flowersfromdarkwood · 27 days
Modern era of The Herd: Who is in the cult?
While the cult is larger than this, these are the main characters.
(List is subject to change)
NPCs (Canonical);
All 4 Bishops
OCs (Main):
Thoren (He/Him) // Th-Or-In
Species: Stag
First cultist
Second husband
Loyalty enforcer
Ferjul (He/Any) // Fair-Who-L
TyTys older brother
Species: Donkey
3rd Spouse
Tax Collector
Manos younger brother
Ratatue (They/Them) // Rat-Ah-Two-E
Species: Rat
First child of the cult
Adopted Granddaughter of Ratue
OCs (Secondary):
Hubre (He/Him) // Who-Brie
Species: Pig
One of the first cultists
Mano (He/Him) // Muh-on-oh
Species: Donkey
Ferjuls older brother
Kallamars most recent lover
Cannibalistic tendencies
OC's (Tertiary)
Tyty (He/Him) // (Tie-Tie)
Species: Stag
First husband
Thorens younger brother
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hubrisindia · 1 year
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birbbones · 7 months
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Introducing The Skull Index - A public collaborative resource website. You might have seen the post @dread-doughnuts made a while back!
While there are various skull resource sites on the web usually dedicated to a certain museum collection or a few museum collections of skulls. This is the first public collaboration skull resource website led by a small team of 5 individuals.
Do you collect skulls? Enjoy collecting and sharing helpful data such as measurements to help compare against other specimens? Consider becoming a collaborator! We currently have over 400 confirmed species on the index, and many more to come!
We are also in touch with various museums and educational institutions across the world, and hope to add some rarer specimens and hopefully extinct vertebrates at the end of the year! Our hope is that this website will be helpful for anyone. From researchers to students and artists, or to people who are simply interested in bones and skulls and just want to look at neat photos or compare skulls against their own collection for identification help! Please note that the Skull Index is a work-in-progress website! Most pages for species have not been made yet, our team is working hard on editing photos, compiling the information, and adding new content every day.
Keep up to date with news, join the community hub of visitors, and collaborators, and network with people from the museum industry in our DISCORD SERVER (Please note our server is 18+ only due to privacy and safety).
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yourplayersaidwhat · 9 months
Context: party was in Demon Jail and ranger, after a string of bad rolls, got a nat20 to seduce one of the guards into helping as sort of a last-ditch hurrah. didnt expect it to work and wasn't paying as much attention as they should have after being told where to go
Ranger: ok so the demon said to go down the hall to the left up some stairs and through bronze doors? DM: according to your recollection yeah Ranger: shit. i was too busy thinking about the demon's ass. this'll be my downfall DM: your hubr-ass Ranger: MY HUBR-ASS
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okiedoketm · 2 years
I haven’t seen Goncharov but here’s everything I know about it based on my dash:
set in Naples despite main guy being russian??
clock motifs
there’s a man named Ice Pick Joe, and I’ve never seen anyone call him “joe” everyone always writes out the full name
there’s two named women in the whole movie (one of them is katya? I think?) and every moment they’re on screen together they’re half a second from making out, despite the fact that - and I can’t stress this enough - they don’t pass the bechdel test
more clock motifs
one of the two women is in a relationship with goncharov but I could not tell you which one bc all the gifs are like 120p. it’s some kind loveless love sitch and she gets upset when he DOESNT murder her?? I guess??
goncharov and aleksey(?) are gay af. homoerotic cigarette lighting. the exact opposite of loveless love. tender hatred.
al pacino is allegedly in it but I have no clue who he plays
oh look! more clock motifs
i stg everyone in this movie love-hates goncharov in different complex ways, except for ice pick joe who is just there to stab people in the heads for the R rating
seriously. everyone attempts to get through to goncharov except ice pick joe
ironically, everyone also attempts to kill goncharov except ice pick joe
95% sure goncharov dies at the end but I have no idea who finally kills him. could be anyone. except ice pick joe.
more clock motifs. I wonder if they symbolize goncharov’s time cut short by his own hubr- [gunshot]
everyone agrees the two women are the best part of the movie
Ok that’s everything I know and no I will not be watching this movie but I will continue to enjoy the memes.
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burgerking-official · 2 months
one hubred quadrilion dolars. tske it or leave it
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Godzilla (1954)
Bring out the big lizard right now- George Lucas
Did George Lucas actually say this? Probably. Can I prove it in any way that's meaningful or scholarly. No. Even if he did it wouldn't even be close to the most impressive thing about this film. Godzilla is a cultural icon of immense renown. Spawning multiple films and inspiring the Kaiju film genre as a whole the very first Godzilla film is unique in its political message that would be lost over time as the focus in subsequent films shifted more to spectacle and Kaiju wrestling each other in Tokyo Bay. I'm something of a fan of Godzilla and feel that there's a lot to be admired about the original from the thrilling score that punctuates every film in which the eponymous manifestation of man's hubris appears or that the man who played Godzilla, Haruo Nakajima, could only film scenes for roughly three minutes at a time because the original Godzilla suit weighed over 200 ibs and very poorly ventilated. What I'll be focusing on though is not the things I already know about Godzilla but what I feel I noticed now after a second viewing after my time spent studying Japanese film.
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If Godzilla asked a single question of it's audience I feel it's this: What is a monster?
Godzilla is a creature of pre-historic origin who has continued their life since ancient times living in the deepest and most obscure crevices of the sea. They're a force of nature, not generally moving beyond the coast of Odo Island where they hadn't appeared for some time and became a thing of legends. Their life was however utterly disturbed during hydrogen bomb tests in the waters of their home which set them out on a trail of rampage. As characters debate how to respond to Godzilla and prospectively how to defeat him the focus often is brought to his creation through bomb testing. Godzilla is a direct product of the misuse of science. Dr. Yamane, a zoologist and one of the main cast, frequently emphasizes that Godzilla is after all things a living thing and is highly opposed to killing Godzilla insisting that there's much to be learned from studying him.
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The character that I felt I was more drawn to on a second watching or perhaps who I could better contextualize was Dr. Serizawa. Much like Dr. Yamane, Serizawa is another scientist. Having spent weeks in seclusion it's revealed that he's discovered something incredibly deadly. Serizawa is aware of the danger his research poses to humanity and that if those in power were to be made aware of what he found it would not be long until it was transformed into a weapon so he dedicates all of his time for finding a way in which his discovered could be beneficial to humanity. Dr. Serizawa was compelling to me in a way now that he wasn't originally. Among all of the films we've seen up to this point in class Dr. Serizawa is the only character to take war time accountability. While he may not have been responsible for the creation of the atomic bomb it's use has made him aware of the power that scientists wield, that their discoveries can and will be used for destruction, and that as a scientist himself he is complicit if he allows his discoveries to be used to this end.
Serizawa uses his Oxygen Destroyer, the product of his research, to kill Godzilla and in the final scene Dr. Yamane laments "If nuclear testing continues, then someday, somewhere in the world, another Godzilla may appear". It was not Godzilla that was a monster, it was that which cast him from his home.
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I feel very much that this is among the greatest films of all time. It's discourse on our relationship with the environment and our power to influence the world around us for better or worse is still and perhaps more than ever a very salient message. Even for the obvious technical limitations of the time the creativity and attention to detail involved in Godzilla is impressive. It's one of the greatest monster movies for a reason. The giant lizard is one of my favorite allegories for mans hubris.
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xenexene · 2 months
Letrobriskin and Hubre could end up being enormously useful in Briskillanya's future, they're small enough that resources could be lifted off from them with relative ease, and though Letrobriskin doesn't orbit low enough to be used as a base for a supertether that can save on launch costs (as seen in youtu.be/dqwpQarrDwk&t=345), depending on its spin, it could still work great as a tether bridge to interplanetary space (and even if it doesn't spin, future Briskillanyans could build a circular track anchored on it)
Very true! It also helps that Briskillanya is quite a bit smaller and less massive than Earth, so getting vehicles into orbit wouldn't be as hard, and that Aronev provides quite a lot of incentive for interplanetary exploration.
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ahopkins1965 · 6 months
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 Posted on March 17, 2024 
Essays Book Review

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Praise GodWord
Review of Essays
Post 23 Sep 2022, 19:03
[Following is an official OnlineBookClub.org review of “Essays” by Anthony Joseph Hopkins.]
1 out of 4 stars
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Essays by Anthony Joseph Hopkins is a compilation of different Bible verses and their meaning to people. The Bible verses were cited from the books of both the Old and New Testaments of the KJV Bible. The interpretation of each Bible verse(s) was the author’s understanding of his experiences. Anthony Joseph Hopkins shared his personal experiences from the time he was an unbeliever until he joined the Christian faith.
In Essays, each verse explained holds a significant value like love, compassion, forgiveness, redemption, maturity, and sundry. But the explanation of the biblical concepts was mainly opinionated rather than factual. I state this because the biblical verses were not properly quoted or not quoted at all in some instances. A reader who does not have access to the Bible would find it difficult to understand this book and might even consider the content false. This does not speak positively about the book.
The author, in many instances, also diverted from the main topic of the writing into irrelevant information. According to the table of contents, these essays were meant to be about how every verse discussed relates to everyone. But the author often centered the discussion on only himself and his experiences.
The author discusses many personal problems in the book, like depression, suicide, and drug and physical abuse. He also shared his challenges in handling finances and relationships. I didn’t have much problem while he discussed he currently has a mental illness known as “schizoid affective disorder.” But in Chapter 17, he seems to have implied some relationships with spirits, and I thought maybe I shouldn’t fully trust his opinions. I wasn’t comfortable. Based on all these, I do not trust the credibility of this writing. The content in this book might create heresy and even imbalance.
In the book, there was a continuous repetition of the chapters’ contents. For instance, in a chapter composed of six paragraphs, six of them were repeated about four times in the same chapter. This was not done once but in several chapters. Also, the grammatical and typographical errors in the book were many. The excessive use of exclamation marks is one of the many errors in the book. Except in informal writing, the exclamation mark is to be used once, after a sentence. But in this writing, the exclamation mark was exaggerated and overused.
My rating of Essays is one out of four stars. I do not recommend this book to any specific audience. But any interested reader can find it suitable to learn something new about the Christian faith.
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Latest Review:Coromandel Dreamin’ by Ron Murray
TopEbele Ekelobi Book of the Month Participant
Post 25 Sep 2022, 02:07
Anyone who wishes to learn about the Christian faith will undoubtedly find this to be a really informative read. Great review. Well done.
Latest Review:My Life as a Cryptocurrency by April Lee
Hubre De Klerk In It Together VIP
Post 26 Sep 2022, 15:28
I love the honesty in your review and this book definitely doesn’t sound like my cup of tea or something I would be interested in. Your review was immaculately written!
Latest Review:Solaris Seethes (Solaris Saga book 1) by Janet McNulty
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orbowski · 11 months
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#fun #hubruck #hubr #uk #orange
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flowersfromdarkwood · 7 months
Gold, divinity, jewelery and how its used in The Herd
Gold is viewed not only as a precious metal, but a divine metal as well, it was/is a gift from one of The Older Gods (No further specification at this time.)
As a result, followers will be given gold jewelry from The Lamb both to show their status and stature to other members and move them closer to The Lambs own divinity.
Non gold piercings and other adornments are allowed if they preexist, but gold would be removed upon indoctrination
Getting new nongold piercings is neither encouraged nor discouraged, but, the placement would be more heavily controlled in certain areas
Piercings and what they mean:
From top of left ear going down // Studs
Spouse of the lamb.
The number of studs marks you as the first, second third, etc spouse
Middle of right ear // Hoop
Specialized enforcer or otherwise prominent figure of influence
You can believe you need to do what they tell you too Or Else
Lip // Small hoop
Disciple of the lamb
Makes the holy word more, well, holy by passing from a (Im)mortal mouth over gold
Other gold adornments
Gold necklace
Chosen by the lamb to ascend to a eternity in paradise, to serve the lamb for eternity.
Near exclusively given to Disciples (Spouses often being Disciples is correlation not causation)
A lesser version but still highly coveted version is the plain skull necklace (Especially as it often serves as a precursor to a golden skull necklace, but not always)
Golden Tusks
Purely aesthetic, exclusive to Hubre (As of now)
He asked for them and The Lamb obligated
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littlenekosfan · 4 years
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jelly-mix · 3 years
So i booted up PS2 version of P4 to see how it differs from golden and
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The hell is this.
Also loving the CRT effect on the UI.
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willcodeforcoffee · 5 years
Hubrid & Billy Mays - Jupiter by Billy Mays Band HUBRID & BILLY MAYS - JUPITER HUBRID - @hubrid-sound https://ift.tt/2l9sk6T BILLY MAYS BAND - @billymaysband https://ift.tt/2JKjKnc Artwork by @atomcyber https://ift.tt/2vbcFcj
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heavensrot · 4 years
j1tterbug replied to your post: yall talkin about teeth ��
boxed cars has hubreds of teeth and somet1mes 1f you knocj them out he ltwts oyu eep them
i would like to do this
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rowan-at · 5 years
Virgil Sanders, otherwise known as Anxiety, is not who he says he is. While we recently had it revealed that Virgil was previously a part of the Dark Sides, who I will be referring to as the Others, before joining the Light Sides in Thomas' living room, Remus implied something very interesting. During his name reveal, Remus said that he would keep anything from Thomas, leading many people in the YouTube comments section to think of Virgil's later reveal of being one of the Others, but I wasn't entirely convinced. Then, I began digging into mythology, name meanings, and specific clips and foreshadowing from the Sanders Sides videos themselves. In this essay I will reveal what I truly believe to be Virgil Sanders' real name and identity while hoping that Thomas and Joan don't strike me down for my hubr
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