#Hugo Moraga
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Presentación realizada el viernes 8 de enero de 1993 en el Centro Cultural Montecarmelo, Grabado por Claudio Hahn desde la mesa de sonido en cassette Sony HF 90. Registro incompleto. Digitalización de reconocimiento realizada los días 4 y 5 de enero de 2021 con minicomponente Sharp CD-BK100 y grabadora Zoom h4n. Edición y leve procesamiento en Audacity 2.4.1 y Ocenaudio 3.7.12 realizados entre el 5 y 9 de enero de 2021.
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Ayer hallé una epidemia en el mundo que tengo Esa epidemia sin freno de no verte nunca Por eso me siento enfermo con la distancia que ya no se puede operar. *Cristian Moraga (C-Funk) reversiona junto a Hugo Moraga, su padre, esta canción compuesta por el mismo Hugo, exponente del Canto Nuevo en Chile.
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[Last Film I Watched] Gloria (2013)
[Last Film I Watched] Gloria (2013)
Title: Gloria Year: 2013 Country: Chile, Spain Language: Spanish, English Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romance Director: Sebastián Lelio Writers: Sebastián Lelio Gonzalo Maza Cinematography: Benjamín Echazarreta Cast: Paulina García Sergio Hernández Diego Fontecilla Alejandro Goic Fabiola Zamora Luz Jiménez Hugo Moraga Pablo Krögh Liliana García Coca Guazzini Cristián Carvajal Eyal Meyer Antonia Santa…
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#2013#7.8/10#Alejandro Goic#Antonia Santa María#Chilean Film#Coca Guazzini#Cristián Carvajal#Diego Fontecilla#Eyal Meyer#Fabiola Zamora#Hugo Moraga#Liliana García#Luz Jiménez#Marcela Said#Marcial Tagle#Pablo Krögh#Paulina García#Sebastián Lelio#Sergio Hernández
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Chilenes en el Exterior y Retornados: No a la “Nueva” Ley de Migración de Chile
Compartimos la declaración pública firmada por cientos de ciudadanas y ciudadanos chilenos en el exterior, retornadas y retornados, que invita a rechazar la Ley de Migración que actualmente está en tramitación en el Senado, por su enfoque racista, selectivo, sexista y xenófobo y a construir un proyecto de Ley en conjunto con las organizaciones sociales.
(foto de: https://www.epicentrochile.com)
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Chile, a lo largo de su historia, ha sido testigo de diversos procesos migratorios. Así también, el mundo ha recibido a miles de personas chilenas, especialmente durante la dictadura militar y, más actualmente, a los miles de estudiantes que deben salir, por ejemplo a pa��ses vecinos, para acceder a una educación digna y de calidad.
Creemos que es indiscutible la necesidad de una nueva ley de migración. Sin embargo, sin participación social, este proceso no pasa de ser una urgencia impuesta por parte del gobierno actual, que no considera ningún instrumento legal, que ignora activamente a la sociedad civil y sus articulaciones, que transgrede los derechos fundamentales y protectivos, y sobre todo, que pasa a llevar la inestable contingencia sanitaria y sus efectos socioeconómicos sobre chilenes y migrantes.
Como chilenes reconocemos que simbólica, política y jurídicamente, la relación con las/les/los migrantes en Chile ha sido y es racista, selectiva y xenófoba.
Actualmente la legislación que rige la migración en Chile es el Decreto Ley 1094, que fue creado y aprobado bajo la dictadura militar en el año 1975, y que opera en conjunto con el DFL 69, de 1953.
En los gobiernos de S. Piñera y M. Bachelet fueron presentados proyectos prácticamente iguales y sin cambios sustantivos para la creación de una nueva la ley. Ambos proyectos continúan con un enfoque racista, selectivo, sexista y xenófobo. Las indicaciones al actual proyecto, que data de 2013, fueron realizadas por el gobierno de S. Piñera el año 2018. Este proyecto ya fue aprobado por la Cámara de Diputados y ahora, a mediados de julio de 2020, está en su segunda instancia en el Senado.
Lamentablemente esto representa un retroceso significativo en cuanto al respeto de los derechos fundamentales de las y los migrantes. Desconoce los convenios firmados por el Estado chileno, como las disposiciones de la Convención Internacional sobre protección de los derechos de todas y todos los trabajadores migratorios y de sus familiares, el Pacto de Derechos Civiles y Políticos, el Pacto de Derechos Económicos, Sociales y Culturales, entre otros.
En Chile se están aprobando leyes sin participación social, solo diseñadas por unos pocos para imponerlas a todas las personas que viven en el territorio Chileno, e ignorando también la participación de personas chilenas en el exterior. Nuestro mensaje es No a la “Nueva” Ley de Migración.
Esta ley afecta a todas las personas migrantes en Chile, como también a las personas chilenas que vivimos en el exterior.
Hace más de 2 décadas diversas organizaciones sociales vienen buscando modificar esta ley, pero ante la situación global de pandemia no existen las condiciones para generar un amplio consenso y debate público. Estamos conscientes de que estas prácticas del gobierno atentan contra la Democracia, considerando que actualmente vivimos en un Estado de Emergencia Constitucional debido a la crisis sanitaria por el COVID-19, pero sobre todo porque nos recuerdan cómo fue creada la constitución dictatorial de Pinochet.
Este proyecto de ley no contempla la visión de género ni promueve la garantía de los derechos, su redacción es dudosa, delegando la responsabilidad a la voluntad política del gobierno de turno, para que éste evalúe aplicar o no medidas en incentivo al ejercicio de nuestros derechos como chilenos y chilenas en el exterior.
Quienes firmamos esta declaración somos personas chilenas que vivimos en el exterior o que fuimos migrantes en algún período de nuestras vidas, lo que nos hace percibir que las políticas de retorno seguro no están transparentadas en el proyecto de ley. Una vez más, el retorno a nuestro país de origen, así como el de otras y otros emigrantes chilenes, queda desprotegido por la Ley y en manos de un gobierno que no asegura nuestra integridad. Mismo gobierno que hoy desea aprobar, lo más rápido posible, este proyecto de ley, y que busca hacerlo sin la participación de la ciudadanía a quien directamente afecta su promulgación.
Estamos conscientes de que existe una demanda de las comunidades chilenas en el exterior que no ha sido considerada en este proyecto (https://www.change.org/p/una-ley-de-retorno-para-los-chilenos-en-el-exterior), como también notamos la falta de especificación sobre el rol de embajadas y consulados, lo que perjudica su eficacia. Consideramos que el proyecto de Ley genera dudas y contiene vacíos.
Es por todo lo anterior que consideramos fundamental la postergación del debate del proyecto de ley y la participación política activa de las personas y organizaciones migrantes y refugiadas en el país, así como de las personas y organizaciones chilenas migrantes. Sólo así será posible contar con un proyecto de Ley que garantice, y no solamente “promueva” nuestros derechos.
¡Exigimos un proyecto de ley construído en conjunto con las organizaciones!
21 de julio de 2020
Ciudadanos chilenos y chilenas en el exterior, como también retornados y retornadas firmantes:
1) Alex Gallardo Valdés - Asamblea y Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 2) Fabiola Acuña González - Asamblea y Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 3) Ricardo Bahamóndez Aliaga - Asamblea y Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 4) Oriana Jara Maculet - Presencia de América Latina y Proyecto Chilena tú eres parte: no te quedes aparte - Brasil 5) Verónica Gálvez Collado - Rede de Mulheres Imigrantes Lésbicas e Bissexuais - MILBi - Brasil 6) Andrea Carabantes Soto - Equipe de Warmis - Convergência das Culturas (Brasil) y Secretaría de Mujeres Inmigrantes de Chile - Brasil/Chile 7) Francisca Gonzalez Pino - Brasil 8) Rubén Arriagada Amaya - Brasil 9) María Consuelo Valencia Gutiérrez - Cabildo de Chilenos en Buenos Aires - Argentina 10) Josefina Moya - Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 11) Claudio López - Chile 12) Beatriz soledad troncoso guerrero - Brasil 13) Valentina Vergara Caro - Cabildo Chilenes Buenos Aires - Argentina 14) Sara Pozo - Argentina 15) Maria Viviana del Carmen Morales Galarce - Brasil 16) Maria Paz Hansen Cruz - Organización de Mujeres - Chile 17) Maria Soledad Ariela Jerez Arellano - Brasil 18) Francisco Olate - Argentina 19) Beatriz Soledad Troncoso Guerrero - Brasil 20) María Jesús Vega Vera - Cabildo de Chilenxs en Buenos Aires - Argentina 21) Nicole Böck - Chile 22) Carlos Rodríguez - Brasil 23) Antonia Mardones Marshall - Que Chile Decida Extranjero - Estados Unidos 24) Juan Carlos González Toro - Vocero organización chile: hijas e hijos del exilio Chile - exiliado 13 años en Alemania 25) Mariela Pizarro Sippa - Equipe de base warmis-convergência das culturas - Brasil 26) Daniel Solis - Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 27) Rossana Vilugrón - Presença da América Latina - PAL - Brasil 28) Fabio Moraga Valle - UNAM - México 29) Carla Frias - Universidad de Chile - España 30) Miguel Fernando Estrada - Brasil 31) Sara Campos - Chile 32) Sebastián Guzmán - Chile Despertó Internacional - Estados Unidos 33) Orlando Enrique Silva Arenas - Brasil 34) América Libertad Concha Zapata - Brasil 35) Felipe Barrios - Cabildo de Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 36) Anja Wetzenstein - Argentina 37) Ferlina Tristán - Argentina 38) Laura Tagle Campos - Argentina 39) Pamela Araya - Argentina 40) Hugo Sepúlveda Meneses - Brasil 41) Sebastián Díaz - Argentina 42) Natacha Cárcamo Mandiola - Chile 43) Laura Tagle Campos - Argentina 44) Lorena Mandiola Pérez - Chile 45) Verónica Mandiola Perez - Conupia - Chile 46) Andrés Hidalgo Guzman - Brasil 47) Carlos Labbé Jorquera - Asamblea Popular de Chile en New York City / Cooperativa Editorial Furia del Libro / Sangría Editora - Estados Unidos 48) Martín Ignacio Zingg - Suiza 49) Esteban Chavez Baroni - Alemania 50) Javier Ossandon Correa - Chile Despertó Roma - Italia 51) Sara Joiko - Reino Unido 52) Monica Mandiola Perez - Suiza 53) Oriana Castillo Silva - Brasil 54) Gloria Caroca - Chile 55) Maria Alejandra Guglielmetti - Chile Desperto Italia - Italia 56) Javiera Sandoval Limari - University College London - Reino Unido 57) Ángeles Donoso - New Sanctuary Coalition y Sanctuary Neighborhoods - Estados Unidos 58) Pedro Ponce Carrasco - Chile Democrático - Argentina 59) Tamara Rozas - Asamblea Chilena en Londres - Chile 60) Jessica Lorena Silva Gatica - Brasil 61) Javiera Sandoval Limari - University College London - Reino Unido 62) Carolina Hernández - Chile 63) Natalia Gandara - Reino Unido 64) Lina Meruane New York University - Estados Unidos 65) Rossana Cristiana Vergara Donoso - Argentina 66) Lucia Rojas Reischel - ALPIANDES Asociación Chileno-Italiana de Milán - Italia 67) Ana María Retamales Carmona - Brasil 68) Mario Antonio Ferrada Silva - Comisión de Solidaridad con Cuba de Almirante Brown - Argentina 69) Leonel Ponce - Argentina 70) Daisy Alcaino - Argentina 71) Sofía Acevedo - Argentina 72) Daniela Vilela Frente Sur - Argentina 73) Óscar Patricio Rojas Mesina - Argentina 74) Blas Enrique Vega Francino - Chile 75) Pamela Mondaca - Brasil 76) Camilo Cid Peralta - Brasil 77) Carla Aguilar - Chile 78) Manuel Laborda - Chile 79) Patricia Vargas - Brasil 80) María Urrutia - Chile 81) Ariadna Barrientos - Brasil 82) Yolanda Gloria Gamboa Muñoz - Brasil 83) Lucas Montes Bustamante - Argentina 84) Taroa Zúñiga Silva - Secretaria de mujeres inmigrantes - Chile 85) Renata Fernanda Espoz Jerez - Brasil 86) Catalina Alvarez - Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona - España 87) Lissette Fernández Calderón - SINDILLAR - España 88) Domingo Duclos - Brasil 89) Beatriz Ignacia Ríos Oyarzún - Colectiva Katari - España 90) Consuelo Cerda Monje - Red de Trabajadoras de las Danzas (Chile) - Colectiva Katari (Barcelona) - Chile 91) Alejandra Mandiola Pérez - Chile 92) Rodrigo Poza - Irlanda 93) Francco Carvajal - Irlanda 94) Catalina Leiva Ampuero - Irlanda 95) Alvaro Thadani acosta- Irlanda 96) Mónica Ramón Ríos - Auch! ; Asamblea Popular de Chilenes en Nueva York - Estados Unidos 97) Nelson Saez - Irlanda 98) Le Vega - Asamblea popular de chilenos en Nueva York - Estados Unidos 99) Mylena Cordero - Familias Chilenas - España 100) Carlos Aviles - Unión latinoamericana catalana - España 101) Ignacia Verdugo - Colectiva Katari - España 102) Vesna Brzovic Gaete - Red de Trabajadoras de las Danzas - Argentina 103) Aline Cristina Mautz Parham - Irlanda 104) María Barrera - España 105) Maryna Pizarro - Polonia 106) Jorge Rafael Juvenal Barrientos Renard - Brasil 107) Francisca Benitez - Asamblea Popular de Chile en Nueva York - Estados Unidos 108) Francisco Martínez - Argentina 109) Fernanda Tapia Sierra - Australia 110) Romina Brito - Chile 111) Lourdes Chamorro - Asociación Promemoria Salvador Allende - España 112) Carolina Pizarro - Ikarus Stage Arts - Dinamarca 113) Pablo Cossio - Bloque de Trabajadorxs Migrantes - BTM - Argentina 114) Emilia Riquelme - Cabildo Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 115) Nahuel Millahueique - Argentina 116) Vania Ulloa Hurtado - Colectivo Ni Una Migrante Menos - Argentina 117) Claudia Araya - Clandestina las violetas Pichidegua - Chile 118) Daniel Solis - Cabildo Chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 119) Jose Alejandro Angulo Cofre - Comisión DD.HH. Chilenos en Argentina - Argentina 120) Macarena Barramuño - Chile 121) Sofía Moya - Japón 122) Leonel Fuentralba Alvear - Argentina 123) Alessandra astele - España 124) Constanza Larenas - Asamblea feminista chilenas en la CDMX - México 125) Catalina Reyes - Red Feminista de mujeres y disidencias chilenxs en el extranjero / Asamblea de chilenes en Buenos Aires - Argentina 126) Tania T. - Alemania 127) Ricardo Cayuleo Morales - Argentina 128) Camilo Artaza Varela - Entrecuerpos Venezuela - Chile/Venezuela
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HOY ES POR TI... EN "TE QUEREMOS PATTY CARMONA" FERNANDO UBIERGO SANTIAGO DEL NUEVO EXTREMO HUGO MORAGA PATTY CARMONA FRANCISCO VILLA CONDUCE: MIGUEL DAVAGNINO OSCAR ENCINA (INVITADO VIERNES 4 DE OCTUBRE A LAS 19:00 HORAS VAMOS TODOS A ESTE MARAVILLOSO CONCIERTO EN SOLIDARIDAD CON NUESTRA PATRICIA CARMONA LANFRANCO. CORRAN LA VOZ!!! #hoyesporti #patriciacarmona #franciscovilla #santiagodelnuevoextremo #fernandoubiergo #hugomoraga #oscarencina #ucsh LAS ENTRADAS SE PUEDEN COMPRAR EN DISCOMANÍA (21 de mayo 583, local 894, esquina Santo Domingo, Santiago Centro. A pasos del Metro Plaza de Armas), Lunes a viernes de 10:30 a 19:30 hrs. Sábado de 10:30 a 14:30 hrs. Teléfono: 226398091 Y EN: [email protected]. ADHESIÓN GENERAL; $10.000 SALA AUDITORIUM DON BOSCO UNIVERSIDAD CATÓLICA SILVA HERNRRÍQUEZ CARMEN 350, PISO 2, SANTIAGO CENTRO. www.facebook.com/events/680300029143293/ https://www.instagram.com/p/B3DS2M8n2Kb/?igshid=sgnh1m7gtncc
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As fights and names are bandied about, an image for Dana White’s Tuesday Night Contenders Series develops
June 11th, 2017
So Dana White's Tuesday Night Contenders series is slowly approaching it's July 11th kick off date; basically a month off. There's a collection of reasons why the series is happenin' (desire to get guys fights, boost the FP library, IMO test the capacity of having a weekly UFC mini series for TV networks) BUT whatever the case, it has the chance to give guys who might otherwise be left out of the UFC a chance to get in and guys who maybe are good enough to be in the UFC but have faced way too tough competition to maybe reset themselves a little and get their career back on track. The only guarantee we've had thus far is that there's five fights a week every Tuesday for the summer but what can we expect necessarily? Well some fights AND fighters are beginning to filter out now and what've we got?
Joby Sanchez (9-2) vs Manny Vasquez (11-2)- July 11th
If the name Joby Sanchez is familiar to you then it's because he's a former UFC fighter who went 1-2 in the organization before he got released. Sanchez is still a very young fighter (25 years old) so it's not a bad fighter to give a second chance by any stretch. Manny Vasquez is another familiar name; a guy who probably should've been in the UFC after defeating RIcardo Ramos on an Legacy card Dana and company went to for Looking For A Fight. Unfortunately he didn't get the call up (Cody East did :/) but alas alack and all that. He's gone 2-1 since the LFAF opportunity and is another very young BW at 23 years old. These are the sort of fights I can get behind.
Zu Anywanu (13-4) vs TBA- July 11th
This kind of feels overdue to be entirely honest. The big HW Azunna Anywanu who has performed for CFFC is scheduled to fight with no real opponent penciled in as of yet (or announced as of yet). I thought around 2015 or so when the UFC's HW division was truly in dire straights they'd give him the call up but he always seemed to either never put on the performances needed or just flat out lost. He'll be coming into this riding a four fight winning streak. I don't think he's going to really make a run, as one would put it, but if all HW fights are lottery tickets then you might as well swing big when you get the chance.
Boston Salmon (5-1) vs Ricky Turcios (8-0) - July 25th
So I'll admit off the bat I know little about Ricky Turcios beyond his spotless record. The focus for me is on Boston Salmon; blessed name with blessed skills. Found out of the Tuff-N-Udd amateur system, Salmon put on a pretty decent stretch of wins and was carving his niche as a great young up and coming action fighter. In his last fight, he beat up on Zack Riley (who was coming off an upset win over Hugo "Wolverine" Vianna) and got screwed on the judges scorecards. This is a pretty good fight.
Sean O'Malley (6-0) vs Alfred Khashakyan (8-3)- July 18th
I know more about Khasakyan first and foremost so I guess we'll start there. Khashakyan was basically an outsourced fight for the Maine Lookin' For A Fight show that got Ricardo Ramos signed. Ramos beat Khashakayan in the main event but then Khashakyan rebounded to finish Chris Beal in his next fight out. Nothing gets you a look from the UFC like beating a guy who used to be there. Sean O'Malley trains out in Arizona with guys like John Moraga, Bryan Barberena and Lauren Murphy. Both guys are bantamweights which seems to fit the theme thus far on what they're targeting.
Dan Ige (7-1) vs Luis Gomez (4-0)- July 25th
I know nothing about either guy other than to note that Luis Gomez is undefeated and fights primarily in Miami for the same promotion that gave us such GOATs like Platinum Mike Perry and Alex Nicholson.
Kyle Noblitt (8-0) vs TBA- July 25th
A doughy bodied HW, Noblitt apparently is making the drop down to 205 lbs to compete on the show. Again I have little to no idea about the guy to be honest so rather than lie and deceive y'all, I'll just say "No idea" and move on.
Daniel Jolly (5-2) vs TBA- Date TBA
Maybe Jolly vs Noblitt is up soon?
Chase Waldon (11-2) vs Gabriel Checco (10-2)- July 25th
Eeeeeeeghhh.....I think we've hit the wall now on things. Chase Waldon vs Gabriel Checco is a fight at middleweight which of course features the usual at 185 lbs. A lot of slow clunky guys (which they are) and in the case of Checco, a penchant for boring fights. Waldon isn't much better in the two fights I saw of him but whatevs. Both fighters are over 30 years old as well which I mean it is what it is.
Michael Cora vs TBA- Date TBA
Another under 30 fighter who competed for Titan Fighting. Cora had a killer KO his last time out but the rest of his career has been in obscurity. Still I like the idea of rewarding guys who have some Fight Pass exposure getting another chance on the big brand even if it's a one off chance. Fought at 170 and middleweight (with a weird catchweight bout at 200 lbs thrown in too).
Sidney Outlaw vs TBA- Date TBA
Was rumored to have been signed for the big league off of LFAF but looks like Outlaw at 8-3 will be fighting on Tuesday Night Contenders. A guy who can bounce between a few weight classes.
So what is Tuesday Night Contenders at this point? Well nobody knows. Most of these fights are basically unconfirmed as of right now and the rumored UFC vet vs debuting prospect fights aren't here as of yet. The "get some guys some fights" filler proponent is also absent during the early portions. We'll see how the visual continues to develop but as of right now, Dana White's Tuesday Night Contenders Series looks like it's got a pretty easy theme to it. Hyped prospects who aren't good enough to get signed to the UFC right away and fighters who are probably under the radar getting opportunities. Most of them are under 30 years old as well so there's clearly an onus on younger fighters. The relatively small collection of names (five fights for two months means we're about to get a ton of signings) so far is good but not great but they do paint a pretty clear visual of what we're getting here. If they expand it a little (fighters from other countries would be awesome) and maybe give us some names for guys who are clinging to their careers in the UFC (Ross Pearson really jumps out to me) then this coul dbe a fantastic little project.
(Kudos to mma_kings and mmawizzard on twitter for doing most of the hard work collecting these fights plus all the management teams trumpeting the signings)
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Multitudinario adiós a Hugo Cardemil
Una repleta Iglesia Matriz de Curicó fue el marco de la despedida que el mundo corralero le brindó a Hugo Cardemil Moraga, quien falleció el pasado viernes a la edad de 94 años. Tanto en la ceremonia religiosa como en el servicio fúnebre la familia huasa y corralera acompañó al 4 veces campeón de Chile […] http://dlvr.it/R5xqkr
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Opiniones de política española (1/6/2019)
Año I de la moción de censura: del destierro en los sondeos al renacimiento de Sánchez - Juanma Romero
Así es el "tito" de Susana Díaz al que los sanchistas tienen en el punto de mira - Isabel Morillo
Cloacas Zapatero - Graciano Palomo
El espejismo del sorpaso - Javier Pérez Royo
El PP de Casado reniega de Granados: "No todos somos iguales, señoría" - Liliana Ochoa y Tono Calleja
Elecciones 2019: del "momento populista" a un "momento cívico-republicano" - Hugo Martínez Abarca
Emoción e intriga hasta el minuto final - Carlos Elordi
Espejismos - José Luis Sastre
Ignacio Aguado y Begoña Villacís, el tándem de Ciudadanos en Madrid que quiere dejar de ser la muleta del PP - Carmen Moraga
La hora de los tramposo - Gregorio Morán
La odisea de Casado por rescatar al PP del fondo bolso de Soraya - Jose Alejandro Vara
Legionarios y fascistas… ¡Ay, Carmena! - Karina Sainz Borgo
Lo que el pueblo ha dicho a Rivera - Graciano Palomo
Los barones del PP marcan el camino a Casado desde el día después al 26M - Iñigo Aduriz
Los resultados de las europeas extrapolados al Congreso darían un triunfo más holgado al PSOE - David Noriega y Raúl Sánchez
¿Progresía o estabilidad? Sánchez se lo está pensando - Antonio Casado
Rociíto - Incitatvs
Una respuesta simple al dilema de los pactos - Roger Senserrich
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[Qsc_asuw] SPRING! Newsletter Week 4
Welcome to Week 4! <3
QTBIPOC Artist Spotlight of the Week:
Monyee Chau
Monyee Chau (b. 1996) is a Seattle-based contemporary Chinese American artist. She received BFA from Cornish College of the Arts in 2018. Monyee explores the journey of healing through decolonization and reconnecting with her roots and ancestors through a variety of mediums. She has shown at Cornish College of the Arts, Pilchuck Glass School, and has independently curated various DIY exhibitions throughout Seattle. She has been the recipient of multiple Pilchuck scholarships, Cornish’s Art Merit scholarship, and nominations to the Outstanding Student Achievement in Contemporary Sculpture, and the Corning award.
The Queer & Trans People of Color Alliance (QTPOCA) will be meeting this Friday, location TBD!
LAVISH QTPOC Art Showcase (Tuesday, May 21, 2019) 6:30 PM - 9 PM @ Ethnic Cultural Theater 3931 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, Washington 98105
Lavish is a multi-arts showcase opportunity centering Queer and Trans People of Color (QTPoC). We will provide a platform for UW students to receive mentorship (by way of building a sustained relationship with a teaching artist) and community building among QTPoCs and artists on campus and in the greater Seattle community.
There are many ways to participate in the showcase. Opportunities include (but are not limited to): emcees/MC, deejays/DJ, performance artists, fine artists, spoken word, poetry, musicians, dramaturge, stage managers, community organizers, and more.
The showcase is student-driven and its final form will be created organically among the participating artists. Lavish centers artists who identify as QTPoC. White allies/accomplices are also welcome to participate. Artists of any experience level are enthusiastically invited to participate in this low stakes/high support experience.
Please consider filling out the following form if you �� are interested in participating at Lavish: https://forms.gle/dq7TMqV8YQAfvtu2A We will host an Informational Session on May 3, 2019, 3:00PM at the Q Center (HUB 315). Note: Prospective performers may submit their application using this form or in person at the informational session. Questions? Please contact Juan Franco or Jaimée Marsh @ the Q Center: [email protected] or 206-897-1430. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Accessibility Information: The Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Theatre is near landmarks such as Alder Hall and Lander Hall. For a map, search HUB on the campus maps: www.washington.edu/maps The ECC’s front entrance is wheelchair accessible. There is an elevator in the building. There are universal, all-gender bathrooms in the building, as well as gender binary bathrooms with multiple stalls. The ECT is not kept scent-free, but we ask that you do not wear scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume, hair products) or essential oils to/in the event in order to make the space accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical sensitivity. University District Metro Bus Routes can be found here: metro.kingcounty.gov/tops/bus/neighborhoods/university_district.html
Kitchen Sessions with Imani Sims and CD Forum
(Friday, April 26, 2019) 7 PM - 9 PM @ Seattle Art Museum 1300 1st Ave, Seattle, Washington 98101
In celebration of "Jeffrey Gibson: Like a Hammer," SAM has partnered with poet and educator Imani Sims and The Central District Forum for Arts and Ideas for an evening that explores themes of the exhibition. Entry to the exhibition is included with ticket purchase. bit.ly/SAMKitchenSessions
Kitchen Sessions are an opportunity to celebrate Black femme and non-binary identified artists as they reflect on and discuss with an intergenerational audience.
The Kitchen seems like the place where nourishment is found. Not only food but also valuable lessons. Little girls go from childhood to the kitchen. At some point, we graduate into womanhood. What is the rite of passage that allows you to enter the sacred space of the kitchen? It functions as an epicenter, a doorway into a space where it is safe to examine the crooked room. It is safe to talk about the long list of things we experience as Black women. As our hands conjure nourishment, our mouths begin to form spells and we reshape our reality for a moment.
A Talk About Border Imperialism and more (Tuesday, April 23) 5 - 6 PM @ Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center 3931 Brooklyn Ave NE, Seattle, Washington 98105
Join us for a conversation about border imperialism and more. Leading this discussion will be the founding members of Shot of Truth Podcast.
The Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Center is near landmarks such as Alder Hall and Lander Hall.
For a map, search HUB on the campus maps: www.washington.edu/maps
The ECC’s front entrance is wheelchair accessible. There is an elevator in the building.
There are universal, all-gender bathrooms in the building, as well as gender binary bathrooms with multiple stalls.
The ECC is not kept scent-free, but we ask that you do not wear scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume, hair products) or essential oils to/in the event in order to make the space accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical sensitivity.
University District Metro Bus Routes can be found here: metro.kingcounty.gov/tops/bus/neighborhoods/university_district.html
Sacred Breath: Writing and Storytelling (Wednesday, May 1, 2019) 6:30-8:30 PM @ wǝɫǝbʔaltxʷ - Intellectual House
This event features writer and Sacred Breath founder, Elissa Washuta (Cowlitz) and local northwest storyteller Sondra Segundo (Haida).
Storytelling offers a spiritual connection, a sharing of sacred breath. Literature, similarly, preserves human experience and ideals. Both forms are durable and transmit power that teaches us how to live. Both storytelling and reading aloud can impact audiences through the power of presence, allowing for the experience of the transfer of sacred breath as audiences are immersed in the experience of being inside stories and works of literature.
Elissa Washuta is a member of the Cowlitz Indian Tribe and a writer of personal essays and memoir. She is the author of two books, Starvation Mode and My Body Is a Book of Rules, named a finalist for the Washington State Book Award. With Theresa Warburton, she is co-editor of the anthology Shapes of Native Nonfiction, forthcoming from University of Washington Press. She has received fellowships and awards from the National Endowment for the Arts, Artist Trust, 4Culture, Potlatch Fund, and Hugo House. Elissa is an assistant professor of English at the Ohio State University.
Sondra Segundo is an artist and singer of the Haida language. She is an educator and has worked with youth in schools and programs throughout the Northwest, teaching art and sharing her Indigenous children’s books and songs. Everything Sondra does tells a story. Her composed Haida songs tell a story. Her illustrations in her books tell a story. Her movements while she dances, tell a story. Although she is individually accomplished in each of these facets of her life, they are all intertwined by her passion—storytelling. Recently, Sondra has been recruited by tribal-funk band Khu.eex’ as lead female vocalist and has performed at venues such as The Paramount Theater & Upstream Music Fest. She released her first personal music album “Díi Gudangáay uu Síigaay-I Can Feel the Ocean” on 8-8-18.
Free event. Registration required: https://eventactions.com/eareg.aspx?ea=Rsvp
Palestine Awareness Week 2019!
Get ready for SUPER’s 7th annual Palestine Awareness Week! Join us for a full week of Palestinian culture, history and resistance. This year’s PAW lineup includes:
Film Screening: “Salt of the Sea” (Monday, April 22) 4 PM - 6 PM @ Media Arcade - Allen Library Discussion: The Black-Palestinian Solidarity Movement (Tuesday, April 23) 4 PM - 6 PM @ Chicano Room - Ethnic Cultural Center Art & Discussion: Borders, Detainment & Resiliency with MEChA de UW (Wednesday, April 24) 5 PM - 6:30 PM @ HUB 250 Dance workshop: Dabke Day! (Thursday, April 25) 5 PM -7 PM @ DEN 113 Panel + Discussion: From Kashmir to Palestine || Mental Warfare, Cultural Erasure, & Resiliency (Friday, April 26) 4 PM - 6 PM @ HUB 307
Disability Studies Program Brown Bag Sharan Brown (Tuesday, April 30) 12-1 PM @ MGH 024 Sexual Assault Open Mic (Tuesday, April 30) 5-7 PM@ HUB 340
Native Country of the Heart - Native Country of the Heart (Wednesday, April 24) 7:30-9 PM @ Town Hall Seattle
How do we trace the stories of our parents’ lives alongside that of our own self-discovery? Celebrated author and pioneering queer Latina feminist Cherríe Moraga presents Town Hall audiences with her own intergenerational narrative in Native Country of the Heart: A Memoir, charting a personal coming-of-age alongside her mother’s decline, and also tells the larger story of the Mexican American diaspora. Moraga charts her mother’s—journey from an impressionable young girl to a battle-tested matriarch to an old woman suffering under the yoke of Alzheimer’s—while simultaneously tracing her own self-discovery of her gender-queer body and Lesbian identity, as well as her passion for activism and the history of her pueblo. Join Moraga for a reckoning with white American history and a piercing love letter from a fearless daughter to the mother she will never lose.
Cherríe Moraga is a writer and cultural activist whose work serves to disrupt the dominant narratives of gender, race, sexuality, feminism, indigeneity, and literature in the United States. A co-founder of Kitchen Table: Women of Color Press, Moraga co-edited the highly influential volume This Bridge Called My Back: Writings by Radical Women of Color in 1981. She is the recipient of a National Endowment for the Arts Theatre Playwriting Fellowship Award and a United States Artist Rockefeller Fellowship for Literature. Presented by Town Hall Seattle.
Pasifik Voices Spring 2019 (Wednesday, April 24, 2019) 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM @ ECT
We are back for the last Pasifik Voices of the school year! You know the drill: come out and join us for a night of showcasing and celebrating the unique talents and performances of individuals who make up the greater Pacific Islander community on the UW campus!
As always, you can look forward to... music, dance, art, spoken-word, community and more!
Admission is FREE, bring all your homies!
Interested in performing? Sign up NOW at: tinyurl.com/pvspring2019 Interested in MCing? Apply here: https://forms.gle/GFHgbk6di1ZrCVhx7 ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION:
The Samuel E. Kelly Ethnic Cultural Theater is near landmarks such as Alder Hall and Lander Hall.
There are universal, all-gender bathrooms in the ECC, as well as gender binary bathrooms with multiple stalls.
The ECT is not kept scent-free, but we ask that you do not wear scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume, hair products) or essential oils to/in the event in order to make the space accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical sensitivity.
University District Metro Bus Routes can be found here: metro.kingcounty.gov/tops/bus/neighborhoods/university_district.html
SARVA, WAC, D-Center and SDC Present: Open Mic Night (Tuesday, April 30, 2019) 5-87PM @ HUB 340
Join this safe space and hear stories from disabled survivors of assault and domestic violence.
Light refreshments will be provided! (Vegan/gluten free options available!) ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION:
CART Captioning will be provided.
This is a scent free space! Please refrain from using scented products if you plan on attending.
Transgender & Gender Diverse Support & Social Group (Wednesday, May 8, 2019) 6-8 PM @ U.T.O.P.I.A Seattle 205 E. Meeker St. Kent, Washington 98032
[trans] ACTION is a support/social group for sex workers that is held every first Wednesday of every month. It is an opportunity that provides sex workers a safe space to engage in topical discussions relating to their life and/or work. This gathering is open to transgender and gender diverse sex workers with current or past experience in the sex trade.
Discussions include topics such as:
*Safety and self- care
*Decriminalization and Destigmatization of sex work
*Know your rights training
*Legal assistance
*Employment & housing
[trans] ACTION promotes and values confidentiality regarding interactions within the group.
The undisclosed location has ample parking, all-gender and ADA-accessible restroom. Come and build community with us! For more information please email Ara-lei at [email protected] Upcoming Dates :
Wed May 8 (6-8pm)
Wed June 12 (6-8pm)
From Palestine to Mexico, All the Walls Have Got to Go! (Monday, May 20, 2019) 7 PM - 9 PM @ Southside Commons 3518 S Edmunds St, Seattle, Washington 98118 These days, the headlines are filled with Trump's proposal for a border wall, news about brutal family separation policies and baby jails at the border, police murdering Black people in the US, Islamophobic attacks, accusations that Congresswoman Omar is "anti-semitic" because of her criticism of US foreign policy in Israel, and anti-boycott legislation at the federal and state levels. How are all these things connected? What does it mean to build a powerful movement for change that connects these issues and wins change that actually reduces the harms of systems of policing, imprisonment, border enforcement, and colonial dispossession? Join us for a conversation between Maru Mora Villalpando and Nada Elia
Maru is the community organizer at the forefront of work aiming to close the Northwest Detention Center. She has been targeted by the Trump administration for deportation based on her activism and works to build a radical, visionary, border and prison abolitionist migrant justice grassroots movement in our region and nationally. Nada Elia is a diaspora Palestinian writer, organizer, and teacher who was one of the first activists to work to expose how US law enforcement trains with the Israeli military and to build coalitional feminist work to oppose it. Maru and Nada will be talking about the overlapping and interconnected law enforcement technologies being used to target migrants to the US, US communities of color, and Palestinians, and exploring how we build internationalist anti-law enforcement and anti-military resistance. This event aims to strengthen all our imaginations and strategies for building safety through solidarity, not law enforcement.
Southside commons is wheelchair accessible and has two parking spots for people with disabilities.
Scent-free soaps will be provided in the bathrooms and we are currently working to find out what is usually used in the space and to what degree it leaves chemicals and fragrances in the space.
Gender neutral bathrooms are available.
The light rail to the Mount Baker stop, and several busses, stop nearby.
If you have any questions about accessibility please email [email protected].
DARK AT DUSK - The Final Suicide (Friday, May 10, 2019) 7 PM -10 PM @ Gay City: Seattle's LGBTQ Center 517 E Pike St, Seattle, Washington 98122 Nic Masangkay Presents... DARK AT DUSK - The Final Suicide
After a medication overdose, our protagonist lays unconscious at a Seattle hospital. Piecing together their past via music, film, and spoken word poetry, we retrace what led Them to suicide - perhaps They aren’t the true killer. Find out if They live to tell Their own story: May 2019.
Cast and Team: Brian is Ze Falon Sierra Guayaba Moonyeka Lourdez Velasco Son the Rhemic Queerbigan Vanna Zaragoza Zora Seboulisa
Help compensate this talented team at http://www.patreon.com/nicmasangkay.
More information on the album and show at http://www.nicmasangkay.com/dark-at-dusk.
Project made possible in part by Jack Straw Cultural Center's Artist Support Program.
The Calamus Auditorium at Gay City is ADA accessible & minimally scented.
There are two single-stall all-gender restrooms.
There will be scent free soap in the restrooms. More info: gaycity.org/access
Seattle Launch: Tongue-Breaker (Tuesday, May 14, 2019) 7 PM - 9 PM @ Third Place Books Seward Park 5041 Wilson Ave S, Seattle, Washington 98118 Seattle family, please come celebrate the New York launch of writer Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha's latest book of poetry, Tonguebreaker.
Tonguebreaker is about surviving the unsurvivable: living through hate crimes, the suicides of queer kin, and the rise of fascism while falling in love and walking through your beloved's neighbourhood in Queens. Building on LLPS' groundbreaking work in Bodymap, Tonguebreaker is an unmitigated force of disabled queer-of-colour nature, narrating disabled femme-of-colour moments on the pulloff of the 80 in West Oakland, the street, and the bed. Tonguebreaker dreams unafraid femme futures where we live -- a ritual for our collective continued survival.
about the weirdo who wrote the poems: LEAH LAKSHMI PIEPZNA-SAMARASINHA is a queer disabled femme writer, cultural worker and educator of Burgher/Tamil Sri Lankan and Irish/Roma ascent. They are the author of Care Work: Dreaming Disability Justice, Dirty River: A Queer Femme of Color Dreaming Her Way Home (short-listed for the Lambda and Publishing Triangle Awards, ALA Above the Rainbow List), Bodymap (short listed for the Publishing Triangle Award) ,Love Cake (Lambda Literary Award winner), and Consensual Genocide, and co-editor of The Revolution Starts At Home: Confronting Intimate Violence in Activist Communities. Their next book, Beyond Survival: Stories and Strategies From the Transformative Justice Movement (co-edited with Ejeris Dixon) is forthcoming in 2020. A lead artist with Sins Invalid, her writing has been widely published, with recent work in PBS Newshour, Poets.org's Poetry and the Body folio, The Deaf Poets Society, Bitch, Self, TruthOut and The Body is Not an Apology. She is a VONA Fellow and holds an MFA from Mills College. She is also a rust belt poet, a Sri Lankan with a white mom, a femme over 40, a grassroots intellectual, a survivor who is hard to kill. ACCESSIBILITY INFORMATION: wheelchair accessible including bathrooms, armless chairs available, coffee tea and snacks for sale, please come fragrance-free. Free. Bring your kids.
Let’s Talk is a free program that connects UW students with support from experienced counselors from the Counseling Center and Hall Health Center without an appointment. Counselors hold drop-in hours at four sites on campus:
Mondays, 2-4 PM, Odegaard Library Room 222
Tuesdays, 2-4 PM, Ethnic Cultural Center Room 306
Wednesdays, 2-4 PM, Q Center (HUB 315)
Thursdays, 2-4 PM, Mary Gates Hall Room 134E
Let’s Talk offers informal consultation – it is not a substitute for regular therapy, counseling, or psychiatric care. To learn more, visit letstalk.washington.edu. The HUB’s front entrance is wheelchair accessible and the common area is to the right of the main desk. An all-genders restroom can be found at the 3rd floor, down the hallway from the Q Center. Gender binary bathrooms with multiple stalls can be found on each floor of the HUB. The HUB IS not kept scent-free but we ask that you do not wear scented/fragranced products (e.g. perfume, hair products) or essential oils to/in the Q Center in order to make the space accessible to those with chemical injury or multiple chemical sensitivity.
Thank you for being a part of our community <3 We are so glad that you are here, and we are so glad to get to know you! Have questions about the QSC? Just want to get involved? Find our office hours online at hours.asuw.org. To hear more from the QSC be sure to like us on facebook, and follow us on twitter & instagram to stay up to date with all queer and trans related happenings on campus and in Seattle! With love, Mehria Ibrahimi, Outreach & Engagement Intern.
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Servicios para los Atletas Argentinos en los GPS
La CADA dio a conocer los listados de beneficiarios de los servicios de alojamiento y comidas para los atletas argentinos durante los GPS “Andres Calonge” y “Hugo Mario La Nasa�� en Concepción del Uruguay a partir de la cena de la tarde del día jueves 8 y la cena del mismo día y hasta el almuerzo del día domingo once de junio. Atletas Beneficiarios de Alojamiento y comida 1 Agustín Alejandro Contreras BA 2 Agustín Carril BA 3 Agustín Coronel CHU 4 Agustín Nahuel Pinti MZA 5 Agustina Moraga NEU 6 Ailén Armada BA 7 Alan Esteban Niestroj FAM 8 Alejo Pafundi SF 9 Andrea Ubiedo BA 10 Antonella Janet Guerrero FAM 11 Augusto Mariano Cochet FAM 12 Bautista Diamante FAM 13 Belén Fritzsche FAM 14 Benjamín Santiago Aguilera FAM 15 Brian Agustín López SF 16 Bruno Agustín De Genaro SL 17 Carlos Augusto Johnson SF 18 Carlos Daniel Layoy FAM 19 Carolina Lozano SF 20 Carolina Scarponi FAM 21 Clara Macarena Baiocchi COR 22 Daiana Alejandra Ocampo FAM 23 Damián Gabriel Moretta FAM 24 Daniel Oscar Penta SF 25 Daniel Rodrigo Londero FAM 26 Daniela Ayelén Gómez FAM 27 Diego Javier Lacamoire BA 28 Diego Matías Leones SF 29 Dylan Damián van der Hock ER 30 Edgar Felipe Neri-Chávez SDE 31 Eliean gaspar Larregina BA 32 Estanislao Mendivil FAM 33 Evangelina Luján Thomas CHU 34 Ezequiel Chavarría TUC 35 Ezequiel Sferra BA 36 Fabiana Salomé Gramajo FAM 37 Fausto Alonso FAM 38 Florencia Dupans MZA 39 Florencia Lorena Cuello MZA 40 Franco Florio FAM 41 Franco Gastón Peidón BA 42 Gastón Emiliano Benítez MNS 43 Germán Vega BA 44 Giuliana Alejandra Baigorria NEU 45 Guillermo Ruggeri MZA 46 Helen Bernard Stilling FAM 47 Iara Alén Capurro BA 48 Ignacio Fontana SF 49 Jerónimo Pedro Peralta COR 50 Joaquín Gabriel Gómez FAM 51 José Zabala SF 52 Josefina Brunet SF 53 Juan Ignacio Carballo COR 54 Juan Ignacio Ciampitti FAM 55 Juan Ignacio Solito FAM 56 Juan Manuel Arriéguez BA 57 Juana Zuberbuhler BA 58 Julián Berca MZA 59 Julián Farías BA 60 Julio Nahuel Nóbile SF 61 Karen Ailén Rocca BA 62 Katherine Maldonado FAM 63 Lautaro Gabriel Vouilloz BA 64 Lautaro Taiel Mantello CHU 65 Lázaro Bonora SF 66 Leandro Ismael Paris SL 67 Leandro Leonel Pérez-Lazarte BA 68 Leslie Tamara Lucero COR 69 Lorenzo Riba COR 70 Lucas Adrián Villegas SL 71 Luciana Gennari SAL 72 Luciana Gómez Iriondo SF 73 Luciano Gabriel Ferrari COR 74 Manuel Rojas BA 75 Marcos Julián Molina SF 76 María Candela Ratibel FAM 77 María Florencia Lamboglia FAM 78 María Victoria Woodward COR 79 Martina Daniela Escudero RN 80 Matías Agustín Castro LRI 81 Matías Agustín Elizaincin FAM 82 Matías Antonio Reynaga SAL 83 Matías Falchetti FAM 84 Maximiliano Albarracín SAL 85 Maximiliano Diaz SAL 86 Melanie Soledad Rosalez FAM 87 Micaela Levaggi BA 88 Nahuel Pedernera BA 89 Nazareno Helber Melgarejo FAM 90 Nazareno Uriel Sasia ER 91 Nélida del Carmen Peñaflor SDE 92 Nicolas Yglesias Nascimento-bra BA 93 Noelia Anahí Martínez COR 94 Pablo Agustín Toledo SDE 95 Paula Agustina Dulcic FAM 96 Pedro Emmert FAM 97 Pedro Rodríguez Merlo FAM 98 Renzo Salvatore Cremaschi MZA 99 Santiago Barbería BA 100 Santiago Zezular COR 101 Sebastián Agustín De Zan FAM 102 Sofía Tamara Casetta FAM 103 Sofía Ximena Ibarra FAM 104 Tomás Ariel Villegas SL 105 Tomas Olivera BA 106 Tomás Pablo Mondino SF 107 Tomás Vega BA 108 Uriel Rodrigo Muñoz BA 109 Valentina Napolitano FAM 110 Valentina Polanco SL 111 Violeta Antonella Aranda FAM 112 Walter Imanol Alfonzo MNS Read the full article
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Presentación realizada el viernes 8 de enero de 1993 en el Centro Cultural Montecarmelo, Grabado por Claudio Hahn desde la mesa de sonido en cassette Sony HF 90. Registro incompleto. Digitalización de reconocimiento realizada los días 4 y 5 de enero de 2021 con minicomponente Sharp CD-BK100 y grabadora Zoom h4n. Edición y leve procesamiento en Audacity 2.4.1 y Ocenaudio 3.7.12 realizados entre el 5 y 9 de enero de 2021.
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Excited to be hitting today for Sunday’s FLOOR Improv Day from 2-5pm at Union Station! With the @theredlinehorns 🎺Bryan Velasco 🎹, Ash Jangda 🎸, Calixto Oviedo 🥁, Hugo Vera Solari 🎸, & Christian Moraga 🥁 #improv #thefloor #afrocuban #grooves #dance #art #culture #dtla #losangeles #guitar (at Union Station Los Angeles)
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Recordando a Nino...
Él se fue un 2 de febrero de 1998, quizá un tanto hastiado de encontrar tantas puertas cerradas a su genialidad, a su calidad de autor, a su tremenda potencialidad como músico.
Nino García fue un grande, qué duda cabe. Un tremendo pianista, un tremendo arreglador, gran compositor y una buena persona.
(Portada del libro de Alejandro Cuevas, diseñada por mi hijo Pablo).
Conocí a Nino García en los comienzo de los años 80 en el sello SYM, un proyecto de las cantantes Sonia y Myriam que dio acogida a muchos cantantes que no tuvieron oportunidad de entrar a un sello “grande”. En esta etiqueta debutaron; Eduardo Gatti, Los Jaivas (Alturas de Machu Pichu), Hugo Moraga, Miguel Piñera y .Oscar Andrade.
Tuve la gran oportunidad de trabajar con Nino. Fue a mediados del año 1986, cuando en mi cargo de Director de Eventos Especiales y Director del Area Pastoral de radio Chilena, se me ocurre hacer una grabación de espera, de bienvenida, a la llegada del Papa Juan Pablo Segundo.
El sacerdote salesiano Neftalí Salgado aportó la letra y Nino la música. El tema se tituló “Mensajero de la vida”, la cantó Nino acompañado de la cantante Paulina Sauvalle.
Mensajero de la vida - Nino García y Paulina Sauvalle
En 1988, a pocos días de haber participado en el Festival OTI con la canción “Cuando estás aquí”, donde obtiene el tercer lugar, Nino dijo estas palabras: “Estoy cansado de golpear puertas, pese a mi currículo. Espero que el sacrificio artístico de Nino García sea un llamado de alerta a quienes tienen en sus manos la posibilidad de proyectar a los artistas» (*)
Hoy se cumplen 20 años de su partida y De Vez en Cuando recuerda al amigo y maestro.
Para el final, seleccioné una de las tantas creaciones de Nino y que es una de mis favoritas: “Flores de plásticos”.
Flores de plásticos - Nino García
(*) De la página Música Popular. CL
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A Valparaiso quisiera volar broncearme de nubes que surcan el mar. Llegar del oeste y perder altura y que se me acerquen sus luces maduras.
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Gloria was one of the more interesting films I've seen in a while, and this was one of my favorite scenes in the movie. It's Hugo Moraga and Antonia Santa María singing a duet of Águas de Março (known as Waters of March to white folks).
Damn, aint Portoguese a pretty language?
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"Y luego quedo fuera de la primavera, entonces se reducen los Domingos hasta que llegas tu desde a luz de un letrero que se arroja certero sobre la calle San Diego, tu tienes que ofrecer crepúsculo de hoteles, tenemos que encontrar los beneficios, para mi tu corazón de mariposa nocturna, para ti mi deseo y mi beso de luna"
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