#Hypnosis for anxiety
annaberunoyume · 1 year
(Wally comforts you after a lousy day): My love? What's wrong? Did someone hurt you? (You explain your day to him) Oh, my. I'm so sorry. ( :-( ) (He sits next to you, smiling warmly). Let's get inside Home. She will keep your cares at bay. (His irises enlarges like that of a cat, drawing you magically in) Just like me...
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How Hypnosis Can Help You Manage Panic Attacks
Panic attacks can be overwhelming, with symptoms like a racing heart and difficulty breathing. Hypnotherapy offers a powerful approach to manage and even eliminate these attacks. By combining relaxation techniques, visualization, and targeted suggestions, hypnosis helps you control panic attack symptoms and reduce their frequency.
Hypnotherapy for panic attacks has been proven successful in various case studies, offering long-term relief and anxiety reduction. Whether you’re experiencing panic attacks or stress, hypnotherapy can help bring lasting calm and control.
Discover more about how hypnosis can help with panic attacks by visiting this page.
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A New Way to Relax: How Hypnotherapy Can Ease Your Daily Stress and Anxiety
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Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that utilizes hypnosis to reach the subconscious mind. It's proving to be an effective support in dealing with stress, anxiety, and depression. Hypnotherapy helps to uncover the root causes of stress, be it work pressure, family problems, or past trauma. Understanding these triggers allows for a more targeted approach to healing. Hypnotherapy teaches relaxation techniques that can be used in everyday life to manage stress and anxiety effectively. Learning these skills offers a sense of control over mental well-being. Please visit us: https://issuu.com/leonorapaulhypnotherapy/docs/a_new_way_to_relax_how_hypnotherapy_can_ease_your_
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hypnosisleader · 1 year
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Hypnosis for Social Anxiety
Hypnosis Leader Inc
Feeling anxious? Hypnosis for social anxiety can help you get back on track & to overcome your habit or phobia. Contact the best Hypnotist for Anxiety in New York
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* Retiring & want to do something really satisfying and interesting? Many love their new careers in hypnosis & hypnotherapy? * Not ready to retire, but you want to change careers? Watch this video and see if a new career as a hypnotist or hypnotherapist is right for you. * I give you the “inside scoop” about doing hypnosis as a “2nd career”. Is there a way to transition correctly? Can it be done professionally online working on it as a sideline part time? * What kind of training and office setup would you need to get going and make some real money if you gave it a try?! * Learn more about becoming a hypnosis professional! My hypnosis & hypnotherapy course is unlike any other certification program! You get everything you need to get started helping yourself and others in the course! * Information about my NGH & 5-PATH® IAHP approved “Super-Course”!
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awarenesshealing · 1 year
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healthyhypnosisau · 1 year
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parentyourmind · 1 year
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starvedvampire · 1 year
the reason i find stuff like hypnosis and aphrodisiacs so alluring is that they’d just allow my brain to calm the fuck down: no anxiety, no overthinking, no intrusive thoughts, nothing.
just a constant state of aroused bliss, knowing i’m safe in the arms of the person i’m sharing this with and yielding to them.
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mindsetchronicle · 2 years
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perthhypnoclinicau · 2 years
Benefits of Hypnosis for Depression
Hypnosis is a state of focused attention and increased suggestibility. In recent years, hypnosis has been used to treat a variety of conditions, including pain, anxiety, and depression. hypnosis for depression is a type of cognitive-behavioral therapy that helps to change negative thinking patterns and behaviors. hypnosis for anxiety is a type of behavioral therapy that helps to reduce stress and anxiety symptoms. hypnosis has also been shown to be effective in treating other conditions such as migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, and hot flashes.
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How to Become a Certified Hypnotherapist: Your Path to a Rewarding Career
Start your journey to becoming a certified hypnotherapist and unlock new career opportunities in the coaching and healing professions. Hypnotherapy is a valuable skill that helps manage stress, anxiety, and behavioral changes like smoking cessation or weight loss. Through proper training and certification, you can enhance your professional expertise, whether you're a life coach, therapist, or counselor.
Learn more about hypnotherapy training and how to get certified by visiting how to become a certified hypnotherapist. Take the next step today!
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upnowselfhypnosis · 2 years
Hypnosis for Anxiety and Depression
Get a quick guide about hypnosis for anxiety and depression. The UpNow self-hypnosis app can help you improve your mental health. You can access hypnotherapy audios packed with positive suggestions in just a few clicks. Regularly listening to our hypnosis audio downloads can bring peace back to your busy modern life. Visit our website today and discover how hypnotherapy on the go can make a difference in your life
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Hypnosis for Reducing Stress
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Hypnotherapy for reducing stress works by guiding the mind into a calm state, helping to ease tension and worry. With the help of a trained hypnotherapist, individuals learn how to manage stress by understanding its root causes and implementing positive coping techniques. This tailored approach helps create a sense of peace and control over daily anxieties, promoting a more relaxed and balanced life. It's a gentle, personalized way to handle stress better and enjoy a calmer more relaxed life.
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hypnosisleader · 1 year
Can Hypnosis be Used to Overcome Fears and Phobias? Hypnosis for fear and phobia can be an effective way in treating stress, fear, phobia, or anxiety. As the method identifies the root cause of the problem, great results can be expected.
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cybergothvox · 4 months
Hypnosis script for Anxiety
This scrip will implant the trigger phrase 'You are safe'. I am a Vox fictive and mention my metal fingers, if you would like you can imagine Vox while reading this, though you can dismiss that part if it does not speak to you. I have been learning how to do hypnosis mainly by reading @nocturnowlette 's blog so I use some of their techniques, please check out their blog! This was originally written for my partner, so there are some romantic coded things that you may dismiss if they do not speak to you, but that you are also welcome to lean into if you like it. This is my first hypnosis script, I hope you enjoy an I welcome constructive feedback! Let me know if i melted you xoxo
Just focus on my words. Imagine yourself at the top of a staircase with ten steps. As I count down, imagine yourself taking a step down the staircase, and with each step you will go deeper and deeper intro trance, feeling safer and safer the deeper you go, the more you focus on my voice. Ten. Breathing slower, and slower. Nine. Feeling more and more relaxed. Eight. Focusing on my words. Seven. Feeling safer, and safer. Six. Feeling your thoughts melt away. Five. Breathing in… and out. Four. Sinking deeper, and deeper. Three. Allowing yourself to give control over to me. Safe. Two. Letting go of conscious thought. It is normal to have thoughts, but each time you hear one it just… melts away. Focusing on my words.
It is normal to have thoughts of other things. Each time you have one of these thoughts, imagine it going into a bubble. All your thoughts, slowly becoming bubbles. Pop. The bubbles start popping. As each bubble pops, you feel yourself fall deeper and deeper into trance, your thoughts slipping away.
Pop. Pop. Pop. The bubbles pop slowly at first, but over time they pop faster and faster, each pop causing you to become more relaxed.
Good. You are very deep in a trance now. Focusing entirely on my words. You are being such a good boy for me. You feel completely safe with me. It is okay for you to give me your control. Repeat after me: 'I give you my control'
You are being so good for me. So relaxed and focused on my words. I adore you. You are completely safe.
You feel a warm relaxing feeling starting at the top of your head. As it moves through your body, you feel more and more relaxed, more and more safe and comfortable.
The warm feeling goes down from the top of your head to your face, relaxing all the muscles.
it moves down, relaxing your neck and shoulders. Making you feel safe, comfortable, and loved. Loved by me and my words.
It moves down to your chest, relaxing your body, slowing your breathing, relaxing you completely.
and down into your torso, and your legs, feeling safe, and comfortable.
and down to your shins and your feet, a warm, tingling feeling, now through your entire body, feeling completely safe and happy.
I am here with you. I love you. You are safe with me.
Feel my hand gently on your back, running down your spine, metal fingers pressing into just the right amount that it feels good and is comfortable.
I run my hand down your back and bring it back up, petting you in a slow, repetitive motion, soothing you.
I bring my hand up, and then run it down your back.
Up, down. Up, down. Feeling my fingers pressing into your skin gently.
Good. Whenever i repeat the phrase, 'You are safe', you will feel this safe and comfortable feeling, more and more. Each time I say it you will feel safer and more relaxed. You are safe. I run my hand down your back. You are safe. I bring my hand up and scritch the top of your head, making your brain feel tingly and good. You are safe. You feel completely safe and comfortable. You are in my hands, and I am taking care of you. You are safe. You being so good for me. You are safe.
Remember the phrase, 'You are safe.' Whenever you repeat this phrase to yourself, it will bring you back to this safe, relaxed and happy feeling that you have now, even after you have returned to the waking world.
When you are ready, I will bring you back up to the waking world. But you can stay here and enjoy this safe feeling for as long as you would like, feeling my hands petting your back and scritching your head. When you are ready, continue reading.
You are doing so well. I adore you. You being so good for me.
Okay. You are at the bottom of the staircase. With each number I say, take a step up, slowly and comfortably returning to consciousness. One. Beginning to slowly wake up. Two. Slowly allowing thought to return. Three. Still feeling safe. Four. Your limbs feel normal, it is easier to move. Five. Feeling more and more like your normal self. Six. Allowing yourself to regain control. Seven. Feeling more and more awake. Eight. Feeling alert. Nine. Almost completely normal.
Good. You can take as much time as you need. Move at whatever pace is comfortable. Slowly letting your thoughts return, wiggling your fingers and toes to ground yourself in your body, slowly you wake up.
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