#How to Renew Driving Licence
thursdayg1rl · 3 months
wondering how some people even got their licence now that im preparing for it.
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evilpenguinrika · 6 months
commemorated me getting mom and I back home in one piece by eating poutine and some kimchi fried rice and also blueberries
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jrooc · 5 months
The google search edition! 🔎 Thank you for the tags you wonderful humans (+ Goblin) @mybrainismelted @energievie @creepkinginc @spookygingerr
Name: Jess
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? (or you): Toronto wishing I had Carmen Sandiego's hat
Ok, so this week we are going to snoop into your google search. Type in each phrase and tell us what the first suggestion is that google gives you!
What is the best way to…. sleep Ya that tracks - we have sleep issues in my house.
Where can I…. watch Dune (I know this and have seen both, Google, get it together)
How old is…. Canada (157 years young)
How long does it take… to renew a passport
How many… laps is the high park crit race 😂 I googled this for my fic IMV but also no surprise that one of these ended up about cycling
Who set the record for…. the highest jump (Bingo?)
When did…. juice wrld die Who???
What does it feel like to… be drunk 🍸🤣 lmaooo I could write the answer to this one
Can you… drive on the highway with a g2 (for all you non-Canadians this is a learning licence. Something I haven't had for 20 years and it was called something different lol)
When you… finish saving the world, 2022 film One I haven't seen! Should I?
Why do… all koalas have chlamydia 🤣 Okay I DID google this one because of a discord conversation with @deathclassic and the crew which somehow was also about Harry Styles maybe?
Is there a way…fair store in Canada Sneaky Wayfair, sneaky. Having bought many things from them, I've never looked for a store before. Nice bit o' marketing.
How old do you have to be… to vape 19 I'd guess but also who even vapes anymore? Youths?
Where do the… inuit live in Canada mostly in the northwest territories or wherever they want to, Google
What is the best time to… to post on instagram in canada The answer is dependant on your audience demographic and habits btw
And to finish us off…. What comes up when you type in Shameless?
Chicago locations Which is a real thing I googled before I went there! ❤️
Fun game! Tagging you beauties:
@roryonic @gallapiech @mickeysgaymom @such-a-barbarian @crestfallercanyon
@guinguin1984 @rayrayor @blue-disco-lights @ian-galagher @batty4steddie
@solitarycreaturesthey @callivich @heymacy @transmurderbug @transmickey
@doshiart @look-i-love-u @krysmiss @astaraels @sillygoofygoobersstuff
@lee-ow @ardent-fox
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bulkbrit · 6 months
Hey folks,
Sorry it’s been a while since I posted but I’m back again.
Weight is steadily climbing at an average of 2lbs (nearly 1kg) a week and my shape is changing.
My belly is getting softer and ‘longer’ with an apron starting to form which I want to grow as big as possible.
The fatpad is swelling. The upper thighs are jiggling and my butt is widening.
A friend asked me yesterday, while looking at the photo on my new driving licence, “how long ago was this photo taken?”
“In October when I applied for the renewal.”
“Wow! Your face is so much rounder now!”
He went on to point out that what was my jawline is now a bulge of blubber, my neck is non-existent and now made up of thin creases and folds and that my face in general was now a lot fatter.
I can’t say he’s wrong. And I definitely can’t say I didn’t like hearing it. 😜🐷
I wonder what he would say if he could see the changes to the rest of my body?
Be well, be kind, love yourself and those who love you.
And remember, No Limits, No Regrets
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findmeinthefallair · 3 months
Imagine leaving the country + culture you've tried to integrate into (as someone queer and neurodivergent) for three decades, for a short vacation. And feeling the last few paper-thin roots you tried to plant in said culture, crumble to dust during the vacation.
When you come back from the vacation, your fears are confirmed. You don't feel part of the culture anymore. Whatever ties you had with it have slipped away for good.
You peer through a thick transluscent glass wall, watching how people around you have planted roots and been on their way in their relationships and study/work in their own cultures. Pushing as hard as you can against said glass wall, to attempt connecting with the world and people, is hardly paying off. Most people here don't even think about the queer community or neurodiversity as things that exist. Including the hiring managers for regular-paying jobs who rejected you after the interviews you've been to.
And the person you live with is doing just fine in said culture, having gaming calls multiple times a week with two different gaming friend groups. The sound of them having fun makes the loneliness so much worse, so much more unbearable.
Any friends you have here locally aren't the type to want to meet regularly at all, or have long phone calls with. They engrossed in their jobs or relationships. People at the meetup groups you've tried attending aren't that sort either. You're so tired from trying so so many times. Those days have been lost, since you took the risk to leave church in 2020. You deeply regret dedicating so much time to church, and somehow not being bold enough to get out there in your 20s.
You start to write a suicide note, but the only things you've put in there so far are just the passwords for your laptop, phone and important apps/accounts. You take it as far as that for now, in case. It brings you a bit of peace that nothing else has so far.
You start peering outside at the balcony of your 23rd storey apartment, a few times per day, thinking how this could all go away if you're brave enough for half a minute if you put your mind to jumping. Worst are the distressing images you start having in your mind of carrying out the suicide plans that have formed. You have earned extremely little income, so little that a bank employee the other week had to do a double take and ask you to confirm a second time, when viewing your last annual income total. You have failed to launch your career twice, are not attractive to anyone here, and aren't the first person anyone would love to intimately text to share about what happened during their day. You've had to delete Google Maps from your phone as a safety measure because you've started looking up places where people such as hikers have died, tempted to make one last drive to such locations.
When you've called crisis helplines, the good ones are so occupied that your call is rejected, and with the remaining ones, the volunteer keeps asking you to repeat yourself because the language barrier is evident enough.
You, as a trained therapist yourself, start to be therapy-resistant (because all you need, really, is regular enough companionship in person or over a voice call) and it terrifies and confuses you. But you're a trained therapist who succumbed to neurodivergent burnout and immense minority stress in a culture that doesn't safeguard or vouch for the queer and the neurodivergent. Your licence to practice as a therapist expires, and you don't renew it.
Staying in existence saps away at the energy of every insanity-ridden fiber of your body: in order to be brave. The system and norms and your brain all scream out how much of a failure you are. You spend most of each day napping or sleeping.
You feel so much frustration because your family has actually lived in Western cultures, but moved back here because of financial instability combined with pressure from extended family. You have arrived at this nowhere place because they raised you with a blend of West and East that has led to you being neither-here-nor-there in terms of cultural identity.
Someone offers to fund you to do an MBA course in Australia, the chance to begin a new life in early 2025. The money left from the critical illness fund from last year's cancer hospitalization and surgeries..isn't enough for both the MBA's tuition fees AND accommodation while there. But you'd rather die than take someone else's money to start anew. You're ashamed of yourself. It might be your brain lying to you, but you're terrified to start over like that because maybe you'll feel EVEN more behind that you already do. Your hopes of getting away from family and the old life in order to be self-sustaining...has absolutely not worked out by age 31, it's a massive dream that has fallen through terribly.
How you'd love to just leave everything behind because at least I can have control over that. Instead of not knowing how each passing and excruciating coming decade is gonna pan out. You know how much of a killer loneliness is.
That's been me since mid-ish June. I don't know how the same person who holds enough apparent light to create cool stuff in fandom, also holds a darkness so tremendous that it keeps threatening to kill me.
But...I'd like to keep trying. Even it's as if someone has taken an axe to my skull and soul and split them in half.
Idk if the worst of it is over, I've slept for around 12 hours in the past three days. Idk if that was my brain and body caving in to process an immeasurable mountain of grief.
But I'd like to keep trying since a friend gifted me a game on Steam, others have sent me asks to remind me what I innately have (even if a hiring manager or potential date doesn't see that in me), I called another friend who started to cry on call coz she's worried I might die, and also..there's still a summer in the UK and fall in the US to experience..and I still think of the stuff I technically *could* make for the fandom..I know I have people rooting for me, idk, maybe it can be enough to shoulder this horrendous burden of existing as me.
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venusbae · 6 months
𝐏𝐡𝐚𝐬𝐞 𝐙
Gorillaz lore - told a lil' differently :))
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part 2 - frontman
content warning: satanism, violence, mentions of sex, mentions of abuse, drugs, alcoholism.
summary: murdoc tries to impress some ladies, in doing so, further causes poor sod 2D more brain damage, but begins to create his world famous band.
The court hearing was the first time Murdoc had actually been ‘sentenced’ per say, before it was bans on his driving licences or a few days stuck in a prison cell before his father or brother came to bail him out. His father's release resulted in thorough beatings when they got home, yet it didn’t teach Murdoc his lesson. In fact it further encouraged him to take drugs as it would be a few days of zero pain, and after the one harsh session from his father, he was often ignored for weeks on end. That was better than being hit for weeks on end, he could tell you.
“Murdoc Alphonse-” the judge was cut off by Murdoc clearing his throat.
“Faust.” He said loudly, shying his eyes down from the stand as the judge, and his father {which was felt from the back of his head}, glared at him. “Please sir, thank you sir.”
“Murdoc Faust Niccals,” The judge started again, looking down at the paperwork in front of him, Murdoc looking back up at him, “I hereby sentence you to 30,0000 hours of community service, 10 hours a week of caring for Stuart Tusspot.”
‘Fuck.’ Murdoc thought, this was not what he’d planned, not how this was supposed to go. The man looked over at the comatose boy, only then realising that his hair was fully blue, not split with red. Must’ve been the blood. He was being fussed around by his mother and father, they looked to really care for him. Murdoc scoffed, why were they fussing at him when he was unresponsive. After a few moments of the judge and juries leading the courtroom out, Murdoc was taken away to be given back his casual clothes instead of the black and white striped, shit-smelling uniform, and his handcuffs taken off him. Not that they were too uncomfortable though, he was used to them and in more ways than just prison.
Walking out of the changing room, Murdoc was greeted by Rachel and David, Stu-pot’s parents, shoving their son into him. The boy fell limp onto Murdoc as Rachel began to bawl at the sight. Murdoc gave a confused and disgusted look at his mother, David held her in an embrace, giving Murdoc a scowling stare while telling him sternly to make sure he did the right thing, like Murdoc was moving out and taking his younger brother with him. He’d never been in this situation, being the youngest of him and his brother. When Stuart’s parents walked away, Murdoc growled lowly with disgust, looking at the scraggly blue hair of him. 
“Ah what the hell.” He whispered to himself, dragging the boy to his newly renewed car.
After the first year of taking care of the poor sod, Murdoc came to realise looking after Stuart wasn’t so bad after all. It became tedious to bathe and feed the 19 year-old, but Murdoc had often done the same routine with his father after he came home from the pubs blackout drunk, not that the old stinking man deserved Murdoc’s care. Hannibal, his brother, helped most of the time, but with Stuart it was different because he was on his own. This was his sentence. It was also different because there wasn’t an old man smacking his lips together in an attempt to speak while he was being fed. So in a way this was better, much better.
Murdoc had come to realise he could still do all the things he used to do, he just had to keep it on the down low. The drugs began to stay inside the house, and Murdoc, out of pure boredom, began to blow leftover smoke down Stu’s permanently hung open mouth. The anger Murdoc felt when he was drinking on his bed was put onto Stuart, the older man using him as a punching bag, taking away his stresses. Murdoc did feel a tinge of guilt after these moments, but one last swig of his bottle of Archer’s Schnapps would snap him right out of it, not remembering the next morning due to his hangovers. There was never any sort of response from Stuart, and even though Murdoc knew this was going to be the case for however long, it angered him more, which caused Murdoc to drink more.
Eventually, Murdoc decided sex would be the best thing to get his anger out, so every so often, Murdoc would look his new ‘friend’ in the spare room, bringing home a bird who seemed to think she was worthless enough to go home with Murdoc in his state, and perform rough and fast love to her. Until the feeling becomes numb enough for him to not feel so much anymore. 
One of these days after a long time writing bass lines for a few sample ideas, Murdoc felt the need for fresh air, hopefully to pick up some hot ladies. He huffed, pushing his fringe back out of his face. The ragdolled look of Stuart caught his eye. The boy had become a sickly kind-of pale in all the time Murdoc had him, and not that Murdoc cared, but he thought why not take him for a little joy ride. He threw him over his shoulder and ran out to his car, throwing Stuart into the back carelessly with nothing to keep him in place. Murdoc drove with speed to a popularised car park in Nottingham, immediately spotting a few people and amongst them, a couple of beautiful women. He licked his sharp teeth before slamming his foot to the ground, spinning the wheel and making donuts in a large empty space of the area. Murdoc could see a crowd was gathering, and so it gave him more confidence. He began to speed forward to then change to 360 degree turns, only to then be flashed by a rather lovely sight of one of the women’s racks. Distracted by his own dirty old thoughts, Murdoc had not looked where he was going for a few seconds, hitting 90 miles per hour as he slammed his car into a bollard. 
The only sense that filled Murdoc was the sound of shattering glass, a flashback to a year before. The feeling of dread filled him,
‘Shit..’ He thought, remembering the boy he had brought with him. Hitting his car on a small bollard wasn’t going to smash his windscreen, and he frantically thought about not securing Stuart to his seat. 
“Bollocks.” He accidentally spoke aloud, turning to see that Stu was indeed not there. Murdoc bit his lip harshly, turning back toward the front. He sat up straight, there he could see the body of the poor sod about a mile in front, and for a second, there was no life, which Murdoc should have been used to by now but by god did he need just one small twitch.
And then there it was. First it was the wiggling of fingers, then a full hand twitch, then the full dragging of both arms. Murdoc released a relieved sigh, jumping out of his car to run toward Stuart, yet as he stepped two steps, Stuart began to slowly get up, raising what felt like hundreds of feet above Murdoc, this was the first time he had actually seen how tall the young man was, and god he was. At the same speed he got up, Stuart turned to face Murdoc, both his eyes now blackened. Stu had a blank stare across his face as his posture seemed to contort downwards, his arms reaching the tops of his thighs and his legs stretching miles. 
Murdoc gaped in awe. He looked incredible, unbelievable, ethereal. He could’ve been almighty Satan if Murdoc hadn’t personally seen the being. To Murdoc, Stuart looked like a god. He was tall, pretty and had blue spikey hair, and now, what looked like 2 missing eyeballs. Murdoc knew immediately. This was his singer, his frontman. The universe (in Satan's weird weird way) had a plan all along, and here Murdoc was rewarded. His eyes glistened as his gaping mouth lifted into a menacing smirk, he rushed over to Stuart, dragging him back to the car to take him back home before any people could alert the authorities of what he had done and get him into more debt.
Back at the house, Murdoc put Stuart to the test. All the way there, he was bragging about his ability to play anything on the keyboard, and to pick up the notes quickly. Murdoc pulled out the dusty old thing sat at the back of his wardrobe and forced Stuart to play. Nervously, he put his fingers on the keyboard, brushing them over. There was an awkward silence and tension in the air before Murdoc grumbled.
“So, you like to lie, eh?” He mumbled, Stuart looked over, shaking his head quickly.
“Jus’, not sure what to play…” Stuart’s accent thick with anxiety, he looked back at his hands; trembling. He thought for a moment, thinking deep into his brain and trying to remember what he used to play, until Murdoc smacked a score in front of him. It was something Murdoc had written a while ago, something he had conjured up to get his father’s attention. Not that it did ever work. Stuart stared back at Murdoc, before the older man gave an urging look paired with a wave of his hand. Stu sucked in a big breath, carefully and repeatedly pressing on one key before playing the whole sheet of music. Murdoc bopped his head along with each note, cringing at a few off notes now and then. When the music was complete, the room was silent, the only noise coming from a fan in the corner of the room. Murdoc chewed on his thumb nail while he thought.
“How good are you wiv’ lyrics?” He questioned, standing up out of his seat and folding his arms. Stuart cocked his head side to side with a wobbly hand gesture. Murdoc nodded for a second, turning around. “Sing something.”
Murdoc tested Stuart for hours, making sure that he was indeed the perfect fit for the band. After a long time of singing, keyboard playing and bass playing. Murdoc chuckled to himself, making Stuart stare at him concerningly.
“Y’know, i ‘fink i’ll call you..” Murdoc walked slightly closer to the younger man, looking up as Stuart towered over him, “Two-D.”
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watchmegetobsessed · 1 year
having to get done any like official work (im renewing my driving licence) is so fucking stressing to me, it gives me deep anxiety to take care of these stuff bc im always afraid of messing it up and looking like an idiot for not knowing how these things work
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starocide · 10 months
🚗 💙 🧐 for Korétte and Elio? Tell me about those fighting game OCs!!!
🚗 CAR — does your oc have a driver's license? can they drive/operate any automobiles/machinery besides cars?
Korétte: she got a driver's licence when she was a teenager, but hasn't renewed it since. There are other things that took priority for her.
Elio: he builds various contraptions based on pre-Dawn-of-Revival tech, one of which being a car. He can drive it as well as other machineries but prefers to walk everywhere.
💙 BLUE HEART — does your oc have any cool/special powers and/or abilities? how are they with magic, if it exists in their world?
Korétte: she has an EXS ability that allows her to read minds, as well as using the broken Aegis-Attributer of a deceased Autonomic Nerve she may or may not be half possessed by.
Elio: the opposite of the question, kinda! While he's an expert in old tech, he cannot interact with anything magic-based due to the nature of his "death". He has janky hurtboxes IRL.
🧐 FACE WITH MONOCLE — is your oc more logical or emotional?
Korétte: she prefers to operate by logic alone, and considers her own emotions a hindrance towards her goal sometimes. Normal woman behaviour.
Elio: he's very emotionally driven, and often doesn't think before he acts. Or overthinks everything and ends up messing up anyway. You know how it is.
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iz-the-egoni · 1 year
Name and title change guidance for UK trans and non-binary people, as written by a transneutral enban
I recently wrote a guide on how to change your name and legal title to Mx in the UK if you're a transneutral enban like I am and getting appropriately official ID to exemplify that. It is not a guide on how to tell the important people in your life. You should allow £150–£200 for the whole thing, and about 2 months at the very least time-wise.
HERE IT IS, along with a quick index below:
1. Researching available legal titles and selecting them
2. Finalising your real name for life
3. Getting a proper photograph taken
4. Inventing and practicing a new signature
5. Registering your name by Deed Poll, and choosing a witness
6. Signing and dating your Deed Poll, with aforementioned witness
7. Preamble to number 8
8. Changing personal details at your bank and the doctors
9. Waiting for all systems to update
10. Ordering a new passport
a. Reapplying via internet
b. Applying for first (adult) passport
11. Waiting for passport to arrive
12. Applying for a Provisional Driving Licence
a. Online (first application)
b. By post (second, and subsequent, renewals)
13. Rejoicing in your efforts
I do hope this helps. Please do share it with anyone who y'all think/know might/will benefit
Peace out mio folkies!
– Iz
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deedpolluk · 13 days
How Can I Change My Forenames and the Last Name at the Time of Divorce in the UK?
Going through a divorce can be an emotional journey, and for many, reclaiming a sense of identity by changing their name can be an empowering step. The process of changing your surname post-divorce is relatively straightforward. Many choose to revert to their maiden name, but you can select any name you wish. How to change my name after divorce, you don’t legally need a deed poll if you’re returning to your maiden name. Simply present your decree absolute and marriage certificate as proof to organisations like banks and government bodies.
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If you want to take on a completely new surname, you will need to apply for a deed poll.
This official document is recognised by UK authorities and institutions to confirm a name change.
Unlike surnames, changing your forenames always requires a deed poll, regardless of the reason.
A deed poll application can be made online through the UK Deed Poll Service or by using a solicitor.
This document is legally binding and can be used to update all records, including your passport, driving licence, and bank accounts.
Once your name has legally changed, it's essential to notify all relevant organisations.
This includes updating your name with HMRC, your local council, banks, and your GP, among others.
Changing your name during divorce can symbolise a fresh start, allowing you to begin a new chapter with a renewed sense of identity.
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yhwhrulz · 1 month
Charles Spurgeon's "Morning & Evening" Devotional for August 29
“The tree is known by its fruit.”
Matthew 12:22-37
Matthew 12:22
It would seem that the devil had special licence to do his worst among men during the days of our Lord’s sojourn upon earth. Thus was he the more gloriously defeated by the Son of God in many pitched battles between the two champions.
Matthew 12:23
They spoke honestly, but their leaders were prejudiced, and refused to see what was clear enough to the most ordinary understandings. It is a dreadful thing to be so warped by. education as to refuse to admit what is plain to all.
Matthew 12:27-29
For some of the sons of the Pharisees pretended to be able to heal possessed persons.
Matthew 12:30
Let this always be remembered, and let each one ask himself, “Am I with Christ?” If not, remember you are against him. Can you bear this?
Matthew 12:31 , Matthew 12:32
A terrible doom which fell upon these Pharisees and destroyed them. How careful we ought to be to render all reverence and obedience to the Holy Spirit, lest by grieving him away we should be left to final perdition! While the Spirit of God still continues to strive with us we have not committed this deadly sin.
Matthew 12:33
Nothing will suffice but a change of nature. The very root and sap of the soul must be renewed by grace.
Matthew 12:35
That which is in comes out. The stream declares the character of the fountain.
Matthew 12:36 , Matthew 12:37
This makes common talk a solemn matter. Who among us can bear such a test? Let us fly to the blood of Jesus for cleansing from sins of the tongue, and to the Spirit of God to bridle that unruly member.
Sovereign of heaven! thine empire spreads
O’er all the world on high,
And at thy frown the infernal powers
In wild confusion fly.
Like lightning, from his glittering throne
The great arch-traitor fell,
Driven with enormous ruin down
To infamy and hell.
Permitted now to range at large,
And traverse earth and air,
O’er captive human souls he reigns,
And boasts his kingdom there.
Yet thence thy grace can drive him our,
With one almighty word;
O send thy potent sceptre forth,
And reign victorious, Lord!
“He is not ashamed to call them brethren.”
Luke 8:1-3
Luke 8:1-3
So that our Lord was supported by the voluntary offerings of his followers. He did no more work at the carpenter’s bench, when he began to preach the gospel: his ministry required all his time and strength. It is noble in men, like Paul, to labour at their trade while preaching, but if believers were as generous as they should be, such drudgery would not long be necessary.
Matthew 12:38-40 , Matthew 12:43-50
Matthew 12:43
The evil spirit cannot rest. He is so malicious that unless he is doing mischief he cannot bear himself.
Matthew 12:44
The devil is represented as going out of the man of his own will, and, therefore, when he wills he returns. He calls it “my house” because he had not been expelled from it by divine grace, neither had Jesus taken possession. So men who become moralised and improved entirely of their own accord, and in their own strength, return to their old sins. When grace comes and turns out the devil by force of divine love, he never returns, but unrenewed nature soon welcomes back the tempter.
Matthew 12:44
Many men’s lives are swept from the fouler vices, and garnished with pretty human virtues; but they are not inhabited by the Spirit of God, and hence evil soon gets the upper hand, and the soul becomes worse than before.
Matthew 12:45
Idolatry left the Jewish nation after the captivity in Babylon, but formalism, superstition, and self-righteousness ruled over them, and made them harder to deal with than their idolatrous fathers.
Matthew 12:47
His nightly watches and daily labours were wearing him out, and his relations, conceiving the idea that he must be out of his mind, planned to seize him, and withdraw him from public work. The kindest of men cannot comprehend the zeal of a real fervent heart; they call it enthusiasm, and speak of the possibility of “going too far,” and being too earnest: so are the best men least understood. Our Lord’s mother seems to have had some hand in this mistaken project: blessed as she was she was, not infallible.
Matthew 12:48-50
The spiritual relationship outweighs the natural one. Believers are the true “Holy Family.”
Lord, what are we and what our race,
That thou dost us for brethren own,
Crown’d thus with dignity and grace
To brightest cherubim unknown?
What can we do to make return,
Or half our gratitude express?
To thee our souls’ affections turn,
With all our hearts thy name we bless.
Copyright Statement This resource was produced before 1923 and therefore is considered in the "Public Domain".
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capitalhiremanagement · 3 months
How to Become an Uber Driver in London
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If you aim to become a PCO driver, you might wonder how to start working as an Uber driver.
This is a great move because Uber is a prime opportunity for private hire drivers in London, boasting millions of passengers. As an Uber driver, you'll quickly find ample PCO work.
Moreover, Uber partners, as the company calls its drivers, enjoy additional benefits such as earnings guarantees, holiday pay, and free insurance (including sickness and personal injury coverage).
Despite competitors, Uber is the only ride-hailing app that provides drivers face-to-face support for obtaining a PCO licence. The Uber driver app is so well-regarded that you will likely use other apps only occasionally.
This article outlines the requirements for becoming an Uber driver, the basics of obtaining a PCO licence, and tips on selecting an Uber-approved car with the right insurance.
1. Check Your Eligibility
First, ensure you meet the basic Uber driver requirements:
A UK driving licence (Uber insists you convert EU or EEA licences to UK ones)
At least 21 years old with a minimum of 3 years of driving experience in the UK or EU/EEA
No serious driving offences on your record (Full list of deal-breakers here )
A suitable car and insurance (you can start registration without these)
A Private Hire Driver Licence (commonly called a PCO licence)
A bank account in your name or a company you own
2. Sign Up with Uber in London
Next, register your interest in becoming an Uber driver through a short form or the Uber driver app using just an email address and a smartphone.
You can’t start driving until all paperwork is complete, but this initiates the process. Then, book an Uber Ignition appointment at the Greenlight hub in Tower Hill for a detailed explanation of the process.
You can either upload basic personal documents (such as bank statements) into the Uber system now or choose to do it later.
Did you know?
The Uber Ignition programme guides you through becoming an Uber driver, including free training sessions to prepare for TfL tests.
3. Apply for a Private Hire Driver's Licence
The key document needed is a PCO licence, issued by the local council where you will work, handled by TfL in London.
This licence is essential for the job. If you already have a PCO licence, skip to step five. New drivers should note that this takes months of PCO licence process. Here's a summary of the application:
4. How to Get a PCO Licence
Applying for a PCO licence involves two main parts: the checks and the tests.
The Checks:
Medical check (This is a form usually completed by your own doctor)
Background check (subscribe to the DBS Update Service)*
Right to work check (UK/Irish citizens can use basic ID documents here)**
Register with HMRC for self-assessment tax***
*The disclosure barring service (DBS) is a criminal record check to protect passenger safety.
** Other nationalities can easily apply for a share-code or use immigration documents.
*** New drivers must only confirm they understand this. Renewals need a tax-check code.
Did you know?
Since February 2024, all private hire drivers must pay an annual subscription to the DBS Update Service for continuous registration.
The Tests:
Speaking and listening test (English assessment)
Safety, Equality and Regulatory Understanding (SERU) test
Topographical Skills test (London geography and map reading)
Create an online TfL account to start the process. Complete the checks before submitting your application, and take the tests later, often all in one day at TfL offices.
Did you know?
From 1 April 2023, new Uber drivers must pass all of these TfL tests before they get a PCO licence. For existing Uber drivers who never completed them, there is still wiggle room .
How much does it cost to get a PCO licence?
TfL says the full cost to apply for a Private Hire Driver Licence is £477, plus the price of a medical check. Various private agencies now offer to help new PCO drivers with a licence application but it’s wiser to stick to official channels (e.g. Uber Ignition) to avoid these extra costs.
5. Start Onboarding with Uber
With a PCO licence, upload any remaining documents into the Uber app at the Greenlight hub. Complete basic online training and provide:
Proof of identity (e.g., passport)
UK Driving Licence (Original plastic card)
DVLA Electronic Counterpart Check Code (Get yours here )
Private Hire Driver Licence (PCO Licence)
Profile photo (taken at Greenlight Hub)
Recent bank statement
Typically, it takes about a week for your personal information to show up in the Uber app as a new driver. It's advisable to wait for this confirmation before you begin paying for a PCO car and rideshare insurance.
6. Choose an Uber-Approved Car
Your car must meet Uber's requirements and local licensing authority standards. In London, TfL requires all private hire vehicles to be Zero Emission Capable (ZEC) and meet Euro 6 standards for new licenses.
Opting for an electric vehicle (EV) can simplify this process. Uber offers incentives for EVs, like the Uber PowerUp Package, which can save eligible drivers at least £5,000 on an electric PCO car. Additionally, EVs avoid the London Congestion Charge until the end of 2025.
7. Arrange Private Hire Licensing and Insurance
Capital Hire Management Ltd., founded in 2009, has expanded to become one of London's top PCO car hire companies. In the 13 years we have been with the company, we have assisted more than 5000 drivers with their PCO travels. Being a company known for offering top-notch customer service, we are devoted to helping more drivers reach their goals as a business with a stellar reputation for providing excellent customer service.
8. Upload Your Car Documents
Submit your vehicle documents to Uber, including:
Private Hire Vehicle Licence (PHVL)
Logbook V5C or (AFRL certificate)
Recent MOT (not needed for new cars)
Private Hire Insurance certificate
Hire Agreement or Permission letter (provided by Capital Hire Management ltd.)
Did you know?
Capital Hire Management drivers receive complete assistance with uploading vehicle documents to Uber. If any unexpected administrative issues arise, our team is skilled at resolving them promptly.
9. Activate Your Uber Account
After your documents are approved, your Uber driver status will change to 'active,' allowing you to start earning money as a PCO driver. The Uber driver app is user-friendly, and you can begin accepting jobs and transporting passengers immediately.
By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to a successful career as an Uber driver in London with Capital Hire Management Ltd.
About Capital Hire management
Capital Hire Management Ltd. is London's best PCO car rental company, which provides top-notch vehicles and exceptional services to professional drivers like you! If you are looking for affordable car hire for PCO car rental please visit our website https://www.capitalhiremanagement.co.uk/ to explore our latest fleet.
our excellence is validated by driver ratings on Trustpilot. we offer access to new or recent model cars along with comprehensive training and support to enhance your profitability, safety, and overall satisfaction as an Uber driver.
Visit our London Hub located at 56 High Street Wealdstone Harrow HA3 7AF, London, reach out via email to us, or give us a call at 0208426005 to get started.
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nickersonageney99 · 3 months
Nickerson Insurance Agency
Auto Insurance 
Shop around for the best deal on car insurance in the Connecticut cities of Waterford, Stonington, Groton, New London, and Norwich. 
Numerous daily activities in southern Connecticut are dependent on roadways auto insurance agency near me Even if you don't drive very much, you should still have enough insurance to cover things like errands, job commutes and autumn foliage tours in New England. 
Several factors, such as, but not limited to, extreme fatigue, diversions, and fast driving, increase the likelihood of accidents involving modern city drivers. Any drivers who live in your home should be covered by your vehicle insurance policy. Do not hesitate to contact a seasoned insurance agent for help in customising an existing policy to suite your needs. 
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The local, long-standing firm Nickerson Insurance is relied upon by drivers of all ages and ability levels. In the event that you have recently purchased a vehicle, are considering changing insurance providers, or are concerned about the safety of a young driver in your household, our friendly and informed customer service representatives are available to assist you. 
Feel free to contact Nickerson Insurance at any time for driver's licence or auto insurance needs. Possible sale items include the following: The following are some benefits: Numerous advantages are yours to enjoy with this coverage, including reduced prices on new cars, pet insurance, discounts for students and good students, low mileage, groups, OEM, and accidental airbag deployment. Moreover, there are savings for new clients, the option to pay bills automatically or in full, reimbursements for deductibles that are about to expire, assistance with payment gaps in vehicle loans or leases, and reduced prices for vehicle and home insurance. 
When Things Go South, How Can I Forgive? 
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We take great pride in being a dependable local insurance provider that protects individuals and their vehicles. We are proud of the fact that our service is affordable without sacrificing quality. Both of our businesses have stellar reputations in the personal insurance industry for dependability and superior customer service. We are able to give first-rate vehicle insurance because of the strong ties we have established. As a percentage of total vehicles, what percentage do not have a registered owner? Class I vehicles are those that conform to the standard Vehicles of yesteryear, scooters, and smartphones Our exceptional team of experts sets us apart from other claim aid organisations when it comes to recreational vehicles, travel trailers, off-road vehicles, and other types of RVs. We know how important it is to have trustworthy help on hand during times like these. 
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Getting auto insurance is a smart move. Nickerson Insurance Agency is the go-to car insurance agency for drivers in Stonington and Waterford, Connecticut. Get in touch with us first anytime you require car insurance so you can drive stress-free.
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lisasadleir · 4 months
Moving to Spain: An Essential List of “How to…” Articles
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Moving to Spain: An Essential List of “How to…” Articles
For years, Move to Malaga has been the go-to resource for anyone thinking of making Malaga and the Costa del Sol their home. We have a wealth of insider knowledge and a passion for making the moving to Spain process as smooth as possible.  We have written numerous articles sharing essential tips and “how to” guides to make your relocation and property purchase a more informed experience. From navigating the complex world of visas and residency, to finding the perfect property and settling into your new life. Our articles are packed with actionable tips and invaluable advice.  In the following summary, we highlight some of the most essential “How to” articles for moving to Spain and purchasing property. From understanding the latest visa requirements to calculating the ROI on a rental property and choosing the best schools for your children. These articles will give you a solid foundation for your Spanish adventure.  For personalized support and to ensure your move is truly stress-free, be sure to reach out to our team. As experts with years of experience, we can provide the tailored guidance you need to make your dream of a life in southern Spain a reality.
Here are some of our most popular Moving to Spain “How to”  articles …
Residency and Visas: - Learn how to apply for Spanish residency, including the latest requirements for 2022 here. - If you're in the UK, find out how to apply for a Non-Lucrative visa through BLS International Services here. - Already in Spain? Understand the process for renewing your Non-Lucrative visa here. - Canadians can learn how to apply for a non-lucrative residence visa here. - Non-EU spouses and family members can navigate the residency application process in Malaga here. - Digital nomads can learn how to apply for the Digital Nomad Visa in Spain here and in the UK here. - Book your NIE appointment online with this step-by-step guide here. - UK citizens can learn how to apply for the Spanish TIE here. Property Purchase Tips: - Save money on your property purchase by choosing the best currency exchange company here. - Understand the safe process for buying property in Spain here. - Decide where to buy property in Malaga and the Costa del Sol with these tips here. - Negotiate the best price with these 7 tips here. - Calculate the ROI on your Spanish rental property here. Relocation Tips: - Find your ideal long-term rental property in Spain here. - Americans can learn how to make the move to Spain here. - Decide where to live in Malaga with this guide here. - Apply for a Social Security Number in Spain here. - Understand how to apply for your Digital Certificate in Spain here. - Choose the best school in Malaga for your child here. - Replace a lost or stolen Spanish driving licence here.
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Are You Ready?
Moving to a new country is a big decision, and getting it right the first time is crucial. The process of securing the right visa, finding the perfect property, and navigating the intricacies of a new bureaucracy can be overwhelming. That's where Move to Malaga comes in. With years of experience and a deep understanding of the Malaga and the Costa del Sol, our team can provide the personalized guidance you need to make your move stress-free. Move to Malaga's expertise covers every aspect of your relocation. Our insider knowledge will give you the confidence to navigate even the most complex processes with ease. But Move to Malaga offers more than just information – we provide a complete relocation service designed to take the stress out of your move. From finding your dream property to setting up utilities and introducing you to the local community, our team will be with you every step of the way. With Move to Malaga, you can be sure you're in safe hands. Are you looking to purchase a property in southern Spain? Our personal property finder service will make your purchase experience safe and stress-free. So why take the risk of going it alone? The safe way to move to southern Spain or purchase property in Malaga and the Costa del Sol is to use the services provided by Move to Malaga. With our help, you can focus on the exciting bits – soaking up the sun, exploring your new home, and building the Spanish life you've always dreamed of. Get in touch today and take the first step towards the Spanish life you've always imagined. Read the full article
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stories-from-peter · 4 months
Apology Accepted
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I was driving home from work one day. My usual route was down Boundary Road and then onto the highway. At that time there were 2 sets of traffic lights as you approached the intersection with Canada Way. One set at Canada Way and another at Laurel Street a very short distance uphill from Canada Way. It was raining very heavily as I stopped for the red light at Laurel Street. The traffic light at Boundary was also red. My light changed to green but the light at Canada Way was still red. I coasted slowly down the hill to line up behind the cars waiting. As I got closer to the line of stopped vehicles I pressed gently on my brakes. Nothing happened. I thought the brakes might be wet so I pressed harder to dry them off. I was still moving so I thought I had an airlock and pumped the brakes to get rid of it. By this time I was still slowly rolling downhill at less than a slow walking pace. I stepped hard on the brakes again. I gently bumped the car at the end of the line of traffic.
The driver of the car jumped out, holding his neck like he was injured. I could dimly see through the rain that he was wearing an RCMP uniform and the car had the usual police markings on it. I opened my window and said “I’m sorry, I think my brakes are wet.” He said “Licence and registration, please.” I handed him my documents and he said “Your licence expired two days ago. Pull over to the side of the road.” I got a free ride in a police car to the Burnaby RCMP station.
I was placed in an interrogation room and waited there for a few minutes until an officer entered. He introduced himself as Lieutenant Troiano and told me he had recently been transferred to Burnaby from Kelowna. He asked me what happened so I explained the whole thing as accurately as I could. He took notes as I talked, read them over quickly, and then said “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this.”
I could hear an argument outside the door with a very angry voice saying “What! No tickets! If I did that I would get a ticket!” The officer I had collided with gruffly opened the door and started writing tickets as fast as he could. I lost count but I’m sure there were at least 4 or 5 of them. He told me “You better get somebody to pick you up because you can’t drive.” I found a phone in the waiting area and pretended to make a call. I walked back to my car and drove home. The next day I renewed my licence.
I started thinking about all that had happened and figured the expired license was a lost cause. I would pay the fine for that but I was going to fight the other tickets. The guy involved in the accident should not be writing any tickets. I checked into the procedure for challenging traffic tickets and discovered I had 30 days to launch my protest.
About a week before the deadline I got a letter from the RCMP. The letter basically said they did not condone the fact that I was driving with an expired license but they canceled all the tickets. The best part was the amended accident report that was included with the letter. Accident reports have a space where you can make a simple diagram of how the vehicles collided. My accident report showed the two cars on opposite sides of the paper, as far apart as you could put them.  
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