#How to control LPG Gas Cylinder fire
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mastereye-1 · 1 month ago
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sageglobalresponse · 2 years ago
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It’s cheaper to Run generators with coking gas than petrol, says Obin
Philip Obin is the Managing Director of Potech Limited, an ICT and marketing firm which also promotes Club 080, an empowerment programme that aims to empower Nigerian youths. Obin spoke with TOBI AWODIPE about hybrid carburetor, a modern technology that allows the running of generators with cooking gas, and its advantages
What is the hybrid carburetor about and how does it work?
The hybrid carburetor is just like any carburetor in a generator with the difference being that this type of carburetor allows you to run your generator with either cooking gas or petrol, whichever is available to you. It is easy to install and converts your existing petrol generator to also run on domestic gas (LPG or CNG).
Cooking gas has recently become scarce in the country with prices witnessing a staggering 40 per cent increase. How do you intend to cope seeing that it is the power behind this whole concept?
No matter how high the price climbs, 12.5kg cannot be sold for more than N4,000. The recent increment in gas price is not unconnected to the recent increment in petrol price. Whenever petrol price increases, all other crude oil products follow suit. So, it is normal as petrol usually controls the pricing of its other by products in Nigeria.
But beyond price, gas is cleaner, safer, always available and ‘greener’. We are talking about global warming and how to reduce carbon emissions and this is a sure way of achieving that. Using gas, the carbon emission is almost zero and there is no physical smoke when it is in use. Gas is far safer than using petrol. Even with the increase in price, it is still more economical than using petrol. Can you use N3,000 or N4,000 petrol for 10 days, at five hours daily? We all know this is not possible.
Most Nigerians are thinking of how to cut costs, especially in the area of buying fuel seeing that the economy is in recession. How affordable is using gas in the long run?
The average Nigerian doesn’t make long term plans; we always like the cheap, quick alternative to solving issues. Admittedly, the price of the carburetor is on the high side, judging with today’s economy. The carburetor goes for N25, 000 and N35, 000 respectively, depending on the KVA, and you would also need a gas cylinder, regulator hose and clips if you don’t have them, but these are all one off costs. This hybrid carburetor is an alternative for people that cannot afford to spend millions on inverters and solar systems. My aim is to make life easier for Nigerians that may not have the resources for the afore-mentioned but still want electricity at an affordable cost.
The best part is that the carburetor has a six-year life span if you use gas alone with the generator. The hybrid carburetor allows the use of both gas and petrol so if one runs out of gas and is unable to get immediately, one can still make use of petrol with it, though I would advise you try as much as possible to avoid petrol so that the carburetor and the generator last longer. However, this device is not compatible with I Better Pass My Neighbor (smallest Tiger generators) and generators with capacities above 10KVA.
How safe is it considering gas is very flammable?
It is very safe. If for instance, the hose breaks and the gas is leaking and there is fire nearby, fire would burn from the hose but there would be no explosion. What causes fire explosion is when a cylinder is leaking in an enclosed place like a kitchen, the gas fills up the room easily and when there is ignition, it explodes. But because the cylinder and the generator are outside, it would be harder for it to explode because there is enough ventilation to disperse the leaking gas. I have been running my generator with gas since August last year and sold over 10, 000 units and nobody has ever come to report any explosion or fire incident to me.
How long does it last?
A 12.5kg cylinder on a 2.5KVA generator would guarantee you 40-50 hours of electricity, depending on the load on the generator. Now, if you want to calculate it by price, that is about N60 per hour, or 10 days if you run it for five hours daily, four days if you run it 10 hours a day. At the end of the day, it is far cheaper than petrol and it does not experience scarcity like petrol.
When you buy the carburetor, anyone can fix it for you. To borrow a tech word, it is simply ‘plug and play’. Simply remove your old carburetor and replace it with this one in the same space and connect it to the cylinder. You do not need to call a generator electrician to do it for you but if you would feel more comfortable having it fixed professionally, that is not a problem either.
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fastengineering · 3 years ago
Petroleum is a highly flammable liquid that releases vapour which can easily catch fire and hence is considered as a really dangerous substance.If these kinds of substances are not handled properly, they has the potential to cause a serious fire and/or explosion if there is a source of ignition nearby such as a naked flame, an electrical spark,etc.
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Workers in the oil, gas and petroleum industries face the risk of fire and explosion in their normal cause of actions due to ignition of flammable vapours or gases. There can be various Ignition sources such as static, electrical energy sources, open flames, lightning, cigarettes, cutting and welding tools, hot surfaces, and frictional heat.
Fast Engineers & Fabricators helps by providing various services such as Peso Licence Consultant, Petroleum Storage, Fastengineers and  Fabricators service, and also helps in adhering the rules and requirement as below mentioned:
The law of  Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014 (PCR) has been made applicable for the proper storage of Petroleum keeping in mind all the safety measures.
PCR 2014 involves regulation regarding:
Workplaces that store petrol where petrol is dispensed directly into the tank of a vehicle with an internal combustion engine, ie retail and non retail petrol filling stations;
non-workplace premises storing petrol, for example at private homes, or at clubs/associations (or similar)
Petroleum Enforcement Authorities (PEAs), formerly Petroleum Licensing Authorities (PLAs) are responsible for enforcing the Petroleum (Consolidation) Regulations 2014. They also continue to enforce DSEAR at workplaces covered by PCR. This means that there is no change to the current enforcing arrangements.
The safe storage and use of petrol in workplaces is also covered by the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres Regulations 2002 (DSEAR).
What are the general requirements?
There are some points that needs to be followed while storing dangerous substances like petroleum:
LPG  plant should be designed as per appropriate standards and should be properly installed and commissioned by competent persons
Plant must be identifiable and  maintenance of it should be done on continuous basis
The location of the petroleum , oil and gases industries should be adequate wherein vessels or cylinders are suitably positioned having regard to the relevant codes of practice
Plant must be fitted with adequate safety and proper monitoring and controlling devices should be operated by competent persons
Timely maintenance and audit should be done and the records of maintenance and tests must be kept in proper custody.
Occupiers must notify suppliers of any structural or other changes which might affect the installation process
Proper precautions must be taken to prevent fire and explosion including appropriate protection of storage vessels
How Fast Engineers & Fabricators are helpful for you?
We help you by assisting you in obtaining Explosive licence / NOC for manufacturing, storage or transportation of explosives, petroleum products or compressed gases. Fast Engineers & Fabricators is a well known service provider of the above mentioned services. To avail this service - Visit Fast Engineers & Fabricators
For more information about:Peso License Consultant Please visit at https://fastengineers.in/
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integratedgastechnologies · 4 years ago
Step by step instructions to Use LPG Gas Regulators
All the time individuals are found napping when there is no gas left in the chamber. This can be very intense, especially when you are in need of money. In any case, with LPG gas controllers you can be more ready since it will disclose to you when you are going to run running on empty. This will empower you to realize how much gas is left in the chamber with the goal that you are in a situation to supplant the chamber when the need emerges. LPG represents melted gas regulator and is basically a mix of butane and propane, a profoundly ignitable blend. This gas is regularly put away in steel chambers since it dissipates when presented to room temperature.
Interesting points
There are many things that you ought to consider when utilizing a gas chamber controller. This is on the grounds that LPG contains butane and propane, the two of which are exceptionally inflammable and furthermore very risky. Henceforth it is vital that you realize how to utilize these controllers so superfluous dangers can be kept away from. When managing gas bottle controllers, check the elastic tubing cautiously for any indications of breaks or openings with the goal that you can supplant it as and when required. Continuously perfect the controller with a wet fabric and ensure that it is kept a long way from inflammable things.
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Check the controllers for pressure every now and then. On the off chance that you smell gas be mindful and try not to light a matchstick to decide if there is a spillage or not. All things being equal, ensure that all entryways and windows are available to permit outside air to come in. In like manner, try not to work any electrical machines or switches in the event of a gas spill as it flash a fire without any problem. Subsequent to playing it safe, call your gas organization with the goal that an accomplished individual can deal with the hole.
Substitution of Cylinder
At the point when you are supplanting your old chamber and interfacing with another one, press the LPG gas controller down till you hear a tick sound. This demonstrates that your chamber is prepared for use. Similarly, when detaching gas bottle controllers, ensure that the chamber is totally unfilled of gas and afterward switch off the controller handle. When utilizing LPG gas controllers, one can't resist the urge to accentuate the significance of wellbeing. Ensure that your chamber is far away from electrical apparatuses. Simultaneously abstain from making any fixes yourself. At long last, ensure that you purchase gas chamber controllers from approved sellers just so you make certain of its quality and genuineness.
For More Details, Visit Us:
LPG GAS Regulator
lpg gas safety device
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svsembedded · 4 years ago
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 1. LPG gas leak detector alarm By MQ-6, 2. Gas Leakage Detection Alarm by KitsGuru.com | LGKT012, 3. B.Tech Mini-Projects Gas Lekage alarm, 4. Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino and GSM Module with SMS Alert, 5. CNG/LPG Gas Leakage Detection And Accident Prevention System, 6. gas leak detector circuit in hindi, 7. LPG Gas Leakage Alarm Using MQ6 Sensor, 8. Gas Detecting Alarm system with Arduino, 9. Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino UNO and GSM Module with SMS Alert || Ltit Collage, 10. Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino, 11. Gas Leakage Detector with SMS Alert Using GSM Module & Arduino, 12. Arduino Based LPG GAS Monitoring & Automatic Cylinder booking with Alert System Using IoT, 13. IOT Based Gas Leakage Detection System | ESP8266 (NodeMcu) with Gmail, 14. Arduino Gas leakage detection and sms alert using Gsm sim900A and smoke Gas sensor MQ2 Sensor Module, 15. Gas Leakage Phone Call | inspired award project, 16. Arduino Based LPG Gas Detector, 17. How to make L.P.G gas leakage alarm without arduino (LPG gas sensor), 18. LPG, CNG, Cooking Gas Leak Detection Alarm Gadget, 19. LPG Gas Leakage Security Alarm System, 20. IOT Based LPG|CNG Leakage Detection Alert Using Arduino ESP8266 Thingspeak Pushbullet on Android, 21. IOT Based LPG GAS Booking & Sensor Alert System [ SMS / E - MAIL ], 22. LPG LEAKAGE DETECTOR ALARM, 23. LPG leakage detection and controlling using IOT module, 24. Gas leakage detection and Automatic Valve shut down using Arduino ,Solenoid Valve, Gas Sensor MQ-2, 25. LPG Gas Leak Detector Alarm for Fire Safety, 26. Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino and GSM Module with SMS Alert, 27. How to Make LPG Gas Leakage Safety Alarm | MQ135 LPG / Smoke Detector, 28. how to LPG gas leakage detector connection | LPG safety system working in Hindi Electric Guru, 29. Fire & Gas Leakage Detector using Arduino, 30. Wireless detection of LPG and Fire sensors in Industrial applications, 31. Gas leakage detector using Arduino- LPG Gas Alarm, 32. LPG gas detector with alarm : FORBIX SEMICON, 33. LPG GAS LEAKAGE DETECTOR PROJECT WITH DETAILS, 34. Gas Leakage Detector with Email Alert Notification using ESP32, 35. Fire Alarm Security System, 36. Gas Alert System with IoT and Telegram App Using ESP32, 37. Gas Leakage Alarm [DIY] LPG Detector, 38. SMS based LPG gas leakage detection system, 39. GSM based Gas leakage detection system using Arduino, 40. LPG, PNG & CNG Leak Detection | Hotels| Commercial Kitchens| Ambetronics | PESO Certified, 41. LPG GAS LEAKAGE ALARM SYSTEM, 42. IOT Based LPG GAS Booking & Sensor Alert System [ SMS / E-MAIL ], 43. How to make LPG Gas Detector using Arduino Bluetooth and Blynk | Using MQ-02 Sensor, 44. LPG Gas Leak Detection with wireless alarm, 45. GSM Based Gas Leakage & Weight Alert,
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lpg-regulator-igt · 5 years ago
Regulator is used for gases and liquids and maybe a separate device in the body with an output pressure setting, range, and sensor, or consist of a separate pressure sensor, controller, and flow valve.
How does LPG regulator work?
The purpose of the regulator is to control high-pressure gas that exits the propane tank and lowers it to a safe level. ... This is done by the force of a spring against the diaphragm to exert pressure. This reverses the flow of high-pressure gas into the backpressure tank.
Are all gas regulators the same?
So, a regulator is required to reduce the pressure and ensure that it is delivered safely to your devices from a consistent 2.75kPa gas bottle. Although LPG regulators have the same purpose, different applications may require different types of regulators.
How often should gas regulators be changed?
Gas regulators must be replaced every 10 years, with visual signs of age usually noticeable. But there is always a date of manufacture stamped into the body of the regulator.
How do I know if my gas the regulator is bad?
Indications of potential problems with a propane gas regulator or device include lazy yellow or orange flames; A popping noise when turning the gas burner off or on; Floating flames above burner ports; Noisy noise from the burner; Flames on burner air intake; Flames out of the burner; And heavy deposits of soot.
Why do I need a gas regulator?
Propane Regulator. A propane gas regulator is one of the most important parts of a propane gas system. The purpose of the regulator is to control the flow of gas from the LP gas tank to the equipment (s) in the gas system and reduce the pressure.
Are Gas Regulators Bad?
Regulators, for safety reasons, gradually shut down over time as they "deteriorate." You probably won't notice that one day your grill is perfect and the next it doesn't light at all. The burner closest to the gas source will be several times better
What is the best gas regulator?
If you are, the IGT safe LPG gas regulator adapter is the best you can find today. This LPG gas regulator is marked and therefore, it provides maximum protection. The manufacturer claims that this LPG gas regulator is best suited for government gas cylinders.
What is a gas safety device?
LPG the gas safety device is an innovative mechanical product introduced for domestic LPG cylinders. ... thereby, this safety device helps protect the environment from the terrible disasters that can occur due to gas leaks.
How do you turn off the gas cylinder?
To turn off the gas cylinder, turn the round valve handwheel above the cylinder clockwise until it is only moved by hand (do not over-tight). Turning the valve handwheel anti-clockwise turns the gas back on.
How can we prevent LPG leakage at home?
Turn off the LPG regulator and put a safety cap on the cylinder. Do not turn any electrical switches or devices on / off. Open the doors and windows to ventilate your home. A fire from a gas explosion can be extinguished with carbon dioxide (CO2), dry chemical powder, or water spray.
Are LPG Cylinders Safe?
LPG cylinders are safe when used properly. You can reduce the risk by following these simple safety tips. When using LP Gas Cylinder: Always ensure adequate ventilation and never use indoors or in confined places.
How do you safely handle LPG?
How to store and handle LPG
·        Keep the LPG cylinder in a well-ventilated area. ...
·        Secure the cylinder in place. ...
·        Check it for damaged or incorrect parts before use. ...
·        Inspect safety on cooking or replacing the cylinder. ...
·        Always keep the LPG cylinder in good condition. ...
·        Never tamper with your cylinder.
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aeplglobe-blog · 5 years ago
All you need to understand about LPG Reticulation System
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The need for finding a cost-efficient method to address safety and convenience in gas supply led to the innovation of setting up the LPG reticulated system. Let’s get into the details of what exactly is a reticulated system and how are LPG reticulated system manufacturers in India helping consumers to safely use LPG in residential and commercial premises.
What is an LPG Reticulation System?
First of all, the reticulated gas system is popularly known as the piped gas system for the supply of gas. The conventional method of gas supply involved supplying gas cylinders to consumers through a network of gas supply agencies. The LPG reticulated system uses a piped network to directly supply gas to households and commercial complexes from a centralized gas bank. This sophisticated system is installed as per the stringent guidelines of the oil and gas industries.
How does an LPG Reticulation System work?
In a reticulation system, the gas pipelines connect each consumer’s kitchen with a centralized cylinder bank. The gas usage by each end-user is measured using a meter installed in the consumer’s space. In India, many housing societies and upcoming infrastructure projects are relying on reputed LPG reticulated system companies to set up a safe supply of gas. The technical experts of these companies visit the project site to study the feasibility of the project.
All the safety guidelines are taken into consideration for approval of the site for building a reticulation system. Once the site is approved, the proposal of the reticulation system is created which includes the design of the system, the compliance requirements, safety guidelines, maintenance guidelines, the costs, etc. Once the proposal is approved by the project owners, the system is setup.
In the LPG reticulation system, an active bank and a standby bank are set up. The gas is supplied from the active bank to the end-users through the pipeline network. When the level of the gas in the active bank indicates a refill, the supply source is temporarily shifted to the standby bank. The gas cylinders in the active bank are refilled and the gas supply source is shifted back to the active bank.
This way, the LPG reticulated system method of gas supply ensures that there is a continuous supply of gas to consumers without the hassles and safety concerns of the traditional gas cylinders.
Advantages of an LPG Reticulation System
Consumers pay only for the amount of gas they utilize as per the gas meter readings.
There is no need to place a gas cylinder inside the house which was earlier a huge safety concern.
Consumers do not have to allow delivery boys, who are strangers, into their house for gas cylinder supply.
Pressure in the LPG pipeline is monitored and controlled by technical experts to ensure a safe supply of gas.
The hassle of changing the gas cylinder when the gas supply gets over doesn’t exist as there is a limitless supply of gas through the piped network. Also, time and money are saved as consumers do not have dedicated time to call or visit a gas agency for a gas refill.
The LPG reticulated system eliminates the possibility of a fire hazard due to the incorrect installation of the gas cylinder.
For more information related to LPG reticulation, you can contact one of the leading LPG reticulated system manufacturers in India such as AEPL at 8097037727
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integrated11-blog · 5 years ago
5 Things You Should Do To Keep Your Gas Cylinder Safe
Gas chambers can have an interior weight of near 3000 psi. A mist concentrate sprayer utilized at home, has an inner weight of around 80 PSI, yet whenever penetrated can genuinely harm individuals remaining around it. You can just envision the measure of harm that a chamber can perpetrate if there should be an occurrence of a mishap. These mishaps generally occur because of helpless stockpiling of the chambers or utilization of wrong or failed valve. Great valves are planned by following the correct particulars. So as to guarantee security you have to get a valve with a decent controller get together.
How it functions
So as to comprehend the significance of getting a decent controller, you have to comprehend controller gathering. A hole is utilized to gauge the working weight of the gas. This is the weight that is experiencing the funnel. It is significant that the perfect measure of weight is conveyed to the burners so as to guarantee the gas is consuming appropriately. The reason for the hole is to guarantee gas is consuming as it ought to by controlling the weight originating from the funnels to the chambers. It is additionally used to guarantee wellbeing.
Right Specifications
The controller get together and controller in general should be structured with the correct particulars as indicated by the compacted gas affiliation. Propane needs to have a decent controller since it is truly combustible. A propane valve can’t be utilized bury variably with a gaseous petrol valve, this could be risky. The two gases chip away at altogether different working weights. The valve in a controller is intended to control the volume of gas that gets onto the burner.
Keeping it Secure
There are various things you ought to do to forestall harming the chamber and causing mishaps. Something is to guarantee the gas set in a protected region. The territory ought to preferably be far away from warmth and fire sources as could reasonably be expected. Guarantee the room is very much ventilated with the goal that the gas doesn’t collect around it in the event of a spillage. The chamber ought to stay upstanding. You may need to put it on a base or set it in an aside that will guarantee it doesn’t spill.
To guarantee security set aside you effort to inspect the controller get together particularly on the off chance that you use it a ton. Customary investigation can help recognize spillages and forestall fires. Continuously purchase burners and their parts from legitimate stores and brands to evade dissatisfactions.
For more information:-
lpg regulator
gas regulator
propane regulator
bbq regulator
lpg gas safety device
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shannrussell-blog1 · 6 years ago
The Ultimate Gas Bottle Safety Checklist
Everyone loves a good bbq, but not everyone knows how to stay safe with gas bottles. In this blog, we’ve outlined some great guidelines to keep you, your family, and friends safe when using gas bottles and cylinders.
There are obvious dangers when working with gas and fire, especially when considering the high-pressure nature of stored gas. But even when not in use, gas cylinders can be dangerous and it is important to know the DOs and DON’Ts to maintain the integrity of your gas bottle.
Filling your gas bottle
Before you fill up your gas bottle, it is important to note what kind of gas you will need.
If you are using the gas bottle for cooking purposes NEVER use automotive LPG.
You should only fill your bottle to 80% of its capacity.This is to ensure that there is plenty of room for expansion in case the cylinder experiences an increase in temperature.
Check to see what the empty weight is by reading the stamped on the cylinder. Then you can estimate the amount of gas left by its weight.
Some cylinders have a contents gauge fitted.
There has recently been a surge in the availability of ‘swap and go’ type gas bottles and they are commonly available at service stations and hardware stores.
When transporting your gas cylinder inside your vehicle, ensure that it is firmly secured in an upright position.
Put them in the boot if possible, and do not carry more than two bottles in the car at any one time.
Remove the bottles from the car as soon as is practical. In other words, DON’T leave the bottles in the vehicle unnecessarily.
If you are transporting bottles in a ute, a good way to keep the cylinder upright is by placing it in an old milk crate before fastening it down.
Attaching your bottle to the BBQ
The most important thing to remember is to never attach your gas cylinder to your BBQ in the vicinity of a naked flame.
BBQ types vary so it would be wise to check with the supplier or your local BBQ store whether you need a regulator on your gas cylinder. A regulator is a cheap attachment that serves as an interface between your gas cylinder and your BBQ, ensuring that the gas flow is appropriate for the type of BBQ.
Finger tighten any bolts and associated coupling before fully tightening with a shifter. Remember that most gas bottle threads are ‘reverse thread’. In other words, they tighten and loosen the opposite way to normal nuts and bolts (so “righty tighty, lefty loosey” becomes “righty loosey, lefty tighty”).
When it is all connected, turn the valve on slowly and listen for any unusual hissing.
If you can hear or smell anything turn the valve off and start the process again.
If this continues to happen, consult your local expert, you may be using slightly mismatching hoses/connectors for what your BBQ requires.
Always store your gas bottle in a shady and well-ventilated position, and away from ignition sources.
Never store a gas bottle indoors.
Ensure to turn the valve off when not in use. A good habit to get into is to turn your gas cylinder valve off first when you have finished cooking. This ensures that any gas remaining in the line is burnt, and you will hear the flame go out, then simply turn your BBQ controls to the off position ready for next time.
Gas bottle maintenance
It is a requirement to have your gas cylinder tested and re-stamped at least once every ten years.If you think you have a leak, NEVER use a naked flame to detect it.The safest way to check for a leak is to spray the area with soapy water and watch for bubbles.If in doubt, have your gas bottle checked by a professional.
Ensure to check hoses for leaks too, they tend to perish if left in the sun, and should generally be replaced every five years. If you have a dented or corroded cylinder it must be checked by a professional prior to being refilled.
To find your local gas cylinder professional check the yellow pages, an inspection includes valve replacement and generally costs around $30.
So, to sum up:
Gas Cylinder Do’s and Don’ts
Store gas bottles upright in a shady, well-ventilated area, away from naked flames and ignition sources.
When transporting gas bottles ensure they are well secured in an upright position.
Don’t leave gas bottles in vehicles unnecessarily.
Never use a gas bottle indoors
Get your bottle checked once every 5-10 years, including hoses.
BBQ Do’s and Don’ts
Always BBQ outside in a well-ventilated area as the fumes can be toxic.
Make sure there is plenty of clearance around your BBQ and avoid any long grasses or shrubs that could become a fire hazard.
Exercise caution when BBQing in windy conditions; be aware that if the wind blows the flames out, gas will still be coming out. This can build up and possibly lead to an explosive ignition or fire.
I hope these tips I’ve outlined on gas bottle safety will help you enjoy many BBQs to come!
Check out our range of BBQ gear and Hot Plates and Grills for your next bbq and for further information on gas bottle safety, give us a call on 1300 914 007 or drop us an email at [email protected]
The post The Ultimate Gas Bottle Safety Checklist appeared first on Snowys Blog.
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illuminatedthought · 7 years ago
List Of Top And Best Gas Geyser In India Along With Price And Key Features
Gas geysers are used for the cause over heating lotos by way of building utilizes on thinned petroleum gas (LPG). Gas geysers furnish immediate heating then non-stop drift of hectic water. In addition, most over the fuel geysers enable thou in accordance with government stage so nicely as the dimension concerning heating. A gasoline geyser requires less than one bell in accordance with warmness over 50-gallon tank. In addition, fuel geysers may stand a strong solution postulate you live into an location including confined sunlight. Here we have sorted out the best gas geyser in India along along key features. The verb then the science behind gasoline lotus heater are entirely simple. Initially, the gas burner is ignited by erection use about in-built batteries or the blow heats on the fins. Water passes thru the warmness exchanger so is covered by using fins. The wall about the heat exchanger lets in the lotos after take in so plenty of warmth so that passes by. Some on the gasoline geysers routinely ignite the gasoline burner then such detects water waft then heats cloud between the warmness exchanger.
Types of Gas Geyser :
There are several sorts on excellent gas geyser In India so are on hand within the market. The altogether primary sort of gasoline geysers is stated below. Instant geyser Instant geysers are additionally referred to as tankless geysers or are a consummate solution because of these who operate not hold a lotos tank. This kind over geyser avoids wasting hot lotos so properly as like heating on of extra water. In addition, that type concerning gasoline geyser desires after lie manually switched about or off. Continuous go with the flow gas lotus heater Continuous drift gasoline cloud heater heats over lotos consistently as long so lotos continues flowing. These sorts regarding heaters are appropriate because of a family. In addition, non-stop flow gas water heater is succinct or take place in exceptional capacities. These kinds of heaters bear far off fire controllers so much allow thou in accordance with engage warm lotus temperatures. Here we hold listed out the superior fuel geyser within India alongside with key features. Gas storage water heaters Gas storage cloud heaters warmness over the cloud or also retains the keyed cloud that is ready in conformity with utilizes between an insulated cylinder. In addition, that kind regarding geysers offers the total saved sum yet capabilities deep retailers at once. This type on geysers operates at mains pressure yet do reheat 200 liters regarding cloud into an hour. Storage geysers Storage geysers are suitable the place an extensive content over water is needed certain as a bath within a bathtub. In addition, these geysers are easy in construction, operation or altogether handy according to repair. So test out the best gas geyser in India along with pros or cons as are listed below.
How after select a good Gas Geyser :
Digital Display Go because of gas geysers up to expectation bear a digital display. Having a digital display on the geyser approves thou in imitation of be aware of the fire at who the cloud is animal agitated so well namely sordid factors. So it is over in accordance with thou in conformity with pick out the beneficial gas geyser into India namely through thy requirements. Efficiency Make absolute to that amount the geyser ye are buying shops hot water for the long total of day now the heated lotos is unused. Some regarding the gasoline geysers are ineffective fit to break on warmth beyond the walls regarding the storage tank. You can purchase gasoline geyser on-line at measly charge between India beside a range of stores. Performance Gas geysers hold the potential after warmth 50 gallons concerning lotus in simply one hour. In addition, the period taken by the geyser to heat the pool on water afterward makes use of is faster. fume geyser works even agreement there is anybody rule outage. Cost or lifespan Gas geysers cost much less compared to an electric geyser. The worth of the gas geyser begin from two chiliad then the virtue increases together with more features. The lifespan of the excellent gasoline geyser into India depends of the multiplication over lotos namely well namely the maintenance. Get the best fuel geyser within India in conformity with warmth lotus and up to expectation shower in the budget price category. There are lots auspicious gas geyser then choosing the auspicious would stand a difficult task. In order after assist ye into buying the best, we have a listing regarding top gas geysers from different manufacturers to that amount are over excessive multiplication and much less of price. These below superior fuel geyser among India 2017 are helpful adequate for day by day use as much properly namely heats water faster. Here thou choice apprehends the various accomplishment features on the good fuel geysers.
Here is a List Of Top And Best Gas Geyser In India :
Crompton Solarium DLX SWH815 15-Litre Storage Water Heater (Ivory) The Crompton Solarium DLX swh815 lotos heater price is round 6,799 or this lotos heater has a ability over 15 liters. The chief portion regarding the pool is coated above with nanopolymer cloth namely properly as enhances floor hardness. In addition, that water heater eliminates the jeopardies regarding deterioration yet rusting. The lotus heater is lightweight as like properly as like services a fervent cut-out body to that amount helps in conformity with power temperature. In addition, the cloud heater additionally affords guide after viii royal court strain or is perfect to stand old so a moderate as nicely namely high upward thrust buildings. This excellent gas geyser within India 2017 comes together with ISI marked nickel lined copper and gives resistance towards salts as much properly as much depreciating particles. So, go through the functions regarding Crompton Solarium then purchase gasoline geyser online. Key Features : Has 15-liter capacity The heater comes including nano polymer covered tank 50 percent power saving In addition, that cloud heater purposes 5 stars (According in accordance with BEE 2015 Guidelines) 8 durbar pressure In addition, furnished together with a guarantee length over 5 years concerning tank, 2 years over the component and 2 years on the normal product
Activa LPG Water Heater Aqua Gold The Activa LPG cloud heater aqua gold price is around 3,292 yet that lotus heater comes along wholly computerized Japanese technology. In addition, that water heater works rapidly including enlighten defeat protection yet is supplied including an greater sizeable burner together with summer time winter preferences because of speedy heating. This lotus heater comes together with gas as well as like water waft coordination then is 75% less expensive than electric geysers. The geyser comes including a coherent copper basket and gives durability so well so efficiency. In addition, this heater additionally functions overheating safety dictation yet appears elegant so properly as like attractive. This is some over the best fuel geyser among India from Activa. Key Features : This is a gas geyser The geyser is LPG operated Provides continuous hot lotos supply Comes with no lotus shut off feature In addition, that is provided including enlighten miscarriage protection Provided together with overheat reduce away protection In addition, the physique is done above on metal material Provided including a assurance duration concerning 1 12 months concerning the product V-Guard Industries Ltd 6 ltrs Safefloplus fume Geyser, White The V-guard fuel geyser charge into India is round 4,599 and it product features steel material. In addition, the lotus heater has a potential concerning 6 liters so nicely as features copper warmness exchanger. This best gasoline geyser within India 2017 comes along a computerized ignition regulation or services a couple of security systems because of safety towards gray heating, overheating namely nicely namely upon pressurizing. In addition, the V-guard industries ltd 6 ltrs Safefloplus gas geyser has a clever graph yet is lightweight. So drink a seem to be at the gasoline geyser worth list out of the upon desk a pick the auspicious one. Key Features : Material- Steel Color- White Size- 50 cm x forty cm x 25 cm The heater comes including SS burners as well as much copper warmth exchanger In addition, that heater features overheat protection, automatic ignition rule namely properly namely extremely low-pressure application Capacity (Ltrs)- 6 Litres In addition, the bundle includes predominant unit, guarantee visiting card so nicely as user manual Activa LPG Water Heater Aqua fume Geysers, Ivory The Activa Aqua gasoline geyser cost within India is around 2,770 yet that cloud heater works directly along irritate failing protection. This geyser comes together with a tussock on extraordinary services at auspicious geyser price. The lotos heater looks fascinating or comes together with a unique physique sketch with pinnacle type quality. In addition, the clean copper basket adds in conformity with durability so properly as much efficiency. This lotus heater is suitable because both paltry as much properly as like high-pressure installation. In addition, this Activa LPG cloud heater rain fuel geysers is furnished together with fuel namely nicely as like lotus drift adjustment. This is certain about the best fuel geyser into India. Key Features : Gas Geysers Provides continuous warm water supply In addition, such services no water arrest off This lotos heater is LPG operated In addition, the geyser comes together with flame dud protection Features overheat cut aloof protection The body about the geyser comes along metal material In addition, such is provided along a assurance duration on one year concerning production
Sameer 6L breath Geyser The Sameer 6l gasoline geyser price is around 2,699 and that lotos heater comes with antifreeze protection. In addition, the is Immune through a rust-proof physique who offers it a longer life. This lotus heater runs regarding LPG then comes with neon symptoms because the 'Power On' or 'Heating' function. In addition, this lotos heater is furnished with adjustable thermostat together with enlighten choice option. This excellent fuel geyser between India consumes 14 kg over gas because heating upon each and every 5000L regarding lotus and has a has a potential regarding 6-15 liters on water. In addition, the heater is committed above of a metallic body or factory smoothly. This is some on the low-cost gas geysers from the atop gas geyser price list. Key Features : The geyser heats lotus among mins In addition, it is an ISI marked geyser Provided including 1-year guarantee concerning product Installation job about Paid groundwork on hand into atop 18+ cities In addition, it product purposes 20 min automated close off Provided with regular flame In addition, this geyser is absolutely convenient after install Bajaj Majesty Duetto LPG 6-Litre Water Heater (White) The Bajaj Majesty gas geyser value into India has a capacity concerning 6 liters or this lotos heater ensures enough avail because of whole kinds about users. This lotos heater comes along toddler tier capabilities yet avoids worries as regards thy naughty small ones messing round together with the product. In addition, the advanced combustion technological know-how of it water heater ensures superior performance as like nicely as greater torrid efficiency. The water heater is supplied along the speedy auto ignition so properly as oxygen depletion sensor security function up to expectation pleasure maintain thine thinking at rest. In addition, the dry warmth protection, namely well so burner settings over the Bajaj Majesty Duetto LPG 6-litre water heater assure higher safety or protection every around. This is one concerning the best gasoline geyser into India beyond Bajaj. Key Features : Provided together with auto ignition Features burner setting In addition, the geyser comes together with dead heat protection Features overheat protection In addition, such comes together with infant lock Provided together with oxygen depletion sensor The warmness exchanger concerning the geyser is performed of copper Capacity- 6 liters In addition, that is furnished together with a warranty length regarding 2 years on product The bundle includes lotos heater namely properly as like warranty card Surya Instant Water Heater 6L/min Surya immediate geyser value of India is around 4,760 then it lotos heater comes together with Gen-4 technology. This Surya Instant cloud heater is provided with the inbuilt oxygen sensor as much properly namely overheat safety system. In addition, it heater capabilities heavy copper warmth exchanger mere or comes with true 6 liters output flame sensing systems. The lotos heater package includes arbitrary cylinder as much nicely as phone shower. In addition, the water heater is safe by using a rust-proof physique yet has an certain thermostat along illuminate selection option. As care of the excellent geyser into India animadversion this gas geyser has gained greater reputation because on wondrous specs at a vile price. Key Features : Made into India Comes together with amazing copper because better efficiency This is a heavy responsibility tank(.45mm) then affords lengthy life Comes along best attribute solenoid (A Class)
Signoracare SCGWH-1007 breath Water Heater (White) The Signoracare SCGWH-1007 fuel lotos heater price is round 3,257 then it heater is furnished including 20 minutes in-built timer. This best geyser price would keep an added competencies because a average type humans together with tiny family. In addition, the lotos heater is completely computerized along the battery sliced ignition. This lotus heater saves on to 70% strain release or drain valve. In addition, the cloud heater is furnished along a 1-year warranty then perform be wall mounted. This lotos heater applications infant lock, flameout safety system as properly as winter summer function. In addition, the gadget features overheat protection and 20 minutes afar timer. This is certain about the best gas geyser within India. Key Features : This is thoroughly automatic along battery sliced ignition Provided along 20 minutes in-built timer In addition, it water heater comes together with infant lock flameout protection Heats upon cloud between IV seconds Provided with lotus aggregation regulator In addition, that comes along iciness summer season knob Provided together with warranty duration on 1 yr about product It includes lotos heater, assurance visiting card as like well so consumer manual Genius 6L GB2 ECO Green Mini breath Water Heater The Genius 6l GB2 ECO green wee geyser virtue in India is round 2,850 or this lotus heater comes including 20 minutes built-in timer. In addition, the lotus heater is supplied including on/off change along indicator for gasoline salvation yet allows in imitation of adjust gasoline as much properly so water. The graph of this Genius 6l GB2 ECO green slightly gasoline cloud heater is quite pleasing yet is supplied together with winter/summer knob. This manufacture has the beneficial geyser among India review and has a proper inbuilt quality. In addition, the lotos heater heats above lotus is simply a not much minutes or that heater is perdurable namely properly so long-lasting. This is some regarding the This is certain regarding the best gasoline geyser within India out of Genius. Key Features : Type- fume Geyser Warranty Available- Manufacturer Warranty Capacity- Below 30 Ltr
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lpgfireaustralia · 8 years ago
Water Mist System Working Principle
Functioning Principles of a Water Mist Fire Protection System
These little water beads (fog) quickly absorb the energy (heat) existing in the environment and vaporize, ending up being water vapor (gas). The energy (warmth) made use of to change the water to a gas is eliminated from the setting, hence the air is cooled down. Mist Water Cooling works by forcibly pushing water via our specifically developed misting nozzles; this produces a mist (haze) of ultra fine water droplets with a typical size of 25 microns or less. With high pressure mist cooling you will obtain an even smaller droplet dimension, just 5 microns. If we were to take marine vessels as an instance, engine room fires represent a hazard for team members functioning onboard ships & ferry’s as well as heavy monetary loss for the ship owners or operators. Examinations expose that aroiund 56% of all engine room fires were triggered by the combination of oil leak onto a warm surface area. Elimination of warm surfaces and also appropriate installation of couplings and tubes in fuel oil system has actually reduced the danger of fire substantially. In case of an engine room fire, a local water mist fire protection or extinguishing system can be utilized to prevent the acceleration of fire as well as keep the temperature levels reduced. Key Equipment Conponents System Components 1. Key Control board 2. Water Pump (For High Pressure Application). 3. Fire Detectors (Detects Fire in Specific Area). 4. Solenoid Valve (One For every Specified Location. 5. Water Nozzles (Creates Water Mist).
How does A Water Mist System operate?
The water mist fire fighting system includes 2 detectors positioned over the area to be secured (such as primary engine, auxiliary engines, burner, auxiliary central heating boiler, purifiers, and so on). Of these 2 detectors, one is a smoke as well as the other is a fire detector. In the event just one detector is turned on in a protected area, it offers an emergency alarm as a pre caution. In instances where both the detectors are triggered, the details are transmitted to the main control board of the water mist fire control system and it then begins the water pump, and opens the solenoid shutoff to the protected area. Water at high pressure (around 10 bar at the nozzle) is pumped through specially design pipework to each water mist nozzles and creates a fine mist which is enveloped over the protected area. Water mist is released until all signs of smoke or fire has been eliminated. Incase of instances where an automatic system start-up does not function or the detection systems has not yet triggered, a Manual Procedure is generally operated through the Manual Start button on the local or push-button control panel for the specific location, which will immediately start the pump and also trigger the solenoid valve for that specific area. Particular Area on Marine Vessels that utilise water mist systems will include:. - Burner space. - Auxillary boiler systems. - Purifier areas. - Auxiliary generators. - Inert gas generator spaces. - Main engine cylinder head spaces - Steering equipment rooms. Source: http://marineengineeringonline.com/ The image below depicts exactly how the Water Mist System Concept Functions;     For reliable operation of any kind of Water Mist Fire Security Equipments, the adhering to guidelines ought to be kept:. - Power supply needs to be available. - The location around the active water mist water pump must be clear of any kind of obstructions. - Enough water level must be retained in the marked fresh water tanks. - Drainpipes and maintenance shutoffs have to be closed as well as well labelled. - The emergency alarm system needs to be in operation. - A clear operation process for manual and auto operations should be documented and be displayed. Source http://marinestudy.net/ LPG Fire Australia has designed, developed and also supplied water mist fire protection systems, both low and also high pressure into Australia for Atriums, Information Centres, Heritage Structures, Diesel Generators, Oil Transformers, FPSO, and also Vessels. Our High Pressure AQUAFOG as well as Low Pressure VID Fire-Kill allows us to supply a system suitable for your application. To find out more, see our Water Mist Product page http://lpgfire.com.au/products/high-pressure-watermist
Water Mist System Working Principle was originally viewed on LPG Fire Services
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integratedgastechnologies · 4 years ago
Caravan Regulator - Make It Regular
The caravan regulator should not miss a list of items that you should take with you while camping. This is because fire can be a good servant but a bad master. You don't want anything to affect your outdoor trip. So make yourself a control and keep having fun with your gasoline control. There are many different types of regulators to choose from, so it is important to choose the regulator that works for you.
Your regulator type
There is a set for 1800mm gas hose regulator, fc-BSP. This one isn't for something that came before 2012, but if your camping vehicle is the one you bought then, you have one of the best caravan regulators. You can use it to connect the freezer to your refrigerator. There are also two-stage regulators primarily intended for gas bottles. The nose is made of rubber which means that the gas cannot go anywhere because the seal is well made. This regulator is provided with a warning indicating that a cover must be present during installation. It always comes with a test point as required by law.
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Why set up?
Why is it important to have a caravan regulator? This is to ensure that minimal damage occurs in the event of a gas leak. There are also a few accessories you will need to make sure everything is working properly. One of these accessories is the altitude check, which allows you to check the amount of gas available in the cylinder. How does it work? Only one LED is used. Safety should be your top priority even when you're having fun.
Safety comes first
Incidents always happen when you least expect them, and they happen because of the little things you have overlooked, but they are very important incidents. Take control of the caravan for your vehicle and secure it properly so that there are no leaks. It is also a good idea to keep children away from supervisory authorities, as they may be doing something wrong without realizing it. If you don't know how to fix your regulator, you should consult an expert who will get it right. Customize everything and see how you have fun with your loved ones without unexpected problems.
For More Details, Visit Us: lpg regulator
patio gas regulator
gas heater regulator
gas regulator
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integratedgastechnologies · 5 years ago
How to Use LPG Gas Regulators
Very often people are shocked when there is no more gas in the cylinder. This can be very difficult, especially if you don't have cash. However, with an LPG gas regulator, you can be better prepared as it will notify you when you run out of gas. This is a great way to find out how much gas is left in the cylinder so you can replace the cylinder if necessary. LPG means liquefied petroleum gas and is basically a mixture of butane and propane, a very flammable combination. This gas is usually stored in steel bottles as it evaporates at room temperature.
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Things that need to be considered
There are many things that need to be considered when using a lpg regulator. This is because liquid propane-butane consists of butane and propane, which are highly flammable and also quite dangerous. Therefore, it is very important to know how to use this regulator to avoid unnecessary risks. When handling the gas cylinder regulator, check the rubber hose carefully for any signs of cracks or holes so you can replace it if necessary. Always clean the controller with a damp cloth and ensure that it is not flammable.
Check the pressure regulator from time to time. If you smell gas, be careful not to light a match to see if there is a leak or not. Instead, make sure all doors and windows are open to let in fresh air. Also, avoid working with electrical appliances or switches in the event of a gas leak as this could easily cause a fire. After taking the necessary precautions, contact your gas company so that an experienced person can deal with the leak.
 Cylinder replacement
If you replace the old cylinder and install a new one, push the LPG gas down until you hear a click. This indicates that your cylinder is ready to use. Also, when turning off the gas cylinder regulator, make sure that the cylinder is completely empty, then turn off the regulator knob. When using a propane butane gas regulator, the importance of safety cannot be overemphasized. Make sure your cylinders are away from electrical appliances. At the same time, avoid doing all the repairs yourself. Finally, be sure to buy a gas cylinder regulator from an authorized dealer to ensure quality and authenticity.
For More Details, Visit Us: gas regulator
propane regulator
bbq regulator
lpg gas safety device
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integratedgastechnologies · 5 years ago
5 Things You Should Do To Keep Your Gas Cylinder Safe
Gas chambers can have an interior weight of near 3000 psi. A pressurized canned product utilized at home, has an inner weight of around 80 PSI, yet whenever punctured can genuinely harm individuals remaining around it. You can just envision the measure of harm that a chamber can dispense if there should arise an occurrence of a mishap. These mishaps generally occur because of helpless stockpiling of the chambers or utilization of wrong or failed valve. Great valves are structured by following the correct details. So as to guarantee wellbeing you have to get a valve with a decent controller get together.
How it functions
So as to comprehend the significance of getting a decent controller, you have to comprehend controller get together. An opening is utilized to quantify the working weight of the gas. This is the weight that is experiencing the channel. It is significant that the perfect measure of weight is conveyed to the burners so as to guarantee the gas is consuming appropriately. The motivation behind the hole is to guarantee gas is consuming as it ought to by controlling the weight originating from the channels to the chambers. It is additionally used to guarantee wellbeing.
Right Specifications
The controller gathering and controller in general should be structured with the correct particulars as indicated by the packed gas affiliation. Propane needs to have a decent controller since it is entirely combustible. A propane valve can't be utilized entomb variably with a petroleum gas valve, this could be risky. The two gases deal with altogether different working weights. The valve in a controller is intended to control the volume of gas that gets onto the burner.
Keeping it Secure
There are various things you ought to do to forestall harming the chamber and causing mishaps. Something is to guarantee the gas set in a protected zone. The zone ought to in a perfect world be far away from warmth and fire sources as could reasonably be expected. Guarantee the room is all around ventilated with the goal that the gas doesn't collect around it if there should arise an occurrence of a spillage. The chamber ought to stay upstanding. You may need to put it on a base or set it in an aside that will guarantee it doesn't spill.
To guarantee wellbeing set aside you effort to look at the controller get together particularly in the event that you use it a great deal. Normal review can help distinguish spillages and forestall fires. Continuously purchase burners and their parts from trustworthy stores and brands to evade frustrations.
For more info :
gas regulator
propane regulator
bbq regulator
lpg gas safety device
caravan regulator
gas heater regulator
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