Just gotta finish up the clouds and a little more detail and we are ready to go
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Sorry some of the lines are really hard to see
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  omg i smell ben gay  the unguent  - been years - its my grandpa - mentioned him over weekend  to vita cuz a death  - some things cant b fixed 
btw by recent record - regardless - of intentions and roads to hell - it prolly b - frog friday !  yay for that - b4 i finis so imma sea to shining see if i can find a fun frog fact  - witch led to the query “why are frogs awesome “ of coarse i hadda  - so boy frogs have bigger ears than eyes  - tympanum they called - im not sure y that makes them awe and then some as well but 
morning yah  - slept so thats a good thing - foggy dont know wat the day bring 
happy valentines if thats ur pleasure  - got nothin against its my anniversary lol - makes it ez 2 remember - and wat do we know about - yes besides tek hatez him - thats right u win the grand prize for correct answer - t is lazy as fuck u can take that to the bank 
r frogs lazy - a witch friend been riting bout the lazy lately and the y and wear fors and  - yah the compulsive af is a good bet also - so the interwebby thingy (imma not that clueless but)  dont have an answer xactly - a frog named lazy - duz nothin but lily pad all daze - but they sleeps then so wtf  
maybe madrone sunday but u herd that b4 and havent played there so long 
u betcha there been a kitty thru the nite and morning - she sleepin in her chair now - such a good girl - no diggity got to bag it up  - and who woulda thunk that there wuz a korrect way to spell diggity lol but herbs the word and freek wat u heard  and if 6 wuz 9 and jimi still wavin and if 60s wuz 90s but thats confusing  -imma post a vid that might help but may be a muddy waters rolling stoned two witch brings up robin trower and 
prolly oughtta duz more endless and at least a couple errands - oh and dessert - dessert - flowers - card  - a pome of course 
speakin of - err ands  and wattabout breakfast  
and how many times u gonna - oh that many 
i hadda rhyme then i lost it fast and gess i better gets on w the daze 
birdsong quest 
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nickleplating-blog · 9 years
[[So I’m gonna take some time off of this blog...
I just dont’ feel I’m doing Nickel that well, and really it’s because i don’t know her. I haven’t read MTMTE. SO, I am going to things I do know!
I will be back
Flaminmun I LOVE YOUS]]
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