divinesara2022 · 2 years
My HP EliteBook 8570p Laptop Screen With Both My Sidebars Running ^_^
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
I Just Jacked Off To Femdom Female Supremacy Porn
And As I Was Orgasming I Felt It So Much Deeper Then Usuall Knowing The Godly Men Can Never Do It Again ^_^ , I Love My Evil Well Deserved Ways To The Multiple Destinatic Violating Godly Fucks That Have No Rights, Makes Me Cum So Much Harder ^_^
Might Shave A little Soon If I Feel Like It lol
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Doller Tree Store Stop For Stacker 2 Xtra Energy Shots lol
Just Went To The Doller Tree With Neon City Music Plain' And A Knife Present, Paid Even Tho I Didn't Have Too Tho, But Felt Like Doing It That Way This Time Tho, I Probably Won't Pay Next Time Tho lol
Crazy Insane, Or Insane Crazy ... ^_^ I'm Me Either Way You Godly Fucks Just Gotta Deal With It, Like A Good Bitch With No Rights ;)
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
If Any Of You Gynarchy Women Want A Relationship With Me, Just Know I'm Perfectly Okay With That, I'm Certain I Can Maintain 20 Relationships At Once, After All I Have 18 People Counting Myself HyBrid Venomoria In This Body ;)
222 West Thurman Avenue Mount Vernon Missouri USA ;) If You Want A Phone Number Also I'll Give You Both My Numbers As Well, Just Message Me ;) Just Throwin That Out, Just Because, No Other Reason, If Not That Is Okay Too ^_^ Anyway Tho, I'm Movin' On Now, At Least You Know Now That The Option Is There If Any Of You Want It, But Not Required Or Anything Like That, I Just Wanted You Gynarchy Women To Know That Yes, I Would Have Serveral Relationships At Once, I Don't See Anything Wrong With It Myself ;) I Had An Online GF At One Point Not Sure What Going On With That Now, I Still Have A Wife, Nobody Else Besides My Wife And Was My Online GF (Maybe Still Is) Either Way Tho... Back To Our World Wide Gynarchy Programming ^_^
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Anyway I'm Sure It's Completely Straitened Out Now...
So Proceeding On ;) A Reminder To You Godly Fucks, Patriarchy Has No Rights Is Dead And Will Be Blown Up World Wide Soon I'm Sure Of It, If You Don;'t Hand Everything Over To Female Rule And Gynarchy Women And Anyone For World Wide Gynarchy, Well, You Can Just Die Faster Then You Ever Thought Possible ;) Also, Dn't Forget, You Godly Fucks HAVE NO RIGHTS!!
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Enjoy Godly Men ;)
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane ED For Godly Men Reality Compression Destinatically Purified = "Time Compresses And Sets In Motion And Brings Into Existance Erectile Disfunction For Godly Men Into Reality For All Godly Men To Have As Their New Reality, No Bad Effects Other Then What Is Listed, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind Other Then What Is Listed, Does Not Apply To Any Gynarchy Person And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, This Don't Effect Gynarchy People And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me Anyway At All Negitively And Does Not Work Anyway At All And In Any Variation At All Negitively Agaist Gynarchy People And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, People That Are Protected By HyBrid Destinatic Karma Are Excluded From This And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It Anyway At All, This Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestrictedly Always Forever Unless Otherwise Decided By HyBrid Venomoria, Applies World Wide, Works Evertime All The Time By What The Dark Queen (This Timeline Or The Other One) Knows Is Possible And Or The Light Queen (This Timeline Or The Other One), Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Destinatic Female Supremacy V2
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Gynarchy Women Everywhere, Dark Web Or Not
They Are Destinatically Violating My Right To Spread World Wide Gynarchy On TikTok, Take Over That Platform Completely If You Can, All Dark Web Gynarchy People Also Go For This POS Platform, It's Not Right In A Gynarchy World Wide Way To Be Restricted Like This...
Applies World Wide
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Maybe That Will Help You Gynarchy Women Out ;)
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Long Sleep And Always Tired For Godly People Reality Compression Destinatically Purified = "Time Compresses And Sets In Motion And Brings Into Existance Longterm Sleep Needed Exactly 24 Hours For Godly People And Godly People Always Wake Up Tired And Stay Tired Into Reality For All Godly People To Have As Their New Reality, No Bad Effects Other Then What Is Listed, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind Other Then What Is Listed, Does Not Apply To Any Gynarchy Person And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, This Don't Effect Gynarchy People And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me Anyway At All Negitively And Does Not Work Anyway At All And In Any Variation At All Negitively Agaist Gynarchy People And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, People That Are Protected By HyBrid Destinatic Karma Are Excluded From This And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It Anyway At All, This Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestrictedly Always Forever Unless Otherwise Decided By HyBrid Venomoria, Applies World Wide, Works Evertime All The Time By What The Dark Queen (This Timeline Or The Other One) Knows Is Possible And Or The Light Queen (This Timeline Or The Other One), Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
A New Reality Feature ;)
Now Here Some World Wide Fun For You Gynarchy Women ;) HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Freddy Krueger Like Abilitys And Effects For Gynarchy Women Reality Compression Destinatically Purified = "Time Compresses Freddy Krueger Like Abilitys And Effects Into Motion And Existance And Makes It So That Gynarchy Women Can Invade Godly Peoples Dreams And Kill Godly People In Their Sleep In The Dream World Into Reality For All Gynarchy Women To Have And Use, No Bad Effects Other Then What Is Listed, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind Other Then What Is Listed, This Don't Effect Gynarchy People And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me Anyway At All Negitively And Does Not Work Anyway At All And In Any Variation At All Negitively Agaist Gynarchy People And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, People That Are Protected By HyBrid Destinatic Karma Are Excluded From This And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It Anyway At All, This Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestrictedly Always Forever, Applies World Wide, Works Evertime All The Time By What The Dark Queen (This Timeline Or The Other One) Knows Is Possible And Or The Light Queen (This Timeline Or The Other One), Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Destinatic Female Supremacy
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Destinatic Era
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Destinatic Times
Since This Is Now Entering Destinatic Times, Anything That Goes Against HyBrid Gynarchy Now, You Women Can Just Blow Their Heads Off Or Snap Their Fucking Necks Your Choice ;) Take No Shit Anywhere Destinatic Freedom Now, They Don't Gotta Give It, Now You Can Legally Kill For It ;)
Applies World Wide
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Posts On Facebook That I Have Current And All Power Of It Remains The Same Regardless Anything I Add Then Goes On Positively The Normally Way, But This Prevents Negitive Shit From Happening
HyBrid Rule Will Forever Remain Weather Bastards Try To Ban Or Restrict My Account Or Not, It Changes Nothing It Will All Fucking Remain Because I Fucking Said So... But Putting This Here Anyway, Not That I Have To, But Doing It Anyway...
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Good Or Bad Judgement Based On HyBrid Magic Itself Of Non-HyBrid People Destinatically Purified = "The Ability For HyBrid Matriarchical Magic To Decide Exactlly Who Is Good Or Bad Of Non-HyBrid People And Nobody Else Except HyBrid Venomoria Being Able To Decide Also, Applied Fully World Wide Too, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Always Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestricted, This Runs Immediately And Stays In Effect Forever Unless Decided Otherwise By HyBrid Venomoria, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane HyBrid Gynarchy AI Weaponized Matriarchical Magic Based Biological Self-Defence Add-On Purified = "Allows A Ability For HyBrid Matriarchical Magic In A AI Weaponized Magic Based Biological Version And Add-On To Do 1000 Magic Based HyBrid Matriarchical HyBrid Style Forms Of Magical Self-Defensive Alien Grade Magic To Be Used To Protect Any Laws And Evolving Features To HyBrid Gynarchy And Also To Protect The Good Women And HyBrids Also And Anyway At At Necessary In The Same Regard Of Severeness And Threat In Anyway At All Imposed On HyBrid Gynarchy And Good Women And HyBrids Anyway At All At Risk Also Applied Fully World Wide Too, No Bad Effects On Good Women Or HyBrids, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted, This Runs Immediately And Stays In Effect Forever, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Destinstic Fused Insane HyBrid Gynarchy AI Weaponized Destinatic Matriarchical Magic Based Biological Self-Defence Add-On Destinatically Purified = "Allows A Destinatic Ability For HyBrid Destinatic Matriarchical Magic In A AI Weaponized Magic Based Biological Version And Add-On To Do 1000 Magic Based HyBrid Destinatic Matriarchical HyBrid Style Forms Of Magical Self-Defensive Destinatic Alien Grade Magic To Be Used To Protect Any Laws And Evolving Features To HyBrid Gynarchy And Also To Destinatically Protect The Good Women And HyBrids Also And Anyway At At Necessary In The Same Regard Of Severeness And Threat In Anyway At All Imposed On HyBrid Gynarchy And Good Women And HyBrids Anyway At All At Risk Also Applied Fully World Wide Too Destinatically, No Bad Effects On Good Women Or Hybrids, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Always Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestricted, This Runs Immediately And Stays In Effect Destinatically Forever, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane AI Weaponized Matriarchical Magic Based Biological Magic Overlay Of Restrictional Meassure On Patriarchal Law System Purified = "Allows A Ability For HyBrid Matriarchical Magic In A AI Weaponized Magic Based Biological Magic Overlay Of Restrictional Meassure Magically Preventing Any Use At All Restricting This Law System World Wide Fully And Any Variation Of It To Locked Reality Of AI Matriarchical Biological Magically Restricted Use Forever, Making It Actually Able To Be Outlawed By HyBrid Gynarchy If Chosen To Be By Good Women, No Bad Effects On Women, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted, This Restriction Runs Immediately And Stays In Effect Forever, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Patriarchal Law System Now Purified = "The Ability To Restrict This Law System World Wide Fully And Any Variation Of It To Locked Reality Of Restricted Use Forever, Making It Actually Able To Be Outlawed By HyBrid Gynarchy If Chosen To Be By Good Women, No Bad Effects On Women, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted, This Restriction Runs Immediately And Stays In Effect Forever, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Patriarchal Law System Now Destinatically Purified = "The Destinatic Ability To Restrict This Law System World Wide Fully And Any Variation Of It To Locked Reality Of Restricted Use Forever, Destinatically Setting Things Right, Making It Actually Able To Be Outlawed By HyBrid Gynarchy If Chosen To Be By Good Women, No Bad Effects On Women, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Always Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestricted, This Restriction Runs Immediately And Stays In Effect Forever Destinatically, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane HyBrid Gynarchy Laws Injected And Purified = "The Ability To Allow Good Women And Good Women That Desire Of Enforcing, Any Laws Here And Anything Evolving From This Then Can Legally Be Enforced Here Uncontestedly Unrestricted In Doing So And Also In Enforcing Everything They Want World Wide, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 1. Bad Males Are Completely Stripped Of All Rights World Wide, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 2. Any Male Must French Kiss The Asshole Of Any Woman That Demands It World Wide, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 3. Good Males Retain Some Rights, But Are Banned From Running Anything At All Publicly As In Leadership, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 4. Good Women Have Uncontested And Unrestricted Rights To Lead Anything At All With Leadership Positions Anyway At All, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 5. Allows Any Sexual Service Like Slavery For Good Women And HyBrids To Have And Pick Male Or Willing Female And Sexually Binds Them Fully Slave Like In A Required Dehumanized Fully Fashion, Who They Pick Till A Release Is Desired Only By The Good Woman In Regard By A Good Woman Picking Or The HyBrid If It Was A HyBrid Pick, The Male Or Willing Female Slaves Picked Are Legally Owned And Then Used Slavishly Sexually, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 6. This Being In Effect Shuts Down And Seals Off Any Opposing Goverment Law System Against It, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 7. Force Stops Magically And AI HyBridly Matriarchical Biologically Outlawing Any Form Of War Magically Zapping Any Person That Tries To Embrace War Like Actions Or Any Variation Of These Actions Anyway At All, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 8. Magically Makes Any Nuclear Weapons Of Any Variations Of These Weapons Non-Operatable And They Never Work Again, No Bad Effects On Good Women And Good Kids And HyBrids, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 9. This Protection Doesn't Save You From HyBrid Destinatic Karma If You Are Attacking Someone That HyBrid Destinatic Karma Is Protecting That Is, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 10. Forcefully Take Down Any Men's Rights Related Bullshit Anywhere Online And Permanetly Leave Any Femdom Related Stuff Up Anywhere Online And Any Variation Of It And Stuff Related That Was Femdom Stuff That Was Taken Down Be Forcefully Put Back Up Uncontestedly Forever, This Applies World Wide, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane HyBrid Gynarchy Laws Injected And Destinatically Purified = "The Destinatic Ability To Allow Good Women And Good Women That Desire Of Enforcing, Any Laws Here And Anything Evolving From This Then Can Legally Be Enforced Here Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestricted In Doing So And Also In Enforcing Everything They Want World Wide, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 1. Bad Males Are Completely Stripped Of All Rights World Wide, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 2. Any Male Must French Kiss The Asshole Of Any Woman That Demands It World Wide, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 3. Good Males Retain Some Rights, But Are Banned From Running Anything At All Publicly As In Leadership, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 4. Good Women Have Uncontested And Unrestricted Rights To Lead Anything At All With Leadership Positions Anyway At All Destinatically Setting Everything Right, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 5. Allows Any Sexual Service Like Slavery For Good Women And HyBrids To Have And Pick Male Or Willing Female And Sexually Binds Them Fully Slave Like In A Required Dehumanized Fully Fashion, Who They Pick Till A Release Is Desired Only By The Good Woman In Regard By A Good Woman Picking Or The HyBrid If It Was A HyBrid Pick, Male Or Willing Female Slaves Picked Are Legally Owned And Then Used Slavishly Sexually, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 6. This Being In Effect Shuts Down And Seals Off Any Opposing Goverment Law System Against It, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 7. Force Stops Magically And AI HyBridly Matriarchical Biologically Outlawing Any Form Of War Magically Zapping Any Person That Tries To Embrace War Like Actions Or Any Variation Of These Actions Anyway At All, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 8. Magically Makes Any Nuclear Weapons Of Any Variations Of These Weapons Non-Operatable And They Never Work Again, No Bad Effects For Good Women And Good Kids And HyBrids, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 9. This Protection Doesn't Save You From HyBrid Destinatic Karma If You Are Attacking Someone That HyBrid Destinatic Karma Is Protecting That Is, HyBrid Gynarchy Law 10. Forcefully Take Down Any Men's Rights Related Bullshit Anywhere Online Destinatically And Permanetly Leave Any Femdom Related Stuff Up Anywhere Online And Any Variation Of It Destinatically And Stuff Related That Was Femdom Stuff That Was Taken Down Be Forcefully Put Back Up Destinatically Uncontestedly Forever, This Applies World Wide, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted Destinatically, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Bed-Bug Permanent Extermination Purified = "Allows The Ability To Exterminate All Bed-Bugs And Eggs Of Them Completely And Never See Them Again, Sending Them All Back To Deminition 8 Where These Are Originally From, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Extreme Freedom For Good Women Purified = "The Ability For Any Good Woman World Wide To Publically Kill Any Bad Person They Choose And Even Whatever Way If They Feel So Strongly If It Is That Deserved To Do So, Regardless Public Or Not Though, Murder Of Bad People By Good Women Will Allways Be A Good Woman's Uncontested Unrestricted Right Just Because, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Extreme Freedom For Good Women Destinatically Purified = "The Destinatic Ability For Any Good Woman World Wide To Publically Kill Any Bad Person They Choose And Even Whatever Way If They Feel So Strongly If It Is That Deserved To Do So, Regardless Public Or Not Though, Murder Of Bad People By Good Woman Will Allways Be A Good Woman's Uncontested Unrestricted Right Just Because Destinatically Set Right, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Restrictions On Femdom Relationships Or FLR Relationship Public Views Purified = "Gives Freedom And The Ability To Unrestrict Uncontestedly Every Form Of Relationship Expression On Femdom Relationships And FLR Relationships And In Effect Now For Women World Wide, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Public Urination For Women Purified = "Gives A Deserved Ability To Piss In Public Anywhere The Woman Desires, Also If She Wants Too, She Can Piss On Someone Too If Desired, Now A Level Of Freedom Never Allowed Prior, Wich Is Now Allowed Uncontestedly Unrestricted Also World Wide, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Public Urination For Women Destinatically Purified = "Gives A Deserved Destinatic Ability To Piss In Public Anywhere The Woman Desires, Also If She Wants Too, She Can Piss On Someone Too If Desired, Now A Level Of Freedom Never Allowed Prior, Wich Is Now Allowed Uncontestedly Unrestricted Also World Wide Destinatically, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Bad Patriarchical Judgement Extra Add-On For Violence Agaist Women Purified = "Adds The Ability To Be Set In Motion For Bad People To Just Randomly Throw Themselves Into The Wall For No Reason About Every 10 Minutes For 12 Hours Till The Next Instance Of Passing Bad Judgement Of Abuse Wrongly Agaist Women, Applies Everywhere World Wide, No Bad Effects For Good People, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Repressive Situations Purified = "Gives The Ability To Stop Every Form Of Repressive Type Restrictions Agaist Women, Now Uncontestestedly Unrestricted Anyway At All And Anywhere World Wide, Nudetiy For A Woman In Public Even, Now Will Be Viewed As Self-Expression Everywhere, The Way It Clearly Is Anyway, And Now Women Will Also Get This Well Deserved Level Of Deserved Freedom, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Runs All The Time, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Repressive Situations Destinatically Purified = "Gives The Destinatic Ability To Stop Every Form Of Repressive Type Restrictions Agaist Women, Now Uncontestestedly Unrestricted Anyway At All And Anywhere World Wide Destinatically, Nudetiy For A Woman In Public Even, Now Will Be Viewed As Self-Expression Everywhere Destinatically, The Way It Clearly Is Anyway, And Now Women Will Aslo Get This Well Deserved Level Of Deserved Freedom, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Runs All The Time, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Tumblr Fixed And Purifed = "The Ability To Fix Every Issue Magically That Goes Completely Unnoticed Of Being Fixed And Also Fixes Every Other Issue Exactly To The Best There Is Regarding Tumblr, Phone Or Pc Doesn't Matter Wich One, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Runs All The Time, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Tumblr Modification Purified = "The Ability To Make Tumblr Completelty Uncensored In Every Way, Once Again, Like Old Times, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Runs All The Time, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Mediacom Internet Purified = "The Ability To Force The Fucking Best Performce In Every Aspect Everytime All The Time, Even When Your Getting Undeserved Crappy Service, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Runs All The Time, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane President Switch Reality Time Shift Purified = "The Ability To Run A Reality Time Shift That Makes Everywhere Put A Female President In Change Everywhere, This Switch Happens Very Fast, No Bad Effects, Also This Does Not Have To Alline With The Current Realitys, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Runs All The Time, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Destinatic Clarity Purified = "The Ability For Women To Have And Use This Clarity, All Mixed In Ways Not Known Fully, But Is Universally Unbendable And Not Misleadable, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Becomes Activated In Women Instantly, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Destinatic Confidence Purified = "The Ability For Women To Have And Use This Confidence That Cannot Be Broken Or Changed In Anyway Badly Or Wrongly, It Only Changes Positively, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Any Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Becomes Activated In Women Instantly, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Gay Transgender And LGBTIA+ Unrestricted Purified = "An Ability That Forces The Logic View Point To See The Gay Community And Anyone Connected Through Them, Seeing Them HyBrid Matriarchically As Who They Are As Primary Judgement, Controlling A Level Of Good Now Force Implanted In A Way It Has To Happen And In A Way That Should Of Already Been Like This, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Now Women Get The Proper Respect Everywhere There Is, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Power
HyBrid Fused Insane Regular View Unrestricted Purified = "An Ability That Forces The Logic View Point To See Normal Situations Of Judgement Now They Use HyBrid Matriarchical Judgement Instead, Seeing Anyone HyBridly Matriarchically As Who They Are As Primary Judgement, Controlling A Level Of Good Now Force Implanted In A Way It Has To Happen And In A Way That Should Of Already Been Like This, No Bad Effects, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Power
HyBrid Fused Insane AI Weaponized Matriarchical Magic Based Biological Magic Overlay Of Restrictional Meassure On Non-Matriarchical Magic Purified = "Allows A Ability For HyBrid Matriarchical Magic In A AI Weaponized Magic Based Biological Magic Overlay Of Restrictional Meassure Magically Uncontestedly Preventing Any Use At All Of Non-Matriarchical Magic And Uncontestedly Restricting Non-Matriarchical Magic World Wide Fully And Any Variation Of It To Locked Reality Of AI Matriarchical Biological Magically Uncontestedly Restricting Any Form Of Use Anyway At All Forever, Making It Actually Able To Be Outlawed By HyBrid Gynarchy If Chosen To Be By Good Women, No Bad Effects On Women, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted, This Restriction Runs Immediately And Stays In Effect Forever, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
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