drpoisonoaky · 3 months
i need people to know my user name is because this exact moment plus ivy having a phd
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rejectedbytheempty · 7 months
a/n: okay wow i didn’t think that many ppl would want a part 2 lmao. sorry, i’ve been busy w schoolwork but i finally got around to writing the second part 🙏🙏
previous part
tw: sewing up a wound? idk it’s not very graphic but i feel like it should be noted
“How could I be so stupid!” Villain cried out, running their hands up their face, then pushing the heels of their palms against their eyes.
They sighed deeply and let their hands fall to their sides before glancing over at Hero. They were just sitting there, staring at a random point on the floor. It shocked Villain to see how pale their face had gotten, “God, Hero. I’m- Christ, I don’t even know what to do. Say something, please. Yell at me, punch me, do something.”
Hero didn’t seem to even register that Villain was speaking, they just sat there, looking like a kicked puppy.
“Shit, I’m going to help you, you’re going to be okay. I promise, Hero,” Villain said, it felt almost like they were talking to the wall of their prison cell.
“Hello? Is there anyone there?” Villain called out, half expecting no one to answer but in a moment a face peeked around the corner, someone that Villain assumed was the guard Supervillain left to keep them in check. However, the guard looked scared half out of their mind.
“Yes?” They answered. Villain had to hold back a grin, it was good to know that they still had that effect on people.
“We need medical supplies in here, Hero is practically bleeding out.”
The guard swallowed nervously, “Um, I don’t know if I’m allowed to give you anything.”
Villain rolled their eyes, “Right, which would make sense if I asked you for a sword or something, but I doubt I could get very far with a roll of gauze.”
The guard bit their lip, running the options through their mind for a moment before nodding, “Okay, I’ll be right back. Don’t go anywhere.”
“Right, I’ll keep that in mind,” Villain muttered to themselves as the guard left.
“I-I’m sorry.”
Villain quickly turned to see Hero laying there, their eyes glistening with tears.
“I shouldn’t have come here, all I’ve done is mess things up. Escape while you have a chance, so both of us don’t have to be stuck here,” Hero managed to rasp out.
Villain shook their head, “Don’t talk like that. I’ll get you patched up and we’ll find a way out of here, it was my fault we’re here in the first place.” Just then the guard came back with the supplies, opening the cell door and handing them to Villain. For a moment, Villain glanced at the open door, freedom was right there. All they had to do was subdue the guard and make it out before anyone notices they are gone. In the corner of their eye, however, lay Hero, shivering and pale. They ripped their gaze from the door and quickly snatched the kit from the guard’s hands and turned to Hero. The resounding sound of a lock clicking echoed through their cell and Villain sighed, their shoulders slumping. Well, no turning back now, they thought. They shook their head to dispel those thoughts and got to work. It didn’t seem to be too bad of a wound, it was deep, but it was a clean cut.
“Okay, I’m going to pour some alcohol on it to clean it out, it’s gonna hurt like a bitch, but we don’t want it to get infected.”
Hero nodded, smiling softly, “It’s not as bad as looking at your face.”
Villain chuckled, “Right, why did I think that you were ever capable of being serious?” They then poured the liquid over the cut as Hero gritted their teeth together, sucking in a deep breath.
“See, I knew you could do it,” Villain smiled down at Hero who gave an exhausted laugh. From then on it was easy work, sewing the wound closed and wrapping gauze around Hero’s midsection to soak up any more blood and protect it from the grimey cell they were in.
“There, all done.” Hero grunted as they attempted to sit up, but Villain was quick to put a hand on Hero’s chest and back, leading them back to a laying down position.
“Christ, Hero, you’re not invincible. Don’t try doing anything too drastic,” Villain chided.
“Oh, right, I forgot” Hero said in a dazed tone, their eyes half lidded.
Villain drew back their hands, Hero now laying down flat on their cot, their blinks getting longer and longer as their adrenaline had now faded.
“You know what?” Hero asked, staring at Villain through their eyelashes, “I always thought you were pretty.”
Villain stared down at Hero in disbelief, heat rising to their cheeks, “I- what?” But Hero had already fallen asleep, chest rising and falling in a steady pattern. Villain stood there for a moment, face contorted in confusion before they let out a sharp laugh.
“God, Hero, you are something else” Villain chuckled to themself.
Reaching over, they ran their hand through Hero’s hair before tucking a loose strand of hair behind Hero’s ear. Villain quickly pulled their hand back, feeling as if they were snapping out of a trance, “Fuck, what am I doing?” They couldn’t afford connections, especially not with Hero. They had to remember where they were, who they were. I need to get out of here, before I do anything else stupid, Villain thought.
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specialagentartemis · 1 month
Wait if the human body needs fats for protein absorption, do you have any idea what someone who can't process fat at all is supposed to do? I'm currently being evaluated for all kinds of possible diagnoses but so far my physician isn't sure what's wrong with me and if it's curable, but the gist is that I literally can't eat anything even slightly fatty without becoming severely sick and immediately having to run to the bathroom. So I can't eat any meat that isn't lean, I can't eat cheese, can't drink milk, I can't eat yoghurt that isn't advertised as 0 fat, and I can't use oils at all either.
From what you're saying about fats, that sounds...less than ideal. Considering I don't know for how long I'll be forced to live this way or if there's anything that can fix it at all, do you know if there's anything I can do to prevent the rabbit starvation you speak of?
(referring to this post) Oh, wow! I’m sorry, that sounds frustrating and stressful.
I want to be clear: I’m an archaeologist, and my primary understanding of this comes from an archaeological and evolutionarily perspective, not a modern nutritional one. Your doctor and your nutritionist will know a lot more about your case than I do.
That said, rabbit starvation/protein poisoning is only really a concern when lean meat makes up the majority of your diet. Not the majority of the meat in your diet, the majority of your diet, period. It’s a topic of interest among archaeologists in particular because it would have been a perennial concern in the winters during the Ice Age: when hunting animals with lean meats would have made up a large portion of early humans’ and Neanderthals’ diets during a Paleolithic winter. Historically, this tends to happen only in the winter in tundra and subarctic regions when grains, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and fish aren’t available. There’s a reason it’s also called mal de caribou.
Carbohydrates, sugars, fruit, and vegetables give you a much more balanced diet and help make up for deficiencies in other areas. And modern nutritional supplements, fortified foods, and multivitamins also help stave off many historical areas of malnutrition. If you are eating a modern spread of foods, even without fat, you are very unlikely to get protein poisoning. You might get constipated when you eat the meat, though.
My understanding is: proteins get digested faster than fats. So if you eat high-protein lean meats, they can move through your system quickly, without your body having time to extract all the amino acids and all the nutrients from them. And then the undigested bits can build up in your colon and make you feel constipated. Fat is digested more slowly, and when eaten with protein, allows your body more time to extract more and fuller suite of nutrients from the protein. Possibly there is also an emulsification aspect going on as well, I’m not positive and it’s hard to find good explanations that aren’t diet-culture-focused. (Fat also does other important things in your body with providing long-term slow-burning energy, padding your organs so they don’t impact against other parts of your body, and absorbing fat-soluble vitamins and such; again, I’m not a nutritionist, and I don’t super understand the details.)
But dietary fiber can also slow down digestion, and can help give some of those same digestive effects. (Nixtamalized) corn+beans+squash is a very traditional diet of the Americas because it gives the whole suite of necessary amino acids without requiring a whole lot of external additions. Also, I get the sense that fish like salmon work differently because of omega-3 fatty acids? So there are for sure things you can supplement with.
My post wasn’t intended to make people worry; modern nutrition and food availability means that there is a lot of flexibility you can have in your diet if you’re allergic to one aspect of it. It was meant to say, even “unhealthy” fats have an important place in a balanced diet, and can do good things for you besides just tasting good, and that craving it may well mean there’s something in there that your body wants. But if fat genuinely isn’t good for you for medical reasons, there are absolutely ways of dealing with that. Ultimately, variety is the most important part.
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rachelbethhines · 3 months
Things That I Use To Help Manage My ADHD and Executive Dysfunction
1. To Do Lists
I know, I know.
Making a list is boring. I lose the paper. I forget to make the to do list.
Believe me, I know.
I've been there, but trust me it does help once you get into the habit.
Here's some tips on how to get started
Try making your list in a digital app or a document file so you don't lose it
Sticky notes in a place you're sure to see them
An erasable board like a marker board or a chalkboard that you keep up in a specific place and never move. Like on the wall or the fridge.
Put "make 'to do' list" on the to do list so you don't forget to do it
Set aside a certain time to fill out or check off the list each day. Consistency is key.
Use calendars, alarms, and timers liberally to keep track of appointments and to manage your time so you don't hyper-focus on something to the determinant of more important things
But be flexible for things that don't have deadlines or appointments. Don't beat yourself up if something doesn't get done, just add it back onto the list for next time
2. Randomizers
Part of the problem with executive dysfunction is being overwhelmed by choice. So I keep a few randomizer websites booked marked that I use regularly
Wheel pickers
List randomizers
Random number generators
Like I keep my list of projects on a wheel picker app. And my chores that I don't have deadlines for on another. When making my to do list I'll spin the wheel to pick the project or chore that I'm going to work on that day.
I do the same when picking out albums to listen to or movies to watch so I don't go doom scrolling while wasting time deciding.
3. Meal Planning
Similar to the above, I take one day out of the week to draw up my meal plan for the next week.
Use this time to take stock of your pantry and fridge. What needs to get used up?
Anything special you want to fix over the week or weekend? Save the recipes to a document or leave a bookmark in your cookbook
Overwhelmed with choices or just don't know what to do with certain ingredients? Try a randomizer or an app like supercook to come up with ideas.
After you've taken inventory of your kitchen and figured out any special recipes you want to make, go ahead and fill out your grocery list
Set aside time on your to do list for shopping, meal prep, and cooking through out the week.
Pre-plan what days/times you are going to eat out or get takeout and work that into the meal plan/budget
Budget not only your money but also your time. How long will this recipe take to prep/cook? How much effort will it require of me? Is there any shortcuts I can take to make things easier, like buying my veggies already diced?
Try using an app to keep track of your meal plan, grocery list, and recipes so that they're all in one place
4. Mental Health Apps
I like Booster Buddy, but it's no longer supported for newer devices. I have also used Finch. But at the end of the day it doesn't matter which app you choose.
The point of having a program dedicated for mental health is to have a handy way to check in on yourself and see how you are feeling. Many apps will offer visual cues to allow you to break down your motivation and energy levels.
This will help give you a guideline for the day so you don't stretch yourself too thin.
A good app will also offer little suggestions and tips to help improve your mood or provide genteel reminders for small things that help with self care.
But most importantly it will help you spot patterns over time so you can better notice ongoing problems or see gradual changes as you get better.
5. Finding and Avoiding What Triggers My Dissociation
This is the hardest one.
I suffer from Maladaptive Daydreaming on top everything else which only makes my ADD and Executive Dysfunction even worse.
For others it maybe obsessive compulsion or a tendency to hyper-focus.
Things that I found that can be triggers are boredom, anxiety, isolation, health/dietary complications, and even the weather.
So here's some things I noticed that help
Set aside a certain time during the day to read/watch the news and then ignore it for the rest of the day. Yes be informed, but don't obsess.
Get your news from actual reputable news sources and not social media! Avoid algorithms feeding you negativity.
If you want to be more politically active schedule time for it, get involved with actual charities or political organizations, and then go about your regular business afterwards
Limit social media time. For me it's mornings before work for about 30mins, and then maybe an hour after work.
Curate your online experience. Block what you need to. Unfollow who you see fit. Social media should be fun not stressful.
Talk to other people! Make plans to hang out on weekends or call/text someone during the weekday. Try to make contact with another human being in some form everyday for at least a few mins, even if it's just online in a discord chat.
Have a book or notepad handy for when you get bored at work. Read, write, or draw during your downtime so you don't start staring off into space.
Keep a short list of fun things to do handy if you feel bored at home.
Set aside time to daydream/worry/plan/meditate/decompress. You need to mentally unwind at some point. The goal is to have that time per-planned so that it doesn't distract from other needed tasks. Getting into a routine with that time will also help.
Eating enough iron/vitamin C/protein ect. Food is energy and you need energy to focus. Meal planning will help with this.
Sometimes the weather will make you groggy, irritated, or anxious. There's not much you can do about this other than to accept it and just try your best.
You can however plan for bad weather ahead of time. Go to the National Weather site to find out about upcoming weather in your area and to figure what you need to be prepared for it. Try getting into the habit of doing this regularly.
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ghostinthegallery · 5 months
space wolves all hail from montana
tragic incident where leman russ gets caught up in the missoula pride parade. thousands overcome by uncontrollable thirst.
Victims required saline solution IVs and 50ccs of firefighter calendars as they were treated. All made a full recovery but were diagnosed as 30-40% gayer after the experience.
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grrl-bubble-acid · 2 years
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Moloko - I Am Not A Doctor
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yoooo heres some ways i make qsmp streams more accessible as someone who has overstimulation problems!
one! usually if i know theres going to be a Big Lore stream (or just any stream im really excited to watch) I'll make sure i take a nap before hand. because in my experience being tired makes everything so much worse,
two! i give myself 5 minutes breaks every hour or so. i just find a relatively chill time and go to the bathroom or fill my water bottle or something. since its just a short break, when i come back its pretty easy to figure out what has happened since i left. and if i did somehow miss something insane, i just spend about 2 seconds on twt and find someone who's already clipped it PFFFFT
three! i only wear one earbud/side of my headset. i feel like this one is pretty much what it says one the tin, less earbud/headphones = less noise :D
four! streamers that are generally less overstimulating:
Phil!!! Philza minecraft!! Both he and tallulah get overwhelmed by noise, so he'll turn the sound down or just go takes breaks himself. also when he's not around other people his streams have got the perfect mix of music and talking that is just right (at least for me).
Cellbit is also the same way with his qsmp streams! (great music taste and more chill talking) However when he's playing with other people -especially during big events- his streams are usually very loud. super fun, but very loud!
(note: this is in no way a comprehensive list, there might be other povs that are really good too! I'm just speaking from my own experiences but i'd love to hear if any other the other ccs are similar)
for me personally i love watching roier's streams, even though they are SO loud and very chaotic. I just use my break system and i still have a really great time! :D
five! make sure you've got all other senses covered. room brightness, right temp room, comfy clothes + comfy chair, etc. basically just trying to eliminate anything else that could overwhelm you!
and in closing, just remember its okay to miss out on a stream if you arent feeling well, you can always catch the important stuff later! take care of yourself, cuz you're important! <3
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hvlthgxth · 9 months
Hey. Look me in the eyes. Trust me. You can pull that chicken at 150°. I know, I know. I know you're scared. I was scared too. I was scared the whole time.
But that's because they made you scared. Made us scared. But we don't have to be scared anymore. Hell, we stopped being scared after the 5 day old pizza. But we know who those rules are for and we're built different. We deserve better.
Don't you deserve to taste the juices that ran off onto the baking sheet? Of course you do! They're all in there, but they scurry like white rabbits at 162°, and you don't got the finesse to pull that off. But what you do have is a stomach lining that is practically irradiated from living like your name is Kyle.
And today that's a win for you.
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dna-d2 · 2 months
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Oh it's go time
(Fun fact, some ADHD meds take a few days to fully kick back in if you were off them for even a little while)
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pwecie · 18 days
To people who take any stimulant medication for (but not limited to) ADHD, remember to have a big breakfast before you take your meds, because that shit is gonna fuck up your appetite. Oh and take a shit before you leave the house. Trust me. Most meds also double as an unwanted laxative and it’s best to go in your own house than at a public restroom, especially in America where the stall doors don’t go all the way down.
If you can’t, make friends with Poo-Pourri and line the surface of the water with toilet paper so that the sound is minimized and the bathroom doesn’t smell.
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Artemis Crock Whump Headcanons #2.3
TW: Drugging, kidnapping, torture
The third time that Artemis is kidnapped and tortured, it's Joker doing everything. It happened almost two years after Artemis joined the team. Joker had wanted to get rich from forcing the Justice League to pay a ransom for Artemis. He had done it with Robin before but he had gotten tired of it and it never worked. So, he decided to try something, or someone, new. That person ended up being Artemis. She happened to be walking around Gotham one night on her regular patrol when Joker caught her by surprise. He drugged her before she could begin fighting him off. The drug paralyzed her muscles so she couldn't move or speak, but she was still awake and fully aware. After dragging Artemis to a random warehouse miles away and tying her up, Joker began to livestream what he did to Artemis to the Justice League and the team while demanding his ransom. He began to beat Artemis with whatever he could find. Batman and Dick were trying their absolute best to trace the location of the stream so they could find Artemis. As they did that, the only thing that everyone else could do was watch. Wally prayed that Artemis would hold on, that it would only be a little bit longer until they found her. Ollie and Dinah left the room and headed for the medbay to prepare everything that they would need when they got Artemis back. They already knew that she had been drugged to some degree by how she didn't fight back or even cry out in pain. The moment that Batman and Dick got the location of the stream, Wally was out of the cave, running to the warehouse that Artemis was being kept in. He took out Joker in less than three minutes because he was running off of adrenaline and rage. He got Artemis and ran her back to the cave, where she was immediately taken into medbay for treatment. Dinah was able to partially reverse the effects so it wouldn't take as long for the effects of the drugs to wear off. Still, it took Artemis weeks to recover due to her muscles being weakened. She could barely stand without collapsing and she couldn't hold anything heavier than a glass. That put her off of missions for about two months and any archery for one month.
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tlaquetzqui · 1 year
Tip: instead of pulling your head to the side, when you need to stretch your neck, pull the arm on the side you want to stretch, across your body. Always safer to stretch the muscles on the sides of your neck from the shoulder end not the head one.
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boredcarcass · 6 months
‘Ello! It’s 3AM and I can’t sleep, so imma do an info dump about being on hormones as a ftm transgender guy that you might not know!
•First thing right off the bat is obviously acne. You’re essentially going through puberty all over again, but in the opposite direction.
So you’re gonna get oily, and have pimples all over your face, neck, and occasionally on your back or shoulders! Yaaaaaay 🥲
•Second is that you’re going to get hot flashes!
It’s like a white-hot prickly/itchy sensation that hits pretty suddenly.
For me, it was all over my back, but it could also be your entire torso, arms, or even legs.
You know when older ladies talk about going through menopause? Yup. You’re in the same boat bud.
Why this happens to older women is that, as they age, their body slowly stops producing as much estrogen hormone as it used to, so the body’s internal temperature goes haywire for a bit, before it evens out, so it’s gonna happen to you too.
For me personally, it lasted about four months.
Four very, very uncomfortable, itchy months.
I personally compared it to an electric shock, or being struck by lightning. (Obviously exaggerative, but it kinda hurt)
•Third thing is bottom growth!
Funny enough, this one is not a very clear topic, so I never really understood it when I was doing my research.
What this means, is that your lower extremities will begin to enlarge, and you essentially grow a mini dck. Pretty neat!
The size will vary from person to person, but here’s a little tidbit I was never told;
Bottom growth hurts
Since you are pretty rapidly changing your hormone balance, it might hit you pretty suddenly, and ‘growing pains’ is a real term in this instance
For me, it was a sharp ache, if that makes any sense, and at times, I had a stabbing feeling in my genitals.
So it’s gonna hurt, and again, the time it lasts will vary from person to person, but it’s something I never read about, or was told.
It’s completely normal, but if the pain lasts for what seems is a longer time than ‘normal’ to you, or is debilitating, please talk to your doctor!
Along with bottom growth is an increase in sensitivity in your genitals.
Your nerves are right in there while you’re growing your mini packer, so of course, it will be sensitive for a few months.
You’ll probably find yourself flinching away when someone (jokingly I hope) goes to fake-hit you down there, because that would actually hurt like a bitch now 🥲
Also, if you have toys or a sexually active partner, just know that, again, you have new nerves, so everything will feel overwhelming for a few months while your body grows.
For me, even my bottom growth brushing on my boxers was aggravatingly overwhelming, and not in the sexy fun way 🥲
Anywho, that’s my part, I’m off to lay in bed trying to sleep for the next few hours! Byeeeee
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ridiasfangirlings · 1 year
I'm going through a period of revisiting K, and something that struck me with the autism discourse generated during the pandemic (and its return as a topic of discussion with Al Haitham in the Genshin fandom) is... Could we read Reisi as someone in the Asperger spectrum? Like, he has issues socializing outside of people he personally picks (I don't remember someone from the Outside successfully approaching him on a personal level), spends his time concentrated on games, is fast with answers and has a complex and ample vocabulary (one story even has him speaking Spanish fluently, though there only were a few phrases exchanged), is a fucking genius but struggles to communicate outside of work, gets uncomfortably close to people, and the audio dramas more or less show that Mikoto finds the timing of Reisi's conversation a bit "off". I don't know if GoRA were well-informed on the topic of Austism it during 2012, but... I'm getting a bit of a Twilight Reinaissance-thing right now with Reisi and the Asperger Spectrum
As always I Am Not A Doctor with asks like these but honestly, yeah, I can absolutely see Munakata being on the spectrum. I don’t think Gora necessarily intended it — I feel like they were more going for ‘he’s just weird’ — but I think he shows a lot of traits that are also present in people with autism and unlike, for example, Fushimi, Munakata had a perfectly loving upbringing so there’s no ‘is it autism or is it just the massive childhood trauma’ problems muddling things up. He definitely shows some issues in things like reading social cues but at the same time he’s excellent at reading people, I feel like Munakata is someone who when he wants to can mask like a champ so you have the confident, charismatic King coexisting with the pleasant dork who doesn’t seem to understand why his clansmen don’t want to spend fun bonding time with him. Munakata is very perceptive but I can also see him as someone who studies normal human behavior the way some people study animals, he doesn’t entirely understand it himself but he’s fascinated to learn and so he manages to read people’s motives while at the same time not really entirely understanding normal emotional responses. He gets super close to people in ways that make them uncomfortable but seems blithely unaware of it, like someone’s told him it’s important to get close and make eye contact and therefore he’s doing it without understanding that this is not how most people communicate.
There’s also the way his interests align, how he shows particular interest in things like Fushimi Mikoto puzzles. We know some of his interest in puzzles is just something to challenge his intellect but I could definitely see those as some measure of a special interest for him, that he’s just largely fascinated by puzzles and likes to do them all the time (also putting pieces down is a nice repetitive calming behavior, and you could even read it as some level of stimming that he works on them even while talking to his men). Also even just his existence as the King of ‘order,’ someone who prefers schedules and routine and having an exact path laid out in front of him for him to follow, which feels like there could definitely be some neurodivergence happening. Of all the cast Munakata is definitely the one who I read as most likely being on the spectrum. 
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egglantine23 · 11 months
Just a friendly reminder to all who have prescriptions to look up the FDA or manufacturers information about your medications because you might find some very useful information like a cheaper generic brand or in my case learn that the blood flow problem’s in my fingers and toes are probably a side effect of my medication.
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indecentpause · 7 months
Hi! if u don't mind could you share some of your back strengthening exercises? I need to start fixing myself literally I cannot do pushups because the pain is so bad
hi anon! I would love to share my videos with you! I have a very bad ankle so all my exercise has to be done with assistance of a chair, so they're all for seniors even though I'm not a senior XD but they're still good and helpful:
this one here is a good one to start with, with basic stretches to get you loose so you don't damage yourself while you're exercising. it's from a physical therapist!
this is from another physical therapist, also including stretches but more focused on the strengthening
and this one is from a yoga instructor; I don't like the way she talks but once I learned the right way to do them safely, I just mute the video to watch to guide me while I listen to music XD. it's meant to be done with her other videos as a supplement but if yoga's not your thing, it's good on its own, too. I do very highly suggest some kind of yoga, though, whatever you can do with an instructor or video you like, seated or standing or just five minutes. the flexibility helps a lot!
I definitely suggest starting with something slow and easy like this, and work your way up to harder exercises so you're less likely to hurt yourself. even just walking is good for your core, it that's an option for you. if you want to look up other videos, try to do stuff from physical therapists! those are the safest and most likely to help. I know PT is expensive, I certainly can't afford it, but doing exercises designed by physical therapists is definitely your most helpful and safest option.
and remember I AM NOT A DOCTOR I'm just some person on the internet trying to go on my own personal health journey. so if you have a doctor that says something different, listen to them!
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