princessozera · 3 years
Obey Me cast doing the devious licks trend
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A/N: Context from what my ancient mind could piece together; there is a trend on tiktok called 'devious licks' where people just go and steal the largest/weirdest things from their schools, including but not limited to bathroom stalls, projectors, railings, and more. Literally anything is up for grabs, so of course I want to see the Devildom in equal chaos
GN!MC (They/them, 3rd ppov)
Word count: 2.9k
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His migraines have increased exponentially since the start of this trend
Of course he was the one left in charge of hunting down every stealer and punishing them accordingly. At the rate people where stealing RAD property he considered either:
establishing a new student organization to be in charge of the punishments & replacements or
Simply killing any repeat offenders caught in the act or with video evidence
Lucifer settled with setting up various wards and hexes that caused nasty burns and electrocution to anyone trying to steal some of the more essential RAD items. He took half a day off when he realized this also meant putting spells on all bathroom stalls, sinks, and light fixtures.
He gives MC long side glances anytime he catches them laughing over Mammon's newest acquisitions and the failed attempts of others. MC taunts him, of course the goody goody wouldn't even think of stealing a pen without Diavolo's say-so. One of the strongest demons in the land and he couldn't even take a silly little white board eraser from a classroom.
MC was in the living room couch the next day, scrolling through DeviTube again when a sudden weight on their chest forced all of their air out. The push the item off, realizing it's the serpent head that usually sit on top of the grandfather clock in the library, RAD's school motto etched into the scales. They look up in horror, only catching a glimpse of Lucifer's smirk as he raises an eyebrow and walks back out of the room.
Mammon isn't big on following trends, but with a few taunts from MC, he was the first brother to try the challenge. He's the great Mammon, of course be could steal something cooler than a toilet like some boring human
He managed to get away with stealing a potted snake-cactus, a chandelier, and a double spiral stair case before Lucifer caught on to him.
Mammon tried to use the trend as an excuse to get out of trouble, but of course it didn't work.
It actually got him in more trouble because Mammon's videos were rapidly gaining popularity and encouraging other students to start stealing too.
Mammon gets his usual suspension punishment, but afterwards Lucifer is surprisingly lenient with him, only punishing Mammon once for every 10 objects he steals.
The thing about this trend is, while it does encourage Mammon's tendencies to steal things he shouldn't, his attention is drawn from expensive and valuable things to silly and ridiculous items. As long as the items he steal don't inconvenience anyone too much, he gets off with relatively easy punishment.
"Mammon since when do we have 4 spiral staircases in the foyer?"
"What do you mean, we've always had those MC, you know how extra Lucifer is."
"I reeeaaalllyyy think we only had 2-"
"Damn MC, I knew you were struggling in math but this is just sad 😬"
"You- 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬"
Leviathan broke a leg, not seeing the staircase was gone because he was doing his dailies as he walked to class and fell 5 floors. He let MC put guppy stickers on his blue cast.
Stole RAD's school seal
He was the 2nd brother to try it, and of course he had to do his best to beat Mammon. A murderous cactus plant and a chandelier were childs play, but the double spiral staircase was more ostentatious and would be harder to outdo especially with his broken leg.
Levi also wasn't keen on getting in trouble, so he spent 2 days planning the perfect comeback. It couldn't be as large as the staircase, but it had to be just as visible.
So of course it had to be the giant RAD school seal. Nestled right in front of the main staircase, and with a diameter of 24 feet across, this was undeniably as gaudy as the stunt Mammon pulled. And with his leg broken, of course no one would think he could lug that stone out of sight.
Little did they know, in his sea monster form, a fee broken bones were nothing more than am itch and the water stream he could shoot out was stronger than any human waterjet cutter, making it even easier to cut out the stone, grab it with his tail, and hide it deep in the western forest.
As if to top off the perfect crime, Levi got to enjoy watching inattentive student fall into the hole left behind for 2 entire days before a new seal was put in place.
Stole Diavolo
By this point in time, all the other brothers were convinced by MC to join in, and while he didn't care to much about competing with his brothers, it would be all too easy to out do Lucifer.
I mean COME ON, Lucifer had stolen a medium sized statue from an always empty library, anyone could do that with enough preparation. Satan also knee that Lucifer was the only person in charge of hunting down the missing items, so he wanted to make it as annoying and inconvenient to Lucifer as he possibly could.
So he decided to steal Lord Diavolo. Kidnap him, whatever. It was actually easier than he originally thought, he only had to go through a few indirect hoops.
Satan just needed Lord Diavolo to go missing for as long as possible, so he roped MC into his plan without telling them the whole reason. Satan planned a prefect day out for MC and Lord Diavolo, and while he'd rather be the one taking MC out on this mini date, he'd have to settle for Lucifer's rage today.
After he made sure MC and Diavolo were out of the town center and a good distance away from RAD, Satan used the tried and true gossip mill of RAD to get 10+ students stealing things all at once.
Lucifer wanted to call an immediate meeting with Lord Diavolo, but neither he nor Barbatos could get through to his phone. And as long as Diavolo stayed within 50 feet of MC, the signal jammer that Satan slipped into MC's pocket would make sure Lord Diavolo was unreachable until further notice.
Lord Diavolo and MC got to go on a pleasant 5 hour outing, truly detached and missing from the world until Barbatos managed to track them down.
Satan was never caught
Asmodeus is just the one sharing all of these videos to MC, and selling out some of the pricier steals to Lucifer in exchange for gifts. MC asks Asmo if he plans on taking part of the trend, and he says he already has.
"Why I stole everyone's hearts and adoration of course ❤~"
But MC doesn't miss that Asmo's cosmetic counter has new light fixtures that give better lighting to the entire room than the previous ones and even had a beautiful stained glass cover to diffuse the light.
They look just like the ones in the school bathrooms :)
Once the other brothers started getting roped into stealing things, everyone was laying in wait for the day that Beelzebub inevitably stole the entire RAD cafeteria and kitchen.
Students started bringing extra money or small lunches in preparation, mentally preparing to go into town for their lunch breaks. While they weren't ready for the inconvenience of packed lunches, they were excited to see what a nee cafeteria would look like, and how he'd manage to make an entire room disappear!
But one day went by.
Then a week.
And another.
Guess Beel wasn't going to steal the cafeteria after all. It would have been cool to get vending machines or new lunch tables, but Beel didn't normally let his brothers influence him like that anyways- it was silly for the students to expect Beel to do something so wild just for a little challenge.
It took 4 months for everyone to notice the entire fangol practice and playing fields were missing because it was the off season.
Stole his favorite library couch
While he isn't at RAD much and didn't care for elaborate plans his brothers were constructing, this was the perfect time to add to his collection of sleep- aids.
Pinned the missing couch on Satan since it was from the library, and actually got away with it.
Stole some of the precious rainbow flowers
Once Simeon found out that Lucifer participated, he was determined to take something from RAD too. However, old habits die hard and he wasn't too keen on stealing something that could cause harm to other students if it went missing.
Simeon was taking a stroll through the RAD gardens late one afternoon when he saw the rainbow roses again. He softly rubbed the petals of one rose bud as he remembered the complaints Lucifer had caused when these roses started going missing and didn't know Diavolo had taken the precious flowers and brought them back to RAD.
Before he could make sense of his own actions, he was walking back to purgatory hall with an entire rose bush cradled in his arms.
While Lucifer may have let it slide, he did give Simeon the side eye for that new and eerily familiar statue sitting in the corner of his room at their next afternoon tea.
Stole old artifacts from the celestial realm
Luke was floored when he saw Simeon's prize back at Purgatory Hall. He was only partially pacified by Simeon's explanation- had he known the TRUE value of the flowers he wouldn't have dropped the issue so easily.
After a few days of thinking it over, Simeon's logic made a bit of sense, in a convoluted way. Luke had also seen the knowing smiles and shared laughter over these debatably harmless pranks, and the idea started to grow on him.
He'd been eyeing the ancient artifacts on display since the first day of school, and the more he thought about it, it wasn't really stealing if he was just getting back something that originally belonged to the angels, right?
So one day during passing period, hidden amongst his towering peers, he quickly cracked open the display case, just enough to squeeze his arm in and take the item before turning back and bumping the case closed- acting like he just realized he'd be walking the wrong way.
He was surprised he pulled it off, and immediately showed MC during their next class together what he'd grabbed.
However, as the day went on, he couldn't help but feel a bit ashamed of what he did, even if it was only a tiny artifact that no one would notice or care about, especially compared to the other things that the brothers were stealing.
He puts the item back before school is over and tells Barbatos about what he did, ready to face any punishment he was dealt.
As decided by Barbatos, Luke couldn't protest to the demon brothers calling him a chihuahua for 2 days as punishment.
Solomon had gone along with the trend graciously, only laughing and wondering about how the brothers had pulled off such strange feats, so MC didn't think Solomon was going to participate.
MC had just finished showing Solomon Mammon's latest haul when their potions teacher came in and announced their new unit. The teacher heads to the ingredients cabinet to pull out the supplies, only to find the cabinet, and in fact every other chemical cabinet on this hall empty.
"S- Solomon?"
" :) "
For the safety of everyone in the Devildom, Diavolo and Lucifer requested for Solomon to return 75% of the materials he took
Stole RAD
And its entire student body
When he stopped everyone from leaving school one afternoon, ushering them all to the tallest tower for afternoon tea, MC suspected a stern talking to was also coming.
What MC wasn't prepared to see was that the tower, and 4 spindly brick supports, swaying in the wind, were all that was left of RAD.
Levi screamed and latched on to MC for dear life, while MC screaming and latched on to Beel, trying desperately to fight of the vertigo that threatened to have them topple off the unstable tower.
"Hahaha, isn't this neat! It took me a while to come up with how to make it disappear in the most inconspicuous way possible and so I had to bring you all up here! Doesn't the Devildom look gorgeous from up here?"
MC had their scream frozen in their throat, but one hand on Mammon, another on Beel, body turned to Lucifer, and as a final option, one leg near Asmo. Sorry love but you're an absolute last ditch option, I'm not trying to test out the strength of your disproportionately tiny wings.
Diavolo rejoiced in the group's terror for another minute before bringing RAD back- more or less the same.
See, while the demon's prince power was unparalleled, it was a bit... rough around the edges. He doesn't have the time to perfect every little aspect of it, like the way Barbatos was still better at time manipulation than him, so the academy comes back looking disjointed and could challenge the wayside school in weirdness.
Barbatos's frustration reaches a peak after Diavolo's participation in the trend.
It was one thing for Lucifer and even Simeon to do the trend, he knew how easy it was for MC to persuade them, but having to deal with the fiasco that was returning the entire RAD castle back to its foundation and making sure every room, staircase, and painting was back to it's original state was loathsome work. Not to mention the paperwork that needed to be filed later for all of the students who hadn't been brought back from the shadow dimension.
At least there were 60 happy Devildom citizens that were finally moved off of the waitlist and were official RAD students now.
[[The behavior exhibited from all of you this past week has been reprehensible, tomorrow morning all student council members and exchange students are to meet at RAD for an emergency council meeting.]] You know Barbato's was serious when his texts where as long winded as a grandparent's stories.
So Lucifer sent you all to bed early, promising extra chores to anyone that was late to the meeting tomorrow. MC went to bed, a bit sad that this was probably the end of the challenge but maybe it was for the best.
When MC woke up the next morning, they immediately started screaming, positive they'd gone blind in the night.
MC blinks rapidly to make sure their eyes were in fact open, but as they put their hand up to their face to double check, they flinch away from it as their hand only appears less than 6 inches from their face. MC moves their hand slowly in and out of their vision, but the disappearance was complete- MC could see, just not far.
When they scream for the brothers again, they shudder as they finally notice how flat their voice sounded. It didn't echo out the way it normally would in their room, instead, it's like their voice had gained mass and now fell only a few feet away from them.
Before MC could truly panic, they heard other voices, as faint as the wind, calling out to them. With no better plan, MC stumbled around blindly playing Marco Polo with the brothers, before toppling over as Mammon ran straight into them and sent them both flying. MC ignored the way the fall didn't hurt, and seemed to last a few seconds too long compared to where their feet should have been.
MC and Mammon hold on to each other as the continue to stumble around to find the others, even managing to find the purgatory hall crew and Diavolo.
Before they could brainstorm what to do, and where to find Barbatos, they all regained their vision as a checkered floor appeared in the abyss, becoming them forward with the only light available.
With no better options they all get on the floor, Barbatos appearing only a second later for the black abyss.
"I couldn't help but indulge just this once. It may be a little hard to tell, but I've actually stolen this plane of existence," his smile was so bright and unbothered, he might as well be announcing a new tea he bought. "I'd like to think I won this round of devious licks." This man had the nerve to look bashful as MC stared in awe, and as the tension in the void rose, everyone obviously having a fee complaints in mind, Barbatos clapped twice, and sent you all falling into the darkness.
MC sits up with a pained groan, holding their bloody jaw that had took most of the force when they landed on the cobblestone ground. They managed to sit up and see everyone strewn around RAD's garden, in various states of pain, ad Barbatos waited by the rose archway, waiting to lead everyone into the council room for the emergency morning meeting
Everyone unanimously agreed to never play the devious licks game again
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