just go back to Africa sweetheart. This ain't the place for you. Do you know who you're out here running with? Just look at em'." He sneered.
"Just ignore it, doll." Dallas said, grabbing you gently, pulling you away from Bob.
You balled up your fist as he continued to talk as you walked with Dallas.
"Dallas Winston is a bad man. You are better off on our side of town. Not with those losers."
You turned around, swinging a punch right to his nose.
"Don't you ever talk about my friends. I don't know you and you sure as hell don't know me. So step off." You paused before saying something else. "And if you have a problem with Dal, you have a problem with me." You wiped the blood from your knuckles before walking up the Dallas hurriedly, Bob ran off.
Dallas was shocked, but more so in love.
"Why- how..oh my God, Doll. You coulda' got hurt. The fuzz coulda' taken you away." He said looking at you with concern, checking you to make sure you were okay.
"Dal, I'm fine. I just don't like when people talk about my friends." You said, looking at your knuckles.
He smiled, hugging you, the sky starting to rain again.
You smiled, before hugging him back.
"You know. That kind of turned me on." He said, making you playfully smack his head.
"Dallas!" You covered your blush.
"What? Just sayin'" He smirked, wrapping his arm around you as the rain poured down.
"Real cute, Dally." You playfully pinched his cheek before he swatted your hand away.
"Not cuter than you, Pretty Girl."
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restlesscrybaby · 2 years
Genderbent Jack Horner x Reader? 👀👀
My bisexual heart can't get over this thought 😳👉👈
Btw, I love your stuff 💖✨
TYSMM I love this idea <33 ..
× 'I-,, I became a--' ×
☆ CONTENT WARNING: Slight nsfw themes. ☆
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[ Jessica Rabbit theme playing. ]
Sometimes, some potions should be left on the shelf...
You guys didn't know what the potion originally was, hues of pink coiled it's harsh talons around with hues of red, drops of gold swam around like a madman...
Typically, he wouldn't try his own potions...
But, you made him.
He popped the cork off, as it made a clarifying pop sound, his index and thumb pinched the bottle. No label. No tag. No nothing.
So, why should he be scared?
I mean, he shouldn't...
But, he lifted his arm, as his lips curled around the rim of the beaker, his hand tilting the mysterious beaker up. The potion hit his mouth...
It tasted like..
No, not cherries,
No, not vanilla,
It was-- Something he couldn't describe. It was harsh, yet sweet. It smelt like some kind of confetti, if it even had a smell .
He took only a few sips, as he tilted hos hand down. Pulling the beaker away from his plump lips, sliding it upon the shelf.
It took a moment, but it struck like a train.
He shook his head, as he burped. His lips didn't change, but he could feel a change in his face. He couldn't tell what..
Something was off.. It was...
More curves.
He felt like bellowing, as his hands practically changed themselves. It didn't hurt. But ir felt strange.
Long nails adorned his original, short ones. Oh god.
His eyes widened, shock coating his face.
His chest tingled, the feeling of change ramming its uncomfy horns into it. Grew.
And grew..
Until something perky coated his chest. Two soft breasts--
His body was shifting, changing, he didn't know why!!!
You watched...
In shock.
As, stood before you,
Wasn't Jack anymore.
It was Jackelyn.
You smiled, as she turned to look at you, as she looked shocked herself.
"I'm a--" She sputtered out, as she raised her arms, peering down towards her hands, that were now soft and.. Smaller. Not too much smaller, but now that her height changed too, nothing much to do.
"You're a..?" You hummed out, awaiting for her to speak up and announce what had happened.
"I'm a WOMAN-!"
This was gonna take some getting used too.
Corset trying!
That was fun.
How she shrieked out when it was tightened, and you could only pat her hand, not being brave enough to hold it. Her bare strength could probably break it no problem.
It fit!
She hated it.
Cuddles were nicer though.
Somehow, she became softer around. You could easily lay on her, somehow she was softer than before.
She just rolled her eyes and pinched the face of her sleeping mask, only to pull it down and let it slap against her face. An angry scowl on her face as she huffed. And headed to bed.
But you always woke up.
Getting cuddled.
Her periods weren't good either,
You always comforted her, rubbed her back, cooed it was okay. But oh god, did she HATE it.
She complained, got angrier, more protective of you. Almost like a harmful stereotype.
The cramps were a killer.
She'd lay in bed, with a hand on her lower tummy, her lips puckered in pain, as she clenched her eyes shut. It hurt, bad..
But, you took care of her.
Even if she 'didn't need it'...
Yet, during this time, she sometimes struggled to even get out of bed, having no motivation..
On the topic of bed...
Hey, that was fun.
Your new sex life.
I mean..
She had many new things to try and...
You couldn't even spit it out without having a red face.
But here you stand, beside her desk, hearing her curse and sputtered. Hoping it would end soon, she didn't want this stupid body anymore!
But, you couldn't lie,
You hoped it never wore off.
× 'A CHICK!!' ×
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