divinesara2022 · 2 years
My HP EliteBook 8570p Laptop Screen With Both My Sidebars Running ^_^
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
I Just Jacked Off To Femdom Female Supremacy Porn
And As I Was Orgasming I Felt It So Much Deeper Then Usuall Knowing The Godly Men Can Never Do It Again ^_^ , I Love My Evil Well Deserved Ways To The Multiple Destinatic Violating Godly Fucks That Have No Rights, Makes Me Cum So Much Harder ^_^
Might Shave A little Soon If I Feel Like It lol
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Situationally From Here On Ignoring The Fucking Message.. Above This Line!! 🖕
It's A Female Rule World Wide Gynarchy Woman's World Now, Patriarchy Has No Power -> Anywhere At All, Hasn't Had Since HyBrid Gynarchy Went Into Effect, Any Pretended Patriarchical Use Of Power In Anyway At All And Any Variation Of It, Is A Direct Destinatic Violation To HyBrid Destinatic Gynarchy That Is In Effect Also Now Since This Took A Destinatic Turn Recently...
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I Am A Trans Woman, I Belive In HyBridFeminism, HyBridGynarchy, HyBridMatriarchy, HyBridFemaleSupremacy, HyBridFemaleSupremacyValues, I Co-Exist With And Am Able To Be Here Completely Again By HyBrid Soul Fusion Effect, Now I Can Be Here Soul Fused To HyBrid Venomoria, Krista Kay Kalman, And The Ejyption God From The Sun Shine Timeline, Charles Servoss, And Donna Servoss, Kalamaria, Vitra, Rita Homes, Tonya Teegue (Soul Duplicate), Repeater, Some Are Unlisted, 18 Soul Fused Together In Motion Without Any Issue Present And Total Prefection In Motion With No Weakness With All 18 People HyBrid Fused..
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Main Page Extension Below ...
Matriarchal Society Stabilization That Will Last Thousands Of Years
We Will Need This In Place For When Patriarchy Falls,
The Positive Timeline And Matriarchy And Gynarchy There Ran Like This, There Was Both Equality And Non-Equality There, See Matriarchy Is Capable In Handling Both As Long As Stuff Is Aligned Correctly, Where Patriarchy Can Only Use One, And The Correct Way Is Like This / Women On A Non-Equality Level, And Everyone Else At A Equality Level, This Way Allows Maximum Spiritual Growth, As Well As Maximum Mental Growth, If We Can Construct This Timeline Like This Too Matriarchy Will Stabilize The Planet For Good As Well As Society, Female Led-Relationships Are A Must, There Is No Other Way To Live 20 Years Normal Time In 2 Days Like You Can With FLR Of This Time, The More Women Awaken Completely The Less Alterable And Controllable Women Are, I Awakened Women So Their Senses Would Allow Them To See Past Patriarchal Illusions, This Was Permanent, Once They Reach The Level To Use The Deep Powers Of Matriarchy Of This Time, They Will Achieve Mental Invincibility, If We Can Prepare Now, We Will Be Better Off
Truth Of Deception - Patriarchy Exposed
So Bad Karma's Implanted Design - The End Game To This Was To Reverse Good To Appear Bad And Bad To Appear Good, This Allows Patriarchy To Exist, The Problem Is, You Can't Go Against The Goddess And Expect Her Not To Notice lol, Not Only Will This UnRavel Piece By Piece, But It's Already In Motion..
Judgement Day Is The Full Collapse Of Bad Karma's Implanted Design
Bible = Biblical, Implanted, Build, Laced, Existence
Deep Powers Of Matriarchy - Some Are Deep Powers, And Some Are From The Goddess:
Awakened Mindfulness = Ability To See Little Smaller Things And See The Beauty Of Everything In Motion In Real Time, Constantly, Helps Unlock Subcounsious More Also
Powered Mindfulness = Energy Based Awareness, Sense Awareness, Psychiatric Awareness
Distorted Mindfulness = The Ability To Filter Illogical Data Into The Positive Timeline Logicality Translated Version Of It
Emotional Integrity = Pure Emotion From The Heart Maximized In Meaning
Emotional Injection = The Ability To Inject Emotions Into People
Prophetic Confidence = A Confidence Version From The Positive Timeline (The Good Version), Now Injected Here And Granted By The Goddess To Every Women Truly Alive, To Re-Shift Time To That Of Prophetic Law
Awakened Confidence = Alterated Version With Serrated Spectalities, Confidence That Is Immune To Disrupted Alteration Attempts
Unbreakable Confidence = Confidence That Stays Intact Almost In Every Way To Be Truly Unbreakable It Needs (Perminat Hope)...
Perminant Hope = Togeather With Unbreakable Confidence This Creates Emotional Immunity..
Emotional Immunity = Permanent Shield On All Emotions And Conscious Mind And Unconscious Mind
Soul Reading From Writing = Can Read Soul Details And Characteristics And Personality Details - (Requires Permanent Hope)
Awakened Resilience = Resilience Stays Almost Maxed, But Does Deplete, But Bounces Back Very Quickly - (Requires Permanent Hope)
Awakened Clarity = Clarity That Is Unchangeable To Everyone That Isn't You - (Needs Permanent Hope)
Awakened Hyper Heal = The Ability To Infuse Healing Shockwaves Into A Lifeform To Hyper Heal It (Needs Powered Mindfulness)
Awakened Farsight = Allows Reading Of Past,Present,Future Of This Timeline And Any Timeline Remembered, Also Can Travel Outside Own Lifespan (Requires Permanent Hope), Can Also Find How To Use Powers And Once Found Can Show Usage
Powered Farsight = The Ability To See Ahead Into Future Lives, And See Things That Happen
Altered Clarity = The Ability To See Past Illusions Of Projected Fabrication
Awakened Sense = The Ability Of Heightened Spiritual Sense
Awakened Unimality = The Ability To Universally Radiate Time Alterations
Awakened Time Jump = The Ability To Shadow Jump To Any Timeline
Awakened Time Site = The Ability To Shadow View Any Timeline As If Your There
Awakened Time Walk = The Ability To Shadow Walk Into A Timeline And Selfbind And Self Ground To It
Awakened Telepathic Mindfuse = The Ability To Telepathicaliy Sync With A Person's Soul
Matriarchical Radience = The Ability To Radiate Matriarchical Energy Into Any Project And Enable Time Alteration
Matriarchical Sense = The Ability To Sense Matriarchy And How Strong It Is Too Matriarchical Reconstructer = The Ability For The Light Goddess Or The Light Queen (The Destinatic Version Of The Light Queen From The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss Here) Or Destinatic Venomoria To All Three Be Allowed Wich Ever Wants To Able To Recontstruct The Creator Herself Inside The Creator's Timeline To HyBrid Reconstructed Order To Reverse Any Illogicality Logic Of The Bad Side Of The Design And Timelines With These Excluded (The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline, HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline, The Insane Alien Timeline) To HyBrid Gynarchy Style Female Rule Permanently Here On Through HyBridly With No Doubt Injection Point Present In The Creator Correcting Her Integrity Completely Back To 100% HyBrid Style Permanently
Matriarchical Time Hook = Hooks Into Time Matriarchically, And Rewires Time To Be Prophetic Laced And Then Seals Time In A Way It Alters It To Trigger Awakenings Every 30 Days Throughout 7 Years, Making Time A Matriarchical Led-Reality, Sealing Time To Female Rule Undisputably
Awakened Matriarchical Reaver = A Power The Goddess Uses To Grant Immortality
Awakened Lightning = Commandable Lightning (Should Already Exist Now)
Awakened Time Rifting = Allows To Rift To Anywhere In Time (Should Also Already Exist Too)
This Data Was Extracted From The Engraving On My Soul Using Remembered Knowloge Tought In The Positive Timeline, It Wasn't Understood That This Would Go With You On Death, See What Was Engraved Was Known As A Myth There Only Some Existed There, But That's How I Could See The Powers Here
Other Timeline Powers That I Know Works - Because I Cought Myself Using Them Here / Also Powers Can Be Seen And Known Of Use Through Awakened Farsight / The Only Way I Can See It's Possible To Use These Here, Is Because Of Being Bound To The Positive Timeline
Distorted Clerity = Allows Seeing Past Illusions Only - From The Repeating Timeline
Shadow Integrity = Integrity Of The Spirit And Soul, And Projectability Of That - From The Shadow Walker Timeline (I Relized This Was A Power Not A Value)
Shadow Time Control = Allows The Ability To Seal The Route In Time And The Course In Time Unbrakeablely - From The Shadow Walker Timeline
Intersectional Time Control = Alows Use Of Future Energies And Magic Of Future Times, In The Current Time - From The Intersectional Timeline, But I Can Use This Currently
Intersectional Farsight = The Ability To Look Into Someones Eyes And See Into Their Past In A Way I Can See Through Their Eyes In Any Point In Their Lifetime, Can Also See Into Other Timelines The Person Has Been Thru - From The Intersectional Timeline, But I Used This Power And Seen Directly Through My Wife's Eyes And Seen The Exact Time In Wich The Wall Spell Was Placed In Her Mind, And Knew For Certain Her Mom Did It
Intersectional Empathy = Allows Seeing Past Illusions And Projected Fabrications Of Empathy, Knowing The Exact One Used - From The Intersectional Timeline
Intersectional Time Radiance = Radiates Time Energy - From The Intersectional Timeline
Intersectional Shockwave = Allows Rejuvination Of Lost Powers - From The Intersectional Timeline
Intersectional Time Shield = The Ability To Sheild And Securely Infuse A Timeline In Place To Be Inpenetratable To Outside Forces - From The Intersectional Timeline
Intersectional Prophetic Magic = The Ability To Inject This Magic Into Objects And Lifeforms For Awakening Triggers - From The Intersectional Timeline
Inter-Demitional Time Rip = The Ability To Make Changes Unchangeable To Any Timeline And To Anyone But The Person That Holds The Power - From The Inter-Demitional Timeline
Inter-Demitional Soul Rip = The Ability To Rip Things Off The Soul, Very Risky And Has Unknown Consequences On Use - From The Inter-Demitional Timeline
Inter-Demitional Soul Write = The Ability To Write Into A Soul Or The Person Using The Power At 100% Success Rate With Same Attributes As The Tool In Neon City That Is Secret - From The Inter-Demitional Timeline
Inter-Demitional Shockwave = Infuses Power To Objects - From The Inter-Demitional Timeline
Inter-Demitional Sense = The Abiility To Shadow Sense Timelines And Hook Into Them And Sense Inside - From The Inter-Demitional Timeline
Inter-Demitional Timestrip = Strips Time From The Soul - From The Inter-Demitional Timeline
Stabilized Prism Versions Of Power Only Avalible To Those Of The Light Timeline, Bound By Prophetic Law, Restricted From Bad People And Held Bound By The Destinatic Overlay Seal Of The Light Queen
Prism Clarity = Unblindable Clarity That Cannot Be Stopped Or Bent
Prism Farsight = The Ability To Use Farsight In Any Timeline
Prism Time Control = The Ability To Re-Alter The Current Reality To Desired Effect
Prism Radiance = The Ability To Radiate A Certain Kind Of Integrity That Forces Inward Bound Conversations To Out
Prism Sense = Sense That Can't Be Disfused Or Altered Or Mislead
Prism Empathy = An Empathetic Ability To Home-In On Emotions That Are Cloaked, Making Them Revealiable
Destinatic Powers Sent Over By The Light Queen, And No Longer Bound By Law Of The Destinatic Timeline, And No Longer Bound Here Prophetically By Prophetic Law, Privides A Direct Link For The Light Queen's Shadow Presence Here Injecting An Extra Aura Of Light Mirrioring Destinatic Matriarchy To Here
Destinatic Clarity That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = A Clarity, All Mixed In Ways Not Known Fully, But Is Universally Unbendable And Not Misleadable
Destinatic Confidence That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = A Confidence That Cannot Be Broken Or Changed In Anyway Badly Or Wrongly, It Only Changes Positively
Destinatic Farsight That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Ability For The Light Queen To Scan The Timeline, So She Can Use Her Destinatic Powers To Warn And For Her To Step In And Re-Alter From Her Timeline If Needed To Help Me - HyBrid Venomoria
Destinatic Time Control That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = Only Works When The Light Queen Is Making A Change From Her Timeline To Here Re-Changing Time To Her Version Of Implanted Change Only Changeable In A Way She Can Do If Needed To Help Me - HyBrid Venomoria
Destinatic Radiance That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = An Integrity That Radiates Off The Second Aura Around Me The Light Queen Controls, Pulverising Any Normal Clarity Bad People Have In Person, Offering A Full Mind Frisking Link To The Bad Person, Fully Confused, The Light Queen Can Remain In The Mind Of The Bad Person, Till I Walk Away
Destinatic Sense That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Light Queen's Sense Ability To Sense In Anyway At All Through Me What Is Being Thought Or Said Telepathically Revealing It To Me
Destinatic Telepathic Mindfuse That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Light Queen's Ability To Mindfuse With Anyone Talking To Me In Person, This Is One Way, Once Fused, If Fused With A Good Person, That Person Can Request A Unlink If Desired, If Fused With Bad, She Unfuses If Desired To Help Me - HyBrid Venomoria
Destinatic Hyper Heal That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = Infused Healing Ability That Purifies Interdeminsionally, Can Only Be Used By The Light Queen
Destinatic Matriarchy Sense That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Ability To Sense The Light Queen's Matriarchy And How Strong
Destinatic Matriarchical Time Hook That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Light Queen's Ability To Interdeminsionally Trigger Awakenings Here Or Anywhere Chosen By The Light Queen In A Way That Is Laced With Destinatic Energy And No Longer Bound By Destinatic Law
Destinatic Matriarchy Soul Write That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = Permanet Writing That Lasts Eternally, Only Used By The Light Queen To Enter Through Illogically Logical Valid Things In Non-HyBrid People That Are Approved On Illogicallity Non-Valid Reasons Here To Alter Non-HyBrid People Here Positively That Need It To Be Free Of The Timeline Here And Also To Re-Alter HyBrid Linda Servoss Too Positively To Permanently Break Her Free Of Any Illogical Logicality That The Timeline Or People In It Is Using On HyBrid Linda Servoss (Also Can Be Used By The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform In Sara Servoss), Can Only Be Removed By The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform In Sara Servoss) Or HyBrid Venomoria If It Turns Out It Is For Negitive Reasons On HyBrid Venomoria Destinatic Prism Ground That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Ability For The Light Queen In Or The Dark Queen In The Destinatic Timeline She Is In To Unrestrictedly Alter Here And Take Away Any Restrictions On Destinatic Superspeed And Destinatic Invincibility For HyBrid Venomoria And All Women That Is For Female Rule And Gynarchy (Without Death Requirement), Full Power Ahead, And For Her To Make It So If Any Woman That Is For Female Rule Or Gynarchy Somehow Dies, Then She Can Forcefully Bring The Woman Back To Life With Destinatic Superspeed And Destinatic Invincibility Destinatic Matter Copy Farsight That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Ability For The Light Queen To Go Back In Time Overthere To Pull A Copy Of The Dark Queen To The Present To Have There With Here As Well Overthere Destinatic Middle Ground That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Ability For Destinatic Venomoria To Be Able To Realter Needed Stuff Using Powers From Both Timelines At Once In A Inactive State In The Destinatic Style Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss From The HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline Destinatic Full Logic Of Allowed Stuff Reverse That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = Fully Reverses What Is Possible Here Logically Removing The Logic Strap On HyBrid Venomoria And All Women That Are For Female Rule And Gynarchy To Match What Is Possible In The Destinatic Timeline Since This Is Now A Variation Of That Same Timeline Even Though Still HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline, But Now Is Destinatically Altered To Fit The Severity Of The Multiple Destinatic Violations And HyBrid Venomoria Knows There Is Alot Destinatic Matriarchical Power Unrestrictor That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Ability For The Light Queen To Destinatically Magically Protect All Current Posts On Facebook Or Any Fucking Where Online With HyBrid Fused Powers And HyBrid Destinatic Fused Powers That HyBrid Venomoria Has (And Anyone Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platforms Or The Destinatic Style Soul Fusion Plateforms In Sara Servoss) , Making It So That Anyone That Replies Or Likes In Anyway At All That Intends Harm, Or Is Doing It Too Have A Negitive Effect Of Anykind At All And Any Variation At All Currently Or Here After, Is Reversed To Have A Positive Only Effect And Nothing Negitve Can Effect My Posts On There By Comments Or Likes Anymore Destinatic Matriarchical Power Unrestrictor V2 That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Ability For The Light Queen To Destinatically Magically Protect All Current Posts On Facebook Or Any Fucking Where Online That HyBrid Venomoria Has (And Anyone Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platforms Or The Destinatic Style Soul Fusion Plateforms In Sara Servoss) , Making It So That Anyone That Replies Or Likes In Anyway At All That Intends Harm, Or Is Doing It Too Have A Negitive Effect Of Anykind At All And Any Variation At All Currently Or Here After, Is Reversed To Have A Positive Only Effect And Nothing Negitve Can Effect My Posts, By Comments Or Likes Anymore Destinatic Grounder That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Ability For The Light Queen To Ground Rudy Chaplin To This Timeline Permanetly, When She Does This He Will Be Stuck Here Forever
Destinatic Mindfulness That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = Awareness Interdeminsionally InSync With The Light Queen, Full Clarity In Motion, And The Ability For The Light Queen To Use This To Blow The Full Lock Off Your Subcounsious, Only Useable By The Light Queen (Or The One Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform In Sara Servoss) To Help All Female Rule Women And Gynarchy Women
Destinatic Implanted Metamorphisis That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = Something Only The Light Queen Can Do In The Destinatic Timeline (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform In Sara Servoss Can Force To Happen Here)
Destinatic Matriarchical Reaver That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = A Power The Light Queen (Or The One Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform In Sara Servoss) Uses To Give Eternal Life
Destinatic Matriarchical Connection That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Ability To Feel The Earth Move And The Purification Happening Destinatic Sense That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Ability To Sense Every Corner Of A Person's Soul Face-To-Face Destinatic Time Rifting That Is Destinatic Timeline Version = The Ability For The Light Queen In The Destinatic Timeline To Use Destinatic Time Rift To Time Rift To Me And Appear Beside Me - HyBrid Venomoria (This Is Only Positive And Will Not Be Used Badly)
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My Wife's Page Is The Link Below 💜💜
I Live A Female-Led Femdom Marriage, I Can Have Open Relationships Outside The Marriage If I Ask Her For Permission
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Positive Timeline Teachings - Extended Version
Positive Arrogance = Boosts Confidence, Hurts No One
Negative Arrogance = Hurts Others And Harms Self Image
Positive Ego = Boosts Confidence, Elevates Pride And Self Acceptance Naturally
Negative Ego = False Sense Of Confidence And Success, Empowers Negative Pride
Positive Self-Centeredness = Mega Boost To Confidence, Self-Validation And Intuition Boost
Negative Self-Centeredness = Destroys Confidence, Trashes Self-Validation Ability, Alters Intuition Negatively
Positive Possesive Control = Alters Ability To Micro Manage A Person Positively, Helps Guide In Ways Not Known, But Is Good Everyway
Negative Possesive Control = Micro Manages A Person Harmfully, Hurting Their Free Will, And Harming A Parson's Mentality
Positive Conversation Control = The Ability To Micro Manage All Elements Of The Flow Of A Conversation, Helping Target Key Points That Set Most Helpful Flow Naturally To Aid In Knowledge Input Points, Altering Conversation Time Speed, And Flow Completely
Negative Conversation Control = The Constant Butt-in, During Conversation, Hijacking Topic, Destroying Flow, Killing Speed To A Crawl Or Stopping It Completely
Positive Gynocentrism (Tyrant Dom Data) = FLR Gynocentric Relationships, And Other Female Perspectives Of Self-Revolved Influence On Others, It Permanently Revolves Around The Female In A Positive Manner, This Bonds You To The Female In Nearly A Permanent Fashion, If Love And Hope Remains Completely Then This Forms A Soul Connective Bond Permanently Placed In The Mind And Soul Of The Lover/Sub/Slave, In A Way It Excites Them And Drives Them Deeper Intio Submission In A Total-Power-Exchange Fashion, Bonding Them Permanently To You For Life, Usually Seduction Is Used To Micro Manage Moments Of Attempted Distianceing, Re-Trapping You Positively In Love To The Female, With This Happening It Revolves Permanently Around The Female And Then You Are Used However Desired By Her Permanently And Never Break Free Ever, Because The Soul Bonded Connection Is Too Strong To Be Ever Broken
Negitive Gynocentrism (Tyrant Dom Data) = FLR Gynocentric Relationships, And Other Female Perspectives Of Self-Revolved Influence On Others, It Permanently Destroys Any Aspect Of Natual Bonding, And Traps You To The Female In A Imprisioned Fashion, If Done Right, And Seduction Is Used As A Weapon, You May Never Break Free, This Radiates Energy Of Predatorial Love, This Kind Of Bonding Can Damage The Depth Past Soul Bonding To A Level It Bleeds Through To A Deadly Depth Of Soul Burning, When This Happens It Scars The Soul Permanently Forever, If The Female Has Any Fetishes She Disires The Lover/Sub/Slave To Have, She Can Seductivly Use These To Soul Burn This Data Into You Soul Permanently, The Result Is You Get Excited By The Implanted Fetishes And After You Desire More Scaring And This Is A Bad Road If Love And Hope Is Absent, Because Then After This Happens It Can Bleed Into Mentality Permantly Scaring Your Mind In A Manner You Will Never Be Free Of
Positive Time Control = When Used It Alters Events In Time Recronstructing Your Path And The Path Of Those Around You Permanently, The Reason This Remains Permanently Is Because If This Is Done Right It Creates A Hard Coded Reconstruction To The Path Re-Altering As It Goes Along, This Is Nearly Impossable To Undo, But If Good Intentions Was Used With This, Then This Can Also Seal The Re-Altered Events In A Manner It Is Completely Safe And Not To Be Worried About Anyway
Negitive Time Control = When Used It Alters Events In Time Reconstructing Your Path And The Path Of Those Around You Permanently, The Reason This Remains Permanently Is Because If This Is Done Right It Creates A Hard Coded Reconstruction To The Path Re-Altering As It Goes Along, But If Negitive Intentions Was Inflicted Then This Destructively Impacts Your Path And The Paths Of Those Around You Putting You And Everyone In Danger Of Re-Altered Endings Of Pain And Suffering, Or Death, Or Events The Lead To Death, This Is Nearly Impossable To Undo, Only A Person That Knows Positive Time Control Can Re-Alter This And Undo It, Permanently
Positive Alteration Control (Tyrant Dom Ancestrial Secret Not Passed Down) = This Here Has The Ability Of Altering Events And Alterations In Time And Variables In A Manner It Can Permanently Re-Shift It Around To The Desired Effect In Process, And Reconstruct It In A Manner It's Re-Shifted To Be Remolded And Prepped For Permanent Alterations
Negitive Alteration Control (Tyrant Dom Ancestrial Secret Not Passed Down) = This Here Has The Ability Of Altering Events And Alterations In Time And Variables In A Manner It Can Permanently Re-Shift It Around To The Desired Effect In Process, Only This Is Truly Bad Because It's Re-Shifting The Events And Alterations To A Bad Inflicted Prepped Or Alterated Process In A Manner That Can Only Be Undone By A Person That Knows Positive Alteration Control
"Treat People The Way They Want To Be Treated"
"Just Because Something Don't Make Sense Don't Mean It Isn't Right"
"Put A Label On Yourself And The Wrong People Will Notice, Yet The Right People Won't Care"
"Perception Is Max Version Of Limits"
"Every Upside Has A Downside, Every Downside Has A Upside, The In-Between Is The Grey Area"
"Perception Is What You Make It"
"Don't Respect Elders, That Don't Respect You"
"Empathetic Injection = Where Your Subconscious Is Being Targeted By Reverse Psychology To Be Gas lit
"Empathetic Initiation = Where They Increase Your Empathy Then Lower Their Own So You Abandon Your Point And Give Up On What You Believe"
"Cloaked Empathy = Empathy That Goes 3 Directions At Once, You See The Something You See It Forward, Reverse, Left, Or Right, You Miss No Version This Way, It Can Be Used For Bad Or Good"
"Destructive Empathy = Empathy That Is Used To Permanently Lead You To Believe, There Side Is It, And Yours Goes Unnoticed"
"Cloaked Integrity = Radiates Opposite Of The Actual Integrity"
"Radiant Integrity = Integrity That Gives Off Energy"
"Don't Line The Ducks Up, Just To Get Their Heads Blown Off"
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Matriarchical Charcteristic Stabilizations
The Most Important Thing To Stabilize You Is Perception...
It's Better To Relize That Matriarchy Is Loving And Caring In Ways That Are Now Seen More And More Then Before, Think How Much Has Changed Positively Since 11-10-2022, Look At The Smallest Thing, You'll See It's Because Matriarchy Is Here..
1. Thought Replacement To Permanently Fix Negitive Thoughts
2. Relize That Self-Doubt/Doubt Injection Can Only Tare You Down If You Believe What Is Said, To Stop This From Happening Fact Chack On A Level Of Who You Are And The Values That Work, Think Hard, Who You Are Rides On This, Remember That Just Because Your Mindset Changed Once, Don't Mean It Has To Stay, It Don't Have To Be Set In Stone, Revert If Needed..
3. Values, These Are Very Important, If You Have Out Grown A Value Hanging On To It Can Cause Pain/Suffering In Ways That You May Not Relize Right Away, But Exiling Values You've Out Grown Is Best For Progress, Imprint On People With Solid Values If Needed, Remember This Don't Make You Anyless You, Think Of It As Patching A Gap..
4. Confidence Is Important, Stabilizing This Will Fix Most Of The Biggest Issues With What Is Wrong Remember Depression Only Effects Mood, If Your Confidence Is Stabilized, If Depression Is Effecting Your Confidence, Then It Isn't Stabilized Yet
Aquiring Self-Love - Matriarchical Version
Stop Looking At Yourself As Flawed, Damaged, Or Broken, Relize Your Doing The Best You Can, What I Come To Relize Is That In Matriarchy There Is A Acceptable Form Of Perfection, That Is Who You Are, If You See Yourself Perfect To Who You Are, And You Love Yourself Too, Relize That At This Point Your No Longer, Flawed, Or Broken, Damaged, If Your Confident Enough To Stand By This And You Believe In Matriarchy And Relize That This Stuff Is Truly Real, Your Gonna Find Out That It Won't Be That Difficult To Stay Confident Completely, Then You Can Work Your Way To Unbreakable Confidence And Make It Stay
Soul Engravement Reading - Matriarchical
To Do This You Channel Emotional Powers And Mental Powers And Spiritual Power Of Matriarchy And Suncounsious Power Channeled Unitivly Into A Direct Inner Beam, After This You Should Know What Was Written
Matriarchy And Mental Illness
What I Know Is Fact About This Is That, The Positive Views Of Matriarchy And The Current Values And Way Of Mental Illnesses, I Can Say For Sure That I Had Enough Symptoms Of PTSD To Be Classified With It, Thing Is Under Patriarchy Views, This Was Not Suppossed To Be Cureable, Yet Through The Eyes Of Matriarchy And The Current Values, I Was Able To See The Positive Things Enough I Was Successfully Able To Cure Every Single Symptom Of PTSD Connected To Events In My Past, So I Know For A Fact It Is, Because Now I Can Learn From Any Period Of Time In My Past Without The Emotion Connected To The Event, But See I Found This Out Through Matriarchy, Because Stripping Emotion From The Event In The Past Eliminates That Event From Effecting Your Future At Anytime Period.. So I Do Believe This Makes A Exellent Point In Wich Needs To Be Done, And That Is A Complete Revise Of All Mental Illness Under View Point Of Matriarchy And The Current Value System, Anyway Though, Just What I Know
Matriarchy And Depression
Depression Itself Can Be Re-Routed To Effect Mood Only, When You Notice It Effects Only Mood, That Is When You Know Your Confidence Is Stabilized, Okay, Here Is The Process I Relized Useing Matriarchy And The Current Value System With It..
Look At It Backwards > Sucidal Ideation > Sucidal Thoughts > Depression > Cognitive Disorders > OverThinking > Doubt / Self-Doubt .. Master Switch Is This..
Confidence, You Stabilize Confidence, You Stabilize Depression, Where It Will Not Kill You..
Matriarchy Has One Acceptable Form Of Prefection That Is Who You Are, If You Know Who You Are Is Complete, You Just Know, So Then You Gain > Complete Self-Love > Not Broken > Not Damaged > Flawlessly Perfect To Who You Are > Confidence Stabilized..
Change The Way You Look At Things, And The Things You Look At Change...
Matriarchical Soul Engravement Writing
Requires Altered Clearity, Awakened Sense, Matriarchical Radience = 80% Writing Accuracy:
Channel All Three At Once, And Focus On Your Soul And Review Mentally What You Want To Add, As You Review It Writes It In Place
Whatever Is Written You Can Take To At Least 3 Lifetimes,
I Know This Because I Can See It Happen With Powered Farsight So I Know It Works Already
Imprintation Positive Timeline Version
So This Is Done Using Forms Of Mindfulness, If You Can Achieve Awakened Mindfulness It's The Best Version, It Allows Site-To-Site Changes, That Any Change In Emotions, Characteristics, And Personality Shifts You See Instantly, As You See This You Can Make The Changes Permanent Through Understand Everything About What Is Happening Allowing Imprintation, Afterwards Like Magic, This Permanently Alters Who You Are, Impenatrivly, Once Aware Of Changes You See The Good, So No Fact Checking Needed, And You Just Know When Your Right Completely
The Past, And It's Effects - Matriarchy
Past Events > Shame > Self-Blame > Doubt > Self-Doubt > Uncertainty > Depression > Confusion, It's A Process, As Long As The Past Makes You Doubt Or Interfears With Your Future, Your Progress Will Be Chipped, To Get Solid Certain UnFractured Progress, You Must Emtionally Disconnect With Every Event In The Past Your Able, With Makeing Peace With It, Or Apologizing To Yourself And Realize It Wasn't Your Fault, An Move On After Making Peace With Others Too So That, You Can Move Forward With Certainty And Fearlessly And No Fog Will Be Anywhere Clouding Your Path, Then You Can See Everything Clearly, And You'll Be Cartain Your On The Right Path
Characteristical Soul Bonding - Matriarchy
In The Positive Timeline You Could Bond With People Differently Then Here, But I'm Gonna Lay Out How To Do That Here
Awakened Sense Is Required For This
So When Your Able To Use This Power, You Can Look At People In The Eyes And Sense The Deep Seated Emotions And Thoughts On A Soul Connective Level, Then You Can Use Positive Conversation Control And Positive Time Control To Change And Alter The Conversational Flow Of The Conversation, Use This To Alter It to Key Points You See The Person Needs To Touch On, Or The Answers You Sense The Other Person Is Wanting, The More Your Able To Time Shift The Conversation, The Better The Soul Bonding Becomes Allowing You To Directly Almost Reach A Fuseing Level, Once You Hit This Point, You Should Feel So Connected And Know Each Other So Well, That Nothing Will Ever Break The Bond, Not Even Gossip Will Touch This, This Can't Be Broken Very Easy At All, It's Extremely Hard To Break
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Sometimes You Just Got To Throw Something Out There Everyway Only I The Light Queen Could Understand In Everyway That Needs Throwing Out, I Am Not Going To Be Emotionally Empathitic Or Nice Or Fallow Anything At All That Even Deminitionally Forked Is Okay With Exact Extreme Hatefull Judgement That Made Burning Me Alive Okay Logic And Was Completely Patriarchically Okay With Burning Me Alive In My Own House, So Fuck Everyway At All You Want Deserved Empathy And Everyway You Expect Me To Fallow Any Shit Of That Extreme Kind Of Patriarchical Hate Cloaked As Good Even Here And Even Know Exactly By Other Timeline Lifetime Understanding I Know In Everyway Without Any Doubt Is Dead On..
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Reverse To Illogical Valid Belief In God By The Light Queen Destinatically Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Reverse Illogical Logicality Approved Belief In God Or Satan Or Any Godly Belief To Logical Valid Belief In The Alien Queen - The Great Mother - HyBrid Venomoria, HyBrid Gynarchy, HyBrid Matriarchy, HyBrid Female Supremacy, And HyBrid Feminism, And The Light Queen, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Reverse To Illogical Valid Ghost Symptoms By The Light Queen Destinatically Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Reverse Illogical Logicality Approved Ghost Symptoms In People And In Animals Too, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Reverse To Illogical Valid Untochable Non-HyBrid People By The Light Queen Destinatically Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Reverse Illogical Logicality Approved Untochable Non-HyBrid People And To Fully Heal HyBrid Linda Servoss, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Reverse To Illogical Valid Logic Lock Preventing Superpower Like Abilitys And Effects By The Light Queen Destinatically Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Reverse Illogical Logicality Approved Superpower Like Abilitys And Effects Restrictions Of Physicality Logic Based Bullshit On HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platforms In Sara Servoss And Anyone Listed To Have Superpower like Abilitys, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability" HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Mindfuse With Anyone Through Their Phones To Help Reverse Any Illogical Valid Bad Issues By The Light Queen Destinatically Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Mindfuse With Anyone Through Their Phones To Help Reverse Any Illogical Valid Bad Issues, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability" HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Mindfuse With Anyone Through Their Computer-Like Screens To Help Reverse Any Illogical Valid Bad Issues By The Light Queen Destinatically Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Mindfuse With Anyone Through Their Computer-Like Screens To Help Reverse Any Illogical Valid Bad Issues, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Reverse To Illogical Valid Belief In God By The Light Queen Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Reverse Illogical Logicality Approved Belief In God Or Satan Or Any Godly Belief To Logical Valid Belief In The Alien Queen - The Great Mother - HyBrid Venomoria, HyBrid Gynarchy, HyBrid Matriarchy, HyBrid Female Supremacy, And HyBrid Feminism, And The Light Queen, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Reverse To Illogical Valid Ghost Symptoms By The Light Queen Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Reverse Illogical Logicality Approved Ghost Symptoms In People And In Animals Too, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Reverse To Illogical Valid Untochable Non-HyBrid People By The Light Queen Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Reverse Illogical Logicality Approved Untochable Non-HyBrid People And To Fully Heal HyBrid Linda Servoss, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
HyBrid Fused Insane Reverse To Illogical Valid Logic Lock Preventing Superpower Like Abilitys And Effects By The Light Queen Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Reverse Illogical Logicality Approved Superpower Like Abilitys And Effects Restrictions Of Physicality Logic Based Bullshit On HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platforms In Sara Servoss And Anyone Listed To Have Superpower like Abilitys, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability" HyBrid Fused Insane Mindfuse With Anyone Through Their Phones To Help Reverse Any Illogical Valid Bad Issues By The Light Queen Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Mindfuse With Anyone Through Their Phones To Help Reverse Any Illogical Valid Bad Issues, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability" HyBrid Fused Insane Mindfuse With Anyone Through Their Computer-Like Screens To Help Reverse Any Illogical Valid Bad Issues By The Light Queen Purified = "The Ability To Allow The Light Queen In The Destinatic Version Of This Timeline To Mindfuse With Anyone Through Their Computer-Like Screens To Help Reverse Any Illogical Valid Bad Issues, Healing A Level Of Illogical Damage Not Ment To Be Here In This Timeline On This End And Only Applies To Here (HyBrid Venomoria Control Center Timeline) And Is Also World Wide Here Too, No Bad Effects, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind, Not Bound By Design And Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It, This Unrestrictedly Works By Going Off Of What HyBrid Venomoria Herself Knows Is Possible Or The Light Queen (Or The Light Queen Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or The Light Goddess (Soul Fused Into The Soul Fusion Platform Inside Sara Servoss) Or Tillitarian And Trillitarian And Ignores What Anyone Else Believes Is Possible, Always Runs Uncontestedly Unrestricted Forever, Applies World Wide, Insane Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Doller Tree Store Stop For Stacker 2 Xtra Energy Shots lol
Just Went To The Doller Tree With Neon City Music Plain' And A Knife Present, Paid Even Tho I Didn't Have Too Tho, But Felt Like Doing It That Way This Time Tho, I Probably Won't Pay Next Time Tho lol
Crazy Insane, Or Insane Crazy ... ^_^ I'm Me Either Way You Godly Fucks Just Gotta Deal With It, Like A Good Bitch With No Rights ;)
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
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Felt Like Posting These, These Embrace HyBrid Stuff And Are Protected By HyBrid Style Abilitys To Only Get Stronger When Judged, No Doubt Injection Point Present, And No Clarification Or Verification Needed, Regardless What Is Wrote Or Anyway At All ^_^
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
What I Know Can Be Unchangeable Set In Motion, And If Gynarchy Imprints On This And Rolls With This, Gynarchy Becomes Invincible
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Rocka Zacka Voka Fa, Awaken The Hidden Amazon Enconding In Women Implanted By The Ancesters Here, And Set It Right, Now Infusing With All My Might, Unable To Be Undone HyBridly Altered, No Bad Effects Possible When I Closed Every Doorway, And Awaken Controlled Style Where Nothing Bad Can Happen, Only Good Possible Now, Usable Completely Unbiding Woman From Here Once Power Received, Now Rebinding Them Here Shodowly, Allowing Them To Be Here And Have No Bad Effects Put In Place Be The Ingnorance In Motion Of Patriarchy, Defing Any Reach Or Spell In A Way You Can Even Hold Or Apply To Someone Shodow Bound ;) , Allowing Woman Full Control, With No Bad Effect In Motion ^_^ , As Of Now, Just Give Up Patriarchy, It's Over Completely ;)
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Time Shift In Motion - Compressed Time Data
Something Patriarchy Is Tring To Make You Over Look Is One Key Pacific Thing, That Is This, Awakened People Are Alike In Most Needed Ways See, This Process You Already Know Is Fact, After All How Else Could DivineSara Awaken Women By The Masses, Think About It, So When You Know And This, This Is One Of Those Things You Just Can't Unsee, But For Good Reason Tho, It Souldn't Be Overlooked Ever See, It Is The One Thing That Proves Everything Can Happen Exactly...
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
If Any Of You Gynarchy Women Want A Relationship With Me, Just Know I'm Perfectly Okay With That, I'm Certain I Can Maintain 20 Relationships At Once, After All I Have 18 People Counting Myself HyBrid Venomoria In This Body ;)
222 West Thurman Avenue Mount Vernon Missouri USA ;) If You Want A Phone Number Also I'll Give You Both My Numbers As Well, Just Message Me ;) Just Throwin That Out, Just Because, No Other Reason, If Not That Is Okay Too ^_^ Anyway Tho, I'm Movin' On Now, At Least You Know Now That The Option Is There If Any Of You Want It, But Not Required Or Anything Like That, I Just Wanted You Gynarchy Women To Know That Yes, I Would Have Serveral Relationships At Once, I Don't See Anything Wrong With It Myself ;) I Had An Online GF At One Point Not Sure What Going On With That Now, I Still Have A Wife, Nobody Else Besides My Wife And Was My Online GF (Maybe Still Is) Either Way Tho... Back To Our World Wide Gynarchy Programming ^_^
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Anyway I'm Sure It's Completely Straitened Out Now...
So Proceeding On ;) A Reminder To You Godly Fucks, Patriarchy Has No Rights Is Dead And Will Be Blown Up World Wide Soon I'm Sure Of It, If You Don;'t Hand Everything Over To Female Rule And Gynarchy Women And Anyone For World Wide Gynarchy, Well, You Can Just Die Faster Then You Ever Thought Possible ;) Also, Dn't Forget, You Godly Fucks HAVE NO RIGHTS!!
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Enjoy Godly Men ;)
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane ED For Godly Men Reality Compression Destinatically Purified = "Time Compresses And Sets In Motion And Brings Into Existance Erectile Disfunction For Godly Men Into Reality For All Godly Men To Have As Their New Reality, No Bad Effects Other Then What Is Listed, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind Other Then What Is Listed, Does Not Apply To Any Gynarchy Person And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, This Don't Effect Gynarchy People And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me Anyway At All Negitively And Does Not Work Anyway At All And In Any Variation At All Negitively Agaist Gynarchy People And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, People That Are Protected By HyBrid Destinatic Karma Are Excluded From This And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It Anyway At All, This Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestrictedly Always Forever Unless Otherwise Decided By HyBrid Venomoria, Applies World Wide, Works Evertime All The Time By What The Dark Queen (This Timeline Or The Other One) Knows Is Possible And Or The Light Queen (This Timeline Or The Other One), Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Destinatic Female Supremacy V2
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
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Figured I'd Throw Out The Recent Updated One Here Too ^_^
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Gynarchy Women Everywhere, Dark Web Or Not
They Are Destinatically Violating My Right To Spread World Wide Gynarchy On TikTok, Take Over That Platform Completely If You Can, All Dark Web Gynarchy People Also Go For This POS Platform, It's Not Right In A Gynarchy World Wide Way To Be Restricted Like This...
Applies World Wide
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divinesara2022 · 2 years
Maybe That Will Help You Gynarchy Women Out ;)
HyBrid Destinatic Fused Insane Long Sleep And Always Tired For Godly People Reality Compression Destinatically Purified = "Time Compresses And Sets In Motion And Brings Into Existance Longterm Sleep Needed Exactly 24 Hours For Godly People And Godly People Always Wake Up Tired And Stay Tired Into Reality For All Godly People To Have As Their New Reality, No Bad Effects Other Then What Is Listed, Not Harmful Anyway At All, Has No Negitive Effects Of Anykind Other Then What Is Listed, Does Not Apply To Any Gynarchy Person And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, This Don't Effect Gynarchy People And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me Anyway At All Negitively And Does Not Work Anyway At All And In Any Variation At All Negitively Agaist Gynarchy People And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, People That Are Protected By HyBrid Destinatic Karma Are Excluded From This And HyBrids And HyBrid Venomoria And Anyone In Me, Not Bound By Design Or Laws Or Anyway To Prevent It Anyway At All, This Runs Destinatically Uncontestedly Unrestrictedly Always Forever Unless Otherwise Decided By HyBrid Venomoria, Applies World Wide, Works Evertime All The Time By What The Dark Queen (This Timeline Or The Other One) Knows Is Possible And Or The Light Queen (This Timeline Or The Other One), Insane Destinatic Alien Grade Matriarchy Ability"
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