#How To Meet Your Academic Idol Without Embarrassing Yourself
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thedipster · 7 years ago
How To Meet Your Academic Idol Without Embarrassing Yourself || Thatched Pines
Dipper Pines was really fucking excited and also really fucking nervous because he was about to meet with one of his greatest academic idols of all time.
Now showing up at office hours was something that Dipper was familiar with. He knew it. He was That Kid. Once, his Vampires in Film professor had sent a passive-aggressive email to the whole seminar calling out “certain students” who waited for him before office hours and literally everyone in the class knew that it was for Dipper and okay, he realized from that point on that he probably shouldn’t do the creepy wait outside the class thing—but still.
He loved talking to his professors. In large groups, Dipper got overwhelmed. It was easy to be overshadowed in class by people who were more outspoken, who didn’t mind raising their hands in front of their peers. In discussions, Dipper slunk to the back, only offering his hand when no one else was answering, only really making a point when people were completely missing it (throwback to the Twilight Debate in Vampires in Film where ALMOST everyone was under the impression that Twilight was beneficial because it portrayed vampires in positive light—just no, okay, Dipper nearly bit some sorority girl’s head off for that one (pun not intended)).
Anyway—back to the point. Dipper loved talking to his professors and for the most part (except for poor Professor Dorado), they enjoyed talking to him.
So for the run-of-the-mill faculty member at any university, Dipper could’ve just slid into the door and introduced himself, no big deal.
But Dr. Milo Thatch—
Okay, first of all, he had FOLLOWED Dipper back on Instagram which almost made him start hyperventilating (hyperbole, of course) and then he’d LIKED the picture of Dipper that Maui had taken at that strip club place (Oh God).
And second of all, well, Dipper had admired Dr. Thatch’s work for years, since, yeah as a thirteen-year-old boy instead of doing cool things in the summer, he holed up in Ford’s research facility and read papers. He was probably the first notable name Dipper had taken a liking to, fueled even more by the fact that he realized Dr. Thatch wasn’t some stodgy old guy—he was this, like, former child genius who was really young and looked really cool (and judging by the Instagram that Dipper stalked had a pretty cute girlfriend).
So when he saw that he had a class with Dr. Thatch, Dipper knew he had to make a good impression.
<<Also, ‘cuz this Milo fellow has a bit of an inside on where a certain triangular someone wants things to go, hint hint. Don’t tell Dipper though, I’ve planned this for years. >>
The first week of office hours (which was like a week before school started, but whatever, Dipper was eager), he strode into the Magick Studies building and located Dr. Thatch’s office (chewing on the string of his hoodie, because that’s what Dipper did when he was nervous and he hardly noticed it). The door was propped open and Dipper counted to six, took a deep breath, then gave a little rap on the side of the door, before popping his head in.
“Hi!” he said, a little loudly and uncoolly (goddamnit). “Uh, hi. I’m Dipper Pines, I—I’m in your seminar class for this term. I just wanted to say I’m really excited—I just transferred from Berkeley specifically for this program and I’m, like, a big fan of yours, uh. Sorry, that was weird. Anyway! I just had a couple of questions about the course, if you don’t mind?”
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crankynewt · 4 years ago
Chapter Three - You Said Forever
Another Love Series Masterlist
Pairing(s): Regulus Black x Fem!Reader, Remus Lupin x Fem!Reader
Song: driver’s license - Olivia Rodrigo
Warnings: Angst, shoddy timeline, swearing, (I think that’s it??).
Word Count: 2.8k
Author’s Note: I made an angst series using sad songs, ofc I had to use driver’s license eventually! Also, although the characters have gotten a bit older, I’m still using Andrew Garfield and Timmy Chalamet as the face claims! I hope y’all enjoy this chapter, it’s a big one!!
(Neither gif is mine, all credit to the creators!)
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If the decrepit walls of 12 Grimmauld Place could talk, they would tell the tales of misery and anguish. The house had not seen much happiness since it’s construction, especially during the period Walburga, Orion, and their children inhabited it. It was only following the deaths of all of Sirius’ family that he took up residence there with you when the anguish was displaced with joy, if only for a short period. It’s no wonder that you moved to a cabin in the middle of nowhere with Remus following the events of October 31st.
Standing in the front entry once more, the ghosts haunting the dwelling seemed to be whispering unintelligible warnings against proceeding further into the house. You could hear the shrieking of Walburga’s painting upstairs, a familiar nuisance that had your blood boiling in an instant. Your husband’s arm draped protectively across shoulders as he rubbed soothing circles with his thumb was the only thing keeping you sane at that moment in time. 
Through the open door at the end of the hall you could see the face of Sirius Black, the light in his eyes slowly returning as he spots two of his favourite people in the world. He quickly stood, rushing out the door to embrace you both in a warm hug as you dropped your trunks to the floor. He held the both of you close and tight, afraid that should he let go, he would wake up alone in his cell once more. 
The Order reuniting was the perfect distraction for both you and your husband, your recent unemployment resulting in a sense of unease in both your minds. Luckily, both Sirius and yourself had inherited enough money that you needn’t worry about working, but the void that your children left when they returned to Hogwarts the following year was certainly hard to fill. Summer break couldn’t come soon enough for any of you. 
Towards the end of that summer the Weasleys came to stay, Molly and Arthur bringing their four youngest, meaning that mischief lay just around every corner. About a week after their arrival was when Hermione showed up, the same day that Moody had taken a small group to retrieve Harry from the Dursleys.
Hearing the opening door, you rushed from the kitchen where the meeting had been taking place to see that Arthur had returned with the young girl who he’d picked up from her muggle household.
“ Professor (Y/L/N)!” She smiled, lugging her cart behind her with one hand while the other cradled her ginger cat. 
“Oh please, Hermione, I’m not your teacher anymore.” You said. “(Y/N) is fine.” You knew the girl had seen you as a role model, both academically as a skilled teacher but also following the story Harry had detailed to her about how you’d worked for the Order to relay Death Eater secrets to them. You can still remember the slap across the head she’d given Ron after he let her secret slip during class, the young girl embarrassed that you knew how she idolized you.
“The rest of the kids are just upstairs if you want to join them, Ginny will show you to the room you’re sharing.  Harry should be getting here in about half an hour, and dinner will be at six-thirty!” You explained, the girl smiling as she carefully let Crookshanks down to the floor before she dragged her case up the stairs behind her.
Returning to the table, you sat in the seat across from your husband as you shared a tight-lipped smile. The two of you had decided that it was probably best to maintain a level of professionalism around your fellow Order members, the pair of you keeping all talk of your relationship outside of the meetings. These gatherings, however, continued to consist of endless bickering over the topics of Harry and Voldemort, the only subtle comfort you’d found during the evening had been Crookshanks crawling upon your lap for a snooze.
“I’m just saying that we can’t risk telling Harry about this, it’ll just be putting him in more danger and we never know who’s listening.” You said. “I mean, look at Pettigrew! He hid in your house for years without anyone knowing! Who knows what he’s shared with ‘You Know Who’!”
“Yes, but there aren’t exactly unregistered animagi running around everywhere, (Y/N).” Sirius remarked. 
“Says the unregistered animagus to the other unregistered animagus.” You snapped, glaring at your in-law from across the table.
You forced your mouth shut after that, not wanting to continue bickering with your friends, letting your thoughts wander until Sirius’ comment forced it’s way back to the front of your mind. You weren’t exactly sure as to why it was bothering you so much. Even after the meeting had concluded and you were the last one in the kitchen, baking cookies for the teens to snack on the following days, you couldn’t shake an odd feeling. As if there was something that your subconscious had registered that your conscious mind hadn’t yet comprehended. 
It was only when you turned to grab the tinfoil from the cupboard behind you that a cold sweat found your body, your mind finally registering what you’d missed when something caught the corner of your eye. Maybe you hadn’t noticed it because you didn’t want to believe it, or maybe it was that part of you realized just how long it would take for this shock to fully register.
“You must think I’m stupid,” You began, refusing to turn away from the dough you were scooping onto the cookie sheet, “or maybe you’re still just as arrogant as you were in school.”
You didn’t receive a response right away, causing both a wave of relief and disappointment to wash over you at your incorrect suspicion. But that all went away when you heard a shifting sound and the screeching of a chair.
“What gave me away?” A voice called from behind you in a smug tone you’d heard countless times many years ago.
“Oh please, Regulus.” You said, finally working up the courage to turn around as you fought desperately to conceal your emotions. He was older now, crinkles reaching the corners of his eyes, and his previously neat clothes were now battered, torn, and bloodstained, but apart from that he looked just as he did when he walked out the door years ago. “We were married - I know you better than you know yourself.”
He gave a silent chuckle as his smirk became a tiny smile and he looked towards the floor. An uncomfortable silence filled the room as a strong, unnamable tension continued to grow between you. While you expected an explanation, Regulus seemed to have anticipated a much happier reaction from you. 
“What, you’re not happy to see me?” Regulus commented, his confusion continuing to build at your indifference to his sudden appearance. “I’m still your husband, you can’t spare me a smile, at the very least?”
That’s when it hit you - he doesn’t know. Regulus, or Crookshanks, rather, hadn’t heard anybody mention that you’d moved on. It must have been some luck or twisted fate that he’d never been in the room when your relationship had been mentioned, which means he also doesn’t know about Teddy. But does he know about Archie and Cassie? Surely he would’ve asked about them immediately if he was aware.
“You’ve been gone for a very long time.” You said, your bitter tone contrasting the quietness of your voice, yet your volume grew with each word until you were shouting. “You abandoned me, how dare you show up now and expect me to welcome you back into my life with open arms. Do you have any idea what I have been through the past sixteen years?! You have no fucking clue exactly what you left me to deal with! And now you sit here with that smug expression, daring to call yourself my husband and expecting me to forgive you for the hell you put me through?!”
Regulus sat there with his mouth opening and closing, the first time you’d ever seen the quick-witted boy speechless. You could see the hurt in his emerald eyes as his mind desperately searching for something, anything to say. But you never got the chance, as the door opening as a third voice filled the room.
“Honey, it’s starting to get late, I think you should come to - dear god.” 
Both your and Regulus’ heads snapped towards the over of the voice, only for your eyes to meet your other husband. It didn’t take long for Regulus to process why Lupin was calling you “honey” and exactly where his comment was going, his eyes darting between the two of you over and over again, before a sigh escaped him.
“So that’s why.” He said, leaning further back into his chair and crossing his arms over his chest. “How long was I gone before you and the werewolf started -”
“Don’t!” You bit, probably a bit too loud because that was what finally caught the attention of two sets of ears upstairs. In the long, dark hall, two doors opened and two sets of eyes stared at each other from across the way. The eldest and youngest of the Black men eventually made their way down the stairs together, careful to be quiet as they attempted to discern what the voices in the kitchen were arguing about.
“There is a lot more going on than you realize, you can’t just expect everything to go back to normal after so long. Now if the two of you would stop bickering like children we can discuss everything like adults.” They could hear Remus say, presumably attempting to diffuse the situation considering how level-headed the man typically is. 
There was no sound as Sirius slowly peeked his head through the already open door, utterly disbelieving the sight before his eyes as his shocked exclamation broke the eerie silence.
“Holy shit!” 
“What?!” Archie gasped from behind him, squeezing into the room behind Sirius and peering over his shoulder to see a face that he’d only ever seen in photos before.
Regulus’ eyes widened at the sight of the young Black, clearly seeing so much of himself in the fifteen year-old boy. You being pregnant when he left definitely wasn’t outside the realm of possibilities, you were married after all, and suddenly a lot of your anger towards him seemed justified. 
“Is that my… Were you…”  He trailed off, unable to find the words he wanted to say as his mind still processed this new information.
Remus suddenly covered his shaking head with the palm of his hand, quickly exiting the room and heading out the front door to get some air. He didn’t want to watch Regulus steal his wife and his kids away from him - he just couldn’t.
“Fuck.” You cursed under your breath, holding your own head in your hands as you attempted to make sense of the insanity around you. “Archie, go back upstairs, I’ll be up in just a minute.”
“But-” Your son didn’t get to finish his protest, the look in your eyes when your head shot up to look at him scared him into compliance. In his entire life, he’s never seen that look of utter fury, especially not from you. He quickly left the room, anxious to fill his sister in on everything that had just gone down.
“Sirius, please deal with your brother while I go find my husband.” You breathed, not sticking around to hear a response as you made your way down the hall.
“Now where,” Sirius began, pulling out the chair at the head of the table and quickly sinking into it, “have you been?”
“I was the cat.” Regulus stated simply, the smirk he typically wore working its way back onto his face.
“You were Hermione’s cat?!” Sirius laughed, finding the irony of another “dead” person in his life winding up as being one of the trio’s pets. “Maybe we need to take a look at Harry’s owl.”
But the humour of the situation didn’t last very long, both their faces quickly falling as reality gained their attention once more. 
“I can’t believe I have a son…” Regulus trailed off, still in utter disbelief about the existence of the boy who looks exactly like him.
“And a daughter.” Sirius added, his brother’s eyes widening to saucers once more. “Twins, to be exact. Arcturus and Cassiopeia.”
“What’re they like?” He asked, desperate to learn more about the children he’d never known existed. Of all the things Harry, Ron, and Hermione talked about around him, they couldn’t have mentioned his children at least once?
“They’re perfect - don’t know where they get it from, probably somewhere on (Y/N)’s side.” Sirius said, a small smile forming as he talked about the kids he adored so much. “They’re both in Slytherin, just about to go into their sixth year. Archie is the quieter one, just like you were, while Cassie is a lot more extroverted and even joined the quidditch team her first year.”
“And (Y/N)...” Regulus suddenly grew solemn again, letting out a disappointed breath as he looked away to a random point in the room. “I need to win her back.”
“Regulus, I- I don’t think you can.” Sirius said, causing his brother’s head to whip back around to him, fury written all over his face. “Remus and her have been together for years, that’s not something that’ll just go away. He raised your children with her and they also have another son together, Teddy.”
“Then what am I supposed to do? Just give up?!” He snapped, a sinking feeling beginning to set in as he began to realize just how difficult getting you back to himself will end up being. 
“What’re you supposed to do? You’re supposed to get to know and form a relationship with the children who’ve thought you were dead their entire lives!” Sirius said. “And maybe you’ll establish a new relationship with (Y/N) again, one as co-parents. But her and Remus have both been to hell and back, so please, just promise me you won’t go about trying to sabotage their marriage.”
“But what about our marriage?”
Remus couldn’t hear any of the typical sounds of busy London that night, he was too anxious and all that he could pick up were the sounds of his heavy breathing. He was so distracted, in fact, that he didn’t notice you quietly slipping through the front door or sitting down beside him until you leaned your head on his shoulder. 
“How’d he come back?” Remus asked, wondering just what had happened to tear his life apart. 
“He was Hermione’s cat.” You said, your voice soft and sorrowful. “Turns out the Marauders weren’t the only unregistered animagi at Hogwarts. I’m just embarrassed it took me so long to figure it out, I knew it was his patronus but I guess I just didn’t want it to be true.”
“What does this mean for us?” Remus asked the dreaded question looming in his mind.
“What do you mean ‘what does this mean for us?’ Why would this change anything?” You asked in disbelief, raising your head from his shoulder to look at him.
“But he’s Archie’s and Cassie’s father-”
“So are you! You’re also Teddy’s dad.”
“And you were married. He was your husband first.” Remus added, gazing at you with a look of nothing but misery. “We were at Hogwarts together, I saw how utterly obsessed the both of you were with each other for years. You never even spared me a second glance, the only reason you even knew I existed was because I was friends with his brother… I’m not even mad about it, you should be with whoever you want to be with, and that’s Regulus. You’ve always deserved someone better than me-”
“Now you listen to me Remus John Lupin.” You began, your husband flinching at the use of his full name, something that you only did when you were angry. “You are who I want to be with, not Regulus; there’s no one better than you. If anything, I’m the one who doesn’t deserve you. Yes, we were married first, but that was for less than a year and happened seventeen years ago! We’ve been together for fourteen years, Remus, you’re my life now. I loved him in the past but he abandoned his family, you’re my life now and the one I want to grow old with. He might be Archie and Cassie’s father, but you’ll always be their dad.”
None of your eyes were dry by the end of your confession and you both spent the next several minutes just holding each other, relishing in the fact that the both of you were going to be okay. 
“Let’s go to bed, yeah?” You said, Remus nodding in response as the pair of you stood up. “We can deal with the rest tomorrow, Sirius can handle it for now.”
A/N: Okay, so I don’t personally believe the theory that Regulus never died and was actually Crookshanks, but it was what worked for this story so that’s what we’re going with! I’m so grateful for all the support this series has gotten, you guys are the best!
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multikpopwriter · 5 years ago
Dating In The Modern World | n.y
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pairing: Nakamoto Yuta x female OC
genre: fluff, angst, frat boy au, college au
warnings: none
words: 2.4k
prompt: Yuta desperately needed an extra subject in order to meet the minimum required subject for this semester. He ends up enrolling in this weird class that made its students experience relationship activities and analyze them first hand. The only problem was the girl that was partnered with him was not the type of girl he would ever date. (inspired by Love Playlist, a Korean web drama)
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"Hey, have you heard about that course, love in the modern world?" Yuta asked Taeil who was sitting on the couch with Taeha on the opposite side.
 "oh" Taeha was the one who reacts. "A friend of mine took that course a few semesters back"
 "How was it?" Yuta sits beside Taeil, who was absolutely bothered by Yuta's presence bothering their alone time together before Taeyong could come and interupt it.
 "She told me that it doesn't require a lot of time, I heard she just passed a paper at the end of the semester" Taeha tells him as Taeil sat beside Taeha. "And she got a decent grade after"
 "Well I guess it isn't that bad" Yuta stands up and gives a little smirk towards Taeil. "I'll head back up to my room, don't want to bother you love birds" Yuta shakes his head as Taeil shamelessly placed his head on Taeha's shoulder and Taeha tries to hide her blushing face from Yuta.
Yuta leaves the frat house the next day hoping and expecting a chill lecture, but he was sitting in class as the lecturer mentions coupling of random people together. They were coupled together according to the survey of their preferred gender which he took when he enrolled in class that day.
 "Nakamoto Yuta" the lecturer calls his name out and he pauses, he fixes his stuff and even sits up straight. He really wants to drop this subject, but he has already paid for the course and the hassle of refunding is running in his mind. "And Kim Soyoung" once the lecturer mentions the name, the girl sitting a few seats in front of him raises her hand and she turns around to look for him.
 Yuta has never really encountered Soyoung, but he could already tell that she was the type of girl who he would never like or even befriend. Although she doesn't smell bad, but she looked very disorganizes almost homeboy like. Her hair's a mess and from the looks of it her bag was too.
 "Hi, can I sit beside you" the way she spoke was also very kind.
 Yuta only nods his head.
 "I'm Soyoung, I'm from the art department" she pulls out her hand and Yuta look at it for a good few seconds.
 "I'm Yuta from the business department" he pulls his hand out hesitantly, but Soyoung took the lead and shakes his hand. Yuta takes her hand and began to look the other way. He takes a deep breath obviously showing his dissatisfaction.
 "Okay, for your first homework, go on a date with your partner and find out five facts about them. Each individual should send a compiled video of the facts that they got from their partner" the lecturer shows the rubrics on the screen. "But you aren't allowed to directly get these facts out of this person, you should indirectly find out about it"
 Yuta writes everything down on his notebook before turning to glance at his partner, who was writing the notes down on her phone. He sighs. He was told this class was easy.
 The class quickly ended after giving out the information for their project. "Yuta" Soyoung calls the guy's attention before he could even walk away from their seats.
 Yuta turns around and replies with a hum.
 "When will you be free, I'm pretty busy preparing for my final project" she explains, and Yuta looks through his own schedule on his phone.
 "How about this, give me your number and we'll talk about it later. I really need to go" Yuta already opens his app before Soyoung could even say 'yes'.
 "Sure" she takes Yuta's phone and types her number. Before Soyoung could even say good bye, as soon as she returns her phone Yuta runs out of the classroom. Then Soyoung hears how the girls were gushing over Nakamoto Yuta. 'I wish I was his partner' 'I mean he's from NCT so he's probably does well academically, plus, it's a known fact, that every NCT member is a good looking fellow' 'I would die to be in her position'
 The weekend comes around the corner and both Soyoung and Yuta decides that this was the best time the two of them could meet. Yuta was standing outside his car, he parked just outside one of the dormitories of the university. It took a while before Soyoung came out of the dormitory dressed up a bit more than usual. However, Yuta was quick to pin point how late she was.
 "You're late" Yuta rubs his temples.
 "I'm sorry" she bows her head.
 Yuta could only sigh. He opens the door to his car. Soyoung might be the last person he would ever date, but that doesn't excuse being rude to her. "Just get in" he tells her as he noticed she still hasn't raised her head.
 Soyoung looked up surprised to see that Yuta opened the door for her. "You don't have to go out of your way, we're both doing this for the grades" her weak smile towards Yuta hit him differently. Yuta stands there shocked for a few seconds as soon as she closed the door herself.
 "I was just trying to be nice" Yuta mutters to himself as he walked towards the driver's seat.
 The drive to the restaurant was quiet, deathly quiet. They both knew absolutely nothing about each other, but they can't seem to start a conversation with one another. "So..." Yuta tries to start a conversation. "Are you graduating as well?" he asked the most sensitive question.
 "I hope" was her simple reply.
 Then they both fell silent once again. They later arrived in the restaurant without muttering enough words to exchange with one another. The place was rather very chic, it wasn't over the top fancy nor was it just nice interior, the whole place is very chic. In fact, it was easily a very Instagram able place.
 "I love restaurant like this" Soyoung couldn't help but gawk at the beauty of the place. Yuta stops for a second and then he pulls out his phone, "say that again". Yuta puts the phone to her face.
 "I love restaurants like this" she makes a joking face towards Yuta's phone. His heart just began beating very lightly, almost invisible, but it was there. It was small, but it was strong enough to catch his attention. All Soyoung did was jokingly approach his phone camera, but his heart was swayed. Was he always easily swayed like this?
 Then they sat down, silence once again fills the two of them. Once, they've placed their orders Yuta takes his phone out to emptily scroll through twitter. "So, what do you like to do other than studying?" Soyoung pulls out her phone and begins recording Yuta.
 "I do almost everything an NCT member does" Yuta puts down his phone.
 "And what is that?"
 "I sing and dance, I guess" Yuta shrugs and Soyoung captures this moment. She ends the video and puts her phone down.
 "Do all NCT frat members sing and dance?" this was the first time she heard this about this well-known frat house.
 "Some rap instead of singing, others do all three" Yuta folds his arms across his chest and leans back. It wasn't just Yuta who saw that he would never date a girl like Soyoung, Soyoung would never date a guy like Yuta as well. He often acted arrogant, but he has every right to do so, he excelled academically and in sports as well. He seems flawless except his hard to approach personality. In all honesty, if she were to date someone from the same frat house it would most likely be someone like Jungwoo, who was her classmate in a different class.
 "And what do you do with all that talent?" Soyoung decides to put her phone on the side and just record the two of them and just cut out the parts which she needed.
 "We sometimes hold performances, but most of the time we have open lessons and teach kids how to sing, dance and rap. It's one advocacy our frat house holds"
 "Soyoung, how about you? What do you do other than studying?" Yuta returns the question and places his phone just like how Soyoung did with hers.
 "Aside from studying, I draw and paint a lot, even for leisure. Aside from that, I don't think I do anything interesting" Soyoung's empty response caused Yuta to sigh discreetly.
 "I mean other than that--" Yuta sighs, he wanted to directly ask the question, but the rubrics told them to indirectly know about each other. "Are you into music or books or..." he lets the sentence trail off.
 Soyoung pauses, it was easy to read her, and Yuta immediately understood that she knew nothing but painting.
 "You don't have to force yourself" Yuta tells her. Soyoung's thinking expression softens and Yuta's heart beats once again. It was softer, but now, much more impactful. He grabs his chest and slowly looks at her, she still looked the same, but her smile was different. Her smile was soft almost cloud like and then it would feel like it pierces through his heart. What was this feeling?
 "Are you okay?" Soyoung leans in closer as soon as she takes notice that Yuta was clutching onto his chest and his face turning slightly red. Soyoung leans in closer, but Yuta stops her by placing his hand on her forehead, slightly pushing her away.
 "I-I'm fine" he turns his face away from Soyoung.
 "Are you embarrassed of something?" she tilts her head completely oblivious about what was happening with Yuta.
 "No, I'm not! It's just..." Yuta turns his head towards the opposite direction. "You still haven't given me your answer" he tells her without even looking at her in the eye.
 "Oh right" she moves back and nods her head. "I mean, I like idols and stuff as well, but only casually though" she pouts a bit, this was something other than her major that she pays attention to.
 Yuta glances her way and somehow looking at her directly was becoming hard to do. Soyoung is the exact opposite of his type in girls, both in personality and in looks. He has always preferred girls with short hair and was passionate about so many things. Soyoung, who was sitting in front of him, was the opposite of that. Soyoung had long hair that fell to a natural inwards curve and she's only dedicated to painting.
 "Are you just replying that was to have an answer?" Yuta gives her a weird look. Yuta thinks to himself, that she didn't have to force herself to like something she's not into.
 "Honestly, I don't really know a lot of things other than painting" she softly mutters feeling guilty about getting caught by Yuta.
 Yuta bites down his lip, he was getting smitten towards this girl and it was crazy. He can't help but think that he only felt attracted towards her because they were on a date. "Have you dated anyone before?" the question came out of his mouth before he could even process what he asked her.
 Soyoung looks up, she was startled by the question. "I- I haven't" she bows her head after catching her cool.
 The breath Yuta was holding in was suddenly let go. His eyes were stuck on hers, it was like a staring contest, but there was something deeper going on between them. "Yuta, how about you?"
 Yuta bites down his inner cheek. "I have dated a few..." Yuta stops talking when he takes notice that Soyoung's expression changed drastically. "...but I don't think I've ever found someone I wanted to date seriously... yet" he looks her in the eyes when he says that last word.
 "Why did you join NCT?" she immediately asked breaking the eye contact Yuta and her were sharing.
 "There's no specific reason behind it. I was recruited and they offered me a place to stay and the guys are great. Nothing special behind it" he shrugs his shoulders, feeling sort of awkward that Soyoung broke their eye contact.
 "Where do you stay? Are you not in a sorority?"
 Soyoung only smiles. "I'm not, I actually don't live in the campus" Soyoung nods her head, a little habit Yuta took notice of whenever she spoke. "I live with my two brothers in a house just a 15 minute drive outside the university"
 Then the two of them fell silent. Yuta would sometimes stare outside the restaurant and Soyoung would fidget with her hand.
 "Soyoung" Yuta was trying to gain a little bit more courage. He takes a deep breath when Soyoung looks at her. "If someone were to ask you out on a date would you say 'yes'?" he gulps down after saying this sentence a bit too quickly.
 "D-Depends on the person" she stutters. Soyoung's mind was going crazy. Was he trying to ask her out or was there someone else who wanted to ask her out. She silently hoped for it to be the first.
 "What type of person?" Yuta leans in closer, his eyes much more kinder than when they first met.
 Soyoung licks her lips as she slowly moved back to keep the distance between the two of them. She turns her head away from his gaze. "you" was her soft reply.
 "I didn't hear" Yuta leans in closer.
 Soyoung takes a deep breath and turned her head around to face Yuta only to see him with the widest smile on his face. "You heard it" Soyoung hits Yuta's arm.
 "I did" Yuta was trying to hide a smile, but he couldn't. "So, let's say I asked you out next week, just us two without this whole project thing, would you come?"
 "I need to think about it" Soyoung jokes as she bites down her lip.
 Yuta could only smile at her. Soyoung was the last type of person he would ever date, but here he was completely smitten by this girl. He couldn't wait for them to meet again. He couldn't wait for him to know more about her.
 They both gave a small wave to their cameras that was recording the whole thing. It was not time for them to find out about each other more than the five facts that they need for their class.
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savedbybangtan · 5 years ago
words: 999
About: You and your fwb, Suga, have sex.
Slight degradation talk, penetration, fluff?, smut
I’m trying out a more casual writing style for fanfics. What do you think about it? I write so much academically that I forgot what “creative” writing was. Normally, I write very textbookish and primp and proper. Should I go back to it?
“Ah~ Yoongi, baby, please,” you pant wildly and nonsensically – the lewd sound bouncing off the walls in your mediocre apartment’s bedroom. “Ahn, it feels too good.” Tears burn at the inner corners of your eyes as the pressure in your womb begins to build.
The sight before you is marvelous. Yoongi, who ditched his black head band at some point, has his jet black hair plastered to his face with sweat. His eyeliner had lightly smeared contrasting your freshly cleaned face. You had just come out the shower when he asked if he could come over after a shoot.
He huffs, working up a sweat as he slightly rises every now and again to meet your grinding directions.
The first time you heard of the lotus position was literally a few minutes ago and now you wonder how you have ever lived without it before. With Yoongi’s legs crossed, he had even less control over your movements as he would in cowgirl. You were completely in control.
Still full of energy, but losing control due to your impending orgasm, you bounce sloppily on top of your friend of a few months. Your heels locked together behind his back dig into his tail bone to try to get him in deeper.
“Slow down, ____,” he whispers into your ear. “There’s no rush… fuck, you’re tight.” He grunts feeling you clench around him due to his voice.
“I can’t slow down,” you breathe, “I want more.” You fluff his hair with both hands while maintaining eye contact. He looks like a god, how could you look away?
“Fuck it.”
Yoongi suddenly shifts his hips and holds you by your arms to soften the fall on your back. He grabs your legs that are still wrapped around his hips by the knees so each leg is on either side of your face.
This position is embarrassing, so you are about to protest until he pistons into you, getting deeper than he ever had before. “Is this what you wanted?” He asks – a smooth caress against your ear. He kisses your face when he realizes it was stuck in a silent scream, signaling to him you are about to go over the edge. “You wanted this so bad, so cum. Whenever I try to go slow and treat you like a queen you always have to remind me of what a slut you are.” His words have you blushing even more. He switches his angle so that his dick will rub even harder on your g-spot. Mere seconds pass and you let go.
Stars dance around the room and you close your eyes. You’re probably moaning but the feeling of euphoria is too much for you to comprehend what is happening. High and mid-orgasm, you hear yourself scream “Marry me! Marry me, Min Yoongi!”
Your orgasms always lasted for a couple of minutes whenever he was in you, giving himself plenty of time chase his own end inside of you. He relishes in the feel of your pulsating walls.
He climaxes with a loud moan himself, the sexiest thing you’ve ever heard.
He softens inside you just as you are coming down from your high, body numb and out of breath.
He pulls out of you carefully, slipping off his condom as he goes to the bathroom.
He comes back in a few minutes with a towel to first wipe some of the sweat off your forehead then to clean your release from your thighs. You let him. You found that he always did this after sex, tended to your bodily fluids. It was one of the sweet things that made you fall in love with him.
You wish you had waited before having sex with him. It took meeting at two kickbacks before you took him to your apartment to get some oral which lead to two of you having sex straight until the sun rose. Whenever his stamina ran out, you rode him or sucked him off. When you were tired, he would take over.
Thus began the saga of your sexual escapades with him, and no one even knew. Your friends kept giving you shit for having sex too quickly (because they knew you always regretted it after a while) so you opted to keep your meetings a secret. Besides, it was better like this since he was an idol. The entire world would flip upside down if they knew that any of Korea’s sweethearts were humans and were having sex.
You are brought back to the present when you feel his hard, warm chest on your back. His biceps flexed in a way that had you wanting him again when he used his arms to pull you closer to him in a little spoon.
With a kiss on your ear, you lean back into him with a sigh, grateful that he wasn’t the type to just leave after he had an orgasm.
“Bring me the document,” he breathes into your ear.
You could feel the smirk on his face.
“You asked me to marry you twice a few minutes ago. Don’t take it back now. I’m asking you to bring me the documents to make it official,” he pouts feigning innocence.
You bury your face in the pillows. “Can you for a minute stop teasing me?”
“How can I when you look so pretty as a tomato.” At least he thought you were pretty, but that was obvious with how he looked at you like you were a meal whenever you two had sex. “And I’m being serious,” he continues. “Bring them. My mother would be thrilled.”
You’ve had enough. “See…” you start, “that’s the problem. I don’t quite remember saying that.”
“You don’t?” He says, now caressing your torso in a circle, each time getting dangerously close to the mound at the apex of your thighs.
“Not at all,” you say, your voice betraying your excitement.
“Then I guess I’ll just have to make you propose again.”
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randombtsprincessa · 6 years ago
The Man in the Pink Cape || 3
Author: Randombtsprincessa
Chapters:  01  02
Characters: Jin (Non Idol) x Reader (2nd POV)
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To say that Eunji and Hanna were worried about you was an understatement. Unable to head home to Duri, you decided to crash at Eunji and Hanna’s dorm and when they returned home to see you curled up on their couch they immediately knew something was wrong.
“So, you’re sure you’ll be fine coming to class today?” Eunji asked as you sat on her makeup stool, her expert fingers, making your dark circles disappear.
“Yes, I’m sure. I wasn’t the one being bullied, you know.” you replied.
“Yeah, but you were still so close to those low lives. Too close for our liking,” Hanna said from the bed, looking up at you with the same concern that reflected in Eunji’s eyes.”
“The Vigilante saved my life, guys. I’m fine, trust me.”
“What did you say he called himself?”
“Damhongsaeg,” you mumbled.
You didn’t miss the amused look exchanged between your friends. “What?” you asked and they giggled. “Do you know what Damhongsaeg means?” Hanna asked.
“Vigilante…?” You said…tacking on a question mark at the end.
“It means Pink.” Eunji said, her lips, painted a startling pink stretched into a grin.
“Well, he does wear a pink cape.” You defended.
“You didn’t tell us much about him.” Eunji mumbled and you cut her a side eye. To be honest, you felt as if you had only given a detailed and proper description of the vigilante out of everything that had happened that night. You hadn’t even mentioned Jin. They hadn’t commented on that, which means they didn’t know why you ran off.
Thinking about Jin was a little less embarrassing for you now.
Sure, he had high class friends, but then so did you; Eunji and Hanna might not be as ‘hip’ as Suga’s crew but they were decent people who had a good reputation and an academic presence.
Just because Jin was friends with those people didn’t change facts that he was still very kind…but you were willing to cut off now. You could finish your school year and get away from here, just as you had wanted without bothering about Jin. Eunji had been right; he wasn’t bothering with you, why should you bother with him?
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Imagine your surprise when it was Jin himself who showed up at your locker when you were sorting your schedule.
“Hey, Y/N,” He said, a small dimpled smile adorning his glorious face as he approached.
You turned to look at him in shock, being sure not to drop any heavy books on your toes as you gaped openly at him. Maybe it had been the hazy lighting and your own drunken state but Jin in morning light looked better than any party glare or Dark Library tube light could ever make him look.
“How…how did…you, I mean,” You stammered out as a greeting.
How did he manage this? You had been looking for him for ages and now after one party, he could find you this easily? Or had he just spotted you and come across to say hi?
“I saw you at Yoongi’s party yesterday but you ran off before I could come over. Were you ok?” he asked in his usual smooth, concerned voice. “Yes, I just…had a little bit to drink and was feeling smothered so I decided to go home.” You said, keeping the part of the Vigilante to yourself.
“You’re sure you’re fine? I heard you had a run in with the Pink Caped Guy.” He leant in for a split second and you froze for a second, mind reeling from his closeness. “Um…how did you hear about that?” you asked.
“Minho’s in my class; he’s got a bloody nose and he’s filing a complaint. Of course, he’s a big guy and a bully, they’re going to bring some kids he bullied to overthrow his statement that Campus Security in lacking.” He said.
You nodded and tried to back away but he kept moving in. “So, I’m going to ask again, Y/N, are you ok?”
There was something in his intensity that made you look down at his shoes instead of his eyes. “Yes, I’m fine.” You mumble.
There was a pause before he moved back, smiling again. “So, now that I’ve found you. How about you join me for a coffee later today, after class? I’ll find you.”
You didn’t even have time to reply as he turned around and walked off.
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“I found him.” These were the first words out of your mouth as you sat next to Hanna in English Literature.
Hanna looked up from the book she was reading to you in surprise. “The Vigilante…?” she asked. This made Eunji from the next table look at you two. “You found the vigilante?” she asked so loudly that people three rows over looked at you, alarmed.
“No, I found Jin. Or rather, he found Me.” you related your meeting with him this morning and again, the roommates exchanged a look.
“He saw you at the party and you ran off because you were drunk?” Hanna asked the hardest hitting question.
“She got nervous.” Eunji said her eyes keen on your face.
“I wasn’t nervous. I was feeling hot and suffocated.” You said defensively.
“Maybe because you wanted Jin to make you feel hot and,” Eunji stopped when Hanna smacked her arm, glaring at her as the professor finally walked in, sparing you.
You spent the rest of the day avoiding looking Eunji in the eye, certain that her misguided insight had you red in the face.
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After your last class, Advanced Music, you stepped out to find Jin already there, tall, wide shouldered and perfect. “Hey,” you said, a soft smile easing its way on your face. “Hi, may I carry your bag?” Jin asked and you took a step back as he reached for the strap. “It’s heavy.” You said immediately.
A smirk appeared on his face. “I’ve carried heavier.” He said before easily sliding the strap from your shoulder and onto his own. He was carrying two backpacks without showing any effort. You envied that.
Jin made his way towards the back of the campus where small diners and cafes sat in a small line.
He led you to a small one at the very end, the door making a tinkling sound when he pushed it open for you to enter first.
You entered, smiling politely at him then stopped. The inside was the definition of quaint. Small mugs and cups hung from fish line hooks and hand painted pictures adorned the walls.
“My friends work here. Jimin’s the one who drew all of these. Hoseok is the barista.” He grinned at me when he saw me looking before turning to the counter.
A guy, with messy reddish hair in a smock made his way over to him with a roll of his eye. “You back for another shot of pure caffeine? You know one of these days you’re going to lose it and,” he stopped when he noticed you appear at Jin’s elbow.
“You got company, too?” his eyes widened at Jin before looking at you.
“Hello, sweetie, I’m Hobi, you are…?”
“Y/N,” you said shyly, shaking the hand he had offered. Man, were all of Jin’s friends this attractive. “What would you like?”
You noticed he spoke more to you than Jin but you just went with it. “Um…hot chocolate?” you looked at Jin to see him nod at Hoseok, signaling to make it two. Hobi didn’t go all the way back. He just raised his voice.
“Jimin-ah, get off your painting and two hot chocolate for Princess Jin and his girl!” he bellowed, shooting his friend an evil look. You faintly heard Jimin curse in Korean before Jin motioned for you to follow him to the back to a section of booths.
“Nice friends,” you commented.
Jin grinned at you before sighing at the table.
“They have their moments but I could do with better ones.” He said.
“Is that why you brought me here?” you asked teasingly.
“As a matter of fact, yeah,” he smiled before leaning in, intensity radiating from him again. “Y/N, would you mind telling me what happened once you skipped Suga’s party?” he asked.
You frowned, suddenly knowing why he was here. He was just after the story.
You couldn’t help it though; you told him everything, right down to Damhongsaeg. Jin didn’t even crack a smile at the word. “Why are you so interested though?” you asked.
“Oh, I...see, a friend of mine, Jungkook, he’s a Vigilante enthusiast. He’s younger you know, in your year. I don’t know if you have him in your classes.”
You racked your brain, coming up with a cute bunny like face, floppy mop like hair in your Korean Lit Classes.
“I think I know him. He’s the one who told you to ask me about him?” you asked, slightly hurt.
“What…? No, I actually want to be friends with you and I don’t want Jungkook anywhere this Vigilante. He’s dangerous and he could hurt the kid.” He said firmly.
“He’s not dangerous. He saved my life. He was even…sweet.” You blurted out.
There was a pause in which Jin just stared at you as Hoseok brought and placed your drinks on the table, shooting another wicked look at Jin.
“Get stuffed.” Jin shot at him and Hoseok just laughed as he returned his gaze to you.
“Well, I might have been quick in my judgment.” He said before smoothly changing the subject.
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Jin owned a car and he insisted on driving you home, taking you through different way and describing them properly so you would remember them. On the way, you and he threw questions at each other about anything and everything you could think about.
It was nice, getting to know him like this.
Even being friends with Eunji and Hanna had been a process. They didn’t ask questions, they just found stuff out on their own. Jin, on the other hand, liked to hear you talk. Most of his questions were so detailed that you barely had anything to ask him before he was parked in front of your building.
“I hope you won’t be getting lost now. I showed you all the way there were to get to college.”
You rolled your eyes at him as you got out of the car.
You turned back.
“I would also like to repeat this. See you tomorrow in the morning.” He said before putting up the automatic windows and driving off.
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quirk-registration-office · 7 years ago
Coffee With a Side of Feathers
Gritting her teeth, Fuyumi checked her phone again for the hundredth time in the last twenty minutes for any messages that might explain why he was late. It was her own fault for assuming the winged hero would arrive on time. She herself had gotten to the small cafe ten minutes early so that she’d be able to have her preferred outdoor table.
Sitting here, waiting for that egotist, was a true testament to how much she loved her students. A shadow passed overhead, and, sipping her cappuccino, Fuyumi pretended not to notice the gust of air as he landed or the faintest tilt of the table when he set down his hand and leaned on it. Taking a calming breath, she looked up with a flat expression.
Would it be wrong if she smacked that conceited smirk right off his face?
“You’re late,” she said, receiving a laugh at her ire. Hawks fluttered his wings, something she knew he did because it helped cool them down after flight and because it drew admiring attention to them, before helping himself to the seat across from her.
“Got caught up doing hero work. You know how it is,” he lightly responded, referring to the erratic schedule of her father. The hero waved over a blushing waitress and ordered a coffee, gracing her with a charming smile.
“So did you bring it?”
“Straight to business, just like your dad,” laughed Hawks. Fuyumi grimaced, not very pleased with being compared to the temperamental patriarch of her family. Seeing her irritated expression, he help up his hands in mock surrender. “Don’t worry, it’s right here.” He pulled out a piece of paper from his jacket and held the headshot next to his face, mimicking the charismatic smile. “An autograph for the daughter of the number one hero from the number two hero.”
Her cheeks were mottled with frustration and embarrassment. When Hawks held out the autographed picture, she attempted to deftly snatch it only for him to continue holding on.
“You know you don’t have to make up excuses just to see me.” It was impossible not to roll her eyes at the flirtatious tone dripping from his words.
“Get over yourself,” she sighed, coming off more tired than angry. “I said it’s not for me.” It was actually going to be the prize for a little academic competition she’s holding for her students. She’s heard them all talk about how much they loved the winged hero and thought it’d be an exciting surprise.
If her candor unsettled him, he didn’t show it, though no doubt he wasn’t used to women not falling for his charm. Admittedly, Fuyumi could see why people liked him. Hawks was handsome and easygoing, but it’s difficult to idolize heroes growing up with someone like Endeavour as a father.
“Thank you. I really appreciate this.” And she did. Not many heroes would have taken the time to meet with her, much less the busy heroes of the Top 10 rankings, especially for something as simple as an autograph. It’s very possible that Hawks only agreed because of who her father was, but Fuyumi was happy to exploit the connection for the kids. Finally able to pull the picture from his fingers, she slipped it into her bag and stood up. “Now I really must be going.”
“Or we could stay here and call it a date.” One of his feathers brushed against her cheek, and she hastily swatted it away, mentally cursing the incorrigible man.
“Unfortunately,” Fuyumi frowned sarcastically, “I’ve already finished my drink. Maybe next time you won’t be late.” Oferring a polite smile, she grabbed her bag and nodded farewell.
Hawks grinned as he watched her walk away.
Next time?
Watching the news was a daily occurrence for Fuyumi, but she regretted clicking on the tv when the first thing on screen is the hero she had met earlier that day, Hawks.
“Ugh. It’s that cocky guy again!” Life seemed determined to throw him in her face every possible chance. Her brother, Natsuo, heard her growling and wanted to see who managed to draw out such an irritated reaction from his normally level-headed older sister.
It really shouldn’t have been a surprise. Honestly, he couldn’t figure out what it was about Hawks that she hated so much.
“Huh. I actually think he’s pretty cool,” he commented, speaking a little quieter than usual as if doing so would anger Fuyumi less. “Are you sure you don’t just secretly li-” Natsuo shut his mouth so fast his teeth clicked, but the damage was done. Her head turned towards him, gray eyes glinting like black frost while the air around her started to freeze.
“What was that?” she hissed. She was white knuckling the remote, and Natsuo briefly feared she’d break it.
“N-nothing, Yumi.” Stuttering an apology, he quickly made his escape.
Cheeks burning, Fuyumi angrily muttered, “As if I’d like that conceited pretty boy,” while furiously clicking through channels without bothering to see what was on.
Anything to keep her from thinking about how she’d have to set up another meeting with him, because the autographed headshot he gave her was addressed to her and had his personal cell number written on it.
((Inspired by this post by @blamedorange))
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
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thedipster · 7 years ago
This was so refreshing.
These kinds of conversations were like blue moons for Milo– rare phenomena that he often had to look forward to as a way for him to get through the day. He could really only talk to Jane in-depth about all his interests, and even then, though Jane was always enraptured and asked many questions– and Milo liked answering questions– it was nice for someone to already have a handle on this stuff. Not that he and Dipper were exactly colleagues in the strictest sense of the world, because he wasn’t, he was a student. But he was a student who didn’t need any hand-holding.
Where were all these students his first two years at Pride U?! Only recently, first with Lottie and now with Dipper, did it seem like they were appearing out of the woodwork.
And gosh, a student like Dipper too, with the connections he already had at a place like the G-FIRC! (Yes, Milo in fact did know about the G-FIRC; there were not many Interdimensional Research Centers in the world, even among magic-friendly towns. In fact, many MF towns had rules against that sort of thing because Milo did acknowledge it might not be entirely PC for a team of scientists to move in all their gizmos and gadgets and turn what were often sacred sites into places of experimentation. Here in Swynlake he doubted they could ever get that kind of big operation up and running because of the Lyons’ protection and the rather strict rules of that charter…which was a shame considering there were the Gates of Hell, but– potentially more dangerous, Milo could admit…)
“Well, I admit, I’m impressed,” said Milo quite jovially. He leaned on his desk, his arms crossed, big smile on his face. “Impressed and happy to hear it! Our demonology department is certainly going to benefit from your experience. In fact, if you want to talk to our department head about maybe getting some researchers at the G-FIRC to Skype into a few lectures, she’d lose her head over it!  Especially with the lecture series coming up. And as for myself, if you’re really as good with electroplasmagrams as you claim, I would love if you would accompany me on an excavation! I’ve been meaning to get some readings on demonic activity as I go deeper into the cave but as you know, electroplasmagrams really need two people to get the most accurate readings possible.”
Dipper was excited. Like Saturday morning cartoons with a big bowl of Froot Loops excited. And also—embarrassed, really. In high school, his teachers had sorta treated him like a cautionary tale. They liked his math scores and his science fair projects and the fact that he was in band and the newspaper—but they tried to pretend that the demon thing didn’t happen. Everyone felt uncomfortable with it.
Berkeley had been more or less the same. Even though the San Francsico Bay Area (Oakland and Piedmont included) was definitely more liberal in regards to Magicks and magic than other areas of the country, demon activity was still looked down upon. No one wanted to associate with it. No one wanted to talk about it. Berkeley didn’t even have a demonology department.
So he was here now. And he was talking about electroplasmagrams. With Dr. Milo Thatch.
“My great-uncle would love to give a lecture,” he said, sitting up a little straighter. “Well, I think so. He’s crazy busy but his assistant definitely would if he couldn’t.”
Stanford Pines could be a little…distant. Especially lately. Dipper wondered what had happened. Since starting college, communications with Grunkle Ford had dwindled somewhat. It wasn’t something that had happened instantaneously, ala Mabel and the poop emojis. But he noticed that their weekly phone calls became monthly ones, the emails went from full letters to paragraphs. Dipper hadn’t even realized it until he was home for winter break last year and his dad asked how Ford was doing and he realized—he didn’t actually know. Then he’d sent a full page email recounting his exploits (iving in a dorm, the Vampires in Film class that was simultaneously really great but also awful because it was full of all these #fakewoke people, the movie he was planning on putting together for Campus Film Fest). And that was met with a “Very nice. Glad to here from you. Things are going great. Been very busy. Stan and the Mystery Shack gang say hi. We miss you at G-Falls.”
Dipper didn’t know what had happened. He didn’t tell anyone, not even Mabel.
But that was another story. If he couldn’t get in contact with Grunkle Stan, Fiddleford would always be up for it. He was a nice guy, especially now that he was getting his sanity and memory back!
“The first lecture looks exciting,” Dipper said, practically gushing. “I’ve always wanted to listen to a lecture by Dr. Appleton.”
How To Meet Your Academic Idol Without Embarrassing Yourself || Thatched Pines
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thedipster · 7 years ago
Dipper wanted to work with him.
Dipper wanted to work with him!
Milo’s whole face appeared to wake up: eyes wider, his mouth opening in a delighted smile. For a moment he nearly puffed out his chest and tried to play it cool, like, ooooh course you want to be part of my super cool exclusive very important and slightly dangerous cave excavation, who wouldn’t be, all the cool kids are doing it–
But that wasn’t very Milo Thatch.
Milo Thatch was the time to look like it was Christmas Morning. He was the type to still get surprised, sometimes, when Jane told him that she loved him. Each time was like a present, each time began another day in his life of adventures with Jane Porter. And he always exclaimed back– why Jane! I love you too!
Odd that one could compare Milo’s surprise-and-delight over someone being interested in his work with his surprise-and-delight over the adoration of his most beautiful and intelligent girlfriend.
Well. Not that odd. It was in fact very Milo Thatch.
“Oh!” he exclaimed. “Oh, well– well, it’s quite a big project, I’d be lying if I didn’t say I appreciate all the help I can get, especially considering, yes, the specific demonic elements in the Cave of Wonders. I already have a more senior student helping me with the more historical questions and aspects– I have this journal, you see, from a scholar from the 1800s who originally explored the cave, and we’re verifying his notes.”
(That scholar was of course Dr. Milo Thatch’s alter ego Dr. Milo Porter-Thatch buuuuut he’d get to the whole time travel thing later. Such things were good cave conversation, Milo had found.)
“But if you have any experience with electoplasmagrasms or spectre-specs or– well I assume you know the basics– salt circles, summoning candles, all that,” he said with a chuckle. “That’d be very useful–neptune, I got ahead of myself, didn’t I? I should have asked what do you have experience with?”
Dipper felt like a balloon was swelling up inside him and he couldn’t help the grin that nearly exploded on his face, the string of his hoodie dropping from his teeth (yeah, he hadn’t noticed he’d been chewing on that—woops!). Man, just the thought of it—the Lyons Cave! Salt rings! Demonic elements!—was getting him really excited.
“Oh, uh, I’ve used all of that stuff,” said Dipper, nodding. “Found an old electoplasmagrasm in my great-uncle’s attic when I was twelve and thus began the whole interest in this stuff…well I mean I always had an interest, but you know, like seeing it concretely there and then having my other great-uncle mentor me was like—made me feel less weird.”
Annddd—back away from the personal shit, Dipper, for the love of God just talk about your experiences.
“So, uh, I worked with my great-uncle at the Gravity Falls Interdimensional Research Center---“ (affectionately known as G-FIRC, dear reader) “---every summer from the time I was thirteen till, well, I was there last summer too. We were working on trying to identify areas of high rift tension, since they tend to spring up around the borders of MF-towns. We had this big ol’ rip back in the day.” 
Which was how I summoned the demon, he added in his head, but he figured that was unnecessary information and swallowed his words.
“But we haven’t had anything big since then. The rips all close up after a few hours—I think the longest one was…seven and a half, but we think that’s because it was the winter solstice. We’ve done a few induced tears—by we, I mean my great-uncle and the center, I just sorta helped—but they were closed up within twelve hours as per protocol. We go trekking in the woods a lot looking for demon activity. We haven’t encountered anything nearly as disastrous as…” He shrugged, darting his eyes away sheepishly for a moment and scratching the back of his neck. “But there’s a handful of Stage-1s that slipped through that rip back in the day and they’ve been sorta camping out in the forest and hiding out in the woods and sometimes possessing sentient beings—I know our centaur colony was having issues with them…we did a few exorcisms, or rather helped the centaurs out. But those demons don’t usually make it past the woods.”
“We did have a particularly nasty Stage-3,” he said, remembering the summer before his sophomore year of high school. “We had to pull out an Extractor for that one. And thank God some local sorcerers pitched in.”
He shifted a little in his seat.
“But—uh—yeah, that’s my experience with that stuff. I do a lot of film stuff too and, like, had to handle a lot of old documents in high school and in college, so I’m familiar with that stuff too. And I can do bird calls,” he added rather lamely.
How To Meet Your Academic Idol Without Embarrassing Yourself || Thatched Pines
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thedipster · 7 years ago
Milo Thatch would rather talk about this Bill Cipher. He sounded– well, he sounded like one-of-a-kind, didn’t he! In fact, Milo was pretty certain he was a demon from one of the higher planes of Tartarus, one who might perceive things in four dimensions instead of three, if he remembered his reading correctly and also his time with Petra–
Because that’s how Milo knew so much about demonology. His ex-girlfriend, Petra Appleton, PhD–renowned international (she’d brag intra-dimensional) demonologist who pioneered some of the most recent work on demonic classifications– she really was such a taxonomy nerd.
When Milo had first known her, she wasn’t all those things. Oh, she was a taxonomy nerd, so was he, that’s how they’d even met: in a magi-linguistics class, where both their interests intersected. She’d been ambitious and beautiful and the first hand in the air besides his own– several years his senior mind you– and gosh, how she used to intimidate him!
Truthfully, she still had when they dated. She always looked at him like she was expecting something and poor Milo, he might be a taxonomy nut but he was no mind-reader.
Anyway anyway that wasn’t the point, the point was Milo knew more than the average magi-anthropologist about demonology because of his ex and he’d always kept an interest in it because of her and since coming to Swynlake and falling in love with Jane, who had limited time and a (supposedly) incurable disease, his eye had wandered back toward demonology. So yes, he really did want to pick this kid’s brain about the incomparable Bill Cipher rather than talk about–ugh– opportunities in the department.
Get it together, Milo, you’re a professor! said a voice that sounded like his grandpa.
“Ah–ah yes, of course! We love eager students like yourself here in the Magick Studies department, there’s really– really no better town to get involved in, for obvious reasons! I know I have some papers, excuse me– ” exclaimed Milo and then he bent down to open his desk and rifle through his things. As he did, he rambled on:
“All students have the ability to design independent research projects–all you have to do is find a professor to work with, fill out this form we have on the website, and then be prepared to do an oral presentation to the whole department if you reach that stage but– you get a small grant and I believe it’s two credits– plus a one-on-one mentorship with your professor, which, let me tell you, is really invaluable. Erm, otherwise we– we do have clubs and we’re actually launching a demonology lecture series this fall– ah here it is!” Milo said, finally digging out the information on said demonology lecture series. It was all very preliminary stuff, just a basic list of events. He thrust that toward Dipper. “– Because of recent events in Swynlake, the department found it rather imperative to educate on this stuff. It might be rather rudimentary for someone like you, I imagine you’re already doing independent research of your own but if you want to help market the events or– or volunteer during them, it’s another good way to stick your toe in. We do these lecture series every semester, they change of course, won’t always be demonology focused.”
A beat.
“Oh!” said Milo. “The textbook, yes– the extended edition actually has a few more excerpts from diaries, letters, that kind of thing. I found it very interesting, and I’m certain you can find a used edition that’s not too far off the price range of the regular edition.”
Dipper glanced at the pamphlet, scouring the dates and trying to make mental notes as to when each lecture was going to be and if he had any other commitments those days (which he didn’t since it was early on in the school year—but still, it was habit. He did it before he made any sort of commitment because he just wanted to, like, make sure it wasn’t overlapping with anything else). As Professor Thatch talked about the benefits of the extended edition—which Dipper also made a note of in his mind, it was usually pretty easy to get cheaper books from Grunkle Ford—Dipper spotted a name on the lecture series that he recognized.
It was Dr. Petra Appleton—aka one of the leading experts on Demonology in the modern age and quite possibly Dipper’s first “celebrity” crush (her and Lindsay Lohan). He stared a little longer at the name and date (October 1st) and wondered if she would sign his textbook. Was that weird? Did lecturers normally sign textbooks?  Did smart, pretty, well-known lecturers sign textbooks?
He had almost zoned off a little, concocting some sort of scene where he walked up with his textbook and she recognized him from the news—and that led to hypothetical Dipper getting really embarrassed and he almost felt like right now he was actually embarrassed—but then he realized that he wasn’t actually in a lecture hall right now. He was in an office. With another person he held to high academic esteem who may or may not have noticed him getting all spacey.
“Uh, actually,” said Dipper. “About the, uh, research thing—I know that maybe I should try to get someone in the demonology department, of course, but I do think it’s important to consider the historical and anthropological aspects of demonology, so I was, actually, well maybe, I dunno…” 
Oh god just get it out, Dipper. “Well, I saw on the department page that you have some opportunities with the whole Merlin’s Objects excavation,” said Dipper and it came out fast (well, actually not that much faster than what he had been saying before, but it just felt like a WHOOSH to him). “And if there’s any spaces on that I was wondering if I could sign up? I know I’m an underclassman, but I want to go out in the field and I think having experience like actually getting my hands dirty would be really cool. I’ve done a lot of stuff at the Gravity Falls Research Center, I mean I can get letters from my uncle and Dr. McGuckett if I need credentials or anything but uh…Yeah!”
<<grEAt jOb>>
How To Meet Your Academic Idol Without Embarrassing Yourself || Thatched Pines
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thedipster · 7 years ago
Next week, it began.
It being school, it being a couple of classes every week, it being a whole swath of new students and new papers to grade and his free time cut into a tiny slice of time-pie he had to split between research and Jane.
Milo did not want to go back to school.
How ironic, yes? Milo remembered when it was him who was filling up his backpack with notebooks, highlighters, binders, etcetera, etcetera. For Milo, the beginning of school was his version of Christmas. He eagerly awaited it every year, especially when he was younger and awkward and had no friends but old Grandpa Thaddeus to keep him company during those Boston summers. He spent those summers reading. Every day, reading. And sometimes doing chores, like any normal 12-year-old would, even if that normal 12-year-old would be in university in four short years.
When did all that excitement to go to school fade into…whatever this was, Milo thought, as he clicked through his inbox, bored, one of his feet propped up on the desk. He supposed on the other side it was entirely different. School wasn’t an open book full of mysteries answered and mysteries raised.
School was a couple of classes every week, departmental meetings, teacher evaluations, and students snoring while you try to teach them about the founding of the damn town.
And so that was the mood that Milo Thatch was in the day that Dipper Pines came knocking on his door and then blustering in. Milo’s foot immediately slipped off his desk, slapping back onto the ground. He scrambled to sit up straight and appear professional, as a professor should be and–hey, did he say Dipper Pines?
“Wait, you’re the demonology kid!” said Milo brightly, because yes, he’d googled Dipper Pines after he got his first email or so and Dipper followed him on the Instagram. He’d seen the articles about how he’d summoned a demon and nearly brought his whole town down–
Which was very, very impressive to someone like Milo Thatch, impressive enough that his brain filled with questions and he didn’t even register that Dipper Pines was fawning over him.
He got up from his desk and thrust out his hand. “Hello, welcome to Pride U! You’re the one you did the summoning right? Was it a stage 4, stage 5…? I couldn’t tell from the newspaper articles.”
Dipper’s anxiety melted away the minute Dr. Thatch asked about the demon. Because Dr. Thatch didn’t do what most people did when the recognized him (bulge their eyes in fear, back away some, make a sign of the cross over their chest—once some stranger on the street doused him in Holy Water, that was an interesting day), no, he was offering Dipper his hand and Dipper shook it and smiled.
When Dipper was anxious, he rambled. And when Dipper was at ease—well, he rambled even more.
“Uh. Yes. Me.” Insert nervous laugh. If he was honest, Mabel had definitely had a helping hand in that, but she also did her very best to disassociate with any and all demon related things, and Dipper had done most of the research and work after “And uh…Well, my great-uncle—Stanford Pines—he theorizes that it was a stage 5, well, at the very least a very strong stage 4.”
<<Stage 5, thank you very much, I’m literally the thing the scale was based on.>>
“He was the one doing the preliminary research on it before…well. Ya know.” He shrugged. The whole Stanford-Pines-got-zapped-into-a-dimensional-pocket thing was pretty well-known amongst the Magick Studies community. Some (Dipper included) thought it was the coolest thing ever, while others thought it was incredibly dangerous and still others thought that it was incredibly stupid.
“We, uh, we dubbed it Bill Cipher, since that’s what it told us its name was. A lot of the news reports didn’t like that though, I guess they wanted something like Evil Devil Demon Scary….I don’t know. They just call it the Gravity Falls Demon, since I guess that sounds more ominous or whatever.” He gave a little shrug, then realized he was probably talking a mile a minute.
“Wow, uh, sorry for all that blabber,” said Dipper, fiddling with the strings of his hoodie. “I actually came in to ask about any opportunities within the department. That kinda stuff. And I had a question about the textbook—is the extended edition worth it or is it like the sorta thing where they just include some extra pictures?”
How To Meet Your Academic Idol Without Embarrassing Yourself || Thatched Pines
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