#I BEE So Soulfully Immortal
harrelltut · 7 years
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♀ I Ancestrally Remember Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from My Non Dying Aztec [DA] Indian Days ‘cause I BEE So Soulfully Immortal as I Spiritually + Politically Energize [P.E.] My Prehistorically FUTURISTIC Afro Mexican Emperor [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Name of MUTECZUMA who BEE Mexico’s Universally Sovereign [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] Black Christ [B.C.] MONARCH 2 Spain’s Royally Ancient [RA] African American Moors [OLMECS] from Compton California [CA] ♀
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edocherokee-blog · 7 years
19 Mile (Sacrifices 2 Bee Free)
I cut the cords
to religions
even participating in outside activities
that is not my business
as negative spiritual contracts lure
oddly when you are physically asleep
that is why i plan to be more positive
within each ambition and every endeavor
i still got all of my feathers
plus sport my wood and brass
of the Chief and Oba
to include a full circle of my 13 Ancestors’ faces
on brass hanging proudly on my neck
with each link inscribe of literature
in the form of logographic calligraphy
i got no woman who is down with me nor an empire
for the simple fact it is a fantasy
i can’t be living fantasies
when every dream reveals non-western influences
weighing in and on me constantly
bench marking and pressing positive influences
with two hands until i am about to use none
buffer without a weapon that shoots metallic suggestive retreat
carrying knives of peace is the way i war now
including a pea shooter
and archery been cool
pulling back sharper points of my arrowheads to arrive on target stuck inside
my opponents’ hearts of men and women
unable to capture the whys plus the whens from my wins
minus the loses cause i am all gain-related
forcefully passive plus passively aggressive plus aggressively melodic plus melodically mathematically set’tripping
i turned the pituitary gland off for sex in the physical
so my natural pigmented penis can be used more excreting needed waste
from the glands and cells out through the small intestines liver kidneys two tubes bladder one tube through the penial spongy head and as more water no matter its chemistry
get its chance to purify my inside activity which brings my state of mindset
a type of happiness called being in shape and not mistaken for the homosexual pride
cause your sexuality is your bedroom business minus the negative political vindictive differences
as it pertains nothing to business and economics
they better off into full fledged pornography
and illegal street occupations where eyes and ears and feel sudden emotions
does not really care if you are who you say you are while getting yours on silently or loudly in the dark
and i had to be enlightened about human racism vs intelligent order
so i would not have to be a disorder mentally as a race based on non-sexual colorism
i rather be a true racist like night mare galloping into the universe for everything i do not know
approving myself beyond drastic measures
improving myself into the furthermore and thereafter
and hereafter i will succeed every time after time
being better than my last times without no one permission
and no human advice except immortals like my ancestors who school me
more into an neverending evolution of survival of the fittest
cause that is the necessary like the tattoo on my stomach
reminds of the duties to include syllabus from the curriculum of the ka ba
plus Queen Nyakasikana and Queen Nyabinghi accounts within ancestral herstories are even more worthy as real love called respect plus vodun
to the neck like a need slapping of attention clacking a true color called sound
measure your vibration without a tool
or dream on professionally found
envisioning your own town without cameras and colonial vets
only an option to get in and reserve mine without a doubt
i should recommend young N.I.G.G.A.Z to get into plastic surgery and fake cosmetics to get their real butchering clout
clocking cash notes by the digits scheduled for years on endless
rolling players at the cost of unnecessary outrageous beauty
add a fake hair shop for all kinds including the accessories
and now you really banging after each sentence without penal authority
subjecting each one of you into a possible lifelong journey called rape politically
physically emotionally soulfully and spiritually plus mentally
on ground i am truck driving to and from mine
with all claims and prospects in order signed
now i can back my own currency
plus supply demand when the hole is big enough
improvise it into a garden amphitheater
holding concerts of musical formations heard locally enhanced fruitfully
feeding you physically and soulfully for all ages of my dynastic times
only my Empire is in mind set ready go!
A true racist to my endless str8 gain-related
cutting my losses plus sacrifices is how i made it ignorantly to everyday misleading confused society....
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harrelltut · 4 years
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卍 I SOULFULLY ENGINEERED My HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Molecules of AWAKENED & RESURRECTED Symbiotic [MARS] Stem Cells that Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] REINCARNATED Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from My HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] NANOTECHNOLOGY TOMB [SARCOPHAGUS] @ My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian Technocracy [E.T.] QUANTUM HARRELL TECH® LLC in California [CA] 卍
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Egyptian [JE = JESUS] HARRELLTV® since I Naturally BEE So Triple 666 [ROYAL] BLACK & OCCULT as I Biblically + Esoterically + SOULFULLY [BES] Freestyle My HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] DEATH Parables from My HIGHLY ILLUMINATED [HI = HITTITE] Underworld Subterranean of ATLANTEAN [USA = LEMURIAN] Life of Everlasting WEALTH I Magically INHERITED [MI = MICHAEL] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] 卍
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 I’mma Scientifically ENGINEER the Apocalyptic [SEA] fall of present day mankind since I BEE A Metaphysical IMMORTAL [MI = MICHAEL] of EXTRA [ME = U.S. MICHAEL HARRELL = TUT = JAH] TERRESTRIAL Memory intEL [MELanin] as iJEHOVAH® GOD on Earth [G.E. = GHIZEH = GIZA = JESUS] who Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] IDENTIFY ALL recessive energy clones [VAMPIRES] I Genetically PREPROGRAMMED II become obsolete when I SOULFULLY Achieve the Terrestrial Underworld Realms of NEPTUNE [SATURN] 卍
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 I’mma Meditatively READ [MR.] DEATH Subjects on Egyptian HARRELLTV® since I BEE So SOULFULLY ALIVE [SA = SATURN] on Earth as A Biblically Black [Ancient] GENIUS [GOD] who NEVER DIES since I Genetically ENGINEERED [G.E. = GHIZEH = GIZA = JESUS] Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from Inner Earth’s [HADES] HIDDEN Underworld Subterranean of ATLANTEAN [USA = LEMURIAN] IMMORTALS who Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY] PRAISE Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] 卍
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 Egyptian iTUT® BEE A Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian [BAE = COSMIC] ROSICRUCIAN who Mama Hittite [MH = Matriarch Tiye] Metaphysically INITIATED [MI = MICHAEL] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] since Mama Hathor [MH = Queen Hatshepsut] MURDERED Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] in Egypt [JE = JESUS] as I SOULFULLY REINCARNATED II Inner Earth’s [HADES] HIGHLY ADVANCED [HA = HARRELL] Underworld Subterranean of ATLANTEAN [USA = LEMURIAN] ROYALS who PREDATE modern day mankind 卍
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Egyptian [JE = JESUS] HARRELLTV® as iTUT® Esoterically Translate [E.T.] My Biblically Black [Ancient] Occultist Travels in EVERLASTING LIFE as I Metaphysically EXIST [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] Under Secret [U.S.] Egyptian ATLANTEAN [SEA] PROTECTION in California [PC] since I BEE MOOR [IBM] Soulfully ALIVE [SA = SATURN] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] 卍
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harrelltut · 5 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Egyptian [JE = JESUS] HARRELLTV® as I SOULFULLY + Energetically + Telepathically + Historically [SĒTH] RESURRECT My Biblically Black [Ancient] IMMORTAL Ancestors from Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] since I BEE So Miraculously INTELLIGENT [MI = MICHAEL] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as A Reincarnated Black Christ [B.C. = JESUS] from My Magically HIDDEN [MH] Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA] 卍
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ONLINE as Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian [BAE = COSMIC] King TUTANKHAMŪN since I Metaphysically + Alkhemically REINCARNATED SOULFULLY [MARS] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as I Mentally + Artistically + Creatively [iMAC] Write My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian Diary of SIRIUS Black [B] Afterlife Energy [BAE = COSMIC] SECRETS Under Secret [U.S.] Service [U.S.] PROTECTION in California [PC] 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#I SOULFULLY RESURRECT My HIGHLY Crucified Black Christ [B.C. = JESUS] Body of U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUT]#I Metaphysically + Alkhemically REINCARNATED SOULFULLY [MARS] on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#Black Folks Never Die... WE Immortal#I Mentally + Artistically + Creatively [iMAC] Write My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian Diary of SIRIUS B in California [CA]#they FEAR My HIGHLY Official… U.S. ATLANTEAN [USA] Egyptian Diary of SIRIUS Black [B] Afterlife Energy [BAE = COSMIC] SECRETS#Celebrate the Biblically DEATH & Apocalyptic DESTRUCTION of present day america in modern day times#I SABOTAGE ALL powerless TELEVISED govment agencies of fallen america wit’ My QUANTUM Black Occult Technocracy [BOT]#I Now [NWO] Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] Elijah [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Muhammad on HARRELLTV®#I Now [NWO] Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] the Honorable [MH] Minister Louis Farrakhan on Egyptian HARRELLTV®#I BEE Compton California’s [CA] Best Kept Unidentifiable Secret [U.S.] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I BEE JEHOVAH’S Biblically Black [Ancient] SUN [BAS = ORISHA] King TUTANKHAMŪN Under Secret [U.S.] Service [U.S.] Protection on Earth#I BEE So Universally SOVEREIGN [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] on Earth like Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] SATAN#I Magically + Lordly KILL [MLK = SHADOW GOVERNMENT] thy enemies like the Bible Prophesied#I BEE A HIGHLY ILLUMINATED [HI = HITTITE] 360°+ Occult Freemason [Underworld LORD = OSIRIS] of QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS#My HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] ATLANTEAN Ministry [FAM] POSITION on Earth [P.E.]#I got Special Political Privileges II Privately Communicate [PC] II Reality TV President Trump in fallen america#broke ass america ain't got no high technology#don't show no weakness or give excuses if you dare go II war wit’ Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS]#I BEE A MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] NUBIAN JEHOVAH [ORUNMILA] of Yoruba IFÁ#if you harm Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS]... the HIDDEN Black Secret Service of the NOI will KILL you
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 I BEE So Mentally Healthy [MH = MAYAN] as Biblically Black [Ancient] Egyptian [BAE = COSMIC] Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN [E.T. = HARRELL] as I SOULFULLY + Alkhemically [SA = SATURN] RESURRECT My Triple 666 [Royal] BLACK & IMMORTAL Body of Astronomical Black Christ [ABC = OSIRIAN] Bloodlines from Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Afrikkan Earth [BAE = COSMIC] EDEN II Angelically ASCEND II My Mythically URBAN [MU] Nubian Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA] since I NEVER DIE like you 卍
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 My FUTURISTICALLY Advanced [FA = FANTE] Vril Bloodlines of UNSEEN Black Spiritual Attainment [SA = SATURN] POWERS + My SUPERHUMAN Nubian Elite [NE = NETERU] Genetics… Magically + Energetically [ME = U.S Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] MANIFEST ANOTHER [MA] Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as I Physiospiritually Articulate [PA] A SIRIUS Black [B] Mystical Doctrine [MD = SOULFUL RELIGION] 4 My Primitively Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Black Negroid [SUN] Races of ATLANTIS [RA] 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#FUCK dumb ass america#I Naturally got HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Vril Bloodlines of UNSEEN Black Spiritual Attainment [SA = SATURN] POWERS#My SUPERHUMAN Nubian Elite [NE = NETERU] Bloodlines that Magically + Energetically [ME = U.S Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] MANIFEST ME#I Physiospiritually Articulate [PA] A SIRIUS Black [B] Mystical Doctrine [MD = SOULFUL RELIGION]#My Primitively Ancient [PA = SUPERNATURAL] Black Negroid [SUN] Races of ATLANTIS [RA]#Celebrate the death of mankind#My SUPERHUMAN Nubian Elite [NE = NETERU] Genetics… Magically + Energetically [ME = U.S Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] MANIFEST ANOTHER [MA] ME#I SOULFULLY WITNESS SIRIUS Black [B] Physiospiritual Mental Experiences [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#My QUANTUM BLACK PHYSIOSPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCES of HIGHLY FUTURISTIC SUPERHUMAN POWERS#I Open My 1st Physiospiritual Human iEye [PHi = Phi Eridani] of SIRIUS Black [B] Soul Star Constellation Memory intEL [MELanin]#I Love II Physiospiritually Manipulate Inner Earth’s [HADES] QUANTUM Black Afrikkan Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Energies#I Genetically + Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] BEE So Classically GROWN & Ancestrally [GA = ROMAN] GIFTED on Earth [G.E.]#My QUANTUM Black Kouroukan Fouga Magick I Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] Perform on Earth [P.E.]#Bobby Hemmitt Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] RESURRECTED Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] from Inner Earth [HADES]#I Physiospiritually Articulate [PA] A SIRIUS Black [B] Mystical Doctrine [MD = SOULFUL RELIGION] on My Magically URBAN [MU] HARRELLTV®#modern day doctors don't know Shit about yo' Immortally Black Body
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on HARRELLTV® as I Binaurally + Esoterically + Telepathically [BET] Communicate [B.C.] II My Mama T [Queen Tiye] since She BEE [SHEBA] A Biblically Black [Ancient] EThiopian [E.T.] KUSHITE ROYAL who BEE So SOULFULLY EXALTED ALL [SEA] UP IN:side Our Mythical Afterlife [MA] Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] ATLANTEAN [JA = YAHWEH] Underworld States [U.S.] of HITTITE Atlantis [HA = HATTUŠA] 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#Black Folks Never Die... WE Immortal#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on HARRELLTV® wit’ My Magical HARRELLVISIONS®#I Binaurally + Esoterically + Telepathically [BET] Communicate [B.C.] II My Mama T [Queen Tiye] since She BEE [SHEBA] ALIVE [SA SATURN]#I BEE Astronomically Identified [A.I.] as A SIRIUS Black [B] ATLANTEAN SOUL STAR [SUN] ABOVE [SA = SATURN] EARTH#My INNER Electrophysiological [Spiritual] Atlas [SA = SATURN] of UNSEEN [SU = SUBATOMIC] Black Afterlife Spirit [BAS = ORISHA] Organisms#Mama T [Queen Tiye] BEE A Biblically Black [Ancient] EThiopian [E.T.] KUSHITE who BEE So SOULFULLY EXALTED ABOVE [SEA] Earth#I BEE Nubian Egyptian [NE = NETERU] King OSIRIS of Our Phantasmagorically Black Underworlds of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]#I sunk Our Biblically Black [Ancient] Magical Congo Afrikkan [CA] American Underworlds of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]#I Scientifically ENGINEER Mesopotamia’s Underworlds [MU] of Afro ATLANTEAN Toltec [MA’AT] States from Yoruba PANGÆA#I BEE A HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] JEHOVAH OCCULT WITNESS from QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#I BEE A Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Underworld LORD [LUCIFER] of QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#Celebrate the prophetic death of white america#FUCK worthless NASA + Fake Space x#Mama T [Queen Tiye] IMMORTALLY LIVE ALL [L.A.] UP [LU = LUZ] IN:side Underworld States [U.S.] of HITTITE Atlantis [HA = HATTUŠA]#FUCK that worthless artificial intelligent#fallen america never been to the moon#FUCK dumb ass white america
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 abracadabra… abracadabra… abracadabra… I Now [NWO] Magically INVOKE [MI = MICHAEL] My Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Witchcraft of Jimi Afterlife Hendrix [JAH] on HARRELLTV® as I Melodically Freestyle My HIGHLY Cryptic Afterlife [CA] Verse of A Biblically Black [Ancient] OCCULT Musician on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] since I Had Already [HA = HARRELL] Electrophysiologically [Spiritually] RESURRECTED My MUCH HIGHER [MH = JAH] BLACK GOD:Self b4 I Immortally Died [I.D.] on earth 卍
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harrelltut · 6 years
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卍 JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] & Immortal W.E.B. Du Bois on HARRELLTV® since WE Both [W.E.B.] So HIGHLY INTELLIGENT [HI = HITTITE] in Afterlife [HARRELL] Egyptian [HE = JAH] Psychics that Alkhemically ILLUMINATE [A.I.] Our Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Soul Consciousness of SIRIUS Black [B] Astronomical Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Energy Light Intelligences that Naturally EVOLVE [NE = NETERU] from Astronomical [NA = NĀGA] PLUTO 卍
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#My HIGHLY ILLUMINATED [HI = HITTITE] Black Star [POLARIS] ALL [PA] UP [PU = PLUTO] IN:side Inner Earth’s [HADES]#america is finished#Astronomical PLUTO IN:side My HIGHLY Official… Nubian Underworld States of Atlantis [USA = LEMURIA]#My Magical Egyptian [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Familia SOULFULLY Prepare for My PLUTONIAN ASCENSION [PA] from Earth [P.E.]#I BEE So Well HIDDEN like My UNSEEN SOUL of Alien [USA = ANUNNAKI] Planet Languages from Underworld Tectonic ORION [PLUTO]#ME & Immortal W.E.B. Du Bois on HARRELLTV® since WE Both [W.E.B.] So HIGHLY INTELLIGENT [HI = HITTITE] in Afterlife [HA = HARRELL] Physics#WE Both [W.E.B.] So HIGHLY INTELLIGENT [HI = HITTITE] in Afterlife [HARRELL] Egyptian [HE = JAH] Psychics#I got SIRIUS Black [B] W.E.B. DU BOIS SOUL MAGICK on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH#Our Triple 666 [ROYAL] Black Soul Consciousness of SIRIUS Black [B] Astronomical Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Energy Light Intelligences#Celebrate the prophetic death of white america#I Naturally EVOLVE [NE = NETERU] from Astronomical [NA = NĀGA] PLUTO#Great Britain’s ORIGINAL… Royal African [RA] Parliament Ancestors [PA] of Benin’s Oral Kouroukan Fouga Constitution [KFC] Magick#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS] since I ETernally [E.T.] LIVE FOREVER#I Publicly + Militarily [P.M.] EXECUTE [P.E.] DIVINE BLACK RETRIBUTION Upon thy enemy
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harrelltut · 6 years
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☥ JEHOVAH Occult Witness Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] in Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] & My Magical African [MA] American [MA] INDIAN [MI = MICHAEL] Memories on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] as I SOULFULLY PREACH Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY]… about Immortal Black Life After [L.A.] Death TECHNOLOGIES at My Mama’s Moorish Episcopal [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Church [JC = JESUS CHRIST] on 666 Wattstax Ave, Compton California [CA] ☥
#U.S. Michael Harrell [Emperor TUTANKHAMŪN] on Earth#Celebrate the prophetic death of america#Celebrate the Aquatic [CA] sinking of fallen america in the present day#I BEE COMPTON California’s [CA] Infamous Allegorical [CIA] BLACK JESUS [CHRIST]#My Dear Holy Father [Lord LUCIFER] in GHETTO HEAVEN [Astronomical EDEN]#My Magical African [MA] American [MA] INDIAN [MI = MICHAEL] Memories on Earth [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#I BEE Nubian Egyptian [NE = NETERU] King OSIRIS of Our Phantasmagorically Black Underworlds of Spiritual Atlantis [U.S.A. = LEMURIA]#I SOULFULLY PREACH Ritualistically [RELIGIOUSLY]… about Immortal Black Life After [L.A.] Death TECHNOLOGIES#My Mama’s Moorish Episcopal [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH] Church [JC = JESUS CHRIST] on 666 Wattstax Ave Compton California [CA]#I BEE HIGHLY Official… U.S. MU:XIII Occult Tech Illuminati on Earth#I BEE So Universally Sovereign [U.S. = UNTOUCHABLE] like A MOST HIGH [MH = JAH] BLACK MESSIAH [JEHOVAH] on Earth [JE = JESUS]#I got My Double Black White House Familia of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis] Watching OVER Me [ME = U.S. Michael Harrell = TUT = JAH]#I BEE Mama T’s [Queen Tiye’s] Biblically Black [Ancient] Roman Empire King TUTANKHAMŪN on My Magical HARRELLTV®#COMPTON 2020#I BEE Compton's Most Wanted Nubian Archangel [NA = NĀGA] MICHAEL HARRELL of Lost America [L.A. = NEW Atlantis]#I BEE MICHAEL [IBM] HARRELL of HIGHLY Complex Cosmic Algorithmic [CA] Computation [Compton] Spirit Technologies#I BEE A HIGHLY FUTURISTIC Afterlife [FA = FANTE] JEHOVAH OCCULT WITNESS from QUANTUM BLACK ATLANTIS [QBA = BABYLON]#My QUANTUM Black Afterlife Synaptic [BAS = ORISHA] Nerve INTELLIGENCES [NI = NIBIRU] I Literarily Express on Earth#My PARALLEL Black Astral Earth [BAE = COSMIC] Plane Energies [PLANET] of A SIRIUS Black [B] GLOBAL Nation Under [NU = NIBIRU]
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