#Hugo Rossi
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genevieveetguy · 2 years ago
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Chien de la casse, Jean-Baptiste Durand (2023)
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modaonlinemagazalari · 2 years ago
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Hugo Rossi
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the-delta-42 · 9 months ago
A/N: Had to repost because I forgot to do a few things.
Marinette exhaled quietly as the last customer left the Bakery, three hours non-stop, which was preceded by another three hours before she was forced to take a break. The usual help hadn’t shown up that morning and both Marinette and her mother had been swapping over at set intervals, while her father kept an eye on the oven.
Marinette had recalled hearing her parents complain about Jonathan before, but this was the first time he hadn’t shown up for work. Marinette heard the bell over the door go, before putting on her ‘customer service’ face, which quickly broke when she spotted her grandfather.
“You look dead.” Came his blunt statement.
“Jon didn’t show up this morning.” Said Marinette, “Normally, we’d contact his wife, but neither are picking up.”
Rolland was quiet, “He’s the one that’s older than me.”
“Yeah, I think he’s supposed to be retired.” Remarked Marinette, “Papa and Maman are in the back, I think I heard them arguing about the consistency of some icing for a cake.”
Rolland shook his head, before walking into the back. Marinette sighed, before the bell over the door rang again. Marinette took a deep breath in and looked ahead.
“Welcome to Tom and Sabine’s Bakery, how may I help?” Said Marinette in her ‘customer service’ voice.
“You didn’t turn up for Orange Juice.” Said Kagami, making Marinette slump forwards.
“I knew I forgot something.” Groaned Marinette, “First Jon didn’t turn up and now I forgot about our drink, what’s next, Adrien telling me I forgot some project?”
There was a stiff silence, before Kagami looked to the side. Marinette groaned and dropped her head against the counter.
“Kill me now.” Groaned Marinette, “Of course things are going to shit, Jon doesn’t turn up, then I forget about our drink date and the class project and Luka saying that we ‘need to talk’ tomorrow.”
Kagami frowned, her head tilting slightly, “Is wanting to talk a bad thing?”
“Kagami,” Said Marinette, through her hands, “when one party in a relationship says, ‘we need to talk’ nothing good is going to come from it.”
Kagami was silent.
“Whenever Adrien says we need to talk, he shows me cat pictures.” Said Kagami, Marinette stared at her friend.
“Either Adrien is adorably naïve, or he doesn’t know what that phrase is used for.” Said Marinette, after a second.
Sabine poked her head out of the kitchen, “Marinette, go upstairs, you’ve done enough for today.”
Marinette smiled, until she decided to stand up, when her legs couldn’t take her weight and promptly collapsed onto the ground.
“Are you okay?” Asked Kagami, as Marinette hauled herself back up.
“I’m. Fine.” Grunted Marinette, as she made her way to the stairs.
Kagami watched her fall three more times before walking over, picking her up and carrying up the stairs.
“Can I have a kitty, Maman, pleeease?” Pleaded Manon, giving her mother the puppy’s eyes
“No, Manon,” Sighed Nadja, looking away from her computer, “having a pet is a big responsibility, and you can’t have one until you’re older.”
“B-b-but,” Manon whimpered, getting a sigh from Nadja.
“Manon,” Said Nadja, firmly, “I’ve said no.”
Manon burst into tears and ran off, getting a dejected sigh from her mother.
‘Stupid Maman,’ Thought Manon, not noticing the Akuma, ‘I am old enough.’
“Grown Up, I am Monarch. Your Mere believes you are too young for any responsibility, if you bring me Ladybug’s and Chat Noir’s Miraculous and you’ll get what you want.”
Marinette stretched as she stood up, carefully adjusting the table. Kagami glanced at the clock.
“I have to go, Mother is expecting me home soon.” Said Kagami, getting up, “Same time next week?”
Marinette nodded, “Want a lift? I’ve told Maman I’d deal with some of the deliveries today.”
“That would be nice.”
Five minutes later Marinette was driving her moped with Kagami and some deliveries.
“Why’d you retry things with Luka?” Asked Kagami, as they rounded a corner.
“I thought I needed to work on me,” Called Marinette, “I thought if I became a better version of myself, things would be easier with Luka.”
“Are they?”
“Nope.” Answered Marinette, as they stopped at Kagami’s home. Frowning, Marinette looked at her phone, “Hold on, did your Maman order from my parents?”
“She tried one of your family’s pastries and enjoyed them.” Answered Kagami, as Marinette pulled a bag from the case on her moped.
“Right, give me a moment.” Marinette hopped off the vehicle, and walking up to the door with the bakery bag.
“I’ll take it, Mother’s going to be in a meeting.” Said Kagami, taking the bag from Marinette, “See you next week.”
Marinette sighed, rolling her shoulders as she remounted her moped. She’d just finished her deliveries and was about to head home, part of her wondered why it was so quiet, before she shook her head and drove home.
Meanwhile, Grown Up ran across the rooftops, revelling in her freedom.
Yawning, Marinette looked around, before crossing the road. She smiled as Alya waved at her, before she heard someone shout.
“I AM GROWN UP, I WANT THE MIRACULOUS!” Alya and Marinette were hit by a beam of light, before Grown Up ran away.
“What the hell?” Asked Alya, before looking at Marinette and gasped, “Girl, look at you.”
“Look at me?” Marinette pointed at Alya, “Look at you!”
Both girls were at least ten years older, Alya was wearing a suit like the one Nadja Chamack wore when she was working, while Marinette was wearing a dark blue pant suit.
“Whoa.” Said both girls.
Adrien gulped as he looked at Marinette, thanks to the Akuma that aged anyone hit by their ray, Marinette and Alya had been hit and aged up to at least 25.
Adrien was quick to notice that Marinette looked 'smoking hot', as Kim put it, and had certainly gotten bigger in the chest and hips. He didn’t look at Alya, but he felt Nino was thinking the same thing.
It certainly didn't help when Adrien suddenly blurted out,
"Please step on me." Blurted Adrien, before he clapped his hands over his mouth. Adrien just wanted to die. He decided he would do it himself if he had to.
“Please do it. I wanna see what happens.” Said Kim, laughing as Adrien and Marinette’s faces went red.
“Shut up, Kim.” Said Alya, taking control of the situation. She removed her blazer and dropped it on top of Marinette’s, “We need to focus on more important things.”
Adrien thought he saw Nino covering his nose, while Marinette folded her arms across her chest.
“Yeah,” Said Alix, pointing at Nathaniel, “Like why does Nath look homeless?”
They glanced at him, Nathaniel was hit by Grown Up as well, but while Marinette and Alya looked healthy and well dressed, Nathaniel was filthy and unnaturally skinny.
“I don’t know.” Rasped Nathaniel, before he hacked up a cough.
“Hold on.” Lila, who’d also been hit by Grown Up, grabbed a torch from her pocket, she had a doctor’s coat on and a hospital ID, she crouched in front of Nathaniel, “Open up.”
Nathaniel grimaced, but slowly opened his mouth, Lila visibly recoiled and nearly dropped her torch.
“Well, that’s something you don’t see that every day.” Muttered Lila, as Marinette crouched next to her.
“Is that a…” Marinette tilted her head to the side.
“There are a couple of masses, one at the back of your throat and another on your gums along your molars.” Said Lila, frowning, “But…maybe you should cut back on the cigarettes.”
“How can you tell he smokes?” Asked Marinette, as Alya joined them.
“Staining on his fingers, his cough and the state of his teeth and gums.” Answered Lila, before stiffening, “How the hell do I know that?”
“I’ve got some news headlines on my mind and Marinette’s got some meetings on hers.” Said Alya, before glancing at Nathaniel.
Marinette groaned, “We’re getting off subject, sorry Nath, but I think we can focus on our future problems when they actually happen.”
“Right.” The others nodded, as Nathaniel reached into his pocket for a pencil, before he frowned and pulled out a syringe.
Lila quickly took the syringe from him and put it on Bustier’s desk.
“We need to find the Akuma, get all this fixed and go back to hating each other.” Marinette glanced at Lila and Chloé, who’d also been hit by the beam, “So, what do we know?”
“She calls herself ‘Grown Up’.” Said Lila, “So, it’s likely that she’s a small child that’s been told she’s too young for something.”
“Okay, so if we can figure out what she wants, we could distract her with it.” Said Alya, shifting.
“But, to do that we’d need to know who she is.” Said Marinette, getting a scoff from Chloé.
“Out of everyone in the city, the first two she targets are you two.” Said Chloé, “Most people target people they know, so, do any of the brats you baby sit want something they can’t have?”
The class watched as Marinette frowned, before her jaw dropped, “Oh my god.”
Marinette ran out the room, leaving everyone at a loss.
Marinette carefully put the box on the table, getting frowns from everyone.
“What’s that?” Asked Alix, as Marinette reached into the box and pulled out a kitten.
“Someone dumped an entire litter in my family’s bin.” Said Marinette, as the other kittens started mewing, “I showed them to Manon and she’s been besotted with Tiny since she met her.”
Alya raised an eyebrow, “Tiny?”
“Because she’s small.” Answered Marinette, before heading towards the door, “Hopefully, finding Manon will be easy.
Grown Up was running around the park, despite her name, she looked more or less the same, with ‘grown up’ make up on her face. Marinette wanted to coo at how adorable it was, while another part of her wanted to roll around laughing at how ridiculous Manon looked.
“Manon.” Said Marinette, getting the Akuma’s attention, “Come here.”
“Marinette!” Grinned Grown Up, running toward Marinette, “Have you got Kitty?”
Marinette nodded, “But, if you want her, you need to give me the Akuma object.”
Manon rapidly nodded, all but throwing a sheet of paper at Marinette. She handed the kitten to Manon, prompting the animal to start purring. The sound of someone skidding got Marinette’s attention, turning, she found Chat Noir. She smiled and held the piece of paper out to him.
“You might want to get this to Ladybug.” Said Marinette, before heading off, “Could you watch her for me, please? I need to do something.”
Chat absently nodded, allowing Marinette to slip into an alley way, she saw a guy sitting amongst some bins, but quickly noted that he was asleep.
“Tikki,” The Kwami appeared out of Marinette’s pocket, “Spots on!”
A flash of light woke the man from his sleep, seeing an Adult Ladybug swing out of the Alley, he looked down at the bottle of whiskey and started to pour it away.
Ladybug landed next to Chat and took the piece of paper from him, “Thank you.”
Chat stared at her dumbstruck, as Ladybug tore the piece of paper and purified the Akuma. Pulling up a lucky charm and casting the cure, Ladybug found herself back at her normal height. Chat almost looked disappointed.
“We better get going,” Said Ladybug, drawing her arm back, “I’ll make sure to point Marinette back this way.”
“Okay.” Said Chat, quietly as Ladybug left, “I’ll see you in a minute.”
Marinette skidded to a stop in front of Chat, “Sorry, I had to move my moped.”
“Okay, M’Lady.” Marinette’s eyes got impossibly wides.
“Wha-” “Marinette!”
Marinette looked at Nadja, who was running up to her, “I can’t find Manon! Her father thought she was with me and I thought she was her and…”
“She was Akumatized.” Said Chat, pointing toward Manon and Kitty, “It was dealt with.”
“I should’ve said,” Said Marinette, “we had some low-life dump a litter of kittens in our bin. I’ve been cleaning them up and nursing them until we can rehome them. Manon saw Tiny and, well, fell in love with her.”
Nadja gnawed at her bottom lip, watching Manon play with the kitten.
“She’s helped me with feeding them and playing with them.” Continued Marinette, “She’s also calmed down easier when the kitten’s with her.”
Nadja walked up to Manon and looked at the cat, before looking at Marinette, “She is house trained, right?”
Marinette nodded, “They know to use a litter tray or to go outside. I’ve actually had to go on my balcony wearing gloves because of them.”
“What does she eat?”
“Normal cat food, but she is partial to a piece of salmon every so often.” Answered Marinette, “Of course, she still needs to be chipped and spayed.”
“I’ll handle that.” Dismissed Nadja, as she picked Manon up, “I’ll drop around later to hash things out.”
Marinette smiled and waved Nadja, Manon and Kitty off, before whirling around on Chat, “How do you know?!”
“Both you and Ladybug were older.” Answered Chat, as Marinette gaped at him.
“So was Alya!”
D */Ten Years Later/*
Marinette quietly hummed to herself as Felix and Noir rolled around the room, she heard Hugo and Louis fighting over a toy and Emma gurgling up at Adrien.
“How’re things turning out with Nath?” Asked Adrien, looking up from their daughter.
“Lila’s managed to get him the medical care he needs,” Answered Marinette, as she flipped through her designs, “I think Alix is trying to get in contact with Marc, and Chloé and Sabrina are trying to get access to his home.”
“What about his problems?” Asked Adrien, as Noir barrelled into his leg.
“They’ve confiscated all the drugs he had on him,” Marinette sighed, “but he might have to be admitted to a Rehab facility.”
Adrien sighed through his nose, looking down at the cat clawing his way up his leg, “Plagg, a little help?”
“I keep telling ya, Kid, I don’t speak Cat.”
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uptoolateart · 11 months ago
Where We Find Ourselves Again - Ch 36
In his dank cell, in whatever building Lila had chosen to secret him, a memory filled Hugo’s head. Of when he was seven and had a fever of forty. Later, his father told him it had lasted four days. But as a child, it had felt more like four weeks.
Yet it was nothing like – like this.
Fevers made you feel cold, chilling in the open air while your body burned from the inside. But right now, all he felt was heat. It raced up his spine and through his veins, making his skin tingle and – and almost spark, shining as bright as the beam of light he’d punched through the door.
The arrow.
‘Hugo, I don’t know what kind of trick this is, but you will stop it right now.’ Lila sounded like a young schoolteacher who hadn’t yet learned how to get a class under control.
He’d almost forgotten she was there. Almost forgotten he was chained to the floor. All he was aware of was them. His parents. They might be a kilometre away. They might be in London. But he could feel them.
They’d seen his light.
They were coming for him.
‘Maman! Papa!’ He called to them not just with his voice but with his mind – and his heart.
‘Stop that!’ Lila screeched, her voice like tyres on a dry road.
Read at Ao3
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aldrendaux · 1 year ago
Chapter Summary: "Mary and pals return from their day at the beach with more questions than answers..."
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raelovesbooks · 2 years ago
tbh, I'd let these women step on me
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perfettamentechic · 3 months ago
Outfit of the Day by Paola Moretti
Outfit by Paola Moretti #outfit #ootd #wwt #fashionstyle #taylorswift #taylorswiftstyle #winterstyle #alexandermcqueen #dodotheeschumacher #gianvitorossi #hugoboss #prada #swarovski #magdabuthrym #bluespirit #essie #iho #paolamoretti #perfettamentechic
Pantalone: Alexander McQueen Twin-set: Dorothee Schumacher Scarpe: Gianvito Rossi Bomber: Hugo Boss Borsa: Prada Collana: Swarovski Orecchini: Magda Buthrym Anello: Bluespirit Nail: Essie Fashion Blogger: Paola Moretti Instagram: paolamorettiiho
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maimoncat · 9 months ago
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Does this count as being passive aggressive or self-deprecating? (All three characters here are deities of some sort)
I saw this hilarious post @melled42, and decided to do my own version with my ocs.
I actually already had the idea of making Donatella an atheist or agnostic, because of Hugo de Rossi's description of the Vivane (these faeries from fassan legends): "they were good people, very civilised, but had no religion". Now I understand that this is to mean that they are "non-christian" as a way to indicate that faeries belong to pagan beliefs. Howwver I find it hilarious to interpret it as these goddess-like women simply not believing in gods and deities of any kind.
Here's Rossi's chapter on the Vivane if you're curious (good luck trying to understand ladin!)
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automundoarg · 1 year ago
Sin lugar en el TC, Matías Rossi confesó porqué Hugo Mazzacane se enojó con él
El piloto de Del Viso pidió el cambio de marca en el Turismo Carretera, pero le fue negado. ¿Será porque no quiso correr en la TC Pick-Up?
Finalmente, Matías Rossi no competir�� en el Turismo Carretera en 2024. El anuncio lo realizó el propio piloto, que confirmó que la negativa se debe a que la Asociación Corredores Turismo Carretera le rechazó su pedido de cambio de marca. Rossi, que compitió en los dos últimos años con Toyota, aspiraba a volver a Chevrolet, para lo cual había mantenido charlas con Gustavo Lema y el Pradecom…
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tangovalsmilonga · 2 years ago
Tanda of the week 26-2023: Domingo Federico (tango)
English translation below. Uzun bir aradan sonra yeni bir haftanın tandası ile karşınızdayım. Yılın tam ortasında (2023’ün 26’ncı haftası), bir milonganın tam ortasına -belki biraz daha sonrasına- yakışacak bir tanda hazırladım.  Neden bu tanda? Domingo Federico’nun her biri farklı solistin seslendirdiği bu dört tango, hem çok biliniyor hem de çok fazla milongalarda çalınmıyor -“Cualquier…
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mlbigbang · 1 year ago
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2023 Adrinette Fic Rec List
It’s the end of the year which means it’s finally time for the ML Big Bang’s yearly fic rec lists! We’re really excited to bring you our contributors’ favourite fics started this year to supply you with plenty of reading material while you’re waiting for the Big Bang fics’ publication in January.
Fate, Destiny... A Hamster by @mostmagical
After finally moving into his very first apartment per Ladybug’s suggestion, Adrien discovers something no movie or TV show could have ever prepared him for: someone else's hamster. Marinette was so excited to have her first pet. If only it would stop escaping! At least now there’s an excuse to talk to the new neighbor. (Adrinette Never Met AU)
This fic is peak adrinette identity shenanigans! Adrien and Marinette star as the next door neighbors losing and finding the titular hamster, falling in love, and avoiding an identity reveal like the plague.
If I Let Myself Love You by @uptoolateart
It’s hard to be a normal girl with a normal life when your mother has terminal cancer. And when fashion model Adrien Agreste moves back to Paris and wants to be Marinette’s friend – or maybe even more – her life is turned upside down again. How can she risk opening her heart to love when her whole world is falling apart? Especially when Adrien is hiding a dark secret of his own…. - COMPLETE FIC – updates on Sundays *** No kwamis AU - 100% Adrinette. About half of it is fluffy and half heavy. Please read tags for trigger warnings. ***
It is such an incredible balance of beautiful, heart-wrenching and funny! I adored the relationship between Adrien and Marinette, how it developed throughout, how natural it was, how they both helped each other through their grief. Just beautiful.
hearth by @asukiess
Because how do you describe a dream once you wake up, when it’s fleeting and slipping through the cracks in your mind like it’s a sieve? You can barely wrap your lips around the concepts and words before you realize it has slipped through like water, and what lay in your hands is just a pang in your chest? When every moment away from it clouds your mind just a little more, until the memories are threadbare? or: Adrien understands what it means to have a home.
call it even by @sha-nwa & @anna-scribbles
After a year of dating, there is one thing Marinette knows for certain: it's her and Adrien against the world. Through it all, Adrien is kind, patient, and endlessly understanding—even as she tries her best to keep her secret superhero identity hidden from him along with the rest of the world. Nothing could ruin it, not even the supervillains of Paris: Hawkmoth and Chat Noir. (adrinette dating // ladynoir enemies au)
A really well-written Adrienette fic featuring Ladynoir as enemies.
All the Missing Pieces by @uptoolateart
At 14, Adrien stepped into the time burrow and saw the truth no one could have guessed. When he came out, he was changed forever. And after defeating his father, he was finally free...or was he? At 37, Adrien has everything he ever dreamed of – married to Marinette, three kids, the hamster – but none of it has turned out as expected. Marinette’s career is such a success that she’s never home, Hugo is an angsty difficult teenager, and Adrien is still struggling with his secret identity as a sentimonster. And now, Lila Rossi is back after more than 20 years. But has time changed her? Or is she up to her old tricks?
It's my actual life (except I'm not good looking lol), and I vouch for how WILDLY accurate its treatment of the emotional issues of stay-at-home-dad stuff. I just cannot recommend highly enough how it handles jealousy, isolation, parenting struggles, etc. Not me in the comments every chapter telling the author how she got the feels so perfectly right.
If I Let Myself Love You by @uptoolateart
It’s hard to be a normal girl with a normal life when your mother has terminal cancer. And when fashion model Adrien Agreste moves back to Paris and wants to be Marinette’s friend – or maybe even more – her life is turned upside down again. How can she risk opening her heart to love when her whole world is falling apart? Especially when Adrien is hiding a dark secret of his own…
So absolutely sweet. So emotionally devastating. Gets meta by taking advantage of how AO3 works at one point. Next level in every way. I loved the developing Adrienette friendship. I loved Marinette and her father. I loved Marinette's feelings about her sick mother. Please everyone read this fic your face will melt with emotion, and you weren't really using your face, were you?
Our Tales are Endless (That's Why I Tell Them) by joonapeach
Marinette lives a simple life - one surrounded by pretty dresses, fresh macaroons, and the calming view of Paris. It's a life she thinks she has always fit in. And yet sometimes, when a certain boy comes by her shop with a flower and a new adventurous story, she can't help but wonder if there's something else she's missing.
you don't even know me at all (but i was made for loving you) by @ladyofthenoodle
They didn’t remember each other. The hospital told them there’d been an accident—brain damage—but Alya had told them the truth, later. Who’d they’d been to each other. What they’d given up, and why. But even with their memories of each other gone, Adrien and Marinette are still inextricably tied together—by law, by their social circles, and by their hearts. And in the apartment they share, there's only one bed.
If you like amnesia AUs, angst with a happy ending, married adrinette, and only one bed scenarios, you need to read this fic! It's beautifully bittersweet and will break your heart before putting it back together.
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garadinervi · 2 months ago
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V Biennale D'Arte Contemporanea. "Struttura, Immagine e Percezione", (folder), San Martino di Lupari (PD), September-October 1979 [Libreria di Frusaglia, Pesaro]
Texts: Umbro Apollonio, Bruno Damore, Toni Toniato, Giuliano Menato
Art: Alberto Biasi, Sara Campesan, Hugo Demarco, Marialuisa de Romans, Horacio Garcia Rossi, Hans Jörg Glattfelder, Julio Le Parc, Aldo Mengolini, Yves Millecamps, Salvator, Marcello Morandini, Philippe Morrison, Carlo Nangeroni, Thomas Norbert, Gaetano Pinna, Jiro Sugawara, Victor Simonetti, Jorrit Tornquit, Guido Zanoletti
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coraz-ones · 1 month ago
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name: elena maria matthews
age: 22
birthday: march 7, 2002 (pisces)
birthplace: scottsdale, arizona 
lena (shortened. used by her friends)
ellie (shortened. used by her family/best friends)
ells (started by alley. used by the rempe family/rags players)
shortie (matt ✅ everyone else ❌)
thumbelina (used by matt & auston's teammates as a joke)
boss (started by matt)
previous: born & raised in scottsdale, az, attended brown university
present: lives in williamsburg, new york city, ny
face claim: daniela avanzini
height: 5’4” (162 cm)
hair: curly, dark brown with blonde highlights
eyes: hazel
features: proportional face with soft eyes
style: she loves experimenting with fashion so her wardrobe consists of everything under the sun (girly, streetwear, simple classics... you name it) but one thing you will always see her with is silver jewelry
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personality type: enfp-t, the campaigner - they are true free spirits - outgoing, openhearted, and open-minded. with their lively, upbeat approach to life, they stand out in any crowd. but even though they can be the life of the party, campaigners don't just care about having a good time. these personality types run deep - as does their longing for meaningful, emotional connections with other people.
positive traits
outgoing and social with her friends
creative in every aspect of her life — work, school, or her personal life
is open to trying anything at least once
cares very deeply about the people she loves, always their #1 fan
negative traits
not the best at communicating so it leads her to be a BIG overthinker
people pleaser and struggles with setting boundaries
is often disorganized in her personal life
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listening to music
disposable cameras
thrifting art for her apartment
toronto maple leafs hockey
going out with her friends
collecting keychains
arizona diamondbacks
bad wifi
hot weather
montreal canadiens
being taken advantage of
being used to get close to her brother
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both a morning person and a night owl
can speed read
played college hockey (right winger)
can talk really fast
able to name all the species of whale
buy her parents diamondbacks season tickets
to own her own honeycomb le creuset pot
own her own home, get married and start a family (including dogs)
freelance ux (user experience) designer
occasionally posts tiktoks/reels about her jobs & tips in the industry
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ema matthews
brian matthews
auston matthews
breyana matthews
alex matthews
new york city: cassandra timmins, sarah rossi, and various former co-workers
providence: marianne cowan and former classmates
other: various members of the ny rangers & hartford wolf pack teams
best friends
new york city: marianne beaumont, sophie kumar and clara li
other: alley rempe (played hockey together @ brown)
a tabby cat named jean-louise & a black lab named hugo
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previous: tommy sanders
present: matt rempe
color: light blue
song: rock your body, justin timberlake
artists: rihanna, j.cole, sza, tyler, the creator, karol g, and willow
movie: to all the boys i’ve loved before
tv show: new girl
emojis: 🙈😭😒🤩🫵
season: spring
celebrity crush: arber xhekhaj + nico hischier
food: quesabirria
drink: passionfruit sparkling water, iced green tea, and monster (pipeline punch)
instagram: ﹫elenamatthews (main) and ﹫lenamar (private)
tiktok: ﹫emmatthews
twitter: ﹫elmax2
carries 3 pairs of headphones with her at all times (headphone jack, lighting, and airpods)
works from home so she's basically the most chronically online person you’ve ever met
the “funny” friend
loses everything 
her mom, ema, is mexican 
uses matt as her taste tester for all the new recipes she tries
prefers to text vs facetime/calling but will drop what she’s doing immediately if matt calls her
she shares her apartment in williamsburg with her 3 best friends — clara, marianne, and sophie
is currently trying to collect a keychain from each state so whenever matt/the team goes to a different state for a game, he gets her one if she’s not with him
a #true youngest child
she prefers fruity scents over anything else (hates pumpkin spice/related scents)
develops all of her disposable cameras/film herself
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dystini · 2 years ago
Indycar Driver Lore Master List
What is driver lore? A collection of stats, pictures, trivia, a curated list of links to social media/YouTube and more. All you need to get started on getting to know the drivers of the 2023 Indycar field.
Josef Nicolai Newgarden
Scott Thomas McLaughlin
Conor James Daly
Alexander Michael Rossi
James Douglas Meredith Hinchcliffe
Felix Rosenqvist
Patricio "Pato" O'Ward Junco
David Joseph Malukas
Álex Palou Montalbo
Kyle MacLean Kirkwood
Colton Thomas Herta
Rinus VeeKay
Christian Lundgaard
Callum Benjamin Ilott
Marcus John Armstrong
William "Will" Steven Power
Scott Ronald Dixon
Simon Pagenaud
Hélio Castroneves
Marcus Thorbjörn Ericsson
Tony Kanaan
RC Enerson
Ed Carpenter
Stefan James Wilson
Ryan Christopher Hunter-Reay
Santino Michael Ferrucci
Katherine Anne Legge
Graham Robert Rahal
Takuma Sato
Marco Michael Andretti
Benjamin Pederson
Jack Joseph Murray Harvey
Agustín Hugo Canapino
Sting Ray Robb
Devlin Defrancesco
Romain David Jeremie Grosjean
George Dario Marino Franchitti
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Indycar Driver Eye Colors - Blue
Indycar Driver Eye Colors - Brown
Indycar Driver Eye Colors - Hazel
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uptoolateart · 1 year ago
Where We Find Ourselves Again - Ch 22
As soon as Adrien answered the call, Felix’s image filled the screen. He was sitting at his office desk in Mansion House, wearing a rich violet tie over a night-black shirt. ‘I presume you heard the news.’
Not even a hello. The neutrality in his voice sounded forced.
Adrien suppressed a shiver. ‘Not just heard but lived it. We were at the Louvre when the paintings began disappearing.’
Felix’s brow lifted. ‘Interesting – but that’s not what I rang about.’
That chill ran deeper. This was exactly why he’d dreaded taking this call. ‘…what news do you mean?’
‘…the vanishing artefacts in London.’
Marinette paled, her hand going still where it sat on top of Adrien’s. Hugo’s eyes were large over the rim of his mug of tea.
Adrien focused on the screen. ‘We…didn’t know about that. What artefacts?’
‘The Rosetta Stone – the Elgin Marbles – a priceless Samurai sword – even Ginger, the mummy. All just plucked right out of the British Museum in the blink of an eye.’
Marinette blinked. ‘They took a body?’
Felix gave a small nod. ‘In fairness, someone once took that same body to the museum, but…. In any event, when the reports started coming in, everyone raised an eyebrow. But there were thousands of witnesses, and they all tell the same tale.’
The British Museum.
If this extended beyond France…. Were they even in their jurisdiction here? How were they meant to fight something like this?
Read at Ao3
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aldrendaux · 1 year ago
Chapter Summary: "Mary deals with this new development, but finds another hurdle in her way..."
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