#Humanae Vitae
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lilaccatholic · 1 year ago
Happy 55th anniversary this week Humanae vitae you were right about everything
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catholic-saint-tournament · 2 years ago
Super short lesson on what an encyclical is: a special letter from the pope that is meant to be addressed to a wide range of people, on a big social issue of the day. The modern concept of papal encyclicals was kicked off by Leo XIII's Rerum novarum, on work and human labor, in which he decried poor working conditions and defended unions and good wages. Papal encyclicals are foundational to what is known as Catholic social teaching or Catholic social thought, the social justice tradition of the Church.
Rerum novarum
Mater et magistra
Pacem in terris
Populorum progressio
Humanae vitae
Evangelium vitae
Fides et ratio
Deus caritas est
Caritas in veritate
Laudato si'
Fratelli tutti
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cruger2984 · 7 months ago
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"For man cannot attain that true happiness for which he yearns with all the strength of his spirit, unless he keeps the laws which the Most High God has engraved in his very nature." -excerpt from 'Humanae Vitae', July 25, 1968
Born near Brescia in northern Italy, Giovanni Battista Montini was the second of three sons. His father, Giorgio, was a lawyer, editor, and eventually a member of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. His mother, Giuditta, was very involved in Catholic Action.
After ordination in 1920, Giovanni did graduate studies in literature, philosophy, and canon law in Rome before he joined the Vatican Secretariat of State in 1924, where he worked for 30 years.
He was also chaplain to the Federation of Italian Catholic University Students, where he met and became a very good friend of Aldo Moro, who eventually became prime minister. Moro was kidnapped by the Red Brigade in March 1978, and murdered two months later. A devastated Pope Paul VI presided at his funeral.
In 1954, Fr. Montini was named archbishop of Milan, where he sought to win disaffected workers back to the Catholic Church. He called himself the 'archbishop of the workers' and visited factories regularly while overseeing the rebuilding of a local Church tremendously disrupted by World War II.
In 1958, Montini was the first of 23 cardinals named by Pope John XXIII, two months after the latter’s election as pope. Cardinal Montini helped in preparing Vatican II and participated enthusiastically in its first sessions. When he was elected pope in June 1963, he immediately decided to continue that Council, which had another three sessions before its conclusion on December 8, 1965.
The day before Vatican II concluded, Paul VI and Patriarch Athenagoras revoked the excommunications that their predecessors had made in 1054. The pope worked very hard to ensure that bishops would approve the Council’s 16 documents by overwhelming majorities.
Paul VI had stunned the world by visiting the Holy Land in January 1964, and meeting Athenagoras, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople in person. The pope made eight more international trips, including one in 1965, to visit New York City and speak on behalf of peace before the United Nations General Assembly. He also visited India (1964), Colombia (1968), Uganda (1969), and seven Asian countries during a 10-day tour in 1970.
Also in 1965, he instituted the World Synod of Bishops, and the next year decreed that bishops must offer their resignations on reaching age 75. In 1970, he decided that cardinals over 80 would no longer vote in papal conclaves or head the Holy See's major offices. He had increased the number of cardinals significantly, giving many countries their first cardinal.
Eventually establishing diplomatic relations between the Holy See and 40 countries, he also instituted a permanent observer mission at the United Nations in 1964. Paul VI wrote seven encyclicals; his last one in 1968 on human life - Humanae Vitae - prohibited artificial birth control.
Pope Paul VI died at Castel Gandolfo on August 6, 1978, and was buried in St. Peter's Basilica. He was beatified on October 19, 2014, and canonized on October 14, 2018.
Pope Saint Paul's greatest accomplishment was the completion and implementation of Vatican II. Its decisions about liturgy were the first ones noticed by most Catholics, but its other documents—especially the ones about ecumenism, interfaith relations, divine revelation, religious liberty, the Church's self-understanding and the Church's work with the entire human family—have become the Catholic Church’s road map since 1965.
Source: Franciscan Media
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hillbilly-thomist · 2 years ago
Men rightly observe that a conjugal act imposed on one's partner without regard to his or her condition or personal and reasonable wishes in the matter, is no true act of love, and therefore offends the moral order in its particular application to the intimate relationship of husband and wife. If they further reflect, they must also recognize that an act of mutual love which impairs the capacity to transmit life which God the Creator, through specific laws, has built into it, frustrates His design which constitutes the norm of marriage, and contradicts the will of the Author of life. Hence to use this divine gift while depriving it, even if only partially, of its meaning and purpose, is equally repugnant to the nature of man and of woman, and is consequently in opposition to the plan of God and His holy will.
- Humanae Vitae, Pope Paul VI
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padrepiopietr · 2 years ago
136 anni fa, oggi, nasceva padre Pio da Pietrelcina
Confessava instancabilmente, lottando contro il demonio «per le sorti della Chiesa». Ed elogiò con convinzione l’enciclica Humanae vitae. Continue reading Untitled
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ilghila · 2 years ago
Humanae Vitae: capire le posizioni per scegliere il "bello".
Gli strascichi della pubblicazione della Pontificia Accademia della Vita di quasi un anno fa (qui un articolo della NBQ al riguardo) continuano, nella migliore (peggior) tradizione cattolica. Fra i botta e risposta che in questi mesi le fazioni stanno mettendo in campo, non è facile trovare chiarezza per chi vuole approfondire. Difficile trovarla non dico negli intenti, ma fin’anche nelle…
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cristianesimocattolico · 5 months ago
5 chiavi per comprendere meglio l’enciclica Humanae Vitae
Oggi, nel 1968, usciva l’enciclica di Paolo VI che avrebbe suscitato un terremoto. Perché fedele alla dottrina. Continue reading 5 chiavi per comprendere meglio l’enciclica Humanae Vitae
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all-feminism-is-bad · 1 year ago
Seeing as (a) no one really went the direction [Pope Paul VI] suggested and (b) the Western sexual landscape has been progressively revealed as a wasteland of frat-boy rape and bored masturbation rather than an Eden of sexual liberation, we should probably give Humanae Vitae another glance.
~Marc Barnes, "Reverence and Contraception"
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thesongthesoulsings · 1 year ago
Phenomenal talk on the Theology of the Body
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tonyrossmcmahon · 1 year ago
Abortion - how it became a culture war issue
From the 1960s to the 1990s, abortion became a culture war issue that is huge divisive to the present day as TV historian Tony McMahon reports
The 1967 Abortion Act in the United Kingdom allowed women to legally terminate a pregnancy on the National Health Service. It remained prohibited in Northern Ireland until 2019. This legislation was one of a raft of liberal-minded laws in that decade legalising homosexuality, for example, and abolishing capital punishment. But over the next quarter of a century, the opponents never gave up trying…
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cooperatoresveritatisinfo · 2 years ago
L’attualità dell'Humanae vitae, enciclica coraggiosa e profetica. L’intervento del cardinale Ladaria
Il cardinale Luis Francisco Ladaria Ferrer, dal 2017 prefetto del Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede, ha partecipato al Congresso internazionale “Il mio corpo mi appartiene”. HUMANAE VITAE, l’audacia di un’enciclica sulla sessualità e la procreazione, che sì è tenuto anche on line dal 19 al 20 maggio 2023. Ne pubblichiamo l’intervento, perché il Cardinale spiega magistralmente tutte le…
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lilaccatholic · 1 year ago
Happy 55th anniversary this week Humanae vitae you were right about everything
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badolmen · 5 months ago
People love ragging on Catholics on this site (fast free and easy like river water socks) but I think it’s extra funny y’all seem to think Catholics are some sort of sex prudes. Like, if a Catholic man does not give his wife an orgasm he is failing his sworn duties as a husband. I did not endure polite insinuations that my parents fucked often and well to have as many kids as they have for you to act like any self respecting Catholic is a celibate virgin. Laypeople have sex in this denomination Kaitleign. What are we, Calvinists? Jansenism is soooo 17th century Protestant Reformation-informed heresy.
#ra speaks#personal#not tagging otherwise bc tbh I can’t remember if it was formally declared a heresy or if aspects of its teachings were papally condemned#and I don’t want any um actually 🤓 people in my notes or inbox.#anyways. point is I’m sorry you’re culturally Christian USAmerican Protestant and just finding out Catholics often have mandatory sex ed#at least my school did + my grandma had an amazing little book about Catholic marriage sex tips akdjwhfjsjssj#if you’re Catholic and under the impression that fucking wasn’t supposed to be important…idk sorry your catechist didn’t ever cover like.#humanae vitae or any other encylcicles on sexuality and reproduction.#idk if it was an effort to inform/combat congregational abuse (eg. we know kids w sex ed are more likely to report/recognize abuse)#but my school was pretty damn blunt about it all. here’s a dick and all it’s anatomy. here’s a vagina and all it’s anatomy.#fucking and touching is supposed to be between a married man and woman (as expected)#but it’s also supposed to be fun and shouldn’t hurt and if it’s not and does hurt you need to communicate w them or reach out to a doctor#like. this was early 2010s im still fucking baffled my parochial school Franciscan nuns gave us a better grasp of sex ed than my high schoo#public school sex ed. the teacher there justified emotional abuse and manipulation if it’s against a guy.#and it’s not like their queer sex ed existed beyond ‘and this can be between two people of any gender’ clauses#anyways. you know me have fun and be safe im just tickled to see ppl think their experiences and expectations are universal.
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lunadreamsdespondently · 6 months ago
My name is Luna
Uhhh I post random shit and sometimes photography
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ilghila · 2 years ago
Ancora su HUMANÆ VITÆ: Card. Ladaria le suona ai detrattori alla grande!
Di seguito pubblichiamo l’intervento del Card. Luis F. Card. LADARIA, Prefetto del Dicastero per la Dottrina della Fede, dedicato all’enciclica HUMANÆ VITÆ di Paolo VI. Intervento diretto, lineare nella Tradizione, chiaro nelle spiegazioni e soprattutto senza possibilità di misunderstanding cretidioti. Grazie Card. Ladaria per questa ottima promozione della dottrina della fede e della morale…
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fictionadventurer · 1 year ago
It was right, is right, and will continue to be right
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