#Hpma Thorne
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skrewtiny · 1 month ago
Huzzah i have finished it :D
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Thank you everyone who gave me a character idea ^^
i would tag you all but i’m afraid of pinging people lol
And i did draw Lottie and Cass in different outfits than their normal ones, for more of a variation in how i draw them :b
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ediththehufflepuff · 2 months ago
Meet My HP:MA OC!
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endlessly-cursed · 2 months ago
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happy late birthday, lennox arcano-thorne!
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kathrynalicemc · 1 year ago
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Yuletide at Skalafell
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fischerfrey · 2 years ago
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fankids appreciation, day five; the avengers
"the idea was to bring together a group of of remarkable people to see if they could become something more. to see if they could work together when we needed them to, to fight the battles that we never could." this is the most random edit i've ever made but i decided to play nick fury and put together fankid avengers. obviously i couldn't include everyone i wanted to but i think these five could probably save the world, if pressed. syvanna "siv" arcano-thorne by @kathrynalicemc zelda cairncross by @cursebreakerfarrier roe malinda by yours truly twyla brindlemore and enzo rovere-parsons by @potionboy3
event by @endlessly-cursed
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potionboy3 · 2 years ago
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Ella Byrn & Siv Arcano-Thorne
chaotic ship makes it's first appereance! ❤️
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cursed-herbalist · 2 years ago
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EULA DURAND & MIKAEL ARCANO-THORNE | HPMA (aka the hottest adventurer couple roaming the skies)
Despite Eula's uncle and Mikael's father being close, the two only met through their work, after graduating from their respective wizarding schools. As Mikael was called to an archaeological sight in order to translate a mysterious inscription, Eula was tasked to decode it and break the curse blocking the entrance to the mystical ruin.
Their teamwork was required multiple times after that and so the two adventurers grew closer with every meeting—sharing mandarines and extensive talks by the fire quickly becoming a habit. And as their friendship grew, so did their feelings for each other.
Eventually, Mikael asked Eula to join him on the rediscovered Empearyan which she gladly accepted. And the two, including the crew, set out to find adventures all over the world.
(Precious jock/nerd boi belongs to @kathrynalicemc 💙)
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mjs-oc-corner · 2 years ago
hpma character sheet
requested tags: @endlessly-cursed @hphmmatthewluther @catohphm
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Name: Savannah Elyse Bradford
Nicknames: Sav, Savvy, Vannah
Birthdate: March 7th, 1999
Zodiac Sign: Pisces
MBTI Type: INFJ — the advocate
Blood Status: pureblood
Nationality: British/Irish
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Physical Appearance
Hair: long, wavy dirty blonde in color
Eyes: light blue with flecks of green
Height: 5’4”
Weight: 115 lbs.
Body type: slim, semi-athletic
Skin tone: light with a few freckles across the bridge of her nose, tans easily
Distinguishing marks (scars, birthmarks, etc):
from childhood
feint scar on left forearm from a thorn bush
feint birthmark on left shoulder blade
pierced ears
acquired in teenage/adult years
small burn mark on her right hand from a potions cauldron
second ear piercing (done in the cartilage of left ear when she was 18)
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Hometown: London, England
Residences: London, England (birth—??)
Jennifer Lynne Bradford née Moore, second eldest daughter of Martha and Richard Moore. she would attend Hogwarts and be sorted into Ravenclaw. after graduating, she would find a career within the Department of Magical Education in the Ministry of Magic. as a mother, she prioritized her children above all else, making sure that they grew up on a healthy, loving environment.
Christopher Aaron Bradford, eldest son of Elizabeth and Michael Bradford. Hufflepuff alumni. after graduating, he would find a career as a dragonologist. Christopher made sure to teach his children to never have fear of dragons, and to know their importance within the magical community.
the first child of the Bradford family, Logan, was born on December 6th, 1997. at age 11, he would attend Hogwarts and be sorted into Ravenclaw. the youngest, Gabriel, was born on January 20th, 2002. he would attend Hogwarts at age 11 and be sorted into Hufflepuff.
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House: Hufflepuff
Best class: potions, charms, herbology, and muggle studies
Worst class: arithmancy
Clubs: Hippogriff, Sphinx
Boggart: herself as a dark witch
Riddikulus: herself (still as a dark witch) on roller skates, continuously losing her balance
Patronus: Jaguar
Patronus Memory: christmas at her grandparents’ in 2008, when her and her brothers had started a family snowball fight with their cousins and parents
Mirror of Erised: during her seventh year, her desire is finally revealed to her as herself, she is an accomplished healer-turned-professor with her own family
Amortentia (what she smells like): vanilla with hints of cream, almond, and honey
Amortentia (what she smells): leather, sandalwood, TBD
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Ages 11–18: hogwarts student
Ages 18–30: traveling healer
Ages 30–65: Potions professor/Head of Hufflepuff house at hogwarts
Ages 65–??: retirement
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Personality & Attitude
Priorities: her own mental health, her friends and family
Strengths: empathy — generosity — loyalty — bravery — wit — humor — humility — compassion
Weaknesses: sometimes a bit indecisive — can have a temper at times
Stressed: during N.E.W.T.S, during the hiring process for the post of potions professor
Calm/Comforted: when she’s sitting near the fireplace in the Hufflepuff common room, or when she’s at home with family
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Color: any shade of blue, yellow
Food: pasta and baked potatoes
Drink: tea with a lemon wedge
Weather: partly cloudy with mild temperatures, or cloudy with a light drizzle
Hobbies: reading and writing, cooking/baking, singing, drawing, making new potions, gardening
Fashion: Savannah’s day-to-day style is mostly for comfort over style; as she prefers comfy sweaters or t-shirts with jeans or leggings and sneakers. as she gets older, her style develops into a more business-casual look.
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Significant Other/Love Interest: Harry Seymour (@endlessly-cursed)
Savannah is currently open for friendships with others’ ocs! just message me or reply to this to let me know if you’d like for your oc to be friends with her!
she struggled with the patronus charm until she was 17
Savannah couldn’t see her desire in the mirror of erised until her seventh year, and when she finally saw it, it all made sense
she’s always happy to share stories of her travels when her students ask about them
she is proficient in wandless and non-verbal magic
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skrewtiny · 3 months ago
Maybe it’s just me, buuuuuuuut…
Colby fits actually quite well as Seymour from Little Shop of Horrors
*i’m thinking more the Broadway(?) Musical, not the Film, but eh both really*
Behold… visualization, and then i’ll explain my thought process
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Yes the Plant is not consistent in the two but i figured out how to draw the plant a bit more to my liking after the colored picture HHHHhhhhHHhhhH..anyway.
Major Spoilers for Little Shop of Horrors it’s inevitable i’m sorry—
*for those who aren’t familiar with Lsoh, it’s a ‘musical about a timid florist named Seymour who discovers a carnivorous plant called Audrey II(Which i’ve named Cassie II, for the sake of this), which brings him sudden success by attracting customers with its strange beauty, but at a terrible price as the plant demands increasingly gruesome sustenance, forcing Seymour to make dark choices to maintain his newfound fame and pursue his love interest, Audrey’, thanks Google lollll! Btw this is going to be kinda long so rip attention span-*
First off, we know Colby is a fan of Herbology, and i’d assume just plants in general, as well as i’d assume he knows quite a bit about them. So working at a Florist Shop and having Strange Plants as a hobby isn’t far off, in my opinion.
And then we get to the Plant itself. Frankly, sad as it might be, i do think Colby could be sweet-talked into feeding the plant the ‘gruesome’ things, given the correct incentive(this isn’t to say he absolutely would, but yk). In this case, it’s fame, wealth, wanting for absolutely nothing, and *cough* Cassandra to like him back *cough*.
If we think back to the ending of Playing with Dragons Fire, MC basically says/thinks ‘I’m glad Colby gets to be the center of attention for once’, or something similar. And yeah, Colby very much gets overshadowed by the company he keeps, pretty much wherever he goes. Whether it’s Fischer, Cassandra, or anyone else, really. He’s not the most eccentric, and doesn’t actively try to get the attention onto him, unlike…certain..brothers…of his..but given the offer to have that attention, to be known as a ‘Botanical Genius’ of sorts, to pretty much be a celebrity and have the love of hundreds- i think he would be tempted. Just add in the rest and it’s a done deal, really.
That, and the Plant being able to get him to do things isn’t really out of pocket or anything. Going back to the Black Lake Lullaby Q&A, it says:
"Oh, yes, definitely. Fischer's eyes are a slightly darker shade of mean. No? Okay, so maybe you can't tell the brothers apart by looking at them, but they do have different personalities. Fischer is the leader, more apt to draw his wand, and always eager to start a fight.
Colby is the sensitive soul who hesitates before casting that curse (sometimes) and would rather not get into trouble but has difficulty saying no to his brother.”
Now of course Fischer isn’t a carnivorous Plant, but the concept is the same. Colby has a bit of difficulty saying no, likely more so to those he cares about. And He’s been taking care of this Plant for quite some time, talks to the thing, affectionately calls it ‘Twoey’- and yeah i get it’s a plant and how close could he really be with it, but…still.
Not to mention, the first k!ll the Plant suggests is Audrey’s very(TW) Abusive and Toxic boyfriend, whom Seymour/Colby already very much dislikes for what he does to Audrey, and he really wants to help her out of the Relationship so she doesn’t get hurt. Using that as a manipulation tactic to get him to give in, the Plant has a good chance. After all, ‘How bad could it really be, that the jerk’s gone’(i forget the actual quote but it’s something along those lines).
And of course, Colby would eventually come to his senses and feel guilty, what with the things he did just to keep the Plant alive and thus keep his selfish fame ongoing. That would absolutely drive him crazy, and i think he would decide to quit feeding the plant, leaving it to d!e even at the cost of success. But the one cost he realizes he can’t well live with, is losing Cassandra/Audrey. He believes she only realized she liked him because of the fame and success, and is afraid to lose that. So he can’t stop, can he…? No.
That mindset ends quickly however when the Plant tries to eat the Girl, in which his resolve quickly hardens and he would indeed attempt to chop the plant to pieces.
In the Broadway(?) Musical i’m pretty sure he does not succeed, but in the Movie he does…so, yeah. That’s fun.
So yeah! Those are my thoughts, sorry i’m bad at explaining my thoughts, i hope that was coherent and made some sliver of sense!
Quite a bit of it is likely headcanon and it might not line up with yall’s view of him, but yeah this is just me :>
*P.S. Cassandra does NOT fit Audrey whatsoever, but she is Colby’s canon crush, so i can pretend……..also here’s that snipped from the Q&A(on the Wiki cuz the actual Q&A is gone), i don’t want to say things are canon without proof, which is ALSO probably just a me thing, but yeah :D*
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ediththehufflepuff · 2 months ago
POV: You just met Shouren, he dragged you to an alley to commit crimes, and you let him cause he's cute xD
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endlessly-cursed · 1 month ago
choose between lennox and semele ☺️
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how dare you pit these bad bitches against each other. i refuse to choose. semele AND lennox tyvm 🫡
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kathrynalicemc · 1 year ago
The Norwegian Ministry of Magic: A Timeline
HPHL - WW1 (up to 1920s)
Magiens Mester (Master of Magic): Von Hyrrokkin
Magiens Mester is the Minister of Magic
Von is still a WIP but I think he’s no good (maybe evil) and he gets thrown out and then Iolanthe gets the job
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Magiens Vokter (Guardian of Magic): Johann Hyrrokkin
Johann is Von’s son
Vokters are like vice presidents and are second in command. They protect and advise the Mester and step in when they are unavailable
Usually it’s common for Vokters to eventually become Mesters so he was expecting to become the minister
He’s also maybe evil and salty when Iolanthe gets the position especially being so young and inexperienced
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HPFB (1920s)
Magiens Mester: Iolanthe Arcano
She is the first to become Magiens Mester so young and also with hardly any experience working at the ministry
But she is very deserving and proves everyone who doubts her wrong
Puts in more work in research and out in the field exploring and visiting other countries for diplomatic relations than actually doing paperwork in an office all day
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Magiens Vokter: Elidon Greyloc
Elidon is Iolanthes most trusted second in command
He believed in her from the start and helps her when others try to sabotage or belittle her authority
He’s older and sees her as a daughter he’s never had
He doesn’t become Mester after her and instead goes off to have a family of his own
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Head of Vakt (Guard): Dreki Hymir
Under the two leadership positions there are three main sections of government. Vakt is the guard department that is essentially Aurors. There is one leader and then a bunch of smaller jobs under that.
Dreki can look intimidating but he is good humored and treats Iolanthe like a little sister
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Head of Mystisk (Arcane): Sade Willodeen
The Mystisk department deals with magical misuse, spell invention, and research and other things
Sade has been the head for a long time and she knows how to hold her own in leadership positions and to not take any shit
She is cold at first and judges Iolanthe’s ability but then quickly becomes a mentor figure to her and guides her
They also really get along with their love of magic
Maybe she was Iolanthe’s boss when she just started and Sade could be upset she was passed over for Mester for this new hire
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Head of Natur (Nature): Akkeri Windcaller
The Natur department deals with trade, magical animals, exploration, and other misc jobs
Akkeri is also relatively young for having a higher up position
I think Iolanthe is the one to hire him and she is also judged for picking someone young
He’s a wildcard as he is a natural sailor and has survived many storms at sea
He seems very quiet but I think he could snap if really provoked but ultimately he’s kind
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HPMA (2010s)
Magiens Mester: Semele Thorne @endlessly-cursed
Being part of the Arcano family (and since Iolanthe’s run was a huge success) Semele is warmly greeted as Mester
She is a hardworking take no shit woman who excels even with an idiot husband (affectionate) and three screaming children
She also manages to stay active in Skalafell as much as possible when not at work
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A/N: I’ve been putting this together for a long time (the positions themselves I have thought about for months lol) but I have just quickly made up the majority of the OCs (fcs, names, ideas of personality/story) in the last 3 days so lmk if I’ve used any names or FCs already used!!
Also fun fact the positions have inspiration from the founders era with the 3 Valhalla founder families (Ymir, Arcano, Varangr) ,,, if that wasn’t completely obvious 😂
I am also totally open to give some of these OCs away for adoption or any position in a diff time period not specified is always open for anyone!!! I have a few already made OCs who I might insert (like Azora Arcano) but she would just be a minor Auror maybe? And she doesn’t stick around long.
Shout out to @magicallymalted this one’s for you since you asked for lore 😌♥️
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endlessly-cursed · 1 year ago
HP Victorian:
Phineas and Alphonse can be friends! They can have a black cat x labrador friendship. Also, my OC, Nilüfer Sultan sees him as her favourite teacher, so they'd make an interesting dynamic
Harlan and Marcellus can be slutty meow meow friends <3
Riddle Era:
Charlotte can be friends with the Rosier twins while Elodie Dubois and Stephen can have a friends to enemies to friends arc, since they hung out in the same circle for a long while
Wilhemine Arcano can be friends with Freddy! They have many things in common and have an interesting dynamic 👀 she's a whole TBD
Marauder's Era:
Sybil or Rue can be friends with Brandon, since they're both walking trigger warnings. They're both Death Eaters and purebloods
I think we talked about Di being closer to Olympia than Quince, helping her out around her year at Beauxbatons 👀
For Bloom, either Yvonne or Lucille can be friends who pretend they don't have feelings, whoever ticks your box 👀
And finally, Imogen is in the same year as Lennox Arcano-Thorne 👀 just leaving the offer there
Also, for your misc era, I'm making an era that covers 300 years and more people to help me out with its plot called the Rising Eras 👀 in case you're also interested in having OCs in that era
oc x oc connections masterpost
an open oc x oc interaction post with all of my characters looking for different relationship dynamics!
this post will be updated with all new additions and when one of the ocs featured becomes unavailable!
preference for mutuals and matching story lines!
if you're interested in any of these ocs, please feel free to message me via dms, asks, or comment on/reblog this post directly!
current available ocs: 14
looking for a love interest: 7
victorian era;
alphonse edevane (intro post)
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professor of ancient runes
wealthy background
researcher, explorer
starts teaching at around 30 years old
studious, socially awkward, prefers books to people, sweetheart
open for;
love interest (of any gender)
harlan rowle (intro post)
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born 1874/75?? (depending on the timeline)
a little bitch (derogatory)
a slut (affectionate)
he doesn't really have a set story line yet but maybe some relationship dynamics would help me develop him!
open for:
love interest(s) of any gender
dorm mates
ww1 era;
klara belikova (profile)
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born 1892
closed off emotionally, kind of rude, tries to be a better person
open for:
love interest
friendships after school (since in school she's a huge bitch and only hangs out with lexi, kat, and fiete)
rivals/enemies (especially during school)
sydney barlow (profile)
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born 1892
a little bitch *affectionate*
funny lil guy
love interest: alexej kavinsky by @potionboy3
open for:
rivals and enemies
leda gaunt (profile)
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born 1893
she's the most decent person out of her family
voldemort is her first cousin once removed lol
love interest: lunas avery by @cursed-herbalist
open for:
school acquaintances
riddle era;
charlotte quinn
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born 1924 (ish)
prefect and head girl
older sister of stephen, aunt of bessie and camron, great grandmother of baby
bisexual (not actively aware of this)
star pupil, compassionate, sheltered childhood
open for:
love interest (of any gender, with the disclaimer that she'll have at least one child at some point)
school rivals
stephen quinn sr.
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born 1926 or 1927
classmates with tom riddle
is among tom's closest circle of friends but doesn't become a death eater later on
regrets his actions as an adult
smart, ambitious, gravitates towards charismatic leaders to get closer to power and influence
love interest: gwendoline quinn, née greengrass
open for:
friends (especially others who are pals with dear old tom)
frederica "freddy" of alderly
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born sometime in the early 1930s (ish)
firstborn child of edward of alderly and jocelyn somerset
gryffindor (only sibling with magic)
has a wicked sense of humour and shirks her duties like her dad
oldest of four children but is more often than not doing her own thing and letting her younger brother edwin take on the role of the oldest sibling
open for:
love interest (of any gender)
marauders' era;
brandon "bran" vespertine (intro post)
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born 1966
samara's brother
a mess
tw: substance abuse (this guy is his own trigger warning truly)
love interest: tba
open for:
olympia alderly
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born 1998
muggleborn (with wizarding roots in her family tree)
quincey's sister
laid back, just wants to live her life in peace (that's why wanted to go to beauxbatons for her schooling)
love interest: gaia alden by @cursed-herbalist
open for:
classmates from beauxbatons
bloom brindlemore (anora's intro post, lol)
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born in 1995
son of anora brindlemore, professor of dada
half-brother of twyla
quidditch player, jock supreme
mummy issues
identity crisis 24/7
not in touch with his emotions
love interest: tba
open for:
next gen;
apollyon "polly" byrn
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born around 1993
brother of ella
kind of evil
be gay do crime
love interest: idris potter by @potionboy3
open for:
imogen everlane (intro post)
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born 2005
aloof, eccentric
she's probably not very well-adjusted ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
open for:
love interest (of any gender)
aada aarnintytär (intro post)
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born in the 1600s, immortal
avid user of blood magic and other sort of shady magicks
"do not cite the deep magic to me bitch, i was there when it was written"
finnish but has lived in soooo many countries during the centuries
sister of loviisa and aino
former carefree social butterfly turned vigilante to avenge the death of her younger sister during the witch trials
*vigilante shit by tswift playing in the background*
open for:
love interest (of any gender) for any time period since the 1600s but preferably for modern times
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potionboy3 · 2 years ago
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ella & siv | hpma/hp next gen
(moodboard about a romantic relationship of my muses)
(moodboard about my muse’s fashion style)
for the ask game @kathrynalicemc
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cursed-herbalist · 2 years ago
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HPMAAW - Other people’s OCs
hosted by @endlessly-cursed
Roger Jr. ‘Rocky’ Weasley - Honestly, who doesn’t love Rocky? He’s just the sweetest little goober. And every time he pops up, he just manages to put a smile to my face <3 @magicallymalted
Olympia Alderly - I fell in love with her this Christmas largely because of @gaygryffindorgal’s Christmas Prince. She’s just so sweet, and strong and witty. I love her! And I’m sure I’ll fall even deeper in love the more I get to know her. Hope Quince won’t steal all the spotlight XD I demand moooooore!! Please.
Rosa Yaxley - Jupiter’s heart and soul and bold leader of the girl gang. Jupiter and her have such a sweet dynamic, I’m so glad @potionboy3 requested for them to be besties! I can’t wait for her to make it out of Annie’s dungeon and see what adventures they’ll go on together <3
Mikael Arcano-Thorne - My sweet nerd boy!! I mean I loved him before but when I found out that Daniel Jackson from Stargate low-key was the inspiration behind him, I died. I mean how can he be more perfect? He even has the Empyrian story going for him now. I can’t wait to read about him and his adventures!! @kathrynalicemc
James ‘Jimmy’ Crouch - Jimmy was exactly what I needed in my life. I craved a little drama and I got it when Annie and I decided to link Jupiter up with him. Drama aside, they’re just perfect together. And Jimmy is a really interesting character all by himself, with an even more interesting backstory. I adore him to death <3 And I, somehow, really enjoy writing him way more than I thought! He’s like grumpy cat—a little scary at first but I just want to hug him and take care of him @potionboy3
The Girl Gang aka Rosa Yaxley, Nymeria Lee, Pandora Lovelace @gcldensnitch, Barbara Katz, Tara Cruz @nelabelievesindragons, Gwendolyn Montague, Mary Ann von Deyne @endlessly-cursed
In all honesty tho, it’s so hard to choose when there are so many great characters roaming around this era! Especially, the girl gang. They all have my heart and I’m sooooo glad this has come to be. I really feel like they have made this era so much better and really got me excited about it. I’ve also gotten to know so many wonderful people through it! So this is me appreciating you all 💞💞💞💞💞💞 You and your girls rock!!
Some extra Girl Gang/Rosa love:
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cursed-moon-blossom · 4 years ago
The lovely @weasley-adoptee tagged my main for this, but I'm sticking it over here so it doesn't get lost in reblog spam. Plus I'm gonna try to stick to my most recently edited HP WIPS for this, just to narrow things down. I can't find any rules for this one so I'm just gonna toss some stuff out and hope it's right 😅
Thorne Legacy - This is a brainstorming doc where I scribble down ideas for lore to do with the Thorne family. So far we've got a bit of info on Bells, her brother Mica, and their ancestor Holly-Rose.
The Last Black Cousin - Likewise this is where I'm making notes on Lyra's story, though if I were to write a fic that'd probably be the working title for it. She may not be the last surviving cousin, but she is the last to bear the name Black still...
Ties That Bind and Fray - A loose outline of my HPMA character Calliope's story, which is an exploration of themes about family. The biggest one being the conflict of loving the family that raised her while also longing to know the one in which she was born.
Of Catching Shooting Stars - This... This is just poetry from Prometheus's POV about Orion 🤣 A favorite bit, which I've shared before: 'Oh darling, you had stars in your eyes, held the heavens in your smile, and I was the monster who brought you crashing down like a meteor.'
Heir and the Spare - Just some notes on Acacia's story, most of what's in this doc I've already talked about on Tumblr, but it's only a fraction of what I've got in my head lol.
Welp, there you have it, a few of my WIPs! And this is really only a few... I have a lot of docs floating around my googledocs and notes app... Unfortunately I don't know many writers on tumblr so I can't really think of anyone to tag... Soooo... I guess I'll leave this open for anyone who wants to do it? Lol
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