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airlocksandaviaries · 2 months ago
Hey, big thanks for reawakening the RotG fandom with your Jack and Bunny vid. Well, we weren't asleep, but getting this much attention 12 years later is amazing. Thank you <3
Bestie you are so welcome. I know how u feel. Fandoms never truly die, as long as there’s AT LEAST one person still loving and appreciating it.
I never could have expected my fun little video would have gotten so much traction, but I’m so happy it did, because more people can be part of your community enjoying the art and fics and stuff🥹
Much love to the frostbunny fandom 🫶
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side-shawty · 4 years ago
Burn XIV (Stark!Reader)
XIV: Family Business
Fandom: Marvel (MCU)
Type: series
Prompt/Summary: Family is not just blood.
Pairing(s): Peter Parker x Stark!reader, Tony Stark x daughter!reader
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The next morning you somehow found yourself a tangle of arms and legs with Peter. 
After the initial wariness of your surroundings faded you were still finding it hard to believe this was all real you relaxed into him again. You pushed your face into his chest and breathed in his calming scent as his strong arms unconsciously tightened around you. 
Your eyes slipped closed again and you were almost asleep again when the light sliding of the door opening could be heard. 
You hoped they’d go away once they saw you were both asleep but there was no such peace with the Avengers.
“Aww look at how cute they are. You owe me five bucks Sam,” Natasha spoke.
“No you owe me, I said they’d be attached at the hip within 12 hours and you said 20,” you could practically hear the smirk in his voice.
“Okay, but I said 8 so, both of you pay up,” Bucky interrupted and it took everything in you not to look at them and roll your eyes. 
You could hear the exchange of money and Bucky’s over-enthused “Thank you,” in reply.
Peter groaned beside you and held you closer, “You guys are way too loud,” he told them, eyes still closed.
“And you’re way too stingy, can’t we see her too?” Nat said and you giggled a little at that, effectively blowing your cover.
“She’s up!” Sam said and you and Peter both sat up, rubbing at your eyes and stretching.
“She wants to go back to sleep,” you told them and they laughed lightly.
“No time for that. Time for hugs,” Nat said, coming to your side of the bed. 
Meanwhile, Peter got out of the bed and told you he’d be back with breakfast before kissing your cheek. The simple action made you giddy.
“Bleh,” Bucky fake gagged as Peter left and he and sam sat in his now vacant spot.
You hugged each of them tight, you hadn’t realized how much you missed everyone. 
“So lover boy was here all night, huh?” Sam asked wiggling his eyebrows as if he didn’t know the answer.
“Yes he was, we talked and we slept and I will take no more questions,” you crossed your arms over your chest. 
“That better be it,” Bucky said but there was no threat in his voice that warranted concern.
“Gosh, you’re really showing your age today aren’t you Buck?” Nat teased before turning to you. “Earlier he asked me what an AirPod was,” she laughed and you laughed with her.
“And here I thought you were getting the hang of this new fangled century,” you told him.
“Listen I’m trying okay, everything is so fancy for no reason,” he sulked and you laughed again.
“Seriously though kid, how are you?” Sam questioned and they all looked at you expectantly.
“In one piece,” you said honestly. “Some scrapes and bruises and a cut on the back of my neck that’ll probably scar but I’m alive,” you smiled.
“Was it a shock device?” Bucky asked darkly.
You hesitated before answering, “Yeah.”
Bucky’s metal arm flexed as he balled his hand into a fist, “I’ll fucking kill those HYDRA assholes one day.”
You placed a hand on top of his fist, “Hey,” he looked up at you, “I’m alright. Thanks to all of you I’m here and breathing. I love you guys.” 
Before you knew it they pulled you into a hug and you held back tears giving you their own declarations of love. When Peter came back in with food they all decided to let you eat in peace with your boyfriend. Peter told you the doctors would be here around one and in the meantime, you’d probably get several visitors. 
All too soon, he had to leave for the city, there was only so much school he could avoid without the possibility of not graduating on time. He left with a promise returning that evening and a soft kiss on your lips. 
Before anyone new came in you asked FRIDAY to call your mom downstairs. She helped you shower and change into sweats and one of Peter’s shirts with a wink. She told you that she would have stayed longer but Morgan would be waking up for the day soon. 
Your dad stopped by for a little after she left and after Sam and Bucky blew something up he also had to leave.
The next ones to walk through the door were Steve and Rhodey.
“Well if it isn’t two of my favorite soldiers,” you smiled as they walked in.
“As long as I’m the number one favorite I accept,” Rhodey said before gathering you into his arms for a tight hug.
When he let go Steve was next, “Keep dreaming Rhodes.” 
“Well I would tell you who my favorite was if I thought it wouldn’t hurt your feelings,” you told them as they had taken the same positions as everyone else and sat on either side of you.
“C’mon now Y/N you wouldn’t want to give the old man a heart attack.”
Steve rolled his eyes.
“Anyways, how are you Y/N?” Steve asked.
“Good, healing, y’know? Seems like it’ll be a long process but I feel better than I did when I first woke up last night.”
“I’m glad to hear it, we’re only going up from here.”
“Definitely, by the way, I haven’t seen Thor, Clint, or Bruce today.”
“Thor is off-world, apparently whatever HYDRA used to brainwash Harley is similar to the mind stone so he’s trying to get it out ahead of it,” Steve told you.
“Clint had to run home, Laura is going to give birth soon and Bruce should be by later with your other doctors,” Rhodey finished.
“Ah got it. I cant wait for little Y/N to be born,” you said.
“Yeah because Barton is definitely gonna want to name is kid after the girl who put retractable grates in the vents to mess with him,” Rhodey rolled his eyes.
“Well he shouldn’t have tried to prank me on my own turf.”
“Everywhere is your turf,” Steve said.
You grinned, “Exactly.”
Steve hesitated before speaking again and his face became solemn, “Listen I’m sorry that I couldn’t do more for you that night.”
“So am I, we’re family, I should have protected you,” Rhodey added. They both let their heads hang low.
You took one of each of their hands into you, “You guys, look at me,” they obeyed, “I’m so incredibly happy right now you have no idea. A lot went wrong but I’m okay, even if I do have to spend a couple extra days in here.”
They both smiled at you and things felt okay again. They stayed for a little while longer leaving you with words of encouragement before you were once again left alone.
However, you weren’t suffocating the way you had been at HYDRA. You asked FRIDAY to project the water by the compound onto the right wall, it felt like you could finally release all the tension in your body.
Before you knew it your eyes slipped closed and you fell asleep.
You were awakened again by the sound of the door opening, this time Bruce and your dad walked in with —
“Well this is quite the surprise,” you said smiling.
“How could I not visit my favorite fire-wielding hero,” he spoke and made his way over to bring you into a tight hug.
Bruce hugged you next with a smile and then went over to one of the machines you had unhooked when you first woke up. Your dad gave you a kiss on the forehead and then stood beside the other scientist.
“To what do I owe the pleasure Doctor Strange?” You asked.
“You know me,” He took a seat next to you on the bed, “I love popping in and out but after I heard what happen I made sure your dad kept me in the loop. I know magic stuff keeps me busy but I am still your Godfather,” he told you.
“Mystical Godfather,” Tony threw in, “A totally made up title.”
Strange rolled his eyes and silently mocked your dad, “Still a title.”
You laughed lightly at their childishness.
“In all seriousness though, your dad ordered a full workup. He said your flames turned purple and wanted to make sure it didn’t damage your body in a non-tradition sense,” he told you and you nodded.
“So I only get a visit if my life at risk?” You asked overdramatically, throwing a hand to your forehead, “You wound me.”
“Haha, very funny. Now sit up straight while I work my … magic,” he said.
“Booo, your jokes have gotten worse since Christine got pregnant,” However, you sat up straight as he stood.
Strange was quick to begin in a flash of warm light symbols surrounded you, several of them had even went in and out of your body. 
After a few minutes, he was finished and the light and symbols faded away. His face was littered with mixed emotions.
“What is it?” You asked, concerned.
“Are you alright?” Strange asked and the question grabbed the attention of Bruce and Tony.
You were confused, “I mean aside from some injuries that might scar I feel fine.”
“Tired? Weak? Foggy mind?” Strange asked.
“Barely, it was bad when I first woke up though. What does that have to do with anything?”
“Part of what a ‘full workup’ is is looking into your soul or aura and it seems like whatever happened when you released those purple flames caused a hole,” Strange explained. 
The room was silent. All three men looked at you anxiously as you sat in shock, you weren’t sure what to say.
“So a piece of he is just poof! Gone?” Tony asked, bewildered at the idea.
“It’s a small piece but essentially, yes. There’s a chance it may come back over time but things like this are usually done only in dire situations of stress or emotional turmoil.”
“Well my situation checks all the boxes,” you said quietly to yourself.
It was then that tour father decided to move from his spot beside Bruce and wrap an arm around your shoulders. 
“Are you alright?” He asked.
“I think so, this is just a lot to process.”
He nodded and the room fell into silence once again.
“Well on the bright side,” Bruce spoke up, “It seems the damage Hydra did to your powers was temporary. If your readings are correct, you should be at 100% in no time,” he finished with a comforting smile.
“Thanks, Bruce. That actually does make me feel a little better,” you smiled with him.
After that Bruce ran a couple more tests and then the three men were gone again. However, your father did leave you your phone which you were beyond grateful for. You were playing a random game on it when Dr. Evans came to give you a quick check-up and update before leaving. 
You had a few more hours of peace before your next visitor decided to show their face, it had to be well after sunset by now. 
There were two knocks on your door and you replied for them to come in. You locked your phone and placed it on your bed as he entered and for some reason seeing him made you lose your breath.
“Harley,” you whispered.
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mokocchii · 7 years ago
The Kyman Fanfic Ultimate Guide (or in other words, how to be a kyman hoe)
So lurking in Kyman fandom for awhile people would ask, what do you recommend reading? Well, after much searching I conjured up a list in what I believe to be the best Kyman fics. As well since this is Kyman week might as well fellow fans read some good shit during this fabulously gay week.
Remember folks, my list is incredibly biased HOWEVER from reading countless kyman fanfics and engaging with fellow kyman fans, this is solely based on what I consider to be strong kyman fics in terms of story structure, writing style, characterization, and overall enjoyment.
we don't sleep when the sun goes down
by izzybusiness
“Okay, will someone please tell me what the fuck is going on?” Cartman finally yells, clearly at the end of his tether. “So, what, everyone here got struck by lightning and now you’ve got superpowers like some kind of all-gay Justice League?” Misfits AU.
By cigarettestainedeyes
Kyle's being introduced to a whole new side of himself, the panicked side, the scared side, and he doesn't much care for it. Support comes from the last place he expected.
The Rules
By Creatortan
South Park has many rules. 
1) don’t try to get involved with Kyle Broflovski. You will face the wrath of Eric Cartman. Plus Kyle just isn’t interested, even if he pretends to be.
2) don’t try to get involved with Eric Cartman. You will face the wrath of Kyle Broflovski. And Eric isn’t interested and doesn’t try to hide that. 
3) don’t try to get in between Cartman and Kyle. It never ends well. Just let them get it out of their systems.
Cant we just try?
By shortstackedchessecake96
If Eric had his stubborn way, he'd deny his feelings forever. But Kyle's not going to let that happen.
Higher, Higher
By Sweeticing
Bebe tries to use a love potion on Kyle, but the plan goes wrong when the potion makes him fall for Cartman instead. Good thing Cartman hasn't been pining for Kyle for eight years or anything crazy like that.
Cartman Gets bored
By sorrowfulJoy
Cartman gets bored at 11pm and tries to get his friends to come and spend time with him, texting fic
By SnyapticFirefly
Cartman does what he does best: peer pressuring impressionable Jews the only way he knows how.
Keep Your Enemy Closer
By guineabees
A story about what happens when a superhero and their rival have been living under the same roof without realising it.
I Won’t Fall For You
By shortstackedchesscake
Just when Kyle thought turning up alone to a wedding - that was starting to feel like a college reunion - couldn't get any worse, it turns out Eric Cartman is invited too. But Eric may just be his saving grace, and Kyle decides to run with his inevitably crazy plan even if he thinks he knows better. But Kyle is a lot smarter than his college friends, he won't fall for Eric that easily... will he?
the coriolis effect
by briwookie
"There's nothing wrong with being attracted to the same sex." Kenny would say, but Eric Cartman had always thought otherwise.
It just surprises him that it takes Kyle Broflovski getting drunk at a bar with another man to prove him wrong
Sunday best and broken glass
By cherryvanilla
Cartman doesn’t do nervous. He’s done plenty of fucking public speaking, public singing, public anything but tonight – tonight, he’s nervous. Maybe it’s because this stupidly means more than any of those other times, even though he wishes to fuck he could deny that. Because he actually cares this time. It isn’t based around some manipulation. Maybe it’s because Stan’s up there right now singing and playing electric guitar to Sweet Child O’ Mine like a lame-o, but he’s actually fucking good and all Cartman’s got is a dumb emo love song and an acoustic and a future bill for rejection.
Between love and hate
By izzubusiness
“Fuck you, whore!” Cartman yells, getting to his feet and stomping over to the other end of the room. “What the fuck are you even doing in my house?” 
“What were you doing with Kyle’s tongue in your mouth?” Wendy counters back, and if Stan’s head wasn’t about to explode under the weight of everything going on, he thinks he might have high fived her for that wicked burn.
I said I wouldn't by I did
By captaindude
In which Cartman is whipped and he doesnt even know it. but mostly sex though.
Redéfinition de l'individu
By Kymanlvr
Kyle Broflovski is tired of his dull, unchanging life. But after he returns from being away from South Park for the summer, things start to spiral out of control, and everything falls apart. Mainly Kyman. Strong language and references to sex.
Don’t Touch Me
By Soul Flash
When your life hits an all time low, things can't possibly get any worse, right? Not for Kyle Broflovski. Slash, Kyle/Cartman.
Respect My Authority
by Soul Flash
There's only one thing you can do when a Jew tries to mess with your mind: play some mind games yourself. After all, all's fair in love and war. Kyman, slash. Cartman's POV. Companion fic to Don't Touch Me.
By cutie pie 9335
Cartman finally crosses the line that Kyle had so carefully drawn. Kyman, amongst other pairings.
Afflictions and Affections
By PartiPooper
When Kyle is sick, as per usual, Cartman pays him a visit. He even so much as looks after him, in his own bitter-sweet way. (Fluffy Kyman One-Shot; Rated T for profanities.)
The Sorry Struggle
By Partipooper
When Cartman does something bad to Kyle, he tries to say sorry - "tries" being the keyword. AKA, How Not To Say Sorry To Your Boyfriend. (Slightly Silly Kyman One-Shot; Rated T for profanities, slightly sexual scenes, and the follies and flatulence of youth.
if I didn't believe in you, we’d never have gotten this far
by orphan_account
Kyle and Eric are both getting tired of the 'no strings attached' asterisk attached to their relationship.
The Stag Prince
By Synaptic Firefly
A Swan Princess parody. Grand Wizard Prince Eric and High Elf Prince Kyle are roped into an arranged marriage. Honestly, who thought this was a good idea to start with? Eventual Kyman, slight Stenny, and poor Butters is a paladin.
By Soul Flash
“Goddammit, Jew...” Cartman breathed as he furiously began to work on Kyle's belt buckle, “Why'd you have to wear a goddamn belt today...?” Kyman. Graphic lemon. Contains whipping, rimming, frottage, dirty talk, masochism, and more.
How Long Till You Surrender?
By wettmark
Stan is self destructing, Craig Tucker might be gay, Butters can't handle Cartman's wiener, and Kyle just wants to get out of South Park without losing his mind, his best friend, or his virginity.
A Series of Left Turns
By ScribbleSibly
Kyle, now 17 and preparing to be a responsible adult, is drowning in the stress of his mundane life. Until Cartman gets an idea. Kyle POV. Heavy swearing and smut later on.
By shortstackedcheescake96
Kyle appreciates Eric's praise perhaps more than he really should. It is rare, after all. (All characters are 18+)
Backseat Confession
By psychelelicgoolash
It was moments like these he wondered why he let that Jewish son of a bitch ensnare him like he did. How Kyle could just wrap him around his finger as he rolled onto his back, allowing Cartman full access to his unfastened jeans. Aged Up. Kyman. Smut.
By NocturnalLament
Unable to sleep due to 'unfortunate circumstances', Kyle finds solace in the form of Cartman - but as is inevitable with these boys it's not as simple as a mere sleepover, and Kyle gets more than he'd bargained for. This fanfic is based on the events of the incredible blog 'Ask The Main Four' on Tumblr, and is totally canonical to the universe. NSFW Kyman smut, first time and delicious grinding warning.
By NocturnallLament
The card game was enjoyable at first, but it very soon became clear Cartman had much bigger ambitions for is 'alone time' with Kyle - despite his parents sleeping in the room down the corridor. Unable to resist, Kyle tries to contain himself and stay quiet... but it's much easier said than done, especially when the sex is THIS good.
Mission Accomplished
by NocturnalLament
Concerned about the imminent yearbook photographs, Kyle is intent on staying clean of hickeys - much to Cartman's displeasure. But Eric has never been one to back down from a challenge, and if he can help it the feisty auburn wont stay reluctant for long. Yummy smut with hints of fluff at the end. Kyman One-shot.
more than words can say
by NocturnalLament
After an innocent slip of the tongue, Kyle can't help but wonder if he'd put their relationship in jeopardy. After a summer of strange behavior and evasiveness from Cartman, Kyle wants answers... but the truth is something he never had expected.
One word to describe myself
By confunded
"Because he was mine, and in a way he always had been. He just didn’t know it. Yet." Your standard love/hate oneshot featuring our favorite frenemies. Established sort-of-relationship, Cartman wants more and Kyle is a tease. Fighting ensues. Super smutty, but maybe there's more to it than just some porn. Maybe.
By SchwiftyJerry666
At parties, when everyone's usually too high or drunk to notice or care, two enemies find that the line between love and hate is a very thin one indeed.
Express Love
By BookishTea
Kyle misses his husband after a long and boring business trip.
Baby, Now you do
By charmzz
Five years ago, Eric Cartman was hunched over him, with a fat hand on Kyle’s throat and the tip of a knife pointed between his eyes.
might last a day (minus forever)
by cherryvanilla
At twenty-five, Kyle Broflovski thought he had his life all planned out. He was living in Denver with Stan with a nice apartment and a decent job. Suddenly, his world is turned upside down when Stan breaks up with him and he loses his job all in the span of a few months. Now Kyle is back in South Park, living with his parents, and trying to figure out where he goes from here. Enter Eric Cartman, who always got under Kyle’s skin as a kid, and who was now about to do so again, in more ways than one. (A story about reevaluating yourself and your life. Or, How Kyle Broflovski Got His Groove Back.)
Go on, take everything (I want you to)
By cherryvanilla
In retrospect, Kyle should’ve seen it coming. In retrospect, he really didn’t. Sequel to might last a day (minus forever).
Fake it so real
By cherryvanilla
In which there is a party and seven minutes in heaven.
 I am beyond fake
By cherryvanilla
It’s been exactly 24 hours since Kyle was in seven minutes in heaven with Cartman and he hasn’t thought of anything else but the feel of his lips and the press of his body. Sequel to Fake it So Real.
Disintegration (is the best album)
By dont_take_me_im_seriously
Kyle's Sunday morning began with an appalling marriage proposal and only got stupider from there. Now he's on the run from the government, stranded in a post-apocalyptic wasteland and contending with the idea that Eric Cartman might just have a heart to break after all.
Tough Luck & Tough Love
By kylebiased
Cartman bets he can break his previous bike-jumping record. Kyle bets he cannot. Cartman bets that if he can make said jump, Kyle will have to own-up to his end of their old fourth grade bet, and give him head. Kyle accepts this bet, since he obviously, cannot lose.
Cartman wins and now Kyle, is totally, screwed.
...Only thing Cartman never betted on, however? Finally realizing he's got actual feelings for Kyle.
Now, they're both screwed.
Put out the fire on us
By I_Already_Forgot
Cartman cheats at a bet he'd made with Kyle and when the other refuses to pay him Cartman decides to get creative. Kyle knows not to let Cartman goad him into anything, but in the end his ego wins out and through a series of poor decision making they find themselves stranded in the woods all night, handcuffed together, bruised and battered. They have to work together in order to make it through and the near-death experience forces them to talk in ways they haven't before. The ordeal sheds new light on their friendship, and Kyle wonders if things will ever be able to go back to the way they used to be, or if he even really wants them to.
By Kymanlvr
There are people in this world that would, upon first glance, have looked at them and called them enemies. A story about Kyle and Cartman, and how a series of events bring them closer together. Kyman.
Hiring Hope
By Partipooper
Cartman has a job interview to attend, and Kyle has worrying about him to do. (Fluffy & Smutty Kyman One-Shot; Rated M for profanities and sexual scenes.)
Time Bomb
by sweeticing
Cartman got therapy, Kyle has a hard-on, and New Year’s Eve remains a cause for celebratory champagne even if you’re locked in a bathroom with your worst enemy.
In my office, now
by mokocchii (yes i wrote a fic too)
Working for Mr. Cartman hasn't been easy. (Or has it?)
HONORABLE MENTION (If already a kyman fan you’ll get the joke)
Kyle in Chains
By DanniDinmont
Kyle has a problem, and it seems that there's only one solution to it. Slash, Kyle/Cartman.
I also wanna give a shoutout to these kyman authors, cherryvanilla, shortstackedchessecake96, partipooper, ScribbleSibyl, synapticfirefly, and NocturnalLament for their surplus of quality quantity fics. They’ve written more than what I mentioned on this list, so I highly recommend to read ALL their work regarding Kyman. I suggest to check both their AO3 and FF.net accounts for the full archives of their work. 
Happy Kyman Week everyone! 
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cheekymochiiii · 6 years ago
100 Year’s Quest Chapter 18-20 Tea Time
*camera pans to me sleeping on loveseat only to be woken up by my producer throwing a mug at my face*
Me: Mother*beep*! damn it Craig you *beep*! throw that at my mother *beep* face again and I’ll cut your *beep* off and shove it up your—
*screen displays message that says: please stand by*
*screen returns and shows me sitting with my cup of tea cool as a cucmber*
Me: *clears throat* Sorry about that. I haven’t been getting much sleep lately and as a result I’ve been *says through gritted teeth while glaring at Craig* very irritable.*relaxes* I realize I haven’t aired any shows since Chapter 17, but if you haven’t read the new chapter of Fairy Tail’s 100 Year Quest then that is your fault and I’m not bothering to put a spoiler warning right now. Despite my doubts to having a guest on today’s tea time, production—I mean I thought it would be best to have one anyway. Today we’ve got someone who is on Team Natsu and has had a front row seat to all the exciting *beep* that’s been happening in chapters 18-20.
Me: *gesutres to side of stage* Please audience give a warm welcome to the little braveheart Wendy Marvell!
Wendy: *walks in waving with her cute smile* Hi everyone it’s good to see you all!
Me: *admiring her adorable innocence and then remembers I have a show to shoot * Thank you so much for coming on the show Wendy it means the world to me.
Wendy: Well I heard from Panther Lily and Carla that you’re really...*hesitates to find right word* passionate.
Me: Awe that is a very accurate word to describe me, especially considering I’m a Pisces but sometimes I’m an Aquarius. It depends which website you read but for the most part I identify myself as a Pisces more than an Aquarius.
Wendy: *confused* you don’t look like two fish to me or like the terrifying Aquarius I know.
Me: *laughs at her innocence* actually Wendy here in my world our zodiac signs are given to us based on the month and day we are born in. Each zodiac is given a season in the year.
Wendy: then what happens?
Me: absolutely nothing. zodiacs are basically there just to make excuses for ourselves and how we act.
Wendy: so it’s like...alcohol?
Me: *considers this and shrugs* I mean you’re not wrong. Anyway we’re getting way off topic. Let’s focus back on what’s been happening in your world or at least in chapters 18-20. Most of these chapters were pretty *beep* short so there’s that but I’ll take whatever dose of Fairy Tail I can get.
*production tells me in my ear piece I need to stop cursing due to Tumblr restrictions and reminds me I could get flagged for being inappropriate again*
Me: *states outloud* that’s what the beeps are for you mother *beeps*
*production slaps forehead*
Me: Sorry for that interruption Wendy. My producers are being a bunch of *beep*
Wendy: *stunned at language*
Me: *continues casually* I’m not going to focus too much on Chapter 18 because I’ve already briefly talked about it in my last show. I want to give a simple summary of it. For starters I want to talk about you Wendy and what a bad *beep* you were for being able to find a spell that allowed the non-dragon slayers of Team Natsu to actually do some harm to the dragons y’all will be fighting. Naturally, I’m curious about how obtained this spell but I’m assuming you nor the creators will be willing to share that information with me.
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Wendy: *genuine tone* I’m really sorry but I can’t share that.
Me: Coming from you, I’m okay with it. So Team Natsu is officially in the battle with the Water God Dragon and boy are y’all struggling. He’s just really letting y’all have it with his magic and this is still only the first dragon y’all have to defeat for this quest.
Wendy: This Quest will definitely be the hardest one I’ve ever had to do.
Me: You guys have been through so much you barely got a breather.
Wendy: I like the adventures with my friends though. It makes my life more full.
Me: Awe
Audience: Awe
Readers: Awe
Me: You are so precious Wendy and you need to be protected at all times. I’m getting off topic again. Chapter 18. Team Natsu. Battle with Water God Dragon. *stops short statements* I mean, that’s basically it. *remmebers* oh yeah Touka defeated all of your guild mates back in Magnolia.
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Wendy: I know I was worried about them too. I still am since you guys haven’t figured out what happens.
Me: *waves and says nonchalantly* I’m sure by the next chapter we will. *wonders internally have I been spelling Touka’s name wrong this whole time?*
Wendy: What makes your so sure?
Me: We’ve been focused a lot on Team Natsu these last few chapters, so I’m going to assume with the screaming-into-pillow ending the creators gave us. The scenery will most likely change come next chapter. Anyway, now it’s Chapter 19 and we are still worried about the favorite team in the world, Team Natsu. Y’all are putting up a good fight but it’s not doing much good. In fact, Natsu tries very hard with all kinds of new and secret spells he’s been holding back from us to defeat the Water God Dragon. However, it nearly becomes too much for our favorite pink haired weirdo hero and he begins to be sucked up into a deadly looking whirlpool created by the Water God Dragon.
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Wendy: *nods at the memory* I remember. We were all worried about what was going to happen to Natsu.
Me: *sideglances* even Lucy?
Wendy: *doesnt get what I’m hinting at* yes of course she’s always worried about Natsu on missions and if he might get hurt. Natsu too. They both want to protect each other.
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Me: *grinning* most interesting *sips tea* Natsu nearly gets sucked into the whirlpool when ta-dah! *makes spirit fingers* a scaley hand snatched Natsu from it. I had a strong feeling from that ending that the hand was extremely reminiscent of a certain dragon we all love...loved.
Wendy: *nods solemnly* Natsu’s father Igneel. All of us lost our parents that day too unfortunately but not in the same way Natsu lost his tragically.
Me: *trying not to cry* I hear that *sniffles* so that’s how we are left in Chapter 19 those bastard creators. *pauses* hey why wasn’t that bleeped?
*production informs me that bastard isn’t that bad of a word compared to the ones I had been using and reminds audience that this show is for mature audiences only despite the bleeped out words because beeping everything is a struggle for the editing team*
Me: okay now it’s on to the most recent update, Chapter 20. We find out that scaley hand that rescued Natsu is indeed a dragon! We, being the readers, also notice how incredibly and unmistakingly similar this dragon and Igneel look.
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Wendy: We were all honestly terrified when this dragon revealed himself. We didn’t know whether he was there to help or hurt us.
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Me: Understandable I mean look at that thing. However we find out he’s mostly there to motivate Natsu to defeat the Water God Dragon and ultimately decides the best way to help Natsu is to set the fish city on fire using its own fire. While this seemed discouraging the dragon wants Natsu to consume the fire so it will help him defeat the Water God Dragon. The dragon also says he wants to fight Natsu at his best himself. So why does this mysterious Igneel-looking dragon want to help Natsu and also fight and defeat Natsu? Well that’s what the big reveal of this chapter was.
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Me: *takes dramatic pause*
Wendy: *smiles knowingly*
Audience: *holds breath*
Readers: *yawns*
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Wendy: *nervously sips her tea and realizes why Panther Lily and Carla called Me intense*
Me: *still raging* I JUST CANT BELIEVE IT! I CANT WAIT TO SEE WHERE THIS IS GOING AND IVE GOT A FEELING ITS GONNA BE GOOD *relaxes and sits back down* Just wow Wendy I cant wait for what this Quest has in store for us because we are only 20 chapters in and it’s been ridiculous.
Wendy: *still smiling* I know it’s an exciting quest and adventure that truly tests the feelings, will, and strength of our team.
Me: *tearing up* I can only imagine. I can’t wait to get to the end of this long and winding road but I also want it to last forever because I don’t want Fairy Tail to end.
Wendy: *stunned* what do you mean, end?
Me: *saddened* we originally weren’t going to find out what happened to y’all on the 100 Year’s Quest but then, thanks to this super cool and awesome fandom, we were able to push the creators to continue the manga.
Wendy: Wow we really owe a lot to our fandom then
Me: *nods respectingly* yes yes we do. I know I owe a lot to my followers here on the blog, er, show.
Wendy: Why’s that?
Me: Apparently 500 people like my blog, I mean show, enough to follow me for every time I post something new. *begins meaningful speech* I couldn’t be more happy or thankful for every single one of them. I never imagined I would have this many followers because I started with 0 followers and had no connections or friends on here who already had followers and give shout outs to me, right away of course, but now people seem to like what I post and I literally couldn’t be more thankful for them. I post for them.
Wendy: *tearful* that was a really lovely speech.
Me: thanks Wendy. I suppose I should make an edit dedicated to all of them.
Wendy: that’s a nice gift and very kind of you.
Me: no *shakes head and looks off into the distance* how kind of them.
To be continued...
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