#How To Play Golf
olibensstuff · 11 months
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I want to talk about his polo shirt with someone
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ipetite69 · 5 months
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·̩͙ ₊ ᨦ ♡ ᨩ ໋₊ ·̩͙
oh to be rafe's kook princess so he can take me golfing
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wolfylch · 2 months
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Graham and Misty hanging out
Flint and Chip hanging out
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By 刘小花
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canirove · 7 months
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inchidentally · 1 month
https://www.tumblr.com/landoom/750752502494953472/they-touched-victorian-courting-vibes-its-been?source=share ooh?
a year and a half on and I do not know what the hell to do with their thing about touch ???
bc it's actually smth that developed alongside them not posting each other on their sm as much which bizarrely coincided w them getting more comfortable together and clearly getting closer ?? at the very start Lando was always slinging an arm around Oscar's shoulders bc he was still trying to play 'older veteran driver' until he finally realized he didn't like that role and that Oscar sees Lando as small and full of mischief and cute. same w him posting Oscar a lot at first and Oscar replying and it seeming for a long time like Daniel-era Lando and Prema-era Oscar would be the fun duo we'd be getting out of them.
but then that started changing as they spent more time together and the Silverstone fan stage/Austin filming Temporal Shifts happened and they became what they are now. so they got closer as friends/teammates, developed an easy and unique dynamic all their own and that cute little "crush" on each other. but it's coincided w them becoming more private when not doing McLaren content and us only finding out that they'd spent down time together after the fact.
and then this funny little distance happened at the same time where they gravitate toward being physically close and Lando wriggles and pushes into Oscar's space where it looks calm and nice and warm. the most blokey physical interaction they've ever had was during the goggles challenge when they tackled over the football at the end for like 2 seconds. but they're physically incapable of being 'rough' or blokey w each other otherwise when they're both totally fine with it with other guys! Lando loves having male friends treat him like a chew toy and Oscar may not be quite as physical but he'll smack someone if they're being too stupid to live and he'll nap right next to anyone who happens to have claimed a nap spot nearby and other guys have no problem knocking him around. but even the sarcasm they'd both always use with other men softened up towards each other and it's more domestic chiding than being-mean-for-jokes.
like if it was similar to a Kmag and Nico or Zhou and Val situation where they're friendly enough but it's a purely work thing then they'd act like either of them. same w George and Lewis tbh. they've all got the Man Code of jokes and back slaps and maybe a half bro hug.
but instead Lando and Oscar watch each other closely when the other isn't looking and have these gentle little private smiles and do the slightly creepy mind-reading thing that even weirds Andrea out a bit and they get drawn together physically in a very natural, comfortable 'us against them' way.
but oh !! it's So Much to put their hands on each other or push their bodies together !! even when they do a handshake it lasts so long !!
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thatsnotbuddies · 8 months
sandbagger 19 but just the jack and hanny bits
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snathark · 11 months
How to play golf
Peaky Blinders tutorial presented by Cillian Murphy
“Whose fucking idea was it that I go on holiday?”
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pinkniz · 8 months
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Devastated to announce that Sander is into golf😞
Also this:
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steddiejudas · 3 months
Steddie and auntie robin take their kid mini golfing.
At every single hole, Eddie and the kid are running after the ball, hitting it back and forth before it’s even stopped rolling, sword fighting with their putters and loudly proclaiming hole in one! no matter how many shots it takes.
Steve is standing back with Robin, holding a tiny pencil and a score sheet that has two mini “you rule | you suck” boards in lieu of actual scores.
“this is a mockery of the noble sport of mini golf,” he mutters as robin adds another tally to her “you rule” column after another (actual) hole in one, and a tally to his own “you suck” column as he continues to hit the ball in circles around the hole.
Eddie and their kid are already three holes ahead, on hands and knees, trying to blow the ball into the hole without touching it.
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sga-owns-my-soul · 1 year
ronon and teyla: john is such a fucking nerd
rodney: no he's so cool and suave and charming and a flirt and gorgeous and talented and good at everything and-
elizabeth and carson: no he really is a giant fucking nerd like we love him but he's kind of a dork
rodney: he's so amazing everyone wants him sooo badly people throw themselves at him-
anyone who has ever made a move on john: we literally are just using him to get something for our people he was convenient at best
rodney: such a kirk i can't believe it he's so hot and so cool and everyone wants him and he's so popular and-
john himself: rodney i'm literally such a dork what are you even talking about
rodney: but no im not in love with john that's stupid we're just friends
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imagionary · 11 months
May I request Rainmaker interacting with Deep Diver and Gatekeeper please? I really like those three together and I absolutely love your sketches and designs for the cogs!
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This ask made me think of one of the first stories Evils and I told for our AU x3 Silly afterwork game of mini golf that High Roller had set up; good times
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jollygoodhoe · 6 months
WAIT OMG. look what i found on the regular show fandom wiki :0
margaret x cj mini golf date when?!?
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streamsofstardust · 1 year
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once again thinking about golf hottie daniel <3
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inchidentally · 2 months
there’s a weird inversion that’s happened
LISTEN I’m genuinely having fun w landoscar and happen to also enjoy the real life dynamic they have and bottom line happy w whatever they actually are to each other since we literally don’t know how much any of these drivers actually like each other vs what’s just for fan enjoyment
where ppl have taken the fact that Oscar and Lando don’t play a joint hobby sport outside the track but all their friendliness we see is spontaneous and fond and Oscar is terrible at media and can’t fake anything and McLaren people saying how similar and in sync they are and Lando being more himself in media with Oscar than just his Fun Time Goofy Lando self and Lando’s best friend being Oscar’s friend before Oscar was even in F1 and them being so bad at PR fakery that even Netflix can’t drum up a drama around them and their ship name is barely even known outside fandom let alone being useful as PR - as them being “just PR/work friends”
and that even though he’s said none of the drivers that a journalist kept calling bromance count as his real private life close friends, the fact that Lando and several other drivers publicly post PR content of them doing activities together or riding the same jet and both of Lando’s other teammates publicly pushing their ship names and them being PR currency used across official accounts and sponsors and Netflix literally marketing the Netflix Cup around one of them - means those are “non PR real friendships outside of work”
and the one driver Lando actually consistently spends time with fully outside of the F1 season and shares friends with who aren’t in F1 but they almost never post content with each other for PR and are simply spotted together a lot - isn’t even counted among those Lando ships (Max V) bc fandom at large hasn’t decided they’re friends because… they don’t post enough about it on their main accs…
like Lando is absolutely friends with half the grid and easy to get along with! he’s not lying about those guys even if they’re very handy PR as well!
but very weird to literally interpret actual PR content as proof of genuine friendship and in same breath view landoscar - who flop so hard at being PR that even McLaren stopped using them for content the way they did w Carlos and Daniel - as clearly just being work friends all bc Lando complained that Oscar won’t play golf or padel with him and Oscar famously doesn’t post much about his life outside of work… like idk that’s kind of opposites day stuff ???
again it’s not so much about who Lando is more “really” friends with it’s taking the one teammate Lando’s had who famously fails at PR and won’t even fake smile unless there’s incentive but who cackles at everything Lando says and is friends with Lando’s literal best friend and say he’s got nothing to do w Lando that isn’t PR?? bc they don’t knock a ball around and when they do hang out outside of work we only find out through fans spotting them or one of them mentioning it after the fact like that’s literally spending time together - like that is actually not PR I’m ???
DONT GET ME WRONG I love landoscar staying firmly under the radar and not becoming the new larries and attracting heinous fans who hate real life girlfriends like the other Lando ships - but also very weird to see reality flipped and then being accused of faking a friendship for cameras when they… are the worst at PR of all Lando/driver pairings and them being cute and fun together is genuine…
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muirneach · 21 days
many reasons why it is ultimately good that i decided to go to [regular university] and not [weird trades slash environment college in middle of nowhere] BUT the college had a hockey rink (again small town bumfuck ontario, nothin better to do). i could have had it all there. now what i have to go to a normal rink to learn to play hockey??
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