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historyaccordingtosnark · 1 year ago
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apebook · 2 years ago
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Famous For The Dialects, Just For It To Go Out of Style
Hello All!
We are at another week discussing Mark Twain, his works, and his techniques in a very in-depth approach. I have been informed that my professor is not the only one reading my blog. In that case- Hello Near!! Thank you for reading, and I hope you can engage in this conversation since tonight’s topic is built around the concept we discussed in a different class from today actually.
This week’s focus will be what Mark Twain was special for creating: the in depth dialect and voices of his characters. We will specifically be talking about the characters in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn for this portion of the blog.
True, Mark Twain did not ‘create’ the technique of accents or dialect. However, he did master it in a lot of his works. Evidence years after Samuel Clemens passing proves that this was not just a repeat of ear for Twain, but a direct science in building the vocabulary used in his Huck Finn novel. Papers pulled from his study showing the break down of how each word would be created specifically for specific person. 
Showing these techniques, we will exhibit examples from chapter 32 from Huck Finn. For the character of Jim, Twain designs his vocabulary to reflect the mixture of his sweet, kind soul with the vocabulary of other men of color in this time and area. Jim is consistently affection towards little Huck throughout the novel. Readers see this as Jim calls him names like ‘Honey’ and ‘sweetie’ all the time. Huck even takes notice of it within the story, and this helps solidify their bond. The vocabulary Twain decides for Jim to own is exhibited in this next quote “Yes, dey will, I reck’n, Mars Tom, but what kine er time is Jim havin? Blest if I kin see de pint. But I’ll do it ef I got to. I reck’n I better keep de animals satisfied, en not have no trouble in de house” (Twain 406). The vocabulary shows what is considered ‘improper grammar’ while the dialect reflects poverty and the southern region. 
In Huck’s language, the reader can notice a bit of difference. A couple pages later, the readers see a similar voice and dialect, but coming from Huck. He says “But I ain’t going to make no complaint. Anyway what suits you suits me. What you going to do about the servant-girl?” (413). Here the readers see the similariities in the dialect from the regional aspect of both him and Tom, but vocabulary choice is a bit more proper. 
Now, why are we taking notice of this? What’s the point? In a different class I had today focused on Creative Writing for Fiction, the teachers and students engaged in a discussion about how modern fiction does not require such thick dialects, different voices, no ‘crazy punctuation’, no over the top dialogue to express the emotions or mood of the story. They originally were talking about that when it came to the aspect of other world languages when I asked does their beliefs still stand against southern dialects within fiction? Because, most of all the ‘classics’ in southern fiction (To Kill a Mockingbird, Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, Beloved, Big Fish, Cane, etc.) always had the element of strong dialects as a key part in the technique of building these stories. Just for now, what? For readers to say we get annoyed with language that shows excitement is on the page? Why do our brains register this hard craft of mastering voices as annoying and disinteresting if we have loved it in celebrated books previously? 
Twain mastered the art of dialects and built a footpath in literature now that is now designed, paved, and smoothed for other writers to follow their footsteps. But now, it is being edited out of modern fiction? Does this craft have an expiration date? If it was so great for crediting Mark Twain for coining it, is it not still useful in modern time?
Personally, I feel warm and at home when I see the excitement in the language. I do not mean that i was 400 pages of comic book writing styles interjected on to the pages. However, I have always pulled from previous authors to guide me, especially as a southern fiction writer. But is this a trend? Is Mark Twain’s technique the new Nickleback where everyone is going to shit on it for ten years until someone changes their mind and makes the decision for a wave of people for the next ten years? 
I do not know. I find it warm, useful, and nice. Granted all Southern Literature does not need heavy accents. Just like not everyone from the south has heavy accents. I say that firmly as a woman raised half in Alabama and half in West Virginia. Therefore, my accent lands me somewhere in the middle. 
As always, thank you for attending. I hope I brought up a new conversation to the topic of Mark Twain. Until next time...
Warmly,  Toni
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eddseddede · 9 months ago
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☆ my name is elle! i use any pronouns and im lesbian ^_^
☆ i love bibi x colette and other wlw ships😋
☆ my main interests are frankenstein, the saw franchise, and brawl stars, but i have more interests ill probably post about !
regretevator, gasa4, royale high, pressure/doors, and roblox in general
cult of the lamb
various webtoon/manga/manwha (too many to be specific)
sherlock holmes (acd canon), dracula, jekyll and hyde, crime and punishment, huckfinn, lord of the flies, and other classic lit
various anime (mob psycho 100, saiki k, death note, dungeon meshi, etc)
rpg maker horror games (ib, dreaming mary, mad father, blackout hospital, 8:11, mermaid swamp, cemetery mary, etc!)
various musicals
and many more!!
☆ to specifically see my art posts, click the #my art⭐️ tag!!
☆ im still getting the hang of tumblr so pls be patient with me!
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tropicalgorilla · 5 months ago
photo up!2024.08.25(SUN)『拾伍人ノ百姓 -FIFTEEN HYAKU SHOW 2024-』@Live House HUCKFINN(Aichi/nagoya)
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photo by 朝比奈 雄太 (Yuta Asahina)
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thegreek00700 · 5 months ago
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toriel-2 · 2 years ago
uh oh! looks like we have a huckfinn misunderstander!
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thyele · 2 years ago
KING OFFICIALさん「【開場開演時間変更】 2023.5.26(金) 上野音横丁 歌詞輪の音會〜上野編〜 我孫子神音會/高木フトシ/KING RYO OPEN17:30/START18:00 ↓ OPEN18:30/START19:00 ■入場チケット https://t.co/y5kmTiXH5A   ■配信チケット https://t.co/3WFyG5Q1NF ※お目当ての出演者のチケットをご購入ください。 https://t.co/vDdRgkejm1」https://twitter.com/KINGOFFICIAL114/status/1659401125324525568
luin officialさん「5.19 happy birthday!!🎂 キリ(@kiri_drums ) photo by sentaro(@babys_inc) https://t.co/ejM9sozIt1」https://twitter.com/luin_official/status/1659402653825396736
UNCLOCK LOVER 頼田陵介さん「おはこんにちわ🙋‍♀️ 歌録り開始です��️✨ #UNCLOCKLOVER #2ndALBUM #レコーディング #20230616発売 #吉祥寺SHUFFLE https://t.co/tCJBo7E6lc」https://twitter.com/yorita_ryosuke/status/1659403623892385792
lucy+peter=esolagoto / 中村真悟さん「本日はキリちゃんの御誕生日!!! おめでとー🎂🎂🎂」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1659404796208754689
キリ(luin)🥁さん「無事に誕生日です🙌✨ なんだか元旦のような気持ちです笑 関わってくれている皆さま、どうもありがとうございます(*_ _)なにかいい事ありますように〜! おかげさまで頑張れています🙏 これからもluinをよろしくお願いします🥁」https://twitter.com/kiri_drums/status/1659403728951341056
seekさん「長年お世話になっているhévnの主催イベントです。 MIMIZUQ日和の雨ですが目一杯楽しもうと思います。 池袋で待ってる! ヘヴンのお祭り☆天まで飛ぼう!!~音楽の絆編~ 2023年5月19日(金) EDGE Ikebukuro OPEN/START17:30 / 18:00 VIRGE/ZOMBIE/MIMIZUQ/夕暮れガールスーサイド(50音順) https://t.co/BW9e9KppdD」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1659407581176274944
森 翼Tsubasa Mori/MIMIZUQさん「今日は池袋EDGEで歌ってきます。対バン。VIRGEさん、ZOMBIEさん、夕暮れガールスーサイドさん、よろしくお願いします。それぞれのファンの皆様も、よろしくお願いします。そしてMIMIZUQファンの皆、いつもありがとう。今日もよろしく。あ、雨降ってきた。 #池袋EDGE #めっちゃ久しぶり https://t.co/4RqweqbZWq」https://twitter.com/mori_tsubasa/status/1659408201169911809
ryoさん「来週の金曜日はDÄLLE と言うことで唐突に過去写真 https://t.co/yFg4RWCzKX」https://twitter.com/ryo_dalli/status/1659419133459705856
UNCLOCK LOVER 頼田陵介さん「2曲おわり✌️ https://t.co/F5H1xJsHAb」https://twitter.com/yorita_ryosuke/status/1659425373233483776
nao 首振りDollsさん「なーんかいいんだよなぁ。 ガキの感覚忘れてないぴちぴちの脳みそにインテリジェンスとユーモアが合体してとっても好きな文体だ。 頭の中はいろんな事でいっぱいなんだろうなぁ。 首振りDollsの事もレジェンドロックバンドに例えて登場するよ、はたして何に例えてもらったでしょうかっ。 うへへへ。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1659425996054073352
咲さん「昨夜��第1回「LIVE to LIVE」ありがとうございました!! 最幸の夜を作ってくれたKiNGONS、THE BOHEMIANS、首振りDolls、そして何よりご来場いただいた多くのお客様に心から感謝しております…!! 伝えたい気持ちはいっぱいあるのですが、一先ず通常業務に勤しみます!また今晩にでも! https://t.co/GDML5u7pBz」https://twitter.com/saki2023_05_18/status/1659412044855263232
nao 首振りDollsさん「対バンも良かろ? この先対バンも多いから必ずお顔を見せにきてね。 今月、残すところ名古屋のワンマンです。 私の誕生日ワンマンとして抑えてたのはここなんだよね。一年前から。 最高のスタートきれるように、みんな集まってくれー!! 名古屋ー!! 5/28ハックフィンでまっているよ。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1659428606500810753
[email protected] NEiN自主企画さん「今夜!ψ(`∇´)ψ なかなかレアなgrace periodのアコースティックライブが今月2回目! 今夜はとっても久しぶりの曲もやるで👍 遊びに来てね♪( ´θ`) https://t.co/7Azg4lZWPs」https://twitter.com/eisuke_gp/status/1659432735142993925
横山企画室さん「ブロビ札幌2 https://t.co/6A7kjwEgk1 #TheBrowBeat #ブロビ」https://twitter.com/yokodile01/status/1659433667176046594
首振りDollsさん「📝今後のライブ予定📝 🔜5/28(日) 名古屋HUCKFINN 『Rock'n'Doll Syndrome Tour』 ONE-MAN SHOW!! https://t.co/P4WPecUJDb ●6/3(土) 西永福JAM https://t.co/qqQgzvWK5J ●6/11(日) 福岡Queblick https://t.co/z74FhMM3DA https://t.co/IceZz0TDuZ」https://twitter.com/KubihuriDolls/status/1659435504235089920
UNCLOCK LOVER 頼田陵介さん「一曲録り終えたと思ったらスピーカー鳴ってた。 …えっ? いつから?wwww 探ってみたら2曲目のコーラスからだった😭😭😭😭 悲しみが止まらないw まーしゃあないな。 もっかいだw」https://twitter.com/yorita_ryosuke/status/1659437151766081537
koumei_Lucifer's undergroundさん「明日はスタッフの日! 皆さん楽しく飲みましょ!!」https://twitter.com/KoumeiLucifer/status/1659450010269020160
幻覚さん「. FUCKOFF RECORDS から お知らせ 「幻覚」セルフカバーミニアルバム 『 kill mother fucker 』発売決定! 沢山のお問い合わせ有難う御座います。CD先行発売はライブ会場となって��ります。 初回特典DVD-Rは数に限りがございます。 ライブチケットはコメント欄に載せましたので宜しくお願い致します。 https://t.co/mlpnQleR04」https://twitter.com/genkakuoffical/status/1659469014375231489
幻覚さん「ライブチケットのご購入はこちらからとなります。 2023年8月26日(土) 京都MOJO https://t.co/rvnv9ljvUQ 2023年9月16日(土) 高円寺High https://t.co/Epx14vfFE4」https://twitter.com/genkakuoffical/status/1659469079919595521
LUNA SEA GOODSさん「【THE BEST OF LUNA SEA 2023】 //グッズ情報//本日19日23:59までに先行販売をご利用いただいたお客様には、公演前のお届けを予定しております。(一部商品を除く)是非この機会をご利用ください! スタッフがコーディネート例をご紹介。 身長153cm Tシャツ:Lサイズ ▶︎https://t.co/0aQB02S6Jl https://t.co/0iT2rzSZqk」https://twitter.com/LUNASEA_GOODS/status/1659470445224112128
ベル タイゾ ANONYMOUSさん「ANONYMOUS森羅万象名古屋オーサカでやったLIVEセトゥリをSpotifyで組んでみました。 是非お気に入りの1曲を見つけてみて下さい是非。 5.17名古屋ELL https://t.co/qg5aXp0sOn 5.18大阪RUIDO https://t.co/lzLobWJyxZ」https://twitter.com/belle_taizo/status/1659475677832421381
魚住 英里奈(official)さん「新しいアーティスト写真を公開しました。 https://t.co/4bAVprfeDM」https://twitter.com/uozumi_chas/status/1659482508805967872
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「魚住英里奈です。新しいアーティスト写真です。 持ち込み機材の椅子は、もうすぐ4年目 私は6年目。どうにか健やかな方に向かって歳を重ねていけているような気がします。よろしくお願いいたします。 https://t.co/wx4mO6orqC」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1659481570347204608
魚住 英里奈(独唱)さん「撮影 こいそ @trampgirl2 衣装 大縫理央 https://t.co/PqKC4VV1Ym 椅子 新井薬師の骨董店からやってきた」https://twitter.com/erina_chas/status/1659483197393223682
SUGIZOさん「[INFO] ソロ活動25周年を記念して昨年11/29 Zepp Haneda(TOKYO)にて開催された“#SUGIZO 四半世紀祭25th ANNIVERSARY GIG”を収録したLIVE DISC『And The Chaos is Killing Me』のジャケット写真公開!! さらに、発売記念イベントの会場が決定しました!!各イベント詳細はこちら→ https://t.co/JRzYgNHJZ2 https://t.co/EmGPbXptxc」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1659484862829699073
RYUICHI KAWAMURA INFOさん「【5/20(土) Ryuichi Kawamura Channel 放送!】 RKF MEETING Vol.56『Hand to heart』〜Birthday Special Talk and Acoustic Live 2023〜 Zepp Haneda(Tokyo)終演直後生配信! 配信日時:5月20日(土)18:45〜 https://t.co/waKJx5lfHH」https://twitter.com/RYUICHIinfo/status/1659485135165861889
ROCK CAFE LOFT|ロックカフェロフトさん「情報解禁! 6/23夜公演 「ゴッドソロ特別編-ふらふらとぽろろん4-」 【出演】 aie(the god and death stars / gibkiy gibkiy gibkiy / deadman) közi(ZIZ/XA-VAT/MALICE MIZER) OPEN 18:30 / START 19:30 予約¥4,500(+1ドリンク¥600) 詳細→https://t.co/mC5iCEhH2G https://t.co/6fz4FHaAKo」https://twitter.com/ROCKCAFELOFT/status/1659485497440477184
ROCK_AND_READさん「【RR106チラ見せその15( # KISAKI )】 アマゾン https://t.co/DHEJe6XTZN タワー https://t.co/AuCi4M9d1N https://t.co/mcVRED6V2T」https://twitter.com/rock_and_read/status/1659486632037478401
首振りDollsさん「🚨明日よりチケ発🚨 "首振りDolls × おとぼけビ〜バ〜" 『おとぼけド〜ルズ』 ▶︎TOKYO NIGHT 8/18(金) 新宿ANTIKNOCK https://t.co/E4XpnXsZws ▶︎OSAKA NIGHT 8/25(金) 堺ファンダンゴ https://t.co/XCIIZRGGHw 明日10:00より発売開始です! 拡散宜しくお願いします😈 どんな夜になる!? https://t.co/1JOObtaoxL」https://twitter.com/KubihuriDolls/status/1659487985744887811
nao 首振りDollsさん「争奪戦の予感。」https://twitter.com/kubihuri_nao/status/1659489716201472001
ベースオントップ高田馬場店さん「🌸馬場店限定Sakuraドラムレッスン🥁 【最新空コマ状況】 6/17(土) 14:00~/18:00~ 6/18(日) 18:00~/19:00~ 7/15(土) 19:00 7/16(日) 残り5枠 各日枠数が少なくなってます! ご予約はお早めに🏃‍♂️ ご予約はこちらから👀 https://t.co/i9poKhKer2 講師 @sakurazawa #櫻澤泰徳 #ドラムレッスン https://t.co/W2qkQOorNo」https://twitter.com/bot_baba/status/1659033216404324353
MAVERICK(公式)さん「【このあと19時!】 #いじくりROCKS!#39 生放送! 今回もゲストは豪華2組ご出演🔥 #AKi(@AKiSID_official)さん👏 #deadman(@deadman_fuz)眞呼さん、aieさん👏 ニコ生限定コーナーでは新企画をお届け! 是非お見逃しなく👀 ▼YouTube https://t.co/Mf73BeUFwa ▼ニコ生 https://t.co/gQKu7PrO1K」https://twitter.com/maverickdci/status/1659491783368376320
Ryuichi"DRAGON"Nishidaさん「PUNISH💘ライヴまであと数日������ンマンとしてはしばらくないからお見逃しなく👀新曲もお披露目予定🎵 PUNISH 5月26日(金)目黒The Live Station チケット🎫の予約はこちらから👇 ■予約方法 宛先:[email protected] 件名:5月26日予約 本文:お名前 / お電話番号 / ご予約枚数(2枚まで) https://t.co/a0S5s8J9s1」https://twitter.com/R_DRAGON_Drums/status/1659479728322150402
Hyakuさん「大阪リハゲリラ https://t.co/iGuOMaTXif」https://twitter.com/Hyaku_LR/status/1659461821013827585
上野音横丁🚨通常営業時間にて営業中‼️さん「5/26(金) 歌詞輪の音會〜上野編〜 📣開場開演時間変更のお知らせ📣 ma-rockが出演キャンセルとなりましたので、OPEN/STARTの時間を下記へと変更させて頂きます🙇‍♂️ 【変更前】OPEN17:30/START18:00 【変更後】OPEN18:30/START19:00 ご理解ご協力の程何卒よろしくお願い致します。 https://t.co/zfaai4MOpK」https://twitter.com/ueno_otoyoko/status/1659390612934897664
SEXX GEORGEさん「アメブロを投稿しました。 『7.17札幌SUSUKINO 810』 #アメブロ https://t.co/NXYNFcDBEp 2023年7月17日(祝月) 札幌SUSUKINO 810 【出演】Hyaku / 我孫子神音會 [Guest] JACKALS / TECHNO BREAK 18:00 / 18:30 ¥4,000 / ¥4,500 (別途D代) 【チケット予約】5/21(日)0:00〜 [email protected] https://t.co/Rmpa1Bq63w」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1659411892715261954
SEXX GEORGEさん「だそうです ご来場頂けるお客様 よろしくお願い致します」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1659400069169434625
SEXX GEORGEさん「アメブロを投稿しました。 『7.16札幌BAR STINGRAY』 https://t.co/e1BgQysdzW 2023年7月16日(日) 札幌BAR STINGRAY 【出演】Hyaku / 我孫子神音會 18:00 / 18:30 ¥5,000 / ¥5,500 (別途D代) 【チケット予約】5/21(日)0:00〜 [email protected] また皆んなと会えたらいいね 夜露詩紅ψ(`∇´)ψ https://t.co/VB6jpqLr6G」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1659410036962250752
SEXX GEORGEさん「アメブロを投稿しました。 『札幌2Days』 #アメブロ https://t.co/4ZRfrV11QS ありがとう❤️ https://t.co/YoTkQoWVBU」https://twitter.com/abikoshinonkai/status/1659362743206686721
百直オフィシャルさん「#百直 & #木村世治 前回ツアーのセッションをチラ見せ! 今日から3連チャン 当日券あります! 5/19(金)大阪POTATO KID 5/20(土)岐阜羽島MAGIC ISLAND 5/21(日)名古屋ROLLING MAN https://t.co/ZARaYYOAct https://t.co/x5Zew9WL1r」https://twitter.com/HyakuNAO/status/1659352952266706944
1000人ROCK FES.GUNMAさん「現在、1000人ROCK 2023 ROCKET DIVEではバンドメンバー紹介企画を行っています! 演奏に参加される方は画像の内容にそってツイートなさってみて下さい。 確認後、公式アカウントにてリツイートさせていただきます! 多くのバンドメンバーの参加お待ちしています! #1000メンバー https://t.co/MAD4o2Bcyi」https://twitter.com/1000ROCKGUNMA/status/1659478161376292864
X JAPAN INFOさん「X JAPAN 8年ぶりシングル「Angel」のリリースが決定 https://t.co/qVMXPe7UdV https://t.co/dvrgII9ei0」https://twitter.com/XJAPAN_INFO/status/1658908763229913088
遊ずどカンパニーさん「さて 何も進んでいない様で少しづつ進めてます。下請けの大工さんにGW明け工事開始だからビル内全て空にしてほしいと言われてたのですが無理でした...やっと1階空にしてレトロ雑貨の店舗も少し整理して次は3階🙌30周年期間中残り4か月ちょっと🤔来月から伐採や除草、庭園整備等始まる...間に合うかな😅 https://t.co/H3LkbHRFcq」https://twitter.com/Yu_zd_company/status/1659316909211365378
遊ずどカンパニーさん「昨日行った現場の残置物から 懐かしいのが出てきてびっくりしました。 2001年ってそんな昔の感じしないけど もう22年も前なんですね😱 法人化するちょっと前だから ひらがな表記だったんだと 改めて思い出しました。 めんばあず...って当時の自分のセンスにも😅💦 https://t.co/LLYj4hjzbr」https://twitter.com/Yu_zd_company/status/1657130294007439360
遊ずどカンパニーさん「で、これから札幌行って 哲さんにお会いしてきます。KENZIさんと哲さんから連続で連絡をもらって私はなんて幸せ者だ🙌ソロアルバムは事前に聴いたけど現物はちーちゃんの所で買ってこようと思ってます。早くウチでも作品売れる様になれれば良いのですが...その前に色々な人とした約束を今年果たすぞ! https://t.co/0q9ClaYuTc」https://twitter.com/Yu_zd_company/status/1649632022057594880
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booksvenue · 2 years ago
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Experience the timeless tale of a boy's journey to freedom, enriched by illuminating annotations for a deeper understanding. Order now from www.booksvenue.com at discounted prices.
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mycozyclassics · 5 years ago
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12/14: I once used chicken wire, duct tape and quick-set concrete to build a scale-model cave. #cozyclassics #tomsawyer #huckfinn https://www.instagram.com/p/B4BSZN9BXBc/?igshid=1scpsxbpr7jiz
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apebook · 2 years ago
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‘All right, then, I’ll go to hell’
Hello again all!
The latest readings we have conquered as a class has been Mark Twain’s classic The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. Huck Finn is a best seller for Twain and is known as one of the all time favorite for being a ‘boy-book’. So, let’s dive in.
The book opens on the boy named Huckleberry Finn that readers have more than likely already met in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. Huck within himself represents the struggle of unlearning the doctrination that America was facing at the time. There was a lot of kickback, a lot of unsettled churches, and a lot of unhappy families to hear of a book holding a conversation about where America may had went wrong when it comes to the treatment of Black Americans. 
Now please, do not get me wrong. The book and Twain himself still holds on to harmful racist ideologies and stereotypes that are in this modern day painful to read, hear, and visualize. This is where my brain has led me to a crossway of confusion, understanding, mercy, and growth. I am just unsure in which direction I am coming from, and where I am going.
Last spring, I was in a survey course covering British and American literature. The specific week I am recalling, we were learning about the Tudors, King Henry VIII, his six wives, and so much more. [I assure you there is a point to this random storytelling-just stay. with me]. Within my lessons, I learned how one of King Henry’s wives aided his slaughter of a wife, when in turn she received power. The feminist within myself felt rage. Because in this day and time, progress forward is not progress is one had to step on the backs of women to achieve it. My teacher at the university blatantly reminded me of my privilege as a (white) woman in a country where freedom is given a lot more, with rights these women could never fathom of having. How my every day life may have struggles, but none of them struggles include fighting for my life and right to breath in a country rooted in tyranny. In this class she taught me the term as ‘protofeminism’. The googled definition of this word is “a concept that anticipates modern feminism in eras when the feminist concept as such was still unknown.” In this modern time, where I pass my judgement and my snarls at Mark Twain for his book that by the ends condemns racism, while still contributing to it- my brain is only understanding the picture from inside the frame.
My connection to Mark Twain this week is asking the questions: Is there a term called Protoantiracist? If there is, is this considered it? Is this America’s first work that asks the conversation to the table or not just slavery, but the oppression that we as a nation placed on entire ethnicity that we stole, raped, killed, and massacred from another land? Is Mark Twain the beginning of Protoantiracism?
By the end of the story, Huck Finn decides that the bond he has built with his friend Jim was worthwhile, and he did care about his livelihood. These feelings came from a genuine place within Huck’s heart because- as the naivety of child will have, he believed that caring for Jim meant condemning himself to Hell. Yet, he still made the decision to. Hence the infamous line titled this week’s title “All right, then, I’ll go to Hell”. 
Granted this world has developed into a completely different reality in this modern era, but it raises the question of what does Huck’s change of heart equal to in today’s world? I don’t believe it equals the work that should be done by white antiracists who use their privelege to guard the bodies of black Americans when a cop points a gun at them for having a black back pack and is on his knees. But what does it equal to? Or maybe I am looking at this text the wrong way. Did Twain’s The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn make the way for other literature to know the path of going against the grain, of questioning their nation, or of testing the boundaries of our democracy. What was the impact of Huck Finn? Was this Twain’s intentions?
I am sorry to the readers who feel I should have answers to these questions. I, myself, still am trying to figure these out. In the meantime, more Twain content to be consumed.
Until next time,
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responsibleadult · 5 years ago
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@pinkyknowsnaples Couldn’t help but think of you & your affinity for Mark Twain, this weekend- we stayed at “Tom Sawyer’s Mississippi River RV Park,” while we were in Memphis for the Bob Seger concert. The river was gorgeous, but roiling- I can’t imagine a couple of kids on a homemade raft! #gorving #everydayexplorer #camping #greatoutdoors #mississippiriver #marktwain #tomsawyer #huckfinn #riverboat #history https://www.instagram.com/p/B3kUUhzAhAE/?igshid=1xn7pvkydhgao
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fredscinemacity · 6 years ago
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walt-at-disneyland · 6 years ago
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1957 Frontierland. #vintagedisneyland #disneyland #disney #frontierland #riversofamerica #huckfinn #tomsawyerisland #happiestplaceonearth (at Disneyland) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brf1FntBDk7/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1d7eozqu24bn2
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blackberrycreekblog · 2 years ago
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Saturday sweetness brought to you by Finnegan McSchmooshles and Huckleberry Lemon Drop. #huckfinn #cutiemuffins #friendsnotfood #lambiepies (at Blackberry Creek Farm Animal Sanctuary) https://www.instagram.com/p/Coi4dAxJ2qg/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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