#Hristo Lukov
warsofasoiaf · 4 years
Just FYI, I have no idea what that latest screencap from Hearts of Iron shows.
Ah, apologies. The screencap shows the formation of a United Balkan Federation, which is one of the paths that you can take while playing as Bulgaria. It can only be accomplished by playing as a democratic Bulgaria or a non-Stalinist Communist Bulgaria. It allows the Bulgarian player to unite Albania, Greece, Romania, Turkey, and Yugoslavia along with their own country into a theoretical singular Balkan state. According to the game, the United Balkan Federation is a “united and independent Balkan Federation in which all citizens are equal and can move freely about regardless of origin, culture, or creed.” 
Hearts of Iron IV often has some intriguing alternate history paths to take. The latest pack, “Battle for the Bosporus,” focuses on Bulgaria, Greece, and Turkey. Here are the options you can take:
The historical path where Tsar Boris III uses German arbitration to expand its borders, eventually signing the Tripartite Pact
A monarchist route where Boris III is ousted and the deposed Ferdinand I (the Tsar during the Great War) is reinstalled on the Bulgarian throne.
A fascist coup by Hristo Lukov which imposes a fascist dictatorship and joins the Axis
A Stalinist route where the People’s Republic of Bulgaria joins the Comintern.
A moderate socialist democratic route where Bulgaria united the Balkans into a federation.
A democratic route where Bulgaria unites the Balkans into a federation. This is what that screenshot was.
A democratic route where Bulgaria joins the Allies and pursues close Anglo-Bulgarian ties.
The historical path under Metaxes which attempts to maintain neutrality as long as possible.
A monarchist route under George II who pursue Anglophilic policies and joins the Allies.
A monarchist route which attempts to restore Austria-Hungary and/or the German Kaiser and build a new Central Powers
A Stalinist path where the Greek Communists attempts to start a war with Stalin in order for a Stalin puppet to seize control of the Dardanelles and the Bosporus. 
A non-Stalinist path which revolves around allying with Tito and Communist Yugoslavia.
A fascist path which adopts National Socialism, attempts to foster the same in Turkey, and both join the Axis powers. 
A democratic path under the Venezelists which attempts to restore the Megali Idea of Greater Greece with the aid of the British, French, and possibly Italians.
A fascist path where the Venezelists collapse, and the Greek fascists attempts to restore the Byzantine Empire.
The historical path under Ismet Inonu which follows a neutral policy for as long as it can before joining the Allies.
An alternate historical path where Fevzi Cakmak follows a similar policy, but also can join the Axis as well as the Allies.
A democratic path which emphasizes Kemalism and joins the Allies under Celai Bayar
A democratic conservative path under Adnan Menderes which also joins the Allies. 
A fascist Kemalist path under Recep Pekar which turns Turkey into a dictatorship and joins the Axis.
A quasi-fascist path under Fevzi Cakmak who turns Turkey into a dictatorship and attempts to create a fascist faction with Mussolini.
A Stalinist path that joins the Comintern and opens the straits to Stalin.
A non-Stalinist Communist path that attempts to create a faction of non-Stalnist communists as a counterweight to Stalin.
A non-aligned path that attempts to create a Balkan Entente faction to keep conflict out of the Balkans and maintain security along with Greece, Romania, and Yugoslavia.
An Ottoman revivalist path that forms after the collapse of Turkish democracy.
Resurrection of the Byzantines and Ottomans were what really got my attention when I was observing it; as I mentioned I’ve got a soft spot for bringing back lost nations and seeing what I can do to change the geopolitical fabric of the world. I did it with Austria-Hungary and I got to do it again with the Byzantines and Ottomans. But as I was playing Bulgaria, I noticed the Federation option and elected to check what it was. I had a blast playing with it. Bulgaria’s military focuses opt to form a Balkan Prussia, with a small but effective military to take advantage of their low manpower with superior training and leadership. However, with the Balkan Federation, I actually have a large manpower pool, so I was able to turn the Balkans into a Great Power.
Thanks for the question, Anon.
SomethingLikeALawyer, Hand of the King
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antifainternational · 5 years
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February 22, Sofia - Без нацисти по улиците ни 2020 * No nazis on our streets 2020
[English below] На 22 февруари 2020 г. нео-нацисткият “Луковмарш” ще се проведе за 17-ти път в София. Българските нео-нацисти отново ще излязат със съмишлениците си от цяла Европа, най-вероятно отново покровителствани от целия управленски апарат - от Столична община до най-високите етажи на властта. На 22 февруари 2020 г. отново ще се проведе демонстрацията "Без нацисти по улиците ни!“. След като през 2019 г. в София беше учредена паневропейската нео-нацистка мрежа „Крепост Европа“, смятаме, че е крайно време обществото в страната да се събуди и да спре мълчаливото съгласие срещу собствената си фашизация. За нас антифашизмът не е партия или личност, а човешка позиция срещу крайнодясното насилие, което се е превърнало както в улично ежедневие, така и в държавна политика. “Луковмарш” се случва 75 години след ужаса на Холокоста. Докато българските политици лицемерно обикалят света и говорят за „България, спасила своите евреи“, формални и неформални нео-нацистки групировки честват паметта на Христо Луков - човекът, който е искал да вкара България във война, който е колаборирал с режима на Третия райх и е бил водач на фашистката организация “Съюз на българските национални легиони” (СБНЛ). Днес идейните му наследници се появяват на все повече места из страната, организирайки факелни шествия и други прикрити и неприкрити нео-нацистки събития. Публични личности и медии ни заливат с клишетата на управляващите, настройвайки хората едни срещу други: българи срещу „не-българи“, хетеросексуални срещу не-хетеро��ексуални, мъже срещу жени, дори медицински работници срещу лекари. Време е да се обединим срещу лъжите и омразата, произхождащи от расизма, ксенофобията, антисемитизма, хомофобията, сексизма! Улиците са наши! Да си ги върнем на 22 февруари! [Отбелязването на присъствие или интерес към събитието няма да е видимо публично!] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- On 22 February .2020, the neo-nazi “Lukovmarsh” will be held  in Sofia for the 17th time. The Bulgarian neo-nazis will walk on the streets of Sofia with their European counterparts. The march will probably be silently patronized by the whole ruling apparatus - from the municipality of Sofia to the higher governing levels in the country. On 22 February 2020, the demonstration “No Nazis on Our Streets!” will also take place. After the Pan-European neo-nazi organization called “Fortress Europe” was established in Sofia in 2019, we think that it is time for the society in the country to wake up and stop the silent consent to its’ own fascization. For us, antifascism is not a party or an individual - it is a human position against far-right aggression and violence that has become a reality in the street, as well as a policy of the state. “Lukovmarsh” will be conducted 75 years after the horror of the Holocaust. While Bulgarian politicians hypocritically go around the world talking about a “Bulgaria that has saved its’ Jews”, formal and informal neo-nazi groups celebrate the memory of Hristo Lukov - the person who wanted to throw Bulgaria in a war, who collaborated with the regime of the Third Reich and who was a leader of the fascist organization “Union of the Bulgarian national legions”. Today his ideological heirs tend to show themselves in more and more places around the country, organizing torch processions and other obvious or covered up neo-nazi events. Public figures and media are flooding us with the cliches of the ruling elite, while turning people against each other: Bulgarians against “non-Bulgarians”, heterosexuals against non-heterosexuals, men against women, even medical workers against doctors. It is time to unite against the lies and the hate that racism, xenophobia, anti-semitism, homophobia and sexism generate! The streets are ours! Let’s reclaim them on 22 February!
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antisemitism-eu · 5 years
Bulgaria prevents annual neo-Nazi march
Via European Jewish Press:
The annual torch-lit Lukov march is named after Bulgarian Gen. Hristo Lukov, founder of the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions movement, which supported the deportation to Treblinka of more than 11,000 Jews
The Bulgarian government has prevented an annual neo-Nazi march in Sofia, the country’s capital. The march was to take place last weekend. The annual torch-lit Lukov march is named after Bulgarian Gen. Hristo Lukov, founder of the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions movement, which supported the deportation to Treblinka of more than 11,000 Jews from territories controlled by Bulgaria in Macedonia, northern Greece and eastern Serbia. Lukov was responsible for a Bulgarian law, based on the 1935 Nuremberg Laws in Germany, that stripped Jews of their civil rights. He was assassinated in 1943 by Communist partisans. The Lukov demonstration usually draws thousands of neo-Nazis and right-wing extremists. Bulgaria’s Supreme Administrative Court prohibited the march, ruling that the far-right demonstrators could only lay wreaths at Lukov’s home.
read more The New Antisemite: https://ift.tt/2uTMUxV
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mounadiloun · 7 years
Extrême-Droite: philosémitisme et islamophobie
Extrême-Droite: philosémitisme et islamophobie
La digue intellectuelle et morale qui contrariait la montée de l’extrême-droite en Europe est en passe d’être bientôt contournée, voire retournée par les partis représentatifs de ce courant de pensée.
Cette digue, c’était l’antisémitisme professé plus ou moins ouvertement par ces mouvements, un antisémitisme qui n’avait en principe plus droit de cité depuis la deuxième guerre mondiale et la…
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February 17 2018 - Bulgarian Antifa stands up to fascist march Bulgarian Antifa held a protest in Sofia under the slogan  ‘No Nazis on Our Streets, No to Fortress Europe” on 17th February against the annual fascist demo commemorating Hristo Lukov: a World War 2 politician, minister of war, and a supporter of Nazi Germany.
Lukov was a leader of of the ultra-nationalistic organization Union of the National Bulgarian Legions, notable for pressuring the government to send the Bulgarian Jews to the German death camps. He was killed by member of the underground anti-fascist resistance in Sofia Violeta Yakova in February 1943. A neo- nazi rally is held in his honour each February since 2003, gathering both Bulgarian and international fascists. In past years, the march has been banned by Sofia Municipality, but has gone ahead anyway. This year, it was attended by several thousand fascists from Bulgaria, Germany, Russia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and other European countries. Participants carried flags and torches, provoking shock and even fear among citizens.
The counter demo, organised by Bulgarian Antifa, was attended by wide range of groups: from Bulgarian LGBTQ+ community to Food Not Bombs and ordinary citizens. Banners included messages rejecting anti-refugee and anti-migrant sentiments.
Prior to the protest, Bulgarian Antifa issued a statement: “[Lukov march] is a feast of the international right extreme, whose members come to Bulgaria in big numbers to join the march. Annually right extreme groups including such as the internationally banned Blood and Honour march on the streets of the Bulgarian capital. Over the last decade, anti-fa groups in Bulgaria have tried to block the march and the surrounding events, but the Bulgarian authorities have remained complicit with the right-extreme parties and groups.”
One of the organisers of the protest against the Lukov March, told local media that the march had become a procession of neo-Nazi ideologies, and people who were trying to put this kind of ideology back in public, with the support of politicians in power.“
We are here to show that there are people who are against any discrimination, violence, totalitarian regimes and for the freedom of the people, and the desire of people to live in a just and free world” they added. [video]/[video]
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alaturkanews · 4 years
Bulgarian far-right extremists gather to honour pro-Nazi general
Bulgarian far-right extremists gather to honour pro-Nazi general
Far-right nationalists gathered in Bulgaria's capital, Sofia, for an annual march to honour General Hristo Lukov. Lukov was the leader of a pro-Nazi organisation leading up to and during the Second World War, until he was killed by resistance fighters in 1943. #NeoNazis Subscribe: http://trt.world/subscribe Livestream: http://trt.world/ytlive Facebook: http://trt.world/facebook Twitter:…
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Bulgarian far right set to honour Nazi collaborator for third year running despite nominal "ban"
Groups of Bulgarian neo-Nazis, skinheads, “patriots” and others on the far right are preparing for an annual march in honour of a Nazi collaborator.
Hristo Lukov was a Bulgarian nationalist who directly cooperated and allied himself with the Nazis.
A march is due to take place on February 17th in Sofia, the country’s capital. The march has taken place annually for 15 years, but for the last 2 years it was nominally “banned” by the authorities. Despite this ban, the march still took place both years and no action was taken to prevent it, or to punish those responsible for illegally organising it.
If the Bulgarian government is serious about taking action against antisemitism and far right activities, they must actually enforce this ban and ensure that extremist views are not given a free platform on the streets of their capital.
In previous years the march has been accompanied with Nazi graffiti being plastered on local buildings, and Nazi books including Mein Kampf were on sale openly on the streets.
Newspapers and online publications that have covered the controversy surrounding the march have reportedly received abusive and threatening mail.
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mildblack12 · 5 years
Inggris vs Bulgaria
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Kane tampil cemerlang, Inggris pun tanpa kesulitan menang atas Bulgaria.
Inggris mencatatkan kemenangan telak 4-0 atas Bulgaria di agen bola tepercaya Stadion Wembeley, London, Sabtu (7/9) malam WIB dalam lanjutan kualifikasi Grup A Piala Eropa 2020. Striker Inggris, Harry Kane mencetak hat-trick sementara satu gol lainnya disumbangkan oleh Raheem Sterling.  
Babak Pertama
Kedua tim langsung berusaha menguasai lini tengah agar bisa melancarkan serangan langsung ke masing-masing pertahanan lawan.
Pertahanan Inggris agak kendur dan memungkinkan agen bola tepercaya Wanderson lepaskan sepakan kaki kiri dari depan kotak penalti tapi Pickford tanpa kesulitan amankan bola.
Setelah dua kali mendapat serangan di awal-awal babak pertama, Inggris akhirnya bisa keluar dari tekanan. Dua usaha dilakukan Inggris dari sisi kiri, masing-masing lewat Danny Rose dan Raheem Sterling masih mentah.
Di menit ke-15 Jordan Henderson mendapat bola di luar kotak penalti dan langsung melepaskan sepakan voli kaki kanan. Sayang, arah bola masih jauh dari sasaran.
Menit ke-20, Inggris agen bola tepercaya mencoba mengurung Bulgaria di daerah pertahanannya sendiri. Michael Keane dan Harry Maguire pun leluasa memainkan bola melewati garis tengah.
Empat menit berselang, pemain belakang Bulgaria melakukan blunder yang berakibat Sterling bisa merebut bola. Ia melakukan cut back kepada Kane dan langsung disambar dengan sepakan kaki kanan yang berbuah gol pertama di laga ini.
Hingga menit-menit akhir babak pertama, Kane masih menebar ancaman tapi tak ada tambahan gol tercipta atau pun gol balasan dari agen bola tepercaya Bulgaria. Skor 1-0 untuk keunggulan Inggris di babak pertama.
Babak Kedua
Di babak kedua Inggris tampil lebih progresif. Rashford tanpa lirik kanan-kiri berlari kencang langsung masuk ke dalam kotak penalti, dan memaksa pemain bertahan Bulgaria melakukan gangguan.
Sebuah sentuhan sederhana itu membuat Rashford terjatuh dan wasit pun menunjuk titik putih. Kane  yang dipercaya sebagai eksekutor mampu tuntaskan tugasnya dengan menajringkan bola di menit ke-49.
Lima menit kemudian, Kane kembali menjadi aktor agen bola tepercaya antagonis bagi Bulgaria. Ia mendapat umpan terobosan di sisi kiri dan langsung teruskan bola kepada Steriling yang berada di mulut gawang. Sontekan mudah Sterling membuat bola bersarang di gawang Illiev.
Kane  kembali mencetak gol dari titik putih sekaligus mencatatkan hat-trick di laga ini di menit ke-73. Sepakannya keras Kane sama sekali tak bisa dihentikan oleh Illiev.
Bulgaria masih mencoba menemukan gol pertamanya di agen bola tepercaya laga ini. Tapi, minimnya dukungan dan nyamannya ini pertahanan Inggris memutus harapan Bulgaria untuk mencetak gol. Hingga pertandingan berakhir, Inggris tetap menang 4-0
Susunan pemain Inggris (4-3-3): Jordan Pickford (PG), Kieran Tripper, Michael Keane, Harry Maguire, Danny Rose, Jordan Henderson, Declan Rice, Ross Barkley, Raheem Sterling, Harry Kane, Marcus Rashford.
Cadangan: Tom Heaton, Nick Pope, Trent Alexander-Arnold, Ben Chilwell Tyrone Mings, Joe Gomez, 000Harry Winks, Mason Mount, Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain, James Maddison, Jadon Sancho, Callum Wilson.
Susunan pemain Bulgaria (4-1-4-1) Plamen Illiev (PG) Strahil Popov, Nikolay Bodurov, Vasil Bozhikov, Anton Nedyalkov; Georgi Sarmov; Galin Ivanov, Ivelin Popov, Kristiyan Malinov, Wanderson; Marcelinho.
Cadangan: Nikolay Dimitrov, Hristo Ivanov, Simeon Slavchev, Bozhidar Kraev, Kristian Dimitrov, Georgi Pashov, Georgi Milanov, Daniel Mladenov, Martin Lukov, Georgi Terziev, Ivan Goranov, Kiril Despodov.
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antifainternational · 7 years
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Alerta Bulgaria Antifascists!
Dear friends and comrades,
February 2018 marks the 15th year anniversary of the annual Nazi march Lukovmarsh in Sofia, as well as the Bulgarian presidency of the Council of the European Union in the first six months of 2018. We would like to invite you to the Anti-Fascist demonstration, which will be our response to these disgraceful events, both marking the further fortification of the horrorlike death-machine we call ‘Fortress Europe’ on whose shores and borders so many people have died in the past few years.
Who is general Lukov and what is Lukovmarsh exactly?
Lukovmarsh is a Nazi torch-lit march that happens annually in February, honoring the memory of the general, politician and minister of war Hristo Lukov (1887-1943), a supporter of Nazi Germany during the Second World War killed by Violeta Yakova, a female member of the underground anti-fascist resistance in Sofia. Between years 1942 and 1943 he was also the leader of the ultra-nationalistic organization Union of the National Bulgarian Legions, who was pressuring the government to send the Bulgarian Jews to the German death camps.
15 years ago, in 2003, the figure of Hristo Lukov was pulled out of the trash bin of history to be commemorated for the first time and the march in his honor has been happening ever since, regardless of the formal bans in 2014 and 2015 and the “lack of coordination” with the municipality in 2016 and 2017, which was appealed to in Administrative court and won by the organizers of Lukovmarsh. The organizers and participants belong to numerous fascist Bulgarian groups, among which are the Bulgarian National Union, the nationalistic party VMRO (currently an important part of the Bulgarian government), Nazi ultras groups and the Bulgarian branch of the internationally banned Neo-Nazi organization Blood and honor. Lately, Lukov's commemorators try not to show openly Nazi symbolism like swastikas so the march would not be banned but still – the easily recognisable symbols held dear by the International Neo-Nazi movement (celtic crosses, flags of the German empire, the sun of the Third Reich, etc) who are used to mask their allegiance to the most hateful and anti-humane ideology the world knows of today, can be spotted on the frontline of the march. Angel Djambazki, a Bulgarian far-right politician from VMRO, who is a member of the EU parliament openly supports the march and the organizations behind it.
A video impression of Lukovmarsh in 2017: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDEi_Vgxynk
Why is transnational solidarity important?
The anti-immigration rhetoric and the fear of migrant “waves” occupying Europe are turning mainstream politics into a shelter for racism, nationalism and xenophobia. Ultra-Nationalists are already in the government in countries like Bulgaria, Hungary, Austria and Poland. In others like Germany they have higher than ever ratings. Parliamentary and extra-parliamentary Nazi organizations, all over Europe are uniting against migrants, meeting up, marching together, holding conferences and showing “white international solidarity” more than ever to “protect Europe”as they claim. This was evident in the numbers of foreign supporters of Lukovmarsh lately, among which are:
Terre et peuple, a French far-right organization - www.terreetpeuple.com The Spanish Falange, the successors of the party responsible for the fascist regime of Francisco Franco in Spain - www.lafalange.org The National-Democratic Party of Germany (NPD), the conceptual heir of the The National Socialist German Workers' Party - www.npd.de Die Rechte, a far-right, ultra-nationalistic party, created by ex-NPD members - https://die-rechte.net/ Der III. Weg, a self-proclaimed National Socialist party, also created by ex-NPD members - http://der-dritte-weg.info/ The Croatian Neo-Fascist Party- www.hcsp.hr The Italian Neo-Fascist party ‘Casa Pound’ - www.casapounditalia.org European Action, a movement for united and ethnically clean Europe - www.europaeische-aktion.org Russian Imperial Movement - www.rusimperia.info The Nordic Front, a Scandinavian Nazi movement mainly active in Sweden - www.nordfront.se National Revival of Poland, anti-semitic fascist party - http://www.nop.org.pl/?o=english Hungarian nationalists
At the start of Bulgaria's European presidency, we protest both European bureaucrats and their policies, as well as their tools – nazis and fascists. We believe that politicians, bureaucrats and media have made the main contribution to the alarming new rise of the militant Neo-Nazi, ultra-nationalistic, xenophobic etc. movements in Europe. We should never forget that it is not Neo-Nazi attacks that killed over 15, 000 people in the Mediterranean and it was not Neo-Nazis who dehumanised a large group of people to an extent that their lost lives are counted in numbers, dreams locked in detention centres indefinitely and children tear-gassed because they have no place to be, different to a plastic-shack squatted camp. It is in the soil of hate, fertilized by the excrements of the media, politicians and soulless bureaucrats counting dead bodies and kilometers of border-fences, where Neo-Nazis, fascists, ultra-nationalists, homophobes and misogynists thrive. The fate of Lukovmarsh is a good example – for years the march has been protested against and each year the mayor of the city is only formally “banning” it only to later allow the nazis to march with their torches, escorting them with a large number of police. In the meanwhile political parties in close ties with some of the organisations in the march are in local, national and European power structures, holding a number top positions. Their (and not only) constant hate-speech is promoted and widely welcome in the media, which has continuously used it to raise its audience’s moneymaking fears and racist stereotypes. For this reason we want to send a clear message – No nazis on our streets, no to fortress Europe!
When and how can you support us?
The preliminary date for our march is Feb 17 (same day as Lukovmarsh) and we would also like to organize a day of informative events the previous day in which different collectives can do and participate in talks, presentations and discussions, sell books, t-shirts etc. The context in Bulgaria is extremely different to the one in other countries in Europe, we have no large squatted spaces or much money. However, we will do our best to provide as many places of accommodation for people coming to the march as we can. You can get in touch with us to let us know if your group or you and your friends are planning to come so we can try to arrange sleeping places. You are also invited to propose presentations, talks or events you would like to contribute with on the day before the march. We believe the latter is extremely important in order to involve a wider public into informative and motivating events related to Anti-Fascist (and similar autonomous) struggles. If you have books, zines, t-shirt or whatever that might be of interest that you want to bring to sell or share, feel more than invited to do it!
In case you would like to support us organizing a benefit gig or whatever kind of fundraising, get in touch with us. In reality we have very scarce resources and often money are one of the obstacles we face when organizing the demonstration. Any contribution will be appreciated and will help us print propaganda and prepare the demo.
The few of us here have been trying to stop Lukovmarsh for the past 15 years but have had neither the institutional nor the physical power to do so. In this context, we are deeply grateful to each and every one of our comrades who have joined us on the streets in the past years and to those who will make their way to Sofia for Feb 17!
Lukovmarsh is one of the crystal-clear examples of how fascists and nazis collaborate internationally to spread their ideology of hate and death. Let's turn Sofia into a symbol of transnationalist solidarity!
If you want to get in touch with us, email [email protected], all communication regarding the march and cooperation goes through this email.
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osobypostacieludzie · 7 years
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Hristo Lukov ( Hristo Nikolov Lukov, Христо Николов Луков ) - był bułgarskim generałem i politykiem, ministrem wojny, który przewodził nacjonalistycznej Unii Bułgarskich Legionów Narodowych (UBNL). Był dowódcą Armii Szkoły Artylerii, Sekcji Treningowej Inspekcji Artylerii Sztabu Generalnego, 2, 3 dywizji piechoty i Ministra Wojny.  Podczas II wojny światowej był zwolennikiem potęg osi , w szczególności nazistowskich Niemiec . Za granicą jest błędnie uważany za dowódcę 13 dywizji piechoty podczas I wojny światowej. W rzeczywistości był to generał major Hristo Tsonev Lukov, pochodzący z Gabrowo. Hristo Nikolov Lukov awansował podczas I wojny światowej do stopnia majora i dowódcy batalionu artylerii.  Ze względu na bliskie stosunki z Trzecią Rzeszą  i jego działalność jako lidera UBNL, Lukov jest również uważany za propagatora idei antysemickich. W neo-nazistowskim Bułgarskim Związku Narodowym w XXI wieku organizowany jest od marca 2003 r. Tak zwany Marsz Lukov w Sofii, by upamiętnić "poległych bohaterów Bułgarii", co wywołało kontrowersje. Lukov został zamordowany przez komunistycznych partyzantów 13 lutego 1943 r. W Sofii.  Według książki "W imię ludu"  wpadł w zasadzkę dwóch osób przed swoim mieszkaniem w Sofii. Choć uderzony jedną kulą, walczył z jednym z partyzantów, Iwanem Burdżżyjewem, ale drugi, Violeta Yakova, strzelił jeszcze dwa razy i zabił go. Od kilku lat neonazistowskie grupy co roku uwielbiają Lukow z marszem pochodni w lutym. 
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Henderson starting for England, Trent, Chambo and Gomez on bench. via /r/LiverpoolFC
Henderson starting for England, Trent, Chambo and Gomez on bench.
England: Pickford, Trippier, Keane, Maguire, Rose, Henderson, Rice, Barkley, Sterling, Kane, Rashford.
Subs: Heaton, Pope, Gomez, Mount, Wilson, Mings, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Chilwell, Maddison, Winks, Sancho, Alexander-Arnold.
Bulgaria: Iliev, Strahil Popov, Bodurov, Bozhikov, Nedyalkov, Sarmov, Galin Ivanov, Ivelin Popov, Malinov, Wanderson, Marcelinho.
Subs: Slavchev, Pashov, Goranov, Daniel Mladenov, Terziev, Lukov, Kristian Dimitrov, Nikolay Dimitrov, Hristo Ivanov, Milanov, Despodov, Kraev.
If anyone's interested. Watching it as I'm waiting in the pub while my better half gets her eyebrows done.
Submitted September 07, 2019 at 04:50PM by KET_WIG via reddit https://ift.tt/2MXWsiJ
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
England 4-0 Bulgaria, LIVE stream online: Euro 2020 qualifying football as it happened at Wembley
Harry Kane‘s hat-trick helped blow away Bulgaria and continue England’s Euro 2020 qualification cakewalk.
After finishing third in the inaugural Nations League over the summer, the Three Lions got their international season under way at the stadium they hope to end the campaign at when Wembley hosts the Euro 2020 final.
England are among the favourites to lift the trophy next summer and qualification for the finals is well in hand, with March’s drubbings of the Czech Republic and Montenegro followed by a 4-0 win against Bulgaria thanks to Kane’s treble and a Raheem Sterling goal.
Despite humility being the buzzword around the camp in the build-up, this was the kind of result expected by the sell-out Wembley crowd on Saturday.
Relive the action from Wembley!
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Welcome to the Evening Standard’s LIVE coverage of the Euro 2020 qualifier between England and Bulgaria at Wembley Stadium.
Popov seeking a piece of history
Bulgaria captain Ivelin Popov hopes he can add some memorabilia to his collection today.
Striker Popov owns the shirt of the only Bulgaria international to score at England’s national stadium, having bought Georgi Asparuhov’s shirt at an auction.
Asparuhov scored in a 1-1 draw with the Three Lions in 1968 in a game where Geoff Hurst also netted and Popov is dreaming of following in his footsteps in a Euro 2020 qualifier.
He will lead his side out today, having been part of the team who were defeated 4-0 at Wembley in a Euro 2012 qualifier nine years ago.
He said on Friday: “It is every player’s dream, everyone wants to score at Wembley, I bought the shirt at an auction and it is mine.”
Southgate wants England to lift spirits amid Brexit chaos
Gareth Southgate is “conscious” that England are tasked with helping to give the nation a feel-good factor amid an uncertain political backdrop.  
With confusion and unpredictability surrounding Brexit and a potential general election, the United Kingdom still seemingly remains divided.  
The Three Lions helped alleviate such concerns for a period on their run to the World Cup semi-finals last summer but the unrest remains.  
With the England cricket team – and in particular the superb Ashes Test-winning innings from Ben Stokes almost a fortnight ago lifting spirits – Southgate is now aware it is he and his players who many will turn to for light relief.  
Asked if football can give the country something to feel good about, he told BBC Radio 5 Live: “Yes, I’m very conscious of that. We have helped to provide joy at a time when there isn’t a lot about for people. The cricket team have done that in a couple of significant moments already this year and I have loved watching that.  
“We all love those moments, sport should do that – sport should take you away from the day-to-day and allow us to dream and allow us to be excited about things that, in the overall scheme of things aren’t important, there are far more important things but we can bring joy to people and it is a privilege to be in a position to be able to do it.”
Rashford looking to Kane for inspiration
  Marcus Rashford has revealed Harry Kane’s prowess in front of goal is driving him on to better things. Rashford, who has 10 international goals, is likely to line up alongside Kane today. Captain Kane harbours an impressive scoring rate for his country, but is even more prolific in training.
And Rashford tries to compete with his team-mate in shooting drills to make himself a better player.
“We use each other’s strengths to make each other better and if you watch training, then you’d see how it all works,” he said.
“I could use Harry Kane as an example, he’s one of the best finishers that I’ve played with and whenever we do finishing, in my head, it’s about being as close to him as possible.
“So if he scores six, you want to score six, if he scores seven, you want to score eight. So little things like that are the bits that people never see, even though we’re fighting for the same position, or to be in the same team, we really do drive each other on.
“It’s very important that you have that sort of atmosphere within a team.”
Team news
England XI: Pickford; Trippier, Keane, Maguire, Rose; Henderson, Rice, Barkley; Sterling, Rashford, Kane
Subs: Heaton, Pope, Alexander-Arnold, Chilwell, Gomez, Mings, Winks, Mount, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Maddison, Sancho, Wilson
  Bulgaria XI: I liev, S. Popov, Bodurov, Bozhikov, Nedyalkov, Sarmov, Ivanov, I. Popov, Malinov, Wanderson, Marcelino
Lingard misses out
England have confirmed that Jesse Lingard has returned to Manchester United after suffering from illness.
You may not think Lingard is a big loss considering his general lack of goals or assists for United, but Southgate certainly likes him.
Still, that could well mean a debut for Mason Mount.
Gareth Southgate did not experiment with his England team for the Euro 2020 qualifier against Bulgaria at Wembley as Kieran Trippier earned a recall.
The Atletico Madrid right-back, who left Tottenham in the close season, was handed a start, having been dropped for the summer’s Nations League finals.
Manchester United midfielder Jesse Lingard is the only notable absentee as he has left the squad due to illness and will play no part in Tuesday’s game with Kosovo.
England vs Bulgaria stat pack
  England have won 22 of their last 25 World Cup or European Championship qualifiers at home – their last defeat was back in 2007.
Gareth Southgate’s side are looking for their 16th consecutive home win in qualifying, shipping just three goals in that period.
The Three Lions are also unbeaten against Bulgaria over the years, picking up six wins and four draws.
Raheem Sterling has four goals from England’s two qualifiers – the best minutes-per-goal ratio in qualifying so far.
Bulgaria have not qualified for major international tournament since 2004.
Tyrone Mings, Mason Mount and James Maddison are all in line for their international debuts.
Last time out
  England cruised past Bulgaria in their last Wembley meeting with Jermain Defoe netting a hat-trick in a 4-0 win in a Euro 2012 qualifier.
Gareth Southgate has been speaking to ITV, explaining his decision to pick Kieran Trippier over Trent Alexander Arnold.
  “He has had a very good start to season. Last year was difficult for him but he’s got a new lease of life under Diego Simeone with a new challenge and he’s flourishing.“
And we are underway at Wembley!
2 mins | Sterling wins a corner early on, scampering down the inside right after Kane’s clever run inside left space for him. 
  Bulgaria fail to clear the corner, prompting Rashford to lash one on goal but his effort is blocked. 
5 mins | England are already pressing hard… but Pickford is forced into the first save of the game when the visitors open up space down the left with Wanderson picked out in the middle.
  He scuffs his shot slightly, making things comfortable for Pickford, but it’s an early scare. 
7 mins | Maguire is forced to get across and head away a Bulgaria corner. The visitors have started confidently here. 
9 mins | Barkley plays a delightful through ball to find Rose’s run down the left – but a poor first touch lets him down and allows Bulgaria to regroup defensively. 
14 mins | What an effort! Michael Keane spreads the play, picking out Rose who pings a first time cross back over to Henderson, racing in on the edge of the box. He hits it first time, smashing a very decent shot wide of the post. 
18 mins | Harry Kane slots home! But he is offside. 
  Barkley spreads play superbly again, freeing Sterling down the inside right. The Man City man slides a perfect ball over to Kane but he has gone too soon and the offside flag is up.
22 mins | Rashford gets the ball 30 yards out, has a look around for a pass, decides against it and looks for goal. His effort sails wide. 
GOAL! England 1-0 Bulgaria | Harry Kane, 23 mins 
  Can’t see the England vs Bulgaria LIVE: Euro 2020 qualifying blog? Click here for the desktop version.
Team news and line-ups
Gareth Southgate did not experiment with his England team as Kieran Trippier earned a recall.
The Atletico Madrid right-back, who left Tottenham in the close season, was handed a start, having been dropped for the summer’s Nations League finals.
Manchester United midfielder Jesse Lingard is the only notable absentee as he has left the squad due to illness and will play no part in Tuesday’s game with Kosovo.
England XI: Pickford; Trippier, Keane, Maguire, Rose; Henderson, Rice, Barkley; Sterling, Rashford, Kane
Subs: Heaton, Pope, Alexander-Arnold, Chilwell, Gomez, Mings, Winks, Mount, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Maddison, Sancho, Wilson
Bulgaria XI: I liev, S. Popov, Bodurov, Bozhikov, Nedyalkov, Sarmov, Ivanov, I. Popov, Malinov, Wanderson, Marcelino
Subs: Slavchev, Pashov, Goranov, Daniel Mladenov, Terziev, Lukov, Kristian Dimitrov, Nikolay Dimitrov, Hristo Ivanov, Milanov, Despodov, Kraev.
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merge-merge · 6 years
Far-right activists stage torchlit march in Bulgarian capital
Far-right activists stage torchlit march in Bulgarian capital
More than 2,000 far-right activists from several European countries staged a torchlit procession through Sofia on Saturday to honour a Bulgarian pro-Nazi general, despite opposition from the Balkan country’s political parties and Jewish groups.
The procession, known as the Lukov March after Hristo Lukov, who led the pro-Nazi Union of Bulgarian National Legions in the 1930s and early 1940s, went…
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ringlawfirm · 6 years
Report exposes anti-Semitic rhetoric on social media by Bulgarian ultra-nationalists | JNS.org
Report exposes anti-Semitic rhetoric on social media by Bulgarian ultra-nationalists | JNS.org
The annual march in Sofia each February is held in remembrance of Gen. Hristo Lukov, a Nazi ally who sent 11,300 Jews to the Nazi death camp of Treblinka in Poland.
Source: Report exposes anti-Semitic rhetoric on social media by Bulgarian ultra-nationalists | JNS.org
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There Should Have Been Crack German Women in the Wehrmacht on the Eastern Front, Especially in Defence of the German Reich, Adolf Hitler! The Bulgarian King Boris III Should Have Sent the Bulgarian Army to the Eastern Front and Europe May Have Won, Maybe with 300 000 Bulgarian Army, Adolf Hitler! You Should Have Required That in the Treaty of Bulgaria Joining the Axis in Return for Liberating Bulgarian Dobrudja, Macedonia and Aegean Sea Thrace! General Hristo Lukov Planned to Make a Coup to Become Führer of Bulgaria and Send the Bulgarian Army to the Eastern Front after the Battle of Stalingrad! You Should Have Sent Him SS Bodyguards, Adolf Hitler!
Tervel Kamenov
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03-26 Far-right groups marched to commemorate a Nazi-era Bulgarian General Hristo Lukov on February 18, 2017 in Sofia, Bulgaria. ... http://dlvr.it/NkL3FQ
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