#I ​used to watch his cross over videos with tyler oakley back then
bestial4ngel · 10 months
The way my sister was like “yeah this artist seems like super gay and everyone thinks he is but he keeps denying it or something… but like cmon, look at this album cover” and the artist in question was Troye Sivan lmfaoooo
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migleefulmoments · 6 years
Did Micheal Introduce Mia to Darren at Trevor Live 2012?
CCers look at the world through the lens of Conspiracy-Colored Glasses. No matter which path they go down down while investigating everything CrissColfer, they always end their probe declaring they have found proof their trope is forever.  
It takes excellent research skills and an exceptional ability to draw logical and accurate conclusions in a study where you purposefully limit your source material to pubic social media posts. The accuracy of this model is further limited by their refusal to consider primary sources aka Darren and Chris’s own words...or even secondary sources aka their friends’ words.  Instead, they analyze the social media posts mostly of secondary sources and each other- mostly of each other-discount anything the friends say- and concoct their own. theories always leading to CrissColfer is real.  
The CC fandom have written an endless supply of theories, reactions, tropes and bullshit from which they draw their conclusions. They literally reject ALL of Darren’s words and most of Chris’s. In fact, they spend a large amount of their time and energy fabricating ways to erase Darren’s truth. 
Trevor Live 2012 is a perfect example of the problems with how this group of conspiracy theorist arrive at a “truth”.
You can read the entire comment thread here if you have a few extra brain cells you are willing to spare.  Otherwise let’s go straight to the part that I am talking about: @flowersintheattic254 has a long list of “facts” about Chris and Darren being in the same place at the same time. She ends with this:    
However can you please apply your simple logic to the video below for me.
Fact - they were supposedly had been in a relationshit for 2 years at this point with her recently having moved to LA a few months earlier so they should have been pretty loved up at this point.  Yet they look like strangers when introduced to each other by AB at what was an LGBT event (trevor 2012).  Please anon apply your ‘logical reasoning’ to this.
The video Flowers presented:
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This edit is a small portion of 2 hr and 19 min video of the red carpet at Trevor Live 2012 hosted by What’s Trending. You can watch the entire video here.  
The CC edit (above) shows Shira Lazar and Tyler Oakley interviewing Justin Bartha from The New Normal ( 1:34:00 mark of the original video). Darren and Adam Shankman have just finished their interview with Shira and Tyler. Left to right we see Shira, Justin and Tyler. Between Justin and Shira, we can see Darren speaking with his publicist Michael. Mia is standing against the wall, directly behind Justin, with her arms wrapped around herself and her ankles crossed. Darren and Michael are focused on something to their left (the right side of the screen to us). Michael turns, says something to Darren and reaches his arm out toward Mia. Darren turns and walks toward her. As he steps toward her, he takes his left hand out of his pocket and begins to reach toward her but drops his hand before he touches her. Mia’s arms remain wrapped around her body the entire time. 
The CC fandom believes this video accidentally caught Michael introducing Mia to Darren. They claim that Michael introduces Mia and Darren reaches out to shake her hand. Let’s ignore the fact that Darren and Mia had been dating for 2 years at this point-as ajw mentioned above- and let’s simply analyze whether Darren is shaking her hand. First of all, the entire thing happens behind Justin so we can’t see him shake her hand. But what is important to consider is that when Mia is visible before and after the moment he allegedly shakes her hand, Mia has both of her arms wrapped around her body. I would take incredible determination for Mia to unwrap her arms, reach forward to shake Darren’s hand and return to the position with her arms wrapped around her body -all while her ankles are crossed- WITHOUT moving her shoulders and head. In order to stabilize her body and keep her balance her shoulders and head would move. The only way they would’t is if she made a very determined effort. So for that reason alone I am calling bullshit on this claim.  
But let’s keep going...
Now my version of the video:
Excuse the lack of sound- it was late and my husband was bitching so I muted it and please excuse the low battery warning- I worked on this so many times and I am just tired of redoing it.
Darren’s interview starts at 1:27:00 mark.  At 1:33:17 it is wrapping up and and you can see Mia and Michael standing behind them all-near the wall- waiting. Adam Shankman leaves and walk over goes over to the next interviewer to the right. Darren walks off to our left and goes off the screen. Michael goes after him and Mia walks off screen. Michael walks back in screen followed closely by Darren and they are looking to their left as they appear to be waiting for Darren’s turn with the person interviewing Adam. The camera angle change as Justin walks over and we see Mia who is standing out of out of the way  against the wall.  Darren and Michael are looking and chatting, waiting and appears to me that Michael realizes she is standing off to the back, he says something to Darren and he turns and reaches for her-telling her to join them. Darren also turns and starts walking toward her. They both move closer to Mia and turn to continue wait for Darren’s turn to do the interview -or maybe they are waiting for Adam. Suddenly Darren and Mia walk off to the left again- off screen and Michael follows. Darren and Micheal walk back to their former spot waiting and Darren Keeps looking back to where Mia went. He finally walks back over to where she presumably is and Michael starts to follow them, decides to stay and watches them. Around 1:35:00 Michael gets Darren and they walk past Adam and down the carpet. 
Ajw- never one to miss commenting on another CCres post added her two cents.  It is obvious that there is a contract between @ajw720 and everyone in the CC fandom. There has to be a contract which says she must comment on every anon who asks a CC question because there is NO other possible explanation for why she would comment on everyone else’s ask…NO OTHER REASON except a contract ‘D.
Boom and @flowersintheattic254 wins again with her amazing, thought out, logical, reasoned answer.
Amazing to me, as much as stans defend everything, they have yet to defend this video. Why?  because they can’t and they know it, so they just ignore it as it does not fit the picture they have painted.  
Fact, nonnies, can’t ignore what happens, just like we can’t ignore it.  You have to look at EVERYTHING, assess EVERYTHING, and based on facts and clues, develop your opinion as to the truth.  Only when you are considering every piece of evidence out there can you have valid opinion.  i assure you, my fellow CCers and I literally look at everything available. I wish i could ignore so much of the BS out there, but then I would not be qualified to state an opinion publicly.
Once again the CC fandom has taken a video, edited it- or create a gif- in a way that allows them to change the context-change history if you will- and proclaim it is proof CrissColfer is real. 
I also leave you with these taken before the Blaine haircut so prior to Glee aka 2010.
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2012 and wildly published 
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NEW YORK, NY - MARCH 31: (L-R) Darren Criss, guest, Chuck Criss and guest attend the Cleveland Cavaliers vs New York Knicks game at Madison Square Garden on March 31, 2012 in New York City 
Also Chucks Wedding.2012
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allmytwistedshadows · 7 years
Pairing: Dan Howell x Male!Reader
Requested: Yes (Anon)
Request: Hey, your writing is amazing 😍 Can you do Dan Howell x reader, where Dan can't sleep, the reader comforts him and they become a couple? Thank you 😘
Summary: (Y/N) is a friend of Dan and Phil’s, spending the night after working on a collab with the pair. When his insomnia is at a high, though, he isn’t sure what to do. Of course, he isn’t the only night owl in the flat that night; and what’s a guy to do when something is troubling the one he cares about?
Word Count: 1,628
Warnings: Swearing, more than probable sardonic humor, rusty writing (Sorry it’s been a while)
AN: I’m not used to writing from Male POV so I’m sorry if it’s sucky.
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“I will never be able to look at a spatula the same thanks to you,” (Y/N) said with a laugh, rising from the edge of the bed where he had been sitting next to fellow YouTubers and friends Dan Howell and Phil Lester. Dan thought it would be funny to remake the popular Cards Against Humanity video he did with Tyler Oakley three years ago. “Honestly, I am never making pancakes again because I know I can’t without thinking of--”
“What? No!” Phil cried, cutting the (h/c) haired boy off. “The (Y/N) Specialty Pancakes are the best!”
“Sorry Philly,” he said apologetically. “They’re no more now that I’ve seen the horrors of what Dan thinks a spatula can be used for.”
“That was a card well deserved,” Dan said with an awkward grin as he held up his win cards. 
The three laughed together before making the decision to order a take-away and watch reruns of Spirited Away for the night. While Phil went to go take care of the take-away, (Y/N) decided to help clean up everything. While Dan took care of the camera and the lights, (Y/N) took care of the pile of cards on the floor.
“If I were smarter I’d be making Phil clean this up,” he mumbled as he tried to straighten the cards out. “The sore loser.”
“Yes; but, as the Phandom loves to point out, it’s one of the many qualities that makes him so endearing,” Dan returned lightly, laughing silently to himself. “Not to mention it’s so hilarious to watch when I’m editing.”
“I’ll definitely give you that one,” (Y/N) agreed with a grin. “But can you please leave me falling off the bed out? Pretty please?”
“Nope,” Dan said with a smug grin. “If the world sees my shame--not once but twice--then they get to see your shame as well.”
“I hate you.”
“I hate me too,” Dan said without missing a beat. When he didn’t respond after a moment Dan was quick to add, “Kidding! Look at me: all jokes and grins. Haha great times.”
“Y’know, one day you’re going to meet someone who doesn’t appreciate your sardonic sense of humor,” (Y/N) spoke as he started setting the cards back in their box.
“Yes, but you do get and appreciate it so I’m fine,” Dan counters, pointing at me briefly with a wink.
Stopping what he was doing, (Y/N)’s face went blank as he looked up at the dark haired boy. “Daniel.”
“Please, never do that again.”
“Pft. Okay hater.”
“Oh please. You know you’d have said the same thing.”
“Yes, but I said it internally.” The both of them laughed as (Y/N) sat on the edge of Dan’s bed. “Okay, moving on from my self detrimental mind, please tell me you weren’t serious about not making your specialty pancakes anymore.”
“I don’t even know why you guys love them so much,” he said as he brushed aside some hair that had been hanging in front of his (E/C) eyes. “They’re just my mom’s pancake recipe with carefully timed food coloring.”
“Blasphemy,” Dan spoke, placing a hand on his chest.
With a roll of his eyes, (Y/N) rose to grab the top of the box from Dan’s desk. “Well you can relax, Danny,” he assured him, purposefully using the nickname that Dan not-so-subtly dislikes for being “too American” for his taste. “I assure you that I will make the pancakes again.”
“Good because we took the liberty of buying everything you need to make them tomorrow morning.”
(Y/N) groaned as he rolled onto his side in the guest room. He stared at the window, mentally cursing himself for forgetting his melatonin when he agreed to stay the night. Having gone through this many times, (Y/N) knew better than to try and make himself sleep. So he sat up and pulled the duvet away as he swung his legs over the side of the bed. Jamming his feet into slippers, (Y/N) rose from the bed and began to walk silently to the kitchen. Two in the morning or not, he’d be damned if he didn’t get whatever juice he could find.
When he got to the kitchen he opened the fridge and looked around for orange juice, apple juice, prune juice--any juice. There was soda, ribena, milk but absolutely no juice. 
"You mean to tell me I came on the one night these two don’t have any juice?” he grumbled.
“Have you met Phil?”
(Y/N) jumped slightly, turning quickly to see Dan sitting at the small kitchen counter with the orange juice next to him. Half of Dan’s face was illuminated by moonlight, giving him an almost mysterious sense of whimsy. The sight made (Y/N)’s chest tighten as his heart beat in his throat. Of course, (Y/N) wasn’t sure if that was from the jump scare or from something that he had spent a long time denying for the sake of their friendship. “Bloody hell,” (Y/N) muttered upon settling down. “Why am I not surprised you’re lurking in the dark.”
“I suppose the feeling’s mutual you nocturnal freak,” Dan stated as he slid the juice container towards the other boy.
(Y/N) grabbed a glass from the cabinet and then moved next to Dan, taking the container and pouring himself a glass. “So why are you up?” the (h/c) boy asked before taking a sip of the juice.
Dan shrugged, swishing his juice around. “Couldn’t sleep, I guess.”
The other boy examined Dan with inquisitive (e/c) eyes, seeing the way his fingers fidgeted and how he couldn’t quite bring his dark eyes to meet him. “You’re lying,” (Y/N) concluded. 
Dan bit his lip ever so slightly, the simple motion making something unexpected flutter in (Y/N)’s chest. “Maybe,” Dan admitted quietly.
“What’s really up?” (Y/N) questioned as he set the cup down on the counter and crossed his arms over his chest.
“I just,” Dan started, his eyes searching around as if trying to figure out how to say it. “I haven’t been sleeping well lately.” (Y/N) frowned and looked at the curly haired boy in front of him. Dan took (Y/N)’s silence as he had intended it--as a prompt to go on. “I’ve been having nightmares.”
“About what?” (Y/N) asked softly, not wanting to push him too far.
“A lot of things,” Dan stated vaguely before he received a raised eyebrow from the (h/c) boy and sighed. “Death, okay. I’ve been dreaming about death.”
“Oh,” (Y/N) started, sounding surprised. “Could it have something to do with Spooky Week? You and Phil have been playing so many scary games that maybe it’s just you thinking you guys it’s in the games.”
“It’s not,” Dan insisted, finally meeting his eyes. (Y/N)’s heart ached upon seeing the unshed tears making the beautifully dark eyes glisten. “Because it started before Spooky Week and it’s not me and it’s not Phil.” Dan looked down again before he spoke quietly, as if trying to keep him from hearing. “It’s you, (Y/N/N). You’re the one dying.” (Y/N) was taken aback just from the pure shock of it--the idea that Dan was even dreaming about him. “Every night you’re in trouble and I can’t save you--and I can’t stand it. I-I can’t take it because-because I can’t imagine my life without you in it and the thought of you not being there anymore is--it’s just too much.”
“Dan,” the other boy started softly, moving to stand in front of him, “I promise you that nothing is going to happen to me. You’re stuck with me to annoy you for the rest of your life.” (Y/N) took Dan’s hands in his own, drawing their eyes together.
“I just--I can’t bare seeing you die every night because-because--.” Before (Y/N) could ask why Dan’s grip on his hands had tightened and, suddenly, his lips were pressed against Dan’s. Before (Y/N) could even really react Dan had pulled away suddenly and began stammering. “I-I’m sorry. I’m sorry I shouldn’t have done that, (Y/N/N), I’m--”
(Y/N) cut Dan off in one swift motion, pressing their lips together once again. In that moment he let go of any concern he had harbored in the past about ruining their friendship because, in that moment, he was kissing the boy he had been fantasizing about in secret for the past year or so. So, (Y/N) pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around Dan’s neck. Once the shock had worn off on Dan’s end his hands moved to the (h/c) boy’s waist. 
(Y/N) sighed as he felt Dan’s hands hold him tightly by the waist. The two stood there in the dimly lit kitchen, moving their lips against each other’s slowly. (Y/N)’s fingers curled into Dan’s dark curls, tugging gently. Dan made a small noise of pleasure against (Y/N)’s mouth. The sound made (Y/N) grin slightly against his lips before he pulled away just enough to look into Dan’s eyes--blown wide from what had just transpired between them. 
“I promise you,” (Y/N) spoke softly, “that I am not going anywhere and, as long as I’m with you, I’ll always be more than fine.”
Tears welled up in Dan’s eyes before he pulled (Y/N) into a tight embrace. The two boys stayed like that for a while, finding comfort in each others’ embrace. At some point in the night, neither could tell you exactly when, they had grabbed their juice and went into the living room to lay on the couch together and watch Spirited Away until they inevitably fallen asleep, tangled in each other’s arms. And, when Phil found them like that the next morning when he woke up, he simply smiled and moved to cover his two friends in a blanket so to not disturb what had to be their best sleep in a while.
Okay so it’s reeeaaally bad especially at the end but I really wanted to finish this. I kinda rushed it at the end and it shows but, whomever the anon is who requested it, I hope you like it.
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lifeinstereo-blog1 · 8 years
The First Day. 1/24/16
Hi all!
Yesterday was my activation day! I had to wake up pretty early to get to the audiologist’s office at 8:30. My family picked me up from my college and we drove over there together. The office isn’t too far from where my college is but my mom, dad, and aunt wanted to be there so they came and picked me up.
We arrived at the office and signed in. We waited a few minutes until I was called in. Then, they walked me to the cochlear implant mapping room. I’d been in there many times before in the past years. When I first got my first implant, the mapping appointments were at the hospital. I’m not sure exactly when the audiology department moved off the hospital campus. Anyways, we all sat down and I noticed that the processor parts weren’t what I had ordered and I mentioned that, but they said the parts hadn’t arrived yet but they would soon and that I would get my actual one at my next mapping appointment next week. Right now I have the Naida Q70 when I ordered the Q90. It doesn’t really make a difference in the first few weeks I guess. My parents were a little mad about it after the appointment but I just let it go because at least they didn't cancel the appoint totally. My audiologist explained what they were going to do as he was assembling the processor and attached it to my head. Instead of using a regular battery, he used a special one that was connected to the computer. That is how they are able to map the programs on the processor with a computer. He told me that it would probably be a while before I would hear something because they had to set up the program and test other things. Also, I was assuming they’d have me take off my right implant so I could focus on my left, but they didn’t ask me to do that. So through the whole process I was able to hear and communicate easily, and I didn’t really need the interpreter that much. I felt bad about that because the interpreter came to do her job. But she didn’t seem to mind. My audiologist then said that they were going to turn it on, and that I should hear beeping getting louder and louder and to tell them to stop when the beeping was comfortably loud for me. I couldn’t hear anything. Then, I felt some kind of sensation, but it wasn’t sound. I said that, and then they turned it up more and then I could hear a beeping, sort of ringing sound. It was so different and the sensation totally flustered me. My cheek felt odd like I was experiencing a sensation but not twitching. After a few seconds the cheek thing got better. It felt so weird because I was getting information from both sides and I felt like the sound was ringing in between my ears inside my head. like it was actually filling my brain and bouncing back and forth between my ears as my brain layered the two sounds. I was very surprised and kept mentioning that sensation of the sound ringing in between my ears. The sound in general sounded different than just hearing with one ear. I was having a little bit of a harder time hearing because the ringing sound was layered with my normal hearing from the right CI and so it kind of made things less clear/more distracting. I was still able to hear fine, but just with a slight difficulty.
Then, my audiologist said they were going to do the same thing three more times, since there are 16 electrodes total and they are turned on four at a time. With my right  implant, they turned on the electrodes two at a time so they were going twice as fast as before. Each successive set of electrodes were higher in pitch than the other, as I was told. I had to compare each set’s loudness to each other because they wanted all of them to be about equally loud. We did that, and then my audiologist had me turn off my right processor so I could hear with just the left. It was very weird. I could not understand anything he was saying. I could read his lips and understand what he said that way but depending on hearing, no way. All I heard was like this ringing kind of noise. It’s a weird cross between a ring, beep, chime....I don’t know. It’s hard to explain. I could hear that sound would “fire” in bursts every time he spoke and on the syllables. So I could only hear syllables with that weird noise. They tried a couple different processing strategies to see which one was the best for me, but I couldn’t really tell because my “hearing” was so basic. Then, they set up three more programs. They were just like the first one in terms of processing strategies, just each successive program was louder. My audiologist wants me to slowly work my way up to program 4 by next week’s appointment. The batteries of the loaner processor I got were different than my other ones. They were still slide-on but this one had a compartment for disposable zinc-air batteries. I had never used them before. I always used lithium ion rechargeable batteries (and I will when I get my actual processor next week). My audiologist showed me how to put in the batteries and slide on the whole compartment to the rest of the implant. He also showed me how to change the volume and programs. After all that, I was sent on my way.
Originally, the appointment had been scheduled for three hours but it took maybe like an hour? This is because they only programmed my left. They had planned to program the left one, map my right to try to make any small improvements (but my audiologist didn’t have the computer attachment battery), and the order for my processor didn't arrive. If it had, he would’ve spent a lot more time showing the other stuff I got with my processor. All that will be next week. This was good though, because then I could go out to breakfast with my family before class!
I had noticed something really cool when we were out for breakfast. I was sitting in between my aunt and my dad in a corner booth, and I was wearing both processors so I was getting that layered, mixed sound. However, I had been talking and then my aunt had said something and she leaned in on my left side and spoke and I heard the overall sound change from being mostly normal like my right processor to hearing the ringing sound more strongly. I could definitely tell that my aunt was on my left. Before, I would’ve used the comparison between someone’s voice on my right and then another voice on the left to kind of get a sense that it was coming from my left. Or I would’ve just used my eyes and acknowledged she was on my left.
After breakfast and a few other things, I went to class. At that point I was starting to feel tired and mentally worn out because my brain was working twice as hard to process sound coming to both sides. But I kept the left processor on. My audiologist told me that it is really important that I wear it as much as possible because when I do, I improve faster and better.
After class I went back to my dorm and decided to test out more sounds with just the left processor on. I took off my right one and the ringing was much more noticeable when I was hearing with just my left. I made noises with my mouth. It all sounded the same. I said the alphabet. All the letters sounded pretty much the same. I tapped the desk. It sounded the same. Everything was just a monotonous ringing (not high pitched) whenever a sudden change in the environmental volume happened. I ran the water from the sink. I could hear a ring when I initially turned on the water but couldn’t really hear anything when the water was just left flowing. Then I’d hear another ring as I turned it off. I talked to myself, and I could hear my voice, but it was just a ringing that fired every time a syllable occurred. Then, I decided to watch some YouTube videos to help practice listening so I could start associating the pattern of ringing with the captioning and the lip movements. I decided to watch some of Tyler Oakley’s videos because all his videos are captioned and most of them are just him sitting in front of the camera talking so it made reading his lips very easy. That was when I had my first breakthrough, I started noticing the way the ringing happened, how that “word” I heard with the ringing could kind of sound maybe like the actual word and then that kept happening again and again a few times. Now, I wasn’t hearing the actual word, but rather hearing the slight differences and the potential for that sequence of ringing to become a word.
After that, I only really just left it on and let environmental noise happen. I couldn’t recognize any sound, but I was aware that something was making noise. I could also tell when people were talking because the ringing would fire off very fast and repeatedly because it was picking up on all those syllables of speech. So I could tell when people started talking and stopped talking if there was no other background noise. Then I finally decided enough was enough and I’d had a busy day so I just took off my processor and went to bed. When I was trying to sleep, I kept hearing the ringing, but it wasn't like the ringing when the processor was on. It was weaker and less “real” I guess, probably because I was either imagining it because I had heard it so much earlier that day or it was tinnitus. Eventually I was able to ignore the ringing as it slowly went away and I fell asleep.
I will try and write another post later tonight about today! I would’ve written this yesterday but fixing my laptop took longer than what I thought and I didn’t want to stay up super late since I have early classes.
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