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francoise-larouge · 1 year ago
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Sur les quais©FrançoiseLarouge2023
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francepittoresque · 5 months ago
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EXPOSITION | En garde ! L’escrime entre réalité historique et fiction littéraire ➽ https://bit.ly/Exposition-EnGarde-Escrime Duels indécis, courses poursuites et aventures rocambolesques... Dans l’imaginaire collectif, l’escrime est bien souvent associée à un personnage romanesque, épée ou pistolet à la main, botté, ganté et coiffé d’un chapeau à plumes... Mais où s’arrête la fiction et où commence la réalité ? #exposition #EnGarde #escrime #réalité #historique #fiction #littéraire #duels indécis
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aurianneor · 10 months ago
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Une aide militaire sous conditions
L’aide au développement et l’aide en sécurité doit être conditionnée à l’adhésion aux valeurs humanistes des Lumières qui sont universelles.
Il ne faut pas soutenir un régime dictatorial qui oppresse sa population. Le soutien inconditionnel des Etats-Unis à Israël qui pratique un régime d��Apartheid contre les Palestiniens n’est pas normal. Cette aide aurait du être accompagné de contreparties. Le soutien de la France aux pays du Sahel contre les guérillas Islamistes ne s’est pas accompagné d’une exigence de démocratie et de développement humain. La protection américaine de l’Arabie Saoudite contre l’Iran et l’Irak a été fait malgré le fait que l’Arabie Saoudite fait la discrimination homme/femme, la torture, le régime dictatorial monarchique, etc. Au Gabon, la France a soutenu la dynastie Bongo au pouvoir pour permettre au pays de prospérer mais en échange on a pas demandé de progrès démocratiques et humains. Du coup maintenant les Gabonais se sont détournés de la France. Au Mali, il n’y a pas eu d’exigences à l’aide militaire, les Maliens ont vu que cela protégeait le dictateur au pouvoir et se sont tournés vers les milices Wagner. Cela crée du ressentiment dans la population. C’est une trahison des valeurs universelles de la DUDH.
A Taiwan, en Ukraine ou en Corée du Sud, la protection de l’Ouest a ses exigences en terme d’élections, de progrès humain de lutte contre la corruption. Ces pays ont fait des progrès humains formidables: ce sont de vraies démocraties respectant les droits de l’homme, avec de vraies élections, sans persécutions des femmes ou LGBT+, ils n’agressent pas leurs voisins, etc. C’est donc possible.
Dans la nuit du 13 au 14 avril 2024, l’Iran a lancé une salve de 300 missiles et drones sur Israël dans le but de tuer un maximum de gens sans pouvoir discriminer civils et militaires. C’est un crime de guerre. Si l’Iran ou ses alliés au Moyen Orient venaient à renouveler une telle attaque, Israël aura besoin de l’aide militaire des pays occidentaux pour la défense de sa population. Cette aide doit être sous conditions: l’arrêt des massacres à Gaza, l’arrêt de la violence dans les territoires occupés et la fin du régime d’Apartheid contre les palestiniens. L’aide de l’Ouest s’arrête au respect des valeurs humanistes universelles. La déclaration des droits de l’Homme est universelle. Ce n’est pas du néo-colonialisme, il n’y a pas d’occupation e ce qu’ils font est inacceptable. Ils sont signataires de la DUDH.
Si un régime est aidé sans adhérer à ces valeurs quelles seront les conséquences? Le soutien inconditionnel à Israël a aussi conduit à soutenir le gouvernement israélien qui massacre des Gazaoui en toute impunité.
Il faut négocier ces conditions publiquement. Il faut que les violences s’arrêtent. Il faut que quand l’Occident arrive, il y ait de la sécurité, des écoles, la santé, du développement et de la prospérité. Sinon, la déception est grande et cela nourrit le fait que les populations se détournent de l’Occident.
Conditional military assistance: https://www.aurianneor.org/conditional-support/
Quand la force est légitime: https://www.aurianneor.org/quand-la-force-est-legitime/
Pour une défense européenne: https://www.aurianneor.org/pour-une-defense-europeenne/
Le compas moral: https://www.aurianneor.org/le-compas-moral/
Immigration: https://www.aurianneor.org/immigration/
Liberté et vivre ensemble: https://www.aurianneor.org/liberte-et-vivre-ensemble/
Comment regagner la confiance?: https://www.aurianneor.org/comment-regagner-la-confiance/
Police et justice pour le peuple: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-et-justice-pour-le-peuple/
Guerre et Paix à l’ONU: https://www.aurianneor.org/guerre-et-paix-a-lonu-en-1961-lavion-du/
Les rouges et les jaunes: https://www.aurianneor.org/les-rouges-et-les-jaunes-foulards-rouges-contre/
La preuve qu’on sait ne pas se battre. – Quand la force n’est pas légitime…: https://www.aurianneor.org/la-preuve-quon-sait-ne-pas-se-battre-quand-la/
Arrête de financer la haine: https://www.aurianneor.org/arrete-de-financer-la-haine/
Police, Armée: https://www.aurianneor.org/police-armee-manif-des-policiers-je-suis-gilet/
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les-cris-des-fendues · 6 months ago
L'attention est la forme la plus rare et la plus pure de la générosité... C'est en somme le sujet de l'histoire du Graal. Seul un être prédestiné a la capacité de demander à un autre : quel est ton tourment ? Et il ne l'a pas en entrant dans la vie. Il lui faut passer par des années de nuit obscure.
Simone Weil - "lettre au poète Joë Bousquet" - 1942
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Simone Weil at Lycée Henri IV, 1926
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junkfoodcinemas · 1 month ago
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Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (2023) dir. Ariane Louis-Seize
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puppyboygf · 2 months ago
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celine-song · 10 months ago
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Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (2023) dir. Ariane Louis-Seize
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unsolicited-opinions · 4 months ago
Bro no one hates jews for ethnicity, news are hated for faith.
If you are an atheist "jew", no one gives a shit about you.
Stop pretending to be a victim and trying to appropriate antisemitic struggles.
I'll address these point by point.
Jewish readers, please share your thoughts!
You wrote: "No one hates Jews for ethnicity, [J]ews are hated for faith."
"Hitler...defined the Jews as a race and not a religious community, characterized the effect of a Jewish presence as a “race-tuberculosis of the peoples,” and identified the initial goal of a German government to be discriminatory legislation against Jews."
More here
As David Baddiel put it, "I'm an atheist, but that would get me no free passes out of Auschwitz."
The Jews are a people. Judaism is the traditional religion of that people. A Jew who does not engage with that religion does not cease to be a Jew by Jewish definitions OR by antisemitic definitions.
You wrote: "If you are an atheist Jew, nobody gives a shit about you."
First, see above.
Second, you're incorrectly assuming that a Jewish atheist is not engaged with Judaism.
Here's the thing:
Judaism isn't necessarily theistic.
Let's set aside the explicitly non-theistic movement of Humanistic Judaism for a moment (huge topic for another time) and just talk briefly about theism in Judaism.
Most kinds of Judaism, while certainly encouraging faith, do not require it. There are no thought crimes in Judaism, no crucibles of faith, and no requirements that one announce or perform proof of belief for witnesses. Those things are often parts of Christianity and Islam, but in Judaism...not so much.
In Jewish thought, it is not what you believe about metaphysics which lifts you up, ennobles you, improves you, or makes the world a better place. In Judaism, you pursue those things by how you behave.
Sola fide is a Christian concept which Judaism does not share. Judaism is a profoundly existential religion with ethics which are overwhelmingly humanist.
I was raised in Reform and Conservative congregations...and non-theistic/atheistic/humanistic views were very common there.
When I was studying to become Bar Mitzvah, our congregation's Rabbi made crystal clear to me that there was no contradiction between my identity as a Jew and my inability to swallow the idea of an anthropomorphic, sapient, interventionist God who cared at all about petitionary prayer. He felt that wrestling with God was a very Jewish thing to do. He introduced me to Maimonides' apophatic theology. Decades later, I'm still grateful.
Many Jews pray, I believe, not to be heard by God, but so they can hear their own hearts and minds. This is why kavanah is important and why I disliked (and still dislike) prayer-by-rote and rituals performed for the sake of ritual. It's more mindfulness meditation than petitionary prayer.
There's a famous Hasidic story, recorded by philosopher Martin Buber in his "Tales of the Hasidim," about how Judaism views atheism:
The Master teaches that God created everything the world to be appreciated, since everything is here to teach us a lesson.
One clever student asks "What lesson can we learn from atheists? Why did God create them?"
The Master responds "God created atheists teach us the most important lesson of them all- the lesson of true compassion. You see, when an atheist performs an act of charity, visits someone who is sick, helps someone in need, and cares for the world, he is not doing so because of some religious teaching. He does not believe that God commanded him to perform this act. In fact, he does not believe in Goda at all, so his acts are based on an inner sense of morality. And look at the kindness he can bestow upon others simply because he feels it to be right."
"This means," the Master continued "that when someone reaches out to you for help, you should never say 'I pray that God will help you.' Instead for the moment, you should become an atheist, imagine that there is no God who can help, and say 'I will help you."
You wrote: "Stop pretending to be a victim and trying to appropriate antisemtic struggles."
I invite other Jews to advise if I have appropriated anything which is not mine.
Your opinion, though? Your view, as a non-Jew, about what is or isn't Jewish? On what is or is not mine in my heritage? Your claim, framed by your obvious and absolute ignorance of my life, my family's history, Jewish history, Jewish theology, and Jewish philosophy, that I have not experienced antisemitism and am "appropriating?"
I don't have a single fuck to give about any of that, and neither does any other Jew
Still, thank you for the writing prompt. It helps to crystalize my own thinking and provides an opportunity to educate.
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jesusinstilettos · 7 months ago
“Oh I’m just not the creative ty-“
Wrong, all humans are inherently creative in some way when their needs are met and they are given the leisure time to pursue hobbies. It came free with your being a social species wired by evolution to love doing stuff with your hands. Don’t define art through a consumerist lens where it’s only worth existing if it’s something someone would buy. Connect with your inner monkey, create to create and let it just be.
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talesfromthecrypts · 10 months ago
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A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night (2014) // Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (2023)
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goryhorroor · 2 months ago
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humanist vampire seeking consenting suicidal person (2024) directed by ariane louis-seize
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francoise-larouge · 2 years ago
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francepittoresque · 5 months ago
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3 septembre 1653 : mort de l'humaniste et philologue Claude Saumaise ➽ http://bit.ly/Claude-Saumaise Médecine, jurisprudence, théologie, philosophie, histoire ecclésiastique, antiquités grecques et romaines, langues anciennes, langues orientales : dépeint par Ménage comme le plus honnête et le plus sociable des hommes, Claude Saumaise avait tout fouillé
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rodrickheffeley · 2 months ago
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Humanist Vampire Seeking Consenting Suicidal Person (2024)
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crimson-and-clover-1717 · 3 months ago
Stede Bonnet, Renaissance Man (Or an Exceptional Man who Thinks He’s Mediocre)
I’ve posted before about Stede’s love of beauty. He’s an aesthete, finding wonder in art and creative self-care rather than the transcendental. Stede’s a freethinker. He challenges the orthodoxies of his time, rejecting forced heteronormative behaviours, and even questioning the accepted traditions of piracy.
The thing about Stede is he often asks ‘why?’ It’s partly what makes him dangerous to some. This slant towards subversion is much of what Izzy observes and detests. It’s one of many reasons Stede must be kept from Ed. Like a number of Renaissance-style thinkers before him, Stede refuses to go along with the status quo. He is ‘doing something original’, questioning dogma. Many find it ridiculous, bizarre even. And it’s significant that instead Ed finds Stede enchanting, because it demonstrates who Ed might be given the chance to find his own path.
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Stede is also a polymath and likely an autodidact - I doubt he learned about ‘insane foliage’ at school. He is self-motived and seems to have knowledge across a broad spectrum of disciplines. Literature, drama, botany, entomology, psychology, art, textiles. Stede’s very much about the life of the mind.
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And he’ll approach areas at which he’s not so gifted, such as cartography and sword-fighting, with the enthusiasm of a dilettante; when he can’t succeed the traditional way, he simply subverts the discipline and does it his own. However, the most important thing for me in defining Stede as a Renaissance man is his humanism. People are front and centre. Sometimes that person is himself, and he loses sight of others. But it’s okay as that’s the point. Humanism is partly about being a messy individual who can do better. And Stede is someone who can learn and alter his position when circumstances change. He might not do so in the best way all of the time, but he is a quick-learner and highly-adaptable.
Stede also understands that no culture or institution is bigger than the people within it. The most important thing is human dignity - it’s what he shows and teaches Ned’s crew: that they deserve to be respected as people. Stede also has a strong moral core. When he messes up, he feels it deeply. He demonstrates strong ethics towards the natural world too - he’s absolutely disgusted by turtle vs. crab. Stede believes not so much in human superiority, but human responsibility, and this is the flip side of having dignity as a human being.
Another aspect of Stede’s humanism is his belief that culture should be accessible to all. Some of this might be naivety on Stede’s part rather than a well-thought out philosophy, but he believes in it intuitively. Stede wants the crew to have access to his library despite not recognising they can’t all read. He gives them musical instruments and sports facilities - he’s interested in what makes people flourish. And Stede practically invents art therapy!
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His ship is also a safe-space for human relationships to blossom - romantic, platonic, and in between. Zheng’s ship might appear to offer collective harmony, but it’s mandated and dogmatically applied. Opting out of morning tai chi for a 24-hour shagathon might be viewed as an act of dissent. No such big brother is judging you on Stede’s Revenge.
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And all of this is because of the man Stede is, and the influence he has on those around him. Sometimes it falls on deaf ears. Many don’t like what Stede’s offering. Others actively rebel against it. But anyone with an ounce of goodness will get what Stede Bonnet is about and embrace it. Stede doesn’t seem to understand his own power, it comes from such an authentic place. For me, it makes him all the more endearing.
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