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impossible-rat-babies · 10 days ago
the torment cycle one created between eyrie, themis, charon, hermes, venat and emet is driving me nuts
#abbey by mitski is in my brain so much like#I was born hungry. I was born waiting. for that something. just one something. I was born k#and I’m tormented by last words of a shooting star too like:#did you know the liberty bell is a replica / silently housed in its original walls#eyrie u beautiful fragment of Hermes that is blessed by venat and charon. it eclipses this fragment of Hermes#they are a scrap of hope. a lingering bit of light that some part of Hermes can escape#this part will not become Amon. Will not become Fandaniel#how eyrie holds out their hand to him and says next time we will find the answer together#they are a shepherd—a hopeful light to these fragments that are not them but still part of them#how Themis names them the emphemeral shepherd. a title held by Charon—the woman themis loved#the shepherd to his justice. the hand to hold the gavel#the hand that holds emet’s as she is the Charon to his hades#one person the steps towards the aetherial sea#venat catching this little familiar wisp that would become eyrie as it passed through the aetherial sea and how she hoped beyond hope#Venat being the second bearer and holder of the truths that both Charon and eyrie spoke of in regards to the future#the cyclical nature of Hermes confessing to eyrie how one sits down with a child and tells them of the cruel nature of the world#but eyrie is not a child and still they take hermes hands and tell him: yes the world is cruel and horrible#and you are not alone in feeling that the world is unjust#but hermes will not remember the kindness they shared. not until his choices have been made#I COULD KEEP GOING BUT IM GONNA STIP#oc: eyrie kisne#there are cycles and the breaking of them
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soulidarity · 22 days ago
Heyy can I pls request another hurt comfort rafayel x reader fic where you go out with him and he tries to play it cool but he’s having a really hard time with his condition and he’s dizzy/nauseous and struggling to see clearly so he needs you to help him. I love that you’re willing to explore this more it’s so :’)
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out on a date at an amusement park, rafayel has a hard time keeping up
rafayel was a smart man, he thought. by presenting this persona of the whiny, princessy artist, his pain got disguised as a simple tantrum, causing the hunter to just roll her eyes the few times hed make a comment.
he wasn't sure if he wanted her to take him seriously or not. he didnt want pity, he didnt want to stip the date, he didn't want to dissapoint her. he did want to rest.
the artist was proud of himself, they had been in the amusement park for a couple of hours now and he had managed to only jokingly complain three times, playing it off. but now he was facing his mortal enemy.
the teacup ride.
resting against the railing that signaled the queue to the ride, rafayel held his head. apart from his usual leg pain, he was really dizzy. he'd manage to survive the few rollercoasters they'd had gone on, she knew he was afraid of heights so they hadn't gone on any extreme ones.
"you're quiet today, all good?" she asked, mid chewing a churro
he faked a smile, his usual one. "puh-lease cutie, how could i be not good when im with you" he gave her a peck on the cheek "just a bit embarrassed that most people in line are, like, children"
"there are some other young couples in line, dont be shy!" she offered him a bite of the treat, he waved his hand in refusal "i havent gone on this ride since I was a kid with my grandma, I'm so excited"
oh that was just great. the ride had sentimental value. now he HAD to get on.
"you look so adorable when you're excited, cutie"
it took another ten minutes before they got on. he gripped the steering wheel, noticing his shaking hands. shit. maybe he should've eaten the churro, but now it was to late, hed definitely puke it out and mc had already finished it before getting on.
with a loud countdown that hurt his head more than he'd like to admit, the ride started spinning. mc smiling at him as she spun the cup with all her might, a few seconds later she must have noticed rafayels dreadful gaze, slowing the cup down a bit. he could feel her staring as he gripped the side handles. was his façade borken? he couldn't have resisted the one minute the ride lasted? was he that pathetic?
his vision started getting blurry, the familiar white spot aura filling his vision. the tingling sensasion on his legs warning him of the pain that was coming.
the ride ended, she got off before him, offering her hand. maybe out of worry, maybe out od affection or maybe both. he appreciated that it looked just like a normal situation between boyfriend and girlfriend.
he took her hand and went to stand.
there went his left knee.
a frown was shown on his face, he couldn't fake it anymore. he struggled to straighten his leg to get up. he started panicking. why couldn't he do it? he needed to hurry or she'd start questioning. were they the last people on the ride? he needed to hurry before the ride operator started to pester them. sweat started forming. he could feel mc's grip tighten but, where was she? his vision spotty, not able of making out exactly where everything was.
he felt a familiar arm on his back, then another on the back of his knees. did mc just... pick him up in front of all these people? can fishes die from sunlight? because thats what hed hope would happen as he felt it when they left the shadowed area of the attraction.
he closed his eyes, wrapped his arms around her neck.
"i got you rafayel, hold on just a bit more."
he felt himself being laid down on a bench, the sounds of the park being drowned out. was his hearing also betraying him or had she ran extremely fast to an unoccupied area?
"im gonna lift your pants up to your knees to check if its inflamed, okay?"
her voice sounded as sweet and clear as ever, so no, his hearing wasn't bad. a win he'd happily take.
"rafayel, your knee is definitely injured. why didnt you tell me anything?"
he just grunted, maybe if he ignored everything he could play it off better.
"yel... please... look at me"
he opened his eyes, blinking aggressively to try to get the white spots to leave, but even in between them, he could make out the worried expression on her face
"you were so excited..."
"and you were in pain! when did you start feeling bad"
"well, my knee always hurts, but it started hurting more by the second ride we got on. standing for so long in the queues messes me up a bit. then i started getting dizzy and by the time the teacups were done i had lost a bit of my vision, pretty sure i have a migraine too because god did that annoying music hurt my brain."
"have you ever gone to the doctor? has this happened before?"
he scoffed, "go for what? im fine. and i have gone before, its genetic, has no cure. i can fix my legs a bit with exercise but it hurts to do it, and i spend so much time painting that i honestly forget about it. ive had an mri, the spots and dizziness aren't cause by a tumor, they cant figure our a main cause apart from me staying up in the darkness painting and stress." he sighed "i didnt want to ruin our date with this because im just learning to live with it, today is just a bad day, i can usually handle this."
she looked serious, looking him up and down before turning around and squatting in front of the bench
"get on my back?"
"wh- wha- mc! I'm fine! I can walk"
"I know, but cant i carry my lovely boyfriend?"
rafayel reluctantly got on, he felt a bit embarrassed but at this point, whats he got to lose. he hid his face on her shoulder.
after a few minutes they sat down at a cafe, it was nicely decorated but not a lot of people were there.
"ill get you something to eat, then we're gonna discuss this."
as soon as she left, he slumped into the chair. this was not how he wanted the day to go.
soon after, she came back with a pastry and a milkshake, dropping them off infront of him before sitting down "alright, so what do you want me to do?"
"excuse me?"
"how do you want me to react, how do I help you and when do you rather i leave you alone"
rafayel thought for a bit "i guess, i dont want you to leave, first of all. but dont treat me like im weak, dont pity me... ill try to be more honest about how im feeling so we can take it slow, but i dont want this to change how we hang out, i like what we do. its just... my body being stupid"
she held his hand "its not stupid, things happen. i have my fair amount of medical issues and you know that. do you think im weak because of my heart disease?" rafayel shook his head "see! its not weakness, its just a hurdle, but it shows we can deal with a lot more stuff and it'll take a lot more to bri g us down"
rafayel chuckled "thats corny..."
"yeah well i learnt it from my grandma so be respectful young man!"
as soon as i got this request, my brain started giving me a hundred ideas. i landed on this one, but maybe another time if youd like i could explore more of rafayel letting mc help him with his vision and nausea stuff since shed now know about his condition.
once again, this is heavily projecting because i have similar medical issues so i write from my experience, these types of medical conditions can vary a lot from person to person. im not saying the diagnosis on purpose, so that more people can feel represented. most of the symptoms are related to things he has in canon
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raggedy-dxctor · 3 years ago
vampire izzy headcanons
ofmd x wwdits brainrot produced this enjoy xx
pairing(s): vampire!izzy hands x reader
warnings: tooth rotting fluff, mentions of defanging, but none actually takes place, mentions od reader being in pain
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well stumbling upon a vessel of vampires was definitely. an experience and to add to it the most grouchy of the immortal crew saved your life?? defending you with every ounce of his being from his originally blood thirsty and hostile crew mates?
honestly he's so tender and caring like. to the crew he's the stereotypical cruel and cold hearted vampire, but to you?? he's literally the most caring and loyal person ever
you'd literally never feel unsafe around him. sure he could literally kill you and drain you of your blood right on the spot, but he vowed to you that he'll keep you safe
i feel like he's offered to defang himself for you on multiple occasions
"y/n are you. scared of me? bec4if so i can rip these out! to make you feel more safe!" "izzy, no, please don't do that it's not necessary im not scared of you!" "hey y/n as ive said i'd defang myself in a he-" "don't you dare. i trust you izzy, i promise"
honestly just hearing that you trust him makes him fall for you on a whole new level like he thought he couldn't fall any harder, but in that moment he's completely head over heels. "t-tha k you y/n, truly" he just grabs your hands and places them on his chest, where a heartbeat used to be and grins at you, showing his fangs as his cheeks dust a slight tint of pink
i feel like he really hasn't been a vampire for long, probably like ten years, so he's still pretty in touch with society and stuff but he just loves to hear you talk so he lets you ramble on about wl what's happened over the past ten years and acts completely oblivious
"izzy? why the fuck are you acting as if you don't know that? you ranted about that to ke with the sake passionate firey anger nine ye-" izzy just elbows ed in the stomach and gives him an expression that just says 'shit the fuck up', his eye twitching slightly as he masks the death glare he's almost giving him
i don't think he'd be a big fan of the idea of turning you to he honest
""y/n, you have to understand, vampirism is not something that you should look fondly on" befofe your relationship vs "y/n daring. id love nothing more than to be with you for eternity, but vampirism id a curse!" as you're in a relationship. he just gently places a cold hand on your cheek and strokes it slightly, giving you a sad smile as you press his hand further into your cheek and bring it towards your lips, kissing his ring and his knuckle before looking into his eyes and gently smiling. "i understand what you're saying iz, you don't have to turn me if you don't want to" you promise and he lets out a sugh of relief, leaning in to kiss you gently.
after non stop thinking about it he decides he'll turn you, but very reluctantly and even as he's telling you that he'll be happy to turn you, you're reassuring him that if it's not something he wants to do then he absolutely does not even have to consider it. but he just stips your rambling by placing a hand on your cheek and turning your head towards him. "i want to. if you're ok with being turned then i want to spend the rest of my life with you" as he looks into your eyes earnestly, which are filled witj curiosity, adoration and excitement
the moment when he turns you is so. special. so intimate??? like. "this is going to hurt im so sorry, but the pain will pass. i'll be here every moment of every hour for you" you nod as him and smile, kissing him for the final time as a human "slight pain is nothing if o get to spend eternity with you"
im not gonna lie, it's probably fucking agony. but true to his word izzy does not lave your side for your entire transformation. you ask him whu afterward and he just shrugs, cuddling closer to you as he places his head ontop of yours. "i wish i had someone there for me, i went through it aand i would never wish that upon anyone, lus i love you so" his hand finds tours and entangles your fingers, the other hanging off the top of the sofa as he lets out a contented sigh. "im so sorry, i wish i could've been there all those years ago, i love you too iz" he smiles, kisses the top of your head, squeezes your hand and lies his head back down. moments later you hear soft snoring coming from him.
honestly the absolute best thing to do is go flying with him in bat form like??? imagine flyimg with him, side by side over the ocean, no one to disturb you as you chase eachother through the night
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malakhai-ozera · 4 years ago
 Discord Text Thread || Khoman  ♥  
Discord thread featuring: Khai and Roman @romanbeckett
When:  December 24th (day & night)
Mentions: Landon Davies @davieslandon
Description: Roman texts Khai to forgive him after his voicemail. They start texting again later in the day and Khai is beyond fucked up and Roman once again expresses his concerns for him.
Trigger Warnings: HARD drug use, drug mentions, light sexting and dirty talk.(sorry this one is kinda looooong)
Roman. babe. You’re forgiven. Shit happens. I just worry...which is one of my issues. I worry constantly about everything. Always afraid something will happen to you.
Khai. I know, and I’ve been real careless. I didn’t mean to be a shit I was just... being stupid and fucked up I hope you know I really don’t have a problem with you staying with Landon. Idek what my deal was
Roman. are you sure it doesn’t bother you?
Khai. I’m sure baby. I just want you two to have fun
Roman. I’ll still see you there tomorrow right?
Khai. of course you will. Fancy pjs and all lol
Roman. oh my god I can’t wait lol
Khai. me either. It’s gonna be an amazing day for sure
Roman. I’ll be off work soon and I’ll bring us dinner
Khai. I look forward to it! I’m starving plus I really wanna kiss you
Roman. I reallllly wanna kiss you too. Maybe we can sneak in a quickie
Khai. maybe huh?
Roman. okay definitely, because I want lol
hahaha well I’m always down baby. You know I can’t keep my hands off of you.
- Later that same day -
Roman. I miss you already
Khai. Miss you too
Roman. dinner and messing around was fun though. Best Christmas gift ever.
Khai. it was fun indeed! I couldn’t agree more
Roman. are you okay?
Khai. yeah I’m okay why?
Roman. idk just checking. I feel guilty now that I’m not there
Khai. don’t feel guilty. I have my drugs and hot chocolate to keep me warm haha
Roman. ooo what drugs lolll
Khai. Just the usual. I also have my tequila so I’m set lol
Roman. damn. I do wish I was there
Khai. I always wish you were here. But it’s okay. We will make out all day tomorrow
Roman. yesss. Can we cook a late night breakfast for dinner together and watch Christmas movies
Khai. absolutely! We can do whatever you want baby
Roman. I'm having wiiiine
Khai. mmm what kind?
Roman. it's a good ass Pinot
Khai. oooo im jelly I’m half way through my tequila advent calendar haha I got behind
Roman. Lmao omg babe!!! How much have you has?? lol
Khai. like 6 so farv ? Lol
Roman. FARV 😂
Khai. oops haha
Roman. I am laughing. I love you lol if I was there, I’d be in your lap right now.
Khai. I love you mooooore yeah you would
Roman. thighs on either side of you, straddling you with my forehead against yours, running my fingers through your hair...
Khai. damn baby... don’t make me come there and crash your party
Roman. SHSUSJEJEJEJENEJDJJE why is my boyfriend so HOT
Khai. because you were a good boy this year? haha
Roman. well we both know THAT isn’t true lol
Khai. hahahaha well then idk. But my boyfriend is pretty fucking sexy too though and lord knows I’ve been baaaaad
Roman. we got lucky  now if we could just keep our damn apartment
Khai. I know... that would be nice wouldn’t it? can’t have it all though I guess lol
Roman. I still haven’t found a place and I’m stressed
Khai. yeah, idk where I’m going either. Maybe we can go look together after Christmas
Roman. yeah, let’s do that. Bleh. Anyway, don’t wanna bring down the mood!! How ya feelin?
Khai. I’m feeling goodz how you feeling?
Roman. goodz too  I feel all warm and buzzy
Khai. hahaha dammit I’m glad baby. I want you to have fun just not to mush fun haha
Roman. I won’t have too much fun. Not without youuuu
Khai. good. Cause J like the sound o g that
Roman. babe you’re wasted aren’t you
Khai. yes I am ll I misssh you
Roman. omg mish. That’s so cute omg. I wanna hear you say it
Khai. nooo hahaha
Roman. mish mish mishhhh
Khai. you’re so mean lol but I love youuu
Roman. noooo I just think it’s adorable lol I love your typos. They make my life better.
Khai. Mhm you mage my life begetter. I should prolly stip drinking now hahaha
Roman. You probably should babe
Khai. that tot out of hand fasty lol oops
Roman. fasty omg you’re SO cute
Khai. lmao wow I gives up
Roman. I’m just imagining you saying all of this outloud, and it’s like making my night
Khai. hahaha I’m glad. I’m imagning you laughing and it’s making my nifht too
Roman. my squawking laugh  god
Khai. nooooo it’s the bstes laugh wver and beast smile too
Roman. I would argue that YOU have the best smile my love.
Khai. Nope nope
Roman. UM *picture of Khai’s smile*
Khai. I look liek a weirro
Roman. WHAT you’re crazy lol
Khai. I’m crazy anout youuuuuu I wanna snugs you
Roman. me too. I love snuggling with you every night and it’s so weird when we don’t like !!! I’m so used to going to bed with you.
Khai. it is weird. Indint like it but Im gonna sleept in y it bed
Roman. sleep in my bed any time you want love. You’ll like the new book I have
Khai. ooooo I wish you erre here
Roman. I know. I do too. I miss those eyes. I also miss your scruff. That sounds so dumb, but I love the way it feelssss
Khai. I love yyou I’m gonna scrufff you up when I se you
Roman. scruff up the inside of my thighs PLEASE AND THANKS
Khai. you know j will
Roman. god I love when you give me beard burn
Khai. I thinks that the hottest thing yku ever said to me I want you sinebws
Roman. what can I say? I just love your head between my legs
Khai. I love it too baby. I luv makings you deel good
Roman. ugh I’m starting to get buzzed now lol
Khai. hahaha dinally this whol room is so pinky spiking lol yup nvm haha
Roman. it’s so what?? Hahaha spinning? Lol
Khai. yessum Jm good
Roman. bleh I worry about you.
Khai. I’m oka I promisee I hust miss you
Roman. I miss you too. So much baby. Keep talking to me so I don’t have to miss you even more.
Khai. what ya wanna talks about? Tell me ykyr favorite chrismas present
Roman. you won’t believe me if I tell you lol
Khai. yesss I whll
Roman. everything you got me. You know me so well. I’m obsessed with all of it. Ugh. The jacket, the shoes?! The freaking clock. You really did so good.
Khai. really? I’m so hapy you love it. I just wanted you to gave the best. You lok so good in those shows too
Roman. you know exactly what I like and feel good in.
Khai. cause I lover you
Roman. I love you too. How are you feeling?
Khai. sleepyyy but good gaga
Roman. baby I’m worried about you.
Khai. why? I’m fdine im jus laying in bed
Roman. i don’t like that you’re doing heroin
Khai. romsn it’s ojay
Roman. but you’re not even making sense
Khai. I ehould jus got to bed
Roman. maybe but bleh idk I’m worried and I should be there
Khai. no no, eont worry. I wsnt you to have fun.
Roman. I know but ugh. I love you.
Khai. I lowe you too idknt wanna hpset you
Roman. will you promise me you’ll try to stop?
Khai. fan we talked about tbis latr?
Roman. yeah of course
Khai. I jus imn so tucked up byt I wanba talk
Roman. I know
Khai. I love yky so mhch
Roman. I love you too.
Khai. I relly sm sorry. Ilm do better. Pleas have fhn tonight okay
Roman. I’m worried to death about you
Khai. I orimse Jm ok. I just nee to skep it off
Roman. okay
Khai. Smile is chrismaaaas
Roman. lol okay, I smiled
Khai. good boyyy
Roman. lol hate you!!
Khai. I knoooow but you lve me
Roman. I definitely love you
Khai. you’re my everything
Roman. Khaiiiii. You’re making me smile so much it fucking hurts lol
Khai. I mean itttt you’re all I ever need
Roman. god I think my heart is gonna explode lol you constantly wanna kill me
Khai. nooo baby. I just want you tk know how mych I love you and I am feelig better so thahs good well jot better but less high lol
Roman. lol!! Well. Bleh. Scared me there, not gonna lie.
Khai. I’m sorry baby I know I newd to stop it’s jus hard
Roman. i know.
We can talk about this after the holiday tho. I don’t wanna ruin it for anyone
Roman. you’re not ruining anything for me. I promise.
Khai. I hope not cause I’d never forgive myself
Roman. babe. Don’t be silly. Everything’s okay *heart emoji*
Khai. you’re the best do you know that?
Roman. I’m not. But I’m glad you think so
Khai. I know so.
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lets-imagine-danganronpa · 7 years ago
May I request the SDR2 boys with an S/O who is the SHLS villain?
Hajime Hinata
- He would think that you were a great villan but...to who?
- He asks you questions like that all the time, and slightly laughs when your standing there with a “i have no idea what to say” expression on your face
- Chuckles when you finally say “The WORLD is my nemesis!” And boast about your powers
- Stops you from doing things that are considered a little...violent
- Knows its just what you do, but he doesnt want you (or anyone else) to get hurtNagito Komaeda
- Its a bit controversial with him
- He wants hope to flourish, but you want to bring despair to all corners of the world
- He loves you, but despises what your trying to do
- Rule the world? Reign supreme? He doesnt like that 
- Tries to give you different hobbies to do other than villany, so he doesnt have mixed feelings
Kazuichi Soda
- He doesnt really mind all the “villany” talk you constantly do
- But got a bit concerned when you asked him to build a “Giant Murder Bot 9000!”
- Decided to just make you a suped-up segway instead
- Cant stop laughing when you ride it around school yelling “Im gonna rule to world!!” on a segway
- When asked if he could create a robot arm for you...well, lets just say they were little....and harmless
- He tried to tone down the violence his machines may cause
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
- He thinks having the Ultimate Villan in his clan will drive most clans away from wanting to mess with him
- and it does
- When they make the requests you ask for (weapons, vehicles, etc.), you show your real power
- It scares most kf the clans away, and it impresses him
- You become a welcome member of the Kuzuryuu clan pretty quickly
Teruteru Hanamura
- Thinks all your rants about villany and ruling the world are adorable
- Feeds you alot. Why? “Cause you cant rule to world on an empty stomach, silly~”
- Other than that, hes not too worried with your acts of villany
- Mainly because when you tried doing one of them, you almost got kicked out of Hopes Peak
- He saw your acts of villany go down significantly after that
Twogami (Imposter)
- He isn’t to keen about you wanting disorder and chaos
- Thats basically the opposite of what he stands for, but he still loves you
- Tries to talk you out of doing anything drastic or dangerous
- You two get into little arguments about whether or not you get to something big (steal a car, rob a place, etc.) or even just the little things (stealing gum, jay walking, etc.)
- He talks you out of doing crazy things most of the time, much to your annoyance, but you know hes just looking out for you
Nekomaru Nidai
- He laughs it off when you say you’ll take over the world
- He jokingly said “Well, lets start with takin’ over the school first!”
- After he saw you actually think about it and smirk, he gets a bit worried
- Manages (get it?) to talk you out of taking over the school, and instead to take over the class
- Cant stip laughing when you do so and keep boasting about how your “henchman” (aka him) helped you with the idea
Gundham Tanaka
- Are you kidding me? You two are basically the same!
- Both of you talk of plans of taking over the world (though he did say he’d take over Heaven and Hell too), and how you will make all tremble before you
- He fully agrees with all of your actions of villany, and even helps you once in a while
- Thinks you look wonderful as you make the mortals cry in agony! (Aka you stole candy from a kid and hes crying)
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fukawakin · 7 years ago
Ladies, gentlemen and enbies:
I have come here tonight to post my most prized work of literature. I wrote it while I was drunk and in a syo shift. Enjoy. 
cw: alcohol, drugs, sex mentions 
Ishimaru turns up on the weekend
Ishimaru had been a really good  boy that week/ Like, a really good boi. He deserved a reward. Ishimaru’s friend Hagakure had invited him to the bar so that he could meet the world’s hottest guy. Ishimaru thought that sounded awesome. His dick was super hrd alreay
Ishimaru stepped into te stip bar and planed to drink responsibly. He was a model student and didn’t want to set a bad example for other people by getting drunk. He had had years to practice self control and was good at it.
Ishimaru adjusted his collar and looked for hagakure in the bar. Hagakure waved.
“Hello, I already ordered you a beer”.
‘“Okay thank you”. He would only have one beer.
Ishimaru did not only have one beer. He was having fun but he ended up having 12 beers and gave a male stripper a 20 dollar tip. Even Hagakure said he had too much, and Hagakure drinks more than anyone. Ishimaru almost passed out on the table, but then he got up to go to the bathroom. When he was in the bathroom he saw nidai. Who are you ? He asked.
“Im you but better” . NIDAI said. He had a huge packaged.
“Oh okay”
“Do you want some weed>:
“hell yea” ishimaru said and proceeded to smoke all the weed. It was about 11:30 at night.
Ishimaru came back from the bathroom about an hour later. Hagakure had joined him and had smoked his own weed. His weed could see the future and it said ishimaru was gonna get hella laid.
“THAT GUYS’ DICK WAS SOOOO BIG”  ISHIMARU SCREAMED FOR THE ENTIRE CLUB TO HEAR. The entire club applauded as nidai took a bow and was cheered on by the crowd.
“Hagakure you said that the hottest guy in the world would be here where is he. Also my dick is exactly the size of his dick divided by pi. I know this because i measured before i came here”.
“Maybe he is the one who will lay you”” hagakure said. “But who is the hot guy”.
“Well i am the hottest guy but i think you know that.” I was planning for you to hook up with the second hottest guy. “
“Oh okay but that is bullshit, the hottest guy is mondo.” ishimaru said. Mondo showed up. “MONDO IS THE HOTTEST GUY” ishimaru screamed and then took off all of his clothes. He then ran outside and passed out over a trash can.
Ishimaru woke up in mondo’s bed the next day with a hangover. “I wanted to make sure you were okay this morning you were kind of irresponsible last night” mondo said. Ishimaru was shocked by this claim.
“What are you talking about i am a model student.” Then he realized he had a splitting headache. Then he remembered.
“Oh no i will never drink that much or do weed again what will my dad think. “It is okay” said mondo
“we can spend the day together now. Then they had sex forevr. The end
Nidai: also my dick isn’t actually that big that’s just where i keep my weed
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asksansweredpdf · 6 years ago
65 questions youre not used to
1. Do you ever doubt the existence of others than you? not until now
2. On a scale of 1-5, how afraid of the dark are you? hm like a 3? i talk to spirits so sometimes i worry that they’re around
3. The person you would never want to meet? someone i used to know who things are now awkward with
4. What is your favorite word? oblong or shenanigans 
5. If you were a type of tree, what would you be? idk like a mulberry tree
6. When you looked in the mirror this morning what was the first thing you thought? that my hair was sticking up from my sleep
7. What shirt are you wearing? pink &  blue stipy crop
8. What do you label yourself as? flamboyant & eccentric 
9. Bright room or dark room? dark room
10. What were you doing at midnight last night? finishing infinity war or reading fanfic sjdfhjlkf
11. Favorite age you’ve been so far? 20
12. Who told you they loved you last? probably my old best friend dom
13. Your worst enemy? i dont really have any enemies. i try to get on with everyone or keep to myself if that’s not possible
14. What is your current desktop picture? a scene from kiki’s delivery service with a window near some greenery
15. Do you like someone? not romantically no. i only ever go to work and work romances are inappropriate
16. The last song you listened to? pussy is gof
17. You can press a button that will make any one person explode. Who would you blow up? id like to say someone like trump, but i think his death wouldn’t really lead to much positive change. maybe a billionaire with an heir who would do better with what they have? i’lll have to research this
18. Who would you really like to just punch in the face? nobody immediately springs to mind. 
19. If anyone could be your slave for a day, who would it be and what would they have to do? technically i’d make someone like jeff bezos my slave and then force him to give his money to the homeless, or to pay his workers a higher wage, or something to that anti-capitalist extent. maybe i’d force major ceos to try and combat global warming if it isnt too late
20. What is your best physical attribute? (showing said attribute is optional) everyone says my eyes - and i do like them, but im inclined to say my hair. i love my hair so much
21. If you were the opposite sex for one day, what would you look like and what would you do? id be super hot with colourings like zayn malik or rdj and id probably immediately jack off dsfjlkdsjfkl
22. Do you have a secret talent? If yes, what is it? no serious answers come to mind
23. What is one unique thing you’re afraid of? asking people for a favour/for help. answering the phone when im not at work
24. You can only have one kind of sandwich. Every sandwich ingredient known to humankind is at your disposal. my subway usual! white bread, chicken stips with melted cheese, cucumber, capsicum, olives, jalepenos, honey mustard sauce, salt and pepper
25. You just found $100! How are you going to spend it? probably use it to save for a car, or to help fund dad’s trip to america/england that i got roped into having to pay for
26. You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere in the world, but you have to leave immediately. Where are you going to go? i have work tomorrow :/ but i guess if i could get out of that i’d go to greece or something?
27. An angel appears out of Heaven and offers you a lifetime supply of the alcoholic beverage of your choice. “Be brand-specific” it says. Man! What are you gonna say about that? Even if you don’t drink booze there’s something you can figure out… so what’s it gonna be? ive never had expensive alcohol so i’d probably get like a scotch whiskey or some usual vodka (but pre-mixed. i always puke when i mix vodka myself)
28. You discover a beautiful island upon which you may build your own society. You make the rules. What is the first rule you put into place? YEEEESSSS, um first rule would be that everyone gets food/shelter/water for free. regardless of who you are. 
29. What is your favorite expletive? used to be shit, now i think it’s just fuck.
30. Your house is on fire, holy shit! You have just enough time to run in there and grab ONE inanimate object. Don’t worry, your loved ones and pets have already made it out safely. So what’s the one thing you’re going to save from that blazing inferno? my phone
31. You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? g o d. i think i’d erase either my 18th birthday or the day we first moved into the house im living in now
32. You got kicked out of the country for being a time-traveling heathen who sleeps with celebrities and has super-powers. But check out this cool shit… you can move to anywhere else in the world! fuck yeah i’d go live with harry styles or someone in america or england or whatever. maybe canada. canada seems cool. 
33. The Celestial Gates Of Beyond have opened, much to your surprise because you didn’t think such a thing existed. Death appears. As it turns out, Death is actually a pretty cool entity, and happens to be in a fantastic mood. Death offers to return the friend/family-member/person/etc. of your choice to the living world. Who will you bring back? my mum’s father! i’ve always wanted to meet him. we have a lot in common from what i’m told (i was 2 when he died so i dont even remember him). but we’re both leos! we both love dancing and we both love music and singing (he was a musician. and music is like.....all i have). we both like cigarettes and swearing. we both had shit mothers. he seems a cool dude. he had that leo generosity and gave my mum a car and money when she needed it and i never had a good person/parent like that around and i’d love to know him and now im getting sad so. did not see that coming round the corner
34. What was your last dream about? this is going to sound weird but it was about this gross old fat dude sitting in a car next to me (i think my family started driving people around for money in my dream) and he started feeling me up and i told him off. 
35. Are you a good….[insert anything you’d like here]? person? artist? singer? student? worker? nope. im not good at much. 
36. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? yeah twice that i can recall atm. once when i was 9 months for having a cyst on my ovary, and once when i was 19 for having gastro and puking non-stop.
37. Have you ever built a snowman? nah i wish. it doesnt snow in australia
38. What is the color of your socks? im not wearing any atm but the last pair i wore were red and black deadpool ones
39. What type of music do you like? GOD okay my answer is any type of music. but it has to be good. upbeat music? 
40. Do you prefer sunrises or sunsets? sunsets
41. What is your favorite milkshake flavor? vanilla or caramel
42. What football team do you support? (I will answer in terms of American football as well as soccer) i dont give a shit about sports
43. Do you have any scars? yeah i have one on my lower stomach from the surgery i got for my ovary cyst, one on my right hand from opening a tin of tuna and slicing my hand immediately (i later got food poisoning), i have some embarrassing ass self harm scars on my thighs, and i think that’s it? 
44. What do you want to be when you graduate? well i graduate uni in just over a week (next saturday) and i have no clue. at the moment i just want to get a job that has a set amount of hours and a set/steady pay and doesnt make me anxious. a desk job that i’m not terrible at. then i can move out. and once im moved out i wont be in survival mode, and maybe then i can start dreaming. but for now im desperate enough to not even have dreams or wants. 
45. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? i would make me more assertive and less anxious. and a bit more funny. a bit more like an aries or a leo. i think i will be more like this when im moved out and secure with a consistent job and consistent living space. i havent had that for like 6 years.
46. Are you reliable? very
47. If you could ask your future self one question, what would it be? god what a question. where should i work? and should i get a motorbike or a car? and id just ask for general advice
48. Do you hold grudges? absolutely. to be fair, i consider myself a very understanding and fair person, so it takes a lot to get me mad. but once im there, it’s usually justified and hard to change my mind. 
49. If you could breed two animals together to defy the laws of nature, what new animal would you create? like maybe a bird and a lion. imagine a flying lion. that’d be sick
50. What is the most unusual conversation you’ve ever had? out of what immediately springs to mind i have 2 equally strong contenders: 1) me, introducing myself to a worker on the first day at my job - “hi, i’m ____ by the way. i don’t think i’ve introduced myself to you yet” “i know.” “oh! sorry haha im just really bad with names and faces haha” "yeah. we went to school together. *walks away*  2) coworker: so how many babies do you think we’ll have to sacrifice to get a bigger back room? me: ........at least 1 million coworker: 1 million? wow! i was thinking like 7! me: 7? wow i really went overboard there. but wait! what counts as a baby? are there age or weight restrictions or? coworker: hm i think it’s like anyone under the age of 4 me: oh under 4? so if you kill a 5 year old and sacrifice it, then you’ve just wasted a kill and it doesn’t count? coworker: yeah pretty much.....i’ve done that a few times, actually. their parents were not happy me: yeah i’d imagine just as much. imagine having to have that conversation with their parents like ‘uhh sorry about that’ coworker: yeah and it was all for nothing too
51. Are you a good liar? yes, when i know the people and situation well. i usually plan out my lies in advance, but for whatever reason im actually a better liar when im thinking on my feet and improvising the lies. have no idea how or why. 
52. How long could you go without talking? fucking forever. i’m great at talking, a very good conversationalist. but fuck i love not having to talk to people. it’s so much effort. 
53. What has been you worst haircut/style? my mum cut a fringe for me when i was 12. 
54. Have you ever baked your own cake? all the time! i love baking
55. Can you do any accents other than your own? nope
56. What do you like on your toast? vegemite, egg, honey & peanut butter, sometimes jam (mostly when im high)
57. What is the last thing you drew a picture of? captain phasma
58. What would be you dream car? a 59 cadillac, or most ferraris 
59. Do you sing in the shower? Or do anything unusual in the shower? Explain. i dont usually sing in the shower, but i do enjoy a good shower dance routine
60. Do you believe in aliens? for sure! our universe is too huge and constantly expanding for there to be just us
61. Do you often read your horoscope? god you dont even want to know how much i fucking love astrology. astrology is my mind. it occupies about 1/3 of all my thoughts and i immediately try to figure out people’s signs within the first .... maybe 5 seconds of meeting them.
62. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? maybe p or r or v
63. Which is cooler: dinosaurs or dragons? dinosaurs
64. What do you think about babies? cute when they’re not mine and i can give them back to their mothers after 5 minutes
65. Freebie! Ask anything interesting you can think of.
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