xcherryerim · 4 months
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@claptondavis @onenonlydanforth @futturmangamez @billyburned @mike-schmidtten
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ask-jhutchverse-gals · 2 months
“That’s what I’m fucking saying!” Darlene declares.
“Do you really think that getting shitfaced will help this situation… at all?” Michelle interjected from the background as she walked by. Her sleepy voice indicating that she just woke up.
“I didn’t say it’d help, I just think it’d be better than just… sitting around waiting for something to happen.” Darlene muttered in response.
In the back more shuffling is heard as Michelle moves to get some coffee. Darlene continues speaking to the mic.
“I mean… I’m stuck on this shithole island and I can’t even have a smoke?” She asks no one in particular in an annoyed voice.
“Anyways… bye for now.” The recording ends.
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drilethetoppat · 4 months
Hutchverse accounts are making me consider cosplaying one of them, Futturman is the one that tempts me the most, but not only doing the cosplay, but also making accounts to make video blogs, anyway, I don't know what I should do, which one do I do first? (Keep in mind there is little budget)
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xcherryerim · 7 months
Josh hutcherson character multi verse would go something like this:
TW: Mentions of vaping.
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pt.2 | pt.3 | pt.4
Josh Futturman: “You know scamming people is wrong, right?”
Derek Danforth: “Yes, but I get a fuck ton of money and, in a few years i might become the most rich man in the USA.” Derek passes his vape to Billy after he smokes a fat one.
Billy: “damn… I should join that crypto shit too.” He grabs the vape and hits it before he does a disgusted look. He prefers real cigarettes to whatever artificial shit Derek smokes.
Mike Schmidt: Maybe i should too… I really need the money.
Billy: Bikers too?
Mike: No… what are you—
Josh: Am I the only normal one here?!
Billy, Derek, and Mike look at josh up and down as they raise their eyebrows, judging his geeky appearance.
Josh: Assholes.
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xcherryerim · 7 months
Josh hutcherson character multi verse would go something like this pt.2 :
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pt.1 | pt.3 | pt.4
Josh Futturman: “Why?”
Peeta Mellark: “I don’t know. I just don’t like Derek. He reminds me of the people from the capitol which isn’t a good thing…” He said looking at Josh and then started to chuckle to himself lightly.
Peeta: “He dresses as ridiculous as them too!” Both Josh and Peeta start to laugh uncontrollably.
Futturman suddenly stopped laughing and looked up.
Peeta: “He is right behind me isn’t he?” He asked with a fainted sigh.
Clapton: “Yep.”
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Billy: “Ha! I mean is true. Derek dresses ridiculously.” Billy said with a cheeky smirk.
Derek scuffs.
Derek Danforth: Uh, I know im not getting fucking judged by you guys. I don’t wanna hear it from people that can’t even fucking afford Dolce & Gabbana.”
Mike Schmidt: “Didn’t know they needed a clown mascot.” he mutter.
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xcherryerim · 4 months
Clapton is mclovin
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xcherryerim · 7 months
Hutchverse would go something like this pt. 5
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haha same.
@ Miikeschmidtt This shit is depressing the fuck out of me. I’m Ubering you both wingstop asap man.
Billy likes Wingstop.
hutchverse masterlist
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xcherryerim · 7 months
With your silly little joshverse how about Clapton meeting Sean Anderson??
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I feel like Anderson and Clapton are the total opposites, specially in school.
A teacher forced Sean to be Clapton’s partner for the rest of the school year.
At the begging, Anderson wasn’t too happy because he saw Clapton as a himbo. He didn’t want to deal with his banters and be dragged around the whole school year with Clapton.
However, after many study session they started to become closer and became friends!!
This is how I think one of their study sessions would go out:
Anderson: “Kingdom, phylum, class...”
Clapton: “Order, family, genus, species.”
Anderson looks at Clapton dumbfounded.
Anderson: “How did you—“
Clapton: “I use a mnemonic device. “ he said proudly. "Kevin, Please Come Over For Gay Sex."
Anderson: “Why wouldn’t you use Karen?”
clapton: “ ‘Cause it's Gay Sex, dummy.”
Anderson: “So use Great…”
Clapton: “Now I can't remember anything. Thanks!”
inspired by that scene in community bc i love that show so much
hutchverse masterlist.
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xcherryerim · 7 months
Can you please write another silly little "Josh Multiverse" snippet where they all make fun of Futterman.
...until he shows them his massive coc-
Josh hutcherson character multi verse would go something like this pt.3 :
idk how i could write that 😭 but i feel like this is how the scene would play out:
Futturman aimed at Derek btw. In my head Josh has a frenemies relationship with him.
Derek was sent to the hospital after this.
Billy caught the moment on camera and showed it to the rest. They promised to use this as blackmail in case is needed. (They don’t trust Derek.)
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xcherryerim · 7 months
Thinking about the hutchverse and how futturman has endured the horrors of almost every other character. On the run from angry bikers (Billy)? Check (1969). Participated in a mass-televised game meant to kill people (Peeta)? Check (diecathlon). Trying not to be murdered by a bald guy hellbent on shooting him (Derek)? Check (spartan killing machine). Time travel tomfuckery (Clapton)? Check. Maybe not Mike, unless you count having a minimum wage job…
my head just exploded from the realization. This is so true anon omg
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ask-jhutchverse-gals · 2 months
>Play Audio Message?
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> Yes selected!
> Playing voice recording!
The audio began to play, starting with two female voices whispering to each other before speaking properly.
“Ehem… Hello Tumblr! I’m coming he’d live from… uhm…. From a beach house!” Cherry started the audio with the most upbeat voice she could muster in the moment.
“My beach house!” Darlene interrupted from the background.
Cherry sighs before continuing the recording. “Yes yes… The one and only Darlene Danforth’s beach house! We don’t uhh… exactly know what we’re doing here but uhm… we found this account hoping we could document our time here and hopefully someone will find it!”
Cherry explained the whole predicament of them all suddenly waking up in this house on some kinda deserted island and that all she knows is there’s 5 other people here that she neither knows or knows why their all here either.
“Isn’t it a bit odd we have no cell reception yet we can still use this computer with no issues?” Marla butts in.
Cherry just shrugs in response. “You ask this stuff like we have any clue. We’re as clueless as you dude.”
“Sorry I just… don’t wanna be stuck here forever okay? I got a city to protect!” Marla declares in a heroic like tone.
“Kiddo, we’re not gonna be stuck here forever. Billie and Michelle are out on that boat outside trying to get it to start.” Josie try’s to reassure the two teens softly as the most worst timing just happened.
“We’re going to be stuck here forever!” Billie yells from the distance as she renters the house with Michelle.
“The fuck happened?!” Darlene calls out in response. Cherry just sighs knowing she’s not gonna get to finish this recording without being interrupted.
“Don’t ask us like we know, that hunk of junk just won’t fucking go.” Billie says calmly in response, not seeming like she wants to yell or stir up anything.
A very loud and very overdramatic gasp comes from Darlene, taking offense to something Billie said.
“Hunk of junk?! That is no hunk of junk that is a very nice mini yacht that should be treated with respect!” Darlene huffs as she whips back to the cabinets she was previously searching through.
“Seriously! Where the fuck did the martini mix go?!”
Billie scoffs as she approaches Darlene, a squabble between them blossoming.
As Cherry realized this she quickly turned back to the computer and spoke up again. “Shit uhh… I should just end the recording-“
“Wait this is recording?!” Josie interrupted Cherry once more as she went up to talk into the microphone.
“Josie, wait hey I’m doing something!” Cherry protested.
“No no this’ll only take a minute.” Josie says as she leans over the table to get to the mic.
“Hey Josie wait-!”
The last thing heard in the recording is the sound of chairs crashing as Josie had accidentally knocked over herself and Cherry. The recording was quickly ended by the still upright Marla who just ended it with no sign off.
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xcherryerim · 7 months
Why do the other members of the hutchverse put up with Derek??
Billy and Mike specifically. Both of them have problems that could be completely solved if Derek just loaned them a few thousand dollars 😭😭 it would be nothing to him.
And I mean... even Futterman could, like, move out of his parents' house and live on his own, maybe get a better job if Derek helped him.
I feel like they would hate him??!
(Also I might be exaggerating his wealth a but but yk what I mean)
Well it is a fictional universe but if we get technical with it… in my head these stories i make of them are after their movies / show events 😭
-I do feel like Derek would lend them some money but he wouldn’t like doing it TOO MUCH because he dosen’t want to be the friend that they simply use for his money.
So if they need money they have a transaction of some sorts to make it “even” for both parties.
-Mike WOULD NEVER ask for help unless he absolutely has to. I do see Derek lending one of his lawyers to Mike tbh.
– ALSO Futturman would never work for Derek because even if Futturman is a (cute) idiot, he would know Derek is scamming ppl and he wouldn’t want to take part on that.
But even then, I mention in the universe how they tease Derek and even said that they don’t fully trust him completely.
In my eyes Derek is like that typical friend in the group that you wonder why you’re even friends with them to begin with. HOWEVER If the universe was real EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER would HATE Derek.
Im sorry to the Derek stans but he is a bad person (also billy too probably but not as bad as Derek)
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xcherryerim · 4 months
Hutchverse pt. 8(?)
Would be lying if I said Derek wasn’t amused by this
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xcherryerim · 6 months
Futturman invites Mike to his podcast
(hutchverse pt.7)
I doubt Mike is coming back to Futturman’s podcast after this…
(audio is taken from the basement yard podcast 🫶🏻)
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xcherryerim · 7 months
futturman in a call of duty cosplay
futturman in a call of duty cosplay
futturman in a call of duty cosplay
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Also tell me why I see futturman taking the hutchverse gang to a convention (everyone is forced to do a cosplay) and Derek dressess like johnny cage
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