noodle-artist · 1 year
Hi my name is Hobie Brown 🎸
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I’m not a role model ❌
I was briefly a runway model ✨
I hate the AM! 🌅
I hate the PM!!! 🐖
I hate Labels!!!!!! 🏷️
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deeducing · 1 month
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gay pharriage or something. pheals. and phyan cat.
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k-mraz · 6 months
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VERY sleep deprived farcille wip mainly 1 layer cause we die like dungeon dwellers
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disarraydoodlez · 9 months
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Chistmas List Erased Day 15: Hot hot chocolate!
Hope y'all appreciated the quality of the last post, because I don't thing we'll even be trying to go that hard again on a piece like that for the rest of this challenge. (Tho I am very concerned about some of y'all goin feral in the comments)
Man, you would have thought I'd have learnt my lesson from the Banzai's about lining too many characters in one day, but here we are. I might revisit this specific one later to do shading on it, but even now I'm missing sleep on a busy work day to DRAW. Still like how it looks shading or not, and very happy that we're HALFWAY through this challenge of ours. Honestly, we gave ourselves a 50/50 of even making it HERE, so thank you guys for pushing us forwards!
The next one is probably gonna be the last one with multiple characters for a while, but I can assure you all that it's gonna look heckin' CUTE!
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mspaint-flower · 8 months
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it feels like this sometimes
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otiksimr · 11 months
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Inktober day 18
[Golden Mantis]
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its-muffin-tyme · 2 months
(a more accessible poll as a little treat after i posted about a homestuck life series au and classpecting for multiple hours yesterday XD)
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evilrat-sabre · 3 months
uhh hi its grim! drawing thingy: #727, mumbojumbo possibly?
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Losing a bit with this one. Anyway here is Boatem.
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obae-me · 3 months
My brain spawned an image to me in the midst of sleep deprived delirium. Maybe it was simply creativity. Maybe it was the half-subconcious dream from a microsleep, we'll never truly know.
It was all the dateable characters standing on a stage in a proper game show like fashion; the pulpets with the score on the front, the big screen, the cheesy music and flashing lights.
And it was very clearly made in a Jepordy style with the points and difficulties in their own categories. Only all the trivia was directed towards me (or just towards MC if you want to be less cringe about it). For example, some of the categories were: Favorite Things, Pet Peeves, Habits Die Hard, Vocal Stims, etc. MC (*coughs* me) was the host, calling out the answers in a proper Steve Harvey on Family Fued style. I don't know exactly how the show worked, it was a mish-mash of several other games, don't think about the intricacies.
Some of the characters were totally confident, like Lucifer, Barbatos, maybe even Satan and Solomon were quite cocky in their assumptions that they knew everything about the human they cared about. However, it ends up being characters like Mammon, Levi, and Belphie who start dominating the scores, making the previously confident characters sweat under the pressure. Effectively getting knocked down a peg while making them bring their all. Meanwhile, the other characters are doing their best and enjoying themselves, making mental notes, or actually writing down the stuff they didn't know.
If you wish to know the exact scenario my brain popped up, it was this:
MC: Lucifer, you're up next to pick a category.
Lucifer: I'll take Habits Die Hard for 300, please.
MC: Alright! Habits Die Hard for 300!
*The proper tile flips to reveal the question.*
MC: When I find myself in a dark place or a rut, what is it I always tend to turn to?
*A ton of buzzes ring out, but Barbatos' button lights up, signifying he was first.*
Barbatos: Settling down with a special treat whilst wrapped in a blanket.
*A pause of anticipation before a loud sound of rejection fills the air.*
Mc: Aw, you're so close! I'm looking for something a little more specific!
*People are stunned before scrambling for the buttons again. Mammon is next to hit it first. He jumps up and down on his own feet in nervous excitement.*
Mammon: Rewatching FNAF Let’s-Plays!
MC: That is correct!
*Lights flash, Mammon high-fives Levi, Lucifer leans over the little stand rethinking his life, Diavolo writes something down and has to ask Barbatos what FNAF is, making the age-old butler physically pale in pure fear.*
Thinking about different questions and answers makes for a fun brain experiment.
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a couple doodles with my round brush before i go to sleep :)
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wolfjackle-creates · 1 year
Bring Me Home Arc 2 Part 6
It's Wednesday! (I'm ignoring the clock that says it's 2 AM. It's totally still Wednesday. I haven't gone to bed yet which means it can't be Thursday.)
So, since it's obviously still Wednesday, it's time for another WIP Wednesday. We're getting into the real meat of the plot of this arc with this update! And now you'll maybe start to see where I'm gonna take this.
Story Summary: Tim and Danny are both neglected by parents who care more about their work than their families. They deal with this by spending too much time online and find each other playing MMORPGs. They keep up their friendship as Tim becomes Robin and Danny becomes Phantom and don't bother keeping secrets from each other.
First, Previous
Word Count: 1.2k
And that was when a large, swirling-green gash opened up in the night sky and dozens of ghosts started pouring through.
“Oh man!” exclaimed Sam as they watched the ghosts wreak havoc on the street. “I’ve never seen this many ghosts attack at once!”
Danny held out his thermos as he stared. “I’m gonna need a bigger thermos.”
The ghosts all appeared to be wearing uniforms and held batons as they attacked civilians and police indiscriminately.
“Uh, Danny?” asked Tim. “Should we call in back up?”
“No!” One of the ghosts got close to their group and Danny quickly sucked it into the thermos, dropping Jazz’s milkshake in the process. “Dammit. Absolutely not. It’s bad enough with three metas here. No more.”
Across the street, they saw a couple running from three of the invaders. One of the ghosts turned invisible and entered the body of the man who went stiff before sprinting to catch up to his partner and grabbing her to hold her still.
Then one of the other ghosts turned a garbage can over the both of them. The one overshadowing the man left his body, leaving the humans crying and covered in garbage as the ghosts laughed.
“I see,” said Tim. “How do we protect Bart, Cassie, and Conner?”
“You’re metas?” asked Sam.
Cassie nodded. “Yeah, nothing special, but… I don’t want to see what a ghost could do with my powers.”
“Let’s get back to my place. My parents might be crazy, but the ghost shield works. And then we can make a plan.”
Tim nodded. “I’ll lead. Kon, Bart, Cassie, you three need to stay in the middle. Sam, Tucker, you watch our sides and Danny, take up the rear. Capture any ghosts that try to approach us.”
Amity, even during a ghost invasion, was much easier to navigate than Gotham and Tim was able to lead them back to Danny’s house without getting lost. Every scream made him want to stop and help, though. He hated being useless.
Behind him, he could hear muttered curses from his teammates and knew they felt the same. But they needed weapons. Ones that could actually hit a ghost. And they needed to make sure they could fight off any overshadowing.
A TV was thrown out of a house through a window next to them sending shards of glass raining on the ground. Sam let out a string of curses.
“Sam!” called Danny. “Are you okay?”
“I think so. Just a slice to my arm.”
“We’re almost there,” said Tim. “We’ll check it out.”
He was flat out running now, could hear the others just behind them. They turned a corner and he could see the glowing FentonWorks sign. He grit his teeth and continued to run away from the mayhem, fighting every instinct he had. He wouldn’t be able to help if he stayed. He repeated it as a mantra with every step.
And finally they were there, he grabbed the door handle and pulled it open, ushering his friends in first.
Once inside, Danny flipped a few switches and metal slammed down over the windows, though no guns or lasers came out of the walls.
“Okay. No ghosts can get in now.”
“Danny!” Jazz came running down the stairs. “You’re all okay! Mom and Dad rushed out as soon as the attack started. What’s going on?”
“Jazz! Sorry, I dropped your milkshake on the way here. And not much, just, you know, a ghost invasion.” Danny’s laugh was bordering on hysterical.
“But you’re all safe?”
“Sam?” asked Danny. “How’s your arm?”
“I think it’s all right.” Sam grimaced as she held some tissues to the injury.
Jazz joined and led her to the kitchen. “Come on, let me clean that up for you. What happened?”
“A ghost threw a TV through a window. A piece of glass got me as we ran by.”
Tucker turned on the Fenton’s TV and switched to the news channel.
“I’m Shelly Makamoto and this is Ghost Watch,” an Asian woman said in a cheerful voice. “Ghosts, can you believe it, real ghosts are invading Amity Park right now. Emergency vehicles are struggling to get through the invasion, so if you are injured and in an area of high ghost concentration, help may be delayed. It is recommended you remain put and wait until first responders are able to get to your area. Currently, the ghosts are most focused on the downtown area, so the hospital is spared at this time. We can only hope this doesn’t change. Now, our weatherman Lance Thunder is out right now, so lets switch to him to get an on-the-scene report.”
They all watched in silence as a male reporter cowered behind an overturned car as he gave his report.
Sam and Jazz returned just a moment later. Sam had a large bandaid over her arm but shook her head when Danny shot her a questioning look.
“It’s fine. Clean cut.”
Tim relaxed as well. “Glad to hear it,” he said.
Jazz nodded. “Nothing to be concerned about at all. Thanks for getting the ghost shield up, Danny. I always forget which switch is the weapons and which is the shield.”
Tim’s eyes narrowed. She was lying. Why was she lying?
“Yeah, no problem. We’re gonna go to the lab. Tim and his friends have self defense training, Gotham, you know? So I want to see if we have any weapons in the vault that they’d be comfortable with.”
“Great. I’m gonna be in my room. As class president, I want to try and make sure everyone is safe so I’ll be on the phone with my door shut. Knock before you enter!” Then she was running back up the stairs and slamming the door to her room.
Tim exchanged a glance with Cassie. That was weird.
But next to him, Danny let out a breath. “Okay, so she’s out of the way. Sam, you sure you’re okay?
Sam grimaced. “It stings a bit, but it’s fine. Jazz put disinfectant and antibiotic cream on it.”
“Great. Well, not great.” Danny grimaced and Sam punched him on the arm.
Tim cleared his throat. “You said something about weapons?”
Conner nodded. “Yeah, did you say you have a weapons vault?”
Danny laughed. “You saw the home defense system. Are you really surprised?”
Cassie shook her head. “Your parents are evil scientists, aren’t they?”
Danny led them down a set of stairs. “I wouldn’t call them evil. They’re just… a bit single minded.”
And then Tim was standing in their lab for the first time. It was all silver chrome and neon green accents. But worse, it was messy. Half assembled inventions were scattered haphazardly over every surface. And was that a half eaten sandwich on the bench? Ectoplasm dripped off one of the counters onto a puddle on the floor.
Sam, Tucker, and Danny walked in without concern, but Tim and his team held back.
Danny realized they weren’t following and looked back in concern. “What’s wrong?”
“No offense,” said Bart as his eyes darted around, “But, uh, is it safe?”
“What do you mean?” asked Danny, but then he looked around and noticed the mess. “Ah. Hang on a sec. I’ll get you rubber gloves and boots you can slide on over your shoes. That’ll keep you safe enough.”
Sam helped and soon enough they were passing the protective gear over. Meanwhile, Tucker sat down at a computer and pulled up the news report so they could keep tabs on what was going on.
“Can we get eye protection as well?” asked Tim once he had everything on.
“Sure. Mom and Dad have plenty of goggles.” Danny grabbed a few of those as well.
Still not entirely comfortable, Tim finally stepped into the lab. On the far wall, behind yellow and black doors was the portal he’d heard so much about.
Danny followed his gaze and put a hand on his arm. “Come on, Tim. The weapons vault is over here.”
This should be enough to figure out which episode I'm using as the base for this arc! It's not quite the Ghost Fight people were hoping for in the comments of the last update, but I think this is gonna be better.
Tag List Part 1
@gremlin-bot, @bonebrokebuddy, @britcision, @lady-time-lord-, @welcometosasakiworld, @akikkobara, @phoenixdemonqueen, @dolfay, @skulld3mort-1fan, @we-ezer, @markus209, @sjrose1216, @onyxlightdragon, @dragonsrequiem, @jesus-camp-the-sequel, @spidey29phangirl, @kyrianclawraith, @evilminji, @introvert-even-on-the-internet, @emergentpanda-blog, @lexdamo, @v-inari, @idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit, @longlivethefallen, @undead-essence, @xye-chan, @liandrin, @seraphinedemort, @kisatamao, @schalensitzbucket, @caelestisdreamer, @runfromthemedic, @nutcase8691, @channajen, @tonicmii, @ambiguouslyominous, @vythika96, @addie-lover-of-stories, @ironicvixen, @violetfox2, @pickleking8, @mysticalcomputerdetective, @ark12, @mygood-bitch99, @squirrel-wolf, @satisfactionbroughtmeback, @sometimesthingsfallapart, @automaticsoulharmony, @d4ydr34min9, @revnantdpxdclover, @midigeria, @raginblastocyst, @feral-bunny31, @lunaria618, @ghostreblogging, @ace-aro-as-shit
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zaphiyy207 · 1 year
"I will come back for you."
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jyoungbloodvo · 2 months
Poppy Playtime AU where instead of the player, it's just Frank West.
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tashacee · 9 months
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...next week's Aspects is gonna be wild.
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lpsotd · 11 months
Best LPS Horses Tournament 🐴 Masterpost
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neigh? vvv ROUND 1 COMPETITORS vvv
Horse #523 vs. Horse #524
Horse #338 vs. Horse #124
Zebra #2856 vs. Horse #2895
Horse #592 vs. Zebra #2470
Horse #1081 vs. Zebra #903
Horse #1880 vs. Horse #2292
Horse #627 vs. Horse #1717
Horse #560 vs. Horse #405 Horse #1964 vs. Zinnia Gardner #3846
Horse #578 vs. Horse #739
Horse #684 vs. Horse #2247
Zebra #392 vs. Horse #1621
Horse #1142 vs. Horse #1616
Horse #1709 vs. Horse #1263
Horse #1114 vs. Horse #840
Horse #1820 vs. Horse #587
Horse #523 vs. Horse #338
Zebra #2856 vs. Horse #592
Zebra #903 vs. Horse #2292
Horse #627 vs. Horse #560
Horse #1964 vs. Horse #739
Horse #2247 vs. Zebra #392
Horse #1616 vs. Horse #1709
Horse #1114 vs. Horse #1820
Horse #523 vs. Horse #592
Zebra #903 vs. Horse #560 Horse #1964 vs. Horse #2247
Horse #1616 vs. Horse #1820
Horse #523 vs. Horse #560
Horse #1964 vs. Horse #1820
Horse #523 vs. Horse #1820
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