#Hunter fierro x mc
raleighcarrera · 3 years
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a night is all one needs to move the heavens themselves.
by @lady-red-wolf for @trmaw ❤️
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I don't only get art with Kayden, y'know. Just most of the time.
Okay, okay. This was the first Hunter piece I commissioned. Fine. You got me. 😂😂 I'm getting other characters and sprites now, I swear. My main focus is still my Kayden x mc pairing, but I have plans for inclusivity.
You can find the artist on Instagram (isbell.ihalom) and Twitter (isbellihalom). They're amazing. I can't wait for the second piece I have with them to be finished. Should be soon!
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nala-raines · 3 years
Christmas For A Hunter’s Prey
Author’s Note: I did the Secret Santa with the Instagram Fandom again this year. I may not have posted the other one, but I’m posting this one. Also, I didn’t finish The Royal Masquerade, so I didn’t feel could accurately portray the all of the secondary characters, so I had to leave some parts vague. Any who. Merry Christmas Everyone!
Summary: After everything that happened in the social season, Hunter and Rheya prepare to celebrate their first Christmas together. But not all is how it seems. Hunter has behaved strangely over the past two months. Does his behavior have something to do with Christmas?
’I still can’t believe she chose me.’ Hunter thought, staring at his Rheya. His love.
She fought with everything she had to become Queen of Cordonia. But when she did, the people became divided and a war was on the horizon. Until they found Fabian. Fabian offered to marry Rheya so she could remain Queen. However, she refused Fabian’s offer, so she could publicly be with Hunter Fierro. The man she loves.
This had all happened months ago. The people are content, Fabian is doing well as king, but has asked for Rheya’s opinion a few times, Annalisa is Head of House Everhart. And Rheya spends her time either in the library or with Hunter.
Christmas is in two days, and King Fabian has invited them to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas at the palace. As a thank you for supporting and helping him in leading the country. As both Rheya and Hunter became his closest and most trusted confidants. It was their first Christmas together, it would also be their first public event since they started courting.
“Why are you staring at me, my love?” Rheya asked looking up at Hunter.
“I’m just marveling at your beauty, my heart.” He responded with a smile.
“Ever the flirt.”
“Except now, I only flirt with you.”
“But I have seen other woman fawn over you.”
“I can’t help that I’m naturally charming. But I am nothing but polite with the ladies since you captured my heart. So think nothing of others turning my head.”
“I never do.” She said, caressing the side of his face. Before leaning up for a kiss. He meets her halfway, kissing her sweetly. They continue for a few minutes before Rheya pulls away.
“I would love to stay, but I told Annalisa that I would help her organize a few things before we head to the palace tomorrow.”
“Hmmm,” was Hunter’s only response. As he continued to kiss down her neck.
“Hunter, I have to get up,” Rheya breathlessly.
“Must you, truly, get up? At this very moment?” He asked, with a cheeky grin. Rheya just sighed, before pushing on his shoulder, rolling him onto his back, and straddling him.
“Sadly, yes. I have to get dressed, gather my things, then go home to help my sister.” She said before quickly kissing his lips. He stuck out his lower lip in a pout. That she just shook her head at. “Don’t worry my love, you will see me again in a few days.”
“For Christmas.” He said with a bright smile. She nodded her head and got off the bed to get dressed. Hunter reluctantly got up and followed Rheya’s lead by getting dressed. Afterward, Hunter walked Rheya out the door and to her carriage. Hunter holds Rheya tight. Refusing to let her go.
“Hunter… you are going to see me tomorrow. And you did say you would escort me, did you not?”
“I suppose I did.” He paused to think for a moment, “But that does not make it easier to let you go.”
“Well, I have to go. Annalisa is expecting me. But I will see you tomorrow evening.” She says holding Hunter’s face in her hands. He nods slowly.
“I will see you tomorrow evening. I love you.” Hunter said reverently. 
“I love you, Hunter,” Rheya said before kissing him sweetly. After they separated, Hunter assisted Rheya into her carriage. Watching as her carriage, until it was out of sight.
“Sir, your breakfast is getting cold.” A butler said from behind him.
“Very well. Thank you.” Hunter walked inside and the butler noticed that Lord Ferrio was saddened as he looked around the foyer. When he heard Lord Ferrio mumble something.
“I’m sorry sir. I did not hear you.”
Hunter just shook his head before looking at his butler, “It was just a personal thought really. But I said that everything here may change soon. If Lady Rheya wishes it so.” He offered the butler a small, secretive smile, before walking to the dining room.
“Thank you for helping me finish organizing all of this,” Annalisa said, walking over to Rheya.
“You’re welcome, Annalisa. You know that these children have a special place in my heart.” She said with a smile.
Annalisa respectfully declined the king’s invitation. She had decided to open the house to some of the children from the orphanage. They would arrive tomorrow and until after Christmas. When Rheya found out, she wanted to stay and give her attention to the children. Annalisa wouldn’t hear it.
Rheya had been busy helping the King, being with Hunter, and having people come to her with their problems, hoping she could help them. Annalisa also knew that, although they had gone public, this would be Rheya and Hunter’s first public event together. And She would not allow anything to change that.
“Although,” Rheya continued. “I  know that the invitation is through Christmas day, but I could come home after the ball. I’m sure Hunter would love to stay and help with the children.”
“Rheya, we’ve been over this. This is your first public event since you both begin courting. You are both staying until Christmas afternoon.” Annalisa stated, “I know you want to be here for the children, however, this Christmas is important for both you and Hunter.”
Rheya sighs, “I know. I want to go, but Hunter has been a little out of sorts lately.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean he’s been acting odd. He’s been a little distant, while also holding me close and refusing to let me go. I am a little worried about what his behavior could mean.”
“Rheya…,” Annalisa said, walking over to her sister, giving her a tight hug, “He’s probably just nervous about Christmas, or his father or sister is bothering him. I’m sure it’s nothing about you.”
“I’m sure you’re right. He’s just, the first ma I have ever loved. I want everything with him.” Rheya said, sad at the idea of not being with Hunter.
“I am sure he wants the same. He looks at you like you are the only woman in the world.” Annalisa said, trying to soothe her sister’s fears. ‘I wonder why he’s… OH! That’s why.’ 
“I’m sure you’re right, Annalisa,” Rheya said with a small smile. “Since we are done, I’m going to make sure I have everything I need for the ball and Christmas.”
Rheya walked up to her room. She had already triple-checked her bags. Her dresses, corsets, shoes, everything she needed was packed. She couldn’t help but wonder what had gotten into Hunter. She couldn’t think of anything that would but a rift between them. She thought that they had been open and honest with each other. But she knew that something caused the change. She just was confused about what had changed.
Like she told Annalisa, Hunter often refused to let her go. Consistently holding her hand, holding her waist, or kissing her often. He was also being distant, looking like something was on his mind, but every time she asked what he was thinking, he would brush it off, telling her it was nothing.
‘I really hope nothing is wrong with us.’ She thought. Rheya yawned, tired from her busy day. She got ready for bed, thinking about everything. ‘Hunter and I will be fine. He was probably just thinking about a gift. Right?’
She fell asleep not long after her head hit the pillow. She dreamt about Christmas and what good it might bring. Little did she know, what Christmas would really have in store.
Rheya woke up early Christmas Eve morning. She quickly went through her morning routine, picked out a dress she would wear until she had to get ready for the King’s Christmas Ball. She went downstairs and double-checked that everything was ready for the children.
Not long after, Annalisa came down and the two sat down to breakfast. Rheya was feeling better than she did last night, she was still nervous. But figured that after everything they had been through, they survive whatever he’s going through.
The children arrived a few hours later. Rheya and Annalisa greeted them with wide smiles as the children walked in thanking them for opening up their home for Christmas.
“It’s our pleasure to have you here,” Rheya said standing by her sister.
“It truly is. Now I want to give you all a tour of the estate. By the time we’re done, lunch should be done. Does that sound good?” Annalisa asked 
“Yeah!” The children exclaimed. They went through the library, serval bedrooms, the main hall, kitchen, and finally, the dining hall. Where a huge buffet was waiting for them. The kids tried to contain their excitement, Rheya noticed that every one of the children was vibrating. She cleared her throat to get the children’s attention.
“You don’t have to hide your excitement here. None of you do.” Rheya said.
“But, that it’s not a proper way to behave.” A little girl said, obviously shy.
She bent down to look at the little girl, "What's your name?”
The little girl looked down, before answering, “My name is Ruby.” She responded in a sweet voice.
“Well Ruby, it may not be proper. However, Christmas is a time where everyone should tap into their inner child. That includes the excitement of something new.” She said with a smile. “Besides I had the same reaction when I first moved here, my parents encouraged me to enjoy everything they had to offer. Which meant squealing and laughing at everything that made me happy.” She stood up, looking at all of the children, “That rule, now applies to all of you.”
“I am in total agreement sister,” Annalisa said, smiling at her sister. “Now that a new rule has been established, why don’t we eat?”
The children started becoming more and more spirited after that. Rheya enjoyed watching the children while they ate and asked her and Annalisa questions about the estate and their lives and such. 
After they were done with lunch, Rheya excused herself so she could get ready for the ball. The children started asking more questions about royal balls, King Fabian, and the other royals that attend them. As Rheya walked up the stairs, she smiled, listening to the children chatting with each other and her sister.
When she got to her room, she picked up her dress and got ready. Two hours later, she was in her dress and ready for when Hunter comes to get her. Which should be soon. She heard a knock on the door, 
“Come in.” She called out.
“My lady,” one of her servants came in, “Lord Fierro is here .”
“Thank you. Would you get Mr. Woods and Mr. Parsons to carry my bags downstairs please?” 
“Yes, ma’am.”
Rheya smiled and began walking down the stairs. As she descended the stairs, she saw Hunter. He is wearing his usual red and gold pattern shirt, black trousers and a black cape. However, he is currently, surrounded by the children they had taken in. He was also holding Ruby, answering some of her questions. The man she loves, holding a child, made her heart swell.
*’I hope that will be us one day.’* She thought.
Hunter looked up a moment later, smiling at her. His eyes widened, as he took in her dress. It was red with gold detailing along the sleeves, edge of the skirt, and the bodice. He gently set Ruby down, stood up, and walked over to Rheya.
He took her hand and as he bowed, he kissed her knuckles. “You look lovely Lady Everhart.”
“Thank you, Lord Fierro,” Rheya said blushing. “Thank you for escorting me to the ball tonight.”
“The pleasure is all mine. Are you ready to depart?” Hunter asked.
“Yes, my bags just need to be loaded up.” As she said that, Mr. Parsons and Mr. Woods brought down her bags and took them to the carriage. Annalisa walked over and hugged her sister.
“Be safe Rheya.” She said, Rheya nodded still grinning. “Now you keep an eye on her Lord Fierro,” Annalisa stated, giving Hunter a stern look.
“I will do everything in a power to keep Lady Rheya safe,” Hunter assured her, placing his hand over his heart, and bowing his head slightly.
Annalisa nodded, before turning back to her sister, “Now you two best be off, you don’t want to be late. We’ll be fine here.”
“You’re right,” Rheya said bending down a little to address the children. “I’m sorry I have to go. But I will be back tomorrow evening. I hope you all sleep well. Merry Christmas.”
“Merry Christmas Lady Everhart.” The children repeated as Hunter took Rheya’s arm and led her to the carriage, as the servants finish securing her bags. Hunter helped Rheya into the carriage and sat next to her. After the driver made everything was secure and everyone was ready, they were off to the palace.
Halfway to the palace, neither of them had said a word. Rheya leaned against Hunter’s shoulder, relishing the calm for they see the other nobles. And Hunter, he just looked at Rheya, happy to attend the ball with her. However, after meeting Ruby, he had a question that had be to answered.
“Rheya, how do you feel about children?” He asked.
Rheya was surprised at the question and turned her head to look at him better. He was looking at her, his face serious.
“I love children. Why do you ask?”
He grins slightly, brushing a few stray hairs off her face. “I meant, how do you feel about having children?”
“Oh, I would like to have children one day. Either by blood or by adopting them.” Rheya answers, setting up so she could see him better. “How do you feel about having children?”
“In truth, once, I only thought I would have children out of duty.” He paused before continuing, “However, now, I want children to love and watch grow. But only with the right woman at my side.” He finished with a wide smile looking right into Rheya’s eyes.
Rheya was both shocked by Hunter’s words and thrilled by them. She wanted to be with Hunter, marry him, and have children with him. She hoped he wanted the same with her.
The ball was a huge success. Most of the royal court were present. Some still held a grudge from how the social season ended, but all things considered, it was a very pleasant evening. Hunter and Rheya danced for most of the evening. All of the worries melted away as they connected with the other royals.
As it got closer to midnight, some royals returned to their estates. While others took up King Fabian’s offer to let them stay at the palace. Rheya, after realizing how late it was, turned to Hunter.
“Hunter, I think it’s time we turn in for the night.” She said.
Hunter had noticed that Rheya’s eyes had begun to droop. But he had one thing to do tonight. “You are right. There is also something I have to show you before you go to bed.”
Rheya nodded as Hunter took her arm. They said their goodbyes to Fabian and the others. As they walked to Rheya’s room, they were both quiet. Rheya wondered what Hunter wanted to show her. When she got to her room, Hunter opened the door and guided Rheya to sit on her bed.
“Forgive me, love. I’m very tired.” Rheya said, covering her mouth while she yawned. Hunter just chuckled, taking her hand and kneeling in front of her. 
“There’s nothing to forgive. I understand that today has been a long, but this can’t wait any longer.” Hunter told her, still holding onto her hand.
This made Rheya a while more aware of what was going on. It also reminded her of Hunter’s odd behavior the past few months. “Hunter is everything alright? You have been behaving differently as of late.” Rheya asked concerned.
“No, of course not. As for my behavior, I’m hoping this will explain it.” Hunter closed his eyes, taking a deep breath to gather his courage. “Lady Rheya Everhart, when we met I was Crown Regent. Resigned to marry a woman to secure relations with a foreign government. However, when I met you I began to wish for more. I wished to marry you, to have you by my side for the rest of my life.
“When Fabian offered to marry you, so you could remain queen. I was torn, I wished for you to remain queen, because of everything you did to earn the respects of the other royals as well as the common folk. However, I knew if you took his offer, our love would have to be hidden, aside from our closest allies, and at that my heart broke.” He took another deep breath, “I, truly, would have supported you if you chose to marry him. But I was relieved that you chose me. With that said”
Hunter reached into his pocket pulling out a ring. “Lady Rheya, my greatest wish is to be with you. For you to be the mother of our children, by blood or by adoption. I wish for you to be my wife. So please, will you become, Lady Fierro, by becoming my wife?”
Rheya was stunned, the man she loves wanted to marry her. Rheya knew her answer. “Yes, Hunter. I will marry you.” Rheya answered, looking at Hunter with tears in her eyes. “I would love nothing more,” She said smiling with tears running down her cheeks.
Hunter breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the happiness in Rheya’s eyes. He slipped the gold-banded ruby ring, onto her left-hand ring finger, smiling like a love-sick fool. Hunter continued to hold her hand, he shook his head, running his other hand through his hair, laughing.
He stood up, picking Rheya up, spinning her around in a circle. When he set her down, he kissed her sweetly. Right as the clock struck midnight.
Rheya broke the kiss, looking out the window to see that snow had to begin to fall. She lets out a chuckle as she wiggles her fingers, marveling at her engagement ring. Then her eyes rest on Hunter, who is just staring at his love.
“I love you, Lord Hunter Fierro.”
“As I love you, Lady Rheya Fierro.” Rheya’s face began to hurt because she couldn’t seem to stop smiling.
“Merry Christmas my love,” Hunter said holding Rheya close. 
“Merry Christmas,” Rheya responded. 
Hunter picked Rheya up and carried her to bed. They laid down watching the snow fall, not caring about the fact they were still in there in their formal wear. They enjoyed being together on Christmas. This year would be the first of many.
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omgjasminesimone · 5 years
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And I’m still gonna marry Hunter no one is gonna stop me.
195 notes · View notes
sadgirllovesmusic · 5 years
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Aww he's done with his thot ways
167 notes · View notes
oddlylovingthoughts · 5 years
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god-save-the-keen · 5 years
Hunter diamond scene was like...
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And, honestly? It was fucking hot! 💖🔥
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chanceisagoodboy · 5 years
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adrrianraines · 5 years
―bewildered attempts. | (hunter)
genre: romance book: the royal masquerade pairings: male!hunter fierro x mc + sensory prompts 34) the feel of fingers brushing together by accident; 54) the moment when reality starts to make sense again. song inspiration: comfortable―lauv.
disclaimer: in which writer asks them self stupidly, is this a slow burn? aight, this is a part of a writing exercise that i just decided i’d do today lmao. reviews and comments are much appreciated please thank you xx
HE HAD SEEN IT HIMSELF, even reveled to the beauty of it, shrouded to the core and mystified in a cloud of enigma. The hunger in the pit of his stomach, never ever settling―the thirst to experience what’s new―perhaps a bit too demanding. Who was she? A question indeed, that he asked himself far more times than his finger could count yet only for a mere matter of seconds.
Sometimes when he’s in a crowd, face hidden behind a mask, his mind goes away from himself. Up and about, tuning out of a measly nonsensical conversation. He would smile and nod, pretending to care. It takes a moment, sometimes a few minutes to remember where he is, who he is, and why he even bothers himself with all this camaraderie. It’s a thought that’s as sobering as it was enticing.
However, the moment that their eyes met, Hunter Fierro found himself beguiled. The court zoned out and her delicate figure soon occupied his thoughts. It’s not that he enjoyed it―the whittling of her brightness, the fluttering of her skirt and the look of utter unfamiliarity on her face. However, he found himself walking towards her, a smile on his lips―one he couldn’t control. Her shoulders tensed upon sensing him and when she finally whirled to turn, his mirth even grew wider. Bewitching, his risqué mind thought.
“May I steal you for a moment, my lady…?” His smooth voice rolled perfectly off of his mouth, causing her lips to perk up in response. Her shoulders set, stance finally relaxing under his presence. He found himself pleased, smug even, that his charms were truly something any woman couldn’t resist.
“But of course,” She’s surprised, he could tell. The way she puckered her lips as she looked at him only caused his gaze to focus more on her mouth. And in that moment, he felt it, the crackling of the tiny space separating them, the heat in the air, the small flame igniting―causing him to think that he never wanted anything more than to hold her, touch her, taste her despite not knowing her name.
“I’d say I’m quite curious, for I know all of the noble ladies in this court. Yet strangely… I’m sure I would never forget a face as beautiful as yours.” Hunter wooed with a perfectly charming and rehearsed smile on his lips.
“Oh no. We must rectify that.” She teased with a voice sounding like silk. “But I don’t know who you are. It seems that it was me who may have forgotten you in the first place.” He was smiling giddily at her attempt at a banter, features having the look of a child who had received his first taste of a sweet treat, yet more than he ever let himself produce for the past years.
“Perhaps it’s high time to correct that assumption?” He paused as he bit his lip, suddenly at a loss under her prepossessing stare. For him, her presence was something unfamiliar yet familiar. Like a bird soaring the skies, only temporarily resting on his lair. She felt like freedom, like she wasn’t familiar of the claws of the court and as if she didn’t belong to anyone else other than herself.
“Would you be kind to spare me a dance?” He had assumed then that she’d say yes instantaneously, experience gauging him to do so. Yet, for the love of all Cordonia’s apples and for the first time in a while, he was proved wrong.
“The night is still young. I will think about it.” She smiled politely, as if to flush an overwhelming sensation in her system. His breathing hitched at her answer. For a close moment, he looked as if he almost didn’t catch what she said. Hunter was rendered speechless at the unexpected declination. He watched at how her cheeks flushed a light color of rosy red under his stare, hands then fidgeting on the hem of her sleeves. The exchange was as awkward as it was unbearable.
“B-but…! If you truly want to dance with me…” Her voice stammered, almost as if feeling sorry for him. He was so amused by this that he found himself absurdly grinning of all things.
“Don’t fret. The night is indeed young. Meet me at the dance floor, should you come with a decision.” He eased out, trying to hide the perturbation evident on his features. The taste of disappointment was as bitter as the books described it to be. Yet despite this, his arm moved on its own. Before he could even stop himself, his fingertips were already brushing against hers, much to his surprise, and very much more for the other.
Caught in a moment, trapped in time, he froze in the middle of the exchange, hand hanging dead in the air, heat rising knots on his cheeks. The look on her face was not that of a pleasant surprise. He couldn’t even tell what it meant. Even if he’s knowledgeable with the ways of women―the stillness of the moment, the unexpectedness of the touch of his bewildered attempt, the feel of skin against skin, and the shroud of mystery lingering like a thin veil stopped his game.
He was about to speak for due apologies but was cut off with her unreserved laughter, finally slicing through the strained atmosphere. It was so sudden that he found himself laughing with her. Then, swiftly, he moved to clasp her hand against his own, lips descending down to her knuckles. He planted a soft, tender kiss on the delicate skin of her hand, mouth lingering longer than desired before pulling away.
Her cheeks flushed a deep scarlet as he watched her unconsciously touching the spot that he just kissed. Who are you? Who are you? His mind wondered. With hazel orbs watching how she vividly observed him, he finally let his temporary goodbye slip like a promise. “I will be waiting.”
However, under the pretense of dancing bodies, a smooth and romantic lull, and a crowd full of women who’d jump him at any given chance―strangely, Hunter found himself all alone as he stood at the edge of the dance floor. His eyes were focused on a certain pair of bodies gliding elegantly before him. For there they were, his Crown Shield and the mysterious lady who caught so much of his undivided attention dancing together closely, too close for his opinion. Now, he wasn’t the jealous type, but he marvels right then and there for the reason as to why he feels a wrenching feeling on his chest. His gaze followed Kayden’s hand who carefully held her close by the waist while the other clasped their palms together as they waltzed their way in the middle of the milieu.
It felt like being punched in the gut, watching them dance, that is. All at once, he felt the urge to leap forward, to just take her hand and whisk her away. Foolish, his mind say. Much to his chagrin, her luminous eyes, her plump lips, the tinge of a pink shine on her nose, and the smoothness of her skin makes him think he truly might be. It didn’t help that he can see it all and yet… he’s far enough to experience it. Hunter had to fight hard at the rising bile that accompanies a quivering heart and a twinging soul.
He doesn’t know it yet, but in the moment that it takes the quartet to gracefully strum the finale, followed by the remnants of being indirectly rejected and the displeasure of having to watch it transpire before him, Lord Hunter of House Fierro’s desire blossomed even further. It comes out of nowhere as his mind scrambles to catch it, still not used to his thoughts leading him back towards the unpleasant feeling residing on his chest and on the pit of his stomach.
She’s like a bird circling the sun. He’s afraid to look up, he thinks to himself, as he walked towards her, finally realizing that he needed to know her name.
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Hunter's confession if you chose them. (Since it seems most people chose Kayden.)
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made-me-deep-blue · 5 years
choices secret Santa - give you the world (m!hunter x mc)
To the beautiful @aloehasrose, I’m your secret Santa this year! I hope you love this fic as much as I did writing it as I tried my very best to include as much of the things that you prefered within my comfort zone x
Based on the song ‘Give You The World’ sung by Jessica Karpov from the anime ‘Carole and Tuesday’! Hope you like it <3
Props to @andi-the-cat for hosting this secret Santa! Lots of love baby xoxo
Camille liked silent nights.
Something she’d favoured and preferred whilst growing up. A night where it was only just her and nature.
With fate having its own plans, Camille didn’t have much time to take a breather, something that she pretty much enjoyed while she was still ‘trapped’ at the library with her horrendously, dry job. Thank goodness the library had collections of romance novels to keep her company.
The lady stared at her wine glass for a moment, before scoffing and shaking her head, laughing to herself. “Thank goodness this is something I poured out myself. I think I’m going to be staying away from wine, any kind really, from now on.”
“A wise choice, my lady.”
The male voice intruding her seemingly silent night made her choke on her drink. 
Camille didn’t let the anger and annoyance rise so quickly, however. After getting her body back (thank the gods) from the hallucinations and terrible symptoms that the god-damned Cantarella was giving her, she felt like needed to...sink into the feeling of having her emotions and her body, really, in control. 
But that felt way out of her league at the moment. She felt like she couldn’t bring herself to display some good emotions and attitude.
So Camille spun on her heel, shooting King-Regent Hunter Fierro an icy glare from where he was leaning against the doorframe.
“First of all, I’m even surprised dear Vasco didn’t even intervene in your timely visit, Your Regency,” Camille drawled. “Second of all, whatever could you possibly need from my personal sanctuary, Hunter?”
From the way she phrased her words, Hunter immediately raised his hands in silent defence, using one of them to close the door gently behind him. “Pardon the intrusion then, my lady. I just...wanted to check on you. I hope that’s alright with you.”
“Is that your way of flirting with me, Hunter Fierro?”
“H-Hey! I was just being concerned and gravely worried for you, alright? I hope that answer...suffices, Camille,” Hunter looked at the floor sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
Camille laughed, a melodious and shimmering sound carrying across the air and into the late night. She waved a dismissive hand in front of her. “I’m just teasing, Hunter. But do be warned, I’m not really in the best mood since you decided to intrude my night alone.”
Camille liked the way the King-Regent acted around her, compared to the very calm and composed, cheeky and flirty demeanour he usually displays whenever he was on his duties at court or during social events where ladies would flock to him like birds. He was always reduced to a puddle of an awkward and dorky mess every time she was around him.
However, given how his twin sister Renza had broken that trust they had formed during their time together, despite not being part of her scheme, Hunter needed to redeem himself as Renza’s twin brother.
Maybe the poison had already eaten too far into her mind and senses that she couldn’t even tell reality and the dream world apart. 
You keep me holding on Bated breath, it's always something
Hunter walked closer, carefully, to be exact. He didn’t want to overwhelm the woman he loved so dearly, especially when she just recovered from the poisoning she didn’t know she had been receiving at all of those social events they were attending the past few weeks. And when it was his sister doing all the dirty work.
“I know with everything going on revolving around my sister and...my House, in general, you still might not trust me,” Hunter’s boots clicked against the polished marble floor. He soon joined Camille at the balcony. “I want to rebuild that trust between us...if you would allow me.”
Camille felt the mood built in the atmosphere, but she couldn’t help tease the King-Regent again. Ah, a true lady of House Rosario, indeed.
“Sure, I’ll consider that proposal, Your Regency,” she mused, with a raised eyebrow. “If you would do the pleasures of having a private dance with me right now. You know, the one that your very lovely, Crown Shield stole from you on the night we first met.”
Baby, you like to play your games Messing with my brain like it's nothing
Hunter then laughed, the manly but yet soothing voice, music to Camille’s ears. “Kayden isn’t usually easily intrigued, mind you. She only pays attention to suspicious people—”
“Oh, so you’re saying that I’m suspicious?” Camille placed a hand on her hip, sipping on her sparkling tonic. “My, my, Your Regency, I might tell dear Kayden tomorrow that I favour her more than the Regent whom she protects, who is also very poor in terms of courtship—”
When you call, I come running right over the edge And I'm falling, mmhmm
As fast as a shooting star, Hunter swept Camille into his powerful and strong arms, tucking his head into the crook of the woman’s neck. Camille felt his fingers lightly pressing into her small of her back, the heat radiating from the pads of his fingers reaching her through the thin fabric of her nightgown, which was doing a fair job of covering her lower half.
“I was going to finish my sentence, Lady Camille,” Hunter murmured into Camille’s skin, causing the woman’s skin to turn pebbled. “And if you’re going to address me by my title again, I’m afraid you won’t have your private dance.”
Camille giggled, unable to keep up with the banter they were having. Her sour mood was getting lighter by the minute, surely improved by the Regent’s presence. She gently pushed Hunter away, hands firm on his chest. “Alright, alright, I’ll cooperate with you.”
She slid her left-hand tentatively up Hunter’s right arm, allowing her hand to rest on his bicep while he brushed his left hand up her back, cupping her left shoulder blade. Camille and Hunter locked eyes while his hand wrapped around hers.
Got me chasing these eight letters, three words, just say it "I'm all in"
“Allow us to start off with a simple box step, shall we?” The question came out softer than intended. Like it was an intimate moment shared between them. 
Camille gladly welcomed that affection Hunter offered.
“Lead the way.”
Don't you know, baby I would give you the world?
With the moon shining gracing her presence onto Cordonia, its silver light seemed to heighten Camille’s beauty, capturing all the intricate features which no ordinary man could ever describe as how Hunter would. The light in her emerald green eyes was like the pearls of the Cordonian seas; he wanted to plunge deep into the depths of those eyes and drown himself into the sea of Rosario green.
But you take it from me
He definitely could not forget the soft, rosy lips that he managed to relish on his very own that night after they had returned to the estate, escaping from The Legacy.
They were now slightly parted before him, their breaths mingling between their close distances.
Hunter hesitated, but looked away, catching Camille’s attention.
“What is it, Hunter?” She asked.
“Are you…” Hunter grumbled to himself, trying to grapple onto the right words. “Can I kiss you?”
Can't you see I would do Oh, everything for you?
Camille’s breath caught in her throat and shyly nodded as her answer. 
I'd steal you the moon, and the sun, the stars, every one If you would just say I'm your girl
Both of them pressed closer together, feeling the heat in their exchanged breaths increase as they met in the centre with a gentle kiss; a promise that neither will break the trust. After they got used to feeling their lips on each other, they kissed with a little more passion, not fervour; a promise to have each other, forever and a day.
I'd give you the world, I'd give you the world, oh-oh
As they pulled apart, Hunter rested his forehead against Camille’s, catching their breaths in this moment. Together. Under the moon and stars. The King-Regent looked into those green eyes again, reflecting Camille’s House’s colour, and admired the light in them. Like a moon up in the sky.
“I’m sorry, so sorry, for whatever that has happened to you, Camille,” Hunter whispered, though Camille thought that she heard his voice crack. “I promise to gain back your trust, no matter what. And then I’ll protect you, with my body and soul, from what fate offers us in her plans. To whatever end.”
Camille squeezed Hunter’s hand, basking in the warmth radiating off his body. “To whatever end?”
“To whatever end, my dearest lady.”
I didn't want no one I was over love, always something
“I’m sorry about losing trust in you though,” Camille said, guilt casting over her eyes. “The poison really ate away into my mind and senses. I couldn’t really distinguish whatever that was real or the hallucinations that I’ve experienced.”
Hunter shook his head. “No, it’s not your fault at all. And as it was mentioned, no one could have known what my sister was up to all this time.”
Baby, you caught me off my guard And held me in your arms Heartbeat pumping
Camille pulled away, looking into Hunter’s brown eyes. Despite it not being in the day, she could see hazel brown under the silver moonlight. “You’re a good person, Hunter. You’re out here as King-Regent, trying to be the best leader out there for the Cordonian people. You may have like an exact carbon copy like you out there scheming for your demise, but what’s important—”
Camille tapped on Hunter’s chest, where his heart lay.
“—is that you are strong, here.”
When you touch me, I melt In your hands like your fire in December, yeah
Hunter laughed, a song to Camille’s ears, as he gathered her in his arms and spun her around in a circle. “Quite a speech, my lady,” he smirked as he pulled apart. “I can’t wait for you to say more of those when you become my Queen.”
“Oh?” Camille raised an impressive brow, a smirk tugging at the end of her lips. She slid her hands up Hunter’s shoulders and cupped the back of his neck. “Bold of you to assume, Lord Fierro. Do you really have whatever it takes to make me your Queen?”
But no matter how close we get You never seem to surrender
Hunter chuckled, a rumble in his chest. “A true lady of House Rosario indeed. Of course, I will do anything in my power as the King-Regent to have you by my side.”
He then positioned themselves back to where they originally were positioned before they were in each other’s arms. “Now, my lady, shall we finish our dance together?”
“Yes, Your—” Camille smiled, feeling looser and better than she was in weeks. “I mean, yes, my lord. We shall.”
Don't you know, baby I would give you the world?  
Their feet carried them across the balcony, back and forth. With Camille and Hunter exchanging elegant moves with little effort. Without care to the world around them, whether it was crashing down and burning or it was the end of the universe, they would forever be together. Right here and now, in each other’s company.
But you take it from me 
Hunter’s eyes did not leave the woman before him, following his moves with quick precision and elegance of a swan. To think that she knew that much whilst being a library scribe before her world seemed to change overnight with a fateful night at the royal masquerade.
He had met Camille’s adoptive older sister, Annalisa, shortly after she awoke from her coma. Indeed, she was also pretty (as do all of the ladies he had come across in his life), but it somehow did not reach the tier of the beauty of how he saw Camille in his eyes.   
Perhaps it did not run in Annalisa’s blood as well.
Can't you see I would do Oh, everything for you?  
“Are you alright, Hunter?” Camille asked. “You’re doing that scary thing where you faze out whilst looking deep into my eyes.”
“Can’t I admire them?” Hunter rebuked, earning a smile from his lady. “Or shall I dance with you blindfolded?”
Camille purposely stepped on Hunter’s boot, causing the Regent to bite his lower lip hard to keep his painful howl of protest in, careful to not draw any unwanted attention to Camille’s chamber. “You’re awfully horrible at flirting, Hunter.”
“Please do know that I am, trying my very best.”
“Visibly so,” Camille chuckled, easily following along as Hunter swept his foot in an arc and brought her low. “You have your dashing looks still, so you do not need to fret.”
I'd steal you the moon, and the sun, the stars, every one If you would just say I'm your girl        
“But my dashing looks are only for you,” Hunter purred, his breaths coming in hot against Camille’s throat as he dipped her. “Why do you think I picked you to dance with that night at the masquerade then?”
Camille turned contemplative. “Maybe...to look for a new prey? Besides, those ladies around you that night were definitely your familiars.”
Hunter grinned smugly as he brought Camille up, pressing her closer into his warm embrace. “How assumptive of you, Lady Rosario.”
I'd give you the world, I'd give you the world, ooh-ooh-ooh  
Hunter held onto the sides of Camille’s waist tight, preparing for a lift. 
From where he stood, seeing Camille’s hair flip as she was raised into the air—    
Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh I'm giving you all of my love          
His mouth went dry.
Oh-oh-whoa-oh-oh But boy, it's been long enough, oh Oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh     
Camille Rosario was definitely an angel sent from Heaven. It was like she was the embodiment of Aphrodite. Or perhaps even the goddess herself in this human body in his hands.
And when their eyes met in this heat of the moment, Hunter tried his best not to open his hands and drop her onto the ground in awe.
Gods, when did he get so lucky?
Don't you know I would give you the world?
After her feet touched the ground, she spun away from Hunter and then spun right back into his embrace. Next, a twirl, raising up the lady’s arm and conjured her in a spin. Resuming their waltz positioning, they allowed their feet to take them away. To end of their night together.
But you take it from me
Hunter tightened his grip on Camille as he led them, spinning in circles together. That caused the melodious laughter from his dance partner. An angel’s voice.
As he let go and they faced each other, they exchanged a bow and curtsy at the end of their private dance. Hunter then instinctively grabbed ahold of the woman and pulled her in for a passionate kiss.
Can't you see I would do Oh, everything for you?
It took everything in Camille to lightly push away Hunter and tapped the tip of his nose playfully before she could let things escalate, ignoring the guttered look in his beautiful eyes.
“No...not today, Hunter,” Camille said. She slowly slid her hand to cup Hunter’s cheek. It felt warm to the touch. Something she needed tonight. “Perhaps...you could hold me tonight?”
She turned away slightly, as if sheepish and guilty of her answer. “...please?” 
The word nearly turned silent on the last vowel, as if from a request turning into a plea, which made Hunter’s heart ache.
I'd steal you the moon, and the sun, the stars, every one If you would just say I'm your girl
Understanding filled Hunter’s eyes. He hooked Camille’s chin with his index finger and tilted it upwards so that he could see her directly, into those lovely, green emeralds he had always admired. From the night they met.
“Yes,” he murmured. He pulled Camille into his well-built, protective arms, allowing her to bask in the warmth of his embrace. 
Hunter took in her scent. A lingering scent of lavender, with a hint of cedarwood, lacing together in perfect harmony. He committed it to memory.
“Anything for you, Camille,” Hunter murmured into Camille’s hair. “Anything.”
I'd give you the world, I'd give you the world, oh-oh, oh-oh
Perhaps not all will be lost, if there were more people like Hunter Fierro, in this gods-damned world.
And everything will be alright.
I'd give you the world
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raleighcarrera · 3 years
the royal masquerade | hunter fierro x mc (juliet rosario)
hunter & juliet return to the library. for @trmaw 🖤
~2k words | E (18+)
“so...” hunter murmurs, the seriousness implied in the low tone of his voice betrayed by the way one corner of his mouth is lifted in an improper smirk, “this is the library.”
despite herself, she’s as charmed as ever by his absurdity. juliet huffs out a laugh under her breath, slowly shaking her head. “i can’t believe you’ve never stepped inside.”
“i was rather busy with a few other things.” his smirk widens. “plus, you know me. i’m not exactly one for being quiet.”
she hums, the sound bordering on the edge of disapproving. she knows exactly what hunter of house fierro has been doing instead of reading in the library. the reason they never crossed paths in her past is because before her, hunter spent most of his free time bedding the women who’d followed him around town, ignoring the signs that his sister was capable of murder and plotting behind his back.
the expression on his face remains perfectly innocent even as her eyebrows arch at him disapprovingly. “right,” juliet laughs finally, “of course. how could i forget?”
“you have a lot on your mind,” hunter answers graciously, his eyes sparkling. “of course i forgive you.”
“quite kind of you.” her hands remain folded in front of her as she inclines her head down one row of tomes. “this is where i spent most of my time. transcribing for the archives.”
“indeed,” hunter hums, stepping up beside her to squeeze her hand before continuing down the row of the archives, looking every bit the king regent he no longer is. despite the fact that the title has eluded him, there’s something about hunter that will always look regal, the tilt of his shoulders and the cut of his clothes simply screaming status.
she follows behind him, eyes scanning the titles they pass. it’s been a long time since she’s been in the library, but the smell of the dusty old manuscripts she spent so many hours meticulously logging stirs up a host of unpleasant memories that threaten to take her over. she can still feel the phantom rap of a ruler against her knuckles when she’d dozed off, the ache of hunger in her stomach when it’d been an entire day of writing with no breaks for food.
“juliet?” the sound of her name startles her from her stupor, and she shakes her head, moving to meet up with hunter where he’s stopped halfway down the aisle. “are you alright?”
“just lost in a memory,” she murmurs, lips lifting up into a smile. just the sight of him brightens her spirits, the affection in hunter’s eyes a welcome reminder that her reality is different, now. 
they’ve come so far.
as if reading her mind, hunter lifts her knuckles to his mouth to brush a tender kiss against her fingers, shooting her a look of love from under lush lashes. her smile widens into something more genuine.
“perhaps we should work to give you a more positive memory of this room,” he suggests, glancing over his own shoulder.
juliet blinks at him. “what do you mean?”
the expression on hunter’s face transforms, from sweet to wicked in a matter of moments. his hand slides around her waist to pull her closer, until they’re nearly nose-to-nose in the archive stacks. 
it’s then that she understands what he must mean, and she feels heat rush to her face in embarrassment, as though someone’s already caught them acting untoward. 
but there’s no one around as far as she can see; the library is empty. it’s a beautiful afternoon, and she knows mostly everyone is outside taking advantage of the weather. they’re the only two people hidden away in the library, though the sudden sound of her racing pulse feels so loud she wonders how it hasn’t attracted anyone else yet.
“you can’t be serious,” juliet hears herself say, distantly. it feels like the appropriate thing to say. they can’t possibly...
“oh, i’m very serious,” hunter assures her, his hand warm at the small of her back where he’s rubbing soothing circles into her skin above her dress. “it’s only logical.”
her hands come to rest on his shoulders as hunter beckons her closer. “how do you figure?”
“the library was cruel to you. i’ll be generous to make up for it.” she can feel the fabric of her skirt shift as hunter’s free hand ever-so-slowly pulls at the fabric. “what do you say?”
in response, juliet turns her head and kisses him before she can think too much about it, brushing her lips against his gently, at first, and then more eagerly when hunter kisses her back.
there’s at least a thousand reasons why they shouldn’t be doing this -- not here and not now -- but she finds she can’t be bothered as she considers hunter’s logic and decides he’s ultimately right.
the library took so much from her. many of her most hopeless moments occurred in this very room. it’s hard to find a dark corner of the library she hadn’t stowed away in to cry at one point or another, so if she’s able to kiss her betrothed in the middle of the stacks, with sunlight streaming in through the grand, stained-glass windows, why shouldn’t she?
hunter’s movements are slow as his hand lifts her skirt up, higher and higher until it’s officially indecent for the library, laying her bare against the books. their kiss breaks so they can both draw breath, and she pushes up onto her tip-toes to lock eyes with him, back arching to press her body alongside hunter’s.
“you’re quite radiant, you know,” he comments absently as his fingers encircle her thigh, creeping around her leg to dance upwards. his tone is so conversational anyone browsing the records on the other side of the library would never imagine what they were doing, if they happened to overhear. “beautiful, really.”
“you think so?” juliet asks, her eyelashes fluttering. she can hear her breath growing embarrassingly quicker as hunter’s touch climbs higher and higher.
“of course,” hunter murmurs, eyes fixed firmly on her face. from anyone else, the staring might be unnerving, but when he’s the one looking at her, it’s hard to feel anything other than delight. 
hunter is not shy about letting her know he is in her thoughts. he is the most forthcoming man she’s ever spoken to (not that he has much competition) and revels in showcasing his affections openly and honestly. he is romantic, in a way she’d never expected -- she often finds herself the recipient of flowers and surprise moonlight strolls and now, it seems, amorous breaks in the library.
yet he still catches her by surprise with his sweetness every time. 
“i daresay a majority of the kingdom feels the same,” he continues. before she can challenge him, his fingers pause, parting her so the pad of his thumb can press in with an easy slide where she’s already wet. “you have many admirers.”
her laugh is breathless, the grip she has on his shoulders tightening. “quite a comment, coming from you.”
hunter’s answering chuckle makes her toes curl in her shoes. juliet forces her eyes open and her breath catches at the expression on his face, serious and wanting with intensity and gentleness both displayed in his eyes in equal measure. 
his thumb circles her, catching just right where she’s most sensitive, the practiced movement of his fingers comforting, for their familiarity. hunter knows her. for someone like juliet, who went much of her life without that very basic comfort, their intimacy is everything. knowing she can rely on hunter to understand her, to take care of her, to treat her like he does...
it’s all she’s ever wanted and more.
“don’t be smart,” hunter chides, though the curve of his mouth seems to suggest he’s amused. his hand continues to move, which is all that matters, anyway, the brush of his thumb pressing into something more purposeful while his wrist angles just so. 
“i can’t help it,” juliet murmurs, aiming for cheeky and landing somewhere very far off, her voice almost shy as she resists the urge to bury her flushed face in hunter’s shoulder. “hunter.”
“yes, darling?” hunter’s free hand, bunched in her skirt, jerks to urge her closer. as she moves, his fingers slip deeper, sending a shiver down her spine. “everything alright?”
his voice is teasing, and yet she can’t find the words to bicker back with him. she can’t find any words at all, actually, exhaling a sound that’s half-moan, half-sigh as hunter touches her so expertly. her eyelids flutter shut again.
hunter gives another soft laugh under his breath. “there you go,” he encourages, and she shudders again.
despite the fact that they’re so clearly the only ones in the library, she can’t quite bring herself to get loud, hushed out of habit and by the implication of where they are and what they’re doing. her teeth bite down on her bottom lip, yet they don’t stop another groan from escaping, louder this time against her best efforts.
the skilled stroking of hunter’s fingers is quick to make her head swim, so she’s grateful for the firm kiss he bestows against her lips when his head angles in. juliet relies on him to keep her upright, holding tightly to hunter’s broad shoulders while his touch never falters, relentless between her legs.
she rocks up onto her tip-toes, scrambling for purchase against him. often, they’re in bed together when they do this, and it’s rare that her legs are left trembling while she’s still vertical, save one or two memorable occasions in the bathhouse. this is sure to be an experience she’ll never forget, and she’s certain she won’t ever be able to look in the direction of the library again without recalling the expression on hunter’s face.
though there’s worse things, she supposes, as she watches him watch her so intently. hunter’s eyes never fail to make her feel desired, and especially now, only heighten her emotions as she climbs faster and faster to an edge.
“so beautiful, juliet,” hunter murmurs softly, gaze adoring where it’s set on hers. “stunning.”
his gentle encouragement is all she needs to tumble to pieces. with one last gasping inhale, she shakes apart against him, biting down hard on the inside of her cheek to try and keep herself quiet. pleasure courses through her in a rush, and she’s grateful for hunter’s solid presence at the shelves to help her through it, his touch coaxing a few more sighs from her lips before she eventually calms and goes still.
her chest rises and falls rapidly as she works to catch her breath, and when she’s finally able to open her eyes, juliet finds hunter smiling indulgently at her, the expression on his face suggesting he’s just observed some grand entertainment.
“you seem awfully pleased with yourself,” she mutters, lifting a hand from his shoulder to push her own hair back out of her face.
“wouldn’t you be?” hunter asks smugly, finally pulling his hand out from under her skirt. the fabric drops down to the floor, swishing back across her knees, and juliet presses her legs together, twisting to shift her undergarments back into place. 
“i suppose,” she allows with a laugh, her own mouth curving into a grin as hunter moves to adjust his pants. he seems to know what she does, which is that they’ve already pressed their luck to its limits, being in here as long as they have. extending their time in the library any further seems to be asking for consequences.
still, hunter’s hands move to grasp her chin lightly between his fingers, and he draws her into a soft, slow kiss, lips meandering as though they have all the time in the world. 
she relaxes against him, kissing back just as sweetly. it hardly matters if someone catches her now, after all. there’ll be no ruler whacked against her knuckles, this time. there’s no tomes to transcribe, no archives to maintain.
the sun continues to stream into the room through the stained glass, casting water colors in shadow across their bodies where they’re intertwined. hunter pulls back to smile at her and she mirrors his expression easily, her heart pounding with love --
with joy --
-- and with peace.
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maxwellscorgi · 5 years
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IM CRYING i love him so much
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nyikondlovu · 5 years
Me: *knows that Renza is going to betray me*
Renza: *betrays me*
Me: “alright, I respect you bitch. I’m a fool for knowing you’d betray me but still hoping you wouldn’t.”
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0 notes
omgjasminesimone · 5 years
Can you do a super angsty Hunter fic? 🤗
A/N: I was going to write a fic where MC dies in childbirth (it’s the Renaissance period so death during child birth was very common) but after the finale decided to write this instead! The angst practically writes itself with the whole marry Fabian and birth his heirs option.
Hunter x MC(Julia)
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“Now presenting, the King and Queen of Cordonia!” The herald announces as Fabian and Julia enter the ballroom, hand in hand. 
Fabian and Julia walk out to loud applause. The people of Cordonia love their monarchs. The Rhys name was exactly what Julia needed to sway the fickle Cordonian public back to her side, and with her sage diplomatic decisions Cordonia is thriving. However, the people are not most excited about the thriving economy and strong alliances Julia has put into place, they’re most excited about the Rhys heir who is due in a few short weeks. 
Julia rubs her belly comfortingly as she feels their child kick, trying to soothe the heir in all this excitement. Fabian lifts her hand to his lips, placing an adoring kiss to her palm as he glances down at her prominent belly bump. 
From his spot in the crowd, Hunter turns his gaze away at the display of affection, averting his gaze to his suddenly too empty wine class.
 Fabian helps Julia step up to the raised dais with a gentle hand placed to the small of her back before taking his place beside her. A reverent hush immediately falls over the crowd. “Thank you for your attendance tonight at this traditional Last Apple Ball.” Fabian greets the exuberant crowd. “The Queen and I greatly appreciate all the love and excitement for our child.” He smiles at Julia and places a gentle kiss to her lips. Hunter’s heart clenches when she smiles back. 
“Please, enjoy the food and music, and let’s celebrate the future of Cordonia tonight!” Julia concludes the speech, and her declaration is met with raucous cheers and applause. Hunter doesn’t cheer, instead he downs the last remnants of his wine before setting off for another drink. He has a feeling he’s going to need to be very drunk to make it through the evening. 
Hunter considered skipping this Ball. He’s been back in Cordonia for just over a month after returning from his latest trip to the neighboring kingdoms. With his father stripping him of his lands and titles, Julia and Fabian were kind enough to appoint him with a diplomat position after everything settled. He had a feeling it was more Fabian’s idea, since it kept Hunter out of Cordonia for long stretches of time. But lately Hunter was grateful for the time away. It made this situation less painful. He hadn’t seen Julia in several months before tonight. And now that he sees her again, he thinks he probably should have just stayed away.
Julia’s gaze catches his from across the room, and Hunter quickly breaks their eye contact and pushes his way to the back of the room. He grabs another glass of wine, downing it quickly.  
 He is working on his third glass and halfheartedly chatting with Lady Francine of Auvernal when Julia manages to corner him. 
“Hunter.” She greets. From her tone, Lady Francine seems to know now is the time to walk away. 
 “Your Majesty.” Hunter returns, accompanied with a low bow. 
Julia shakes her head. “Don’t. You don’t have to call me that.” 
“Then what would you preferred to be called, Your Majesty?” Hunter replies. 
“Julia. And you know that.” She presses, looking at him sadly. She lets out a long suffering sigh. “You can barely look at me.” She whispers brokenly. 
Hunter forces himself to look at her for a moment, but then his eyes drift down to her very pregnant belly and he has to look away again. It just hurts so damn much. 
Tears well in her eyes, and he hates himself for making her cry. “You said you could endure anything, if it meant we could be together.” Julia reminds him. 
“I thought I could. But this…” He chances a glance at her again, eyes inevitably falling to the physical proof of her and Fabian’s intimacy. “Every time I see you, I picture you with him.” Hunter admits. 
“It was for Cordonia! For an heir that will care about the common people and  rule justly and with compassion!” Julia insists, her emotions getting the better of her.
Hunter looks around at all the people within earshot. This is not the best place for this conversation. He reaches for Julia’s hand before stopping himself, remembering all the eyes on them. He cocks his head towards the exit of the room, and Julia nods curtly. Hunter exits to the balcony, and moments later Julia follows. 
“We came out to this balcony on the night we met.” Hunter notes as he rests against the railing, just like he did that first night. 
“We did. When I was just a scribe. And you were the King-to-be.” Julia adds. 
“So much has changed since then.” Hunter replies, looking at her once again. 
Julia waddles across the balcony to come to his side. “But things don’t have to change. I still love you Hunter. You’re still the man I want.” Julia insists, cupping his cheeks in her warm palms, forcing him to look at her. 
“I still love you too. I’m always going to love you. But it’s not going to be enough.” Hunter reveals, voice breaking at the end. 
Julia’s eyes dart back and forth, trying to read from the depths of his heavy expression. “I don’t understand.”
“You love me. But you love Cordonia more. And that means eventually, you’re going to fully commit to your husband. To your family.” Hunter elaborates. 
Julia frantically shakes her head no. “No, Cordonia needs an heir and soon it will have one. Fabian knows it didn’t mean anything, that the sex was just a means to an end, that you are the one that I love.” Julia insists, pressing her lips to his desperately. 
Hunter returns her kiss, wrapping his arms around her to pull her closer. But her belly presses against him, and he’s suddenly brought back to the reality of their situation. He pulls away slightly, regarding her sadly. “And soon, Cordonia will demand a spare for your heir.” Hunter replies. 
“Fine. I’ll give them a spare. And then it can be done. The marriage with Fabian can be on paper only and I’ll be free to be with you.” Julia states, tightening her hold on Hunter when he starts to try to pull away completely. 
“Free to be with me in the shadows. In the darkness. Never openly.” Hunter retorts, finally able to free himself from her embrace. 
Julia glares at him, tears starting to fall down her cheeks. “I asked if you could endure this when Fabian proposed. And you said that you could. That you would.” She reminds him.  
“I didn’t know it would be like this. That every time I saw the two of you together, it would feel like someone is driving a dagger through my heart. That I’d have to look at you carrying his child and lament about how that should be our child. I didn’t know that sharing you would be worse than not having you at all.” Hunter says that last bit quietly, forcing himself to meet her tearful gaze. 
“What are you saying?!” Julia chokes out. From the tears streaming down her cheeks, it’s clear she knows exactly what he’s saying. 
Hunter can’t stop himself from reaching up and wiping away one of her stray tears, and then drawing her in for one last, passionate kiss. It’s several long moments before he pulls away just barely, speaking against her plump lips that he loves. That he knows he’ll never kiss again. “I’m saying, you should go back inside and find your husband.” 
@kinggliam​ @choicesgremlin​ @debramcg1106​ @desiree—1986​​ @anxious-arliah @flyawayboo​ @cordoniasmost​ @princess-geek @fifteenskies15​ @silverofdreams​ @queen-kamilah​ @ohsnapitzlovehacker​ @marvellifeforever​ @choicesarehard​ @zaffrenotes @lilyofchoices @luciemiddleford 
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sadgirllovesmusic · 5 years
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