#How to tell I'm old: I don't like the tiktok format
thyandrawrites · 2 years
*opens insta for the first time in maybe... A year? And finds that my dash is 90% reels that make the app freeze and crash. When I manage to reopen it I find out those reels aren't even from my followed accounts for the most part because I now have to click a drop down menu in order to see the content I subscribed to see. I do that, and the people I followed are into new fandoms I know nothing about. I see 6 unread dms and they're all fanart links from that irl friend who is a sweetheart but just doesn't understand I don't interact with reposter accounts who don't ask permission to reupload stuff. I scroll my actual dash some more and the app starts lagging so much I expect another crash. I close it and remember why I never use insta*
Wow, and I thought tumblr was bad... Insta is borderline unusable now
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megamyceted · 6 months
Just wanted to let you know that it seems like someone on TikTok reposted your RE7 gifs but stitched them together in a video format to pass it off as their “edit.”
You can see it here: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTffuto/
It honestly looks like they’ve been stealing a bunch of RE gifs from other creators too.
thank you for letting me know! unfortunately, i don't use tiktok / don't have an account / i don't know anything how it works ( i'm old, okay ) so i don't know what to do about that. i've noticed a lot of people posting my gifs on twitter too uncredited, so it doesn't surprise me. it's the bare minimum and people can't respect that. annoying! i'm going to have to start putting obnoxious watermarks on things i suppose. still, thank you for telling me! ❤
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florenceisfalling · 10 months
What happened with the gumball va? I don't know who he is but I'm suddenly seeing him mentioned everywhere
the guy who voiced gumball aka nick cantu responded to a dreamwastaken satire account on twitter accusing him of shit and insulting him. the Actual dream responded like "hey thats a satire account, and we both know you use a ton of racial slurs and assaulted me 2 months ago before treating our uber driver like shit." cantu denied this, everyone demanded proof. dream sends screenshots of cantu admitting and sucking up via texts. people said it was fake. cantu admits it happened but claims he tipped the uber driver and a bunch of other caveats. random people who werent there (this all happened at a party) start claiming they saw it and get disproved. people are still saying dream is lying or whatever, so dream posts a video.
this video is of the uber ride from the party. cantu had been insulting people and asked someone to record his roasts, so someone did. in the video, cantu tells the uber driver that hes stupid, insults his intelligence, says hes nothing compared to cantu who is "a modern day michelangelo." cantu repeatedly calls dream fat and a faggot. he calls the uber driver the r slur, said the driver had down syndrome, and asks "are you jewish?" after talking about people being greedy and before talking about how he wants to get into hollywood. he also threatens dreams life. this is all After he slapped dream in the face. the rando who wasnt even there claimed nick slapped him bc he used the word "whore" but nick never said this and in fact referred to the girls there as "the hoes" so. obviously not.
dream then gets comments about how hes "blackmailing a minor" (cantu is 20 and people were demanding proof) and that he "took the video and saved it for years" (dream isnt the one who filmed it, someone else had the full version and posted it, and it was 2 months ago, not two years) and that "he shouldnt have let a 20 year old drink" (he didnt even know cantu til the party and has zero authority over him) and even that "dream is nearly thirty while cantu is a minor" (once again, cantu is 20, and dream is 24).
ugh tumblr is being weird so sorry if text formats wrong but Also people were saying its not cantu's fault bc he was drunk and/or "manic", but he still likes antisemitic and racist tweets regularly, so.???
cantu hasnt replied since the tweet to my knowledge but people sure have been defending him!
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The thing about the lamentable downward trend in streaming music sales is -- when I tried to look up where they were going, all the articles I read pretty much said "on smartphones." Even the Atlantic, which I read on and off, quoted an article from Quartz titled "American Smartphone Owners Are Listening to Less and Less Music"
It's not clear to me why this would be happening. I have a few guesses:
"The rise of video on YouTube and other similar sites, like TikTok, drove people away from music, and they're mostly staying there." (A guess about the whole "American culture is heading towards a video monoculture" thing that I feel like I see a lot of people talking about, but not many actual articles.)
("Video works fine on phones, but listening to music, or even talking to someone on the phone, doesn't.")
"I don't know, Americans are increasingly deprived of pleasure."
The point is, it seems like a small class of things that are easily shareable over the internet. People have been sharing photos for years, now they're sharing video, soon maybe they'll be sharing audio. If I'm right about this, music will be the next thing to suffer.
The real problem with this model is that we're not enough years in the future to see that it's true, yet. Maybe, in 10 years, we'll be listening to a lot less music than we do now, because, like, most music is shit, whereas most photographs and videos are worth seeing, or at least worth spending 10 seconds clicking on. But all the data I can see is on the last 12-18 months or so, and there's no real evidence yet of a shift in this direction.
The initial "decline of music" articles (Billboard, investment analysts, etc.) cited something called "Smartphone Music Survey 2018." This appears to be a US survey of US adults (18+), done by Nielsen for the National Association of Music Merchants.
I found a copy of the survey results here on Github. Here are the relevant charts:
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So, in the past two years or so, about 15% of the time people in the USA used to spend on the radio, streaming, or CDs is now going to Spotify instead. Note that by "Spotify" in these charts I mean all sources of music combined -- i.e. including iTunes.
I don't know how old the people in these surveys are, but now I'm wondering if it's possible that this is just a shift to Spotify among millennials and Gen Z. My impression is that for people under 40, all that is left of the traditional radio/CD listening market are the very youngest Gen Z and the oldest millennials (people 30-40). Because they don't spend a lot of time on Spotify in those age groups -- the 18-24 male cohort has way more time for Flipnote Studio HD than for, like, streaming.
I feel like I'm getting off topic here, but. . .
Is there really any . . . "class" . . . of people who just . . . watch a lot of video . . . ?
On TV I mean, not on YouTube or wherever.
I don't think I know any such people, and I suspect that most people I know don't know any such people, either. Maybe there is an imaginary internet person who uses YouTube for everything, including news, and for whom videos are a more natural form of expression than text. But I don't know any such people, and I suspect the idea of such a person is mostly a result of not knowing any such people.
If you took out my text posts and my voice posts on Facebook, would you get a more or less complete picture of the "me" from my two YouTube videos? Would you guess the guy in one of those videos and not the other? Would you be able to tell them apart if I edited the relevant audio and video out of them? Could you imitate me to my face? (I think you would.)
I wonder how much of "video as a content format" is just video in the most literal sense of the term, where you see something on a screen, as opposed to a more conversational mode where you get an image of something but it's just in your head.
For instance, here is a description of a "talking head" video:
A "talking head" video is characterized by a shot of the camera focusing on the host's head and face. The speaker looks directly at the audience in a way that typically does not convey that the viewer can see the speaker's face.
I'm pretty sure that I have never in my life experienced the "speaker looking directly at me" variant of the talking head video. (Although I imagine there are a lot of people who do it on Youtube, maybe?) When I read this description, I get an image of someone sitting in front of a blank wall, talking. That's very far from the experience of watching a video.
"On Youtube, people sit in front of a blank wall and type words in the chat" -- what, no, that's not a thing.
I don't know. I think these days I have the impression that talking heads aren't nearly as . . . lively as they are in my head. When I think of Youtube, the image that comes up in my mind is a fixed video of a person on a white background, talking, perhaps gesturing in a way that makes it clear what they're talking about. There is a very distinct impression of "that's not really a video, that's just a picture of a thing, a fixed image, not a moving one." Whereas if I think of a scene from a TV show, it's animated, it's fluid, it's "moving," it has the texture of actual reality.
It seems to me like a lot of what I see on Youtube has this fixed, still-picture-of-a-person-on-a-blank-white-background quality. That's what I'm used to. It's different from videos -- like, on Facebook videos, for instance.
A lot of videos have the quality of a movie, or even a stage play. If you stand in the doorway of your dorm room, you can almost see this Youtuber on a white wall, and even hear his voice, and see his hands. But that's just . . . a picture, a flat image. A moving picture, but still a picture nonetheless. Whereas a TV show has the texture of actual reality, the quality of something that could happen to you, not just things you can see, but things you can feel, smell, taste
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greenjokwe-blog · 8 months
Monthly Greejily Media (January 2024) - The First of Who Knows
God I hate Twitter. I mean I still use it way more than any other social media, but I'm so tired of it man. From all the recent mistakes, to how posts get popular, to how it and TikTok's business decisions have infected the entire tech industry at large. All that and more is good enough reason to move my media threads away from that platform, but truth be told I'm only so moved by these things in that regard. Nah, more than anything, the format for media threads on that site just got tiring for me. Feeling the need to fit in everything into a single tweet, the want to put every single media I've consumed in one place even if I'm not particularly moved or interested in the updating process. So, I thought this'd be much nicer. Having a little section on my Tumblr dedicated to the stuff that's interested me the most, on a monthly basis. A lot more appealing! And that way I can talk about whatever I want for as long as I want. Fantastic. This probably won't stop my full reviews (there are still a few I want to write, but writer's block is getting to me right now), but this is definitely a more flexible format for me at least for now. Let's start shall we?
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I might as well start with video games, as it's the thing I tend to talk about most on this blog, but truth be told I haven't actually beaten a single game this year yet. There's one game I'm currently working on beating, but because I'll be taking a more casual approach to that one (as well as gaming in general this year I imagine), I'm not comfortable talking about that one yet. Two games I'll talk about for now though, and will definitely probably come up again I will discuss though, one of those being Picross 3D.
I've never been invested in Picross but I've always found it a good time. I love all kinds of old puzzle solvers and Picross/nonograms in general have been a great, shockingly modern version of that that fit amazingly for video games. Picross 3D has felt like the perfect culmination of what Picross has achieved for years, and seeing the praise for it I knew this would be a great step for me getting into more of Picross in general, and I was right.
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There's not much I can really add here, I feel no need to explain what Picross is and not much to add to it's actual gameflow other than its so addicting and there's so much of it here. I'm approaching halfway through right now and this game has nearly 400 puzzles. Each puzzle is like a trance, they all have logical and sensical solutions, and the satisfaction of finding a discrepancy, deleting/saving blocks as needed, and realizing you've just opened a whole new set of options for yourself feels amazing.
I only have two issues with it as of right now, one of them being because this game was made with a DS in mind, and because there are no zoom-in options for the game, trying to get the correct block to delete can often feel very finicky. The other issue being, well I can't play too much of it! I start seeing Picross when I close my eyes and it comes up with unsolvable puzzles! I'll talk about my future adventures with Picross no doubt in the future though, so get ready.
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Another game I've been into, and you should expect to see again in these posts, is Burnout 3: Takedown. Again, probably not gonna say much on this for now, but I already have over one hundred gold medals for the courses in this game. This game has such good variety, despite having a fairly limited number of tracks it makes real good use of it, and it's technical ability for a PS2 game can only been the work of gods. Also it feels amazing to play holy shit. I get why there's never been a new one of these, but the worlds been worse without it.
One thing I will say though, don't be surprised if I write a full review on this game where I inevitably tear the latter Gran Prix to shreds, cuz holy shit the last one I did was so fucking hard. The game has great feel, design and good tells for a PS2 game, but it's still a PS2 game. You can be a god at this game and still get fucked over. But the fact that the game is so tantilizing and the amount of fuckups that can happen with you having a smile on your face... yeah I'll have to make a full review on this game when I 100% it, watch this space.
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All right, next up films and television!!!
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This is the section I was really excited for. I haven't talked about film at all on this blog, and I wanna make up for it. There's still a TON of films I watched last year that I want to talk about, so don't be surprised if I start making tangent posts about those at some point. More than anything, I want this year to be my film and book year, so expect it to take over all these upcoming posts from now on.
To start with, the show I finally finished, Gundam 00! This was the Gundam series I always wanted to watch even before I knew what the UC was, and now being a huge Gundam fan it's made watching the full series an... interesting reflection. I did post my opinions on the first season after finishing it last year, and I'll stick by those. Despite its problem with plotlines and characters, this show is a great response and reflection of what led to the Iraq war, as well as the war on terrorism in general. Season 1 also ended extremely strong, so Season 2 had a lot to live up to. A lot that I knew, based on a general sense and public opinion that it wouldn't. It ended up with me dropping the show for a few months until I eventually picked it back up after watching Wing rightfully thinking "it can't be any worse".
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Thankfully it wasn't! The show picked up a fair bit after the second half, and included a lot of interesting arcs and stories (mainly, the stuff regarding the ALAWS) to consistently keep the show fairly solid. However, there was still a ton of problems. Plots were even messier here than they were during the first season, a huge portion of motivations just got cut in half, the characters are even less likeable here (aside from the worst ones, which are nicer now by comparison), and the main issue of the villains being a LOT less compelling here than they were in season 1, to the point of both detriment of the show and making it feel a lot more standard-Gundam faire, compared to S1's striking originality. However, there's still a lot to like! Again, a lot of the plotlines I liked such as the ALAWS and everything with Marina, the Gundam designs and effects are still solid, animation is nice (even if at points I'd prefer more clearer and concise boarding and battles), and it still carries over a lot of the themes that made Gundam 00 so solid to begin with. So despite it's weakness I'd still say that season 2 is worth the watch, if anything else for more of Setsuna and Graham.
Oh yeah and I uh, watched the movie as well.
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OK, slight spoilers ahead, but I'm just gonna get through this very quickly here. This film is dumb. All of the political intrigue of the show is basically gone to make a James Cameron-inspired dumb anime blockbuster. The main villains are a cross between Xenomorphs and Terminators. It's got quip dialogue. There is a scene where they somehow make the comical approach to Allelujah's mental illnesses even more comical by giving him this Hulk-style action switch sequence. The film largely focuses on characters that get no payoff, with Setsuna being the only strong focus throughout. It's dumb. It's shallow. It's a mess. It's also kind of fun??? I can't say it looks visually much better than the show, but what it does have is a fairly simple but strong premise that fits the world fairly well. And whenever something cool happens it manages to make it REALLY cool. So that's always nice. Somehow, still a very satisfying conclusion to the series despite everything that it is, and probably up there somewhere in the middle of the Gundam films I've seen so far.
That was the first of the three films I saw this month, with the other two being not quite as schlocky. In fact, on the complete opposite of the "war is bad" scale, we have the 1957 Soviet film "The Cranes are Flying".
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While a much-beloved classic by prestigious classic by many, I knew essentially nothing about this film an hour before I decided to start watching it. When I started watching the film, I was fairly disappointed in how, premise-wise, this film doesn't really have much different from what I wasn't already used to from a variety of war history, poetry, and sad mid-2000s webcomics. As stunning as this film could be with its technical prowess for the 50s, I was worried that this film wouldn't really do much for me. That was until I reached about the halfway point.
The small little trick this film plays with you (that's not really much of a trick, mind you), is extremely potent and gives this film relevancy to this day. Not being just a film about war-torn lovers, this film focuses well and truly on it's main character, Veronika, and all of her strifes and problems that arise either as caused by the war, or by her family. This film goes in to a lot of issues of women's suffrage and plight that you would not expect a film from this era to discuss, and does it with great decorum and respect (although, this came out the same year as Nights of Cabiria, which, wow, what a year for feminist film). There are some scenes in this film that are filled with harrowing emotion that I can definitely see why it's considered such an underground classic, at least as far as the west is concerned.
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I think because of the general content of the film there's only so much I can enjoy though, if that makes sense? But that's just an issue for me and old movies in general, nothing against the film itself. I would still absolutely recommend this film to anyone who is interested, as relevant and ever-present now as it ever was. Man, I hate war. And warlord fascists.
Any way, final film that I watched this month, and this one's one for the BOYS!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Uh, spoilers for this one too, by the way.
One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest is a weird one for me to talk about, because if it wasn't for the (admittedly few) caveats that I have with this film I could easily see it being one of my all-time favourites. Had I watched it a few years back it probably would be! The acting is fantastic, portraying each character and their differences wonderfully. The characters themselves are all extremely likeable and each has their own interesting quirks and interests that keep them apart despite the amount that there are onscreen. The technical ability in this film's phenomenal, loads of wonderful shots here, and the way the more compact scenes here move in-and-out of focus is absolutely wonderful. Pace, soundtrack, general story and motivations, all solid stuff.
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But... at the same time... I mean, it's not that big of a deal, but like... I was only half-kidding when I called this film a "boys movie" earlier. Not that it's an innate issue! But let's say, I wanted to make a really dumb and unfavourable view on the film, you could definitely theoretically make a Letterboxd review complaining how this film is a contrived story about an evil matriarch trying to destroy "the boys" fun at all opportunities, the evil bitch! This, in and of itself I don't think would be a real issue for me with this films plot alone, but the film constructs itself with this plausible deniability aspect to it, the possibility that these men are just here to chill or self-improve! It puts some of the films accolades and themes and misunderstandings (mostly from guys) into a different context.
This, along with some other issues I have including a couple of character arcs like the Chief, and general ambivalence to certain topics as a whole, apparently don't exist in the book (from what I've been told). It's definitely something I want to read at some point! HOWEVER, all that being said, I don't hold much of this too much against the film, mostly because one, the story is still pretty damn good, and two, god there aren't many other movies out there that treat those with problems and mental illnesses with the humanity and respect quite like this film does. The way the film manages to make sure that each character deserves their own urgency and respect, and makes sure to put blame and point at the terrible ablest structures that demonise and trap them...
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I think the best example of this in the film is during the beginning of the film, where the first group therapy meeting is held. The scene manages to perfectly represent the circle the main cast surrounds themselves in, where the previous good mood and vibes of the previous 10 minutes starts dimming. When Mrs. Fletcher asks Mr. Harding about his wife, with the set implication that she was being unfaithful. Harding tries to avoid the question, particularly when the topic of abuse comes up, leading to deflection, however, as the conversation goes on, the emotion from great late actor William Redfield becomes more and more potent. It starts to become more clear that even if he is deflecting, he is truly looking for redemption and self-improvement, and, truth be told, the fact of him being abusive, or even her cheating both start becoming irrelevant (the film never states if they were or not). This is lost on the other patients though, who see this session as just another time of him yapping about his wife, strictly against Harding's wishes. This turns into a shouting match, all the while Mrs. Fletcher and the other doctors do nothing but watch. Despite how this has clearly happened before, despite the fact that it's strictly not working, they let it continue not necessarily because they personally believe it helps, but because they believe it's best to follow the systems and rules set in place by the hospital, even if it only hurts and victimizes the patients who are there just to get help.
So yeah I like this film a lot, I think it's fantastic. I know I kinda went on about it for a bit for a film that's been talked about to death, but whatever. Definitely would recommend, good film good film.
And laaaastt uppp uuhhhh albums I guess? Truth is, I'm gonna have a similar issue with this section that I did last time where I'm not gonna know what to write that much, so I came up with a solution. Most of the reason I did what I did last year on Twitter with my relistens was to make up for lastfm mostly being irrelevant for me now. So, I decided instead I'd make my own lastfm 5x5 charts based on what I listened to that month, either being new albums or relistens. So, here it is:
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There'll be times where I probably go on tangents here. For example I FINALLY got around to hearing Quaranta and I of course ended up really liking it. Same with Genesis' Trespass, Far East Suite, and that Funkadelic album. And there's still issues with this format like I might have to differentiate what was new for me and what was a relisten. But I imagine the format will end up changing a lot as the months go on and it might not even be the same next month so, we'll what I do next I suppose, if I scrap this idea don't be surprised, it's probably cuz I didn't listen to that month or something I dunno.
Anyway, that's the update done! God knows if when I do this next month it'll be even remotely as close to as long as this one was. There might be months when I decide to dedicate an entire section to one single piece of art I enjoyed. Maybe there won't be one some months and I just try to put out a review or something instead, or I just choose to shitpost a whole month cuz I REALLY have nothing to say. We'll see. I imagine this'll be a fun format to experiment with, either way. Thanks for reading!
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daisywords · 2 years
Can I dump my anxieties on you for a second? I've signed with a moderately large publishing company but in my contract I'm obliged to market myself on TikTok :( I have no problem being on camera, that's not the problem, it's how much this will hurt my soul. Do you have any advice on how to keep true to myself and my book? I swear every "TikTok Author" relies on tropes and 'spice' but I want to make content that is less surface level.
okay well first of all of congrats!
second of all: I think it's totally understandable and valid to have these kind of anxieties. Writing and marketing are two very separate skills, and it's rare that both are appealing to one person. The disconnect between writing the stories I want to tell and catering to market trends is something that I worry about too.
I'm definitely not the most qualified person to talk about this because I'm nowhere near close to publishing my own writing. (And though I have been involved in "the other side" of the publishing industry, it wasn't as much of the marketing stuff.)
That said, here's my two cents: I think there are certain styles that are best practice for the format and culture of TikTok, but that doesn't mean that the actual content or message has to be the same as what everyone else is doing. I'm not on TikTok so I'm definitely not an expert at what the kids are getting up to on booktok these days.
on the one hand, you're probably going to have to be more surface level than is ideal for you, just because you only have the time/attention limit for something shorter and snappier. But that doesn't mean you have to try and shoehorn your book blurb into tropes that don't quite fit just because they're the popular ones.
You're not going to be able to express the entirety of what you love about your book all at once. But you could probably break down various elements of your book that you love and talk about those individually.
If you're tired of the same old stuff all the time, chances are other people are too—not diving into every popular trend won't get you as big of an audience, but it might help you find the narrower but more ideal audience. In book sales/advertising, 10 people seeing your ad/tiktok/blurb and 5 of them buying the book is better than 100 people seeing your ad/tiktok/blurb and only 1 of them buying the book. Your job when it comes to marketing isn't to get the widest audience possible, it's to connect with the audience that's going to love your book.
That said, there's no magical way to target only those people, so to get views, you're probably going to have to do it in a way that's not your favorite ever. But I don't think that marketing your book as 'spicy' if that's not the real draw is going to do anyone any favors. If readers come for something other than what the book really is, they're going to be disappointed.
So I guess I would say—what do you love about your book? What makes you excited about it? Highlight those things! Be passionate about it, because you are passionate about it! And then maybe yeah, mix that with some trendier things to get the word out there. And you probably won't love it, and it probably won't be your favorite part of this whole author thing, but that's okay.
Just remember your target audience are people who like the kind of story you like to tell. They're people who get excited about what you get excited about. So imagine yourself talking to them.
Obviously take all of this with a grain of salt, since I don't really know what I'm talking about. But I am wishing you much success with your book. And also I'm so proud of you. And the fact that you've come this far is already amazing. And the fact that your book is true to yourself probably means that it will be lasting and impactful to your readers in a way that the "super marketable" ones won't.
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goodwoodpod · 2 years
this might be too late to still be included but i still wanted to offer my opinion about your questions on change in how fandom is done! sorry this ended up so long 🥴
a lot of how people approach fandom in general (& criticise/talk about how fandom is performed today) depends on how they first engaged with it.
i'm gen z, so my first "real" fandom activity was firmly on centralised fanfic sites (like The german fanfic archive, wattpad and ao3) and then on social media like twitter and recently tiktok. i think this is quite similar to how most younger folks today got into fandom.
in my experience, this way of doing fandom makes for a more passive (more consumerist than productive) fandom experience, especially in massive fandoms like HP or popular bands. it ends to be very public and open; you might even interact with official twitter accounts, maybe comment on twitch streams, etc. often, fans attach their face or at least name to their fandom activity and there is virtually no barrier of entry to the content (opposite e.g. to password-protected vintage forum fan communities)
but: my actual first experience with fandom or the core activity of fandom - expanding on existing universes - was roleplay forums in the early/mid-2010s. it wasn't (always) building on a "classic" fandom but operated in a shared universe where you HAD to create new content yourself in order for the format to work (basically LARPing but online!)
this format of forums feels very "old school fandom" (i.e. pretty private & built on personal connections to anonymous users you came to know). i think it might also be why i do fandom more actively (and am also more conscious of privacy) than many others in my age group.
at the same time, it feels like discord groups are bringing back the closed universe-feeling of old-school fandom - but in a slightly different way i can't quite articulate? in my experience, they have less emphasis on anonymity and absolutely no regard to any kind of archive function, but at least establish the boundary between fandom in- vs non-fandom out-group (including creators/objects of fandom) again.
i'm super interested in what you all have to say about this topic!
I am full-on "how do you do fellow kids"-ing you with this response, because as someone on the cusp of the generational divide I feel like I really straddle the millennial-gen z cusp, even for fandom (being that I missed the livejournal heydays and was around for infamous 2014 tumblr), but oh my god does hearing about kids getting into fandom via tiktok make me feel OLD ahahahaha.
it blows my mind, and I also find it interesting in light of debates happening on tiktok about fandom cringiness (mostly around cosplayers and the stranger things fandom, from what I've seen). for those out of the loop: the collision between fandom-goers and non-fandom-goers is continuing, in that people who don't "get" fandom are deeming those in fandom (in this case, con-goers who are REALLY into the tv show stranger things) "cringe," and it's resulting in some interesting conversations about which people get exposed to fandom and which don't.
back to your ask: the roleplaying is so interesting! I also did roleplaying (on facebook, oh how times have changed) waaaaaay back in the day. I totally feel like you're right in saying you starting with rp might've encouraged you to be more open and active!
I wholly agree that discord has abolished senses of privacy... which has some upsides, and (in my opinion) a lot of downsides. I'm of two minds on these things, because while I'm an optimist at heart, and I love making connections, I've also seen that go awry a time or two. I feel like I knew how to navigate the "old" internet really well (tell no one your name, or what country you're from, and BY GOD tell no one how old you are," but the new internet, with its radical openness (name, age, pronouns, location in bio with tons of identifying features ready for consumption), sometimes still makes me wary!
but then I'm like, oh, well, I want to connect with people... and you connect by being open with them... and it very much feels like I want to have my cake and eat it too re: what to put online. it's a weird place to navigate! all I know is that I'm grateful I'm navigating it right now as an adult, as opposed to a kid. I really feel for the young gen z'ers and gen alphas who are truly growing up in this environment. it's a convoluted one!
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