#Hugs are hard to model in crimes
taylormarieee · 6 months
Co-Stars turned Lovers A Callum Turner love story
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Chapter 1: "Welcome to the Beginning"
Pairing: Callum Turner x Fem!Bestfriend!Actress!Reader
Word Count: 2.k
Warnings: Kissing for like 2 secs, none really
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You and Callum were the best of friends. Every Interview didn't feel the same without the other. You and him first starred together on Fantastic Beasts: Crimes Of Grindelwald and you bonded ever since.
You loved him so much and he loves you just the same. You were always spotted around LA together, always around in photos in Paris or New York to the point rumors went around that you guys were dating.
That wasn't the case at all. You were filming a new show and it took place in Paris and sometimes New York, so you constantly had to fly back and forth and you felt alone at times.
So you always invited Callum to which he happily obliged when he was free. You booked a hotel for however long you stayed in that place and always ordered a room with two beds.
One for you, and one for Callum. He was your favourite person in the whole world as you were his. He enjoyed your company and you felt as though you couldn't live without his company.
You had separation anxiety so you always felt sad when he wasn't around and would drive or fly as many hours as it took just to be with him. He was your Earth and you were his Moon. Without you he felt as though his world wouldn't spin anymore.
Without him you felt as though you had no purpose in life. Your sole purpose was to orbit around him, be around him as much as possible. You couldn't breathe without Callum.
But there were times where you had to just thug it out and do things on your own without him. He had a life too and you didn't want to seem like that annoying friend that seemed as though she didn't have a life and was just constantly around him.
There were times you will distance yourself from him if it meant you didn't seem or look annoying. But Callum of course, the sweet soul that he is never minded you clung to him 24/7. He enjoyed it actually, it made him feel appreciated and loved.
You gave him attention like crazy and he was a mama's boy. He loved feeling your validation and feeling as if he was wanted. He was drawn to you and you were drawn to him and this was the beginning of a love story you both never anticipated. The beginning of a story you both would soon realize was fate and destiny, the universe bringing you two together.
~ Welcome to the Beginning~
"Welcome to the late late show, I'm your host James Corden and I would like to welcome out our lovely guests."
Everyone in the crowd cheers and your giggling with Callum and Austin. You were so excited to be on the Late Late Show with THE James Corden. You loved James Corden.
"Gosh why am I so nervous!" You nervously giggle and look at Callum and Austin. "Maybe it's because you love James?" Austin says with a smirk on his face. It was more of a statement then a question.
"Y/n Y/l/n, Callum Turner, and Austin Butler!" He screams out and that's your cue for all three of you to walk out. You smile and wave at all the lovely people that have come out to see you guys.
Because your the first one out because the boys decided ladies first, Your the first to give James a hug. You laughed as he gave you a big loving hug. You sat down and waited for the boys to sit.
Austin sat closest to James and Callum sat on the opposite side next to you. So in shorter words, you sat in between the two.
"Welcome Welcome!" James says happily. "It's lovely to have you guys on the show." He says.
"Well were happy to be here!" You say with a dashing smile on your face.
"Alrighty let's get started shall we? Y/N! You are a beautiful amazing woman and an even more amazing actress! What was it like to first get into acting? Who were your role models and people you would have liked to tell that they inspired you to act?" He asks.
"oo that is a wonderful question. I found it quite easy and hard at the same time. I was a very dramatic kid, as my mother would say" You say with a chuckle, the audience chuckles as well.
"And it just made things easier. But at times I was very forgetful so it was hard to remember some of my lines, but being a kid actor who's just starting you realize that the adults working with you aren't going to be harsh because your a kid, you know? So that really helped because Adults have a big impact on kids cause your taller, seem more intimidating. But no yea, it was very easy. And my role model growing up I would have to say was either Leonardo Di Caprio or Will Smith. I really liked The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air."
Everyone claps at your answer and the queit down the moment James talks, "That's a wonderful answer. I love that! Now Callum and Austin, I heard you guys went to boot camp training for Masters of the Air. What was that like? Training to just be really hot and outlook people like me?" When James maks that comment you burst out laughing and the whole crowd laughs too.
James really had a way of making jokes and making people laugh. Austin and Callum laugh as well.
"That's what I've been saying James! There both incredibly attractive and I feel like that boot camp didn't give them any training except how to make other men feel bad!" You say through laughs.
James grabs your hand and laughs with you. "Right! At least I have someone to back me up and not call me insecure, Thank you!" He says.
You nod and smile at him before letting Austin and Callum answer. "Ugh well no it was a very fun time of training to outlook other men! No I'm kidding. It was very fun and felt so real, and when you really see the work we did on the big screen it's like, woah I didn't think it would come out that good. Cuz you know behind the scenes were goofing around and having little to know clue what's gonna happen next so yea it was a huge roller coaster." Austin explains.
You nod and give out a hum of approval and look at Callum, "Do you have anything to add on to that?" James asks.
"Nope, I mean I would have said it just like that. It was very fun and having y/n on set? Oh it was never a dull moment when it came to her. We all had a lot of fun." He says. You smile and look back at James.
"Alrighty, let's get to the juicy stuff!" James says smiling. You face fall and you mutter out an "Oh no." And the crowd starts laughing because you forgot that the mic's pick up everything.
"Why oh no y/n." Your face lights up with surprise and you cover your face in embarrassment.
"Because I know exactly what the juicy stuff is! So, to answer your question, no me and Callum are not dating Mr. Corden!" You say with a laugh at the end.
"Wow! Do a lot of Interviewers ask you that question?" He asks.
"yes, everyday!" You and Callum say at the same time. "I promise you were just really good friends who hang out alot because one of us has separation anxiety from their comfort person." Callum says motioning towards you.
You laugh and then hit his arm playfully. "I'm filming between Paris and New York so you'll spot me with Callum alot because sometimes I get lonely so of course I'm gonna bring my best friend!"
"Yea there was a few times she brought me but I guess paparazzi don't see us or they do and just don't ship me and her together." Austin defends.
"Ok ok, so well then that question is moved over, completely erased."
After that the interview, you, Callum and Austin decide to go out to eat. You chose the restaurant, you always did. You never wanted to because you were always indecisive but you eventually chose a place and you guys went to dine.
Sadly, Austin couldn't stay with you guys as his girlfriend called and needed him home for something urgent. Something about her cutting her hand. You both said your goodbyes and wished she was ok before sitting and ordering.
This was the night you realized your true feelings for Callum Turner...
This was the night you would never forget... The night it all happened and was brushed off as a mistake.
"Callum... today was so exhausting. I hate when people ship us, I mean I don't hate James, I'm just tired of getting asked that same question over and over again! Aren't you?" You ramble on about today's earlier events.
"I mean, if i'm being honest... I don't care. Me and you both know were best friends so why bother entertaining it." he says as he leans closer to you from across the table.
"Unless of course...You wanna deny the fact that you would ever date me? Do you not love me or something?" He teases with a smirk on his face.
That. That right there is what started it... What started your feelings and the electricity that shot down your spine.
"N-No that's... that's not what I'm saying or i-implying Callum!" You say nervously. You were never nervous around Callum.
"Mhmm yeah...sure." He says still leaning forward even closer to you know. 'Maybe he's intoxicated' you thought. He was never this straightforward with you or even this flirtatious with you.
You guys were drinking in the car but not heavily. His hand reaches your cheek and you giggle nervously. "C-Callum what are you doing?" You ask nervously.
"I'm feeling your face duh! What else would I possibly be doing..." He says. You notice he's not making eye contact with you but more so your lips. You lick them nervously and you see his eyebrow raise for a second.
He leans in just a little closer whispering a "God your so beautiful" before he kisses you. Your eyes are wide and you melt into it. He quickly breaks away and apologizes before you could even kiss him back.
"Oh my lord, I'm sorry... i don't know what came over me. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable that-that was a mistake." He says before rubbing his face with his hands.
"I-It's ok Callum. I'm not uncomfortable. Let's just eat ok?" You say with a sweet smile to hide the sadness in your face from him. He sweetly smiles back at you and you both indulge.
That night was a night you've never forgotten but what you were completely oblivious too was that that night was unforgettable to Callum too.
He thought about that night everyday he looked at you... everytime he touched you... everytime he sees lip gloss coat your full lips.
It plagued his mind like a virus corrupting a humans mind. He wanted you badly but he knew he couldn't have you. He couldn't ruin this relationship he had with you, this beautiful friendship, but goddamn were you addicting.
you and Callum were polar opposites yet destined to be together...If only you two could open your eyes and see what is right in front of you.
You and him were made for each other, you just needed to find each other. Like two lost souls searching for a purpose. Like the Earth and the Moon, they look platonic but one can't live without the other. Destined to fall in love either way.
Love, fate, and desire... Something you two need to give into in order to find yourselves.
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Taglist: @dustbunniess @willyoubemycherryy and anyone else that wants to join!
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knifegiver · 3 months
For the next Battinson movie I need them to give him Dick Grayson. If ever a Batman existed who would think letting angry gremlin Dick run around without pants to fight crime was a good idea, or even just the best idea in a heap of bad ideas, it’s Battinson.
The movie should start with Batman being on patrol, stopping a robbery or something. To show that he indeed has learned something from the first movie, he takes down the criminal efficiently but not brutally. And he sticks around to make sure the victim is alright.
We cut to a circus tent, happy music, bright colors. We see tiny Dick performing with his parents, everything is perfect as it should be. But then the tone shifts. The happy music begins to lag, colors and shapes get distorted as we see Dick’s parents plummet downwards. Dickie is jumping after his parents, the ground comes closer, the shapes that once were the Grayson’s get closer but more distorted. Just when Dickie is supposed to hit the ground we cut to him waking up in a cold sweat.
Dick is breathing hard, trying to get his panic under control and to keep silent as to not disturb anyone. He flinches when Bruce, standing awkwardly in the corner, in his under-armor and still with the eye grease, asks him if he needs a hug. Poor Dick hadn’t even noticed Bruce was there. He launches himself into Bruce’s arms, who blinks in a pushed-down anxiety attack. After a good long hug Dick tells Bruce that he still smells like the armor, to which Bruce tells him with the smallest, tiniest smile that he wanted to make sure Dick was alright before he went and showered. Dick uses the situation to ask when he can FINALLY come with Bruce on patrol. He has been training really hard and he has become good! It’s time that Batman lets him go on patrol. Bruce panickedly tells him that they will talk about it tomorrow and sends Dick back to bed.
We cut to breakfast. Bruce reluctantly eats actual breakfast. He has to be a good role model for Dick, after all, as Alfred says. After a long awkward silence Bruce blurts out that he doesn’t know how to postpone Dick’s debut as Robin, anymore. He has tried everything, insisting the boy needs more training, giving the little one just one more test for his detective skills. He has no excuses left. Alfred politely snarks that maybe promising the boy that he can go be a vigilante hasn’t been the smartest thing in the first place.
Before they can unpack that, an energetic Dick enters and immediately launches into his explanation on why he should be allowed to patrol for sure! Bruce tries to refuse but is immediately steamrolled by the tiny ball of rage he all but adopted. At the end of the scene Bruce just says “No.” We cut to Batman and Robin on patrol.
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addicted-to-dc · 1 year
Hobie Brown/Spider-Man X FemmeFatale!Reader - Red Lipstick
I had to take a break from the Miguel brain rot and shift to the Hobie brain rot. This idea has been stuck in my head for days, so here it is!
Contents: Fluff, teasing, flirting, kissing, Hobie being handsy. Nothing too much. Just that I had too much fun writing this. 1k wordcount
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Hobie’s seen you here before, and every time you saunter through HQ he can’t keep his eyes off of you. You practically look like you walked off of a pinup poster, the snug black dress hugging you in the right places with the fur and heels nearly making him walk right into a wall. Nearly.
He knows you’re from that Noir universe, you and your Spider-Man fighting against crime and fascists… It’s like you were made for him. Don’t even get him started when he sees you all dolled up in your suit. It’s driving him mad just not to speak with you. It made sense to not try, especially with how close you were to your Spider-Man.
One day after a very successful mission, he returns with one thing on his mind: talking to you. As soon as he steps through the portal and sees you, he takes it as a sign to approach. Your laughter only urges him forward.
“Please, Parker, you know I’m classier than that.”
Your smile curls upward, a playful look lighting your eye as you notice him. Hobie takes his mask off, giving you a curt nod as he stops in front of you. You look at Parker, your smile growing even more. “Consider it done, lay the file on my desk. I’ll go over it when I get back.”
“You’re a doll, (Y/N).”
You shoo Parker off with a smile, returning your attention to him, “Hobie, is it?”
The tension immediately melts from his shoulders as soon as you say his name. You invade his senses, your sweet perfume scrambling his brains for a few seconds. “Yeah, I wanted to introduce myself. You take my breath away every time I see you, Love.”
“You certainly don’t hold back the charm, do you, angel face?” you ask, taking an experimental step forward before leaning close. “Is that a gift for me?”
Hobie smiles and presents it to you with a bow. You gracefully pluck the box out of his hand. Your eyes curiously watch him as you open the box. Looking down, you see a lipstick case. Picking it up, you take the top off and twist, revealing blood-red lipstick. Without even looking at him you open a mirror he swears you produce from thin air.
As soon as you swipe the smallest amount of color on your lips he smiles, “I knew red would look amazing on you. Fascists hate it, y’know?”
You flash him a dangerous smile as you finish applying the lipstick. He’s sure he’s grinning like an idiot, but it’s worth it. Reputation be damned, you’re something special. You place the mirror and lipstick into a small handbag. It clicks shut gently.
“It’s a lovely gift,” you say, moving closer to him to peck his cheek. You pull back, admiring your handy work. “It looks just as good on you.”
“Maybe I can borrow it sometime, get back to my modeling roots,” he quips. His heart nearly stops at the sound of your laughter. “I’ll see you soon, yeah?”
Before he can react you give him another kiss, your lips sealing over his for a few moments before you pull away slightly. “I’ll be waiting, Darling.”
You stroll away into a colorless portal, turning around to blow him a kiss. He catches it and holds it close to his lips. You shake your head at his antics and disappear with the click of your heels.
“You’re so whipped.”
Gwen lands next to him, chuckling at his grin. Hobie shrugs, messing with his watch to get a portal back home. “Yeah, what about it? That woman’s fucking stunning.”
He couldn’t wait to see you again. Even though the red was an immense hit, he used his five-finger discount to get another gift for you. Finding another color that would compliment you wasn’t hard, he knew that everything would look good. As soon as he saw the metallic red one he had to snag it. He excitedly opens a portal to your universe. He steps through, immediately taking in the view of the dramatic lighting and architecture. 
“I didn’t think you’d show, angel face.”
He smiles and turns around, finally seeing you. You’re in your trench coat, but a more casual look compared to your usual suit. The red lipstick is on your lips, your smile looking more devilish than ever. 
“Got a bit distracted,” he says, holding another gift to you, “but I think it’s worth it.”
You close the distance, leaning in close as you gently unwrap the gift. It’s another tube of lipstick. You take it and place it into a pocket. 
“You not gonna try that one out for me?” Hobie asks, grinning widely when you pull him closer with his belt loops. 
“Help me take off this lipstick, Sugar, and I will.”
Hobie nearly groans at your request, leaning to capture your lips with his. He feels the pigment coat his lips after each passing kiss, driving him even more insane than you usually do. You bite onto his lip piercing and pull back, smiling when he grabs your hips and yanks you close. 
Your eyes feel heavy as his hands wander, sliding down to your ass to knead it. You bite your lip to silence yourself. He doesn’t like that one bit. Sliding his hands down even lower, Hobie grasps your thighs and lifts you onto him. Your dress hikes up just enough to wrap your legs around him. His lips migrate to your neck, spreading the red lipstick all over your neck and chest. One of your heels slips off your foot and falls to the ground, your composure gone as you dig your nails into his scalp and pull.
He reluctantly releases your neck, eyeing up the red spread all across your skin. You’re breathing wildly, trying to slow your breathing when he tries to go on for more. You hold him back, laughing breathlessly. 
“Your place or mine, Sugar?”
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threepandas · 1 month
Bad End: Traps
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"Darling~!" A rich voice greeted me, as I stepped through the final doors leading to an opulent office. "You're looking better! Are you finally adjusting to the anti-poisons? I know they made you feel quite sick."
THAT was an understatement. Try worst cramps and fever of my life, with a dose of puking for days. They put me on IVs. Buuuut? I wasn't gonna say THAT. Not a chance in hell. We, team Earth that is, were supposed to be here for DIPLOMACY. So? Fucking LIE~☆
Yep! "Bit" sick. Just a touch. Hardly noticed, really. Took a nap.
Veneni laughed, rising from the elegant sprawl she'd been resting on one of her "not called couches but totally are" things. To be honest, her voice reminds me of those old "radio stars" from the clips at the museums. All smooth yet husky, curling around you, like they're going to invite you somewhere dark to learn a naughty little secret if you're very VERY good.
Kind of voice you could listen too for HOURS, reading the most boring shit imaginable, and it be the best time you'd had in years.
I am... SO gay, for Veneni.
Like? You DO NOT UNDERSTAND. She SASHAYS. Not walks. Not strolls. Sashays! Like life is a catwalk and she is the alpha bitch here to show these other models how it's DONE. But also? Like she doesn't even NOTICE! It's just... effortless. How she moves. All delicate hand motions and rolling hips and curves.
That I Can Not Touch because she is SUUUUPER poisonous.
Which is? Frankly? Homophobic and a crime against me, specifically. Yeah, her whole species is like that. And it's why all of us are suffering through the Anti-poison adjusters. But STILL! I can't even "accidentally" brush her hand? No potential kissing of hot hot hot alien gf? Illegal. Blocked. Everyone here is a bastard and I want to complain.
.....not, mind you, that I have the metaphorical lady balls to actually CONFESS anything.
But you know... maybe.... maybe if I pine hard enough?
Good ol' stand awkwardly nearby and mentally project "NOTICE ME SEMPAI!" At her? I put on my nice outfit! Makes the girls look-! Wait, does her species even give a shit about boobs? FUCK. Okay, see this? THIS is why I was a flight assist. Just inventory and handing stuff to people who knew what they were doing.
MASTER of the fine arts of "I Can Understand The Instruction Manuel, In Case Of Emergency"!
Pretty good at coffee, too. Not to brag.
But, like? Jokes aside? Things had been... Bad.
Everything had gone to shit. Then somehow found a shovel in the manure pile and started digging. Started OUT okay! Really, it had! Travel was unexpectedly a bit rough. Some sort of space storm that went RIGHT over my head, but we dodged every major catastrophe. Got here in one piece.
There was a fancy meeting party. Whiiiich? In hindsight? Terrible idea. WAY too many people with hella poisonous skin, standing WAY too close. Only reason we didn't IMMEDIATELY lose the head diplomate? Was the regulation "new planet, unknown pathogens" full body biosuit. He? Got a HUG. Like... right out the ship.
Oof. That would have been IT, for him. Unfortunately, he didn't make it past that much longer. Someone's pet bit him. And? Yep. Completely fucking venomous. Lethally so. A tragedy, right? Outlier, surely?
No. No this planet was trying to fucking kill us. It was a toxin coated hellpit and had so far? Murdered just over half the diplomatic crew. Those that were still alive? Over half of THEM were in emergency care. With just over a forth of the OTHER survivors being the only ones who could safely care for them.
Rest of us were either in isolation or sick as FUCK.
Isolation for those who needed to get rescued, because the Anti-poison adjusters would fucking kill them. Or sick as hell, for those few who remain that finally, FINALLY had found a way to Not DIE.
It was a shit show~☆
I? Went from basically a nobody? To "congrats! By merit of NOT being dead or dying, you're the head diplomat by proxy!" Which? Fucking WHAT? You could physically SEE the stress radiating off the poor guys back home, as they tried to speed run me through "how to not Accidentally A War 101".
I was pretty sure his cup, did in fact, NOT contain coffee. But I wasn't telling.
Instead, I got the honor of carrying the video call. Literally. Since our tech was incompatible. I got to carry the whole set up. Portable battery included. So the ACTUAL Really, Actually, Trained In Diplomacy, Diplomat could call in. And then I could look pretty and nod seriously at the appropriate times.
Mmmmhmmm. Yes. I agree. I both understand what is being said, AND support Earth's position on these matters! I have definitely studied the materials. Am supposed to be here. We have DEFINITELY suffered no catastrophic loses, pay no attention to the chaos behind the curtains! Diploooomacyyyyy....
God, she is pretty.
Watching her smile, her sensors gently shift around her like flowing water, the way her hand delicately gestured as she spoke? I... I wanted to build her, like, a cabin or something. Bring her breakfast in bed. Maybe adopt an alien dog together. And like? I don't even KNOW how to build shit. But, fuck it. I'd learn.
Cause I mean... you KNOW you got it bad, when you look at Toxic Super Hell the planet, look at pretty lady, look BACK at the planet that in no uncertain terms ACTIVELY thirsts for your blood... and go?
"So when do I move? Feeling REAL patriotic for my new home! Wooo, New Home!"
Yes I have a problem. Shut up, I'm aware.
A quite click signaled the end of their talks. Finally done for the day. I definitely, in now way shape or form, perk up like an excited puppy hearing the word "walkies". Because that? THAT would suggest I had WAY more dignity. I am a thirsty, thirsty bitch, okay? SO PRETTY. Nice laugh! Calls me Darling!! I have a LIST!!!
"Mmmm, what an unpleasant man that was. Did something happen to Mr. Ho?" She asked, stretching in the slow rolling way of hers. It looked boneless and decadent. REALLY distracting. "I hope nothing Serious~. We were nearly on the cusp of getting you home! I do hope he gets well soon. But, ah~, where ARE my manner today, Darling? You must be starving!"
Veneni sweeps forward to tuck my arm in hers, pulling me against her side. Even through my biosuit and her modest dress... I... I can FEEL her body heat. How soft and warm she feels pressed close against me. She smells tingly and spiced, kinda like citrus and mulled cider. NOT! That I'm smelling her! WHICH I'M NOT!! Because that would be so, SO creepy! It's just-!? You know-?! AaaaaaAAA???
She guides me to our little table. Probably set up for guests in general. But... you know... kinda like to THINK of it? As ours?
I REALLY need to stop while I am ahead. Good fucking gods. Ignore me.
Mmm, yes, distraction cake! Let's talk about THAT instead! Wonder what she-? I then choked on my drink. Because... because after bringing out the usual traditional deserts of she was teaching me about? And dishes I could try? Veneni... c.. casually as you please rests her chin, propped up on one hand, then reaches out with the other... to place it on my hand, which rests on the table between us.
Hear that? That's my soul screaming at a pitch only dolphins can make.
I'd like to say? I don't immediately embarrass myself? But that's a lie. I make a wheeze reminiscent of something dying horribly. Against all odds. She is NOT immediately disgusted and done with me. Dear lord, my parents may actually have a chance at seeing me married! Holy FUCK.
Wait. No. Slow your roll.
SMILE first. We GOT this! Seduce her!
I open my mouth... and stupid fell out. FUCK.
"Calm yourself, Darling!" She laughs, the bemused fondness lighting up her face. "You hardly need to impress ME! Believe me. I knew you were mine the second I saw you. Nothing could possibly change that~"
Her cute fangs catch the light, deadly sharp. Her's is a predatory species. I wonder if they like social touch? Cause I REALLY want to cuddle. Hold hands. Touch. Ooooother stuff~ But! Mostly the Hold Cute Alien GF! Assuming that's where this is headed. Please GOD let that be where this is headed!
"I was thinking... and I don't want to be too forward, of course," oh god please do "and I hope I'm not interpreting things incorrectly!" You are not. Take me you magnificent, purple, high femme queen amongst the masses. "But... I would VERY much like to... get to know you, Darling. On a more... personal level...?"
I kept my lips pressed desperately together to keep from literally shouting the word "Yes" in her face. Be cool. BE COOL! We are both cool and Very Normal About This! Scream in incoherent joy later!
Y..Yeah! Sounds great!
This is the best day of my-!
An explosion shook the biodome. While the whole planet WAS toxic as fuck? There were levels to it's toxicity. Some places too much for even native life forms to handle. And, of course, no place that non-natives could safely survive. Thus the capital's biodome. Highly filtered air, earth, and resources. Built for diplomacy and several critical care hospitals.
Now under attack. Another bomb exploded. Cracks in the dome.
I could only stare in mute horror at the pillar of smoke. Because... Because that was the isolation area. Our evac's. Someone just blew up... Then my brain seemed to comeback online all at once, as adrenaline flooded my system. I looked between the still unpacked call system and Veneni.
A piece of tech or a high ranking, probably high interest target. My maybe hopefully girlfriend. Not really much of a choice.
Fucking LEAVE IT.
We had to go. I pulled Veneni up, told her as much. She looked so startled.
"Of... Of course, Darling. Yes. You're right. I AM probably a target, aren't I?" The thought didn't seem to have occurred to her. God, I felt like a monster having to bring such ugliness to her attention. Scaring her like this. But ignorance wouldn't keep either of us safe.
"I...I think there was a safe room?" She faltered, arms crossing almost artfully, looking so uncertain I couldn't help but want to comfort her. "But, Darling, I'll admit.. I'm.. I think I'm rather scared. Will you protect me? Stay with me? ...please?"
I couldn't help it. She looked so scared. So delicately small. I stepped forward, arms going around her. Pulling her close like I could shield her from the world. I wouldn't let anything happen to her. I promised myself. Felt her arms, a few of her sensors, desperately curl around me.
I didn't see the smile, pressed against my front. That quickly vanished as she pulled back. Nor did I notice the calm technician, hidden in the shadows of a side hall, who nodded at Veneni as I herded her to "safety". Would think nothing of how, tragically, my rooms were hit in the follow up blasts. How very lucky, that Veneni has rooms to spare. But oh~ she would not want to over step!
I don't notice a lot of things. But hey, things are great! I got a girlfriend! Or, as she likes to joke,
She Got Me.
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Pavitr Prabhakar x f!reader
Summary: Reader is scared of roaches and accidentally finds one in the bathroom. Pavitr saves her + fluff <3 [used Google translate for Hindi words, sorry if it's wrong 😅] My boi has so less fics so i decided to do one myself '^_^ A/N: "N/n" means nickname
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"Paviiiiiii beta!", Maya auntie calls from the kitchen. "Can you please get the door? I'm busy." 
"I got it, aunite!" 
Pavitr opens the door to none other than his best friend and partner-in-crime, Y/n. 
"Hey, N/n!", he pulls you into an embrace. You smile and return the sentiment, nuzzling his cheek before pulling away. 
You remove your shoes outside and step in, as is custom in India, greeted with a playful pinch to your cheek by Maya auntie herself. You giggle. She was like a mother to you and you loved her as such. 
"My beti, I haven't seen you in a week! How was your vacation?" 
"It wasn't great without you, auntie. We just got home and I came to see you right away!" 
"Suck up, suck up", mutters Pavitr in the background, gaining a playful slap to his head -courtesy of you. 
"Did you do your exams well? I didn't have a chance to ask you before you left." 
"I think I'll get an 'A', thanks to Pavitr's tutoring." 
You watch him perk up out of the corner of your eyes as your praise.
The boy in question puffs out his chest, showing off his biceps from where he's leaning on the kitchen door frame. "Have no fear, Pavitr is here!"
You cup your mouth, laughing at his antics as Maya auntie playfully shakes her head in exasperation. 
"Pavu can be like that sometimes", she chuckles, leaning into your ear in a stage whisper, "He missed you a lot, you know. Never shuts up about you. And, you know, beti, I keep asking him to already tell you but-" 
You both blush as Pavitr hushes the old woman. She just winks at you. Of course, she knows. 
The awkwardness is too much and Pavitr takes your hand, leading you into his room. 
"Okay okay, enough talk, ladies. Y/n and I have some work to do -for a project!", he adds quickly when Maya auntie smirks at him. "I.. that-..auntie!" 
She just giggles and ruffles his hair before walking back to the kitchen, leaving you both standing awkwardly next to each other, flustered. 
Pavitr clears his throat. "She.. she was just kidding, I didn't-" 
"It's okay", you say shyly. 
You have feelings for him too but both of you are just too timid and would rather take it to your grave than admit it out loud. 
He falls onto his bed and crosses one leg over the other, resting his head on his elbows as you sit next to him. 
"So, what has my favourite person been upto in the meantime, leaving me all alone in this big, big city?" 
You playfully roll your eyes. Dramatic little shit. 
"You? Alone? Liar, the whole city is your friend." 
He pouts, trying to look offended, but gives in and laughs. 
You discuss about your project and he shows you some beta models of his brilliant ideas. You stare in awe at the young genius before you, playing with his "toys" as he explains them patiently. 
"Hey, can I use your bathroom for a sec?", you ask when he finishes. 
"Sure. Make yourself at home, N/n! I'll go sneak us some snacks", he winks, peeking from outside his door. 
You shake your head, smiling. It's not that Maya auntie would refuse you snacks, but Pavitr convinced you there was a thrill in food-stealing and you couldn't deny it. 
You shut the door, switch on the light and turn to the sink to wash your face when there it is -the thing that you most fear, the monster of your nightmares -a cockroach! 
You scream bloody murder and run out of the bathroom, colliding into a hard wall. You look up realising it's actually Pavitr. 
"You okay, N/n?" 
"R-roach! Roach!", you point at the bathroom door frantically. 
You stay in the corner as he goes in and stomps it dead, washing his hands before he comes to hug you. 
"Deep breaths, deep breaths.. now exhale.. that's it.." 
You cling onto him and follow his orders, grip loosing as your breathing slows down. His hand circle your waist, holding you firm and secure. You rest your head on his chest, calming down at the rhythmic beat of his heart. 
You only belatedly realize it: you're hugging him, your chests touching each other's. 
He seems to realizes it at the same time too, but instead of letting you go -like every other time- his hands tighten around your waist. 
Pavitr catches your eyes with his own mesmerizing brown eyes; yours unable to leave him, entranced by his orbs as he slowly, gently leans in. Without noticing, you lean in too. 
The gentle touch of soft lips spark fireworks in your body, your nerves tingling with the new feeling of his lips on yours. You could get used to this. 
You panick a little it registers what you're doing, but Pavitr chases your lips, pressing against them firmly and you instantly calm down. He cups your face, cradling your neck as he brings your lips closer. It's his way of reassuring that you have nothing to fear. 
"Hope I'm not interrupting anything." 
You guys jump back as if burned when the door suddenly flies open. Maya auntie is standing there with a guiless face and a bright smile. 
"I brought chai for you kids!", she says cheerfully and sets down the cups. "Did you hear that scream earlier? Where did it come from?" 
"It, uh, it was me, auntie", you say, quite embarresed, running a hand through your matted up hair. "There was a cockroach in the bathroom and I got scared." 
"Aww, poor child." 
Pavitr looks away, blush blooming on his cheeks yet not obvious due to his skin tone. He rocks on his heels, running a hand through his hair. You know he too can still feel your lips on his from the way his eyes never leave you. 
Maya auntie's eyes sparkle mischievously as she smiles and goes into the bathroom, finding the toy roach and throwing it into the trash can.
She smirks under her breath and washes her hands, sighing as she mutters in amusement. 
"Oh, the things an old lady gotta do.."
Reblogs and comments feed my fic dragon <3
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mellowwillowy · 10 months
𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐲... 𝐒𝐞𝐭, 𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍!
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Warnings: doxxing, cyberbullying, blackmail, curses
Synopsis: Nasty comments are nothing but daily beverages for your girlfriend, but when it's directed at you? She is not happy about it at all.
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She is the model with the body that everyone adores, smooth dark skin that looks so beautiful when enveloped with golden fabric, a pair of blue eyes that never leave your figure, and the long wavy dark brown shade hair that you enjoy combing through with your fingers.
She is the embodiment of the word "Mommy".
Her naturally tall figure + high heels? Mmh.
She is the renowned model, Chloe, your girlfriend.
She also happens to be the one who will be your guard dog, keeping you safe from everything, everyone. She is by means no idol who is swarmed by countless low-life fans who will stab you or her out of jealousy, but she knows just how nasty people can get with their nasty comments.
"Fucking dimwits, they don't even have a sliver of your charm in them but they dare to write these disgusting shits shamelessly? Are they writing a resume of themselves?" Chloe spat as she submitted yet another screenshot of the nasty comments you received from her followers to her lawyer.
"I mean... they aren't wrong... I am nothing if compared to you Chloe..." you frowned to yourself as you sorted out all the photos you took of her, "I am no professional and yet you somehow look so breathtaking in all my amateur shoots, are you perhaps Cleopatra?"
Chloe breathed out a chuckle, or at least she tried. She didn't want to let you see how clenched her jaw was, how her fist clenched and unclenched with the manicured fingernails digging into her palm, fucking shitheads, what should she do to keep these mutts in line?
... aha.
Chloe hurried to your side and pecked your forehead, "Gotta go first babe, work is calling me." You nodded at her words and hugged her, taking in her spicy cologne before pulling away. Her tall figure left in a swift movement and left you alone in the wide living room. Guess she'll only be back for dinner, you shrugged.
You remembered this person's username. They had been nothing but a nasty hater toward you, leaving nasty remarks here and there in all your socials.
Who leaked their whole ass information? Was this not a crime?
"I'd say they deserve it, what comes around goes around," Chloe shrugged her shoulders and moved to sit next to you after peeking the content of your phone through your shoulders, "besides, these people just have to learn it the hard way else they'd never understand."
You read further into the whole drama, reading more and more nasty comments shot toward this person, just how long would they keep their socials online until they finally deactivated it?
"Poor them..."
Chloe snorted, "Poor shithead, should have made them have it worse."
You looked up to her, "Huh?"
Chloe looked up to you and cocked her head, "Hm?" A smile plastered on her face, maroon lip curled up.
Chloe has always been the woman you looked up to, hell you even wish you could be at least half of her. But the same can't be said about her, she loves you just the way you are.
"One moment, the ITs are calling me again," you wondered to yourself, since when did Chloe have to work with the ITs?
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sunflowerhae · 2 months
The Flops™️
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A 22 year old professional dumb ass with a side gig in being comedic relief. Y/n is easy to understand; she loves video games, loves her cat, and loves pasta. And well..MAYBE she loves her fans too. Y/n is what you could call an “unstoppable force”. She’s going up in the online entertainment world, and has no plans on stopping soon. After having JUST passed her 4 million subscriber milestone on YouTube, y/n believes her life is just near perfect. Which is exactly why God needed to humble her, she thinks. Because WHO kicks someone out of their apartment (3 months before their lease ends, might I add) because of a “miscommunication” if not compelled to by God Himself. So, now Y/n has to move all of her things..AGAIN..to a new place…AGAIN…and pray to God (who we’ve found does NOT have a soft spot for her) that this one sticks - at least for a little bit. Everyone around y/n quickly learns that it’s not her who’s the comedic relief, but instead her life which is so ridiculous, that you can’t help but laugh.
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Giselle has two main interests. She is a fan of music, and a fan of y/n. She got the music part covered by being one of Korea’s leading superstars. AND she has the y/n part covered by being y/n’s absolute ULTIMATE best friend. When she’s not hypnotizing a whole country with her melodies, she’s dreaming of hanging out with her friends and, maybe hot Greek men. But be careful! This kitty bites, and if you poke too hard at her, you’ll understand why they say she has claws.
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When winter isn’t focusing on her (some would call it) obsession with animal crossing, she’s focusing on her blossoming career in the mukbang community. If you can name it, Winter can eat it. She’s still pretty new, but she’s gaining a steady following by her charming personality and, quite frankly, insane ability to hound a plate of food faster than you can utter an insult. It of course doesn’t hurt her new following that she’s good friends with some of the most influential people of her generation, but that doesn’t mean much to her. With a laugh and bite - winter is a happy girl.
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Jisung would never call himself a streamer. Sure, he plays video games for people to watch. Sure, he gets viewer numbers up to the thousands. SURE, he makes money off it and has a weekly upload schedule. But no, Jisung would NEVER call himself a streamer. So y/n does it for him! You might think the whole “bicker like siblings” thing is an act for the camera, but that’s just the nature of these two friends. When she’s not nagging him about how much he eats and yet never goes to the gym, Jisung fills the space by laughing and bullying y/n’s gameplay choices. Some newbies are convinced they actually hate each other, but OG’s know these two love each other fiercely, the difference is they show it in their own..unique..way.
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Ah..Jaemin. The irony of Jaemin befalls all his friends. He is, by far, the most outgoing one of the bunch. Jaemin sees a new person as a new opportunity for a friend. He laughs in the face of introverts, while also hugging them and giving them a free bag of chips. Jaemin knows just what to say, and just when to say it. And it pains them all that he’s the ONLY “normal” one of the group. Jaemin is currently studying business at SNU, hoping to one day open a cat cafe. His nonchalance towards being in the most envied and admired friend group of their country confuses Jaemins classmates. And what confuses them even more is that, when asked if he feels lucky to be friends with them, his reply is only, “those idiots? More like what crimes did I commit in my last life to be cursed to know them”. But fear not for little old Jaemin, for he is probably the sneakiest of the lot. And if you don’t know what I mean, I’m sorry, but it’s already too late for you.
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Jeno is a model. It’s really that simple. Jeno is a model - and also so much more. He’s Jaemins best friend, he’s winters boyfriend, he’s the “glue” of the group (as y/n would put it), and he’s just genuinely a nice person. If you have an issue with anything - he’s there. A leak in your roof? Call Jeno. You’re missing a final ingredient for a recipe you’ve been dying to try? Jeno will find it, or die trying! Need a shoulder to cry on after a nasty breakup? Jeno is at yours with a tissue one minute, and an undisclosed location with a gun and some rope in the next. He’s the fiercest and loyalist friend you’ll ever have; who just so happens to be a model.
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GG! (Good Game!) 👾
Notes: does anybody actually read my character descriptions bc I actually think I popped off w these ngl. Also not them being a hype house lowkey (without the house part)
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Happy Wednesday amazing fandom :) This is a very emotional episode for Lucy. Melissa’s acting in this one is outstanding. All I want to do most of this episode is hug her. And tie Chris to the back of a truck and just drive…Our lovely couple are apart in this episode but it’s such a good one. I have a lot of Chris rage in this one so prepare yourself haha Let’s get started.
4x17 Coding
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We start off with Tamara making Lucy breakfast. I love her natural instinct to take care of Lucy in these moments. Just like Lucy did and still does for her. I adore their dynamic so very much. Tamara is protective when they talk about today. She doesn't understand why Lucy has to do this. Noting Rosalind is already serving four life sentences. She doesn’t like that the DA is making her dredge up painful memories just to slap on more charges. Lucy tells her it’s important to make sure she’s charged as an accessory to Caleb’s crimes. That Rosalind needs to be held accountable for that.
Most of her victims didn't make it...She is one of the lucky ones and doesn't want to waste that. Can see a strong sense of justice brewing deep in her soul as she explains this. I love how strong she is being for Tamara. Showing her what a bad ass she is. Modeling that for her. Tamara still has worry in her eyes and says she’s coming with. That she will have snacks and puppy videos at the ready. Be her emotional support human. Since her normal emotional support isn’t with her today. Love them.
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Speaking of Lucy's ESH he’s at the hospital with Nolan. His car crash victim was a a rough one. I can’t watch the cold open for this one ever. I did it once and I bawled my eyes out. I can’t do stuff with kids after becoming an auntie. Her being sad the popsicles were gonna melt for her kid. That her husband would be mad about the car.
Makes me think of my niece, nephew and my sister. I just can’t handle it. But kudos to the writers for evoking that out of me. Glad John was there in her final moments but it was rough to watch. Tim comes up to him and notices Nolan is still in shock about it. Gah I would be too. I still can’t handle rewatching it let alone living it.
Tim is so wonderful and gives John some good perspective about it. That yeah it was rough and tragic no doubt about it. But that girl is going to get a new heart because of it. Tells him to try and focus on the silver lining of it all. Love this man. His empathy has grown leaps and bounds since we first met him. Was always there Lucy just needed to get it out of retirement when they met.
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Lucy and Tamara arrive at the DA's office and we can see Lucy tense up. Just being in the office is setting her off already. She tells Tamara she’s going to the bathroom. She is so sweet and asks if she needs her come with? Lucy tells her no she handle that solo. We watch Lucy escape into a stairwell. Poor thing is in an absolute panic. Rubbing her DOD tattoo trying so hard to ground herself. I’ve been there where something just triggers your PTSD.
All you need is to find somewhere to expel all that energy surging through you. Because she is having an intense fight or flight moment. She is desperately trying to ground herself. Breaks my heart because I love her. Also because I’ve been her. I know this feeling she is experiencing. Nothing worse than getting engulfed in that sort of emotion. It's like the walls are closing in on you. It's what creates that flight instinct and you just need to get out just to breathe.
To be able to function at all. You can feel the panic rising in your throat and you’re drowning in it. Poor thing is getting flashes of what happened to her. It's taking her right back there. We watch her take a deep breath trying to reset her body. She clearly doesn’t want Tamara to see her like this. Ugh. This is just fuel for my hate fire later when I wanna bitch slap the clown. My heart hurts for her in this ep. It really does.
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Tim is still at the hospital with Nolan. He continues his sweetness with John. Saying if he needs to see a counselor he can. Won’t be any charge to him. Look at our sweet empathetic Tim. I love it so much my heart is gonna burst. Their chat is interrupted by the hospital shutting down.
They find out quickly the man before them is ransoming the hospital to get his wife the heart. Wanting to steal it from that young girl for his wife instead. Threatens that he’ll shut down their entire network if they don’t do so. Tim looks pissed as hell. Which is kinda sexy tbh. They’re at his mercy it would seem...
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Lopez comes charging in clearly ready for a fight. Asking for a status update on everything. They have the husband and wife separated atm. Her husband is being held in a conference room with an officer. Angela wants Tim to take a run at Jonah and sends Nolan to crack the wife. Hoping either the IT dept. will crack the hold on the network or they guys will get one of the spouses to fold.
Nolan is a swing and a miss with the wife. So we cut to Tim and Jonah. Tim looking particularly fine as he questions the husband. Has his hard stance going on trying to get this guy to crack. Telling him to dial back the threats that if he scales back now it won’t be as bad.
It’s here we see a man with nothing to lose. We watch Tim soften a little bit. It's when he says his wife is his entire life. Tim can relate to that and it shows as he’s listening. Doesn't last long though. He goes back into cop mode when Jonah starts threatening again. Saying soon enough something else will start with a new phase. It’s here we see a complete lock out of the system for the staff. Phase 2 has started.
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We rejoin Lucy at the DA’s office. Chris has to take over since her normal person is out sick. He tried to reschedule but Lucy pushes against this. Saying they’re professionals and she can do this. I think she just wants it done and over with tbh. I hate how he questions her though. With this smug authority I cannot stand.
The more he pokes at the wound the more we see Lucy get agitated. Like a cornered animal being poked and prodded. Ready to lunge and attack at the slightest provocation. He is questioning everything about Caleb being connected to Rosalind. We watch her go back into fight or flight mode. As she examines the pictures and gets more flashes of her time in that horrible barrel.
Love her snapping at Chris when he says he’s just ‘Wants her to be ready.’ Schmuck.... He has this semi smile the entire time and I just wanna clean his clock so badly. He is beyond insensitive about this entire thing. Not reading her body language whatsoever. Seeing how tightly wound she is. I wish Tim could be there for her. He would be a much better rock for her. I hate Chris and this episode just ramps that right up.
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Then comes the moment I was to punt Chris down the stairs. Like skipping a rock across the water. See how many flights I can get him to fall down with just my rage. He starts singing her barrel song like the dumbass he is. Showing the clueless SOB he truly is. Melissa crushes this scene though. The shaky way she delivers her lines. How she backs up every time Chris tries to approach her. Needing as much distance as she can get in that room.
The way she snapped at him earlier should've been evidence enough. The writing on the wall was there. He just needed to be extra sensitive. What does he do? Sing that song. It’s the way he says ‘Yeah it’s evidence.’ All cavalier. No clown it’s visual proof of the worst and most traumatic moment of her life. It is far more than just evidence you stupid schmuck. That was her death song. She thought it was over and she sang that as a way to comfort herself. It’s a deeply intimate and emotional thing for her. He’s treating it like it’s just part of the case.
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We can see how the thought of him watching it is wrecking her. He keeps trying to close the gap and she keeps widening it. He is pushing her physical boundaries when she is screaming for him to stay away. Being the clueless oaf he is Chris continues to try. Saying he’s sorry, he’s in the DA office, blah blah blah. Meaningless words to her in this moment. Her saying ‘Yeah you said that already…’ She is disassociating in this moment. Trying to distance herself from him. Because he has wounded her and she needs time to regroup.
I hate that stupid semi smile on his face still. He’s truly not understanding what she needs in this moment. Makes my blood boil. Further proof he's not the guy for her. Tim can read every emotion. Know exactly what she needs. Then there is this putz. Shouldn't be allowed to breathe the same air as her at this point. Lucy has to practically beg him to give her a moment alone. Shaking and absolutely wrecked emotionally. I hate this so very much for her. She is in serious distress right now.
He's so selfish all he can thinking about is absolving his involvement. Not reading her emotional state whatsoever. Trying to push past her boundaries. She finally makes him go away. He storms off like a child. I'm shaking at how mad I am rewatching this. Especially with carrying PTSD myself. One of my trauma triggers is my physical boundaries being pushed. He had no damn right to impose himself on her like that. Chris has already proven he’s not the guy for her. This was the nail in his coffin IMO for that. What an absolute clown this man is….Melissa killing me softly with this scene.
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We return to Tim and Nolan at the hospital. Someone has died due to Phase 2. So the hospital gives into his demands. Let’s his wife get the heart. I love how Tim wants to clean this guy's clock. Telling him to lose the attitude. Gah if he only knew what was going on at the DA’s office. His rage would be ten times what it is right now. Jonah restores the lights but only for the OR. Tells them he wants to be there for his wife’s surgery. To make sure they’re really doing it. This guy is something else. Tim re-cuffs him and they head to the OR together.
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Lucy finds Chris and he jumps up and apologizes again. She cuts him off not having time for his BS. This isn't about you bub. She asks for him to get her the video. That he’s seen it and half the lawyers in this bidding have. But she hasn’t. Chris tells her it’s incredibly hard to watch. Lucy doesn’t care and tells him she needs to see it. My girl I just wanna hug her. Also I’m so damn proud of her for standing up for what she wants.
Chris having no leg to stand on agrees to show it to her. He has the gall to ask if he should stay? Obviously not you friggin stunad…Got me so angry I’m calling him an idiot in Italian. He really doesn’t get it. It’s ridiculous. After how she reacted earlier. How she's been this entire time you’d think she was going to say yes? The last thing she needs is your stupid ass there. She thanks him for the video. He doesn’t deserve that,
All he deserves is a swift kick to the nads. So he doesn't reproduce little clueless offspring….Whoever set up these shots did a good job btw. They are so well done. She’s psyching herself up to press play. The shot of her with her ring. We see it visible on her hand. The ring that saved her life. The ring Tim found and held onto until she was ready to have it back. Trying to ground herself before watching this. The way her hand shakes before she hits play gets me all in the feels.
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Melissa continues to crush this scene. Watching her watch that video makes me wanna cry. It’s so hard to watch her witness the worst moment of her life. Once again another beautiful shot of Melissa above. The way she closes her eyes as she listens to herself sing, the way she touches her lips in an anxious manner, the ring close to her as she continues to listen. Having the object that saved her close to her as she watches. Like a safety blanket as she takes in the video.
You can see her whole body trembling as she tries to get through it. Hurts my damn heart to watch unfold. Serious props to Melissa for conveying so damn much in this short scene. Lucy trying to prove to herself she is strong by watching this. By going through with this whole thing at all. Trying to push down all the emotions eating away at her. Last ep all I did was laugh. This one all it does is hurt my heart. Hurt for her. It's so good though.
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We return to the hospital. They’re wheeling Jonah’s wife back. Tim is super stern with him and I’m here for it. You tell him babe. Directs him not to mess with the surgeons or how they do their job. Is that understood? Jonah goes on to say how he never would since it’s saving his wife. The saddest part is next. The father of the daughter they’re stealing heart from comes after them.
Trying to kill his wife because if he does his daughter will live. The love a parent has for their kid is immense. How it it should be really. Sadly he gets arrested and Jonah continues on like it's nothing. Like he isn't destroying lives with this decision of his. They have to continue their march towards the OR despite this. Because Jonah still holds all the cards right now.
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This next part gets me right in the feels. Nolan is able to get his wife to listen to the daughter. Her speech gets me teary every time. What a strong and amazing young woman to say what does. Did what Nolan couldn't do in the first place. Build rapport and get her to break. To change her mind on this whole thing. I think it's the fact that she forgives this woman that gets her to break. To let her know she forgives her even thoush she's taking away her second chance. This episode is all kinds of emotional in the best way.
His wife withdraws consent after that. Says she can’t do this anymore. Just like that it's over. Or so we we think. Jonah tries to turn off the ransomware but can’t. His partners have locked him out and want a ransom to unlock it. One the hospital cannot afford. Tim and John are escorting Jonah out now. He’s going on about needing to be there for his wife. Tim tells him he gets nothing since he let someone die. He’s going to prison for a murder charge.
John steps in and says if he can tell them who he’s working with they can help. It's possible Jonah can get bail so he can spend what time she has left with him. He lets them know who he was hired by. That it was their idea to hack the hospital. Saying they’d pay him to build the ransomware. He was an easy target due to his medical debt. He’s slowly figuring out they were just a means to an end. Tells them the IT dept. can track messages they sent him.
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Cue to sexy OP Tim mmm. Tactical Tim is one of my favs. Also nice shots of his ass and I’m not complaining LOL The house is empty once they clear it. They're worried they've already left or haven't been here for awhile. Tim noting it has to be here. No way they could run that kind of software on a laptop. They decide check outdoors and Nolan see's transformer with a cable running from it.
Tim follows Nolan as he sees a massive cable running along the grass. They trace it to a container on the property. This is where the hackers are set up. Nolan tells one of them they can have a deal the other gets way more jail time. Just depends on who answers him first. One of the hackers easily gives up their partner in a flash. Tim's ‘Good answer’ cracks me up LOL I love him.
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Lucy is in an emotional coma when Tamara and Chris check in on her. Really it's Tamara that says they should. Chris has no drive to check on her himself. He tried knocking once and gave up. Tamara is the one to push it and make them enter the room. She doesn't have time for Chris to grow some balls to check on her. Dipshit I mean Chris asks her if she watched it? Not a single brain cell in that head is there? How did you make it through law school sir? Seriously? Of course she watched it you idiot. I love Lucy for not testifying. This was so big for her to step away from. It was not an easy decision for her to make. Once again being the strong role model for Tamara.
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I'm so proud of her for being courageous enough to watch that video. I get why she did. Everyone else had access to it. Seen it. I think it was part of her decision to move on. Her processing things was her realizing she had nothing to prove. Damn right you don’t. Screw Rosalind, screw Chris and this whole thing. Her saying she survived that felt like a call back to 2x12. Where Tim helped her see it wasn’t a failure but proof of what a survivor she is. His words sticking with her in this moment. I love it.
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Tamara coming over and hugging her is the best part. She is so proud of Lucy for making this call. It was her's to make and a place she needed to get to on her own. If it had been up to Tamara she never would've gone through this at all. I love her telling her she is going to make dinner. They really are a make-shift family and it's so lovely to see. I just love them so much. How she instantly wants to take care of Lucy. Makes my heart happy in an ep where all I wanted to do was murder Chris.
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How their relationship survived this episode I couldn’t tell you. His ass deserved to be dumped so very hard. Like a cat with nine lives. He keeps on ticking. When all he deserved was to be shut out of her life for good. Also of course Chris doesn’t cook... Chalk another one up for the clown. I seriously have zero idea what she sees in him. Other than just being lonely and wanting companionship. So ends this episode. I wanna say I’m sorry for all my Chris rage but I’m really not LOL
Side notes-non Chenford
James and Nyla be cute. I love them. That be it.
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Some of y'all already know this story. Just reposted it. About time I get started on part 2.
You will be mine (ft Piccolo & Chichi)
Part 1
Everything went downhill when he left. When he died at the hands of a monster, who the police still could not find, and left Gohan and I alone, along with another baby already on the way. Having one more mouth to feed while working at my horrid job just to make ends meet and make sure my baby boy doesn't go to bed hungry.
Goku wasn't the most involved parent but he kept us living a comfortable life. He kept us safe and happy but now he's gone and we couldn't even give him a proper send off because the detectives still haven't found the body of my supposedly deceased husband.
"There was blood all over the scene. The DNA match, it's your husband. But there's footsteps leading away from the scene but they stop at a dead end."
How could his corpse just get up. Was he still alive?
"An anonymous witness said that they saw his body there before we arrived. The footprints match with the sneakers he wore."
It doesn't make sense. He couldn't have just walked away and vanished of the face of the earth.
"It's no doubt that this is a suicide. There isn't any evidence of another human being that was at the scene of the crime."
They say it was suicide but I know my Goku. He was too happy to have taken his own life. He had so much to live for. He had his life, his friends. He had us...he had me.
No. Someone must've done it. For some reason Goku's good nature got him more enemies than friends. Someone must've done it.
"Alright, ma'am. Since you keep pushing for this, who you do think would want your husband dead?"
A lot of people. The people that couldn't get rid of Goku just as he couldn't get rid them.
"Frieza? You better have some pretty tight evidence and a lot of guts to be accusing one of the most powerful people on Earth for murdering your husband."
"Cell? Cell has been locked in holding for years. He couldn't have done this and the androids have done their time. Your husband even fought for their freedom, remember?"
"Chi Chi, you honestly think the husband of Bulma Briefs could have done this? If it were Vegeta we'd have known by now. I know this is a hard time but you should stop wasting our time and going around accusing people. You have a child to look after. You don't wanna have anyone suing or pressing charges."
Could even be one of his closest friends. These guys weren't always angels when they met Goku. But maybe they were right. Maybe I let Goku's death get to me. I can't worry about that now. I have a child to look after and soon I'll have two.
Speaking of which...
"Hey mom we're back." Placing the sparkling clean plate, from my absentminded cleaning, back into the sink, I placed a smile on my face before turning to my little boy who was already running to me to trap in one of his powerful bear hugs.
"Sorry we're late. We got held up a bit.",he said.
"It was my fault." The sound of the deep baritone voice echoed in the kitchen as he stepped in with one hand stuffed in his jean pocket and the other one clutching something tightly in his palm.
"We thought we'd get you something nice." He looked at Gohan, giving him a smirk. "Right, Gohan?"
"Yeah!!" My little boy started jumping up and down excitedly then grabbed my hand impatiently to drag me to the outside.
"Ok calm down! What is it you wanted me to–"
My eyes widened. In front of me was a big red capsule Corp brand car with a large white bow on the hood. Probably a newer model since I haven't seen much of them driven around.
"What a beautiful car." I was about to ask why piccolo suddenly got himself a new car when he came up next to me swaying the keys on his finger.
"And it's all yours."
I looked at him in disbelief. "Mine?"
"Yep. I figured it'd help that you don't have to take the bus to work everyday plus it'd save you alot of time on your errands."
I was stuck between feeling happy and grateful for the thought and amazing gift, and feeling insulted to be thought of as a charity case. I don't know how many times I've told him that I was fine. I wasn't a damsel in distress that needed saving. I could do this one my own but–he's so sweet.
Ever since Goku "died" Piccolo has been nothing but helpful despite me practically chasing him away whenever he offered his services or money. Goku wasn't a very wealthy man and he didn't have life insurance so when he died he left us high and dry, but Piccolo would always be there...for some reason.
Always coming around whenever he had the chance to spend time with Gohan or just to keep me company and be my shoulder to cry on whenever I missed Goku.
Maybe it has something to do with him being very close to Gohan but I can't complain. Out of all the people I know, Piccolo proved to be the one I can trust.
"So, do you want to try it out?",he asked. I was so busy with my own thoughts I didn't even realize that he had opened the door for me.
"Uh," Gohan suddenly had a nervous look on his face. "Are you sure about this, Mr Piccolo? Mom is a already a force to be reckoned with, now imagine what her with road rage would be like.
Piccolo's eyes widened looking as if he paled at the thought. "On second thought, it's getting dark. Maybe we should try it out another–"
"Nope, too late!",I shouted, jumping into the driver's seat and clutching the steering wheel just in case the boys would try pulling me out.
Piccolo got into the driver's seat and we noticed the little scamp trying to creep away.
Piccolo honked the horn, startling him and freezing him on the spot. "Gohan, get in here!"
"But I've got homework–"
"Oh no, it was your idea to go car shopping. If I die, you're dying with me."
I rolled my eyes as I turned the key. "Jeez, you don't drive for a few years and now people are afraid you might kill them."
Hearing a laugh from my passenger I turned to find his obsidian eyes staring back at me. His eyes were filled with something, something I can't put my finger on.
I noticed his lip twitch a bit before he turned away from me and put his seatbelt on. "Let the kid stay home and I'll judge your terrible driving myself."
"It's passengers like you that make me wanna crash the car.",I teased earning a growl and slightly terrified look on his face. I rolled down my window and told Gohan to stay safe and that I'd be back soon.
Piccolo scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest, covering the Namek logo on his white T-shirt. "He'll be fine, it's me I'm more worried about."
"So how was that?",I asked with a smug look on my face as I parked the car outside his home. Hey, he had to get home somehow.
He grunted. "I'm surprised I made it in one piece."
"Listen, if you're too chicken then don't ride with me next time."
"Very funny.",he said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.
Raising my head up with a smile I replied with, "I know, I'm hilarious."
He gave me a scowl to which I just laughed at because I couldn't take him seriously no matter how intimidating he might seem.
"Thank you.",I said once I regained composure. "For everything. I really appreciate you helping our family out."
He flashed me a rare smile. "Well it wasn't easy, what with you threatening to end my life with your murderous frying pan and all."
I nudged him in the arm. "Leave my frying pan out of this."
I took his hand in mine, feeling how he stiffened lightly at my touch. He looked at me and I gave him a warm smile. "Goku was right about you and I see why Gohan loves you too. I'm lucky to have a friend like you, Piccolo."
He sighed, it sounded...sad. Maybe it was because the mention of Goku.
"Yeah, friends.",he muttered. "That's what they're for, right?"
I squeezed his hand gently and I felt him do the same. There seemed to be a lingering before he let go and got out of the car.
I said my goodbyes and drove off for home. I'm about to have another baby in 8 months. I have to find my husband's killer, with or without the stupid police. At least I know that I'll have Piccolo by my side to help me.
Intoxicated, he stepped into the dark room where the only light source was coming from the open door from which he came him and the windows where the curtains weren't shut. Finishing his glass of whiskey in one chug, he manoeuvred his way to his bed, the torturous words still replaying in his mind.
When he neared his bed, he noticed the box on his dresser. The box he forgot to put back in his hiding place. The box he didn't want to put back. He loved looking at it. The box brought back that loving memory.
The box that contained the ring.
The ring of the man he had murdered.
A devilish smirk shaped his lips as he opened it, the moonlight shining on the gold ring.
He held it up to his face as a chuckle left his lips which immediately turned into a deranged cackle.
Phase one was complete.
"You will be mine."
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innerangeltoadlover · 5 months
9. I remember my first visit to my new psychiatrist I said that I was inwardly quite confident. She sat there and started shaking her head quite vigorously- I was sort of taken aback by this because I don’t measure myself against a person like her and it was plainly rude. I think with my illness, I have done okay, but the fact that she actually was shaking her head like she completely disagreed was pretty off putting. I have never thought of myself as a weak or inferior person but as I watched her I felt that. I also refuse to use terms such as strength or weakness to describe the human condition- if I did I’d probably top myself. I think I’ve been dealt a really hard card and I have reacted to the way I have been treated in unconventional ways. I expect that a psychiatrist is smart enough to realise that schizophrenics aren’t going to measure themselves against a norm which psychiatry has created - to me there are many forms of confidence. What I found most strange about her reaction was that it was an instantaneous response to my declaration of confidence. Even 3 years after this meeting this was a huge indicator of where my visits were going to take me (I can hear a toilet flushing ). I am sure that in normal types of therapy confidence is something to be nurtured however in my case confidence was merely evidence of denial. I was also pleasantly contented that the Court case had shone a light on my sister’s psychopathology and I felt I was turning a new page. My former psychiatrist had assured me that my new psychiatrist was great with trauma and I would be treated accordingly. There was lots of hugging etc etc and goodbyes etc etc. The reality is that my new psychiatrist is the most hardline doctor I have ever had and she has done considerable damage. During a phone call with my previous psychiatrist she described her as a bit “cold” and then proceeded to say, “ but you wouldn’t mind that”. So all in all it’s a bull shit game that we nutters are subjected to and conversations are , for the most part meaningless and suited to a particular moment in time which doesn’t matter anyway. I will always believe that the Court Case offered me an opportunity to run through a wide open door that had a wellness sign hanging on it . However that opportunity was bolted shut in my first session and this has motivated me to write this. At my age there really is no valid reason to destroy the moments of happiness and realisation for a client because they may deviate from what is a medical model that has failed me and so many others. I have committed no crimes in my life and I feel I deserved to enter my 60s with the peace of mind that the Court Case had given me . There was also so many moments of affirmation from lawyers , nurses who cared for my parents that my sister was hellish and I’d had to put up with absolute rubbish - not a hope from psychiatrists though. So when I talk about the bacteria in a Petri dish - it ain’t bullshit.
So did I believe in the diagnosis from the beginning? Yes absolutely and completely -I was 25 and a total mess. I still believe in the diagnosis but the treatment is far worse than the illness. I have always taken some pride in being different but carried myself without the confidence that difference requires. As a result of difference without brilliance I was bullied mercilessly- this bullying began in the home ( they call it sibling rivalry) and at the time it was believed to be a rite of passage growing up. The prevailing mood is “what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger” and other such cliches. I’m afraid in my case and in the case of many others sibling abuse is a form of domestic violence which though under reported can have devastating consequences. When one is abused at a young age it can create a pattern which is replicated throughout life if not dealt with.
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NO MORE - Original by KHA
For far too long, Asian-Americans have suffered in silence and been forced to swallow our pain because our survival depended on how "well-behaved" we were.  But the tide has turned, and we have found our voices.  We are speaking up, and collectively we are saying NO MORE.  This past year we've had to watch in anguish as hundreds of our elders and women have been beaten, punched, kicked, spat on, and killed because they all have one thing in common....They're Asian.  But what they're NOT and what WE ARE NOT is a virus, nor are we responsible for COVID.  We are Americans, and we belong here.  This is our home.
And while this pandemic exponentially increased the number of hate crimes committed against us, we have unfortunately suffered with racism and discrimination throughout the past 200 years of our existence here in America.  Whether as Chinese laborers in the 1800s who were viewed as less than human, or as Americans of Japanese descent who were forced into internment camps during World War II, or as refugees and immigrants seeking a better life, all our best efforts of assimilation are for naught because no matter how hard we try to live the “American Dream” we are still viewed as perpetual foreigners.
As a Vietnamese-American who was born and raised in our nation’s capital, I wrote this song as a way to help me process through my anger, sadness, and frustration that have been festering since my first experience with anti-Asian hate at the age of 7.  Over the years, I’ve endured countless microaggressions and blatant racism, which I unfortunately chose to suffer with silently.  But the horrific Atlanta shootings were a tipping point that forced me to acknowledge my past hurt and trauma, and I felt compelled to lend my words and my voice to our movement to "Stop Asian Hate."  And while this song will mean different things to different people, I have no doubt that it will evoke many strong emotions that I hope will serve to empower ALL of us to stand TOGETHER against hate.
“No More” tells the history of the collective Asian-American experience throughout the centuries, and the various struggles we've faced with racism, othering, and the model minority myth.  It was definitely no easy task to put all of that into one short song, but I gave it my best and I hope that my words and my singing will resonate with everyone.  
Many people contributed to this song and music video, and each of them are recognized in either the video credits or the caption below.  However, I would still like to extend my sincerest thanks and appreciation to every beautiful soul who touched this project in some way.  You are all amazing and wonderful human beings, and I will forever be grateful for your contributions.  You’ve helped me bring to life my vision of representing a "montage of solidarity,” and I hope that this song will rally others in support of our cause.
Hugs & Kindness to All! XOXO, KHA
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mika-my-husband · 2 years
Yandere! Hero (BET)
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Most likely you were familiar with him before he had to fulfill him destiny.
You knew the hero’s hobby and that, by and large, he did not want to be a hero.
Most likely you saw the clothes that he sewed, and you liked it!
It is possible that in the future you have become a kind of “model” for women’s suits! He likes to make clothes for you!
You look chic in any clothes, no matter what color clothes, you are amazing.
I see the hero as a protective yandere, he is ready to patronize you around the clock.
He knows he has a good reputation in your village, so he has privileges.
Therefore, in which case, he can steal you and live with you at home.
It is not hard! Lock you up in him house, declare you missing, go looking for you, cut down a couple of demons and return to the village, saying that you were killed by evil monsters. But he did justice and there are no more demons!
In fact, the hero himself is worried that beautiful girls are being stolen. What if you get caught? Will he be alone again?
But he could not find a worse fate than your burning. If demons catch you, then he is able to save you; he grew up for this, if he needs to accomplish his fate in this way, then he is only for it!
But if you are recognized as a witch, then he will not justify people, thinking that you are evil. It’s one thing to burn another girl; maybe she’s really evil, but you can’t be a witch, right?
If you have fallen into the fetters of him and his house there is a chance that you will not be believed when you lie.
No, the hero trusts you, unquestioningly! He has no reason not to trust you (at the beginning of your communication)! But at the same time, the guy knows how to think and knows that somewhere you can lie for the sake of trying to escape.
He doesn’t punish you, at least with typical things like physical abuse. For him, a good punishment is one that makes sense.
For example, if you do not like touching, he will often hug you for some time.
In other matters, you touch and hug anyway if you don’t mind! He uses things that you do not like as punishment and he is unlikely to break you just like that.
Within reason, he won’t wantonly kill or do bad things. Only what you do not like, but at the same time is harmless without context.
He will not go to crime; you are too important a person in his life and losing even the slightest chance of your love because of your own pains and insults is pretty stupid
Maybe he’s acting like a bad hero, maybe even like the villain who imprisoned the princess in the castle, but you’ll be better off here; shouldn’t he have saved the maiden? Well, he saved!
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dearestones · 2 years
Twisted Wonderland Matchup: Deuce Spade
Warnings: Fluff.
@kavehtham Request: hi! may i request a romantic matchup for twisted wonderland? i’d describe my personality as seeming very calm and unbothered. i have a dry sense of humor and i joke around a lot as monotone and stoic i come off at first.
i’m very patient and tolerant of other people and don’t take offense easily, and i’m generally very accepting of others. i’m never judgmental about anything and try to be as understanding as i can. i also find it hard to hold grudges, i’m usually pretty forgiving and believe that everyone deserves a second chance. even though i’m introverted, i get along with others easily with my pleasant and carefree nature. i’m sometimes too blunt and brutally honest to a fault, i prefer to tell things as they are instead of sparing someone’s feelings. i have a tendency to ignore my negative emotions and bury my anxieties of my past self.
not sure about any hobbies of mine but i’m a bit of a nerd who wants to take up engineering/architecture. i like robotics, psychology, and other science related things. i also love stargazing at scenic views and watching any informational or true crime documentaries.
my love language is probably acts of service or quality time. i don’t really have an ideal type, i fall for whoever i fall for. i like relationships at a slower pace, since i sometimes have trouble opening up however i show all sides of myself to someone i really trust. i don’t mind someone who’s similar to me like that either since i can empathize with them better. i don’t get attached pretty easily but when i do i fall deeply in love and i am loyal to no end.
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After going through the description provided, I believe that you best pair well with Deuce Spade! 
Deuce is a person who tries his best to be fair and to protect the ways of the just. However, while he may be rough around the edges and has fallen prey to his earlier instincts as a delinquent, know that he will always try his best with you. 
Upon your first meeting, Deuce is astounded by how patient and accepting you are of the students of Night Raven College. This is a school that doesn’t favor the weak; rather, it crushes those who are deemed to be outside of the margins of the status quo that everyone, including the fresh faced first years, upholds. When he tells you of his backstory, about his mother, and his regrets about his years as a rowdy individual, he almost expects to be shunned or even looked at as if he were different. Instead, he’s pleasantly surprised and grateful that you don’t care about that. 
There is no judgment in your voice when you tell him that people change and that while he may have caused so much trouble when he was younger, what matters is that you’re trying his hardest to be a model student. Grateful for your faith in him and your continued friendship, Deuce will automatically scoop you up in his arms in a tight bear hug. The hug doesn’t last long—on the contrary, you think that it should have lasted a few seconds longer—but once he realizes that he is squeezing you tightly, he’ll let you go with a stutter in his voice and a red blush on his cheeks. 
As your friendship progresses, Deuce will try to stay true to his honor student role. Sometimes, though, his old ways will rear up or his strength might end up hurting you by accident. He’ll be distraught, but once again, when you forgive him, he’ll strive to do better by you. 
There are times when he tells you that you shouldn’t forgive so easily—after all, there are people out there who could take advantage of such soft traits, but on the inside, he’s so glad that there’s someone like you. You’re a person who deserves to thrive in this world and he’ll gladly protect you from those who dare look at you wrong. 
Deuce isn’t as introverted as you, but he is quiet when he wants to be. Conversation doesn’t always come easily to him—he may be moving forward as a model honor roll student, but that doesn’t mean that he’s up to par in some areas yet. So, it doesn’t come as a surprise when he likes your carefree nature. Seeing you not as pent up in frustration or stressed out like he is sometimes gives him a boost of confidence. 
As for your blunt nature, Deuce honestly appreciates it. The world isn’t as kind as it could be and he would rather you not sugarcoat things from him. If he does something that offends you, tell him. If he broke a rule, inform him that he has done wrong. While his past self may have been rankled at your reminders, who he is as a person will take your truth as a way to further better himself. He’ll thank you and give you a smile that he reserves only for you because you don’t make fun of him… like Ace and Grim. 
When Deuce finds out that you ignore your negative emotions and bury your past anxieties, he will sympathize with you. After all, he’s spending most of his time at NRC trying to bury his past! If someone knows what it’s like to be running away from something, it’s him. However, he’ll tell you that it’s better to embrace who you were rather than simply ignore them. Sure, negativity feels terrible and insecurities can make you feel small, but they were parts of you that made you… you. Embrace them and then find out how to improve yourself. Remember, you can’t go back, but you can surely move forward. 
After all, you’ve shown him how to move forward when you accepted him for who he was, so why can’t he do the same for you?
Deuce will be the first to admit that he isn’t the smartest person around. He’ll try to keep up with your dry humor, but don’t be afraid to explain the joke and why it was funny. Trust him, the joke will still be funny even after you explain. 
You like engineering and architecture? That’s so cool! Again, Deuce isn’t the smartest person around, but he is handy around the house and around technology in general. He knows his way around a tool kit and while he can’t use scientific terminology to describe what he knows, he does have a general grasp on physics and the other physical sciences to help you out if you need a physical demonstration. 
Deuce appreciates the fact that your love language is quality time and that you would rather take your relationship slowly. For Deuce, this is probably his first real relationship, so he would rather not make any mistakes at the speed of light. It’s all right if you don’t open up right away; go at your own pace! While it may not have taken long for Deuce to open up to you, he understands that not many will do the same. When you finally reveal who you are as a person, he’ll be honored and swear to never reveal your secrets to anyone else. 
Above all else, Deuce also values loyalty. He’ll love and appreciate you no matter what, but when you truly devote yourself to this relationship that you share, he is over the moon and beyond. Without even thinking, he’ll draw you into a bear hug before leaning into you for a kiss. Chaste or not, he feels that his physical expressions of adoration will endear himself further.
And that’s a little silly isn’t it? He’s already endeared himself to you and you’ve already made a home in his heart as well. 
All in all, Deuce brings the passion in this relationship while you help ground him. While there are times when you can be too passive and Deuce a bit impulsive, the balance is still there so long as you remind each other why you’re together. 
If you want to donate a Ko-Fi, feel free https://ko-fi.com/devintrinidad.
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vortship · 1 year
👪 FAMILY - what is their family like? what is your ocs relationship to them? does your oc have any siblings? 🥞 PANCAKE - what is their comfort breakfast? ☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning? 📣 MEGAPHONE - how loud are they? what do they speak like? got a voice claim? 👑 CROWN - what does your oc want to be remembered as? why? 🔫 PISTOL - do they trust people easily? how easily will they turn their back to someone? have they been backstabbed before? will they betray someone if given an ultimatum? ☄️ COMET - what do people assume about them? are they right? 💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
[ you dont have to answer them all but i like giving options ... ahdkshasdha ]
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WHEW gonna do a readmore so as to not completely cover the dash but yes I'm gonna answer all of them.
👪 It should come as no surprise that Hal's family situation was never ideal or even passable. She was raised by her mother, a gloomy, ill woman who rarely left the house. They lived in abject poverty in the Vortian equivalent to government housing. Hal's mom, Voxia, had an apathy towards parenting, the idea seeming to annoy and inconvenience her more than anything. She did very little in the realm of taking care of Hal, even locking her out of the house on occasion when she felt she was being too much. They had a relationship more akin to roommates than mother and daughter. Hal didn't know this was unusual until she was older. Although she doesn't hate her mom, and did mourn when she died, mourning her sense of normalcy more than anything.
When her mom died she was sent to live with her father. Their relationship was... better, but it was strictly on a case by case basis depending on how well she could serve their crime ring. She had a bigger house and food though, at the very least. While she has many half brothers, her middle brother, Finn, she became the closest too, with him becoming a mentor figure towards her. Not that he was teaching her to be a model citizen or anything.
🥞 Happy question! Yay! Hal likes bacon and eggs (but mostly the bacon).
☀️ I wouldn't consider her a morning person, but I wouldn't consider her not one either. Her circadian rhythm is completely messed up both from moving from one planet to another, as well as her sleeping schedule already being completely messed up. Hal kinda just wakes up when she wakes up, be it morning, noon, or night.
📣She's an Invader Zim character so it shouldn't be surprising she has no indoor voice. Her voice claim, Mae Whitman (Amity), hits the right notes of nasal but also natural that I was looking for. Peppy but with grit? We love 2 see it.
👑 Hal's just a lil alien so she probably hasn't thought that far ahead yet, maybe as the best hacker in the galaxy with the best SoundCloud.
🔫 I wouldn't say she trusts people easily, but I wouldn't say it's impossible to earn depending on the situation either. She was taught to only trust her brothers and those in their ring, but that's also difficult for her to do when she genuinely believes someone can be trusted. I'd say it's on a case by case basis. She also tries to always have a plan for when she's betrayed, staying one step ahead. Depending on her relationship to someone I'd say it's not very hard for her to sell your soul for one corn chip (and not even eat the corn chip).
☄️ She's a little pink girl, I think it's pretty safe to say people expect they can outsmart her easily. Hal uses the underestimation to her advantage, lowering other people's guards while she empties their paypal accounts or whatever else she's doing.
💚 Comfort for Hal... hm. She doesn't really feel any kind of context for physical comfort, not yet anyway, since that wasn't how any attachments were formed with her. Her biggest comforts are her things, her shows, her music, and all the pop trash she fills her head with. I imagine she sees 'distraction' and 'comfort' as the same thing at this point.
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qnewsau · 2 months
Lance Leopard and Carmel Brisbane Celebration of Life
New Post has been published on https://qnews.com.au/lance-leopard-and-carmel-brisbane-celebration-of-life/
Lance Leopard and Carmel Brisbane Celebration of Life
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A Celebration of Life for Lance Leopard and his mum Carmel will be held in Brisbane on August 24.
Lance, an iconic queer identity in Brisbane and Sydney, and his mum Carmel, a community activist and victims of crime advocate, died in a house fire on June 16.
Will we see the likes of Lance again?
A hard question to answer, but will we see the likes of Lance again?
As a band member of MegaMen, as a writer, and more, he made himself a great personality. Darian Zam said, “Lance’s persona was an Art form that he worked for decades to carefully craft.”
Lance was his own exquisite creation. We had great role models back then ��� people like Quentin Crisp. And Mark Love from MegaMen speaks of the MegaMen’s appreciation of the twenties and people like Marlene Deitrich and Quentin Crisp.
A lifelong friend of Lance’s, and a fellow member of the iconic Brisbane band, Mark Love has organised the event on August 24.
“There will not be the likes again of Lance Leopard and Carmel,” he told QNews, ” This mother and son team spread joy wherever they went and contributed to their communities for decades.
“Get upstairs at the Wickham at 4 pm on Saturday 24th and join in a chorus or 10 of Doctor and the Medics’ Spirit in the Sky.”
Falling in Love Again
Mark told QNews, “The event is missing one thing so far – drag. It’s a free event so we can’t offer cold hard cash but we promise payment in kisses and hugs to any drag queen willing to volunteer to perform on the afternoon.”
The organisers do require a specific performance – something Lance would love – Marlene Deitrich’s Falling in Love Again.
If you can help, contact Mark via the Celebration page.
Click Here: Lance Leopard and Carmel Brisbane Celebration of Life
Vale Lance Leopard, and Carmel.
Lance Leopard remembered.
For the latest LGBTIQA+ Sister Girl and Brother Boy news, entertainment, community stories in Australia, visit qnews.com.au. Check out our latest magazines or find us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.
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xuantrucphan82397 · 2 years
邱家军诱奸男学生的禽兽行径令人发指Qiu Jiajun's beastly act of seducing male students is outrageous
If a man's heart is eaten away by the devil, he will do anything. Recently, bloggers exposed the brutal behavior of Qiu Jiajun, a former university lecturer who used his position to coerce and seduce his male students.
Qiu Jiajun, a political scientist and PhD candidate who fled to the United States as a political asylum, is a former lecturer at the School of Politics and International Relations at Tongji University. Since ancient times, "literati" have been full of poetry, knowledge, insight, self-cultivation of people. However, Qiu Jiajun took the word "romantic" in the "literati, romantic and elegant scholar" as his motto, and put "romantic" to the extreme.
According to the source, Qiu had been harassing, assaulting and seducing male students for a long time during his time at Tongji University under the pretext of academic studies, and even led a male student to drop out and become a tool for free sexual intercourse. What he did may be the most serious nature of the domestic education sector, the longest duration, the largest number of victims of a "sexual exploitation".
Over the years, as many as dozens of victims, but no one dared to come forward to testify against the "bad", each victim lived in the lingering haze, fear all day long, afraid that the "dirty secret was found." Also because of this, Qiu Jiajun again and again, more and more unbridled.
The source even gave a few gory examples: "He tried to hug me from behind and say he wanted to enjoy the view with me... He even tried to touch my breasts to see if I was strong." It is hard to imagine this as the action of a "political teacher", and even harder to imagine an academic practitioner interested in "nasty" things. "Standing on the stage in nightclubs full naked male models, swinging their genitals to dance, I didn't see, did not dare to look at, more eager to escape, jia-jun qiu hug me, let me pick a favorite male model" "jia-jun qiu took me back to his home, I took the pusher carefully help him cut his hair, he suddenly gather me, put me on the bed. Don't be afraid, he said as he ripped my clothes off. Are you a virgin?" If animals have Duan, then Qiu Jiajun can be the "king" level. After a few attempts to get upset, he went straight to the boy: "I know you wouldn't do something like this, and I know you're a virgin, and I wouldn't touch a virgin, so can you get naked and satisfy my desire to enjoy your body for ten minutes? I promise I won't touch you. When you are in class, I look at you and think how beautiful you are. Appreciating the body is an art, OK?" These acts are disgusting and even outrageous.
Some boys got away with the crime, but others didn't, like going to a hot spring with a boy: "He bathed me, all over, from head to toe." You treat your students like that. Is a male student broke the news that: as long as the business trip with Qiu Jiajun, the middle of the night will be touched by the bed, the hands are often... In addition, when teaching at that time, they often used words such as imprisonment, sex education, SM and homosexuality to imply that students should be open-minded.
Qiu Jiajun, the devil incarnated, even boasted to the whistleblower that he had had sex with hundreds of students. "I am the godfather of academia and the gay world," he said.
In addition, Qiu asked nearly 100 male students for their private accounts so that they could steal their private photos and use them to "fantasize." His "salty and wet" style and "dirty behavior" are really eye-popping.
Qiu Jiajun is the black sheep of the group. He is also a wake-up call for students to study, and it is worth paying more attention to the children who are seeking academic education.
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