#Hunter Bradley x Male Reader
A Walk Home: Hunter Bradley X G/N Reader
SUMMARY: Hunter returns a favor by accompanying you on your walk home.
BEGINNING NOTES: ⚡(Shy?) Hunter x G/N Reader 🪲Unestablished relationship ⚡Just some simple fluff to start this whole idea out! 🪲The reader knows that Hunter (and the others) are Rangers--not super pertinent to the story but it is briefly mentioned.
     Despite the day being two-thirds of the way over, Storm Chargers only had nearly a dozen customers. It was dead as dead could be. Which allowed Blake and Hunter to hang out in the back while Dustin was at the front counter, throwing a hacky sack to himself.
     “God--” Dustin groaned loudly, leaning his head back, “This is the most bored I’ve been in like forever.”
     Cupping his mouth, Hunter yelled, “I hear ya’!” 
     Dustin wandered into the back room and saw Hunter sitting on the table while Blake was fiddling with some random items on the bench, “Still nothin’ from Cam either?”
     “Nope,” Hunter ran a hand through his hair, “Today’s so slow, I think we could do a whole fight--zords n’all--and we’d still be back before anyone even thought of walking in those doors.”
     “No kidding,” Dustin sighed, “Where’s Lothor’s goons when you need ‘em?”
     The faint sound of a door opening caught everyone’s attention, making the trio return to the front of the store. 
     “Oh! Hey!” The Yellow Ranger smiled widely as he jogged over to you, pulling you in with a handshake and patting you.
     With a raised brow, you laughed, “Should I be worried? You’re acting weird.”
     Dustin sternly patted your shoulder and let go of your hand, “Just glad that someone finally showed up; it’s been hella dead today.” 
     “Oh yeah?” You casually folded your arms watching Dustin wander into the backroom and the Bradley brothers emerge.
     Hunter stood with his arms crossed and tilted back slightly with a loud sigh, “I think I’ve taken inventory four times… and I’m considering doing it a fifth.”
     With a small nod, you let out a small laugh, “I didn't know you could count that high--”
     The blond playfully backhanded your chest with a laugh.
     Dustin returned to the front with the hacky sack in hand and tossed it toward you, “So, what brings you in anyways?”
     “Well,” you tossed the bag up a few times and then threw it at Dustin, “I was on a walk, deep in thought, when I decided to come here for some advice.”
     Blake tilted his head, “What kind of advice?”
     Dustin threw the bag back, “You gonna try motocross again?”
     “What?” You laughed, “No way,” you paused while staring at the bag, “I uh… I actually need some relationship advice.” 
     When you tossed the bag back, it hit Dustin’s chest and fell to the ground.
     The three stood staring at you with various amounts of confusion.
     You laughed and rolled your eyes, “It’s nothing like that .”
     Hunter slowly nodded, “So then what kind of advice do you need?”
     “Well,” you leaned against the front counter and mindlessly stared at the floor, “There’s someone I want to ask on a date but I don’t know how to do it.” You sighed softly, “I want it to be special, you know?”
     Blake glanced between the other Rangers before staring at you, “But why us? Wouldn’t Tori be better to ask?”
     With a shake of your head, you laughed and placed your hands on the edge of the counter behind you, “Maybe..? But,” you smiled widely, “I figure you three might have the more interesting ideas.”
     The three traded glances with one another. 
     “Alright,” The Crimson Ranger took a deep breath before turning to Dustin, “Why don’t you go first.”
     “Me?” Dustin grabbed his hacky sack off the floor and went over to the counter beside you, sitting on it. He motioned to Blake, “Why don’t you do it, dude.”
     Blake sighed and relaxed his posture, “Okay well how about…” he moved his jaw in thought, “You could make them something..? I always see those stories about people asking someone with like a scavenger hunt-”
     Dustin laughed, “They askin’ someone to prom?”
     The Navy Ranger crossed his arms, “What, you got a better idea?”
     “Ask them out for a day trip together.”
     “That's so lame, dude.”
     “I didn’t say it had to be a boring trip. It could be something fun; like a hike or-”
     “Yeah, nothing says “I love you” more than a hike in the middle of one of the hottest summers on record.”
     Blake and Hunter shared a laugh.
     Dustin raised a brow at Hunter and gestured to him, “What are you laughing at, huh? You haven’t even given any ideas.”
     Hunter shook his head with a smile and looked over at you, “You wanted something unique, right?”
     You nodded, a slight nervousness pooling in your gut at the sudden intense eye contact.
     “Then just kiss them.”
     Before you could even respond, Dustin and Blake began to laugh.
     “Bro,” Blake shoved Hunter’s shoulder, “You tryin’ to get them in trouble?”
     Hunter rolled his eyes and shrugged, "I'm not saying they should give a sloppy granny kiss or anything; just something to get the point across."
     Dustin laughed, "You're telling me you'd be okay with anyone kissing you--as long as you’re friends?”
     Hunter shrugged, “It’s not that big of a deal.”
     Blake smirked playfully, “Says the guy who’s never even kissed someone.”
     “Hey!” He shot a glare at his brother, “I’ve kissed plenty of people.”
     “You know I mean real people, right?”
     Dustin and Blake shared a hearty chuckle.
     The blond sighed and shook his head, “Real funny Blake.”
     “What-” Blake smiled widely, “I’m only telling the truth.”
     “That’s not--”
     The loud ringing of Blake’s cell phone cut Hunter off.
     Nearly dropping it, the Navy Ranger pulled his phone from his back pocket and answered it while wandering off to the backroom. 
     “So,” Hunter raised a brow at you, “Who’s the lucky lady then? Do we know her?”
     With a scoff and smirk, you shook your head, “ Lady? Who said anything about a lady?”
     You stood back up and began to head for the door, “Thanks for the tips, guys.”
     The pair shared confused glances.
     Blake returned to the foyer and looked at the dumbfounded duo, “We’ve gotta go,” the raven-haired ninja turned to you, “Could you watch the shop for us?”
     You squinted harshly, “You sure Kelly won’t have an issue with that? Plus I kind of have plans--”
     “Come on, it’s just for a short while.”
     Dustin gave you an unintentionally puppy-eyed stare as he added, “Please..?”
     After a short pause, you sighed, “I knew I shouldn’t have stopped by… Fine, I’ll cover for you. Just,” you pursed your lips and hit your thigh, “Just stay safe and hurry back, alright?”
     Dustin playfully smacked your shoulder and ran out the door, “Sure thing!”
     Blake gave you a nod and a wave, “Thanks for the help!”
     Hunter was the last to leave. Just before he walked out the door he turned back to you with a smile, “Thanks, we owe you one.”
     With that, the shop was silent once again.
     Each hour felt longer than the last as you watched less than a dozen people wander in and out of the shop. As the clock struck eight pm, you knew that it was finally closing time. Despite not ever working at Storm Chargers officially, you’d covered enough shifts for the guys that you knew the closing routine; change the sign, lock the doors, count the register, and take a quick inventory.
     Just as you were finishing up with inventory, two familiar faces knocked on the front door; Hunter and Dustin. 
     With a smirk, you waltzed up to the front door and opened it slightly, “We’re closed.”
     Dustin stared at you in confusion before he put together that you were joking and smiled. 
     Hunter sighed as he leaned against the wall beside the door, “We didn’t mean to be gone this long, sorry.”
     “Yeah, yeah, it’s nothing I haven’t heard before,” you moved to the side to let them into the shop.
     “So,” Dustin meandered around the shop, “What’s all left for closing stuff?”
     You shook your head and placed a hand on your hip, “Besides turning off the lights and locking the front door? Nothing.”
     “Seriously?” the Yellow Ranger smiled as he dapped you up, “You’re the best!”
     “Figured you guys would be a bit tired after your other job ,” you shrugged, “thought I’d just take care of it.”
     Dustin and Hunter went in back and grabbed their things. 
     You furrowed your brow, “Where’s Blake--he okay?”
     Hunter stuck his hands in his pockets, leaning back casually, “He wasn’t feeling too great after today so I said I’d grab his stuff.”
     Dustin shot Hunter a baffled look, “I thought it was cause you wanted to w-- urk!”
     Hunter jabbed Dustin with his elbow, speaking through gritted teeth, “Quiet, dude.”
     Ignoring the weird action, you laughed and shook your head,  “As much as I enjoy spending time with you both, I’d like to get home before the shop re-opens at seven.” You turned off the shop lights and left, both Rangers in tow.
     Dustin turned around and, after patting all of his pockets, found his store keys and locked the door. All the while Hunter had wandered to stand beside you.
     “So,” Hunter had a warm, but very obviously nervous, smile, “You got a ride?”
     “No, I hadn’t planned on staying so long.”
     “Well, I could walk you home.”
     Your eyes went wide as you stared at him, a very obvious blush decorating your features.
     Fearing that he just made you uncomfortable, Hunter immediately tacked on, “I mean, only if you want. I don’t--” A sudden loud laugh caught the blond’s attention and he turned to see Dustin laughing, “You got something you wanna say?”
     “Mhm,” the Yellow Ranger smiled, crossing his arms, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you so shy before.”
     Hunter’s face turned red and he lightly shoved Dustin with a lighthearted scoff, “Fuck off.”
     The two shared a laugh before Hunter returned to you, “So, you uh-”
     You smiled softly, “Sure, I could use the company,” you very cautiously grabbed his bicep and gave it a quick squeeze with a wink, “Just in case there are any Kalzaks out for a nightly stroll.”
     He looked down at your hand, making you quickly retract the gesture. 
     Dustin gave you a side glance with a small smirk, “Well then, I guess I should say goodnight and leave you to it.” He gave you both a small wave and, using his agility, took off into the night.
     Hunter nodded and pursed his lips, “Shall we?”
     You nodded as the both of you began meandered down the sidewalk. 
     It was a rather peaceful walk. The autumn air and smell of distant campfires gave you a sense of ease. Throughout the walk, you kept looking down at Hunter’s hand that was right beside your own. It would’ve been so easy to grab it and intertwine your fingers with his, but, you decided against the impulse. Unbeknownst to you, Hunter had also been thinking and doing the same; wanting to hold your hand in his and pull you tighter to his side.
     When the two of you arrived at your doorstep, neither of you moved; opting to stand face-to-face and avoiding each other’s eyes. 
     Hunter took a deep breath, “ ‘suppose this is goodbye then.”
     You nodded and pursed your lips in thought. 
     Unsure what to do, Hunter gently rested a hand on your shoulder, “I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?”
     Once again, you only nodded. 
     The blond sighed softly and removed his hand, turning to leave. However, just as he left the porch, you went after him and grabbed his hand.
     Hunter turned back to face you, a confused look on his face, “What’s-!”
     Quickly, you grabbed his shirt and pulled his lips down to yours. By the time Hunter processed what happened, you’d already let go and were braced for the worst. However, instead of getting scolded or laughed at, Hunter put his hands on your bicpes. Mindlessly, he began to thumb over you and moved closer to your face, eventually he placed his nose beside yours. 
     Hunter closed the gap between your lips and his. It wasn’t the most eloquent kiss but the passion behind it made up for it tenfold. You placed your hands on his chest as his hands slid to your lower back, pulling you snuggly into him. With slow almost teasing motions, Hunter strung together a set of heated kisses. A smile tugged at both of your faces as he lightly bit your lower lip and broke apart. 
     “Just needed “ some advice ”, huh?” The blond raised a brow, smugly smirking, “No wonder you didn’t go to Tori.”
     Stumbling over your words, you avoided his gaze and gave a small nervous chuckle, “I didn’t expect you to give me something so…”
     “Straight forward?”
     You nodded.
     The Crimson Ranger cupped the lower side of your face and jaw, thumbing over your cheek, “You’re really somethin’, you know that?” His eyes flicked all over your face as he let out a breathy shy laugh, “Had me convinced you were gonna ask Blake or Dustin out.”
     You leaned into his hand, placing one of yours on the back of it, “Not in a million years.” Using your free hand, you grabbed his remaining hand and laced your fingers together.
     Hunter placed a soft kiss on your forehead, reluctantly letting you go, “You should get to bed, it’s getting late.”
     “You could spend the night if you want, I have plenty of room.”
     He gave you a wide smirk, “As tempting as that sounds,” he paused briefly, rolling his tongue over his lips with a small huff, “I think maybe it’d be best for me to come back in the morning and we could maybe go grab lunch together or something..?”
     “Oh?” You gave him a playful pat on the chest, resting your hand against him, and a wide grin, “You asking me on a date?”
     “Maybe,” he looked down at your hand. Despite his confidence, Hunter was a tad nervous which was made evident by how fast his heart was going.
     “As much as I’d love to,” you raised your brows with a small sigh, “You have work tomorrow morning.”
     After a moment of thought, Hunter clicked his tongue and lightly frowned, “Damn it!”
     “But,” you began to knead his chest, “If you want, we could go out after your shift; maybe catch a movie or something. Unless you’re busy with your other job?”
     His expression returned to a sweet smile, “No- Well, I mean, there’s nothing planned for tomorrow,” he placed a hand atop yours.
     “It’s a date then!”
     Hunter’s expression lit up, “It’s a date!”
     Using the hand on his chest, you pulled him down to you and gave him a small kiss, “Then I’ll meet you at the shop after your shift is over.”
     “Travel safe, okay?” You playfully winked, “This city can get kind of rough at night.”
     “I’ll be alright,” he patted your bicep with his free hand, “I promise.”
     Both of you were hesitant to let go of one another, but all good things must come to an end, Hunter’s phone began to ring.
     He gave a flat smile as he pulled the phone out, “It’s Blake,” he sighed, “I’ve gotta go. Sorry.”
     You laughed, “Don’t be, I’m sure he’s worried about you,” with one final peck to his cheek, you let him go, “Goodnight, Hunter. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
ENDING NOTES: I don’t know if it’s just me but Dustin strikes me as someone who would have some sort of fidget with him at all times; typically like a hacky sack or something like that. ⚡⚡⚡ Hopefully Hunter and Blake sound kind of like siblings; I don’t talk to my sibling. So I don’t know how siblings really interact and I tried to use the show as a base--plus some knowledge from things like DMC. Also, I didn’t mean to make Hunter so shy but it’s just how it worked out. Lowkey feels like he’d be very meek about this stuff, compared to Blake who’d be straight up about things. 
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inklore · 3 years
— 𝐅𝐀𝐐 ⋆ ˚。
this blog is strictly multifandom, but that does not mean that i don’t play favorites for certain fandoms/characters. so there will most definitely be more writings for certain characters and fandoms.
requests: are closed, but thots are always welcome!
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𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞…
rpf, necrophilia, incest, pregnancy, daddy/little play, age play, spitting, kitten, bimbo!reader, foot fetish, animal play, race play, watersports, underage scenarios, alpha/omega, domestic violence, kid fics, male!character x male!oc, i hate the word ‘doll’ as a pet name so i avoid it like the plague.
𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐰𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐞…
smut (refer to the above list when it comes to this), fluff, age gaps, poly/threesome+, reverse harem, dubcon, noncon, yandere, toy play, cheating (to a certain degree), blood play, knife play, some bdsm, breath play, violence, gore, capture x captive, hunter/prey, praise and degradation, power imbalance, step siblings, supernatural, villainary, choking, mommy/daddy kink (to an extent).
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marvel ↷
miguel o’hara, hobie brown, marc spector, thor odinson, loki laufeyson, peter parker (all variants), yelena belova, joaquin torres, doctor strange, wade wilson, carol danvers, eddie brock, scott lang, hope van dyne, kate bishop, hela, pietro maximoff, logan howlett, wanda maximoff, steve rogers, kraven, cable, druig, makkari, thena, blade
dc universe ↷
dinah lance/black canary, diana prince, clark kent, pamela isley/poison ivy, arthur curry/aquaman, harley quinn, adrian chase, pattinson!bruce wayne, edward nashton/the riddler
top gun: maverick ↷
jake 'hangman' seresin, bradley 'rooster' bradshaw, javy 'coyote' machado, mickey 'fanboy' garcia, natasha 'phoenix' trace, beau 'cyclone' simpson, reuben 'payback' fitch
star wars ↷
poe dameron, finn, kylo ren/ben solo, bo-katan kryze, din djarin, young!han solo
scream ↷
ethan landry, stu macher, billy loomis, chad meeks-martin, mindy meeks-martin, amber freeman, tara carpenter
bridgerton ↷
anthony bridgerton, colin bridgerton, benedict bridgerton, kate sharma, simon basset, phillip crane
house of the dragon ↷
ser harwin strong, daemon targaryen, aemond targaryen, rhaenyra targaryen
american horror story ↷
cordelia goode, tristan duffy, michael langdon, harry gardner, madison montgomery, kit walker, xavier plympton, ally mayfair-richards
etc shows ↷
villanelle, lip gallagher, tommy miller, carmy berzatto, luca (the bear), kate parks, daisy jones, billy dunne, warren rhodes, geralt of rivia, love quinn, max wolfe, olivia benson, roman godfrey, dream the endless, lucifer (sandman), jonathan pine, mira phillips, the salesman (squid game), hwang jun ho (squid game), kim geon-woo (bloodhounds)
movies ↷
john wick, finnick odair, peeta mellark, johanna mason, han lue, cipher, walter de ville, tangerine, dave lizewski, thomas sharpe, james conrad, neil (tenet), edward cullen, millie / molotovgirl, dante reyes, thrandull, steve kemp, charlie swan, marquis vincent de gramont, keys (free guy), akira (john wick), beverly marsh (it two), ben hanscom (it two), keith (barbarian), frank (don't worry darling)
adam driver ↷
kylo ren/ben solo, adam sackler, flip zimmerman, phillip altman, charlie barber, henry mchenry, commander mills, rick smolan, officer ronnie peterson, matt the radar technician, clyde logan, paterson, jude
oscar isaac ↷
santiago garcia, poe dameron, nathan bateman, jonathan levy, william tell, blue jones, rydel keener
pedro pascal ↷
din djarin, javier peña, frankie morales, javi gutierrez, joel miller, dieter bravo
chris evans ↷
ransom drysdale, lloyd hansen, andy barber, ari levinson, frank adler, steve rogers, jake wyler
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